Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 1: 1961

- Box 11

- Folder 35

- Item 1: Speaking at Regional Young Republican Meeting, 1/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole spoke at Regional Young Republican Conference, 1/21/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Press Release: warning schemes of persons selling unused Army jeeps, 1/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole and other Kansas Republican Congressmen voted against motion to enlarge House Rules Committee, 1/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_004.pdf
- Folder 36

- Item 1: Dole introduces bill to extend the development period for water users in Bostwick Irrigation District, 2/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole has been advised by Acting Commissioner of Education Wayne O. Reed that an application of Bennington Common School District No. 3 for Financial Assistance under the provisions of Public Law 874 has been approved, 2/8/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole participating in Department of Air Force briefing for newly elected members of Congress, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole advised by Air Force plans to continue work with the U.S. Weather Bureau to obtain meteorological data for severe weather warnings, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole announces Agriculture Committee announces full committee will have an organizational meeting February 20th, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Announces completion of a preliminary investigation to have a soil moisture conservation laboratory in Western Kansas, 2/22/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole announces he has been analyzing various plans to extend and amend the present Sugar Act, 2/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_007.pdf
- Item 8: House Agriculture Committee passes controversial feed grain bill, 2/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_008.pdf
- Folder 37

- Item 1: 7 University of Kansas Engineering School graduates that are working in the nation's atomic reactor program pictured with their respective Congressmen, 3/2/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole announces his subcommittee assignments on Agriculture Committee, 3/3/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Accuses Kennedy of "Propagandizing" In Mailing of Veteran Insurance Dividends, 3/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole informed by the Community facilities administration that an advance of $600 for the City of Lorraine, Kansas in preliminary planning of sewerage facilities, 3/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole has written a letter of inquiry today to J. Edward Day, US Postmaster General concerning the status of acting Postmasters, 3/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole has been advise that an application of Wilson School District Joint No. 10 for financial assistance under the provisions of Public Law 874 has been approved, 3/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole announces he has written Congressmen J. Floyd Breeding and William Avery suggesting they join him in urging funds be included in any revision of the 1962 fiscal budget for construction of a $4 million Evapo-transpiration center lab, 3/13/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole compliments Democratic critics who label him reactionary because of his vote against Unemployment Compensation benefits, 3/15/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole states today he votes against approving the Conference Report on H.R. 4806, which would extend unemployment benefits, 3/22/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole has been advised by Commissioner of the Community Facilities Administration that an advance of $600 has been made to Lebanon, Kansas for preliminary planning of a sewer system, 3/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_010.pdf
- Item 11: Congressman Dole was advised by the Post Office Department that a Contract has been signed for a New Post Office Building in Winona, Kansas, 3/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_011.pdf
- Folder 38

- Item 1: Dole announces he will participate with members of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies and Manpower in a Committee inquiry, 4/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_038_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole Announces hearings were commenced by the House Committee on Agriculture of which he is a Member, on the Kennedy Administration Farm Bill, 4/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_038_002.pdf
- Folder 39

- Item 2: Congressman Dole has been informed by Bureau of Reclamation officials they are prepared to send to Congress, an administration-authored bill to extend the development period of the Bostwick Irrigation District., 5/4/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole speaks in his hometown of Russell, KS to members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxilliary at their 15th Anniversary Celebration, 5/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_003.pdf
- Item 4: Harold Purdy of Deerfield, KS and Harry L. Lightcup of Hugoton, KS appeared before the full committee of the House Committee on Agriculture, 5/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_004.pdf
- Item 1: Congressman Dole presented statement to House Appropriations Committee supporting a soil moisture research center, 5/21/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_001.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole made a major address at the Oklahoma State Convention where he charged the Kennedy Administration's Farm Bill is a step in the wrong direction, 5/26/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_005.pdf
- Folder 40

- Item 1: Corps of Engineers - Wilson Reservoir, 6/1/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_001.pdf
- Item 2: Omnibus Farm Bill Title III Section 314, 6/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_002.pdf
- Item 3: Farm bill prices, 6/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_003.pdf
- Item 4: Omnibus III-314, 6/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_004.pdf
- Item 5: Freeman reply on wheat price, 6/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_005.pdf
- Item 6: 12th Biennial Convention of the Young Republican National Federation, attendance notice, 6/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_006.pdf
- Item 7: Omnibus Bill Amendment, 6/29/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_007.pdf
- Item 8: Criticism of Kennedy Dividend Removal, 6/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_008.pdf
- Folder 41

- Item 1: Aerial Grave Photos, 7/5/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_001.pdf
- Item 2: Omnibus III 314, 7/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_002.pdf
- Item 3: Voting against Omnibus, 7/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_003.pdf
- Item 4: Letter about Farm bill, 7/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_004.pdf
- Folder 42

- Item 1: Inquiry request about Ag funding, 8/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_001.pdf
- Item 2: Freshmen Ag Reps Volunteering for Sugar Sub, 8/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_002.pdf
- Item 3: Russian Foreign Aid, 8/14/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_003.pdf
- Item 4: Raw Wheat Moving is Ridiculous, 8/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_004.pdf
- Item 5: Winter Barley Substitution Appeal, 8/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_005.pdf
- Item 6: Courtland Sewer System, 8/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_006.pdf
- Item 7: Special Sugar Hearing, 8/24/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_007.pdf
- Item 8: Non-Strategic Exports, 8/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_008.pdf
- Item 9: Permit Winter Barley, 8/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_009.pdf
- Folder 43

- Item 1: Flaw in 1962 Wheat Program, 9/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_001.pdf
- Item 2: Yugoslavia Foreign Aid, 9/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_002.pdf
- Item 3: The Freeman Lunch, 9/15/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_003.pdf
- Item 4: Winona Sewage advance, 9/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_004.pdf
- Item 5: U.S. Arms Control Agency Bill is Weakness, 9/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_005.pdf
- Item 6: Arms Control Act is Weakness, 9/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_006.pdf
- Item 7: Will Make Nominations to Military Academies, 9/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_007.pdf
- Folder 44

- Item 3: Lack of Democratic Leadership, 10/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_003.pdf
- Item 4: Paul Revere Panel, 10/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_004.pdf
- Item 5: Whole Fish Flour, 10/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_005.pdf
- Item 6: Don't Muzzle the Military, 10/24/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_006.pdf
- Item 1: Steeples on Breeding Statement, 1961-10

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_001.pdf
- Item 2: Steeples on Montgomery Farm Bill statement, 1961-10

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_002.pdf
- Folder 45

- Item 1: FDA and Whole Fish Flour, 11/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_001.pdf
- Item 2: Schilling Missile Complex terracing, 11/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_002.pdf
- Item 3: Air Force Oks Terracing, 11/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_003.pdf
- Folder 46

- Item 1: Air Force Schilling Terracing, 12/1/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_001.pdf
- Item 2: Coast Guard Competitive Exams, 12/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_002.pdf
- Item 3: Academy Screening Board Appointed, 12/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_003.pdf
- Item 4: Plans for Academy Screening, 12/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_004.pdf
- Item 5: Young GOP Meeting Attendance, 12/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_005.pdf
- Item 6: Goldwater Associate to Attend New First District GOP Meet, 12/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_006.pdf
- Series 2: 1962

- Box 12

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Excerpt from a speech Congressman Dole gave to the Kansas Seed Dealers Association on removing regimentation and master plans controlling agriculture, 1/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_001_001.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole on Governor Pearson Appointment of New Senator, 2/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole statement on H.R. 10010, 2/6/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Bill To Extend Conservation Reserve Program, 2/8/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole issues statement following President Kennedy's "Message On Agriculture", 2/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole speaking at Post Office Dedications points out rapid progress of postal operations, 2/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_005.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Congressman Dole attacks Administration backed tax bill, saying that it produces a windfall for big business and withholding on the interest or dividends millions would receive - Spring, 1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole says that there is "little enthusiasm in or out of Congress for the Freeman farm program", 3/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole speaks at a rally in Baltimore about labeling certain groups economic views as extremists, 3/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole announces hearings on irrigation contracts lasting less than 10 years will be held before the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee on March 22, 3/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Penalties In Farm Bill To Be Softened, 3/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Statement By Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) On Farm Bill Penalties, 3/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole stated in his regular newsletter that despite broad interest in a federally-assisted program of medical care for the Nation's elderly people the Administration's King-Anderson Bill would not fulfill all that is promised, 3/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole introduced a bill March 27 which would authorize the secretary of Interior to extend the development period of existing repayment contracts from five years to not to extend to ten years, 3/28/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Floyd Breeding votes both ways on Kennedy's tax revision bill within a few minutes time, 3/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_009.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: For Immediate Release - Kansas Society of Washington, D.C., 4/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release - From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 4/4/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: News Release from Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/9/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: News Release - From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: For Immediate Release, 4/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: 87th Congress - 2nd Session - H.J. Res. - in the House of Representatives - April 16, 1962, 4/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: News Release - From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, (R-Kansas), 4/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: For Release On or After Monday, April 23, 1962, 4/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: News Release From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, (R-Kansas), 4/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Department of Agriculture, 4/27/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: For Immediate Release - Monday, April 20, 1962, 4/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_014.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 10: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_010.pdf
- Item 1: For Release Wednesday P.M., May 2, 1962, 5/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/4/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: May 5, 1962; Bird City, Kansas, 5/5/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: For Release - Tuesday, May 7, 1962, 5/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Press Release for the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: For Immediate Release - Tuesday, May 8, 1962, 5/8/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_009.pdf
- Item 11: Press Release, 5/9/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/11/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: For Immediate Release, 5/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Republican Congressmen Launch "Project Uncover", 5/14/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dept. of Ag. Release, 5/14/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: For Immediate Release - May 15, 1962, 5/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: "Operation Uncover" Enters Third Day, 5/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 5/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: GOP Congressmen Hit "40 Days of Coverup" in Estes Case, 5/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: For Immediate Release, 5/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_021.pdf
- Item 22: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_022.pdf
- Item 23: "Project Uncover" Head Blasts President's Effort to 'Shift the Blame and Grab Credit' in Estes Case, 5/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/22/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_024.pdf
- Item 25: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/22/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_025.pdf
- Item 26: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_026.pdf
- Item 27: A Confidential Report on Washington Farm Developments - Showdown Near on Administration Farm Bill, 5/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_027.pdf
- Item 28: Statement on the Estes Case by Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_028.pdf
- Item 29: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_029.pdf
- Item 30: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/31/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_030.pdf
- Item 31: For Immediate Release, 5/31/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_031.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 11: Bob Dole Biography, 1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_011.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole stands with President Eisenhower's statement that the current Administration's farm bill and penalties despite Department officials claims, 6/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole statement on the Billie Sol Estes Controversy, 6/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole says wheat and feed grain producers are made the 'whipping boys' under the Administration's program, 6/11/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Copy of Dole letter received yesterday from Miss Mary K. Jones along with a copy of a letter forwarded to Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, 6/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole demands clarification from Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman of the Billie Sol Estes Scandal, 6/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole announces intention to become a candidate for Kansas' new First District after redistricting occurs creating new lines in Kansas, 6/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_010.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Sets The Record Straight On Estes Case, 6/21/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Congressman Dole states that following defeat of Administration's Farm Bill responsibility resides with House Leadership, 6/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Statement on Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman made today within the Congressional Record, 6/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Congressman Dole says that the Senate Sugar Bill passed last night is a marked improvement over the bill passed earlier this month, 6/28/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_015.pdf
- Item 1: Congressman Dole bill passes House Committee on Agriculture that provides a one year extension of the present wheat and feed grain programs - Draft, 6/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole bill passes House Committee on Agriculture that provides a one year extension of the present wheat and feed grain programs, 6/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole indicates that the current Administration is attempting to expand P.L. 480 into a gigantic world-wide welfare plan, 1962-06

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Secretary of Agriculture testifies that the Department of Agriculture will release its sugar recommendation 'soon', 1962-06

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_004.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Congressman Dole says the one year extension of the present wheat program would provide Kansas wheat growers with more income than the 1961 program or the defeated Freeman plan, 7/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole charges that wheat producers of the Great Plains were shut out of the farm bill passed by the House - Draft, 7/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole introduces bill that extends the current wheat program for one year, 7/11/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole predicts the House will approve a one-year extension of the current wheat program, 7/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole says that the defeat of the proposed national marketing order for turkeys proves a lack of farmer confidence in the Department of Agriculture and President Kennedy, 7/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole says that the recent foreign aid debate indicates growing public sentiment against the "global giveaway program", 7/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole offers an amendment to Department of Agriculture appropriations bill prohibiting any funds designed to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress, 7/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole says that he executed and forwarded the Fair Campaign practices Committee the 'Code of Fair Campaign Practices', 7/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole announces he is accepting applications of men interested in entering service academies for the 1963 class, 7/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole charges the Kennedy Administration has adopted a double standard in dealing with lobbying activities of federal employees, 7/31/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_010.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Congressman Dole says the Senate filibuster against the satellite communications bill may eliminate any chance for farm legislation this year, 8/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole charge's Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman's obstinacy and Senate Democrats filibustering against the communications satellite bill as creating a chaotic situation for American farmers, 8/5/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole set to appear before the House Subcommittee on Health and Safety of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee in opposition to numerous bills being considered, 8/8/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole says that "Congress still has an opportunity to approve legislation which would further reduce the wheat surplus next year and protect farm income", 8/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole introduced an emergency wheat bill which would apply to the 1863 wheat crop, 8/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole announces in his regular Newsletter that Congress and the President have approved authorization to increase the national debt ceiling to $308 billion, 8/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole says that he is happy that J. Floyd Breeding agrees with him for Dole's suggestion with wheat legislation, 8/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole receives high score from Americans For Constitutional Action and Congressman J. Floyd Breeding holding an exceptionally low rating, 8/21/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole reminds the young men of Kansas' Sixth District to apply for a Service Academy with the deadline fast approaching, 8/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole tells Garden City people that executive branch's expansion of power will play big role in Congressional campaigns throughout the country, 8/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Congressman Dole gives statement on House no vote of farm bill, 8/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_011.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: For Immediate Release - Thursday, September 13, 1962, 9/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release from the Office - Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Day Letter - For Immediate Release - September 20, 1962, 9/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_004.pdf
- Item 5: For Immediate Release: September 21, 1962, 9/21/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/22/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 9/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Department of Agriculture (Winter Wheat), 9/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: For Immediate Release - September 25, 1962, 9/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_009.pdf
- Item 10: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_010.pdf
- Item 12: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_012.pdf
- Item 11: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) - Remarks of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) inserted in the Record, 9/27/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_011.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: Cong. Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/5/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/6/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_005.pdf
- Item 6: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 10/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release from Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_007.pdf
- Item 8: October 15, 1962 - Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) stated, 10/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_008.pdf
- Item 9: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_009.pdf
- Item 10: October 23, 1962 - As I see it, 10/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_010.pdf
- Folder 11

- Item 2: Dole Congressional press release, 11/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_011_002.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Congressional news release, Russell, Kansas, 11/28/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_011_001.pdf
- Folder 12

- Item 1: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 12/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressional Press Release - Liberal, Kansas, 12/6/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_002.pdf
- Item 3: Press Release - Russell, Kansas, 12/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release - Dateline - Wichita, Kansas, 12/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressional Press Release, 12/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_005.pdf
- Item 6: Press release - Russell, Kansas, 12/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press release - Sixth District Academy Screening Board, 12/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_007.pdf
- Series 3: 1963

- Box 12

- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Announces Nomination Of Robert Carl Lorbeer As Nominee To Fill Vacancy At West Point, 1/3/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 630103con.pdf
- Item 2: Senator Frank Carlson And Congressman Bob Dole Released Joint Statement Concerning Phase-Out Of K.G.-97 Tanker Force, 1/20/1963

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 630120sen.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Announced Names Of Six Young Men Selected To Us Air Force Academy, 1/25/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 630125con.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Contacts Dept Of Ag Officials Requesting Change In Regulation Requiring Persons Eligible To Vote By Absentee Ballot, 2/1/1963

- PDF available: 630201was.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Releases Names Of Young Men From First District Who Received Nominations To Academies, Page Two, 2/2/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 630202con.pdf
- Item 3: House Agriculture Committee Republicans Comment On Kennedy Farm Message, 2/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630204hou.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Will Utilize Congressional Offices In Post Office Building In Hutchinson, Kansas Starting 3/1, 2/11/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630211fir.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Charges That Charles W. Shoemake And Joseph P. Doherty Were Guilty Of Political Maneuvering, 2/15/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630215con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Introduced Bill Requiring Secretary Of Agriculture To Proclaim 1964 National Acreage Allotment And Set Date For Wheat Referendum No Later Than 5/15, 2/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630226con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduced Bill Requiring Secretary Of Agriculture To Proclaim 1964 National Acreage Allotment And Set Date For Wheat Referendum No Later Than 5/15, 2/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630226cong.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Introduced Bill Requiring Secretary Of Agriculture To Proclaim 1964 National Acreage Allotment And Set Date For Wheat Referendum No Later Than 5/15, 2/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630226congr.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 1: Proposed Rule Making, 3/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630304prop.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces His Proposed Change In Absentee Voting Has Been Approved, 3/10/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630310con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Some Kansas Farmers Are Concerned Over Fact They May Lose Part Of Wheat Sedimentation Premiums, 3/20/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630320con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Says Some Kansas Farmers Are Concerned Over Fact They May Lose Part Of Wheat Sedimentation Premiums, 3/20/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630320conc2.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Urges That Congress Delay Action On Any Extension Of Present Feed Grains Program Until Wheat Producers Vote, 3/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630327con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Urges That Congress Delay Action On Any Extension Of Present Feed Grains Program Until Wheat Producers Vote, 3/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630327conc2.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Today Urged That Congress Delay Action., 3/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630327cong.pdf
- Item 8: Arrangements For Kansas State Society Of Washington D.C. Dinner-Dance Has Been Completed, 3/29/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630329arr.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Criticizes Freeman For Withholding Until The Last Minute Vital Information Which Would Help Producers Determine Whether They Should Reseal Farm-Stored 1962 Crop Wheat Or Resell It, 3/29/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630329con.pdf
- Item 10: Record Crowd At Kansas State Society Of Washington D.C. Dinner-Dance, 3/31/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630331are.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 1: Dole Tells Freeman Of Kansas Grain Dealer Complaints Who Report Inability To Obtain Boxcars To Move Wheat, 4/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630404con.pdf
- Item 2: Huck Boyd Announces Dan Thornton Will Be Speaker At A Northwest Kansas Republican Rally, 4/6/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630406phi.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says He Has Been Notified By Dept Of Ag That The Association Of American Railroads Says Several Thousand Boxcars Will Be Available, 4/9/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630409con.pdf
- Item 4: Members Of 87Th Club Will Host Nelson A. Rockefeller And Republican House Members At A Breakfast, 4/9/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630409mem.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces His Schedule For Easter Congressional Recess, 4/12/1963

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 630412con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Receives A Lantern, Symbolic Of Paul Revere's Famous Ride From Congressman Bob Wilson Of California, 4/19/1963

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 630419rep.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Is A Member Of The Paul Revere Panel; Question Facing Americans On Federal Spending, 4/19/1963

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 630419win.pdf
- Item 8: Agricultural Area Congressmen Will Do All Possible Regardless Of Outcome Of May 21 Referendum On Wheat Controls, 4/21/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630421was.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Urges Interstate Commerce Commission To Relieve Critical Boxcar Shortage, 4/25/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630425con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Will Be Principle Speaker Tomorrow Evening In Moorhead, Minnesota, At Minnesota Young Republican Convention., 4/26/1963

- Subject: General - PDF available: 630426con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole States During House Debate That Wheat Farmers Have Friends In Congress, 4/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630426cong.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Was Principal Speaker Tonight At The Young Republican League Of Minnesota State Convention, 4/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630427moo.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Midwest GOP Members Meet On Wheat And Feed Grain Legislation, 5/1/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630501mid.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Releases Text Of Letter To Orville Freeman Re. Damaged Wheat Crops In Southwestern Kansas, 5/2/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630502inr.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says That Obvious Policy Of Kennedy Administration Is One Of Federal Aid To Everything, 5/12/1963

- Subject: Federal Spending - PDF available: 630512col.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announced Today He Has Been In Contact With Department Of Agriculture With Department Of Agriculture, 5/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630513con.pdf
- Item 5: Statement By Dole On House Floor With Reference To Efforts By USDA To Sell Its Programs To American Farmer, 5/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630513mrs.pdf
- Item 6: Propaganda Parade, 5/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630513mrsp.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Today Introduced A Resolution, 5/14/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630514con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Today Introduced A Resolution, 5/14/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630514cong.pdf
- Item 9: Brief Outline Of The Feed Grain And Wheat Act, 5/22/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630522bri.pdf
- Item 10: Midwest Republicans To Introduce New Wheat-Feed Grain Bill, 5/22/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630522con.pdf
- Item 11: GOP Members Introduce New Wheat-Feed Grain Bills, 5/23/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630523gop.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urged Kansas Farmers To Contact Him About New Wheat Legislation Or Amendments Of Existing Law, 5/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630527con.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: Dole Pays Tribute To Members Of Claflin Rural High School Graduating Class, 6/3/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630603con.pdf
- Item 2: Eisenhower Was Named Today As Honorary Republican Congressman-A-Ta=Large., 6/12/1963

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 630612for.pdf
- Item 3: Report From General Counsel Of The USDA Regarding Inquiries Concerning Reports Of Reduction In Future Allotments, 6/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630613dea.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Releases Text Of Letter Mailed To Freeman, 6/21/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630621con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole In A Newsletter To Constituents Commented On Facts And Figures Concerning Disposition Of The Taxpayer., 6/24/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630624con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Accuses Freeman Of Running Away From American Farm Problems At A Most Critical Time, 6/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630626con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Statement Before Special Subcommittee On Labor Of The Committee On Education And Labor Relative To H.R. 5625 To Provide A National Service Corps, 6/26/1963

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 630626mrc.pdf
- Folder 19

- Item 1: Dole Releases Statement Re. Cropland Conversion Program, 7/1/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630701con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Statement On Loyalty Oath Requirement For Farmer-Elected As A.S.C.S. Committeemen, 7/11/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630711sta.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Takes Issue With Freeman's Departure Statement Before He Left To Visit Communist Countries In Europe, 7/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630713con.pdf
- Item 4: Partial Statement Dole Gave On House Floor Re. The Boiled Peanut Bill, 7/17/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630717par.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Joins Other Republicans In Urging Quick Enactment Of Wheat Legislation, 7/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630726con.pdf
- Item 6: Text Of Letter From USDA In Reply To Dole's Letter In Which He Posed Various Questions To Freeman, 7/29/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630729con.pdf
- Folder 20

- Item 1: Republican Congressmen Have Written Kennedy Urging Him To Join Bipartisan Effort To Enact Wheat Legislation For 1964 Crop Year, 8/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630804rep.pdf
- Item 2: Statement Of Congressman Dole Before The House Committee On The Judiciary Regarding, 8/6/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630806mrc.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Statement On Oil And Gas In Kansas, 8/6/1963

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 630806mrs.pdf
- Item 4: Farm State Republicans Urge Action On Wheat, 8/15/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630815for.pdf
- Item 5: Joint Senate-House Republican Leadership Press Release With Statement By Representative Dole, 8/22/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630822for.pdf
- Item 6: Letter To Dole Released To Press August 26, 1963 Concerning Murray V. Curlett, 8/22/1963

- Subject: Religion - PDF available: 630822hon.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says He Is Convinced Taxpayers Should Not Have To Spend Money On Foreign Aid When Recipients Not Always Concerned About Helping Themselves, 8/23/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 630823con.pdf
- Item 8: Copy Of Letter To Dole From Attorney William Ferguson Re. Supreme Court Decision Murray V. Curlett, 8/26/1963

- Subject: Religion - PDF available: 630826hon.pdf
- Folder 21

- Item 1: Effect Of Overplanting A Farm Wheat Allotment In 1964 Under Law Now In Effect, 9/3/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630903the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces That U.S. Public Health Service And Kansas State Department Of Health Will Have Exhibit At Kansas State Fair, 9/4/1963

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 630904bob.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Predicts That Kennedy Refusal To Suspend Operation Of Anfuso Amendment Next Year Will Boomerang, 9/15/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630915con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Left Washington To Attend Meeting In Salina, 9/18/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630918con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole States Freeman Is Not Interested In Wheat Legislation At This Time, 9/19/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630919con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Memo On Proposed Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 9/27/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 630927mem.pdf
- Folder 22

- Item 1: Copy Of Telegram To Kennedy From Dole And Other Republicans Re. Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 10/1/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631001the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Releases Text Of Letter To Harold D. Cooley Re. Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 10/8/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631008con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Urges Amendment Of Sugar Act To Encourage Expansion Of Domestic Sugar Production, 10/12/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631012con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Assails Administration's Beef Import Policies, 10/18/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631018con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Predicts Foreign Aid Programs Would Be Cut Further Unless Waste Is Eliminated, 10/19/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631019rem.pdf
- Folder 23

- Item 1: Dole Attacks Mailing Of Presidential Signed Memorial Certificates To Survivors Of Deceased Veterans, 11/6/1963

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 631106rep.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Is Encouraged But Not Surprised With Reports Indicating Support For A Voluntary Wheat Program, 11/9/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631109con.pdf
- Item 3: Statement Made By Dole At The Veterans Day Celebration In Norton, Kansas, 11/11/1963

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 631111vet.pdf
- Item 4: Text Of Telegram Sent To Kennedy By Dole And Other Republicans Re. Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 11/14/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631114the.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduces Bill To Amend Tariff Act Of 1930 And To Impose Duties On Cattle, Beef And Veal, 11/18/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631118con.pdf
- Item 6: Telegram Re. Death Of President Kennedy, 11/22/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 631122fol.pdf
- Item 7: Western Union Telegram, 11/22/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 631122int.pdf
- Folder 24

- Item 1: Dole Offers Amendment To Cotton Bill Which Would Provide Voluntary Wheat And Feed Grain Program, 12/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631204con.pdf
- Item 2: First District Academy Screening Board Will Conduct Interviews At Fort Hays Kansas College, 12/21/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 631221the.pdf
- Series 4: 1964

- Box 12

- Folder 25

- Item 1: Dole Stated That It Is Clear That Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman Authorized Payment, 1964-01

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640100con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Reports The Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/4/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640104con.pdf
- Item 3: Text Of Letter From Dole To Johnson Re. Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/6/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640106the.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces He Will Meet With Freeman To Discuss Growing Beef Import Problem, 1/7/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640107con.pdf
- Item 5: Text Of Letter From Dole To Johnson Re. Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/7/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640107the.pdf
- Item 6: Statement Of Dole Re. Johnson's Comments On Farm Situation, 1/8/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640108the.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Charges That Johnson And Freeman Are Responsible For Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/11/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640111con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole States That Wheat Legislation Possibilities Are Increasing, 1/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640118con.pdf
- Item 9: Trade Negotiations Concerning Beef Imports, 1/20/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640120con.pdf
- Item 10: House Wheat Committee Will Push For Enactment Of Certificate Plan For Wheat, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Took Issue With A Statement Released By Congressman Graham Purcell, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125cong.pdf
- Item 12: Midwest Republicans Meet On Wheat, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125twe.pdf
- Item 13: Dole States He Knew No Better Way Johnson Could Reaffirm Pronouncement About The Economy Than To Endorse Measure Which Would Reestablish Hoover Commission On A Permanent Basis, 1/27/1964

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 640127con.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Says There Is No Indication When House Agriculture Committee Will Commence Hearings On Multiple Price Certificate Plan, 1/28/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640128con.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Releases Names Of Military Service Academy Nominees, 1/30/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 640130rep.pdf
- Folder 26

- Item 1: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 2/1/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640201agr.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Charged That President Johnson And Secretary Of Agriculture Freeman Have Admitted Preferential Treatment To Communist Russia In Second Sale Of Durum Wheat, 2/3/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640203con.pdf
- Item 3: Letter To Dole From Colorado Association Of Wheat Growers About Graham Purcell House Wheat Subcommittee, 2/3/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640203dea.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Calls Upon Johnson To Establish Guidelines For Trading With Communist Russia, 2/12/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640212ata.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Charged That Johnson And Secretary Of Agriculture Freeman Admitted Preferential Treatment To Communist Russia, 2/12/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640212con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Calls Upon Johnson To Establish Guidelines For Trading With Communist Russia, 2/13/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640213ata.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Asks Freeman About The Government Contract With Continental Grain Cargill Inc., 2/15/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640215rep.pdf
- Item 8: Statement By Dole Re. Beef Imports, 2/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640218hig.pdf
- Item 9: Statement By Dole Before U.S. Tariff Commission Re. Revising Beef Import Policy, 2/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640218mrc.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Will Present A Wreath During Annual George Washington Birthday Celebration, 2/21/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640221con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Legislation To Amend The Tariff Act Was Only Way Of Protecting American Livestock Industry, 2/27/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640227con.pdf
- Folder 27

- Item 1: Dole Says Federal Pay Raise Legislation Should Be Delayed, 3/7/1964

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 640307con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Stated That More Than 50 Witnesses Appeared The Livestock And Feed Grains Committee, 3/8/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640308con.pdf
- Item 3: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 3/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640309whe.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Lost Efforts To Amend Wheat Bill, 3/10/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640310con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Spearheads Drive To Bring Relief To American Livestock Industry From Excessive Foreign Meat Imports, 3/11/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640311con.pdf
- Item 6: Efforts To Ram Wheat-Cotton Bill Through The House Without Adequate Hearings Should Shock, 3/19/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640319con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces Bill To Increase Amount Of Domestic Beet Sugar And Mainland Cane Sugar Marketing, 3/19/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640319cong.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Administration Is Engaged In A Hair-Splitting Contest In Our Trading With Communist Countries, 3/22/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640322con.pdf
- Item 9: Statement Before Rules Committee On Wheat-Cotton Bill; Legislative Procedure Will Make House Rubber Stamp For Senate Action, 3/24/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640324con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Stated He Could Not Predict The Course Of Senate Passed Wheat-Cotton Bill, 1964-03

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 6403xxcon.pdf
- Folder 28

- Item 1: Text Of Letter To Freeman From Dole Re. Wheat-Cotton Bill, 4/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640409the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Says Passage Of Wheat-Cotton Bill An Affront To All Americans, 4/10/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640410con.pdf
- Item 3: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 4/20/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640420the.pdf
- Folder 29

- Item 1: Dole Says Voluntary Certificate Wheat Plan May Favor Wheat Producers In Texas And Other Early Harvest Areas, 5/13/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640513con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole In A Speech For The 3Rd District Republican Association, 5/20/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640520noa.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Gao Ruled Johnson Program Under Which President Sends Signed Memorial Certificates To Survivors Of Deceased Veterans Illegal, 5/22/1964

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 640522two.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Believed He Had Won His Battle, 5/22/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640522upi.pdf
- Item 5: Bob Dole Dinner In Hutchinson Sports Arena, 5/26/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640526hut.pdf
- Folder 30

- Item 1: Testimonial Party In Hutchinson, 6/2/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640602hut.pdf
- Item 2: House Appropriations Report Reminding Us Of Urgent Need For Controlling Excessive Beef Imports, 6/8/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640608dea.pdf
- Item 3: USDA Fails To Use Authority To Give Cattle Producers Relief, 6/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640609tha.pdf
- Item 4: Senate Resolution Calls For Sweeping Investigations Of Business Interests Of Congressmen And Congressional Employees, 6/11/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640611con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduces Resolution Proposing Constitutional Amendment Which Would Permit States With Bicameral Legislature To Apportion House On Factors Other Than Population, 6/27/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640627con.pdf
- Item 6: In The House Of Representatives, 6/29/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640629int.pdf
- Folder 31

- Item 1: Ad Hoc Investigating Committee To Look Into Wrongdoing By Congressmen And Employees; Biographies Of Committee Members, 7/5/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640705fiv.pdf
- Item 2: Statement By Dole Elaborating On Republican Platform Committee And Indictment Of Democrat Farm Policy, 7/12/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640712the.pdf
- Item 3: Retain Harold F. Stewart As Consultant, 7/23/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640723har.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Expressed Shock And Disappointment Over Development On Sugar Legislation, 7/26/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640726con.pdf
- Item 5: John Anderson Calls For House Action On Proposal To Investigate Disclosures Of Wrongdoing By Congressmen And Employees Congress, 7/30/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640730rep.pdf
- Folder 32

- Item 1: Statement of Congressman Bob Dole (Kansas) Before the House Committee on the Judiciary Regarding H. Res. 1078 and Related Measures, 8/6/1964

- Folder 33

- Item 1: First District Students At Kansas University Have Organized A Dole For Congress Committee, 1964-09

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 640900fir.pdf
- Item 2: Aides Of Dole Confirmed Harold Steward Has Been Hired, 1964-09

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640900wxz.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls On Committee To Summon William M. Mcleod, 9/2/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640902rep.pdf
- Item 4: Rep Durward Hall In A Speech Said An Impartial Investigation Is Desperately Needed In Bobby Baker Case, 9/3/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640903upi.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 9/9/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 640909con.pdf
- Item 6: Two Republican House Members Today Accused The Democrats Of Trying To Cover Up The Bobby Baker Affair, 9/15/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640915upi.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Supports Senate Amendment H.R. 11865 Social Security Act Amendments Of 1964, 9/21/1964

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 640921con.pdf
- Item 8: State Fair Visitors Show Great Interest In Reapportionment, 9/21/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640921hut.pdf
- Folder 34

- Item 16: Boyd Warns Against Gutter Politics, 10/28/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641028mcd.pdf
- Item 1: Problem Of Reapportionment Will Be Discussed Over Kansas State Network, 1964-10

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641000the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announced That Eisenhower Would Visit Liberal Saturday 10/24, 10/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 641024hut.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Charged Johnson Administration Whitewashing Scandal; Bobby Baker And Billie Sol Estes, 10/3/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641003con.pdf
- Item 4: Doles Record On Farm Legislation, 10/7/1964

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 641007any.pdf
- Item 5: McDill Boyd Charged That The Democrat Campaign In The First District Is Based On Half-Truths, Misrepresentation And Out-Right Falsehoods, 10/8/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641008hay.pdf
- Item 6: Bob Dole Said Democrats Have Deprived 17,226,000 People On Social Security Of Needed Increased Benefits, 10/14/1964

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 641014ash.pdf
- Item 7: Speech To Trego High School On Supreme Court Decision On Reapportionment, 10/15/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641015dol.pdf
- Item 8: McDill Boyd Statement Of Dole Voting Record, 10/15/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641015gar.pdf
- Item 9: Rep Bob Dole Charged That Rural Electrification Program Has Been Made A Political Issue In A National Election Campaign, 10/16/1964

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 641016sta.pdf
- Item 10: Panel Of Kansas Legislators Point Out Dangers Of Apportionment Decision Of Us Supreme Court, 10/19/1964

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 641019hay.pdf
- Item 11: Nixon-Dole Fly To Pratt Rally (Nixon Administration), 10/19/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 641019hut.pdf
- Item 12: Ike And Nixon Visit District (Elections), 10/20/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641020hut.pdf
- Item 13: Panel Of Kansas Legislators Point Out Dangers Of Apportionment Decision Of Us Supreme Court, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 641026apa.pdf
- Item 14: Dole's Real Opponent In First District Is John MacCormally, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641026con.pdf
- Item 15: Paul Aylward Charge That Dole Campaign Reports Had Not Been Properly Files Is A Last Minute Smoke Screen Born Of Desperation, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 641026pau.pdf
- Folder 35

- Item 1: Dole Hits Sugar Controls, 1964-11

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 641100con.pdf
- Item 2: Airport To Have Information Desk, 11/6/1964

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 641106con.pdf
- Item 3: Nixon Visit Highlights Campaign, 11/19/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641119pra.pdf
- Item 4: McPherson College - Speech On Congressmen, 11/20/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641120mcp.pdf
- Item 5: Strong Possibility The House Committee On Agriculture Will Be Reduced From 35 To 30 Members, 11/23/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 641123rus.pdf
- Folder 36

- Item 1: Screening Board To Meet For Various Service Academies, 12/23/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 641223rep.pdf
- Series 5: 1965

- Box 12

- Folder 37

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Two Bills Providing Alternate Approaches To Reapportionment, 1/4/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650104rep.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Urges Republicans To Put Aside Differences, 1/9/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650109con.pdf
- Item 3: Air Force Academy Nominees, 1/25/1965

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 650125rep.pdf
- Folder 38

- Item 1: Dole Speech Before Fifth Annual Fargo Farm Forum Comments On Sugar Legislation, 2/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650205wit.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Will Be Featured Speaker At Annual Lincoln Day Dinner And Rally, 2/12/1965

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 650212con.pdf
- Item 3: Report On Speech At Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/12/1965

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 650212the.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Supports Two Proposals Before Conservation And Credit Subcommittee, 2/17/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650217rep.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announced That The Push For Congressional Action Dealing With Reapportionment Will Begin Wednesday, 2/23/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650223con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Signs Extraordinary Discharge Petition; Reapportionment, 2/24/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650224adr.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Joins Others In Demanding Reduction In Level Of Oil Imports, 2/25/1965

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 650225rep.pdf
- Folder 39

- Item 1: Dole Introduced Legislation Which Would Restrict Sales Of Government-Owned Agriculture Products, 3/11/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650311con.pdf
- Item 2: Required Renovations Sharply Limited, 3/11/1965

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 650311rep.pdf
- Item 3: Reapportionment Connection With Voting Rights Act Of 1965, 3/20/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650320con.pdf
- Item 4: Statement Before Committee On Veteran Affairs; Closing Of VA Hospitals, 3/23/1965

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 650323mrc.pdf
- Folder 40

- Item 1: Dole Withholding Judgment On Administrations Farm Bill, 4/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650405con.pdf
- Item 2: Informal Poll Of Members On Reapportionment, 4/6/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650406the.pdf
- Item 3: H.R. 6675 And Compulsory Hospitalization And The Social Security Administration, 4/8/1965

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 650408asd.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Bill Against Falsification Of Voting, 4/9/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 650409int.pdf
- Item 5: Text Of Joint Statement 40 GOPs Ask End Of Appointment Delay, 4/13/1965

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 650413for.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Statement On Issue Reapportionment, 4/27/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650427con.pdf
- Item 7: Statement Before Agricultural Appropriations Subcommittee Kansan Concern With Land And Water Resource Conservation And Development, 4/27/1965

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 650427mrc.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Praises Senate Amendment On Election Fraud, 4/30/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 650430con.pdf
- Box 13

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Baton Rouge, Louisiana Speech Talked To Young Republicans About Role Of Republican Party, 5/1/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650501con.pdf
- Item 2: Statement Before Subcommittee On Agriculture Concern Over Future Of Agriculture In Kansas, Midwest, And Rest Of Country, 5/4/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650504mrc.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Bill To Amend Veterans Pension Act, 5/5/1965

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 650505con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Introduces Bill To Allow More Extensive Tax Deductions For Teachers Educational Expenses, 5/6/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 650506con.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas Mother Of The Year Mrs. Frank W. Boyd To Be Honored, 5/9/1965

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 650509kan.pdf
- Item 6: Dover, Delaware Speech To Delaware Young Republican Convention On Republican Unity, 5/15/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650515con.pdf
- Item 7: Statement To Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations Concerning Projects In Doles Congressional District, 5/17/1965

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 650517iap.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Addresses Republican Women Of First Congressional District About Pending Farm Legislation, 5/22/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650522rep.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Awarded Distinguished Service Award From Americans For Constitutional Action, 5/26/1965

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 650526con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Awarded Distinguished Service Award From Americans For Constitutional Action, 5/26/1965

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 650526conc2p1.pdf
- Item 11: Efforts To Raise Release Price In Sale Of Commodity Credit Corporation Stocks Fail, 5/26/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650526eff.pdf
- Item 12: Reductions In Remodeling Plans For Cannon House Office Building Save $5.5 Million, 5/27/1965

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 650527ann.pdf
- Item 13: Text Of Letter From Dole To Thomas Mann Relating To Oil Imports From Venezuela, 5/31/1965

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 650531the.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole Bill For Emergency Flood, Hail, And Disaster Relief For Farmers, 6/12/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650612rep.pdf
- Item 2: Statement Before House Judiciary Committee Supreme Court Demolishes Representative Structure In Legislature, 6/24/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650624mrc.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole Proposes Bill For Alternative Methods For Financial Assistance To Sufferers Of Natural Disasters, 7/12/1965

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 650712con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Votes For HR 9811 Omnibus Farm Bill, 7/15/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650715con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Legislation To Amend The Watershed Protection And Flood Prevention Act, 7/16/1965

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 650716con.pdf
- Item 4: The Farm Bill; Dole Predicted Close Vote On Farm Proposal, 7/21/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650721con.pdf
- Item 5: Official Attendance And Voting Records Of The House Of Representatives Released, 7/24/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 650724ral.pdf
- Item 6: All Five Members Of House From Kansas Urge President Johnson To Suspend GATT Negotiations, 7/28/1965

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 650728all.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Speaking To Ohio League Of Young Republicans Club Hammers Away At Need Strong Two-Party System (Republican Party), 7/31/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650731con.pdf
- Item 8: Moving Toward One-Party Government Under One-Man Rule Dole Tells Ohio State Young Republicans, 7/31/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650731nat.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Statement Before Rules Committee To Discuss Omnibus Farm Bill, 8/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650805con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole's Statement On House Floor Concerning Home Rule And Legislative Reapportionment, 8/5/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650805cong.pdf
- Item 3: Dole And Other Congressmen Introduce Legislation Which Would Authorize Marketing Of Domestically Produced Sugar, 8/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650805congr.pdf
- Item 4: Legislative Reapportionment Dole Indicated Bipartisan Committee Will Press For A Vote In House, 8/9/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650809con.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas House Members Expand On Need To Suspend Further GATT Negotiations, 8/10/1965

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 650810the.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Called On Johnson Administration To Set Record Straight On Vietnam, 8/18/1965

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 650818rep.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Letter On Bipartisan Efforts To Secure Home Rule In District Of Columbia, 8/19/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650819con.pdf
- Item 8: Statement Before Joint Committee On Organization Of Congress; Recommendations, 8/24/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 650824cha.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Announced He Is Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 8/25/1965

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 650825rep.pdf
- Item 10: Dole In Telegram To President Johnson Expressed His Opposition To Wheat Sales To Russia At This Time, 8/30/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650830con.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Statement On Inclusion Of Farm Workers Under Minimum Wage Provisions, 9/1/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650901con.pdf
- Item 2: GOP Members Of House Agricultural Committee Charge Secretary Freeman Fails To Speak Up For Farmers On Farm Labor Issue, 9/1/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650901cong.pdf
- Item 3: GOP Members Of House Agricultural Committee Charge Secretary Freeman Fails To Speak Up For, 9/8/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650908con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Appointed To Committee On Government Operations, 9/8/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650908rep.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Encourages Increase In Job Training Programs Of Private Employers; Human Investment Act Of 1965, 9/10/1965

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 650910con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Offers Two Amendments On Sugar Act; Both Defeated, 9/16/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650916the.pdf
- Item 7: Kansas House Members Achieve Goal Of Improving The Us Bargaining Position On Grain Negotiations At Kennedy Round In Geneva, 9/27/1965

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 650927all.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Appearance Before House Rules Committee To Discuss 1965 Sugar Act Amendments, 9/28/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650928con.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Speech To GOP Rally In Ohio Government Moving Toward One-Party Government Under One-Man Rule, 10/1/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 651001con.pdf
- Item 2: Investigation Of Heavy Aircraft Stock Trade Prior To Defense Department Contract Announcement, 10/1/1965

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 651001onf.pdf
- Item 3: Statement At Special Budget Hearings Before Elmer Staats; Views On Budgeting Of Funds For Corps Of Engineers And Bureau Of Reclamation In Kansas, 10/4/1965

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 651004mrd.pdf
- Item 4: Agricultural Trade Policy Is The Key To U. S. Farmer Prosperity, 10/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651005agr.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Sends Telegram To Manuel Cohen Of Securities And Exchange Commission On Boeing, Douglas, And Lockheed Aircraft Trading, 10/6/1965

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 651006onf.pdf
- Item 6: Agricultural Trade Policy Is The Key To Us Farmer Prosperity, 10/7/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651007agr.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Supports Conference Report On Farm Bill, 10/8/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651008rep.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Speaker At 75Th Birthday Of Former President Dwight D Eisenhower, 10/14/1965

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 651014con.pdf
- Item 9: Dole States Congress Should Adjourn, 10/14/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651014cong.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Introduces Legislation Which Would Authorize House Committee On Education And Labor To Conduct Investigation And Study Of Office Of Education, 10/22/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 651022con.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks Of Dole On H.R. 168 Increase In Monthly Rates Of Disabled Veterans, 10/22/1965

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 651022rem.pdf
- Item 12: Text Of Resolution (Education), 10/22/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 651022tex.pdf
- Item 13: Modified Dole Amendment Accepted By Sugar Conference, 10/23/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651023mod.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Announced In Closing Stages Of Measure To Increase Limitation On Floodwater-Detention Capacity, 10/25/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651025cong.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Urges World Food Study, 10/25/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651025dol.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Announces Tour Of Several Kansas Colleges, 10/26/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651026con.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Sent Telegram To Charles Webb Chairman Of Interstate Commerce Commission Requesting Hearing On Missouri Pacific Railroad Company's Discontinuance Of Trains, 10/27/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 651027was.pdf
- Item 18: Congressman Dole To Food And Agriculture Conference, 10/28/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651028con.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Release Of Official Attendance And Voting Records Of House Members For 1St Session Of 89Th Congress, 11/1/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651101ral.pdf
- Item 2: Letter To McNamara Concerning Heavy Trading Of Major Aircraft Stocks Prior To Government Award, 11/3/1965

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 651103con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Speaking To Fort Hayes State College Young Republicans Pointed Out Records Not Called To Publics Attention By Great Society Propaganda Experts, 11/3/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 651103cong.pdf
- Item 4: Johnson Administration Decision To Dump 200,000 Tons Of Government Stock-Piled Aluminum Into Market Emphasize Problem Of American Farmer, 11/9/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 651109con.pdf
- Item 5: Response From Cyrus Vance Concerning Aircraft Stocks, 11/12/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651112con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Announced Availability Of 16 Mm Color Films Four Days Of Gemini 4, 11/12/1965

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 651112cong.pdf
- Item 7: Details Of U.N. Food Agricultural Organization Conference (Agriculture), 11/16/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651116bob.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Speaking In Pittsburg, Kansas Agrees Next Year Congress Should Spend Less Time On New Legislation And More Time On Correcting Oversight, 11/17/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651117con.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Speaking In Pittsburg, Kansas Agrees Next Year Congress Should Spend Less Time On New Legislation And More Time On Correcting Oversight, 11/18/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651118con.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 8: Dole Will Be Featured Speaker At A Meeting Dec. 14 In Johnson Ks (Cancelled), 1965-12

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 6512xxcon.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Will Be Featured Speaker At Meeting In Johnson, Kansas, 12/6/1965

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 651206con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Speaker At National Beet Growers Federation States Basic Concept Of Sugar Act Is Sound, 12/7/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651207con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls For Action On Famine Crisis In India, 12/9/1965

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 651209con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Speaker At National Beet Growers Federation States Basic Concept Of Sugar Act Is Sound, 12/9/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651209cong.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Informed By Interstate Commerce Commission On Hearings Concerning Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, 12/16/1965

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 651216con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Speaking At Hutchinson Junior College Republican Meeting Charged USDA Of Violating Intent Of Commodity Credit Corporation Charter, 12/21/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651221con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Attends Dinner Hosted By Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman Honoring Mr. C Subramanian, Minister Of Food And Agriculture For India, 12/28/1965

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 651228con.pdf
- Series 6: 1966

- Box 13

- Folder 9

- Item 1: Elbert W. Smith Named 1st Superintendent Of Fort Larned National Historic Site, Kansas, 1/3/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 660103con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Endorsed Veteran's Educational Assistance Act Of 1966, 1/12/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660112bob.pdf
- Item 3: Comments On Presidents State Of The Union And Pledge To Continue And Expand Great Society (Johnson Administration), 1/13/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660113con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Opposed To Extending The Term Of House Of Representatives Members To Four Years, 1/14/1966

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 660114rep.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduced Legislation To Aid Some 29,000 Veterans With Pensions Reduced From Social Security Benefits, 1/18/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660118rep.pdf
- Item 6: Statement Of Bob Dole Freedom Of Information, 1/19/1966

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 660119the.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Speaker At American National Cattlemen's Association Called For Creation Of Bread And Butter Corps, 1/25/1966

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 660125con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole At Kansas Veterans Republican Club Luncheon Said American People Should Be Given Truth About Great Society Legislation, 1/29/1966

- Subject: General - PDF available: 660129rep.pdf
- Item 9: Ida Mae Found Out The Eagle Had Jumped The Release Date, 1966-01

- Subject: General - PDF available: 6601xxbob.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 10: Naval Academy Appointees Named, 2/1/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 660201was.pdf
- Item 11: Doles Administrative Assistant Bill Kats To Be In District, 2/3/1966

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 660203rep.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urged Passage Of Veterans Readjustment Act, 2/7/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660207rep.pdf
- Item 13: Statement By Congressman Dole In Support Of Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act, 2/7/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660207the.pdf
- Item 14: Doles Administrative Assistant Bill Kats To Be In District, 2/9/1966

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 660209bill.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Will Visit Four States For Speeches, 2/9/1966

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 660209rep.pdf
- Item 16: USDA Supply-Management Program, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210bob.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Speaking At Forty-Fifth Annual Stockholders Meeting Of The Central Livestock Association Warned About H.R. 11788 Amending Commodity Exchange Act, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210bobd.pdf
- Item 18: USDA Supply-Management Program, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210con.pdf
- Item 19: USDA Supply-Management Program, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210cong.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Speaker At Republican Lincoln Day Dinner In Salt Lake City, Utah On The Constitution And Supreme Court, 2/11/1966

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 660211con.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Speaker At Republican Lincoln Day Dinner In Bismarck, North Dakota Talks About Budget Deficit, 2/12/1966

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 660212bob.pdf
- Item 22: Dole States Johnson Administration Pauperizing Elderly With Inflationary Policies, 2/13/1966

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 660213cong.pdf
- Item 23: Hearings On Food For Peace Program Started In Committee On House Agriculture, 2/15/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660215was.pdf
- Item 24: Doles Administrative Assistant Bill Kats To Be In District, 2/16/1966

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 660216bill.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Activities Including Russell-Dodge City Basketball Game And Annual Pancake Day Race, 2/17/1966

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 660217fir.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Speaking At Kansas Bankers Agricultural School Stated Wheat Stocks No Longer Of Surplus Proportions, 2/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660218con.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Speaking At Kansas Bankers Agricultural School Stated Wheat Stocks No Longer Of Surplus Proportions, 2/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660218rep.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Asked Support From American Freedom From Hunger Foundation To Support His Bread And Butter Corps Proposal, 2/24/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660224con.pdf
- Item 29: Bill To Establish Youth Temperance Education Week, 2/28/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660228con.pdf
- Folder 11

- Folder 33: Unlimited Sugar Impost May Hurt Domestics, 3/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660309was.pdf
- Folder 34: U.S. Department Of Commerce Recommends Export Control On Hides And Skins, 3/16/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660316con.pdf
- Folder 35: National Right To Work Committee Cited Dole For Fight To Retain Section 14B Of The Taft-Hartley Act, 3/18/1966

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 660318con.pdf
- Folder 36: Text Of Bread And Butter Corps Bill, 3/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660318not.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Charged Johnson Administration Of Leading To Economic Absolutism, 3/19/1966

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 660319con.pdf
- Folder 38: National Right To Work Committee Cited Dole For Fight To Retain Section 14B Of The Taft-Hartley Act, 3/23/1966

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 660323con.pdf
- Folder 39: Members Of House Of Representatives Met With Department Of Commerce To Protest Controls On Exports Of Hides And Skins, 3/28/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660328eig.pdf
- Folder 40: Ag Committee Requests Reconsideration, 3/30/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660330wew.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Introduced Bill To Provide Permanent Special Milk Program For Children, 3/1/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660301con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Told Kansas Lawyers That Farm Laws Must Be Simplified, 3/2/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660302con.pdf
- Item 3: Agriculture Act Of 1965 Permits Flexibility In Wheat Acreage Allotments, 3/2/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660302smi.pdf
- Folder 41: Delegation Including Dole To London On Narcotics Addiction And Growing Use Of Hallucinatory Drugs, 4/8/1966

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 660408upi.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Stated Today That Questionnaires Have Been Mailed To Residents In Congressional District, 4/11/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 660411con.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Discussed Food For Freedom Proposal And Bread And Butter Corps At Meeting Of Newspaper Farm Editors Of America, 4/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660418att.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole Indicated Students Differ With Parents On Issues In First District Opinion Poll, 4/19/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660419con.pdf
- Folder 45: Statement Of Bob Dole On Export Quotas On Cattle Hides Before The Secretary Of Commerce, 4/19/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660419mrc.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Talks To Secretary Of Commerce John T Connor About Restrictions On Cattle Hide, 4/19/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660419rep.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole Appeared Before Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations In Support Of Budget Recommendations For 1967, 4/25/1966

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 660425bob.pdf
- Folder 48: Subcommittee Republicans Hit Boycott Charge On Packer-Feeder Bill, 4/26/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660426fou.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Makes Official Airforce Academy Visit, 4/27/1966

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 660427con.pdf
- Folder 50: House Committee On Agriculture Approved Dole's Technical Assistance Amendment To Food For Freedom Bill, 4/28/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660428the.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Told Republican Women Attending Conference That There Is No Substitute For Effective Political Organization In Winning Elections, 5/6/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660506con.pdf
- Folder 52: The Fact That President Johnson Rather Than Secretary Of Agriculture Announced The Increase In 1967 Crop Wheat Acreage Allotment May Indicate Administration Is In Full Retreat, 5/7/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660507con.pdf
- Folder 53: Administration Discriminates Against Farmer, 5/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660509con.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Continues Efforts To Approve Reapportionment Amendment, 5/16/1966

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 660516rep.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Introduced Bill To Provide Secretary Of Agriculture Authority To Make Early Payment Of Wheat Certificates, 5/17/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660517rep.pdf
- Folder 56: First District Opinion Poll Results Tabulated, 5/26/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660526con.pdf
- Folder 57: Uneasiness And Uncertainty About The War In Vietnam, 5/28/1966

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 660528con.pdf
- Folder 59: Bill Introduce By Dole To Provide Secretary Of Agriculture Authority To Make Early Payment On Wheat Certificates, 6/2/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660602abi.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Appointed To Foreign Operations And Government Information Subcommittee, 6/3/1966

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 660603rep.pdf
- Folder 61: Bill To Give Secretary Of Agriculture Authority To Make Early Payment Of Wheat Certificate Passed By Unanimous Consent, 6/6/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660606abi.pdf
- Folder 62: Young Republicans Raise Filing Fee, 6/6/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660606you.pdf
- Folder 63: Bail Reform Act Not In Best Interest Of Public, 6/7/1966

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 660607rep.pdf
- Folder 64: Disaster Areas Used For Emergency Grazing Program, 6/15/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660615rep.pdf
- Folder 65: Tribute To Disabled American Veterans, 6/16/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660616con.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole And Skubitz Efforts To Have Portion Of Kansas Included In Water Study, 6/17/1966

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 660617con.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Predicted Easy Passage Of Freedom Of Information Bill, 6/17/1966

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 660617cong.pdf
- Folder 68: Clerk Has Released Official Attendance And Voting Records Of House Members For Second Session Of 89Th Congress, 6/22/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660622ral.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Charged Johnson Administration With Killing Small Watershed Program, 6/23/1966

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 660623con.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Urged Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman To Increase The National Wheat Acreage Allotment For 1967, 6/30/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660630rep.pdf
- Folder 71: Drought Urges Prompt Action Of Approval Of Soil Bank Grazing, 7/6/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660706rep.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Stated Today That Questionnaires Have Been Mailed To Residents In Congressional District, 7/11/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 660711con.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Calls For President Johnson To Step Into Airline Strike, 7/14/1966

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 660714rep.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Announced Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 7/20/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 660720rep.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Attacked Government Financing Of Hogs In Communist Romania For Export To The United States, 7/22/1966

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 660722rep.pdf
- Folder 76: Johnson Administration Has Yielded To Congress Over Watershed Projects, 7/27/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660727con.pdf
- Folder 77: Amendment To Colorado River Basin Bill Proposed By Skubitz And Dole, 7/28/1966

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 660728ana.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Bill For Automatic Social Security Increases, 7/29/1966

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 660729rep.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Bill For Automatic Social Security Increases, 7/29/1966

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 660729repb.pdf
- Folder 80: Strike Law Still Needed, 7/30/1966

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 660730con.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Accused Clive Duval Of Attempt To Deceive The People Of The Tenth District Of Virginia About Vietnam Junket, 8/1/1966

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 660801ina.pdf
- Folder 82: Agriculture Exports Help Offset Deficit Dole Says, 8/8/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660808con.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Disappointed Agriculture Committee Disapproved Rea Financing Proposal, 8/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660818rep.pdf
- Folder 84: Wheat Producers Need Assurances, 8/20/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660820con.pdf
- Folder 85: Agriculture Committee Will Hold Hearings On Dole Bills To Modernize Federal Seed Act, 8/22/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660822con.pdf
- Folder 86: Food For Freedom Proposal By Dole And Quie, 8/24/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660824con.pdf
- Folder 87: New GOP Plan For Public Problem Solving, 8/25/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660825fro.pdf
- Folder 88: French Announces Dollars For Dole Campaign, 9/8/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660908jim.pdf
- Folder 89: Voting Records Released For House 89Th Congress 2Nd Session, 9/8/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660908ral.pdf
- Folder 90: Puzzled By Schnittker's Definition Of Adequate Size Commercial Farms, 9/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660909dod.pdf
- Folder 91: Voting Records Released For House 89Th Congress 2Nd Session, 9/12/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660912ral.pdf
- Folder 92: After Dilly-Dallying Johnson Finally Recognizes Inflation, 9/17/1966

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 660917con.pdf
- Folder 93: Wheat Producers Will Plant Only One-Half Acreage Increases In 1967 Allotments, 9/19/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660919con.pdf
- Folder 94: Veterans Pension Act Of 1966, 9/20/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660920con.pdf
- Folder 95: Orville Freeman May Be On His Way Out, 9/22/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660922con.pdf
- Folder 96: Difference Between GOP And Democrats Is Way They Think About And Handle Money, 9/23/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660923con.pdf
- Folder 97: Dole Unsuccessful In Effort To Amend The Poverty Program, 9/29/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660929con.pdf
- Folder 98: Johnson Administration Engaged In Campaign To Depress Price Of Wheat (Johnson Administration), 10/1/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661001con.pdf
- Folder 99: Federal Property And Administrative Services Act (Business), 10/3/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 661003con.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Requests Freeman To Shore Up Declining Wheat Market (Agriculture), 10/5/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661005con.pdf
- Folder 101: Dole Receives Watchdog Of The Treasury Award (Federal Budget), 10/6/1966

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 661006con.pdf
- Folder 102: Reasons For Drop In Wheat Prices, 10/11/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661011con.pdf
- Folder 103: Increase Sugar Beet Production, 10/11/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661011mem.pdf
- Folder 104: Statement On Merging Of Football Leagues, 10/13/1966

- Subject: General - PDF available: 661013mrc.pdf
- Folder 105: Five Congressmen From Kansas Suggest Investigation Into Charges Made By Frank Leroux On USDA Officials, 10/14/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661014the.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Released Letter To Secretary Of Interior Stewart Udall Regarding Foreign Oil Imports, 10/17/1966

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 661017con.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Released Letter To Secretary Of Interior Stewart Udall Regarding Foreign Oil Imports (Energy), 10/20/1966

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 661020con.pdf
- Folder 108: Changes In Proposed Tax Regulations Re. Deductions By Teachers, 10/22/1966

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 661022con.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Issued Report On Misuse Of Us Owned Foreign Currencies), 10/22/1966

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 661022cong.pdf
- Folder 110: Attendance And Voting Records Of House Members Released, 10/24/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 661024ral.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Endorsed By Americans For Constitutional Action, 10/27/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 661027was.pdf
- Folder 112: Congress Has Displayed Bipartisanship In Supporting Sound Soil And Water Conservation Development, 11/1/1966

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 661101con.pdf
- Folder 113: Food For Peace Means Wheat For Peace, 11/8/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661108rep.pdf
- Folder 114: Veterans Day, 11/11/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 661111rep.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole To Visit Six Countries To Review Market Promotion Activities, 11/15/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661115con.pdf
- Folder 116: Service Academy Appointments Interviews, 11/23/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 661123thi.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Returns From Review Of Market Promotion Activities In Europe, 12/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661209con.pdf
- Folder 118: Special Mission To India, 12/11/1966

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 661211con.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Speaks About 90Th Congress Legislation, 12/12/1966

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 661212con.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Returns From India, 12/22/1966

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 661222con.pdf
- Folder 121: Coast And Geodetic Survey Field Party In 1St District, 12/29/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 661229con.pdf
- Folder 122: Us Military And Naval Academy Appointments, 12/30/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 661230con.pdf
- Folder 58: Young Republicans Collecting Filing Fee For Dole, 1966-05

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660600you.pdf
- Series 7: 1967

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Shipments To India Should Include Flour And Bulgar (Agriculture), 1/14/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670114con.pdf
- Folder 2: Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act (Elections), 1/20/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670120con.pdf
- Folder 3: Kansans Rap Administration Farm Policy (Agriculture), 1/24/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670124the.pdf
- Folder 4: Human Investment Act Of 1967 (Taxes), 2/2/1967

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 670202con.pdf
- Folder 5: Joint Resolution Introduced Authorizing Posthumous Issuance Of Gold Medal To Late Walt Disney, 2/3/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670203ont.pdf
- Folder 6: Limit Imports Of Milk And Dairy Products (Agriculture), 2/6/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670206con.pdf
- Folder 7: Memorandum For Veterans, 2/6/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670206mem.pdf
- Folder 8: Orville Freeman Does Not See Increase In Price Of Wheat (Agriculture), 2/8/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670208con.pdf
- Folder 9: Walt Disney - A Great American (Walt Disney), 2/9/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670209mrs.pdf
- Folder 10: Congressman Bob Dole Proposes Bill To Assure Fairness In Taxation Disputes, 2/15/1967

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 670215con.pdf
- Folder 11: Statement On Spillman Creek Watershed (Agriculture), 2/16/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670216mrc.pdf
- Folder 12: Educators Visit Nation's Capitol (Education), 2/18/1967

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 670218blo.pdf
- Folder 13: Speaks To National Rural Electric Cooperative Association On Dreams And Realities For Rural Electrics, 2/22/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670222con.pdf
- Folder 14: $135 Billion Budget For Fiscal 1968, 2/25/1967

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 670225kan.pdf
- Folder 15: Wheat Farmers Receive One-Half Payments At Time Of Sign Up (Agriculture), 2/27/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670227con.pdf
- Folder 16: Members Of Kansas Delegation Introduce Great Plains Parkway (Public Works), 3/1/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670301all.pdf
- Folder 17: Revisions Urged In Veterans Benefits, 3/2/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670302mrc.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Introduces Rea Bill (Rural Development), 3/23/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670323con.pdf
- Folder 19: Congressman Bob Dole's Schedule, March 27 - June 1, 3/27/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670327con.pdf
- Folder 20: First Local Loan Association Of Federal Land Bank System Celebration (Agriculture), 3/27/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670327cong.pdf
- Folder 21: Strengthening Agriculture (Agriculture), 3/28/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670328ata.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Speaking To Fourth District Republican Women's Meeting Today Stated Democrats Show Zeal In Efforts To Manage Economy (Economy), 4/1/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 670401con.pdf
- Folder 23: Young People Eager To Participate In Crisis Surrounding Them (Vietnam War), 4/1/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 670401ina.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Honors 50Th Anniversary Of Federal Land Bank System (Agriculture), 4/3/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670403con.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Introduces Bill Amending The Service Contract Act Of 1965; Postal Service, 4/4/1967

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 670404dol.pdf
- Folder 26: Pension Program For World War I Veterans (Veterans), 4/8/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670408ina.pdf
- Folder 27: Raise Limitation On Outside Income While Receiving Social Security (Social Security), 4/10/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670410con.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Predicted Trouble Ahead In 90Th Congress For The Great Society, 4/13/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670413ata.pdf
- Folder 29: Effect Of Rampant Inflation (Inflation), 4/17/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 670417inf.pdf
- Folder 30: Facts Refute Freeman Claims (Agriculture), 4/24/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670424sec.pdf
- Folder 31: End The Importation Of Dairy Products In Evasion Of Set Quotas (Agriculture), 4/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670425con.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Calls For Anti-Flag Desecration Law, 4/26/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670426con.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Calls For Anti-Flag Desecration Law, 4/26/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670426conp2.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Told Virginia Republican Audience That 1968 GOP Presidential Nominee Would Be Elected, 4/29/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670429con.pdf
- Folder 35: Fresh Approach In Aid To Education (Education), 5/1/1967

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 670501con.pdf
- Folder 36: Kansas State College Awarded $18,000 For Mentally Handicapped (Disabled), 5/4/1967

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 670504con.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole To Make Speeches (Agriculture), 5/8/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670508con.pdf
- Folder 38: Statement Agriculture Subcommittee On Appropriations (Agriculture), 5/8/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670508mrdp.pdf
- Folder 39: Number Of Federal Employees Continues To Rise (Civil Service), 5/8/1967

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 670508num.pdf
- Folder 40: Statement To Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations (Public Works), 5/9/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670509iapp.pdf
- Folder 41: Statement To Agriculture Subcommittee On Appropriations; Farmer To Farmer Program, 5/10/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670510mrcp.pdf
- Folder 42: Impact Of World Food Need And Agricultural Exports On Farmer, 5/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670511con.pdf
- Folder 43: High Rate Of Meat Imports Having Adverse Effect On Nation's Agricultural Economy (Agriculture), 5/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670511cong.pdf
- Folder 44: American Farmers And World Food Need (Agriculture), 5/15/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670515the.pdf
- Folder 45: Legislation Needed To Prohibit Desecration Of The Flag (Flag Desecration), 5/17/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670517legp.pdf
- Folder 46: The Case For A Change In The Electoral College System (Elections), 5/22/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670522the.pdf
- Folder 47: Statement Before Hearing On Mandatory Oil Import Program (Energy), 5/24/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670524mrcp.pdf
- Folder 48: Rea Electric And Telephone Banks Approved By Agriculture Committee (Rural Development), 5/26/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670526reap.pdf
- Folder 49: Annual State Conference Of Republican Women Pentagon Publicity Men Paid Too Much (Defense), 5/26/1967

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 670526thrp.pdf
- Folder 50: The Guaranteed Annual Income (Public Welfare), 5/29/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 670529the.pdf
- Folder 51: Service Academies Applications Deadline (Academy Appointments), 5/31/1967

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 670531rep.pdf
- Folder 52: Stricter Control On Dairy Imports (Agriculture), 6/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670601dol.pdf
- Folder 53: Caution Before Building Bridges With Communist Countries (Foreign Relations), 6/3/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670603con.pdf
- Folder 54: Administration Scheme To Tax Old-Age Benefits Is Opposed (Senior Citizens), 6/5/1967

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 670605adm.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Presented The Distinguished Service Award By Americans For Constitutional Action, 6/8/1967

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 670608cong.pdf
- Folder 56: Effective Oil Import Program Need (Energy), 6/8/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670608effp.pdf
- Folder 57: House Rejects Proposed Debt Ceiling Rise, 6/12/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 670612hou.pdf
- Folder 58: Changes In Social Security Survivor's Benefits Proposed (Social Security), 6/19/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670619cha.pdf
- Folder 59: Uncle Sam - A Big Property Owner (Government), 6/19/1967

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 670619unc.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Presents Us Flag Lapel Pin To Columnist Ann Landers, 6/23/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670623con.pdf
- Folder 61: Optimism Among Republicans During Election Year (Elections), 6/24/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670624con.pdf
- Folder 62: Constituent Services At Doles Office, 6/26/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670626are.pdf
- Folder 63: Bi-Partisan Study Of World Food Crisis Recommended (Agriculture), 6/26/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670626bip.pdf
- Folder 64: Status Of Legislative Reapportionment, 7/1/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670701stap.pdf
- Folder 65: Advance Payment On Wheat Certificates; Government Oil Import Policy Protested; Kansas Wheat Month, 7/3/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670703adv.pdf
- Folder 66: Congressman Dole Announces 4Th Of July Schedule, 7/3/1967

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 670703con.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Speaks Out On Social Security (Social Security), 7/3/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670703curp.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Speaker At Independence Day Celebration In Great Bend, 7/4/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670704con.pdf
- Folder 69: Recreation Facilities Expanding In Western Kansas (Public Welfare), 7/6/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670706recp.pdf
- Folder 70: American Food Aid Most Powerful Foreign Policy Instrument (Foreign Relations), 7/10/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670710con.pdf
- Folder 71: Resume Of Changes In Selective Service Law, 7/10/1967

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 670710dol.pdf
- Folder 72: Resume Of Changes In Selective Service Law, 7/10/1967

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 670710the.pdf
- Folder 73: Statement To Livestock And Grains Subcommittee Of House Ag Committee (Agriculture), 7/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670711mrcp.pdf
- Folder 74: Western Plains States Republican Campaign Management (Elections), 7/15/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670715con.pdf
- Folder 75: Ditching The Canal (Foreign Relations), 7/17/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670717con.pdf
- Folder 76: Compulsory Arbitration Poor Solution To Labor Disputes (Labor), 7/24/1967

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 670724com.pdf
- Folder 77: Extend All-Risk Crop Insurance To Include Irrigated Corn In Kansas (Agriculture), 7/29/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670729con.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Returns From Mid-East Visit (Foreign Relations), 7/31/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670731con.pdf
- Folder 79: Wheat - An Implement Of Foreign Policy; Vigorous Law Enforcement Needed To Cope With Riots; Record Wheat Crop Expected, 7/31/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670731whe.pdf
- Folder 80: Prayer Or Politics?, 8/1/1967

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 670801con.pdf
- Folder 81: Arab Refugee Problem Is Stumbling Block To Settling Mid-East Crisis (Foreign Relations), 8/5/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670805conp.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole Bill To Permit Advanced Payments To Wheat Producers Passes By Committee, 8/7/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670807abi.pdf
- Folder 83: Riots And Congress; Red Chinese Make Rapid Nuclear Progress; Man On The Moon?, 8/7/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 670807int.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole Arrives In Wichita To Attend State Activities (Dole Activities), 8/11/1967

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 670811con.pdf
- Folder 85: Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution (Vietnam War), 8/11/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 670811firp.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole Calls For Greater Number Of Active Republicans (Elections), 8/12/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670812inp.pdf
- Folder 87: Emergency Aid For Storm Now Available To Farmers (Agriculture), 8/14/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670814con.pdf
- Folder 88: Production Cost Increases Keep Squeeze On Farm Income (Agriculture), 8/14/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670814pro.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Voted In Favor Of H.R. 12080 The Social Security Amendments Of 1967 (Social Security), 8/17/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670817con.pdf
- Folder 90: Controlling Unfair Trade Practices Affecting Agricultural Products (Agriculture), 8/21/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670821con.pdf
- Folder 91: Farm Income Outlook Bleak (Agriculture), 8/21/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670821far.pdf
- Folder 92: Farmer-To-Farmer Program Of International Technical Assistance (Agriculture), 8/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670825con.pdf
- Folder 93: 1St District Poll Returns (Elections), 8/28/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670828con.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Urges Freeman To Act; Text Of Letter (Agriculture), 8/29/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670829dolp.pdf
- Folder 95: Real Size Of Foreign Aid, 9/4/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670904the.pdf
- Folder 96: Pacification Program Unsuccessful, 9/5/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 670905pac.pdf
- Folder 97: The Administration And The American Farmer, 9/7/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670907thep.pdf
- Folder 98: Wheat Price Hits Two-Year Low, 9/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670911whe.pdf
- Folder 99: Crime Rise Serious, 9/18/1967

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 670918cri.pdf
- Folder 100: Veterans Income Threatened, 9/19/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670919vetp.pdf
- Folder 101: Dole Speaks On Campaigning In Rural America In Chicago, 9/22/1967

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 670922con.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Speaks At Agricultural Economic Conference In Liberal, 9/23/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670923mem.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Scores Federal Campaign Fund, 9/25/1967

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 670925dol.pdf
- Folder 104: Twenty Years Of Federal Spending, 10/2/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671002twe.pdf
- Folder 105: House Republicans Seek Cuts In Spending, 10/9/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671009hou.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Speaks At Convention Of Young Republicans In Pratt On Land Reform Program In South Vietnam, 10/14/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 671014con.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Speaks Before Jackson County Farm Bureau On Administration Coddling The Consumer At The Expense Of The American Farmer, 10/16/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671016con.pdf
- Folder 108: Kansas Private Colleges Perform Vital Service, 10/16/1967

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 671016kan.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Speaks Out Against Violent Vietnam War Protesters In Washington Dc, 10/20/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 671020conp.pdf
- Folder 110: The Facts About The Purcell Bill H.R. 12067, 10/22/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671022thep.pdf
- Folder 111: House Pushed Economy Move, 10/23/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671023hou.pdf
- Folder 112: Two Big Republican Meetings Scheduled For Southwestern Kansas, 10/24/1967

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 671024two.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Announces Committee Findings On Public Health Service, 10/25/1967

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 671025dolp.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole's Busy Schedule; Alf Landon Lecture, Miss America Parade; Etc., 10/25/1967

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 671025kan.pdf
- Folder 115: House Committee On Agriculture Passed Dole Bill Which Would Permit Advanced Payments To Wheat Producers, 10/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671025the.pdf
- Folder 116: House Passes Dole Bill Providing For Partial Payments To Wheat Producers In Advance Of Crop Harvesting, 10/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671025theh.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Cosponsors Commission On Balanced Economic Development Bill, 10/30/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671030con.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Asks Drug Inquiry, 10/30/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671030dol.pdf
- Folder 119: Battle Still Rages Over Johnson Administration Grain Reserve Bill, 10/31/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671031conp.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole's Statement Re. Strategic Grain Reserve Bill., 11/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671101con.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole's Statement Supporting National Flood Insurance Act, 11/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671101mrcp.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Resolution Offered In Livestock And Feed Grains Subcommittee, 11/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671101res.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Announces He Will Not Attend Ag. Conference In Rome, 11/2/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671102con.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Introduces Bill To Continue Federal Land Banks, 11/2/1967

- Subject: Banking - PDF available: 671102mrsp.pdf
- Folder 125: Latest USDA Figures On Farm Numbers, Income Issued, 11/5/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671105con.pdf
- Folder 126: Dole Speaks At Kansas Farm Bureau Convention In Wichita, 11/7/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671107conp.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Salutes The Grange The Nations Oldest Farm And Rural Organization, 11/13/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671113con.pdf
- Folder 128: Labor Regulations Effective January 1St, 11/13/1967

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 671113labp.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Urges FDA To Review Statement Re. Marijuana, 11/14/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671114con.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Announces Appointment Of Kansas Woman As Press Aid, 11/15/1967

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 671115con.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Praises Statement By Commissioner Of Narcotics, 11/15/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671115conp.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Urges Udall To Maintain Import Controls On Home Heating Oil, 11/16/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 671116con.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Meets With Freeman To Discuss World Food Crisis And India, 11/17/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671117con.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Announces First Series Of Senior Citizens Conferences, 11/20/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 671120con.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Proposal Calls For Penalties For Drug Possession, 11/20/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671120conp.pdf
- Folder 136: Dole Reports From Washington; Drugs; Senior Citizens; Population; Oil Import Controls; Labor Standards, 11/20/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 671120foc.pdf
- Folder 137: 6 Government Officials Will Speak At Senior Citizens, Conferences, 11/22/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 671122six.pdf
- Folder 138: 31 Men From Kansas Are Candidates For Academy Appointments, 11/22/1967

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 671122thip.pdf
- Folder 139: Text Of Radio Tape Regarding Salina Senior Citizens Conference By Bob Dole, 11/24/1967

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 671124tex.pdf
- Folder 140: Remarks Of The Honorable Bob Dole Luncheon For Service Academy Candidates, 11/25/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 671125anop.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole And Screening Board Meeting In Hays To Interview Candidates, 11/25/1967

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 671125conp.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Reports From Washington; Drug Abuse, 11/27/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671127drup.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Tells Young Republicans There Must Be Better Way Than LBJ, 12/2/1967

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 671202usrb.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Tells Young Republicans There Must Be Better Way Than LBJ, 12/2/1967

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 671202usrp.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Announces Appointment Of Senior Citizens Advisory Council, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 671204rep.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Charges Johnson Admin Blocked Efforts To Boost Farm Income, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671204repp.pdf
- Folder 147: The Present Price Kansas Farmers Receive For Wheat Reflects Disastrous Effects Of Misguided Administration Farm Policies, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671204saip.pdf
- Folder 148: House Passes Dole Bill Re. Wheat Certificate Program, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671204thep.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Announces Appointment Of Senior Citizens Advisory Council, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 671204tod.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Urges Sec Of Interior To Release Report On Round Mound Dam, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 671204usr.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Says Small Watershed Projects Are In Trouble, 12/5/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 671205usr.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Will Give Speech At Senior Citizens Conference In Salina, 12/8/1967

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 671208usr.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Says Senior Citizens Must Be Assured Dignity And Security, 12/9/1967

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 671209usr.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Asked Secretary Of Agriculture To Establish A Terminal Corn Loan, 12/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671211con.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Statement In House Re. H.R. 12555 V.A. Pensions, 12/15/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 671215mrs.pdf
- Folder 156: Federal Grant Of $11,790 To Barton County Community Jr. College, 12/15/1967

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 671215sen.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Cosponsors Bill Re. Investigation Of Mail And Passenger Train, 12/18/1967

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 671218usr.pdf
- Folder 158: New Year's Statement By Dole, 12/30/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 671230tex.pdf
- Series 8: 1968

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Rea Approved Loan To Kansas Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc., 1/3/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680103conp.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Voted 96% Of Time During First Session Of 90Th Congress, 1/3/1968

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 680103off.pdf
- Folder 3: Dole Says Taxes, Crime And Farm Price Issues Will Dominate 90Th Congress, 1/6/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680106con.pdf
- Folder 4: Public Hearing On Santa Fe Chief Discontinuance Is Scheduled, 1/9/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680109the.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Challenges Admin. To Open Records Re. Communist Activity, 1/10/1968

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 680110con.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Says Disagreement With Admin Delays Action On Small Watershed Projects, 1/13/1968

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 680113con.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Announces Appointments To Academies, 1/15/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 680115conp.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Says America Must Adopt Hard Line Toward The Lawless, 1/15/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680115goo.pdf
- Folder 9: Dole Urges Increased Local Action To Combat Crime And Lawlessness, 1/20/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680120con.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Says Rural Electric Cooperatives Should Explore New Funding, 1/23/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680123con.pdf
- Folder 11: Dole Says Johnson Administration Promises Little Help For Farmer, 1/24/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680124con.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole Will Speak At International Conference On War And Hunger, 1/30/1968

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 680130con.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole Appointed As Delegate To Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group, 2/1/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680201hou.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Tells Administration To Make Public Facts About Wreckage In Vietnam, 2/2/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680202con.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Says Telephone Supplemental Bill Will Pass, 2/2/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 680202cong.pdf
- Folder 16: Statement On Commodity Reserve Legislation, 2/2/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680202stap.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Announces High-Powered Weather Radar System For Garden City, 2/3/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680203con.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Bill To Extend Territorial Sea Limit Up To 12 Miles, 2/5/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680205con.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Bill To Extend Military Separation Allowance To Families, 2/8/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680208con.pdf
- Folder 20: Senior Citizens Conference To Be Held In Hays, Kansas, 2/12/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680212con.pdf
- Folder 21: Remarks Of Dole At A Press Conference For His U.S. Senate Hopes, 2/12/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680212firp.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Appointed To Urban Affairs Task Force, 2/12/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680212the.pdf
- Folder 23: Dole Urges Adults To Renew A Spirit Of Patriotism Among Youth, 2/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680216con.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Urges Modification Of Food For Peace Program, 2/20/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680220con.pdf
- Folder 25: Statement Of Dole Re. Santa Fe Passenger Trains, 2/23/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680223con.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Is Opposed To Discontinuance Of Santa Fe Passenger Trains, 2/23/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680223sta.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Bill Provides Penalties To Possession Of Drugs, 2/26/1968

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 680226con.pdf
- Folder 28: Statement Of Dole In Support Of Penalties For Drug Possession, 2/26/1968

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 680226stap.pdf
- Folder 29: Statement Of Dole On President's Farm Message, 2/27/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680227the.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Bill Limits Questions On Agricultural Censuses, 2/29/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680229con.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole And Staff Sample Wedges Of Wheat Pie, 2/29/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680229kan.pdf
- Folder 32: Farmer-To-Farmer Program By Dole May Be Extended, 2/29/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680229the.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Announces Speaks At Senior Citizens Conference, 3/5/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680305con.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Introduces Bill To Extend Food For Peace Act, 3/5/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680305cong.pdf
- Folder 35: National Association Of Wheat Growers Want Extension Of Farmer-To-Farmer, 3/7/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680307the.pdf
- Folder 36: Appointment Of Regional Advisory Council For Seniors Conference, 3/8/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680308for.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Says Education For Retarded Children Deserves Support, 3/8/1968

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 680308hay.pdf
- Folder 38: Ohio Council Of Churches Want Extension Of Farmer-To-Farmer, 3/8/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680308the.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign., 3/9/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 680309con.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Says U.N. Helps Perpetuate Arab Refugee Problem, 3/11/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680311cong.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Renews Appeal For Review Of Agriculture Censuses, 3/11/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680311conp.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Urges Urban And Rural People To Look At Rural Crisis, 3/12/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680312con.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Issues Statement On New Hampshire Primary Election, 3/13/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680313con.pdf
- Folder 44: Results Of Wabaunsee County Poll On Senate Seat Election, 3/13/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680313wor.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Names Frank Mosier As Treasurer Of Dole For Senate Campaign, 3/16/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 680316con.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 3/16/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 680316conp.pdf
- Folder 47: Johnson's Commission On Civil Disorders Too Concerned With Race, 3/17/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680317con.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole Sends Telegram To William Avery, 3/20/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680320con.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Says Inflation Provides Threat To Seniors, 3/22/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680322con.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Says Democratic Disunity Will Help Elect Republicans, 3/23/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680323con.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Urges Business To Erase Social And Economic Causes Of Crime, 3/25/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680325con.pdf
- Folder 52: Statement Re. Interstate Commerce Commission Investigation Into Union Pacific Railroad, 3/27/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680327mrep.pdf
- Folder 53: Country Beset With Crises Caused Or Worsened By Democratic Party, 3/29/1968

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 680329con.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 4/1/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680401conp.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Urges Admin. To Utilize Farmer-To-Farmer Program, 4/2/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680402con.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Statement On Assassination Of Martin Luther King, Jr., 4/5/1968

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 680405ano.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Asked Labor Sec. Wirtz To Reconsider Employment Restrictions, 4/5/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680405con.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Says House Rules Committee Blocked Telephone Co. Efforts, 4/5/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 680405wic.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 4/6/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680406con.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Statement On Film Re. Law Day USA, 4/9/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680409thi.pdf
- Folder 61: Kansan Appointed By Dole To Air Force Academy Promoted, 4/9/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 680409you.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Talks With Civil Aeronautics Board Re. Frontier Airlines; Remarks, 4/10/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680410con.pdf
- Folder 63: Remarks Of Congressman Bob Dole Argument Before Civil Aeronautics Board, 4/10/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680410remp.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole Sends Telegram To Johnson Re. Civil Disobedience, 4/11/1968

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 680411con.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole's Schedule For Easter Recess, 4/15/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680415easp.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole Asks If Rural America Can Share Fairly In Urban Society?, 4/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680416dod.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Says Vietnam, Dollar Stability And Crime Are Problems, 4/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680416iol.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Urges Clark To Survey Activities Of Stokely Carmichael, 4/22/1968

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 680422con.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Asks Wirtz To Reconsider Employment Restrictions Of Youth In Agriculture, 4/22/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680422for.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Will Speak At Midwest Federation Of College Republican Clubs, 4/22/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680422was.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole Urges Johnson To Reduce Oil Imports, 4/24/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680424con.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Urges Businessmen To Take A Greater Lead In Politics, 4/27/1968

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 680427con.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Bill Tightens Court Control Over Release Of Defendants, 5/2/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680502con.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole's Schedule For May 3, 4 And 5, 5/3/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680503con.pdf
- Folder 75: 19 Kansans Will Serve On Dole For Senate State Finance Committee, 5/3/1968

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 680503fra.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 5/6/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680506con.pdf
- Folder 77: Statement To Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations, 5/6/1968

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 680506iapp.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 5/8/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680508conp.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Says Tax Increase And Spending Cut Is Difficult Decision, 5/10/1968

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 680510con.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole's Schedule For May 10, 11, 12 And 13, 5/10/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680510fri.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Urges Farmers To Write Urging Changes In Labor Regulations, 5/14/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680514con.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole's Schedule For May 16, 17, 18, 19 And 20, 5/16/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680516con.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Challenges High School Seniors To Stand Against Violence, Disorder And Militant Demonstrations, 5/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680516ell.pdf
- Folder 84: Statement Before Subcommittee On Mines And Mining On Review Of Mandatory Oil Import Program, 5/16/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680516stap.pdf
- Folder 85: Dole Says America's 4 Major Crises Stem From Leadership Gap, 5/20/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680520con.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole Says He Received Advice From Graduating Senior, 5/21/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680521con.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole Calls For Congressional Review Of Government Census Question, 5/21/1968

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 680521cong.pdf
- Folder 88: Congress Will Refuse To Permanently Extend Current Farm Programs, 5/28/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680528ane.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole's Schedule For May 30, 31, June 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 And 9, 5/30/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680530conp.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Says Congress Will Pass President's Surtax Proposal, 5/31/1968

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 680531con.pdf
- Folder 91: Statement On Senator Kennedy Assassination, 6/5/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680605the.pdf
- Folder 92: Dole Urges Extension Of 1965 Food And Agriculture Act, 6/12/1968

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 680612con.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole Files For Senate By Petition, 6/17/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680617con.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Urges Action To Break Logjam On 39 Watershed Projects, 6/19/1968

- Subject: PUBLIC Works - PDF available: 680619con.pdf
- Folder 95: Dole Says Leaders Must Set Priorities In Foreign Aid, 6/24/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680624conp.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Will Visit Kansas Units Of 69Th Infantry Brigade, 7/2/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680702conp.pdf
- Folder 97: Dairy Import Act Vital To American Dairymen, 7/2/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680702daip.pdf
- Folder 98: Statement Before Committee On Ways And Means On Mandatory Oil Program, 7/2/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680702stap.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Calls For Nationwide Citizen Commitment To Respect Of Law, 7/4/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680704conp.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Urges Johnson To Reduce Draft Calls For Kansas, 7/4/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680704redp.pdf
- Folder 101: Phyllis And Robin Dole Will Campaign For Dole In Topeka, 7/10/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680710phy.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Calls For Review Of Federal Government's Operations, 7/11/1968

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 680711con.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Doesn't Like Way Law And Order Are Downgraded In Circles, 7/12/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680712con.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Says America Can Curb Civil Disorders By Helping Poor, 7/13/1968

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 680713con.pdf
- Folder 105: Dole Will Meet With Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, 7/14/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680714con.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Says Passed Vocational Education Amendments Are Significant, 7/15/1968

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 680715con.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Cancelled Plans For Dodge City Days For Conference With Lt Gen Lewis Hershey, 7/17/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680717con.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Met With Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, 7/18/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680718con.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Met With Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, 7/18/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680718cong.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Meeting With Lt Gen Lewis Hershey Outlined Eight Point Plan For Draft Reform, 7/19/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680719conp.pdf
- Folder 111: Happy Birthday Bob Dole Bus And Caravan Campaign, 7/19/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680719hap.pdf
- Folder 112: Dole Announces Academy Appointments, 7/19/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 680719ser.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Notified Postmasters He Is Investigating Post Office Closing, 7/21/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680721con.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Notified Postmasters He Is Investigating Post Office Closing, 7/21/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680721cong.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Present For House Discussion On State Firearms Control Act, 7/22/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680722hou.pdf
- Folder 116: Proposal To Include K.C.-International Airport Artery In Interstate Highway System, 7/22/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680722kci.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Charges Johnson To Inform People Of Progress Re. Pueblo Ship, 7/22/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680722pre.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Says Johnson's Meeting With Vietnam's President Thieu Not Good, 7/23/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680723con.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Introduces 8 Point Bill To Achieve Draft Reform, 7/24/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680724eig.pdf
- Folder 120: Postmaster General Is Looking Into Closure Of Post Offices In Ks, 7/24/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680724pos.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Urges Passage Of Higher Education Amendments, 7/24/1968

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 680724urg.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Urges Adoption Of Human Investment Act, 7/26/1968

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 680726ado.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Demands Depertment of Defense To Explain Kansas Call-Up, 7/26/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680726call.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Demands Depertment of Defense To Explain Kansas Call-Up (Second Version), 7/26/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680726callup.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Releases Text Of Letter Mailed To Clark Clifford, 7/26/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680726conp.pdf
- Folder 126: America's United And Strength Chipped Away By Lawlessness, 7/27/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680727ame.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Releases Letter To Delegates Of Republican National Convention, 7/28/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680728conp.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Mails Letter To Postmaster Watson Re. Post Office Closings, 7/29/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680729con.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Arranged To Confer With Secretary Of Defense Clark Clifford, 7/29/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680729rep.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Says Tax Credits For Industry To Train Unemployed, 7/29/1968

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 680729une.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Urges Armed Services Committee Have Hearings On His Draft Bill, 7/30/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680730con.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole On Final Stretch Of Campaign Hurries To Washington For House Discussion On Farm Bill Extension (2 Versions), 7/30/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680730conv.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Confers With Clark Clifford And Asks 3 Questions (2 Versions), 7/31/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680731con.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Confers With Clark Clifford And Asks 3 Questions (2 Versions), 7/31/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680731conv2.pdf
- Folder 135: Phyllis Dole Presents Cake To Carlson (2 Versions), 8/1/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680801cakv.pdf
- Folder 136: Paul Wunsch Says Dole's Election To Senate Is Vital For Kansas, 8/1/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680801ele.pdf
- Folder 137: America Must Set Fiscal Priorities, 8/1/1968

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 680801fis.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Says Overpowering Issue Of The Day Is The Vietnam War, 8/1/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680801vie.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Releases Text Of Letter From Clark Clifford, 8/3/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680803texp.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole Plans To Spend August 5Th Campaigns In First District, 8/4/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680804cam.pdf
- Folder 141: Bob Gadberry Says All Signs Point To Dole's Victory Tomorrow, 8/5/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680805bob.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Says Opponent Misstates His Position On Wheat Certificate, 8/5/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680805whe.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Urges Dept Of Ag To Step Up Efforts For Chemical Spray, 8/13/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680813con.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Praises Rooks County Republicans, 8/13/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680813rep.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Urged Governor Docking To Declare Disaster Areas To Kansas Counties Affected By Greenbugs, 8/14/1968

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 680814con.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Says Post Office Unwilling To Share Responsibility, 8/14/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680814pos.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole Says Air Force Flyover Arranged As Part Of Leo Hines Day, 8/22/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680822con.pdf
- Folder 148: Republicans Will Replace Debts With Prosperity, 8/24/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680824con.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Urges Investigation Of The Internal Revenue Service, 9/5/1968

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 680905con.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Says Humphrey Should Stop Playing Games About Vietnam, 9/5/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680905rep.pdf
- Folder 151: Dairy Producers Lost More Than 600 Million B/C Of Dairy Imports, 9/6/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680906dai.pdf
- Folder 152: Ignorance And Apathy This Country's Great Enemies, 9/6/1968

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 680906ign.pdf
- Folder 153: Soviet Union Aggression Against Czechoslovakia, 9/7/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680907sov.pdf
- Folder 154: Great Bend Chosen As Site For Training Workshop, 9/12/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680912gre.pdf
- Folder 155: Plans For Political Workshop Scheduled, 9/17/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680917fir.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Sends Letter To Ray Fitzgerald Of Dept. Of Agriculture, 9/18/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680918con.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Says He Supports Bill To Amend Federal Farm Loan Act, 9/19/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680919con.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Says Bewilderment Of Farmer Is Spreading, 9/20/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680920repp.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Will Confer With Secretary Of The Army Stanley R. Resor On Sept 25, 9/22/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680922con.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Says Democratic Administration Has Bad Record, 9/24/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680924dolp.pdf
- Folder 161: Dole Urges Colleagues To Support Extension Of Farm Act, 9/25/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680925far.pdf
- Folder 162: Sec. Of Army Stanley Resor Meets Dole And Other Kansans, 9/25/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680925stap.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Says Ag Comm. Reported Legis. By Frank Carlson, 9/26/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680926agc.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Urged House Adoption Of Report On Higher Education Amendments, 9/26/1968

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 680926edu.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Says Passage Of Food Stamp Bill Indicates Deficit Spending, 9/26/1968

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 680926foo.pdf
- Folder 166: Federal Programs For Cities Fail Because They Fail To Involve The American Private Sector, 9/27/1968

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 680927con.pdf
- Folder 167: Dole Asks Freeman To Confirm Sale Of U.S. Wheat Export Cert., 9/28/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680928con.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Asks Freeman To Recommend Establishing Meat Import Quotas, 9/28/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680928mea.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Says Inflation Robs Senior Citizens With Savagery, 9/29/1968

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 680929dol.pdf
- Folder 170: U.N. Sec. U Thant Damages Peace Cause In Vietnam, 9/30/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680930rep.pdf
- Folder 171: Freeman's Meat Import Refusal Is Unrealistic And Unresponsive, 10/2/1968

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 681002con.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Amendment Maintaining V.A. Hospital Personnel, 10/3/1968

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 681003con.pdf
- Folder 173: Dole Disgusted With Humphrey/Tv Equal-Time Proposal In House, 10/7/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 681007dis.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Says U.S. Cannot Afford Another Democratic Administration, 10/7/1968

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 681007rep.pdf
- Folder 175: House Indicates Need For New Leadership In Congress, 10/9/1968

- Subject: House (Congress) - PDF available: 681009hou.pdf
- Folder 176: Kansas Votes Against State Firearms Control Assistance Act, 10/10/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 681010fir.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Urges Johnson To Sign H.R. 17126; Extension Of The Food And Agriculture Act, 10/10/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681010foo.pdf
- Folder 178: Julie Nixon And David Eisenhower Will Visit Salina And Abilene, 10/10/1968

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 681010jul.pdf
- Folder 179: Proceeds From Wheat Marking Certificate Sales Will Be Distributed, 10/13/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681013und.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Will Campaign Day And Night Between Now And November 5, 10/14/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 681014day.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Receives Watchdog Of The Treasury Award, 10/14/1968

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 681014wat.pdf
- Folder 182: Dole Receives Watchdog Of The Treasury Award, 10/14/1968

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 681014watp.pdf
- Folder 183: Freeman Spent More Money That All Predecessors Combined, 10/15/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681015con.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Says Agriculture Not Failing Nation, Admin. Failing Farmer, 10/18/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681018con.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole States Crisis In Leadership Of America Is Number One Issue, 10/20/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681020con.pdf
- Folder 186: Farmer Is On Ropes After 8 Years Of Neglect By Administration, 10/22/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681022con.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Says Being An American Today Is Challenging, 10/23/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681023cha.pdf
- Folder 188: Congress Obligated To Financing Program For Rural Electrification, 10/23/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 681023con.pdf
- Folder 189: Agriculture Must Be Given Top Priority By Next President, 10/24/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681024agr.pdf
- Folder 190: Civil Aeronautics Board Reconsiders Denying Single Plane Service, 10/25/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 681025con.pdf
- Folder 191: People Will Applaud Self-Government In Principle Than In Practice, 10/28/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681028app.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Predicts Every Effort Made By Democrats To Regroup Forces, 10/28/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681028dem.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole Says Opponent Confuses People With Expenditures For Radio, 10/28/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 681028opp.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole's Priority Measures For 91St Congress, 10/30/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681030con.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Shares Nixon's Views That Our Defense Is Too Close To The Peril Point, 10/31/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 681031spe.pdf
- Folder 196: 24 Kansans Are Candidates For Appointment To Military Academies, 11/25/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 681125twep.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Is Glad Bob Ellsworth Appointed As Asst. To President-Elect, 11/26/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 681126sen.pdf
- Folder 198: Priority Consideration For Access Highway To New Airport, 11/27/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 681127uss.pdf
- Folder 199: Service Academy Appointment Interviews, 11/30/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 681130con.pdf
- Series 9: 1969

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Issues Preference List Of Senate Committees, 1/9/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690109uss.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Receives Appointment To Agriculture And Public Works Committees, 1/15/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690115app.pdf
- Folder 3: Statement On Presidency Of LBJ And Comment On Income Tax Surcharge, 1/15/1969

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 690115lbj.pdf
- Folder 4: Statement On Confirmation Of New Secretary Of Agriculture Hardin, 1/16/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690116sta.pdf
- Folder 5: Why Dole Voted Not To Change Senate Rule # 22 (Filibuster), 1/16/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690116why.pdf
- Folder 6: Haskell County ASC Committeemen To Be Reinstated To Duty Shortly, 1/17/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690117has.pdf
- Folder 7: Appointment To Senate Select Committee On Small Business, 1/21/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 690121app.pdf
- Folder 8: Co-Sponsors Bill To Raise Earnings Limitation In Social Security Law, 1/21/1969

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 690121cos.pdf
- Folder 9: Co-Sponsors Resolution Increasing Aid To Biafra, 1/22/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690122aid.pdf
- Folder 10: Co-Sponsors Bill To End Draft And To Substitute Voluntary Army, 1/22/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690122bill.pdf
- Folder 11: Statement On Confirmation Of Walter Hickel As Secretary Of Interior, 1/23/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690123hic.pdf
- Folder 12: Co-Sponsors Bill To Provide Protection Against Fire For Rural Dwellers, 1/27/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690127inv.pdf
- Folder 13: Appointment Of Frank Mosier As Kansas Representative, 1/29/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690129sta.pdf
- Folder 14: Announces 1St Congressional District Academy Nominations, 1/30/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690130ussp.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Family Goes To White House For Church, 2/3/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690203dol.pdf
- Folder 16: Announces Linda Asay Joins Dole Staff In Washington, 2/3/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690203lin.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Supports Senator John Williams Opposing Pay Raise For Congress, 2/3/1969

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 690203sen.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Co-Sponsors Automatic Social Security And Railroad Retirement Benefits Increase, 2/4/1969

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 690204soc.pdf
- Folder 19: Co-Sponsors Bill On Definition Of Ammunition In 68 Gun Law, 2/6/1969

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 690206amm.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole To Speak To Lincoln Day Groups In 4 States And Visit Kansas, 2/9/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690209uss.pdf
- Folder 21: Postal Appointments And Politics, 2/11/1969

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 690211pos.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Urges Invitation Of Secretary Of Interior Stewart Udall To Testify On Oil Slick Controversy In California, 2/11/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690211uda.pdf
- Folder 23: Dole Speaks About Economic Crises And Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/12/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690212lin.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Spoke To Republicans In Springfield About Vietnam, 2/12/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690212vie.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Spoke To Republicans At Lincoln-McKinley Day Banquet On Urban Crisis, 2/13/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690213dol.pdf
- Folder 26: Nixon Prefers To Employ The Voice Or Reason Rather Than Passion, 2/14/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690214nix.pdf
- Folder 27: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day Release, 2/14/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690214pan.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Co-Sponsors Hartke Air Traffic Control Bill, 2/17/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690217air.pdf
- Folder 29: Co-Sponsors Brooke Air Traffic Control Bill, 2/18/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690218cos.pdf
- Folder 30: Kansas Pancake Breakfast In The New Senate Office Building Cafeteria, 2/18/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690218nea.pdf
- Folder 31: 650 Attend Kansas Pancake Breakfast, 2/18/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690218pan.pdf
- Folder 32: Two Kansas Youth Scholarship Winners, 2/20/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690220winp.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Says Business Can Save America's Cities, 2/21/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 690221ussp.pdf
- Folder 34: Crisis Of Cities Cannot Be Resolved Through Federal Expenditures Alone, 2/22/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690222uss.pdf
- Folder 35: Washington And Santa Barbara Oil Slick, 2/26/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690226oil.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole And Secretary Of Interior Walter Hickel Announce Booms Are To Be Placed Around Oil Wells To Prevent Spills, 2/27/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690227hon.pdf
- Folder 37: Co-Sponsors Bills To Increase Disability Benefits For Former POWs, 3/5/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690305cos.pdf
- Folder 38: Assesses Richard Nixon's Trip To Europe, 3/6/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690306uss.pdf
- Folder 39: Consumption Of Alcoholic Beverages Warning Label, 3/7/1969

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 690307alc.pdf
- Folder 40: Co-Sponsors Bill To Allow Youth Elderly Military And Handicapped To Travel By Air For Reduced Prices, 3/7/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690307cos.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Plans Trip With Nutrition Subcommittee To Florida, 3/10/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690310uss.pdf
- Folder 42: More Americans Should Wade Into Politics, 3/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690310wad.pdf
- Folder 43: Statement On Florida Nutrition Hearings, 3/13/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690313flop.pdf
- Folder 44: Step Up Distribution Of Wheat Market Certificates, 3/13/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690313whe.pdf
- Folder 45: Inclined To Support ABM Proposal Of Nixon, 3/14/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690314nix.pdf
- Folder 46: Effect Of ABM System To Greatly Enhance Ability Of Us To Deter Massive Enemy Attack, 3/15/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690315agr.pdf
- Folder 47: Co-Sponsors Resolution Honoring Amelia Earhart, 3/17/1969

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 690317ame.pdf
- Folder 48: Co-Sponsors Schweiker Draft Reform Bill To Amend Selective Service Act, 3/17/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690317dra.pdf
- Folder 49: Pushes Hardin For International Grains Arrangement Review And Evaluation, 3/19/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690319har.pdf
- Folder 50: Harold Purdy Appointed Sugar Beet Growers Group, 3/19/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690319revp.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Continued Appeal With Senate Floor Speech On International Grains Arrangement; With Text Of Letter To Hardin), 3/20/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690320ussp.pdf
- Folder 52: Asks Nixon To Strengthen And Maintain Special Representative For Trade Negotiations, 3/26/1969

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 690326uss.pdf
- Folder 53: International Grains Arrangement Confronts Us Grain Producer And Marketer With Problems, 3/27/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690327uss.pdf
- Folder 54: Statement On Death Of General Eisenhower, 3/28/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690328dea.pdf
- Folder 55: The Peacemaker; Statement On Senate Floor Re: General Eisenhower, 3/31/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690331sta.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole To Be Keynote Speaker At Meeting Of President's Committee On Employment Of Handicapped, 4/1/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690401dis.pdf
- Folder 57: Nixon Releases Restrictions On Funding And Assisting Small Watershed Projects, 4/2/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690402nix.pdf
- Folder 58: Pearson And Dole Proposal To Name The Interstate Highway System After President Eisenhower, 4/3/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690403pea.pdf
- Folder 59: Maiden Speech In The Senate On The Handicapped, 4/9/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690409dis.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole And Ann Landers; Senator Gets Letters Too, 4/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690410dol.pdf
- Folder 61: Appointing Statewide Advisory Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs In Kansas, 4/12/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690412hun.pdf
- Folder 62: Comments On Nixon's First 80 Days In Office, 4/12/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690412nix.pdf
- Folder 63: Urged Creation Of A President's Commission On The Handicapped, 4/14/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690414disp.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole On The International Grains Agreement, 4/15/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690415uss.pdf
- Folder 65: Extended Disposition Date To May 14 For Wheat Planted On Diverted Acreage, 4/16/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690416the.pdf
- Folder 66: Nixon Has Made Great Strides To Disperse The Fog Of Suspicion And Distrust Of Johnson Administration, 4/19/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690419gre.pdf
- Folder 67: Nixon Has Begun To Re-Establish Public Confidence In Government By Openly Sharing Problems With People; ABM System, 4/19/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690419ree.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Supports Efforts To Curb Organized Crime, 4/23/1969

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 690423cri.pdf
- Folder 69: Ward White Named As Legislative Assistant, 4/24/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690424whi.pdf
- Folder 70: ABM System Most Controversial Issue In Nixon's First 96 Days, 4/25/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690425abm.pdf
- Folder 71: Recommend Robert J. Roth As Us District Attorney In Kansas, 4/25/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690425rec.pdf
- Folder 72: Appointment Of Bob Ellsworth As Ambassador To NATO, 4/29/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690429ell.pdf
- Folder 73: Food For Peace Program, 4/29/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690429foo.pdf
- Folder 74: Accepting Service Academy Applications, 5/1/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690501acc.pdf
- Folder 75: Employment Of The Handicapped, 5/1/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690501emp.pdf
- Folder 76: Law Day 1969, 5/1/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690501law.pdf
- Folder 77: Proposed Shift Of Three Federal Regional Offices From Kansas City To Denver, 5/2/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690502shi.pdf
- Folder 78: Path To Vietnam Peace Lies In Paris Negotiations Says Dole At College Republican Meeting At San Diego University, 5/3/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690503pat.pdf
- Folder 79: ABM And The Nixon Administration, 5/5/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690505abm.pdf
- Folder 80: Ozarks Regional Commission And Senate Public Works Subcommittee On Economic Development, 5/5/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690505oza.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Announced Young Men Selected For Entrance To Service Academies, 5/5/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690505you.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole To California For Nutrition Hearings, 5/7/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690507dol.pdf
- Folder 83: Statement Of Dole At Field Hearings Of Senate Select Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs; California, 5/8/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690508nui.pdf
- Folder 84: Co-Sponsors Bill Prohibiting Interstate Shipment Of Pornographic Material, 5/9/1969

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 690509por.pdf
- Folder 85: Nixon's First 111 Days, 5/10/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690510nix.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole On Student Disorders, 5/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690510stu.pdf
- Folder 87: Co-Sponsors Percy Bill On Neighborhood Health Centers, 5/12/1969

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 690512per.pdf
- Folder 88: Urges Early Release Of Servicemen Called To Active Duty, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690516act.pdf
- Folder 89: Anti-Military Statements Of Opponents Of ABM Treaty, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690516ant.pdf
- Folder 90: Nixon Risking Unpopularity And Tightening Reins On Nation's Economy, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690516unp.pdf
- Folder 91: On President Nixon's Vietnam Message, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690516vie.pdf
- Folder 92: ROTC Programs, 5/17/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690517rot.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole Introduces Rea Telephone Bank Bill, 5/20/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690520rea.pdf
- Folder 94: Bob Ellsworth Ambassador To NATO, 5/21/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690521bob.pdf
- Folder 95: Praises Nixon For Not Shifting Fed Out Of Kc, 5/21/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690521nix.pdf
- Folder 96: Harveyville Commencement: Create Better Tomorrow, 5/22/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690522har.pdf
- Folder 97: On Judge Warren E Burger's Appointment To The Supreme Court, 5/22/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 690522jud.pdf
- Folder 98: Introduces Bill Extending $30 Monthly Military Separation Allowance, 5/23/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690523int.pdf
- Folder 99: Two Senators In Bob Dole Household Now Robin And Bob Dole, 5/23/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690523two.pdf
- Folder 100: Bethany College Commencement: Outmoded Draft, 5/25/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690525def.pdf
- Folder 101: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Kansas Programs To Help Combat Hunger And Nutrition, 5/26/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690526nui.pdf
- Folder 102: Salina High School Commencement Speech: Vietnam, 5/28/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690528vie.pdf
- Folder 103: Osbourne High School Commencement: Dialogue Between Generations, 5/29/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690529com.pdf
- Folder 104: Mize And Dole Announce Approval Of Public Works Package, 5/29/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690529miz.pdf
- Folder 105: Memorial Day, 5/30/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690530mem.pdf
- Folder 106: Nixon Administration Deeply Committed To Mexican Americans, 5/31/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690531mex.pdf
- Folder 107: Salute To Boys State, 6/1/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690601sal.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Announces Early Release Possibilities, 6/4/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690604ear.pdf
- Folder 109: Public Works Committee Support For Kansas Flood Control Project, 6/4/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690604pub.pdf
- Folder 110: Business And Professional Women Speech; ABM System, 6/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690606bus.pdf
- Folder 111: Impact Of D-Day And Ike And Military, 6/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690606ike.pdf
- Folder 112: Cooperation And The Handicapped, 6/7/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690607coo.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole On Burger'sConfirmation In Senate, 6/9/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 690609bur.pdf
- Folder 114: Statement On Vietnam, 6/9/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690609vie.pdf
- Folder 115: Co-Sponsors Broadcasters License Renewal Bill, 6/10/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690610cos.pdf
- Folder 116: Nutrition Seminar North Carolina, 6/12/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690612nui.pdf
- Folder 117: Speech To Girls State; Proposed Withdrawal Of 25,000 American Troops From Vietnam, 6/13/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690613gir.pdf
- Folder 118: Salute To Military At Royals Baseball Game, 6/13/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690613sal.pdf
- Folder 119: Air Force Academy Speech; Withdrawal Of 25,000 Americans, 6/13/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690613vie.pdf
- Folder 120: E. M. Williams Appointment As State Farmers Home Administration Director, 6/17/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690617emw.pdf
- Folder 121: Roth Appointment As Us Attorney, 6/18/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690618rot.pdf
- Folder 122: Comments On Passage Of Omnibus Judges Bill In Senate, 6/23/1969

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 690623com.pdf
- Folder 123: 1St Meeting Of Kansas Nutrition And Human Needs Committee, 6/26/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690626fir.pdf
- Folder 124: Fly The Flag Promotion, 6/26/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690626flyp.pdf
- Folder 125: Judy Gough Dole And Interns, 7/1/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690701jud.pdf
- Folder 126: Comment On Nixon's Trip To Romania, 7/3/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690703rom.pdf
- Folder 127: Nixon Administration Bringing Government Closer To The People, 7/4/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690704nix.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Co-Sponsors Eisenhower Silver Dollars, 7/8/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690708sil.pdf
- Folder 129: Co-Sponsors Pop Warner Jr. Football Federal Charter, 7/8/1969

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 690708spo.pdf
- Folder 130: Co-Sponsors Bill Allowing Blind To Vend On Federal Land, 7/11/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690711uss.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Answers Drew Pearson On American Security Council And ABM, 7/13/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690713abm.pdf
- Folder 132: Kansas Delegation Says Nixon Declares Kansas A Disaster Area, 7/15/1969

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 690715kan.pdf
- Folder 133: Supports Oil Import Limitations In Us, 7/15/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 690715oil.pdf
- Folder 134: Co-Sponsors To Establish International Animal Quarantine In United States, 7/16/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690716ani.pdf
- Folder 135: Cosponsored Bill To Allow Volunteer Firemen To Be Trained Under 1968 Vocational Education Amendments, 7/16/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690716vol.pdf
- Folder 136: Dole Secretary Of Agriculture Hardin Have Lunch Together And Talk, 7/17/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690717lun.pdf
- Folder 137: Nixon Dole And 8 GOP Senators Meet At White House, 7/17/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690717nix.pdf
- Folder 138: Statement On ABM Closed Session In Senate, 7/18/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690718abm.pdf
- Folder 139: Hails USDA Move To Lower Wheat Export Price, 7/18/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690718hai.pdf
- Folder 140: Prouty-Burns-Dole On The Handicapped: Highly Encouraging, 7/20/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690720dis.pdf
- Folder 141: Introduces Day Of Bread Joint Resolution Harvest Festival, 7/23/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690723eve.pdf
- Folder 142: Key Role During FFA National Meeting In D.C., 7/24/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690724key.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Remarks Made At 2Nd Meeting Of Kansas Commission On Nutrition And Human Needs, 7/26/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690726dol.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole And Prouty Co-Sponsor Human Investments Act, 8/5/1969

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 690805hum.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Statement On Nixon's Trip To South East Asia And Rumania, 8/5/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690805sou.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Joins 88 Senators To Defeat Sen Margaret Smith's Amendment To Cut Off All Funds To ABM, 8/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690806dol.pdf
- Folder 147: Mark Bedner Summer Intern Joins White Staff As Assistant To Dr. Jean Mayer, 8/6/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690806mar.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole's Views On Nutrition And Human Needs Committee, 8/7/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690807nui.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Moves Into Third Office In New Senate Office, 8/7/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690807thi.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Conferred With Attorney General John Mitchell About Nomination Of Ks Justice O'Connor, 8/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690808dol.pdf
- Folder 151: Joint Announcement Of Jack Marshall's Appointment As Us Savings Bond Area Manager, 8/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690808joi.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Attends White House Ceremony For Anniversary Of Nixon's Nomination, 8/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690808nix.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Praises Nixon's Welfare Plan, 8/9/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690809dol.pdf
- Folder 154: Joint Announcement Of GSA $83 333 Contract For Work At Eisenhower Center - Burglar Alarms, 8/11/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690811joi.pdf
- Folder 155: Joint Announcement Of Approval Of Lyons Creek Watershed Project, 8/12/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690812kan.pdf
- Folder 156: Nixon And Inflation, 9/5/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690905nix.pdf
- Folder 157: Statement Of Death Of Senator Dirksen, 9/7/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690907dea.pdf
- Folder 158: Food For Peace And International Grains Arrangement, 9/10/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690910foo.pdf
- Folder 159: Release On Ozark Commission For Kansas Business Review, 9/10/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 690910oza.pdf
- Folder 160: Student Disorder And Disobedience, 9/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690910stu.pdf
- Folder 161: Nixon Courage And Issues, 9/13/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690913nix.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Salutes Finch-Hardin On Nutrition Efforts Of Administration, 9/15/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690915uss.pdf
- Folder 163: Urges Romney To Relocate Regional Hud In Kansas City Ks, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690916hud.pdf
- Folder 164: Inflation Most Regressive Tax Of All, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690916inf.pdf
- Folder 165: Kansas Delegation Release On Bob Wells For FCC, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690916kan.pdf
- Folder 166: Condemn TWA Hijacking U.N. Action Required, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690916twa.pdf
- Folder 167: Bob Wells First Kansan To Be Nominated For The Federal Communications Commission, 9/17/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690917bob.pdf
- Folder 168: Cosponsored Resolution On POWs Held By North Vietnam, 9/17/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690917cos.pdf
- Folder 169: Urges VA To Locate 250 Bed Hospital In Kansas, 9/18/1969

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 690918bed.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Urges Senate Acceptance Of The House-Senate Conference Report On Emergency Federal Relief For Disaster Areas, 9/18/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690918eme.pdf
- Folder 171: Dole Urges Senate Acceptance Of The House-Senate Conference Report On Emergency Federal Relief For Disaster Areas, 9/18/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690918uss.pdf
- Folder 172: Cosponsors Bill On Educational Benefits Under The Gi Bill, 9/19/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690919gib.pdf
- Folder 173: Baker Within Striking Distance Of Being Elected Leader Of The Senate Republicans, 9/22/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690922bak.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Says Senator Howard Baker Of Tennessee Has Good Chance Elected Leader Of Senate Republicans, 9/22/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690922uss.pdf
- Folder 175: Hickel's Schedule For Kansas Visit, 9/24/1969

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 690924hic.pdf
- Folder 176: Kansas Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs Report., 9/24/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690924kan.pdf
- Folder 177: Urges Finch To Relax Nursing Home Regulations, 9/24/1969

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 690924reg.pdf
- Folder 178: Urges Finch To Relax Nursing Home Rules, 9/24/1969

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 690924rul.pdf
- Folder 179: Urges USDA Study On Pl 480 Food For Peace Program, 9/26/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690926pea.pdf
- Folder 180: Refusal Of Democrats To Schedule Vote On Interest Equalization Tax On Foreign Securities, 9/30/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 690930ref.pdf
- Folder 181: Urges Passage Of Water Pollution Control Bill, 9/30/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690930urg.pdf
- Folder 182: Arlington Speech On Vietnam, 9/30/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690930viep.pdf
- Folder 183: Cosponsors Bill For Tax Credit For Higher Education Costs, 10/1/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 691001cos.pdf
- Folder 184: Critics Should Launch Attacks Against North Vietnamese And Vietcong Not President, 10/2/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691002crip.pdf
- Folder 185: Day Of Bread Passage, 10/3/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 691003bre.pdf
- Folder 186: Civil Service Retirement Bill, 10/3/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691003civ.pdf
- Folder 187: Jack Richardson As Us Marshall, 10/3/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691003jac.pdf
- Folder 188: Voluntary Restraints On Meat Imports, 10/6/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691006vol.pdf
- Folder 189: Urges Prompt Draft Reform Before House Armed Services Committee, 10/8/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691008urg.pdf
- Folder 190: Joins Effort To Put Silver In Proposed Eisenhower Coin, 10/9/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691009joi.pdf
- Folder 191: Urges Tax Bill Passage To Remove Registration For Sporting Ammunition, 10/9/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691009tax.pdf
- Folder 192: Rural Families Help Solve Urban Crisis, 10/10/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 691010rur.pdf
- Folder 193: Vietnam Policy Has Changed In Spite Of Demonstrations, 10/10/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691010vie.pdf
- Folder 194: Vietnam Resolution, 10/12/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691012vie.pdf
- Folder 195: Draft Reforms Would Reduce Uncertainty, 10/13/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691013dra.pdf
- Folder 196: Extension Of Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil And Gas, 10/13/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 691013ext.pdf
- Folder 197: Senate Remarks On Vietnam Resolution, 10/13/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691013senp.pdf
- Folder 198: Appointment Of Mrs. Beach To Committee On Mental Retardation, 10/14/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691014app.pdf
- Folder 199: Grant To State Civil Defense For Communications Equipment, 10/14/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691014gra.pdf
- Folder 200: Hud Grant To Ft. Scott, 10/14/1969

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 691014hud.pdf
- Folder 201: Presents Flooring To Eisenhower Center, 10/14/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691014pre.pdf
- Folder 202: Hew Grant To Kansas Elks Training Center For The Retarded Inc., 10/15/1969

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 691015hew.pdf
- Folder 203: Task Force For Physically Handicapped, 10/15/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691015tasp.pdf
- Folder 204: Topeka VA Hospital Possible Cite For Nursing Homes, 10/15/1969

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 691015top.pdf
- Folder 205: Bill For Pan American Highway, 10/16/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691016bill.pdf
- Folder 206: First Vietnam Moratorium Over, 10/16/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691016vie.pdf
- Folder 207: Kansas Association For Mental Health, 10/17/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691017pra.pdf
- Folder 208: Kickapoo Logan To Present Painting To Nixon, 10/20/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691020kic.pdf
- Folder 209: Artist And Midwestern Football Star Roland Kickapoo Logan Presents A Painting To Nixon, 10/20/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691020kicp.pdf
- Folder 210: McGovern's Comments On Vietnam, 10/22/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691022vie.pdf
- Folder 211: Art Griggs Baseball Award To Ken Berry, 10/23/1969

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 691023art.pdf
- Folder 212: Sponsors Minority Business Conference, 10/23/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 691023spo.pdf
- Folder 213: GOP Chances In 1970 Election, 10/24/1969

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 691024gop.pdf
- Folder 214: Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 10/24/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691024rur.pdf
- Folder 215: Commemorative Stamp Honoring Late Everett Dirksen, 10/26/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691026com.pdf
- Folder 216: Congressional Roundup -- A Legislative Box Score, 10/26/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691026con.pdf
- Folder 217: International Day Of Bread; Sebelius And Dole Give Out Miniature Loaves, 10/27/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691027int.pdf
- Folder 218: Purple Power KSU Football, 10/27/1969

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 691027pur.pdf
- Folder 219: Day Of Bread Ceremonies, 10/28/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691028day.pdf
- Folder 220: POW Release Proves North Vietnam Subject To Weight Of World Opinion, 10/28/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 691028pow.pdf
- Folder 221: Businesses Make A Difference In Providing Opportunity And Support To Guarantee Potential; Speech To Score, 10/29/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 691029bus.pdf
- Folder 222: Dole Cosponsors Consumer Protection Act Of 1969, 10/29/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691029dol.pdf
- Folder 223: Urges DOD To Review Cut Back On Five Kansas Military Bases, 10/29/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691029urg.pdf
- Folder 224: Bob Wells Confirmation To FCC, 10/30/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691030bob.pdf
- Folder 225: Kansas Taking Department Of Defense Cutbacks In Stride, 10/30/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691030kan.pdf
- Folder 226: Interior Grants To Kansas Parks, 10/30/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691030pub.pdf
- Folder 227: Speech To BPW Youth Conference, 11/1/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691101spe.pdf
- Folder 228: Maintaining Party Momentum Is Greatest Gift Republicans Can Present To President Nixon, 11/2/1969

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 691102mai.pdf
- Folder 229: Nixon's Vietnam Message Most Direct Discussion Of National Policy Presented To American People, 11/4/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691104nixp.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Should Have Spent Night At White House Prince Phillip Visits Nixon, 11/5/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691105dol.pdf
- Folder 231: Draft Reform Needed, 11/5/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691105dra.pdf
- Folder 232: Expansion Of Ozarks Regional Commission, 11/5/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691105exp.pdf
- Folder 233: New Jersey Gubernatorial Victories Support Nixon, 11/5/1969

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 691105new.pdf
- Folder 234: Olathe Base Closure, 11/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691106ola.pdf
- Folder 235: Rural Bank Telephone Bill Introduced, 11/6/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691106rur.pdf
- Folder 236: Great Plains Conservation Program Passes Congress, 11/7/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691107gre.pdf
- Folder 237: Kansas Teenager Asks Dole For Copy Of Nixon's Nov. 3 Message On Vietnam, 11/7/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691107kan.pdf
- Folder 238: Remarks On Vietcong Letter To The American People, 11/7/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691107rem.pdf
- Folder 239: Best Gift For Young Men: Draft Reform, 11/8/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691108bes.pdf
- Folder 240: Clement Haynsworth Nomination, 11/10/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691110clep.pdf
- Folder 241: Demonstrators Can Demonstrate Because Of Veterans, 11/11/1969

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 691111dem.pdf
- Folder 242: Military Construction Authorization Contains Important Amendment For Junction City Residents, 11/11/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691111mil.pdf
- Folder 243: Critics Of Vice President Agnew May Be Out Of Touch With Great Majority Of Americans, 11/12/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691112cri.pdf
- Folder 244: Remarks Of Senator Dole; Stand Up For America, 11/12/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691112stap.pdf
- Folder 245: Kansas Always Had The Right Kind Of Squares, 11/14/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691114kan.pdf
- Folder 246: Some Trying To Sandbag Nixon, 11/14/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 691114nix.pdf
- Folder 247: Dairy Manufacturers To Receive Indemnity For Milk With Chemical Residues, 11/17/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691117dai.pdf
- Folder 248: Urges Patience With Salt, 11/17/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691117urg.pdf
- Folder 249: Great Plains Conservation Bill Signing, 11/18/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691118gre.pdf
- Folder 250: Hubert Humphrey Has Short Memory In Criticizing Agnew (2 Versions), 11/18/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691118hubv.pdf
- Folder 251: Military Science/Art Degree At USACGSC Leavenworth, 11/18/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 691118mil.pdf
- Folder 252: Amendment To Selective Service Act First Step Toward Comprehensive Draft Reform, 11/19/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691119sel.pdf
- Folder 253: Authority For Road At Fort Riley, 11/20/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691120aut.pdf
- Folder 254: Agnew Stevenson Not Advocating Media Censorship, 11/20/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691120not.pdf
- Folder 255: Agnew Speech Reasonable Challenge To Those Who Control News To Be Fair And Objective, 11/20/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691120rea.pdf
- Folder 256: Receives National Easter Seal Award, 11/21/1969

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 691121rec.pdf
- Folder 257: Nixon Strict Constructionism And The Supreme Court, 11/22/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 691122nix.pdf
- Folder 258: Gallup Poll Indicates Most Americans Support Nixon's Nov. 3 Speech On Vietnam, 11/24/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691124gall.pdf
- Folder 259: Remarks At Helium Society Press Conference, 11/24/1969

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 691124rem.pdf
- Folder 260: Senate Defeats Amendment That Would Hurt Small Oil And Gas Producers, 11/24/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 691124sen.pdf
- Folder 261: Rejection Of Clement Haynsworth, 11/25/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 691125rej.pdf
- Folder 262: Salutes Kansas Federation Of Women's Clubs, 11/25/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691125sal.pdf
- Folder 263: Haynsworth Code For Federal Judicial Nominees Must Apply To Future Nominees, 11/26/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691126hayp.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Praised North Carolina And City Of Winston-Salem For Efforts In Rehabilitating And Finding Employment For Handicapped, 11/28/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691128win.pdf
- Folder 265: Dinner Honoring Rep. Joseph Skubitz, 11/30/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691130din.pdf
- Folder 266: Ellender Oil Depletion Allowance Amendment, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 691201ell.pdf
- Folder 267: Frontier Service To Smaller Communities, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691201fro.pdf
- Folder 268: Statement On My Lai, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691201sta.pdf
- Folder 269: Dole Attacks McGovern Regarding Nixon Record On Hunger And Malnutrition, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 691201whi.pdf
- Folder 270: White House Conference On Food Nutrition And Health, 12/2/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 691202whi.pdf
- Folder 271: Resolution Backing Nixon Policy On Viet Nam, 12/3/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691203res.pdf
- Folder 272: Improve Economic Conditions Of Farmers Farmland Industries Kansas City, 12/4/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691204imp.pdf
- Folder 273: Thirteen GOP Senators Disagreeing With Nixon On Personal Exemption, 12/5/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691205thip.pdf
- Folder 274: Welcomes 995Th Maintenance Company Kansas Natl Guard, 12/5/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691205wel.pdf
- Folder 275: Key Food Conference People Should Come Back To Dc To Draft Report, 12/6/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691206key.pdf
- Folder 276: Speech Before Kappa Sigma On Volunteerism, 12/7/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691207spe.pdf
- Folder 277: Nixon Choice Of Crutcher For OEO, 12/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691208nix.pdf
- Folder 278: Animal Quarantine Island For Imported Animals, 12/9/1969

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 691209ani.pdf
- Folder 279: Moon Rocks For Display In Capitol Rotunda, 12/9/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691209moo.pdf
- Folder 280: Urban Studies Fellowship Program, 12/9/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 691209urb.pdf
- Folder 281: Eliminate 5% Tax On Intangible Drilling Cost Deductions, 12/10/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691210elip.pdf
- Folder 282: Tax-Exempt Status Of Labor Organizations Which Engage In Political Activities, 12/10/1969

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 691210tax.pdf
- Folder 283: Welcomes Home Members Of The 69Th Infantry Brigade Kansas Natl Guard, 12/10/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691210wel.pdf
- Folder 284: Hails Passage Of Elimination Of 5% Tax On Intangible Drilling Cost Deductions, 12/11/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691211hai.pdf
- Folder 285: Tax Cut Lowers Taxes For Some But Raises Prices For All, 12/13/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691213tax.pdf
- Folder 286: Promotion For Kansas Vietnam Veteran, 12/14/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691214pro.pdf
- Folder 287: Withdrawal Of 50,000 Troops Suggests Nixon's Policy Is Working, 12/15/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691215wit.pdf
- Folder 288: Dole Meets With Romney And Other Hud Officials, 12/17/1969

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 691217dol.pdf
- Folder 289: Predicts 15% Increase In Social Security Benefits, 12/17/1969

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 691217pre.pdf
- Folder 290: Praise For Expansion Of Food Stamp Program, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 691218pra.pdf
- Folder 291: State Department Endorses Dole Vietnam Resolution Calling For Hanoi Responses, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691218sta.pdf
- Folder 292: Task Force On The Mentally Handicapped, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691218tas.pdf
- Folder 293: Transportation Funds Approval, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691218tran.pdf
- Folder 294: Bill On Two Separate Annual Sessions Of Congress, 12/19/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691219bill.pdf
- Folder 295: Dole Meets With Kansas Milling Industries To Discuss Unfavorable Rail Freight Rates, 12/20/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691220dol.pdf
- Folder 296: Percy-Dole Tax Exemption, 12/20/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691220per.pdf
- Folder 297: Nixon Has Restored Faith Of American People In Their Government, 12/21/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 691221nix.pdf
- Folder 298: Criticizes Kennedy Statement On Vietnam Casualties, 12/22/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691222cri.pdf
- Folder 299: First Session Of 91St Congress Average, 12/23/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 691223fir.pdf
- Folder 300: ICC Investigation Of Changes In Atchison-Topeka-Santa Fe Train Scheduling, 12/24/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691224icc.pdf
- Folder 301: Dole Refutes Senator Fred Harris's Attack On The Administration, 12/30/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 6912301ussp.pdf
- Folder 302: Wholesome Meat Act, 12/30/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691230who.pdf
- Series 10: 1970

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Nixon's Biggest Achievement Is Full Commitment Of Us To Eliminating Hunger And Malnutrition In Us, 1/4/1970

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 700104nix.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Says Hardin Hopes Agriculture Committees Will Plan Farm Program, 1/5/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700105dol.pdf
- Folder 3: Delegation Announces 9 More Kansas Counties Have Food Stamps, 1/7/1970

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 700107del.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Describes Freshman Year In Senate, 1/7/1970

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 700107dol.pdf
- Folder 5: Delegation Announces Fish And Game Commission, 1/8/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700108fis.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Schedule Of Visits In Kansas Before 2Nd Session, 1/10/1970

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 700110dol.pdf
- Folder 7: Delegation Confirms Release Of Ft. Riley Division, 1/12/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700112del.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Congratulates K.C. Chiefs And Coach-Superbowl, 1/12/1970

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 700112dol.pdf
- Folder 9: Delegation Announces ICC Hearings On Proposed Discontinuance Of Santa Fe Train Between Chicago And L.A., 1/13/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700113del.pdf
- Folder 10: Statement On Oral Contraceptives Hearings, 1/14/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700114sta.pdf
- Folder 11: Nominees For Military Academies, 1/15/1970

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 700115nomp.pdf
- Folder 12: Delegation Announces Early Payments On Feed Grain Program, 1/16/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700116del.pdf
- Folder 13: Most Kansans Support Nixon's Vietnam Effort -- Result Of Visits With Kansans, 1/16/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700116mos.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Praises K.C. Chiefs On Senate Floor, 1/19/1970

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 700119dol.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Predicts Carswell Will Win Easy Confirmation In Senate, 1/20/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700120dol.pdf
- Folder 16: Oil People Will Meet With Peter Flanigan -- Meeting Arranged By Dole And Pearson, 1/20/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700120oil.pdf
- Folder 17: Animal Quarantine Bill Reported Out Of Ag, 1/21/1970

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 700121ani.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Calls For Immediate Senate Action On Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 1/21/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700121dol.pdf
- Folder 19: Expresses Concern Over Possible Recommendation By Oil Task Force That Would Reduce Price Of Domestic Crude Oil, 1/21/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700121exp.pdf
- Folder 20: Ambassador Ellsworth And Dole Visit, 1/22/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700122amb.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Hails State-Of-The Union Message As Realistic, 1/22/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700122hai.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Is Pleased Over Ag Committee's Favorable On Expansion Of School Lunch Program, 1/22/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700122ple.pdf
- Folder 23: Delegation Announces Coast And Geodetic Survey Will Be Working In Kansas, 1/26/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700126del.pdf
- Folder 24: Delegation Announces OEO $44,858 Grant To Ks, 1/27/1970

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 700127del.pdf
- Folder 25: Hud Officials To Meet With Galena Officials To Work Out City's Difficulties In Getting Funds For Sewage Project, 1/28/1970

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 700128hud.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Romney Fly To Ks For Ks Day Activities, 1/29/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 700129dol.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Says American People Deserve Credit For Progress In Vietnam, 1/30/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700130dol.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Says Archaic Corps Of Engineers Laws Are Fault Of Congress, 2/1/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700201dol.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Urges Hearings On The Pill Be Reconvened, 2/2/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700202pill.pdf
- Folder 30: Statement On Hurricane Camille At Roanoke VA Hearings, 2/2/1970

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 700202sta.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole To Testify Before Foreign Relations On His Vietnam Resolution, 2/3/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700203dol.pdf
- Folder 32: Bill Taggart Joins Staff As Ag Specialist, 2/4/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700204agr.pdf
- Folder 33: Vietnam Resolution Testimony Before Foreign Relations Committee, 2/5/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700205viep.pdf
- Folder 34: Designated A Member Of The UNESCO Commission, 2/6/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700206des.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole Urges Farmers With 1967 Wheat Storage To Check About Selling It, 2/6/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700206dol.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole Announces Frank Mosier Is Executive Director Of Kansas ASCS, 2/9/1970

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 700209fra.pdf
- Folder 37: Praises Nixon's Environment Message, 2/10/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700210pra.pdf
- Folder 38: Dole In Ks Other States For Lincoln Day Recess, 2/11/1970

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 700211dol.pdf
- Folder 39: Lawrence Speech-- Inflation And Government Reform, 2/12/1970

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 700212ref.pdf
- Folder 40: Stillwater Ok Speech -- Nixon Administration Thrust Is Reform, 2/13/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700213sti.pdf
- Folder 41: Wichita Speech -- Environment, 2/13/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700213wic.pdf
- Folder 42: San Pedro Ca Speech -- Environment, 2/15/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700215san.pdf
- Folder 43: Topeka - Statement Before ICC Hearings On Train Discontinuance, 2/17/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700217top.pdf
- Folder 44: Praises President's Legislative Package On Environment, 2/18/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700218pra.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Praises Nixon's Legislative Package On The Environment, 2/18/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700218pra2.pdf
- Folder 46: Cosponsors Bill To Keep Small Meat Plants Open, 2/20/1970

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 700220mea.pdf
- Folder 47: Comments On Oil Task Force Report And Nixon's Statement, 2/20/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700220oil.pdf
- Folder 48: St. Louis Speech On The Handicapped, 2/21/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700221stl.pdf
- Folder 49: Washington Day Freedom Rally -- POWs, 2/21/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700221was.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Cosponsored Amendment To Gun Control Act Of 1968 Repealing Restrictions On Interstate Transport By Sportsmen, 2/23/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700223dol.pdf
- Folder 51: Stafford ICC Support, 2/24/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700224icc.pdf
- Folder 52: Statement Before Pill Hearings, 2/24/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700224sta.pdf
- Folder 53: Warns Nutrition Committee Of Overstepping Jurisdiction, 3/2/1970

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 700302war.pdf
- Folder 54: Gets Favorable Reply On Informal Cabinet Group Help For Wichita, 3/3/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 700303get.pdf
- Folder 55: Criticizes Pill Hearings For Frightening And Confusing, 3/4/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700304cri.pdf
- Folder 56: New Type Of Activist - Student Influence, 3/4/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700304newp.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Introduces Comprehensive Dairy Improvement Bill Providing Permanent Extension Of Several Key Dairy Programs, 3/5/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700305int.pdf
- Folder 58: Voting Rights Act Amendments, 3/5/1970

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 700305vot.pdf
- Folder 59: Mrs. Dole In Hospital, 3/6/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700306mrs.pdf
- Folder 60: Paul K. Kennedy Kansan Given VA Promotion, 3/6/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700306pau.pdf
- Folder 61: America Stands To Lose Opportunity To Market Farm Commodities And Provide Food For Less Fortunate Countries, 3/7/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700307ame.pdf
- Folder 62: Thrust Of Nixon Administration Has Been Reform, 3/8/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700308thr.pdf
- Folder 63: Cosponsors Bill Providing For Natl Council American Minority History And Culture, 3/9/1970

- Subject: Minority Issues - PDF available: 700309cos.pdf
- Folder 64: Asks For Increase In 1971 Proposed Budget For Water District And Farm Ownership Loans, 3/10/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700310ask.pdf
- Folder 65: Cosponsors Bill To Set Up Environmental Quality Administration, 3/10/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700310cos.pdf
- Folder 66: Writes Nixon Suggesting Creation Of Task Force To Investigate Use Of Grain-Based Alcohol Additive For Gasoline, 3/10/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700310wri.pdf
- Folder 67: Phoenix -- Criticizes Liberal Establishment, 3/13/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700313pho.pdf
- Folder 68: Says Disaster Proposals Should Come Soon To Disaster Relief Committee, 3/13/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700313say.pdf
- Folder 69: Tulsa -- Urges Environmental Protection Of Arkansas Basin Development, 3/13/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700313tul.pdf
- Folder 70: Dallas -- Laos Facts Aren't New, 3/14/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700314dal.pdf
- Folder 71: VA Chapel Will Be Restored, 3/17/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700317vac.pdf
- Folder 72: Requested Additional Allocations By Senate Appropriations For Water District And Farm Ownership Loans, 3/19/1970

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 700319req.pdf
- Folder 73: May 1 Tribute MIAs And POWs, 3/20/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700320may.pdf
- Folder 74: Senate Statement On Laos, 3/20/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700320sen.pdf
- Folder 75: Dedicatory Speech At Paola Lake Mary Center For Mentally Handicapped, 3/21/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700321ded.pdf
- Folder 76: Testifies In Support Of Penalties Solve Boxcar Shortages, 3/25/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700325tes.pdf
- Folder 77: Cosponsors Bill Providing Federal Financial Assistance In Seven Southern Ks Counties For Conservation And Recreation, 3/26/1970

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 700326cos.pdf
- Folder 78: Law Enforcement Assistance Act, 3/26/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 700326lawp.pdf
- Folder 79: Ks Sugar Beet Growers Get 3.5 Million In Emergency Funds, 3/27/1970

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 700327kss.pdf
- Folder 80: 79-Bed Nursing Home Care Unit Established At Veterans Administration Hospital In Topeka, 3/27/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700327new.pdf
- Folder 81: Announces He Will Move To Table Bayh Motion To Recommit Carswell Nomination, 3/28/1970

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