Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 1: 1961

- Box 11

- Folder 35

- Item 1: Speaking at Regional Young Republican Meeting, 1/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole spoke at Regional Young Republican Conference, 1/21/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Press Release: warning schemes of persons selling unused Army jeeps, 1/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole and other Kansas Republican Congressmen voted against motion to enlarge House Rules Committee, 1/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_004.pdf
- Folder 36

- Item 1: Dole introduces bill to extend the development period for water users in Bostwick Irrigation District, 2/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole has been advised by Acting Commissioner of Education Wayne O. Reed that an application of Bennington Common School District No. 3 for Financial Assistance under the provisions of Public Law 874 has been approved, 2/8/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole participating in Department of Air Force briefing for newly elected members of Congress, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole advised by Air Force plans to continue work with the U.S. Weather Bureau to obtain meteorological data for severe weather warnings, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole announces Agriculture Committee announces full committee will have an organizational meeting February 20th, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Announces completion of a preliminary investigation to have a soil moisture conservation laboratory in Western Kansas, 2/22/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole announces he has been analyzing various plans to extend and amend the present Sugar Act, 2/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_007.pdf
- Item 8: House Agriculture Committee passes controversial feed grain bill, 2/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_008.pdf
- Folder 37

- Item 1: 7 University of Kansas Engineering School graduates that are working in the nation's atomic reactor program pictured with their respective Congressmen, 3/2/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole announces his subcommittee assignments on Agriculture Committee, 3/3/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Accuses Kennedy of "Propagandizing" In Mailing of Veteran Insurance Dividends, 3/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole informed by the Community facilities administration that an advance of $600 for the City of Lorraine, Kansas in preliminary planning of sewerage facilities, 3/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole has written a letter of inquiry today to J. Edward Day, US Postmaster General concerning the status of acting Postmasters, 3/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole has been advise that an application of Wilson School District Joint No. 10 for financial assistance under the provisions of Public Law 874 has been approved, 3/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole announces he has written Congressmen J. Floyd Breeding and William Avery suggesting they join him in urging funds be included in any revision of the 1962 fiscal budget for construction of a $4 million Evapo-transpiration center lab, 3/13/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole compliments Democratic critics who label him reactionary because of his vote against Unemployment Compensation benefits, 3/15/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole states today he votes against approving the Conference Report on H.R. 4806, which would extend unemployment benefits, 3/22/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole has been advised by Commissioner of the Community Facilities Administration that an advance of $600 has been made to Lebanon, Kansas for preliminary planning of a sewer system, 3/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_010.pdf
- Item 11: Congressman Dole was advised by the Post Office Department that a Contract has been signed for a New Post Office Building in Winona, Kansas, 3/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_011.pdf
- Folder 38

- Item 1: Dole announces he will participate with members of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies and Manpower in a Committee inquiry, 4/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_038_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole Announces hearings were commenced by the House Committee on Agriculture of which he is a Member, on the Kennedy Administration Farm Bill, 4/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_038_002.pdf
- Folder 39

- Item 2: Congressman Dole has been informed by Bureau of Reclamation officials they are prepared to send to Congress, an administration-authored bill to extend the development period of the Bostwick Irrigation District., 5/4/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole speaks in his hometown of Russell, KS to members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxilliary at their 15th Anniversary Celebration, 5/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_003.pdf
- Item 4: Harold Purdy of Deerfield, KS and Harry L. Lightcup of Hugoton, KS appeared before the full committee of the House Committee on Agriculture, 5/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_004.pdf
- Item 1: Congressman Dole presented statement to House Appropriations Committee supporting a soil moisture research center, 5/21/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_001.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole made a major address at the Oklahoma State Convention where he charged the Kennedy Administration's Farm Bill is a step in the wrong direction, 5/26/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_005.pdf
- Folder 40

- Item 1: Corps of Engineers - Wilson Reservoir, 6/1/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_001.pdf
- Item 2: Omnibus Farm Bill Title III Section 314, 6/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_002.pdf
- Item 3: Farm bill prices, 6/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_003.pdf
- Item 4: Omnibus III-314, 6/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_004.pdf
- Item 5: Freeman reply on wheat price, 6/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_005.pdf
- Item 6: 12th Biennial Convention of the Young Republican National Federation, attendance notice, 6/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_006.pdf
- Item 7: Omnibus Bill Amendment, 6/29/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_007.pdf
- Item 8: Criticism of Kennedy Dividend Removal, 6/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_008.pdf
- Folder 41

- Item 1: Aerial Grave Photos, 7/5/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_001.pdf
- Item 2: Omnibus III 314, 7/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_002.pdf
- Item 3: Voting against Omnibus, 7/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_003.pdf
- Item 4: Letter about Farm bill, 7/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_004.pdf
- Folder 42

- Item 1: Inquiry request about Ag funding, 8/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_001.pdf
- Item 2: Freshmen Ag Reps Volunteering for Sugar Sub, 8/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_002.pdf
- Item 3: Russian Foreign Aid, 8/14/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_003.pdf
- Item 4: Raw Wheat Moving is Ridiculous, 8/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_004.pdf
- Item 5: Winter Barley Substitution Appeal, 8/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_005.pdf
- Item 6: Courtland Sewer System, 8/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_006.pdf
- Item 7: Special Sugar Hearing, 8/24/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_007.pdf
- Item 8: Non-Strategic Exports, 8/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_008.pdf
- Item 9: Permit Winter Barley, 8/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_009.pdf
- Folder 43

- Item 1: Flaw in 1962 Wheat Program, 9/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_001.pdf
- Item 2: Yugoslavia Foreign Aid, 9/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_002.pdf
- Item 3: The Freeman Lunch, 9/15/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_003.pdf
- Item 4: Winona Sewage advance, 9/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_004.pdf
- Item 5: U.S. Arms Control Agency Bill is Weakness, 9/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_005.pdf
- Item 6: Arms Control Act is Weakness, 9/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_006.pdf
- Item 7: Will Make Nominations to Military Academies, 9/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_007.pdf
- Folder 44

- Item 3: Lack of Democratic Leadership, 10/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_003.pdf
- Item 4: Paul Revere Panel, 10/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_004.pdf
- Item 5: Whole Fish Flour, 10/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_005.pdf
- Item 6: Don't Muzzle the Military, 10/24/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_006.pdf
- Item 1: Steeples on Breeding Statement, 1961-10

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_001.pdf
- Item 2: Steeples on Montgomery Farm Bill statement, 1961-10

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_002.pdf
- Folder 45

- Item 1: FDA and Whole Fish Flour, 11/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_001.pdf
- Item 2: Schilling Missile Complex terracing, 11/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_002.pdf
- Item 3: Air Force Oks Terracing, 11/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_003.pdf
- Folder 46

- Item 1: Air Force Schilling Terracing, 12/1/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_001.pdf
- Item 2: Coast Guard Competitive Exams, 12/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_002.pdf
- Item 3: Academy Screening Board Appointed, 12/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_003.pdf
- Item 4: Plans for Academy Screening, 12/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_004.pdf
- Item 5: Young GOP Meeting Attendance, 12/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_005.pdf
- Item 6: Goldwater Associate to Attend New First District GOP Meet, 12/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_006.pdf
- Series 2: 1962

- Box 12

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Excerpt from a speech Congressman Dole gave to the Kansas Seed Dealers Association on removing regimentation and master plans controlling agriculture, 1/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_001_001.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole on Governor Pearson Appointment of New Senator, 2/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole statement on H.R. 10010, 2/6/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Bill To Extend Conservation Reserve Program, 2/8/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole issues statement following President Kennedy's "Message On Agriculture", 2/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole speaking at Post Office Dedications points out rapid progress of postal operations, 2/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_002_005.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Congressman Dole attacks Administration backed tax bill, saying that it produces a windfall for big business and withholding on the interest or dividends millions would receive - Spring, 1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole says that there is "little enthusiasm in or out of Congress for the Freeman farm program", 3/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole speaks at a rally in Baltimore about labeling certain groups economic views as extremists, 3/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole announces hearings on irrigation contracts lasting less than 10 years will be held before the Senate Interior and Insular Affairs Committee on March 22, 3/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Penalties In Farm Bill To Be Softened, 3/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Statement By Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) On Farm Bill Penalties, 3/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole stated in his regular newsletter that despite broad interest in a federally-assisted program of medical care for the Nation's elderly people the Administration's King-Anderson Bill would not fulfill all that is promised, 3/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole introduced a bill March 27 which would authorize the secretary of Interior to extend the development period of existing repayment contracts from five years to not to extend to ten years, 3/28/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Floyd Breeding votes both ways on Kennedy's tax revision bill within a few minutes time, 3/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_003_009.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: For Immediate Release - Kansas Society of Washington, D.C., 4/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release - From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 4/4/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: News Release from Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/9/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: News Release - From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: For Immediate Release, 4/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: 87th Congress - 2nd Session - H.J. Res. - in the House of Representatives - April 16, 1962, 4/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: News Release - From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, (R-Kansas), 4/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: For Release On or After Monday, April 23, 1962, 4/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: News Release From the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, (R-Kansas), 4/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Department of Agriculture, 4/27/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: For Immediate Release - Monday, April 20, 1962, 4/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 4/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_004_014.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 10: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_010.pdf
- Item 1: For Release Wednesday P.M., May 2, 1962, 5/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/4/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: May 5, 1962; Bird City, Kansas, 5/5/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: For Release - Tuesday, May 7, 1962, 5/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Press Release for the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: For Immediate Release - Tuesday, May 8, 1962, 5/8/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_009.pdf
- Item 11: Press Release, 5/9/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/11/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: For Immediate Release, 5/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Republican Congressmen Launch "Project Uncover", 5/14/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dept. of Ag. Release, 5/14/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: For Immediate Release - May 15, 1962, 5/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: "Operation Uncover" Enters Third Day, 5/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 5/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: GOP Congressmen Hit "40 Days of Coverup" in Estes Case, 5/17/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: For Immediate Release, 5/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_021.pdf
- Item 22: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_022.pdf
- Item 23: "Project Uncover" Head Blasts President's Effort to 'Shift the Blame and Grab Credit' in Estes Case, 5/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/22/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_024.pdf
- Item 25: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/22/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_025.pdf
- Item 26: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_026.pdf
- Item 27: A Confidential Report on Washington Farm Developments - Showdown Near on Administration Farm Bill, 5/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_027.pdf
- Item 28: Statement on the Estes Case by Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_028.pdf
- Item 29: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_029.pdf
- Item 30: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 5/31/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_030.pdf
- Item 31: For Immediate Release, 5/31/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_005_031.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 11: Bob Dole Biography, 1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_011.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole stands with President Eisenhower's statement that the current Administration's farm bill and penalties despite Department officials claims, 6/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole statement on the Billie Sol Estes Controversy, 6/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole says wheat and feed grain producers are made the 'whipping boys' under the Administration's program, 6/11/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Copy of Dole letter received yesterday from Miss Mary K. Jones along with a copy of a letter forwarded to Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, 6/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole demands clarification from Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman of the Billie Sol Estes Scandal, 6/16/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole announces intention to become a candidate for Kansas' new First District after redistricting occurs creating new lines in Kansas, 6/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_010.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Sets The Record Straight On Estes Case, 6/21/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Congressman Dole states that following defeat of Administration's Farm Bill responsibility resides with House Leadership, 6/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Statement on Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman made today within the Congressional Record, 6/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Congressman Dole says that the Senate Sugar Bill passed last night is a marked improvement over the bill passed earlier this month, 6/28/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_015.pdf
- Item 1: Congressman Dole bill passes House Committee on Agriculture that provides a one year extension of the present wheat and feed grain programs - Draft, 6/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole bill passes House Committee on Agriculture that provides a one year extension of the present wheat and feed grain programs, 6/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole indicates that the current Administration is attempting to expand P.L. 480 into a gigantic world-wide welfare plan, 1962-06

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Secretary of Agriculture testifies that the Department of Agriculture will release its sugar recommendation 'soon', 1962-06

- PDF available: s-press_012_006_004.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Congressman Dole says the one year extension of the present wheat program would provide Kansas wheat growers with more income than the 1961 program or the defeated Freeman plan, 7/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole charges that wheat producers of the Great Plains were shut out of the farm bill passed by the House - Draft, 7/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole introduces bill that extends the current wheat program for one year, 7/11/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole predicts the House will approve a one-year extension of the current wheat program, 7/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole says that the defeat of the proposed national marketing order for turkeys proves a lack of farmer confidence in the Department of Agriculture and President Kennedy, 7/19/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole says that the recent foreign aid debate indicates growing public sentiment against the "global giveaway program", 7/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole offers an amendment to Department of Agriculture appropriations bill prohibiting any funds designed to support or defeat legislation pending before Congress, 7/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole says that he executed and forwarded the Fair Campaign practices Committee the 'Code of Fair Campaign Practices', 7/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole announces he is accepting applications of men interested in entering service academies for the 1963 class, 7/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole charges the Kennedy Administration has adopted a double standard in dealing with lobbying activities of federal employees, 7/31/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_007_010.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Congressman Dole says the Senate filibuster against the satellite communications bill may eliminate any chance for farm legislation this year, 8/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole charge's Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman's obstinacy and Senate Democrats filibustering against the communications satellite bill as creating a chaotic situation for American farmers, 8/5/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole set to appear before the House Subcommittee on Health and Safety of the Interstate and Foreign Commerce Committee in opposition to numerous bills being considered, 8/8/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole says that "Congress still has an opportunity to approve legislation which would further reduce the wheat surplus next year and protect farm income", 8/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole introduced an emergency wheat bill which would apply to the 1863 wheat crop, 8/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole announces in his regular Newsletter that Congress and the President have approved authorization to increase the national debt ceiling to $308 billion, 8/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole says that he is happy that J. Floyd Breeding agrees with him for Dole's suggestion with wheat legislation, 8/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole receives high score from Americans For Constitutional Action and Congressman J. Floyd Breeding holding an exceptionally low rating, 8/21/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole reminds the young men of Kansas' Sixth District to apply for a Service Academy with the deadline fast approaching, 8/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole tells Garden City people that executive branch's expansion of power will play big role in Congressional campaigns throughout the country, 8/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Congressman Dole gives statement on House no vote of farm bill, 8/30/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_008_011.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: For Immediate Release - Thursday, September 13, 1962, 9/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release from the Office - Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/18/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Day Letter - For Immediate Release - September 20, 1962, 9/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_004.pdf
- Item 5: For Immediate Release: September 21, 1962, 9/21/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/22/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 9/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Department of Agriculture (Winter Wheat), 9/24/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: For Immediate Release - September 25, 1962, 9/25/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_009.pdf
- Item 10: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_010.pdf
- Item 12: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 9/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_012.pdf
- Item 11: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) - Remarks of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) inserted in the Record, 9/27/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_009_011.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: Cong. Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/1/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/3/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/5/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/6/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/12/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_005.pdf
- Item 6: News Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 10/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release from Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/13/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_007.pdf
- Item 8: October 15, 1962 - Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas) stated, 10/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_008.pdf
- Item 9: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole (R-Kansas), 10/20/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_009.pdf
- Item 10: October 23, 1962 - As I see it, 10/23/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_010_010.pdf
- Folder 11

- Item 2: Dole Congressional press release, 11/10/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_011_002.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Congressional news release, Russell, Kansas, 11/28/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_011_001.pdf
- Folder 12

- Item 1: Press Release from the Office of Congressman Bob Dole, 12/2/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressional Press Release - Liberal, Kansas, 12/6/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_002.pdf
- Item 3: Press Release - Russell, Kansas, 12/7/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release - Dateline - Wichita, Kansas, 12/15/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressional Press Release, 12/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_005.pdf
- Item 6: Press release - Russell, Kansas, 12/26/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press release - Sixth District Academy Screening Board, 12/29/1962

- PDF available: s-press_012_012_007.pdf
- Series 3: 1963

- Box 12

- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Announces Nomination Of Robert Carl Lorbeer As Nominee To Fill Vacancy At West Point, 1/3/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 630103con.pdf
- Item 2: Senator Frank Carlson And Congressman Bob Dole Released Joint Statement Concerning Phase-Out Of K.G.-97 Tanker Force, 1/20/1963

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 630120sen.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Announced Names Of Six Young Men Selected To Us Air Force Academy, 1/25/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 630125con.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Contacts Dept Of Ag Officials Requesting Change In Regulation Requiring Persons Eligible To Vote By Absentee Ballot, 2/1/1963

- PDF available: 630201was.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Releases Names Of Young Men From First District Who Received Nominations To Academies, Page Two, 2/2/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 630202con.pdf
- Item 3: House Agriculture Committee Republicans Comment On Kennedy Farm Message, 2/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630204hou.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Will Utilize Congressional Offices In Post Office Building In Hutchinson, Kansas Starting 3/1, 2/11/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630211fir.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Charges That Charles W. Shoemake And Joseph P. Doherty Were Guilty Of Political Maneuvering, 2/15/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630215con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Introduced Bill Requiring Secretary Of Agriculture To Proclaim 1964 National Acreage Allotment And Set Date For Wheat Referendum No Later Than 5/15, 2/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630226con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduced Bill Requiring Secretary Of Agriculture To Proclaim 1964 National Acreage Allotment And Set Date For Wheat Referendum No Later Than 5/15, 2/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630226cong.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Introduced Bill Requiring Secretary Of Agriculture To Proclaim 1964 National Acreage Allotment And Set Date For Wheat Referendum No Later Than 5/15, 2/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630226congr.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 1: Proposed Rule Making, 3/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630304prop.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces His Proposed Change In Absentee Voting Has Been Approved, 3/10/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630310con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Some Kansas Farmers Are Concerned Over Fact They May Lose Part Of Wheat Sedimentation Premiums, 3/20/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630320con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Says Some Kansas Farmers Are Concerned Over Fact They May Lose Part Of Wheat Sedimentation Premiums, 3/20/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630320conc2.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Urges That Congress Delay Action On Any Extension Of Present Feed Grains Program Until Wheat Producers Vote, 3/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630327con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Urges That Congress Delay Action On Any Extension Of Present Feed Grains Program Until Wheat Producers Vote, 3/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630327conc2.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Today Urged That Congress Delay Action., 3/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630327cong.pdf
- Item 8: Arrangements For Kansas State Society Of Washington D.C. Dinner-Dance Has Been Completed, 3/29/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630329arr.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Criticizes Freeman For Withholding Until The Last Minute Vital Information Which Would Help Producers Determine Whether They Should Reseal Farm-Stored 1962 Crop Wheat Or Resell It, 3/29/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630329con.pdf
- Item 10: Record Crowd At Kansas State Society Of Washington D.C. Dinner-Dance, 3/31/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630331are.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 1: Dole Tells Freeman Of Kansas Grain Dealer Complaints Who Report Inability To Obtain Boxcars To Move Wheat, 4/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630404con.pdf
- Item 2: Huck Boyd Announces Dan Thornton Will Be Speaker At A Northwest Kansas Republican Rally, 4/6/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630406phi.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says He Has Been Notified By Dept Of Ag That The Association Of American Railroads Says Several Thousand Boxcars Will Be Available, 4/9/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630409con.pdf
- Item 4: Members Of 87Th Club Will Host Nelson A. Rockefeller And Republican House Members At A Breakfast, 4/9/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630409mem.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces His Schedule For Easter Congressional Recess, 4/12/1963

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 630412con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Receives A Lantern, Symbolic Of Paul Revere's Famous Ride From Congressman Bob Wilson Of California, 4/19/1963

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 630419rep.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Is A Member Of The Paul Revere Panel; Question Facing Americans On Federal Spending, 4/19/1963

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 630419win.pdf
- Item 8: Agricultural Area Congressmen Will Do All Possible Regardless Of Outcome Of May 21 Referendum On Wheat Controls, 4/21/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630421was.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Urges Interstate Commerce Commission To Relieve Critical Boxcar Shortage, 4/25/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630425con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Will Be Principle Speaker Tomorrow Evening In Moorhead, Minnesota, At Minnesota Young Republican Convention., 4/26/1963

- Subject: General - PDF available: 630426con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole States During House Debate That Wheat Farmers Have Friends In Congress, 4/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630426cong.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Was Principal Speaker Tonight At The Young Republican League Of Minnesota State Convention, 4/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630427moo.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Midwest GOP Members Meet On Wheat And Feed Grain Legislation, 5/1/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630501mid.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Releases Text Of Letter To Orville Freeman Re. Damaged Wheat Crops In Southwestern Kansas, 5/2/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630502inr.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says That Obvious Policy Of Kennedy Administration Is One Of Federal Aid To Everything, 5/12/1963

- Subject: Federal Spending - PDF available: 630512col.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announced Today He Has Been In Contact With Department Of Agriculture With Department Of Agriculture, 5/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630513con.pdf
- Item 5: Statement By Dole On House Floor With Reference To Efforts By USDA To Sell Its Programs To American Farmer, 5/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630513mrs.pdf
- Item 6: Propaganda Parade, 5/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630513mrsp.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Today Introduced A Resolution, 5/14/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630514con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Today Introduced A Resolution, 5/14/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630514cong.pdf
- Item 9: Brief Outline Of The Feed Grain And Wheat Act, 5/22/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630522bri.pdf
- Item 10: Midwest Republicans To Introduce New Wheat-Feed Grain Bill, 5/22/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630522con.pdf
- Item 11: GOP Members Introduce New Wheat-Feed Grain Bills, 5/23/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630523gop.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urged Kansas Farmers To Contact Him About New Wheat Legislation Or Amendments Of Existing Law, 5/27/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630527con.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: Dole Pays Tribute To Members Of Claflin Rural High School Graduating Class, 6/3/1963

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 630603con.pdf
- Item 2: Eisenhower Was Named Today As Honorary Republican Congressman-A-Ta=Large., 6/12/1963

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 630612for.pdf
- Item 3: Report From General Counsel Of The USDA Regarding Inquiries Concerning Reports Of Reduction In Future Allotments, 6/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630613dea.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Releases Text Of Letter Mailed To Freeman, 6/21/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630621con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole In A Newsletter To Constituents Commented On Facts And Figures Concerning Disposition Of The Taxpayer., 6/24/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630624con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Accuses Freeman Of Running Away From American Farm Problems At A Most Critical Time, 6/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630626con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Statement Before Special Subcommittee On Labor Of The Committee On Education And Labor Relative To H.R. 5625 To Provide A National Service Corps, 6/26/1963

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 630626mrc.pdf
- Folder 19

- Item 1: Dole Releases Statement Re. Cropland Conversion Program, 7/1/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630701con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Statement On Loyalty Oath Requirement For Farmer-Elected As A.S.C.S. Committeemen, 7/11/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630711sta.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Takes Issue With Freeman's Departure Statement Before He Left To Visit Communist Countries In Europe, 7/13/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630713con.pdf
- Item 4: Partial Statement Dole Gave On House Floor Re. The Boiled Peanut Bill, 7/17/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630717par.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Joins Other Republicans In Urging Quick Enactment Of Wheat Legislation, 7/26/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630726con.pdf
- Item 6: Text Of Letter From USDA In Reply To Dole's Letter In Which He Posed Various Questions To Freeman, 7/29/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630729con.pdf
- Folder 20

- Item 1: Republican Congressmen Have Written Kennedy Urging Him To Join Bipartisan Effort To Enact Wheat Legislation For 1964 Crop Year, 8/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630804rep.pdf
- Item 2: Statement Of Congressman Dole Before The House Committee On The Judiciary Regarding, 8/6/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 630806mrc.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Statement On Oil And Gas In Kansas, 8/6/1963

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 630806mrs.pdf
- Item 4: Farm State Republicans Urge Action On Wheat, 8/15/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630815for.pdf
- Item 5: Joint Senate-House Republican Leadership Press Release With Statement By Representative Dole, 8/22/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630822for.pdf
- Item 6: Letter To Dole Released To Press August 26, 1963 Concerning Murray V. Curlett, 8/22/1963

- Subject: Religion - PDF available: 630822hon.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says He Is Convinced Taxpayers Should Not Have To Spend Money On Foreign Aid When Recipients Not Always Concerned About Helping Themselves, 8/23/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 630823con.pdf
- Item 8: Copy Of Letter To Dole From Attorney William Ferguson Re. Supreme Court Decision Murray V. Curlett, 8/26/1963

- Subject: Religion - PDF available: 630826hon.pdf
- Folder 21

- Item 1: Effect Of Overplanting A Farm Wheat Allotment In 1964 Under Law Now In Effect, 9/3/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630903the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces That U.S. Public Health Service And Kansas State Department Of Health Will Have Exhibit At Kansas State Fair, 9/4/1963

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 630904bob.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Predicts That Kennedy Refusal To Suspend Operation Of Anfuso Amendment Next Year Will Boomerang, 9/15/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630915con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Left Washington To Attend Meeting In Salina, 9/18/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630918con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole States Freeman Is Not Interested In Wheat Legislation At This Time, 9/19/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 630919con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Memo On Proposed Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 9/27/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 630927mem.pdf
- Folder 22

- Item 1: Copy Of Telegram To Kennedy From Dole And Other Republicans Re. Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 10/1/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631001the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Releases Text Of Letter To Harold D. Cooley Re. Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 10/8/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631008con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Urges Amendment Of Sugar Act To Encourage Expansion Of Domestic Sugar Production, 10/12/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631012con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Assails Administration's Beef Import Policies, 10/18/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631018con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Predicts Foreign Aid Programs Would Be Cut Further Unless Waste Is Eliminated, 10/19/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631019rem.pdf
- Folder 23

- Item 1: Dole Attacks Mailing Of Presidential Signed Memorial Certificates To Survivors Of Deceased Veterans, 11/6/1963

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 631106rep.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Is Encouraged But Not Surprised With Reports Indicating Support For A Voluntary Wheat Program, 11/9/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631109con.pdf
- Item 3: Statement Made By Dole At The Veterans Day Celebration In Norton, Kansas, 11/11/1963

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 631111vet.pdf
- Item 4: Text Of Telegram Sent To Kennedy By Dole And Other Republicans Re. Sale Of Wheat To Russia, 11/14/1963

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 631114the.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduces Bill To Amend Tariff Act Of 1930 And To Impose Duties On Cattle, Beef And Veal, 11/18/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631118con.pdf
- Item 6: Telegram Re. Death Of President Kennedy, 11/22/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 631122fol.pdf
- Item 7: Western Union Telegram, 11/22/1963

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 631122int.pdf
- Folder 24

- Item 1: Dole Offers Amendment To Cotton Bill Which Would Provide Voluntary Wheat And Feed Grain Program, 12/4/1963

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 631204con.pdf
- Item 2: First District Academy Screening Board Will Conduct Interviews At Fort Hays Kansas College, 12/21/1963

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 631221the.pdf
- Series 4: 1964

- Box 12

- Folder 25

- Item 1: Dole Stated That It Is Clear That Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman Authorized Payment, 1964-01

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640100con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Reports The Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/4/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640104con.pdf
- Item 3: Text Of Letter From Dole To Johnson Re. Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/6/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640106the.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces He Will Meet With Freeman To Discuss Growing Beef Import Problem, 1/7/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640107con.pdf
- Item 5: Text Of Letter From Dole To Johnson Re. Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/7/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640107the.pdf
- Item 6: Statement Of Dole Re. Johnson's Comments On Farm Situation, 1/8/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640108the.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Charges That Johnson And Freeman Are Responsible For Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/11/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640111con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole States That Wheat Legislation Possibilities Are Increasing, 1/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640118con.pdf
- Item 9: Trade Negotiations Concerning Beef Imports, 1/20/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640120con.pdf
- Item 10: House Wheat Committee Will Push For Enactment Of Certificate Plan For Wheat, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Took Issue With A Statement Released By Congressman Graham Purcell, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125cong.pdf
- Item 12: Midwest Republicans Meet On Wheat, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125twe.pdf
- Item 13: Dole States He Knew No Better Way Johnson Could Reaffirm Pronouncement About The Economy Than To Endorse Measure Which Would Reestablish Hoover Commission On A Permanent Basis, 1/27/1964

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 640127con.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Says There Is No Indication When House Agriculture Committee Will Commence Hearings On Multiple Price Certificate Plan, 1/28/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640128con.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Releases Names Of Military Service Academy Nominees, 1/30/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 640130rep.pdf
- Folder 26

- Item 1: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 2/1/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640201agr.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Charged That President Johnson And Secretary Of Agriculture Freeman Have Admitted Preferential Treatment To Communist Russia In Second Sale Of Durum Wheat, 2/3/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640203con.pdf
- Item 3: Letter To Dole From Colorado Association Of Wheat Growers About Graham Purcell House Wheat Subcommittee, 2/3/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640203dea.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Calls Upon Johnson To Establish Guidelines For Trading With Communist Russia, 2/12/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640212ata.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Charged That Johnson And Secretary Of Agriculture Freeman Admitted Preferential Treatment To Communist Russia, 2/12/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640212con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Calls Upon Johnson To Establish Guidelines For Trading With Communist Russia, 2/13/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640213ata.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Asks Freeman About The Government Contract With Continental Grain Cargill Inc., 2/15/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640215rep.pdf
- Item 8: Statement By Dole Re. Beef Imports, 2/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640218hig.pdf
- Item 9: Statement By Dole Before U.S. Tariff Commission Re. Revising Beef Import Policy, 2/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640218mrc.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Will Present A Wreath During Annual George Washington Birthday Celebration, 2/21/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640221con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Legislation To Amend The Tariff Act Was Only Way Of Protecting American Livestock Industry, 2/27/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640227con.pdf
- Folder 27

- Item 1: Dole Says Federal Pay Raise Legislation Should Be Delayed, 3/7/1964

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 640307con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Stated That More Than 50 Witnesses Appeared The Livestock And Feed Grains Committee, 3/8/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640308con.pdf
- Item 3: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 3/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640309whe.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Lost Efforts To Amend Wheat Bill, 3/10/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640310con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Spearheads Drive To Bring Relief To American Livestock Industry From Excessive Foreign Meat Imports, 3/11/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640311con.pdf
- Item 6: Efforts To Ram Wheat-Cotton Bill Through The House Without Adequate Hearings Should Shock, 3/19/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640319con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces Bill To Increase Amount Of Domestic Beet Sugar And Mainland Cane Sugar Marketing, 3/19/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640319cong.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Administration Is Engaged In A Hair-Splitting Contest In Our Trading With Communist Countries, 3/22/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640322con.pdf
- Item 9: Statement Before Rules Committee On Wheat-Cotton Bill; Legislative Procedure Will Make House Rubber Stamp For Senate Action, 3/24/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640324con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Stated He Could Not Predict The Course Of Senate Passed Wheat-Cotton Bill, 1964-03

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 6403xxcon.pdf
- Folder 28

- Item 1: Text Of Letter To Freeman From Dole Re. Wheat-Cotton Bill, 4/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640409the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Says Passage Of Wheat-Cotton Bill An Affront To All Americans, 4/10/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640410con.pdf
- Item 3: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 4/20/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640420the.pdf
- Folder 29

- Item 1: Dole Says Voluntary Certificate Wheat Plan May Favor Wheat Producers In Texas And Other Early Harvest Areas, 5/13/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640513con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole In A Speech For The 3Rd District Republican Association, 5/20/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640520noa.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Gao Ruled Johnson Program Under Which President Sends Signed Memorial Certificates To Survivors Of Deceased Veterans Illegal, 5/22/1964

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 640522two.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Believed He Had Won His Battle, 5/22/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640522upi.pdf
- Item 5: Bob Dole Dinner In Hutchinson Sports Arena, 5/26/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640526hut.pdf
- Folder 30

- Item 1: Testimonial Party In Hutchinson, 6/2/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640602hut.pdf
- Item 2: House Appropriations Report Reminding Us Of Urgent Need For Controlling Excessive Beef Imports, 6/8/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640608dea.pdf
- Item 3: USDA Fails To Use Authority To Give Cattle Producers Relief, 6/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640609tha.pdf
- Item 4: Senate Resolution Calls For Sweeping Investigations Of Business Interests Of Congressmen And Congressional Employees, 6/11/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640611con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduces Resolution Proposing Constitutional Amendment Which Would Permit States With Bicameral Legislature To Apportion House On Factors Other Than Population, 6/27/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640627con.pdf
- Item 6: In The House Of Representatives, 6/29/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640629int.pdf
- Folder 31

- Item 1: Ad Hoc Investigating Committee To Look Into Wrongdoing By Congressmen And Employees; Biographies Of Committee Members, 7/5/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640705fiv.pdf
- Item 2: Statement By Dole Elaborating On Republican Platform Committee And Indictment Of Democrat Farm Policy, 7/12/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640712the.pdf
- Item 3: Retain Harold F. Stewart As Consultant, 7/23/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640723har.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Expressed Shock And Disappointment Over Development On Sugar Legislation, 7/26/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640726con.pdf
- Item 5: John Anderson Calls For House Action On Proposal To Investigate Disclosures Of Wrongdoing By Congressmen And Employees Congress, 7/30/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640730rep.pdf
- Folder 32

- Item 1: Statement of Congressman Bob Dole (Kansas) Before the House Committee on the Judiciary Regarding H. Res. 1078 and Related Measures, 8/6/1964

- Folder 33

- Item 1: First District Students At Kansas University Have Organized A Dole For Congress Committee, 1964-09

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 640900fir.pdf
- Item 2: Aides Of Dole Confirmed Harold Steward Has Been Hired, 1964-09

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640900wxz.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls On Committee To Summon William M. Mcleod, 9/2/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640902rep.pdf
- Item 4: Rep Durward Hall In A Speech Said An Impartial Investigation Is Desperately Needed In Bobby Baker Case, 9/3/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640903upi.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 9/9/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 640909con.pdf
- Item 6: Two Republican House Members Today Accused The Democrats Of Trying To Cover Up The Bobby Baker Affair, 9/15/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640915upi.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Supports Senate Amendment H.R. 11865 Social Security Act Amendments Of 1964, 9/21/1964

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 640921con.pdf
- Item 8: State Fair Visitors Show Great Interest In Reapportionment, 9/21/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640921hut.pdf
- Folder 34

- Item 16: Boyd Warns Against Gutter Politics, 10/28/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641028mcd.pdf
- Item 1: Problem Of Reapportionment Will Be Discussed Over Kansas State Network, 1964-10

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641000the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announced That Eisenhower Would Visit Liberal Saturday 10/24, 10/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 641024hut.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Charged Johnson Administration Whitewashing Scandal; Bobby Baker And Billie Sol Estes, 10/3/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641003con.pdf
- Item 4: Doles Record On Farm Legislation, 10/7/1964

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 641007any.pdf
- Item 5: McDill Boyd Charged That The Democrat Campaign In The First District Is Based On Half-Truths, Misrepresentation And Out-Right Falsehoods, 10/8/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641008hay.pdf
- Item 6: Bob Dole Said Democrats Have Deprived 17,226,000 People On Social Security Of Needed Increased Benefits, 10/14/1964

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 641014ash.pdf
- Item 7: Speech To Trego High School On Supreme Court Decision On Reapportionment, 10/15/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641015dol.pdf
- Item 8: McDill Boyd Statement Of Dole Voting Record, 10/15/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641015gar.pdf
- Item 9: Rep Bob Dole Charged That Rural Electrification Program Has Been Made A Political Issue In A National Election Campaign, 10/16/1964

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 641016sta.pdf
- Item 10: Panel Of Kansas Legislators Point Out Dangers Of Apportionment Decision Of Us Supreme Court, 10/19/1964

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 641019hay.pdf
- Item 11: Nixon-Dole Fly To Pratt Rally (Nixon Administration), 10/19/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 641019hut.pdf
- Item 12: Ike And Nixon Visit District (Elections), 10/20/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641020hut.pdf
- Item 13: Panel Of Kansas Legislators Point Out Dangers Of Apportionment Decision Of Us Supreme Court, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 641026apa.pdf
- Item 14: Dole's Real Opponent In First District Is John MacCormally, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641026con.pdf
- Item 15: Paul Aylward Charge That Dole Campaign Reports Had Not Been Properly Files Is A Last Minute Smoke Screen Born Of Desperation, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 641026pau.pdf
- Folder 35

- Item 1: Dole Hits Sugar Controls, 1964-11

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 641100con.pdf
- Item 2: Airport To Have Information Desk, 11/6/1964

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 641106con.pdf
- Item 3: Nixon Visit Highlights Campaign, 11/19/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641119pra.pdf
- Item 4: McPherson College - Speech On Congressmen, 11/20/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641120mcp.pdf
- Item 5: Strong Possibility The House Committee On Agriculture Will Be Reduced From 35 To 30 Members, 11/23/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 641123rus.pdf
- Folder 36

- Item 1: Screening Board To Meet For Various Service Academies, 12/23/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 641223rep.pdf
- Series 5: 1965

- Box 12

- Folder 37

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Two Bills Providing Alternate Approaches To Reapportionment, 1/4/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650104rep.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Urges Republicans To Put Aside Differences, 1/9/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650109con.pdf
- Item 3: Air Force Academy Nominees, 1/25/1965

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 650125rep.pdf
- Folder 38

- Item 1: Dole Speech Before Fifth Annual Fargo Farm Forum Comments On Sugar Legislation, 2/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650205wit.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Will Be Featured Speaker At Annual Lincoln Day Dinner And Rally, 2/12/1965

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 650212con.pdf
- Item 3: Report On Speech At Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/12/1965

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 650212the.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Supports Two Proposals Before Conservation And Credit Subcommittee, 2/17/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650217rep.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announced That The Push For Congressional Action Dealing With Reapportionment Will Begin Wednesday, 2/23/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650223con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Signs Extraordinary Discharge Petition; Reapportionment, 2/24/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650224adr.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Joins Others In Demanding Reduction In Level Of Oil Imports, 2/25/1965

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 650225rep.pdf
- Folder 39

- Item 1: Dole Introduced Legislation Which Would Restrict Sales Of Government-Owned Agriculture Products, 3/11/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650311con.pdf
- Item 2: Required Renovations Sharply Limited, 3/11/1965

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 650311rep.pdf
- Item 3: Reapportionment Connection With Voting Rights Act Of 1965, 3/20/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650320con.pdf
- Item 4: Statement Before Committee On Veteran Affairs; Closing Of VA Hospitals, 3/23/1965

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 650323mrc.pdf
- Folder 40

- Item 1: Dole Withholding Judgment On Administrations Farm Bill, 4/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650405con.pdf
- Item 2: Informal Poll Of Members On Reapportionment, 4/6/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650406the.pdf
- Item 3: H.R. 6675 And Compulsory Hospitalization And The Social Security Administration, 4/8/1965

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 650408asd.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Bill Against Falsification Of Voting, 4/9/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 650409int.pdf
- Item 5: Text Of Joint Statement 40 GOPs Ask End Of Appointment Delay, 4/13/1965

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 650413for.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Statement On Issue Reapportionment, 4/27/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650427con.pdf
- Item 7: Statement Before Agricultural Appropriations Subcommittee Kansan Concern With Land And Water Resource Conservation And Development, 4/27/1965

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 650427mrc.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Praises Senate Amendment On Election Fraud, 4/30/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 650430con.pdf
- Box 13

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Baton Rouge, Louisiana Speech Talked To Young Republicans About Role Of Republican Party, 5/1/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650501con.pdf
- Item 2: Statement Before Subcommittee On Agriculture Concern Over Future Of Agriculture In Kansas, Midwest, And Rest Of Country, 5/4/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650504mrc.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Bill To Amend Veterans Pension Act, 5/5/1965

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 650505con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Introduces Bill To Allow More Extensive Tax Deductions For Teachers Educational Expenses, 5/6/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 650506con.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas Mother Of The Year Mrs. Frank W. Boyd To Be Honored, 5/9/1965

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 650509kan.pdf
- Item 6: Dover, Delaware Speech To Delaware Young Republican Convention On Republican Unity, 5/15/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650515con.pdf
- Item 7: Statement To Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations Concerning Projects In Doles Congressional District, 5/17/1965

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 650517iap.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Addresses Republican Women Of First Congressional District About Pending Farm Legislation, 5/22/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650522rep.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Awarded Distinguished Service Award From Americans For Constitutional Action, 5/26/1965

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 650526con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Awarded Distinguished Service Award From Americans For Constitutional Action, 5/26/1965

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 650526conc2p1.pdf
- Item 11: Efforts To Raise Release Price In Sale Of Commodity Credit Corporation Stocks Fail, 5/26/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650526eff.pdf
- Item 12: Reductions In Remodeling Plans For Cannon House Office Building Save $5.5 Million, 5/27/1965

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 650527ann.pdf
- Item 13: Text Of Letter From Dole To Thomas Mann Relating To Oil Imports From Venezuela, 5/31/1965

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 650531the.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole Bill For Emergency Flood, Hail, And Disaster Relief For Farmers, 6/12/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650612rep.pdf
- Item 2: Statement Before House Judiciary Committee Supreme Court Demolishes Representative Structure In Legislature, 6/24/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650624mrc.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole Proposes Bill For Alternative Methods For Financial Assistance To Sufferers Of Natural Disasters, 7/12/1965

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 650712con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Votes For HR 9811 Omnibus Farm Bill, 7/15/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650715con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Legislation To Amend The Watershed Protection And Flood Prevention Act, 7/16/1965

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 650716con.pdf
- Item 4: The Farm Bill; Dole Predicted Close Vote On Farm Proposal, 7/21/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650721con.pdf
- Item 5: Official Attendance And Voting Records Of The House Of Representatives Released, 7/24/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 650724ral.pdf
- Item 6: All Five Members Of House From Kansas Urge President Johnson To Suspend GATT Negotiations, 7/28/1965

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 650728all.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Speaking To Ohio League Of Young Republicans Club Hammers Away At Need Strong Two-Party System (Republican Party), 7/31/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650731con.pdf
- Item 8: Moving Toward One-Party Government Under One-Man Rule Dole Tells Ohio State Young Republicans, 7/31/1965

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 650731nat.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Statement Before Rules Committee To Discuss Omnibus Farm Bill, 8/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650805con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole's Statement On House Floor Concerning Home Rule And Legislative Reapportionment, 8/5/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650805cong.pdf
- Item 3: Dole And Other Congressmen Introduce Legislation Which Would Authorize Marketing Of Domestically Produced Sugar, 8/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650805congr.pdf
- Item 4: Legislative Reapportionment Dole Indicated Bipartisan Committee Will Press For A Vote In House, 8/9/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650809con.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas House Members Expand On Need To Suspend Further GATT Negotiations, 8/10/1965

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 650810the.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Called On Johnson Administration To Set Record Straight On Vietnam, 8/18/1965

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 650818rep.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Letter On Bipartisan Efforts To Secure Home Rule In District Of Columbia, 8/19/1965

- Subject: General - PDF available: 650819con.pdf
- Item 8: Statement Before Joint Committee On Organization Of Congress; Recommendations, 8/24/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 650824cha.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Announced He Is Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 8/25/1965

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 650825rep.pdf
- Item 10: Dole In Telegram To President Johnson Expressed His Opposition To Wheat Sales To Russia At This Time, 8/30/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650830con.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Statement On Inclusion Of Farm Workers Under Minimum Wage Provisions, 9/1/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650901con.pdf
- Item 2: GOP Members Of House Agricultural Committee Charge Secretary Freeman Fails To Speak Up For Farmers On Farm Labor Issue, 9/1/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650901cong.pdf
- Item 3: GOP Members Of House Agricultural Committee Charge Secretary Freeman Fails To Speak Up For, 9/8/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650908con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Appointed To Committee On Government Operations, 9/8/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 650908rep.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Encourages Increase In Job Training Programs Of Private Employers; Human Investment Act Of 1965, 9/10/1965

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 650910con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Offers Two Amendments On Sugar Act; Both Defeated, 9/16/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650916the.pdf
- Item 7: Kansas House Members Achieve Goal Of Improving The Us Bargaining Position On Grain Negotiations At Kennedy Round In Geneva, 9/27/1965

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 650927all.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Appearance Before House Rules Committee To Discuss 1965 Sugar Act Amendments, 9/28/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 650928con.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Speech To GOP Rally In Ohio Government Moving Toward One-Party Government Under One-Man Rule, 10/1/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 651001con.pdf
- Item 2: Investigation Of Heavy Aircraft Stock Trade Prior To Defense Department Contract Announcement, 10/1/1965

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 651001onf.pdf
- Item 3: Statement At Special Budget Hearings Before Elmer Staats; Views On Budgeting Of Funds For Corps Of Engineers And Bureau Of Reclamation In Kansas, 10/4/1965

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 651004mrd.pdf
- Item 4: Agricultural Trade Policy Is The Key To U. S. Farmer Prosperity, 10/5/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651005agr.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Sends Telegram To Manuel Cohen Of Securities And Exchange Commission On Boeing, Douglas, And Lockheed Aircraft Trading, 10/6/1965

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 651006onf.pdf
- Item 6: Agricultural Trade Policy Is The Key To Us Farmer Prosperity, 10/7/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651007agr.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Supports Conference Report On Farm Bill, 10/8/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651008rep.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Speaker At 75Th Birthday Of Former President Dwight D Eisenhower, 10/14/1965

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 651014con.pdf
- Item 9: Dole States Congress Should Adjourn, 10/14/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651014cong.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Introduces Legislation Which Would Authorize House Committee On Education And Labor To Conduct Investigation And Study Of Office Of Education, 10/22/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 651022con.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks Of Dole On H.R. 168 Increase In Monthly Rates Of Disabled Veterans, 10/22/1965

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 651022rem.pdf
- Item 12: Text Of Resolution (Education), 10/22/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 651022tex.pdf
- Item 13: Modified Dole Amendment Accepted By Sugar Conference, 10/23/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651023mod.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Announced In Closing Stages Of Measure To Increase Limitation On Floodwater-Detention Capacity, 10/25/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651025cong.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Urges World Food Study, 10/25/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651025dol.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Announces Tour Of Several Kansas Colleges, 10/26/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651026con.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Sent Telegram To Charles Webb Chairman Of Interstate Commerce Commission Requesting Hearing On Missouri Pacific Railroad Company's Discontinuance Of Trains, 10/27/1965

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 651027was.pdf
- Item 18: Congressman Dole To Food And Agriculture Conference, 10/28/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651028con.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Release Of Official Attendance And Voting Records Of House Members For 1St Session Of 89Th Congress, 11/1/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651101ral.pdf
- Item 2: Letter To McNamara Concerning Heavy Trading Of Major Aircraft Stocks Prior To Government Award, 11/3/1965

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 651103con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Speaking To Fort Hayes State College Young Republicans Pointed Out Records Not Called To Publics Attention By Great Society Propaganda Experts, 11/3/1965

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 651103cong.pdf
- Item 4: Johnson Administration Decision To Dump 200,000 Tons Of Government Stock-Piled Aluminum Into Market Emphasize Problem Of American Farmer, 11/9/1965

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 651109con.pdf
- Item 5: Response From Cyrus Vance Concerning Aircraft Stocks, 11/12/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651112con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Announced Availability Of 16 Mm Color Films Four Days Of Gemini 4, 11/12/1965

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 651112cong.pdf
- Item 7: Details Of U.N. Food Agricultural Organization Conference (Agriculture), 11/16/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651116bob.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Speaking In Pittsburg, Kansas Agrees Next Year Congress Should Spend Less Time On New Legislation And More Time On Correcting Oversight, 11/17/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651117con.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Speaking In Pittsburg, Kansas Agrees Next Year Congress Should Spend Less Time On New Legislation And More Time On Correcting Oversight, 11/18/1965

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 651118con.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 8: Dole Will Be Featured Speaker At A Meeting Dec. 14 In Johnson Ks (Cancelled), 1965-12

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 6512xxcon.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Will Be Featured Speaker At Meeting In Johnson, Kansas, 12/6/1965

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 651206con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Speaker At National Beet Growers Federation States Basic Concept Of Sugar Act Is Sound, 12/7/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651207con.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls For Action On Famine Crisis In India, 12/9/1965

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 651209con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Speaker At National Beet Growers Federation States Basic Concept Of Sugar Act Is Sound, 12/9/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651209cong.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Informed By Interstate Commerce Commission On Hearings Concerning Missouri Pacific Railroad Company, 12/16/1965

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 651216con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Speaking At Hutchinson Junior College Republican Meeting Charged USDA Of Violating Intent Of Commodity Credit Corporation Charter, 12/21/1965

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 651221con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Attends Dinner Hosted By Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman Honoring Mr. C Subramanian, Minister Of Food And Agriculture For India, 12/28/1965

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 651228con.pdf
- Series 6: 1966

- Box 13

- Folder 9

- Item 1: Elbert W. Smith Named 1st Superintendent Of Fort Larned National Historic Site, Kansas, 1/3/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 660103con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Endorsed Veteran's Educational Assistance Act Of 1966, 1/12/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660112bob.pdf
- Item 3: Comments On Presidents State Of The Union And Pledge To Continue And Expand Great Society (Johnson Administration), 1/13/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660113con.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Opposed To Extending The Term Of House Of Representatives Members To Four Years, 1/14/1966

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 660114rep.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduced Legislation To Aid Some 29,000 Veterans With Pensions Reduced From Social Security Benefits, 1/18/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660118rep.pdf
- Item 6: Statement Of Bob Dole Freedom Of Information, 1/19/1966

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 660119the.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Speaker At American National Cattlemen's Association Called For Creation Of Bread And Butter Corps, 1/25/1966

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 660125con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole At Kansas Veterans Republican Club Luncheon Said American People Should Be Given Truth About Great Society Legislation, 1/29/1966

- Subject: General - PDF available: 660129rep.pdf
- Item 9: Ida Mae Found Out The Eagle Had Jumped The Release Date, 1966-01

- Subject: General - PDF available: 6601xxbob.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 10: Naval Academy Appointees Named, 2/1/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 660201was.pdf
- Item 11: Doles Administrative Assistant Bill Kats To Be In District, 2/3/1966

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 660203rep.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urged Passage Of Veterans Readjustment Act, 2/7/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660207rep.pdf
- Item 13: Statement By Congressman Dole In Support Of Veterans Readjustment Benefits Act, 2/7/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660207the.pdf
- Item 14: Doles Administrative Assistant Bill Kats To Be In District, 2/9/1966

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 660209bill.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Will Visit Four States For Speeches, 2/9/1966

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 660209rep.pdf
- Item 16: USDA Supply-Management Program, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210bob.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Speaking At Forty-Fifth Annual Stockholders Meeting Of The Central Livestock Association Warned About H.R. 11788 Amending Commodity Exchange Act, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210bobd.pdf
- Item 18: USDA Supply-Management Program, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210con.pdf
- Item 19: USDA Supply-Management Program, 2/10/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660210cong.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Speaker At Republican Lincoln Day Dinner In Salt Lake City, Utah On The Constitution And Supreme Court, 2/11/1966

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 660211con.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Speaker At Republican Lincoln Day Dinner In Bismarck, North Dakota Talks About Budget Deficit, 2/12/1966

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 660212bob.pdf
- Item 22: Dole States Johnson Administration Pauperizing Elderly With Inflationary Policies, 2/13/1966

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 660213cong.pdf
- Item 23: Hearings On Food For Peace Program Started In Committee On House Agriculture, 2/15/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660215was.pdf
- Item 24: Doles Administrative Assistant Bill Kats To Be In District, 2/16/1966

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 660216bill.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Activities Including Russell-Dodge City Basketball Game And Annual Pancake Day Race, 2/17/1966

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 660217fir.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Speaking At Kansas Bankers Agricultural School Stated Wheat Stocks No Longer Of Surplus Proportions, 2/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660218con.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Speaking At Kansas Bankers Agricultural School Stated Wheat Stocks No Longer Of Surplus Proportions, 2/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660218rep.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Asked Support From American Freedom From Hunger Foundation To Support His Bread And Butter Corps Proposal, 2/24/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660224con.pdf
- Item 29: Bill To Establish Youth Temperance Education Week, 2/28/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660228con.pdf
- Folder 11

- Folder 33: Unlimited Sugar Impost May Hurt Domestics, 3/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660309was.pdf
- Folder 34: U.S. Department Of Commerce Recommends Export Control On Hides And Skins, 3/16/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660316con.pdf
- Folder 35: National Right To Work Committee Cited Dole For Fight To Retain Section 14B Of The Taft-Hartley Act, 3/18/1966

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 660318con.pdf
- Folder 36: Text Of Bread And Butter Corps Bill, 3/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660318not.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Charged Johnson Administration Of Leading To Economic Absolutism, 3/19/1966

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 660319con.pdf
- Folder 38: National Right To Work Committee Cited Dole For Fight To Retain Section 14B Of The Taft-Hartley Act, 3/23/1966

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 660323con.pdf
- Folder 39: Members Of House Of Representatives Met With Department Of Commerce To Protest Controls On Exports Of Hides And Skins, 3/28/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660328eig.pdf
- Folder 40: Ag Committee Requests Reconsideration, 3/30/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660330wew.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Introduced Bill To Provide Permanent Special Milk Program For Children, 3/1/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660301con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Told Kansas Lawyers That Farm Laws Must Be Simplified, 3/2/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660302con.pdf
- Item 3: Agriculture Act Of 1965 Permits Flexibility In Wheat Acreage Allotments, 3/2/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660302smi.pdf
- Folder 41: Delegation Including Dole To London On Narcotics Addiction And Growing Use Of Hallucinatory Drugs, 4/8/1966

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 660408upi.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Stated Today That Questionnaires Have Been Mailed To Residents In Congressional District, 4/11/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 660411con.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Discussed Food For Freedom Proposal And Bread And Butter Corps At Meeting Of Newspaper Farm Editors Of America, 4/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660418att.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole Indicated Students Differ With Parents On Issues In First District Opinion Poll, 4/19/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660419con.pdf
- Folder 45: Statement Of Bob Dole On Export Quotas On Cattle Hides Before The Secretary Of Commerce, 4/19/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660419mrc.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Talks To Secretary Of Commerce John T Connor About Restrictions On Cattle Hide, 4/19/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 660419rep.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole Appeared Before Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations In Support Of Budget Recommendations For 1967, 4/25/1966

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 660425bob.pdf
- Folder 48: Subcommittee Republicans Hit Boycott Charge On Packer-Feeder Bill, 4/26/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660426fou.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Makes Official Airforce Academy Visit, 4/27/1966

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 660427con.pdf
- Folder 50: House Committee On Agriculture Approved Dole's Technical Assistance Amendment To Food For Freedom Bill, 4/28/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660428the.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Told Republican Women Attending Conference That There Is No Substitute For Effective Political Organization In Winning Elections, 5/6/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660506con.pdf
- Folder 52: The Fact That President Johnson Rather Than Secretary Of Agriculture Announced The Increase In 1967 Crop Wheat Acreage Allotment May Indicate Administration Is In Full Retreat, 5/7/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660507con.pdf
- Folder 53: Administration Discriminates Against Farmer, 5/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660509con.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Continues Efforts To Approve Reapportionment Amendment, 5/16/1966

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 660516rep.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Introduced Bill To Provide Secretary Of Agriculture Authority To Make Early Payment Of Wheat Certificates, 5/17/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660517rep.pdf
- Folder 56: First District Opinion Poll Results Tabulated, 5/26/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660526con.pdf
- Folder 57: Uneasiness And Uncertainty About The War In Vietnam, 5/28/1966

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 660528con.pdf
- Folder 59: Bill Introduce By Dole To Provide Secretary Of Agriculture Authority To Make Early Payment On Wheat Certificates, 6/2/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660602abi.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Appointed To Foreign Operations And Government Information Subcommittee, 6/3/1966

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 660603rep.pdf
- Folder 61: Bill To Give Secretary Of Agriculture Authority To Make Early Payment Of Wheat Certificate Passed By Unanimous Consent, 6/6/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660606abi.pdf
- Folder 62: Young Republicans Raise Filing Fee, 6/6/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660606you.pdf
- Folder 63: Bail Reform Act Not In Best Interest Of Public, 6/7/1966

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 660607rep.pdf
- Folder 64: Disaster Areas Used For Emergency Grazing Program, 6/15/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660615rep.pdf
- Folder 65: Tribute To Disabled American Veterans, 6/16/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660616con.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole And Skubitz Efforts To Have Portion Of Kansas Included In Water Study, 6/17/1966

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 660617con.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Predicted Easy Passage Of Freedom Of Information Bill, 6/17/1966

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 660617cong.pdf
- Folder 68: Clerk Has Released Official Attendance And Voting Records Of House Members For Second Session Of 89Th Congress, 6/22/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660622ral.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Charged Johnson Administration With Killing Small Watershed Program, 6/23/1966

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 660623con.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Urged Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman To Increase The National Wheat Acreage Allotment For 1967, 6/30/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660630rep.pdf
- Folder 71: Drought Urges Prompt Action Of Approval Of Soil Bank Grazing, 7/6/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660706rep.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Stated Today That Questionnaires Have Been Mailed To Residents In Congressional District, 7/11/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 660711con.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Calls For President Johnson To Step Into Airline Strike, 7/14/1966

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 660714rep.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Announced Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 7/20/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 660720rep.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Attacked Government Financing Of Hogs In Communist Romania For Export To The United States, 7/22/1966

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 660722rep.pdf
- Folder 76: Johnson Administration Has Yielded To Congress Over Watershed Projects, 7/27/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660727con.pdf
- Folder 77: Amendment To Colorado River Basin Bill Proposed By Skubitz And Dole, 7/28/1966

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 660728ana.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Bill For Automatic Social Security Increases, 7/29/1966

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 660729rep.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Bill For Automatic Social Security Increases, 7/29/1966

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 660729repb.pdf
- Folder 80: Strike Law Still Needed, 7/30/1966

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 660730con.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Accused Clive Duval Of Attempt To Deceive The People Of The Tenth District Of Virginia About Vietnam Junket, 8/1/1966

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 660801ina.pdf
- Folder 82: Agriculture Exports Help Offset Deficit Dole Says, 8/8/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660808con.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Disappointed Agriculture Committee Disapproved Rea Financing Proposal, 8/18/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660818rep.pdf
- Folder 84: Wheat Producers Need Assurances, 8/20/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660820con.pdf
- Folder 85: Agriculture Committee Will Hold Hearings On Dole Bills To Modernize Federal Seed Act, 8/22/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660822con.pdf
- Folder 86: Food For Freedom Proposal By Dole And Quie, 8/24/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660824con.pdf
- Folder 87: New GOP Plan For Public Problem Solving, 8/25/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660825fro.pdf
- Folder 88: French Announces Dollars For Dole Campaign, 9/8/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660908jim.pdf
- Folder 89: Voting Records Released For House 89Th Congress 2Nd Session, 9/8/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660908ral.pdf
- Folder 90: Puzzled By Schnittker's Definition Of Adequate Size Commercial Farms, 9/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660909dod.pdf
- Folder 91: Voting Records Released For House 89Th Congress 2Nd Session, 9/12/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 660912ral.pdf
- Folder 92: After Dilly-Dallying Johnson Finally Recognizes Inflation, 9/17/1966

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 660917con.pdf
- Folder 93: Wheat Producers Will Plant Only One-Half Acreage Increases In 1967 Allotments, 9/19/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660919con.pdf
- Folder 94: Veterans Pension Act Of 1966, 9/20/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 660920con.pdf
- Folder 95: Orville Freeman May Be On His Way Out, 9/22/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 660922con.pdf
- Folder 96: Difference Between GOP And Democrats Is Way They Think About And Handle Money, 9/23/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660923con.pdf
- Folder 97: Dole Unsuccessful In Effort To Amend The Poverty Program, 9/29/1966

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 660929con.pdf
- Folder 98: Johnson Administration Engaged In Campaign To Depress Price Of Wheat (Johnson Administration), 10/1/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661001con.pdf
- Folder 99: Federal Property And Administrative Services Act (Business), 10/3/1966

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 661003con.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Requests Freeman To Shore Up Declining Wheat Market (Agriculture), 10/5/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661005con.pdf
- Folder 101: Dole Receives Watchdog Of The Treasury Award (Federal Budget), 10/6/1966

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 661006con.pdf
- Folder 102: Reasons For Drop In Wheat Prices, 10/11/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661011con.pdf
- Folder 103: Increase Sugar Beet Production, 10/11/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661011mem.pdf
- Folder 104: Statement On Merging Of Football Leagues, 10/13/1966

- Subject: General - PDF available: 661013mrc.pdf
- Folder 105: Five Congressmen From Kansas Suggest Investigation Into Charges Made By Frank Leroux On USDA Officials, 10/14/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661014the.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Released Letter To Secretary Of Interior Stewart Udall Regarding Foreign Oil Imports, 10/17/1966

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 661017con.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Released Letter To Secretary Of Interior Stewart Udall Regarding Foreign Oil Imports (Energy), 10/20/1966

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 661020con.pdf
- Folder 108: Changes In Proposed Tax Regulations Re. Deductions By Teachers, 10/22/1966

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 661022con.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Issued Report On Misuse Of Us Owned Foreign Currencies), 10/22/1966

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 661022cong.pdf
- Folder 110: Attendance And Voting Records Of House Members Released, 10/24/1966

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 661024ral.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Endorsed By Americans For Constitutional Action, 10/27/1966

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 661027was.pdf
- Folder 112: Congress Has Displayed Bipartisanship In Supporting Sound Soil And Water Conservation Development, 11/1/1966

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 661101con.pdf
- Folder 113: Food For Peace Means Wheat For Peace, 11/8/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661108rep.pdf
- Folder 114: Veterans Day, 11/11/1966

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 661111rep.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole To Visit Six Countries To Review Market Promotion Activities, 11/15/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661115con.pdf
- Folder 116: Service Academy Appointments Interviews, 11/23/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 661123thi.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Returns From Review Of Market Promotion Activities In Europe, 12/9/1966

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 661209con.pdf
- Folder 118: Special Mission To India, 12/11/1966

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 661211con.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Speaks About 90Th Congress Legislation, 12/12/1966

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 661212con.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Returns From India, 12/22/1966

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 661222con.pdf
- Folder 121: Coast And Geodetic Survey Field Party In 1St District, 12/29/1966

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 661229con.pdf
- Folder 122: Us Military And Naval Academy Appointments, 12/30/1966

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 661230con.pdf
- Folder 58: Young Republicans Collecting Filing Fee For Dole, 1966-05

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 660600you.pdf
- Series 7: 1967

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Shipments To India Should Include Flour And Bulgar (Agriculture), 1/14/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670114con.pdf
- Folder 2: Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act (Elections), 1/20/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670120con.pdf
- Folder 3: Kansans Rap Administration Farm Policy (Agriculture), 1/24/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670124the.pdf
- Folder 4: Human Investment Act Of 1967 (Taxes), 2/2/1967

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 670202con.pdf
- Folder 5: Joint Resolution Introduced Authorizing Posthumous Issuance Of Gold Medal To Late Walt Disney, 2/3/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670203ont.pdf
- Folder 6: Limit Imports Of Milk And Dairy Products (Agriculture), 2/6/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670206con.pdf
- Folder 7: Memorandum For Veterans, 2/6/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670206mem.pdf
- Folder 8: Orville Freeman Does Not See Increase In Price Of Wheat (Agriculture), 2/8/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670208con.pdf
- Folder 9: Walt Disney - A Great American (Walt Disney), 2/9/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670209mrs.pdf
- Folder 10: Congressman Bob Dole Proposes Bill To Assure Fairness In Taxation Disputes, 2/15/1967

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 670215con.pdf
- Folder 11: Statement On Spillman Creek Watershed (Agriculture), 2/16/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670216mrc.pdf
- Folder 12: Educators Visit Nation's Capitol (Education), 2/18/1967

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 670218blo.pdf
- Folder 13: Speaks To National Rural Electric Cooperative Association On Dreams And Realities For Rural Electrics, 2/22/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670222con.pdf
- Folder 14: $135 Billion Budget For Fiscal 1968, 2/25/1967

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 670225kan.pdf
- Folder 15: Wheat Farmers Receive One-Half Payments At Time Of Sign Up (Agriculture), 2/27/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670227con.pdf
- Folder 16: Members Of Kansas Delegation Introduce Great Plains Parkway (Public Works), 3/1/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670301all.pdf
- Folder 17: Revisions Urged In Veterans Benefits, 3/2/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670302mrc.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Introduces Rea Bill (Rural Development), 3/23/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670323con.pdf
- Folder 19: Congressman Bob Dole's Schedule, March 27 - June 1, 3/27/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670327con.pdf
- Folder 20: First Local Loan Association Of Federal Land Bank System Celebration (Agriculture), 3/27/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670327cong.pdf
- Folder 21: Strengthening Agriculture (Agriculture), 3/28/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670328ata.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Speaking To Fourth District Republican Women's Meeting Today Stated Democrats Show Zeal In Efforts To Manage Economy (Economy), 4/1/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 670401con.pdf
- Folder 23: Young People Eager To Participate In Crisis Surrounding Them (Vietnam War), 4/1/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 670401ina.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Honors 50Th Anniversary Of Federal Land Bank System (Agriculture), 4/3/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670403con.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Introduces Bill Amending The Service Contract Act Of 1965; Postal Service, 4/4/1967

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 670404dol.pdf
- Folder 26: Pension Program For World War I Veterans (Veterans), 4/8/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670408ina.pdf
- Folder 27: Raise Limitation On Outside Income While Receiving Social Security (Social Security), 4/10/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670410con.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Predicted Trouble Ahead In 90Th Congress For The Great Society, 4/13/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670413ata.pdf
- Folder 29: Effect Of Rampant Inflation (Inflation), 4/17/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 670417inf.pdf
- Folder 30: Facts Refute Freeman Claims (Agriculture), 4/24/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670424sec.pdf
- Folder 31: End The Importation Of Dairy Products In Evasion Of Set Quotas (Agriculture), 4/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670425con.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Calls For Anti-Flag Desecration Law, 4/26/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670426con.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Calls For Anti-Flag Desecration Law, 4/26/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670426conp2.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Told Virginia Republican Audience That 1968 GOP Presidential Nominee Would Be Elected, 4/29/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670429con.pdf
- Folder 35: Fresh Approach In Aid To Education (Education), 5/1/1967

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 670501con.pdf
- Folder 36: Kansas State College Awarded $18,000 For Mentally Handicapped (Disabled), 5/4/1967

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 670504con.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole To Make Speeches (Agriculture), 5/8/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670508con.pdf
- Folder 38: Statement Agriculture Subcommittee On Appropriations (Agriculture), 5/8/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670508mrdp.pdf
- Folder 39: Number Of Federal Employees Continues To Rise (Civil Service), 5/8/1967

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 670508num.pdf
- Folder 40: Statement To Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations (Public Works), 5/9/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670509iapp.pdf
- Folder 41: Statement To Agriculture Subcommittee On Appropriations; Farmer To Farmer Program, 5/10/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670510mrcp.pdf
- Folder 42: Impact Of World Food Need And Agricultural Exports On Farmer, 5/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670511con.pdf
- Folder 43: High Rate Of Meat Imports Having Adverse Effect On Nation's Agricultural Economy (Agriculture), 5/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670511cong.pdf
- Folder 44: American Farmers And World Food Need (Agriculture), 5/15/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670515the.pdf
- Folder 45: Legislation Needed To Prohibit Desecration Of The Flag (Flag Desecration), 5/17/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670517legp.pdf
- Folder 46: The Case For A Change In The Electoral College System (Elections), 5/22/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670522the.pdf
- Folder 47: Statement Before Hearing On Mandatory Oil Import Program (Energy), 5/24/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670524mrcp.pdf
- Folder 48: Rea Electric And Telephone Banks Approved By Agriculture Committee (Rural Development), 5/26/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670526reap.pdf
- Folder 49: Annual State Conference Of Republican Women Pentagon Publicity Men Paid Too Much (Defense), 5/26/1967

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 670526thrp.pdf
- Folder 50: The Guaranteed Annual Income (Public Welfare), 5/29/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 670529the.pdf
- Folder 51: Service Academies Applications Deadline (Academy Appointments), 5/31/1967

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 670531rep.pdf
- Folder 52: Stricter Control On Dairy Imports (Agriculture), 6/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670601dol.pdf
- Folder 53: Caution Before Building Bridges With Communist Countries (Foreign Relations), 6/3/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670603con.pdf
- Folder 54: Administration Scheme To Tax Old-Age Benefits Is Opposed (Senior Citizens), 6/5/1967

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 670605adm.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Presented The Distinguished Service Award By Americans For Constitutional Action, 6/8/1967

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 670608cong.pdf
- Folder 56: Effective Oil Import Program Need (Energy), 6/8/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 670608effp.pdf
- Folder 57: House Rejects Proposed Debt Ceiling Rise, 6/12/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 670612hou.pdf
- Folder 58: Changes In Social Security Survivor's Benefits Proposed (Social Security), 6/19/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670619cha.pdf
- Folder 59: Uncle Sam - A Big Property Owner (Government), 6/19/1967

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 670619unc.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Presents Us Flag Lapel Pin To Columnist Ann Landers, 6/23/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670623con.pdf
- Folder 61: Optimism Among Republicans During Election Year (Elections), 6/24/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670624con.pdf
- Folder 62: Constituent Services At Doles Office, 6/26/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670626are.pdf
- Folder 63: Bi-Partisan Study Of World Food Crisis Recommended (Agriculture), 6/26/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670626bip.pdf
- Folder 64: Status Of Legislative Reapportionment, 7/1/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670701stap.pdf
- Folder 65: Advance Payment On Wheat Certificates; Government Oil Import Policy Protested; Kansas Wheat Month, 7/3/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670703adv.pdf
- Folder 66: Congressman Dole Announces 4Th Of July Schedule, 7/3/1967

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 670703con.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Speaks Out On Social Security (Social Security), 7/3/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670703curp.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Speaker At Independence Day Celebration In Great Bend, 7/4/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 670704con.pdf
- Folder 69: Recreation Facilities Expanding In Western Kansas (Public Welfare), 7/6/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 670706recp.pdf
- Folder 70: American Food Aid Most Powerful Foreign Policy Instrument (Foreign Relations), 7/10/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670710con.pdf
- Folder 71: Resume Of Changes In Selective Service Law, 7/10/1967

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 670710dol.pdf
- Folder 72: Resume Of Changes In Selective Service Law, 7/10/1967

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 670710the.pdf
- Folder 73: Statement To Livestock And Grains Subcommittee Of House Ag Committee (Agriculture), 7/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670711mrcp.pdf
- Folder 74: Western Plains States Republican Campaign Management (Elections), 7/15/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670715con.pdf
- Folder 75: Ditching The Canal (Foreign Relations), 7/17/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670717con.pdf
- Folder 76: Compulsory Arbitration Poor Solution To Labor Disputes (Labor), 7/24/1967

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 670724com.pdf
- Folder 77: Extend All-Risk Crop Insurance To Include Irrigated Corn In Kansas (Agriculture), 7/29/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670729con.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Returns From Mid-East Visit (Foreign Relations), 7/31/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670731con.pdf
- Folder 79: Wheat - An Implement Of Foreign Policy; Vigorous Law Enforcement Needed To Cope With Riots; Record Wheat Crop Expected, 7/31/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670731whe.pdf
- Folder 80: Prayer Or Politics?, 8/1/1967

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 670801con.pdf
- Folder 81: Arab Refugee Problem Is Stumbling Block To Settling Mid-East Crisis (Foreign Relations), 8/5/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670805conp.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole Bill To Permit Advanced Payments To Wheat Producers Passes By Committee, 8/7/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670807abi.pdf
- Folder 83: Riots And Congress; Red Chinese Make Rapid Nuclear Progress; Man On The Moon?, 8/7/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 670807int.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole Arrives In Wichita To Attend State Activities (Dole Activities), 8/11/1967

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 670811con.pdf
- Folder 85: Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution (Vietnam War), 8/11/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 670811firp.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole Calls For Greater Number Of Active Republicans (Elections), 8/12/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670812inp.pdf
- Folder 87: Emergency Aid For Storm Now Available To Farmers (Agriculture), 8/14/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670814con.pdf
- Folder 88: Production Cost Increases Keep Squeeze On Farm Income (Agriculture), 8/14/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670814pro.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Voted In Favor Of H.R. 12080 The Social Security Amendments Of 1967 (Social Security), 8/17/1967

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 670817con.pdf
- Folder 90: Controlling Unfair Trade Practices Affecting Agricultural Products (Agriculture), 8/21/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670821con.pdf
- Folder 91: Farm Income Outlook Bleak (Agriculture), 8/21/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670821far.pdf
- Folder 92: Farmer-To-Farmer Program Of International Technical Assistance (Agriculture), 8/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670825con.pdf
- Folder 93: 1St District Poll Returns (Elections), 8/28/1967

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 670828con.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Urges Freeman To Act; Text Of Letter (Agriculture), 8/29/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670829dolp.pdf
- Folder 95: Real Size Of Foreign Aid, 9/4/1967

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 670904the.pdf
- Folder 96: Pacification Program Unsuccessful, 9/5/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 670905pac.pdf
- Folder 97: The Administration And The American Farmer, 9/7/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670907thep.pdf
- Folder 98: Wheat Price Hits Two-Year Low, 9/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670911whe.pdf
- Folder 99: Crime Rise Serious, 9/18/1967

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 670918cri.pdf
- Folder 100: Veterans Income Threatened, 9/19/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 670919vetp.pdf
- Folder 101: Dole Speaks On Campaigning In Rural America In Chicago, 9/22/1967

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 670922con.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Speaks At Agricultural Economic Conference In Liberal, 9/23/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 670923mem.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Scores Federal Campaign Fund, 9/25/1967

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 670925dol.pdf
- Folder 104: Twenty Years Of Federal Spending, 10/2/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671002twe.pdf
- Folder 105: House Republicans Seek Cuts In Spending, 10/9/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671009hou.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Speaks At Convention Of Young Republicans In Pratt On Land Reform Program In South Vietnam, 10/14/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 671014con.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Speaks Before Jackson County Farm Bureau On Administration Coddling The Consumer At The Expense Of The American Farmer, 10/16/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671016con.pdf
- Folder 108: Kansas Private Colleges Perform Vital Service, 10/16/1967

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 671016kan.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Speaks Out Against Violent Vietnam War Protesters In Washington Dc, 10/20/1967

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 671020conp.pdf
- Folder 110: The Facts About The Purcell Bill H.R. 12067, 10/22/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671022thep.pdf
- Folder 111: House Pushed Economy Move, 10/23/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671023hou.pdf
- Folder 112: Two Big Republican Meetings Scheduled For Southwestern Kansas, 10/24/1967

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 671024two.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Announces Committee Findings On Public Health Service, 10/25/1967

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 671025dolp.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole's Busy Schedule; Alf Landon Lecture, Miss America Parade; Etc., 10/25/1967

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 671025kan.pdf
- Folder 115: House Committee On Agriculture Passed Dole Bill Which Would Permit Advanced Payments To Wheat Producers, 10/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671025the.pdf
- Folder 116: House Passes Dole Bill Providing For Partial Payments To Wheat Producers In Advance Of Crop Harvesting, 10/25/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671025theh.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Cosponsors Commission On Balanced Economic Development Bill, 10/30/1967

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 671030con.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Asks Drug Inquiry, 10/30/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671030dol.pdf
- Folder 119: Battle Still Rages Over Johnson Administration Grain Reserve Bill, 10/31/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671031conp.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole's Statement Re. Strategic Grain Reserve Bill., 11/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671101con.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole's Statement Supporting National Flood Insurance Act, 11/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671101mrcp.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Resolution Offered In Livestock And Feed Grains Subcommittee, 11/1/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671101res.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Announces He Will Not Attend Ag. Conference In Rome, 11/2/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671102con.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Introduces Bill To Continue Federal Land Banks, 11/2/1967

- Subject: Banking - PDF available: 671102mrsp.pdf
- Folder 125: Latest USDA Figures On Farm Numbers, Income Issued, 11/5/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671105con.pdf
- Folder 126: Dole Speaks At Kansas Farm Bureau Convention In Wichita, 11/7/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671107conp.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Salutes The Grange The Nations Oldest Farm And Rural Organization, 11/13/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671113con.pdf
- Folder 128: Labor Regulations Effective January 1St, 11/13/1967

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 671113labp.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Urges FDA To Review Statement Re. Marijuana, 11/14/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671114con.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Announces Appointment Of Kansas Woman As Press Aid, 11/15/1967

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 671115con.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Praises Statement By Commissioner Of Narcotics, 11/15/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671115conp.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Urges Udall To Maintain Import Controls On Home Heating Oil, 11/16/1967

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 671116con.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Meets With Freeman To Discuss World Food Crisis And India, 11/17/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671117con.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Announces First Series Of Senior Citizens Conferences, 11/20/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 671120con.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Proposal Calls For Penalties For Drug Possession, 11/20/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671120conp.pdf
- Folder 136: Dole Reports From Washington; Drugs; Senior Citizens; Population; Oil Import Controls; Labor Standards, 11/20/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 671120foc.pdf
- Folder 137: 6 Government Officials Will Speak At Senior Citizens, Conferences, 11/22/1967

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 671122six.pdf
- Folder 138: 31 Men From Kansas Are Candidates For Academy Appointments, 11/22/1967

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 671122thip.pdf
- Folder 139: Text Of Radio Tape Regarding Salina Senior Citizens Conference By Bob Dole, 11/24/1967

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 671124tex.pdf
- Folder 140: Remarks Of The Honorable Bob Dole Luncheon For Service Academy Candidates, 11/25/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 671125anop.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole And Screening Board Meeting In Hays To Interview Candidates, 11/25/1967

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 671125conp.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Reports From Washington; Drug Abuse, 11/27/1967

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 671127drup.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Tells Young Republicans There Must Be Better Way Than LBJ, 12/2/1967

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 671202usrb.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Tells Young Republicans There Must Be Better Way Than LBJ, 12/2/1967

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 671202usrp.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Announces Appointment Of Senior Citizens Advisory Council, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 671204rep.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Charges Johnson Admin Blocked Efforts To Boost Farm Income, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671204repp.pdf
- Folder 147: The Present Price Kansas Farmers Receive For Wheat Reflects Disastrous Effects Of Misguided Administration Farm Policies, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671204saip.pdf
- Folder 148: House Passes Dole Bill Re. Wheat Certificate Program, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671204thep.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Announces Appointment Of Senior Citizens Advisory Council, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 671204tod.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Urges Sec Of Interior To Release Report On Round Mound Dam, 12/4/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 671204usr.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Says Small Watershed Projects Are In Trouble, 12/5/1967

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 671205usr.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Will Give Speech At Senior Citizens Conference In Salina, 12/8/1967

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 671208usr.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Says Senior Citizens Must Be Assured Dignity And Security, 12/9/1967

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 671209usr.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Asked Secretary Of Agriculture To Establish A Terminal Corn Loan, 12/11/1967

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 671211con.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Statement In House Re. H.R. 12555 V.A. Pensions, 12/15/1967

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 671215mrs.pdf
- Folder 156: Federal Grant Of $11,790 To Barton County Community Jr. College, 12/15/1967

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 671215sen.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Cosponsors Bill Re. Investigation Of Mail And Passenger Train, 12/18/1967

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 671218usr.pdf
- Folder 158: New Year's Statement By Dole, 12/30/1967

- Subject: General - PDF available: 671230tex.pdf
- Series 8: 1968

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Rea Approved Loan To Kansas Wheatland Electric Cooperative, Inc., 1/3/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680103conp.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Voted 96% Of Time During First Session Of 90Th Congress, 1/3/1968

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 680103off.pdf
- Folder 3: Dole Says Taxes, Crime And Farm Price Issues Will Dominate 90Th Congress, 1/6/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680106con.pdf
- Folder 4: Public Hearing On Santa Fe Chief Discontinuance Is Scheduled, 1/9/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680109the.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Challenges Admin. To Open Records Re. Communist Activity, 1/10/1968

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 680110con.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Says Disagreement With Admin Delays Action On Small Watershed Projects, 1/13/1968

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 680113con.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Announces Appointments To Academies, 1/15/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 680115conp.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Says America Must Adopt Hard Line Toward The Lawless, 1/15/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680115goo.pdf
- Folder 9: Dole Urges Increased Local Action To Combat Crime And Lawlessness, 1/20/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680120con.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Says Rural Electric Cooperatives Should Explore New Funding, 1/23/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680123con.pdf
- Folder 11: Dole Says Johnson Administration Promises Little Help For Farmer, 1/24/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680124con.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole Will Speak At International Conference On War And Hunger, 1/30/1968

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 680130con.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole Appointed As Delegate To Mexico-U.S. Interparliamentary Group, 2/1/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680201hou.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Tells Administration To Make Public Facts About Wreckage In Vietnam, 2/2/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680202con.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Says Telephone Supplemental Bill Will Pass, 2/2/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 680202cong.pdf
- Folder 16: Statement On Commodity Reserve Legislation, 2/2/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680202stap.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Announces High-Powered Weather Radar System For Garden City, 2/3/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680203con.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Bill To Extend Territorial Sea Limit Up To 12 Miles, 2/5/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680205con.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Bill To Extend Military Separation Allowance To Families, 2/8/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680208con.pdf
- Folder 20: Senior Citizens Conference To Be Held In Hays, Kansas, 2/12/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680212con.pdf
- Folder 21: Remarks Of Dole At A Press Conference For His U.S. Senate Hopes, 2/12/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680212firp.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Appointed To Urban Affairs Task Force, 2/12/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680212the.pdf
- Folder 23: Dole Urges Adults To Renew A Spirit Of Patriotism Among Youth, 2/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680216con.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Urges Modification Of Food For Peace Program, 2/20/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680220con.pdf
- Folder 25: Statement Of Dole Re. Santa Fe Passenger Trains, 2/23/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680223con.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Is Opposed To Discontinuance Of Santa Fe Passenger Trains, 2/23/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680223sta.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Bill Provides Penalties To Possession Of Drugs, 2/26/1968

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 680226con.pdf
- Folder 28: Statement Of Dole In Support Of Penalties For Drug Possession, 2/26/1968

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 680226stap.pdf
- Folder 29: Statement Of Dole On President's Farm Message, 2/27/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680227the.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Bill Limits Questions On Agricultural Censuses, 2/29/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680229con.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole And Staff Sample Wedges Of Wheat Pie, 2/29/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680229kan.pdf
- Folder 32: Farmer-To-Farmer Program By Dole May Be Extended, 2/29/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680229the.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Announces Speaks At Senior Citizens Conference, 3/5/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680305con.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Introduces Bill To Extend Food For Peace Act, 3/5/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680305cong.pdf
- Folder 35: National Association Of Wheat Growers Want Extension Of Farmer-To-Farmer, 3/7/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680307the.pdf
- Folder 36: Appointment Of Regional Advisory Council For Seniors Conference, 3/8/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680308for.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Says Education For Retarded Children Deserves Support, 3/8/1968

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 680308hay.pdf
- Folder 38: Ohio Council Of Churches Want Extension Of Farmer-To-Farmer, 3/8/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680308the.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign., 3/9/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 680309con.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Says U.N. Helps Perpetuate Arab Refugee Problem, 3/11/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680311cong.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Renews Appeal For Review Of Agriculture Censuses, 3/11/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680311conp.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Urges Urban And Rural People To Look At Rural Crisis, 3/12/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680312con.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Issues Statement On New Hampshire Primary Election, 3/13/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680313con.pdf
- Folder 44: Results Of Wabaunsee County Poll On Senate Seat Election, 3/13/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680313wor.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Names Frank Mosier As Treasurer Of Dole For Senate Campaign, 3/16/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 680316con.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 3/16/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 680316conp.pdf
- Folder 47: Johnson's Commission On Civil Disorders Too Concerned With Race, 3/17/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680317con.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole Sends Telegram To William Avery, 3/20/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680320con.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Says Inflation Provides Threat To Seniors, 3/22/1968

- Subject: Elderly - PDF available: 680322con.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Says Democratic Disunity Will Help Elect Republicans, 3/23/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680323con.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Urges Business To Erase Social And Economic Causes Of Crime, 3/25/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680325con.pdf
- Folder 52: Statement Re. Interstate Commerce Commission Investigation Into Union Pacific Railroad, 3/27/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680327mrep.pdf
- Folder 53: Country Beset With Crises Caused Or Worsened By Democratic Party, 3/29/1968

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 680329con.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 4/1/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680401conp.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Urges Admin. To Utilize Farmer-To-Farmer Program, 4/2/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680402con.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Statement On Assassination Of Martin Luther King, Jr., 4/5/1968

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 680405ano.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Asked Labor Sec. Wirtz To Reconsider Employment Restrictions, 4/5/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680405con.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Says House Rules Committee Blocked Telephone Co. Efforts, 4/5/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 680405wic.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 4/6/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680406con.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Statement On Film Re. Law Day USA, 4/9/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680409thi.pdf
- Folder 61: Kansan Appointed By Dole To Air Force Academy Promoted, 4/9/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 680409you.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Talks With Civil Aeronautics Board Re. Frontier Airlines; Remarks, 4/10/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680410con.pdf
- Folder 63: Remarks Of Congressman Bob Dole Argument Before Civil Aeronautics Board, 4/10/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680410remp.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole Sends Telegram To Johnson Re. Civil Disobedience, 4/11/1968

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 680411con.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole's Schedule For Easter Recess, 4/15/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680415easp.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole Asks If Rural America Can Share Fairly In Urban Society?, 4/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680416dod.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Says Vietnam, Dollar Stability And Crime Are Problems, 4/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680416iol.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Urges Clark To Survey Activities Of Stokely Carmichael, 4/22/1968

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 680422con.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Asks Wirtz To Reconsider Employment Restrictions Of Youth In Agriculture, 4/22/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680422for.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Will Speak At Midwest Federation Of College Republican Clubs, 4/22/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680422was.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole Urges Johnson To Reduce Oil Imports, 4/24/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680424con.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Urges Businessmen To Take A Greater Lead In Politics, 4/27/1968

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 680427con.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Bill Tightens Court Control Over Release Of Defendants, 5/2/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680502con.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole's Schedule For May 3, 4 And 5, 5/3/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680503con.pdf
- Folder 75: 19 Kansans Will Serve On Dole For Senate State Finance Committee, 5/3/1968

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 680503fra.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 5/6/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680506con.pdf
- Folder 77: Statement To Public Works Subcommittee On Appropriations, 5/6/1968

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 680506iapp.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Names District Chairmen For His Dole For Senate Campaign, 5/8/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680508conp.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Says Tax Increase And Spending Cut Is Difficult Decision, 5/10/1968

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 680510con.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole's Schedule For May 10, 11, 12 And 13, 5/10/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680510fri.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Urges Farmers To Write Urging Changes In Labor Regulations, 5/14/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680514con.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole's Schedule For May 16, 17, 18, 19 And 20, 5/16/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680516con.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Challenges High School Seniors To Stand Against Violence, Disorder And Militant Demonstrations, 5/16/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680516ell.pdf
- Folder 84: Statement Before Subcommittee On Mines And Mining On Review Of Mandatory Oil Import Program, 5/16/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680516stap.pdf
- Folder 85: Dole Says America's 4 Major Crises Stem From Leadership Gap, 5/20/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680520con.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole Says He Received Advice From Graduating Senior, 5/21/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680521con.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole Calls For Congressional Review Of Government Census Question, 5/21/1968

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 680521cong.pdf
- Folder 88: Congress Will Refuse To Permanently Extend Current Farm Programs, 5/28/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680528ane.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole's Schedule For May 30, 31, June 1, 2, 3, 7, 8 And 9, 5/30/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680530conp.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Says Congress Will Pass President's Surtax Proposal, 5/31/1968

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 680531con.pdf
- Folder 91: Statement On Senator Kennedy Assassination, 6/5/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680605the.pdf
- Folder 92: Dole Urges Extension Of 1965 Food And Agriculture Act, 6/12/1968

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 680612con.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole Files For Senate By Petition, 6/17/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680617con.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Urges Action To Break Logjam On 39 Watershed Projects, 6/19/1968

- Subject: PUBLIC Works - PDF available: 680619con.pdf
- Folder 95: Dole Says Leaders Must Set Priorities In Foreign Aid, 6/24/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680624conp.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Will Visit Kansas Units Of 69Th Infantry Brigade, 7/2/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680702conp.pdf
- Folder 97: Dairy Import Act Vital To American Dairymen, 7/2/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680702daip.pdf
- Folder 98: Statement Before Committee On Ways And Means On Mandatory Oil Program, 7/2/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 680702stap.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Calls For Nationwide Citizen Commitment To Respect Of Law, 7/4/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680704conp.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Urges Johnson To Reduce Draft Calls For Kansas, 7/4/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680704redp.pdf
- Folder 101: Phyllis And Robin Dole Will Campaign For Dole In Topeka, 7/10/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680710phy.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Calls For Review Of Federal Government's Operations, 7/11/1968

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 680711con.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Doesn't Like Way Law And Order Are Downgraded In Circles, 7/12/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680712con.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Says America Can Curb Civil Disorders By Helping Poor, 7/13/1968

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 680713con.pdf
- Folder 105: Dole Will Meet With Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, 7/14/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680714con.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Says Passed Vocational Education Amendments Are Significant, 7/15/1968

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 680715con.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Cancelled Plans For Dodge City Days For Conference With Lt Gen Lewis Hershey, 7/17/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680717con.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Met With Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, 7/18/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680718con.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Met With Lt. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, 7/18/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680718cong.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Meeting With Lt Gen Lewis Hershey Outlined Eight Point Plan For Draft Reform, 7/19/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680719conp.pdf
- Folder 111: Happy Birthday Bob Dole Bus And Caravan Campaign, 7/19/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680719hap.pdf
- Folder 112: Dole Announces Academy Appointments, 7/19/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 680719ser.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Notified Postmasters He Is Investigating Post Office Closing, 7/21/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680721con.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Notified Postmasters He Is Investigating Post Office Closing, 7/21/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680721cong.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Present For House Discussion On State Firearms Control Act, 7/22/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680722hou.pdf
- Folder 116: Proposal To Include K.C.-International Airport Artery In Interstate Highway System, 7/22/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 680722kci.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Charges Johnson To Inform People Of Progress Re. Pueblo Ship, 7/22/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680722pre.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Says Johnson's Meeting With Vietnam's President Thieu Not Good, 7/23/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680723con.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Introduces 8 Point Bill To Achieve Draft Reform, 7/24/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680724eig.pdf
- Folder 120: Postmaster General Is Looking Into Closure Of Post Offices In Ks, 7/24/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680724pos.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Urges Passage Of Higher Education Amendments, 7/24/1968

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 680724urg.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Urges Adoption Of Human Investment Act, 7/26/1968

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 680726ado.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Demands Depertment of Defense To Explain Kansas Call-Up, 7/26/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680726call.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Demands Depertment of Defense To Explain Kansas Call-Up (Second Version), 7/26/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680726callup.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Releases Text Of Letter Mailed To Clark Clifford, 7/26/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680726conp.pdf
- Folder 126: America's United And Strength Chipped Away By Lawlessness, 7/27/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 680727ame.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Releases Letter To Delegates Of Republican National Convention, 7/28/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680728conp.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Mails Letter To Postmaster Watson Re. Post Office Closings, 7/29/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680729con.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Arranged To Confer With Secretary Of Defense Clark Clifford, 7/29/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680729rep.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Says Tax Credits For Industry To Train Unemployed, 7/29/1968

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 680729une.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Urges Armed Services Committee Have Hearings On His Draft Bill, 7/30/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680730con.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole On Final Stretch Of Campaign Hurries To Washington For House Discussion On Farm Bill Extension (2 Versions), 7/30/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680730conv.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Confers With Clark Clifford And Asks 3 Questions (2 Versions), 7/31/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680731con.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Confers With Clark Clifford And Asks 3 Questions (2 Versions), 7/31/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680731conv2.pdf
- Folder 135: Phyllis Dole Presents Cake To Carlson (2 Versions), 8/1/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680801cakv.pdf
- Folder 136: Paul Wunsch Says Dole's Election To Senate Is Vital For Kansas, 8/1/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680801ele.pdf
- Folder 137: America Must Set Fiscal Priorities, 8/1/1968

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 680801fis.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Says Overpowering Issue Of The Day Is The Vietnam War, 8/1/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680801vie.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Releases Text Of Letter From Clark Clifford, 8/3/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680803texp.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole Plans To Spend August 5Th Campaigns In First District, 8/4/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 680804cam.pdf
- Folder 141: Bob Gadberry Says All Signs Point To Dole's Victory Tomorrow, 8/5/1968

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 680805bob.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Says Opponent Misstates His Position On Wheat Certificate, 8/5/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680805whe.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Urges Dept Of Ag To Step Up Efforts For Chemical Spray, 8/13/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680813con.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Praises Rooks County Republicans, 8/13/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680813rep.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Urged Governor Docking To Declare Disaster Areas To Kansas Counties Affected By Greenbugs, 8/14/1968

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 680814con.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Says Post Office Unwilling To Share Responsibility, 8/14/1968

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 680814pos.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole Says Air Force Flyover Arranged As Part Of Leo Hines Day, 8/22/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680822con.pdf
- Folder 148: Republicans Will Replace Debts With Prosperity, 8/24/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680824con.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Urges Investigation Of The Internal Revenue Service, 9/5/1968

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 680905con.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Says Humphrey Should Stop Playing Games About Vietnam, 9/5/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680905rep.pdf
- Folder 151: Dairy Producers Lost More Than 600 Million B/C Of Dairy Imports, 9/6/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680906dai.pdf
- Folder 152: Ignorance And Apathy This Country's Great Enemies, 9/6/1968

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 680906ign.pdf
- Folder 153: Soviet Union Aggression Against Czechoslovakia, 9/7/1968

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 680907sov.pdf
- Folder 154: Great Bend Chosen As Site For Training Workshop, 9/12/1968

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 680912gre.pdf
- Folder 155: Plans For Political Workshop Scheduled, 9/17/1968

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 680917fir.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Sends Letter To Ray Fitzgerald Of Dept. Of Agriculture, 9/18/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680918con.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Says He Supports Bill To Amend Federal Farm Loan Act, 9/19/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680919con.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Says Bewilderment Of Farmer Is Spreading, 9/20/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680920repp.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Will Confer With Secretary Of The Army Stanley R. Resor On Sept 25, 9/22/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680922con.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Says Democratic Administration Has Bad Record, 9/24/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 680924dolp.pdf
- Folder 161: Dole Urges Colleagues To Support Extension Of Farm Act, 9/25/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680925far.pdf
- Folder 162: Sec. Of Army Stanley Resor Meets Dole And Other Kansans, 9/25/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 680925stap.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Says Ag Comm. Reported Legis. By Frank Carlson, 9/26/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680926agc.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Urged House Adoption Of Report On Higher Education Amendments, 9/26/1968

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 680926edu.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Says Passage Of Food Stamp Bill Indicates Deficit Spending, 9/26/1968

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 680926foo.pdf
- Folder 166: Federal Programs For Cities Fail Because They Fail To Involve The American Private Sector, 9/27/1968

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 680927con.pdf
- Folder 167: Dole Asks Freeman To Confirm Sale Of U.S. Wheat Export Cert., 9/28/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680928con.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Asks Freeman To Recommend Establishing Meat Import Quotas, 9/28/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 680928mea.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Says Inflation Robs Senior Citizens With Savagery, 9/29/1968

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 680929dol.pdf
- Folder 170: U.N. Sec. U Thant Damages Peace Cause In Vietnam, 9/30/1968

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 680930rep.pdf
- Folder 171: Freeman's Meat Import Refusal Is Unrealistic And Unresponsive, 10/2/1968

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 681002con.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Amendment Maintaining V.A. Hospital Personnel, 10/3/1968

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 681003con.pdf
- Folder 173: Dole Disgusted With Humphrey/Tv Equal-Time Proposal In House, 10/7/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 681007dis.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Says U.S. Cannot Afford Another Democratic Administration, 10/7/1968

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 681007rep.pdf
- Folder 175: House Indicates Need For New Leadership In Congress, 10/9/1968

- Subject: House (Congress) - PDF available: 681009hou.pdf
- Folder 176: Kansas Votes Against State Firearms Control Assistance Act, 10/10/1968

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 681010fir.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Urges Johnson To Sign H.R. 17126; Extension Of The Food And Agriculture Act, 10/10/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681010foo.pdf
- Folder 178: Julie Nixon And David Eisenhower Will Visit Salina And Abilene, 10/10/1968

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 681010jul.pdf
- Folder 179: Proceeds From Wheat Marking Certificate Sales Will Be Distributed, 10/13/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681013und.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Will Campaign Day And Night Between Now And November 5, 10/14/1968

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 681014day.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Receives Watchdog Of The Treasury Award, 10/14/1968

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 681014wat.pdf
- Folder 182: Dole Receives Watchdog Of The Treasury Award, 10/14/1968

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 681014watp.pdf
- Folder 183: Freeman Spent More Money That All Predecessors Combined, 10/15/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681015con.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Says Agriculture Not Failing Nation, Admin. Failing Farmer, 10/18/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681018con.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole States Crisis In Leadership Of America Is Number One Issue, 10/20/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681020con.pdf
- Folder 186: Farmer Is On Ropes After 8 Years Of Neglect By Administration, 10/22/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681022con.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Says Being An American Today Is Challenging, 10/23/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681023cha.pdf
- Folder 188: Congress Obligated To Financing Program For Rural Electrification, 10/23/1968

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 681023con.pdf
- Folder 189: Agriculture Must Be Given Top Priority By Next President, 10/24/1968

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 681024agr.pdf
- Folder 190: Civil Aeronautics Board Reconsiders Denying Single Plane Service, 10/25/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 681025con.pdf
- Folder 191: People Will Applaud Self-Government In Principle Than In Practice, 10/28/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681028app.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Predicts Every Effort Made By Democrats To Regroup Forces, 10/28/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681028dem.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole Says Opponent Confuses People With Expenditures For Radio, 10/28/1968

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 681028opp.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole's Priority Measures For 91St Congress, 10/30/1968

- Subject: General - PDF available: 681030con.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Shares Nixon's Views That Our Defense Is Too Close To The Peril Point, 10/31/1968

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 681031spe.pdf
- Folder 196: 24 Kansans Are Candidates For Appointment To Military Academies, 11/25/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 681125twep.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Is Glad Bob Ellsworth Appointed As Asst. To President-Elect, 11/26/1968

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 681126sen.pdf
- Folder 198: Priority Consideration For Access Highway To New Airport, 11/27/1968

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 681127uss.pdf
- Folder 199: Service Academy Appointment Interviews, 11/30/1968

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 681130con.pdf
- Series 9: 1969

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Issues Preference List Of Senate Committees, 1/9/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690109uss.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Receives Appointment To Agriculture And Public Works Committees, 1/15/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690115app.pdf
- Folder 3: Statement On Presidency Of LBJ And Comment On Income Tax Surcharge, 1/15/1969

- Subject: Johnson Administration - PDF available: 690115lbj.pdf
- Folder 4: Statement On Confirmation Of New Secretary Of Agriculture Hardin, 1/16/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690116sta.pdf
- Folder 5: Why Dole Voted Not To Change Senate Rule # 22 (Filibuster), 1/16/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690116why.pdf
- Folder 6: Haskell County ASC Committeemen To Be Reinstated To Duty Shortly, 1/17/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690117has.pdf
- Folder 7: Appointment To Senate Select Committee On Small Business, 1/21/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 690121app.pdf
- Folder 8: Co-Sponsors Bill To Raise Earnings Limitation In Social Security Law, 1/21/1969

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 690121cos.pdf
- Folder 9: Co-Sponsors Resolution Increasing Aid To Biafra, 1/22/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690122aid.pdf
- Folder 10: Co-Sponsors Bill To End Draft And To Substitute Voluntary Army, 1/22/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690122bill.pdf
- Folder 11: Statement On Confirmation Of Walter Hickel As Secretary Of Interior, 1/23/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690123hic.pdf
- Folder 12: Co-Sponsors Bill To Provide Protection Against Fire For Rural Dwellers, 1/27/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690127inv.pdf
- Folder 13: Appointment Of Frank Mosier As Kansas Representative, 1/29/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690129sta.pdf
- Folder 14: Announces 1St Congressional District Academy Nominations, 1/30/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690130ussp.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Family Goes To White House For Church, 2/3/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690203dol.pdf
- Folder 16: Announces Linda Asay Joins Dole Staff In Washington, 2/3/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690203lin.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Supports Senator John Williams Opposing Pay Raise For Congress, 2/3/1969

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 690203sen.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Co-Sponsors Automatic Social Security And Railroad Retirement Benefits Increase, 2/4/1969

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 690204soc.pdf
- Folder 19: Co-Sponsors Bill On Definition Of Ammunition In 68 Gun Law, 2/6/1969

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 690206amm.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole To Speak To Lincoln Day Groups In 4 States And Visit Kansas, 2/9/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690209uss.pdf
- Folder 21: Postal Appointments And Politics, 2/11/1969

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 690211pos.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Urges Invitation Of Secretary Of Interior Stewart Udall To Testify On Oil Slick Controversy In California, 2/11/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690211uda.pdf
- Folder 23: Dole Speaks About Economic Crises And Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/12/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690212lin.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Spoke To Republicans In Springfield About Vietnam, 2/12/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690212vie.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Spoke To Republicans At Lincoln-McKinley Day Banquet On Urban Crisis, 2/13/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690213dol.pdf
- Folder 26: Nixon Prefers To Employ The Voice Or Reason Rather Than Passion, 2/14/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690214nix.pdf
- Folder 27: Shrove Tuesday Pancake Day Release, 2/14/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690214pan.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Co-Sponsors Hartke Air Traffic Control Bill, 2/17/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690217air.pdf
- Folder 29: Co-Sponsors Brooke Air Traffic Control Bill, 2/18/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690218cos.pdf
- Folder 30: Kansas Pancake Breakfast In The New Senate Office Building Cafeteria, 2/18/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690218nea.pdf
- Folder 31: 650 Attend Kansas Pancake Breakfast, 2/18/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690218pan.pdf
- Folder 32: Two Kansas Youth Scholarship Winners, 2/20/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690220winp.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Says Business Can Save America's Cities, 2/21/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 690221ussp.pdf
- Folder 34: Crisis Of Cities Cannot Be Resolved Through Federal Expenditures Alone, 2/22/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690222uss.pdf
- Folder 35: Washington And Santa Barbara Oil Slick, 2/26/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690226oil.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole And Secretary Of Interior Walter Hickel Announce Booms Are To Be Placed Around Oil Wells To Prevent Spills, 2/27/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690227hon.pdf
- Folder 37: Co-Sponsors Bills To Increase Disability Benefits For Former POWs, 3/5/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690305cos.pdf
- Folder 38: Assesses Richard Nixon's Trip To Europe, 3/6/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690306uss.pdf
- Folder 39: Consumption Of Alcoholic Beverages Warning Label, 3/7/1969

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 690307alc.pdf
- Folder 40: Co-Sponsors Bill To Allow Youth Elderly Military And Handicapped To Travel By Air For Reduced Prices, 3/7/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690307cos.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Plans Trip With Nutrition Subcommittee To Florida, 3/10/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690310uss.pdf
- Folder 42: More Americans Should Wade Into Politics, 3/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690310wad.pdf
- Folder 43: Statement On Florida Nutrition Hearings, 3/13/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690313flop.pdf
- Folder 44: Step Up Distribution Of Wheat Market Certificates, 3/13/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690313whe.pdf
- Folder 45: Inclined To Support ABM Proposal Of Nixon, 3/14/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690314nix.pdf
- Folder 46: Effect Of ABM System To Greatly Enhance Ability Of Us To Deter Massive Enemy Attack, 3/15/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690315agr.pdf
- Folder 47: Co-Sponsors Resolution Honoring Amelia Earhart, 3/17/1969

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 690317ame.pdf
- Folder 48: Co-Sponsors Schweiker Draft Reform Bill To Amend Selective Service Act, 3/17/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690317dra.pdf
- Folder 49: Pushes Hardin For International Grains Arrangement Review And Evaluation, 3/19/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690319har.pdf
- Folder 50: Harold Purdy Appointed Sugar Beet Growers Group, 3/19/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690319revp.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Continued Appeal With Senate Floor Speech On International Grains Arrangement; With Text Of Letter To Hardin), 3/20/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690320ussp.pdf
- Folder 52: Asks Nixon To Strengthen And Maintain Special Representative For Trade Negotiations, 3/26/1969

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 690326uss.pdf
- Folder 53: International Grains Arrangement Confronts Us Grain Producer And Marketer With Problems, 3/27/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690327uss.pdf
- Folder 54: Statement On Death Of General Eisenhower, 3/28/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690328dea.pdf
- Folder 55: The Peacemaker; Statement On Senate Floor Re: General Eisenhower, 3/31/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690331sta.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole To Be Keynote Speaker At Meeting Of President's Committee On Employment Of Handicapped, 4/1/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690401dis.pdf
- Folder 57: Nixon Releases Restrictions On Funding And Assisting Small Watershed Projects, 4/2/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690402nix.pdf
- Folder 58: Pearson And Dole Proposal To Name The Interstate Highway System After President Eisenhower, 4/3/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 690403pea.pdf
- Folder 59: Maiden Speech In The Senate On The Handicapped, 4/9/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690409dis.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole And Ann Landers; Senator Gets Letters Too, 4/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690410dol.pdf
- Folder 61: Appointing Statewide Advisory Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs In Kansas, 4/12/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690412hun.pdf
- Folder 62: Comments On Nixon's First 80 Days In Office, 4/12/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690412nix.pdf
- Folder 63: Urged Creation Of A President's Commission On The Handicapped, 4/14/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690414disp.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole On The International Grains Agreement, 4/15/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690415uss.pdf
- Folder 65: Extended Disposition Date To May 14 For Wheat Planted On Diverted Acreage, 4/16/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690416the.pdf
- Folder 66: Nixon Has Made Great Strides To Disperse The Fog Of Suspicion And Distrust Of Johnson Administration, 4/19/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690419gre.pdf
- Folder 67: Nixon Has Begun To Re-Establish Public Confidence In Government By Openly Sharing Problems With People; ABM System, 4/19/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690419ree.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Supports Efforts To Curb Organized Crime, 4/23/1969

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 690423cri.pdf
- Folder 69: Ward White Named As Legislative Assistant, 4/24/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690424whi.pdf
- Folder 70: ABM System Most Controversial Issue In Nixon's First 96 Days, 4/25/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690425abm.pdf
- Folder 71: Recommend Robert J. Roth As Us District Attorney In Kansas, 4/25/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690425rec.pdf
- Folder 72: Appointment Of Bob Ellsworth As Ambassador To NATO, 4/29/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690429ell.pdf
- Folder 73: Food For Peace Program, 4/29/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690429foo.pdf
- Folder 74: Accepting Service Academy Applications, 5/1/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690501acc.pdf
- Folder 75: Employment Of The Handicapped, 5/1/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690501emp.pdf
- Folder 76: Law Day 1969, 5/1/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690501law.pdf
- Folder 77: Proposed Shift Of Three Federal Regional Offices From Kansas City To Denver, 5/2/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690502shi.pdf
- Folder 78: Path To Vietnam Peace Lies In Paris Negotiations Says Dole At College Republican Meeting At San Diego University, 5/3/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690503pat.pdf
- Folder 79: ABM And The Nixon Administration, 5/5/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690505abm.pdf
- Folder 80: Ozarks Regional Commission And Senate Public Works Subcommittee On Economic Development, 5/5/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690505oza.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Announced Young Men Selected For Entrance To Service Academies, 5/5/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690505you.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole To California For Nutrition Hearings, 5/7/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690507dol.pdf
- Folder 83: Statement Of Dole At Field Hearings Of Senate Select Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs; California, 5/8/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690508nui.pdf
- Folder 84: Co-Sponsors Bill Prohibiting Interstate Shipment Of Pornographic Material, 5/9/1969

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 690509por.pdf
- Folder 85: Nixon's First 111 Days, 5/10/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690510nix.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole On Student Disorders, 5/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690510stu.pdf
- Folder 87: Co-Sponsors Percy Bill On Neighborhood Health Centers, 5/12/1969

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 690512per.pdf
- Folder 88: Urges Early Release Of Servicemen Called To Active Duty, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690516act.pdf
- Folder 89: Anti-Military Statements Of Opponents Of ABM Treaty, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690516ant.pdf
- Folder 90: Nixon Risking Unpopularity And Tightening Reins On Nation's Economy, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690516unp.pdf
- Folder 91: On President Nixon's Vietnam Message, 5/16/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690516vie.pdf
- Folder 92: ROTC Programs, 5/17/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690517rot.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole Introduces Rea Telephone Bank Bill, 5/20/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690520rea.pdf
- Folder 94: Bob Ellsworth Ambassador To NATO, 5/21/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690521bob.pdf
- Folder 95: Praises Nixon For Not Shifting Fed Out Of Kc, 5/21/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690521nix.pdf
- Folder 96: Harveyville Commencement: Create Better Tomorrow, 5/22/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690522har.pdf
- Folder 97: On Judge Warren E Burger's Appointment To The Supreme Court, 5/22/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 690522jud.pdf
- Folder 98: Introduces Bill Extending $30 Monthly Military Separation Allowance, 5/23/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690523int.pdf
- Folder 99: Two Senators In Bob Dole Household Now Robin And Bob Dole, 5/23/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690523two.pdf
- Folder 100: Bethany College Commencement: Outmoded Draft, 5/25/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690525def.pdf
- Folder 101: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Kansas Programs To Help Combat Hunger And Nutrition, 5/26/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690526nui.pdf
- Folder 102: Salina High School Commencement Speech: Vietnam, 5/28/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690528vie.pdf
- Folder 103: Osbourne High School Commencement: Dialogue Between Generations, 5/29/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690529com.pdf
- Folder 104: Mize And Dole Announce Approval Of Public Works Package, 5/29/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690529miz.pdf
- Folder 105: Memorial Day, 5/30/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690530mem.pdf
- Folder 106: Nixon Administration Deeply Committed To Mexican Americans, 5/31/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690531mex.pdf
- Folder 107: Salute To Boys State, 6/1/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690601sal.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Announces Early Release Possibilities, 6/4/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690604ear.pdf
- Folder 109: Public Works Committee Support For Kansas Flood Control Project, 6/4/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690604pub.pdf
- Folder 110: Business And Professional Women Speech; ABM System, 6/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690606bus.pdf
- Folder 111: Impact Of D-Day And Ike And Military, 6/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690606ike.pdf
- Folder 112: Cooperation And The Handicapped, 6/7/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690607coo.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole On Burger'sConfirmation In Senate, 6/9/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 690609bur.pdf
- Folder 114: Statement On Vietnam, 6/9/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690609vie.pdf
- Folder 115: Co-Sponsors Broadcasters License Renewal Bill, 6/10/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690610cos.pdf
- Folder 116: Nutrition Seminar North Carolina, 6/12/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690612nui.pdf
- Folder 117: Speech To Girls State; Proposed Withdrawal Of 25,000 American Troops From Vietnam, 6/13/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690613gir.pdf
- Folder 118: Salute To Military At Royals Baseball Game, 6/13/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690613sal.pdf
- Folder 119: Air Force Academy Speech; Withdrawal Of 25,000 Americans, 6/13/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690613vie.pdf
- Folder 120: E. M. Williams Appointment As State Farmers Home Administration Director, 6/17/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690617emw.pdf
- Folder 121: Roth Appointment As Us Attorney, 6/18/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690618rot.pdf
- Folder 122: Comments On Passage Of Omnibus Judges Bill In Senate, 6/23/1969

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 690623com.pdf
- Folder 123: 1St Meeting Of Kansas Nutrition And Human Needs Committee, 6/26/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690626fir.pdf
- Folder 124: Fly The Flag Promotion, 6/26/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690626flyp.pdf
- Folder 125: Judy Gough Dole And Interns, 7/1/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690701jud.pdf
- Folder 126: Comment On Nixon's Trip To Romania, 7/3/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690703rom.pdf
- Folder 127: Nixon Administration Bringing Government Closer To The People, 7/4/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690704nix.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Co-Sponsors Eisenhower Silver Dollars, 7/8/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690708sil.pdf
- Folder 129: Co-Sponsors Pop Warner Jr. Football Federal Charter, 7/8/1969

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 690708spo.pdf
- Folder 130: Co-Sponsors Bill Allowing Blind To Vend On Federal Land, 7/11/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690711uss.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Answers Drew Pearson On American Security Council And ABM, 7/13/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690713abm.pdf
- Folder 132: Kansas Delegation Says Nixon Declares Kansas A Disaster Area, 7/15/1969

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 690715kan.pdf
- Folder 133: Supports Oil Import Limitations In Us, 7/15/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 690715oil.pdf
- Folder 134: Co-Sponsors To Establish International Animal Quarantine In United States, 7/16/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690716ani.pdf
- Folder 135: Cosponsored Bill To Allow Volunteer Firemen To Be Trained Under 1968 Vocational Education Amendments, 7/16/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690716vol.pdf
- Folder 136: Dole Secretary Of Agriculture Hardin Have Lunch Together And Talk, 7/17/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690717lun.pdf
- Folder 137: Nixon Dole And 8 GOP Senators Meet At White House, 7/17/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690717nix.pdf
- Folder 138: Statement On ABM Closed Session In Senate, 7/18/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690718abm.pdf
- Folder 139: Hails USDA Move To Lower Wheat Export Price, 7/18/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690718hai.pdf
- Folder 140: Prouty-Burns-Dole On The Handicapped: Highly Encouraging, 7/20/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 690720dis.pdf
- Folder 141: Introduces Day Of Bread Joint Resolution Harvest Festival, 7/23/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 690723eve.pdf
- Folder 142: Key Role During FFA National Meeting In D.C., 7/24/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690724key.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Remarks Made At 2Nd Meeting Of Kansas Commission On Nutrition And Human Needs, 7/26/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690726dol.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole And Prouty Co-Sponsor Human Investments Act, 8/5/1969

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 690805hum.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Statement On Nixon's Trip To South East Asia And Rumania, 8/5/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690805sou.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Joins 88 Senators To Defeat Sen Margaret Smith's Amendment To Cut Off All Funds To ABM, 8/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 690806dol.pdf
- Folder 147: Mark Bedner Summer Intern Joins White Staff As Assistant To Dr. Jean Mayer, 8/6/1969

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 690806mar.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole's Views On Nutrition And Human Needs Committee, 8/7/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690807nui.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Moves Into Third Office In New Senate Office, 8/7/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690807thi.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Conferred With Attorney General John Mitchell About Nomination Of Ks Justice O'Connor, 8/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690808dol.pdf
- Folder 151: Joint Announcement Of Jack Marshall's Appointment As Us Savings Bond Area Manager, 8/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690808joi.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Attends White House Ceremony For Anniversary Of Nixon's Nomination, 8/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 690808nix.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Praises Nixon's Welfare Plan, 8/9/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 690809dol.pdf
- Folder 154: Joint Announcement Of GSA $83 333 Contract For Work At Eisenhower Center - Burglar Alarms, 8/11/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690811joi.pdf
- Folder 155: Joint Announcement Of Approval Of Lyons Creek Watershed Project, 8/12/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 690812kan.pdf
- Folder 156: Nixon And Inflation, 9/5/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690905nix.pdf
- Folder 157: Statement Of Death Of Senator Dirksen, 9/7/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690907dea.pdf
- Folder 158: Food For Peace And International Grains Arrangement, 9/10/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690910foo.pdf
- Folder 159: Release On Ozark Commission For Kansas Business Review, 9/10/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 690910oza.pdf
- Folder 160: Student Disorder And Disobedience, 9/10/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 690910stu.pdf
- Folder 161: Nixon Courage And Issues, 9/13/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 690913nix.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Salutes Finch-Hardin On Nutrition Efforts Of Administration, 9/15/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690915uss.pdf
- Folder 163: Urges Romney To Relocate Regional Hud In Kansas City Ks, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 690916hud.pdf
- Folder 164: Inflation Most Regressive Tax Of All, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 690916inf.pdf
- Folder 165: Kansas Delegation Release On Bob Wells For FCC, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690916kan.pdf
- Folder 166: Condemn TWA Hijacking U.N. Action Required, 9/16/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 690916twa.pdf
- Folder 167: Bob Wells First Kansan To Be Nominated For The Federal Communications Commission, 9/17/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 690917bob.pdf
- Folder 168: Cosponsored Resolution On POWs Held By North Vietnam, 9/17/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690917cos.pdf
- Folder 169: Urges VA To Locate 250 Bed Hospital In Kansas, 9/18/1969

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 690918bed.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Urges Senate Acceptance Of The House-Senate Conference Report On Emergency Federal Relief For Disaster Areas, 9/18/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690918eme.pdf
- Folder 171: Dole Urges Senate Acceptance Of The House-Senate Conference Report On Emergency Federal Relief For Disaster Areas, 9/18/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690918uss.pdf
- Folder 172: Cosponsors Bill On Educational Benefits Under The Gi Bill, 9/19/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 690919gib.pdf
- Folder 173: Baker Within Striking Distance Of Being Elected Leader Of The Senate Republicans, 9/22/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690922bak.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Says Senator Howard Baker Of Tennessee Has Good Chance Elected Leader Of Senate Republicans, 9/22/1969

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 690922uss.pdf
- Folder 175: Hickel's Schedule For Kansas Visit, 9/24/1969

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 690924hic.pdf
- Folder 176: Kansas Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs Report., 9/24/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 690924kan.pdf
- Folder 177: Urges Finch To Relax Nursing Home Regulations, 9/24/1969

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 690924reg.pdf
- Folder 178: Urges Finch To Relax Nursing Home Rules, 9/24/1969

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 690924rul.pdf
- Folder 179: Urges USDA Study On Pl 480 Food For Peace Program, 9/26/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 690926pea.pdf
- Folder 180: Refusal Of Democrats To Schedule Vote On Interest Equalization Tax On Foreign Securities, 9/30/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 690930ref.pdf
- Folder 181: Urges Passage Of Water Pollution Control Bill, 9/30/1969

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 690930urg.pdf
- Folder 182: Arlington Speech On Vietnam, 9/30/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 690930viep.pdf
- Folder 183: Cosponsors Bill For Tax Credit For Higher Education Costs, 10/1/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 691001cos.pdf
- Folder 184: Critics Should Launch Attacks Against North Vietnamese And Vietcong Not President, 10/2/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691002crip.pdf
- Folder 185: Day Of Bread Passage, 10/3/1969

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 691003bre.pdf
- Folder 186: Civil Service Retirement Bill, 10/3/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691003civ.pdf
- Folder 187: Jack Richardson As Us Marshall, 10/3/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691003jac.pdf
- Folder 188: Voluntary Restraints On Meat Imports, 10/6/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691006vol.pdf
- Folder 189: Urges Prompt Draft Reform Before House Armed Services Committee, 10/8/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691008urg.pdf
- Folder 190: Joins Effort To Put Silver In Proposed Eisenhower Coin, 10/9/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691009joi.pdf
- Folder 191: Urges Tax Bill Passage To Remove Registration For Sporting Ammunition, 10/9/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691009tax.pdf
- Folder 192: Rural Families Help Solve Urban Crisis, 10/10/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 691010rur.pdf
- Folder 193: Vietnam Policy Has Changed In Spite Of Demonstrations, 10/10/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691010vie.pdf
- Folder 194: Vietnam Resolution, 10/12/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691012vie.pdf
- Folder 195: Draft Reforms Would Reduce Uncertainty, 10/13/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691013dra.pdf
- Folder 196: Extension Of Interstate Compact To Conserve Oil And Gas, 10/13/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 691013ext.pdf
- Folder 197: Senate Remarks On Vietnam Resolution, 10/13/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691013senp.pdf
- Folder 198: Appointment Of Mrs. Beach To Committee On Mental Retardation, 10/14/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691014app.pdf
- Folder 199: Grant To State Civil Defense For Communications Equipment, 10/14/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691014gra.pdf
- Folder 200: Hud Grant To Ft. Scott, 10/14/1969

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 691014hud.pdf
- Folder 201: Presents Flooring To Eisenhower Center, 10/14/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691014pre.pdf
- Folder 202: Hew Grant To Kansas Elks Training Center For The Retarded Inc., 10/15/1969

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 691015hew.pdf
- Folder 203: Task Force For Physically Handicapped, 10/15/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691015tasp.pdf
- Folder 204: Topeka VA Hospital Possible Cite For Nursing Homes, 10/15/1969

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 691015top.pdf
- Folder 205: Bill For Pan American Highway, 10/16/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691016bill.pdf
- Folder 206: First Vietnam Moratorium Over, 10/16/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691016vie.pdf
- Folder 207: Kansas Association For Mental Health, 10/17/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691017pra.pdf
- Folder 208: Kickapoo Logan To Present Painting To Nixon, 10/20/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691020kic.pdf
- Folder 209: Artist And Midwestern Football Star Roland Kickapoo Logan Presents A Painting To Nixon, 10/20/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691020kicp.pdf
- Folder 210: McGovern's Comments On Vietnam, 10/22/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691022vie.pdf
- Folder 211: Art Griggs Baseball Award To Ken Berry, 10/23/1969

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 691023art.pdf
- Folder 212: Sponsors Minority Business Conference, 10/23/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 691023spo.pdf
- Folder 213: GOP Chances In 1970 Election, 10/24/1969

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 691024gop.pdf
- Folder 214: Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 10/24/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691024rur.pdf
- Folder 215: Commemorative Stamp Honoring Late Everett Dirksen, 10/26/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691026com.pdf
- Folder 216: Congressional Roundup -- A Legislative Box Score, 10/26/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691026con.pdf
- Folder 217: International Day Of Bread; Sebelius And Dole Give Out Miniature Loaves, 10/27/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691027int.pdf
- Folder 218: Purple Power KSU Football, 10/27/1969

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 691027pur.pdf
- Folder 219: Day Of Bread Ceremonies, 10/28/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691028day.pdf
- Folder 220: POW Release Proves North Vietnam Subject To Weight Of World Opinion, 10/28/1969

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 691028pow.pdf
- Folder 221: Businesses Make A Difference In Providing Opportunity And Support To Guarantee Potential; Speech To Score, 10/29/1969

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 691029bus.pdf
- Folder 222: Dole Cosponsors Consumer Protection Act Of 1969, 10/29/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691029dol.pdf
- Folder 223: Urges DOD To Review Cut Back On Five Kansas Military Bases, 10/29/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691029urg.pdf
- Folder 224: Bob Wells Confirmation To FCC, 10/30/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691030bob.pdf
- Folder 225: Kansas Taking Department Of Defense Cutbacks In Stride, 10/30/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691030kan.pdf
- Folder 226: Interior Grants To Kansas Parks, 10/30/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691030pub.pdf
- Folder 227: Speech To BPW Youth Conference, 11/1/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691101spe.pdf
- Folder 228: Maintaining Party Momentum Is Greatest Gift Republicans Can Present To President Nixon, 11/2/1969

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 691102mai.pdf
- Folder 229: Nixon's Vietnam Message Most Direct Discussion Of National Policy Presented To American People, 11/4/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691104nixp.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Should Have Spent Night At White House Prince Phillip Visits Nixon, 11/5/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691105dol.pdf
- Folder 231: Draft Reform Needed, 11/5/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691105dra.pdf
- Folder 232: Expansion Of Ozarks Regional Commission, 11/5/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691105exp.pdf
- Folder 233: New Jersey Gubernatorial Victories Support Nixon, 11/5/1969

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 691105new.pdf
- Folder 234: Olathe Base Closure, 11/6/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691106ola.pdf
- Folder 235: Rural Bank Telephone Bill Introduced, 11/6/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691106rur.pdf
- Folder 236: Great Plains Conservation Program Passes Congress, 11/7/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691107gre.pdf
- Folder 237: Kansas Teenager Asks Dole For Copy Of Nixon's Nov. 3 Message On Vietnam, 11/7/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691107kan.pdf
- Folder 238: Remarks On Vietcong Letter To The American People, 11/7/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691107rem.pdf
- Folder 239: Best Gift For Young Men: Draft Reform, 11/8/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691108bes.pdf
- Folder 240: Clement Haynsworth Nomination, 11/10/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691110clep.pdf
- Folder 241: Demonstrators Can Demonstrate Because Of Veterans, 11/11/1969

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 691111dem.pdf
- Folder 242: Military Construction Authorization Contains Important Amendment For Junction City Residents, 11/11/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691111mil.pdf
- Folder 243: Critics Of Vice President Agnew May Be Out Of Touch With Great Majority Of Americans, 11/12/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691112cri.pdf
- Folder 244: Remarks Of Senator Dole; Stand Up For America, 11/12/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691112stap.pdf
- Folder 245: Kansas Always Had The Right Kind Of Squares, 11/14/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691114kan.pdf
- Folder 246: Some Trying To Sandbag Nixon, 11/14/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 691114nix.pdf
- Folder 247: Dairy Manufacturers To Receive Indemnity For Milk With Chemical Residues, 11/17/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691117dai.pdf
- Folder 248: Urges Patience With Salt, 11/17/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691117urg.pdf
- Folder 249: Great Plains Conservation Bill Signing, 11/18/1969

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 691118gre.pdf
- Folder 250: Hubert Humphrey Has Short Memory In Criticizing Agnew (2 Versions), 11/18/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691118hubv.pdf
- Folder 251: Military Science/Art Degree At USACGSC Leavenworth, 11/18/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 691118mil.pdf
- Folder 252: Amendment To Selective Service Act First Step Toward Comprehensive Draft Reform, 11/19/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691119sel.pdf
- Folder 253: Authority For Road At Fort Riley, 11/20/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691120aut.pdf
- Folder 254: Agnew Stevenson Not Advocating Media Censorship, 11/20/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691120not.pdf
- Folder 255: Agnew Speech Reasonable Challenge To Those Who Control News To Be Fair And Objective, 11/20/1969

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 691120rea.pdf
- Folder 256: Receives National Easter Seal Award, 11/21/1969

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 691121rec.pdf
- Folder 257: Nixon Strict Constructionism And The Supreme Court, 11/22/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 691122nix.pdf
- Folder 258: Gallup Poll Indicates Most Americans Support Nixon's Nov. 3 Speech On Vietnam, 11/24/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691124gall.pdf
- Folder 259: Remarks At Helium Society Press Conference, 11/24/1969

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 691124rem.pdf
- Folder 260: Senate Defeats Amendment That Would Hurt Small Oil And Gas Producers, 11/24/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 691124sen.pdf
- Folder 261: Rejection Of Clement Haynsworth, 11/25/1969

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 691125rej.pdf
- Folder 262: Salutes Kansas Federation Of Women's Clubs, 11/25/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691125sal.pdf
- Folder 263: Haynsworth Code For Federal Judicial Nominees Must Apply To Future Nominees, 11/26/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691126hayp.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Praised North Carolina And City Of Winston-Salem For Efforts In Rehabilitating And Finding Employment For Handicapped, 11/28/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691128win.pdf
- Folder 265: Dinner Honoring Rep. Joseph Skubitz, 11/30/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691130din.pdf
- Folder 266: Ellender Oil Depletion Allowance Amendment, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 691201ell.pdf
- Folder 267: Frontier Service To Smaller Communities, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691201fro.pdf
- Folder 268: Statement On My Lai, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691201sta.pdf
- Folder 269: Dole Attacks McGovern Regarding Nixon Record On Hunger And Malnutrition, 12/1/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 691201whi.pdf
- Folder 270: White House Conference On Food Nutrition And Health, 12/2/1969

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 691202whi.pdf
- Folder 271: Resolution Backing Nixon Policy On Viet Nam, 12/3/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691203res.pdf
- Folder 272: Improve Economic Conditions Of Farmers Farmland Industries Kansas City, 12/4/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691204imp.pdf
- Folder 273: Thirteen GOP Senators Disagreeing With Nixon On Personal Exemption, 12/5/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691205thip.pdf
- Folder 274: Welcomes 995Th Maintenance Company Kansas Natl Guard, 12/5/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691205wel.pdf
- Folder 275: Key Food Conference People Should Come Back To Dc To Draft Report, 12/6/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691206key.pdf
- Folder 276: Speech Before Kappa Sigma On Volunteerism, 12/7/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691207spe.pdf
- Folder 277: Nixon Choice Of Crutcher For OEO, 12/8/1969

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 691208nix.pdf
- Folder 278: Animal Quarantine Island For Imported Animals, 12/9/1969

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 691209ani.pdf
- Folder 279: Moon Rocks For Display In Capitol Rotunda, 12/9/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691209moo.pdf
- Folder 280: Urban Studies Fellowship Program, 12/9/1969

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 691209urb.pdf
- Folder 281: Eliminate 5% Tax On Intangible Drilling Cost Deductions, 12/10/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691210elip.pdf
- Folder 282: Tax-Exempt Status Of Labor Organizations Which Engage In Political Activities, 12/10/1969

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 691210tax.pdf
- Folder 283: Welcomes Home Members Of The 69Th Infantry Brigade Kansas Natl Guard, 12/10/1969

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 691210wel.pdf
- Folder 284: Hails Passage Of Elimination Of 5% Tax On Intangible Drilling Cost Deductions, 12/11/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691211hai.pdf
- Folder 285: Tax Cut Lowers Taxes For Some But Raises Prices For All, 12/13/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691213tax.pdf
- Folder 286: Promotion For Kansas Vietnam Veteran, 12/14/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691214pro.pdf
- Folder 287: Withdrawal Of 50,000 Troops Suggests Nixon's Policy Is Working, 12/15/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691215wit.pdf
- Folder 288: Dole Meets With Romney And Other Hud Officials, 12/17/1969

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 691217dol.pdf
- Folder 289: Predicts 15% Increase In Social Security Benefits, 12/17/1969

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 691217pre.pdf
- Folder 290: Praise For Expansion Of Food Stamp Program, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 691218pra.pdf
- Folder 291: State Department Endorses Dole Vietnam Resolution Calling For Hanoi Responses, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691218sta.pdf
- Folder 292: Task Force On The Mentally Handicapped, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 691218tas.pdf
- Folder 293: Transportation Funds Approval, 12/18/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691218tran.pdf
- Folder 294: Bill On Two Separate Annual Sessions Of Congress, 12/19/1969

- Subject: General - PDF available: 691219bill.pdf
- Folder 295: Dole Meets With Kansas Milling Industries To Discuss Unfavorable Rail Freight Rates, 12/20/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691220dol.pdf
- Folder 296: Percy-Dole Tax Exemption, 12/20/1969

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 691220per.pdf
- Folder 297: Nixon Has Restored Faith Of American People In Their Government, 12/21/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 691221nix.pdf
- Folder 298: Criticizes Kennedy Statement On Vietnam Casualties, 12/22/1969

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 691222cri.pdf
- Folder 299: First Session Of 91St Congress Average, 12/23/1969

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 691223fir.pdf
- Folder 300: ICC Investigation Of Changes In Atchison-Topeka-Santa Fe Train Scheduling, 12/24/1969

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 691224icc.pdf
- Folder 301: Dole Refutes Senator Fred Harris's Attack On The Administration, 12/30/1969

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 6912301ussp.pdf
- Folder 302: Wholesome Meat Act, 12/30/1969

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 691230who.pdf
- Series 10: 1970

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Nixon's Biggest Achievement Is Full Commitment Of Us To Eliminating Hunger And Malnutrition In Us, 1/4/1970

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 700104nix.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Says Hardin Hopes Agriculture Committees Will Plan Farm Program, 1/5/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700105dol.pdf
- Folder 3: Delegation Announces 9 More Kansas Counties Have Food Stamps, 1/7/1970

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 700107del.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Describes Freshman Year In Senate, 1/7/1970

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 700107dol.pdf
- Folder 5: Delegation Announces Fish And Game Commission, 1/8/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700108fis.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Schedule Of Visits In Kansas Before 2Nd Session, 1/10/1970

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 700110dol.pdf
- Folder 7: Delegation Confirms Release Of Ft. Riley Division, 1/12/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700112del.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Congratulates K.C. Chiefs And Coach-Superbowl, 1/12/1970

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 700112dol.pdf
- Folder 9: Delegation Announces ICC Hearings On Proposed Discontinuance Of Santa Fe Train Between Chicago And L.A., 1/13/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700113del.pdf
- Folder 10: Statement On Oral Contraceptives Hearings, 1/14/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700114sta.pdf
- Folder 11: Nominees For Military Academies, 1/15/1970

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 700115nomp.pdf
- Folder 12: Delegation Announces Early Payments On Feed Grain Program, 1/16/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700116del.pdf
- Folder 13: Most Kansans Support Nixon's Vietnam Effort -- Result Of Visits With Kansans, 1/16/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700116mos.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Praises K.C. Chiefs On Senate Floor, 1/19/1970

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 700119dol.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Predicts Carswell Will Win Easy Confirmation In Senate, 1/20/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700120dol.pdf
- Folder 16: Oil People Will Meet With Peter Flanigan -- Meeting Arranged By Dole And Pearson, 1/20/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700120oil.pdf
- Folder 17: Animal Quarantine Bill Reported Out Of Ag, 1/21/1970

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 700121ani.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Calls For Immediate Senate Action On Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 1/21/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700121dol.pdf
- Folder 19: Expresses Concern Over Possible Recommendation By Oil Task Force That Would Reduce Price Of Domestic Crude Oil, 1/21/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700121exp.pdf
- Folder 20: Ambassador Ellsworth And Dole Visit, 1/22/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700122amb.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Hails State-Of-The Union Message As Realistic, 1/22/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700122hai.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Is Pleased Over Ag Committee's Favorable On Expansion Of School Lunch Program, 1/22/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700122ple.pdf
- Folder 23: Delegation Announces Coast And Geodetic Survey Will Be Working In Kansas, 1/26/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700126del.pdf
- Folder 24: Delegation Announces OEO $44,858 Grant To Ks, 1/27/1970

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 700127del.pdf
- Folder 25: Hud Officials To Meet With Galena Officials To Work Out City's Difficulties In Getting Funds For Sewage Project, 1/28/1970

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 700128hud.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Romney Fly To Ks For Ks Day Activities, 1/29/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 700129dol.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Says American People Deserve Credit For Progress In Vietnam, 1/30/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700130dol.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Says Archaic Corps Of Engineers Laws Are Fault Of Congress, 2/1/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700201dol.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Urges Hearings On The Pill Be Reconvened, 2/2/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700202pill.pdf
- Folder 30: Statement On Hurricane Camille At Roanoke VA Hearings, 2/2/1970

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 700202sta.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole To Testify Before Foreign Relations On His Vietnam Resolution, 2/3/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700203dol.pdf
- Folder 32: Bill Taggart Joins Staff As Ag Specialist, 2/4/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700204agr.pdf
- Folder 33: Vietnam Resolution Testimony Before Foreign Relations Committee, 2/5/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700205viep.pdf
- Folder 34: Designated A Member Of The UNESCO Commission, 2/6/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700206des.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole Urges Farmers With 1967 Wheat Storage To Check About Selling It, 2/6/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700206dol.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole Announces Frank Mosier Is Executive Director Of Kansas ASCS, 2/9/1970

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 700209fra.pdf
- Folder 37: Praises Nixon's Environment Message, 2/10/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700210pra.pdf
- Folder 38: Dole In Ks Other States For Lincoln Day Recess, 2/11/1970

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 700211dol.pdf
- Folder 39: Lawrence Speech-- Inflation And Government Reform, 2/12/1970

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 700212ref.pdf
- Folder 40: Stillwater Ok Speech -- Nixon Administration Thrust Is Reform, 2/13/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700213sti.pdf
- Folder 41: Wichita Speech -- Environment, 2/13/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700213wic.pdf
- Folder 42: San Pedro Ca Speech -- Environment, 2/15/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700215san.pdf
- Folder 43: Topeka - Statement Before ICC Hearings On Train Discontinuance, 2/17/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700217top.pdf
- Folder 44: Praises President's Legislative Package On Environment, 2/18/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700218pra.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Praises Nixon's Legislative Package On The Environment, 2/18/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700218pra2.pdf
- Folder 46: Cosponsors Bill To Keep Small Meat Plants Open, 2/20/1970

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 700220mea.pdf
- Folder 47: Comments On Oil Task Force Report And Nixon's Statement, 2/20/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700220oil.pdf
- Folder 48: St. Louis Speech On The Handicapped, 2/21/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700221stl.pdf
- Folder 49: Washington Day Freedom Rally -- POWs, 2/21/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700221was.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Cosponsored Amendment To Gun Control Act Of 1968 Repealing Restrictions On Interstate Transport By Sportsmen, 2/23/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700223dol.pdf
- Folder 51: Stafford ICC Support, 2/24/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700224icc.pdf
- Folder 52: Statement Before Pill Hearings, 2/24/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700224sta.pdf
- Folder 53: Warns Nutrition Committee Of Overstepping Jurisdiction, 3/2/1970

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 700302war.pdf
- Folder 54: Gets Favorable Reply On Informal Cabinet Group Help For Wichita, 3/3/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 700303get.pdf
- Folder 55: Criticizes Pill Hearings For Frightening And Confusing, 3/4/1970

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 700304cri.pdf
- Folder 56: New Type Of Activist - Student Influence, 3/4/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700304newp.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Introduces Comprehensive Dairy Improvement Bill Providing Permanent Extension Of Several Key Dairy Programs, 3/5/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700305int.pdf
- Folder 58: Voting Rights Act Amendments, 3/5/1970

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 700305vot.pdf
- Folder 59: Mrs. Dole In Hospital, 3/6/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700306mrs.pdf
- Folder 60: Paul K. Kennedy Kansan Given VA Promotion, 3/6/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700306pau.pdf
- Folder 61: America Stands To Lose Opportunity To Market Farm Commodities And Provide Food For Less Fortunate Countries, 3/7/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700307ame.pdf
- Folder 62: Thrust Of Nixon Administration Has Been Reform, 3/8/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700308thr.pdf
- Folder 63: Cosponsors Bill Providing For Natl Council American Minority History And Culture, 3/9/1970

- Subject: Minority Issues - PDF available: 700309cos.pdf
- Folder 64: Asks For Increase In 1971 Proposed Budget For Water District And Farm Ownership Loans, 3/10/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700310ask.pdf
- Folder 65: Cosponsors Bill To Set Up Environmental Quality Administration, 3/10/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700310cos.pdf
- Folder 66: Writes Nixon Suggesting Creation Of Task Force To Investigate Use Of Grain-Based Alcohol Additive For Gasoline, 3/10/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700310wri.pdf
- Folder 67: Phoenix -- Criticizes Liberal Establishment, 3/13/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700313pho.pdf
- Folder 68: Says Disaster Proposals Should Come Soon To Disaster Relief Committee, 3/13/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700313say.pdf
- Folder 69: Tulsa -- Urges Environmental Protection Of Arkansas Basin Development, 3/13/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700313tul.pdf
- Folder 70: Dallas -- Laos Facts Aren't New, 3/14/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700314dal.pdf
- Folder 71: VA Chapel Will Be Restored, 3/17/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700317vac.pdf
- Folder 72: Requested Additional Allocations By Senate Appropriations For Water District And Farm Ownership Loans, 3/19/1970

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 700319req.pdf
- Folder 73: May 1 Tribute MIAs And POWs, 3/20/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700320may.pdf
- Folder 74: Senate Statement On Laos, 3/20/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700320sen.pdf
- Folder 75: Dedicatory Speech At Paola Lake Mary Center For Mentally Handicapped, 3/21/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700321ded.pdf
- Folder 76: Testifies In Support Of Penalties Solve Boxcar Shortages, 3/25/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700325tes.pdf
- Folder 77: Cosponsors Bill Providing Federal Financial Assistance In Seven Southern Ks Counties For Conservation And Recreation, 3/26/1970

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 700326cos.pdf
- Folder 78: Law Enforcement Assistance Act, 3/26/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 700326lawp.pdf
- Folder 79: Ks Sugar Beet Growers Get 3.5 Million In Emergency Funds, 3/27/1970

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 700327kss.pdf
- Folder 80: 79-Bed Nursing Home Care Unit Established At Veterans Administration Hospital In Topeka, 3/27/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700327new.pdf
- Folder 81: Announces He Will Move To Table Bayh Motion To Recommit Carswell Nomination, 3/28/1970

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 700328ann.pdf
- Folder 82: H. Ross Perot Accepted Honorary Chairmanship Of Special Tribute To American POWs And MIAs, 3/28/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700328hro.pdf
- Folder 83: Osage County Designated For Food Stamp Program, 3/30/1970

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 700330osa.pdf
- Folder 84: Praises Supreme Court Decision About Restraining Defendants, 4/1/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700401pra.pdf
- Folder 85: Cosponsors Bill Which Would Transfer Trial Of Unfair Labor Practices From The NLRB To Federal Courts, 4/3/1970

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 700403cos.pdf
- Folder 86: Laird At Ft. Riley, 4/3/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700403lai.pdf
- Folder 87: Praises Nixon's Request For Additional VA Funds, 4/3/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700403pra.pdf
- Folder 88: Toughest Vote Is To Come -- Carswell Nomination, 4/6/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700406tou.pdf
- Folder 89: Kornechuks Present Nixon With Dodge City Brick, 4/9/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700409kor.pdf
- Folder 90: Takes Issue With Idea That Federal Commission Be Established To Insure Adequate Supply Of Beef, 4/9/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700409tak.pdf
- Folder 91: Urges Earl E. O'Connor Be Considered For Supreme Court, 4/9/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700409urg.pdf
- Folder 92: Cerebral Palsy Meeting Approaching Breakdown In Our Health Care Systems, 4/10/1970

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 700410cer.pdf
- Folder 93: Midwest Cancer Conference -- Research Pays, 4/10/1970

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 700410mid.pdf
- Folder 94: VFW Gives $500 For POW Rally, 4/13/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 700413vfw.pdf
- Folder 95: Charges Post And Ny Times Misrepresented Nixon's Decision Against Any More Southern Nominees For Supreme Court, 4/14/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700414cha.pdf
- Folder 96: Proposes Formation Of National Information And Resource Center For The Handicapped, 4/14/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700414pro.pdf
- Folder 97: Judiciary Testimony On Federal System Plan, 4/17/1970

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 700417jud.pdf
- Folder 98: 500 POW And MIA Family Members Expected To Attend Rally, 4/19/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700419pow.pdf
- Folder 99: Proposes Amendments To Small Business Act Which Would Increase Availability Of Management Counseling - Score And Ace, 4/20/1970

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 700420pro.pdf
- Folder 100: Earth Day, 4/22/1970

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 700422ear.pdf
- Folder 101: Conflict Of Whose Interest? Statement On Senate Floor On Firing Of William Woestendiek, 4/23/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700423con.pdf
- Folder 102: Moon Shot Is Easy Compared To Solving Environmental Problems -- Kansas Association Of Life Underwriters, 4/25/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700425moo.pdf
- Folder 103: Statement Before House Foreign Affairs Committee, 4/29/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 700429sta.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Praises Senate Approval Of School Lunch Bill, 4/30/1970

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 700430dol.pdf
- Folder 105: POW Rally Program, 4/30/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700430pow.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Hails POW Rally As Great Success, 5/2/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700502dol.pdf
- Folder 107: Statement On Kent State Deaths, 5/5/1970

- Subject: Civil Unrest - PDF available: 700505sta.pdf
- Folder 108: Limits Of Freedom Of Press; Gary Sheppard CBS Interview Of Us Soldiers, 5/7/1970

- Subject: Civil RIghts - PDF available: 700507limp.pdf
- Folder 109: Statement On Resignation Of Hew Employee Toby Moffett, 5/7/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700507sta.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Blasts Larry O'Brien For Statement That Nixon-Agnew-Mitchell Inflammatory Rhetoric Contributed To Kent State Deaths, 5/11/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700511dolp.pdf
- Folder 111: Offers Dole Amendment To Foreign Military Sales Act, 5/12/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700512offp.pdf
- Folder 112: Praises Appointment Of Stafford As ICC Head, 5/13/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700513pra.pdf
- Folder 113: Announcement Of Summer Interns, 5/14/1970

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 700514ann.pdf
- Folder 114: They Need Our Support; POW Rally, 5/14/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700514the.pdf
- Folder 115: Los Angeles -- Youth Crossroads Conference, 5/15/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700515los.pdf
- Folder 116: Grandview Mo -- Dissent, 5/17/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700517gra.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole To Make Certain Nothing In Resolution On Involvement In Se Asia Passed By Senate Is Intended To Embarrass Or Question President's Good Faith, 5/18/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700518dol.pdf
- Folder 118: Statement On Death Of Clifford Hope, 5/18/1970

- Subject: House (Congress) - PDF available: 700518sta.pdf
- Folder 119: Co-Sponsors Federal Alcohol Abuse And Alcoholism Prevention Treatment And Rehabilitation Act, 5/21/1970

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 700521co.pdf
- Folder 120: Offers Pow Amendment To Cooper-Church Amendment, 5/28/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700528off.pdf
- Folder 121: America Cannot Afford To Waste And Squander Resources Of College Graduates Or Environment, 5/29/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700529ame.pdf
- Folder 122: Speech At Wichita Memorial Day Services -- War Unrest Is Not New, 5/30/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700530spe.pdf
- Folder 123: Minneapolis -- Dissent, 6/1/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700601min.pdf
- Folder 124: 73 Senators Urge Us Jets For Israel, 6/1/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 700601sevp.pdf
- Folder 125: Statement On Newsmen Missing In Cambodia, 6/1/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700601sta.pdf
- Folder 126: Praises Nixon's Move In Support Of Byrd Amendment, 6/5/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700605pra.pdf
- Folder 127: Telegram To Palme Urging Swedish Government To Intercede On Behalf Of American POWs, 6/5/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 700605tel.pdf
- Folder 128: Text Of Speech Before Regional Conference Of The Radio And Tv News Directors Association Topeka, 6/6/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700606texp.pdf
- Folder 129: Dallas Speech -- TIPRO Hat's Off Award, 6/7/1970

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 700607dalp.pdf
- Folder 130: President's Power To Conduct Military Operations, 6/9/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700609prep.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Joins Other Senators In Urging Meat Import Quotas, 6/10/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700610dol.pdf
- Folder 132: Military Academy Appointees, 6/11/1970

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 700611mil.pdf
- Folder 133: Seattle Speech-- Crime, 6/13/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 700613sea.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Urges Appointment Of Ellsworth And Fletcher, 6/15/1970

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 700615dol.pdf
- Folder 135: Predicted Massacres In South Vietnam If Immediate Us Troop Pull-Out, 6/16/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700616prep.pdf
- Folder 136: AEC Choice Of Lyons Site (Kansas), 6/17/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 700617aec.pdf
- Folder 137: Hupe Luncheon (Hijacked TWA Crew) (Crime And Criminals), 6/17/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 700617hup.pdf
- Folder 138: President's Economy Speech (Economy), 6/17/1970

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 700617pre.pdf
- Folder 139: Cooper-Church To Foreign Military Sales Act, 6/19/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700619coop.pdf
- Folder 140: Motion To Repeal Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution (Vietnam War), 6/22/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700622motp.pdf
- Folder 141: National Information And Resource Center For The Handicapped (Disabled), 6/23/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700623nat.pdf
- Folder 142: Introduces J.R. For Day Of Bread (Agriculture), 6/24/1970

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 700624int.pdf
- Folder 143: Amendment Would Help Small Meat Plants, 6/25/1970

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 700625amep.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Introduces Dairy Legislation - Indemnity And VA, 6/25/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700625dol.pdf
- Folder 145: Calls For Passage Of Foreign Military Sales Act And Cooper-Church, 6/27/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700627call.pdf
- Folder 146: Foresees Overwhelming Senate Approval Of Foreign Military Sales Act, 6/27/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700627for.pdf
- Folder 147: Praises Action On Meat Import Restraint Level, 6/30/1970

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 700630pra.pdf
- Folder 148: Statement On Senate Floor On Foreign Military Sales Act, 6/30/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700630stap.pdf
- Folder 149: Approval Of Cooper-Church A Victory For Congress And Nixon, 7/1/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700701app.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Requests Cab Expedite Air Midwest Petition (Transportation), 7/1/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700701cab.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Urges Hurry-Up On Farm Legislation In Committees (Agriculture), 7/1/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700701hur.pdf
- Folder 152: Clay Wirt Joins Dole Staff, 7/2/1970

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 700702cla.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole On Record In Support Of 100 Million Increase In VA Appropriation And All-Volunteer Armed Force, 7/7/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700707dol.pdf
- Folder 154: Requests NBC Grant Free Equal Time To Oppose End War Amendment (Vietnam War), 7/7/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700707nbc.pdf
- Folder 155: Volunteer Armed Forces And VA Appropriations Statement (Defense), 7/7/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700707volp.pdf
- Folder 156: Files Complaint With FCC To Compel NBC Comply With Request (Vietnam War), 7/10/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700710fil.pdf
- Folder 157: Orlando Speech End The War Amendment (Vietnam War), 7/11/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700711orl.pdf
- Folder 158: Ten Senators Join Dole In FCC Complaint (Vietnam War), 7/11/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700711tenp.pdf
- Folder 159: 89 Senators Sign Letter To North Vietnam POWs (Vietnam War), 7/13/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700713eig.pdf
- Folder 160: Brief Filed With FCC Re. Equal Time (Vietnam War), 7/16/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700716brip.pdf
- Folder 161: No More Flags Until August (Vietnam War), 7/16/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700716nom.pdf
- Folder 162: End The War Amendment, 7/18/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700718end.pdf
- Folder 163: Floor Statement In Favor Of D.C. Crime Bill (Crime And Criminals), 7/23/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 700723flo.pdf
- Folder 164: Introduces Farm Bill Identical To House Ag Committee Bill (Agriculture), 7/24/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700724int.pdf
- Folder 165: Stations Provide Free Time To Oppose End The War Amendment (Vietnam War), 7/27/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700727stap.pdf
- Folder 166: Cosponsors Resolution Favoring Free Market For Natural Gas Price (Energy), 7/29/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 700729cos.pdf
- Folder 167: Activities In Ohio (Dole Activities), 7/30/1970

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 700730act.pdf
- Folder 168: Disappointed That Hanoi Has Not Responded To POW Telegram (Vietnam War), 7/30/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700730dis.pdf
- Folder 169: Urgent Congress Act On President's Remaining 12 Proposals On Organized Crime, 8/1/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 700801urg.pdf
- Folder 170: Cop-Out Time In The Democratic Party, 8/3/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700803copp.pdf
- Folder 171: Question Accuracy Of Kenneth O'Donnell On Vietnam, Former Aide To JFK, 8/4/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700804que.pdf
- Folder 172: FCC Fairness Or Bias?, 8/5/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700805fccp.pdf
- Folder 173: Federal Communications Commission Fairness Doctrine (Vietnam War), 8/8/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700808tva.pdf
- Folder 174: Support Safeguard Program, 8/10/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700810supp.pdf
- Folder 175: Hails Postal Reform Act (Post Office), 8/12/1970

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 700812hai.pdf
- Folder 176: Cosponsors Junked Car Act With Gurney (Transportation), 8/13/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700813cos.pdf
- Folder 177: Associated Milk Producers (Agriculture), 8/15/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700815ass.pdf
- Folder 178: FCC Decisions Relegate President To Partisanship (Vietnam War), 8/15/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700815fccp.pdf
- Folder 179: AEC Waste Disposal Proposal (Environment), 8/16/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700816aec.pdf
- Folder 180: To Sustain Nixon's Education Bill Veto (Nixon Administration), 8/18/1970

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 700818tos.pdf
- Folder 181: To Sustain Nixon's Education Bill Veto (Nixon Administration), 8/18/1970

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 700818tosp.pdf
- Folder 182: Frizzell In Washington (Kent Frizzell), 8/19/1970

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 700819fri.pdf
- Folder 183: Tv Stations Granting Equal Time (Vietnam War), 8/19/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700819tvs.pdf
- Folder 184: Airline Procedure In Bomb Scares (Terrorism), 8/20/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700820air.pdf
- Folder 185: Hardin And Corn Blight (Agriculture), 8/20/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700820har.pdf
- Folder 186: Commenting On Corn Blight (Agriculture), 8/21/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700821com.pdf
- Folder 187: Praised Nixon; Warned Against Democrats (Nixon Administration), 8/22/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700822pra.pdf
- Folder 188: Talmadge And Dole Urge Step-Up In Rural Development (Rural Development), 8/23/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700823tal.pdf
- Folder 189: Defeat Of All Volunteer Army (Defense), 8/25/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 700825def.pdf
- Folder 190: Three-Fringed Attack Against FCC Building (Vietnam War), 8/27/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 700827thrp.pdf
- Folder 191: Agricultural Act Of 1970 (Agriculture), 8/28/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700828agr.pdf
- Folder 192: 5Th Version Of End The War Amendment (Vietnam War), 8/28/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700828fif.pdf
- Folder 193: Aberdeen South Dakota Speech On Nixon's Withdrawal Plans (Vietnam War), 8/29/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700829abe.pdf
- Folder 194: Support Nixon's Withdrawal Plans (Vietnam War), 8/29/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700829sup.pdf
- Folder 195: Case Against McGovern-Hatfield (George McGovern Mark Hatfield), 8/31/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 700831casp.pdf
- Folder 196: Cost Of Flags Up, 8/31/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 700831cos.pdf
- Folder 197: Letter To Nixon Concerning Ceasefire (Vietnam War), 9/1/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700901let.pdf
- Folder 198: Senators Lobbying: Lose The Peace Amendment (Vietnam War), 9/1/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700901sen.pdf
- Folder 199: Service Academy Applications Accepted (Academy Appointments), 9/3/1970

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 700903ser.pdf
- Folder 200: Remarks At Republican State Convention Dinner Criticizes Attempt To Curb Presidential Control Of Foreign Policy (Nixon Administration), 9/4/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 700904rem.pdf
- Folder 201: Development Of Rural America Speech At Chicago Illinois, 9/5/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 700905devp.pdf
- Folder 202: Statement On Senate Floor Disaster Assistance Act Of 1970, 9/9/1970

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 700909stap.pdf
- Folder 203: National Information And Resource Center For Handicapped (Disabled), 9/14/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700914nat.pdf
- Folder 204: Praise For KSU-Nixon Lecture (Nixon Administration), 9/15/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700915pra.pdf
- Folder 205: Another Occurrence In Kansas; President And POW-MIA Mastin (Vietnam War), 9/17/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700917ano.pdf
- Folder 206: Electoral Reform Federal System Plan (Elections), 9/17/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 700917elep.pdf
- Folder 207: President's Speech Might Be Turning Point (Nixon Administration), 9/17/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700917pre.pdf
- Folder 208: Lasky Nana Column; Senator Bob Dole Of Kansas Fights Like Bulldog For GOP, 9/18/1970

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 700918lasp.pdf
- Folder 209: Nixon Praises KSU Student In Call To Dole, 9/18/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700918nix.pdf
- Folder 210: Dole Presents Newton Petition Supporting Nixon's Cambodia Program (Vietnam War), 9/20/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 700920dolp.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Speaks In Illinois And Iowa (Nixon Administration), 9/21/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 700921dol.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole Amendment To National Air Quality Standards Act Of 1970 (Environment), 9/22/1970

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 700922dolp.pdf
- Folder 213: Ky Stay Home! Speech On Senate Floor (Senate), 9/22/1970

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 700922kyp1.pdf
- Folder 214: Speech For Bill Roth Dover Delaware (Elections), 9/24/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 700924spe.pdf
- Folder 215: Federal Aid Highway Act Of 1970 (Transportation), 9/25/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700925fed.pdf
- Folder 216: Dole Plans To Announce Position On SST Sometime Before The Vote (Transportation), 9/26/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 700926dol.pdf
- Folder 217: Electoral Reform Proposal (Elections), 9/29/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 700929ele.pdf
- Folder 218: Mrs. Esther H. Levens Appointed To National Advisory On Handicapped (Disabled), 9/29/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700929mrs.pdf
- Folder 219: National Employ The Physically Handicapped Week (Disabled), 9/30/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 700930nat.pdf
- Folder 220: Predicts Conferees Will Report Farm Bill This Week (Agriculture), 9/30/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 700930pre.pdf
- Folder 221: Floor Statement President's Trip (Nixon Administration), 10/1/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 701001flo.pdf
- Folder 222: Search For Peace Never-Ending, 10/3/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 701003exc.pdf
- Folder 223: Tragedy For Wichita State University, 10/5/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 701005tra.pdf
- Folder 224: Predicts Action On Farm Bill (Agriculture), 10/7/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 701007agr.pdf
- Folder 225: Blue River And Mud Creek Projects (Public Works), 10/7/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 701007blu.pdf
- Folder 226: President Nixon's Bold New Initiative For Peace In Indochina, 10/7/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 701007pre.pdf
- Folder 227: SST Vote To Be Delayed (Transportation), 10/7/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 701007sst.pdf
- Folder 228: Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention And Control Act Of 1970, 10/8/1970

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 701008com.pdf
- Folder 229: House Committee On Official Conduct Lobbying (Ethics), 10/8/1970

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 701008houp.pdf
- Folder 230: Lebanon Pennsylvania Speech At Dinner Honoring Congressman Ed Eshleman, 10/9/1970

- Subject: General - PDF available: 701009leb.pdf
- Folder 231: Praises Crime Bill Passage (Crime And Criminals), 10/9/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 701009pra.pdf
- Folder 232: Big Springs Texas Speech Democratic Party Frightened Of Losing Majority, 10/10/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701010big.pdf
- Folder 233: Floor Statement Disapproval Of Farm Bill Delay (Agriculture), 10/13/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 701013flo.pdf
- Folder 234: Floor Statement President's Veto Of Communications Act (Nixon Administration), 10/13/1970

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 701013nix.pdf
- Folder 235: Democrat Politics Delay Farm Bill (Agriculture), 10/14/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 701014dem.pdf
- Folder 236: Senate Quits No Farm Bill (Agriculture), 10/14/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 701014sen.pdf
- Folder 237: Bangor Maine Speech Honoring Neil Bishop Candidate For Senate (Elections), 10/15/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701015banp.pdf
- Folder 238: Toledo Ohio Speech Civilization In The Balance With Blind Violence, 10/17/1970

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 701017tol.pdf
- Folder 239: Loogootee Indiana Speech There Was No Surplus, 10/18/1970

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 701018loo.pdf
- Folder 240: In Support Of Jack Danforth, 10/21/1970

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 701021ele.pdf
- Folder 241: Letter From Dole To Senators Supporting SST, 10/21/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 701021let.pdf
- Folder 242: Statement At Public Hearing National Transportation Safety Board WSU Plane Crash, 10/21/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 701021pla.pdf
- Folder 243: Schedule For October 21 Through October 26 (Dole Activities), 10/21/1970

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 701021sch.pdf
- Folder 244: Indianapolis Speech At Dinner For Richard Roudebush (Elections), 10/22/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701022ind.pdf
- Folder 245: North Carolina Speech At Luncheon For Jack Hawke, 10/23/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701023nor.pdf
- Folder 246: Shelby North Carolina Speech For Jim Broyhill (Elections), 10/23/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701023she.pdf
- Folder 247: Fargo And Devil's Lake North Carolina Speech For Tom Kleppe (Elections), 10/24/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701024far.pdf
- Folder 248: Fort Wayne Indiana Speech At Republican Dinner (Elections), 10/26/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701026for.pdf
- Folder 249: Watchdog Of The Treasury Award, 10/29/1970

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 701029wat.pdf
- Folder 250: Commends MIA/POW Committee In Wichita (Vietnam War), 10/30/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 701030com.pdf
- Folder 251: Early Halloween For Democrats (Elections), 10/30/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701030ear.pdf
- Folder 252: Reaction To San Jose Attack On Nixon (Nixon Administration), 10/30/1970

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 701030rea.pdf
- Folder 253: Confident Frizzell Will Win Wichita (Elections), 10/31/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701031con.pdf
- Folder 254: On Kansas City Young Matrons Speech In Kansas City (Disabled), 11/2/1970

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 701102onk.pdf
- Folder 255: Appointment Of Mrs. Glenn Henry To White House Conference On Aging, 11/6/1970

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 701106agi.pdf
- Folder 256: Kansas Teachers Convention Speech Chanute (Education), 11/6/1970

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 701106edu.pdf
- Folder 257: Requests Kansas City Hearings For School Lunch Programs (Education), 11/7/1970

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 701107reqp.pdf
- Folder 258: Statement On National Unemployment (Employment Labor), 11/7/1970

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 701107sta.pdf
- Folder 259: San Francisco Comments On Elections Short Memory (Elections), 11/9/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701109san.pdf
- Folder 260: Tours Kansas Veterans Hospitals (Veterans), 11/11/1970

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 701111tou.pdf
- Folder 261: Comments On Forbes Closing Rumors (Defense), 11/12/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 701112com.pdf
- Folder 262: Predicts Wasteful Lame Duck Session (Congress), 11/15/1970

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 701115pre.pdf
- Folder 263: Approves Agriculture Conference Report (Agriculture), 11/19/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 701119appp.pdf
- Folder 264: Animal Protection Bill (Animals), 11/24/1970

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 701124ani.pdf
- Folder 265: Construction Of Blue River Project (Public Works), 11/24/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 701124blu.pdf
- Folder 266: More Work On Campaign Spending Bill (Elections), 11/24/1970

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 701124mor.pdf
- Folder 267: Recognition Of Rescue Attempt Of POW/MIAs (Vietnam War), 11/25/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 701125recp.pdf
- Folder 268: Commends Rescue Attempt Efforts (Vietnam War), 11/27/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 701127com.pdf
- Folder 269: Wayne Woody Hayes (Ohio State) Delivers Condolences In Wichita For Nixon, 11/28/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 701128con.pdf
- Folder 270: Wayne Woody Hayes (Ohio State) And Night Of Stars Benefit, 11/28/1970

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 701128nig.pdf
- Folder 271: Dole's Message To Xuan Thuy Regarding POW/MIAs, 11/30/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 701130dol.pdf
- Folder 272: Presidential Hour, 12/2/1970

- PDF available: 701202pre.pdf
- Folder 273: Concerning DOT Appropriation For FAA Administration (Transportation), 12/2/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 701202con.pdf
- Folder 274: Forbes Contract For Remodeling Warehouse (Defense), 12/3/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 701203for.pdf
- Folder 275: Asks Congress To Determine FAA Standards (Transportation), 12/3/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 701203ask.pdf
- Folder 276: President's Commitment To End Hunger (Health Care), 12/4/1970

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 701204prep.pdf
- Folder 277: Urges Foreign Relations Committee For Pakistan Relief (Foreign Relations), 12/7/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 701207urgp.pdf
- Folder 278: To OEP On Oil Prices (Energy), 12/7/1970

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 701207toop.pdf
- Folder 279: Fulbright Agrees To Report Res. 486 (POW Raid) (Defense), 12/8/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 701208ful.pdf
- Folder 280: Regulates Care Of Small Animals (Animals), 12/9/1970

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 701209reg.pdf
- Folder 281: Railroad Strike And Congressional Strike (Railroads), 12/10/1970

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 701210rai.pdf
- Folder 282: Urges Nixon Decline UK Variable Levy Proposal (Trade), 12/16/1970

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 701216urg.pdf
- Folder 283: Concern Over Cutbacks In Military Appropriations And Rumors Of Closings In Kansas (Defense), 12/17/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 701217con.pdf
- Folder 284: Rivers And Harbors Bill Passes (Public Works), 12/18/1970

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 701218riv.pdf
- Folder 285: POW Raid Resolution 486 Passes, 12/19/1970

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 701219powp.pdf
- Folder 286: Explains Animal Welfare Act (Animals), 12/22/1970

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 701222exp.pdf
- Folder 287: Predicts Generation Of Peace (Vietnam War), 12/28/1970

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 701228pre.pdf
- Folder 288: Justice For Soviet Jews (Human Rights), 12/29/1970

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 701229mrd.pdf
- Folder 289: Supports Food Stamp Amendments (Public Welfare), 12/30/1970

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 701230sup.pdf
- Folder 290: Embargo On Transshipments Of Meat (Agriculture), 12/31/1970

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 701231emb.pdf
- Series 11: 1971

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Mac Namara Should Explain TFX (F-111) Contract To General Dynamics, 1/2/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710102mcn.pdf
- Folder 2: Praises Congress For Repeal Of Gulf Of Tonkin Resolution (Vietnam War), 1/7/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710107prap.pdf
- Folder 3: US Will Not Agree To UK Grain Import Proposal (Agriculture), 1/9/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710109us.pdf
- Folder 4: Predicts Reform In Welfare And Public Assistance (Public Welfare), 1/13/1971

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 710113pre.pdf
- Folder 5: Drug Abuse Book Available (Drug Abuse Alcohol), 1/19/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710119dru.pdf
- Folder 6: Druggist Speech In D.C. (Health Care) Health Care System Needs Reform, 1/20/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710120drup.pdf
- Folder 7: Death Of Senator Richard Russell (Richard Russell), 1/21/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710121dea.pdf
- Folder 8: Introduces Five Pieces Of Legislation In 92Nd Congress (Legislation), 1/21/1971

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 710121int.pdf
- Folder 9: Praises Appointment Of Chester Mize To The FTC (Trade), 1/22/1971

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 710122pra.pdf
- Folder 10: Critical Of O'Brien Comments On Economy (Economy), 1/25/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710125cri.pdf
- Folder 11: Asks For Fair Tax For Private Aircraft Users (Transportation), 1/27/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710127ask.pdf
- Folder 12: Announces See-Kan (RC&D) Project (Agriculture), 1/28/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710128ann.pdf
- Folder 13: Linda Keim Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 1/31/1971

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 710131lin.pdf
- Folder 14: Fourteen Quinter High School Students Visit D.C. (Students), 2/1/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710201fou.pdf
- Folder 15: Nine Hutchinson High School Students Visit D.C. (Students), 2/1/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710201nin.pdf
- Folder 16: Ten McPherson High School Students Visit D.C. (Students), 2/1/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710201ten.pdf
- Folder 17: Praises Nixon's Revenue Sharing And Reorganization Plans (Business), 2/2/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 710202prap.pdf
- Folder 18: High School Delegates To Senate Youth Program (Students), 2/3/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710203hig.pdf
- Folder 19: Nominations For Military Academies (Academy Appointments), 2/3/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 710203nomp.pdf
- Folder 20: Possible Federal Assistance For Wichita (Kansas), 2/4/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710204pos.pdf
- Folder 21: Cosponsors Bill For Military Retirement Pay (Defense), 2/6/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710206cos.pdf
- Folder 22: Critics Of Laos Operation Are Wrong (Vietnam War), 2/8/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710208cri.pdf
- Folder 23: Wichita POW Wives Leave For Paris (Vietnam War), 2/8/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710208wic.pdf
- Folder 24: Cosponsors Bill On Revenue Sharing (Business), 2/10/1971

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 710210cosp.pdf
- Folder 25: Capitol Comment (Disabled), 2/11/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710211capp.pdf
- Folder 26: Closing The Information Gap On Disabilities, 2/11/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710211clop.pdf
- Folder 27: Crop Set-Asides For 1971 (Agriculture), 2/11/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710211cro.pdf
- Folder 28: National Information Center For The Handicapped (Disabled), 2/11/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710211natp.pdf
- Folder 29: Asks For Payment To Iowa Tribe (Indian Affairs), 2/16/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710216ask.pdf
- Folder 30: Cosponsors Bill To De-Regulate Price Of New Gas (Energy), 2/16/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710216cos.pdf
- Folder 31: Cosponsors Bill To Shorten Daylight Savings Time (Daylight Savings Time), 2/16/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710216cosday.pdf
- Folder 32: Research Grant For Child Research At Kansas University (Disabled), 2/17/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710217res.pdf
- Folder 33: Wheat Exports Up 48% In 1970 (Agriculture), 2/17/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710217whe.pdf
- Folder 34: Economic Development Hearings In Wichita (Kansas), 2/18/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710218ecop.pdf
- Folder 35: Hopes For Improvement In Nation's Health Care Crisis, 2/19/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710219hop.pdf
- Folder 36: Joins In School Prayer Proposal (School Prayer), 2/19/1971

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 710219joi.pdf
- Folder 37: Invites Statements At Wichita Economic Development Hearings Wichita (Kansas), 2/22/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710222inv.pdf
- Folder 38: Planes Available For Storm Struck Cattle (Agriculture), 2/23/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710223pla.pdf
- Folder 39: Reconfirms Planes Available For Cattle (Agriculture), 2/23/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710223rec.pdf
- Folder 40: Statement Of Democrats' Withdrawal Plan (Vietnam War), 2/23/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710223sta.pdf
- Folder 41: Farm Forum (Agriculture), 2/24/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710224farp.pdf
- Folder 42: Rural Telephone Bank Bill Reported Out (Rural Development), 2/24/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710224rur.pdf
- Folder 43: Capitol Comment Nixon Administration And Revenue Sharing, 2/25/1971

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 710225cap.pdf
- Folder 44: Cosponsors Medicredit Bill (Health Care), 2/25/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710225cos.pdf
- Folder 45: Kansas City Hot Lunch Program Hearings (Health Care), 2/25/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710225kan.pdf
- Folder 46: Presidential Classroom Mark Haynes Of Olathe One Of Participants, 2/25/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710225pre.pdf
- Folder 47: Economic Development Grant For Wichita, 2/26/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710226eco.pdf
- Folder 48: I-35W Wichita Federal Highway Project Approved Wichita (Kansas), 2/26/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710226i35.pdf
- Folder 49: Rural Telephone Bank Bill Passes Senate (Rural Development), 3/1/1971

- Subject: Rural Development - PDF available: 710301rur.pdf
- Folder 50: Speaks To Feed Manufacturers In St. Louis Party Politics And Ag Legislation (Agriculture), 3/1/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710301spe.pdf
- Folder 51: Cosponsors Bill To Make Importers Label Meat (Agriculture), 3/2/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710302cos.pdf
- Folder 52: Praises Nixon's Iowa Trip (Nixon Administration), 3/2/1971

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 710302pra.pdf
- Folder 53: Farm Forum (Agriculture), 3/3/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710303far.pdf
- Folder 54: Pays Tribute To DAV (Veterans), 3/3/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 710303pay.pdf
- Folder 55: Washington Memo (Congress), 3/4/1971

- Subject: Congress - PDF available: 710304wasp.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Cosponsoring Five Different Environmental Legislation, 3/5/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710305cos.pdf
- Folder 57: EPA Grant For Topeka (Environment), 3/5/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710305epa.pdf
- Folder 58: Status Of Dole Agriculture Legislation, 3/5/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710305sta.pdf
- Folder 59: Kansas Counties Eligible For Emergency Loans (Agriculture), 3/8/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710308kan.pdf
- Folder 60: 32Nd Air Squadron Moving To McConnell Air Force Base (Defense), 3/9/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 71030932n.pdf
- Folder 61: Astronaut Mitchell To Speak To Kansas Women (NASA), 3/9/1971

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 710309ast.pdf
- Folder 62: Cosponsors Health Maintenance Organization Act Of 1971 (Health Care), 3/10/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710310cos.pdf
- Folder 63: Farm Forum Ag Issues Naturally Bipartisan, 3/10/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710310farp.pdf
- Folder 64: Introduces Federal Crop Insurance Bill (Agriculture), 3/10/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710310int.pdf
- Folder 65: Urges Approval Of 18 Year Old Minimum Voting Age (Students), 3/10/1971

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 710310urg.pdf
- Folder 66: Announces Wellington Employment Office (Labor), 3/11/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710311ann.pdf
- Folder 67: Cosponsors Manpower Assistance Act Of 1971 (Health Care), 3/11/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710311cos.pdf
- Folder 68: Vietnamization (Vietnam War), 3/11/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710311viep.pdf
- Folder 69: Estimates 1 160 M. Lbs. Meat Import Level (Agriculture), 3/12/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710312est.pdf
- Folder 70: Praises Passage Of The Social Security Bill (Social Security), 3/12/1971

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 710312pra.pdf
- Folder 71: Whitney Young Death (Whitney Young), 3/12/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710312whi.pdf
- Folder 72: Praises Hardin For Dairy Import Controls (Agriculture), 3/15/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710315pra.pdf
- Folder 73: Nuclear Repository Near Lyons Kansas (Energy), 3/16/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710316nucp.pdf
- Folder 74: Farm Forum (Agriculture), 3/17/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710317farp.pdf
- Folder 75: Nuclear Repository Must Be Safe (Energy), 3/17/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710317nuc.pdf
- Folder 76: Automatic Rail Computer Bill Cosponsored By Dole (Transportation), 3/18/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710318aut.pdf
- Folder 77: Public Smoking Regulations Bill Cosponsored By Dole (Health Care), 3/18/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710318pub.pdf
- Folder 78: Demands Proper Treatment For POWs And MIAs (Vietnam War), 3/23/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710323dem.pdf
- Folder 79: Urges Continued Helium Conservation (Energy), 3/23/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710323urg.pdf
- Folder 80: Rural Telephone Bank Bill Passes House (Rural Development), 3/24/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710324rur.pdf
- Folder 81: Speech To Ohio Petroleum Marketers National Energy Policy (Energy), 3/24/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710324spep.pdf
- Folder 82: Urges Approval Of Wichita Highway Projects Wichita ( Kansas), 3/24/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710324urg.pdf
- Folder 83: Washington Memo (Vietnam War), 3/24/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710324wasp.pdf
- Folder 84: Commends Dairy Price Support Increases (Agriculture), 3/25/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710325com.pdf
- Folder 85: Poultry Slaughtering House Inspection Program (Agriculture), 3/25/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710325pou.pdf
- Folder 86: Letter To Winton M Blount Postmaster General, 3/26/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710326let.pdf
- Folder 87: Speaks At Kansas Conventions In Wichita (Dole Activities), 3/26/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710326spe.pdf
- Folder 88: Sunflower Ammo Plant Closing (Defense), 3/26/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710326sun.pdf
- Folder 89: Urges Blount To Build Mail Facility In Kansas (Post Office), 3/26/1971

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 710326urg.pdf
- Folder 90: Los Angeles Speech On The Economy And Unemployment, 3/31/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710331los.pdf
- Folder 91: Agriculture Pollution Hearings In Kansas City (Agriculture), 4/2/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710402agrp.pdf
- Folder 92: Barton County Community Junior College Dedication, 4/3/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710403bar.pdf
- Folder 93: Conferees For Rural Telephone Bank Bill (Rural Development), 4/5/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710405con.pdf
- Folder 94: Meets Kansas Wheat Queen (Agriculture), 4/5/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710405meep.pdf
- Folder 95: The Crisis Facing Commercial Aviation (Transportation), 4/5/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710405thep.pdf
- Folder 96: Wichita To Share In $42 Million Program Wichita (Kansas), 4/7/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710407wicp.pdf
- Folder 97: Farm Organization Meets FHA About Driving Farm Vehicles (Agriculture), 4/12/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710412far.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole Contacts OEO To Aid Jobless Veterans In Wichita (Kansas), 4/14/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 710414dol.pdf
- Folder 99: Feedlot Pollution Control, 4/14/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710414feep.pdf
- Folder 100: Wants Help For Nation's Handicapped (Disabled), 4/14/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710414wan.pdf
- Folder 101: Contacts OEO To Aid Jobless Veterans In Wichita (Kansas), 4/16/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 710416con.pdf
- Folder 102: Remarks To Newspaper Farm Editors (Agriculture), 4/19/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710419remp.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Telegrams Volpe About Farm Drivers (Agriculture), 4/20/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710420dol.pdf
- Folder 104: Hew Grant To Nursing Program At Kansas State University (Education), 4/21/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710421hew.pdf
- Folder 105: Veterans Administration Land In Topeka To Go To Schools (Education), 4/21/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710421vet.pdf
- Folder 106: Hew Grant For Kickapoo Indians (Indian Affairs), 4/22/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710422hew.pdf
- Folder 107: Incomplete Protest; Vietnam Veterans, 4/22/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710422incp.pdf
- Folder 108: Concerning Rural Development (Rural Development), 4/23/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710423bef.pdf
- Folder 109: Before Agriculture Appropriations Conservation Program (Agriculture), 4/23/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710423befp.pdf
- Folder 110: Simplify Tax Laws For Small Business (Taxes), 4/24/1971

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 710424sim.pdf
- Folder 111: Sacred Heart College's Ryan Library (Education), 4/25/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710425sac.pdf
- Folder 112: 4-H Delegates Meet With Dole (Students), 4/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 7104264-h.pdf
- Folder 113: Nuclear Repository Near Lyons Needs Review (Energy), 4/26/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710426nuc.pdf
- Folder 114: Stratton Family Visits Dole (Kansas), 4/26/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710426str.pdf
- Folder 115: Senate Approval Of Report On Rural Phone Bill (Rural Development), 4/29/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710429sen.pdf
- Folder 116: First Amendment Protects All Of Us, 5/1/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710501fir.pdf
- Folder 117: Funds Allocated To Wichita For Unemployed Wichita (Kansas), 5/1/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710501fun.pdf
- Folder 118: Telegram Re. Grant To Wichita Area Community Action Program (Kansas), 5/1/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710501tel.pdf
- Folder 119: Cosponsors Two Bill Re. Military Personnel (Defense), 5/3/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710503cos.pdf
- Folder 120: Nixon May End War In Indochina (Vietnam War), 5/3/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710503nix.pdf
- Folder 121: Conference Committee Report Of Rural Telephone Bank Bill Passed House (Rural Development), 5/4/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710504con.pdf
- Folder 122: Rural Telephone Bank Bill Radio Tape 1 (Rural Development), 5/4/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710504rurp.pdf
- Folder 123: Appoints Of Six Kansas Youth To Us Military Academy (Academy Appointments), 5/5/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 710505app.pdf
- Folder 124: Rural Electrification Administration Loan To Pleasanton Telephone Company, 5/5/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710505rur.pdf
- Folder 125: Impostor Unmasked: Veterans And Protests Of Vietnam War, 5/6/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710506impp.pdf
- Folder 126: Rural Electrification Administration Loan To Gardner Telephone Company, 5/6/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710506rur.pdf
- Folder 127: Speaks Out Against Sensationalism In Broadcasting Networks (Vietnam War), 5/6/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710506spep.pdf
- Folder 128: EPA Report On Radioactive Waste Depository Near Lyons (Environment), 5/7/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710507epa.pdf
- Folder 129: Nixon Administration Recommends More Funds For Water Development, 5/7/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710507nix.pdf
- Folder 130: President Signs Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 5/7/1971

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 710507pre.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Cosponsors Bill To Stop Flow Of Illegal Heroin Into The United States, 5/9/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710509dol.pdf
- Folder 132: Extending Driving Privileges To Farmers Ages 18 To 21, 5/11/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710511ext.pdf
- Folder 133: FHA Loans More Accessible With Senate Bill, 5/11/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710511fha.pdf
- Folder 134: Funds For Iowa Tribe Of Kansas, 5/11/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710511fun.pdf
- Folder 135: KSU Awarded Water Resources Research Program, 5/12/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710512ksu.pdf
- Folder 136: Manpower Administration In Kansas To Receive Funds, 5/12/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710512man.pdf
- Folder 137: Nixon Administration's Salute To Agriculture, 5/12/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710512nixp.pdf
- Folder 138: OMB Loan Funds To Rural Electric Associations, 5/12/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710512omb.pdf
- Folder 139: SST Still Under Consideration In Appropriations Bill, 5/12/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710512sst.pdf
- Folder 140: Two Izaak Walton League Finalists From Kansas, 5/13/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710513two.pdf
- Folder 141: Funds To Iowa Tribe Of Kansas, 5/15/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710515funp.pdf
- Folder 142: Eldon L. Erickson In The Dole Washington Office, 5/17/1971

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 710517eld.pdf
- Folder 143: Funds For Haskell Indian Junior College, 5/17/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710517fun.pdf
- Folder 144: $2,079,000 To Sunflower Electric Cooperative, 5/18/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710518$$$.pdf
- Folder 145: Eda Designated Sumner County As Redevelopment Area, 5/18/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710518eda.pdf
- Folder 146: Price Support Loan Rates For Grain Sorghum Increasing, 5/18/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710518pri.pdf
- Folder 147: GSA Award Contract Will Expand And Modernize Post Office In Goodland, 5/19/1971

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 710519gsa.pdf
- Folder 148: NSF Grant For University Of Kansas To Study Effects Of Air Pollution, 5/19/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710519nsf.pdf
- Folder 149: Department Of Labor To Fund Kansas Manpower Initiatives, 5/20/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710520dep.pdf
- Folder 150: Dr. Sykes E. Trieb Of Manhattan To Meet With Dole, 5/20/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710520dr.pdf
- Folder 151: Mr. And Mrs. Lee T. Morgan To Meet With Dole, 5/20/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710520mr.pdf
- Folder 152: Nixon Announces Breakthrough In Salt Talks, 5/20/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710520nix.pdf
- Folder 153: Eliminating Foreign Aid To Countries That Produce Narcotics, 5/21/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710521eli.pdf
- Folder 154: National Flood Insurance Available, But Little Used, 5/21/1971

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 710521nat.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Cosponsored A Bill To Allow Interstate Shipment Of Meat Processed Under State System At Least Equal To Federal, 5/24/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710524dol.pdf
- Folder 156: GSA Award For New Social Security Office Building In Pittsburg, 5/24/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710524gsa.pdf
- Folder 157: SBA Grant To Clearwater Community Development Corporation, 5/24/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710524sba.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Urges Reauthorization Of Whitewater River Watershed, 5/25/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710525dol.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole's Kc Office Is Moving, 5/25/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710525doloff.pdf
- Folder 160: Extending Driving Privileges To Farmers Ages 18 To 21, 5/25/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710525ext.pdf
- Folder 161: GSA Contract To Riviana Food Of Topeka, 5/25/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710525gsa.pdf
- Folder 162: Hud Contract For Leavenworth, 5/25/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710525hud.pdf
- Folder 163: Wichita To Participate In Pilot Re-Employment Program For Aerospace Scientists, 5/25/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710525wicp.pdf
- Folder 164: Increased Federal Participation In Meat Inspection Act 1968, 5/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710526inc.pdf
- Folder 165: Pan American Highway Bill, 5/26/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710526pan.pdf
- Folder 166: Testifies In Support Of Bill; Refining The Wholesome Meat Act Of 1968, 5/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710526tes.pdf
- Folder 167: USDA Inspections For Rabbit Slaughtering Plants, 5/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710526usd.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Speaking To Johnson County Council On Drug Abuse, 5/27/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710527dol.pdf
- Folder 169: SBA Declared Dickinson Co. Eligible For Disaster Loan Assistance, 5/27/1971

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 710527sba.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Speaking In Overland Park Johnson County Council Drug Abuse Banquet During Memorial Day Congressional Recess, 5/28/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710528dol.pdf
- Folder 171: Eda Grant For Farm Products Management, 5/28/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710528eda.pdf
- Folder 172: Grant For Drug Abuse Abatement Program Of Johnson Co., 5/28/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710528gra.pdf
- Folder 173: Appropriations For Kansas Water Projects, 5/30/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710530appp.pdf
- Folder 174: Concern For POW/MIAs On Memorial Day, 5/30/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710530con.pdf
- Folder 175: Banquet Honoring TWA, 6/1/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710601ban.pdf
- Folder 176: Grant To Achievement Place At Ku, 6/1/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710601gra.pdf
- Folder 177: Moscow Students Visit With Dole, 6/1/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710601mos.pdf
- Folder 178: Hud Grant In Ulysses, 6/2/1971

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 710602hud.pdf
- Folder 179: Department Of Interior Grant To Leavenworth, 6/3/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710603dep.pdf
- Folder 180: Robert L. Rebein To Be Assistant Managing Director At ICC, 6/3/1971

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 710603rob.pdf
- Folder 181: Hud Grant For Urban Renewal In Olathe And Atchison, 6/4/1971

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 710604hud.pdf
- Folder 182: President's Energy Message, 6/6/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710606pre.pdf
- Folder 183: Change 21-Year-Old Farm Driver Regulation, 6/7/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710607cha.pdf
- Folder 184: Interior Grants For Historic Preservation To Manhattan Ft. Hays And Topeka, 6/7/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710607int.pdf
- Folder 185: Hud Grant To Dodge City, 6/8/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710608dod.pdf
- Folder 186: Loan To Douglas Co. Rural Water District, 6/8/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710608dou.pdf
- Folder 187: Loan To Harper Co. Rural Water District, 6/8/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710608har.pdf
- Folder 188: OEO Grant To Kansas, 6/8/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710608oeo.pdf
- Folder 189: Hud Grant To Wichita, 6/8/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710608wic.pdf
- Folder 190: False Charges Against The President, 6/9/1971

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 710609falp.pdf
- Folder 191: Hew Grant To Ku, 6/9/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710609hew.pdf
- Folder 192: Hud Grant To Bonnet Springs, 6/9/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710609hud.pdf
- Folder 193: Senate Approves Funds For Iowa Tribe, 6/9/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710609sen.pdf
- Folder 194: Hew Grants To Wichita State And Hutch Juco, 6/9/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710609w&h.pdf
- Folder 195: Hails Change In Export Regulations With China, 6/10/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710610hai.pdf
- Folder 196: Hew Grant To K-State, 6/10/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710610hew.pdf
- Folder 197: The Case Against The End The War Amendment, 6/10/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710610thep.pdf
- Folder 198: Mrs. Whitlock Appointed To SBA Council, 6/11/1971

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 710611mrs.pdf
- Folder 199: $120,000 Grant For Summer Recreation Programs, 6/14/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710614$12.pdf
- Folder 200: Coffeyville Grant For Small Farmer Study, 6/14/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710614coff.pdf
- Folder 201: Douglas County 4-HErs Visit Dole, 6/14/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710614dou.pdf
- Folder 202: Hud Loan Reservation For Leavenworth, 6/14/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710614hud.pdf
- Folder 203: LEAA Grant To Kansas For $250,000, 6/14/1971

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 710614lea.pdf
- Folder 204: Hud Grant To Fort Scott, 6/15/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710615ftsct.pdf
- Folder 205: Hud Grant To Parsons, 6/15/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710615par.pdf
- Folder 206: America's Southeast Asian Policy In Perspective The Leadership Of Six Presidents, 6/16/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710616amep.pdf
- Folder 207: In Devising Rural Development Plan Every Effort Should Be To Assure Fair Treatment To Farmers, 6/16/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710616com.pdf
- Folder 208: Subcommittee Statement On Rural Development, 6/16/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710616in.pdf
- Folder 209: Topeka Selected For Reading Clinic Service, 6/16/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710616subp.pdf
- Folder 210: Comments On Defeat Of McGovern-Hatfield, 6/16/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710616top.pdf
- Folder 211: Comments On Drug Abuse Program, 6/17/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710617com.pdf
- Folder 212: Dr. Travis Appointed To Regional Health, 6/17/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710617dr.pdf
- Folder 213: Hew Grant To KU Med Center, 6/17/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710617hew.pdf
- Folder 214: Hew Grant To K-State, 6/17/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710617hewkst.pdf
- Folder 215: Whitewater River Project Reported Out, 6/17/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710617whi.pdf
- Folder 216: Nixon's FRHA Actions Reflects Concern For Farmers, 6/18/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710618nix.pdf
- Folder 217: Cosponsors Patriotic Education Week, 6/21/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710621cos.pdf
- Folder 218: Dole Calls Draft Bill Votes Futile, 6/22/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710622dol.pdf
- Folder 219: Fierro Charges Ridiculous, 6/22/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710622fie.pdf
- Folder 220: Headstart Grant To Wyandotte County, 6/22/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710622hea.pdf
- Folder 221: Hew Grant To Horton Nek-Cap Inc., 6/22/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710622hew.pdf
- Folder 222: Responds To Dye's Interview With Fierro, 6/22/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710622res.pdf
- Folder 223: Dole Applauds Nixon For Releasing McNamara Papers, 6/23/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710623dol.pdf
- Folder 224: EDA-EPA Grant To Baxter Springs, 6/23/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710623eda.pdf
- Folder 225: Nixon Signs Iowa Tribe Legislation, 6/23/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 710623nix.pdf
- Folder 226: Whitewater River Project Passes Senate, 6/24/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710624whi.pdf
- Folder 227: Topeka Economic Op. Office Receives Two Grants, 6/25/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710625top.pdf
- Folder 228: President's Response To Drug Abuse, 6/26/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 710626prep.pdf
- Folder 229: Urban Renewal Grant For Parsons, 6/28/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710628urb.pdf
- Folder 230: Cosponsors Bill To Prohibit Use Of Soldiers Names, 6/29/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710629cos.pdf
- Folder 231: Two Hud Grants To Topeka, 6/29/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710629two.pdf
- Folder 232: Butter To Sell Abroad At 50, 7/1/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710701but.pdf
- Folder 233: Commemorative Stamps To Senator Dole Marking Official Inauguration Of Us Postal Service, 7/1/1971

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 710701com.pdf
- Folder 234: Department Of Agriculture Study, 7/1/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710701dep.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Writes Randolph About Gravel's Actions, 7/1/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710701dol.pdf
- Folder 236: The Growing Crisis In Natural Resources, 7/1/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710701thep.pdf
- Folder 237: Dole Writes Scott-Mansfield About Gravel Actions Reading Pentagon Papers, 7/2/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710702dolp.pdf
- Folder 238: Letter To Gov. Docking Concerning AEC Repository Near Lyons, Kansas, 7/2/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710702letp.pdf
- Folder 239: Day Of Bread Statement, 7/7/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710707dayp.pdf
- Folder 240: Harold Keller Family Visits D.C., 7/7/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710707har.pdf
- Folder 241: VA To Recruit Staff Members For Kansas Hospitals, 7/7/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 710707va.pdf
- Folder 242: Clay Wirt's Parents Come To D.C., 7/8/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710708cla.pdf
- Folder 243: Grant To Menniger Foundation, 7/8/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710708gra.pdf
- Folder 244: Women From Forgotten Americans Committee Of Kansas Hold Press Conference, 7/8/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710708wom.pdf
- Folder 245: Interior Grant To Topeka, 7/9/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710709int.pdf
- Folder 246: USDA Area Office To Be In Topeka, 7/9/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710709usd.pdf
- Folder 247: Introduces Bills On National Labor Relations Act, 7/10/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710710intp.pdf
- Folder 248: Dole Meets With General Curtin Of NASA, 7/12/1971

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 710712dol.pdf
- Folder 249: GSA Contract To Hankamer Asphalt In Topeka, 7/12/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710712gsa.pdf
- Folder 250: Praises International Wheat Agreement, 7/12/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710712pra.pdf
- Folder 251: Hew Grant To Douglas Co. Nurses Inc., 7/13/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710713hew.pdf
- Folder 252: Hew Grant For Lansing Prison, 7/13/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710713hewpri.pdf
- Folder 253: Labor Grant For Operation Mainstream, 7/13/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710713lab.pdf
- Folder 254: The Navy's Role In National Security Strategy, 7/13/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710713thep.pdf
- Folder 255: Urges Passage Of Appalachian And Economic Development Act, 7/14/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710714urgp.pdf
- Folder 256: President's Visit To Mainland China, 7/16/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710716pre.pdf
- Folder 257: AEC Amendment Passes 90-3, 7/20/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710720aec.pdf
- Folder 258: Amendment To Preclude AEC From Acquiring Land For Nuclear Depository Near Lyons, Kansas, 7/20/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710720amep.pdf
- Folder 259: Air Force Contract To Boeing For $41 Million, 7/21/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710721air.pdf
- Folder 260: Praises Passage Of Economic Development Act, 7/21/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710721pra.pdf
- Folder 261: Praises Nixon's Request For $1 Billion For Emergency Employment Act, 7/23/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710723pra.pdf
- Folder 262: Summer Recreation Programs For Kansas, 7/23/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710723sump.pdf
- Folder 263: Dole Honors Wichita Firemen, 7/25/1971

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 710725dol.pdf
- Folder 264: Air Force Grant To G.E. In Arkansas City, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710726air.pdf
- Folder 265: Casey Eike Of Kc Visits With Dole, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710726cas.pdf
- Folder 266: Dole Meets With Mayfield And Schmidt Of FFA, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710726dol.pdf
- Folder 267: Dole Meets With Schmidt, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710726dolesch.pdf
- Folder 268: Dole Meets With Mayfield, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710726dolmay.pdf
- Folder 269: EPA Grant For Topeka, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710726epa.pdf
- Folder 270: FFA Group Meets Dole, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710726ffa.pdf
- Folder 271: Kansas Scientists Meet With Dole, 7/26/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710726kan.pdf
- Folder 272: Dole Assured That No Cases Venezuelan Equine Encephalomyelitis, 7/27/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710727dolp.pdf
- Folder 273: Hew Will Convey 40 Acres To School District #501, 7/27/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710727hew.pdf
- Folder 274: Cost Of Flags Is On The Rise, 7/29/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710729cos.pdf
- Folder 275: Dole Praised Passage Of The Federal Meat Inspection Act, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710729dol.pdf
- Folder 276: Dole Signs Bill Enabling Two Basketball Leagues Join In Single League, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Sports - PDF available: 710729dolbb.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole Announces Hew Grant To Headstart Program In Olathe, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710729dolhead.pdf
- Folder 278: Dole Announces Hew Grant To Headstart Program In Topeka, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710729doltop.pdf
- Folder 279: Legislation To Permit Persons Under 21 To Buy Federal Crop Insurance, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710729leg.pdf
- Folder 280: Lower Rail Rates Expected To Open New Marketing Opportunities To Co And Ks Wheat Producers, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710729lowp.pdf
- Folder 281: Public Works Committee Passes Legislation Of Significance To Wichita, 7/29/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710729pubp.pdf
- Folder 282: Constitutional Amendment Providing For Balanced Federal Budget, 7/30/1971

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 710730conp.pdf
- Folder 283: Dole's Opinion On The Conservatives Suspending Support For Nixon, 7/30/1971

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 710730dolp.pdf
- Folder 284: National Institute Of Health Grants To KSU And KU, 7/30/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710730nat.pdf
- Folder 285: Appropriations Amendment For Fund Planning Of Blue River Basin, 7/31/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710731appp.pdf
- Folder 286: Marilyn Hughes Returns Home From Internship In Dole's Office, 8/1/1971

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 710801mar.pdf
- Folder 287: Dole Relieved That Expanded Rail Strike Has Been Avoided, 8/2/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 710802dolrail.pdf
- Folder 288: Dole Learns Case Of Encephalomyelitis In Kansas Not Venezuelan, 8/2/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710802enceph.pdf
- Folder 289: Dole Announces Word-Study Grant Programs To Kansas Colleges, 8/3/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710803workp.pdf
- Folder 290: Dole Meets With Girls National Senators, 8/4/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710804dol.pdf
- Folder 291: Narrowing The Medical Manpower Gap, 8/4/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710804narp.pdf
- Folder 292: Rockefeller Thanks Dole For Good Work As Chairman Of RNC, 8/4/1971

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 710804roc.pdf
- Folder 293: Dole Cosponsors Bill To Insure Abundant Supply Of Natural Gas, 8/5/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710805dol.pdf
- Folder 294: Dole Offers 2 Amendments To Economic Disaster Relief Act, 8/5/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710805dolp.pdf
- Folder 295: Federal Election Act Restores Confidence In Electoral Process, 8/5/1971

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 710805fed.pdf
- Folder 296: Selection Of Salina Municipal Airport For Sac Forces, 8/5/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710805sel.pdf
- Folder 297: Dole Announces Arkansas River Bridge Will Be Replaced, 8/6/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710806bridg.pdf
- Folder 298: Dole Announces Grant For Construction Work At Melvern Lake, 8/6/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710806lake.pdf
- Folder 299: Dole Calls Spiro Agnew A Great American, 8/7/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710807dolp.pdf
- Folder 300: Michael Egan Returns Home From Internship In Dole's Office, 8/7/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710807mic.pdf
- Folder 301: 4-H Citizenship Short Course National Delegates Meet With Dole, 8/9/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 7108094-hp.pdf
- Folder 302: Joe Kasl Family Of Cuba Meet With Dole, 8/9/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710809joe.pdf
- Folder 303: Legislation Could Alleviate Unemployment Problems In Us, 8/9/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 710809leg.pdf
- Folder 304: 45 Kansas Colleges Receive $4,314,731 For National Defense Student Loans, 8/10/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 710810col.pdf
- Folder 305: Wadsworth Veterans Administration Center To Receive Supplies, 8/11/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 710811wad.pdf
- Folder 306: Dole Cosponsors Law Enforcement Officers Day, 8/12/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710812dol.pdf
- Folder 307: Dole Participates In Atchison's Dedication Week, 8/12/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710812dolp.pdf
- Folder 308: Labor Dept Allocated $231,030 To Manpower Administration Projects, 8/13/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710813lab.pdf
- Folder 309: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Regional Branch In Kansas City, 8/13/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710813lawp.pdf
- Folder 310: Beech Aircraft Has Been Awarded New Contract, 8/16/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710816bee.pdf
- Folder 311: Comments On Nixon's Rejuvenation Of Economy And International Monetary System, 8/16/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710816com.pdf
- Folder 312: Federal Funds For State Park Development Program Increased, 8/16/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 710816fed.pdf
- Folder 313: General Services Administration Contract To Wichita Firm, 8/16/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710816gen.pdf
- Folder 314: Soda-Jerk Experience Provided Education In Dealing With People, 8/16/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710816sodp.pdf
- Folder 315: Veterans Administration Hospital Reservation In Topeka Declared Surplus, 8/19/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 710819vet.pdf
- Folder 316: LEAA Grant Of $423,000 To Kansas, 8/20/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710820lea.pdf
- Folder 317: Peter Williams Returns From Internship In Dole's Office, 8/23/1971

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 710823pet.pdf
- Folder 318: Funds Allocated For 7 Manpower Administration Projects, 8/26/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710826fun.pdf
- Folder 319: Opportunity Pre-School In Manhattan Recipient Of 35,664 Federal Grant, 8/30/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710830opp.pdf
- Folder 320: Hud Granted $462,631 To Iowa Tribe Of Kansas And Nebraska Housing Authority In White Cloud, Kansas, 8/31/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710831hud.pdf
- Folder 321: Menninger Foundation In Topeka Awarded Research Grant, 8/31/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710831men.pdf
- Folder 322: Federal Grant To City Of Leavenworth From EPA, 9/1/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 710901fed.pdf
- Folder 323: LEAA Advance Action Grant To Governors Committee On Criminal Administration, 9/3/1971

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 710903lea.pdf
- Folder 324: Nixon's Economic Policy Strong Medicine But Right Prescription, 9/8/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710908nix.pdf
- Folder 325: GSA Awards Contract To En-Mar Inc. In Andover Kansas, 9/9/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710909gsa.pdf
- Folder 326: Dole Says Nixon's Program Will Help Kansas Businesses, 9/9/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710909kan.pdf
- Folder 327: Nixon Speech Calls For Bi-Partisan Support For Economic Programs, 9/9/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710909nix.pdf
- Folder 328: Dole Calls For Congressional Support For Nixon's Economic Policy, 9/9/1971

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 710909sup.pdf
- Folder 329: Dole Met With Nixon To Report On Findings Of Southeast Asia Trip, 9/13/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710913dol.pdf
- Folder 330: Dole Learns That Two Kansans Designated For Presidential Appointments, 9/15/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 710915dol.pdf
- Folder 331: GSA Contract For Masonry And Roof Repair Work At Kansas Federal Building, 9/17/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710917gsa.pdf
- Folder 332: Dole Will Nominate 10 Kansans To Military Academies, 9/20/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 710920dol.pdf
- Folder 333: How To Order Flags From Senator Dole, 9/20/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710920how.pdf
- Folder 334: Ku Medical Center Will Receive Head Start Grant, 9/20/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710920ku.pdf
- Folder 335: Labor Department Will Give Kansas Special Employment Assistance Funds, 9/20/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 710920lab.pdf
- Folder 336: Dole Urges Senate Passage Of Military Selective Service Act, 9/21/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710921dolp.pdf
- Folder 337: Federal Grant To Menninger Foundation In Topeka, 9/21/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710921fed.pdf
- Folder 338: Federal Grant To Activate Phase III Of Chisolm Creek Project, 9/21/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710921fedchis.pdf
- Folder 339: Project To Bring Handicapped Students Into Mainstream Announced, 9/21/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710921pro.pdf
- Folder 340: Dole Meets With Topekans, 9/22/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 710922dol.pdf
- Folder 341: Headstart Grant To Children's Education Enrichment Service, 9/22/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 710922hea.pdf
- Folder 342: Ray Uehling Appointment To National Advisory Committee On Wheat Feed Grain And Soybeans, 9/22/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 710922ray.pdf
- Folder 343: Hew Grant Used For Special Programs For Educationally Disadvantaged, 9/23/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 710923hewp.pdf
- Folder 344: Rea Loan To Great Plains Electric Cooperative Inc., 9/23/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 710923rea.pdf
- Folder 345: USDA Authorization Of Flint Hills R C And D, 9/23/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710923usd.pdf
- Folder 346: Betty Meyer's Niece Visits With Senator Dole, 9/24/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710924bet.pdf
- Folder 347: Dole Attends United Nations Sessions Re. Mainland China To U.N., 9/24/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 710924dol.pdf
- Folder 348: Dole Says Commodity Credit Corporation Has Reduced Butter Price, 9/27/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 710927dol.pdf
- Folder 349: F-84 Saber Jet Will Wing Its Way Towards Salina Kansas, 9/29/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 710929f84.pdf
- Folder 350: President Nixon's Address To The National League Of Families, 9/29/1971

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 710929prep.pdf
- Folder 351: Dole Cosponsors Bill To Broaden Emergency Disaster Loan Provisions, 9/30/1971

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 710930dol.pdf
- Folder 352: Kansans Meet With Dole While Touring Eastern Us And Canada, 9/30/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 710930kan.pdf
- Folder 353: Dole Urges Additional Funds For School Lunch Program, 10/1/1971

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 711001dol.pdf
- Folder 354: Child Health Day, 10/4/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 711004chi.pdf
- Folder 355: National Employ The Handicapped Week, 10/4/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 711004natp.pdf
- Folder 356: Dole Calls For Shipment Of F-4 Jet Aircraft To Israel, 10/6/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711006dol.pdf
- Folder 357: Dole Disagrees With Methods Of Montoya Amendment, 10/6/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 711006monp.pdf
- Folder 358: Dole Says Nixon's Program Seeks To Avert Famine In East Pakistan, 10/6/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711006nix.pdf
- Folder 359: Topeka Will Receive Grants From EPA, 10/6/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 711006top.pdf
- Folder 360: Dole Recommends Earl E. O'Connor Be Nominated As District Judge, 10/7/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711007dol.pdf
- Folder 361: National Drug Abuse Prevention Week, 10/7/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 711007natp.pdf
- Folder 362: Hud Grant For Russell, 10/15/1971

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 711015hud.pdf
- Folder 363: 76 Senators Introduce Resolution Urging Phantom Jets For Israel, 10/15/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711015senp.pdf
- Folder 364: Hud Grant For Russell, 10/16/1971

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 711016hud.pdf
- Folder 365: Phase II Provides Chance For Sharing Responsibility Says Dole, 10/16/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 711016pha.pdf
- Folder 366: USDA Modifies Funding Of National School Lunch Program, 10/18/1971

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 711018usd.pdf
- Folder 367: Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments Reported To Committee, 10/19/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 711019fed.pdf
- Folder 368: Federal Headstart Grant For Topeka, 10/19/1971

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 711019hea.pdf
- Folder 369: Nixon Announces O'Connor's Name Was Sent For Confirmation, 10/19/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711019nix.pdf
- Folder 370: Dole Cosponsors Omnibus Crime Control And Safe Streets Act Of 1968, 10/20/1971

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 711020cos.pdf
- Folder 371: Dole Saves Family From Being Forced To Leave Us, 10/20/1971

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 711020dol.pdf
- Folder 372: Earl O'Connor Appears Before Senate Judiciary Committee On 10/27, 10/20/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711020ear.pdf
- Folder 373: Dole Cosponsors Bill That Would Designate East-West Interstate, 10/20/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 711020int.pdf
- Folder 374: Kansas Office Of Minority Business Enterprise Receives Grant, 10/21/1971

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 711021kan.pdf
- Folder 375: Dole Endorses Powell And Rehnquist For Supreme Court, 10/22/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711022dol.pdf
- Folder 376: Hud Grant To Kansas City Region Metropolitan Planning Commission, 10/22/1971

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 711022hud.pdf
- Folder 377: Nixon Considers Using Power To Delay Dock Strike On Gulf Of Mexico; Effect On Agriculture, 10/22/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711022nix.pdf
- Folder 378: Office Of Economic Opportunity Grant To Legal Aid Society, 10/22/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 711022off.pdf
- Folder 379: We Are All Victims Of War Dole Says On Veterans Day, 10/24/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 711024we.pdf
- Folder 380: Setback For Reason U.N. Vote To Expel Nationalist Chinese Government, 10/26/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711026set.pdf
- Folder 381: Dock Strike Vs. Public Interest, 10/27/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711027docp.pdf
- Folder 382: Careful But Critical Evaluation Of Us Support Of U.N., 10/28/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711028carp.pdf
- Folder 383: Kansan Appointed To National Advisory Council On Developmentally Disabled, 10/28/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 711028kan.pdf
- Folder 384: Dole Comments On Ag Department County Conversion From Food Commodity To Food Stamps, 11/1/1971

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 711101dol.pdf
- Folder 385: Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 11/2/1971

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 711102fed.pdf
- Folder 386: Norton-Decatur Cooperative Electric Inc. Wins Rea Loan, 11/2/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 711102nor.pdf
- Folder 387: Dole Introduces Bill To Revitalize Rural Areas, 11/3/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711103dolp.pdf
- Folder 388: GSA Orders Study Of Topeka For New Federal Office Building, 11/3/1971

- Subject: General - PDF available: 711103gsa.pdf
- Folder 389: Article By Ray Morgan An Affront To Judge Earl O'Connor, 11/4/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711104artp.pdf
- Folder 390: Toward Utilizing Full Potential; Dole Says There Is Relationship Between Poverty And Disability, 11/4/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 711104tow.pdf
- Folder 391: Dole Supports Consumer Product Warranties And Federal Trade Commission Act, 11/5/1971

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 711105dol.pdf
- Folder 392: Dole Emphasizes Effects Of Gulf Coast Dock Strike On Farmers, 11/5/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711105empp.pdf
- Folder 393: Itinerary For Senator Dole For Nov. 5-8Th, 11/5/1971

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 711105iti.pdf
- Folder 394: Nixon Announces Cash Sale Of Corn Barley And Oats To Soviets, 11/5/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711105nix.pdf
- Folder 395: Smokey Valley Grazing Association Inc. Receives Grant From FHA, 11/8/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711108smo.pdf
- Folder 396: Tony Mesa Appointed To State Advisory Committee For FHA, 11/8/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711108ton.pdf
- Folder 397: Dole Meets With David C. Owen Of Overland Park, 11/10/1971

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 711110dol.pdf
- Folder 398: Bill To Reinstate November 11 As Veterans Day, 11/11/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 711111bilp.pdf
- Folder 399: Earl Butz Is Excellent Choice For Secretary Of Agriculture, 11/11/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711111ear.pdf
- Folder 400: Israel Jordan And S. Korea Examples Of Military Assistance, 11/11/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711111isr.pdf
- Folder 401: Roderick Turnbull Selected As Advisor To Conference Of FAO, 11/11/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711111rod.pdf
- Folder 402: City Of Attica Wins Grant For Development Of Municipal Pool, 11/16/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 711116cit.pdf
- Folder 403: Dole Praises Clarence Rupp For Work With Kansas Farm Bureau, 11/16/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711116dolp.pdf
- Folder 404: Dole Says GSA Will Recommend Building Site In Topeka, 11/18/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 711118gsa.pdf
- Folder 405: Dole Optimistic Of Improved Health Care In Kansas, 11/18/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 711118optp.pdf
- Folder 406: Public Works Bill Improves Roads In Perry Reservoir Kansas, 11/18/1971

- Subject: PUBLIC Works - PDF available: 711118pub.pdf
- Folder 407: Dole Announces AFB In Topeka Will Be Training Center, 11/19/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 711119dol.pdf
- Folder 408: Dole Met With Six High School Students From Kansas, 11/21/1971

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 711121dol.pdf
- Folder 409: Wheatland Electric Cooperative Receives Rea Grant, 11/22/1971

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 711122whe.pdf
- Folder 410: Dole Discusses Middle East Situation, 11/23/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711123dis.pdf
- Folder 411: Dole Says Now Is Not The Time To Leave Europe, 11/23/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711123sayp.pdf
- Folder 412: Indians Claims Commission To Indians Of The Sac And Fox Nation, 11/24/1971

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 711124ind.pdf
- Folder 413: Senate Authorizes Improvement And Paving Of Three Access Roads Leading To Perry Reservoir, 11/24/1971

- Subject: PUBLIC Works - PDF available: 711124sen.pdf
- Folder 414: Toward Achieving Society's Full Potential, 11/25/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 711125tow.pdf
- Folder 415: Prairie View Inc. Will Hire Train And Retain 9 Disadvantaged Jobless Workers, 11/28/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 711128pra.pdf
- Folder 416: Sweet Smell Of Presidential Politics May Play Part In Changed Convictions, 12/1/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711201swep.pdf
- Folder 417: Concern For Russian Jewish Woman Held In Siberia, 12/2/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711202conp.pdf
- Folder 418: Drug Control Bill Acted On By Senate, 12/2/1971

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 711202dru.pdf
- Folder 419: Earl Butz, 12/2/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711202earp.pdf
- Folder 420: National Arthritis Month Resolution, 12/2/1971

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 711202nat.pdf
- Folder 421: Dole Speaks To Republicans At Century II Civic Center, 12/3/1971

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 711203dol.pdf
- Folder 422: Earl Butz's Announcement Is Proof Of Promise To Farmers, 12/3/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711203ear.pdf
- Folder 423: Kansas Army Ammunition Plant In Parsons, 12/3/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 711203kan.pdf
- Folder 424: Amendment To The Rail Passenger Service Act Of 1970, 12/6/1971

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 711206ame.pdf
- Folder 425: Lewis F. Powell Jr.; Nomination To Be Associate Justice Of Supreme Court, 12/6/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711206lew.pdf
- Folder 426: Bill To Improve Watersheds For Water Supply Storage, 12/7/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 711207bilp.pdf
- Folder 427: City Of Wichita Receives Grant For Construction Of Pumping Station, 12/7/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 711207cit.pdf
- Folder 428: Prime Minister's Medal From Israel Bonds Organization, 12/7/1971

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 711207pri.pdf
- Folder 429: Hud Public Housing Project In Olathe, Kansas, 12/8/1971

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 711208hud.pdf
- Folder 430: William H. Rehnquist A Judicial Conservative, 12/8/1971

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 711208wilp.pdf
- Folder 431: Manpower Development And Training Act Funds For Projects In Ks, 12/9/1971

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 711209man.pdf
- Folder 432: Mentally And Physically Handicapped Should Have Same Rights, 12/9/1971

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 711209men.pdf
- Folder 433: Earl Butz Commitment To Work For Betterment Of Agriculture, 12/10/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711210ear.pdf
- Folder 434: Dole Announces Nominations To Military Academies, 12/15/1971

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 711215dolp.pdf
- Folder 435: Eda Grant To Sedgwick County, 12/15/1971

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 711215eda.pdf
- Folder 436: National Recognition Due To POWs And MIAs, 12/16/1971

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 711216nat.pdf
- Folder 437: USDA Officials To Look At Purchasing White Corn, 12/16/1971

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 711216usd.pdf
- Folder 438: Air Force Dept Gives Contract To Boeing Co. In Wichita, 12/28/1971

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 711228air.pdf
- Folder 439: National Science Foundation At KSU Receives Grant, 12/28/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 711228nat.pdf
- Folder 440: EPA Grant To Topeka-Shawnee County Health Department, 12/29/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 711229epa.pdf
- Folder 441: National Institute Of Mental Health Grant To Ku, 12/29/1971

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 711229nat.pdf
- Box 23

- Folder 6

- Item 4: Mamie, 11/1/1971

- Press Release on the death of Mrs. Eisenhower
PDF available: s-press_023_006_004.pdf
- Series 12: 1972

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole Pleased That White House Adds To Rural Environmental Assistance Program Funds, 1/4/1972

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 720104dol.pdf
- Folder 2: Kent Frizzell Chosen New Assistant Attorney General, 1/4/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 720104ken.pdf
- Folder 3: National Health Insurance Plan Is A Quack Remedy Says Dole, 1/4/1972

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 720104natp.pdf
- Folder 4: Lawrence Firms Win Federal Grant For Day Care Center Study, 1/5/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720105law.pdf
- Folder 5: Rural Electrification Administration Funds Is Evidence Of Nixon's Rural Commitment, 1/6/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720106ene.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Asks Butz To Begin Optional Acreage Diversion Wheat Program, 1/7/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720107dol.pdf
- Folder 7: Butz Offers Additional Diversion Payments To Wheat Farmers, 1/10/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720110but.pdf
- Folder 8: Toward A Volunteer Army Kansas State College, 1/10/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720110towp.pdf
- Folder 9: Docking Accuses Dole Of A Partisan Attack, 1/14/1972

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 720114doc.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Expresses Sorrow At Passing Of Former Mayor A. Price Woodard, 1/17/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720117dol.pdf
- Folder 11: More Kennedy Rhetoric, 1/18/1972

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 720118mor.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole Announces EPA Is Renting A Building In Kansas City, 1/20/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720120dol.pdf
- Folder 13: GSA Seeking Office Space In Kansas City, 1/20/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720120gsa.pdf
- Folder 14: Budget Provides Air-Conditioning Fund For Leavenworth VA Hospital, 1/21/1972

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 720121bud.pdf
- Folder 15: Democrats Make Desperate Attack, 1/21/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720121dem.pdf
- Folder 16: Statement On Greatness Of Richard Nixon, 1/25/1972

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 720125sta.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Votes Against Grain Reserve And Loan Bill, 1/26/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720126dol.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Office Designs Spanish Speaking Taxpayer Publication, 1/27/1972

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 720127dol.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Says Peace Lies With People, 1/29/1972

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 720129dolp.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Appreciations Nixon's Remarks Re. Rural America, 2/1/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720201app.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Appears On Behalf Of Kent Frizzell, 2/1/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 720201ken.pdf
- Folder 22: Gao Report On Utilization Of Funds By Ks Human Needs Corp -- Fierro, 2/3/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720203gao.pdf
- Folder 23: National Day Of Prayer For The Cause Of World Peace, 2/4/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720204nat.pdf
- Folder 24: National Day Of Prayer For The Cause Of World Peace, 2/4/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720204natp.pdf
- Folder 25: National Day Of Prayer For The Cause Of World Peace, 2/4/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720204natp1+.pdf
- Folder 26: National Eye Institute Awards KSU Two New Grants, 2/7/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720207nat.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Attends Leadership Breakfast Meeting In State Dining Room, 2/8/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720208att.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Urges Passage Of S.J. Res. 297 Dock Strike Legislation, 2/8/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720208urgp.pdf
- Folder 29: FHA Approved Loan To Rural Water District #3 In Jackson City, 2/9/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720209fha.pdf
- Folder 30: Joint Committee To Investigate Vietnam War, 2/9/1972

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 720209joip.pdf
- Folder 31: Rural Development Legislation, 2/11/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720211rur.pdf
- Folder 32: Day Of Prayer And Support For Peace, 2/16/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720216day.pdf
- Folder 33: Senate Concurrent Resolution, 2/17/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720217natp2.pdf
- Folder 34: OMB Should Give Funds To Rea For Loan Programs, 2/17/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720217omb.pdf
- Folder 35: Rea Gives Loan To P.R. And W. Electric Cooperative Association Inc., 2/17/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720217rea.pdf
- Folder 36: Statement Before Pollution Subcommittee; Ruckleshaus Knows Law And Enforces It, 2/18/1972

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 720218stap.pdf
- Folder 37: President Nixon's Journey For Peace To China, 2/21/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720221prep.pdf
- Folder 38: GSA Assigns Two Portions Of The Chaney Dam And Reservoir To KSU, 2/23/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720223gsa.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Supports Equal Rights Amendment To Constitution, 2/24/1972

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 720224erap.pdf
- Folder 40: GSA Contract To Duo-Bed Corporation In Wichita, 2/24/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720224gsa.pdf
- Folder 41: Legislation To Extend Power Of Attorney To Wives Of POW/MIAs, 2/24/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720224leg.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole On Face The Nation, 2/25/1972

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 720225fac.pdf
- Folder 43: Rural Water District #2 In Coffey Cry Receives Loan, 2/25/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720225rur.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole Addresses National Rural Electric Cooperative Associations, 2/26/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720226dol.pdf
- Folder 45: David J. Brewer House Makes National Register Of Historic Places, 2/28/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720228dav.pdf
- Folder 46: Hartford Collegiate Inst. Makes National Register Of Historic Places, 2/28/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720228har.pdf
- Folder 47: James H. Brown Appointed To Commission Of Personnel Interchange, 2/28/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 720228jam.pdf
- Folder 48: Mueller-Schmidt House Makes National Register Of Historic Places, 2/28/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720228mue.pdf
- Folder 49: Smokey Valley Roller Mill Makes National Register Of Historic Places, 2/28/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720228smo.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Endorses Equal Rights Amendment Again, 2/29/1972

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 720229era.pdf
- Folder 51: Rea Gives Loan To Sedgwick Cry Electric Cooperative Association Inc., 2/29/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720229rea.pdf
- Folder 52: Hud Grant To Kansas City Kansas, 3/1/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720301hud.pdf
- Folder 53: Wheat And Wheat Food Research Education And Promotion Act, 3/1/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720301whep.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Urges Support For Radio Free Europe And Radio Liberty, 3/2/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720302radp.pdf
- Folder 55: Air Force Gives Contract To Boeing In Wichita, 3/6/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720306air.pdf
- Folder 56: Office Of Child Development Gives Horton A Grant, 3/8/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720308off.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Regrets Meat Import Quotas Have To Be Raised, 3/9/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720309dol.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Holds Press Conference, 3/10/1972

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 720310dol.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Visits With Four Students From Liberal Kansas, 3/11/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720311fou.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Meets Women From National Council For Jewish Women, 3/11/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720311jew.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Meets Women From Legislative Conference Of Business And Prof. Women, 3/11/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720311leg.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Wants Benefits Of Servicemen's Group Life Insurance Extended, 3/15/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720315ben.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Meets GSA Re. Progress Of Federal Office Bldg. In Topeka, 3/15/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720315gsa.pdf
- Folder 64: Statement At Water Resources Council Hearings, 3/15/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720315sta.pdf
- Folder 65: OEO Awards Grant To Mo-Kan Minority Contractor's Association, 3/16/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720316oeo.pdf
- Folder 66: Revitalizing Rural America, 3/16/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720316rev.pdf
- Folder 67: Support Revenue Sharing, 3/16/1972

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 720316sup.pdf
- Folder 68: Obstacle To Proposed Topeka Federal Office Building Overcome, 3/17/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720317obs.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Meets With Kansas Disabled American Veterans, 3/20/1972

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 720320dol.pdf
- Folder 70: 703 Cases Of Combat Meals Made Available To Seniors And Needy, 3/20/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720320sev.pdf
- Folder 71: Labor Department Officials In Kansas Re. Emergency Employment Act, 3/21/1972

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 720321lab.pdf
- Folder 72: Rural Development Act Reported Out Of Committee, 3/21/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720321rur.pdf
- Folder 73: Equal Rights Amendment Needs Ratification By 2/3 Of States, 3/22/1972

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 720322equ.pdf
- Folder 74: Passage Of Equal Rights Amendment In Congress, 3/22/1972

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 720322pass.pdf
- Folder 75: FHA Loan To Shawnee County Water District, 3/23/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720323fha.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Meets With Kansas Farm Bureau Leaders, 3/24/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720324dol.pdf
- Folder 77: FHA Loans To Leavenworth County Water District, 3/24/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720324fha.pdf
- Folder 78: Hud Grant For Neighborhood Development Program, 3/24/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720324hud.pdf
- Folder 79: Aid To Kansas Children With Learning Problems, 3/28/1972

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 720328aid.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole Hails Passage Of Equal Rights Amendment By Kansas State, 3/28/1972

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 720328era.pdf
- Folder 81: National Science Foundation Awards-Grant To K.S.U. And K.U., 3/28/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720328nat.pdf
- Folder 82: OEO Awards Grant To Nek-Cao Inc. In Horton, 3/28/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720328oeo.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Wants ServicemenS Group Life Insurance Benefits Extension, 3/29/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720329dol.pdf
- Folder 84: OEO Awards Three Grants To Kansas, 3/29/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720329oeo.pdf
- Folder 85: Irrigation Pumps Halted--Dole Writes FPC Chairman, 3/30/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720330irr.pdf
- Folder 86: Farmers Need Strike Legislation, 4/2/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720402far.pdf
- Folder 87: Hud Awards Grant To Urban Renewal Agency In Leavenworth, 4/3/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720403hud.pdf
- Folder 88: Dole Calls For Resignation Of FCC Commissioner Nicholas Johnson, 4/5/1972

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 720405fcc.pdf
- Folder 89: FHA Funds For Operating Loans Has Been Increased, 4/5/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720405fha.pdf
- Folder 90: USDA Rabbit Inspection, 4/5/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720405rab.pdf
- Folder 91: Kansas Cherry Blossom Queen Viki Myers Meets With Senator Dole, 4/6/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720406kan.pdf
- Folder 92: Senator Kennedy's Ill-Considered Remarks, 4/7/1972

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 720407sen.pdf
- Folder 93: The Truth About Food Prices, 4/7/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720407the.pdf
- Folder 94: Peace Or Politics, 4/8/1972

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 720408pea.pdf
- Folder 95: Cessna To Hire Train 175 In Industry-Government Program, 4/11/1972

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 720411ces.pdf
- Folder 96: Rea Given Loan Funds To Aid South Central Kansas, 4/11/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720411rea.pdf
- Folder 97: Dole Urges Grain Marketing Research Laboratory Funding, 4/12/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720412gra.pdf
- Folder 98: 115 Mile Geodetic Survey Conducted Along Highway 35, 4/12/1972

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 720412one.pdf
- Folder 99: Needed By Rural Americans Information On Federal Rural Development Programs, 4/13/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720413nee.pdf
- Folder 100: Scant Information A Problem For Rural Americans, Dole Says; Handbook Of Federal Programs Could Narrow Information Gap, 4/13/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720413sca.pdf
- Folder 101: Bureau Of Outdoor Recreation Grant To Leavenworth, 4/18/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720418bur.pdf
- Folder 102: Leavenworth Youth Selected For West Point, 4/18/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 720418lea.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Speaks In Place Of LBJ At Tulane University, 4/18/1972

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 720418spe.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Amendment To Aid Sparsely Populated Rural Areas, 4/19/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720419dol.pdf
- Folder 105: Rural Americans Need Improved Incomes, 4/19/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720419rur.pdf
- Folder 106: Rural Development Act Passes Senate, 4/20/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720420rur.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Pleased Of Delayed Closure Of Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 4/24/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720424dol.pdf
- Folder 108: Hew Awards Grant To Kansas Regional Medical Program, 4/25/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720425hew.pdf
- Folder 109: National Institute Of Mental Health Awards Grant To K.U., 4/26/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720426nat.pdf
- Folder 110: Kansas University Affiliated Facility, 4/27/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720427kan.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Urges FPC To Consider Northern Natural Gas Application, 5/2/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720502dol.pdf
- Folder 112: Praise For J. Edgar Hoover, 5/2/1972

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 720502pra.pdf
- Folder 113: Funds For Rehabilitation Of Old National Reserve Life Insurance Bldg., 5/4/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720504fun.pdf
- Folder 114: The Wheat And Wheat Foods Research Education And Promotion Act, 5/4/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720504whe.pdf
- Folder 115: Air Force Awards Contract To Boeing In Wichita, 5/8/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720508air.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole Elected To Board Of Rehabilitation International USA, 5/8/1972

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 720508boa.pdf
- Folder 117: Northern Natural Gas Application Deserves Consideration By FPC, 5/9/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720509nor.pdf
- Folder 118: OEO Awards Grant For State Agency Assistance, 5/9/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720509oeo.pdf
- Folder 119: Smokey Valley Electric Coop Association Receives Rea Loan, 5/10/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720510smo.pdf
- Folder 120: Air Force Awards Contract To Boeing In Wichita, 5/11/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720511air.pdf
- Folder 121: GSA Awards Contract To Hill's Division Of Riviana Food Inc., 5/11/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720511gsa.pdf
- Folder 122: United States Foreign Policy, 5/11/1972

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 720511uni.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole's Office Conducts Random Telephone Survey Re. Nixon And War, 5/12/1972

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 720512dol.pdf
- Folder 124: USD. #497 Receives Grant From Hew To Fund Desegregation Problems, 5/12/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720512nin.pdf
- Folder 125: USD. #409 Receives Grant From Hew To Fund Desegregation Problems, 5/12/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720512zer.pdf
- Folder 126: College Work-Study Programs And Grants Approved For Kansas, 5/18/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720518col.pdf
- Folder 127: Blue Valley Telephone Co. Receives $988,000 Loan From Rea, 5/22/1972

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 720522blu.pdf
- Folder 128: FPC Accepts Application Of Northern Natural Gas Co. To Supply Gas, 5/22/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720522fpc.pdf
- Folder 129: Mrs. Ross Beach Reappointed To Nixon's Committee On Retardation, 5/22/1972

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 720522mrs.pdf
- Folder 130: Farmers Home Administration Approves $95,400 Loan To Rural Water District No. 6 In Shawnee, 5/24/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720524far.pdf
- Folder 131: Urban Renewal Agency In Manhattan Receives $992,000 Grant From Hud, 5/24/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720524urb.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Introduced Bill That Permits Farmers To Hire Young People To Drive Farm Vehicles, 5/27/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720527dol.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Addresses Memorial Day Crowed At Moore Bowl On Washburn University Campus, 5/28/1972

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 720528dol.pdf
- Folder 134: Hud Awarded Grant Of $200,000 To Urban Renewal Agency Of Lyons, 6/1/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720601hud.pdf
- Folder 135: Land And Water Conservation Fund Gives Grant For Maize Road And Hartner Park Development Project, 6/1/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720601lan.pdf
- Folder 136: Hud Awards Grant Of $15,000 To Kansas City, 6/2/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720602kan.pdf
- Folder 137: Hud Awards Grant Of $182,290 To Pratt Kansas, 6/2/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720602pra.pdf
- Folder 138: Ag Committee Approves North Sector-Upper Walnut River Watershed Project, 6/7/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720607agc.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Asks Interstate Commerce Commission To Provide Freight Cars For Kansas Wheat Harvest, 6/8/1972

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 720608icc.pdf
- Folder 140: Pat McClain Of Hutchinson Visits Dole In D.C., 6/8/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720608pat.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole Urges Senate To Confirm Richard Kleindienst Attorney General Of The Us, 6/8/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 720608ric.pdf
- Folder 142: Eda And Ozark Regional Commission Approve Grant Of $375,000 To Cherryvale Kansas, 6/9/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720609eda.pdf
- Folder 143: Hud Awards $309,000 Comprehensive Planning Assist. Grant To Kansas Department Economic Development, 6/9/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720609hud.pdf
- Folder 144: Hud Awards $478,058 Code Enforcement Grant To Wichita, 6/9/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720609wic.pdf
- Folder 145: Hew Awards $481,728 To Wichita Area Community Action Program Inc. For Head Start Program, 6/12/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720612hew.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Announces Seven Summer Projects Of Neighborhood Youth Corps (NYC) In Kansas, 6/13/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720613ann.pdf
- Folder 147: Hud Awards $76,000 Grant To Topeka-Shawnee County Metropolitan Planning Agency, 6/13/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720613hud.pdf
- Folder 148: Rural Development Bill Reported Out Of Joint Conference Committee Today, 6/13/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720613rur.pdf
- Folder 149: ICC Assures Dole That It Will Provide Adequate Railroad Freight Cars During Kansas Wheat Harvest, 6/14/1972

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 720614icc.pdf
- Folder 150: Topeka Board Of Education School District #501 Receives $268,325 Follow Grant From Hew, 6/14/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720614top.pdf
- Folder 151: National Voter Registration Month, 6/15/1972

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 720615nat.pdf
- Folder 152: Nemaha County Receives $197,023 Neighborhood Facilities Grant From Hud, 6/19/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720619nem.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Says Farmers Deserve Increase In Income Just As The Rest Of The Economy, 6/20/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720620far.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Urges Public Works Subcommittee On Rivers And Harbors To Consider Water Development Project, 6/20/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720620urg.pdf
- Folder 155: Appointment Of Sister Mary Serena Sheehy To Nixon's National Advisory Committee For The Handicapped, 6/21/1972

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 720621app.pdf
- Folder 156: Great Kansas City Area Transportation Authority Received $3,970,880 Grant From Dot, 6/26/1972

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 720626gre.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Announces Grants Totaling $6,925,090 To Kansas From Hud, 6/27/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720627dol.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Announces Action Awarded $127,262 Grant To Kansas Department Of Welfare In Topeka, 6/28/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720628act.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Announces Social And Rehabilitation Service Awards $212,278 Grant To Department Of Social Welfare In Topeka, 6/28/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720628reh.pdf
- Folder 160: $127,262 Grant To The Kansas Department Of Welfare In Topeka, 6/28/1972

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 720628soc.pdf
- Folder 161: Dept Of Trans. Sec John Volpe Signs Environmental Statement For Wichita I-35 Project, 6/29/1972

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 720629dep.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole-Randolph Voter Registration Resolution Designating Sept 72 As National Voter Registration Month, 6/29/1972

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 720629dol.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Announces Three Major Steps In Connection With El Dorado Water Resource Programs, 6/30/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720630dol.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Announces Senate Voted $100,000 To Enable Corps Of Engineers To Plan New Roads At Perry Lake, 7/2/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720702dol.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Praises Nixon For Signing Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 7/3/1972

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 720703pra.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole States That Congress Acted Unwisely In Raising Social Security Payments By 20 Percent, 7/3/1972

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 720703sta.pdf
- Folder 167: Dole Announces $304,738 Grant To University Of Kansas Affiliated Facility To Aid The Disabled, 7/6/1972

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 720706dol.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Announces Community Planning Council Of Wichita Received Grant From Action, 7/7/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 720707com.pdf
- Folder 169: Hew Awards $739,373 Head Start Grant To Economic Opportunity Foundation Inc. Of Kansas City Ks, 7/7/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720707hew.pdf
- Folder 170: Schedule Of Appearances For Senator Bob Dole July 9-10 10Th Mt Division And Nixon Legacy Of Parks Dedication Ceremony, 7/7/1972

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 720707sch.pdf
- Folder 171: Dole Announces Hew Grant Of $199,479 To Health Services Mental Health Administration, 7/10/1972

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 720710ann.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Announces Grants To College Students Through Educational Opportunity Grant Program, 7/10/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720710col.pdf
- Folder 173: Dole's Remarks At The Nixon Legacy Of Parks Dedication Ceremony In Topeka Kansas, 7/10/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720710rem.pdf
- Folder 174: Cameron Jones Was Intern This Summer For Dole, 7/11/1972

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 720711cam.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Announces That Air Force Released $1.5 Million To Boeing For Modification Kits For B-52, 7/14/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720714air.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Will Be Interviewed On NBC's Meet The Press, 7/14/1972

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 720714mee.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Announces That Ark Valley Electric Cooperative Association In Hutchinson Received $312,000 Rea Loan, 7/18/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720718dol.pdf
- Folder 178: Three Wichita Youths Served As Dole's Summer Interns, 7/19/1972

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 720719thr.pdf
- Folder 179: Glen Weir As Associate Administrator Of Agricultural Stabilization And Conservation Service, 7/20/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720720gle.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Announces His Appointments To Military Academies, 7/21/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 720721dol.pdf
- Folder 181: Senate Committee Will Recommend Funding Grain Marketing Research Lab Be Increased By $950 000 For 1973, 7/24/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720724sen.pdf
- Folder 182: Dole Announces Air Force $3,357,522 Contract To General Electric Plant At Strother Field, 7/25/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720725air.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Called On Dept Of Interior To Hold Public Hearings On Helium Conservation Program, 7/25/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720725cal.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Announces Air Force Award Of $1,258,122 To Midwest Conveyor Company Ind., 7/28/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720728dol.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole Announces EPA Grant Increase Of $1,482,496 To Leavenworth, 7/31/1972

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 720731dol.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Announces That Air Force Released $1.5 Million To Boeing For Modification Kits For B-52, 8/1/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 720801dol.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Offers Amendment To The Export Administration Act, 8/2/1972

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 720802dol.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole's Statement On End The War Amendment, 8/2/1972

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 720802end.pdf
- Folder 189: Dole Says That Democrats In Kansas Must Stand Or Fall With George McGovern This November, 8/2/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 720802mcg.pdf
- Folder 190: Indian Claims Commission To The Iowa Indian Tribes Of Kansas Nebraska And Oklahoma, 8/3/1972

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 720803ind.pdf
- Folder 191: Dole Announces Ninnescah Rural Electric Cooperative Association Received Rea Loan Of $365 000, 8/8/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 720808dol.pdf
- Folder 192: 1973 Pw Appropriations Gives $23,935,000 To Army Corps Of Engineers For Kansas Planning And Construction, 8/11/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720811nin.pdf
- Folder 193: 45 Kansas Colleges And Universities Will Participate In National Direct Student Loan Program In 1973, 8/12/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720812for.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole Announces That Hew Awarded Head Start Grant To Opportunity Pre-School Inc. In Manhattan, 8/14/1972

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 720814hea.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Floor Statement On Grain Sales To Russia, 8/14/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720814rus.pdf
- Folder 196: Nixon Signs Rural Development Act Of 1972, 8/30/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720830nix.pdf
- Folder 197: Dr. George Cressman Of National Weather Service Visited Discusses The Future Of The Topeka Weather Radar, 9/5/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 720905drg.pdf
- Folder 198: Dole Announces $197,023 Neighborhoods Facilities Grant To Seneca Kansas, 9/5/1972

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 720905sen.pdf
- Folder 199: Dole Announces That R.C. Rolfs Of Lorraine Kansas Has Been Reappointed To State Advisory Committee Of The FHA, 9/11/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720911fha.pdf
- Folder 200: Dole Announces That Senate Public Works Committee Has Reported Its 1972 Omnibus Rivers And Harbors Bill, 9/22/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720922dol.pdf
- Folder 201: Dole Announces That SBA Awarded Three Loans To Kansas Businesses, 9/26/1972

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 720926dol.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole Announces That Manhattan Will Receive Increase Of $774,000 From EPA To Improve Sewage System, 9/27/1972

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 720927dol.pdf
- Folder 203: Senate Public Works Committee Has Reported Its 1972 Omnibus Rivers And Harbors Authorizations Bill, 9/28/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 720928sen.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Announces Appointment Of Darrel A. Dunn Of Langdon Kansas Associate Administrator Of The FHA, 9/29/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 720929dol.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Announces That Air Force Awarded Two Contracts To Boeing In Wichita, 10/2/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 721002dol.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole Announces An OEO Legal Services Grant Of $53,000 To The Legal Aid Society Of Topeka Inc., 10/4/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 721004dol.pdf
- Folder 207: Senate And House Ag Committee Agree To A Compromise Version Of The Federal Environmental Pesticide Act, 10/5/1972

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 721005sen.pdf
- Folder 208: Memo To Kansas Editors And News Directors From Dole Re. General Revenue Sharing In Kansas, 10/7/1972

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 721007mem.pdf
- Folder 209: Bill To Extend The Expiration Date For Powers Of Attorney POW\MIAs, 10/10/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 721010bill.pdf
- Folder 210: Defense Dept Appropriations Bill Includes $32,000,000 To Finance Cost Of 60 A-37B Light Attack Aircraft, 10/11/1972

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 721011def.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Announces Appointments Of Three Kansas City Area Businessmen To Kansas Advisory Council Of SBA, 10/12/1972

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 721012app.pdf
- Folder 212: Law Enforcement Assistance Administration Has Awarded A $2,094,000 Advance Action Grant To Kansas, 10/12/1972

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 721012law.pdf
- Folder 213: Mrs. Clelia Dillingham And Mrs. Marguerite Hollinger Visited Dole In D.C., 10/12/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 721012mrs.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Announces That Senate Passed 1973 Omnibus Rivers And Harbors Act, 10/12/1972

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 721012sen.pdf
- Folder 215: Senate Passes The Vocational Rehabilitation Act, 10/13/1972

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 721013sen.pdf
- Folder 216: Dole Announces That Leavenworth-Jefferson Electric Cooperative Inc. In McLouth Received $125 000 Rea Loan, 10/17/1972

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 721017dol.pdf
- Folder 217: Dole Announces Appointment Of Dean Evans Of Salina To Panama Canal Company Board Of Directors, 10/19/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 721019dol.pdf
- Folder 218: Gao Leased 11 595 Sq Ft Of Office Space From Wilson And Savage Development Co. In Kansas City Kansas, 11/2/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 721102gao.pdf
- Folder 219: Dole Announces Step Toward Realization Of A Federal Office Building Located In Topeka, 11/2/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 721102rea.pdf
- Folder 220: Statement By Dole Re. Bill Roy's Negative Attitude Toward Nixon, 11/4/1972

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 721104bill.pdf
- Folder 221: Statement By Dole Re. George McGovern And Bill Roy's Negativism, 11/4/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 721104geo.pdf
- Folder 222: Dole Stated That He Will Introduce A Bill To Officially Re-Designate November 11 As Veterans Day, 11/15/1972

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 721115dol.pdf
- Folder 223: Dole Recognized As Volunteer Of The Year For His Distinguished Service To Handicapped, 11/19/1972

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 721119dol.pdf
- Folder 224: Dole Announces That More Than $25,000,000 In Revenue Sharing Bonds Will Be Mailed To Kansas Tomorrow, 12/7/1972

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 721207dol.pdf
- Folder 225: Robert M. Golub And Melanie L. Hanson As Kansas Delegates To The 11Th Annual Senate Youth Program, 12/8/1972

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 721208rob.pdf
- Folder 226: Dole Announces Appointment Of Brad A. Trexler Of Hill City To The State Advisory Committee Of The FHA, 12/14/1972

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 721214app.pdf
- Folder 227: Dole Announces That The VA Is Installing A Special Telephone Hook-Up In Kansas City And Topeka, 12/14/1972

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 721214spe.pdf
- Folder 228: Dole Will Attend White House Dinner As Special Guest Of President Nixon, 12/16/1972

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 721216dol.pdf
- Folder 229: Compliance To Regulations Re. Farmers Applying For EPA License When Water From Farm Discharged Into Streams, 12/19/1972

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 721219com.pdf
- Folder 230: Nixon Asks Dole To Recommend Agricultural Legislation And Other Programs Of Interest To Kansas, 12/22/1972

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 721222nix.pdf
- Folder 231: Dole Statement Re. Death of Harry S. Truman, 12/26/1972

- Subject: General - PDF available: 721226dol.pdf
- Series 13: 1973

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Re-Certification Water Sewer Project In Iola, 1/3/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730103rec.pdf
- Folder 2: Reinstate November 11 As Veterans Day, 1/4/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 730104rei.pdf
- Folder 3: Action Grant For Topeka Resources Council, 1/8/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730108act.pdf
- Folder 4: Conservation Financing, 1/8/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730108con.pdf
- Folder 5: FHA Grants To Rural Water Districts, 1/12/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730112fha.pdf
- Folder 6: Establishment Of Full-Time Social Security Offices In Ks, 1/15/1973

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 730115est.pdf
- Folder 7: Announcement Of Agric. Hearings On Farm Cutbacks, 1/17/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730117ann.pdf
- Folder 8: La Verne Becker Named Chairman Of Ks State Agric. Comm., 1/17/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730117lav.pdf
- Folder 9: Dole Inaugural Schedule, 1/18/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730118dol.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Plans To Introduce Legislation To Extend Farm Program, 1/19/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730119dol.pdf
- Folder 11: Contesting Second Tax Audit (Reimbursement), 1/22/1973

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 730122con.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole Introduces Bill To Extend Farm Program, 1/23/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730123dol.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole's Appointment To Finance Committee, 1/24/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730124dol.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole And Pearson Urge Action On Highway Act, 1/24/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730124dole.pdf
- Folder 15: High Praise For The President, 1/24/1973

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 730124hig.pdf
- Folder 16: Nixon Deserves Great Credit For His Courage In Agreement Assuring Peace With Honor, 1/24/1973

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 730124nix.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Makes Two Speeches In Topeka, 1/26/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730126dol.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole's Speech To Kansas County Attorney's Assoc, 1/29/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730129dolp.pdf
- Folder 19: Relaxation Of Freeze On Housing Applications To FMHA, 1/30/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730130rel.pdf
- Folder 20: Legislation To Increase Milk Price Support Level, 1/31/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730131leg.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole's Schedule, 2/1/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730201dol.pdf
- Folder 22: Nixon Praises Dole, 2/1/1973

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 730201nix.pdf
- Folder 23: Four Hud Grants, 2/7/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730207fou.pdf
- Folder 24: Resolution To Investigate Causes Of War In Vietnam, 2/7/1973

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 730207resp.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole To Introduce Legislation To Extend Farm Program, 2/8/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730208dol.pdf
- Folder 26: Request For Hearings On Postal Service Operations, 2/9/1973

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 730209req.pdf
- Folder 27: Telegram To Butz Demanding Wheat Price Increase, 2/9/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730209tel.pdf
- Folder 28: Harlan House Appointment, 2/12/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730212har.pdf
- Folder 29: Speech To American Association Of Councils Of Medical Staffs, 2/12/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730212spe.pdf
- Folder 30: Air Force Contract To Boeing, 2/14/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730214air.pdf
- Folder 31: Hew Grant To Mid Kansas Community Action Program, 2/14/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730214hew.pdf
- Folder 32: New Employees (4 Releases), 2/15/1973

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 730215newp.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Against Phase Out Of Domestic Certificate Payment Program, 2/16/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730216dol.pdf
- Folder 34: Administration Cutbacks Focus Attention On Farm Legislation, 2/17/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730217admp.pdf
- Folder 35: Agriculture Legislation, 2/19/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730219agrp.pdf
- Folder 36: Hud 235 Program, 2/19/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730219hud.pdf
- Folder 37: Resolution To Place Moratorium On Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Shipments Of Wheat, 2/19/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730219res.pdf
- Folder 38: Dole Remarks At Speech In Pekin Il Comparing Presidents Lincoln And Nixon, 2/20/1973

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 730220dol.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Urges Reinstatement Of Rea Loans, 2/20/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730220dole.pdf
- Folder 40: Older Americans Comprehensive Services Amendments, 2/20/1973

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 730220oldp.pdf
- Folder 41: Appointment Of W.A. Smiley And A.J. Collins, 2/21/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730221app.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Urges Additional Judgeship In Ks, 2/21/1973

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 730221dol.pdf
- Folder 43: Senate Passage Of Rabbit Bill, 2/21/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730221sen.pdf
- Folder 44: Testimony On Improvement In Judicial Machinery, 2/21/1973

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 730221tesp.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Appointed To UNESCO, 2/22/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730222dol.pdf
- Folder 46: EPA Revises Licensing Fee Regulations, 2/22/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 730222epa.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole Honorary Member Of Soc. Of Autistic, 2/23/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730223dol.pdf
- Folder 48: Rea Loan To Rural Telephone Service, 2/23/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 730223rea.pdf
- Folder 49: Army Corps Of Engineers User Fees, 2/26/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730226arm.pdf
- Folder 50: Grant To KPTS-TV In Wichita, 2/26/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730226gra.pdf
- Folder 51: Senate Finance Committee, 2/26/1973

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 730226sen.pdf
- Folder 52: Vista Volunteers To Garden City, 2/26/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730226vis.pdf
- Folder 53: Apportionment Of Interstate Highway Funds, 2/27/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730227app.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Urges Approval Of 5-Year Farm Program, 2/27/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730227dolp.pdf
- Folder 55: Bia Contract To United Tribes Of Ks And Neb, 2/28/1973

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 730228bia.pdf
- Folder 56: Criticism Leveled At User's Fees, 2/28/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730228cri.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Supports Reinstatement Of Reap, 3/1/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 730301dol.pdf
- Folder 58: Reynolds Shultz Appointment, 3/3/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730303rey.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Speaks To Ottawa Chamber Of Commerce, 3/5/1973

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 730305dol.pdf
- Folder 60: Us Treasury Disbursing Office To K.C., 3/5/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730305ust.pdf
- Folder 61: Baker/Dole Resolution Passes Senate, 3/6/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730306bak.pdf
- Folder 62: FHA Receives Additional $2.5 Million, 3/6/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730306fha.pdf
- Folder 63: LEAA Grant, 3/6/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730306lea.pdf
- Folder 64: Clarification Of User Fees, 3/7/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730307clap.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Lunches With Butz, 3/7/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730307dol.pdf
- Folder 66: FHA Loans To 2 Rural Water Districts, 3/7/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730307fha.pdf
- Folder 67: Loan To Triple Creek Grazing Association, 3/7/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730307loa.pdf
- Folder 68: No Change At Richards Gebaur AFB, 3/7/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730307noc.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Testifies On Us Postal Service, 3/8/1973

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 730308dol.pdf
- Folder 70: Head Start Grant From Hew, 3/8/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730308hea.pdf
- Folder 71: Introduces Legislation To Eliminate Barriers, 3/12/1973

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 730312intp.pdf
- Folder 72: Food For Peace Program, 3/13/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730313foo.pdf
- Folder 73: Grant To Liberal Airport, 3/13/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730313gra.pdf
- Folder 74: Fuel Potential Of Alcohol From Grain, 3/14/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730314fue.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Requests Hearings On User Fees, 3/15/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730315dol.pdf
- Folder 76: Feasibility Studies Of Interstate Highways, 3/15/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730315eis.pdf
- Folder 77: Feasibility Studies Of Interstate Highways, 3/15/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730315fea.pdf
- Folder 78: Grant To K.C. Economic Opportunity Foundation, 3/15/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730315gra.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Meets With Bible On User Fees, 3/16/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730316dol.pdf
- Folder 80: Grant To K-State And Pratt Feedlot, 3/16/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730316gra.pdf
- Folder 81: FMHA To Fund Rural Rental Housing Application, 3/19/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730319fmh.pdf
- Folder 82: Grant To Washington Ks, 3/19/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730319gra.pdf
- Folder 83: Kansas Special Olympics, 3/19/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730319kanp.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole Itinerary, 3/22/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730322dol.pdf
- Folder 85: Grants To Continue Us Manpower Programs, 3/22/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730322gra.pdf
- Folder 86: Hays High Visits D.C., 3/22/1973

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 730322hay.pdf
- Folder 87: Agriculture Playing Important Role In Foreign Trade, 3/23/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730323agr.pdf
- Folder 88: Federal Budget, 3/26/1973

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 730326fedp.pdf
- Folder 89: Grant To Mid America Regional Planning Council, 3/26/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730326gra.pdf
- Folder 90: Hood Offered West Point Appointment, 3/27/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730327hoo.pdf
- Folder 91: King Offered Annapolis Appointment, 3/27/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730327kin.pdf
- Folder 92: Legislation Introduced To Limit User Fees, 3/27/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730327leg.pdf
- Folder 93: Maurer Offered Air Force Appointment, 3/27/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730327mau.pdf
- Folder 94: McKibbin Offered Air Force Appointment, 3/27/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730327mck.pdf
- Folder 95: Dole Supports One Year Extension To Health Services, 3/28/1973

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 730328ext.pdf
- Folder 96: Grant To Black Community Inc. Topeka, 3/28/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730328gra.pdf
- Folder 97: Grant To Independence Comm. Jr. Coll., 3/28/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730328gti.pdf
- Folder 98: Head Start Grant To E. Ks Econ. Corp., 3/28/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730328hea.pdf
- Folder 99: Obstacles For Ks Coliseum Removed, 3/28/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730328obs.pdf
- Folder 100: SBA Loans To Oberlin And Pittsburg, 3/28/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 730328sba.pdf
- Folder 101: Barrett Schoolhouse Entered In Natl Register, 3/29/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730329bar.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Says Phase Out Not Needed, 3/29/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730329dol.pdf
- Folder 103: End Of Vietnam Involvement, 3/29/1973

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 730329end.pdf
- Folder 104: Kansas Coliseum, 3/29/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730329kanp.pdf
- Folder 105: Dole In Overland Park Reception For Walker, 3/30/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730330dio.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Praises Nixon's Commitment To Maintain Us Strength, 3/30/1973

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 730330dol.pdf
- Folder 107: G.I. Forum, 3/31/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730331gif.pdf
- Folder 108: Wheat Storage -- Commercial And On Farm, 3/31/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730331whe.pdf
- Folder 109: The Drinking Driver Causes Highway Accidents, 4/2/1973

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 730402drip.pdf
- Folder 110: Hew Grant To Los Cinco Pueblos, 4/2/1973

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 730402hew.pdf
- Folder 111: Laundry Facility For VA Center In Leavenworth, 4/2/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 730402lau.pdf
- Folder 112: SBA Loan To Lawrence Ind. Development Co., 4/2/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 730402sba.pdf
- Folder 113: Wholesome Meat Act Of 1968, 4/2/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730402who.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Comments On Voc. Rehab Act Vote, 4/3/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730403dol.pdf
- Folder 115: ECKAN Receives 6 Mo. Phase Out Grant, 4/4/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730404eck.pdf
- Folder 116: International Rehabilitation, 4/4/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730404int.pdf
- Folder 117: School Offered Appointment At West Point, 4/4/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730404sch.pdf
- Folder 118: Contribution To Institute Of Logopedics, 4/8/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730408con.pdf
- Folder 119: Dedication Speech Hansen Memorial Plaza, 4/8/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730408dedp.pdf
- Folder 120: Kansas City May Soon Become Most Important Trade Center, 4/9/1973

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 730409kanp.pdf
- Folder 121: Statement Of Bob Dole Subcommittee On Parks And Recreation S. 1381; Limitation Of User Fees, 4/12/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730412stap.pdf
- Folder 122: Visit Of Kansas Farm Wives, 4/12/1973

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 730412vis.pdf
- Folder 123: Kansas State Federation Of Fed. Employees, 4/13/1973

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 730413kan.pdf
- Folder 124: Weekend Schedule, 4/13/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730413wee.pdf
- Folder 125: Kansas Jaycees -- Salina, 4/14/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730414kanp.pdf
- Folder 126: Decrease In Crime, 4/16/1973

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 730416dec.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Introduces Feed Grain Legislation, 4/16/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730416dol.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole To Fight Meat Roll Back Legislation, 4/16/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730416dtf.pdf
- Folder 129: Forbes Closing, 4/16/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730416fmt.pdf
- Folder 130: Forbes Meeting In Topeka April 27 And 28, 4/16/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730416forp.pdf
- Folder 131: Kent Frizzell Confirmed By Senate, 4/16/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730416ken.pdf
- Folder 132: Federal Building Topeka Approved, 4/18/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730418fed.pdf
- Folder 133: Feed Grain Program Passes Senate, 4/18/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730418fee.pdf
- Folder 134: Further Explanation Of Forbes Closing, 4/18/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730418furp.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Meets With Oea Officials About Forbes, 4/19/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730419dol.pdf
- Folder 136: Federal Student Aid Bill Passes Senate, 4/19/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730419fed.pdf
- Folder 137: $20,050 Faa Grant To Parsons Airport, 4/20/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730420faa.pdf
- Folder 138: $99,708 Grant To Beloit Municipal Airport, 4/20/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730420gra.pdf
- Folder 139: Kansas Coliseum Wichita Approval Near, 4/20/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730420kan.pdf
- Folder 140: Big Brother --Big Sisters Program, 4/25/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730425big.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole Comments On Watergate, 4/25/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730425dolp.pdf
- Folder 142: Final Approval On Federal Bldg. Topeka, 4/26/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730426fin.pdf
- Folder 143: Expedite Federal Relief For 60 Counties, 4/27/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 730427exp.pdf
- Folder 144: Judgment Funds To Kickapoo Indian Tribe, 4/27/1973

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 730427jud.pdf
- Folder 145: Resignations Of Top Nixon Aides (Watergate), 4/30/1973

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 730430resp.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Calls For Hearings On Energy Crisis, 5/1/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730501dol.pdf
- Folder 147: Floor Statement On Watergate, 5/1/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730501flop.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Welcomes Connally To Party, 5/2/1973

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 730502dol.pdf
- Folder 149: Approval Of HUD Funds For Leavenworth Low-Income Housing, 5/3/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730503app.pdf
- Folder 150: Legislation For The Handicapped, 5/3/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730503leg.pdf
- Folder 151: Meat And Poultry Inspection Program Compliance Staff Office In Lawrence, 5/3/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730503mea.pdf
- Folder 152: Letter To Darrell M. Trent/Fuel Shortage For Ag, 5/4/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730504let.pdf
- Folder 153: United Cerebral Palsy Association Government Award, 5/4/1973

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 730504uni.pdf
- Folder 154: Energy Crisis, 5/7/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730507enep.pdf
- Folder 155: Appointment Of George W. Haley, 5/9/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730509app.pdf
- Folder 156: Schedule For Weekend May 11 - 13, 5/9/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730509sch.pdf
- Folder 157: Announcement Of Don Steffes To Secondary Market Study Group, 5/10/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730510ann.pdf
- Folder 158: Fuel Shortages In Midwest, 5/10/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730510fuep.pdf
- Folder 159: Lessons Of Watergate, 5/10/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: s-press_016_016_159.pdf
- Folder 160: Announcement Of Surplus Land On Gage Blvd., 5/11/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730511ann.pdf
- Folder 161: Great Bend Cooperative Association, 5/12/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730512grep.pdf
- Folder 162: Small Businessman Of The Year Awards Speech: Strength During Time Of Adversity Is American Tradition, 5/12/1973

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 730512smap.pdf
- Folder 163: Concurrence Of Joint Comm. -- Rural Electric And Telephone, 5/14/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 730514con.pdf
- Folder 164: New Concept In Farm Programs Considered, 5/14/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730514newp.pdf
- Folder 165: Senate Public Works Appropriation Subcommittee, 5/14/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730514senp.pdf
- Folder 166: Approval For Top. Fed. Office Bldg., 5/15/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730515app.pdf
- Folder 167: Ag Research Ser -- Dickens Ave. Manhattan, 5/16/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730516agr.pdf
- Folder 168: Limit. On User Fees At Fed. Recreation Area, 5/16/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730516lim.pdf
- Folder 169: Policies At Wilson Reservoir, 5/16/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730516pol.pdf
- Folder 170: Angus Centennial Celebration, 5/17/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730517ang.pdf
- Folder 171: Schedule For May 17-20, 5/17/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730517sch.pdf
- Folder 172: Doctor Shortage, 5/18/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730518doc.pdf
- Folder 173: Emporia Low Rent Housing Project, 5/18/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730518emp.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Says System Not To Blame For, Or Hurt By, Watergate, 5/19/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730519dol.pdf
- Folder 175: Remarks At College Of Emporia Commencement, 5/19/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730519remp.pdf
- Folder 176: Fuel And Fertilizer Shortages, 5/20/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730520fuep.pdf
- Folder 177: Subcomm. On Private Pension Plans, 5/21/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730521subp.pdf
- Folder 178: Topeka--Mass Transit, 5/21/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730521top.pdf
- Folder 179: Doctor Shortage, 5/22/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730522doc.pdf
- Folder 180: Watergate--Pres. Statement, 5/22/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730522wat.pdf
- Folder 181: Watergate--Mankiewicz, 5/23/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730523wat.pdf
- Folder 182: Topeka's Mass Transit, 5/24/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730524top.pdf
- Folder 183: Memorial Day Statement, 5/25/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730525mem.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Introduces Bill To Help Solve Critical Shortage Of Doctors In Rural Kansas, 5/28/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730528dol.pdf
- Folder 185: Reap Practices, 5/30/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 730530rea.pdf
- Folder 186: Cessna Aircraft Contract Announcement, 5/31/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730531ces.pdf
- Folder 187: Conference Of Coalition For Rural Development, 5/31/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730531con.pdf
- Folder 188: Federal Disaster Relief, 5/31/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 730531fed.pdf
- Folder 189: Adopted Amendment For Doctor Shortage Areas, 6/1/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730601ado.pdf
- Folder 190: Appointment Of Alexander To Staff, 6/1/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730601app.pdf
- Folder 191: Passage Of Dickens Avenue Bill, 6/1/1973

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 730601pas.pdf
- Folder 192: Drug Abuse Still A Major Problem, 6/4/1973

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 730604drup.pdf
- Folder 193: Hud Grant To Urban Renewal In Topeka, 6/5/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730605hud.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole Urges Balanced Industry Communications -- Problems And Achievements, 6/6/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 730606dol.pdf
- Folder 195: Farm Bill, 6/6/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730606far.pdf
- Folder 196: Mel Laird Appointment, 6/6/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730606mel.pdf
- Folder 197: Laird And Kelly Appointment, 6/7/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730607lai.pdf
- Folder 198: Reap, 6/8/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 730608rea.pdf
- Folder 199: Downtown Lawrence Development Improvement, 6/9/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 730609dowp.pdf
- Folder 200: Grain Storage Loan, 6/11/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730611gra.pdf
- Folder 201: Mandatory Fuel Allocation, 6/11/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730611manp.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole Testifies On Impact Of Fuel Crisis On Agriculture, 6/12/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730612dol.pdf
- Folder 203: Fuel Shortage, 6/12/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730612fue.pdf
- Folder 204: Ag Subcomm. On Fuel Shortage Hearings, 6/13/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730613agsp.pdf
- Folder 205: Corn Refiners Association Board Meeting Speech On Nixon Brezhnev Meeting, 6/13/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 730613corp.pdf
- Folder 206: Faa Contract, 6/13/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730613faa.pdf
- Folder 207: Topeka Federal Building, 6/13/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730613top.pdf
- Folder 208: Flag Day, 6/14/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730614fla.pdf
- Folder 209: Economic Devel. Administration Grant, 6/18/1973

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 730618eco.pdf
- Folder 210: C. Kelly Nomination, 6/19/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730619cke.pdf
- Folder 211: Dove Appointment, 6/19/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730619dov.pdf
- Folder 212: Topeka Federal Building, 6/19/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730619top.pdf
- Folder 213: Doctor Shortage, 6/20/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730620doc.pdf
- Folder 214: Small Businesses Administration Loan, 6/20/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 730620sma.pdf
- Folder 215: Ag Bill In House Comm., 6/21/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730621agb.pdf
- Folder 216: Social Security Increase, 6/21/1973

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 730621soc.pdf
- Folder 217: Urban Renewal Agency Grant Salina, 6/21/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730621urb.pdf
- Folder 218: Oil Policy Comm. For Special Rep. To Kansas, 6/22/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730622has.pdf
- Folder 219: Haskell Indian Junior College, 6/22/1973

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 730622oil.pdf
- Folder 220: Topeka Busses, 6/22/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730622topp.pdf
- Folder 221: $1.5 Million To Med. Vet. Pharmacy Schools, 6/25/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730625mil.pdf
- Folder 222: Special Fuel Team To Kansas, 6/25/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730625spep.pdf
- Folder 223: Excerpts From American Dental Pol. Action Speech, 6/26/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730626excp.pdf
- Folder 224: $1 Million Grant To Boeing Wichita, 6/26/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730626mil.pdf
- Folder 225: Senate Passes Education Of The Handicapped Act, 6/26/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730626sen.pdf
- Folder 226: $50,000 To Topeka For Forbes Study, 6/26/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730626top.pdf
- Folder 227: Veterans Cost Of Instruction Program, 6/26/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 730626vet.pdf
- Folder 228: Additional 300,000 Gallons Of Fuel Allocated, 6/27/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730627add.pdf
- Folder 229: $395,000 Grant To Galena By Hud, 6/27/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730627gra.pdf
- Folder 230: $722,475 Hud Grant To Urban Renewal Olathe, 6/27/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730627hud.pdf
- Folder 231: $25,000 Planning Grant To Topeka For Forbes, 6/27/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730627pla.pdf
- Folder 232: Fuel Situation, 6/28/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730628fue.pdf
- Folder 233: Further Reports On Fuel Situation From Special Fuel Team, 6/28/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730628fur.pdf
- Folder 234: $160,000 Grant To Spring Hill Rental Housing, 6/28/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730628gra.pdf
- Folder 235: $917,700 HUD Grant To URA Leavenworth, 6/28/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730628hud.pdf
- Folder 236: Legislation To Provide Funds For Ks Highway Construction, 6/28/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730628leg.pdf
- Folder 237: $64,305 To State Economic Opportunity Office Topeka, 6/28/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730628sta.pdf
- Folder 238: Appointment Of Governor John Love As Assistant To President On Energy Policy, 6/29/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730629app.pdf
- Folder 239: Fuel Shortage Study And Investigation Pays Off, 6/29/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730629fuep.pdf
- Folder 240: Air Conditioning For VA Hospitals, 6/30/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 730630air.pdf
- Folder 241: Amendment To Ag Stabilization Act, 6/30/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730630ame.pdf
- Folder 242: Continuing Boxcar Shortage, 7/1/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730701con.pdf
- Folder 243: Freight Cars To Be Sent To Northwest Counties, 7/2/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730702fre.pdf
- Folder 244: 200,000 Gallons Of Fuel Per Month For Ks Harvest Needs To Be Located, 7/2/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730702gal.pdf
- Folder 245: $108,733 Veterans Cost Of Instruction Grant, 7/2/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 730702vet.pdf
- Folder 246: $137,250 Hud Grant To Topeka Low-Rent Housing, 7/3/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730703hud.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole Urges House Consideration Of Federal Bldg., 7/6/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730706dol.pdf
- Folder 248: Telegram Of John Dunlop On Crude Oil Rollback, 7/6/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730706tel.pdf
- Folder 249: Dole Sees No Problems With Wheat Harvest, 7/7/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730707dol.pdf
- Folder 250: Action Grant To Chanute Red Cross, 7/9/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730709act.pdf
- Folder 251: Action Grant To Horton, 7/9/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730709agh.pdf
- Folder 252: Boxcar Shortage Due To Unprecedented Yield, 7/9/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730709box.pdf
- Folder 253: Federal Building In Topeka, 7/10/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730710fed.pdf
- Folder 254: $153,733 Grant To Sedgwick County Commissioner, 7/10/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730710gra.pdf
- Folder 255: No Embargo To Be Placed On Wheat, 7/11/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730711noep.pdf
- Folder 256: Boxcar Shortage On Site Survey, 7/12/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730712box.pdf
- Folder 257: Dole Contacts House Public Works On Federal Bill, 7/12/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730712dol.pdf
- Folder 258: Grant To Ks State Econ. Office ($31,439), 7/12/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730712gra.pdf
- Folder 259: 400 Modified Open Hopper Cars To Ks, 7/12/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730712mod.pdf
- Folder 260: Bill For Restoration Of Old Fort Scott, 7/13/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730713bil.pdf
- Folder 261: Dole Urges Action On Possible Shortage Of Liquid Petroleum Gas, 7/13/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730713dol.pdf
- Folder 262: Dole Arranged A Phase Iv Meeting, 7/16/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730716dap.pdf
- Folder 263: Dole Arranged Pre-Phase Iv Planning Meeting, 7/16/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730716dol.pdf
- Folder 264: Federal Building Approved By House Sub-Committee, 7/17/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730717fed.pdf
- Folder 265: Reps Of Business Meet With Dole And Dunlop, 7/17/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 730717rep.pdf
- Folder 266: Amendment To Minimum Wage Bill By Dole, 7/18/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730718ame.pdf
- Folder 267: Government Regulations For Stage A Of Phase Iv Economic Controls, 7/18/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730718gov.pdf
- Folder 268: Senate Passage Of Vocational Rehab Act-1973, 7/18/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730718sen.pdf
- Folder 269: McPherson Residents Hired-Labor Grant, 7/19/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730719mcp.pdf
- Folder 270: Reservation Of $650,000 For Wichita, 7/19/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730719res.pdf
- Folder 271: Senate Granted Emergency Medical Service Act, 7/19/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730719sen.pdf
- Folder 272: Amendment With J. Allen To Prevent Automatic Pay Increases, 7/20/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730720ame.pdf
- Folder 273: Dole Asks Ligon For Review Of Oil And Gas, 7/21/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730721dol.pdf
- Folder 274: Cedar Point Lake Project-Public Works Bill, 7/23/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730723ced.pdf
- Folder 275: Senator Bob Dole Speaks On Phase Iv, 7/23/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730723senp.pdf
- Folder 276: J. Gill In Kansas On Fri - Gas Shortage, 7/24/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730724gil.pdf
- Folder 277: Amendment To Prevent Pay Increase, 7/25/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730725ame.pdf
- Folder 278: Dole Discuss With Nixon Phase Iv Program, 7/25/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730725dol.pdf
- Folder 279: PWA Bill $80,000 For Cedar Point Lake Project, 7/25/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730725pwa.pdf
- Folder 280: Claud McCamment Appointed To Citizen's Advisory Committee On Transportation Quality, 7/26/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730726cla.pdf
- Folder 281: Dole And Laird Discuss Phase Iv Program, 7/26/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730726dal.pdf
- Folder 282: Dole Remarks On The Passing Of William White, 7/26/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730726dol.pdf
- Folder 283: Kc EOF 3,680 Packages Of Inflight Food Ratio, 7/27/1973

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 730727kce.pdf
- Folder 284: Conference Committee Approved Two Amendments To Study Highways, 7/28/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730728con.pdf
- Folder 285: Flight Service Stations Remain Open, 7/28/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730728fli.pdf
- Folder 286: Short Sighted Cost Of Living Council Regulations Aggravating Fuel Problems, 7/28/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730728shop.pdf
- Folder 287: Subcommittee Recommends Additional Judge, 7/28/1973

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 730728sub.pdf
- Folder 288: National Salute To Small Business In Abilene, 7/30/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 730730nat.pdf
- Folder 289: No Time To Raise Pay, Says Dole, 7/30/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730730notp.pdf
- Folder 290: Skill Center, Dental Clinic, And Golf Course At Forbes AFB, 7/30/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730730ski.pdf
- Folder 291: Bill To Limit User Fees Charged At Federal Lakes, 7/31/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730731bil.pdf
- Folder 292: Compromise On Farm Bill Amendment Completed Soon (Short Version), 7/31/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730731cof.pdf
- Folder 293: Compromise On Farm Bill Amendment Completed Soon (Long Version), 7/31/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730731com.pdf
- Folder 294: Housing Opportunities For Handicapped Bill, 7/31/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730731hou.pdf
- Folder 295: Beef Shortage; Meeting Revision Two Phase Iv Decisions, 8/1/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730801bee.pdf
- Folder 296: Bureau Outdoor Recreation Appropriation, 8/1/1973

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 730801burp.pdf
- Folder 297: Funding Construction Program At Haskell, 8/1/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730801fun.pdf
- Folder 298: Topeka Federal Building House Public Works Committee, 8/1/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730801top.pdf
- Folder 299: Criticized Administration Freeze On Beef Prices, 8/2/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730802cri.pdf
- Folder 300: Tower-Dole Amendment Passed In Senate To End Freeze On Beef Prices, 8/2/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730802tow.pdf
- Folder 301: Telegram Nixon -- Agriculture And Consumer Protection Act, 8/4/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730804tel.pdf
- Folder 302: Stamp Saluting Introduction Of Angus Cattle In Us, 8/5/1973

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 730805sta.pdf
- Folder 303: Senator Dole Discusses Outdoor Recreational Facilities, 8/6/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730806senp.pdf
- Folder 304: Telegram To Butz Concerning Farm Bill, 8/7/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730807tel.pdf
- Folder 305: Research Grant To Far-Mar-Co Hutchinson, 8/8/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730808res.pdf
- Folder 306: Schedule Sedan Winfield Wichita, 8/8/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730808sch.pdf
- Folder 307: Comment On Agriculture And Consumer Protection Act, 8/10/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730810com.pdf
- Folder 308: FAA Grant To KcK Fairfax Municipal Airport, 8/10/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730810faa.pdf
- Folder 309: CLC Dropped Plans Of Roll Back On Crude Oil, 8/11/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730811clc.pdf
- Folder 310: Excerpts At Legacy Parks Dedication Olathe, 8/13/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 730813exc.pdf
- Folder 311: Schedule, 8/13/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730813sch.pdf
- Folder 312: Telegram To Nixon CLC Actions To Texas Firm, 8/13/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730813tel.pdf
- Folder 313: Hud Approval Emporia Elderly Housing, 8/14/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730814hud.pdf
- Folder 314: Sampson On Wichita Federal Building GSA, 8/14/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730814sam.pdf
- Folder 315: Comment On 1974 Farm Program For Wheat, 8/16/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730816com.pdf
- Folder 316: Hud Approval Leavenworth Elderly Housing, 8/16/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 730816hud.pdf
- Folder 317: Kansas Reclamation Office In Topeka, 8/17/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730817kan.pdf
- Folder 318: Northwest Kansas Planning And Development Self Help Projects, 8/21/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730821nor.pdf
- Folder 319: Schedule, 8/21/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730821sch.pdf
- Folder 320: ICC Survey Of Boxcar Shortage At Dole's Request, 8/24/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730824icc.pdf
- Folder 321: Dole Calls For End To Fertilizer Price Controls, 8/28/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730828dolp.pdf
- Folder 322: Dole Returns From Ks To Meet With Govt Officials, 8/28/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730828drf.pdf
- Folder 323: Dole Announces Record Farm Operating Loan Allotment To Kansas, 8/29/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730829dar.pdf
- Folder 324: Dole Meets With G. Stafford On Boxcar Shortage, 8/29/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730829dol.pdf
- Folder 325: GSA Approved Johnson County Application For Olathe Air Station, 8/29/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730829gsa.pdf
- Folder 326: Dole Comments On USDA's 1974 Feed Grain Program, 8/30/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730830dol.pdf
- Folder 327: Amtrak To Keep National Limited Line From Kc Ny, 8/31/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 730831amt.pdf
- Folder 328: $58,790 Dept Labor Grant For Operation Mainstream, 8/31/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730831dep.pdf
- Folder 329: Request To Nixon To Lift Fertilizer Price Controls, 8/31/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730831req.pdf
- Folder 330: Stafford To Salina For Boxcar Meeting, 9/3/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730903sta.pdf
- Folder 331: Hew Awards $70,819 To Ks Universities, 9/4/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730904hew.pdf
- Folder 332: Dole Introduces Resolution To End Watergate Hearings, 9/5/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730905dol.pdf
- Folder 333: $20,000 From Hew To Washburn University, 9/5/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730905hwu.pdf
- Folder 334: $43,362 From Hew To Kansas State University, 9/5/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730905ksu.pdf
- Folder 335: Dole In Favor Of Ending Tv Blackout On Sports Games, 9/6/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 730906dol.pdf
- Folder 336: $37,795 Head Start Grant To Geary County School Dist., 9/6/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730906hea.pdf
- Folder 337: Schedule, 9/6/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730906sch.pdf
- Folder 338: $155,000 Cooperative Education Funds To Ks Universities, 9/7/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730907coo.pdf
- Folder 339: Dole Meets With Dunlop To Discuss Fertilizer Shortage, 9/7/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730907dmw.pdf
- Folder 340: Dole Testifies On Mandatory Allocation For LP Gas, 9/7/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730907dtm.pdf
- Folder 341: Dole Urges Action On Forbes AFB Disposal Report, 9/7/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730907dua.pdf
- Folder 342: $333,450 To Kansas Regional Medical Program, 9/8/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730908kan.pdf
- Folder 343: Freedom Tree Dedication In Holton, 9/9/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730909fre.pdf
- Folder 344: Dole Asks That Controls Be Lifted On Fertilizer, 9/10/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730910dol.pdf
- Folder 345: $1.14 Million To Kansas Regional Medical Program, 9/10/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 730910kan.pdf
- Folder 346: $311,900 Bank Loan To Mo-Kan Dial Company Louisburg, 9/11/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 730911ban.pdf
- Folder 347: Dole Sponsored Social Security Increase Passed, 9/11/1973

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 730911dol.pdf
- Folder 348: 102Nd Birthday Of El Dorado, 9/12/1973

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 730912bir.pdf
- Folder 349: Schedule For September 14-16, 9/12/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 730912sch.pdf
- Folder 350: William Fribley Nominated Regional Co-Chairman Of Ozarks Regional Commission, 9/12/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 730912wil.pdf
- Folder 351: Cosponsors Amendment For Pass Through On Gas And Diesel, 9/13/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730913cos.pdf
- Folder 352: Dole Sponsors New Ems Bill, 9/13/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730913dol.pdf
- Folder 353: Dole To Introduce Legislation For Impact Aid Funding To Ks, 9/14/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730914dolp.pdf
- Folder 354: $142,920 To Midwestern Industries Fort Scott, 9/14/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730914mid.pdf
- Folder 355: $232,630 To 5 Neighborhood Youth Corps Programs, 9/14/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730914nei.pdf
- Folder 356: $76,000 To Opportunities Industrialization Center Topeka, 9/14/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 730914opp.pdf
- Folder 357: Dole Urges Nixon To Lift Controls On Fertilizer, 9/18/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730918dol.pdf
- Folder 358: Dole Urges Quick Action On School Lunch Program Relief, 9/19/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 730919dol.pdf
- Folder 359: US Can't Be Part Time Humanitarian, 9/19/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 730919usc.pdf
- Folder 360: Dole Comments On Passage Of Pension Reform, 9/20/1973

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 730920dol.pdf
- Folder 361: Energy Problems Dole Addresses Kioga, 9/20/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730920ene.pdf
- Folder 362: $359,165 To Nursing Student Loan And Scholarship Program, 9/20/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730920nurp.pdf
- Folder 363: Dole Voice Praise For Kissinger, 9/22/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 730922dol.pdf
- Folder 364: Dole Wins Senate Approval For Restoration Of Kansas Impact Aid Funds, 9/24/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 730924dol.pdf
- Folder 365: Dole Asks Immediate LP Gas Allocation Program, 9/25/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730925dol.pdf
- Folder 366: Recomputation Of Military Retirement Benefits Passes, 9/25/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730925rec.pdf
- Folder 367: Dole Assured House Conferees To Support Impact Aid, 9/26/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730926dah.pdf
- Folder 368: Dole Contacts Federal Officials On Ks Tornado Damage, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 730926dcf.pdf
- Folder 369: Dole Testifies On Electoral Reform, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 730926dto.pdf
- Folder 370: Statement Of Dole Hearings On Electoral Reform, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 730926dtop.pdf
- Folder 371: Grant Award To Kansas State Department Of Education, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 730926gra.pdf
- Folder 372: Legislation To Improve Rural Health Services, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 730926leg.pdf
- Folder 373: $344 000 Rea Loan To Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 730926rea.pdf
- Folder 374: Vocational Rehabilitation Bill Signed, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 730926vocp.pdf
- Folder 375: Water Pollution Control Funds To Ks Communities, 9/26/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 730926wat.pdf
- Folder 376: Dole Receives Update On Storm Damages In Ks, 9/27/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 730927dol.pdf
- Folder 377: Disaster Relief Loans To Kansas Farmers, 9/28/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 730928dis.pdf
- Folder 378: Disaster Relief To Kansas, 9/28/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 730928drk.pdf
- Folder 379: Impact Aid Amendment To Be Retained In Conference, 9/28/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 730928imp.pdf
- Folder 380: Mia Amendment Adopted By Senate, 9/28/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730928mia.pdf
- Folder 381: Rural Housing Loan Allocation Announced; Impact Aid Relief For Kansas, 9/28/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 730928rur.pdf
- Folder 382: Dole To Tour Storm Damage, 9/29/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 730929dol.pdf
- Folder 383: Senate Adopts Dole Rural Doctor Plan, 9/29/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 730929sen.pdf
- Folder 384: Conferees Accept Impact Aid Funding Amendment, 10/2/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 731002con.pdf
- Folder 385: Dole Introduces Rural Health Care Legislation, 10/2/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 731002dir.pdf
- Folder 386: Dole Urges Early Action On Disaster Loan Eligibility, 10/2/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731002due.pdf
- Folder 387: Mandatory Fuel Allocation Program Announced, 10/2/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731002man.pdf
- Folder 388: Dole Opposes Senate Move Toward Federal Regulation Of Amateur Athletics, 10/3/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 731003dol.pdf
- Folder 389: Fort Scott Restoration Bill Passes, 10/4/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 731004for.pdf
- Folder 390: Fribley Nomination Approved By The Senate, 10/4/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 731004fri.pdf
- Folder 391: Impact Aid, 10/4/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 731004imp.pdf
- Folder 392: $240,509 Labor Department Grant To Manpower For Hispanic Americans, 10/4/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 731004lab.pdf
- Folder 393: 25 More Counties Eligible For Disaster Funds, 10/4/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731004mor.pdf
- Folder 394: Dole Schedule October 6-7, 10/5/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 731005dol.pdf
- Folder 395: Dole Comments On Arab-Israel Hostilities, 10/8/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 731008dol.pdf
- Folder 396: National Agriculture Week Resolution Introduced, 10/8/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731008nat.pdf
- Folder 397: Preliminary Storm Damage Estimates, 10/8/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731008pre.pdf
- Folder 398: Preliminary Storm Damage Estimates, 10/8/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731008prep.pdf
- Folder 399: FY 1975 Budget For Ks Water Resource Projects, 10/9/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731009bud.pdf
- Folder 400: Hire The Handicapped Week, 10/9/1973

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 731009hir.pdf
- Folder 401: Rea Act Loan Provisions, 10/9/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731009rea.pdf
- Folder 402: SBA Keynote Address Excerpts Of Speech, 10/10/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 731010sba.pdf
- Folder 403: Dole Appointed To Energy Subcommittee Of Finance, 10/11/1973

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 731011dol.pdf
- Folder 404: New Flood And Tornado Damage, 10/11/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731011new.pdf
- Folder 405: New School Facility At Powhattan For Indian Students, 10/11/1973

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 731011nsf.pdf
- Folder 406: Rea Loan To Central Ks Electric Cooperative Inc., 10/11/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731011rea.pdf
- Folder 407: Water Pollution Funds To Kansas Communities, 10/11/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 731011wat.pdf
- Folder 408: Final Congressional Action On Impact Aid For Kansas, 10/16/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 731016fin.pdf
- Folder 409: Application For Elderly Housing In Greenleaf, 10/17/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731017app.pdf
- Folder 410: Dole Aids Farmers With Sprouting Grain, 10/17/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731017dol.pdf
- Folder 411: School Lunch Bill Passes Senate, 10/17/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 731017sch.pdf
- Folder 412: Dole Comments On Mid-East Conflict, 10/18/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 731018dco.pdf
- Folder 413: Dole Calls For Price Policy Adjustment On Oil Field Equipment, 10/18/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731018dol.pdf
- Folder 414: 18 Ks Counties Added To Disaster List, Original Declaration Extended, 10/19/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731019ksc.pdf
- Folder 415: General Revenue Sharing Funds To Kansas, 10/20/1973

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 731020gen.pdf
- Folder 416: Dole On Veterans Day, 10/21/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 731021dol.pdf
- Folder 417: ASCS Loans On Sprouted Milo, 10/23/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731023asc.pdf
- Folder 418: Cancer Research Funds To KU Med Center, 10/23/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731023can.pdf
- Folder 419: Labor Dept Funds To Topeka Hometown Plan, 10/23/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 731023lab.pdf
- Folder 420: Congressmen Ask For Increased Fuel Allocation For Frontier Airlines, 10/25/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731025con.pdf
- Folder 421: Fertilizer Price Controls Lifted, 10/25/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731025fer.pdf
- Folder 422: House Approves Dole's Rural Amendments To The Ems Bill, 10/25/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 731025hou.pdf
- Folder 423: Frontier Application To Be Reviewed November 1, 10/26/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731026fro.pdf
- Folder 424: FHA Loans To 15 Counties, 10/29/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731029fha.pdf
- Folder 425: REA Telephone Bank Loan To Haviland Telephone Company, 10/30/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 731030rea.pdf
- Folder 426: Dole Announces Hud Approval For Greenleaf Housing, 10/31/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731031dol.pdf
- Folder 427: Frontier Airlines Will Restore Kansas Air Service, 10/31/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731031fro.pdf
- Folder 428: Charles Stuart Recommended To Post, 11/1/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 731101cha.pdf
- Folder 429: Dole To Pay Visit Carlsons, 11/1/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 731101dtp.pdf
- Folder 430: Dole Announces Meeting With Golda Meir, 11/1/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 731101dam.pdf
- Folder 431: Dole Colleagues Meet With Meir Discuss Settlement Prospects, 11/2/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 731102dol.pdf
- Folder 432: Hew Grant To Shawnee County, 11/2/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731102hew.pdf
- Folder 433: Cabin On National Register Of Historic Places, 11/5/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 731105cab.pdf
- Folder 434: Portion Of Atchison Army Storage Facility Declared Surplus, 11/5/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 731105por.pdf
- Folder 435: Community Programming Grant To Girard, 11/6/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731106com.pdf
- Folder 436: Forts Larned And Leavenworth Restoration Projects Dole And Skubitz, 11/7/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731107fsk.pdf
- Folder 437: Forts Larned And Leavenworth Restoration Projects Dole And Sebelius, 11/7/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731107for.pdf
- Folder 438: Partial Weekend Schedule, 11/7/1973

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 731107par.pdf
- Folder 439: Preview On Presidential Energy Statement, 11/7/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731107pre.pdf
- Folder 440: President Signs School Lunch Bill Kansas Impact Aid Assured, 11/7/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 731107pssp.pdf
- Folder 441: School Lunch Bill, 11/7/1973

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 731107sch.pdf
- Folder 442: Topeka Gets Federal Office Building, 11/7/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 731107top.pdf
- Folder 443: Dole Seeks Fuel Trade Hearings Urges End To Fuel Exports, 11/9/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731109dol.pdf
- Folder 444: Dole Urges Common Sense On Fuel Allocation Implementation, 11/10/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731110duc.pdf
- Folder 445: Alaska Pipeline Bill Passes, 11/13/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731113ala.pdf
- Folder 446: Dole And Pearson Call For Flexibility In Fuel Allocation, 11/13/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731113dap.pdf
- Folder 447: Dole Proposes Help For Small Radio Broadcasters, 11/13/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 731113dph.pdf
- Folder 448: Additional Loans From FHA For Washington Co, 11/15/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731115add.pdf
- Folder 449: EPA Grant To Topeka, 11/15/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731115epa.pdf
- Folder 450: Farm City Week Noted By Dole, 11/15/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731115far.pdf
- Folder 451: Grant To Kansas Cultural Arts Commission, 11/15/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731115gra.pdf
- Folder 452: Dole's Energy Amendment Approved (Representation For Independents), 11/16/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731116dolp.pdf
- Folder 453: Oil And Gas Office Revise Allocations To Farmers, 11/16/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731116oilp.pdf
- Folder 454: Site Selection Team To Topeka, 11/16/1973

- Subject: General - PDF available: 731116sit.pdf
- Folder 455: Late Revenue Sharing Payments Released, 11/17/1973

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 731117dolp.pdf
- Folder 456: Dole Attempts To Gain Increase For Ks Social Services, 11/17/1973

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 731117latp.pdf
- Folder 457: Dole Energy Amendment Passes (Report Of Exports Of Oil), 11/19/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731119dolp.pdf
- Folder 458: Finance Comm Approves Dole Amendments (Increase Ks Entitlement-Soc.), 11/19/1973

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 731119finp.pdf
- Folder 459: Report Military Construction Funds, 11/19/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 731119repp.pdf
- Folder 460: Historic Preservation Grant, 11/20/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731120hisp.pdf
- Folder 461: Senate Confirms Roth, 11/20/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 731120sen.pdf
- Folder 462: Dole To Question Love Shultz On Export, 11/21/1973

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 731121dol.pdf
- Folder 463: $95,000 For Elderly Outreach Program, 11/21/1973

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 731121eld.pdf
- Folder 464: Dole Considering Gi Bill To Cover Veteran Tuition Costs, 11/24/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 731124dolp.pdf
- Folder 465: OEO Grant To Garden City, 11/24/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731124oggp.pdf
- Folder 466: OEO Grant To Johnson County, 11/24/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731124ogjp.pdf
- Folder 467: Two Grants To Wyandotte Co, 11/24/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731124twop.pdf
- Folder 468: Proposes Help For Small Radio Broadcasters, 11/25/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 731125prop.pdf
- Folder 469: Dole Appointed Chairman Of District Council, 11/26/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 731126dacp.pdf
- Folder 470: Dole Urges Development Of Energy Sources, 11/26/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731126dudp.pdf
- Folder 471: Dole Urges WIC Assistance For Kansas, 11/26/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731126duwp.pdf
- Folder 472: Energy Subcommittees To Meet, 11/26/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731126enep.pdf
- Folder 473: EPA Grant Increase To Topeka, 11/26/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 731126epap.pdf
- Folder 474: SBA Loan To Yates Center, 11/26/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 731126sbap.pdf
- Folder 475: Dole Speaks On Ford Nomination, 11/27/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 731127dolp.pdf
- Folder 476: Questions Top Officials On Energy At Hearings, 11/27/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731127quep.pdf
- Folder 477: Additional Hud Money To Hoxie, 11/28/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731128add.pdf
- Folder 478: Dole On TWA Strike, 11/28/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731128dol.pdf
- Folder 479: Money To Ft. Leavenworth Schools, 11/28/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 731128monp.pdf
- Folder 480: President Considering Re-Allocation To General Aviation, 11/28/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731128pre.pdf
- Folder 481: Amtrack, 11/29/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731129amtp.pdf
- Folder 482: Dole Announced Elderly Outreach Program, 11/29/1973

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 731129dolp.pdf
- Folder 483: New Natural Gas Sought For Wichita, 11/29/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731129newp.pdf
- Folder 484: Proposes Halt To Export Of Oil Equipment -- Service Stations Can Give Sun . . ., 11/29/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731129prop.pdf
- Folder 485: Reconsidering Tax Incentive On Oil Production (Secondary And Tertiary), 11/29/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731129recp.pdf
- Folder 486: Dole Amendment To Ban Oil Equipment Export Passes, 11/30/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731130dabp.pdf
- Folder 487: Dole Blasts Dot Action On Gen Aviation Fuel-Telegram To Brinegar, 11/30/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731130dbdpal.pdf
- Folder 488: FHA Loan To Jackson County, 11/30/1973

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 731130fljp.pdf
- Folder 489: FHA Loan To Sedgwick County, 11/30/1973

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 731130flsp.pdf
- Folder 490: No News And Good News (Gen. Aviation And Boeing Funds To Be Approved, 11/30/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731130nonp.pdf
- Folder 491: General Aviation Fuel Allocation Plan Modified (2 Versions), 12/1/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731201genp.pdf
- Folder 492: Dole Amendment For Broadcasters, 12/2/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 731202daf.pdf
- Folder 493: Dole To Meet With Simon About General Aviation, 12/2/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731202dtmp.pdf
- Folder 494: Dole May Add General Aviation To Daylight Savings Time Bill, 12/3/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731203dmap.pdf
- Folder 495: Dole Meets With Simon, 12/3/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731203dmwp.pdf
- Folder 496: Dole On TWA Strike - First Talk With Stowe, 12/3/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731203dotp.pdf
- Folder 497: Dole Contacts Federal Disaster Office After Ice Storm, 12/4/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731204dcfp.pdf
- Folder 498: Dole Fuel Allocation Equity Amendment Passes Senate, 12/4/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731204dfap.pdf
- Folder 499: Jobs For Progress Receives Funds, 12/4/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 731204jobp.pdf
- Folder 500: Kansas Counties Designated For Food Stamps, 12/4/1973

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 731204kanp.pdf
- Folder 501: Contract Addition To Boeing, 12/5/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731205conp.pdf
- Folder 502: Dole's Office Urges Docking To Tell Whole Story, 12/5/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 731205doup.pdf
- Folder 503: Dole Urges Hearings Into Mutual Aid Pact, 12/5/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731205duhp.pdf
- Folder 504: Conservation Measures May Mean Lower Insurance Premiums, 12/6/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731206conp.pdf
- Folder 505: Dole Asks One Third Reduction Of Govt Fuel Consumption, 12/6/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731206dolp.pdf
- Folder 506: Grant To Far-Mar-Co Inc. Of Hutch, 12/6/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731206grap.pdf
- Folder 507: Rea Loan To Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative, 12/6/1973

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 731206reap.pdf
- Folder 508: Dole Fuel Production Proposals Included (Grain Alcohol And Feedlot), 12/7/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731207dfpp.pdf
- Folder 509: Dole Urges Nixon Signing Of 1974 Hew Appropriation Bill, 12/7/1973

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 731207dolp.pdf
- Folder 510: Hud Approves Wichita Project (Bridgeport), 12/7/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731207hudp.pdf
- Folder 511: Money For Powhattan School, 12/7/1973

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 731207monp.pdf
- Folder 512: New Gi Bill For Vietnam Veterans, 12/7/1973

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 731207new.pdf
- Folder 513: Vietnam Veterans Educational Act, 12/7/1973

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 731207viep.pdf
- Folder 514: Dole Locates Gas For Paola And Osawatomie Schools, 12/8/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731208dolp.pdf
- Folder 515: Emergency Assistance For Kansas Dairy Farmers May Be Needed, 12/8/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731208emep.pdf
- Folder 516: Approval Of Regional Development Project, 12/10/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731210appp.pdf
- Folder 517: Dole Contacts FPC And KCC On Gas For Hospitals And Schools, 12/10/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731210dolp.pdf
- Folder 518: Fuel Allocation Equity Amendment To Be Contained In Legislation, 12/10/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731210fuep.pdf
- Folder 519: Rea Loan To Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative, 12/10/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731210rlf.pdf
- Folder 520: Rea Loan To Leavenworth-Jefferson Electric Cooperative, 12/10/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731210rll.pdf
- Folder 521: Agricultural Energy Amendment Passes Senate $15 Million For . . ., 12/11/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731211agrp.pdf
- Folder 522: Dot Grant To Kansas City Area, 12/11/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731211dotp.pdf
- Folder 523: Interim Fuel Arrangement For Paola And Osawatomie Schools, 12/11/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731211intp.pdf
- Folder 524: Loan To Auburn Housing Authority, 12/11/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731211loa.pdf
- Folder 525: Ag Middle Distillate Allocation To Be 110% Of Past Use, 12/12/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731212agmp.pdf
- Folder 526: Dole Urges Presidential Board To Help Resolve TWA Strike, 12/12/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731212dolp.pdf
- Folder 527: EPA Grant To Shawnee County, 12/12/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 731212epa.pdf
- Folder 528: Dole Urges President To Invoke Railway Labor Act (In TWA Strike), 12/13/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731213dolp.pdf
- Folder 529: Dole Meets With Truckers, 12/14/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731214dolp.pdf
- Folder 530: Dole White House On TWA Strike, 12/14/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731214dwhp.pdf
- Folder 531: End Of TWA Strike, 12/14/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731214end.pdf
- Folder 532: Govt. Officials Meet With Truckers, 12/14/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731214govp.pdf
- Folder 533: Manpower Grant To Kansas, 12/14/1973

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 731214manp.pdf
- Folder 534: Clinton Parkway Problems To Get Hearing, 12/15/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731215cli.pdf
- Folder 535: Dole To Introduce Amendment To Improve Roads (Osage County), 12/15/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731215dol.pdf
- Folder 536: Expects Approval For Vermillion River Bridge, 12/15/1973

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731215exp.pdf
- Folder 537: Dole Meets Again With Truckers, 12/17/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731217dolp.pdf
- Folder 538: Senate Session Prevents Dole Attendance At Liberty Bowl, 12/17/1973

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 731217sen.pdf
- Folder 539: Emergency Conservation Assistance For 16 Kansas Counties, 12/18/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731218emep.pdf
- Folder 540: Federal Assistance For Disaster Damage To Three School Districts, 12/18/1973

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 731218fedp.pdf
- Folder 541: Army Contract To Topeka Firm, 12/19/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 731219arm.pdf
- Folder 542: Dole For Deregulation Of Natural Gas, 12/19/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731219dolp.pdf
- Folder 543: Federal Assistance For Disaster Damage To Minneapolis Schools, 12/19/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731219fedp.pdf
- Folder 544: Grant To Support Sculpture Conference At Ku, 12/19/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731219grap1.pdf
- Folder 545: Dole Wants Ban On Use Of American Fuel To Train Arab Pilots, 12/20/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731220dolp.pdf
- Folder 546: Federal Assistance For Disaster Damage To St. Mary's Schools, 12/20/1973

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 731220fed.pdf
- Folder 547: FHA Loan To Auburn Housing Authority, 12/20/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731220fhap.pdf
- Folder 548: SBA Loan To Greenleaf Firm, 12/20/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 731220sbap.pdf
- Folder 549: Dole Calls For Investigation Of Fuel Waste Reports (Ft. Campbell), 12/21/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731221dcf.pdf
- Folder 550: Dole Urges Butz To Reconsider Wheat Loan Decision, 12/21/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731221dolp.pdf
- Folder 551: Equity Assured For Fuel Allocations (Gen. Aviation-Emergency Energy), 12/21/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731221equ.pdf
- Folder 552: Fuel Reallocation For Colby Distributors, 12/21/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731221fuep.pdf
- Folder 553: New Foreign Trade Zone Authorized For K.C. Ks, 12/21/1973

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 731221newp.pdf
- Folder 554: Ozarks Comm Approves Funds For Iola Sewers, 12/21/1973

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 731221oza.pdf
- Folder 555: Passage Of 11% Social Security Increase, 12/21/1973

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 731221pasp.pdf
- Folder 556: Congress Runs Out Of Gas On Energy Bill Dole Regrets, 12/22/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731222con.pdf
- Folder 557: Dole Inquiry Possible Military Fuel Waste Receives Action, 12/22/1973

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 731222dol.pdf
- Folder 558: Dole Receives Report On Alleged Fuel Waste At Ft. Campbell, 12/26/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731226drrp.pdf
- Folder 559: Dole To Meet With Amtrak President, 12/26/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731226dtm.pdf
- Folder 560: $396,000 To Be Made Available For Wichita Model Cities, 12/26/1973

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 731226tbm.pdf
- Folder 561: Two SBA Loans To Greenleaf (Not Press Release?), 12/26/1973

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 731226two.pdf
- Folder 562: Dole Continuing To Work For Proposed Amtrack Route, 12/27/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731227dcwp.pdf
- Folder 563: Dole Opposed To Gas Rationing, 12/27/1973

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 731227dogp.pdf
- Folder 564: FHA Loan To Anderson County, 12/27/1973

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 731227fhap.pdf
- Folder 565: Dole Speculates On Stafford Re-Appointment, 12/28/1973

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 731228dolp.pdf
- Folder 566: Grant To Economic Opportunity Office, 12/28/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731228gra.pdf
- Folder 567: Sek-Cap To Receive Grant, 12/28/1973

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 731228sekp.pdf
- Folder 568: WIC Grant To Shawnee County Health Department, 12/28/1973

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 731228wic.pdf
- Folder 569: Dole Reviews Latest Allocation Regulations (Gen Aviation), 12/29/1973

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 731229dolp.pdf
- Folder 570: Dole Speculates On Stafford Re-Appointment, 12/30/1973

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 731230dol.pdf
- Series 14: 1974

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole To Meet On Proposed Amtrack Route, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740102amt.pdf
- Folder 2: Hew Contract To Aid Potawatomie Indians, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740102hew.pdf
- Folder 3: Grant To KNI, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740102kni.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Against Postal Rate Increase Without Better Service, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740102pos.pdf
- Folder 5: Faa Grant To Manhattan, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740103faa.pdf
- Folder 6: Gypsum Now Eligible For Flood Insurance, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740103gyp.pdf
- Folder 7: Proposed K.C.-Denver Amtrack Route To Undergo Feasibility Study, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740103pro.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Meets With Simon To Discuss Energy Impact On Kansas, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740103sim.pdf
- Folder 9: Dole's Disaster Relief Legislation Signed Into Law, 1/4/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740104dis.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Calls For Immediate Investigation Of Tax Adv. Of Major Oil Companies, 1/4/1974

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 740104oil.pdf
- Folder 11: Schedule For January 7 And 8, 1/5/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740105sc7.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole's Schedule January 9-12, 1/5/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740105sc9.pdf
- Folder 13: General Accounting Office Will Move Into Kansas, 1/7/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740107gen.pdf
- Folder 14: Hew Grant To Sek-Cap, 1/7/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740107hew.pdf
- Folder 15: 3 New Parks For Kansas (Topeka Sunflower Leavenworth), 1/7/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740107par.pdf
- Folder 16: Daylight Savings Time And Dole Telegram To Docking, 1/9/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740109day.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Scores FCC Action On Daylight Broadcasters, 1/9/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740109fcc.pdf
- Folder 18: National Science Foundation Awards Grants To Kansas Colleges, 1/9/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740109nat.pdf
- Folder 19: Rea Loan Notification (Sunflower Telephone Coop Of Dodge City), 1/9/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740109rea.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Announces Grant For Cerebral Palsy, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740110cer.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole To Seek Repeal Of Winter Daylight Savings Time, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740110day.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Opposes Export Controls On Wheat, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740110opp.pdf
- Folder 23: Kansas Receives Records Allocation Of Loan Funds For Rural Homes, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740110rur.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Announces Fuel Allocation, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111ann.pdf
- Folder 25: EPA Grant For State Water Pollution Control, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740111epa.pdf
- Folder 26: FHA Grants 3 Loans To Kansas, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740111fha.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Finds Support For Ending Winter Daylight Time, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111fin.pdf
- Folder 28: Natural Gas Restored To Paola Osawatomie Schools, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111nat.pdf
- Folder 29: Portion Of Forbes Declared Excess Hospital Included, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740111por.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Calls For Action On Propane Prices, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111pro.pdf
- Folder 31: Wage And Price Controls Authority Should Be Allowed To Expire April 30, 1/13/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740113wag.pdf
- Folder 32: Emergency Broadcasts Permitted By FCC Says Dole, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740114eme.pdf
- Folder 33: Grant For Fort Riley Exchange Complex, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740114gra.pdf
- Folder 34: Rea Loan Notification, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740114rea.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole's Schedule For January 15-16-17 And 18, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740114s15.pdf
- Folder 36: Civil Aeronautics Board Issues Landmark Decision, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740115civ.pdf
- Folder 37: Fuel Allocations Announced Generalization Gets Equity, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740115fue.pdf
- Folder 38: Kansan George Stafford ICC Chairman Named To 2nd 7 Year Term, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740115kan.pdf
- Folder 39: New FHA Emergency Loan Program Sponsored By Dole Takes Effect, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740115new.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Asks Immediate IRS Investigation Of Propane Pricing, 1/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740116imm.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Meets IRS Officials In Lyons Re. Propane Pricing, 1/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740116mee.pdf
- Folder 42: National Endowment For The Arts Grant, 1/16/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740116nea.pdf
- Folder 43: El Dorado Industrial Park Grant Awarded By Eda, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740117eld.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole Confers With Dent On Oil Field Supplies Shortages, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740117oil.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Urges Propane Price Regulation Changes, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740117pro.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Says Trade Bill Must Be Re-Examined, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740117tra.pdf
- Folder 47: Conservation Funds Announced, 1/18/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740118con.pdf
- Folder 48: OEO Grant To Kansas, 1/18/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740118oeo.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Sees Bright Future For America, 1/18/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740118see.pdf
- Folder 50: Impact Aid Money To Topeka Schools, 1/19/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740119now.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Now On Post Office And Civil Service Committee, 1/19/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740119simp.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Wires Butz On Reorganization Plan, 1/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740119wir.pdf
- Folder 53: Energy Staff To Meet With Wamego Resident's At Dole's Request, 1/21/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740121ene.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Says Sound Financing For Energy Programs Is Essential, 1/21/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740121sou.pdf
- Folder 55: Bids To Be Taken For New Construction At Eisenhower Library, 1/22/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740122bid.pdf
- Folder 56: Grant To Unit Of KBI, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740122gra.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Has Meeting With Country's Major Bailing Wire Producers, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740122mee.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Meets With President On Energy Shortage, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740122pre.pdf
- Folder 59: Windfall Profits Measure Threatens Kansas Industry, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740122pro.pdf
- Folder 60: Recreational Grant To St. Mary's, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740122rec.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Wins Approval For Vermilion River Bridge, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740122ver.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Wins Assurance Of Road Improvements For Melvern And Pomona, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740122win.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Announces Fuel Released For Wamego, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740123ann.pdf
- Folder 64: FHA Loan To Brown County For Water System, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740123fha.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Opposes Import Quota Suspension, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740123opp.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole Says Streamlining Of Local Ag Programs Ok, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740123str.pdf
- Folder 67: Amtrak Study Expected Soon, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740124amt.pdf
- Folder 68: Meeting To Discuss Bailing Wire Shortage, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740124bai.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Calls Meeting On Baling Wire Shortage, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740124cal.pdf
- Folder 70: Fuel For USD #395, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740124fue.pdf
- Folder 71: Money For Kansas Park Roads, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740124mon.pdf
- Folder 72: Impact Aid Money To Salina Schools, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740124sal.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Meets With FPC Chairman Nassikas On Wichita Natural Gas Need, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740124wic.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Asks Simon For Investigation Of Propane Speculators, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125ask.pdf
- Folder 75: ITY's Gas Problems Alleviated, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125gas.pdf
- Folder 76: New CLC Regulations For Baling Wire, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740125new.pdf
- Folder 77: Propane Regulations To Change, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125pro.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole For Repeal Of Winter Daylight, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125rep.pdf
- Folder 79: Us Must Demand Unified Stance From Oil-Importing Countries, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125usm.pdf
- Folder 80: Supply For Fort Scott Aluminum Plant Located, 1/26/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740126sup.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Bill To Repeal Winter Daylight Saving Time, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128bill.pdf
- Folder 82: Grant To K.U. Med Center, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740128gra.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Introduces Legislation To Roll Back Propane Prices, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128int.pdf
- Folder 84: Legislation To Repeal Winter Daylight Saving Time, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128leg.pdf
- Folder 85: Rea Loan To Serve 5 Kansas Counties, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128rea.pdf
- Folder 86: Remarks Re. Energy Emergency Act, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128rem.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole Sees Growing Support For Vietnam Era Gi Educational Benefits, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740128see.pdf
- Folder 88: One Million Dollars Approved For Kansas Roads, 1/29/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740129one.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Sees Signs Of Serious Energy Effort, 1/29/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740129see.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Welcomes Administration Support For Veterans Day Change, 1/29/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740129wel.pdf
- Folder 91: Dole Discusses New Health Plan With Weinberger, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740130dis.pdf
- Folder 92: Funds Now Allotted For Kansas Education, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740130fun.pdf
- Folder 93: Grant To Topeka Recreation Commission, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740130gra.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Pushes Higher Target Prices For Wheat And Feed Grains, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740130pus.pdf
- Folder 95: Rea Loan To Serve 9 Counties, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740130rea.pdf
- Folder 96: Recommended Allocation Figure For Fort Larned Increased, 1/31/1974

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 740131rec.pdf
- Folder 97: Atchison County Now Eligible For Flood Aid, 2/1/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740201atc.pdf
- Folder 98: Grant For Planning And Development Of State Law Enforcement, 2/1/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740201gra.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Meets On Farm Fuel, 2/2/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740202mee.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Urges Baling Wire Protection, 2/2/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740202urg.pdf
- Folder 101: Dole Discusses Rural Needs Notes Impact Of Wheat Exports On Economy, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740203dis.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Foresees Decline In Propane Prices, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740203for.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Describes New Health Insurance Plan, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740203new.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole To Meet With Fertilizer Producers On Kansas Farm Needs, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740203tom.pdf
- Folder 105: Money Allotted For FHA Loans To Kansas, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740204fha.pdf
- Folder 106: Grant To Provide Job Training, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740204job.pdf
- Folder 107: Money Requested For Kansas City VA Hospital, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740204mon.pdf
- Folder 108: VA Seeks Money To Complete Modernization Of Wichita VA Hospital, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740204vas.pdf
- Folder 109: Amtrak Feasibility Study Received Dole Schedules Thursday Meeting, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740205amt.pdf
- Folder 110: Baling Wire Production To Rise, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740205bai.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Confers With Roth On Strike Says Trucks Should Roll, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740205con.pdf
- Folder 112: Resolution To End Truck Strike, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740205res.pdf
- Folder 113: Amtrak Feasibility Study Received Dole Schedules Thursday Meeting, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740206amt.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Announces Water And Sewer Funds, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740206ann.pdf
- Folder 115: Senator Dole Announces Operating Funds For Farmers, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740206fun.pdf
- Folder 116: $1.4 Million In Law Enforcement Grants To Kansas, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740206one.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Favors Exemption From Costly Requirement For Small Towns, 2/7/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740207fav.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Meets On Amtrak Requests More Information, 2/7/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740207mee.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Urges President Not To Impose Wheat Export Embargo, 2/7/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740207urg.pdf
- Folder 120: FEO Can Order Refund By Get Rich Quick Speculators, 2/9/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740209feo.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Wants Truckers Back To Work, 2/9/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740209wan.pdf
- Folder 122: Flexibility In Allocation Rules Noted, 2/11/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740211fle.pdf
- Folder 123: Wichita Designated As Port Of Entry, 2/11/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740211wic.pdf
- Folder 124: Fuel For Farmland Made Available By FEO, 2/13/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740213fue.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Would Support Limited Rollback On Crude Oil Prices, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740214ene.pdf
- Folder 126: FEO Acts To Lower Propane Prices, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740214feo.pdf
- Folder 127: New ICC Ruling For Truckers To Be Announced, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740214new.pdf
- Folder 128: FEO Will Order Fuel For Farmland Industries, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740214ord.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Predicts A Year Of Health In Congress, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740214pre.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Urges Early Action On Animal Health Research Act, 2/15/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740215ani.pdf
- Folder 131: Dot Grant To Metropolitan Area, 2/15/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740215dot.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Asks Immediate IRS Investigation Of Propane Pricing, 2/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740216ask.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Confers With Simon Propane Price Rollback Assured, 2/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740216con.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Confers With Simon Propane Price Rollback Assured, 2/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740216pro.pdf
- Folder 135: Pilot VA Program For Wichita, 2/17/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740217pil.pdf
- Folder 136: Kansas Allotment For Educational Materials Increased, 2/18/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740218edu.pdf
- Folder 137: Retail Propane Prices Start To Fall, 2/18/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740218ret.pdf
- Folder 138: Kansas Gas Allocation Good News, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740219all.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Comments On FEO Gas Allocation Announcements, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740219com.pdf
- Folder 140: Remarks Of Dole Re. The Energy Emergency Act, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740219ene.pdf
- Folder 141: Remarks Of Dole At Fertilizer Hearings For Ag Subcommittee, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740219rem.pdf
- Folder 142: Grant To Kansas Park And Resources Authority, 2/20/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740220gra.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Calls For Including All Of Kansas In Ozarks Development, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740221cal.pdf
- Folder 144: Department Of Interior Contract Awarded For Haskell Improvements, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740221dep.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Cautions Against Relaxation Of Defense Readiness, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740221dol.pdf
- Folder 146: FHA Grant To Nemaha County Rural Water District #3, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740221fha.pdf
- Folder 147: Manhattan Firm Will Study Economic Impact Of Energy Shortage, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740221man.pdf
- Folder 148: New Member Named To Kansas Agric Stabilization And Conservation Committee, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740221new.pdf
- Folder 149: Senate Approves Kansas Public Works Project, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740221sen.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Butz Discuss Fertilizer Supply, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740222but.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Outlines Fuel Proposals Offers Aid To Kansans Emergencies, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740222fue.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Opposes Pay Raise For Congress, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740222opp.pdf
- Folder 153: Outreach Program For Topeka Minority Youths To Be Funded, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 740222out.pdf
- Folder 154: Propane Price Decline Continues, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740222pro.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Urges Hearings Into Fuel For Agriculture, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740222urg.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Says Kansas Economy Threatened By Cattle Market Disaster, 2/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740223say.pdf
- Folder 157: Will There Be Enough Wheat?, 2/25/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740225will.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Announces Fertilizer Availability, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740226fer.pdf
- Folder 159: Kansas George Stafford Approved By Senate Committee For 2Nd Term On Interstate Commerce Commission, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740226kan.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Asks Special Fuel Allocation For Kansas, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740226spe.pdf
- Folder 161: Dole Votes Against Pay Raise, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740226vot.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Opposes Proposed Feedlot Regulations, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740227opp.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Announces Passage Of Fertilizer Resolution, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740227pas.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole School Administrators Discuss Impact Aid, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740227sch.pdf
- Folder 165: Statement Before Mandatory Fuel Allocation Oversight Hearings, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740227sta.pdf
- Folder 166: Air Force Contract For Cessna, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740228air.pdf
- Folder 167: Michael E. Powell Offered Appointed To Air Force Academy, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740228mic.pdf
- Folder 168: Stafford Ceremony To Take Place In Wichita, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740228sta.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Calls For Veto Of Energy Bill, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740228vet.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Asks For Figures On Kansas Fertilizer Supplies, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740301fig.pdf
- Folder 171: Hew Grant To State Office, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740301hew.pdf
- Folder 172: Kansan Considered For FHA Post, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740301kan.pdf
- Folder 173: Loan For Greenleaf Housing, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740301loa.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Seeks Special Ruling On Unused Gasoline Reserves, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740301see.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Cautions On Defense Manpower And Fuel Costs, 3/2/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740302cau.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Asks Assurance That Rural Areas Receive Fair Share Of Rail Service, 3/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740303ask.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Argues Against Pay Raises, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740304arg.pdf
- Folder 178: Grants Go To Aid Summer Training Of Teachers, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740304gra.pdf
- Folder 179: Dole Introduces Allocation Of Plastic Feedstocks, 3/4/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740304int.pdf
- Folder 180: Ross Robin McIlvain Offered Appointment To West Point, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740304ros.pdf
- Folder 181: SBA To Send Special Rep To Topeka On Base Closure Loan Program, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740304sba.pdf
- Folder 182: Topeka Awarded Eda Grant, 3/5/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740305top.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Announces Fuel Hearings, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740306ann.pdf
- Folder 184: FHA Loan To Sedgwick County, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740306fha.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole Hits Energy Bill's Damage To Kansas, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740306hit.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Meets With Dot Officials Optimistic About Kansas City - Denver Amtrak Route, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740306mee.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Requests Hearings Into Beef Prices, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740306req.pdf
- Folder 188: Herrington To Receive Impact Aid Funds, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740307her.pdf
- Folder 189: Impact Aid Funds For Hope, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740307imp.pdf
- Folder 190: Kansas Public Works Projects Become Law, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740307pub.pdf
- Folder 191: Dole Reports Fertilizer Production, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740307rep.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Announces Ruling On Pet Shipments, 3/8/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740308ann.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole Objects To Retail Beef Prices, 3/8/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740308obj.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole Introduces Clinton Parkway Bill, 3/9/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740309cli.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Faults USDA On Beef Prices, 3/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740310fau.pdf
- Folder 196: Approval Of Kansas Participation In Economic Development Region, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740311app.pdf
- Folder 197: Extra Acreage In Cultivation Justifies More Fuel For Kansas Says Dole, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740311ext.pdf
- Folder 198: Kansas Manpower Programs Continued With Labor Department Grant, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740311man.pdf
- Folder 199: Senate Adopts Dole Community Development Amendment, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740311sen.pdf
- Folder 200: Shelley S. Rogers Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740311she.pdf
- Folder 201: Dole Announces Animal Health Research Action, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740312ann.pdf
- Folder 202: Bruce Scott Collins Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740312bru.pdf
- Folder 203: FEO Regulation Change Under Consideration Would Mean Extra Fuel, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740312feo.pdf
- Folder 204: Final Senate Approval For Fort Larned Funding, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740312fin.pdf
- Folder 205: Statement Before Farm And Retail Prices For Beef Hearings, 3/13/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740313sta.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole Helps Service Stations, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740314hel.pdf
- Folder 207: LEAA Awards Grant For Improving Kansas Criminal Justice System, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 740314lea.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole Reports On Agriculture Week, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740314rep.pdf
- Folder 209: Dole Requests Fertilizer Investigations, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740314req.pdf
- Folder 210: Dole's Weekend Schedule, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740314wee.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Announces Ag Research Funds, 3/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740315ann.pdf
- Folder 212: Glen E. Shipman Offered Appointment To Naval Academy, 3/15/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740315gle.pdf
- Folder 213: Dole Comments On USDA Crop Forecast, 3/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740317com.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Announces Guidelines On Highway Feasibility Studies, 3/17/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740317gui.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole Sponsors Major Business Procurement Conference In Topeka, 3/17/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740317spo.pdf
- Folder 216: Contact To Leavenworth Firm, 3/18/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740318con.pdf
- Folder 217: Impact Aid Money For Kansas, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740318imp.pdf
- Folder 218: Kansan Named To FHA Post, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740318kan.pdf
- Folder 219: Law Enforcement Grant To Washburn University, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740318law.pdf
- Folder 220: Michael Creed Offered Appointment To West Point, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740318mic.pdf
- Folder 221: Education Grant For Kansas, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740319edu.pdf
- Folder 222: ICC Assigns Hopper Cars For Fertilizer Shipment To Kansas, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740319icc.pdf
- Folder 223: $1 Million Loan To Serve 8 Counties, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740319one.pdf
- Folder 224: Resolution To Establish Ag Week Passes Senate, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740319res.pdf
- Folder 225: Dole Announces Approval Of Animal Health Research Bill, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740320app.pdf
- Folder 226: Manpower Programs Extended In Kansas, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740320man.pdf
- Folder 227: Dole Opposes Legislation That Would Depress Grain Prices, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740320opp.pdf
- Folder 228: Phillip J. Zeller III Offered Appointment At West Point, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740320phi.pdf
- Folder 229: Reimbursement Grants Announced For Kansas EPA Projects, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740320rei.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Seeks Relief For Southeast Kansas Cattlemen, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740320see.pdf
- Folder 231: Dole Telegrams Nixon On Cattlemen's Need, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740320tel.pdf
- Folder 232: FHA Loan To Wabaunsee County, 3/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740321fha.pdf
- Folder 233: Conservation Assistance Offered To Two Kansas Counties, 3/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740322con.pdf
- Folder 234: Dole Announces Fertilizer Meeting, 3/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740322fer.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Introduces Bill To Aid POW Families, 3/22/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740322pow.pdf
- Folder 236: Dole Urges Competitive Integrity In KU-UCLA Basketball Game, 3/24/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740324urg.pdf
- Folder 237: VA And Action Office Will Begin Operation Vetreach, 3/24/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740324vaa.pdf
- Folder 238: Dole-Sebelius Bill To Aid POW Families Passes Congress, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740325bill.pdf
- Folder 239: Fuel For Agriculture Discussed In Hearings Called By Dole, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740325fue.pdf
- Folder 240: Full Kansas Participation In Ozarks Economic Development Region, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740325full.pdf
- Folder 241: Rea Loan To Serve Eight Kansas Counties, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740325rea.pdf
- Folder 242: Dole Receives Interim FEO Report On Propane Investigation, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740325rec.pdf
- Folder 243: Special White House Meeting To Discuss Agriculture, 3/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740326spe.pdf
- Folder 244: Dole Introduces Anti-Busing Measure, 3/27/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740327int.pdf
- Folder 245: Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans Education Benefits Act Of 1973, 3/28/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740328com.pdf
- Folder 246: Dole Urges Haste In Hearings To Aid Plastics Processors, 3/28/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740328urg.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole Praises Passage Of Animal Health Research Act, 3/29/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740329pra.pdf
- Folder 248: 20 Students Will Receive 4 Year ROTC Scholarships, 3/29/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740329twe.pdf
- Folder 249: April Fuel For Kansas Farm Production Announced, 3/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740330apr.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole Bill For POW Families Becomes Law, 3/30/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740330bill.pdf
- Folder 251: Kansas Farmers To Receive Funding For Conservation, 3/30/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740330kan.pdf
- Folder 252: Dole Amendment To Prohibit Appeals For Money By Franked Mail, 4/1/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740401ame.pdf
- Folder 253: Start-Up Bridgeport Urban Renewal Funds Announced More Expected, 4/1/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740401sta.pdf
- Folder 254: Grants Go To Fund Undergraduate Research Projects, 4/2/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740402gra.pdf
- Folder 255: Dole Opposes Amtrak Cancellation, 4/2/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740402opp.pdf
- Folder 256: Dole Supports Equitable Fuel Allocation For Kansas Tourism, 4/2/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740402sup.pdf
- Folder 257: Formal Confirmation Of Bridgeport Funding, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740403for.pdf
- Folder 258: Dole Hits Railroad Car Shortage, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740403hit.pdf
- Folder 259: ICC To Issue Order To Aid Grain Shipment, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740403icc.pdf
- Folder 260: Dole Sees Breakthrough On Prospects For Health Insurance Action, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740403see.pdf
- Folder 261: Dole Announces Hearings On Clinton Parkway, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740404ann.pdf
- Folder 262: Grants Will Extend Manpower Projects In Kansas, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740404ext.pdf
- Folder 263: Land For K-State, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740404lan.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Opposed To Closing Manhattan Flight Service Station, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740404opp.pdf
- Folder 265: Dole Questions FEO About Kansas April Gasoline Allocation Totals, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740404que.pdf
- Folder 266: Dole Calls For Administration Action On Physician Program, 4/5/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740405cal.pdf
- Folder 267: Dole Announces 5 Million Gallons Additional Kansas Fuel, 4/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740406ann.pdf
- Folder 268: Amtrak On-Site Study To Begin April 16, 4/8/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740408amt.pdf
- Folder 269: Impact Aid Money To Kansas Schools, 4/8/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740408imp.pdf
- Folder 270: Dole Offers Amendment To Identify Tax-Paid Campaign Materials, 4/8/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740408off.pdf
- Folder 271: Benedictine Students To Conduct Independent Environmental Studies, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740409ben.pdf
- Folder 272: Dole Introduces Campaign Reform Substitute, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740409int.pdf
- Folder 273: Kansan To Be Named To National Committee, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740409kan.pdf
- Folder 274: Dole Supports Ending Debate On Tax Supported Political Campaigns, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740409sup.pdf
- Folder 275: Over $1 Million In Impact Aid For Kansas, 4/10/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740410ove.pdf
- Folder 276: Statement On Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Benefits Act, 4/10/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740410sta.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole Testifies On Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Benefits Act, 4/10/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740410tes.pdf
- Folder 278: $1.5 Million To Wichita For Southwest Project, 4/12/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740412one.pdf
- Folder 279: Dole's Recess Schedule, 4/12/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740412rec.pdf
- Folder 280: Hew Grant To Capper Foundation, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740413hew.pdf
- Folder 281: Over Half Million Dollars In Impact Aid For Kansas, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740413ove.pdf
- Folder 282: Up To $10 Million In Refunds To Kansans -- New Allocation Regulations Drafted, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740413upt.pdf
- Folder 283: Dole Urges Action To Avoid Truck Strike, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740413urg.pdf
- Folder 284: Dole Announces Handicapped Bills, 4/14/1974

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 740414ann.pdf
- Folder 285: Reimbursement Grants For Kansas EPA Projects, 4/15/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740415rei.pdf
- Folder 286: Up To $10 Million In Refunds To Kansas, 4/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740415upt.pdf
- Folder 287: Agricultural Fuel Allocation Regulations Re-Drafted, 4/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740416agr.pdf
- Folder 288: Eisenhower Center To Receive Visitor's Center And Addition, 4/16/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740416eis.pdf
- Folder 289: Over $1.5 Million For Dickinson County Water District, 4/16/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740416ove.pdf
- Folder 290: Headstart Grant To Serve Five Kansas Counties, 4/18/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740418hea.pdf
- Folder 291: Dole Meets With Veterans To Discuss Needs, 4/18/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740418mee.pdf
- Folder 292: Nine Kansas Areas Designated As Bicentennial Communities, 4/18/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740418nin.pdf
- Folder 293: Dole Says County Ag Office Consolidation Plans Slowed, 4/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740420dol.pdf
- Folder 294: Dole Calls For Tax Hearing, 4/21/1974

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 740421tax.pdf
- Folder 295: Five Kansans Reappointed To District Advisory Council, 4/22/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740422kan.pdf
- Folder 296: Inflation Budget Reform And Retirement Income Discussed By Dole, 4/23/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740423inf.pdf
- Folder 297: John E.B. Smith Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740424joh.pdf
- Folder 298: Dole Receives Assurance On Air Taxi Mail Service, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740424rec.pdf
- Folder 299: Statement On Retirement Of Law Enforcement And Firefighters, 4/24/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740424ret.pdf
- Folder 300: Senate Approves Dole-Gurney Amendment To No-Fault Bill, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740424sen.pdf
- Folder 301: Steve McCarter Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740424ste.pdf
- Folder 302: Approval For Dole Disaster Relief Proposal, 4/25/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740425app.pdf
- Folder 303: EPA Reimbursement Grants To Kansas Communities, 4/25/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740425epa.pdf
- Folder 304: Kansan Appointed To National Advisory Mental Health Council, 4/25/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740425kan.pdf
- Folder 305: Dole Announces Names Of Navy ROTC Scholarship Winners, 4/26/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740426ann.pdf
- Folder 306: Dole Bill Would Raise Speed Limit To 60 Mph, 4/26/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740426wou.pdf
- Folder 307: Dole Outlines Plan For Harvest Fuel Needs Welcomes FEO Move, 4/28/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740428out.pdf
- Folder 308: Voters Credibility Quotient Controlling In 74 Elections, 4/28/1974

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 740428vot.pdf
- Folder 309: Elderly Hot Meals Program Funded, 4/29/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740429eld.pdf
- Folder 310: $412,000 Rea Loan To Serve 5 Kansas Counties, 4/29/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740429rea.pdf
- Folder 311: Statement Hearings On Fy1975 Public Works Appropriations, 4/29/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740429sta.pdf
- Folder 312: Garcia Joins Dole Senate Staff, 5/1/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740501gar.pdf
- Folder 313: Dole Calls For Action On Physician Shortage Program, 5/2/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740502cal.pdf
- Folder 314: Kansas City-Denver On-Site Inspection Completed, 5/2/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740502kan.pdf
- Folder 315: Amtrak Provides Preliminary Draft On K.C.-Tulsa Passenger Route, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740503amt.pdf
- Folder 316: Dole Requests Butz Assessment Of Kansas Fuel Situation, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740503but.pdf
- Folder 317: Draft Actuality Text For Mitchell County Water District, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740503dra.pdf
- Folder 318: Dole Requests Investigation In Disappearance Of Kansan, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 740503miss.pdf
- Folder 319: $244,907 To Aid Kansas Elderly, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740503two.pdf
- Folder 320: Increased Aid For Elderly Sought, 5/4/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740504inc.pdf
- Folder 321: Dole Announces Possible Continuing Education Center Funds For Ku, 5/4/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740504poss.pdf
- Folder 322: Grant For Jobs Program In McPherson Announced, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740505gra.pdf
- Folder 323: Dole Proposals On Farm Fuel Adopted By FEO More Fuel For Harvest Seen, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740505pro.pdf
- Folder 324: Dole Sees Reg Change Helpful On Harvest Fuel Gets Interim Fertilizer Report, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740505see.pdf
- Folder 325: Dole To Confer On Forbes Turnover, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740505toc.pdf
- Folder 326: Topeka Business Conference Draws Nationwide Attention, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740505top.pdf
- Folder 327: Dole Cautions Doctors As Controls End, 5/6/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740506cau.pdf
- Folder 328: Dole To Seek Speed Limit Increase, 5/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740506tos.pdf
- Folder 329: Funding For Summer Job Programs Awarded, 5/7/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740507fun.pdf
- Folder 330: Dole Proposals On Farm Fuel Adopted By FEO More Fuel For Harvest, 5/7/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740507pro.pdf
- Folder 331: Rural Water Funds Released $120 Million For Grants Nationwide, 5/7/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740507rur.pdf
- Folder 332: Dole Offers Speed Limit Amendment, 5/8/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740508off.pdf
- Folder 333: Dole Stresses Need To Control Inflation, 5/8/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740508str.pdf
- Folder 334: Dole Supports OSHA Modifications, 5/8/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740508sup.pdf
- Folder 335: Approval For Dole Disaster Relief Proposal, 5/9/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740509app.pdf
- Folder 336: Dole Takes Veteran's Case Direct To President, 5/9/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740509tak.pdf
- Folder 337: Physician Shortage Area Scholarships Announced By Dole, 5/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740510phy.pdf
- Folder 338: Dole Sees Progress Toward Passage Of National Health Insurance, 5/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740510see.pdf
- Folder 339: High Food Prices Symptom Of Inflation Not Its Cause Says Dole, 5/12/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740512hig.pdf
- Folder 340: Vote On Dole's Bill To Raise Speed Limit Set For Monday, 5/12/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740512vot.pdf
- Folder 341: $107,104 In Impact Aid Funds To Serve 12 Kansas School Districts, 5/13/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740513one.pdf
- Folder 342: Dole Regrets Senate Failure To Pass 60 Mph Limit Offers Again, 5/13/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740513reg.pdf
- Folder 343: Senate Passes Bill To Extend Veterans Educational Benefits, 5/13/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740513sen.pdf
- Folder 344: Dole Petrochemical Measure Passes Senate, 5/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740514pet.pdf
- Folder 345: $265,913 In Impact Aid Funds To Serve Four Kansas School District, 5/14/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740514two.pdf
- Folder 346: Dole Urges Revision Of 1974 Wheat Estimate, 5/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740514urg.pdf
- Folder 347: Amtrak Decision Expected Soon, 5/15/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740515amt.pdf
- Folder 348: Dole Asks Temporary Reduction In Meat Imports, 5/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740515ask.pdf
- Folder 349: Senate Fails To Pass Anti-Busing Provision, 5/15/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740515sen.pdf
- Folder 350: Crutcher To Be Top Dole Aid, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 740516cru.pdf
- Folder 351: Senate Passes Busing Limit Proposed By Dole, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740516pas.pdf
- Folder 352: Dole Reasonable Time Amendment Adopted, Would Grant Topeka More Time On School Plan, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740516rea.pdf
- Folder 353: Dole Releases Statement On Financial Status, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 740516rel.pdf
- Folder 354: Over $6 Million For Kansas Urban Renewal, 5/17/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740517ove.pdf
- Folder 355: Price Of Flags To Rise, 5/17/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740517pri.pdf
- Folder 356: $285,015 In Impact Aid Funds To 13 Kansas School Districts, 5/17/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740517two.pdf
- Folder 357: $415,000 FHA Loan To Pottawatomie County Water District, 5/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740520fou.pdf
- Folder 358: Senate Assures Kansas Eligible For Impact Funds Dole Amendment Passes, 5/20/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740520sen.pdf
- Folder 359: $233,910 Action Grant For Topeka, 5/20/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740520two.pdf
- Folder 360: Dole Emphasizes Need For Harvest Fuel Distribution System, 5/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740521emp.pdf
- Folder 361: EPA Reimbursement Grants Total $898,600 For 20 Kansas Projects, 5/22/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740522epa.pdf
- Folder 362: Dole Urges Steps To Stabilize Wheat Market, 5/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740522urg.pdf
- Folder 363: $415,000 Loan To Pottawatomie County, 5/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740523fou.pdf
- Folder 364: $51,500 Grant To Aid Economic Planning For 14 County Areas, 5/24/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740524fif.pdf
- Folder 365: Paul Michael Skolaut Appointed To Air Force Academy, 5/24/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740524pau.pdf
- Folder 366: Dole Brinegar Confer Again On Amtrak Route, 5/27/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740527bri.pdf
- Folder 367: Dole To Meet With Hew Officials On Topeka Issue, 5/27/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740527mee.pdf
- Folder 368: $153,342 In Impact Aid Funds To 8 Kansas School District, 5/28/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740528one.pdf
- Folder 369: Dole Fears Impact Of Imported Beef On Consumers And Kansas Economy, 5/29/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740529fea.pdf
- Folder 370: St. Mary's Now Eligible For Flood Insurance Through Hud, 5/29/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740529stm.pdf
- Folder 371: Dole Meets With HEW Over Topeka School District Civil Rights Issue, 5/30/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740530mee.pdf
- Folder 372: $481,720 EPA Grant For Wichita Project, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740531fou.pdf
- Folder 373: Grant Will Aid Topeka Elderly, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740531gra.pdf
- Folder 374: Postal Service Drops Consideration Of Forbes Building, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740531pos.pdf
- Folder 375: Dole Says Peace Is The Overwhelming Factor In What Is Right With America, 5/31/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740531say.pdf
- Folder 376: $66,424 Hew Grant To KU Med Center For Family Medical Training, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740531six.pdf
- Folder 377: Dole Calls For End To Barbaric Cruelty; Legislation To Prohibit Use Of Dogs In Experiments, 6/1/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740601cal.pdf
- Folder 378: Kansas Fuel Allocation Up To 13 Million Gallons For June, 6/1/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740601kan.pdf
- Folder 379: Kan-Ombe Funds Expected To Continue, 6/1/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740601kano.pdf
- Folder 380: Measure Would Raise VA To Cabinet Level, 6/4/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740604mea.pdf
- Folder 381: Senate Approves Ban On Experimentation With Dogs, 6/4/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740604sen.pdf
- Folder 382: Increased Aid To The Elderly Approved, 6/5/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740605inc.pdf
- Folder 383: $167,000 To Aid Kansas Education, 6/5/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740605one.pdf
- Folder 384: Dole Announces Official Hud Action On Northeast Leavenworth, 6/6/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740606ann.pdf
- Folder 385: Dole Urges Quick Action To Aid Cattle Industry, 6/6/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740606urg.pdf
- Folder 386: Additional Funding Made Available For Bridgeport Project, 6/7/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740607add.pdf
- Folder 387: Dole Checks Baling Wire Output, 6/7/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740607che.pdf
- Folder 388: EPA Reimbursement Grants Total $94,800 For 10 Kansas Projects, 6/7/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740607epa.pdf
- Folder 389: Sawhill Answers Dole's Questions, 6/7/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740607saw.pdf
- Folder 390: $83,745 For State Vocational Education Program, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740610eig.pdf
- Folder 391: Dole Informed Of Livestock Actions, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740610inf.pdf
- Folder 392: Kansas Declared A National Disaster Area, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740610kan.pdf
- Folder 393: Over $6.5 Million For Kansas Students From Hew Grants And Loans, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740610ove.pdf
- Folder 394: Amtrak Decision Expected Within Ten Days, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740611amt.pdf
- Folder 395: $80,000 Hew Grant To United Tribes, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740611eig.pdf
- Folder 396: Senate Passes Amendment To Allow Masters Degree At Fort Leavenworth, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740611sen.pdf
- Folder 416: Dole Offers Livestock Producer And Consumer Protection Act Of 1974, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 74061off.pdf
- Folder 397: Dole Comments On Kissinger Controversy, 6/12/1974

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 740612com.pdf
- Folder 398: Dole Urges Ag Sec Butz To Reduce Beef Imports, 6/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740612urg.pdf
- Folder 399: Senators Adopt Dole Recommendation; Meat Import Quotas, 6/13/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740613sen.pdf
- Folder 400: $50,000 FHA Grant To Luray, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740614fif.pdf
- Folder 401: Dole Meets To Discuss Livestock Industry, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740614mee.pdf
- Folder 402: $99,316 To Aid Bilingual Children, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740614nin.pdf
- Folder 403: SBA Loan To Aid Sabetha Firm, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740614sba.pdf
- Folder 404: Dole Amendment To Tie Budget Cut To Tax Cut, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740617ame.pdf
- Folder 405: Decision To Ban Fireworks Not Effective Until Public Hearing, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 740617dec.pdf
- Folder 406: Depression In The Livestock Industry, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740617dep.pdf
- Folder 407: New Doctor For Mound City, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740617new.pdf
- Folder 408: Statement For Subcommittee On Ag Credit And Rural Electrification, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740617sta.pdf
- Folder 409: $249,770 For Kansas State Health Board, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740617two.pdf
- Folder 410: Dole Wants Positive Action For Livestock Producers, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740617wan.pdf
- Folder 411: Kansas Receives $1,858,225 From Labor Department, 6/18/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740618kan.pdf
- Folder 412: $100 Million Government Meat Purchase Approved, 6/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740618one.pdf
- Folder 413: Ag Committee Reports Bill To Aid Hard Hit Livestock Producers, 6/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740619agc.pdf
- Folder 414: $26,105 For Kansas Postsecondary Education Planning, 6/19/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740619twe.pdf
- Folder 415: Veterans Bill Passes Senate, 6/19/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740619vet.pdf
- Folder 417: Dole Announces Dept Of Labor Grants For Kansas Youth, 6/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740620ann.pdf
- Folder 418: Dole Legislation Will Extend Kansas Programs, 6/20/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740620kan.pdf
- Folder 419: Dole Legislation Would Extend Kansas Programs, 6/20/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740620leg.pdf
- Folder 420: Dole Announces $40,000 Headstart Grant To Topeka Indian Center, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740621ann.pdf
- Folder 421: $100,555 To Kansas Department Of Economic Development, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740621one.pdf
- Folder 422: Senate Ends Debate On Livestock Credit Bill, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740621sen.pdf
- Folder 423: Statement Subcommittee On Communications Broadcast License Renewal, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740621sta.pdf
- Folder 424: Dole, Brinegar Will Meet To Discuss Amtrak Decision, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740622bri.pdf
- Folder 425: Dole Calls For Embargo On Canadian Meat And Farm Product Imports, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740622cal.pdf
- Folder 426: Disaster Relief Program Flexible, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740622dis.pdf
- Folder 427: Dole Urges Disaster Relief Change, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740622urg.pdf
- Folder 428: $50,000 Hud Grant To Topeka Shawnee County Metro Planning Commission, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740624fif.pdf
- Folder 429: Livestock Credit Bill Passes Senate, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740624liv.pdf
- Folder 430: More Doctors Are Needed, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740624mor.pdf
- Folder 431: Dole Supports Longer Broadcast License Terms, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740624sup.pdf
- Folder 432: 14 Kansas Communities Receive Total Of $456,800 In EPA Grants, 6/25/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740625fou.pdf
- Folder 433: $20,000 Preliminary Hud Loan To Prairie Band Potawatomie Indians, 6/25/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740625pre.pdf
- Folder 434: $44,000 To Regional Planning Commission, 6/25/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740625tor.pdf
- Folder 435: Dole Comments On Courts Right To Reply Decision, 6/26/1974

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 740626com.pdf
- Folder 436: $5.3 Million In Highway Funds To I-35 (Transportation), 6/26/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740626fiv.pdf
- Folder 437: Dole Meets With FEA's Sawhill Concerning Asphalt Shortage, 6/26/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740626mee.pdf
- Folder 438: $126,201 Grant To State Services For The Aging, 6/26/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740626one.pdf
- Folder 439: USDA To Increase Technical Service Personnel For Conservation (Agriculture), 6/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740626usd.pdf
- Folder 440: Hew Grant Awarded To Wichita Public School System (Education), 6/27/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740627hew.pdf
- Folder 441: Kansas Educational Institutions To Receive Over 1.5 Million Dollars (Education), 6/27/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740627kan.pdf
- Folder 442: Kansas City-Denver Route Not To Be Among Today's Announcements, 6/27/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740627kans.pdf
- Folder 443: Statement On Soil Conservation Before Subcommittee On Ag Production, 6/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740627sta.pdf
- Folder 444: Labor Department Will Provide Funds For Ser Pilot Program (Labor), 6/28/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740628lab.pdf
- Folder 445: Nearly One Million Dollars In Hud Funds To Kansas (Housing), 6/28/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740628nea.pdf
- Folder 446: Nearly Half Million Dollars To Fund Summer Jobs For Kansas Youth (Employment Labor), 6/28/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740628near.pdf
- Folder 447: $107,400 OEO Grants For Nutrition Programs (Health Care), 7/1/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740701hea.pdf
- Folder 448: $50,000 To Kansas Commission On Alcoholism (Drug Abuse Alcohol), 7/2/1974

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 740702fif.pdf
- Folder 449: Videotape Text Re. Raising VA To Cabinet Level, 7/3/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740703enc.pdf
- Folder 450: $450,525 For Law Enforcement Education In Kansas, 7/8/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740708fou.pdf
- Folder 451: Grants Totaling $190,625 To Topeka Public Schools, 7/8/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740708gra.pdf
- Folder 452: High Cost Low Supply Of Winter Propane Concerns Dole (Energy), 7/9/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740709hig.pdf
- Folder 453: Food For Peace: 20 Years Of Sharing (Agriculture), 7/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740710foo.pdf
- Folder 454: $314695 For Topeka Institutions From Hew (Funding And Grants), 7/10/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740710thi.pdf
- Folder 455: House And Senate Conferees On Education Bill Accept Language (Education), 7/11/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740711hou.pdf
- Folder 456: Announce Appointment Of Earl Brookover To Ag Advisory Committee (Agriculture), 7/12/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740712ann.pdf
- Folder 457: Following Release Of Final Report Of Watergate Committee (Watergate), 7/12/1974

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 740712fol.pdf
- Folder 458: Dole Urges Baling Wire And Fertilizer Action (Agriculture), 7/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740715urg.pdf
- Folder 459: $556,250 To Refund Kansas Programs, 7/16/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740716fiv.pdf
- Folder 460: Videotape Text Re. OEO And Cap Agencies (Business), 7/16/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740716vid.pdf
- Folder 461: Dole Again Urges Import Quotas (Trade), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740717aga.pdf
- Folder 462: Urge Butz To Impose Meat Import Quotas, 7/17/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740717but.pdf
- Folder 463: $50,000 In Grants To Kansas Latinos Migrants (Funding And Grants), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 740717fif.pdf
- Folder 464: Dole Reports Action On Livestock Credit (Agriculture), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740717rep.pdf
- Folder 465: Dole Scores End Of European Dairy Subsidies (Agriculture), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740717sco.pdf
- Folder 466: $20,000 For Kansas Mass Transit (Transportation), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740717twe.pdf
- Folder 467: Dole Bill Would Improve Farm And Business Loans For Vietnam Veterans (Veterans), 7/18/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740718bill.pdf
- Folder 468: Rea Loan To Serve 7 Kansas Counties (Rural Development), 7/19/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740719rea.pdf
- Folder 469: Skubitz And Dole Urge Administration On Crop Failure Assessments, 7/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740721sku.pdf
- Folder 470: Dole Livestock Amendment Accepted By Senate (Agriculture), 7/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740722liv.pdf
- Folder 471: Dole Requests Information To Aid Kansas Drillers (Energy), 7/23/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740723req.pdf
- Folder 472: USDA Sending Agent To Speed Crop Damage Assessment (Agriculture), 7/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740723usd.pdf
- Folder 473: Statement Before Subcommittee On Agricultural Credit Farm Shortages (Agriculture), 7/24/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740724stap.pdf
- Folder 474: Livestock Credit Bill Signed Into Law (Agriculture), 7/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740726liv.pdf
- Folder 475: Dole Hopeful On Possible Columbus Fertilizer Plant (Agriculture), 7/29/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740729hop.pdf
- Folder 476: Dole Announces Relaxation Of Disaster Payment Requirement (Disasters), 7/29/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740729rel.pdf
- Folder 477: Dole Acts On Natural Gas Problems (Energy), 7/30/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740730act.pdf
- Folder 478: Dole Requests Special FHA Drought Survey (Disasters), 7/30/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740730req.pdf
- Folder 479: Dole Announces August Fuel Amounts (Energy), 7/31/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740731ann.pdf
- Folder 480: Dole Anti-Inflation Move Narrowly Beaten, 7/31/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740731ant.pdf
- Folder 481: Dole Asks Assignment To New Senate Budget Committee (Federal Budget), 7/31/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740731ask.pdf
- Folder 482: Senate Approves Measure To Allow Masters Degree At Fort Leavenworth (Education), 7/31/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740731sen.pdf
- Folder 483: Dole Anti-Spending Push Gains Momentum (Federal Budget), 8/1/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740801ant.pdf
- Folder 484: Family Housing Construction To Begin At Fort Riley (Housing), 8/1/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740801fam.pdf
- Folder 485: Meat Imports Decline (Agriculture), 8/2/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740802mea.pdf
- Folder 486: Senate Budget Cutting Measure Reduces Transportation Department Appropriation 100 Million Dollars, 8/2/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740802sen.pdf
- Folder 487: Senate Anti-Inflation Forces Growing Pass Byrd-Dole Amendment (Inflation), 8/2/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740802sena.pdf
- Folder 488: Dole Urges Action On Drought Disaster Aid Wires Governor And State ASCS Director, 8/2/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740802urg.pdf
- Folder 489: Hud Appropriation Bill Recommitted: Expect $160 Million Cut (Appropriations), 8/5/1974

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 740805hud.pdf
- Folder 490: $1.9 Million To Telephone Cooperative Serving 5 Kansas Counties (Rural Development), 8/7/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740807mil.pdf
- Folder 491: Dole On Of Six Senate Republicans Named To New Budget Committee (Federal Budget), 8/7/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740807ono.pdf
- Folder 492: $6.1 Million For Wichita Renewal, 8/8/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740808mil.pdf
- Folder 493: Nixon Resignation (Nixon Administration), 8/8/1974

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 740808nix.pdf
- Folder 494: Dole Welcomes New Propane Pricing Rule (Energy), 8/8/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740808wel.pdf
- Folder 495: On Ford Swearing-In (Ford Administration), 8/9/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740809onf.pdf
- Folder 496: Emergency Hearings To Be Held On Crop Losses (Agriculture), 8/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740812eme.pdf
- Folder 497: Dole Says Emergency Livestock Loans Ready This Week In Kansas (Agriculture), 8/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740812say.pdf
- Folder 498: Eda Growth Centers Designated (Funding And Grants), 8/13/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740813eda.pdf
- Folder 499: $254,000 Loan For Pottawatomie County Water District #1 (Public Works), 8/13/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740813loa.pdf
- Folder 500: Inflation Statement (Inflation), 8/14/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740814inf.pdf
- Folder 501: Emergency Hearing On Crop Production (Agriculture), 8/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740815eme.pdf
- Folder 502: Statement On Daylight Savings Time Amendment (Daylight Savings Time), 8/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740815pas.pdf
- Folder 503: Passage Of Daylight Savings Time Amendment, 8/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740815pass.pdf
- Folder 504: Dedication Of Kansas Hard Winter Wheat Stamp, 8/16/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740816iti.pdf
- Folder 505: Largest FHA Water District Grant Ever In Kansas Goes To Dickenson County, 8/16/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740816lar.pdf
- Folder 506: Six Top Republicans Send Letter To Ford: Urge Import Quotas (Trade), 8/18/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740818six.pdf
- Folder 507: Dole Wants Rapid Action On Disaster Declaration (Disasters), 8/19/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740819wan.pdf
- Folder 508: Agency For Consumer Advocacy Substitute Amendment, 8/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740820age.pdf
- Folder 509: Highlights Of Dole Substitute For The CPA (Dole Activities), 8/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740820hig.pdf
- Folder 510: Dole Wires Butz: Urges Rapid Action For Drought Victims (Disasters), 8/20/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740820wir.pdf
- Folder 511: Dole Supported $5.5 Billion Reduction In Defense Budget, 8/21/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740821sup.pdf
- Folder 512: Veterans Educational Benefits Bill Passes Senate (Veterans), 8/21/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740821vet.pdf
- Folder 513: $17.2 Million Allotted For Kansas FHA Programs (Agriculture), 8/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740822mil.pdf
- Folder 514: To The Editor/Reply To Opponents Advertisement, 8/22/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740822tot.pdf
- Folder 515: New Appointees To FEA Advisory Committees (Appointments), 8/27/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740827new.pdf
- Folder 516: CDA Authorization For Kansas Over $35 Million In FY 1975 (Appropriations), 8/28/1974

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 740828cda.pdf
- Folder 517: Senate Passed Resolution Dole Cosponsored Allowing Pay Raise For White Collar Civil Servants, 9/1/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740901sen.pdf
- Folder 518: Dole Asks Butz For Water District Grants In Kansas (Public Works), 9/5/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740905ask.pdf
- Folder 519: Dole Bill Would Extend Revenue Sharing, 9/5/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740905bil.pdf
- Folder 520: Dole To Attend Economic Conference (Economy), 9/6/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740906att.pdf
- Folder 521: Dole Bill Would Aid Elderly And Their Widows (Senior Citizens), 9/6/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740906bil.pdf
- Folder 522: $90,500 FHA Loan To Shawnee Water District (Public Works), 9/6/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740906fha.pdf
- Folder 523: Amnesty Issue (Ford Administration), 9/9/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740909amn.pdf
- Folder 524: Butz Answers Dole's Request For Additional Kansas Funds (Agriculture), 9/9/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740909but.pdf
- Folder 525: Ford's Grant Of Pardon To Nixon (Ford Administration), 9/9/1974

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 740909for.pdf
- Folder 526: Dole Gets Cash For School Lunches (Health Care), 9/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740910get.pdf
- Folder 527: Dole Predicts No Additional Pardons (Ford Administration), 9/11/1974

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 740911pre.pdf
- Folder 528: Dole Says Pardon Is Premature, 9/11/1974

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 740911say.pdf
- Folder 529: Kansas Disaster Payments Estimated To Total $28.8 Million (Disasters), 9/13/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740913kan.pdf
- Folder 530: Dole Says No Plans To Close Leavenworth (Defense), 9/16/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740916say.pdf
- Folder 531: Dole Says No Plans To Close Leavenworth (Defense), 9/16/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740916sayp2.pdf
- Folder 532: Dole Urges Veterans Committee To Push For Comprehensive Education Bill, 9/16/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740916urg.pdf
- Folder 533: Anti-Forced Busing Amendment (Civil Rights), 9/17/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740917ant.pdf
- Folder 534: Butz To Hold Hearings In Response To Dole Request (Disasters), 9/17/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740917but.pdf
- Folder 535: Dole Urges Action To Avert Transportation Problem (Transportation), 9/18/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740918act.pdf
- Folder 536: Bureau Of Outdoor Recreation Authorized $30,000 Grant For Kansas Outdoor Recreation Plan, 9/18/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740918bur.pdf
- Folder 537: Dole Humphrey To Debate On Grain Reserves In Washington (Agriculture), 9/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740918hum.pdf
- Folder 538: Dole Lauds Vote As Taxpayer Victory (Taxes), 9/18/1974

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 740918lau.pdf
- Folder 539: Dole Supports Pay Raise For White Collar Civil Servants (Civil Service), 9/19/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740919sup.pdf
- Folder 540: Dole Telegrams Ford About International Food Conference, 9/19/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 740919tel.pdf
- Folder 541: Dole Urges Rapid Action For Foundation For The Blind (Disabled), 9/20/1974

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 740920rap.pdf
- Folder 542: Dole Urges Ford's Support Of Consumer Protection Act (Consumers), 9/21/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740921urg.pdf
- Folder 543: Dole Expresses Faith In Local Decision-Making (Kansas), 9/22/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740922exp.pdf
- Folder 544: Dole Reports CEA Conference Committee Action (Legislation), 9/23/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740923cea.pdf
- Folder 545: Dole Criticizes Natural Gas Laws (Energy), 9/23/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740923cri.pdf
- Folder 546: GSA To Begin Survey (Government), 9/23/1974

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 740923gsa.pdf
- Folder 547: President Plans No Import Quota Increases (Trade), 9/23/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740923pre.pdf
- Folder 548: Kansas To Receive Up To $128,000 From Federal Energy Administration (Energy), 9/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740924kan.pdf
- Folder 549: Senate Says No To Doctor Draft; Adopts Beall-Dole Substitute (Health Care), 9/24/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740924sen.pdf
- Folder 550: Wichita Area Energy Problems Aired (Energy), 9/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740924wic.pdf
- Folder 551: Dole Criticizes G.I. Bill Delay In View Amnesty (Veterans), 9/25/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740925cri.pdf
- Folder 552: McPherson County Receives Disaster Designation (Disasters), 9/25/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740925mcp.pdf
- Folder 553: Dole Expects Passage Of Stymied DST Bill (Legislation), 9/26/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740926exp.pdf
- Folder 554: Nearly $2.5 Million For Manhattan EPA Project (Environment), 9/26/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740926nea.pdf
- Folder 555: Statement By Dole At Economic Summit Conference On Inflation (Inflation), 9/27/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740927sta.pdf
- Folder 556: Statement By Dole Submitted To Subcommittee On Ag On The Dairy Situation, 9/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740930sta.pdf
- Folder 557: Topeka Receives Allocation And Grant (Funding And Grants), 10/1/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 741001top.pdf
- Folder 558: Dole Tries Unfreezing Antifreeze (Dole Activities), 10/1/1974

- Subject: GEM - PDF available: 741001tri.pdf
- Folder 559: Aircraft To Shawnee County Civil Defense (Defense), 10/2/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 741002air.pdf
- Folder 560: Dole Criticizes Handling Of Emergency Livestock Credit Act, 10/2/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741002cri.pdf
- Folder 561: $1 Million For Rural Water District #1 (Public Works), 10/2/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 741002one.pdf
- Folder 562: Dole Requests Propane Action, 10/2/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741002req.pdf
- Folder 563: Dole Announces $17.2 Million Loan From FHA For Housing (Housing), 10/3/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 741003ann.pdf
- Folder 564: Early Payment Of $8.5 Million To Kansas Schools Assured (Education), 10/4/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 741004ear.pdf
- Folder 565: Statement By Senator Bob Dole Russian Grain Sale And Export Controls (Agriculture), 10/5/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741005sta.pdf
- Folder 566: Dole Opposes Export Controls (Trade), 10/8/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741008opp.pdf
- Folder 567: Russian Grain Sale (Agriculture), 10/8/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741008rusp.pdf
- Folder 568: Additional Funds To Leavenworth From Hud (Housing), 10/9/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 741009add.pdf
- Folder 569: Dole's Inflationary Impact Statement Bill Used Ford (Inflation), 10/9/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 741009inf.pdf
- Folder 570: Dole Advises Sawhill That Proposed Propane Prices Are Too High (Energy), 10/10/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741010adv.pdf
- Folder 571: Dole Urges Ford To Approve Railroad Retirement Legislation (Railroads), 10/10/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 741010for.pdf
- Folder 572: Urban Renewal Funds To Manhattan (Housing), 10/10/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 741010urb.pdf
- Folder 573: Dole Moves On Box Cards For Sugarbeet Crop (Agriculture), 10/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741012mov.pdf
- Folder 574: Senators Urge Ford To Sign Veterans Aid Bill -- 63 Sign Dole Letter, 10/17/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 741017sen.pdf
- Folder 575: Dole Lauds Inclusion Of Funds For Ethnic Heritage, 10/24/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 741024lau.pdf
- Folder 576: Dole Calls For Strong Action To Curb Meat Imports, 10/25/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741025cal.pdf
- Folder 577: Statement Of Senator Dole Before Hearings Sponsored By White House Office Of The Special Representative For Trade Negotiations, 10/25/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741025sta.pdf
- Folder 578: Dole Criticizes Multinational Oil Companies, 10/26/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741026cri.pdf
- Folder 579: Kansas City To Denver Amtrak Route Announcement Imminent Says Dole, 10/28/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 741028kan.pdf
- Folder 580: $13.1 Million FHA Loan For Kansas, 10/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741030thi.pdf
- Folder 581: Economic Development Applications For Hesston And McPherson Near Funding, 10/31/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 741031eco.pdf
- Folder 582: Dole Urges Unity At Food Conference, 11/13/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741113urg.pdf
- Folder 583: Dole Urges Unity At Food Conference, 11/13/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741113urge.pdf
- Folder 584: Dole Comments Upon Return From World Food Conference, 11/15/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741116com.pdf
- Folder 585: Dole Urges Hearings Into Us Food Relief Level, 11/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741119urg.pdf
- Folder 586: $516 000 LEAA Grant For Kansas, 11/20/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 741120fiv.pdf
- Folder 587: Food Assistance Hearings To Be Held In December, 11/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741120foo.pdf
- Folder 588: Dole Explains Vote To Override Veto Of Rehabilitation Act Of 1973, 11/21/1974

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 741121exp.pdf
- Folder 589: CMS To Receive $1.9 Million Rea Loan, 11/22/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 741122cms.pdf
- Folder 590: $1.3 Million Rea Loan To Serve 3 Kansas Counties, 11/22/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 741122one.pdf
- Folder 591: Urgent Request To Ford For Increase In Milk Price Supports, 11/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741127urg.pdf
- Folder 592: Dole Inquires On Trade Bill, 12/3/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741203inq.pdf
- Folder 593: Senate Overrides Veterans Education Bill Veto, 12/3/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 741203sen.pdf
- Folder 594: Emergency Designation Of Kansas Counties Expected By Dole, 12/7/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 741207eme.pdf
- Folder 595: Community Services Act Passed By Senate, 12/13/1974

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 741213com.pdf
- Folder 596: Dole Protects Farm Trade With Technical Amendment To Trade Bill, 12/14/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741214pro.pdf
- Folder 597: Senate Ag Unit Acts On Dairy And Livestock Crisis, 12/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741218sen.pdf
- Folder 598: Topeka Shawnee County Agency Receives EPA Funds, 12/18/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 741218top.pdf
- Folder 599: VA Grant For WSU College Of Health Related Professions, 12/18/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 741218vag.pdf
- Folder 600: Dole And Shriver Meet With Administration Representatives To Discuss Federal Building, 12/19/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 741219and.pdf
- Folder 601: Dole-Humphrey Bill To Aid Dairymen Passes Senate, 12/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741219hum.pdf
- Folder 602: 24 Kansas Counties Eligible For Fha Emergency Loans, 12/19/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 741219kan.pdf
- Folder 603: Dole Requests Action Explanation On Propane Prices, 12/20/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741220req.pdf
- Folder 604: Milk Price Supports To 85 Percent Parity, 12/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741221mil.pdf
- Folder 605: Dole Sees Tough Decisions Ahead On Economy Energy In 1975, 12/30/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 741230see.pdf
- Folder 606: Early Action On Farm Policy Amendments Predicted, 12/31/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741231ear.pdf
- Box 19

- Folder 46

- Item 6: Dole Approves Ford Plan, 1/13/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_006.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Expects Uehling To Be Named To Kansas ASCS Committee, 1/15/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_009.pdf
- Item 10: New V.A. Center Director For Leavenworth, 1/16/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_010.pdf
- Item 11: 130 New Jobs For Prairie Village, 1/20/1974

- Some notes at the bottom
PDF available: s-press_019_046_011.pdf
- Item 17: Exports Reporting System Eased, 1/29/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_017.pdf
- Box 20

- Folder 3

- Item 9: The Economy and Kansas, 4/11/1974

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_009.pdf
- Item 15: Supplemental Funding for Five Kansas Corps of Engineers Projects, 4/18/1974

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_015.pdf
- Series 15: 1975

- Box 19

- Folder 46

- Item 7: Dole announces 56 Kansas High School Seniors nominated for appointment to the United States Air Force, Navy, Military, and Merchant Marine Academies, 1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_007.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Comments on USDA Milk Price Action, 1/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Gets Annual Physical -- Attends Trade Bill Signing, 1/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_002.pdf
- Item 3: Over Half Million Dollars to Kansas in OEO Grants, 1/9/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_003.pdf
- Item 4: Fertilizer Plant Hearing Held, 1/9/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Wants Priority on Natural Gas for Fertilizer Production, 1/11/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_005.pdf
- Item 8: NSF Grants Total $230,816 For 5 Kansas Schools, 1/14/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_008.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urges Butz To Remove Monitoring System, 1/21/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_012.pdf
- Item 13: Committee Assignments Finalized, 1/22/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Bill Would Aid Retirees, 1/23/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_014.pdf
- Item 15: Portion of Forbes Declared Surplus, 1/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Resolution Would Set Up Presidential Council on MIAs, 1/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_016.pdf
- Box 20

- Folder 1

- Item 2: Dole Outlines Incentive Program, 2/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_002.pdf
- Item 1: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - The Trade Act, 2/6/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_001.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Plans Energy Compromise, 2/10/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Will Continue To Press For Compromise, 2/11/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Nearly $7 Million Allocated To Kansas By HUD, 2/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Bill Would Aid Reserve Veterans, 2/18/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Bill Would Authorize Livestock Market Development Program, 2/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - Energy Proposals, 2/21/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Uncertain On Tariff Veto Override Vote, 2/22/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Reassures Equipment Purchasers on Tax Credit, 2/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Annual Convention - Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors National Association, 2/25/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Criticizes House Democrats Energy Plan, 2/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Young Republican Leadership Conference, 2/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Speaks to Young Republicans, 2/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Fulton County Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_001_015.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole Again Urges Energy Compromise, 3/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Calls For Congressional Support of Energy Compromise, 3/4/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Bill Would Halt Export Prior Approval System, 3/5/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Drug and Chemical Association Dinner, 3/6/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - Farm Exports, 3/6/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Republican Leadership Conference, 3/7/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Export Prior Approval System Terminated, 3/7/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Plans Senate Move On Oil, 3/8/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Introduces Food Security Bill, 3/17/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senate Agriculture Committee Reports Livestock Bill, 3/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges ICC To Continue Rock Island Services, 3/20/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Expresses Hope For Aid To Rock Island, 3/20/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Grant Will Aid Five Kansas Counties, 3/22/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Sponsors Rock Island Relief Effort, 3/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: $131,556 Grant To Serve Five Kansas Counties, 3/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Comments on Senate Passage of Farm Bill, 3/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Emergency Farm Bill, 3/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: $49,750 For Kansas Bicentennial Projects, 3/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - 1975 Tax Bill, 3/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Urges Ford To Sign Tax Cut Bill, 3/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_002_020.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole Asks Richards-Gebauer Reconsideration: Delay of Move Pending Restudy, 4/2/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Bring S.E. Asian Aid Proposals to Early Vote, Dole Urges, 4/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: $53,100 Grant Will Enable NEK-CAP to Continue Services, 4/4/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: FHA Loan, Grant to Aid 390 Rural Kansas Families, 4/7/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Fletcher Confirmation Hearings, 4/10/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Statement of Honorable Bob Dole Before The Committee on Armed Services, United States Senate, 4/10/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Comments on "State of the World", 4/11/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Impact Aid Money for Kansas, 4/11/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_008.pdf
- Item 10: Air Force Promises review of Richards-Gebaur Move, 4/13/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: New Congressional Budget Process Underway, 4/14/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Ag Conferees Agree to Farm Bill, 4/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Non-Food Assistance Funds, 4/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Legislation Includes $10.7 Million for Kansas Projects, 4/18/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_014.pdf
- Item 16: Remarks of Senator Bob Cole [sic] - Machinery Dealers National Association Convention, 4/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: For Immediate Release - NSLA and CAN of 1966 Continuation, 4/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Measure Would Exempt Licensing from ACA, 4/25/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole before the Florida Medical Political Action Committee, 4/25/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Montgomery County Republican Dinner, 4/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Assistant U.S. Attorney Johnson Recommended to Replace North, 4/29/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Statement of Senator Bob Dole concerning Vietnam, 4/29/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Meets with New Officials on Impact Aid Funds, 4/30/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Proposal Would Cut Budget Deficit, 4/30/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_024.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 2: Dole testifies for railroad jobs program, 5/1/1975

- Sen. Dole, appearing at joint hearings, expressed his support of proposed legislation to fund jobs for railroad maintenance programs
PDF available: s-press_020_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Statement for farm bill veto, 5/1/1975

- Statement from Sen. Dole
PDF available: s-press_020_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole to vote "no" on budget resolution, 5/1/1975

- Sen. Dole today announced his intention to vote against the Concurrent Resolution on the Budget.
PDF available: s-press_020_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Remarks of Sen. Bob Dole / Annual Convention of the north Carolina Federation of Republican Women, 5/2/1975

- Text of Sen. Doles remarks
PDF available: s-press_020_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Inflationary Impact Amendment Passes Senate, 5/6/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement of Senator Bob Dole Senate Committee On Post Office And Civil Service S. 1177, Postcard Voter Registration, 5/8/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Secretary Of State Shanahan, Senator Dole, Oppose Postcard Registration, 5/8/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Dole - The Federal Budget Process, 5/9/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement by Senator Bob Dole following seizure of U.S. merchant ship by Cambodia:, 5/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Introduces Proposal To Allow Bingo Advertising, 5/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Will Offer Home Credit Amendment, 5/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Consumer Protection Debate Proceeds, Two Dole Amendments Voted, 5/13/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For Review of Spending Programs, 5/13/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole following U.S. destruction of 3 Cambodian gunboats:, 5/14/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Statement on Mayaguez, 5/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Telegram to Ford, 5/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Annual Dinner and Membership Meeting - American Horse Council, Inc., 5/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Agricultural Production Exempted From ACA Jurisdiction, 5/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Receives Commitment for Action On Veterans Jobs Program, 5/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Criticizes Congressional Delays On Energy Legislation, 5/21/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Hearings Begin On Dole Food Security Bill, 5/22/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Meeting To Discuss Possible Federal Building Construction In Kansas City, Kansas, 5/23/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Lauds Court Ruling On Hospital Review Requirements, 5/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: African Honeybee Hearings To Be June 3, 1975, 5/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Reaction To Fords Speech, 5/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: Oil Production Disincentives To Be Ended For Small Producers, 5/30/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_004_027.pdf
- Item 1: Farm bulletin, 1975-05

- Farm bulletin from Sen. Doles office
PDF available: s-press_020_004_001.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 2: Statement by Senator Bob Dole Before The Senate Subcommittee on Agricultural Research and General Legislation Concerning, 6/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - First Annual Political Action Seminar - United States Independent Telephone Association, 6/4/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: $40,000. Native American Program Grant to Topeka Indian Center, 6/6/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: House Inaction Delaying Veterans Benefits Inexcusable, Says Dole, 6/8/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Hearings Will Begin On Silo Bill, 6/9/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Agriculture Committee Reports African Honeybee Bill, 6/10/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Opposes GAO Recommendation On Postal Service, 6/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Scores House Energy Actions, 6/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Honeybee Bill Passes Senate, 6/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Senate Passes Bill Assuring Education For All Handicapped Children, 6/18/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Grain Investigation Hearings Begin, 6/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - Disputed Senate Election, 6/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Testifies Before House Committee On Consumer Protection, 6/20/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: EPA Grant To Silver Lake, 6/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senate Accepts Dole Proposal For Change In Older American Act, 6/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: HUD Grants To Topeka Area Total $256,602, 6/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_017.pdf
- Item 1: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - Grain Export Investigations, 1975-06

- PDF available: s-press_020_005_001.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Five HEW Grants To Topeka Agencies Total $461,999, 7/1/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: "Senator Bob Dole today announced the approval of three grants involving $428,680 in federal funds for elimination of architectural and transportation barriers to the handicapped., 7/2/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_002.pdf
- Item 4: Six HEW Grants To KU Total $273,727, 7/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: From The Nations Capitol By Senator Bob Dole - Energy Legislation, 7/3/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Colleges in Kansas receiving an additional $1,181,070 for operation of College Work-Study Programs, 7/5/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Asks Prompt Action On Kansas Disaster Declaration Request, 7/7/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Joins Advisory Committee To Ford Campaign, 7/9/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_008.pdf
- Item 10: Agriculture Committee Approves Dole Nutrition Bill, 7/10/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Grain Inspection Scandal Was Avoidable, Sites [sic] Oversight Need, 7/11/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Raps Jackson Move, 7/13/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement by Senator Bob Dole at the Senate Finance Committee Hearing on H.R. 6860, the Energy Tax Bill, 7/14/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Rogers Nominated for Federal Judgeship, 7/15/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: $435,512 DOT Grant to Kansas Highway Commission, 7/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Interim GAO Report on Richards-Gebaur, 7/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Introduces Windfall Profits Tax to Accompany Oil Price Decontrol, 7/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Comments on Grain Sale, 7/16/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Rogers Nomination Hearings Set, 7/17/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: From the Nation's Capitol by Senator Bob Dole - Grain Trade, 7/18/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole, Talmadge Offer Grain Inspection Plan, 7/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Department of Agriculture Funds to Assist Pottawatomie County, 7/21/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Appropriations Committee Approves Dole-Talmadge Grain Inspection Plan, 7/21/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Urges Longshoremen to Support Grain Exports, 7/23/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Talk with Gleason reassures dole on Loading of Export Wheat, 7/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_025.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Wary on USDA Request, Cautions Against Export Restrictions, 7/24/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_027.pdf
- Item 28: Colloquy - DOT Approp. HR 8365, 7/25/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dear Dick,, 7/25/1975

- Letter to Richard Bell about Latin American customers of Yellow Hard Wheat
PDF available: s-press_020_006_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Recommends Frizzell to be Secretary of Interior, 7/25/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_030.pdf
- Item 31: USDA Clarifies Policy on Prior Notification Request, 7/25/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Backs Ford Compromise, 7/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Asks for emergency Wheat Team to Latin America on Yellow Hard Wheat Problem, 7/27/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_033.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Questions Postmaster General On Closings Recommended By GAO, 1975-07

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_009.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Politicians, Labor Leaders, Could Cost Farmers Over Half Billion Dollars, 8/1/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Asks Explanation of Grain Trade Policy Confusion, 8/4/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Emergency Wheat Team to South America, 8/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Kansas Colleges Receive Nearly $1.2 Million for Work-Study Programs, 8/13/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Says Longshoremen Action Illegal, 8/19/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Opposes Suspension of Sunday Postal Service to Rural Areas, 8/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: The Panama Canal, 8/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_007_007.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 2: Dole & Bellmon Telegram to Ford, 9/4/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Urges Bilateral Grain Agreement with Soviet Union, 9/4/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Advocates "Last Chance" Effort on Energy Compromise, 9/5/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Meany Setting Up Straw Man with American Wheat to Serve Own Needs: Says Dole, 9/6/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole to Introduce Bill to Protect Tax Return Privacy, 9/7/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: President Ford Sympathetic to 45 Day Energy Compromise, Dole Says, 9/8/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Sees Good News, Bad News in White House Grain Announcement, 9/9/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Challenges Meany's Wheat Trade Recommendations, 9/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Food Stamps, 9/12/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Ford Security Reassessment, 9/22/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole before the American Pathology Foundation, the College of American Pathologists, and the American Society of Clinical Pathologists, 9/22/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Questions Authority for Grain Embargo, 9/23/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_013.pdf
- Item 14: Higher Targets Sought for Grain Sales to Soviets, 9/23/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_014.pdf
- Item 15: Open Letter to the President, 9/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Receives Some Reassurance on Grain Trade from Kissinger, 9/26/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Comes to Aid of "Aunt Minnie", 9/28/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_017.pdf
- Item 1: Sale of Yellow Hard Wheat to Brazil Credited to Special Agriculture Wheat Team, 1975-09

- PDF available: s-press_020_008_001.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 3: AG Committee Endorses Dole-Tunney Resolution For Expanded Negotiations With Russia, 10/1/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_009_003.pdf
- Item 1: Dole, Mc Govern, Introduce Major Food Stamp Reform Legislation, 10/2/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Annual Meeting - National Broiler Council, 10/2/1975

- PDF available: s-press_020_009_002.pdf
- Series 16: 1976

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole Urges Action On Slumping Grain Market, 1/3/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760103urg.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Urges Farm Action -- Requests A Meeting With The President And The Secretary Of Ag, 1/7/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760107urg.pdf
- Folder 3: Dole Asks For Unification Church Audit, 1/12/1976

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 760112ask.pdf
- Folder 4: Senate Agriculture Subcommittee To Probe Food Stamp Vendors, 1/13/1976

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 760113sen.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Telegram To Dale Lyons Concerning Blast Of Congressional Delegation By Lyons, 1/13/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760113tel.pdf
- Folder 6: Kansan Joins Agriculture Committee Staff Roy Frederick, 1/19/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760119kan.pdf
- Folder 7: Hearings To Be Scheduled To Examine Supplemental Security Income Error Rate, 1/21/1976

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 760121hea.pdf
- Folder 8: Statement Before Subcommittee On Agricultural Research And General Legislation, 1/21/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760121sta.pdf
- Folder 9: Clark Dole Cites FMHA Loan Errors, 1/22/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760122cla.pdf
- Folder 10: Campaign Funds Transferred To Office Account, 1/23/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760123cam.pdf
- Folder 11: I.R.S. Responds To Call For Unification Church Audit -- Dole Announces Meeting, 2/3/1976

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 760203irs.pdf
- Folder 12: Butz Assures Dole Parity Will Be Increased To 80% April 1, 2/4/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760204but.pdf
- Folder 13: Dairy Price Support Compromise, 2/9/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760209dai.pdf
- Folder 14: State Department Assisting Americans In Guatemala, 2/9/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760209sta.pdf
- Folder 15: Shurts To Be Named To Kansas ASCE Committee, 2/10/1976

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 760210shu.pdf
- Folder 16: Dole Urges Loan Rate Hike; Dole Urges The President To Raise Farm Commodity Loan Rates To $2.00/Bushel For Wheat, 2/12/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760212urg.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Says No To Public Works Jobs Bill, 2/13/1976

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 760213say.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Plans Grain Inspection Bill, 2/16/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760216pla.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Makes Statement On Unification Church, 2/18/1976

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 760218mak.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Invites Neil Albert Salonen President Of The Unification Church To Meet, 2/20/1976

- Subject: Cults/Religious Issues - PDF available: 760220inv.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Urges President Ford To Meet On Food Stamp Proposals, 2/20/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760220urg.pdf
- Folder 23: To Ks Legislative Leaders: Regional Hew Officials May Not Be Acting With Complete Authority, 2/23/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 76023tok.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Compromise Daylight Savings Time Amendment Adopted By Senate, 2/24/1976

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 76024com.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Comments On Grain Sales To Russia, 2/26/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 76026com.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Critical Of Senate Debate On Oklahoma Election, 2/29/1976

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 760229cri.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Endorses Ford Plans For Agriculture, 3/5/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760305end.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Calls Ford Front Runner -- 94Th Congress The Last Of The Big Spenders, 3/7/1976

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 760307cal.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Will Offer Amendment To Exempt Custom Cutters, 3/9/1976

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 760309wil.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Amendments Eliminate Most Offensive Aspects Of Hatch Act Reform Bill, 3/11/1976

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 760311ame.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Bellmon Have Introduced Grain Inspection Bill, 3/16/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760316bel.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Calls For Hearings Into Microwave Radiation Of Us Embassy In Moscow, 3/22/1976

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 760322cal.pdf
- Folder 32: Decision Is Reagan's Says Dole, 3/22/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760322dec.pdf
- Folder 33: Senate Accepts Dole Amendment Exempting Custom Operators From Regulations, 3/23/1976

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 760323sen.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Testifies; Offers Amendments To Stimulate Export Sales Of Commodities, 3/23/1976

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 760323tes.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole Resolution Condemning New EEC Regulations Is Approved By Senate, 3/31/1976

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 760331res.pdf
- Folder 36: $632,000 Rea Loan To Kaw Valley Electric Cooperative, 4/2/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760402six.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Seeks Compromise On Food Stamp Reform Legislation, 4/3/1976

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 760403see.pdf
- Folder 38: Dole Sponsors Employment Incentive Bill, 4/10/1976

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 760410spo.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Introduces Amendments To Grain Inspection Bill, 4/14/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760414int.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Points Out Carter's Real Mistake, 4/14/1976

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 760414poi.pdf
- Folder 41: Correction Of U.P.I. Report Stating That Senators Dole And Pearson Voted No On S. 3201 -- Job Bill, 4/15/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760415cor.pdf
- Folder 42: Problems Should Be Placed In Perspective Dole Tells Graduates, 4/21/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760421pro.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Anticipates Senate Move To Give Higher Priority To Small Business, 4/26/1976

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 760426ant.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole Scores Federal Take-Over Of Grain Inspection, 4/26/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760426sco.pdf
- Folder 45: Senate Grain Inspection Bill Is Politics Not Solution, 4/27/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760427sen.pdf
- Folder 46: Tax Freedom Day Hope For The Future; Who Is To Blame?, 4/30/1976

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 760430tax.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole Announces Kanopolis Hearings In Senate, 5/3/1976

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 760503ann.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole Bengston Testify On Kansas Reclamations Project, 5/6/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760506ben.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Proposal Would Require Estimate Of Cost To State And Local Governments, 5/6/1976

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 760506pro.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Proposal Approved; Kansans Will Receive $540,000 For Conservation Program, 5/6/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760506proa.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Reserve Amendment Adopted By Senate Committee Allowing Foreign Nations To Buy And Store Reserve Stock Of Ag Commodities, 5/6/1976

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 760506res.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Refuses To Sign Conference Report On The Budget Resolution, 5/7/1976

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 760507ref.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole Urges Swift Action On Estate Tax Relief, 5/7/1976

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 760507urg.pdf
- Folder 54: Beef Promotion Measure Gets Final Senate Approval, 5/12/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760512bee.pdf
- Folder 55: Introduces Bill To Extend Revenue Sharing With Modifications, 5/13/1976

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 760513int.pdf
- Folder 56: Meets With Handicapped Elderly Interest Groups To Discuss Tax Incentives, 5/13/1976

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 760513mee.pdf
- Folder 57: Topeka Receives $1,166,000 Community Development Block Grant, 5/14/1976

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 760514top.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Comments On Packer Bonding Bill, 5/19/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760519com.pdf
- Folder 59: Finance Committee Adopts Dole Proposal To Close Tax Loophole, 5/19/1976

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 760519fin.pdf
- Folder 60: Senator Dole's Agenda For May 21 And 22, 5/21/1976

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 760521sen.pdf
- Folder 61: Public Ahead Of Congress In Recognizing Need For Strong Defense Says Dole, 5/22/1976

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 760522pub.pdf
- Folder 62: Senate Finance Committee Approves Dole Tax Privacy Bill, 5/26/1976

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 760526sen.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Shriver Get Hew To Review Funding Policy, 5/28/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760528dol.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole Statement Following Hew Meeting On Title I Funds For Wichita, 6/2/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760602sta.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Scott Introduce Full Employment And Anti-Inflation Act, 6/10/1976

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 760610sco.pdf
- Folder 66: Finance Committee Adopts Dole Farm Estate Tax Relief Proposal, 6/11/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760611fin.pdf
- Folder 67: Meeting On Grain Inspection Brings No Compromise, 6/11/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760611mee.pdf
- Folder 68: $2.6 Million For Vet School Notification By Secretary Weinberger Phase III Of Building Program, 6/11/1976

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 760611vet.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Amendment Assures Public Voice On HMO Selections, 6/14/1976

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 760614ame.pdf
- Folder 70: Ag Committee Approves Resolution Calling For Delay Of OSHA Regulations, 6/15/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760615del.pdf
- Folder 71: Senate Passes Dole Honeybee Bill, 6/15/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760615hon.pdf
- Folder 72: Senate Approves Packer Bonding Bill, 6/17/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760617sen.pdf
- Folder 73: Conferees Approve $100,000 For Towanda Reservoir Planning, 6/24/1976

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 760624tow.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Warns Midwestern GOP Chairman Not To Become Preoccupied With Presidential Politics, 6/26/1976

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 760626war.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Proposes New Compromise For Grain Inspection Legislation, 6/28/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760628pro.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Expects Grain Inspection Conference To Re-Convene After Democratic Convention, 6/30/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760630exp.pdf
- Folder 77: Kansas To Receive Additional Funds For Wind Erosion Control, 7/1/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760701kan.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Applauds Permit Decision By White House On Army Corp Of Engineers Dredge And Fill Program, 7/2/1976

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 760702app.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Scores Green Thumb In D.C. On Elderly And Low Incomes, 7/8/1976

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 760708sco.pdf
- Folder 80: Farmer-To-Farmer Program To Be Initiated, 7/12/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760712far.pdf
- Folder 81: President Signs Disaster Declaration For Ten Kansas Counties, 7/13/1976

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 760713sig.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole Comments On Carter's Choice Of Mondale, 7/15/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760715com.pdf
- Folder 83: Carter's Grin His Only Comment On Tough Issues Dole Charges, 7/16/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760716car.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole Would Extend Freeze On Postage Rates And Post Office Closings, 7/17/1976

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 760717wou.pdf
- Folder 85: Dole Calls Congress Acts Burdensome To American Farmers, 7/19/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760719cal.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole Proposal Will Include Members Of Congress Under Jurisdiction Of Special Prosecutor, 7/21/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760721pro.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole To Testify On Behalf Of Nation's Farmers, 7/23/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760723tot.pdf
- Folder 88: Dole Reaction To Reagan's Choice Of Running Mate, 7/26/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760726rea.pdf
- Folder 89: Dredge And Fill Permit Program Before Public Works Committee, 7/27/1976

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 760727cal.pdf
- Folder 90: Grain Inspection Conferees Making Progress, 7/28/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760728gra.pdf
- Folder 91: Two EPA Grants To Kansas Total $142 066, 7/29/1976

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 760729epa.pdf
- Folder 92: Dole Provision To Aid Handicapped Individuals Approved By Senate, 7/29/1976

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 760729pro.pdf
- Folder 93: Mondale Lacks Credibility On Agriculture Issues Charges Dole, 7/31/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760731mon.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Says Schweiker's Vice Presidential Candidacy Sputtering, 7/31/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760731say.pdf
- Folder 95: Dole Will Propose Automatic Income Tax Reductions To Offset Inflation, 8/3/1976

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 760803wil.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Announces Committee Move On Kanopolis Bill, 8/4/1976

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 760804ann.pdf
- Folder 97: Carter Confused, 8/4/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760804car.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole Criticizes Reformers On Tax Indexation Vote, 8/4/1976

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 760804cri.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole's First Full Week Of Campaigning An Unqualified Success, 8/5/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760805fir.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Urges Employment And Anti-Inflation Bill, 8/5/1976

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 760805urg.pdf
- Folder 101: Before Republican Platform Committee Hearings, 8/10/1976

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 760810rep.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Urges Republican Convention To Support Open Export Policy For Farm Commodities, 8/10/1976

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 760810urg.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Says Farmers Lose Under Democrat Agriculture Policy, 8/15/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760815say.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Cites Democrat Candidate And Platform For Deceptions, 8/16/1976

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 760816citp1.pdf
- Folder 105: Dole's Speech To Be Interpreted In Sign Language By Ula Williams Of K.C., 8/16/1976

- Subject: General - PDF available: 760816spe.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Responsible For Experimental Job Program, 8/18/1976

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 760818rep.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Says Democrat Economy Propped Up By War, 8/18/1976

- Subject: ECIB - PDF available: 760818say.pdf
- Folder 108: Briefings Begin Monday For VP Candidate Dole, 8/23/1976

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 760823bri.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Will Begin Western Tour, 8/23/1976

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 760823wil.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Calls On Carter To Apologize To FBI Director Clarence Kelley, 9/8/1976

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 760908cal.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Applauds Efforts To Curb Medicaid Abuse, 9/10/1976

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 760910app.pdf
- Folder 112: Dole Protests Prune And Walnut Curbs, 9/10/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760910pro.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Proposes Second Grain Inspection Compromise, 9/18/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 760918pro.pdf
- Folder 114: Report On Guidelines Suggested By Dole Shows $143.6 Million Saved, 11/22/1976

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 761122rep.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Announces Air Force Contracts Totaling Over $5 Million, 11/30/1976

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 761130ann.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole Calls For Tax Cut And Federal Employment Incentives, 12/1/1976

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 761201calp.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole To Propose Presidential Task Force On MIAs, 12/2/1976

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 761202topp.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Calls For Expanded Export Markets For Farm Commodities, 12/7/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 761207calp.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Schedules Meeting To Discuss Problems In Implementing New Grain Inspection Act, 12/29/1976

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 761229sch.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Urges Ford To Reject Pay Raises For Members Of Congress, Judiciary, And Executive Appointees, 12/29/1976

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 761229urg.pdf
- Box 20

- Folder 21

- Item 17: Dole To Be Lead Witness In Support Of Direct Popular Election, 1/26/1976

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_017.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 3: "Senator Bob Dole today called attention to progress being made toward eliminating barriers to the physically handicapped in a statement released in observance of National Awareness Week, 7/3/1976

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_003.pdf
- Item 26: Statement on the Nomination of Richard D. Rogers to be U.S. Federal Judge for the Federal District Court of Kansas, 7/24/1976

- PDF available: s-press_020_006_026.pdf
- Series 17: 1977

- Box 20

- Folder 21

- Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Committee On Rules And Administration, 1/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Criticizes Choice of Sorensen To Head C.I.A. -- Suggests He Withdraw, 1/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Announces Support For Medicare-Medicaid Abuse Legislation, 1/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Introduces Bill To Save Disabled Retirees Millions In Tax Dollars, 1/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Proposes Presidential MIA Task Force, 1/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Urges Bergland To Expand Agriculture Exports, 1/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Named To Commission On Helsinki Agreement, 1/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Requests Hearings To Review Implementation Of New Grain Inspection Law, 1/12/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_008.pdf
- Item 9: Remarks By Senator Dole - National Council of Farmer Cooperatives, 1/12/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Again Urges Withdrawal of Sorensen Nomination, 1/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_010.pdf
- Item 11: Gerald Ford -- A Great President, A Good Man, 1/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urges Liberalized Loan Programs For On-The-Farm Grain Storage, 1/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_012.pdf
- Item 13: Blanket Pardon Disappoints Dole, 1/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_013.pdf
- Item 14: Bell Nomination To Be Attorney General Could Be In Trouble, Dole Says, 1/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Predicts Active First 60 Days For Carter, 1/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_015.pdf
- Item 16: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nomination of Griffin Bell To Be Attorney General, 1/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_016.pdf
- Item 18: Direct Election of The President - Senator Bob Dole, 1/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Introduces Federal Crop Insurance Expansion Act of 1977, 1/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Asks Hearings on Unification Church, 1/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_020.pdf
- Item 21: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole At the Kansas Day Banquet, 1/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_021_021.pdf
- Folder 22

- Item 3: Dole Tax Credit Proposal Part of Republican Economic Stimulus Package, 2/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Bill Would Save Farmers $5.3 Million, Eliminate Unnecessary Record Keeping, 2/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_004.pdf
- Item 5: Farm Hearing In Goodland And Working Luncheon In Liberal Scheduled For February 12, 2/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_005.pdf
- Item 6: Additional Agriculture Committee Field Hearings Scheduled, 2/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_006.pdf
- Item 7: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Lincoln Day, 2/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Discusses Government Reorganization and Pay Raise, 2/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_008.pdf
- Item 9: Ohio Grain, Feed and Fertilizer Conference, 2/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Before the House Ways And Means Committee, 2/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Stresses GOP Lincoln Roots, 2/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Raps Draft Evador Pardon, 2/12/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Hits Carter Defense Plans, 2/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For New Jobs, Tax Cuts, 2/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_014.pdf
- Item 15: Why Doesn't President Act, Dole Asks, 2/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_015.pdf
- Item 16: Excerpts from Speech by Senator Bob Dole before the Mid-Winter Convention and Trade Show of the Oklahoma Press Association, 2/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_016.pdf
- Item 17: Senate Approves Dole M.I.A. Resolution, 2/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_017.pdf
- Item 18: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Requests Status Report on Grove Reservoir, 2/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole, Talmadge Request Additional $3.3 Million Funding for FGIS Supervisory Duties, 2/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_020.pdf
- Item 21: Statement by Senator Bob Dole at Senate Agriculture Committee Hearings on Farm Bill, 2/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Repeats Request for Additional Judge in Kansas, 2/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_022.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Hails Minnesota Victory, 2/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_025.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Asks Disaster Survey, 2/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_023.pdf
- Item 24: GOP Can Attract Minority Group Voters, Dole Says, 2/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_024.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Amendment Would Make New Target Prices, Loan Levels, Effective in 1977, 2/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Criticizes Carter Budget, 2/26/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_027.pdf
- Item 1: Washington Economic Report - The Economic Recovery To Date, 1977-02

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_001.pdf
- Item 2: Findings from four field hearings in Kansas on pending farm legislation, 1977-02

- PDF available: s-press_020_022_002.pdf
- Folder 23

- Item 3: Turn PR Creativity to Problem-Solving, Dole Suggests, 3/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_003.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Asks Review of USDA Advisory Committee, 3/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_001.pdf
- Item 6: Dole, McGovern Sponsor Food Stamp Reform Bill, 3/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_006.pdf
- Item 5: Kansans Protest Pardon of Draft Dodgers, 3/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_005.pdf
- Item 7: Agriculture Committee Reports Two Bills; Agrees to Act on Grain Inspection Next Week, 3/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Grain Inspection Proposal Approved by Senate Committee, 3/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Proposes Line Item Veto Power, 3/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_009.pdf
- Item 10: Prepared Text of Speech by Senator Bob Dole to Wheat Seminar, 3/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls U.S. - Canadian Wheat Proposal "Another Form of Export Control", 3/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_011.pdf
- Item 12: Kuropas Joins Doles Staff, 3/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Hits Family Reunification Record of Warsaw Pace [sic] Nations, 3/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls for Tougher Anti-Terrorist Laws, 3/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_014.pdf
- Item 15: Doles "Sick Pay Exclusion" Proposal Adopted Unanimously by Finance Committee, 3/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senate Approves "Graze-Out" Bill, 3/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Asks for Grove Reservoir Information, 3/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Offers Coal Gasification amendment in Finance Committee, 3/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_018.pdf
- Item 19: GOP Reflects Attitudes of Young Voters, Dole Says, 3/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Talks of New Freedom Issues, 3/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Marks Agriculture Day, 3/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Talks of New Freedom Issues, 3/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_022.pdf
- Item 23: Urges Administration to Act Quickly on Governors Request for Disaster Aid, 3/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_023.pdf
- Item 24: Statement by Senator Bob Dole on Secretary Bergland's Farm Bill Testimony, 3/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Disappointed with Progress on MIA Accounting, 3/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_025.pdf
- Item 26: No Consistent Carter Policy, Dole Says, 3/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Bill Would Ban Pretrial Release of Terrorists, 3/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_027.pdf
- Item 28: Hurry with Sick Pay Tax Action, Dole Asks, 3/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_028.pdf
- Item 29: Senate Approves Grain Inspection Proposal, 3/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Meets Natalia Sharansky: Expands Helsinki Commission Activities, 3/31/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_030.pdf
- Item 2: Report to Senior Citizens, 1977-03

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_002.pdf
- Item 4: Washington Newsletter - 95th Congress Begins Work, 1977-03

- PDF available: s-press_020_023_004.pdf
- Folder 24

- Item 2: Dole Renews Call For Change In Terrorist Bail Law, 4/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Raps Carters "Electoral Reforms", 4/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_003.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Raps Carter "Electoral Reforms", Failure of Open Diplomacy With Soviets, 4/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_005.pdf
- Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Secretary Bergland's Food Stamp Testimony before the House Agriculture Committee, 4/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_004.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Questions Soybean Announcement Lag, 4/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement by Senator Dole - income of farmers and possible profit off of uncertainty about export sales, 4/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole, Daniel Ask Carter To Sign Sick Pay Bill Quickly, 4/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_008.pdf
- Item 9: Stop Preaching, Start Doing, Dole Advises Carter, 4/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Daniel Ask Presidents Help On Sick Pay Tax Measure, 4/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Comes Out For $3 A Bushel Target Prices For 77 Wheat, 4/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_011.pdf
- Item 12: Withdraw Rebate Proposal, Dole Asks, 4/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_012.pdf
- Item 13: Reconsider Rebate, Dole Suggests To Carter, 4/12/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Comment On Carter Tax Policy Change, 4/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Would Mandate Immediate Sale Reports, 4/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Says Administration Short Sighted On Water: Asks Further Hearings On Grove, Hillsdale, 4/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Calls New Target Price Proposals A "Step In The Right Direction", 4/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_017.pdf
- Item 18: Koch And Dole Press For A "Telephone For The Deaf" (TTY) On Capitol Hill, 4/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_018.pdf
- Item 19: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole To The Agricultural Editors Association, 4/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_019.pdf
- Item 20: Statement of Sen. Bob Dole On Energy, 4/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_020.pdf
- Item 21: Senate Agriculture Committee Accepts Dole Proposal On Wheat Target Prices, Loan Levels, 4/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_021.pdf
- Item 22: Agriculture Committee To Again Debate Wheat Target Prices, Loan Rates, 4/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_022.pdf
- Item 23: Lenora Moragne Joins Dole Staff, 4/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Praises Fords "First 100 Days As Private Citizen", 4/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Incentive To Hire The Disabled Adopted, 4/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Rejects "Concessions" To Cuba, Other Communist Regimes, 4/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_026.pdf
- Item 1: 95th Congress - Washington Newsletter, 1977-04

- PDF available: s-press_020_024_001.pdf
- Box 21

- Folder 1

- Item 1: The Doles -- Commissioner Vs. Senator -- Debate Regulatory Power, 5/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_001.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Stresses Organization Good Candidates, As Antidote To Watergate, 5/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Proposal To Allow Congressional Veto Of Export Controls Adopted By Senate, 5/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole To Be In Three Kansas Communities May 8, 5/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Prepared Text of Remarks of Senator Bob Dole (R-Kan) - American Cotton Shippers Association, 5/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Armory Dedicated To Wint Smith, 5/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Higher Education Threatened By Federal Government, Dole Says, 5/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Assessment of Carters First 100 Days Is "Style Over Substance", 5/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Calls Hospital Cost Containment Program "Short-Sighted", 5/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges Presidential Attention To Northwest Kansas, 5/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Opposes General Revenue Funding of Social Security Trust Fund, 5/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Request Early Action On CCC Credits For China Wheat Sales, 5/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For Strong American Stand At Belgrade, 5/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Extension Of Commodity Credits To China and Other Non-Market Countries, 5/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Will Oppose Consumer Advocacy Agency In This Congress, 5/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Pledges Continued Support To Kanombe, 5/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Says Soviet Unions Human Rights Record Not Improving, 5/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Republican Heritage Groups Council, 5/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Carter, Leading Democrats, Deserting Wheat Farmer: Dole Charges, 5/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Amendment Provides Greater Assistance For Strip Mine Reclamation, 5/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Amendment On Grain Inspection Adopted, 5/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Text Of Opening Statement By Sen. Bob Dole On Senate Consideration Of The Farm Bill, 5/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: 17 Senators Urge Defeat Of Muskie Amendment, 5/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole joins two Missouri Senators in a request for Presidential review of the Pentagons decision to transfer the Air Force Communications Service from Richards-Gebaur to Scott Air Force Base, 5/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - White House Conference On Handicapped Individuals, 5/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: Singlaub Dismissal Signifies Carters "Thin-Skinned Over Reaction To Criticism," Dole Says, 5/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: Senate Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Military Concern Discloses Weakness of Administrations Korean Policy, 5/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_028.pdf
- Item 29: Senate To Debate Junk Foods, Vending Machines In Schools, 5/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_029.pdf
- Item 30: Senate Farm Bill Could Mean Almost $100 Million More For Kansas Wheat Farmers, Dole Says, 5/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_030.pdf
- Item 31: Carter Remarks Encourage More Cuban Intervention In Africa, Dole Says, 5/31/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_031.pdf
- Item 2: Energy Policy -- What Makes Sense For America - Washington Newsletter, 1977-05

- PDF available: s-press_021_001_002.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole lauds vets benefit bill, 6/1/1977

- Also covers Pentagon review, same benefit standards
PDF available: s-press_021_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole will offer resolution opposing Cuba ties, 6/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole pleased by release of US prisoners in Cuba: Says other obstacles remain, 6/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole accuses Vietnam of playing "body blackmail": calls for halt in Paris talks, 6/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_004.pdf
- Item 7: Prepared text of address by Senator Bob Dole, 6/4/1977

- Brandon Community hospital Dedication, Brandon, Fla., speech
PDF available: s-press_021_002_007.pdf
- Item 5: Dole initiates effort to delay federal dredging and filling rules, 6/5/1977

- text of letter
PDF available: s-press_021_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Federal controls wont solve health-care cost problems alone: Senator Dole, 6/5/1977

- Also discusses privately-owned hospital
PDF available: s-press_021_002_006.pdf
- Item 8: Measure food policies first by their impact on nutrition, Dole urges, 6/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole resolution would establish conditions for restoring relations with Cuba, 6/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Rolla Clymer (statement by Dole in the Senate), 6/6/1977

- Press release on the death of Rolla Clymer
PDF available: s-press_021_002_010.pdf
- Item 13: Dole resolution would establish conditions for restoring relations with Cuba, 6/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_013.pdf
- Item 11: Dole amendment would exempt country elevators from costly EPA regulations, 6/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Opening statement of Senator Bob Dole, Finance Subcommittee Hearings, 6/7/1977

- On Medicare and Medicaid Administrative and Reimbursement Reform Act
PDF available: s-press_021_002_012.pdf
- Item 14: Dole calls for partnership of government and health-care system to solve cost problem, 6/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Slight and Berry join Dole staff, 6/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole supports call for special prosecutor in Korean probe, 6/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Senate accepts Dole amendment which will save $9 to $18 million in lost grain prices, 6/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_017.pdf
- Item 19: Cuban relations offer little benefit for United States says Dole, 6/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_019.pdf
- Item 18: Dole says Carter energy plan "out of gas", 6/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_018.pdf
- Item 20: Dole proposal would discourage aid by international institutions to Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, 6/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole amendment would discourage aid by international institutions to Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia, 6/14/1977

- longer version
PDF available: s-press_021_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole opposes consumer protection agency, 6/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, American Advertising Federation, 6/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_023.pdf
- Item 24: The Agency For Consumer Protection: A Federal Trade Commissioners View - Federal Trade Commission, 6/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Hits Carters Human Rights "Inconsistency", 6/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Resolution On Cuba Introduced As An Amendment, 6/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Introduces Resolution Regarding Arrest of L.A. Times Reporter, 6/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Resolution On Cuba To Be Considered Today As Amendment, 6/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_028.pdf
- Item 29: This Weeks Senate Activities A "Victory For Freedom": Dole Says, 6/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Carter Should Veto Sugar Program, 6/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Condemns Soviet Incorporation of Baltic States, 6/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_031.pdf
- Item 32: Senate Accepts Dole Amendment To Preserve The Six-Day Mail Delivery Week, 6/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Comments On Vice-President Mondale's June 17 Speech On Mideast, 6/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Amendment Would Prevent Reduction In Medicaid Matching Payments Introductory Statement, 6/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Amendment Would Save 20 States $142 Million Loss In Medicaid Payments, 6/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_035.pdf
- Item 36: Opening Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Select Committee On Nutrition And Human Needs, 6/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_036.pdf
- Item 37: Two Introductory Statements by Senator Dole "No Commitments To Aid Vietnam" & "Insist On Full Payment By Cuba For American Losses", 6/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_037.pdf
- Item 38: Senate Considers Dole Measure Restricting Benefits For Upgraded Discharges, 6/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_038.pdf
- Item 39: Insist on Full Payment By Cuba For American Loses, 6/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_039.pdf
- Item 40: Administration Hospital Cost Plan Would Penalize Past Efficiency, Dole Contends, 6/26/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Requests GAO Evaluation Of National Cancer Institute, 6/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_041.pdf
- Item 42: Explanation Of Dole Sugar Amendment, 6/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_042.pdf
- Item 43: Major Farm Bill Statement By Senator Bob Dole, 6/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_043.pdf
- Item 44: Excerpts From The Statement of Senator Bob Dole - National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act of 1966 -- 1977 Amendments, 6/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_044.pdf
- Item 45: Dole Says Carter B-1 Jeopardizes U.S. Security And Salt Position, 6/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_045.pdf
- Item 46: Dole Amendment Requiring Consultation Prior To OSHA Penalties, Passes Senate, 6/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_046.pdf
- Item 47: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - In Support Of Funding For Hillsdale Reservoir, 6/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_047.pdf
- Item 48: Statement By Senator Bob Dole - In Support Of Funding For Grove Reservoir, 6/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_002_048.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole to Leave for Belgrade Conference, Vienna and Israel, 7/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Prepared Text of Speech Presented by Senator Bob Dole before the 80th Convention of the Zionist Organization of America, 7/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: News Conference, 7/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Says Chances Better for Administration Approval of $2.90 Wheat Target Price, 7/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole -- Finance Subcommittee on Internatnioal Trade - International Agricultural Trade and Increasing U.S. Exports, 7/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Meets Mlynar in Vienna, 7/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole to the Society for Nutrition Education, 7/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - CCC Credits for Farm Products to Certain Non-Market Economy Countries, 7/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The Farm Crisis is Deepening, 7/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Carter Foreign Policy a "Pattern of Inconsistencies," Dole Asserts, 7/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges Conferees to Retain OSHA Amendment to Labor-Hew Appropriations Bill, 7/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Resolution Would Cancel Sugar Program, 7/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Urges Recognition of Captive Nations at Belgrade, and by President Carter, 7/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Introduces, Withdraws, Legislation to Prevent Unionization of the Military, 7/20/1977

- Press Release (2 copies - damaged original and copy with attachment)
PDF available: s-press_021_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before the Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments of the Senate Judiciary Committee on Direct Election of the President and Vice President, 7/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Praises Wheat Victory in House, 7/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Requests GAO Investigation of Government Grant Awards Formula and Rejection of Hillsboro E.D.A. Application, 7/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Cites Issuance of Captive Nations Proclamation, 7/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Senate Statement by Senator Bob Dole - Vietnam in the United Nations, 7/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Supports House Sugar Amendment, 7/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Addresses Truckers Convention, 7/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Public Financing a Rip-Off, Says Dole, 7/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole to Conduct Nutrition Committee Hearing in Colby, 7/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Korean Policy: "Joint Consultation"?, 7/26/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Prepared Text of Speech by Sen. Bob Dole - Conference of "Nutrition and the American Food System: A New Focus", 7/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Amendment Assures Separate Funding for Foster Care, Child Welfare, 7/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Korean Influence-Peddling Impugns the Integrity of the Food-for-Peace Program, 7/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Requests FPC Explanation of Production Figures, 7/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Sees Good Prospects for Farm Bill Agreement, 7/31/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_003_029.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Requests Carter Clarification Of Social Security Position, 8/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Bill Would Allow Cost-Of-Living Adjustments For I.R.A. Account Deductions, 8/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Finance Committee Statement For Senator Dole, 8/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Disclosure of "German Plan" Brings Leadership Into Question, 8/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Following Completion Of House-Senate Conference On Food And Agriculture Act Of 1977, 8/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Resolution Reaffirms U.S. Commitment To Germany, 8/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Doll Calls Rhetoric Commendable, But Questions Reality Of Congressional Action, 8/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Urges Re-Opening Congressional Investigation Of Lances Finances, 8/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Opening Statement By Senator Bob Dole For Hearing On Federally Supported Food Programs Horton, Kansas, Monday, August 8, 1977, 8/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Opening Statement By Sen. Bob Dole -- Hearings On Federally Supported Food Programs Wichita, Kansas, Tuesday, August 9, 1977, 8/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges Bergland To Declare Disaster Emergency In 25 Kansas Counties, 8/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Urges Bergland To Announce Intention On Wheat Set-Aside, 8/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole To The Council For Agricultural Science And Technology, Inc., 8/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Says Reclassification Of MIAs "Takes The Pressure Off", 8/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Calls For 1978 G.O.P. Mini-Convention In Kansas City, 8/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole: Report Raises New Questions, Answers None, 8/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Calls For Select Committee To Investigate Lance, 8/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Requests Panama Canal Information, 8/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Meets With Andrew Fedynsky, 8/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Urges Decision On Wheat Set-Asides, 8/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Protests Soviet Arrests Of Dissidents, 8/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Requests Administration Action To Bolster Farm Exports, 8/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_022.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Requests Administration Action To Bolster Farm Exports, 8/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_026.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Urges Carter To Announce Set Asides, 8/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Calls Presidential Signature On Farm Bill Assured, 8/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Questions FmHA Farm Loan Policy And Qualifications For State Directors, 8/31/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_004_025.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 2: Dole Assails Opening Of Cuban Mission In Washington, 9/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Continues Work On Farm Bill, 9/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole On Baltic Friendship Day In Prairie View, Illinois, 9/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_004.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Again Urges Bergland To Declare Disaster Emergency In 25 Kansas Counties, 9/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_006.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Praises Senate Passage Of Bill Preventing Automatic Eligibility For Veterans, 9/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_005.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Asks Transfer Of Funds To FmHA Farm Ownership Loan Program And $12 Million To Kansas, 9/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Resolution Honors Governor Landon, 9/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole. Illinois Federation Of Young Republicans Convention. Springfield, Illinois., 9/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senator Dole Joins Congressional Hispanic Caucus, 9/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls On Carter To "Rebuke" Powell, 9/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: USDA To Announce Disaster Assistance For 25 Kansas Counties, 9/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Reacts To Administrations Latest Sugar scheme, 9/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole, Mc Govern Request Hearings On Beef Research, 9/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Recommends FGIS Headquarters Locate In Kansas City, Kansas, 9/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_015.pdf
- Item 17: Finance Committee Accepts Dole Proposals To Reject Gas-Guzzler Tax, Adopt Gasohol Exemption, 9/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_017.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Statement On Lance Resignation, 9/21/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_016.pdf
- Item 19: RNC Launches Fund For Kansas City Flood Relief - Republican National Committee Press Release, 9/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_019.pdf
- Item 18: Economic Indicators Point To Crisis In Carter Economic Policies And Economic Team, 9/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_018.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Opposes Panama Canal Treaties In Present Form: Will Introduce Amendments Reservations, 9/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Baltic Human Rights Rally, 9/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Blasts Torrijos Remarks On Panama Canal Treaties, 9/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_022.pdf
- Item 23: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Press Conference And Rally - Commission On Domestic And International Hunger And Malnutrition, 9/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Urges Agreement On New Contract For Longshoremen's Union, 9/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Again Urges Transfer Of FmHA Funds To Farm Ownership Loan Program, 9/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Statement Follows Farm Bill Signing, 9/29/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_005_026.pdf
- Item 1: Newsletter On Nutrition - Kansas Field Hearings, 1977-09

- first 2 pages are repeated (1 with a "letterhead" that cuts off part of first paragraph and 1 with out to show hidden text)
PDF available: s-press_021_005_001.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 2: Dole assured by ILA leader that dock strike affecting grains would be ended today, 10/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Seven farm bill conferees urge Carter to implement sugar program without delay, 10/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: U.S.-Soviet joint statement on the Mideast, 10/2/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, Testimonial to the Reverend Father Theodore M. Hesburgh, 10/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole proposes Hubert H. Humphrey building, 10/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole: "Confidential" cable proves Panama Canal Treaty flawed, 10/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senator Dole responds to State Department charges, 10/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole comments on joint US-Soviet statement on Mideast, 10/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Administration economic policies on oil, sugar not consistent, says Dole, 10/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_010.pdf
- Item 12: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole before the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, 10/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement By Senator Bob Dole Before The Senate Foreign Relations Committee, October 5, 1977, 10/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The Panama Canal Treaty Cable, 10/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Says HUD Reorganization To Cost Kansas 200 Federal Jobs, 10/6/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Ninety-Eight Cosponsors Join Dole To Honor Hubert Humphrey, 10/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: McGovern-Dole Postpone Beef Industry Oversight Hearings, 10/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Challenge: Accept Amendments Or Withdraw Treaty, 10/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_018.pdf
- Item 26: CIA Translation of Panama Radio Broadcast made on October 8, 1977, 10/8/1977

- Transcript
PDF available: s-press_021_006_026.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Hears Panama Canal Employees Attack Treaty, 10/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_019.pdf
- Item 11: Senator Dole urges passage of Dole/Bellmon Farm Credit Bill, 10/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_011.pdf
- Item 20: Senator Dole Urges Passage Of Dole/Bellmon Farm Credit Bill, 10/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Amendment Would Require Independent GAO Study On Airbag Effectiveness, 10/12/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senate To Consider Dole Bill To Name H.E.W. Building For Humphrey, 10/12/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Urges Drug Enforcement Administration Information On Torrijos Be Turned Over To Senate, 10/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Calls On Carter To "Recall, Re-Think, Re-Write" Energy Proposal, 10/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Transcript from Panama City radio broadcast 1977-10-08, 10/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_025.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Rejects Any Carter-Torrijos "Clarification" Of Treaty Terms, 10/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Would Amend Canal Treaty With Carter Language, 10/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_028.pdf
- Item 29: 16 AG Committee Members Urge Carter To "Keep U.S. Farm Exports Moving", 10/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_029.pdf
- Item 30: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Cuban-Americans Express Concern About Administrations Cuban Policy, 10/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_030.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Introduces Carter-Torrijos Language As Canal Amendments, 10/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Salutes Senator Pearson, 10/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_033.pdf
- Item 34: Sen. Bob Dole Announces Kansas Allocated $5.921 Million For 1978 Agricultural Conservation Program, 10/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Accepts Petition Protesting Normalizing Of Diplomatic Relations With Cuba, 10/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_035.pdf
- Item 36: Senator Dole Announces Kansas Allocated $15.25 Million For Federal Rural Community Loan And Grant Programs Fiscal Year 1978, 10/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_036.pdf
- Item 37: "Absolutely Essential" That Treaty Be Clarified By Amendment Says Dole, 10/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Scores Administration Failure To Submit Food Assistance Report And P.L. 480 Plans, 10/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_038.pdf
- Item 39: Statement By Senator Bob Dole - Estimate Tax Relief For Small Businessmen And Farmers, 10/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_039.pdf
- Item 40: Sugar Price Support Program To Be Implemented In Response To Dole Announcement, 10/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_040.pdf
- Item 41: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Georgia Jaycee Mock Legislature, 10/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_041.pdf
- Item 42: Dole Says Administration Actions Cause Veterans Morale To Hit 45-Year Low, 10/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole: Panamanian Plebiscite Wont Affect Senate Action, 10/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_043.pdf
- Item 44: Dole Resolution Calls For Commitment By U.N. Members To Deny Sanctuary To Hijackers, 10/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_044.pdf
- Item 45: Dole Resolution Urges U.S. Withdrawal From International Labor Organization, 10/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_045.pdf
- Item 46: AG Committee Members Urge Carter To Double Funding Levels For CCC Credits, 10/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_046.pdf
- Item 47: Senate Votes To Exempt 1977 Disaster Payments From Payment Limitation, 10/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_047.pdf
- Item 1: Report on Agriculture press release, 1977-10

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_001.pdf
- Item 31: Dole To Meet With Cuban-American Representatives: Receive Petition, 1977-10

- PDF available: s-press_021_006_031.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 20: Dole Informed That Panama Drug File Delivery Is Postponed; Will Appeal To Attorney General, 10/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_020.pdf
- Item 1: De Graw Named To F.G.I.S. Advisory Committee, 11/3/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Joins Governor Bennett In Requesting The SBA Declare Kansas Eligible For Farm Disaster Loan, 11/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole H.E.W. -- Humphrey Enobles Washington, 11/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Resolution Would Denounce Democratic Kampuchea Of Cambodia: Urge Carter To Protest Human Rights Violations, 11/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Calls For Hearings Into U.S.D.A. Forecasting Which Costs Farmers Millions, 11/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Urges Increased Limit For Wheat And Feed Grains Purchases By Russia, 11/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: G.A.O. Study On Dialysis Released, 11/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On President Carter's Energy Speech, 11/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Senator Dole Announces Kansas Allocated $15.03 Million For Business And Industrial Loans In Fiscal 1978, 11/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Salutes Goldberg For Stand In Belgrade, 11/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Food And Agriculture Policy Remarks By Senator Bob Dole Before The National Association Of Farm Broadcasters, 11/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Doll Calls For Reappointment Of Arthur Burns, 11/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Meets With Dr. Mikhail Shtern, 11/11/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Proposal To Reinstate Tax Exemption For Health Scholarships Signed Into Law, 11/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Resolution Would Restrict Assistance To Uganda, 11/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - United Synagogue Biennial Convention, 11/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Lauds Sadat, Begin: Warns Against U.S. Ambition To Be Known As Peacemaker, 11/16/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Cables Begin, Sadat, 11/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Alan King, Helen Reddy, Lorne Green Headline Entertainment For Dec. 2 Humphrey Dinner/Fund Raiser - Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs Press Release, 11/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_019.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Cables Begin, Sadat, 11/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senator Bob Dole requested Agriculture Committee hearings to "explore with the Administration ways to expedite the programming of P.L. 480 commodities., 11/17/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole To Leave For Rome, Belgrade On Saturday, 11/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Leads In CCC Export Credits, 11/18/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_024.pdf
- Item 25: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Southern Republican Conference, 11/19/1977

- Press Release. 2 copies of scanned 1st copy and only 1st page of second copy with letterhead
PDF available: s-press_021_007_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole To Speak Before Plenary Session In Belgrade, 11/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Stresses Human Rights, Understanding And Cooperation, 11/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_027.pdf
- Item 28: Transcript of a statement Senator Bob Dole will make in the Senate on death of Senator John McClellan, 11/26/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_028.pdf
- Item 29: Japanese Team To Study Benefits Of Buying, Storing Grain In U.S., 11/30/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_007_029.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 2: Dole Calls On Carter To Discontinue Funding Of Palm Oil Projects In Competition With US, 12/1/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Nominates Sadat, Begin For Nobel Peace Prize, 12/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole, Hanukkah Banquet Of The Jewish National Fund, 12/4/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Offers Assistance To Farmers In Obtaining 1977 Wheat Deficiency Payments, 12/5/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_005.pdf
- Item 10: Remarks By Senator Bob Dole - Zionist Organization Of America, 12/7/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_010.pdf
- Item 6: Food And Agriculture Policy - Remarks By Senator Bob Dole, 12/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Notice--Press Conference--Energy, 12/8/1977

- no letterhead
PDF available: s-press_021_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Press Conference On Industrial Users Tax, 12/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Senator Dole Announces Meeting With American Agriculture Farmers, 12/8/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_009.pdf
- Item 11: Dole To Meet With Farmers In Kansas, Washington, 12/9/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Meets With Representatives Of American Agriculture Movement, 12/10/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senator Dole Asks Small Business Administration For Decision On Disaster Loans For Farmers, 12/13/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole statement on farm strike, 12/14/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole: Administration "Stone-Walling" On Panamanian Drug Files, 12/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Protests Monitoring Of American Agriculture Movement By ASCS -- Asks Secretary Bergland To Clarify And Stop Monitoring, 12/15/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Reaffirms Support For NEDA, 12/19/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_017.pdf
- Item 18: Senators Dole and Laxalt to go to Panama, 12/20/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_018.pdf
- Item 19: Senator Dole Anticipates New Cover Crop Regulations for Set-Aside Acres, 12/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_019.pdf
- Item 20: Carter Sugar Program Priorities Mixed Up - Wasting $111 Million, 12/22/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Statement on President Carters Fiscal 1979 Defense Budget, 12/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Asks Federal Court to Prevent Return of Crown of St. Stephan to Hungary, 12/23/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_022.pdf
- Item 23: Senator Bob Dole Urges President Carter to Meet with Farmers, 12/24/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senator Bob Dole Sends Christmas Message to Kansans, 12/25/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Asks for Investigation of Action Grants, 12/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_025.pdf
- Item 26: Open Letter to President Carter, 12/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_026.pdf
- Item 27: Senator Bob Dole Shocked by Attempts to Split Up Department of Agriculture, 12/27/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Lawsuit Hearing Set for December 29, Ruling on December 30., 12/28/1977

- PDF available: s-press_021_008_028.pdf
- Item 1: A Look At The First Session, 95th Congress, 1977-12

- Across the top
PDF available: s-press_021_008_001.pdf
- Series 18: 1978

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Year End Wrap-Up; Dole Says Us Foreign Policy In Disarray, 1/1/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780101yea.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Talks With Panamanian Leader About Treaties, Drugs, And Cuba, 1/5/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780105tal.pdf
- Folder 3: Senator Dole Announces Agriculture Committee Field Hearing, 1/6/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780106sen.pdf
- Folder 4: Ford - Dole Campaign Marker Dedicated, 1/7/1978

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 780107cam.pdf
- Folder 5: Food And Agriculture Policy Remarks Before Agribusiness Trade Show And Information Conference, 1/7/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780107foo.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole To Insist On Many Amendments To Panama Canal Treaties, 1/7/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780107toi.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Tells Carter, Torrijos Flexible, 1/10/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780110tel.pdf
- Folder 8: Senator Dole Seeks Changes In IRS Treatment Of Wheat Deficiency Payments, 1/11/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780111sen.pdf
- Folder 9: Senator Dole Calls On Administration To Improve Farm Income (Agriculture), 1/12/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780112cal.pdf
- Folder 10: Letter From Senator Dole To Hon. Patricia Roberts Harris On Hud, 1/12/1978

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 780112let.pdf
- Folder 11: NAACP Shows Courage And Concern On Energy Plan Says Dole, 1/12/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780112naa.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole To Propose New Amendments To Canal Treaties, 1/13/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780113pro.pdf
- Folder 13: Issues Affecting Cattle Feeders (Agriculture), 1/14/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780114iss.pdf
- Folder 14: Statement Before Ag Committee On Agriculture Condition Field Hearing, 1/16/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780116sta.pdf
- Folder 15: Food And Agriculture Policies And Programs Comments Before The Annual Convention Of The Association Of Wheat Growers, 1/17/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780117foo.pdf
- Folder 16: Some Issues Affecting Milk-Producers Before The Kansas Division Of The Association Of Milk Producers, 1/17/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780117som.pdf
- Folder 17: Agriculture And Agribusiness -- The Challenge Ahead Remarks Before The Wisconsin Fertilizer And Chemical Association, 1/18/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780118agr.pdf
- Folder 18: Carter Fires First Shot Of 78 Campaign, 1/19/1978

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 780119fir.pdf
- Folder 19: Carter Now Isolated On Panama Canal Treaties, 1/19/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780119iso.pdf
- Folder 20: Remarks Before National Association Of State University And Loan Grant College (Education), 1/19/1978

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 780119rem.pdf
- Folder 21: The Vice Presidential Selection Process Remarks Before The RNC Rules Review Committee, 1/19/1978

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 780119the.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole To Meet With Farmers: Says State Of The Union May Be A Signal For New Farm Legislation, 1/20/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780120tom.pdf
- Folder 23: Remarks Testimonial Dinner For Senator David Doctorian, 1/21/1978

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 780121rem.pdf
- Folder 24: Remarks Before Ukrainian Congress Committee Man-Of-The Year Award (Awards), 1/22/1978

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 780122awa.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Says Export Import Bank Policy Discriminates Ag Farm Exports, 1/23/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780123ame.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Urges Committee To Adopt His Amendments To Panama Canal Treaties, 1/23/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780123say.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Amendment To Increase Punishment For Repeat Offenders Adopted, 1/23/1978

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 780123urg.pdf
- Folder 28: Statement Before The Agriculture Committee (Agriculture), 1/24/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780124agr.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Amendment To Expand Types Of Offenses Justifying Denial Of Pretrial, 1/25/1978

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 780125ame.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Amendment To Clarify Obscenity Rule, 1/25/1978

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 780125cla.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Meets With Over 1600 Farmers From Across The Nation, 1/25/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780125mee.pdf
- Folder 32: Two Dole Amendments To Criminal Code Reform Pass Senate, 1/25/1978

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 780125two.pdf
- Folder 33: Last Flight To Panama, 1/26/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780126las.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Predicts Panama Canal Treaty Changes Cites Early Initiative, 1/26/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780126pre.pdf
- Folder 35: Remarks Before The Young Republican Leadership Conference (Republican Party), 1/26/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780126rem.pdf
- Folder 36: Senator Dole Says President Carter's Budget Contains No Increase For Loans To Farmers, 1/26/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780126say.pdf
- Folder 37: Senator Dole Urges President Carter To Appoint A Special Agriculture Trade Negotiator, 1/27/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780127sen.pdf
- Folder 38: Further Notification Of Treaties Is Essential, 1/31/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780131fur.pdf
- Folder 39: Initiatives To Help Farmers, 2/1/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780201bil.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Says Crude Oil Equalization Tax Is Dead, 2/1/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780201say.pdf
- Folder 41: Remarks On Panama Drug Traffic Allegations, 2/2/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780202rem.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Receives-Yugoslav Delicacies From Mrs. Ivusic, 2/3/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780203rec.pdf
- Folder 43: Amendment To Meat Import Quota Act Of 1964, 2/6/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780206ame.pdf
- Folder 44: Senator Dole Announces American Agriculture Movement Representative Will Attend International Wheat Agreement Talks In Geneva, 2/9/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780209ann.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Introduces Economic Emergency Loan Legislation, 2/10/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780210eco.pdf
- Folder 46: Introduction Of The Educational Savings Bond Bill, 2/10/1978

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 780210int.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole Comments On The Educational Savings Bond Bill (Page 2), 2/10/1978

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 780210intp2.pdf
- Folder 48: Panama Drug Question Must Be Answered, 2/10/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780210pan.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Introduces Bill Change Name Of The Farmers Home Administration, 2/10/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780210panp2.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Urges Carter Action In Coal Crisis, 2/10/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780210urg.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Receives More DEA Material, 2/16/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780216rec.pdf
- Folder 52: Remarks Before Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/17/1978

- Subject: Carter Administration - PDF available: 780217lin.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole To Question Intelligence Committee During Secret Senate Session, 2/19/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780219toq.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Remains Neutral In Kansas Primary For Senate Seat, 2/20/1978

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 780220rem.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Introduces Tax Indexing Bill, 2/22/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780222int.pdf
- Folder 56: Secret Session Helped Resolve Drug Questions (Foreign Relations), 2/22/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780222sec.pdf
- Folder 57: Farm Bill Hearings, 2/23/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780223far.pdf
- Folder 58: Statement Before The Us Senate On The Continuing Coal Strike (Page 2), 2/23/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780223farp2.pdf
- Folder 59: Remarks At Burlington County Lincoln Day Dinner, 2/24/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780224rem.pdf
- Folder 60: Remarks To New Hampshire State Republican Meeting, 2/25/1978

- Subject: Carter Administration - PDF available: 780225rem.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Forms Political Action Committee Campaign America, 2/26/1978

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 780226for.pdf
- Folder 62: Remarks To 60 Anniversary Of Estonian Independence, 2/26/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780226six.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Cites Carter Concessions In Panama Canal Treaty Negotiations, 3/2/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780302cit.pdf
- Folder 64: Remarks To National Peanut Council Convention, 3/2/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780302nat.pdf
- Folder 65: Remarks At GOP Dinner, 3/3/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780303rem.pdf
- Folder 66: Excerpts On Carter's Visit To Africa And Soviet Challenge In Africa, 3/5/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780305exc.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Introduces Resolution On Rhodesia, 3/7/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780307int.pdf
- Folder 68: Congress Looks At Child Nutrition Programs (Health Care), 3/8/1978

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 780308con.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Joins Senator Talmadge In Introducing Emergency Agricultural Act Of 1978, 3/8/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780308joi.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Urges Undecided Senators To Back Amendment Eliminate Restrictions On New Canal, 3/11/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780311urg.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole To Introduce Second Tax Indexing Bill Relief From Nightmare Of Tax Inflation, 3/13/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780313toi.pdf
- Folder 72: Senate Committee On Agriculture Nutrition And Forestry Reports Flexible Parity Bill, 3/15/1978

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 780315sen.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Finds Uranium Bullet Proposal Shocking, 3/16/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780316fin.pdf
- Folder 74: Remarks For Lincoln Day Dinner In Zanesville, Ohio, 3/17/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780317zan.pdf
- Folder 75: Remarks For Lincoln Day Dinner In Indiana, 3/18/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780318rem.pdf
- Folder 76: Remarks For Lincoln Day Dinner In Kentucky, 3/19/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780319rem.pdf
- Folder 77: Administration To Yield To Farm Pressure, 3/22/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780322adm.pdf
- Folder 78: The Disabled Employee Step II (Gallaudet College), 3/22/1978

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 780322dis.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Bill Would Provide Income Tax Credit For Social Security Contributions, 3/23/1978

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 780323dol.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole Opens Annual Veteran's Opportunity Seminar, 3/24/1978

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 780324ope.pdf
- Folder 81: Us Senate Passes Dole Flexible Parity Farm Bill, 3/27/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780327uss.pdf
- Folder 82: Reports Of Soviet Sub Base Could Affect Treaty Debate---Dole Asks Brown For Report, 3/28/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780328rep.pdf
- Folder 83: Administration Pulls Rug Out From Under Farmers, 3/29/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780329adm.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole Says Administration Attempting To Make The Farmer A Whipping Boy For Inflation, 3/29/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780329whi.pdf
- Folder 85: Dole Says Administration Threw Farmer A Bare Bone, 3/30/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780330say.pdf
- Folder 86: Asks For Investigation Into Activities Of Us Ambassador To Saudi Arabia, 3/31/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780331ask.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole Asks Interstate Commerce Commission To Provide Hopper Cars For Grain Shipment, 3/31/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780331sau.pdf
- Folder 88: Dole Resolution Condemns Crude Oil Import Fee, 4/3/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780403res.pdf
- Folder 89: Flexible Parity Concept Accepted By Senate And House Conferees, 4/4/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780404fle.pdf
- Folder 90: Western Union Document About Grain Prices, 4/6/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780406mic.pdf
- Folder 91: Panamanian Objections Show Treaty Should Be Rejected, 4/7/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780407pan.pdf
- Folder 92: Dole Says Emergency Agriculture Act Is Timely And Necessary, 4/7/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780407sen.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole Gathers Opposition To Imposition Of Import Fee On Crude Oil, 4/9/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780409gat.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Sea Level Canal Amendment To Be Considered, 4/10/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780410sea.pdf
- Folder 95: ICC Will Act To Provide More Boxcars, 4/11/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780411icc.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Reacts Defeat Of Farm Bill Conference Report, 4/12/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780412rea.pdf
- Folder 97: Statement Day Of Decision For The American Farmer, 4/12/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780412sta.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole Introduces New Farm Legislation, 4/13/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780413int.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Says President's Delight Over Farm Bill Is Astounding, 4/13/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780413say.pdf
- Folder 100: Remarks For Campaign Kick Off Dinner For Congressman Matthew Rinaldo, 4/14/1978

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 780414rem.pdf
- Folder 101: American People And Public Opinion Have Lost, 4/18/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780418ame.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Cites Need For International Cooperation On Issues Affecting Handicapped Individuals, 4/18/1978

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 780418cit.pdf
- Folder 103: Committees Complete Work On Dole Target Price Bill Meat Imports Amendments, 4/19/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780419com.pdf
- Folder 104: Energy -- A Year Of Indecision, 4/20/1978

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 780420ene.pdf
- Folder 105: Statement Soviet Actions In Africa Threatens Salt, 4/20/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780420sta.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Asks For Clarification Of Impoundment Act Regarding Neutron Bomb Deferral, 4/24/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780424ask.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole To Request Investigation Into 10-25 Million Peanut Scandal, 4/24/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780424tor.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Says Congress And Administration Seems Ready To Accept Modified Flexible Parity, 4/25/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780425say.pdf
- Folder 109: Middle East Arms Sale Proposal Not Acceptable To Senate As Package, 4/26/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780426mid.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Says Basic Concept Of Flexible Parity Adopted By Senate And House Conference Committee, 4/26/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780426say.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Welcomes Participation Of Black Republicans, 4/26/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780426wel.pdf
- Folder 112: Senate Finance Committee Kills Inflationary Import Fee, 4/27/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780427sen.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Commends Singlaub For Courage, 4/28/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780428com.pdf
- Folder 114: Sugar Beet Producers Forced To Bear Unfair Inflation Burden, 4/29/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780429sug.pdf
- Folder 115: Farmers And Ranchers Singled Out As Losers In Inflation Fight, 4/30/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780430far.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole Farm Credit Legislation Adopted By Us Senate, 5/2/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780502far.pdf
- Folder 117: Carter Approach To Inflation Is Selective Says Dole, 5/4/1978

- Subject: Carter Administration - PDF available: 780504car.pdf
- Folder 118: Time For Progress In Middle East, 5/4/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780504tim.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Charges Doe With Failure To Develop New Energy Sources, 5/6/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780506adm.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Charges Administration With Seeking Wind Fall Profits, 5/6/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780506see.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Hears Rostropovich's Testimony At CSCE Hearing, 5/8/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780508hea.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Urges Rejection Of Arms Sale Package: To Offer Discharge Motion On Committee Action, 5/10/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780510urg.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Says President Carter's Cuts In Shipbuilding Would Weaken Us Defense, 5/13/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780513say.pdf
- Folder 124: Senator Dole Supports Disapproval Of Middle East Arms Sales Package, 5/15/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780515sup.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Says Passage Of New Labor Could Upset Employer Employee Relations, 5/16/1978

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 780516say.pdf
- Folder 126: Dole Says All Livestock Slaughter Should Follow Humane Methods, 5/18/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780518all.pdf
- Folder 127: Wheat Target Price Increase Could Mean Around 120 Million Dollars For Kansas Wheat Growers, 5/18/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780518whe.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Releases Financial Statements For 1978, 5/19/1978

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 780519rel.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Says Carter Went Overboard In Criticism Of Legal Community, 5/21/1978

- Subject: Carter Administration - PDF available: 780521car.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Urges President To Sign SBA Disaster Loans Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 5/22/1978

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 780522urg.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Bill Would Prohibit Public Coursing, 5/24/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780524bil.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Questions Suppression Of SBA Information Of Labor Law Act, 5/25/1978

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 780525sup.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Introduces Legislation To Prohibit Taxation Of Fringe Benefits, 5/27/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780527int.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Urges Americans To Honor Those On Memorial Day, 5/27/1978

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 780527urg.pdf
- Folder 135: Administration's Economic Policies Will Mean Higher Taxes, 5/30/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780530eco.pdf
- Folder 136: Administration Should Match Words With Action, 5/30/1978

- Subject: Carter Administration - PDF available: 780530mat.pdf
- Folder 137: Dole Warns Administration Against Wheat Agreement With Minimum-Maximum Prices, 5/31/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780531war.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Amendment Would Cut Funds To State Department Office In Cuba, 5/31/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780531wou.pdf
- Folder 139: Zero Based Budgeting A Flop Dole Says, 5/31/1978

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 780531zer.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole Calls For Embargo On Commerce Department Funds To Cuba, 6/1/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780601cal.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole Welcomes Shift To New Hard Line Administration Policies, 6/2/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780602wel.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Says Time To Go To Aid Of Rhodesia Is Now, 6/5/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780605say.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Seeks Restrictions On Supreme Court Search Warrant Decision, 6/5/1978

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 780605see.pdf
- Folder 144: Carter Must Prepare For Hard Foreign Policy Decisions Dole Says, 6/7/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780607car.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Issues Proposals Aimed At Easing Tax Inflation Burdens, 6/7/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780607iss.pdf
- Folder 146: Raising Meat Imports Could Raise Meat Prices, 6/8/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780608rai.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole Asks For Us Relief Of Cambodian Refugees, 6/12/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780612ask.pdf
- Folder 148: Senators Participate In Colloquy Over Meat Imports Increase, 6/12/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780612par.pdf
- Folder 149: Meat Imports And The Cattle Industry Statement By Senator Bob Dole, 6/13/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780613mea.pdf
- Folder 150: National Gasohol Commission Statement By Senator Bob Dole, 6/13/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780613nat.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Supports Continued Gasohol Development, 6/13/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780613sup.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Calls On Carter To Lend Support To Tax Payers Revolt -- Proposition 13, 6/14/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780614cal.pdf
- Folder 153: Fighting Raises Questions Of Canal Safety, 6/15/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780615fig.pdf
- Folder 154: Hopper Car Shortage Caused By Peak Demand And Overregulation Of Railroads, 6/16/1978

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 780616hop.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Recalls Eisenhower Years In Speech On Ike's Pennsylvania Gettysburg Farm, 6/17/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780617rec.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Meets With Proposition 13S Howard Jarvis, 6/19/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780619mee.pdf
- Folder 157: First Amendment Freedoms Jeopardized By Decision Dole Testifies, 6/22/1978

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 780622fir.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Statement On Personal Privacy Protection Acts To Constitution Subcommittee Of Committee On The Judiciary, 6/22/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780622onp.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Calls Threat Of Import Fees A Slap In The Face To Consumers, 6/22/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780622thr.pdf
- Folder 160: Diplomatic Relations With Angola Must Await Cuban Withdrawal Dole Says, 6/23/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780623dip.pdf
- Folder 161: Dole Beef Referendum Amendment Gets House And Senate Approval, 6/26/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780626bee.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Amendment Would Prohibit Funding Of Oil Import Fee, 6/27/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780627ame.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Says Senate Stand Is Firm Against Oil Fees, Quotas, 6/28/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780628sen.pdf
- Folder 164: President Crying Wolf On Import Quotas Dole Says, 6/29/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780629cry.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Says Foreign Purchases Of Us Farming A Result Of Poor Us Economic Policies, 6/29/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780629for.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole Supports New York Loan Guarantee Package, 6/29/1978

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 780629sup.pdf
- Folder 167: Senate And House Conferees Reach Agreement On Farm Credit Legislation, 6/30/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780630sen.pdf
- Folder 168: Administration Not Heeding Taxpayers Revolt, Dole Says, 7/1/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780701adm.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Says That President Carter's Support Of Israel Has Eroded, 7/3/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780703say.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Calls For Suspension Of Salt Talks, Helsinki Re-Evaluation, 7/10/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780710cal.pdf
- Folder 171: Naval Reserve, Korea Forces Need Bolstering Dole Says, 7/10/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780710nav.pdf
- Folder 172: Soviet Helsinki Violations Hint At Likely Salt Action Dole Says, 7/11/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780711sov.pdf
- Folder 173: Senators Ask Conferees To Retain Dole Ban On Oil Import Adjustments, 7/12/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780712sen.pdf
- Folder 174: Americans Won't Accept Tax Legislation As A Substitute For Energy Policy, 7/13/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780713ame.pdf
- Folder 175: Sentences Show Soviets Contempt For Decency And Justice, 7/13/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780713sho.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Calls For Less Regulation Lower Spending And Reduced Taxes, 7/14/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780714cal.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Says European Community Is Nervous Over Us Economic Stance, 7/14/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780714say.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole-Sebelius Urge Bergland To Initiate A Program Of Grasshopper Chinchbug Eradication, 7/14/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780714seb.pdf
- Folder 179: Shcharansky Sentence Is A Sorry Reflection On Soviet Society, 7/14/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780714shc.pdf
- Folder 180: Administration Sugar Program Costs American Corn Growers About $160 Million, 7/17/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780717adm.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Asks For Reconvening Of Helsinki Conference, 7/17/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780717ask.pdf
- Folder 182: Cattlemen Are Concerned About Federal Government Interference, 7/17/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780717cat.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Amendment Asks Hud To Justify Reorganization Plans, 7/18/1978

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 780718ame.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole-Curtis Attempt T0 Clear Banned Pesticide For Use Against Grasshoppers, 7/19/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780719cur.pdf
- Folder 185: Hillis-Dole Balanced Federal Budget Amendment Essential Dole Says, 7/20/1978

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 780720hil.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Amendment Mandates Senate Consultation For Changes On Us China Policy, 7/20/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780720man.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Announces New EPA Strategy For Grasshopper Control, 7/21/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780721ann.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Characterizes Administration Foreign Policy As Uncertain, Inconsistent, 7/21/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780721cha.pdf
- Folder 189: Balanced Federal Budget Amendment Essential Dole Says, 7/22/1978

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 780722bal.pdf
- Folder 190: Textile Tariff Reductions Could Spell Disaster For Cotton Farmers, 7/22/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780722tex.pdf
- Folder 191: Dole Calls For American Foreign Policy Leadership, Criticizes Carter Policies, 7/23/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780723cal.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Urges School Food Managers To Support Nutrition Cancer Research, 7/23/1978

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 780723urg.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole To Vote Against Lifting The Turkish Arms Embargo; Will Introduce Amendments, 7/24/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780724tov.pdf
- Folder 194: Senate Votes To Preserve Volunteer Support In Home Delivered Meal Program, 7/25/1978

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 780725vot.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole, Schmitt, 31 Other Senators Ask For Release Of Ukrainian Dissident Lukyanenko, 7/26/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780726sch.pdf
- Folder 196: Congress Should Push Seabrook Construction Dole Says, 7/28/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780728con.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Opposes Us International Monetary Fund Aid To Cambodia And Uganda, 7/28/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780728opp.pdf
- Folder 198: Administration Over-Reacting To Mood Of The Moment In Foreign Affairs Dole Says, 7/29/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780729ove.pdf
- Folder 199: Administration Resisting Efforts To Make Meaningful Tax Reduction Dole Says, 7/29/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780729res.pdf
- Folder 200: Dole Says Carter Energy Program Would Cost Consumers Billions, 7/30/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780730car.pdf
- Folder 201: Senate Opposes International Monetary Fund Aid To Cambodia, Uganda, 7/31/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780731sen.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole Calls Carter Ways And Means Tax Cut Packages Inadequate, 8/2/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780802cal.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Urges President Carter To Extend Vietnam Trade Embargo, 8/2/1978

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 780802urg.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Saddened By Obenshain Death, 8/3/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780803sad.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Says Us Should Allow 15,000 Cambodians To Immigrate, 8/3/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780803say.pdf
- Folder 206: Jump In Unemployment Was Foreseeable Dole Says, 8/4/1978

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 780804jum.pdf
- Folder 207: National Health Insurance Could Bring Health Care Delivery System To Grinding Halt, 8/6/1978

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 780806nat.pdf
- Folder 208: Senate Passes Dole Humane Slaughter Bill, 8/7/1978

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 780807pas.pdf
- Folder 209: Dole Gets Funding For Grasshopper Control, 8/9/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780809get.pdf
- Folder 210: Hew Violating Regulations On Patent Insurance, Dole Charges; Amendment Offered, 8/9/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780809hew.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Says Housing Indexing Measure Does Not Go Far Enough, 8/11/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780811hou.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole Says Indexing Gaining Momentum As Means Of Fighting Inflation, 8/11/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780811ind.pdf
- Folder 213: Recent Unemployment Surge A Result Of Administration's Failure On Dealing With Inflation, 8/11/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780811rec.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Says Government Programs Are Against The Cotton Farmer, 8/12/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780812say.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole Says Unemployment Rise A Result Of Administration's Failure In Dealing With Inflation, 8/12/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780812une.pdf
- Folder 216: Bob Dole Cosponsors Una Human Rights Reception At Capitol October 5 1978, 8/16/1978

- Subject: General - PDF available: 780816cos.pdf
- Folder 217: Dole International Emergency Food Act Of 1978 Passes Senate Agriculture Committee, 8/16/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780816int.pdf
- Folder 218: Dole Says Administration Should Insist Upon Demilitarization Of Cyprus, 8/17/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780817say.pdf
- Folder 219: Cuts In Federal Spending Must Accompany Tax Reduction Dole Says, 8/19/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780819cut.pdf
- Folder 220: Dole Says Yes To The District, 8/19/1978

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 780819say.pdf
- Folder 221: Dole Says National Health Insurance Is Not The Answer To Rising Health Care Costs, 8/20/1978

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 780820nat.pdf
- Folder 222: Republican Tax Efforts Gaining Despite Administration Opposition, Dole Says, 8/21/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780821rep.pdf
- Folder 223: Dole Urges Conferees To Retain Present Apportionment Formula For Essential Gap Areas, 8/22/1978

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 780822urg.pdf
- Folder 224: Americans Want Decision Making Not Image Making, 8/25/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 780825ame.pdf
- Folder 225: Federal, State Spending Restraint Essential, Dole Says, 8/26/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780826fed.pdf
- Folder 226: Administration Tax Measures Insufficient, 8/31/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780831adm.pdf
- Folder 227: House Passed Tax Bill Does Not Go Far Enough, 8/31/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780831hou.pdf
- Folder 228: Dole Opposes Us Military Presence In Middle East, 8/31/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780831opp.pdf
- Folder 229: Peace Best Served By Keeping Us Military Forces Out Of Middle East, 9/1/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780901pea.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Resolution Would Reject Us Armed Peace-Keeping Force In Mideast, 9/6/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780906res.pdf
- Folder 231: It Is Time To Stop Govt Profiting From Inflationary Tax Hikes / Hopkins For Congress Rally, 9/7/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780907tim.pdf
- Folder 232: Dole Says Us Must Change Direction Of Economic Policy To Save The Farmer, 9/7/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780907usm.pdf
- Folder 233: Senate Adopts Dole Amendment To Boost Food For Peace Exports, 9/8/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780908ado.pdf
- Folder 234: Dole Suggests Special Prosecutor To Investigate Burgeoning GSA Scandal, 9/8/1978

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 780908sug.pdf
- Folder 235: It Is Time To Stop Government Profiting By Inflationary Tax Hikes, 9/8/1978

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 780908tim.pdf
- Folder 236: Dole Says Trade Expansion Bill Will Help Improve Farmers Economic Status, 9/9/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780909tra.pdf
- Folder 237: Dole Says No To Us Troops In The Mideast, 9/12/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780912say.pdf
- Folder 238: Dole Calls On Republicans To Broaden Ranks Of The Party, 9/16/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780916cal.pdf
- Folder 239: Dole Encourages Eastern European Struggle For Self-Determination, 9/17/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780917enc.pdf
- Folder 240: Dole Encouraged By Camp David Outcome, 9/18/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780918enc.pdf
- Folder 241: Dole To Introduce Tax Indexing Proposal, 9/18/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780918toi.pdf
- Folder 242: Dole Urges EPA To Enforce New Pesticide Law With Discretion, Common Sense, 9/18/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780918urg.pdf
- Folder 243: Natural Gas Conference Unworkable, 9/19/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 780919nat.pdf
- Folder 244: Dole Kennedy Offer Amendment On Us Assistance To Cambodian Refugees In Vietnam, 9/21/1978

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 780921dol.pdf
- Folder 245: 14 Senators Support Dole In Call For More Liberal Trade With Europe In Farm Commodities, 9/22/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780922fou.pdf
- Folder 246: Indexing Best Method For Tax Reduction, 9/22/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780922ind.pdf
- Folder 247: Ab Hermann, Former Republican National Committee Executive Director, Honored At Luncheon, 9/25/1978

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 780925abh.pdf
- Folder 248: Congress Move To Create Business Incentives, 9/26/1978

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 780926con.pdf
- Folder 249: Tax Equalization Best Method For Tax Reduction, 9/27/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780927tax.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole Humane Slaughter Bill Clears Congress Goes To President, 9/28/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 780928hum.pdf
- Folder 251: Dole Urges That Us Allow Immigration Of Lebanese Refugees; Condemns Violence In Lebanon, 9/28/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780928urg.pdf
- Folder 252: Dole Amendment On Cambodian Refugees Clears House, 9/29/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 780929ame.pdf
- Folder 253: Dole Will Offer Tax Equalization Amendment, 9/30/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 780930wil.pdf
- Folder 254: Dole Gasohol Amendment Survives Energy Conference, 10/4/1978

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 781004gas.pdf
- Folder 255: Dole Lauds State Department Decision On Rhodesian Visas, 10/4/1978

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 781004lau.pdf
- Folder 256: Dole Sees Increased Government Interest In Nutrition Programs, 10/4/1978

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 781004see.pdf
- Folder 257: Issue Of Care For The Terminally Ill One Deserving Congressional Support, Dole Says, 10/5/1978

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 781005iss.pdf
- Folder 258: Dole Offers Tax Equalization Amendment, 10/6/1978

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 781006off.pdf
- Folder 259: Dole CETA Amendment Passes Conference, 10/10/1978

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 781010cet.pdf
- Folder 260: Dole Adds Full Parity For Farmers To Proposed Humphrey Hawkins Bill, 10/12/1978

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 781012add.pdf
- Folder 261: Hud Topeka Insuring Office To Be Saved, 10/12/1978

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 781012hud.pdf
- Folder 262: Dole To Support Humphrey-Hawkins Bill, 10/12/1978

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 781012tos.pdf
- Folder 263: Warnke Resignation Confirms Salt Shortcomings, Dole Says, 10/12/1978

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 781012war.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Johnson Urge President To Increase Sugar Price Support, 10/18/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 781018joh.pdf
- Folder 265: Dole Urges State Passage Of Nutrition Education Plan, 10/18/1978

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 781018urg.pdf
- Folder 266: Agriculture Programs Must Be Tied Closely To Food Policies In The Future, 10/19/1978

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 781019agr.pdf
- Folder 267: Lawyers Should Push For Government Restraint, 10/20/1978

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 781020law.pdf
- Box 22

- Folder 15

- Item 16: State Dept. Responds To Dole Concern For Safety Of Minority Groups In Iran, 3/16/1978

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_016.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 13: Senator Dole says MTN agreement will be closely scrutinized by US Congress, 4/18/1978

- Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN)
PDF available: s-press_022_017_013.pdf
- Series 19: 1979

- Box 22

- Folder 12

- Item 1: Senator Bob Dole Reacts To Threat Of Invasion Of Taiwan, 1/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Demands Explanation Of HEW Firing From Califano, 1/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_002.pdf
- Item 3: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On Cambodian Situation, 1/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_003.pdf
- Item 4: New Service Offered To Kansas Radio Stations In 1979, 1/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Welcomes Nancy Landon Kassebaum To The Senate, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Endorses Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Dole Introduces 1979 Farm Bill, S-1, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Calls For Senate To Voice Disapproval Of Presidential Termination OF Taiwan Pact, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Introduces Comprehensive Package To Limit Spending, Equalize Taxation, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_009.pdf
- Item 10: Foreign Investment In U.S. Agricultural Land, 1/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Administrations Real Wage Insurance Program Nightmare, 1/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Bill Would Allow Tax Deductions For Contributions To Qualified Pension Plans, 1/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_012.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Says Carter Budget Figures Are Overly Optimistic, 1/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_016.pdf
- Item 13: Carter State Of The Union Message Ignores Realities, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For Repeal Of Carryover Basis Provisions To Estate Tax Reforms, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_014.pdf
- Item 17: Dole To Sponsor Hearing On Cult Phenomenon, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole To Be Active As Ranking Republican On Senate Finance Committee, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_018.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Introduces Rural Economic Development Act Of 1979, 1/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_015.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Notes Sixty-First Anniversary Of Ukrainian Independence, 1/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_019.pdf
- Item 20: Thirteen To Offer Testimony At Hearing On Cults, 1/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Introduces Legislation To Aid Retired Farmers, 1/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Asks Carter To Demand End To Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Testing Now, 1/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_022.pdf
- Item 23: Tribute By Senator Dole To The Late Nelson A. Rockefeller Of New York, 1/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Selects Judiciary Committee Subcommittee Assignments, 1/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole To Introduce New Federal Crop Insurance Program, 1/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_025.pdf
- Folder 13

- Item 1: Senator Bob Dole Reacts to Threat of Invasion of Taiwan, 1/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_001.pdf
- Item 13: New Service Offered to Kansas Radio Stations in 1979, 1/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_013.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Welcomes Nancy Landon Kassebaum to the Senate, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_002.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Endorses Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_004.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls for Senate to Voice Disapproval of Presidential Termination of Taiwan Pact, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_011.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls for Senate to Voice Disapproval of Presidential Termination of Taiwan Pact, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_014.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Says Administrations Real Wage Insurance Program Nightmare, 1/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_012.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Carter Budget Figures Are Overly Optimistic, 1/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_008.pdf
- Item 3: Dole to be Active as Ranking Republican on Senate Finance Committee, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_003.pdf
- Item 5: Dole to Sponsor Hearing on Cult Phenomenon, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_005.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Notes Sixty-First Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence, 1/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_010.pdf
- Item 6: Thirteen to Offer Testimony at Hearing on Cults, 1/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_006.pdf
- Item 9: Tribute by Senator Dole to the Late Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York, 1/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_009.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Selects Judiciary Committee Subcommittee Assignments, 1/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_007.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Offers Reasonable Alternative To Administrations Real Wage Insurance, 2/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_001.pdf
- Item 2: Meeting A Starting Point In Understanding "New Religions," Dole Says, 2/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Senators Dole, Mathias Honor NAACPs Clarence Mitchell At Capitol Hill Breakfast, 2/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole, Kassebaum To Introduce Meat Import Act Of 1979, 2/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_005.pdf
- Item 10: Dole, Kassebaum To Introduce Meat Import Act of 1979, 2/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_010.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Introduces Bill Restricting Chinas Most Favored Nation Eligibility, 2/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces Legislation To Stem Fraud In Insurance Sales To Elderly, 2/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Increased U.S. Oil Production Could Have Softened Pending Gas Crunch, 2/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Cites Administrations Lack of Resolve As Factor In Iran, Afghanistan Crises, 2/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_009.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges Carter To Issue Public Appeal For Safety Of Iranian Religious Minorities, 2/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_011.pdf
- Item 13: Dole, Kansas Delegation Urge EPA Approval Of Kansas Turnpike Improvements, 2/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Suggests Swapping Oil, 2/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_014.pdf
- Item 12: Carter "Montezuma's Revenge" Command Affects U.S.--Mexico Relationship, 2/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_012.pdf
- Item 15: Gas Rationing Plan Indicates Administrations Energy Program Is Bankrupt, 2/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_015.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 1: Talmadge-Dole Medicare-Medicaid Reform Poses Alternative To Cost Containment, 3/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_001.pdf
- Item 2: Bartlett Carved A Career Out Of Old Virtues, 3/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_002.pdf
- Item 3: Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) A Mixed Bag For Agriculture, Says Dole, 3/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Says Survey Results Indicate Americans Want Action On Regulation Problem, 3/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Says SSI Bill Will Encourage Handicapped To Remain Employed, 3/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_005.pdf
- Item 6: Public Poll Supports Dole Stand On Gun Control, 3/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Outlines Chronology Of Various Dealings Between The Carter Family Warehouse And The National Bank Of Georgia (NBG), 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Officially Requests That Attorney General Bell Appoint Prosecutor, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Calls For Appointment Of Special Prosecutor To Look Into Carter Loans, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_009.pdf
- Item 10: Balanced Budget Amendment The Only Realistic Way To Restore Fiscal Responsibility, Dole Says, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_010.pdf
- Item 42: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole on S. 112, A Bill To Repeal Carryover Basis, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_042.pdf
- Item 11: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Direct Election, 3/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement By Senator Bob Dole - Hearings On Medicare/Medicaid Reform, 3/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls For Hearings On DOE Gasoline Allocation Period, 3/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Praises General Frank E. Petersen, Jr., Of Kansas, The Marine Corps First Black Aviator To Attain Star Rank, 3/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_014.pdf
- Item 15: Arab-Israeli Peace Proposal Indicates Need For U.S. Involvement, 3/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_015.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Calls For Agriculture Committee Hearing On Chicago March Wheat Futures Situation, 3/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Pleased By Special Prosecutor Report In Times, 3/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole To Offer Balance The Budget Amendment To Debt Limit, 3/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Calls For Extension Of FEC Statute Of Limitations On Campaign Finance Audits, 3/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Says Carter Warehouse Special Counsel Must Have Independence, 3/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_021.pdf
- Item 22: Sunday Gas Station Closings Discriminatory, Dole Says, 3/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Bill Would Extend FEC Statute Of Limitations On Campaign Finance Audits, 3/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Says There's A Lesson To Be Learned From The Brooke Case, 3/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole-Armstrong Debt Limitation Amendment To Be Offered Today, 3/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole-Danforth-Domenici Health Bill To Be Announced At Monday Conference, 3/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Says Griffin Decision On Prosecutor In Best Interest Of Country, 3/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_027.pdf
- Item 28: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Insuring A Just Peace, 3/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Calls Bill Realistic Alternative - Press Conference Statement, 3/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Arranges Kansas Meeting On Proposed Flight Regulations, 3/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Backs Creation Of Martin Luther King National Holiday, 3/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Disappointed By Balanced Budget Vote; Calls Long Amendment A Small, First Step, 3/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_032.pdf
- Item 33: Senator Bob Dole Salutes Byelorussian Independence Day, 3/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Bill Would Create Executive-Level Office Of Hispanic Affairs, 3/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole-Proposed National Regulatory Commission Aimed At Eliminating Waste, Inefficiency, 3/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_035.pdf
- Item 36: Creation Of Commission To Account For American MIAs In Southeast Asia Proposed By Dole, 3/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_036.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Calls For Lifting Of Sanctions Against Zimbabwe, 3/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_038.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Visits With Indian Hill Junior High School Students At Capitol, 3/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_037.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Commends House Members For Holding Fast On Balanced Budget, 3/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_039.pdf
- Item 40: Americans Will Accept Credible Energy Policy, Dole Says, 3/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Calls For 5-Year Extension Of Gasohol Gasoline Tax Exemption, 3/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_041.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 7: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Direct Election, 3/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_007.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Five-Year Tax Exemption For Gasohol, 4/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Press Conference, 4/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Presidents Latest Energy Policy Comes Two Years Too Late To Help, 4/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Fuel Bill Would Pave Way For Widespread Gasohol Production, 4/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Interviewed By "Japan's Walter Cronkite" On U.S.-Japan Trade Relations, 4/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole, Chafee Call On Colleagues To Not Reject Windfall Profits Tax Out Of Hand, 4/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says Carter Gasohol Provisions Will Encourage Increased Production, 4/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says FAA Should Modify Proposed Flight Rules, 4/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Favors Legitimate Windfall Profits Tax, Calls For Enactment Of Production Incentive Levy To Ensure New Exploration, 4/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Suggests Reform In Food For Peace Program; Salutes Programs 25th Year, 4/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_010.pdf
- Item 11: Income tax deadline reminds us of broken promises by Carter, Congress, 4/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole soliciting European views on Salt II agreement, 4/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_012.pdf
- Item 14: Dole to introduce bill to expand pilot energy project loan guarantees for agriculture, 4/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole in Europe for SALT, multinational trade briefings, 4/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senator Dole says new trade agreements should help US aircraft industry, 4/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_016.pdf
- Item 17: Tribute to Rogers Morton, 4/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole meets with Soviets in Geneva, says verification questions unanswered, 4/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole visits battlefield site where wounded, 4/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole praises Richardson's work as US Representative at Law of the Sea Conference, says results will have "tremendous impact", 4/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole urges Kansas input into population projection method, 4/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_021.pdf
- Item 22: Sixty years later, Ike Messer's getting his silver star medal, 4/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_022.pdf
- Item 23: Carter "alienating" windfall profits tax sympathizers in Congress, Dole says, 4/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole says Council on Wage and Price Stability a failure, cites CPI increase, 4/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole says Japan's position on trade "ill-advised", 4/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole sends letter of protest to Polish government concerning "journalist tax", 4/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_026.pdf
- Item 27: SALT II should not be sold "like some diplomatic snake oil," Dole says, 4/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole says we must not forget others held in East Europe, 4/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_028.pdf
- Item 29: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee hearing, 4/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_029.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: Dole says Brzezinski's call for world community "irresponsible", 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole charges administration showing ineptitude in continuing direct sugar subsidies, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole, Kassebaum announce finalists for Kansas Federal Judgeship, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_003.pdf
- Item 4: Additional pilot energy projects would further open door for gasohol production, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole hails decision by GM, Chrysler to extend warranty to cover gasohol use, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_005.pdf
- Item 6: Agriculture and rural America would suffer under proposed gas rationing plan, 5/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senate Finance Committee endorses civil aircraft trade agreement, 5/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_007.pdf
- Item 9: Dole says Davis-Bacon Act like Labor Maximum Wage Act, 5/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole MTN proposal allowing filing of complaints by private parties approved, 5/3/1979

- Multilateral Trade Negotiation (MTN)
PDF available: s-press_022_018_010.pdf
- Item 8: Dole tells Japanese Prime Minister "trade must be two-way street", 5/4/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_008.pdf
- Item 11: Dole to speak to Kansas Disabled American Veterans, 5/4/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy and Foundations, 5/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_012.pdf
- Item 13: Presidents gas rationing plan gives no assurance for agricultural safety, Dole says, 5/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole says SALT Treaty should be approached positively, 5/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole asks railroads what they are doing to alleviate railcar shortage, 5/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole says House acted courageously on gas rationing, 5/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole says Berglands national dialogue will not help farmers now, 5/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole says questions must be answered on SALT II, 5/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kennedy Health Bill First Step Towards Federal Regimentation, 5/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_019.pdf
- Item 20: U.S. Must Continue Involvement In Middle East, 5/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_020.pdf
- Item 21: Americans Have Special Obligation To Dissidents Like Ginzburg, 5/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Asks Agriculture Department To Clarify Gasohol Stand, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_022.pdf
- Item 23: Public The Victim For Lack Of Limited Patent Right Policy, Dole Says, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Applauds Carter Decision To Drop Resources Department, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Releases FEC Report, Senate Financial Disclosure, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Says Weicker Will Still Play Important Role, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_026.pdf
- Item 27: Public The Victim For Lack Of Limited Patent Right Policy, Dole Says, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Pays Tribute To A. Phillip Randolph, 5/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_028.pdf
- Item 29: Release Of Farmer-Held Reserve Will Hurt Farmers, Dole Says, 5/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_029.pdf
- Item 30: Brown Vs. Bd. Of Education: Progress Still To Be Made, 5/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole, Stangeland Call For North American Energy Summit, 5/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_031.pdf
- Item 32: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Hearing Of Home Health, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Says Americans Need Reassurance They Are Being Told Truth About Energy Situation, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Condemns Murder In Iran, Sends Letter To U.N., 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Praises Polish Valor On 35th Anniversary Of Monte Cassino, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole Asks That Balance-The-Budget Amendment Be Reported Out Of Subcommittee By Fourth Of July, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_036.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Says LEAA Restructuring Will Decrease Red Tape, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_037.pdf
- Item 38: Easing Fuel Alcohol Regulations Should Make Gasohol Production Simpler, Dole Says, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_038.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Calls For Oversight Hearings On Pilot Energy Program, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_039.pdf
- Item 40: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Appoints Delegate To White House Conference On Small Business, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_041.pdf
- Item 42: Vietnam Veterans Still Struggling For Acceptance, Dole Says, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole Says World Grain Market Needs Freedom, Not Control, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_043.pdf
- Item 44: Supplemental Food Program For Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Popular And Effective, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_044.pdf
- Item 45: Welfare Reform Plan Harms The Poor And Burdens Taxpayers, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_045.pdf
- Item 46: American People Want Balanced Budget Amendment, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Asks President For Clarification On Diesel Allocations For Kansas, 5/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Introduces Resolution Calling For National Energy Council, 5/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_048.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Announces Private Sector Job Program For Kansas Vietnam-Era Veterans, 5/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_049.pdf
- Item 50: Dole Asks That Americans Remember Those Who Sacrificed Their Lives, 5/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_050.pdf
- Item 51: Dole Hails 61st Anniversary Of Armenian Independence, 5/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_051.pdf
- Item 52: Farm State Senators Question Value Of U.S. Participation In Mtn Codes, 5/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_052.pdf
- Item 53: Dole Doubts Soviets, Romanians Have Really Changed, 5/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_053.pdf
- Item 54: Dole Terms Administration Wage-Price Program A Failure, 5/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_054.pdf
- Box 23

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Big Basin Prairie-St. Jacobs Well Named National Landmark, Dole Announces, 6/1/1979

- Doles announcement of BBP-SJW as registered Natural Landmark and what that entails.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Hearings on Reverend Georgy Vins, Helsinki Commission, 6/7/1979

- Press Release on statement condemning Soviet persecution of religious figures, urging more pressure to adhere to Helsinki Agreements
PDF available: s-press_023_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Bill would Free Gasohol Dealers from Economic Reprisals, 6/8/1979

- Press Release on bill to prohibit private reprisal for sale of "gasohol" (ethanol petroleum mix)
PDF available: s-press_023_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Praises Carter MX Decision, Says Basing Mode Must be Chosen, 6/8/1979

- Dole praising Carter MX missile development renewal decision, urging launch vulnerability reassessment
PDF available: s-press_023_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas Vietnam Veterans Program Produced Positive Results Say Senators, 6/8/1979

- Dole and Kassebaum positive on NCOA-led Veteran private employment pledge program
PDF available: s-press_023_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Popes Visit Proves that the Religious Aspirations of Poles are Alive and Well, 6/11/1979

- statement on John Paul II, Polish Catholicism, Freedom of Religion
PDF available: s-press_023_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Administration Health Plan Wrong Approach According to Senator Dole, 6/12/1979

- Press Statement, Doles critique of Carter plant to federalize health care, proposes building private sector instead
PDF available: s-press_023_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Governmental Efficiency, Kansas City Office of Hearings and Appeals, 6/12/1979

- Press Release of Statement urging SGE to not decrease--and instead increase--power for Region VII H&A Office in KC
PDF available: s-press_023_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Doles Says Elimination of Kansas City DOE Hearings and Appeals Office Ill-Considered, 6/12/1979

- Dole defends DOE H&A Office from closure
PDF available: s-press_023_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Cautions Against Implementing Draft Legislation Blindly, 6/13/1979

- Dole introduces bill postponing Draft order
PDF available: s-press_023_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Questions Hasty Enactment of Draft Procedures, 6/13/1979

- Dole expresses concern in report against Draft legislation
PDF available: s-press_023_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Says Stripping of K.C. DOE Appeals Office Makes Little Sense, 6/14/1979

- Press release in which Dole and Sen. Eagleton decry the DOEs decision to "reduce the powers of the KS City Office of Hearings and Appeals"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Decries Media Medicine, 6/14/1979

- Dole criticizes the media and its coverage of irrelevant political fights in the midst of Caters national health plan. Criticizes both the Carter and Sen. Kennedy health plans
PDF available: s-press_023_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Arrest of Charter 77 members in Czechoslovakia should not be forgotten, 6/15/1979

- Dole speaks on the member nation of the communist bloc at that time, Chezchoslovakia, and its violation of provisions of an earlier agreement in which a number of Charter 77 members were arrested after publication of a document
PDF available: s-press_023_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole uses solar-powered telephone to demonstrate energy alternative, 6/15/1979

- Press release entailing Senator Doles use of a solar-powered telephone at a solar energy exhibit, adding that the US must reduce its dependency on foreign oil
PDF available: s-press_023_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senator Dole appointed to Board of Visitors of the U.S. Military Academy, 6/15/1979

- Press release announcing the appointment of Dole to the Board of Visitors of the US military Academy at West Point, New York.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: SALT treaty must stand on its own merits, Dole says, 6/17/1979

- Press release re: US-Soviet strategic nuclear arms limitation agreement
PDF available: s-press_023_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole says SALT II will require amendments, 6/18/1979

- Dole calls for amendments to SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union after President Carters call for the senate to pass the treaty.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole supports international food assistance reforms, 6/19/1979

- Dole calls for more food aid and an end to hunger in his introduction of amendments designed to reform the International Food Assistance Program
PDF available: s-press_023_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Senators call on President to ensure adequate diesel, heating oil supplies, 6/19/1979

- Press release on Senators Dole, Kennedy, and others writing to President Carter "urging him to take positive action to ensure adequate supplies of diesel fuel and home heating oil."
PDF available: s-press_023_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Long and Dole announce welfare reform bill, 6/20/1979

- Senate Finance committee chairman Russell Long and Dole unveil welfare reform measure proposal (to replace the federal system with a block-grant state system)
PDF available: s-press_023_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Family Welfare Improvement Act is "a real reform", 6/20/1979

- Dole announces the Family Welfare Improvement Act, calling it "real welfare reform"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole calls for GAO survey of diesel shortages, 6/21/1979

- Dole calls for a General Accounting Office study on the causes of diesel shortages, asking for projected diesel/heating oil needs for the fall and winter
PDF available: s-press_023_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole decries Administration meddling on Canadian embassy move issue, 6/22/1979

- Dole calls on Carter Administration to "cease pressuring Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark on the question of where his government should locate its embassy in Israel."
PDF available: s-press_023_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole urges immediate action to aid refugees, 6/25/1979

- Dole calls for action on refugees in Southeast Asia and Europe.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Tax breaks for foreign investors in U.S. farm land must end, Dole says, 6/25/1979

- Sen. Dole calls for an end to tax breaks for foreign investors in US farm land, saying that continuing large purchases indicate "there is some evidence to be concerned"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole says diesel decision shows indecision by administration, 6/25/1979

- Sen. Dole criticizes Cater administrations decision to end the special priority allocation of diesel fuel to farmers as "just another indication of indecision and lack of leadership on the part of the administration"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: GSA procurement clinics to be held in Topeka, Wichita in July, 6/26/1979

- Announcement that the General Service Administrations Kansas City Regional Office will be conducting procurement clinics in Wichita and Topeka, July 1979
PDF available: s-press_023_001_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole endorses Fair Housing Amendments Act, 6/27/1979

- Dole gives support for the Fair Housing Amendments Act, which "would give the federal government increased enforcement authority in housing discrimination cases" that blacks and other minorities face
PDF available: s-press_023_001_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole says U.S. policies have put this nation at the mercy of OPEC, 6/28/1979

- Dole responds to news that OPEC members will increase the base price of oil, saying that the effect on the US "could be disastrous"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_030.pdf
- Item 31: Statement of Senator Bob Dole/Press Conference -- Repeal of carryover basis, 6/28/1979

- Dole joins Sen. Byrd in "promoting the efforts to repeal the onerous and ill-conceived carryover basis rules"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole calls for extension of farm loan payment time, 6/29/1979

- Dole, in letter to Secretary of Agriculture, calls for "an increase in the amount of time farmers have to pay off loans once the farmer-held reserve is released."
PDF available: s-press_023_001_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole says purpose of oil decontrol is not to raise tax money, but increase production, 6/30/1979

- Dole says he expects the Senate will enact a Windfall Profits Tax "that will carry out the intent of decontrol-increased production." Dole supported the House action approving a 60-percent oil tax rate
PDF available: s-press_023_001_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole says Department of Energy should not neglect Midwest for its hearings, 6/30/1979

- Dole calls upon the Department of Energy to revise its hearing schedule on proposed regulations to include the Midwest
PDF available: s-press_023_001_034.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Tax breaks for foreign investors in U.S. farm land must end, Dole says, 7/2/1979

- Dole calls for an end to tax breaks for foreign investors in US farm land, saying that continuing large purchases indicate "there is some evidence to be concerned"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Ag committee agrees to Dole proposal extending farm loan payment time, 7/9/1979

- The Senate Agriculture Committee endorsed Doles proposal for an increase to 120 days in the amount of time farmers have to pay off loans once the farmer-held reserve is released.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Windfall tax will fill the treasury, not gas tanks, says Senator Dole, 7/10/1979

- Dole believes the Administrations Windfall Profits Tax "will not do what's needed - increase domestic production"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Chinese interested in swapping crude oil for food, Dole says, 7/11/1979

- After meeting with the Chinese Finance Minister, Dole pushes for increased trade between the US and China (US food for Chinese crude oil)
PDF available: s-press_023_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole announces alternative windfall profits tax, 7/11/1979

- Sen. Dole announces a "true alternative windfall profits tax designed to maximize crude oil and gasoline supplies to the American consumer" by proposing an income tax
PDF available: s-press_023_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole says DOE report on alcohol fuels is positive but lacks adequate policy initatives, 7/11/1979

- Sen. Dole said today the Policy Review issued today by the US Department of Energy is positive but lacks adequate policy initiatives
PDF available: s-press_023_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Dole pledges credit assistance to ease Polish grain crisis, 7/12/1979

- Dole says he will do all he can to insure that Poland is extended credits to help that East European nation important American grain in an amount equal to last years imports
PDF available: s-press_023_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Administrations Hospital Cost Containment Bill apparently dead, 7/12/1979

- Dole said today "its very doubtful the Congress will enact the Administration Hospital Cost Containment Bill during this session"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole says re-instatement of Wichita ICC office needed to abet boxcar problem, 7/13/1979

- Dole today called on the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to reinstate the Wichita regional ICC office in light of continuing problems in Kansas caused by a shortage of boxcars which threatens to disrupt this years harvest
PDF available: s-press_023_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole says Carter Election Committee or DNC should pick up Camp David tab, 7/13/1979

- Dole today called the Camp David Energy Summit "a gigantic partisan public relations stunt launched by a desperate President" and called for the Carter re-election Committee or the DNC to pay the expenses of transporting people
- Item 11: Sen. Dole urges increase of Soviet wheat purchase ceiling, 7/14/1979

- Dole today urged the Carter Administration to increase the eight million metric ton limit on Soviet grain purchases during the fourth year of the US-USSR grains agreement, which begins October, 1979.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Private enterprises role in energy apparently overlooked by the President, Dole says, 7/16/1979

- Although he applauded the goal of energy independence spelled out by President Carter, Sen. Bob Dole today expressed disappointment in the Presidents failure to mention the role of private enterprise in solving our energy problem
PDF available: s-press_023_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Legislation would stop withholding of government contracts by govt, 7/17/1979

- Dole today introduced legislation which would prevent the Administration from withholding government contracts as a means of enforcing compliance with voluntary wage-price guidelines.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole offers amendment to establish Energy Mobilization Board, 7/17/1979

- Dole today offered an amendment to S. 562 which would establish an "Energy Mobilization Board"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Passage of MIA-POW resolution is proper path to full accounting, Dole says, 7/17/1979

- Dole says that passage of his legislation calling for the creation of a commission to undertake further investigations into the whereabouts of MIAs and POWs in Southeast Asia "would bring an end to the tragedy and haunting memory associate
PDF available: s-press_023_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senate Agriculture Subcommittee to hold oversight hearing, 7/20/1979

- Sen. Dole said the subcommittee is specifically interested in the activities of the four pilot projects which were authorized by the Food and Agriculture Act if 1977 for the production and marketing of alternative fuels from agricultural c
PDF available: s-press_023_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole marks 27th anniversary of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 7/25/1979

- Dole marks 27th annivesary of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, emphasizing a progressive Puerto Rico and US commitment to the principle of self-determination for the people of Puerto Rico
PDF available: s-press_023_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Simplification needed to slash costs of regulation for financial institutions, Dole says, 7/27/1979

- Citing the "staggering costs of government regulation for business," Sen. Dole today introduced a bill aimed at reducing and simplifying federal regulations governing financial institutions.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole sponsors legislation to broaden lending authority of farm credit system, 7/30/1979

- Sen. Dole has sponsored legislation, S. 1465, to broaden the lending authority and strengthen the Farm Credit System - the major lender to American farmers.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_019.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Now Is Not The Time To Cut Amtrak Service, Dole Says, 8/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Supports Reduced Amtrak Fare For Elderly, Handicapped, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Supports Increased Wheat Sales To Russia, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Plans Busy Schedule During August Senate Recess, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole-Ribicoff Bill Provides Heating Oil Tax Credit, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Calls For Real Tax Relief To Stimulate Economy, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says Chrysler Relief Likely; Blames Government Regulation, 8/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole And Kassebaum Introduce New Farm Bill, 8/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole-Ribicoff Bill Provides Home Heating Oil Tax Credit, 8/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Sen. Dole Urges More Corn Sales To The Soviet Union, 8/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Puerto Rican Self-Determination Essential, 8/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Calls For Strategic Inventory To Determine U.S. Needs, 8/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Says Ambassador Young Should Step Aside Now, 8/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Windfall Profits Tax Is Not A Tax On Profits At All, 8/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Calls For Hearings On U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Agreement, 8/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Calls U.S. Export Of Heating Oil To Iran Inexcusable, 8/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Government Will Obtain Increased Profit From Continued Consumer Price Rises, Dole Says, 8/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Disappointed By Amtrak Decision On Lone Star, 8/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Says President Should Apologize For Bunny Bashing Incident, 8/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Soviet Troops In Cuba A Threat To Salt Process, Says Dole, 8/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Regulation Will Cost Consumers More Than $400 Per Citizen In 1979: Dole Proposes Rulemaking Improvements Act As Reform, 8/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_021.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Urges President To Ensure Grain Movement On Rock Island Line, 9/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Taxflation Will Cost Average Kansas Taxpayer $157.78 In 1980, 9/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Taxflation Will Cost New Hampshire Taxpayers $59.3 Million In 1980 Tax Year, 9/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Will Continue Efforts To Seek Senate Action On Troops, 9/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Formulating Solution To Oil Dealer And Consumer Credit Crunch, 9/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Takes Exception To Weicker Remark, Says Kennedy Can Be Beaten, 9/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Applauds House Decision To Kill Mandatory Draft Registration, 9/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Supports Western Lands Distribution And Regional Equalization Act Of 1979, 9/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Taxflation Will Cost Iowa Taxpayers More Than $190 Million In 1980, Says Senator Dole, 9/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Before The Subcommittee On Taxation And Debt Management, 9/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Employment Tax Act Needed To Decrease Tax Burden On Independent Contractors, 9/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Proposes Program To Produce Alternate Fuels From Farm And Forest Products, 9/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: U.S. Should Remove Hazardous Titan II Missiles, Dole Says, 9/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Introduces Bill To Ease Fuel Oil Credit Crunch Caused By OPEC Price Rises, 9/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole To Continue To Seek Security Assurances Before Panama Implementing Legislation Adopted, 9/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Taxflation Will Cost New York Taxpayers And Average Of $164.03 In 1980, Says Dole, 9/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Kansas Senators Announce Judicial Nominating Commission, 9/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Carryover Basis Repeal Looks Good Following 17 - 0 Vote In Finance Committee, 9/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Calls For North American Summit To Discuss Issues Of Mutual Concern, 9/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole, Kansas Delegation Call For Increased Diesel Supply For State, 9/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_020.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Status Quo Remains Unchanged Says Dole In Reaction To Carter Speech On Cuba, 10/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Amendment Exempting Independent Stripper Wells Passes In Finance Committee, 10/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Praises Decision On Grain Sales To The Soviet Union As Prudent, 10/4/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Continued Funding For Rock Island Necessary, Dole Says, 10/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Praises Decision To Add Additional Funds For Rock Island To Budget, 10/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Gasohol Amendment Accepted By Finance Committee On Voice Vote, 10/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Consumers Using Heating Oil, Propane For Home Heating Would Get Tax Credit Under Dole Plan, 10/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Welcomes Ford Remarks on 1980 Presidential, 10/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Wants Status Report on Safety of All Amtrak Track in State of Kansas, 10/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Press Conference at Wednesday Noon, 10/22/1979

- Press Release regarding Windfall Profits Tax
PDF available: s-press_023_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Kansas Energy Consumers to Benefit from Dole Initiatives, 10/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Administration Inflation Policies An Utter Failure Says Sen. Dole, 10/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls for Kansas Veterans Geriatrics Center, 10/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Passes Dole Financial Regulation Simplification Bill, 10/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Calls on Conference to Disapprove of Military Encroachments in Western Hemisphere, 10/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_015.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Rulemaking Improvements Act as Regulatory Reform Vehicle, 11/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Conference Committee Authorizes Leavenworth Penitentiary Modernization Study, 11/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls for Firmness in Securing Safety of Americans in Iran, 11/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_003.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Says Windfall Bill Emphasizes Important Market Incentives for Production, 11/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole, Kassebaum Send Letter on Prairie National Reserve to House Interior Members, 11/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole-young Bill Increases 1980 Target Prices of Wheat, Other Feed Grains, 11/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Bill Would Exempt Interest, Dividend Income from Taxes, 11/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Production Incentive Credit Would Encourage Exploitation, Production of Oil, 11/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Florida Straw Poll Results Indicate Republican Nomination Wide Open, Dole Says, 11/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Freeing of American Hostages in Iran Offers Hope, Dole Says, 11/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Leads Senate in Repeal of Inequitable Inheritance Tax Law, 11/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senate Committee Authorizes Construction of Halstead Flood Control Project, 11/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Amendment Would Make Oil Companies Meet Social Responsibilities on Re-Investment, 11/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Supports Firm Response to Iran; Calls on Allies to Back U.S., 11/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Urges Americans to Remain Calm on Iran Hostage Situation, 11/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Calls on President to Reverse Federal Decision on Halstead Disaster Declaration, 11/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Finance Committee Passes Expanded Dole Proposal to Encourage Savings, 11/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Amendment to Eliminate Enlisted Personnel Pay Discrimination, 11/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Introduces Amendment Providing Massive Stimulants for Gasohol Production, 11/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_020.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Dole Renews Call for Support of President, Calls Kennedy Statement Unfortunate, 12/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Amendment Requires "Truth in Solicitation", 12/3/1979

- Criminal Code Reform Act (S. 1722) Amendment
PDF available: s-press_023_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Amendment Calls for Halt of Trade with Hostile Iran, 12/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Instrumental in Criminal Code Amendments, 12/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Calls on Kansans to Give Aid to Cambodian Refugees, 12/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senate Adopts Dole-Bentsen Amendment to Encourage Savings, Capital Formation, 12/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Repeal of Carryover Basis Tax Assured, Dole Says, 12/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Administration and Some Senators More Concerned with Politics Than Energy, 12/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_008.pdf
- Series 20: 1980

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole Says He Will Challenge Oil Companies Refusal To Extend Credit For Gasohol Purchases, 1/1/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800101say.pdf
- Folder 2: Move Olympics Out Of Moscow, 1/9/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800109mov.pdf
- Folder 3: All Americans Will Pay Heavy Price For Decision To Embargo Grain, 1/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800111all.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Says Expulsion Of Us Journalists May Have Positive Impact; Iran, 1/15/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800115say.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Proposes 10 Point Program To Deal With Grain Embargo, 1/16/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800116pro.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Says Networks Playing Fast And Loose With Interview Shows, 1/16/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800116say.pdf
- Folder 7: Purchase Of Rock Island Track By Healthy Railroads Holds Key To Continued Kansas Service, 1/17/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800117pur.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Introduces Bill Giving U.S. Courts Jurisdiction Over Cases Arising From Acts, 1/21/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800121int.pdf
- Folder 9: Leading Iowa State Senator Briles Endorses Dole, 1/21/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800121lea.pdf
- Folder 10: John Block New Secretary Of Agriculture, 1/22/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800122joh.pdf
- Folder 11: Reps Say ICC Should Stop Rock Island Track Embargo; Continue Directed Service, 1/23/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800123rep.pdf
- Folder 12: Republicans Say Senate Phase-Out Of Windfall Profits Bill Necessary, 1/25/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800125rep.pdf
- Folder 13: Despite Increasing Federal Revenues Administration No Closer To Balancing Budget, Dole Says, 1/28/1980

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 800128des.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Praises ICC Postponement Of Rock Island Phase-Out, 1/29/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800129pra.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Resolution Expresses Gratitude For Canadian Assistance In Escape Of American Diplomats, 1/30/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800130res.pdf
- Folder 16: Moving The Olympics: A Modest Proposal, 1/31/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800131mov.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Introduces Legislation To Keep Rock Island Railroad Running, 2/1/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800201int.pdf
- Folder 18: Us Not Ready To Have Bluff Called On Persian Gulf, 2/1/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800201usn.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/12/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800212ann.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Physician Issues Statement Clarifying Medical World News Report, 2/12/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800212phy.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Files Complaint With F.E.C. Charging Nashua Telegram Debate Unfair, 2/18/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800218fil.pdf
- Folder 22: Senate Passes Dole Resolution Commemorating Iwo Jima Day, 2/19/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800219sen.pdf
- Folder 23: Broad Incentives For Gasohol Production Included In Windfall Profits Bill, 2/20/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800220bro.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Urges Bush And Reagan Committees To Allow Other Candidates To Debate Saturday, 2/21/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800221urg.pdf
- Folder 25: Grain Embargoed To Boost Carter's Political Image, 2/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800225gra.pdf
- Folder 26: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Not Actively Pursuing Presidential Nomination In South Carolina, 2/27/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800227sta.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Announces Resolution Of Jurisdictional Dispute Over Former Kansas Air Bases, 3/3/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800303ann.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Says Anderson's Showing Healthy Sign For The Republican Party, 3/5/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800305and.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Says Farmer Being Short-Changed, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800306far.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Introduces Bill To Help Stem Industrial Espionage Today; Freedom Of Information Act, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 800306int.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Votes For Continued Rock Island Directed Service; Railroad, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800306vot.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Wants Up Or Down Vote On Mandatory Wage-Price Guidelines; Inflation, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800306wan.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Fights To Preserve Food Stamp Benefits For Children In School Lunch Program, 3/7/1980

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 800307fig.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Will Call On Colleagues To Oppose Wage And Price Controls; Inflation, 3/7/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800307wil.pdf
- Folder 35: White House Looking To Be Bailed Out Of Economic Problems, 3/8/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800308whi.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole Says Nation In State Of Economic Emergency, 3/10/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800310nat.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Calls For U.N. Investigation Of Soviet Nerve Gas Atrocities In Afghanistan, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800311cal.pdf
- Folder 38: Carter Does Not Keep Commitment To Kansas Farmer, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800311car.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole-Rhodes Resolution Calls For Congressional Opposition To Wage-Price Controls; Inflation, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800311rho.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Says Us Should Now Move To Impose Sanctions On Iran, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800311say.pdf
- Folder 41: Senate Agriculture Committee Passes Land Diversion Program, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800311sen.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Surprised By Civiletti's Failure To Name Special Prosecutor; Attorney General Ben Civiletti, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 800311sur.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole To Introduce Anti-Wage-Price Control Resolution Soon; Inflation, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800311toi.pdf
- Folder 44: Senator Dole Honorary Chairperson For Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, Will Deliver Keynote Address In Charlotte, Nc, 3/19/1980

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 800319hon.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Says Reagan Nomination All But Assured, Sees Carter Vulnerable, 3/19/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800319rea.pdf
- Folder 46: Now Is Time To Pass Judgment On Carter Economic Policies, 3/21/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800321now.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole, Danforth To Conduct Hearings On Kc On Health Services, 3/24/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800324dan.pdf
- Folder 48: Congress Must Resolve To Restrain Spending Now, Says Senator Dole, 3/25/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800325con.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Says Inflation Rate Will Soon Become As High As Carter National Approval Rating, 3/25/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800325say.pdf
- Folder 50: Iranian Embargo Predicted, 3/26/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800326ira.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole To Offer Motion To Refer Windfall Bill Back To Committee; Says Impact On Royalty Owners Must Be Assessed; Oil, 3/26/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800326too.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Wants End To Judgeship Age Discrimination, 3/26/1980

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 800326wan.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole/McGovern Coalition Farm Bill Passes Senate Ag Committee, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800327mcg.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Praises Wichita Jazz Festival As One Of The Finest, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800327pra.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Says Regulatory Reform Draft Legislation Deficient; Budget, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 800327reg.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Sends Telegram To Secretary Bergland On Grain Prices, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800327tel.pdf
- Folder 57: Windfall Bill Will Not Sufficiently Encourage Domestic Production, Dole Says; Windfall Profits Tax Bill, Oil, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800327win.pdf
- Folder 58: Carter Administration Blocks Land Diversion Bill -- Farmers Need To Send Carter A Message, 4/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800402car.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Introduces Bill Exempting Royalty Owners From Windfall Tax; Oil, 4/2/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800402int.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Says Windfall Bill Will Adversely Affect Domestic Production, Oil, 4/2/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800402win.pdf
- Folder 61: Public Meeting On Rock Island To Be Held In Topeka On April 7Th; Railroads, 4/3/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800403pub.pdf
- Folder 62: Preliminary List Of Witnesses Announced For April 11 Kc Hearing; Health Services To Older Americans, 4/4/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800404pre.pdf
- Folder 63: Annual Physical Exam Shows Senator Dole In Excellent Condition, 4/7/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800407ann.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole Says Summit Needed To Rally Allies Support On Foreign Policy, 4/8/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800408sum.pdf
- Folder 65: Administration Has Broken Faith With American Farmer On Grain Embargo, 4/9/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800409adm.pdf
- Folder 66: Kansas Will Be Especially Hard Hit By Carter Recession Dole Says, 4/10/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800410kan.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Cites Growing Resentment To Windfall (Profits) Tax On Royalty Owners, 4/14/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800414cit.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Reiterates Request To House To Free Rock Island Legislation; Railroads, 4/14/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800414rei.pdf
- Folder 69: Oil Import Fee Spells More Taxes, 4/15/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800415oil.pdf
- Folder 70: Taxpayers Should Think Of Hidden Tax They Are Paying This April 15, 4/15/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800415tax.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole Discloses 1979 Personal Tax Figures, 4/16/1980

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 800416dis.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Says Carter Should Abandon Pre-Primary Get Tough With Iran News Conferences, 4/17/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800417car.pdf
- Folder 73: Iran Tv Re-Run Season Starts Again, Dole Says, 4/18/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800418ira.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole To Tour Pennsylvania Saturday On Behalf Of Governor Reagan; Pennsylvania Presidential Primary Election, 4/19/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800419too.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Seeks To Preserve State's Share Of Revenue Sharing, 4/21/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 800421see.pdf
- Folder 76: Carter Supports 100% Farm Program, 4/22/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800422car.pdf
- Folder 77: Dole Fears Anderson Effort Would Hurt GOP At State And Local Level, 4/22/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800422fea.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Assured Potwin Back To Normal But Says That Questions Still Remain; Oxidizer Leak, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 800423ass.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Bill Would Halt Depletion Of Strategic Oil Reserves, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800423bil.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole McGovern Urge Extension Of Food Stamp Appropriations, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 800423mcg.pdf
- Folder 81: Progress Made At Rock Island Meeting -- Dole Hopeful, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800423pro.pdf
- Folder 82: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole At Press Conference On Repealing The Oil Import Tax, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800423sta.pdf
- Folder 83: Titan Accident Underlines The Need For Senate Hearings, Dole Says, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800423tit.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole To Amend Topeka VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital Legislation To Include (Ralph T) O'Neil, 4/24/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800424toa.pdf
- Folder 85: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Regarding The Failed Rescue Attempt To Free Hostages Held By Iran, 4/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800425sta.pdf
- Folder 86: Senator Dole Says Keith Sebelius Will Be Missed In The Congress, 4/26/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800426sen.pdf
- Folder 87: Statement By Senator Bob Dole The Ship Of State; Perils Of Carter Foreign Policy, 4/28/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800428sta.pdf
- Folder 88: Senator Edmund Muskie Nomination As Secretary Of State A Shrewd Move By Carter, 4/29/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800429edm.pdf
- Folder 89: Meeting On Herrington--Ft. Worth Rail Line Slated For May 6, 4/29/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800429mee.pdf
- Folder 90: Carter Should Get Us On Road To Economic Recovery, 5/2/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800502car.pdf
- Folder 91: Farmers Home Administration Begins Review Of Alcohol Plant Application, 5/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800505far.pdf
- Folder 92: Senior Citizen Intern Begin Work In Dole Office, 5/5/1980

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 800505sen.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole, Boren To Hold Royalty Owner Field Hearings In Kansas, 5/6/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800506bor.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Calls For Administration International Responses To Soviet Chemical Warfare, 5/6/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800506cal.pdf
- Folder 95: Dallas Rock Island Meeting Unqualified Success Says Dole; Railroad, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800507dal.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Disapproves Of New Gas Pricing Structure; Natural Gas Policy Act Of 1978, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 800507dis.pdf
- Folder 97: Edmund Muskie Is A Man Of Unquestioned Integrity, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800507edm.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole To Introduce Bill To Establish Housing, Education Savings Accounts, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 800507toi.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Strongly Endorses The Gasohol Competition Act S. 2251, 5/8/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800508str.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Legislation Would Save Full Revenue Sharing Program, 5/9/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800509leg.pdf
- Folder 101: Tax Freedom Day Will Be May 11 This Year According To Study, 5/9/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800509tax.pdf
- Folder 102: Senate Passes Important Test Vote Against Oil Import Fee, 5/12/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800512pas.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Applauds Court Decision Declaring Carter Oil Import Fee Unlawful, 5/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800513app.pdf
- Folder 104: Air Force Report Does Not Minimize Need For Titan Hearings, Dole Says, 5/14/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800514air.pdf
- Folder 105: Senate Finance Committee Overwhelmingly Approves Dole-Roth Resolution To Block Oil Fee, 5/14/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800514fin.pdf
- Folder 106: Balanced Budget Damaged By Tax Happy President, Dole Says, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 800515bal.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Calls On Edmund Muskie To Broach Chemical Warfare Issue With Gromyko, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800515cal.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Says Midwest May Be Presidential Battleground, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800515mid.pdf
- Folder 109: Saudi Oil Price Hike Illustrates Need For Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Dole Says, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800515sau.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Bill Would Help Young People Save To Buy Homes, 5/19/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 800519bil.pdf
- Folder 111: Carter, Byrd Scare Tactics Won't Save Oil Import Fee, Dole Says, 5/20/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800520car.pdf
- Folder 112: More Than 80% Of Kansans Feel Worse About Nation's Prospects, Survey Shows, 5/21/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800521mor.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Urges Bergland To Lower Interests Rates To Farmers, 5/21/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800521urg.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Calls For Postponement Of Madrid Human Rights Conference At Meeting, 5/23/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800523pos.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Says Carter Should Inspect Whole Country, 5/23/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800523say.pdf
- Folder 116: Statement: Announcement Of Candidacy 80 Us Senate Race, 5/24/1980

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 800524sta.pdf
- Folder 117: Administration's Tax Policies Undermine America's Future, 5/29/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800529adm.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Prepared To Offer Amendment To Block Oil Import Fee; Disappointed With House Ruling, 5/30/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800530dol.pdf
- Folder 119: Farm Income Drops 39%, 5/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800530far.pdf
- Folder 120: Rock Island Legislation Signed Will Benefit State Of Kansas Shippers; Railroad, 5/30/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800530roc.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Calls For Immediate Hearings On Cuban Refugees, 6/2/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800602cal.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Opposes Council On Wage Price Stability Increases; Inflation, 6/2/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800602opp.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Ready With Amendment To Block President's Oil Import Fee; Debt Limit Bill, 6/3/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800603rea.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Requests Report On FCIC Investigation; Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 6/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800603req.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Calls For Creation Of Commission To Reform Primary Process; President, 6/4/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800604cal.pdf
- Folder 126: Katy Begins Service On Old Rock Island Line; Railroads, 6/4/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800604kat.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Opposed To Premobilization Registration Says Its Unnecessary; HJ Res 521, 6/4/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800604opp.pdf
- Folder 128: Poll Shows Unrest Typical In Farm Community, 6/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800605pol.pdf
- Folder 129: Senate Support Quickly Growing For Prosecution Of Americans At Tehran Conference; Logan Act, 6/6/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 800606sup.pdf
- Folder 130: Logan Act Should Be Applied In Ramsey Clark Tehran Visit, 6/9/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 800609log.pdf
- Folder 131: Leniency Towards Clark Reprehensible: Dole Calls For Hearings On Clark Mission To Iran, 6/10/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800610len.pdf
- Folder 132: USDA Stalls In Lowering Interest Rates To Farmers, 6/10/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800610usd.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Nutrition Compromise Agreed To By Agriculture Committee, 6/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800611nut.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Regulatory Reform Amendment Picks Up More Kansas Support, 6/11/1980

- Subject: Regulation - PDF available: 800611reg.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Urges Reagan To Announce He Will End (Soviet) Grain Embargo If Elected, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800612ann.pdf
- Folder 136: National Alcohol Fuels Commission To Hold Washington Hearings On June 18 And 19Th; Gasohol, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800612nat.pdf
- Folder 137: Telegram Urging Candidate Reagan To End Soviet Grain Embargo As Soon As Reagan Takes Office, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800612rea.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Urges Reagan To Announce He Will End (Soviet) Grain Embargo If Elected, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800612urg.pdf
- Folder 139: Procurement Clinic To Be Held In Wichita June 19; Business, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800613pro.pdf
- Folder 140: Tax Dollars Are Wasted By Government Playing Politics With Federal Employees, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800613tax.pdf
- Folder 141: Thousands Of Flags Flown Over Capitol Each Year For Constituents, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800613tho.pdf
- Folder 142: USDA Lowers Interest Rates - Did Not Go Far Enough -- USDA Rips Off Farmers, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800613usd.pdf
- Folder 143: Field Hearings On Royalty Owners Likely In Texas In July; Windfall Profits Tax, 6/16/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800616fie.pdf
- Folder 144: The Majority Leader's Confusion Over Foreign Policy, 6/16/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800616maj.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Says Signing Of Bill Including Strategic Petroleum Reserve Will Signal Independence, 6/16/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800616sig.pdf
- Folder 146: Bill Would Stop Major Oil Companies From Interfering With Gasohol Sales, 6/17/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800617bil.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole To Offer Ramsey Clark Resolution As Amendment To Justice Bill; Logan Act, Iran, 6/18/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 800618too.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Pleased Strategic Petroleum Reserve Included In Syn Fuels Report, 6/19/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800619ple.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Tells Reagan Grain Embargo Is Falling Apart; Soviet Union, 6/19/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800619tel.pdf
- Folder 150: Senate Approves Name Change Of Topeka Federal Building To Honor Frank Carlson, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 800620app.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Charges Administration Duplicity On Soviet Grain Sales, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800620cha.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Introduces Bill To Immediately Rescind Soviet Grain Embargo, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800620int.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Says Midwest May Be Presidential Battleground, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800620mid.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Weighing Options To Aid Royalty Owners; Windfall Profits Tax, Oil, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800620wei.pdf
- Folder 155: Administration's Embargo Follies Continue With Each New Move, Soviet Grain Embargo, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800623adm.pdf
- Folder 156: Cosponsors Flock To Dole On Grain Embargo Bill--Bipartisan Support, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800623cos.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Sends Telegram To Secretary Klutznick On Grain Export Licenses, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800623sen.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Sparks Drive For Relief For Royalty Owners; Windfall Profits Tax, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800623spa.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole To Lead Fight For Tax Cuts In Coming Weeks On Senate Floor, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800623tol.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Announces New Statewide Toll Free Fic Service; Federal Information Center, 6/24/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800624ann.pdf
- Folder 161: Republicans To Announce Tax Cut Program At Wednesday News Conference, 6/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800624rep.pdf
- Folder 162: Finance Committee Adopts Tariff Proposal On Foreign Alcohol, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800625fin.pdf
- Folder 163: Important Fight Won For Royalty Owners Seeking Relief From Windfall Profit Tax; Oil, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800625imp.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Named Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman For National Convention, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800625nam.pdf
- Folder 165: Senator Tower Names Subcommittee Chairmen To 1980 Republican Platform Committee, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 800625sen.pdf
- Folder 166: Twenty Senators Support Legislation To Rescind Grain Embargo, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800625twe.pdf
- Folder 167: Senate Approves Dole National POW-MIA Recognition Day, 6/26/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800626sen.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Introduces Legislation To Amend Grain Standards Act; HR 5546, 6/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800627int.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Expects Another Vote On Tax Cuts Before Recess, 6/28/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800628dol.pdf
- Folder 170: Expect Carter To Become Born-Again Tax Cutter, 6/28/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800628exp.pdf
- Folder 171: Congress Must Accept Blame For Some Of Volunteer Army's Failures Dole Says, 7/1/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800701con.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Bill Would Require Secretary Of Agriculture To Make Early Set-Aside Announcement, 7/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800702bil.pdf
- Folder 173: Press Advisory; Press Conference On Soviet Grain Embargo, 7/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800702fre.pdf
- Folder 174: Kennedy Signs On As Co-Sponsor Of Bill To End Grain Embargo; Soviet Union, 7/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800702ken.pdf
- Folder 175: Congress Passes National POW-MIA Recognition Day Introduced By Dole, 7/3/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800703con.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Supports Governor Reagan's Stand On Grain Embargo; Soviet Union, 7/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800703sup.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole To Travel To Detroit Sunday July 6 To Prepare Agriculture Platform, 7/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800705tot.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole Meets With Detroit Mayor Coleman Young To Discuss Economic Problems, 7/7/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800707mee.pdf
- Folder 179: Republicans In Position To Sweep The Farm States In November Says Dole, 7/9/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800709rep.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Handicapped Amendment Added To Platform, 7/10/1980

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 800710han.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Calls For Reexamination Of Presidential Selection Process By GOP, 7/13/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800713cal.pdf
- Folder 182: Carter Administration Plays Politics With American Farmer, 7/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800713car.pdf
- Folder 183: America Honors Prisoners Of War, Missing In Action, 7/18/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800718ame.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Calls On Justice Department For Information Concerning Billy Carter's Libyan Connection, 7/18/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800718cal.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole Says Carter Should Level With American People On Billy; Libya, 7/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800720say.pdf
- Folder 186: Belluomini Development Opens Up New Dimensions In Billy Investigation, 7/21/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800721bel.pdf
- Folder 187: Senators Talmadge And Dole Release Gao Report On Hospital Regulatory And Reporting Requirements, 7/21/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800721sen.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Thanks City Of Detroit And State Of Michigan, 7/21/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800721tha.pdf
- Folder 189: Floor Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Billy Carter Investigation; Libya, 7/22/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800722flo.pdf
- Folder 190: (2) Floor Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Billy Carter Investigation; Libya, 7/22/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800722floo.pdf
- Folder 191: Statement Of Senator Dole On Medicaid-Medicare Fraud And Abuse, 7/22/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800722med.pdf
- Folder 192: Latest Economic Figures Underscore Need For Immediate Tax Cut, 7/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800723lat.pdf
- Folder 193: Opening Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On The Need For A Tax Cut, 7/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800723ope.pdf
- Folder 194: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Requesting The Judiciary Committee To Investigate Billy Carter; Libya, 7/23/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800723sta.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Royalty Owner Tax Credit Legislation Stripper Exemption, Passes Senate; Windfall Profits Tax, Oil, 7/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800724roy.pdf
- Folder 196: Senate Passes Dole Farm Credit Legislation, 7/24/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800724sen.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Says Billy Carter - Benjamin Civiletti Conversation A Startling Development; Libya, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800725car.pdf
- Folder 198: Iranian Frozen Assets Would Be Distributed To Hostages Under Dole Amendment, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800725ira.pdf
- Folder 199: Dole-Kassebaum Amendment Accepted By Unanimous Consent As Part Of S. 2675; Would Advance Announcement Day Of Wheat Set-Aside To 08/01, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800725kas.pdf
- Folder 200: Major Farm Legislation Passed Today Would Mitigate Adverse Impact Of Embargo, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800725maj.pdf
- Folder 201: Statement Of Senator Dole On Billy Carter Investigation; Libya, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800725sta.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole To Press For Action By Full Senate On His Farm Bill Will Offer Amendment To Raise Grain Loan Rates, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800725top.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Asks That Independent Counsel Be Named Committee Meeting Advanced On Billy Carter, 7/26/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800726ask.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Urges Carter Support Of Farm Legislation, 7/28/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800728car.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Pleased With Carter Support Of Dole Farm Legislation, 7/28/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800728ple.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole, Kassebaum Urge President To Make Brazilian Aircraft And Parts Ineligible For Investment Tax Credits, 7/29/1980

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 800729kas.pdf
- Folder 207: Productivity Slump Underscores Tax Cut Need, 7/29/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800729pro.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole Cosponsors Legislation Providing Heat Relief, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800730cos.pdf
- Folder 209: Early Appearance By Jimmy Carter Before Judiciary Committee Inappropriate; Billy Carter, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800730ear.pdf
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Folder 210: Dole Meets With Bush To Discuss Upcoming Presidential Campaign Issues, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800730mee.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Requests 29 Additional Kansas Counties Be Declared Eligible For Drought Loans, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800730req.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole Speaks Out For Passage Of Bill To Assist Elderly During Heat Waves, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800730spe.pdf
- Folder 213: Thirty-Seven Kansas Counties Approved For Farm Disaster Loan Assistance, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800730thi.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Praises Dykes Contributions As Kansas University Chancellor, 8/1/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800801pra.pdf
- Folder 215: Senate Tax Hearings End; Dole Says Tax Cut Needed To Offset Taxflation, 8/1/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800801tax.pdf
- Folder 216: Latest Cable Flip-Flop Simply Reinforce View That Carter Is Not Prepared To Explain Billy Carter's Connection With Libya, 8/2/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800802lat.pdf
- Folder 217: Us Should End Dependence On Libyan Crude Oil, 8/4/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800804uss.pdf
- Folder 218: Eleven Kansas Counties Approved For Emergency Feed Program, 8/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800805ele.pdf
- Folder 219: Marriage Tax Should Be Eliminated, 8/5/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800805mar.pdf
- Folder 220: Notice Of Nutrition Hearings On Elderly Needs In Kansas, 8/5/1980

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 800805not.pdf
- Folder 221: New Loan Rate On Wheat To Be Effective Soon, 8/6/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800806new.pdf
- Folder 222: Civiletti Actions Verge On Obstruction Of Justice Says Dole On Billy Carter Investigation, 8/7/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800807civ.pdf
- Folder 223: Dole Says Press Reports Concerning Civiletti Point To Obstruction Of Justice, 8/7/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800807pre.pdf
- Folder 224: Dole Says Blaming Current Recession On GOP An Exercise In Self Delusion, 8/8/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800808bla.pdf
- Folder 225: Real Net Farm Income Could Drop 40% In 1980, 8/8/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800808rea.pdf
- Folder 226: Dole Pledges Support For Kansas Rural Water Districts Hurt By Drought, 8/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800811ple.pdf
- Folder 227: Dole Calls For Senate Committee Hearings On Federal Crop Insurance Management Problems, 8/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800812cal.pdf
- Folder 228: Carter Economic Policies Have Ravaged Hopes Of Elderly Americans, Dole Says, 8/12/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800812car.pdf
- Folder 229: Dole Calls For Military Pay Increase, Ft. Riley School Aid, 8/13/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800813mil.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Says More Emergency Loans Needed By Drought Stricken Farmers, 8/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800813mor.pdf
- Folder 231: New Law Needs To Be Implemented Immediately For More Emergency Loans To Drought Stricken Farmers, 8/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800813new.pdf
- Folder 232: Dole Says Billy Carter Investigation May Be Becoming Family Affair, 8/14/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800814bil.pdf
- Folder 233: Rock Island Directed Service To Be Approved Today, Dole Announces; Railroads, 8/14/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800814roc.pdf
- Folder 234: Dole Urges Bergland To Announce Wheat Se-Aside, 8/14/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800814urg.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Says Budget Must Not Be Balanced On The Backs Of The Elderly Population, 8/15/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800815bud.pdf
- Folder 236: ICC Formally Announces Approval Of Directed Service For Manhattan-Phillipsburg Line; Railroads, 8/15/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800815icc.pdf
- Folder 237: Dole Says Net Farm Income In Kansas Could Be Down 50% 8 Point Program Proposed, 8/15/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800815net.pdf
- Folder 238: Finance Committee Votes 15-0 To Accept Dole Call For Tax Cut This Year, 8/18/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800818fin.pdf
- Folder 239: Administration's Predictions On The Farm Vote Off Base, 8/19/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800819adm.pdf
- Folder 240: Grain Embargo Has Proved To Be Poor Foreign Policy Tool -- Should Be Abandoned, 8/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800820gra.pdf
- Folder 241: Dole Sends Cable Protesting U.S. Absention On U.N. Resolution Vote; Israel's Presence In West Jerusalem, 8/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800820sen.pdf
- Folder 242: Belluomini Development Opens Up New Dimensions In Billy Carter Investigation, 8/21/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800821bel.pdf
- Folder 243: Dole Calls For Re-Evaluation Of Cuban Refugee Policy In Wake Of Skyjackings, 8/21/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800821cal.pdf
- Folder 244: Press Advisory: Tax Cuts, 8/21/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800821pre.pdf
- Folder 245: Dole Praises Working Men And Women On Labor Day, 8/22/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800822pra.pdf
- Folder 246: President Carter Should Get On Tax Cut Train Before It Leaves The Station, 8/22/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800822pre.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole Proposal To Liberalize Retirement Rules Accepted, 8/22/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800822pro.pdf
- Folder 248: Billy Carter Testimony Points To Unanswered Questions, 8/23/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800823bil.pdf
- Folder 249: Polish Unrest Holds Promise For Helsinki Progress, 8/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800825pol.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole Amendment Would Allow Full Participation By Handicapped On Commission, 8/26/1980

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 800826ame.pdf
- Folder 251: Thirty-Seven Additional Kansas Counties Approved For Farm Disaster Loan Assistance, 8/26/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800826thi.pdf
- Folder 252: Alternative To Present Long-Term Care For Elderly Needed, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800827alt.pdf
- Folder 253: Dole Applauds Action By Midwest Governor's Conference; Call For An End To The Grain Embargo, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800827app.pdf
- Folder 254: Senate Approves Dole Amendment Changing Name Of Topeka VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800827appr.pdf
- Folder 255: Woodcock Endangers Normalization With China, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800827woo.pdf
- Folder 256: Billy Carter Failed To Pay Income Taxes In 78, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800828bil.pdf
- Folder 257: Dole Says Carter Economic Proposals Poorly Designed Politically Timed, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800828car.pdf
- Folder 258: Jobs Portion Of The Administration Economic Proposal Offers Tired Solutions, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800828job.pdf
- Folder 259: Kansas Given $2 Million For Rural Water District Drought Assistance, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800828kan.pdf
- Folder 260: Absence Of Policy Prolongs Iranian Hostage Crisis, 8/29/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800829abs.pdf
- Folder 261: Dole States His Opposition To Peacetime Draft Registration Procedure, 8/29/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800829sta.pdf
- Folder 262: Dole To Introduce Anti-Embargo Clause In 1981 Farm Bill, 8/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800830dol.pdf
- Folder 263: Dole Completes Seven Day Kansas Tour Says He Plans To Work!, 9/2/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800902com.pdf
- Folder 264: Agriculture Committee Passes Dole Bill On Weighing Grain Transported Into Export Elevators, 9/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800903agr.pdf
- Folder 265: Kansas Given Additional $1.4 Million For Drought Assistance For Water Systems, 9/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800903kan.pdf
- Folder 266: Timing Of Carter Peace Talks Announcement Curious Dole Says; Egyptian-Israeli Peace Talks, 9/4/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800904car.pdf
- Folder 267: Carter's Statement On Social Security Deceptive, 9/4/1980

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 800904cart.pdf
- Folder 268: Dole Calls For Quick Action To Free Stalled Veterans Education Checks, 9/5/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800905cal.pdf
- Folder 269: Dole Charges USDA New Math Camouflages Farm Income Drop, 9/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800905cha.pdf
- Folder 270: Elizabeth Dole To Head Grassroots Effort For Reagan And Bush, 9/8/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800908eli.pdf
- Folder 271: Dole Asks That Solar Energy Funds Be Restored, 9/9/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800909ask.pdf
- Folder 272: Sixty Five Kansas Counties Expected To Be Approved By SBA For Disaster Relief, 9/9/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800909six.pdf
- Folder 273: Taxpayers Gambling On Carter Economic Proposal, 9/9/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800909tax.pdf
- Folder 274: Dole Boschwitz Organizing GOP Colleagues For Madrid Conference; Helsinki Accords, 9/10/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800910bos.pdf
- Folder 275: ICC Ruling On Rail Service Good News For Northern Kansas, 9/10/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800910icc.pdf
- Folder 276: Ernie Garcia Appointed As Dole's Kansas Administrative Assistant, 9/12/1980

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 800912ern.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole Kassebaum To Introduce Ft. Leavenworth Ft. Riley Construction Amendments, 9/12/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800912kas.pdf
- Folder 278: Dole Seeks To Correct Gun Control Enforcement Inequities; Gun Control Act, 9/15/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800915see.pdf
- Folder 279: Senate House Conference Committee Passes Dole Farm Bill, 9/15/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800915sen.pdf
- Folder 280: Dole Supports Finance Committee Changes In Social Security Charitable Deduction Provisions, 9/16/1980

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 800916sup.pdf
- Folder 281: Senator Dole Calls Kim Trial Farce; South Korea, Kim Dae Jung, 9/17/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800917cal.pdf
- Folder 282: Carter Refusal To Fill Strategic Petroleum Reserve Has Cost Public More Than A Billion Dollars, 9/17/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800917car.pdf
- Folder 283: Dole Supports Revenue Sharing Renewal, 9/17/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 800917sup.pdf
- Folder 284: Dole Amendment Would Force Candidates To Debate Or Give Up Federal Funds, 9/18/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 800918ame.pdf
- Folder 285: Congress Thwarting Tax Cut Naysayers, 9/18/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800918con.pdf
- Folder 286: Letter To John Stennis Chairman Senate Armed Services Regarding Titan II Incident, 9/19/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800919let.pdf
- Folder 287: Titan II Accident In Arkansas Underscores Need For Re-Evaluation Of System, 9/19/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800919tit.pdf
- Folder 288: Secretary Brown's Call For Investigation A Half-Step Stennis Assures Quick Action; Titan II, 9/22/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800922sec.pdf
- Folder 289: Dole Urges Senate Leadership To Take Up Fair Housing Amendments Before Adjournment, 9/22/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 800922urg.pdf
- Folder 290: Air Force Secretary Accepts Dole Invitation To Brief Kansas Officials On Titans, 9/23/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800923air.pdf
- Folder 291: Dole Asks That Titan II Warning System Be Retained By Conference Committee Members, 9/23/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800923ask.pdf
- Folder 292: Dole Restores Solar Energy Demonstration Funds, 9/23/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800923res.pdf
- Folder 293: Approval Of Titan Alarm System Helps Ensure Safety Of Citizens Dole Says, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800924app.pdf
- Folder 294: Dole Honors Damascus Arkansas Titan Crew, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800924hon.pdf
- Folder 295: House-Senate Conference To Consider Royalty Owner Relief; Budget Reconciliation Bill Hr 7765, Windfall Profits Tax, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800924hou.pdf
- Folder 296: Sale Of Nuclear Fuel To India Would Undercut Our Nonproliferation Commitment, Dole Says, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800924sal.pdf
- Folder 297: Carter Grain Embargo Suffers Defeat In Senate, 9/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800925car.pdf
- Folder 298: Congress Should Remain In Session Until Implications Of Iran-Iraq Conflict Are Fully Assessed, 9/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800925sho.pdf
- Folder 299: Dole Accepts Invitations To Join Democratic Opponent In Four Kansas Cities, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800926acc.pdf
- Folder 300: Dole Bill Would Increase Fill-Rate For Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800926bil.pdf
- Folder 301: Democrats Denying Taxpayers Relief--Dole Still Hopes For Action, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800926dem.pdf
- Folder 302: Sixty Five Kansas Counties Approved By SBA For Disaster Relief; Small Business Administration, Drought Disaster Assistance Loans To Farmers, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800926six.pdf
- Folder 303: Dole National High School Activities Week Passes Senate, 9/29/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800929nat.pdf
- Folder 304: Presidential Delay In Filling Oil Reserve Dangerous To Nation, 9/29/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800929pre.pdf
- Folder 305: Senate Report Into Billy Carter Should Wait Until Justice Department Probe Finished, 9/29/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800929sen.pdf
- Folder 306: Dole To Meet With EPA Officials To Discuss Hazardous Wastes, 9/30/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 800930tom.pdf
- Folder 307: Topeka Federal Building To Be Named In Honor Of Former Senator Frank Carlson, 9/30/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800930top.pdf
- Folder 308: Dole Seeks Delay In Switch To 9-Digit Zip Code, 10/1/1980

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 801001see.pdf
- Folder 309: Dole Works Out Compromise On Farm Legislation, 10/1/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801001wor.pdf
- Folder 310: Dole Byrd Reach Agreement To Bring Up Superfund Bill In November, 10/2/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 801002byr.pdf
- Folder 311: Kansas Communities Encouraged To Contest Census Bureau, 10/2/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801002kan.pdf
- Folder 312: Dole Expresses Concern Over Incidents In France In Letter, 10/3/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801003exp.pdf
- Folder 313: President Honored Meritorious Executive Who Oversees Empty Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 10/3/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801003pre.pdf
- Folder 314: EPA Costle Interested In Visiting Kansas To View Waste Sites, 10/4/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 801004cos.pdf
- Folder 315: Dole Says It Is National Disgrace That 15% Of Elderly Live In Poverty, 10/5/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 801005say.pdf
- Folder 316: Dole Sees Good Prospects For Royalty Owners Tax Credit, 10/6/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801006see.pdf
- Folder 317: Letter To Bob Bergland On Ag Issues For 80 Campaign Debate, 10/7/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 801007bob.pdf
- Folder 318: Dole Calls On Bergland To Justify Carter Farm Record Before A Debate Is Considered, 10/7/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801007cal.pdf
- Folder 319: Senator Dole Has Returned $365 922.05 To Treasury Since 1975, 10/7/1980

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 801007sen.pdf
- Folder 320: Interest Rate Lowered For USDA Emergency Farm Loans, 10/8/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801008int.pdf
- Folder 321: Us Drug Fighting Efforts Failing To Stem Drug Abuse, Dole Says, 10/8/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 801008usd.pdf
- Folder 322: Dole, Kassebaum Urge ICC Approval Of Rail Road Transit Rights, 10/9/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 801009kas.pdf
- Folder 323: Dole Says Us Ill Prepared For Persian Gulf Showdown, 10/9/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801009say.pdf
- Folder 324: Us Faces Homeless Generation If Present Policies Continue, 10/9/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 801009usf.pdf
- Folder 325: ICC Has Agreed To Rail Transit Rates, 10/10/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 801010icc.pdf
- Folder 326: Dole Will Act To Reverse New IRS Regulations, 10/10/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801010wil.pdf
- Folder 327: Dole Says 1981 Farm Bill Vital To Farmers, 10/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801013dol.pdf
- Folder 328: Dole Says Kansas Needs Tax Cut Now, 10/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801013say.pdf
- Folder 329: Dole Amendment May Be Used For Grain Sales To Peoples Republic Of China, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801014ame.pdf
- Folder 330: Dole Blasts Carter Decision To Vote For Pol Pot At Un; Cambodia, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801014bla.pdf
- Folder 331: Dole Calls For Prosecution Of Released Cuban Prisoners, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801014cal.pdf
- Folder 332: Dole Says Belated Administration Support Of Interior Royalty Relief Welcome; Windfall Profits Tax, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801014say.pdf
- Folder 333: Dole Urges Clemency For Soviet Jewish Dissident Shcharansky, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801014urg.pdf
- Folder 334: Us Coast Guard Academy Nationwide Competition, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 801014usc.pdf
- Folder 335: Dole Wagers Beef On Royals Series Win, 10/14/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 801014wag.pdf
- Folder 336: Farmers Need Strong Voice In Washington During The 1980S, 10/15/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801015far.pdf
- Folder 337: Western Kansas Faces Water Crisis In Eighties, 10/15/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801015wes.pdf
- Folder 338: China Grain Deal Should Not Drive Up Consumer Prices Dole Says, 10/16/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801016chi.pdf
- Folder 339: Dole Says Kansas Taxpayers Face $800 Million In New Federal Taxes Next Year Supports Tax Relief This Year, 10/16/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801016kan.pdf
- Folder 340: Armed Services Committee Assures Dole Of Titan II Efforts, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 801020arm.pdf
- Folder 341: Carter Makes Salt II A Halloween Surprise, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 801020car.pdf
- Folder 342: Deadlocked East-West Conference Talks Predicted; Helsinki Accords, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801020dea.pdf
- Folder 343: Fuels Commission Urges President To Increase Federal Alcohol Use, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801020fue.pdf
- Folder 344: Dole Predicts Hostages Will Return Before November 4 Anniversary; Iran, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801020pre.pdf
- Folder 345: Dole Works On Priorities For Post-Election Session, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801020wor.pdf
- Folder 346: Dole Concerned Over Upsurge Of Crime Rate Scores Democrats On Dismantling LEAA, 10/21/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 801021con.pdf
- Folder 347: Press Release Of Senator Dole On The Social Security Monthly Retirement Test Act, 10/21/1980

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 801021pre.pdf
- Folder 348: Dole Works On Post-Election Legislation, 10/21/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801021wor.pdf
- Folder 349: Dole Praises Reagan Support On Relief For Royalty Owners; Windfall Profits Tax, 10/22/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801022pra.pdf
- Folder 350: Dole Pledges To Seek Funding For Manhattan, 10/23/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801023ple.pdf
- Folder 351: Dole Again Calls For End To Soviet Grain Embargo, 10/24/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801024aga.pdf
- Folder 352: Dole Seeks Clarification Of President's Position On Royalty Owner Relief; Windfall Profits Tax, 10/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801024see.pdf
- Folder 353: Dole To Travel To 21 Kansas Cities Through Monday; Schedule, 10/24/1980

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 801024tra.pdf
- Folder 354: Carter Distorts Agriculture Situation Dole Says, 10/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801025car.pdf
- Folder 355: Kansas Income Taxes Will Rise Extra $208 Million Because Of Jump In Inflation, 10/26/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801026kan.pdf
- Folder 356: Americans For Constitutional Action Endorse Dole Re-Election Bid, 10/27/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801027ame.pdf
- Folder 357: Carter Distorts Agriculture Situation Dole Says, 10/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801027car.pdf
- Folder 358: Carter Has Lost Touch With Farm Realities Dole Says, 10/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801027los.pdf
- Folder 359: Dole Charges Muskie With Turning Foreign Policy Into Political Policy, 10/28/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801028mus.pdf
- Folder 360: Dole Urges Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti To Investigate Campaign Abuses Of Executive Branch, 10/28/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801028urg.pdf
- Folder 361: Dole Calls For New Hearings On Medicaid-Medicare Fraud And Abuse, 10/29/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 801029cal.pdf
- Folder 362: Doles Paid Nearly $4 500 In State Property Income And Intangibles Taxes Last Year, 10/29/1980

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 801029pai.pdf
- Folder 363: Dole Points To Carter Reversal On Alcohol Fuels, 11/1/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801101poi.pdf
- Folder 364: Responses To Campaign Allegations After The 80 Senate Campaign, 11/12/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 801112res.pdf
- Folder 365: Kansans Named To Wheat Industry Council, 11/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801113kan.pdf
- Folder 366: Dole Pursuit Of Tax Cut Continues, 11/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801113pur.pdf
- Folder 367: Dole Sees Bright Political Future For Co-Ops, 11/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801113see.pdf
- Folder 368: Dole Calls For Immediate Action On House Revenue Sharing Bill, 11/15/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 801115cal.pdf
- Folder 369: Strategic Petroleum Reserve Must Be Filled Dole Says, 11/17/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801117str.pdf
- Folder 370: Dole Farm Bill Clears Last Major Hurdle, 11/18/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801118far.pdf
- Folder 371: Passage Of Dole-Roth Amendment Clears Way For 1981 Tax Cut, 11/19/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801119pas.pdf
- Folder 372: Dole Amendment Will Aid Missionaries Working Overseas, 11/20/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 801120ame.pdf
- Folder 373: Dole Favors Federal Charter For The Italian-American War Veterans, 11/20/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 801120fav.pdf
- Folder 374: John Block Would Be Best Choice As Secretary Of Agriculture, Dole Says, 11/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801120joh.pdf
- Folder 375: Dole Proposal To Aid Farmers Small Businessmen Is Accepted, 11/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801120pro.pdf
- Folder 376: Budget Conferees Agree To Dole Royalty Credit, Windfall Profits Tax, 11/21/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801121bud.pdf
- Folder 377: Dole Joins Group To Increase Farm Exports, 11/24/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801124joi.pdf
- Folder 378: Nine-Digit Zip Code Should Be Viewed Skeptically, 11/26/1980

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 801126nin.pdf
- Folder 379: Dole Selected To Receive Kansas Farm Bureau Distinguished Services To Agriculture Award Of 1980, 12/1/1980

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 801201dol.pdf
- Folder 380: Dole To Host Bob Dole Commentary On Radio, 12/1/1980

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 801201toh.pdf
- Folder 381: Dole Farm Bill Signed Into Law, 12/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801203far.pdf
- Folder 382: Royalty Relief Assured By Congressional Passage Of Dole Amendment; Windfall Profits Tax, 12/3/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801203roy.pdf
- Folder 383: Criticism Of Imported Alcohol Tariff Royalty Owners Relief Irresponsible (Gasohol), Dole Says, 12/4/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801204cri.pdf
- Folder 384: Hutchinson High Salthawk Band Chosen For Reagan Inaugural Parade, 12/8/1980

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 801208hut.pdf
- Folder 385: Dole Applauds Revenue Sharing Passage, 12/9/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 801209app.pdf
- Folder 386: Republicans Have Commitment To Fair Housing Bill Next Year, 12/9/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 801209rep.pdf
- Folder 387: Tug McGraw Of Phillies To Accept World Series Winnings, 12/9/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 801209tug.pdf
- Folder 388: Falling Farm Commodity Prices Reflect Adjustment To Reality, 12/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801212fal.pdf
- Folder 389: Kansans To Benefit From Dole Tax Amendments, 12/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801213kan.pdf
- Folder 390: Haig A Good Choice For Secretary Of State Will Be Confirmed, 12/16/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801216hai.pdf
- Folder 391: Topeka VA Hospital Renamed To Honor Two Kansas Veterans, 12/16/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 801216top.pdf
- Folder 392: FEC Audit Report Inaccurate Outdated; Federal Election Commission, 12/17/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801217fec.pdf
- Folder 393: Dole Predicts General Alexander Haig Confirmation; Secretary Of State, 12/17/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801217pre.pdf
- Folder 394: Selection Of John Block As Agriculture Secretary A Great Victory For The Farmer, 12/22/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801222sel.pdf
- Folder 395: Range Of Options Exist To Solve Social Security Financing Problems, 12/29/1980

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 801229ran.pdf
- Folder 396: Finance Committee Schedules Hearings On Richard S. Schweiker, HHS; Donald T. Regan, Secretary Of The Treasury, 12/29/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801229rang.pdf
- Folder 397: No Selections To Reagan Administration Involving Kansans This Week, 12/30/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801230nos.pdf
- Box 24

- Folder 1

- Item 15: John Block New Secretary Of Agriculture, 1/22/1980

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_015.pdf
- Series 21: 1981

- Box 25

- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Talks to Stockman, Remains Optimistic about Wichita/Butler County SMSA Status, 1/3/1981

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_001.pdf
- Item 3: Steve Coen Promoted to Kansas Administrative Assistant, 1/5/1981

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_003.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Will Introduce New Anti-Crime Bill, 1/14/1981

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_006.pdf
- Box 22

- Folder 16

- Item 9: Ceremony Redesignating Topeka Federal Building On January 30th, 1/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_009.pdf
- Item 11: Titan II Report Doesn't Reduce Need For Senate Hearings, 1/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_011.pdf
- Item 17: Senate Finance Committee To Tackle Difficult Reforms In 97th Congress, 1/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_017.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Committed To Survival Of Auto Industry, 1/14/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_013.pdf
- Item 12: Carter Budget Is Based On Unrealistic Expectations, 1/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_012.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Celebrates Return Of Hostages Without Ransom, 1/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_014.pdf
- Item 15: Return Of The Hostages A Cause For Joy, Reflection, 1/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole To Introduce Bill To Allow Litigation Against Foreign States, 1/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_016.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Crop Insurance Expansion, 1/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_010.pdf
- Item 8: Reagan Presents Balanced Economic Plan, Dole Says, 2/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_008.pdf
- Item 6: Hearings To Investigate New Surge Of Bankruptcies, 3/31/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_006.pdf
- Item 5: Kansans Will See $4.9-Billion Cut In Individual Tax Rates, Dole Says, 9/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_005.pdf
- Item 4: Judge O'Connor Brings Rich And Varied Background To Hearings, 9/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_004.pdf
- Item 3: Agriculture Secretary Block Accepts Dole Invitation To Tour Kansas, 10/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_003.pdf
- Item 2: Secretary Block And Senator Dole Tour Kansas, 10/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_002.pdf
- Item 1: Defense Programs Must Take Share Of Spending Cuts, Dole Says, 12/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_001.pdf
- Box 24

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Senate Finance Committee To Tackle Difficult Reforms In 97th Congress, 1/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Titan II Report Doesn't Reduce Need For Senate Hearings, 1/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Ceremony Redesignating Topeka Federal Building On January 30th, 1/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Supports President On Anti-Discrimination Bill, 1/12/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Reagan Inaugural Ceremony To Be Captioned For Nations Deaf, 1/14/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Committed To Survival Of Auto Industry, 1/14/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Finance Committee Schedules Hearings On Nomination Of The Honorable William E. Brock To Be United States Trade Representative, 1/15/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Carter Budget Is Based On Unrealistic Expectations, 1/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Announces Anti-Discrimination Hearings, 1/18/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Return Of The Hostages A Cause For Joy, Reflection, 1/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Darrell Trent Understands Transportation Problem Of Midwest, 1/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Rock Island Discussions With Reagan Officials, 1/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Celebrates Return Of Hostages Without Ransom, 1/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Praises K-State Grad Howard Liebengood, 1/21/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_014.pdf
- Item 16: Dole To Introduce Bill To Allow Litigation Against Foreign States, 1/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Bill Would Correct Annuities Inequity For Federal Officers And Firefighters, 1/26/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Requests Reconsideration Of Site For K.C. IRS Service Station, 1/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Announces Crop Insurance Expansion, 1/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Introduces Bill Giving U.S. Courts Jurisdiction Over Cases Arising From Acts Of International Terrorism, 1/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_020.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Regulatory Reform Act As Regulatory Reform Vehicle, 2/5/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole To Introduce Resolution On Year Of Disabled Persons, 2/5/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls For Internal Amtrak Study Of Midwest Routes, 2/13/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Reagan Presents Balanced Economic Plan, Dole Says, 2/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas City IRS Building Statement, 2/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Undergoes Surgery For Removal Of Kidney Stone, 2/20/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Progressing Well; Release From Walter Reed Expected Next Week, 2/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_004_007.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 3/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: C-Span Survey Shows Majority Of U.S. Senators Favor Or Lean Toward Televised Sessions, 3/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Announces Legislative Initiatives, Hearings On Bankruptcy And Grain Elevator Insolvency Problems, 3/5/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Shows Steady Improvement, 3/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Meets With Japanese Ambassador On Auto Restrictions, 3/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Taiwanese Delegation To Purchase Wheat In Kansas, Dole Says, 3/10/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Reagan Budget Requests Leavenworth Penitentiary Modernization Funds, 3/10/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Introduces Reagan Tax Package, 3/10/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Supports Denver As Western Kansas Air Hub, 3/11/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: President Reagan Visits Dole At Walter Reed, 3/12/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Kansas Low Income Housing Projects Endangered, Dole Says, 3/13/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement Of Senator Dole: Hearings On The Reagan Budget Cuts, 3/17/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Ernie Garcia Appointed To White House Staff, 3/18/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For Analysis Of Tax Exemption For Military Pay, 3/20/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: F-15 Equipment Sale Endangers Israeli Security, Dole Says, 3/24/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Calls For Re-Examination Of Metro Area Formula, 3/25/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Announces Witness List For Farm Bankruptcy Hearings, 3/26/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole-Helms Amendment Restores $300 Million In Child Nutrition Funds, 3/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Urges Reagan A Quick Recovery, 3/31/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Introduces Bill To Protect Farmers In Elevator Bankruptcy Proceedings, 3/31/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: Hearings To Investigate New Surge Of Bankruptcies, 3/31/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_005_021.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Kansas receives its share of federal funding, 4/1/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Personal bankruptcy hearings to be held Friday, 4/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, General Bankruptcy Hearing (and related news articles), 4/3/1981

- Subcommittee on Courts, Senate Judiciary Committee. Includes photocopies of related articles
PDF available: s-press_024_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Schedules Finance Mark-Up Of Auto Import Bill, 4/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Chairs Elevator Bankruptcy Hearings, 4/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_005.pdf
- Item 11: Rostenkowski One-Year Tax Cut Not Deep Enough, Dole Says, 4/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_011.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Urges Review Of Fort Scott Lake Project, 4/7/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement By A Group of 12 Moderate-To-Conservative Senate Democrats:, 4/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Supports Television Coverage Of Senate Proceedings, 4/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Applauds Democratic Support Of Presidents Economic Plan, 4/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Committee On Ways And Means - U.S. House Of Representatives - remarks of Chairman Dan Rostenkowski (D-Ill), 4/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_010.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Introduces Food Stamp Legislation, 4/10/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Impact Of Senate Budget Vote Exaggerated, Dole Says, 4/10/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Introduces Major Farm Legislation, 4/11/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Hearings On The Judgeship Needs Of The Courts Of Appeals And District Courts, 4/24/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Hails Reagan Decision To Lift Embargo, 4/24/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Welcomes Japanese Import Movement; Hints Rumored Figure Inadequate, 4/25/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole-Leahy To Introduce Legislation To Attack Food Stamp Fraud, 4/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Reagan Speech The Right Message At The Right Time, 4/28/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Original Co-Sponsor Of Regulatory Reform Act, 4/30/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_006_020.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Japanese Auto Import Restrictions Will Help Restore U.S. Competition, Dole Says, 5/1/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Calls For Continued Operation Of BATF Office In Wichita, 5/4/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Alternative Food Stamp Savings, 5/5/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Food Stamp Proposal Before Agriculture Committee Today, 5/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Ag Committee Accepts Dole Amendments; Staves Off Food Stamp Overlap Cuts, 5/7/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Tax Freedom Day Will Be May 10 This Year, Dole Says, 5/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Pledges Early Hearings On Presidents Social Security Package, 5/12/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Predicts Spirited Committee Debate On Tax Proposals, 5/13/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Robinson Named To White House Conference On Aging, 5/13/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Robinson, Smith Named To White House Conference On Aging, 5/15/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Dedication Of V.A. Medical Center, 5/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: No Painless Solution To Social Security Problems, Dole Says, 5/21/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Introduces Bill To Help Stem Industrial Espionage Today, 5/21/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Legislation To Protect IRS Tax Audit Data, 5/22/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Door To Tax Compromise Still Open, Dole Says, 5/29/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_007_015.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Enough Elbow Room For Tax Compromise, Dole Says, 6/1/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Administration Plan Represents Major Tax Breakthrough, Dole Says, 6/10/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Wallop Named Chairman Of Senate Estate, Gift Tax Task Force, 6/12/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Marquez Selected As Kansas U.S. Attorney Candidate, 6/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Food Stamp Savings Taking Unwarranted Criticism, Dole Says, 6/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Kansas Representatives Alert Reagan To Kansas Flood Damage, 6/17/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Infant Formula Vote Reaffirms U.S. Commitment, 6/18/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Time Is Now For Committee To Report Tax Legislation, 6/18/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Walter Reed Army Medical Center Commencement, 6/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Applauds Block Recommendation For ITC Casein Study, 6/24/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Guides Tax Plan Through Senate Finance Committee, 6/25/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: 27 Kansas Counties Eligible For Crop Disaster Loans, 6/26/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_008_012.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Farm Bill Differences Being Bridged, Dole Says, 7/1/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Advisory - Finance Committee Chairman Senator Bob Dole will hold a news conference July 2, 1981 to discuss the finance committees tax package, 7/1/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Committee Preparing For Floor Action On Tax Bill, 7/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Trustees Reports Underscore Serious Threat To Social Security System, 7/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_004.pdf
- Item 5: Social Security Solutions Will Require Straight Talk, Dole Says, 7/7/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Introduces Resolution Congratulating Disabled Mountain Climbers, 7/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Advisory - Senator Bob Dole will great 11 disabled climbers who triumphed Mount Rainier, 7/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Bill Would Resolve Kansas-Missouri Border Problem, Dole Says, 7/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: Ways And Means Commodities Vote Provides Windfall For Futures Traders, Dole Says, 7/11/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_009.pdf
- Item 10: Ways And Means Talks about the Poor While It Provides $425 Million Windfall For The Rich, Dole Says, 7/14/1981

- noted as "not released"
PDF available: s-press_024_009_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Predicts Prompt And Enthusiastic Senate Support Of Tax Bill, 7/15/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_011.pdf
- Item 12: Moynihan Amendment Would Bankrupt Social Security Trust Funds, Dole Says, 7/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Offers Condolences To Families, Victims Of Kansas City Hotel Disaster, 7/18/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senators Announce U.S. Marshal, Farm Credit Board Appointments, 7/22/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Windfall Relief For New Oil Passed By Senate, 7/22/1981

- noted "was corrected"
PDF available: s-press_024_009_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole, Kassebaum Submit Nominees For Kansas U.S. District Court Seat, 7/24/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Gives Qualified Support To Romanian MFN Status, 7/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Supports U.S. Grain Sale To Soviets, 7/27/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansans Phone In To Congressmen On Tax Cut Issue, 7/29/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_019.pdf
- Item 20: Committee Will Study Social Security Minimum Benefit Provision, Dole Says, 7/31/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_009_020.pdf
- Folder 11

- Item 9: O'Neill Criticism Clouds Need For Substantive Social Security Reform, 7/17/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_009.pdf
- Item 11: Senate Completes Action On Farm Bill, 7/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_011.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Says Network Television Story On Food stamp Fraud Inaccurate, 9/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole On 3-Day Kansas Swing, 9/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_002.pdf
- Item 3: Kansans Will See $4.9-Billion Cut In Individual Tax Rates, Dole Says, 9/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Hails Wheat Acreage Reduction Decision, 9/3/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Says IRS Reasonable Result In All Savers Ruling, 9/3/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_005.pdf
- Item 6: Judge O'Connor Brings Rich And varied Background To Hearings, 9/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Pleased With O'Connor Recommendation, 9/15/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_007.pdf
- Item 8: President Says U.S. Intends To Sell Large Quantity Of Grain To Soviets, 9/15/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_008.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Partial USDA Requirements For Reduced Acreage Program, 9/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_010.pdf
- Item 12: Senate Approves Dole Elevator Bankruptcy Legislation, 9/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Cosponsor World Hunger Bill, 9/28/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole, Kassebaum Announce UDAG Approval For Royale Addition, 9/29/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_011_014.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: Estate Tax Provisions In Tax Bill Will Aid Rural America, 8/4/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Hails Agreement On U.S.-Soviet Grain Trade, 8/5/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: Bliss A Republican Statesman Of The First Rank, Dole Says, 8/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Can Expect Farm Bill In October, Dole Says, 8/11/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole, Kassebaum Push K.C. As Regional FAA Headquarters, 8/14/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_010_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Wraps Up Kansas Trip; To Visit Block On Farm Bill, 8/18/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_010_006.pdf
- Folder 12

- Item 1: Kansas-Missouri Border Bill Passes Senate, 10/1/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Soviet Grain Offer On Target, Dole Says, 10/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Applauds Opening Of Feedgrain Reserve, 10/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Mourns Death Of Egyptian President Sadat, 10/6/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Expresses Concern Over Rock Island Purchase Rejection, 10/7/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senate Passes Bill To Postpone Wheat Referendum, 10/7/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_006.pdf
- Item 7: Agriculture Secretary Block Accepts Dole Invitation To Tour Kansas, 10/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole And Weicker To Introduce CETA Legislation, 10/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_008.pdf
- Item 9: Secretary Block And Senator Dole Tour Kansas, 10/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Opposed To Budget-Busting House Farm Bill, 10/23/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Predicts Tax Increase Legislation In 1982, 10/26/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Supports AWACS Sale To Saudi Arabia, 10/28/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_012_012.pdf
- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Pleased with Recent Block Tour through Kansas, 11/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_013_001.pdf
- Item 2: Senate Bill Includes Money to Start Flood Control Study at Halstead, 11/4/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_013_002.pdf
- Item 3: Social Security Conferees making Progress, Dole Says, 11/19/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_013_003.pdf
- Item 4: Max Klein Joins Dole Staff, 11/24/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_013_004.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Says General Revenue Financing Unpopular in Congress, 12/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_001.pdf
- Item 2: Defense Programs Must Take Share of Spending Cuts, Dole Says, 12/2/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Disappointed by Political Posturing of Farm Bill Conferees, 12/7/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: Senate Youth Program Winners Announced, 12/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Concerned with Increasing Trade Deficits with Japan and the World, 12/8/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Says Fraud, Waste and Abuse Should be at the Top of Everyone's List, 12/9/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Applauds Hineman Confirmation, 12/16/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: House Members Voted Responsibly on Farm Bill, 12/17/1981

- PDF available: s-press_024_014_008.pdf
- Series 22: 1982

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole Says Solidarity Demonstrations Show Poland Will Not Go Back, 1/1/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820101say.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Makes Request For Rock Island Negotiations To Resume, 1/6/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 820106mak.pdf
- Folder 3: Dole Calls For Japanese Trade Commitment, 1/18/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820118cal.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Seeks Federal Assistance At Furley Waste Site, 1/19/1982

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 820119see.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Says Reagan Deserves Credit For Dramatic Gains On Inflation, 1/22/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820122say.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Urges President To Endorse Revenue Enhancers, 1/22/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820122urg.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Meets With Agriculture Officials On Farm Economy, 1/28/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820128mee.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Sees Little Likelihood Of Repeal Of Energy Tax Credits, 1/29/1982

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 820129see.pdf
- Folder 9: Remarks: American Hospital Association; Social Security, The Economy, 2/1/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820201rem.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Letter To White House: No More Sales Of Advanced Jet Fighters To Taiwan, 2/2/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 820202let.pdf
- Folder 11: Dole Encouraged By Japanese Trade Actions, 2/3/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820203enc.pdf
- Folder 12: Murfreesboro-Rutherford County Chamber Of Commerce Dinner; The Economy, 2/4/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820204mur.pdf
- Folder 13: IRS Tax Fact Sheet Information, 2/5/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820205irs.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Encouraged By Reagan's Budget Proposal, But Continued To Call For Measures That Will Further Reduce Mounting Deficits, 2/6/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820206enc.pdf
- Folder 15: In The Name Of History? Release Kennedy Oval Office Tapes, 2/8/1982

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 820208int.pdf
- Folder 16: Trade Figures Worry Dole, 2/8/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 820208tra.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Pleased With Titan II Phase-Out Schedule, 2/9/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 820209ple.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Featured Speaker At National Pizza Hut Convention, 2/10/1982

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 820210fea.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Calls For More Federal Office Space In Kc, 2/11/1982

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 820211dol.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Encouraged By Soviet Grain Purchases, 2/12/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820212enc.pdf
- Folder 21: Kern County Republican Central Committee, Bakersfield, Ca; Economy, Soviets, Reagan, 2/12/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820212ker.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Praises Choice Of KU Grad As SBA Head; James Clements Sanders, 2/12/1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 820212pra.pdf
- Folder 23: Remarks Of Dole Rotary Club Breakfast, San Rafael Ca; State Of The Economy, 2/12/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820212rem.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Calls For Serious Bi-Partisan Effort On Fiscal Year 1983 Budget, 2/12/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820212ser.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/16/1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 820216ann.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Calls For Modification Of Leasing Provisions; Safe Harbor Leasing Rules Of The Economic Recovery Act, 2/19/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820219cal.pdf
- Folder 27: Steve Coen Joins Dole Staff, 2/19/1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 820219ste.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Meets With Governors; National Governor's Association Winter Meeting, 2/23/1982

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 820223mee.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Remembers Oscar Stauffer As Kansas Giant, 2/23/1982

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 820223rem.pdf
- Folder 30: Amelia Earhart Day Resolution, 2/24/1982

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 820224ame.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Meets With Top Japanese Trade Envoy, 2/24/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820224mee.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Hails New Gain On Inflation But Concerned About Interest Rates, 2/25/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820225hai.pdf
- Folder 33: Statement: National Commission On Social Security Reform, 2/27/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820227sta.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Not Surprised By President's Decision To Accelerate The Current Schedule Of Partial Natural Gas Decontrol, 3/1/1982

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 820301not.pdf
- Folder 35: Kansas Senators Seek Solution To Rock Island Negotiations, 3/2/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 820302kan.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole Hails Social Security's Planned Computer Overhaul, 3/3/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820303hai.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Meets With Kansas Agriculture Groups, 3/5/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820305mee.pdf
- Folder 38: The Underground Economy And Other Compliance Problems; Taxpayer Compliance Improvement Act Of 1982, 3/5/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820305the.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Says Budget Process Will Take Time, 3/6/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820306say.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Recipient Of Good Laws For Sound Credit Award, 3/9/1982

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 820309rec.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Sponsors POW-MIA Day, 3/9/1982

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 820309spo.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Urges Administration Not To Drop Tax Indexing, 3/10/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820310urg.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole/Grassley Introduce Tax Compliance Act, 3/11/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820311gra.pdf
- Folder 44: Remarks: Federation Of American Hospitals, Las Vegas, Nv; Social Security, The Economy Etc., 3/13/1982

- Subject: General - PDF available: 820313rem.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Meets With Farmers Union Leaders, 3/15/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820315mee.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Fights Move To Lighten Penalties For Price-Fixers, 3/16/1982

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 820316fig.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole Announces Finance Committee Hearing Witnesses For Administration Tax Plans, 3/17/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820317ann.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole Introduces Caribbean Basin Initiative, 3/18/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820318int.pdf
- Folder 49: New Tax Figures Will Highlight Monday's Hearing On Dole/Grassley Bill On Unreported Income, 3/19/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820319new.pdf
- Folder 50: Helsinki Commission Member Dole Scorns Continued Soviet Occupation Of Afghanistan, 3/20/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820320hel.pdf
- Folder 51: Continuing Soviet Occupation Of Afghanistan, 3/21/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820321con.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Meets With Soviet Officials To Reopen Grain Trade, 3/23/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820323mee.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole Says Continuing Cpi Decline Lays Foundation For Stable Recovery, 3/23/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820323say.pdf
- Folder 54: Statement By Senators Bob Dole And Roger Jepsen On Grain Sales To Soviets, 3/23/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820323sta.pdf
- Folder 55: Concerned Dole Says Farmers Must Be Protected In Any New Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Legislation, 3/26/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820326con.pdf
- Folder 56: Inter-American Children's Institute Receives Check From Koch Foundation, 3/26/1982

- Subject: General - PDF available: 820326int.pdf
- Folder 57: Kansas Students Selected In Japan-Us Senate Scholarship, 3/30/1982

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 820330kan.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Applauds President's Call For Arms Control, 4/1/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 820401app.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Calls For National Food Policy, 4/1/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820401cal.pdf
- Folder 60: Wichitan Von Eulert Selected For President's Volunteer Action Award, 4/1/1982

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 820401wic.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Introduces Bill To Help Small Businesses, 4/5/1982

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 820405int.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Says Millions Of Dollars Squandered In Public Transportation Leasing Deals, 4/8/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 820408say.pdf
- Folder 63: Budget Agreement, 4/9/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820409bud.pdf
- Folder 64: Major Oil Companies Strike Both Sides Of Tax Leasing For Lucrative Returns, 4/10/1982

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 820410maj.pdf
- Folder 65: Change In Import Duty For Corn Gluten By EEC Non-Negotiable Says Dole, 4/12/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820412cha.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole More Optimistic About Compromise Budget Efforts After Meeting With Reagan, 4/14/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820414mor.pdf
- Folder 67: President's Award Winner Von Eulert Meets With Senator Dole, 4/15/1982

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 820415pre.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Releases 1981 Tax Return Information, 4/16/1982

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 820416tax.pdf
- Folder 69: Letter To Elton Rule At 20/20 Regarding Dole's Tax Deductions, 4/20/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820420let.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Sees Optimism In Continuing Effort To Reach Compromise Budget, 4/22/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820422see.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole: Budget Group Recesses, Awaits Action From Big Two, 4/28/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820428bud.pdf
- Folder 72: Statement: Small Oil Producers Becoming Targets For Democrats Following Breakdown Of Budget Compromise Talks, 4/29/1982

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 820429sta.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Says Wayne Cryts Imprisonment Should Spur Congress To Act On Grain Elevator Bankruptcy, 4/30/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820430say.pdf
- Folder 74: Statement Of Chairman Bob Dole On New York Transportation Purchase Of Canadian Built Subway Cars, 5/1/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 820501sta.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Announces Voting Rights Compromise, 5/3/1982

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 820503ann.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Introduces Food Stamp Reform Act Of 1982, 5/5/1982

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 820505int.pdf
- Folder 77: Dole Salutes Mexico On Cinco De Mayo, 5/5/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820505sal.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Says Social Security System Needs Congressional Action, Not Political Rhetoric, 5/6/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820506say.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Says Sugar Import Quotas Aren't So Sweet, 5/7/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820507dol.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole Calls For Responsible Action On Social Security Crisis, Not Political Rhetoric, 5/8/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820508cal.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Urges House Committee To Get Moving On Stalled Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Bill, 5/8/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820508urg.pdf
- Folder 82: Democrats Cut Social Security Benefits And Raise Taxes, 5/11/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820511dem.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Backs Air Force Purchase Of Boeing 747, 5/13/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 820513bac.pdf
- Folder 84: Remarks Before American Bar Association; Taxes, 5/15/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820515rem.pdf
- Folder 85: League Of Women Voters; Tax Reform, 5/16/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820516lea.pdf
- Folder 86: Imprisoned Farmer Wayne Cryts To Testify Before Dole Judiciary Subcommittee; Grain Elevator Bankruptcy, 5/17/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820517imp.pdf
- Folder 87: Subcommittee On Courts To Receive Further Testimonies On Grain Elevator Bankruptcies, 5/18/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820518sub.pdf
- Folder 88: Wayne Cryts Notified By Dole That Reagan Has Endorsed Protection Of Farmers In Cases Of Grain Elevator Bankruptcies, 5/22/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820522way.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Gave $30,500 Of Honoraria To Charity In 81, 5/24/1982

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 820524gav.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Calls For Finance Committee Study Of Flat-Rate Tax, 5/27/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820527cal.pdf
- Folder 91: Dole Questions New York City Transit Authority Purchase Of Canadian-Built Subway Cars -- Sets Finance Committee Hearing, 5/27/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 820527que.pdf
- Folder 92: Dole, Kassebaum Praised By Fellow Senators, 6/1/1982

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 820601kas.pdf
- Folder 93: K.C. Port Of Entry Wins Fight To Keep Customs Officers, 6/1/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 820601kcp.pdf
- Folder 94: President Asks Dole For Support In Saving Third Year Tax Cut, 6/3/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820603pre.pdf
- Folder 95: President's Commission On Drunk Driving Holds First Meeting--Dole A Member, 6/4/1982

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 820604pre.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Disagrees With Air Force: Titan IIs Have Not Yet Been Guaranteed Extra Year, 6/9/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 820609dis.pdf
- Folder 97: Dole Says Sufficient Revenue Can Be Raised This Year Without New Energy Taxes, 6/9/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820609say.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole Calls For Quick Action On Budget--Deficits Too High, Time Too Short Special Finance Committee Witnesses Agree, 6/10/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820610cal.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Alerts President Reagan To Kansas Disasters, 6/14/1982

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 820614ale.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Says Middle Income America To Benefit The Most From Third-Year Tax Cut, 6/15/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820615say.pdf
- Folder 101: Insurance Company Taxation To Be Reviewed By Senate Finance Committee, 6/16/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820616ins.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole, Reagan Hog The Spotlight At Recent White House Signing Ceremony Of Federal Courts Improvements Act, 6/16/1982

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 820616rea.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Calls For Responsible Action In Health Care Cuts, 6/19/1982

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 820619cal.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Predicts Administration Minimum Tax Proposal Will Be Restructured, 6/21/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820621say.pdf
- Folder 105: Dole Calls For Review Of Insanity Defense, 6/22/1982

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 820622cal.pdf
- Folder 106: Remarks, Food Policy Conference: New Challenges In Nutrition, 6/22/1982

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 820622rem.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Hails House Vote On Voting Rights Extension, 6/23/1982

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 820623hai.pdf
- Folder 108: Senate Agriculture Committee Adopts Dole Proposal To Reduce State Error Rates In Food Stamp Program, 6/23/1982

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 820623sen.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Drafts Legislation To Change Insanity Defense, 6/24/1982

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 820624dra.pdf
- Folder 110: Senate Finance Committee Deliberations On FY 1983 Budget, 6/24/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820624sta.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole On Alexander Haig's Resignation, 6/25/1982

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 820625ona.pdf
- Folder 112: President Signs Major Disaster Declaration For Shawnee, Jackson Counties, 6/28/1982

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 820628pre.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Says Supreme Court Decision Paves The Way For Sweeping Bankruptcy Reform, 6/28/1982

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 820628say.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Compromise Voting Rights Act Signed By President Reagan, 6/29/1982

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 820629com.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Hails First Day Of 10 Percent Income Tax Cuts, 7/1/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820701hai.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole Disappointed With Air Force Decision On New Generation Trainer, 7/2/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 820702dis.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Hails Finance Committee Reconciliation Package -- Urges Swift Senate Approval, 7/2/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820702hai.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Questions Air Force Officials About New Generation Trainer Contract Award, 7/7/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 820707dol.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Calls For Constitutional Amendment On A Balanced Budget, 7/12/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 820712cal.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Praises Secretary Of State-Designate George Shultz, Urges Swift Senate Confirmation, 7/13/1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 820713pra.pdf
- Folder 121: New Acreage Reduction Program Announced -- Dole Urges Farmers To Sign-Up, 7/14/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820714new.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Urges Russians To Meet President Reagan Halfway On Grain, 7/14/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820714urg.pdf
- Folder 123: Ag Committee Approves Dole Food Stamp Bill, 7/15/1982

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 820715agc.pdf
- Folder 124: Statement Of Chairman Of Finance Committee Dole On Tuition Tax Credits, 7/16/1982

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 820716sta.pdf
- Folder 125: President Reagan Reiterates Support For Dole Deficit-Reduction Tax Package, 7/17/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820717pre.pdf
- Folder 126: Tax Equity And Fiscal Responsibility Act Of 1982, 7/19/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820719tax.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Says New Funds Heading To Kansas Employment Agency, 7/27/1982

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 820727say.pdf
- Folder 128: Post Rock Water District To Receive Farmers Home Assistance, 7/29/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820729pos.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Hails President Reagan's Extension Of Us-Soviet Grain Pact, 7/30/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820730hai.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Predicts Bipartisan Action On Tax Reform, 7/31/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820731pre.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Says Solidarity Demonstrations Show Poland Will Not Go Back, 8/1/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820801dol.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole On Caribbean Basin Initiative Hearings, 8/2/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820802dol.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole To Discuss Tax Policy, Economy, And New Tax Bill In A House-Senate Conference Committee, 8/5/1982

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 820805dol.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Says Higher Interest Rates Possible If Congress Delays Action On Revenue Bill, 8/7/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820807say.pdf
- Folder 135: Kansan John Franke Named Deputy Assistant Secretary Of Agriculture, 8/9/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820809kan.pdf
- Folder 136: Dole Says President Clears The Air On Tax Bill, 8/16/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820816sta.pdf
- Folder 137: Dole Hails Senate Vote To Prohibit New Gym, 8/17/1982

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 820817hai.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Welcomes President's Address, Predicts Passage Of Bipartisan Tax Bill, 8/17/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820817pre.pdf
- Folder 139: Senator Dole Calls The Tax Bill The Only Hope For Unemployment Relief; Tax Equity And Fiscal Responsibility Act H.R. 4961, 8/19/1982

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 820819tax.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole, Jepsen Hail Soviet Return To Us Grain Market; Additional Purchases Now Possible, 8/20/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820820dol.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole Questions Bankruptcy Filing By Manville Corporation, 8/27/1982

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 820827dol.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Hails 1983 Wheat Program Encourages Participation, 8/28/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 820828hai.pdf
- Folder 143: Sheet Metal Workers International Association; Reagan Presidency; Taxes; Social Security, 8/30/1982

- Subject: General - PDF available: 820830she.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Encouraged By President's Mideast Peace Initiative, 9/2/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820902enc.pdf
- Folder 145: Statement On Labor Day, 9/6/1982

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 820906sta.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Pleased With Senator Baker's Call For A Special Session On Social Security, 9/8/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 820908ple.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole Introduces Senate Resolution Honoring Mideast Special Negotiator Philip Habib, 9/8/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820908int.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Now Accepting Academy Nominations, 9/9/1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 820909now.pdf
- Folder 149: New Review Of Disability Beneficiaries Wins Dole Approval, 9/10/1982

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 820910new.pdf
- Folder 150: Remarks At National Black Republican Council, 9/16/1982

- Subject: Minority Issues - PDF available: 820916rem.pdf
- Folder 151: Change By Consensus: The First Twenty Months; National Press Club, 9/20/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820920cha.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Supports Reagan's Decision To Send Troops To Middle East (Lebanon), 9/20/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 820920sup.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Hails Reagan Success Against Inflation, 9/23/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 820923hai.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Statement At Finance Committee Hearings On The Flat-Rate Tax, 9/28/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 820928sta.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Hails Senate Passage Of Debt Collection Act, 9/29/1982

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 820929hai.pdf
- Folder 156: Statement Of Dole On Omnibus Legislation, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 821001bil.pdf
- Folder 157: Statement Of Dole On Omnibus Legislation, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 821001con.pdf
- Folder 158: Elizabeth Dole And Morris Kay Agree: Third Year Tax Cut Is Good For Kansas, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821001eli.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Says House Fails American People With Balanced Budget Rejection, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 821001hou.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Introduces Federal Equity Act; Reform Bill Targets Sex Bias In Federal Code, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 821001int.pdf
- Folder 161: Morris Kay For Congress, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 821001mor.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Says House Fails American People With Balanced Budget Rejection, 10/1/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 821001say.pdf
- Folder 163: Kansas Snafu Blocking Payment Of Supplemental Unemployment Benefits, 10/2/1982

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 821002kan.pdf
- Folder 164: Kansas Snafu Blocking Payment Of Supplemental Unemployment Benefits, 10/2/1982

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 821002sna.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Us-Japan Student Exchange Program, 10/6/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821006dol.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole, Kassebaum Announce U.S.-Japan Student Exchange Program, 10/6/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821006kas.pdf
- Folder 167: Letter To Honorable John Block About Reduction Of Nutrition Programs, 10/7/1982

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 821007hon.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Succeeds In Restoring Unemployment Benefits To Out-Of-Work Kansans, 10/7/1982

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 821007suc.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Calls For Study Of Possible Comprehensive Revision Of Insurance Company Tax Laws, 10/8/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821008cal.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Issues Election Scorecard On Reaganomics, 10/8/1982

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 821008iss.pdf
- Folder 171: Dole, Jepsen Try To Head-Off Deeper Cuts In Nutrition Programs, 10/8/1982

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 821008jep.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Jepsen Try To Head-Off Deeper Cuts In Nutrition Programs, 10/8/1982

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 821008jes.pdf
- Folder 173: Dole Calls For Study Of Possible Comprehensive Revision Of Insurance Company Tax Laws, 10/8/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821008rev.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Endorses Reagan Proposal On MFN Status For Poland; Will Schedule Hearings At Earliest Possible Date, 10/9/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821009end.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Endorses Reagan Proposal On MFN Status For Poland; Will Schedule Hearings At Earliest Possible Date, 10/9/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821009onm.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Challenges News Media To Present Balanced Economic Reports, 10/12/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 821012cha.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Calls For OMB Review Of Wichita's SMSA Status, 10/13/1982

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 821013cal.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole Hails Renewal Of Mexican Grain Buying, 10/14/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821014hai.pdf
- Folder 179: Dole Applauds President's Announcement Of Soviet Grain Trade Policy, 10/15/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821015app.pdf
- Folder 180: Slattery Would Raise Kansans Federal Taxes By $497 Million Over Next Two Years, 10/18/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821018sla.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Says Delay Of Third-Year Tax Cut Means $497 Million Increase For Kansans, 10/20/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821020say.pdf
- Folder 182: Letter To Mr. Kay About Individual Tax Rate Reduction, 10/21/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821021dea.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Directs Attention To Positive Economic News, 10/21/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 821021dir.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Blasts Critics Of Administration's Program For The Disabled, 10/22/1982

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 821022bla.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole Calls For Positive Approach To International Trade -- Rejects Democrat's Mindless Protectionism, 10/26/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 821026cal.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Supports Coffeyville Grant Requests, 10/26/1982

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 821026sup.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole: Kay, Kansans Agree That Federal Tax Rate Should Not Be Increased, 10/29/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821029kay.pdf
- Folder 188: Study Shows Democrats Cut Social Security Benefits $130 A Month, 10/29/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 821029stu.pdf
- Folder 189: Dole: Week's Economic Reports Indicate We're On The Right Track, 10/29/1982

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 821029wee.pdf
- Folder 190: Democrats Should Apologize For Social Security Halloween Tricks, 11/1/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 821101dem.pdf
- Folder 191: Dole Statement About Trade Problems That Might Develop In The Next Congress, 11/1/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 821101tha.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole's Schedule Nov. 10, 11/9/1982

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 821109sch.pdf
- Folder 193: Senate Judiciary Subcommittee On Courts: Opening Statement Of Senator Dole, 11/10/1982

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 821110jud.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole On Social Security Bail Out At Washington Press Club, 11/10/1982

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 821110rem.pdf
- Folder 195: Senate Judiciary Subcommittee On Courts: Opening Statement Of Senator Dole, 11/10/1982

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 821110sen.pdf
- Folder 196: In Moscow Dole Says The Cost Of The Arms Race Intolerable, 11/16/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821116mos.pdf
- Folder 197: Remarks By Senator Robert Dole Us-Ussr Trade And Economic Council, 11/16/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821116rem.pdf
- Folder 198: Dole Not Consulted On Third-Year Acceleration Possibility, Believes There May Be Better Ways, 11/18/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821118not.pdf
- Folder 199: Marianna Beech Of Hays, Kansas Elected To International Post, 11/19/1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 821119mar.pdf
- Folder 200: Dole Calls For New Era In East-West Relations In Address To Madrid Conference On Helsinki Accords, 11/23/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821123cal.pdf
- Folder 201: Remarks By Dole Plenary Of The Conference On Security And Cooperation In Europe (CSCE), 11/23/1982

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 821123rem.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole Calls Congressional Hearing To Review Results Of Geneva Trade Meeting, 11/24/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 821124cal.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Disappointed With Results Of Geneva Trade Conference; Finance Committee To Review Impact Of GATT Meeting On Us Trade Policy, 11/29/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 821129dis.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole's Schedule Nov. 30, 11/29/1982

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 821129sch.pdf
- Folder 205: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole American Enterprise Institute Trade Conference Statement On GATT Ministerial And Trade Issues Before Congress, 11/30/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 821130rem.pdf
- Folder 206: Remarks Of Dole Co-Chairman Of Commission On Security And Cooperation In Europe On Anniversary Of Polish Martial Law, 12/1/1982

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 821201csc.pdf
- Folder 207: Schedule For Dole On Dec. 10, 12/9/1982

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 821209sch.pdf
- Folder 208: Wichita Center For Handicapped Wins National Honors, 12/9/1982

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 821209wic.pdf
- Folder 209: Remarks: Nutrition Foundation, National Academy Of Sciences, 12/10/1982

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 821210nut.pdf
- Folder 210: Dole Brings Kansas City Area Mayors To Washington For Meeting With Energy Secretary, 12/11/1982

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 821211bri.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Calls For Japanese Trade Commitment, 12/18/1982

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 821218dol.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole Statement On Resignation Of Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis, 12/18/1982

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 821218the.pdf
- Folder 213: Dole Calls For Prompt Action Next Year On Payment-In-Kind (PIK) Legislation; Sends Letter To Secretary Block, 12/23/1982

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 821223cal.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Letter To Senate Colleagues On Gas Tax Bill, 12/23/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821223let.pdf
- Folder 215: New Year Will Bring Significant Cut In Windfall Profit Taxes, 12/28/1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 821228new.pdf
- Folder 216: Kansas To Receive Additional Low Income Energy Assistance, 12/30/1982

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 821230kan.pdf
- Folder 217: Elizabeth Dole, Morris Kay Agree: Third Year Tax Cut Is Good For Kansas, 1982

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 82elizabethdole.pdf
- Folder 218: Senator Bob Dole -- Morris Kay For Congress, 1982

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 82morriskay.pdf
- Folder 219: Letter To Tom Kilbride Area Manager Of Department Of Housing And Urban Development, 1982

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 82octletter.pdf
- Series 23: 1983

- Box 25

- Folder 13

- Item 19: Elizabeth Dole to be third Kansan in Cabinet History, 1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_019.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Hopeful that Commission Can Still Shape a Social Security Solution, 1/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_002.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Sets Date for Bankruptcy Hearings, 1/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Applauds Presidents Announcement of "PIK" Program, 1/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_005.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Hails Social Security Compromise -- Predicts Congressional Approval, 1/17/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole, Kassebaum Ask Federal Officials to Grant Natural Gas Price Relief, 1/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Calls for Federal and State Cooperation in Unemployment during Chicago Meeting with Midwest Governors, 1/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement of Senator Bob Dole (GATT), 1/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_010.pdf
- Item 11: Senator Dole to Appear on Phil Donahue Show - Air Dates Announced, 1/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Hails Presidents Spirit of Cooperation, 1/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_012.pdf
- Item 13: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Committee on Finance Hearing - Results of GATT Ministerial Conference, 1/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Renews Call for House Actions on Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Reform, 1/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole addresses leaders conference on civil rights calls for renewal of voting rights bipartisan alliance in the 98th congress, 1/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_015.pdf
- Item 16: American Enterprise Institute Healthcare issues in todays economy, 1/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Urges Changes in Take or Pay Contracts, 1/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_017.pdf
- Item 18: Statement of Senator Dole on S. 1 "the Social Security Amendments of 1983", 1/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_018.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Introduces Demand-Oriented Farm Legislation, 1/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Sees Encouraging Signals of Economic Rebound, 1/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_021.pdf
- Item 22: Kansas to Receive $2.1 Million for Energy Programs, 1/31/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_022.pdf
- Item 23: Commission on Security and cooperation in Europe - Letter from Dole and other Senators, 1/31/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_013_023.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 2: Social Security Rescued, 1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Bill Would Create Experimental National Court Of Appeals, 3/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Wins Favorable IRS Ruling On PIK Program, 3/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Endorses Withholding Changes, 3/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Issues Clarification On New Tip Reporting Law, 3/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Consideration Of Social Security Financing Amendments, 3/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_007.pdf
- Item 10: Senate Finance Committee Hearing On Taxation Of Banks, Savings and Loans, And Credit Unions - Witness List, 3/10/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_010.pdf
- Item 11: Tax Problems Eliminated, Dole Hails Passage Of PIK Bill -- Urges Farmer Sign-Up Before March 11 Deadline, 3/10/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_011.pdf
- Item 8: Statement Of Senator Dole - Hearing On Taxation Of Banks, Savings and Loans, and Credit Unions, 3/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_008.pdf
- Item 9: 20 Big Banks Pay Only 2.3% Tax Rate -- Dole Chairs Hearing On Financial Institutions, 3/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_009.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Releases Statistics On Withholding Mail, 3/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Chairs Hearings On Farm and Home Foreclosures, 3/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Accepts Dole Emergency Food Act As Amendment To Jobs Bill, 3/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Salutes Three Giants Of Kansas Agriculture On National Agriculture Day, 3/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Calls For New Long-Term Agreement On Soviet Grain Trade, 3/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Hails Passage Of Social Security Rescue Package, Calls It A "True Compromise", 3/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_017.pdf
- Item 18: Senator Bob Dole -- Public Appearance Schedule, March 28 - April 1, 19983, 3/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Outlines Three-Point Program To Revitalize U.S. Farm Trade, 3/31/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_019.pdf
- Item 1: The Truth About Withholding, 1983-03

- PDF available: s-press_025_015_001.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 2: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe letter to the Nobel Institute, 1/31/1983

- Re: nominations for 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, signed by five Senators and six Representatives
PDF available: s-press_025_014_002.pdf
- Item 1: Helsinki Commission nominates eight human rights activists for 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, 2/1/1983

- CSCE news release (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
PDF available: s-press_025_014_001.pdf
- Item 3: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before the Committee on Ways and Means, 2/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole bill will send surplus food to the needy, 2/2/1983

- Press release and related attachment
PDF available: s-press_025_014_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas jumps to 15th in national ranking on federal spending, 2/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_005.pdf
- Item 6: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, 5th Annual Illinois Corn-Soy Conference, 2/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole, Jepsen meet with Soviet officials, Senators introduce bill to block Instant PIK Tax, 2/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole announces KCs I-35 and 75 St. qualifies for $13.8 million in federal highway funds, 2/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole welcomes unemployment drop, 2/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole letter to Mr. Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States, 2/4/1983

- Re: the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982
PDF available: s-press_025_014_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole seeks end of truckers strike violence - calls for GAO study and responsible discussion, 2/5/1983

- Press release and accompanying summary of the proposed Strike Violence Prevention Act
PDF available: s-press_025_014_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole agrees with Chief Justice, will introduce legislation, 2/7/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole praises Rostenkowski for offering alternative, 2/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole meets with Independent Truckers representative, 2/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole meets with Block to resolve PIK tax, 2/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole sets hearing on food-to-the-needy bill, 2/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_016.pdf
- Item 17: Hearing on S. 17 - "The Commodity Distribution and Food Assistance Act", 2/15/1983

- related articles and other information
PDF available: s-press_025_014_017.pdf
- Item 18: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Nutrition Subcommittee hearings on S. 17, 2/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_018.pdf
- Item 19: Opening statement of Senator Bob Dole, Social Security hearings, 2/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole reintroduces anti-sex bias bill, wins endorsement of major women's groups, 2/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_020.pdf
- Item 21: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Social Security, 2/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole on Medicare Trust Fund crisis: "Lets start discussions now", 2/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole introduces Caribbean Basin Initiative, 2/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole unravels red tape hoax of withholding exemption forms, 2/24/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_024.pdf
- Item 25: Reagan to Dole: 100 percent against repeal of withholding, 2/24/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_025.pdf
- Item 26: Opening Statement, Senator Bob Dole, Committee on Finance, 2/25/1983

- Statement
PDF available: s-press_025_014_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole announces Academy nominations, 2/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole introduces Laboratory Animal Research Bill, 2/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Calls on Insurance Industry to Address Basic Tax Issues, 2/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_014_029.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 1: Dole, Regan Discuss Withholding, 4/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces Hearing on Nutritional Status of Low-Income Americans, 4/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole-Winn "International Decade for Disabled Persons" Resolution Gets House Hearing, 4/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_003.pdf
- Item 4: Opening Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing of Wednesday, April 6, 1983 - Nutritional Status of Low-Income Americans in the 1980s, 4/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_004.pdf
- Item 5: Senate Finance Committee Releases Study on Changing the Structure of Medicare Benefits, 4/7/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Contacts Beach Boys for July 4th Kansas Concert -- "Surfs Up" in Kansas?, 4/7/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Refutes "Blank Check" Policy for the Pentagon on ABCS "Good Morning America", 4/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_007.pdf
- Item 8: Long Term Agreement with Soviets Picks Up Steam in Senate - Dole Adds Co-Sponsors to Trade Resolution, 4/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Senate Resolution Marks National Animal Agriculture Week, 4/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Addresses Anti-Housing Bias Group - Promises Help in Passing Strengthened Fair Housing Law, 4/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_010.pdf
- Item 12: Senate Finance Committee Hearing: Caribbean Basin Initiative - Statement of Senator Bob Dole, 4/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_012.pdf
- Item 11: On Senate Floor, Dole Announces Formation of Foundation for the Handicapped in Kansas and Across America, 4/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_011.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Dole at Withholding Press Conference, 4/14/1983

- with other related statements
PDF available: s-press_025_016_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole and Kennedy Head Major Senate and Peoples Coalition for Withholding on Interest and Dividends - Press Conference at 11:30 Today, Senate Finance Committee Room, 4/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Heads Major Coalition in Support of Withholding, 4/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_015.pdf
- Item 16: On Senate Floor, Dole Announces Formation of Foundation for the Handicapped in Kansas and Across America, 4/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_016.pdf
- Item 17: Senator Dole Releases Personal Income Tax Information, 4/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Hails Reagans Pledge to Veto Withholding Repeal, 4/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Seeks Expanded EPA Role at Furley, 4/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole at White House Social Security Signing Session Hails Bipartisan Package, 4/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Applauds Treasury Action on Stripper Well Tax Problems, 4/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Hails Presidents Offer to Negotiate LTA with Soviets, 4/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Salutes Kansas Financial Institution Leaders for Help on Dole Withholding Compromise, 4/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Says Withholding Compromise Far Better Than Repeal, 4/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Rejects Senate Budget Committee Recommendations, 4/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_025.pdf
- Item 26: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - American Publishers Association - Waldorf Astoria, New York - April 25, 1983, 4/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_026.pdf
- Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Finance Committee Hearing: Health Benefits for the Unemployed, 4/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_016_027.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Press Release: Dole Announces Markup of Resolution on Long-Term Grain Agreement with Soviets, 5/4/1983

- Press release on Senate Resolution 95
PDF available: s-press_025_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: Press Release: Dole Calls for Federal Audit of Kansas Hazardous Waste Program, 5/6/1983

- Press release of call for EPA audit of KDHE
PDF available: s-press_025_017_002.pdf
- Item 3: Press Release: Walter E. Olson Center for Supportive Services - Illinois Masonic Medical Center, 5/7/1983

- dedication of a new building at Illinois Masonic Medical Center
PDF available: s-press_025_017_003.pdf
- Item 4: Press Release: Dole Says Hands Off Presidents Tax Cut - Chairman Rejects Cap of Third Year, 5/9/1983

- response to Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrds plan to cap tax cut
PDF available: s-press_025_017_004.pdf
- Item 5: Press Release: Dole Announces Revision of Custom Cutter Regulations, 5/10/1983

- INS agrees to toughen immigration standards for Canadian custom cutting crews entering the United States
PDF available: s-press_025_017_005.pdf
- Item 6: Press Release: Dole to Speak at Kansas American Legion State Convention, Washburn Law School Commencement; Will Receive KU Distinguished Service Citation, 5/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_006.pdf
- Item 7: Press Release: Dole Urges FCC to Review "Hate and Violence" Programming on Kansas Radio Station, 5/12/1983

- Requesting FCC to review KTTL-FM, Dodge City with related news articles
PDF available: s-press_025_017_007.pdf
- Item 8: Press Release: Dole Readies Arms Control Plan, Addresses National Security Issues in Kansas American Legion Speech Saturday, 5/13/1983

- to announce plan to introduce arms control legislation
PDF available: s-press_025_017_008.pdf
- Item 10: Press Release: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole / Washburn University School of Law / Topeka, Kansas -- May 14, 1983, 5/14/1983

- Senator Bob Doles remarks at Washburn University School of Law Commencement
PDF available: s-press_025_017_010.pdf
- Item 11: Press Release: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole / American Legion - Topeka, Kansas / May 14, 1983 / "Building our National Security", 5/14/1983

- Press release of Senator Doles speech to the American Legion: "Building our National Security"
PDF available: s-press_025_017_011.pdf
- Item 9: Press Release: Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health / Opening Statement of Senator Bob Dole, 5/16/1983

- Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health opening statement on cost sharing.
PDF available: s-press_025_017_009.pdf
- Item 13: Press Release: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole / United Nations Association of the U.S.A. / May 17, 1983, 5/17/1983

- Senator Doles remarks at United Nations Association of the U.S.A.
PDF available: s-press_025_017_013.pdf
- Item 14: Press Release: Dole Resolution on New Long Term Grain Agreement with Soviets Passes Senate, 5/17/1983

- Press release Senate approval of Doles resolution requiring the President to negotiate a new long term agreement on grain trade with the Soviet Union.
PDF available: s-press_025_017_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole says Soviet Offer to Negotiate New LTA is "Good News", 5/17/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_015.pdf
- Item 12: Press Release: Dole Resolution on "Andrei Sakharov Day" signed into Law by President, 5/18/1983

- May 21, 1983 designated Andrei Sakharov Day
PDF available: s-press_025_017_012.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Ranks high in Three Categories in "Who Runs America" Survey -- Picked as the 14th Most Influential American, 5/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Writes President, Mayor of Lawrence -- Endorses Reagan-Andropov "Sunflower Summit", 5/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_017.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Says Budget Resolution Should have been Rejected -- Little Spending Restraint, Massive Tax Hikes are Unacceptable, 5/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole to Speak in New York Tonight will Tell Economic Club: Results -- or Lack of Results -- Is Key, Not the Budget Process, 5/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_020.pdf
- Item 21: Remarks of Senator Dole: New York Economic Club, 5/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Salutes West Point Grad First Coed Appointed From Kansas, 5/24/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Hails "Bob Jones" Decision Supreme Court Strikes Down Tax Breaks for Discrimination, 5/24/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Votes for MX Funds, 5/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Concerned by Skyrocketing costs of Farm Programs Future Ag Legislation in Trouble without Actions on Target Prices, 5/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Hails Confirmation of New LTA Talks in London Former Top Dole Staffer to Head Grain Negotiations Team, 5/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_026.pdf
- Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Memorial Day, 5/30/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Gives President "A" on Summit, 5/31/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Gives President "A" On Summit, 5/31/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_029.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Tells New EPA Administrator about Furely Problems, 6/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_025_017_018.pdf
- Box 26

- Folder 2

- Item 5: Dole Announces Details of Arms Control Plan at World Affairs Council in Anchorage-- Calls for Force Limits on Each Part of Nuclear Strategic Traid, Freeze After Reductions, 1/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_005.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Names Administrative Assistant, 6/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole: Reject Budget of Big Tax Increases and No Spending Restraint Chairman Targets Loopholes and Tax Breaks -- Sets Hearings, 6/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Media Advisory: Dole to Announce Nuclear Control Plan, 6/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_004.pdf
- Item 6: Dole pleased with state Furley audit, looks toward to EPA findings, 6/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole: "Third year safest bet in town" rejects O'Neill tax cut cap, 6/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole speaks out on foreign affairs, 6/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole co-sponsors "Housing IRA" legislation, 6/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Media Advisory - Sen. Dole to address New York Financial Writers Association, 6/10/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, New York Financial Writers Association, 6/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Kansas students Tamera D. Schlegel and Chris Karlin intern for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Kansas resident Donald S. Andersen of Anthony interns for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Kansas resident Richard McNabb of Lawrence interns for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Kansas resident Todd Young of Hutchinson interns for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole wishes Sally Ride good luck on historic space shuttle mission - First woman in space is married to fellow astronaut Steve Hawley of Salina, 6/17/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole releases responses on "Sunflower Summit" from White House, State Department, 6/17/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole pushes equality for women in pension benefits - chairs Finance Committee hearing today, 6/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole testifies on "Triad Plan" for arms control before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 6/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole: We Won! Butler County to remain in Greater Wichita Statistical Area, 6/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: Media Advisory - Sen. Dole to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 6/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole salutes Kansas artist - Grandma Layton of Wellsville honored in Washington, 6/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The Triad Plan for Nuclear Arms Control, 6/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_023.pdf
- Item 25: Kansas awarded soil conservation funds - Dole announces Flint Hills Reclamation Project, 6/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_025.pdf
- Item 24: Dole hits budget as "smokescreen", 6/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_024.pdf
- Item 26: Dole statement on legislative veto decision of Supreme Court, 6/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_026.pdf
- Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Finance Committee hearing on tax expenditures, 6/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole commends US-Soviet flexibility in LTA Grain talks - Negotiations head to round three in Vienna, 6/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole comments on EPA audit of state hazardous waste program, 6/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole promotes Lawrence "Sunflower Summit" on Senate floor - Remarks included in Congressional Record, 6/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole meets Japanese officials - presses for increase in Japanese beef imports, 6/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole hails Supreme Courts tuition tax credit decision, 6/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole says political gamesters lose tax cap battle - chairman calls for bipartisan tax reform, 6/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole and Kassebaum announce weatherization assistance for Kansas, 6/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_034.pdf
- Item 1: Social Security Rescued, 1983-06

- PDF available: s-press_026_002_001.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole blasts Japanese move to drop auto export quotas, Finance Committee action is possible, 7/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole supports US position on higher LTA guarantees, 7/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole calls for "budget summit", 7/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole lauds Supreme Court pension decision - calls conclusion "inescapable", 7/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum announce Kansas State Historical Society funds $280,897 will aid preservation projects, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole moves to avoid food stamp crisis for poor and elderly citizens, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Nutrition Subcommittee hearing on commodity distribution program, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole chairs hearing on food to the needy - urges extension of recession-relief nutrition program, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Introduces Homebuyer Assistance Act -- Federal, State and Local Governments To Save, Homebuyers To Benefit, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Amendment Tightens Pentagon Spending -- Weapons Systems Should Pass Tests, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Finance Committee Markup Of S. 951, 7/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Receives Positive Responses From EPA Chief Ruckelhaus -- Will Monitor Furley Site; Kansas Is Definitely In Running For EPA Office, 7/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls For Freeze In Target Prices -- Says Skyrocketing Costs For Farm Programs Threatens Future As Legislation -- Warns Against Urban Backlash, 7/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Remarks By Senator Bob Dole National Corn Growers Association Springfield, Illinois "Straight Talk To Farmers", 7/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Doles "National Animal Agriculture Week" Passes Senate, 7/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Kansas Resident Julie Powers Of Lawrence Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Kansas Resident Eve Norton Of Salina Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Kansas Resident Kelly Presta Of Scott City Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansas Resident James Rovaris Of Topeka Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kansas Resident Christy Varney Of Prairie Village Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Kansas Resident Roger Ramseyer Of Prairie Village Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Kansas Resident Jim Casey Of Junction City Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Chairs Animal Welfare Hearing, 7/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: At Least $72,775 Due Kansas Sits Idle In Washington Dole, Kassebaum Move To Help Kansas Townships Claim Revenue Sharing Funds, 7/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Writes President -- Calls For Completion Of Chinese Textile Import Negotiations Wheat Exports To China Held Hostage, 7/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces $1,000,000 Grant Award For Kansas Migrant Children Education Program, 7/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: National Association Of Wheat Growers Endorses Doles Efforts On Behalf Of Farmers In U.S. - China Quota Dispute, 7/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole, Kassebaum Announce HUD Grants For Wichita, Kansas City And Lawrence, 7/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Hails Tax Compliance Improvements Adopted By Joint Withholding Conference, 7/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Encourages Other Senators To Visit Soviet Union, Introduces Senate Resolution, 7/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Education Funds For Kansas, 7/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole: Volcker Deserves Approval; Congress Another Matter Altogether, 7/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_032.pdf
- Item 33: At Senate Hearing, Dole Questions Treatment Of Women Under Social Security, 7/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Hearing To Examine Federal Identification Fraud, 7/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Hails New US-Soviet Grain Accord, 7/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole To Brett: "Keep Swinging!", 7/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_036.pdf
- Item 37: Tip Reporting Law Proven A Success, 7/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Urges Completion Of Re-Engining KC135s At Boeing, 7/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_038.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Introduces Medicare Coverage For Renal Disease Patients With Hepatitis, 7/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_039.pdf
- Item 40: Dole Says Wheat Program Announcement Is Imminent, 7/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Sends American Legion Report On Topeka Veterans Administration Hospital To VA Administrator In Washington -- Possible Inadequacies Noted, 7/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_041.pdf
- Item 42: Dole Introduces Hostage Relief Act, 7/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_042.pdf
- Item 43: LTA Announcement Denotes End Of Carter Embargo, Says Dole, 7/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_003_043.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Helps Rescue Railroad Retirement Funds President Reagan, Rail Labor And Rail Management Endorse Package, 7/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_001.pdf
- Item 3: Dole: 84 Wheat Program "Best We Could Expect"; Target Price Freeze Still Best Medicine For Ag Programs, 8/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Commends Long-Term Agreement Negotiators -- "Disastrous Carter Embargo Is Over", 8/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Pushes for Cost-Saving Dairy Reform Bill, 8/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole "Gratified" By Conclusion Of China Textile Dispute, 8/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement Of Senator Dole Subcommittee On Social Security And Income Maintenance Programs Oversight Hearings On The Extended Benefits Program, 8/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Calls For End To Furley Dioxin Scare-- "Immediate Testing In Order", 8/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Helps Rescue Railroad Retirement Funds -- 64,000 Kansans To Benefit, 8/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Sees Renewed Wheat Sales To China "In The Near Future", 8/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges Immediate Action Deficit Crisis -- Calls For Presidential Leadership, Congressional Spending Restraint, 8/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole: "Stop The Budget Shell Game"-- On Senate Floor, Calls For Presidential Leadership On Deficit Crisis, 8/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Blames Senators For Blocking Farm Legislation, 8/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Submits Testimony On Controversial Kansas Radio Station KTTL-FM, "Violence Not In The Public Interest", 8/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Hails Drop In Unemployment Figures "An Injection Of Hope For Those Who Are Still Looking", 8/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Urges Completion Of Furley Site Tests -- "Review Deadline Is Approaching", 8/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Last-Minute Senate Victories: Congress Okays Doles Surplus Food Giveaway And Extra Unemployment Benefits 4,000 Kansans To Get Two Additional Weeks Of Compensation, 8/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Assails Justice department On Scope Of Key Anti-Sex Bias Law, 8/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Gary Nelson Of Falun Interns For Senator Dole, 8/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Michael Stineman Of Salina Interns For Senator Dole, 8/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_020.pdf
- Item 22: Fred Polzin of Topeka Interns for Senator Dole, 8/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Kay Deever of Junction City Interns for Senator Dole, 8/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Bruce Mayfield of Overland Park Interns for Senator Dole, 8/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Announces Federal Grant for Preservation of Historic Black Kansas Town of Nicodemus, 8/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Writes Secretary of Defense on Reported Near-Launch of Titan II in Kansas -- Requests In-Depth Report, 8/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Announces Unexpected $6.25 Million in Federal Funds to Help Rebuild Aging Kansas City Bridge -- West Kansas Avenue Bridge Handles 9,000 Vehicles Per Day, 8/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_027.pdf
- Item 28: President Reagan Signs Railroad Retirement Rescue Package - Dole Praised for Speeding Passage of Bill -- 64,000 Kansans Benefit, 8/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_028.pdf
- Item 29: Kansas Senators Dole, Kassebaum Secure $6,130,000 for 24 State Community Improvement Projects -- Jobs Bill Pays Off for Kansans, 8/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole, Kassebaum Announce $4,815,381 in Federal Funds for Kansas -- 6 Cities Receive Funds for Low-Income Kansans, Housing, & Construction Projects, 8/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Announces $83,050 for Kansas Civil Rights Efforts in Fair Housing Compliance, 8/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_031.pdf
- Item 32: Kansas Heat Scorches Grazing Land -- Dole Urges Immediate Action on Emergency Plan, 8/17/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Wires Carlin on Drought Following Department of Agriculture Briefing -- Heatwave Scorches Kansas Crops, 8/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_033.pdf
- Item 34: Don Fambrough Joins Dole Team - Former KU Coach to be Field Representative, 8/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_034.pdf
- Item 35: Top VA Official Responds to Dole Inquiry on Topeka Hospital - Full Report to be on Doles Desk within Three Weeks, 8/24/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole Calls for Bipartisan Effort from Civil Rights Leaders in "March on Washington", 8/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_036.pdf
- Item 37: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Education Funding for Kansas - Six School Districts Awarded a Total of $103,509.34, 8/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_037.pdf
- Item 21: Melissa Williams of Dodge City Interns for Senator Dole, 1983-08

- PDF available: s-press_026_004_021.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Will Attend Drought Summit In Chicago --Representatives From 26 Scorched States Invited To Meet With Ag Secretary, 1983-08

- likely early draft due to heavy amount of notes & writing of majority of Press Release
PDF available: s-press_026_004_002.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Statement by Senator Dole on Soviet Attack on Jumbo Jet - "Put the Freeze on Ice, 9/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum Announce $494,474 in Housing & Urban Development Funds -- 8 Kansas Communities to Benefit, 9/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole, Co-Chairman of the Helsinki Commission, Calls for U.S. Boycott of Madrid Meeting, 9/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole - Growmark, Inc. - September 2, 1983 - Conrad Hilton Hotel - Chicago, Illinois, 9/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: ** Chicago Drought Summit Meeting ** - Dole Calls for Overhaul of Drought Relief Regulations - Introduces 4-Point Program to Expedite Federal Assistance., 9/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Pledges Support of Presidents Proposed Sex-Bias Changes: Will Amend His Pending Legislation to Secure Prompt Enactment, 9/9/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_006.pdf
- Item 34: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - "Thanks and Farewell to Howard Liebengood", 9/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_034.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Pushes for Tax Credits for Low and Moderate Income First-Time Homebuyers -- Bill Would Avoid Middleman Costs. Senator Chairs Finance Committee Hearing on "Homebuyers Assistance Act", 9/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum Announce Housing and Urban Development Grants -- Kansas Awarded $429,270, 9/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Renews Call for Target Price Compromise, 9/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Cited for "Legendary" Role in Food Programs for the Needy - Kansas Senator Receives First "Golden Carrot Award" For Nutrition Leadership, 9/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Pushes for Child Support Enforcement, Co-Sponsors Crackdown Bill As Finance Committee Opens Hearings, 9/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_011.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Praises Historic Black Kansas Town of Nicodemus on 105th Anniversary, 9/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Meets with Agriculture Leaders, 9/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_014.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Titan II Missile Inqest, 9/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_012.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Finance Committee Hearing on the Federal Supplemental Compensation Program - Friday, September 16, 1983, 9/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Disappointed with VA Response on Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Hospital Staffing Problems -- Senator Wants Answers to Conflicting VA Response, 9/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: Open Letter: U.S. - PRC Textile Dispute, 9/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Seeks Movement on 1984 Wheat Program/Target Price Issue, 9/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Urges Chinese to Complete Grain Purchase Commitment -- Senator Cites End of U.S./China Textile Dispute, 9/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Calls for Women's Equity in Social Security -- Senator Urges Reform Before House Task Force, 9/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole, Kassebaum Announce HUD Grants for Kansas - State Awarded More Than $4 Million, 9/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senator Dole on Secretary Watts Comments, 9/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Receives Positive Response on China Grain Sales -- "Settlement Can Be Worked Out" Says Ambassador, 9/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senator Bob Dole and World-Renowned Violinist Itzhak Perlman to Hold Press Conference on Monday - Year-Long Activities of Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund To Be Announced, 9/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Urges Swift Consensus on Senate Revenue Sharing Package, 9/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole: Break the Impasse over Farm Legislation - Senator Readies Amendment on Improved 1984 Wheat Program, 9/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_026.pdf
- Item 27: Senator Dole Holds Press Conference with World Renowned Violinist Itzhak Perlman - Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Activities to be Announced, 9/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_027.pdf
- Item 28: Senator Dole to Speak on Civil Rights Tomorrow -- Kansan Will Address Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 9/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_028.pdf
- Item 29: Kansas City, Kansas Construction Projects Get $10 Million in Federal Funds -- I-435 Bridges, Roadway Receive Last Minute Funding, 9/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_029.pdf
- Item 30: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Press Conference with Itzhak Perlman - Monday, September 26, 1983, 9/26/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Addresses Civil Rights Group -- Cites "Injustice" of Federal Deficits. Title IX and Fair Housing are Top Dole Priorities, 9/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_031.pdf
- Item 32: Kansas Senators Announce Interior Department Funds to Kansas Counties, 9/27/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Environmental Protection Agency Grants to Kansas -- State Awarded $3,439,694, 9/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_033.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Re-Emphasizes National Campaign for Disability Rights -- Itzhak Perlman/Dole Press Conference for Handicapped Dominated by Watt Controversy, 9/28/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_035.pdf
- Item 36: Congressional Record - Senator Baker and Senator Dole, 9/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_036.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Joins as Founder of National Water Alliance, 9/30/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_005_037.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole On Martin Luther King Bill: A "Holiday For All The People", 10/3/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum Announce U.S.-Japan Student Exchange Program, 10/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Southeast Kansas water War: Dole Receives Response To Army Corps Of Engineers Letter, 10/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: V.A. Seeks To Add 21 Nurses To Colmery-O'Neil Hospital Staff Following Meeting With Dole; Senator Encouraged, Will Continue To Monitor Staffing At Topeka Facility, 10/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Helsinki Commission Co-Chairman Dole Hails Nobel Peace Prize Winner Lech Walesa - Commission Nominated Solidarity Leader For Prestigious Prize, 10/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole And Kassebaum Encourage Local Officials To Attend UDAG Workshop In Kansas City, 10/6/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole And Kassebaum Announce HUD Grants -- Kansas Awarded $615,996 In Section 8 Funding, 10/11/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Calls For Wheat Farmer Response On 1984 Program -- Improved Wheat Compromise Stalled By One Senator "Time To Get Off The Fence": Stop $3 Wheat, 10/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Nutrition Subcommittee To Meet On Tuesday Dole To Chair Food Stamp Program Oversight Hearing, 10/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Welcomes Kansas Drought Assistance Request, Assures Prompt Action By USDA, 10/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing On State Implementation Of Food Stamp Program Reforms, 10/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Presses For Speedy Approval Of Additional Staff At Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Hospital, 10/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls For End To Ag Credit Impasse; Dispute Threatens Farm Exports, 10/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole requests Immediate Dioxin Testing at Furley, 10/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Passage Of King Holiday Bill, 10/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Women's Equity Action League Annual Awards Dinner "Progress And Poverty Among American Women", 10/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole bill Addresses Pension Inequality For Women, 10/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_017.pdf
- Item 20: Dole To Address Women's Equity Action League Tonight In New York City - Senator Is Congressional Chair Of Sixth Annual Economic Awards Dinner -Eight Women Leaders To Be Honored--, 10/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_020.pdf
- Item 18: Anti-Semitic, Racist Broadcasts Investigated Dole Announces On FCC On-Site Probe Of Dodge City Radio Station KTTL, 10/21/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - National Convention Of The American Association For The Advancement Of Slavic Studies - Kansas City, Missouri, 10/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_019.pdf
- Item 21: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Reform And Simplification Of Corporate Taxation, 10/24/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senate Finance Committee Approves Dole Pension Equity Bill Women's Reform Package Heads To Senate Floor, 10/25/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Asks For Review Of Summer-Fallow Rules; Senator Writes Agriculture Secretary Block, 10/31/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_006_023.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Dole Downplays Debt Ceiling Defeat -- Renews Call For Action On Deficit Reduction, 11/1/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Grange Endorses Dole Wheat Plan, 11/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Asks For Presidential Task Force On Farm Trade Policy, 11/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Senator Dole Releases Drought Chronology, 11/4/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces Courts Subcommittee Hearing Tomorrow, 11/7/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Calls For Leadership On Deficits In Speech To National Meat Association, 11/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole To Speak On Deficit Reduction Tonight At Hyatt; Senator And Secretary Dole To Appear On CNNs "Freeman Reports" Nationwide TV Show Wednesday Night, 11/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Demands Action On Stalled Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Bill -- Writes House Judiciary Committee, 11/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole: Capitol Bomb Destruction Wider Than Reported Potential Casualties Averted By Schedule Change, 11/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Drought For 35 Kansas Counties, 11/10/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Veterans Administration Resource Committee To Meet This Week - Final Decision Due On Dole/VA Recommendation For Additional Nursing At Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Hospital, 11/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: American Petroleum Institute - New York Hilton -- November 15, 1983 - Senator Bob Dole, 11/14/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Hails House Approval Of Civil Rights Commission Compromise, 11/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Salutes Ron Wineinger Marion Native Is New National FFA President, 11/17/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Announces Legislation To Remedy Problems With Government Patent Policies, 11/18/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senator Dole Remembers Kennedy, 11/22/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Presses For Action On Deficits - Spending Cuts To Be Wiped Out Dole Says In Washington Speech, 11/29/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: "People To Watch In 84" Lists Bob Dole -- Washingtonian Magazine Selects Kansas Senator, 11/30/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Commends Regan For Deficit Stance; Hopes Secretary Accepts Invitation To Appear At Finance Committee Deficit Hearings In December, 11/30/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_007_019.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Dole Salutes Record Drop In Unemployment - Encouraging Statistics Should Spur Action On Soaring Deficits, 12/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Meeting to Discuss Future of McConnell Air Force Base, Office of Senator Robert Dole - December 2, 1983, 12/2/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole and Kassebaum Announce Remaining Drought Counties Receive Disaster Area Designation, 12/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Calls for Private Sector Conference on Farm Trade Rules, 12/5/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Statement on Civil Rights Commission Controversy, 12/8/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Addresses Ohio Corngrowers - Calls for Private Sector Conference on Farm Trade Rules, 12/10/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Hails Guess Appointment to Civil Rights Panel, 12/12/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Cabbage Patch Doll Heading to Capper Foundation - Senator Dole to Hand Deliver Special Christmas Gift, 12/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Encouraged by President Reagans Remarks on Tax Options -- Common Ground Forms for Major Attack on Deficits in 84, 12/15/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Calls GSA Administrator on Federal Study of Kansas City Regional Offices, 12/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole on Winn: "Kansas Will Miss Him", 12/16/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Salutes Kansas Conservation Award Finalist, 12/19/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Announces Interior Department Funds to Kansas, 12/20/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole: Kennedys Remarks Threaten Bipartisan Spirit of Nutrition, 12/23/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_014.pdf
- Item 15: Senator Dole Makes New Years Statement, 12/30/1983

- PDF available: s-press_026_008_015.pdf
- Box 28

- Folder 10

- Item 21: John Madsen Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1983

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_021.pdf
- Series 24: 1984

- Box 1

- Folder 1: S.1: Cut Federal Spending, 1/3/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840103sic.pdf
- Folder 2: Senator Dole Releases Kansas Schedule For January 4-7, 1/4/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840104sen.pdf
- Folder 3: Mondale Deficit Rhetoric Shows Need For Bipartisan Cooperation, 1/5/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840105mon.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Seeks Crackdown On Alleged Kansas Adoption Scam, 1/5/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840105see.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Commends White House Task Force On Food Assistance, 1/9/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840109com.pdf
- Folder 6: Senator Dole To Speak At Des Moines Testimonial Dinner For Chuck Grassley, 1/9/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840109sen.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Announces Joint Congressional Hearing On Task Force Food Assistance Recommendations, 1/10/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840110ann.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Urges Treasury Secretary Donald Regan To Investigate Kansas Adoption Scheme, 1/10/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840110urg.pdf
- Folder 9: Kansas Senators Announce Grants State Awarded $272,172 For Volunteer Programs, 1/12/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840112kans.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Praises Task Force On Family Violence, 1/12/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840112pra.pdf
- Folder 11: Dole To Veterans Administrator: Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Hospital Needs Action Now, 1/12/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840112tov.pdf
- Folder 12: Recommendations For Us Attorney For Kansas, 1/13/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840113bob.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole Praises Reagan Speech On Us Soviet Relations, 1/16/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840116pra.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Proposes Compromise On Telephone Access Charges, 1/18/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840118pro.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Jepsen Grassley Request Report From State Of Iowa About Midwestern Adoption Scam, 1/18/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840118sen.pdf
- Folder 16: Dole Commends FCC Decision On Telephone Access Charges, 1/19/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840119com.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Commends Hardage Appointment To Presidential Commission On Industrial Competitiveness, 1/19/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840119comm.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole To Host Urban Development Meeting For Kansas Municipalities In Topeka, 1/24/1984

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 840124toa.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Disaster Aid For Ten Counties, 1/25/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840125doleandkas.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole: President Reagan Out Front And Leading The Charge On The Deficit, 1/25/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840125pre.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Says Final Action By FCC On Access Charges Completely Eliminates Need For Legislation, 1/25/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840125say.pdf
- Folder 22: Senator Dole Releases Witness List For Joint Hearing On President's Task Force On Food Assistance Report, 1/25/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840125sen.pdf
- Folder 23: Dole Hails Victory For Everyone On Telephone Access Charges, 1/26/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840126hai.pdf
- Folder 24: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Joint Congressional Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing On Recommendations Of President's Task Force On Food Assistance, 1/26/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840126joi.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Kassebaum Announce Federal Housing Grants For Kansas, 1/27/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840127kas.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole: Let's Get Moving On Bipartisan Deficit Reduction Plan, 1/27/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840127let.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole To Address Labor Officials Budget Deficits Of Highlight Talk, 1/27/1984

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 840127toa.pdf
- Folder 28: Remarks At Kansas Veterans Club Topeka Ks; Strategic Nuclear Balance; ICBM; SALT II; START; INF, 1/28/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840128rem.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Continues To Press For New Mission For McConnell Air Force Base Senator Meets With Top Air Force Officials, Telephones Defense Secretary Weinberger, 1/30/1984

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 840130con.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Commends Reagan Budget Plan: A Useful First Step In Bipartisan Budget Debate, 2/1/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840201com.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Announces Replacement Mission For Wichita's McConnell Air Force Base B-1 Bombers To Replace Titan IIs, 2/3/1984

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 840203ann.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole To Introduce Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Act ; Mexican Adoption Scam Other Fraudulent Schemes To Be Addressed In Congressional Hearings, 2/3/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840203dol.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole On EPA Ruling On EDB Tolerances For Grain; Ethylene Dibromide, 2/3/1984

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 840203epa.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Federal Funds To Kansas For Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency, 2/3/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840203fed.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole To Democrats: Let's Meet The Deficit Challenge, 2/8/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840208dol.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole's Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Practices Act Is Introduced--Treasury Secretary Encourages Investigation, 2/9/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840209ant.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Advises Block To Defer Farm Program Decision, 2/10/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840210adv.pdf
- Folder 38: Dole Receives 9Th Watchdog Of The Treasury Award For Fiscal Integrity, 2/10/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840210rec.pdf
- Folder 39: Kansas City's Federal Offices To Stay Put!, 2/11/1984

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 840211dol.pdf
- Folder 40: Finance Committee To Move On Deficit Reduction Package, 2/13/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840213fin.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Intervenes For Kansas City Metropolitan Designation Writes David Stockman To Keep Kansas City The 29Th Largest Market, 2/13/1984

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 840213int.pdf
- Folder 42: Kansas Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole: Public Meetings With Constituents, 2/15/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840215kan.pdf
- Folder 43: Kansas Senators Announce OSHA Grants For Topeka, 2/17/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840217kan.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole To Outline "Downpayment" Deficit Package At National Press Club Speech On Wednesday, 2/17/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840217out.pdf
- Folder 45: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Land O'Lakes 63rd Annual Meeting; Farm Programs; Agriculture PIK Program, 2/21/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840221rem.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/22/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840222ann.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Disaster Aid For Remaining Five Counties, 2/22/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840222dolea.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole Pushes For Debate Fair Legislation On Video Bill, 2/22/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840222pus.pdf
- Folder 49: Remarks Of Senator Dole; National Press Club; Budget Deficit; Deficit Reduction Measures, 2/22/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840222rem.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole Applauds EPA Office Relocation, 2/24/1984

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 840224app.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Kicks Off Easter Seal Society Registration Drive For Disabled And Elderly Americans, 2/24/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840224kic.pdf
- Folder 52: Remarks At National Easter Seal Society Project For Accessible Voting, Manchester, New Hampshire, 2/25/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840225rem.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole Disappointed By Grove City Ruling; Will Consider Legislation To Expand Scope Of Key Anti-Sex Bias Law, 2/28/1984

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 840228dis.pdf
- Folder 54: Media Advisory; Nomination Of Douglas Comer As Us Attorney For Kansas, 2/28/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840228pre.pdf
- Folder 55: Rail Service To Northern Kansas Guaranteed; Dole Hails Financing Of Huck Line, 2/29/1984

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 840229rai.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Seeks Assurances On Continuance Of El Dorado Refinery, 2/29/1984

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 840229see.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole: Improved Wheat Program Still Possible, 3/1/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840301imp.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Pleased Highway Funding Stalemate Is Ending, 3/2/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840302ple.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Overland Park Prairie Village City Officials Discuss Area Concerns, 3/5/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840305dol.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Announces Senate Hearings On Adoption Fraud; House Members To Introduce Similar Measure, 3/6/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840306ann.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Pushes For Balanced Budget Amendment At Senate Hearing, 3/6/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840306pus.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Continues To Press For Assurances On El Dorado Refinery; Letter From Texaco Chairman Optimistic But Dole Seeks More, 3/8/1984

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 840308dol.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Announces Nutrition Speech And Child Nutrition Hearings, 3/9/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840309ann.pdf
- Folder 64: Media Advisory: Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing S. 2299 Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Practices Act Of 1984 March 16,1984, 3/9/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840309med.pdf
- Folder 65: Senator Bob Dole's Schedule For Saturday March 17Th, 3/9/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840309sen.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole Accepts National Achievement Award Of The Association Of Community Cancer Centers, 3/10/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840310acc.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole: Keep Pressure On For Passage Of New 1984 Wheat Program Sign-Up Extension Expected, 3/10/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840310kee.pdf
- Folder 68: Remarks Of Senator Dole Financial World Awards Banquet; The Deficit, 3/12/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840312rem.pdf
- Folder 69: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Child Nutrition Program Reauthorization Hearing March 12, 1984, 3/12/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840312sta.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole To Speak On Deficits Tonight In New York, 3/12/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840312tos.pdf
- Folder 71: Chase Kansas Police Chief John Grubb To Appear Friday On ABC-TVs Good Morning America; Will Explain Role In Mexican Adoption Scam Investigation On Morning Before Dole Hearing, 3/14/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840314cha.pdf
- Folder 72: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing March 15, 1984; Merger Activity In Petroleum Industry, 3/15/1984

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 840315sta.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Congratulates Master Farmers Farm Homemakers, 3/16/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840316con.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Raps Parochial Interests For Farm Bill Impasse Program Improvements Blocked By Lone Senator, 3/16/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840316rap.pdf
- Folder 75: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Judiciary Subcommittee On Courts Hearing S. 2299 The Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Practices Act Of 1984 March 16, 1984, 3/16/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840316sta.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Pays Tribute To NAACP Executive Clarence Mitchell, 3/19/1984

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 840319pay.pdf
- Folder 77: Senate Finance Committee Approves Dole Provision To Designate Kansas City As One Metropolitan Statistical Area, 3/19/1984

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 840319sen.pdf
- Folder 78: At Last! House Passage Of Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Legislation Dole Calls For Quick Action In Conference Committee, 3/21/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840321atl.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole An Kassebaum Announce Disaster Aid For Remaining Four Counties, 3/21/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840321kas.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole Seeks Gao Study Of All Kansas City Federal Office Space, 3/21/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840321see.pdf
- Folder 81: 60 Minutes Profile On The Doles To Air Sunday Night, 3/22/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840322six.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole Calls For Speedy House Action On Commodity Improvement Package, 3/23/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840323cal.pdf
- Folder 83: Finance Committee Approves Child Support Improvements, 3/23/1984

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 840323fin.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole: Job Corps Center Coming To Kansas, 3/23/1984

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 840323job.pdf
- Folder 85: Post Rock Rural Water District Construction Phase Underway, 3/23/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840323pos.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole To Address United Jewish Appeal-Federation Tomorrow, 3/26/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840326dol.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole To Chair Hearing Tomorrow On Patent Procedures; Hi-Tech Development Encouraged, 3/26/1984

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 840326toc.pdf
- Folder 88: Dole Calls For Quick And Clean Democrat House Action On Farm Bill No Time To Haggle Over Nickels And Dimes, 3/27/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840327cal.pdf
- Folder 89: Donahue Tv Show To Focus On Adoption Problems; Wichita Victim Of Mexican Adoption Scam Among Guests; Dole Bill To Crackdown On Adoption Scams Discussed, 3/29/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840329don.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Congratulates Coldwater Banker James Herrington For Leadership Role In USDA Approved Lender Program, 3/30/1984

- Subject: Banking - PDF available: 840330con.pdf
- Folder 91: Forecast Calls For Democratic Freeze On Farm Bill In Conference, 3/30/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840330for.pdf
- Folder 92: Schedule For Senator Bob Dole -- April 6,7, And 8, 1984, 3/30/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840330sch.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole And Dole To Address Economic Club Of New York Tomorrow Night, 4/2/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840402dol.pdf
- Folder 94: Remarks Of Senator Dole New York Economic Club April 3 1984, 4/3/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840403ton.pdf
- Folder 95: Dole Announces Site Selection Task Force For Kansas Federal Job Corps Center Topekan Jerry Holley To Chair Panel, 4/5/1984

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 840405ann.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole: Prime Rate Jumps While Congress Sits, 4/5/1984

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 840405pri.pdf
- Folder 97: Dole To Address Collegiate Entrepreneurs And Will Attend GOP Reception In Boston On April 14, 4/5/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840405toa.pdf
- Folder 98: Remarks Of Senator Dole At Home Builders Association Of Greater Kansas City; Cutting The Deficit, 4/7/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840407rem.pdf
- Folder 99: Statement Of Senator Dole On Expanded Reconciliation Bill - Budget Deficit, 4/9/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840409exp.pdf
- Folder 100: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole The Reauthorization Of The Special Supplemental Food Program For Women Infants And Children (WIC); Subcommittee On Nutrition April 9, 1984, 4/9/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840409rea.pdf
- Folder 101: Remarks Senator Bob Dole At American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee 25Th Policy Conference Washington Hilton, 4/9/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840409rem.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Congratulates President At Farm Bill Signing, 4/10/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840410con.pdf
- Folder 103: El Dorado Refinery News; Dole Secures Commitment From Texaco That Getty Employees Retirement Benefits Will Be Protected, 4/10/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840410eld.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole Joins Bipartisan Group In Introducing Bill To Negate Grove City; Case Has Punched A Gaping Hole In Civil Rights Laws, 4/12/1984

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 840412joi.pdf
- Folder 105: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Kansas Students As Summer Envoys To Japan, 4/12/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840412kas.pdf
- Folder 106: Local Methodist Students Visit Senator Dole In Washington, 4/12/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840412loc.pdf
- Folder 107: Hud Notification Us Department Of Housing And Urban Development, 4/13/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840413com.pdf
- Folder 108: El Dorado Refinery News; Dole Receives Crude Oil Commitment From Texaco; But Senator Will Continue To Seek Assurances, 4/13/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840413eld.pdf
- Folder 109: Deficit Bill Ensures More Equitable Treatment For All Americans, Dole Says, 4/17/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840417def.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole To Address Independent Bankers Association Of America, 4/24/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840424add.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Hails Passage Of Child Support Enforcement Act, 4/26/1984

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 840426hai.pdf
- Folder 112: Dole Urges Close Watch On Canadian Custom Cutters; Cautions Against Relaxation Of Us Foreign Labor Laws, 4/26/1984

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 840426urg.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Calls For Approval Of Deficit Package, 4/27/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840427app.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole: Closing The Deficit Gap Has Begun, 4/27/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840427clo.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole A Finalist In American Institute For Public Service 1984 Jefferson Award, 4/30/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840430afin.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole A Finalist In American Institute For Public Service 1984 Jefferson Award, 4/30/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840430fin.pdf
- Folder 117: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole At Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing On The Food Stamp Program April 30, 1984, 4/30/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840430nut.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Honored For Support Of Higher Education By The National Council Of Higher Education Loan Programs, 5/1/1984

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 840501dol.pdf
- Folder 119: Honoraria Contributed To Charity In 1983, 5/1/1984

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 840501hon.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Praises 410 Evac Unit From Topeka; Kansas Hospital Receives Highest Award In Army Reserve, 5/2/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840502pra.pdf
- Folder 121: Senator Dole To Address American Institute Of Certified Public Accountants On Thursday May 3, 5/2/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840502sen.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Introduces Senate Resolution To Commemorate 30Th Anniversary Of Brown V. Board Of Education, 5/3/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840503int.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Introduces Senate Resolution To Commemorate 30Th Anniversary Of Brown V. Board Of Education, 5/3/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840503intr.pdf
- Folder 124: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole -- Week Of May 6-12, 1984, 5/3/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840503sch.pdf
- Folder 125: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole -- Week Of May 6-12, 1984, 5/3/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840503sche.pdf
- Folder 126: Dole Asks FTC To Reconsider Texaco/Getty Consent Order, 5/5/1984

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 840505ask.pdf
- Folder 127: El Dorado Refinery News; Dole Asks FTC To Reconsider Texaco Getty Consent Order, 5/5/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840505eld.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Rated 19Th Most Influential American; 2Nd Most Influential Us Senator, 5/7/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840507rat.pdf
- Folder 129: Senator Dole To Be Honored By George Washington University; Kansan To Receive 1984 Distinguished Public Service Award, 5/7/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840507sen.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole To Address American Society Of Newspaper Editors On Thursday, 5/8/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840508toa.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole To Address American Society Of Newspaper Editors On Thursday, 5/8/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840508toad.pdf
- Folder 132: Remarks Of Senator Dole At George Washington University Public Service Award Dinner; Deficit; Economy, 5/9/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840509geo.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Meets China's Trade Minister; Urges Increased Chinese Wheat Purchases, 5/9/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840509mee.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Meets China's Trade Minister; Urges Increased Chinese Wheat Purchases, 5/9/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840509meet.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Receives Humane Excellence Award From American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals (ASPCA), 5/9/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840509rec.pdf
- Folder 136: Senator Bob Dole Schedule May 11, 12 1984, 5/9/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840509sen.pdf
- Folder 137: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole American Society Of Newspaper Editors; Deficits; Budget Resolution, 5/10/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840510ame.pdf
- Folder 138: Federal Disaster Aid Announced For Atchison, Jackson, And Doniphan Counties, 5/10/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840510fed.pdf
- Folder 139: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole The Annual Truman Scholar Banquet; Radisson-Muehlebach Reducing The Deficit, 5/12/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840512rem.pdf
- Folder 140: Remarks To National Council Of Savings Institutions; Economic Recovery; Deficits, 5/14/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840514rem.pdf
- Folder 141: Remarks To National Council Of Savings Institutions; Economic Recovery; Deficits, 5/14/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840514rema.pdf
- Folder 142: Senator Dole To Appear Tomorrow On NBC's Today Show; Will Address Association Executives Of American Insurance Association, 5/14/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840514sen.pdf
- Folder 143: 32 Kansas Counties Now Eligible Of Federal Disaster Aid; Dole Bill Redefines Eligibility Requirements, 5/15/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840515kan.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Hails Final Wheat Sign-Up Announcement, 5/16/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840516hai.pdf
- Folder 145: Kassebaum Release: Kansas Senators Nancy Landon Kassebaum And Bob Dole Announce Award Of Federal Grant To NCAA Summer Youth Sports Program, 5/17/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840517kan.pdf
- Folder 146: Remarks Or Senator Bob Dole Marion High School Graduation; Budget Deficits; National Debt, 5/20/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840520mar.pdf
- Folder 147: Remarks Or Senator Bob Dole Marion High School Graduation; Budget Deficits; National Debt, 5/20/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840520rem.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Announces Preliminary Fire Safety Construction Funds For Topeka's Colemry-O'Neil VA Hospital, 5/22/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840522ann.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Urges Swift Senate Approval Of Social Security Disability Act Of 1984 In Remarks To National Organization On Disability, 5/22/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840522urg.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Urges Swift Senate Approval Of Social Security Disability Act Of 1984 In Remarks To National Organization On Disability, 5/22/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840522urge.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Kassebaum Announce $12 Million Contract For Fort Riley, 5/24/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840524kas.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Kassebaum Announce $12 Million Contract For Fort Riley, 5/24/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840524kass.pdf
- Folder 153: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Before Senate Labor And Human Resources Committee S. 2568 The Civil Rights Act Of 1984, 5/24/1984

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 840524lab.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Foundation Names Carl H. Rush Executive Director, 5/25/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840525fou.pdf
- Folder 155: Senator Dole's Memorial Day Statement, 5/25/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840525sen.pdf
- Folder 156: Senator Dole's Memorial Day Statement, 5/25/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840525sena.pdf
- Folder 157: Construction Slated For Post Rock Rural Water District, 5/31/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840531con.pdf
- Folder 158: Construction Slated For Post Rock Rural Water District, 5/31/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840531cons.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Heads War Memorial Delegation To Italy; Liberation Of Rome To Be Commemorated, 5/31/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840531hea.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Heads War Memorial Delegation To Italy; Liberation Of Rome To Be Commemorated, 5/31/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840531head.pdf
- Folder 161: Presidential Delegation In Italy - Dole Lays Wreath At Florence Military Cemetery; WWII Veteran Renews 40-Year Italian Friendship, 6/1/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840601lay.pdf
- Folder 162: Presidential Delegation In Italy - Dole Lays Wreath At Florence Military Cemetery; WWII Veteran Renews 40-Year Italian Friendship, 6/1/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840601pre.pdf
- Folder 163: Presidential Delegation In Italy - Dole Salutes Fallen WWII Comrades; Receives Special Medal From Mayor Of Rome, 6/2/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840602sal.pdf
- Folder 164: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole At Women's Research And Education Institute; Sex Discrimination, 6/5/1984

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 840605rem.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Urges FCC To Make KTTL Decision; Citizens Owed Speedy Resolution; Letter To FCC Chairman Mark Fowler, 6/5/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840605urg.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole: Wichita Okayed For Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Funds After Pocket Of Poverty Designation, 6/5/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840605wic.pdf
- Folder 167: 30Th Anniversary Of Eisenhower Initiative Dole Introduces Food For Peace Day Resolution, 6/7/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840607int.pdf
- Folder 168: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole -- Week Of June 10-17, 1984, 6/8/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840608sch.pdf
- Folder 169: Remarks By The Honorable Robert Dole Us Senator; National Association Of Americans Of Asian Indian Descent, 6/9/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840609nat.pdf
- Folder 170: Governors Tell Dole They Will Share In Deficit Reduction Efforts, 6/11/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840611gov.pdf
- Folder 171: Senator Bob Dole Keynote Speech; The Government Research Corporation's Ninth Annual Leadership Conference, 6/11/1984

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 840611key.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Secures Personal Commitment From Texaco For El Dorado Refinery; Chairman Of The Board Promises Senator Long Term Investment In Kansas, 6/12/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840612sec.pdf
- Folder 173: Dole Commends Early 1985 Wheat Program Announcement, 6/14/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840614com.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Encourages Veterans To Participate In 21-Day National Celebration; Honor America, 6/14/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840614enc.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Encourages Kansans To Participate In 21-Day National Celebration, 6/14/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840614enco.pdf
- Folder 176: Letter To The President About Damage To Five Kansas Counties, 6/18/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840618pre.pdf
- Folder 177: Kassebaum Release: Disaster Relief For Kansas Counties Struck By Tornado, 6/19/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840619nan.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole Urges President To Declare Five Northeast Kansas Counties Eligible For Disaster Assistance, 6/19/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840619urg.pdf
- Folder 179: Dole Leads Kansas/Missouri Delegation Request For Corps Study Of Kansas City Area Flooding, 6/21/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840621lea.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Kassebaum Announce Presidential Disaster Declarations For Kansas Counties; Brown Doniphan Atchison Jackson And Nemaha To Get Federal Assistance; Johnson County Gets SBA Declaration, 6/22/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840622ann.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Pushes For National Commission On Trade And Export Policy; Senator Seeks Answer To Soaring Trade Deficit And Dwindling Exports; Major Agriculture Groups Support Initiative, 6/22/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840622pus.pdf
- Folder 182: Dole Lauds Conference Action On Deficit Reduction Package, 6/23/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840623dol.pdf
- Folder 183: Kansas City Is 29Th Dole Protects Kansas City Provision In Deficit Downpayment Package, 6/25/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840625kan.pdf
- Folder 184: Bond Financing For 4 Kansas Towns Saved In Conference Committee, 6/26/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840626fin.pdf
- Folder 185: Kansas Museums Awarded $80,701 In Federal Grants, 6/27/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840627mus.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Disappointed With Those Who Voted Against Deficit Reduction Package; A No Vote Was Irresponsible, 6/28/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840628dis.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole's Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Provision Passes Congress, 6/29/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840629gra.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Aid Nancy Olson Leaves To Join National Water Alliance, 7/2/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840702aid.pdf
- Folder 189: Remarks: NAACP Conference; A New Kind Of Slavery; Extension Of Voting Rights Act; Grove City, 7/2/1984

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 840702rem.pdf
- Folder 190: Dole To Hold Meeting Tomorrow With Federal Officials To Discuss Northeast Kansas Storm Damage, 7/5/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840705toh.pdf
- Folder 191: Are Americans Better Off Than Four Years Ago? No Contest! Says Dole, 7/6/1984

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 840706are.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Meets With Administration Officials To Assess Storm Damage In Northeast Kansas; Clarifies Disaster Aid, 7/6/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840706mee.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole Hails El Dorado Refinery Decision; FTC Adopts Dole Recommendation; Texaco To Keep Refinery, 7/10/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840710hai.pdf
- Folder 194: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; P.L. 480 - 30Th Anniversary Dinner; Hunger Relief, 7/10/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840710rem.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Hails Selection Of Kassebaum As Deputy Chairman Of GOP Convention, 7/12/1984

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 840712hai.pdf
- Folder 196: Dole Stresses Need For Enterprise Zones; Will Seek Prompt Reconsideration, 7/13/1984

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 840713str.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole To Attend Post Rock Rural Water District Ground Breaking, 7/13/1984

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 840713toa.pdf
- Folder 198: Two More Counties Qualify For Public Assistance From Flood Damage; Brown And Pottawatomie Added To Federal List, 7/13/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840713two.pdf
- Folder 199: At GOP Picnic, Dole Hails Jepsen As Key Senator For Agriculture, 7/14/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840714gop.pdf
- Folder 200: Statement Of Senator Robert Dole Executive Session Of The Judiciary Committee On School Prayer, 7/14/1984

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 840714mrc.pdf
- Folder 201: Dole Meets With Chinese Ambassador; Reveals China Making Up Wheat Purchase Deficit, 7/16/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840716mee.pdf
- Folder 202: Son Of Pre-Communist Afghanistan Official Is Released From Pakistan; Greets His Father In Great Bend Kansas, 7/18/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 840718son.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Asks Agriculture For Increased Pressure On Congress To Reduce Deficits, 7/19/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840719ask.pdf
- Folder 204: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole; National POW/MIA Recognition Day July 20 1984, 7/19/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840719sta.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Congratulates Geraldine Ferraro On Vice-Presidential Nomination, 7/20/1984

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 840720con.pdf
- Folder 206: Mexican Adoption Scam; Dole Calls On Justice Department To Complete Investigation, 7/23/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840723mex.pdf
- Folder 207: Dole Cosponsors Resolution To Commemorate Marines Who Died In Lebanon, 7/26/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840726cos.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole And Domenici Praise Senator Gordon Humphrey's Work In Senate; We Need Gordon Say Budget And Finance Committee Chairmen, 7/27/1984

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 840727dol.pdf
- Folder 209: Dole Urges State Department To Intercede On Behalf Of Israeli Citizen Alexander Yakir Awaiting Trial In Native Russia, 7/27/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840727urg.pdf
- Folder 210: Senator Dole's Republican Platform Comments; The Economy; Spending Restraints; Taxes, 7/30/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840730sen.pdf
- Folder 211: Child Support Enforcement Act Passes Senate; Kansas Senators Say Dodging Payments No Longer Tolerated, 8/1/1984

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 840801chi.pdf
- Folder 212: Kansas Senators Explain Price Changes For Capitol Flags, 8/1/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840801kan.pdf
- Folder 213: Dole Marks Anniversary Of Helsinki Accords; Condemns Flagrant Violations By Soviets, 8/1/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840801mar.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole To Democrats; Lots Of Smoke No Gun; Poverty Figures Encouraging, 8/2/1984

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 840802dem.pdf
- Folder 215: KAKE-TV To Air Five-Part Series On The Doles Next Week, 8/3/1984

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 840803kak.pdf
- Folder 216: Dole Testifies On Agricultural Export Commission; S.J.Res. 319 The Agricultural Trade And Export Policy Commission Act Of 1984, 8/3/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840803tes.pdf
- Folder 217: Wichita Head Start Program Boosted By 94; Special Program For Potential Abused Children Gets Federal Help, 8/3/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840803wic.pdf
- Folder 218: Kassebaum Release: Hud Awards $1.17 Million For Public Housing In Six Kansas Cities, 8/8/1984

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 840808for.pdf
- Folder 219: Dole Calls For Explanation Of Mondale-Ferraro Campaign Appointment For Civil Rights Commissioner, 8/10/1984

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 840810call.pdf
- Folder 220: Senate Passes Dole Export Commission Bill, 8/10/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840810exp.pdf
- Folder 221: Senate Passes Dole Export Commission Bill; National Commission On Agricultural Trade And Export Policy, 8/10/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840810sen.pdf
- Folder 222: Senate Passes Dole Export Commission Bill; National Commission On Agricultural Trade And Export Policy, 8/10/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840810sena.pdf
- Folder 223: Dole Sponsors Additional Funding For WIC Program; Nutrition, 8/10/1984

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 840810spo.pdf
- Folder 224: Dole Calls Upon Walter Mondale To Fulfill The Promise Of The National Democratic Ticket, 8/13/1984

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 840813rep.pdf
- Folder 225: Dole Calls On Mondale To Demand Full Financial Disclosures From Running Mate And Her Spouse; Kansas Senator And Wife Did The Same In 1976, 8/15/1984

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 840815cal.pdf
- Folder 226: Dole Okays GOP Tax Plank, 8/15/1984

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 840815oka.pdf
- Folder 227: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole; Republican National Convention - Dallas, Texas, 8/16/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840816rep.pdf
- Folder 228: Senator Bob Dole Remarks; Republican National Convention Dallas Texas, 8/21/1984

- Subject: General - PDF available: 840821rep.pdf
- Folder 229: Dole Goes To Bat For Kansas Towns; Calls For Limits On Antitrust Liabilities For Local Officials, 8/28/1984

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 840828goe.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Hails Booming Soviet Grain Purchases, 8/30/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840830hai.pdf
- Folder 231: President Signs Dole Agricultural Commission Into Law; Group To Study Ways To Boost Farm Exports, 8/30/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840830pre.pdf
- Folder 232: Senator Dole's Schedule August 31 - Sept 1, 1984, 8/31/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840831sch.pdf
- Folder 233: Remarks Of Senator Dole; El Dorado Lake Dedication Ceremony, 9/1/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840901rem.pdf
- Folder 234: Bob And Elizabeth Dole To Visit State Fair September 15, 9/7/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840907bob.pdf
- Folder 235: Bob And Elizabeth Dole To Join Darth Vader In Ceremony Honoring The Contribution Of American Youth To Preventing Disabling Accidents On Monday, 9/7/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840907eli.pdf
- Folder 236: Dole To Keynote Cambodia Day Conference On Tuesday, 9/7/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840907key.pdf
- Folder 237: Dole Comments On The Nomination Of Edwin Meese As Attorney General, 9/7/1984

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 840907was.pdf
- Folder 238: Dole Says Mondale Deficit Plan Not Credible Or Realistic, 9/10/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 840910mon.pdf
- Folder 239: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; The Dedication Of Vice Presidential Sculpture Of Hubert H. Humphrey, 9/10/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840910rem.pdf
- Folder 240: Dole Hails President's Offer Of More Grain To Soviets, 9/11/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840911hai.pdf
- Folder 241: Doles In Kansas This Weekend Schedule For Senator And Secretary Dole September 14, 15, And 16, 1984, 9/13/1984

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 840913sch.pdf
- Folder 242: Customs Service Accepts Dole Recommendation For Johnson County Industrial Airport, 9/16/1984

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 840916cus.pdf
- Folder 243: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; Robert B. Docking Memorial Highway Dedication, 9/16/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840916rem.pdf
- Folder 244: Dole Hails Social Security Disability Insurance Compromise, 9/17/1984

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 840917hai.pdf
- Folder 245: Dole And Kassebaum Praise Amvets Announce Kansas Mobile Outreach Service Schedule For Kansas, 9/18/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840918ann.pdf
- Folder 246: Dole Hails Administration Relief Package For Farmers, 9/18/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 840918hai.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole And Kassebaum Praise Amvets Announce Kansas Mobile Outreach Service Schedule For Kansas, 9/18/1984

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 840918kas.pdf
- Folder 248: Dole Lauds Bipartisan Approach To Disability Reform, 9/18/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840918lau.pdf
- Folder 249: Opening Statement Of Senator Dole For Press Conference On Disability Agreement, 9/18/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840918ope.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Major Defense Contract For Beech Aircraft, 9/20/1984

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 840920dol.pdf
- Folder 251: Dole Pleased With Findings Of Edwin Meese Inquiry, 9/20/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 840920mee.pdf
- Folder 252: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole The Tragedy Of Beirut, 9/20/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 840920sta.pdf
- Folder 253: Dole Offers Reward: Any Democrats Willing To Support Mondale Tax Plan?, 9/22/1984

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 840922dol.pdf
- Folder 254: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; Johnson County Park Dedication, 9/22/1984

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 840922rem.pdf
- Folder 255: Dole To Host Space Shuttle Crew Kansan Steve Hawley And Fellow Astronauts To Visit Dole, 9/25/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840925hos.pdf
- Folder 256: Kansas Senators Announce Hud Financing For Elderly And Handicapped Housing, 9/25/1984

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 840925kan.pdf
- Folder 257: Dole Named To Martin Luther King Jr Commission; Group Holds First Meeting, 9/28/1984

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 840928dol.pdf
- Folder 258: Kansas Senators Announce Environmental Protection Agency Grants For State, 9/28/1984

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 840928kan.pdf
- Folder 259: President Signs Dole Initiative Designating Hospice Month, 9/28/1984

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 840928pre.pdf
- Folder 260: Senator Bob Dole Remarks; Dedication Of Rehabilitation Institute Of West Florida, 9/30/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 840930sen.pdf
- Folder 261: Dole Announces Members Of National Agriculture Export Commission; Kansan Fritz Gwin Will Serve, 10/1/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 841001ann.pdf
- Folder 262: Remarks Of Senator Dole Itzhak Perlman Benefit Concert For The Disability Rights Education And Defense Fund (DREDF), 10/1/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 841001rem.pdf
- Folder 263: Larry Winn: 18 Years Of Exemplary Service To Kansas, 10/3/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 841003lar.pdf
- Folder 264: Delegation Asks EPA Assistance At Furley, 10/5/1984

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 841005del.pdf
- Folder 265: Dole, Kassebaum Carry "Torch" For Wakeeney (Statue Of Liberty Torch), 10/5/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 841005kas.pdf
- Folder 266: Good News From President Reagan On Social Security, 10/8/1984

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 841008goo.pdf
- Folder 267: Dole On Mondale Reagan Debate, 10/8/1984

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 841008onm.pdf
- Folder 268: Dole Praises Retiring Majority Leader Howard Baker, 10/9/1984

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 841009pra.pdf
- Folder 269: Dole Says Superfund Compromise Effort Came Close; Pledges Strong Support For Extension In 1985, 10/10/1984

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 841010say.pdf
- Folder 270: Dole Questions Mondale's Memory On Social Security And Medicare, 10/11/1984

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 841011que.pdf
- Folder 271: Dole Secures Major Funding For KU Handicapped Project, 10/11/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 841011sec.pdf
- Folder 272: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole On New Human Development Center At Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas, 10/17/1984

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 841017rem.pdf
- Folder 273: Dole: 1985 Crossroads For Us Agriculture, 10/22/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 841022cro.pdf
- Folder 274: Dole On Presidential Debate; The Real Reagan Showed Up, 10/22/1984

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 841022onp.pdf
- Folder 275: Dole Announces End To Bracket Creep; Indexing Figures Released; Kansas Taxpayers To Save $64.2 Million, 10/24/1984

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 841024ann.pdf
- Folder 276: Dole Launches Statewide Child Safety Day Programs Crackdown On Child Kidnapping Includes Toll Free 800 Number, 10/24/1984

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 841024lau.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole Pushes For Larger Wheat Sales As Us-Ussr Talks Are Announced, 11/2/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 841102pus.pdf
- Folder 278: Dole Kassebaum And Roberts Call For Tour Stop In Wakeeney; Torch To Return To Liberty Island, 11/14/1984

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 841114kas.pdf
- Folder 279: Dole Urges USDA To Release Emergency Wheat To African Nations, 11/15/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 841115urg.pdf
- Folder 280: Dole: Pizza Hut--Pizza To Stay!, 11/20/1984

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 841120piz.pdf
- Folder 281: Dole Applauds Positive Tone Of US-PRC Grain Talks, 11/23/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 841123app.pdf
- Folder 282: Dole Congratulates Treasury On Tax Reform Proposal, 11/27/1984

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 841127dol.pdf
- Folder 283: Dole Praises Intention To Release Emergency Wheat, 11/29/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 841129pra.pdf
- Folder 284: Dole Hails Reagan Food Assistance Program For Ethiopia, 12/5/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 841205hai.pdf
- Folder 285: Jo-Anne Coe To Be Secretary Of The Us Senate, 12/10/1984

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 841210joa.pdf
- Folder 286: Safety Tips For Disabled Children Featured In National Program, 12/10/1984

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 841210saf.pdf
- Folder 287: Dole Calls For Clarification Of New Record Keeping Requirements For Farmers, 12/12/1984

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 841212cal.pdf
- Folder 288: Statement On South Africa; Apartheid, 12/12/1984

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 841212sta.pdf
- Folder 289: Dole Issues Early Release Of New Year's Resolution; Reduce Deficits, 12/29/1984

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 841229iss.pdf
- Series 25: 1985

- Box 27

- Folder 9

- Item 1: Dole and Byrd Introduce Arms Control Resolution, 1/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Media Advisory - Blair House Budget Session, 1/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole, Byrd Select Senate Observers for Arms Talks with Soviets, 1/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Names Kim Wells State Chairman for 1986 Re-Election Campaign, 1/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_004.pdf
- Item 5: On First Day of Session, Dole Introduces Bill to Cut Federal Spending, Resolution on Arms Control, 1/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole: "Block Has Done Good Job under Difficult Circumstances", 1/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Media Advisory - Budget Luncheon, 1/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole on Geneva Arms Control Meeting, 1/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Congratulates Sedgwick County Central Committee for Winning RNC Victory Blitz 84 Competition, 1/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_009.pdf
- Item 11: Senators Dole, Kassebaum and Iowa Governor Branstad Call for Task Force on Farm Credit Problems at Meeting with Federal Bank Regulators, 1/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_011.pdf
- Item 12: Media Advisory - Public Schedule of Senator Bob Dole: January 14-19, 1985, 1/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 1/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_013.pdf
- Item 14: Media Advisory - Capitol Hill Budget Meeting, 1/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_014.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Urges Kansans and All Americans with Agricultural Skills to Volunteer for Peace corps in Famine-stricken Africa, 1/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_033.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Commends Selection of Arms Control Negotiators, 1/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Calls for Federal Action to Help Reduce Kansas Gas Bills, 1/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_016.pdf
- Item 17: Public Schedule of Senator Bob Dole, 1/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_017.pdf
- Item 18: Kansas Senators Announce Land Reclamation Funds, 1/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole, Kassebaum and Other Senators Urge Farm Credit Assistance, 1/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Introduces Anti-Bias Bill That Would Overturn Controversial Grove City Decision, 1/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_020.pdf
- Item 21: Senator Dole appoints Senator Warren Rudman to Chair Senate Ethics Committee, 1/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole helps Secure Paperwork Relief from IRS; Farmers Tax keeping Record Burden Alleviated, 1/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_022.pdf
- Item 23: Memorandum: Treasury Recordkeeping Press Release, 1/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Unveils Charles Curtis Portrait in Senate Majority Leader Office, 1/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_024.pdf
- Item 25: Senators doles Public Schedule: January 28 - February 3, 1/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces Cashco to Stay in Ellsworth, 1/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_026.pdf
- Item 27: Media Advisory: Dole to hold meeting with Foreign relations, defense, and armed services committee members, 1/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dave Owen to be Finance Chairman for Doles 86 Campaign, 1/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Applauds Federal Action to Lower Kansas Gas Bills, 1/31/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_029.pdf
- Item 30: Media Advisory: Dole to meet with agricultural leaders, 1/31/1985

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_030.pdf
- Item 31: Summary of Food Act of 1985, 1985-01

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_031.pdf
- Item 32: Statement of Senator Dole Resolution on Arms Control Negotiations, 1985-01

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_032.pdf
- Box 12

- Folder 1

- Item 2: Congressman Dole that with the Kennedy Administration completing a full year in power that it is time to weigh promises against performance, 1/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_012_001_002.pdf
- Box 28

- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Hails repeals of IRS Vehicle Logging Requirements, 3/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Senator Doles Field Representative, Chief Counsel to Visit Area Communities, March 13, 1985, 3/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Media Advisory: Dole to address National feed Grains council, 3/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_003.pdf
- Item 34: Schedule of Senator Bob Dole: March 4-7, 1985, 3/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_034.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Introduces Ethanol Bills, 3/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Pleased with New Grazing and Haying Provisions, 3/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_005.pdf
- Item 7: Dole staff director to visits Kansas City, Topeka, Oskaloosa, Paola, Wichita, Wellsville, and Lawrence, 3/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senate Observers to Follow Arms control Talks, 3/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Media Advisory: U.S. Observer team heading to Geneva Arms talk departs, 3/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Says Farmers Hurt by Unfair Trade Practices; Kansan Presses International Officials for Reforms, 3/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Beech Awarded Funding For Training Displaced Workers, 3/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on U.S. Emergency Assistance to Africa; Geneva , March 11, 1985, 3/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Backs No-Tax Talk, 3/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Arms Control Observers Hail Start of New Talks, 3/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Arrival Statement U.S. Senate Observer Team - Geneva, 3/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Media Advisory - Senate observer team arrival info, 3/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: White House responds to Dole letter on KC regional offices, Kansas City's status as Federal Regional Center intact, 3/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole and Kassebaum announce OSHA worker safety grants awarded to Kansas organizations, 3/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole, Block discuss improvements to Farm Credit Program, 3/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Justice Department to brief law enforcement officials in Kansas City March 25 and 26, 3/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Congress revises Helsinki Commission, 3/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: The Following is Senator Bob Doles opening statement urging the passage of the MX Missile, 3/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Floor statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, Urgent Supplemental for African Famine Relief, 3/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Block to announce Doles changes in Farm Credit Program, 3/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: On Senate floor, Dole hails "National Agriculture Day", 3/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole receives Ag award, 3/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole on White House budget meeting, 3/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_027.pdf
- Item 28: Media Advisory - Dole to address American Society of Association Executives, 3/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole picks D'Amato to head Human Rights Panel, first Republican and first Senator to head Helsinki Commission, 3/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole pleased with preliminary ruling on Canadian imports, 3/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_030.pdf
- Item 31: Statement by the Majority Leader, Danforth/Boren Resolution on US-Japan Trade, 3/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole names three to Holocaust Council, 3/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole announces Helsinki Commission selections, 3/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_033.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Releases Statement on Reagan Veto, 5/6/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_004_006.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: O'Neill, Dole to chair reception tomorrow for National Challenge Committee of the Disabled, 4/2/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole hails Senate repeal vote on IRS vehicle logging requirements, 4/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole praises Senator Abdnor's role in repealing auto record-keeping rule, 4/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole reforms business airplane travel regulations, 4/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole announces budget accord, 4/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Budget accord reached, 4/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Farm credit meeting to be held Senator Doles Topeka office tomorrow, 4/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senator Dole announces schedule of two of his staff, who will visit 9 Kansas communities, 4/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Senator Doles public schedule: April 19 - April 21, 4/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole, US Army Command & General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, 4/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, Kansas Press Association, Manhattan, Kansas, 4/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_011.pdf
- Item 25: Newsletter from Senator Bob Dole, 4/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_025.pdf
- Item 12: Proceeding on the budget, need for spending reduction, 4/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, S.J. Res. 106 and the Presidential Letter, 4/23/1985

- With press releases
PDF available: s-press_028_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole says Reagan raises odds for victory, 4/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Major business coalition backs Dole/White House budget, 4/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Pentagon assures Dole of McConnell support, Weinberger backs funding for Wichita base, 4/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: Congress fumbles the ball on Nicaragua, 4/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole/Byrd Resolution to condemns the actions of the Sandinista Regime in Nicaragua, 4/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole optimistic on Kansas City changes for GM Fairfax plant, 4/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole calls for competition-based farm legislation, 4/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole: Its official! GM to build new Fairfax plant in Kansas City, Kansas, 4/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole bill calls for end to apartheid, 4/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_022.pdf
- Item 23: Concern for Deficit Abroad, 1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Deficit Reduction - Tentative Estimates, 1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_005_024.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole Hails Presidents Nicaraguan Trade Sanctions, 5/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Selects Ernest Garcia for Sergeant At Arms Post, 5/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dear Mr. Leader: (flights safe harbor), 5/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Defense Official Testimony Supports McConnell B-1 Mission - Statement Reiterates Pentagon Letter to Dole, 5/2/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Secures Aircraft Fringe Benefit Changes, 5/2/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Co-Sponsors Kansas Farm Bureau Farm Bill, 5/2/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Vietnam Veterans Recognition Day - May 2, 1985, 5/2/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_007.pdf
- Item 29: Senator Bob Dole - Speech to the National Association of Arab-Americans - J.W. Marriott Hotel, Washington,D.C., May 4, 1985, 5/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_029.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Response to Mitterand -- Expand U.S. Farm Exports, 5/6/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole - 40th Anniversary of VE Day - National Defense University - Ft. McNair, 5/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: At Press Conference on Saturday, Dole Will Announce Wichita Area Child Safety Day, 5/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Senator Doles Public Schedule: May 10 - 12, 5/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Senator Dole Picked Fourth Most Powerful Man in U.S, 5/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Hails Budget Savings in Secretary of Senates Office -- $700,000 Reduction Includes $300,000 in Salary Cuts, 5/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Helps Secure McConnell Construction Funding - Committee Action Means B-1 Mission to Have Home in Wichita, 5/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_014.pdf
- Item 16: Press Advisory - "Export Enhancement Program", 5/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Senate Confirms Ernest Garcia for Sergeant At Arms Post, 5/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Secures Repeal of Burdensome Record-Keeping Rules - Corporate Aircraft "Hitchhiking" Rules Also Changed, 5/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Media Advisory: House Budget Committee action, 5/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Says Funny Money Does Not Cut Deficit, 5/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_020.pdf
- Item 15: Statement by Senator Bob Dole - The Administrations Agricultural Export Enhancement Program, 5/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_015.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Chairs Meeting on Bonus Export Program, 5/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senate Okays Kansan as New Deputy Legal Counsel, 5/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Labor Secretary Brock Calls Dole: No Labor Cutbacks in Kansas City Regional Center, 5/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Just Numbers on a Piece of Paper, 5/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Hails Reagan Tax Reform Plan, 5/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_025.pdf
- Item 26: Post Rock Water District Phase II Underway - Completed Project to Serve Eight County Area, 5/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_026.pdf
- Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Memorial Day - May 30, 1985, 5/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Asks for Emergency Disaster Aid, 5/31/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_028.pdf
- Item 30: Aircraft Fringe Benefit Rules (revision), 1985-05

- PDF available: s-press_028_006_030.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Dole Calls for Action on Balanced Budget Amendment, 6/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces "Star Wars" Research Project to K.U., 6/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Lauds Kerr Nomination to Export Advisory Group, 6/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Opening Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Graduate Medical Education Hearing, 6/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Asks Gromyko for Help on Holocaust Museum, 6/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Algeria Targeted for Export Bonus Wheat Initiative, 6/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole receives National Security Leadership Award, 6/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Applauds First USDA Bonus Wheat Sale, 6/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Applauds OMB Release of WIC Funds, 6/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces EPA Funds to Clean Up Asbestos Problem in 15 Kansas Schools, 6/6/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Grant Awarded to Fort Hays State University for Migrant Education Program, 6/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement on SALT Compliance Decision of President, 6/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Dole - Finance Committee Hearings on Major Tax Reforms, 6/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senator Dole Visit with Former Cuban Political Prisoner Angel Cuadra Landrove, 6/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Pleased with Commerce Ruling on Canadian Imports, 6/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Subcommittee on Nutrition Hearing on Reauthorization of the Food Stamp Program, 6/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Receives Assurances from Texas Air: No Major Kansas City Cutbacks, 6/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - New Hampshire Association of Commerce and Industry - June 17, 1985 - Sheraton Tara -- Nashua, New Hampshire, 6/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Subcommittee on Nutrition Hearing on Reauthorization of Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC), Commodity Supplemental Food Program, and Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program, 6/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_019.pdf
- Item 20: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - New Hampshire Association of Commerce and Industry - June 17, 1985 - Sheraton Tara -- Nashua, New Hampshire, 6/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_020.pdf
- Item 21: Six Kansas Schools Make High Marks as Educational Institutions, 6/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Bill Postpones July Wheat Referendum, 6/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Meets with Leaders of Greek-American Community - June 20, 1985, 6/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Applauds Grant Awarded to the University of Kansas Space Technology Center, 6/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_024.pdf
- Item 25: Postponement of the Wheat Referendum, 6/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_025.pdf
- Item 26: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole - Midwest Republican Leadership Conference - Amway Grand - Grandview Room - Grand Rapids, Michigan - June 22, 1985 - "Values and Visions", 6/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_026.pdf
- Item 34: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole - National Young Republican Convention - Palmer House - Chicago, Illinois - June 22, 1985, 6/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_034.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Levels with Top European Ag Official; U.S. Ready to Take "More Aggressive Action" on Farm Trade, 6/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Urges Wichita Selection as New Midwest Hub for Piedmont, 6/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Promotes Wichita as New Piedmont Air Hub, 6/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_029.pdf
- Item 30: Media Advisory - Piedmont, 6/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_030.pdf
- Item 31: Piedmont Meeting with Senator Bob Dole -- June 26, 1985, 6/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_031.pdf
- Item 32: Grain Lab to Remain in KC, 6/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Gets Agreement on Wheat Bill Deadline, Works Out Compromise on Wheat Vote Delay, 6/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_033.pdf
- Item 35: Talking Points on Wheat Referendum Postponement, 1985-04

- PDF available: s-press_028_007_035.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Senator Doles Kansas Schedule, July 2-4, 1985, 7/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole seeks Farm Bill advice, Support from Kansas AG leaders, 7/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole urges nomination of Kansan to FED, 7/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the resignation of David Stockman, 7/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: House vote boosts prospects for meaningful deficit reduction, 7/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole says jobless aid extended for pester workers, 7/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: New Press Secretary joins Doles staff, 7/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole urges freedom for Soviet Jews, 7/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole takes slice of Kansas to Korean DMZ, 7/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Federal crop aid faces imminent cut-off; Dole calls on House to move on stalleld appropriations bill, 7/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Federal Crop Aid cut off; Dole calls for emergency action by House committee, 7/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Remarks of Majority Leader Robert Dole; National Urban League, 7/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_012.pdf
- Item 13: Romanian Government allows emigration of priest and writer, 7/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole vote wins support for Haying and Grazing, 7/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole to Chinese President: buy more wheat, 7/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole proposes national AG policy commission; Senate panel makes it part of new Farm Bill, 7/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_016.pdf
- Item 17: Remarks of Majority Leader Robert Dole; council of 100, 7/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_017.pdf
- Item 21: Dole helps city of Liberal retain Wichita Air Service, 7/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_021.pdf
- Item 18: Kansas Senators favor Burgess for U.S. Attorney, 7/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_018.pdf
- Item 19: Sen. Doles Kansas Schedule; for August 3, 4, and 5, 1985, 7/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole seeks senate hearings on ITC ruling, AG products, 7/31/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_008_020.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole; International Platform Association, 8/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole to meet with FDIC official; agency actions affecting Kansas banks to be discussed, 8/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole hails Social Security anniversary, 8/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Media Advisory: Dole leads Senate delegation to the far East, 8/14/1985

- Press Release
PDF available: s-press_028_009_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole welcomes White House commitment to seek further budget cuts, 8/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: U.S. Senate delegation to the Far East, 8/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole takes Slice of Kansas to Korean DMZ, 8/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole says funding for Topeka-based Data Reporting system will continue, 8/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: Asian Trip Statement: Departure from Washington, 8/15/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_009.pdf
- Item 10: Arrival statement: U.S. Senate delegation, 8/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_010.pdf
- Item 11: Departure Statement: U.S. Senate Delegation, 8/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_011.pdf
- Item 12: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole; Japan National Press club, 8/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole meets with Washburn alums in South Korea; delivers pizzas to Kansas troops in DMZ, 8/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole urges US Navy to carry on tradition by naming new ship after Kansas capital, 8/19/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole gets Taiwan to add Kansas to "Buy America" mission; country to buy $30 million in state wheat and corn, 8/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole sees Egypt wheat offer good for Kansas, 8/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_016.pdf
- Item 17: Kansan named to National Highway Safety panel, 8/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole says new Kansas GM plant to have trade zone status, 8/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole meets with Kansas "Sister State" officials in China, 8/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole says Social Security Office rumors not true; Kansas facilities are not targets for closure, 8/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole files Amicus Brief on voting rights case, 8/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_021.pdf
- Item 22: Far East delegation wrap-up, 8/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_009_022.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, Council on Foreign Relations, New York City, 9/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole initiates review of farm credit situation, 9/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole says unemployment figures are hopeful sign for economy, 9/6/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole seeks hearings on farm credit situation, 9/6/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole asks for special hearings on farm credit system woes, 9/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_005.pdf
- Item 6: US Senate cheers Gov. Landons 98th birthday, 9/9/1985

- Press release and bill
PDF available: s-press_028_010_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole surveys attitudes on farm issues at state fair, 9/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_007.pdf
- Item 8: Next generation trainer contract could be up for grabs - Dole makes pitch for Cessna to Pentagon officials, 9/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole undergoes minor surgery on elbow, 9/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senate Ag Committee to act on Dole request for special hearings on farm credit situation, 9/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_010.pdf
- Item 11: Helen Scheidt completes internship for Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_011.pdf
- Item 12: Lenny Mullin II completes internship for Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_012.pdf
- Item 13: Indra Sehdev completes work for Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_013.pdf
- Item 14: Patricia Stewart Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_014.pdf
- Item 15: Mark Galyardt Of Lawrence Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_015.pdf
- Item 16: Lori Ann Rock Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dale Peterson Of Lindsborg Completes Work For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_017.pdf
- Item 18: John Christie Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_018.pdf
- Item 19: Quinn Riordan Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kevin Sullivan Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_020.pdf
- Item 22: Gene Steffes Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_022.pdf
- Item 23: Rick Malir Of Wilson Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_023.pdf
- Item 24: Tacie Mattivi Of Overland Park Completes Work For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_024.pdf
- Item 25: James Azar Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_025.pdf
- Item 26: Mark Graf Of Overland Park Works As Intern For Sen. Dole, 9/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_026.pdf
- Item 27: David Matthews Of Topeka Works As Intern For Sen. Dole, 9/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_027.pdf
- Item 28: Ted Craig Of Topeka Works As Intern For Sen. Dole, 9/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_028.pdf
- Item 29: Donna Nelson Of Mission Hills Works As Intern For Sen. Dole, 9/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_029.pdf
- Item 30: Thalia Marie Flunder Completes Work For Sen. Dole, 9/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_030.pdf
- Item 31: Penne Helms Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_031.pdf
- Item 32: Jay Wagnon Of Wichita Completes Work For Sen. Dole, 9/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_032.pdf
- Item 33: Mitch Rose Joins Sen. Doles Staff In Washington, D.C., 9/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_033.pdf
- Item 34: David Diaz Of Kansas City, KS, Completes Work For Sen. Dole, 9/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Meets With President On Farm Bill; Calls For Bipartisan Cooperation In Effort, 9/17/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole Votes Senate Farm Bill Out Of Committee -- Ag Ticket Still Needs Work Dole Says, 9/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_036.pdf
- Item 37: Chinese Delegation, At Dole Invitation, To Visit Kansas Farm, 9/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole: President Helps Cool "Protectionist Fires"-- Majority Leader Hails White House Action On Trade and Dollar, 9/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_038.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Announces HUD Financing For Elderly Handicapped Housing, 9/23/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_039.pdf
- Item 40: Father Cullen Of Osage City Delivers Opening Prayer For The U.S. Senate, 9/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_040.pdf
- Item 41: Jennifer Brandeberry Of Russell Completes Her Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_041.pdf
- Item 42: Senator Dole Urges Action On Balanced Budget Amendment, 9/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole To Present Congressional Award To Wichita Youth, 9/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_043.pdf
- Item 44: Dole Gets $400,000 In Research Funding For K-State In Senate Appropriations Bill, 9/25/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_044.pdf
- Item 45: Dole Looking At Flexible Parity As Possible Compromise On 1985 Farm Legislation, 9/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_045.pdf
- Item 46: Dole Moves To Head Off Costly Delay Of Farm Bill Extension, 9/27/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Supports $3.5 Million Appropriations For Wichita State Institute For Aviation R & D, 9/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Urges Congress To Reserve Judgement On Jordanian Arms Sale, 9/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_048.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Gets $400,000 In Research Funding For K-State In Senate Appropriations Bill, 9/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_028_010_049.pdf
- Box 29

- Folder 1

- Item 3: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Meeting with King Hussein, 10/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole on Administration Announcement on Kruggerands, 10/1/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Sen. Dole Announces Staff Changes, 10/2/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Meets with High-Level Japanese Delegation on Trade, 10/8/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Honors Recipients of Minority Business Awards, 10/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Honors Recipients of Minority Business Awards, 10/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Honors Recipients of Minority Business Awards, 10/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Honors Recipients of Minority Business Awards, 10/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls Angell Appointment to Fed Outstanding, 10/10/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole, Baxter-Travenol Officials Explore Options, 10/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senator Dole Greets Leawood Rabbi, 10/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Says Conference on Balanced Budget May Doom Tax Bill, 10/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: At Dole Invitation, Japanese Delegation to Visit Kansas, 10/14/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senator Dole Helps Break-Ground at Holocaust Museum, 10/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Announces Grant to Facilities for Handicapped, 10/16/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: The Kansas City, Kansas Royals, 10/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Oral Roberts University Students to Train at Topeka VA Medical Center, 10/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Statement on Jordan Arms Sale, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Helps Kick-Off King Holiday Commission, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Great Bend City Officials Meet with Dole, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Hays City Officials Meet with Dole, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: Liberal Chamber members Meet with Dole, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dodge City Chamber Members Meet with Dole, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Hails New Tax Indexing Plan; Sees Benefits for Kansas, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Proposal for WSY Aviation Funding Clears Senate, 10/24/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole: Farmers First, Credit System Later, 10/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole: Farmers First, Credit System Later, 10/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole: Farmers First, Credit System Later, 10/26/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_030.pdf
- Item 1: Senate Resolution Honors Royals Winning Ways, 10/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_001.pdf
- Item 31: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Meeting with South Korean Prime Minister Lho, 10/28/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_031.pdf
- Item 2: World Champion Kansas City Royals Coming to Capitol Hill, 10/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_002.pdf
- Item 32: President Picks Tacha for 10th Circuit Slot, 10/30/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_032.pdf
- Item 33: Social Security Checks Get New Look, 10/31/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_033.pdf
- Item 34: Farm Credit System Hearings Open, 10/31/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_001_034.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Outstanding Kansas Teacher Meets with Dole, 11/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Outstanding Kansas Teacher Meets with Dole, 11/5/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Shepherds McConnell Funding through Senate : $71.5 Million for B1 Work Okayed, 11/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Says "Heat Is On" Balanced Budget Amendment, 11/7/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole - Salute to All American Veterans, 11/7/1985

- in the Department of Labor Auditorium
PDF available: s-press_029_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Talks with Japanese Ambassador: Reiterates Interest in Toyota Decision, 11/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Praises Gates Learjet Decision, Commends Civic Leaders Team Effort, 11/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Debt Limit Deadline, 11/12/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Resolution on Geneva Summit, 11/13/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Sen. Dole to Hold Town Meeting in Shawnee Mission, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Sen. Dole to Hold Town Meeting in Kansas City, KS, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Sen. Dole to Hold Town Meeting in Garden City, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Sen. Dole to Hold Town Meeting in Concordia, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Sen. Dole to Hold Town Meeting in Atchison, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Meets with OMB Director and Ag Groups on New Farm Bill, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Sen. Dole to Hold Town Meeting in Great Bend, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The Geneva Summit: Human Rights in the Soviet Union, 11/18/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Co-Sponsors Comprehensive Trade Bill, 11/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole: You Cant Go to the Bank with a Veto, 11/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Announces Funding for KU Research and Training Center to Aid the Handicapped, 11/20/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Geneva Summit is hopeful Beginning, 11/21/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Amendment Offers Protection for Kansas Beet Farmers, 11/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole: Sunflower Agreement Will Prove to Be Best in Long Run, 11/22/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Explains Price Changes for Capitol Flags, 11/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Explains Price Changes for Capitol Flags, 11/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Explains Price Changes for Capitol Flags, 11/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Explains Price Changes for Capitol Flags, 11/29/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_002_027.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Senate-House Farm Leaders agree on fast track for Farm Bill, 12/3/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Bids to be let for Post Rock Water District Phase II Construction, 12/4/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole: FCS Legislation designed to aid farmers, 12/4/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: FCS Legislation designed to aid farmers, 12/9/1985

- Press Release. 2 copies of original
PDF available: s-press_029_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole asks Justice Department to review Texaco lawsuit $10 billion judgement could impact El Dorado Operation, 12/9/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Amendment provides relief for two Kansas alcohol fuel producing plants, 12/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Gramm-Rudman puts Congress, President to the test on deficits, 12/11/1985

- PDF available: s-press_029_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Donna Nelson completes internship for Senator Dole, 12/13/1985

- Press Release. Black and white copy with picture of the two
PDF available: s-press_029_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: David Matthews completes internship for Senator Dole, 12/13/1985

- Press Release. Black and white copy with picture of the two
PDF available: s-press_029_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Ted Craig completes internship for Senator Dole, 12/13/1985

- Press Release. Black and white copy with picture of the two
PDF available: s-press_029_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Mark Graf completes internship for Senator Dole, 12/13/1985

- Press Release. Black and white copy with picture of the two
PDF available: s-press_029_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Good news for Wichita -- Brazilians to lower tariffs on U.S. Aircraft, 12/13/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement by Senator Bob Dole on the Tragic Crash of a Military Aircraft, 12/13/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole says Congress will pass Farm Bill this Week; Legislation provides desired changes in policy, 12/15/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole hails new Water Agreement for Kansas, 12/16/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole delivers in Conference: $12 Million Kansas Sugarbeet Relief included in Farm Bill, 12/16/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole tells KCC he opposes Sunflower rate hike request, 12/18/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole appoints Russell Mills to Federal Council on Aging, 12/18/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole says Trade Crisis with Japan continues, 12/18/1985

- Press Release. Addresses Japanese responses being small and symbolic in nature
PDF available: s-press_029_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: FERC Okays Dole request; Waives rule for Kansas Firms, 12/19/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Congress approves $7 million for WSU Aviation Institute; Dole says action reestablishes Wichita as World Air Capital, 12/19/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole says three projects for seniors to be funded in Kansas during 1986, 12/19/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole effective date of Tax Reform, 12/19/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Congress votes to fund Defense Projects in Wichita, Lawrence, 12/20/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole succeeds in getting Congress to fund reconstruction work at Historic Ft. Larned, 12/20/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: President signs Farm Bill and Credit System Reform; Dole, Kansas guests at White House Ceremony, 12/23/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole appoints Russell Mills to Federal Council on Aging, 12/23/1985

- Press Release. 3 black and white copies
PDF available: s-press_029_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Issues New Years Resolution, 12/31/1985

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_029_003_028.pdf
- Series 26: 1986

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole Letter To Russell A. Rourke, Secretary Of Us Air Force; Cancel T-46 Trainer, 1/2/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860102dea.pdf
- Folder 2: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On 1986 Re-Election Campaign, 1/3/1986

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 860103sta.pdf
- Folder 3: Dole Announces Grant Renewals For Senior Volunteer Program, 1/6/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860106ann.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Announces Funding Renewal For Foster Grandparent Programs, 1/7/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860107ann.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Announces Transportation Grant For Douglas County Elderly And Handicapped, 1/10/1986

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 860110ann.pdf
- Folder 6: Remarks By Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole American Farm Bureau Federation, 1/14/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860114watp2.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Announces Crime Victim Assistance Grant For Kansas, 1/22/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860122ann.pdf
- Folder 8: Japanese Accept Dole Invitation To Evaluate Kansas Investment Potential, 1/22/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860122jap.pdf
- Folder 9: Moment Of Silence For Andrei Sakharov, 1/22/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860122mom.pdf
- Folder 10: Rudman To Join Arms Control Observer Group, 1/22/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860122rud.pdf
- Folder 11: Statement Of Senator Dole Nomination For Wayne Angell To The Board Of Governors Of The Federal Reserve System, 1/23/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860123nom.pdf
- Folder 12: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Challenger Space Shuttle Tragedy, 1/28/1986

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 860128sta.pdf
- Folder 13: Statement On 125Th Anniversary Of Kansas Statehood, 1/29/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 860129ann.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Endorses New Ag Secretary Richard Lyng, 1/29/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860129end.pdf
- Folder 15: Sheila Burke Named Chief Of Staff, 1/29/1986

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 860129she.pdf
- Folder 16: Dole Earns 12Th Watchdog Of Treasury Award For Fiscal Integrity, 1/30/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 860130ear.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Meets Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, Pledges Support; Sandinista, 1/30/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860130mee.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Pushes Cross Compliance Correction In New Farm Bill Through Senate, 1/31/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860131pus.pdf
- Folder 19: Media Advisory: Paul Aquino To Visit Majority Leader Dole; Philippines, 2/1/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860201med.pdf
- Folder 20: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Introducing Dr. Jonas Savimbi; Leader Of The Angolan Resistance Organization Unita, 2/3/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860203rem.pdf
- Folder 21: State Of The Union, 2/4/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 860204sta.pdf
- Folder 22: Senate Confirms Kansan Wayne Angell For Federal Reserve Board, 2/5/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860205con.pdf
- Folder 23: Kansas Farmers Get Helping Hand: Dole Corrects Farm Bill Mistakes, 2/7/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860207far.pdf
- Folder 24: Letter From Michael Davidson About Judicial Review In The Balanced Budget And Emergency Deficit Control Act, 2/7/1986

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 860207pro.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Says Good Riddance To Haitian Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, 2/7/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860207say.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Urges Quick Supreme Court Ruling On Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, 2/7/1986

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 860207urg.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Cables Natan Shcharansky; Former Soviet Prisoner, 2/12/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860212cab.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Says Hang Tough Paula Hawkins, 2/13/1986

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 860213han.pdf
- Folder 29: Media Advisory: American Military Bases In The Philippines, 2/13/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860213med.pdf
- Folder 30: Senator Dole's Return Comparison Project To Show How Tax Reform Could Affect Taxpayers, 2/13/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 860213ret.pdf
- Folder 31: Statement Of Senator Dole: Time To Examine Alternative Base Sites In Pacific, 2/13/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860213sta.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/14/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860214aca.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Announces Funding For KSU Atomic Research, 2/14/1986

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 860214ksu.pdf
- Folder 34: Media Advisory: Raising Money For Dole Foundation; 1986 Campaign, 2/14/1986

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 860214med.pdf
- Folder 35: Media Advisory: Raising Money For Dole Foundation; 1986 Campaign, 2/17/1986

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 860217med.pdf
- Folder 36: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Resolution Citing Widespread Fraud In Philippine Elections, 2/19/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860219res.pdf
- Folder 37: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole Genocide Convention, 2/19/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860219sta.pdf
- Folder 38: Statement Of Majority Leader Bob Dole Resolution Supporting Aquino Government; Philippines, 2/26/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860226maj.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Meets Paul Aquino, Seeks Assurances On Philippine Base And Containment Of Communist Insurgents, 2/27/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860227mee.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Assails Efforts By Democrats To Block Corrections On 1985 Farm Bill, 2/28/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860228ass.pdf
- Folder 41: Richard Belas Named Chief Counsel To Majority Leader, 2/28/1986

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 860228ric.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Determined To Push Ahead With Farm Bill Package Despite Democrat Obstructions, 3/3/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860303det.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Welcomes South African Announcement On Lifting State Of Emergency, 3/4/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860304wel.pdf
- Folder 44: Kansas Senators Offer Resolution To Establish Commission On Centennial Of Ike's Birthday, 3/5/1986

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 860305kan.pdf
- Folder 45: The Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/6/1986

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 860306bal.pdf
- Folder 46: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Presented To Us Senate Committee On Banking Housing And Urban Development, 3/6/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 860306sta.pdf
- Folder 47: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Radio/Television Test Period Begins, 3/12/1986

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 860312tes.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole Applauds Education Grant For Kickapoo Nation School, 3/13/1986

- Subject: Minority Issues - PDF available: 860313app.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Selects Kansas Delegates For White House Conference On Small Business, 3/14/1986

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 860314sel.pdf
- Folder 50: GSA Administrator To Visit Kc For Review Of Federal Office Situation, 3/15/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 860315gsa.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Calls For Capitol Mural Of Challenger Astronauts, 3/18/1986

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 860318cal.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Indicates Progress On Ag Banks, 3/18/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860318ind.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole To Sponsor Business Conference In Hays, 3/18/1986

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 860318spo.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Introduces Employment Opportunities For Disabled Act, 3/19/1986

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 860319int.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Praises Kansas Farmers In Senate Floor Speech, 3/20/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860320pra.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole And O'Neill To Be Named Honorary WalkAmerica Ambassadors, 3/22/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 860322new.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Releases Results Of Balanced Budget Poll, 3/24/1986

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 860324rel.pdf
- Folder 58: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Vote On Contra Aid Crucial; Nicaragua, Sandinistas Threat To Us Interests, 3/24/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860324vot.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Announces Grants For Elderly And Disabled, 3/25/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860325ann.pdf
- Folder 60: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Libyan Provocations And The American Response, 3/25/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860325lib.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Past Time For A Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/25/1986

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 860325pas.pdf
- Folder 62: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Public Voice Study On Nutritional Status Of Rural Poor, 3/25/1986

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 860325pub.pdf
- Folder 63: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Broad Support For Contra Aid, 3/26/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860326bro.pdf
- Folder 64: Kansas Projects Included In Water Resources Act Passed By Senate, 3/26/1986

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 860326kan.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Tax Return Comparison Project Shows Tax Reform Would Benefit Most Kansans, 3/26/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 860326tax.pdf
- Folder 66: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Poindexter Playing Constructive Role In Contra Aid Negotiations; Nicaragua, 3/27/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860327poi.pdf
- Folder 67: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Democracy Can Prevail In Nicaragua -- If We Give It A Chance, 3/27/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860327sta.pdf
- Folder 68: Doles Family Feud On Final Four Ends In Scholarship Wager, 3/28/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 860328sch.pdf
- Folder 69: USDA Okays Dole Recommendation For Farmers To Receive Deficiency Payments, 3/28/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860328usd.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Hails Ag/Energy Bank Initiative, 3/29/1986

- Subject: Banking - PDF available: 860329hai.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Operation Loans For Kansas Farmers, 4/17/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860417kas.pdf
- Folder 72: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Television In The Senate Moves Ahead, 5/1/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860501sen.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Grassley Move To Ease Price Crunch On Ethanol Refineries, 5/2/1986

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 860502gra.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Kassebaum Seek To Get Full Grasslands Payment From Government For Morton County; Property Tax, 5/2/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 860502kas.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Urges House To Meet Budget Challenge, 5/2/1986

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 860502urg.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Accepts Eisenhower Liberation Medal, 5/5/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 860505acc.pdf
- Folder 77: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Soviet Show True Colors; Chernobyl Tragedy, 5/5/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860505sen.pdf
- Folder 78: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole On Saudi Arms Sale, 5/6/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860506maj.pdf
- Folder 79: Statement On S. 49; Firearms Owners Protection Act, 5/6/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860506sta.pdf
- Folder 80: White House Okays Academy Appointments For Downed Pilots Sons, 5/7/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860507sta.pdf
- Folder 81: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Congressional Gold Medal For Anatoly And Avital Shcharansky, 5/8/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 860508con.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole Expresses Concern For Future Of Ft. Riley Correctional Facility, 5/8/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860508exp.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Calls House Defense Number Irresponsible And Unrealistic, 5/9/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860509cal.pdf
- Folder 84: Leading Economic Indicators: Another Win For The Economy, 5/9/1986

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 860509lea.pdf
- Folder 85: Dole Urges Litwin Engineering To Reconsider Move From Wichita, 5/9/1986

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 860509lit.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole Reiterates Position On Defense Spending, 5/9/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860509rei.pdf
- Folder 87: Tax Reform Proposal Would Help Farmers, 5/12/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860512tax.pdf
- Folder 88: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Remarks At Natan Shcharansky Ceremony; Russian Jews, 5/13/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860513sen.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Calls For New Farm Debt Restructuring Policy, 5/14/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860514cal.pdf
- Folder 90: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole No Visa For Arafat, 5/15/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860515nov.pdf
- Folder 91: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Farm Credit Resolution, 5/15/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860515sta.pdf
- Folder 92: Dole Urges Nigeria To Drop Wheat Import Ban, 5/15/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860515urg.pdf
- Folder 93: USDA Adopts Dole Position On PIK Benefit Option, 5/15/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860515usd.pdf
- Folder 94: Kansas Schedule, 5/20/1986

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 860520sch.pdf
- Folder 95: Hunger Issue Is A Challenge Of Shared Responsibilities, 5/21/1986

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 860521hun.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Says No To Arafat Visit, 5/22/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860522not.pdf
- Folder 97: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Russell High School Commencement Address Thursday May 22 1986, 5/22/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 860522rem.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole Announces Funding Renewal For Foster Grandparent Programs, 5/23/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860523ann.pdf
- Folder 99: Kristine Stockwell Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 5/27/1986

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 860527kri.pdf
- Folder 100: Robert Luder Completes Internship For Dole, 5/27/1986

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 860527rob.pdf
- Folder 101: Salt Decision Is Wrong Signal -- Must Be Absolute Last Chance For Unratified Treaty, 5/27/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860527sal.pdf
- Folder 102: Sarah Jimeson Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 5/27/1986

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 860527sar.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Calls On Ethiopian To Allow Family Reunification, 5/28/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860528cal.pdf
- Folder 104: Salina's Rev. Hawley To Open Televised Senate With Prayer, 5/30/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860530sal.pdf
- Folder 105: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole A Day Of History; Television In The Senate, 6/2/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860602sta.pdf
- Folder 106: Shultz Agrees With Dole: No Desire To See Arafat In Us; Shultz Letter, 6/3/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860603shu.pdf
- Folder 107: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Shultz Letter On Arafat Visa, 6/4/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860604sta.pdf
- Folder 108: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole The Strategic Defense Initiative, 6/5/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860605sta.pdf
- Folder 109: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Back To Tax Reform, 6/9/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 860609sen.pdf
- Folder 110: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Challenger Shuttle Tragedy Commission Report, 6/9/1986

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 860609sta.pdf
- Folder 111: Southwestern Bell Telephone Lends Support, Training To Caregivers; Elderly, 6/10/1986

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 860610sou.pdf
- Folder 112: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole: Anatol Michelson: The Tragedy Of The Divided Spouses; Soviet Union, 6/10/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860610sta.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Encourages President To Be More Aggressive On Ag Exports, 6/17/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860617enc.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Calls For Uniform Small Aircraft Liability Standards, 6/18/1986

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 860618cal.pdf
- Folder 115: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole House Action On Contra Aid; Nicaragua, Sandinistas, 6/19/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860619sta.pdf
- Folder 116: Mahaska, Paola Senior Center Federal Funds To Be Released, 6/20/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860620mah.pdf
- Folder 117: Senate OKs Dole Amendment On Deduction For Handicapped Workers, 6/20/1986

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 860620sen.pdf
- Folder 118: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Interest Rates -- Part II, 6/23/1986

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 860623sta.pdf
- Folder 119: Senator Dole's Washington Office Now TDD Equipped; Deaf, 6/24/1986

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 860624dol.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole: Nomination Open For National Medal Of Technology, 6/24/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 860624nom.pdf
- Folder 121: Kansas Organizations Win President's Award Of Excellence, 6/24/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 860624org.pdf
- Folder 122: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole President's Speech On Contra Aid; Nicaragua, Sandinista, 6/24/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860624sta.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Gives Support To Waconda Lake Resort Complex, 6/25/1986

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 860625giv.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole On Senate Tv Experiment; Don't Pull The Plug, 6/25/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860625ons.pdf
- Folder 125: Senate Approves Funding For WSU KU Research Facilities, 6/26/1986

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 860626app.pdf
- Folder 126: Dole Asks Soviet Help On Visas For Kansas Ag Reporters, 6/26/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860626ask.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Encourages President To Be More Aggressive On Ag Exports, 6/27/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860627enc.pdf
- Folder 128: Kansas Delegation Seeks Aid For Displaced Workers, 6/27/1986

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 860627kan.pdf
- Folder 129: Statement Of Sen Dole On The Death Of Senator John East, 6/29/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860629sta.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole: Energy Department Extends Circle Energy Negotiations, 6/30/1986

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 860630ene.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Lauds Decision To Uphold Voting Rights Act, 6/30/1986

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 860630lau.pdf
- Folder 132: Letter To Paul Volcker; Reduce Discount Interest Rates, 7/2/1986

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 860702pau.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Calls Broyhill Good Choice; Senate Seat, 7/3/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860703bro.pdf
- Folder 134: Supplemental Signed By The President Good News For Kansas, 7/3/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 860703sup.pdf
- Folder 135: No Liberty Weekend In Oppressed Nicaragua, 7/7/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860707nol.pdf
- Folder 136: Reaction To Gramm-Rudman-Hollings-Decision, 7/7/1986

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 860707rea.pdf
- Folder 137: Dole Statement On Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, 7/8/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 860708adm.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole: Wall Street Tumble Should Wake Up Congress And Administration, 7/9/1986

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 860709wal.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Says Fed Has Done Its Job; Now It's Congress's Turn; Federal Reserve Board Lowers Interest Rates, 7/10/1986

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 860710fed.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole Kassebaum Announce Education Grants For Kansas, 7/14/1986

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 860714dol.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole To Nakasone -- Seize The Moment Of Trade, 7/17/1986

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 860717dol.pdf
- Folder 142: Dole Lays Out Plan To Head Off Grain Storage Crisis, 7/18/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860718lay.pdf
- Folder 143: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Arms Control -- The Reagan Strategy, 7/21/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860721arm.pdf
- Folder 144: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole New Economic Figures Cause For Concern, 7/22/1986

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 860722sta.pdf
- Folder 145: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Royal Wedding; Prince Andrew And Sarah Ferguson, 7/23/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860723roy.pdf
- Folder 146: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole South Africa -- President's Speech, 7/23/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860723sou.pdf
- Folder 147: Statement Of Senator Dole Ft. Hays State University Strives For Excellence, 7/28/1986

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 860728fth.pdf
- Folder 148: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Ortega At The United Nations, 7/28/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860728ort.pdf
- Folder 149: Senate OKs Dole Legislation To Boost Us Ag Exports, 7/28/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860728sen.pdf
- Folder 150: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole The Return Of Comrade Ortega; Ortega In New York, 7/28/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860728sta.pdf
- Folder 151: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole T.V. In The Senate -- Make It Permanent With Changes, 7/29/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860729sta.pdf
- Folder 152: Action Begins On Dole Legislation To Strengthen Employment Opportunities For The Disabled, 7/30/1986

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 860730act.pdf
- Folder 153: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Justice William Rehnquist Attacks Won't Amount To A Hill Of Beans, 7/30/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860730dol.pdf
- Folder 154: Overland Park Councilman To Head FEMA Regional Office, 7/31/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 860731ove.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole On Administration Action Ag Exports, 8/1/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860801ona.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Calls For Further Action On Exports Storage Crisis; Soviet Union, 8/2/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860802cal.pdf
- Folder 157: Letter To Richard E. Lyng, Secretary Of Agriculture, On Us Ag Export Policies, 8/4/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860804hon.pdf
- Folder 158: Hays Medical Center Gets New Rural Designation, 8/6/1986

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 860806hay.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Sends Telegrams To Election Opponents, 8/6/1986

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 860806sen.pdf
- Folder 160: Hays Medical Center Gets New Rural Designation, 8/7/1986

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 860807hay.pdf
- Folder 161: Remarks Of Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Contra Aid -- The Time To Act Is Now, Nicaragua, 8/12/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860812rem.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Resolution To Open Japanese Chocolate Markets Passes Senate, 8/12/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860812res.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole: Bring The Berlin Wall Down, 8/13/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860813bri.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Zorinsky Push For Grain Storage Solution, 8/13/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860813zor.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole's Equal Access To Airlines Bill Passes Senate, 8/15/1986

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 860815equ.pdf
- Folder 166: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On Results Of USDA Wheat Poll, 8/15/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860815sta.pdf
- Folder 167: Gates Gave Private Assurance About Future In Wichita, 8/16/1986

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 860816gat.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole To Host Business Conference In Wichita, 8/18/1986

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 860818toh.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole To Move Quickly On Justice Willian Rehnquist, Justice Antonin Scalia, 8/27/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860827dol.pdf
- Folder 170: Former Congressional Fellows Honor Dole As Outstanding, 8/27/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 860827for.pdf
- Folder 171: Senator Dole's Kansas Schedule Labor Day Recess, 8/28/1986

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 860828sch.pdf
- Folder 172: Us Justice Dept OKs Sunflower Electric Debt Plan, 8/28/1986

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 860828usj.pdf
- Folder 173: Founder Of Asian-Indian Americans Group Is Appointed To Key FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Post, 8/29/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860829fou.pdf
- Folder 174: Sen Dole Dedicates Monument Hails America's Farmers, 9/1/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860901ded.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Cables Gorbachev For Release Of Us Journalist; Nicholas Daniloff; Senate Resolution On Front Burner, 9/2/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860902cab.pdf
- Folder 176: WSU Receives Funds To Aid Kansas Procurement Development, 9/4/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860904wsu.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole: Congress Is Back--Full Speed Ahead!, 9/6/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860906con.pdf
- Folder 178: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Nick Daniloff Must Be Freed From Soviet Union, 9/8/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860908dan.pdf
- Folder 179: Media Advisory: Meeting With Us Conference Of Mayors Task Force On Drug Control, 9/8/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860908med.pdf
- Folder 180: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Condemnation Of Terrorist Attacks In Karachi And Istanbul, 9/8/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860908sta.pdf
- Folder 181: Senate Hears Dole Wish Alf Landon A Happy 99Th Birthday, 9/9/1986

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 860909sen.pdf
- Folder 182: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Senate Resolutions On Daniloff And Terrorist Incidents, 9/9/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860909sta.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Calls For Anti-Drug National Check-Off, 9/10/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860910cal.pdf
- Folder 184: Federal Telecommunications Policy Act Of 1986, 9/10/1986

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 860910tel.pdf
- Folder 185: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Justice William Rehnquist And Antonin Scalia, 9/11/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860911sta.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Applauds James Miller OMB Director's Decision To Address KU Conference, 9/12/1986

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 860912app.pdf
- Folder 187: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Let's Get Down To Business; Rehnquist, Scalia, Budget, Appropriations, 9/15/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860915let.pdf
- Folder 188: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On President And First Lady Crusade Against Drugs, 9/15/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860915sta.pdf
- Folder 189: Dole Announces Major Economic Development Grant For Dodge City, 9/16/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860916ann.pdf
- Folder 190: Dole Follows-Up On Kansas Visit Meets With All-Star Anti Drug Leaders, 9/16/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860916fol.pdf
- Folder 191: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Nomination Of William Rehnquist To Be Chief Justice, 9/17/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 860917sta.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Urges (Philippines) President Corazon Aquino To Accept Landon Lecture Invite, 9/18/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860918urg.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole Announces Federal Funds For Dodge City-Ford-Bucklin Railroad, 9/19/1986

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 860919ann.pdf
- Folder 194: Republicans Offer Drug Control Act Of 1986, 9/19/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860919rep.pdf
- Folder 195: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Questions About The Philippine Bases, 9/19/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860919sta.pdf
- Folder 196: Tax Bill Provides Relief To General Aviation Industry, 9/19/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 860919tax.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Supports Back-Up Aid For Farm Credit System, 9/20/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860920sup.pdf
- Folder 198: Dole To Introduce Marketing Loan And Storage Act Of 1986; Also Announces Grain Quality Proposal, 9/21/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 860921dol.pdf
- Folder 199: Hutchinson Firm To Build Major Taiwan Grain Facility, 9/22/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860922hut.pdf
- Folder 200: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole: The President's Speech At The United Nations: President's U.N. Speech Opens With Daniloff Case, 9/22/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860922sta.pdf
- Folder 201: Dole Kassebaum Help Secure $528,000 Grant For Wichita, 9/24/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860924kas.pdf
- Folder 202: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Today's Business, Daniloff Resolution, Intelligence Authorization Bill, South Africa On Highways Bill, 9/24/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 860924sta.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Supports Raising Speed Limit In Rural Areas, 9/24/1986

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 860924sup.pdf
- Folder 204: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Remembering The Ukrainian Famine -- The Harvest Of Despair, 9/24/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860924ukr.pdf
- Folder 205: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Dole To Bring Up Consensus Drug Package, 9/25/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 860925sta.pdf
- Folder 206: Tax Reform Is Here To Stay, 9/26/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 860926sta.pdf
- Folder 207: Dole Says Hud Loans $1.6 Million For Ketch Housing Complex, 9/27/1986

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 860927say.pdf
- Folder 208: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Daniloff Resolution; Amendment To Humphrey-Moynihan; Soviet Union, 9/27/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860927sta.pdf
- Folder 209: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Nick Daniloff Release, 9/29/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860929sta.pdf
- Folder 210: Air Force Ready To Purchase Beech Gates-Learjet Aircraft, 9/30/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 860930air.pdf
- Folder 211: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Us Grain Sales To The Soviet Union, 9/30/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 860930sta.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole: WSU To Begin Receiving Funds For Aviation Institute, 9/30/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 860930wsu.pdf
- Folder 214: EPA Awards Funds To Kansas Communities -- Army Selects Salina Firm For Ft. Riley Work, 10/1/1986

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 861001epa.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole: Interior Dept To Pursue Waconda Project Feasibility, 10/1/1986

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 861001int.pdf
- Folder 216: Senate Agrees To Dole Proposal For $6 Million Authorization For K-State Satellite Communications Center, 10/1/1986

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 861001sen.pdf
- Folder 217: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Another Crisis In Africa, 10/2/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861002ano.pdf
- Folder 218: Dole Says Iola Workers Qualify For Unfair Trade Benefits, 10/2/1986

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 861002say.pdf
- Folder 219: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Presidents Veto Of South Africa Bill, 10/2/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861002wha.pdf
- Folder 220: Hank Jameson Tribute; Journalist And Friend, 10/3/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 861003han.pdf
- Folder 221: Plan To Aid Kansas Farmers Hit By Hail Storm Okayed -- Michigan Southeastern Farmers Could Be Helped Too, 10/3/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861003pla.pdf
- Folder 222: Senate OKs Dole Plan For Early Wheat Deficiency Payments, 10/3/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861003sen.pdf
- Folder 223: 17 Kansas Counties Eligible For USDA Disaster Loans, 10/3/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861003sev.pdf
- Folder 224: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Aid To The Philippines, 10/3/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861003sta.pdf
- Folder 225: Dole Urges ICC To Give More Consideration To Rail Merger, 10/4/1986

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 861004urg.pdf
- Folder 226: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Let's Not Undermine The President In Iceland, 10/6/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861006arm.pdf
- Folder 227: Senate Adopts Dole's Clean Grain Legislation, 10/6/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861006sen.pdf
- Folder 228: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against Us Corn Producers, 10/8/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861008bla.pdf
- Folder 229: Dole Hails Senator Mark Andrews Appointment To Export Council, 10/8/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 861008hai.pdf
- Folder 230: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On POW/MIA Flag Resolution, 10/8/1986

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 861008sta.pdf
- Folder 231: The Reykjavik Pre-Summit, 10/8/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861008stat.pdf
- Folder 232: Dole Urges Loan Eligibility For Flood Damaged Crops, 10/8/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861008urg.pdf
- Folder 233: Iceland -- The President Deserves The Full Support Of Congress, 10/9/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861009ice.pdf
- Folder 234: American Captured In Nicaragua, 10/9/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861009sta.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Urges President To Give Prompt Aid For Flooded Kansans, 10/9/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 861009urg.pdf
- Folder 236: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Helping The Contras; Nicaragua, 10/10/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861010sta.pdf
- Folder 237: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On The Post-Reykjavik Situation, 10/14/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861014sta.pdf
- Folder 238: Dole Backs Kansas Don C. Steffes For National Ag Finance Commission Post, 10/16/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861016bac.pdf
- Folder 239: Spending Bill Advances Wheat Deficiency Payments Provides Aid For Kansas Farmers Hit By Floods And Hail, 10/16/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861016bil.pdf
- Folder 240: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Public Supports Reagan On Reykjavik Meeting, 10/16/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861016sen.pdf
- Folder 241: Spending Bill Funds Great Bend Halstead Flood Control Projects, 10/16/1986

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 861016spe.pdf
- Folder 242: Wyandotte Johnson Counties Declared Disaster Areas -- Eligible For SBA Loans, 10/16/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 861016wya.pdf
- Folder 243: 99Th Congress -- A Record Of Unusual Accomplishment, 10/18/1986

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 861018nin.pdf
- Folder 244: Dole Calls Eugene Hasenfus Trial Kangaroo Court; Sandinista Regime In Nicaragua, 10/21/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861021cal.pdf
- Folder 245: Dole Announces USS Topeka, 10/22/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 861022ann.pdf
- Folder 246: Dole Legislation To Strengthen Employment Opportunities For The Disabled Passes Congress, 10/22/1986

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 861022leg.pdf
- Folder 247: President Declares Se Kansas A Federal Disaster Area, 10/22/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 861022pre.pdf
- Folder 248: Faa To Buy New Beech Planes In $59 Million Order, 10/23/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 861023faa.pdf
- Folder 249: Dole Applauds British Decision To Break Ties With Syria, 10/24/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861024app.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole: Drug Bill First Official Volley In Drug War, 10/27/1986

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 861027dol.pdf
- Folder 251: Dole Investigates Population Explosion In Dubuque; Joseph Tauke's Birth, 10/27/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 861027inv.pdf
- Folder 252: Dole Denounces Democrat Tricksters: Leave Halloween To The Kids; 1986 Campaign, 10/30/1986

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 861030den.pdf
- Folder 253: Dole Predicts Victory -- Raps Up 43-State Campaign Blitz, 11/1/1986

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 861101pre.pdf
- Folder 254: No Pay-Offs To Terrorist Khomeni For Us Hostages; Iran, 11/6/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861106pay.pdf
- Folder 255: Funding Increase For States Abandoned Mine Program Announced, 11/7/1986

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 861107fun.pdf
- Folder 256: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against Us Corn Producers, 11/7/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861107fund.pdf
- Folder 257: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against Us Corn Producers, 11/8/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861108bla.pdf
- Folder 258: Dole Receives Gift From Olathe School; Elementary School, 11/11/1986

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 861111ola.pdf
- Folder 259: Dole Names Jeane Kirkpatrick To Central American Commission, 11/15/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 861115nam.pdf
- Folder 260: 4 Kansas Counties Eligible For USDA Disaster Loans, 11/17/1986

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 861117fou.pdf
- Folder 261: President Signs Water Resources Act Kansas Projects Benefit, 11/17/1986

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 861117pre.pdf
- Folder 262: Media Advisory: Orientation Schedule For New Senators, 11/18/1986

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 861118med.pdf
- Folder 263: Sir James Goldsmith Assures Dole On Plant Closings; Goodyear, 11/18/1986

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 861118sir.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Announces Farm And Rural America Conference In Des Moines, 11/24/1986

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 861124ann.pdf
- Folder 265: Dole Calls For Full Accounting Of Bizarre Twist To National Security Council; Iranian Arms Sales, 11/25/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 861125cal.pdf
- Folder 266: Press Details For Dole/Branstad Iowa Farm Conference, 11/25/1986

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 861125pre.pdf
- Folder 268: Dole: Its Now Up To Congress -- Special Committee On Iran-Contra Should Be Authorized, 12/2/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861202its.pdf
- Folder 269: Dole Raises Possibility Of Vote On SALT II Treaty, 12/2/1986

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 861202rai.pdf
- Folder 270: Dole Calls For Full Funding For Central American Democracies, 12/3/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861203cal.pdf
- Folder 271: Dole Meets With Soviet Officials On Trade Human Rights, 12/3/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861203mee.pdf
- Folder 272: Dole Meets With Soviets Backs Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Call For Iowa Meeting, 12/4/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861204mee.pdf
- Folder 273: Special Session Resolution Expected Tomorrow; Iranian Arms Sales, 12/4/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861204spe.pdf
- Folder 274: Dole Says It Is Now Up To Congress; Investigation Of Iranian Arms Sales, 12/5/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861205say.pdf
- Folder 275: Iowa State Sheriffs And Deputies Association; Iranian Arm Sales And Nicaragua; Law Enforcement Issues, 12/7/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861207iow.pdf
- Folder 276: Remarks At University Of New Hampshire Commencement, Durham, Nh, 12/7/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 861207rem.pdf
- Folder 277: Democrats And Taxes -- There They Go Again, 12/9/1986

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 861209dem.pdf
- Folder 278: Kansan Named Regional Bankruptcy Trustee; Carol A. Park, 12/11/1986

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 861211kan.pdf
- Folder 279: Dole To Intelligence Committee: Make Transcripts Public; Iranian Arms Sales, 12/18/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861218dol.pdf
- Folder 280: Dole Supports Administration Action Against European Community (EC), 12/30/1986

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 861230sup.pdf
- Folder 281: Dole New Years Resolution, 12/31/1986

- Subject: General - PDF available: 861231iss.pdf
- Folder 213: Dole Receives Gift From Olathe School; Elementary School Recognition Award, 1986-10

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 861000gif.pdf
- Folder 267: Major Accomplishments Of Senate In 86, 1986-12

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 861200for.pdf
- Box 27

- Folder 9

- Item 10: Dole Announces Transportation Grant for Douglas County Elderly and Handicapped, 1/10/1986

- PDF available: s-press_027_009_010.pdf
- Box 30

- Folder 3

- Item 10: Dole Pays Tribute to McDill "Huck" Boyd in Senate Speech, 1/14/1986

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_010.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 14: Dole Announces Block Grants for Overland Park, 2/18/1986

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_014.pdf
- Series 27: 1987

- Box 30

- Folder 3

- Item 1: Statement by Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) on President Reagans Proposed Budget, 1/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: F16s to Replace Old Jets at McConnell Training Unit, 1/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole: No "Bait and Switch" on Tax Rates - Resolution Puts Senate on Record Against Tax Hike, 1/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The 100th Congress Begins, 1/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Begins "Bicentennial Minutes" for 100th Congress, 1/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Kansan Appointed by Dole to Education Panel, 1/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Statement by Sen. Bob Dole on the Death of McDill "Huck" Boyd, 1/9/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Smith Professor Named to National Education Panel, 1/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Phony Sandinista Constitution, 1/14/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_009.pdf
- Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Resolution on Deceptive Soviet Emigration Regulations, 1/16/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_011.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Dealing with the Trade Deficit, 1/16/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Bicentennial Minute: Senate Reverses Censure of President, 1/16/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Proposes Moving Up Final Payment for 86 Crops, 1/20/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_015.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Time for All Americans to Leave Lebanon, 1/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_012.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Says President is Still "Dominant Force", 1/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Shultz/Tambo Meeting Might Be "Wrong Signal on Terrorism"; Dole, Wallop to Introduce Senate Resolution on ANC Chiefs Visit, 1/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: VA to Build New Regional Facility in Wichita, 1/28/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Challenger -- One Year Later, 1/28/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Restricting Travel to Lebanon Good First Step - "Now Its Time to Close the Embassy There", 1/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole on Release of Iran-Contra Report, 1/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senate Ag Panel OKs Disaster Payments for 87 Wheat Crop, 1/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Opposition to UP-Katy Rail Merger Expressed, 1/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senate Approves Disaster Payments for Unplanted Wheat Crop, 1/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Urges End to Assistance to Marxist Angola Regime, 1/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_003_025.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Gates: A Career Pro Who Can Do the Job, 2/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Overland Park Man Nominated to Claims Court Post, 2/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Statement by Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Release Gerald Seib, 2/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Tips for Long Life - Bicentennial Minute: Physician of Congress, 2/4/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduces National POW/MIA Recognition Day Legislation - "We Will Never Forget These Special Americans", 2/4/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Introduction of Trade Bill, 2/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Continues to Press for Closing of PLO Offices in U.S., 2/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Welcomes Release of Gerald Seib, 2/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole: Democrats Forcing Confrontation on ABM Treaty, 2/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: President on Solid Legal Ground for ABM Treaty Interpretation: "Constitutional Confrontation" Charge Put to Rest, 2/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Reject House Highway Bill Provision on South Africa, 2/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Questions Continuing Diplomatic Ties with Afghanistan, 2/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Bipartisan Arms Control Resolution, 2/17/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_013.pdf
- Item 15: Republican Leaders Call for Hearings on Soviet Human Rights Policy, 2/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Appoints Loretta Fuller Sergeant-at-Arms Post, 2/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Statement of Senator Bob Dole Introducing Competitiveness Legislation, 2/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Media Advisory - Change in Schedule -- Please Note!, 2/24/1987

- Press Release regarding RTFFRA Event in DC
PDF available: s-press_030_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Foundation Names Jackie Strange President, 2/25/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Release of Tower Commission Report, 2/26/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: 39 Selected by Sen. Dole for Academy Nominations, 2/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Hails Howard Baker As New Chief of Staff, 2/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_004_022.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Dole Congratulates IRS Commissioner on New W-4 Form, 3/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Urges Post Office Be Kept in Downtown Kansas City, 3/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole: Cost of Freedom Can Be High, 3/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Webster Nomination (CIA), 3/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - INF Negotiations, 3/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Army Corps to Pay Rail Relocation Costs at Great Bend, 3/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against U.S. Corn Producers, 3/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Presidential Certification on Contra Aid, 3/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Welcomes New Senator from Nebraska, 3/11/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - The ABM Treaty Interpretation, 3/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Recommends Cooper Evans for USDA Under Secretary Position, 3/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Introduces Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill, 3/17/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls on Gorbachev to Prove Commitment to "Glasnost", 3/17/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Salutes Washburn as NAIA Basketball Champions, 3/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: The Issue of Accounting - S.J. Res. 81, 3/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: SJ Res 81 - The Issue of Accounting, 3/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole: FHSU Gifted Program to "Go National", 3/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: Remarks of senator Bob dole - Speech to the Model U.N. - Salem High School, Salem, New Hampshire, 3/20/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Confirmation of Jim Abdnor as SBA Administrator, 3/20/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Pays Tribute to U.S. Farmers in Ag Day Remarks, 3/20/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Calls on State to Carry Out Angolan Policy, 3/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_021.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Tells of Kansas First Effort for Admission into Union, 3/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Bill to Aid Homeless, 3/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_024.pdf
- Item 25: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Soviet Double-Play on INF, 3/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_025.pdf
- Item 26: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Dedication of the Multispecialty Clinic at the University of Osteopathic Medicine - Des Moines, Iowa, 3/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Urges President to Make Ag Trade an Issue with Canadians, 3/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_027.pdf
- Item 28: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Death of American Adviser in El Salvador, 3/31/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole to Help Kick-Off Cholesterol Testing Program, 3/31/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_029.pdf
- Item 30: Rural Americans Would Be Aided By Dole-Grassley Legislation, 3/31/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_030.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Announces Grant for Homeless in Wichita, 12/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_005_022.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole to Kick-Off Republican ABM Treaty Series, 4/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - SDI and the ABM Treaty, 4/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Moves to Set Up Presidential Commission on AIDS, 4/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Recalls Kansas Election of First Woman Mayor in U.S., 4/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Human Rights in El Salvador, 4/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Shultz Reaffirms Administration Support for UNITA, 4/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says Kansas Farmers Helped by Sodbuster Change, 4/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Security Problems in Moscow, 4/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Floor Statement Blasts Cafeteria Plan of Budgeting, 4/9/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Commends Stafford for Outstanding Senate Career, 4/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Did Moscow Embassy Resist Needed Security Measures?, 4/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Introduces Legislation to Improve U.S. Education, 4/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole: President Brings "More Than Words" to Japan Trade Dispute, 4/17/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, 4/20/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - INF and Nuclear Testing Issues, 4/21/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Seeks Answers on Marketing Loan Program Questions, 4/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Senate Security: A Disaster Waiting to Happen - Dole Calls for Crackdown on Handling of Classified Info, 4/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Call for Access for Disabled to National Conventions, 4/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Urges ICC to Keep Bus Service Alive in Kansas, 4/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Urges New Ethanol Study, 4/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Praises Choice of Vessey as POW/MIA Envoy, 4/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Praises Decision to Put Waldheim on "Watch List", 4/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole, DeConcini Press Shultz for Angola Information, 4/28/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Calls on President to Quickly Appoint AIDS Commission, 4/28/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Gephardt Amendment, 4/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole: Neosho County Designated Preferred Area for Contracts, 4/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_026.pdf
- Item 27: U.S.-Israeli Relations: Exploring the Strategic Relationship, 4/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Lauds Offer to Sell American Wheat to Soviets, 4/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_006_028.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole Starvation Knows No Politics in Mozambique, 5/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Statement of Senator Bob Dole House Passes Trade Bill, 5/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Puts Tax Hikers on Record: Hands Off Tax Reform!, 5/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "William Casey: 1913-1987", 5/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - "National Barrier Awareness Day", 5/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Names Wasinger to SBA Advisory Council, 5/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Doles Personal Income Tax Information, 5/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "Puerto Rican Statehood Referendum", 5/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Bill Will Close PLO Offices in U.S., 5/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "Tragedy in the Gulf", 5/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Cosponsors Crackdown-On-Castro Bill; Havana, Angola Targeted for Economic Sanctions, 5/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Comentarios Del Senador Bob Dole - Discurso Proninciado Ante La Fundacion Nacional Cubana-Americana En El Dia De La Independencia, 5/20/1987

- written in Spanish
PDF available: s-press_030_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Cuban-American National Foundation Independence Day Speech, 5/20/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Leader Barks for Canine Follies Fundraiser, 5/21/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Urges Caution on AIDS Testing, 5/21/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Statement By Senator Bob Dole - "Memorial Day, 1987", 5/21/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - "Georgia State Republican Convention", 5/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole: New Law to Help Keep Framers in Business, 5/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole, Grassley Urge Use of Surplus Farm Commodities For Rural Economic Development, 5/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_019.pdf
- Item 20: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Midwest Republican Leadership Conference - Des Moines, Iowa, 5/31/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_020.pdf
- Item 21: Expresiones Del Senador Bob Dole - "Referendum sobre la Hstadidad para Puerto Rico", 1987-05

- PDF available: s-press_030_007_021.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Dole Praises Retiring and Incoming FED Chairmen, 6/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Praises ICC Decision on Trailways, 6/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Tribute To Senator Frank Carlson, 6/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Senator Dole Salutes First Anniversary of Senate TV, 6/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: "Stick To The Rules" On Saudi Missile Sale, 6/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Asks President to Push for Extradition of Hijacker, 6/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Initiatives Incorporated in Education Legislation, 6/4/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Reaction to Semi-Conductor Decision, 6/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Reaction to Semi-Conductor Decision, 6/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - "Will the Allies Sit it out, Again?", 6/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "Whose Smokescreen is it Anyway?", 6/16/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: New Administrative Assistant Named by Sen. Dole, 6/16/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole calls Democrat Budget a "Gimmick Going Nowhere", 6/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Introduces Legislative Package to Combat AIDS, 6/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Calls for Quick Action on Puerto Rico Referendum Bill, 6/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Urges Smaller ARP For 1988 Wheat Program, 6/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_016.pdf
- Item 17: Statement by Senator Bob Dole - Rural Recovery and Revitalization Act of 1987, 6/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Initiative to Improve WIC Nutrition Program, 6/25/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_018.pdf
- Item 19: Doles Believe it or not: Senators say "No" to Dial Telephones, 6/25/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Applauds Choice to Head Commission on AIDS, 6/25/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_020.pdf
- Item 21: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - No Excuse for Bonn's Decision on Hamadei, 6/25/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Introduces Commodity Credit Corporation Funding Bill, 6/26/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Introduces Commodity Credit Corporation Funding Bill, 6/26/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole: 65-MPH Law Should Cover Turnpike, Other 4-Lane Highways, 6/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole to Urge KCC to Approve Sunflower Debt Plan, 6/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_008_025.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Bork Nomination, 7/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_001.pdf
- Item 3: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Bork Nomination, 7/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Applauds Creation of Senate Office of Security, 7/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_004.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Calls for Expedited Hearings on Judge Bork, 7/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_002.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Wants USGA Rules to Accommodate Disabled Golfers, 7/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senate Adopts Dole Amendment on Wichita Trade Center, 7/9/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Submits Resolution on USGA Golf Rule, 7/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Sets Record Straight on Cuba Legislation, 7/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole says American Held in Mozambique Must be Released, 7/14/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_009.pdf
- Item 10: Letter from Bob Dole to Mr. Jose Joaquim Alberto Chissano, President of Mozambique, 7/14/1987

- Regards detaining of American citizen in Mozambique
PDF available: s-press_030_009_010.pdf
- Item 11: Letter from Bob Dole to Mr. Alfonso Dhlakama, President of RENAMO, 7/14/1987

- Letter from Senator Dole regarding the detaining of an American citizen to the President of the Mozambican National Resistance, a militant resistance group in the country
PDF available: s-press_030_009_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Supports Immediate Trade Embargo with Iran, 7/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_012.pdf
- Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Cuba Trade Amendment, 7/17/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Urges Continued Commitment to Export Enhancement Program, 7/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Gorbachev Accepts 0-0 on INF Systems, 7/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_015.pdf
- Item 16: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "On the Nomination of Robert Bork", 7/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Says Federal Funds Will Aid Labette Business Program, 7/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Says Federal Funds Will Aid Labette Business Program, 7/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Urges Swift Consideration of Bork Nomination: Recess Appointment an Option, 7/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_019.pdf
- Item 20: America Deserves Full Supreme Court Bench: Lets Expedite Bork Hearing, 7/28/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_020.pdf
- Item 21: Statement by Senator Dole On USDA Announcement That Export Program Will Continue, 7/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_009_021.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Contra Plan, 8/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Named "Golden Eagle" for Defense Support, 8/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Introduces Legislation to Promote Ethanol, 8/6/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Names Republican Members of Central America Observer Group, 8/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Bringing the Bork Nomination to a Vote, 8/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Announced Five Point Plan for Peace in Central America, 8/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Announces Five Point Plan for Peace in Central America, 8/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Bill to Stop IRS Double Tax on Farmers - "PIK and Roll" Legislation Needed, 8/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole, Grassley, Grandy: To Discuss "PIK and Roll" Tax Inequity with Lyng and Baker, 8/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_009.pdf
- Item 10: Molitor Streak Ends, Doles Begins!, 8/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_010_010.pdf
- Folder 11

- Item 1: Dole Announces Johnson County Gaining Federal Office Space, 9/3/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Welcomes Release of Two Nicaraguan Political Prisoners; Urges Continued International Pressure on Marxists, 9/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Lets Have Reave Real Campaign Finance Reform, 9/9/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_003.pdf
- Item 4: Statement by Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole: Alf Landon's 100th Birthday, 9/9/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces $18.8 Million Increase in Boeing Contract, 9/9/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole, Roberts Announce $326,454 Funding Grant for KHCC Radio, 9/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Grant for Public Television in Southwestern Kansas, 9/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Announces Public Radio Grant for KRPS, 9/11/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_008.pdf
- Item 9: Introduction of Judge Robert Bork to the Senate Judiciary Committee, 9/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Federal Funding for Kansas Water Projects, 9/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole, Grassley, Grandy Fight Farm Tax Inequity, 9/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Commends National Bicentennial Competition in Kansas, 9/16/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Urges USDA to Make Advance Deficiency Payments Available, 9/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Disappointed with Arias Remarks, 9/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Teams Up on Radio Debate with Ted Kennedy, 9/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Announces $800,000 Grant for Liberal, Kansas, 9/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Accepting Academy Nomination Applications, 9/24/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Salutes U.S. Armed Forces in Persian Gulf; Defense Amendment Hails "Professionalism and Dedication", 9/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_018.pdf
- Item 19: Statement of Bob Dole - Federal Employee Long-Term Care Option Act of 1987, 9/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_019.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Says No to Energy Departments East Coast Waste Dump Search, 9/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_021.pdf
- Item 22: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Presidents Commission on AIDS, 9/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Nominates Danforth, Wilson to Drug Free America Conference, 9/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_011_023.pdf
- Folder 12

- Item 1: Dole Announces Federal Housing Grants for Junction City, 10/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Says Door Left Wide Open for Sandinista Cheating, 10/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole and Saiki Condemn Soviet Missile Threats, 10/1/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Amendment Ensures U.S. Role in International Wheat Council, 10/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Calls for "2 Minute Drill" to End NFL Strike; Senate Passes Resolution Calling for "Good Faith" Negotiations, 10/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_005.pdf
- Item 6: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Dole-Warner Amendment, 10/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Decries Vacant Court Seat: Bork "Held Hostage to Politics", 10/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Backs Financial Aid to Poland's Solidarity Union, 10/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Sponsors Amendments to Promote Free Press in Nicaragua, 10/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_009.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Announces Grants for Kansas Colleges, 10/7/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_020.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Introduces Tax Relief Bill - To Help Keep Family Farms in the Family, 10/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_010.pdf
- Item 11: Jim Burnley "Good Pick" to Follow Elizabeth Dole at DOT, 10/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Takes Lead in Developing Saudi Arms Sale Compromise, 10/8/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_012.pdf
- Item 13: Alf Landon -- 1887-1987: A Century of Achievement, 10/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole: Kansas/Iowa Coalition Gets PIK-and-Roll Tax Change, 10/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Announces New State Director for Senate Offices, 10/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_015.pdf
- Item 16: Media Advisory - Dole and Brock to Hold Press Conference, 10/14/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_016.pdf
- Item 17: Media Advisory - Republican Senators to Meet with President Duarte, 10/14/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_017.pdf
- Item 18: Media Advisory - Dole, GOP Senators and Contra Leaders to Make Announcement, 10/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_018.pdf
- Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Arias Wins Peace Prize, Sandinistas Prepare for More War, 10/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_019.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Announces Increased Funding for Underground Injection Control Program, 10/15/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Says U.S. Gulf Action: "Exactly Right Response", 10/19/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Announces Funding for Mid-America World Trade Center, 10/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_023.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Welcomes Bipartisan Budget Talks, 10/22/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_025.pdf
- Item 24: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Shultz Announcement in Moscow, 10/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_024.pdf
- Item 26: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork, 10/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Announces Name of Wichita Native to be Added to Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 10/23/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Picks Big Three for Budget Task Force -- "Were Playing for All the People, Not Just Wall Street", 10/26/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Supports Nomination of Kansas Native as Archivist of the United States, 10/26/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole, Kassebaum Announce $500,000 Increase in Funding for WSU Aviation Research, 10/27/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_030.pdf
- Item 31: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - 65 MPH Amendment to Transportation Appropriations Bill, 10/28/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_031.pdf
- Item 32: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Nomination of Douglas Howard Ginsburg, 10/29/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Cautiously Welcomes Summit Meeting, 10/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_033.pdf
- Item 34: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Compliance -- Sandinista Style, 10/30/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Optimistic on Budget Outcome, 10/31/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_012_035.pdf
- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Supports Kansas Super Collider Site, 11/2/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announces Arrival of Polish Exiles Family in Wichita, 11/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Statement on Trans Africa Ad, 11/5/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Backs Decision to Elevate Veterans Administration, 11/10/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Welcomes Announcement on Soviet Wheat Sale, 11/12/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Applauds Union Pacific / Parsons Agreement, 11/13/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Welcomes Funding Approval for Historic Rail Rehabilitation, 11/17/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Final Report of the National Advisory Panel on the Cost-Effectiveness of Fuel Ethanol Production, 11/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Announces Funding for Kansas Water Projects, 11/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole on Iran/Contra Final Report, 11/18/1987

- PDF available: s-press_030_013_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole on Defense Authorization Bill, 11/19/1987

- Today we are considering the conference report on the defense authorization bill
- Item 12: Dole decries Soviet suppression in Latvia, 11/19/1987

- Senate Republican leader Bob Dole today characterized Soviet suppression of peaceful demonstrations in Riga, Latvia, as "more evidence that Glasnost is about 90% PR and about 10% reality"
PDF available: s-press_030_013_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole says Gorbachev should find another platform, 11/20/1987

- Senate Republican leader today suggested that General Secretary Gorbachev be offered 10 or 15 minutes to speak on US television as an alternative to addressing a joint meeting of Congress
PDF available: s-press_030_013_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole calls for careful, constructive examination of INF treaty, 11/25/1987

- Sen. Dole today likened the Shultz-Shevardnadze agreement on INF issues to the successful first stage test of a multi-stage rocket.
PDF available: s-press_030_013_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole, Shultz meet on INF treaty, 11/27/1987

- Sen. Dole reaffirmed today that the Senate could modify the proposed INF Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union, but added the President might well endorse those changes
PDF available: s-press_030_013_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole tells Congress to get a move on deficit package, 11/30/1987

- As measly as our little deficit package is, Congress needs to get on the ball and put in it in place - and quickly. Today the market let us know, in no uncertain terms, that we cant dilly dally with the budget.
PDF available: s-press_030_013_016.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole pleased with action on farm credit, 12/4/1987

- Calling it "another helping hand for rural America," Senator Dole applauded Senate passage of legislation designed to shore up the ailing Farm Credit System (FCS).
PDF available: s-press_030_014_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole recognizes Justin Dart, 12/4/1987

- Sen. Dole today recognized Justin Dart from the floor of the Senate for his dedication and commitment to disabled Americans and their struggle to become equal participants in society. Mr. Dart recently resigned as Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services
PDF available: s-press_030_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole announces $300,000 grant for homeless in Wichita, 12/7/1987

- Sen. Dole today announced that $300,000 has been awarded to the Hunter Health Clinic to assist the homeless in Wichita by the US Department of Health and Human Services
PDF available: s-press_030_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole announces Kansas amendments to continuing resolution, 12/12/1987

- Sen. Dole today announced the adoption late last night of two Kansas-related amendments to the Senates fiscal year 1988 Continuing Resolution on Appropriations. The first would allow direct flights between Wichita and Love Field in Dallas. The seco
PDF available: s-press_030_014_004.pdf
- Item 6: Dole welcomes lowering of air fares to Wichita, 12/17/1987

- Sen. Dole today welcomed the announcement that American Airlines will reduce its fares for flights between Wichita and Dallas. Last week, Dole had introduced an amendment to the fiscal year 1988 Continuing Resolution that would have allowed direct ai
PDF available: s-press_030_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole pushes Rural Telephone Bank reform, 12/18/1987

- Sen. Dole, declaring that "real Rural Telephone Bank reform is coming," endorsed the action taken last night by the joint House-Senate Agriculture Budget Reconciliation Committee.
PDF available: s-press_030_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole plugs toy guns to keep them from criminal hands, 12/19/1987

- Criminals will have a much tougher time trying to use toy guns in hold-ups if a bill introduced by Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole becomes law. According to the Dole bill, manufacturers of toy guns that are "look-alikes" to the real thing will have
PDF available: s-press_030_014_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole hails Farm Credit Package; "Another step to revitalizing rural America", 12/19/1987

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today hailed congressional action on legislation designed to shore up the ailing Farm Credit System. After talking to top Administration officials, the Kansas Republican said the President will sign the bill.
PDF available: s-press_030_014_009.pdf
- Item 10: IRS acts on Doles gasohol initiative: unfair tax and red tape cut, 12/19/1987

- PR -The Internal Revenue Service today agreed with Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole and announced new guidelines that will end red tape and tax headaches for the gasohol industry.
PDF available: s-press_030_014_010.pdf
- Item 11: 10 GOP Senators tell President they'll back INF: Dole leads group to White House, 12/21/1987

- Following up on his pledge to President Reagan to win Republican votes for the INF treaty, 10 GOP Senators today joined Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole at a meeting at the White House to discuss ratification of the INF pact.
PDF available: s-press_030_014_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole announces Kansas appropriations in continuing resolution, 12/22/1987

- Sen. Dole today announced the inclusion of a wide range of Kansas appropriations in the Continuing Resolution passed early this morning by both Houses of Congress. The Continuing Resolution funds most government operations through fiscal year 1988
PDF available: s-press_030_014_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole signs on as cochairman of Republican Task Force on Hispanic Affairs, 12/23/1987

- Sen. Dole today announced that he would serve as a cochairman of the newly formed Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs.
PDF available: s-press_030_014_013.pdf
- Item 5: *Media Advisory* Dole event/Dole delivers for Nicaraguan refugees - baseball equipment ready for shipment to refuge camp in Honduras, 1987-12

- Dole event: 12-15-87, Capitol, Former baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn will also attend
- Series 28: 1988

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Senators Bob Dole, John Danforth Announce Federal Assistance For Leeds Workers, 1/20/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880120dan.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Fights For Ethanol Tax Exemption; Asks Reagan To Safeguard This Domestic Energy Source, 1/22/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 880122fig.pdf
- Folder 3: Dole Introduces Resolution To Caption Senate Proceedings; Wants Everyone To Share In The Legislative Process, 1/26/1988

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 880126int.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Introduces Child Care Initiative, 1/27/1988

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 880127int.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Initiative To Protect Rural American Resources: New Environment And Conservation Program, 2/2/1988

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 880202ini.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Introduces New Environment And Conservation Initiative, 2/4/1988

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 880204int.pdf
- Folder 7: Kansas Daily News Summary; Dole Locks Up All 34 Kansas Delegates, 2/8/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 880208loc.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Announces F-16S On Their Way To McConnell; New Jobs And Construction Project, 2/17/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880217ann.pdf
- Folder 9: Administration Agrees With Dole; Drops Opposition To Ethanol Tax Incentive, 2/19/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 880219adm.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Names Deficit Commission Choices: Pete Domenici And Dean Kleckner, 2/19/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 880219nam.pdf
- Folder 11: Dole Sets Record Straight On Catastrophic Health Legislation, 2/25/1988

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 880225set.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole Hails The Arrival Of B1-BS At McConnell, 2/29/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880229hai.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole Announces $2.5 Million In Grants For Kansas Airports, 3/3/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880303ann.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Selects 38 For Academy Nominations, 3/5/1988

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 880305sel.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Welcomes Approval Of Sunflower Debt Plan, 3/9/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 880309wel.pdf
- Folder 16: Dole Announces Permanent Residency For Wojcik Family; Helsinki, 3/10/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880310ann.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Announces Housing Grants For Johnson County And Topeka, 3/16/1988

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 880316ann.pdf
- Folder 18: Statement By Senator Dole On National Agriculture Day, 3/21/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880321sta.pdf
- Folder 19: Center For Strategic International Studies At Dc International Club (CSIS) State Of World Affairs Cuba Nicaragua Korea;, 3/23/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880323cen.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Congratulates KU And K-State Basketball Programs, 3/30/1988

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 880330con.pdf
- Folder 21: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Contra Aid Package; Nicaragua, 3/31/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880331sta.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Congratulates Victorious Jayhawks, 4/5/1988

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 880405con.pdf
- Folder 23: Dole Announces Grants For Wichita And Hays Airports, 4/11/1988

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 880411ann.pdf
- Folder 24: Senate Resolution A Salute To NCAA Basketball Champs -- Ku, 4/11/1988

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 880411res.pdf
- Folder 25: April 14 -- An Anniversary Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 4/14/1988

- Subject: General - PDF available: 880414ann.pdf
- Folder 26: Kansas To Receive $13.7 Million In Housing Grants, 4/15/1988

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 880415kan.pdf
- Folder 27: Pennzoil Settlement To Have No Adverse Impact On El Dorado Refinery Says Dole, 4/20/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 880420pen.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Named Chairman Of Eisenhower Centennial Commission, 4/27/1988

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 880427nam.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole And Kassebaum Senate Armed Services Committee Has Approved Initial Funding For Airforce To Purchase 211 Jets, 4/28/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880428sen.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Greets Nickerson Bicentennial Group In Capital, 4/29/1988

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 880429gre.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole To Lead Trip To Southern Flank Of Europe, 4/29/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880429tol.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole And Pressler Urge Formation Of Trade Panel, 5/5/1988

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 880505and.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Applauds Final Action On Sunflower Debt Plan, 5/5/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 880505app.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Confident About Approval Of Program To Buy Kansas Jets: Bill Scheduled D'Amato Gives Okay Letters To Key Members, 5/7/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880507con.pdf
- Folder 35: Kansan Top Winner In SBA Business Person Of The Year Award, 5/9/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880509kan.pdf
- Folder 36: Inf Closer To Senate Consideration: Geneva Reports Encouraging Statement Of Republican Leader Dole, 5/12/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880512inf.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole To Be Honored For Life Service To Veterans, 5/25/1988

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 880525dol.pdf
- Folder 38: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole President Reagan Departs For The Moscow Summit With Gorbachev, 5/25/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880525pre.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole Receives Life Service To Veterans Award -- Acceptance Statement, 5/25/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880525rec.pdf
- Folder 40: International Trade Forum To Be Held In Kansas City Export Opportunities For Small Businesses, 5/27/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 880527int.pdf
- Folder 41: Senate Passes Defense Bill: Trainer Program Intact, 5/27/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880527sen.pdf
- Folder 42: Summit Trip Was Worth It; Praises Reagan; Visits With Gorbachev, 6/2/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880602dol.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole Requests Equitable Treatment For Wheat Producers Affected By New Grading Standards, 6/3/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880603req.pdf
- Folder 44: Bush Vs. Dukakis: The Race Is On!, 6/8/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 880608bus.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Gains Victory For Farmers On New Grading Standards, 6/8/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880608gai.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Gains Victory For Farmers On New Grading Standards, 6/8/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880608gain.pdf
- Folder 47: Statement Of Senator Dole Trade Bill Veto, 6/8/1988

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 880608tra.pdf
- Folder 48: Kassebaum Release: $1.35 Million In Fed Funding For New Plant Science Facilities At KSU, 6/9/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880609nan.pdf
- Folder 49: Blue Cross/Blue Shield Of Kansas Successful In Contract Bid, 6/10/1988

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 880610blu.pdf
- Folder 50: Great Bend Awarded $477 000 Grant For New Sewer Line, 6/10/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880610gre.pdf
- Folder 51: Kansas Projects Approved By Senate Appropriations Committee, 6/10/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880610kan.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Welcomes Exide Corporation To Hays, 6/13/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 880613wel.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole Meets With Secretary Of Agriculture Richard Lyng And Vice President Bush To Discuss Drought Conditions, 6/14/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880614mee.pdf
- Folder 54: $39 Million On Tap For Kansas: Senate Approves Key Defense And Water Projects, 6/14/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880614sen.pdf
- Folder 55: Army Contract To Remain In Leavenworth According To Dole And Kassebaum; Ford Aerospace Proposal Rejected, 6/16/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880616arm.pdf
- Folder 56: Kansas Rural Electronic Youth Tour Meets Senator Dole In Nation's Capitol, 6/17/1988

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 880617kan.pdf
- Folder 57: 1988 Drought Disaster, 6/20/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880620dra.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Announces 20 Kansas Counties Approved For Emergency Haying And Grazing, 6/21/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880621ann.pdf
- Folder 59: Wichita To Receive $2.5 Million Community Development Grant, 6/27/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880627wic.pdf
- Folder 60: Senate Approves Dole Amendment To Keep Drought Out Of Plant Closing Bill, 6/28/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880628sen.pdf
- Folder 61: Floor Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Independence Day 1988, 6/29/1988

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 880629flo.pdf
- Folder 62: Betsy Brand Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630bet.pdf
- Folder 63: Bret Fox Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630bre.pdf
- Folder 64: Bryan Camerlinck Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630bry.pdf
- Folder 65: Jon Copaken Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630jon.pdf
- Folder 66: Laura Howell Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630lau.pdf
- Folder 67: Mark Shelton Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630mar.pdf
- Folder 68: Scott Fischer Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630sco.pdf
- Folder 69: Sharon Tucker Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630sha.pdf
- Folder 70: Stephanie McKinney Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/30/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880630ste.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole And Kassebaum Help Secure $6.7 Million For Kansas Projects, 7/7/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880707dol.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Says GOP Drug Initiative Zeroes In On Demand, 7/7/1988

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 880707say.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Receives Golden Plow Award For Contribution To Agriculture, 7/11/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880711rec.pdf
- Folder 74: Dick Thornburgh A Good Pick For Attorney General, 7/12/1988

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 880712dic.pdf
- Folder 75: Senate Adopts Dole Amendment To Make Manhattan Bridge Priority Project, 7/12/1988

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 880712sen.pdf
- Folder 76: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Democracy And Diplomacy -- Sandinista Style; Nicaragua, 7/12/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880712sta.pdf
- Folder 77: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Democracy And Diplomacy -- Sandinista Style; Nicaragua, 7/12/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880712stat.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Welcomes Drought Package Time For Responsible Action; No Windfalls With Taxpayer Dollars, 7/12/1988

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 880712wel.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Amendment Passes; Senate Approves $250,000 To Seal Abandoned Mine Sites In Galena, 7/13/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 880713ame.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole Meets With Indian Food Secretary T. Vajayaskekaran ; Applauds Today's Announcement Of 800,000 Metric Ton Wheat Offer To India, 7/13/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880713mee.pdf
- Folder 81: Christopher Kelsey Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880714chr.pdf
- Folder 82: Kansas Schedule July 19-20, 1988, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 880714kan.pdf
- Folder 83: Margo Wolf Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880714mar.pdf
- Folder 84: Margaret S. Rhodus Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880714marg.pdf
- Folder 85: Mitchell Peterson Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880714mit.pdf
- Folder 86: Scott C. Hecht Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880714sco.pdf
- Folder 87: Senate Gives Final Approval For Air Force To Purchase 211 Business Jets, 7/14/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880714the.pdf
- Folder 88: John Manthei Completes Internship For Senator Bob Dole, 7/15/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880715joh.pdf
- Folder 89: Paul Sweat Is Named Kansas Winner Of Communicating For Agriculture's Rural Knowledge Bowl, 7/18/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880718ofc.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Tells West Virginia GOP: Dukakis Bentsen For And Against, 7/22/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 880722tel.pdf
- Folder 91: Dole Helps Pass Drought Relief Bill, 7/28/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880728hel.pdf
- Folder 92: Senate Approves $12 Million For Construction Of Jobs Corps Centers; Manhattan Likely Site, 7/28/1988

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 880728sen.pdf
- Folder 93: Senate Approves $1.35 Million For New Plant Science Research Center At Kansas State; Dole Amendments Included In Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/29/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880729sen.pdf
- Folder 94: Brent Robbins Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731bre.pdf
- Folder 95: Heather Moss Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731hea.pdf
- Folder 96: Jennifer Shaw Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731jen.pdf
- Folder 97: Kristin Woody Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731kri.pdf
- Folder 98: Marc Solomon Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731mar.pdf
- Folder 99: Melissa Wangemann Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731mel.pdf
- Folder 100: Michael McElhinney Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731mic.pdf
- Folder 101: Troy Lubbers Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731tro.pdf
- Folder 102: William Courter Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 7/31/1988

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 880731wil.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Introduces Bill To Reformulate Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 8/3/1988

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 880803int.pdf
- Folder 104: Senator Dole Congratulates David Lloyd Prairie Village Student Wins Invent America Contest, 8/3/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880803sen.pdf
- Folder 105: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Defense Conference Report Veto, 8/3/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880803sta.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Announces Cuban Family To Be Reunited In Kansas City, Ks, 8/4/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880804ann.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Pleased With Postal Service Announcement Upgrading KCK Postmaster Position, 8/5/1988

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 880805ple.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Says Pending Russian Grain Deal Could Be Downpour For Midwest, 9/1/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 880901say.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Kassebaum Continue Push For Job Corps Center; Letter To Labor Secretary Backs 1984 Task Force Site Selection: Manhattan Support At All Time High, 9/5/1988

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 880905dol.pdf
- Folder 110: Kansas To Receive $4.1 Million To Fight Drunk Driving, 9/12/1988

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 880912kan.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Kassebaum Help Secure New Job Corps Center Funds-- Express Confidence That Kansas On Line For First Ever Center; Manhattan Still The Choice, 9/12/1988

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 880912kas.pdf
- Folder 112: New Poll Names Dole Most Respected Senator, 9/12/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880912new.pdf
- Folder 113: Senator Dole's Kansas Schedule: September 17-18, 9/13/1988

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 880913sen.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Announces $32 Million For Kansas Military Construction; F-16S At McConnell USP&FO For Topeka Slated, 9/14/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880914ann.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Calls For POW/MIA Flag Over Capitol; Salutes Kansas Support During National POW/MIA Day Ceremonies, 9/14/1988

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 880914cal.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole Calls On House To Authorize Eisenhower Coin Commemorating 100Th Birthday, 9/14/1988

- Subject: General - PDF available: 880914call.pdf
- Folder 117: Media Advisory: Change In Schedule Press Availability September 17, 7:20 Pm Topeka, Ks, 9/14/1988

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 880914med.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Secures Passage Of POW/MIA Flag Display, 9/16/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 880916sec.pdf
- Folder 119: Job Corps Center Coming To Kansas! Dole Nails Down Commitment From Labor Department; President Signs Funding Measure, 9/20/1988

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 880920job.pdf
- Folder 120: Senate Passes Dole Bill To Rename Soldier Creek For Lewis M. Paramore, 9/20/1988

- Subject: General - PDF available: 880920pas.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Heads Little League Baseball Task Force To Form Special Needs Division For Disabled Youth, 9/23/1988

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 880923hea.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Heads Little League Baseball Task Force To Form Special Needs Division For Disabled Youth, 9/23/1988

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 880923head.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Announces Loans For Elderly And Disabled Housing, 9/28/1988

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 880928ann.pdf
- Folder 124: Dukakis Flunks Agriculture Test In Debate Peoria Comments Have No Credibility, 9/28/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 880928duk.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Fights Poison Label For Anhydrous Ammonia, 9/28/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880928fig.pdf
- Folder 126: Dole Helps Land $1 Million To Finance Statewide Education Satellite Program; KU And KSU To House Programs, 9/29/1988

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 880929hel.pdf
- Folder 127: Big $2.5 Billion Hit For Wichita In Defense Measure; Dole Leads Passage Of Appropriations Bill, 9/30/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 880930big.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Kassebaum Send K-State Funds To President, 9/30/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880930kas.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Urges Warning Against EEC Restrictions On Corn Gluten, 9/30/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 880930urg.pdf
- Folder 130: President Reagan Signs Dole Bill For Eisenhower Coin, 10/3/1988

- Subject: General - PDF available: 881003pre.pdf
- Folder 131: President Reagan Signs Bill To Rename Soldier Creek, 10/3/1988

- Subject: General - PDF available: 881003rea.pdf
- Folder 132: Reagan Salutes Dole For Leadership; Kansas Senator Dedicated Disciplined And Committed, 10/4/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 881004pre.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Calls For Action On Thrift Crisis, 10/5/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 881005cal.pdf
- Folder 134: Quayle Wins, Bentsen Saddled With Dukak-Eyed Ideas, 10/5/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 881005qua.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Cuts Red Tape Secures Major New Designation For Great Bend Medical Center; $1 Million Shot-In The Arm For Kansas Health Care, 10/8/1988

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 881008cut.pdf
- Folder 136: Senators Dole And Kassebaum Meet With Kansans; Western Manufacturers Association, 10/12/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 881012kan.pdf
- Folder 137: Dole Kassebaum Clear Way For New KU Bioscience Research Center; $6.5 Million Funding Measure Passes Senate, 10/12/1988

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 881012kas.pdf
- Folder 138: Senator Dole Works To Make Senate More Accessible To People With Disabilities, 10/12/1988

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 881012sen.pdf
- Folder 139: Senators Dole And Kassebaum Meet With The Esfelds; Western Manufacturers Association, 10/12/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 881012sena.pdf
- Folder 140: Senators Dole And Kassebaum Meet With Eddie And Cindy Estes; Western Manufacturers Association, 10/12/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 881012sens.pdf
- Folder 141: Dole Joins President In Signing Of Landmark Welfare Bill, 10/13/1988

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 881013joi.pdf
- Folder 142: Remarks On Bush Dukakis Presidential Debate, 10/13/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 881013was.pdf
- Folder 143: Senate Passes Major Drug Bill; Dole Calls It The First Live Shot In The War Against Drugs; Bill Calls For Crackdown On Users As Well As Pushers; Also Includes Death Penalty, 10/14/1988

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 881014sen.pdf
- Folder 144: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Honoring Fred C. Bramlage Who Will Be Awarded The General Creighton W. Abrams Medal By Army October 14, 1988, 10/14/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 881014sta.pdf
- Folder 145: Topeka Soldier's Death Spurs Change In Federal Law; Dole Amendment Adds Death Benefit Provision To Gi Bill, 10/18/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 881018top.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Announces Major Upgrade In Cheyenne Bottoms Status; Kansas Wildlife Area Designated International Wetland, 10/19/1988

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 881019ann.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole Secures Tax Relief For Farmers; Diesel Fuel Tax Snuffed Out Heifer Tax Repealed; Drought Payments Saved From Double Tax, 10/22/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 881022dol.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Hails Passage Of Drug Bill; Play And You Will Pay Republican Leader Says We'll Be Back For Even Tougher Medicine With President Bush, 10/22/1988

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 881022hai.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Accepting Academy Applications; December 5, 1988, 11/2/1988

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 881102acc.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole: Dave Karnes A Leader In Farm Credit Rescue Bill, 11/2/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 881102dav.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Logs 75,000 Miles On Campaign Trail For GOP Candidates: Hits Five States Day Before Elections, 11/7/1988

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 881107log.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Announces Hutchinson Airport Grant, 11/28/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 881128ann.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Hails New Grain Pact, 11/28/1988

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 881128hai.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Lauds Arrival Of Trans Union Division; Will Locate In Wichita, 11/29/1988

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 881129dol.pdf
- Folder 155: S.E. Kansas Job Retraining Grant Announced, 11/29/1988

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 881129sek.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Urges Federal Energy Regulatory Commission For Extension; La Cygne Benefits, 11/29/1988

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 881129urg.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Announces Grant For Liberal Airport, 11/30/1988

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 881130ann.pdf
- Folder 158: Pressler Will Chair Senate Republican Committee Selections, 11/30/1988

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 881130pes.pdf
- Folder 159: Gorbachev U.N. Offer -- Unique Gift Or Just A Stocking Stuffer?, 12/7/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 881207gor.pdf
- Folder 160: Bipartisan Senate Leadership Supports Humanitarian Aid To Armenia, 12/9/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 881209bip.pdf
- Folder 161: Dole Hails Clayton Yeutter Choice For Ag Secretary, 12/14/1988

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 881214hai.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Cuts Taxes Red Tape For Ethanol Blenders; IRS Commissioner Agrees With Kansas Senator; Changes Rules, 12/15/1988

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 881215cut.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Receives Sound Dollar Award, 12/15/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 881215rec.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Calls John Tower A Man Of Invaluable Experience Predicts Former Texas Senator Will Do A Good Job At Pentagon, 12/16/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 881216cal.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Hayden Announce Major Kansas To Taiwan Construction Contract, Wichita, And Sabetha Included In $36 Million Project, 12/19/1988

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 881219hay.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole Announces $850,000 EDA Industrial Access Road Grant; New Growth Expected To Create 180 New Jobs For KcK, 12/20/1988

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 881220ann.pdf
- Folder 167: Army Agrees With Dole: Detonator Work Won't Go To Texas; Parsons To Compete For New Artillery Round, 12/21/1988

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 881221agr.pdf
- Folder 168: More Common Sense, Letter To Walt Riker About Sound Dollar Award, 12/22/1988

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 881222com.pdf
- Box 32

- Folder 8

- Item 3: Dole Accepting Academy Applications - December 5, 1988, Deadline, 11/2/1988

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_003.pdf
- Series 29: 1989

- Box 31

- Folder 15

- Item 3: Dole Reviews 1989 Congressional Year Senate Floor Remarks, 1989

- Congressional Review
PDF available: s-press_031_015_003.pdf
- Item 126: Dole, Kasebaum meet with Yeutter on drought; despite rain, Kansas wheat "beyond repair" - send help Senators say, 6/1/1989

- Kansas Sens. Dole and Kassebaum continued to push for drought assistance for wheat and livestock farmers today as they met for an hour with Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter
PDF available: s-press_031_015_126.pdf
- Item 118: Flagg Miller completes internship for Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_118.pdf
- Item 122: Ag Secretary okays Dole/Kassebaum drought proposal: Haying and grazing authorized on conservating acreage, 6/2/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum today hailed Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter's announcement that drought-plagued livestock producers will have access to Conservation Reserve Acres (CRP) to hay and graze their stock.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_122.pdf
- Item 119: Dole: China takes great leap backward, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_119.pdf
- Item 130: Dole honors POW Medal winner father Emil Kapaun, 6/7/1989

- Sen. Republican Leader Bob Dole today placed this statement in the Congressional Record regarding the posthumous award of the Prisoner of War Medal to father Emily Kapaun, a Wichita Diocesan priest.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_130.pdf
- Item 131: Action begins on reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir project, 6/7/1989

- Sen. Dole submitted a statement to the House Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Off-shore Energy Resources today regarding legislation recently introduced in both Houses that would authorize the reformulation of the Cedar Bluff Reservoir
PDF available: s-press_031_015_131.pdf
- Item 124: Parsons guaranteed FY 90 lap work; Dole seeks to stabilize KAAP work force, 6/8/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum and Congressman Bob Whittaker expressed concerns about the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant work force following a comprehensive briefing by Major General Paul Greenberg
- Item 129: Press release: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing, 6/8/1989

- Sen. Dole introduced Ambassador Designate C. Howard Wilkins, Jr., Wichita, at his confirmation hearing today before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Wilkins has been nominated for the post of Ambassador to the Netherlands
PDF available: s-press_031_015_129.pdf
- Item 132: Its official! Shockers to meet President Bush Friday. Dole, Kassebaum nail down White House invitation for WSU World Series Champs. "Kansas loving every minute on our field of dreams" Dole says, 6/13/1989

- Kansas Sens. Dole and Kassebaum announced today that President Bush has invited the College World Series Champs - the Wichita State Shockers - to the White House.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_132.pdf
- Item 134: ***Media Advisory*** Wichita State Shockers meet with President Bush, 6/14/1989

- The White House ceremony honoring the Wichita State Shockers will be Friday, June 16, at 11:00 AM. The site of the event will be announced later.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_134.pdf
- Item 121: The Shockers are champs! Dole Senate speech congratulates Shockers, 6/16/1989

- Doles senate speech congratulating Wichita State University Baseball team on its NCAA championship
PDF available: s-press_031_015_121.pdf
- Item 120: Dole at Boston news conference calls for Congress to finally pass long-stalled international oil spill clean-up bill, 6/26/1989

- In the wake of even more oil spills washing up on US shores, Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today urged Congress to immediately pass vital oil spill legislation that has been bottled up for the past four years. The legislation would require oil and
PDF available: s-press_031_015_120.pdf
- Item 125: Kansas area youths visit with Senator Bob Dole in Washington, 6/26/1989

- Twenty-three high school seniors representing nineteen Kansas Rural Electric Cooperatives met with Senator Dole on Capitol Hill during the annual Kansas Rural Electric "Government in Action" Youth tour of Washington, DC.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_125.pdf
- Item 133: House drought bill is "near disaster" for wheat producers; Administration threatens veto; Dole bill best approach, 6/27/1989

- Sen. Dole called todays House passed drought bill a "near disaster for wheat producers because it fails to give our farmers the priority attention they desperately need, and is so potentially expensive that it has no chance of ever winning the President
PDF available: s-press_031_015_133.pdf
- Item 128: Dole appoints Kansan as Deputy US Senate Postmaster, 6/28/1989

- Republican Leader Bob Dole announced that he has appointed Janet L. Dorsey of Garden City, Kansas, as Deputy Postmaster of the Untied State Senate.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_128.pdf
- Item 127: Dole backs Presidents strong campaign reform package; Challenges Democrats "to join us on the highroad" to clean up election process, 6/29/1989

- Sen. Republican Bob Dole today hailed President Bush's campaign finance reform package as "tough enough to take the election process our of the hands of the big money special interests and give it back to the American people."
PDF available: s-press_031_015_127.pdf
- Item 123: Leader: Washingtonian attack on first dog Millie an "arf" front to dogs everywhere, 6/30/1989

- Calling it an "arf" front to dogs everywhere, "Leader," first K-9 assistant to Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole said today that Washingtonian magazine was "barking up the wrong fire hydrant" when it picked First Dog "Millie" as Washingtons ugliest
PDF available: s-press_031_015_123.pdf
- Item 71: Drought Relief Drying Up As Congress Delays "Less Budget Savings Means Less Dollars for Kansas Wheat Farmers", 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_071.pdf
- Item 72: Dole Announces Grant for Ulysses Airport, 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_072.pdf
- Item 81: Dole Announces Grant for Ulysses Airport, 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_081.pdf
- Item 109: Drought relief drying up as Congress delays, 7/6/1989

- Senator Dole today predicted far less drought assistance will be available for wheat producers when the newest budget forecasts are released later this month
PDF available: s-press_031_015_109.pdf
- Item 89: Dole - Greyhound - UMTA Working on Abandonment Agreement, 7/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_089.pdf
- Item 69: Dole: Turn Up the Chine Heat Another Notch, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_069.pdf
- Item 95: Dole: Rural Bus Carriers to Pick Up Abandoned Greyhound Service, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_095.pdf
- Item 73: Dole Supports Changes in Carrier Service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_073.pdf
- Item 94: Dole Supports Changes in Carrier Service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_094.pdf
- Item 99: Dole support changes in carrier service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- Sen. Dole issued a statement today regarding air carrier service at Dallas Love Field
PDF available: s-press_031_015_099.pdf
- Item 92: "American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection" - Dole Introduces Constitutional Amendment, 7/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_092.pdf
- Item 98: "American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection" - Dole Introduces Constitutional Amendment, 7/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_098.pdf
- Item 74: Dole Discusses Drought Bill with President; Bush Agrees, house Multi-Crop Bail-Out "Too Expensive" - Senator Calls for Chairman and Ranking Republicans to Meet, 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_074.pdf
- Item 82: Dole Discusses Drought Bill with President; Bush Agrees, House Multi-Crop Bail-Out "Too Expensive" - Senator Calls for Chairmen and Ranking Republicans to Meet, 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_082.pdf
- Item 90: Kansas AAUW Visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_090.pdf
- Item 91: Kansas AAUW Visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_091.pdf
- Item 102: Kansas AAUW visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- The Kansas Division of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) recently visited with Senator Dole in his Capitol Hill office. The group met with Senator Dole to discuss several issues including child care, parental leave and pay equity.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_102.pdf
- Item 103: Jill Deatherage completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- Sen. Dole is pictured with Jill Deatherage, who recently completed a four-week internship for Senator Dole in Washington.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_103.pdf
- Item 104: Doug Nickel completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_104.pdf
- Item 105: Barry Beck completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_105.pdf
- Item 106: Andrew Hoffman completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_106.pdf
- Item 107: Chip Budde completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_107.pdf
- Item 108: Bill Lucas - profile in courage; Liberal critics - profile in politics; A disgraceful episode on Capitol Hill, 7/24/1989

- Text from Doles speech on the Senate floor re: Bill Lucas nomination to lead the DoJs Civil Rights division
PDF available: s-press_031_015_108.pdf
- Item 70: For Immediate Release, 7/25/1989

- Press release regarding the naming of the "Dwight D. Eisenhower Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center" in Leavenworth
PDF available: s-press_031_015_070.pdf
- Item 75: Bill Lucas -- Profile in Courage; Liberal Critics -- Profile in Politics; a Disgraceful Episode on Capitol Hill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_075.pdf
- Item 80: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_080.pdf
- Item 83: Dole Goes to Bat for "Zero 92" Producers - Coverage Expected Under New Drought Bill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_083.pdf
- Item 93: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_093.pdf
- Item 97: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_097.pdf
- Item 76: Wheat Producers Come Up 21 Cents per Bushel Short under Democrat Drought Plan -- Dole Calls for Fairness as New Figures Show Soybeans and Corn Also Taking Big Hits on the Assistance Front, 7/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_076.pdf
- Item 84: Wheat Producers Come Up 21 Cents per Bushel Short under Democrat Drought Plan -- Dole Calls for Fairness as New Figures Show Soybeans and Corn Also Taking Big Hits on the Assistance Front, 7/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_084.pdf
- Item 77: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_077.pdf
- Item 85: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_085.pdf
- Item 88: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_088.pdf
- Item 101: Dole proposes drought/disaster package: Producers with crop insurance to get highest payments, 7/28/1989

- Dole today proposed a disaster assistance package aimed at breaking a stalemate on a Senate disaster assistance bill for drought-wracked winter wheat farmers and producers of other crops, particularly program crops
PDF available: s-press_031_015_101.pdf
- Item 78: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_078.pdf
- Item 86: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_086.pdf
- Item 87: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_087.pdf
- Item 79: Dole: No Safe Haven for Those Who Murder Americans - Calls for U.S. Response if Higgins Reports Are True, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_079.pdf
- Item 96: Dole: No Safe Haven for Those Who Murder Americans - Calls for U.S. Response If Higgins Reports Are True, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_096.pdf
- Item 100: Senate leadership amendment on Higgins execution, 7/31/1989

- Doles Senate floor statements on the terrorist kidnapping and execution of Lieutenant Colonel Higgins
PDF available: s-press_031_015_100.pdf
- Item 63: Terrorists draw a line in the sand/Time for allies to end "freelancing" on hostage front, 8/1/1989

- Speech by Dole on the Senate floor on mistakes made by the government in dealing with terrorists
PDF available: s-press_031_015_063.pdf
- Item 112: Dole secures $200,000 in construction funding for KCK courthouse; Planning underway in Kansas City, 8/1/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that $200,000 in site acquisition funding has been secured for a new federal courthouse building for Kansas City, Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_112.pdf
- Item 110: Kansan appointed to Santa Fe Trail Advisory Board, 8/2/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that the Department of Interior has appointed a Kansan to the Santa Fe National Historic Trail Advisory Council. William Y. Chalfant, Hutchinson, was appointed today by Interior Secretary Lujan.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_110.pdf
- Item 111: Senate agreement on drought/disaster package. Dole wins targeted relief for winter wheat and program crops; House bail-out for 600 crops along with its sky high costs drastically reduced - 27 cents/bushel more for wheat, 8/2/1989

- Sen. Dole announced late today that winter wheat producers and other program crop growers will be eligible for priority attention under a disaster assistance package that passed the Senate Wednesday evening.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_111.pdf
- Item 38: Dole, Kassebaum, Federal & school officials to sign papers/$5.2 million & transfer of building ownership to Geary County/Caps 20-year effort to improve Ft. Riley Junior High School, 8/3/1989

- Senators Dole and Kassebaum will be joined by Dan Bonner, Acting Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary and Secondary Education, and Mary Devin, Geary County, KS., Deputy School Superintendent at a signing ceremony in Senator Doles office
PDF available: s-press_031_015_038.pdf
- Item 68: Topekan Appointed State Director of Farmers Home Administration, 8/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_068.pdf
- Item 116: Topekan appointed State Director of Farmers Home Administration, 8/3/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum announced today the appointment of John R. Price as State Director of the Farmers Home Administration. Price, selected as a White House presidential appointee, is from Topeka, Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_116.pdf
- Item 117: Senate passes Marion Lake name change, 8/3/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that the Senate passed legislation to rename "Marion lake" the "Marion Reservoir".
PDF available: s-press_031_015_117.pdf
- Item 34: Piaggio coming to Kansas! Dole congratulates President and Wichita, 8/4/1989

- "Piaggo has made an investment in a great state," said Senator Bob Dole in congratulating the president of Piaggio Aviation, Inc. announcing Wichita, Kansas, as a future site for expansion of the Italian business aircraft manufacturer
PDF available: s-press_031_015_034.pdf
- Item 35: Fed give Geary County six Ft. Riley school buildings, 8/4/1989

- Officials from the Geary County School District and the U.S. Department of Education signed documents in the Washington office of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today transferring to the school district ownership of six school buildings on the grounds
PDF available: s-press_031_015_035.pdf
- Item 39: Dole amendment will help Kansas small oil & gas producers, 8/4/1989

- The Senate Finance Committee, in action late last night on the budget reconciliation package, approved a Dole-sponsored amendment that would repeal marginal oil and gas producers form the 50 percent income limitation per property for marginal production.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_039.pdf
- Item 64: Dole Helps Secure Drought Relief Package. House Agrees to Senates Targeted Relief for Winter Wheat and Program Crops. 0/92 Also Included, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_064.pdf
- Item 67: Drought Relief Package on its Way to President Bush. Dole Helps Secure Best Deal for Winter Wheat; House Agrees to Senates Targeted Relief for Program Crops. 0/92 Also Included, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_067.pdf
- Item 114: Drought relief package on its way to President Bush, 8/4/1989

- Dole speech on Senate floor on winter wheat, relief for program crops, and the 0/92 option.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_114.pdf
- Item 37: Kansas funds left intact in transportation bill; $6.86 million for Kansas, 8/17/1989

- Funding for several Kansas projects totaling $6.86 million will be included in the FY1990 Transportation Appropriation bill, Senator Bob Dole announced today.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_037.pdf
- Item 36: Dole/Kassebaum announce $2 million for Leavenworth VA domiciliary, 8/18/1989

- Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum announced today $2 million for the veterans administration medical center in Leavenworth.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_036.pdf
- Item 41: Dole: Public greets deficit bill with a yawn/Loaded with gimmicks - it needs to be fixed/Congress should do the job - not automatic cuts, 8/20/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole said today Congress should substitute real deficit savings for the "gimmicks" now being proposed to meet the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit target. He repeated his belief Congress itself should take action and not allow au
PDF available: s-press_031_015_041.pdf
- Item 40: Soviet Ambassador to join Supreme Soviet delegation in Kansas/Western Kansas town meeting open to all comers/Soviet lawmakers to see Dodge City, air base, grain elevators, 8/25/1989

- A full slate of Kansas dignitaries will be at McConnell Air Force base in Wichita when a top-level delegation from the Supreme Soviet arrives for a two-day stay in Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_040.pdf
- Item 65: Dole Announces Grants for Meade and Winfield Airports, 8/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_065.pdf
- Item 113: Dole announces grants for Meade and Windfield airports, 8/29/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that two airports in Kansas will receive $702,423 from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
PDF available: s-press_031_015_113.pdf
- Item 66: Dole Talks with Yeutter about Disaster Aid - Optimistic on Flexibility for Farmers Who Planted Replacement Crops, 8/30/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_066.pdf
- Item 115: Dole talks with Yeutter about disaster aid, 8/30/1989

- After visiting by phone with Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter, Sen. Dole said today he is optimistic the Department of Agriculture (USDA) will allow deduction of planting expenses when determining the value of replacement crops.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_115.pdf
- Item 55: News Availability and Reception/Sen. Dole and National Organization on Disability Welcome Ilya Zaslavsky, Soviet Disability Advocate and Deputy to the Soviet Peoples Congress, to Capitol Hill reception, 9/5/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole and Mr. Alan Reich, President, National Organization on Disability, will sponsor a news availability/reception this Thursday
- Item 57: Dole on Presidents National Drug Speech: "No time for nitpicking or tax increases!", 9/5/1989

- "The American people are fed-up with drugs and crime. They want action, and that is exactly what President Bush is promising."
PDF available: s-press_031_015_057.pdf
- Item 59: Dole calls for franking funds to help pay for Drug War: "War on Drugs more important than congressional war on constituents mail boxes" - Tap Senate budget for a change, stop junk mail, 9/6/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today made the following statement on the War on Drugs and challenged Congress to put its money where its mouth is
- Item 61: Statement of Senator Bob Dole/National drug control strategy/Streamline Congress with fewer committees/War on Drugs - not on the taxpayer, 9/6/1989

- Excerpt of Congressional Record/Senate floor speech by Dole on national drug control strategy, streamlining congress with fewer committees, and focusing on cutting the fat instead of using tax payer money to fund the War on Drugs.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_061.pdf
- Item 47: Dole announces Senate approval to fund closed-captioning of Senate TV proceedings, 9/7/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today Senate approval of $1 millionto fund closed-captioning of televised Senate floor proceedings. The funding is included in the Senate legislative branch appropriations bill which the Senate is expected to pass today. Senator D
PDF available: s-press_031_015_047.pdf
- Item 45: War on Drugs means War on Crime - so where is the crime bill?? Even Democrats admit "tax response" to Presidents plan is a bomb/Dole to look at Byrd budget-cutting proposal to fund drug war, 9/12/1989

- Dole Floor statement: President wins poll war with critics
- Item 48: Dole, Kassebaum lock-up foreign trade zone for Sedgwick County; Major hit for area economy - Garvey Industrial Park flexes new muscle with competitive edge on International front, 9/12/1989

- KS Sens. Dole and Kassebaum announced today that Sedgwick County has been given the authority to establish a foreign-trade zone in Sedgwick County and the Greater Wichita Area.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_048.pdf
- Item 49: Topeka's Tom Van Bebber nominated to US District Court, 9/12/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum have been notified that G.T. "Tom" Van Bebber, current United States Magistrate in Topeka, will be nominated to serve on the United States District Court for Kanas. President Bush has informed Senator Dole that the nomination
PDF available: s-press_031_015_049.pdf
- Item 50: Dole recommends Kansan for Education Advisory Committee, 9/12/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today his recommendation of Dr. Stanley Koplik, Topeka, for appointment to the National Advisory Commission on Student Financial Assistance. Koplik is currently the Exec. Dir. Of the KS Board of Regents. The appointment is made by
PDF available: s-press_031_015_050.pdf
- Item 51: Dole announces $1.2 million grant for Garden City Airport, 9/12/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that the Garden City Airport will receive $1,243,575 from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
PDF available: s-press_031_015_051.pdf
- Item 52: Dole calls Ag Secretary to hill to push for "Second crop" fix; after meeting, Dole predicts changes and more fairness in drought assistance formula, 9/12/1989

- After calling Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter to a bipartisan meeting on Capitol Hill, Senator Dole today predicted the Department would modify its recent ruling on the controversial "second crop" provision in the 1989 drought bill
PDF available: s-press_031_015_052.pdf
- Item 56: Dole/Kassebaum announce $1 million for KU bioscience center, 9/13/1989

- Senators Dole and Kassebaum announced today that $1 million will be included in the FY 1990 Senate labor, HHS and Education Appropriations bill for construction of the Bioscience Center Building at the University of Kansas. The funding was approved by
PDF available: s-press_031_015_056.pdf
- Item 46: Dole testifies at hearing for Cedar Bluff reservoir project reformulation; two Kansans also testify, 9/14/1989

- Senator Dole today testified on behalf of a bill to reformulate the Cedar Bluff Reservoir project. Dole testified before the Water and Power Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Dole and Governor Mike Hayden have strongly sup
PDF available: s-press_031_015_046.pdf
- Item 60: Dole hails Administrations new food aid package to Poland/"Good investment" in democracy & economic reform in Poland", 9/14/1989

- PR containing Doles speech on the Senate floor praising the Administrations food aid package to Poland
PDF available: s-press_031_015_060.pdf
- Item 62: Dole brings Army Secretary to Kansas; Stop include Ft. Riley to discuss expansion and Ft. Leavenworth to view facilities, 9/23/1989

- Sen. Dole will accompany the new Secretary of the Army on a tour of two US army bases in Kansas over the weekend. On Sunday, Senator Dole will meet Secretary Stone at Fort Riley, where they will be briefed on operations at Fort Riley.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_062.pdf
- Item 53: Dole announces loans to aid Kansas elderly, 9/27/1989

- Organization to aid the elderly will receive Section 202 loans from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development totaling $2 million, Kanas Senator Bob Dole announced today.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_053.pdf
- Item 54: Dole announces loans to aid Kansas disabled, 9/27/1989

- Organizations aiding the disabled will receive Section 202 loans from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, KS Senator Bob Dole announced today.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_054.pdf
- Item 58: Dole: Senate clears major appropriations bill; Kansas projects still in line, 9/27/1989

- Senator Dole announced today Senate passage of the FY 1990 Transportation Appropriations bill which includes several Kansas projects. As Dole had previously announced, all funding for the projects was secured at committee level and was pending full Se
PDF available: s-press_031_015_058.pdf
- Item 20: Great Bend Firm Receives Aid with $800,000 Economic Development Grant; 525 Jobs Secure, 10/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_020.pdf
- Item 21: Great Bend Firm Receives Aid with $800,000 Economic Development Grant; 525 Jobs Secure, 10/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole, Kassebaum, Federal & School Officials to Sign Papers - $5.2 Million & Transfer of Building Ownership to Geary County, 10/3/1989

- Press Release. Caps 20-year effort to improve Ft. Riley Junior High School
PDF available: s-press_031_015_022.pdf
- Item 23: Piaggio Coming to Kansas! Dole Congratulates President and Wichita, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_023.pdf
- Item 33: $2.1 Million for Kansas; Cheyenne Bottoms a Winner! Dole Successful in Saving Funds for Haskell Junior College, 10/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_033.pdf
- Item 32: Dole, Kassebaum to host Soviet Delegation in Kansas; Dodge City, Wichita and Hutchinson to be Visited; Leaders of Soviet Parliament Arrive on October 29th., 10/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_032.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Gets Action on CRP Payments - Kansas Farmers Will Share in $1.5 Billion, 10/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_028.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Calls for End of Congressional Roadblocks to Second Crop Relief, 10/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_031.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Wins Major Funding for McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve the Best," Dole Says, 10/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_026.pdf
- Item 1: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_001.pdf
- Item 25: Dole: $16.7 Million Slated for Ft. Riley; Conference Report Approved for $10.6 Million Ft. Riley Water Treatment Center; Approval Gained for Other Ft. Riley Priorities., 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_025.pdf
- Item 29: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_030.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Confident President Will Sign "Second Crop" Relief Bill; Kassebaum/Dole Package Clears House and Senate Thursday; 50% Threshold on Its Way to the White house for Bush Signature, 10/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_027.pdf
- Item 14: Dole, Roberts Report Continued Progress on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 11/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_014.pdf
- Item 17: Dole, Roberts Report Continued Progress on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 11/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_017.pdf
- Item 11: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars, 11/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_011.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces U.S. District Court Nominee, 11/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_007.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Introduces U.S. District Court Nominee, 11/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_019.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Announces $1 Million Grant for Coffeyville Airport, 11/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_008.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Announces $1 Million Grant for Coffeyville Airport, 11/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_018.pdf
- Item 5: Veterans Day, November 11, 1989, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_005.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Secures $70 Million Boost in Funding for Parsons Plant. "Dual Source Plan" Gets Green Light, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_013.pdf
- Item 12: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars - Final House/Senate Approval Expected, 11/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_012.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Salutes Kansas Principal and Teacher of the Year, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_006.pdf
- Item 9: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Senate Passage of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Bill, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_009.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Salutes Kansas Principal and Teacher of the Year, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_015.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Expresses Support for Treasury ETBE Clarification Action, 11/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_004.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Expresses Support for Treasury ETBE Clarification Action, 11/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_010.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Welcomes HUD Office to Kansas!, 11/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_016.pdf
- Item 42: Dole support Kassebaum call to suspend Ft. Riley expansion/Activities pending answers to critical GAO report, 12/5/1989

- Senate Republican leader Bob Dole today joined Senate colleague Nancy Kassebaum in calling for a delay of expansion activities at Fort Riley.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_042.pdf
- Item 44: Kansas schedule for Senator Bob Dole, 12/5/1989

- Bob Doles released schedule for his visit to Kansas, Dec. 6-8, 1989
PDF available: s-press_031_015_044.pdf
- Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum and Roberts Recommend Kansans for State ASCS Committee, 12/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_002.pdf
- Item 43: Dole, Kassebaum and Roberts recommend Kansans for state ASCS committee, 12/7/1989

- Kansas Senators Bob Dole and Nancy Kassebaum and Congressman Pat Roberts announced today that they have recommended three Kansans to serve on the 1990 ASCS State Committee.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_043.pdf
- Item 24: Soviet Delegation Schedule, 1989-10

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_024.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 2: "Qadaffi Never Learns" Dole says US/Libya Dog-Fight is "Self-Defense", 1/4/1989

- Press Release. Following 2 Libyan jets being shot-down in the Mediterranean. Discusses Qadaffi's pursuit of Chemical weapons. States all American forces returned safely.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Democrats "Rain Dance" on budget brings "Rhetoric Downpour" Dole challenges critics to produce their budget, 1/10/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_003.pdf
- Item 17: Letter to The Honorable Richard Thornburgh, 1/17/1989

- Press Release of a scan of an official correspondence regarding Federal District appointment?
PDF available: s-press_031_014_017.pdf
- Item 4: Dole receives Presidential Citizens Medal Reagan presents Award at White House, 1/18/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_004.pdf
- Item 19: Nancy Landon Kassebaum - For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Press Release regarding four judge appointments
PDF available: s-press_031_014_019.pdf
- Item 16: Talking with Kansas, 1/20/1989

- Soviet Gambit on Chemical Weapons: Sounds Good, but Lets Look at the Record
PDF available: s-press_031_014_016.pdf
- Item 8: Dole helps bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk students to receive Nationally Acclaimed Anti-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_008.pdf
- Item 5: The Republican Agenda -- The 101st Congress Dole introduces five Bills as Congress returns, 1/25/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_005.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Introduces Bill to Reformulate Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 1/25/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Introduces Rural Hospital Bill as Senate opens for Legislative Season -- Calls for "Safety Net" for small hospitals, 1/25/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_010.pdf
- Item 15: Bob Dole Issues Update, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_014_015.pdf
- Item 18: Letters to the Editor - Bush Can Draw the Line, 1/25/1989

- Letter to the Editor Press Release written by Dole regarding omnibus legislation
PDF available: s-press_031_014_018.pdf
- Item 1: Dole introduces Resolution to caption Senate Proceedings; Wants everyone to share in the Legislative Process, 1/26/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_001.pdf
- Item 20: Revitalizing Rural America, Balancing the Federal Budget Top Dole Agenda as 101st Congress Opens Legislative Season: Rural Hospitals and Social Security Recipients Get Needed Boost, 1/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_014_020.pdf
- Item 6: Highlights of Five Major Dole Bills, 101st Congress, 1989-01

- Bill overviews include: Campaign Finance Reform, Balanced Budget Amendment, Enhanced Rescission Authority, Chemical Weapons, Social Security Earnings Limit
PDF available: s-press_031_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: The Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act, 1989-01

- Overview of legislation: details of major provisions & effective date
PDF available: s-press_031_014_007.pdf
- Item 11: Picture of Kansas Representatives of Rural Telephone Companies following a visit with Senator Dole., 1989-01

- Black and white photo with description below
PDF available: s-press_031_014_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Senate Speech - "America Agrees: We play some pretty good ball back home", 1989-01

- Dole speech following Wichita State Shockers Baseball team winning the NCAA Championship
PDF available: s-press_031_014_012.pdf
- Item 13: Intern Data Sheets for Press Release, 1989-01

- Names of interns include: Jill Deatherage, Kevin Lyon, Laura Ann Lazarus, Frances Re'Nee Nash, Jillaine M. Patterson, Douglas Richard Nickel, Andrew Pollock Hoffman, Barry A Beck, Chip Budde
PDF available: s-press_031_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: The Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act, 1989-01

- Overview of aforementioned act
PDF available: s-press_031_014_014.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 104: "Qadaffi Never Learns," Dole Says - US/Libya Dog-Fight is "Self-Defense", 1/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_104.pdf
- Item 107: Democrats "Rain Dance" on Budget brings "Rhetoric Downpour" - Dole Challenges Critics to Produce Their Budget, 1/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_107.pdf
- Item 118: Dole Challenges Critics to Produce their Budget, 1/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_118.pdf
- Item 112: Dear Attorney General Thornburgh, 1/17/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence regarding recommendations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_112.pdf
- Item 114: Dear Attorney General Thornburgh, 1/17/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence regarding 4 nominations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_114.pdf
- Item 103: For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Kassebaum Press Release regarding 4 US District Court recommendations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_103.pdf
- Item 105: Dole Receives Presidential Citizens Medal - Reagan Presents Award at White House, 1/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_105.pdf
- Item 109: For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Kassebaum - 4 US District Court Recs
PDF available: s-press_031_016_109.pdf
- Item 113: For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Kassebaum 4 recommendations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_113.pdf
- Item 119: Dole Receives Presidential Citizens Medal, Reagan Presents Award at White House, 1/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_119.pdf
- Item 106: Dole Helps Bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk Students to Receive Nationally Acclaimed Anti-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_106.pdf
- Item 111: Dole Helps Bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk Student to Receive Nationally Acclaimed Anti-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_111.pdf
- Item 115: Dole Helps Bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk Students to Receive Nationally Acclaimed Ant-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_115.pdf
- Item 108: Dole Introduces Bill to Reformulate Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_108.pdf
- Item 116: Dole Introduces Five Bills as Congress Returns, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_116.pdf
- Item 117: Dole Introduces Rural hospital Bill as Senate Opens for Legislative Season, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_117.pdf
- Item 120: Dole Introduces Resolution to Caption Senate Proceedings, 1/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_120.pdf
- Item 99: Dole Says Protecting Depositors Bottom Line, 2/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_099.pdf
- Item 121: Dole Says Protecting Depositors Bottom Line, 2/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_121.pdf
- Item 122: Dole Announces 5-year Federal Commitment to Hazardous Waste Study, 2/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_122.pdf
- Item 102: Dear Dick, 2/6/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence with Att. Gen R. Thornburgh regarding Fraud
PDF available: s-press_031_016_102.pdf
- Item 100: Dole Calls for National Task Force to Take On Thrift Problems; Letter to Thornburgh Urges Speedy Federal Action on Fraud, But: "No Loans for Lawbreakers, No Bail-outs for Bad Apples", 2/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_100.pdf
- Item 123: Kansan Appointed To White House Advisory Committee, 2/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_123.pdf
- Item 124: New Survey Says Dole Most Effective, most Respected Senator, 2/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_124.pdf
- Item 101: Media Advisory, 2/10/1989

- Press Release regarding Jobs Corp
PDF available: s-press_031_016_101.pdf
- Item 125: Media Advisory, 2/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_125.pdf
- Item 126: Dole selects 50 for Academy Nominations, 2/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_126.pdf
- Item 98: Site Selected for Manhattan Job Corp Center - Deal Closed, $1.4 Million Saved in Final Sale, 2/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_098.pdf
- Item 127: Site selected for Manhattan Job Corp center deal closed, 2/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_127.pdf
- Item 73: Dole Kansas City Courthouse Initiative Picks Up Steam; Solid funding and Construction Plans Now on Line., 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_073.pdf
- Item 77: Dole Kansas City Courthouse Initiative Picks Up Steam; Solid Funding and Construction Plans Now on Line., 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_077.pdf
- Item 89: Dole Kansas City Courthouse Initiative Picks Up Steam; Solid Funding and Construction Plans Now on Line., 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_089.pdf
- Item 78: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before Solarz Subcommittee - Multilateral Aid Initiative for the Philippines, 3/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_078.pdf
- Item 90: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before Solarz Subcommittee - Multilateral Aid Initiative for the Philippines, 3/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_090.pdf
- Item 84: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- Press Release regarding POW/MIA Flag unveiling
PDF available: s-press_031_016_084.pdf
- Item 85: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - White Rose Foundation, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_085.pdf
- Item 86: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- Press Release regarding POW/MIA Flag unveiling
PDF available: s-press_031_016_086.pdf
- Item 87: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - White Rose Foundation, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_087.pdf
- Item 91: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- POW/MIA Flag Unveiling
PDF available: s-press_031_016_091.pdf
- Item 88: Dole Vision for Permanent POW/MIA Flag Display Becomes Reality; U.S. Capitol Rotunda Will House Reminder to All Americans, 3/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_088.pdf
- Item 96: Dole Vision for Permanent POW/MIA Flag Display Becomes Reality; U.S. Capitol Rotunda Will House Reminder to All Americans, 3/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_096.pdf
- Item 92: KU and KSU Receive Minority Graduate Program Funding, 3/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_092.pdf
- Item 79: Dole Outraged by Flag Desecration at Chicago "Art" Show -- Calls for New Law to Stop It, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_079.pdf
- Item 80: Dole Outraged by Flag Desecration at Chicago "Art" Show -- Calls for New Law to Stop It, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_080.pdf
- Item 97: Dole Outraged by Flag Desecration at Chicago "Art" Show -- Calls for New Law to Stop It, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_097.pdf
- Item 76: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_076.pdf
- Item 83: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_083.pdf
- Item 93: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_093.pdf
- Item 74: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation in Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_074.pdf
- Item 75: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation in Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_075.pdf
- Item 94: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation in Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_094.pdf
- Item 81: Dole/Kassebaum Urge USDA to Prepare for Kansas Drought, 3/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_081.pdf
- Item 72: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_072.pdf
- Item 82: Dole Wins Diesel Fuel Tax Reform for Kansas Consumers and Distributors, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_082.pdf
- Item 95: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_095.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Announces Relief from EPA Regulations for Wichita, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_037.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Selects Senators Cochran & Coats to Serve on Drug-Free Schools Panel, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_039.pdf
- Item 45: Dole Selects Senators Cochran & Coats to Serve on Drug-Free Schools Panel, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_045.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Announces Relief from EPA Regulations for Wichita, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_047.pdf
- Item 58: Good News on Eastern Airlines and Unemployment Rate Spells Bad News for Democratic Supporters of Big Government Interference -- Bush Minimum Wage is Final Offer, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_058.pdf
- Item 59: Good News on Eastern Airlines and Unemployment Rate Spells Bad News for Democratic Supporters of Big Government Interference -- Bush Minimum Wage is Final Offer, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_059.pdf
- Item 70: Good News on Eastern Airlines and Unemployment Rate Spells Bad News for Democratic Supporters of Big Government Interference -- Bush Minimum Wage is Final Offer, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_070.pdf
- Item 35: Dear Secretary Yeutter, 4/10/1989

- Press Release of a Scan of a Correspondence regarding FHA director appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_035.pdf
- Item 36: For Immediate Release, 4/10/1989

- Press Release of FHA director appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_036.pdf
- Item 38: Dear Secretary Yeutter, 4/10/1989

- Press Release regarding FHA Director appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_038.pdf
- Item 40: For Immediate Release, 4/10/1989

- Kassebaum Press Release regarding FHA Director Appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_040.pdf
- Item 41: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_041.pdf
- Item 43: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_043.pdf
- Item 51: Alaska Oil Spill: A New Look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act -- Where Was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_051.pdf
- Item 53: Alaska Oil Spill: A New Look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act -- Where Was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_053.pdf
- Item 56: For Immediate Release, 4/10/1989

- Kassebaum Press Release regarding FHA director recommendation
PDF available: s-press_031_016_056.pdf
- Item 57: Dear Secretary Yeutter, 4/10/1989

- Scan of Correspondence regarding FHA director recommendation
PDF available: s-press_031_016_057.pdf
- Item 62: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_062.pdf
- Item 63: Alaska Oil Spill: A New Look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act -- Where Was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_063.pdf
- Item 54: Kansas City Group Receives National Award for Community Development, 4/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_054.pdf
- Item 64: Kansas City Group Receives National Award for Community Development, 4/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_064.pdf
- Item 65: Drought Tour Schedule in Kansas, 4/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_065.pdf
- Item 67: Drought Tour Schedule in Kansas, 4/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_067.pdf
- Item 48: Dear Mr. Secretary, 4/13/1989

- Scan of Correspondence to Secretary Treasury Brady regarding 1989 IRS section 89
PDF available: s-press_031_016_048.pdf
- Item 55: Dear Mr. Secretary, 4/13/1989

- Scan of Correspondence to Treasury Secretary Brady regarding IRS Section 89
PDF available: s-press_031_016_055.pdf
- Item 68: Dear Mr. Secretary, 4/13/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence to Treasury Secretary Brady regarding IRS Section 89
PDF available: s-press_031_016_068.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Asks Secretary to Guarantee Advance Payments; Administration Announces $900 Million in Upfront Deficiency Payments; Establishes Rural Development Task Force, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_033.pdf
- Item 42: Dole Letter Calls for Penalty Waiver on IRS "Section 89" Mess; Bad Tax Rule on the Way Out So Stop the Penalties, Dole Tells Treasury Secretary in Letter, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_042.pdf
- Item 44: Dole Letter Calls for Penalty Waiver on IRS "Section 89" Mess; Bad Tax Rule on the Way Out So Stop the Penalties, Dole Tells Treasury Secretary in Letter, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_044.pdf
- Item 46: Dole Asks Secretary to Guarantee Advance Payments; Administration Announces $900 Million in Upfront Deficiency Payments; Establishes Rural Development Task Force, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_046.pdf
- Item 66: Dole Letter Calls for Penalty Waiver on IRS "Section 89" Mess; Bad Tax Rule on the Way Out So Stop the Penalties, Dole Tells Treasury Secretary in Letter, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_066.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Urges 1989 Action on 1990 Farm Bill: Letter to Ag Chairman Seeks to Dodge 1990 Politics and to Give Farmers Program Before Planting, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_034.pdf
- Item 52: Rural Telephone Company Representatives from Kansas, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_052.pdf
- Item 69: Dole Urges 1989 Action on 1990 Farm Bill: Letter to Ag Chairman Seeks to Dodge 1990 Politics and to Give Farmers Program Before Planting, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_069.pdf
- Item 71: Rural Telephone Company Representatives from Kansas, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_071.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Calls AG Secretary: More Bad News from Kansas on Ailing Wheat Crop -- Senator Renews Call for Drought Aid as Record Heat Bakes State, 4/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_049.pdf
- Item 60: Dole/Kassebaum Announce Federal Drought Aid Package for Bone Dry Kansas, 4/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_060.pdf
- Item 50: Dole Urges President Bush to Continue Aggressive AG Export Policy -- "Keep EEP" Dole Says, As Soviets Come to Washington to Talk Trade; U.S. Must Combat "Lavish" European Farm Subsidies, 4/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_050.pdf
- Item 61: Dole Urges President Bush to Continue Aggressive Ag Export Policy -- "Keep EEP" Dole Says, As Soviets Come to Washington to Talk Trade; U.S. Must combat "Lavish" European Farm Subsidies, 4/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_061.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Helps Win Delay of IRS Nightmare for Small Business; "Loony" Section 89 Tax Law Delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_013.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Helps Win Delay of IRS Nightmare for Small Business; "Loony" Section 89 Tax Law Delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_015.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Helps Win Delay of IRS Nightmare for Small Business; "Loony" Section 89 Tax Law delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_025.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Applauds New Export Bonus Offer to Soviet Union; Action Sends Signal "America Is Playing to Win" on Trade Front, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_014.pdf
- Item 16: Dole/Kassebaum Announce 23 Kansas Counties Qualify for New Drought Assistance Package, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_016.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Applauds New Export Bonus Offer to Soviet Union: Action Sends Signal "America is Playing to Win" on Trade Front, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_020.pdf
- Item 24: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Days of Remembrance Ceremony in the Rotunda, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_024.pdf
- Item 31: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Days of Remembrance Ceremony in the Rotunda, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_031.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Announces 36 Additional Counties Qualifying for Emergency Drought Assistance, 5/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Announces 36 Additional Counties Qualifying for Emergency Drought Assistance, 5/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole: If Ortega Balks, resume Military Aid to Freedom Fighters, 5/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_023.pdf
- Item 26: Dole: If Ortega Balks, Resume Military Aid to Freedom Fighters, 5/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_026.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Says Bleak Winter Wheat Estimate "Confirms Our Worst Fears"-- Convincing Evidence that Federal Aid Will Be Needed; Budget Conference Clears Dole Winter Wheat Relief Amendment, 5/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_018.pdf
- Item 27: Colby Awarded Economic Development Grant for Industrial Park, 5/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_027.pdf
- Item 12: Bill Introduced to Change Name of "Marion Lake", 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_012.pdf
- Item 17: Bill Introduced to Change Name of "Marion Lake", 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_017.pdf
- Item 28: Kansas 4-Hers Visit Washington, D.C., 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_028.pdf
- Item 32: Kansas 4-H-ers Visit Washington, D.V., 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_032.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Introduces Drought Bill: Bone Dry Kansas Crop "Burned, Blown Away and Now Buried", 5/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_019.pdf
- Item 29: Dole on Kassebaum Announcement, 5/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole on Kassebaum Announcement, 5/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_030.pdf
- Item 11: Joyce Campbell Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_011.pdf
- Item 2: Mark Sanor Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_002.pdf
- Item 4: Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_004.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Honors POW Medal Winner Father Emil Kapaun, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_001.pdf
- Item 10: Action Begins on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_010.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing - Ambassador Designate C. Howard Wilkins, Jr., 6/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_009.pdf
- Item 5: Dole: High Court Tilts "Wrong" on Flag Decision, 6/21/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_005.pdf
- Item 3: Kansas Area Youths Visit with Senator Bob Dole in Washington, 6/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_003.pdf
- Item 8: House Drought Bill Is "Near Disaster" for Wheat Producers; Administration Threatens Veto; Dole Bill Best Approach, 6/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_008.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Appoints Kansan As Deputy U.S. Senate Postmaster, 6/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_007.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Backs Presidents Strong Campaign Reform Package; Challenges Democrats "To Join Us on The Highroad" to Clean Up Election Process, 6/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_006.pdf
- Item 110: The Shockers Are Champs! Dole Senate Speech Congratulates Shockers - "America Agrees: We Play Some Pretty Good Ball Back Home", 1989-01

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_110.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Dole calls for national task force to take on thrift problems, 2/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: The wonderful epidemic of freedom, 2/15/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_017_002.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: Kansas City Courthouse initiative picks up steam, 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_001.pdf
- Item 2: Multilateral aid initiative for the Philippines, 3/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_002.pdf
- Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob dole at White Rose Foundation, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_003.pdf
- Item 4: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Vision for permanent POW/MIA flag display become reality, 3/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_005.pdf
- Item 6: KU and KSU receive minority graduate program funding, 3/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Outrated by flag desecration at Chicago art show, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation In Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole-Kassebaum Urge USDA to Prepare For Kansas Drought, 3/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Wins Diesel Fuel Tax Reform For Kansas Consumers and Distributors, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_011.pdf
- Item 12: "Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole" - March 28-29, 1989, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_012.pdf
- Folder 19

- Item 1: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan - Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_019_001.pdf
- Item 2: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 4/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_019_002.pdf
- Box 32

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Dole announces relief from EPA regulations for Wichita, 4/7/1989

- The EPA agreed with Sen. Dole today that the City of Wichita
- Item 2: Dole selects Senators Cochran & Coats to serve on drug-free schools panel, 4/7/1989

- Senate Republican leader Bob Dole today announced the selection of Senators Thad Cochran (R-Miss) and Dan Coats (R-Ind) to serve as members of the National Commission on Drug-Free Schools
PDF available: s-press_032_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Good news on Eastern Airlines and unemployment rate/Spells bad news for Democratic supporters of Big Government interference -- Bush minimum wage is final offer, 4/7/1989

- Covers Eastern Airlines Crisis, the nations low unemployment rate, the need for freedom from big government, and President Bush's minimum wage negotations
PDF available: s-press_032_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: John Price appointment as state director of the Farmers Home Administration (Sen. Kassebaum PR and Dole letter), 4/10/1989

- PR from Sen. Kassebaum's office - Kansas Sens. Kassebaum and Dole today recommended Topeka banker John R. Price for the job of state director of the Farmers Home Administration as well as Doles letter of remmonendation to Ag Secretary Clayton Yeutter
PDF available: s-press_032_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Alaska oil spill: A new look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act - Where was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- Dole criticizes the debate following the Prince William Sound oil tanker disaster and stresses the need to prepare for the future
PDF available: s-press_032_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Campaign spending - PACs and the incumbency protection plan/Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 4/10/1989

- Covers the Senate Rules Committee beginning a series of hearings on campaign finance reform and his criticism of PACs and the "incumbency protection plan"
PDF available: s-press_032_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Kansas City Group Receives National Award for Community Development, 4/11/1989

- Representatives of "Twenty Good Men," General Motors union workers, and the Kansas City, Kansas Department of Community Development were in Washington to receive an award from the National Community Development Association for their combined efforts
PDF available: s-press_032_001_007.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 4/12/1989

- Five page statement by Dole on campaign finance reform
PDF available: s-press_032_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Drought tour schedule in Kansas, 4/12/1989

- Touring drought affected areas in Kansas Friday, April 14
PDF available: s-press_032_001_010.pdf
- Item 20: Talking With Kansans - Social Security tax deserves retirement - time to dump earnings limit for working elderly, 4/14/1989

- Talking With Kansas, Senator Bob Dole.
PDF available: s-press_032_001_020.pdf
- Item 11: Dole asks Secretary to guarantee advance payments; Administration announces $900 million in upfront deficiency payments; establishes rural development task force, 4/18/1989

- Following a satellite interview session between President Bush, Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter, and selected farm broadcasters, Sen. Dole applauded the Administrations announcements today to provide an additional $900 million in deficiency
PDF available: s-press_032_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole letter calls for penalty waiver on IRS "Section 89" mess; bad tax rule on the way out so stop the penalties, Dole tells Treasury Secretary in letter, 4/18/1989

- Saying there is "absolutely no sense in penalizing small businessmen and women for an IRS foul-up," Sen. Dole today released a letter written to Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady asking that taxpayer penalties associated with the controversial Section
PDF available: s-press_032_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole urges 1989 action on 1990 Farm Bill: Letter to Ag Chairman seeks to dodge 1990 politics and to give farmers program before planting, 4/19/1989

- Text of Doles letter to the Senate Agriculture Committee chairman Sen. Pat Leahy, "urging the committee to ready the [farm] bill for the Presidents signature yet this year."
PDF available: s-press_032_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Rural Telephone Company representatives from Kansas, 4/19/1989

- Representatives of Rural Telephone Companies in Kansas were in the Nations Capital recently. (Includes list of companies, representatives, and a photo)
PDF available: s-press_032_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole calls Ag Secretary: More bad news from Kansas on ailing wheat crop -Senator renews call for drought aid as record heat bakes state, 4/24/1989

- With temperatures breaking the 100 degree mark in Kansas, Sen. Dole spoke by telephone today with Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yuetter to bring him a personal update on the troubled wheat crop
PDF available: s-press_032_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole congratulates newly-elected disabled Soviet legislator; Invites Ilya Zaslavski to the US for international dialogue on disability issues, 4/26/1989

- Sen. Dole, disabled from combat wounds sustained during WWII action, toady released a letter he has sent to a fellow disabled lawmaker - Ilya Zaslavski, a newly elected member of the Soviet Unions National Legislature. (Copy of letter included in PR
PDF available: s-press_032_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole/Kassebaum announce federal drought aid package for bone dry Kansas, 4/26/1989

- Sec. of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter telephoned Kansas Sen. Dole today with some good news for drought-plagued Kansas farmers. The Secretary informed Sen. Dole that he has unauthorized several drought-relief options to help producers who have been staggering
PDF available: s-press_032_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole urges President Bush to continue aggressive ag export policy - "Keep EEP" Dole says, as Soviets come to Washington to talk trade; US must combat "lavish" European farm subsidies, 4/27/1989

- Saying the "competition is tough and playing to win," Sen. Leader Bob Dole today released a letter to George Bush urging the President not to risk losing the "significant progress we have made in the international marketplace" by distributing the successful
PDF available: s-press_032_001_018.pdf
- Item 8: Issues Update: Campaign Finance Reform 1989, 1989-04

- PR/Issues Update - Campaign Finance Reform 1989
- Item 19: The Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act of 1989, 1989-04

- Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act of 1989 - summaries/list of major provisions, attached Congressional Record (Dole speech on Senate floor)
PDF available: s-press_032_001_019.pdf
- Item 21: Dole issues Update - Dole Op-eds and news clips, 1989-04

- Dole PR/Issues update packet, includes Dole op-eds and related news clips
PDF available: s-press_032_001_021.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole helps win delay of IRS nightmare for small business; "loony" section 89 tax law delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today applauded a Treasury Department announcement that it would delay at least until October the "loony" compliance demands of the Internal Revenue Services controversial "Section 89" tax law
PDF available: s-press_032_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole/Kassebaum announce 23 Kansas counties qualify for new drought assistance package, 5/2/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum today announced the approval of twenty-three Kansas counties for emergency livestock feeding programs to help drought-stricken livestock producers.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole praises Presidents strong Latin American policy statement, 5/2/1989

- Senator Dole today praised President Bush's foreign policy remarks as a "concise, level-headed review of American interests, goals and policies toward Latin America"
PDF available: s-press_032_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole/Days of Remembrance Ceremony in the Rotunda, 5/2/1989

- Senator Dole delivered remarks today at the annual Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony in the US Capitol Rotunda. Dole is a former member of the Holocaust Memorial Council, the sponsor of the ceremony.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole applauds new export bonus offer to Soviet Union; Action sends signal "America is playing to win" on trade front, 5/2/1989

- Sen. Dole today hailed President Bush's decision to facilitate additional wheat sales to the Soviet Union through the Export Enhancement Program (EEP) "as a strong signal America is playing to win in the international marketplace. This action is welcome
PDF available: s-press_032_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole announces 36 additional counties qualifying for emergency drought assistance, 5/3/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today the approval of 36 additional Kansas Counties for emergency livestock feeding programs
PDF available: s-press_032_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole introduces drought relief package for winter wheat farmers; extend 1988 Drought Act - savings on deficiency payments to pay for emergency assistance, neutralize budget impact/USDA letter to Dole pegs 1989 wheat crop at 2 billion bushels, 5/4/1989

- The US Senate today unanimously approved a resolution introduced by Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum to extend the 1988 Disaster Assistance Act to include winter wheat producers facing severe losses on their 1989 crop
PDF available: s-press_032_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole picks Kansan for National AIDS Commission, 5/4/1989

- Sen. Dole today chose Dr. Charles Konigsberg, Director of Health for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, to service on the National Commission on AIDS
PDF available: s-press_032_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole: If Ortega balks, resume military aid to Freedom Fighters, 5/9/1989

- Sen. Dole today urged the resumption of military aid to the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters if the Sandinista government in Nicaragua fails to hold and abide by free elections next February. Doles statement came in testimony before the Commission on Free
PDF available: s-press_032_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement of Senator Dole/Testimony on Americans with Disabilities Act/Labor and Human Resources Committee (Press Release), 5/10/1989

- Text of Senator Doles statement before the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee on the Americans with Disabilities Act
PDF available: s-press_032_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole: Tass and Soviets can't have it both ways, 5/11/1989

- Senator Dole today accused Panama military strongman Manuel Noriega of sinking to new lows in his attempts to steal and election from the Panamanian people. In a statement on the Senate floor, Dole also blasted the Soviet news agency Tass for praising
PDF available: s-press_032_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole says bleak winter wheat estimate "confirms our worst fears" - convincing evidence that Federal aid will be needed; budget conference clears Dole winter wheat relief amendment, 5/11/1989

- USDAs first official forecast of this years winter wheat harvest "confirms our worst fears," Sen. Dole said today.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole on Bush crime package: "America is ready for tough action - is Congress?" Republican leader will fight for bills passage, 5/15/1989

- Senator Dole today announced "strong support" for President George Bush's new anti-crime package and said he will "fight for the bills passage"
PDF available: s-press_032_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Colby warded economic development grant for industrial park, 5/16/1989

- Kansas Senator Bob Dole announced today that Colby (KS) has received a federal grant for economic development at the city's industrial park.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole against Resolution of Disapproval, 5/16/1989

- Text of Senator Doles statement against resolution of disapproval, dealing with trade deficits between the US and Japan
PDF available: s-press_032_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Speech to US-USSR Trade and Economic Council (Press release), 5/16/1989

- Text of Senator Doles speech to US-USSR Trade and Economic Council
PDF available: s-press_032_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Trouble down on the farm: Federal Crop Insurance horror stories/Senate Republican leader Bob Dole/Tuesday, May 16, 1989 (Press Release), 5/17/1989

- Text of Doles statements on Federal Crop Insurance (horror stories)
PDF available: s-press_032_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Statement by Senator Dole/Conference agreement on minimum wage (Press release), 5/17/1989

- Text of Sen. Doles statements on conference agreement on minimum wage increase
PDF available: s-press_032_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansas 4-Hers visit Washington, D.C., 5/17/1989

- Sen. Dole recently met with Kansas 4-H members who were in Washington attending the National 4-H Conference
PDF available: s-press_032_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Bill introduced to change name of "Marion Lake", 5/17/1989

- Sen. Dole announced that legislation was introduced today to rename "Marion lake" the "Marion Reservoir"
PDF available: s-press_032_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole introduces drought bill: bone dry Kansas crop "burned, blown away and now buried", 5/18/1989

- Text of Doles Senate floor speech on drought and its affects on Kansas crops, introducing bipartisan drought disaster assistance legislation
PDF available: s-press_032_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole on Kassebaum announcement, 5/18/1989

- "The people of Kansas just got an early Christmas gift - six more years of Nancy," Dole said. "She's a one-of-a-kind public servant, incomparable and unbeatable."
PDF available: s-press_032_002_022.pdf
- Item 24: Beijing "Cheap Shots" from Capitol Hill; Bush Foreign Policy Critics cant have it both ways: "Freedom just as Precious in Nicaragua as it is in China". Dole says Bush Batting 1.000 on Foreign Affairs, 5/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Predicts Passage of "Reasonable" Drought Relief Package; Visits with Yeutter on Legislation; Meanwhile, Crop Insurance Requirements seem certain Next Year, 5/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces Sewer Construction Grant for Hays Battery Firm to Occupy Former Baxter-Travenol Plant, 5/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_026.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Urges Cooperation S&L Legislation Taxpayer Dollars Go Down the Drain While Special Interest Gimmicks Stall Bill, 5/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Letter From Senator Dole to Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas Brady, 5/25/1989

- Letter
PDF available: s-press_032_002_030.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Praises Shot Across the Bows of Unfair Traders Says Fair Trade is a Two-Way Street, 5/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole says Pepper was a "One of a Kind" Colleague, 5/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_028.pdf
- Item 31: Dole on NATO Summit: Bush and Kohl Compromise Makes Sense Soviets Note -- NATO Stands United, 5/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_031.pdf
- Item 23: Title Summary - Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 - For Senator Doles Statement, 1989-05

- Not Press Release
PDF available: s-press_032_002_023.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole: Keep A Lock On The Canal Until Noriega Gets The Boot, 6/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Nancy Landon Kassebaum - Press Release - Urging Interstate Commerce Commission to maintain Greyhound Bus Service routes to Kansas Communities, 6/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Letter sent from Kansas Delegation to Interstate Commerce Commission, 6/1/1989

- Letter mentioned in previous Press Release by Nancy Landon Kassebaum
PDF available: s-press_032_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole, Kassebaum Meet with Yeutter on Drought; Despite Rain, Kansas Wheat "Beyond Repair" -- Send Help Senators Say, 6/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: AG Secretary Okays Dole/Kassebaum Drought Proposal: Haying and Grazing Authorized on Conservation Acreage, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Joyce Campbell Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Flagg Miller Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Mark Sanor Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole: China takes Giant Leap Backward, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole/Kassebaum Call for Prompt Consideration of Drought Relief Measures, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Mark Sanor Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole: RNC Foley Memo Is "Garbage", 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Honors POW Medal Winner Father Emil Kapaun, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Action Begins on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing Ambassador Designate C. Howard Wilkins, JR., 6/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Parsons Guaranteed FY90 Lap Work; Dole Seeks to Stabilize KAAP Work Force;, 6/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Gives Bush Four Stars For Prime Time Press Conference, 6/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Slams Ortega for Providing Arms to Noriega, 6/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Its Official! Shockers to Meet President Bush Friday. Dole, Kassebaum Nail Down White House Invitation for WSU World Series Champs. "Kansas Loving Every Minute on Our Field of Dreams" Dole says, 6/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Says Minimum Wage Veto is No Surprise, 6/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Media Advisory - Wichita State Shockers Meet with President Bush, 6/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Tells S&L Conferees to Stay Tough: S&L Solution Long Overdue, Taxpayers Picking Up Tab For Delay, 6/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole: High Court Tilts "Wrong" on Flag Decision, 6/21/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Comprehensive Violent Crime Control Act of 1989 - "Americans . . . Living as Hostages to Thugs on the Streets", 6/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: "Passage of ABC Bill Means American Families Are the Losers" - Dole Rejects "Big Government Mandates" for Child Care, 6/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole at Boston News Conference Calls for Congress to Finally Pass Long-Stalled International Oil Spill Clean-Up Bill - Industry, Not Taxpayers Should Foot the Bill, but Hill Committee Deep-Sixed Legislation, 6/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Kansas Area Youths Visit with Senator Bob Dole in Washington, 6/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole: Nofziger Vindicated - Any Retractions from the Mudslingers?, 6/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_029.pdf
- Item 30: House Drought Bill is "Near Disaster" for Wheat Producers;, 6/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Appoints Kansan as Deputy U.S. Senate Postmaster, 6/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Backs Presidents Strong Campaign Reform Package; Challenges Democrats "To Join Us on the Highroad" to Clean Up Election Process, 6/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_032.pdf
- Item 33: Leader: Washingtonian Attack on First Dog Millie an "Arf"front to Dogs Everywhere, 6/30/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_033.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 10: Drought Relief Drying Up as Congress Delays - "Less Budget Savings Means Less Dollars for Kansas Wheat Farmers", 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Announces Grant for Ulysses Airport, 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole - Greyhound - UMTA Working on Abandonment Agreement, 7/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Wins Major Funding for McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve the Best," Dole Says, 7/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole: Rural Bus Carriers to Pick Up Abandoned Greyhound Service, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_014.pdf
- Item 25: Dole: Turns Up The China Heat Another Notch, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Wins Major Funding For McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve The Best," Dole Says, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Puts Wichita In Line For Big Funding Boost On Air Front: Senator Helps Boeing Get $255 Million For Reengining; TTTS Program Gets Green Light For Additional Funding, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_027.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Supports Changes in Carrier Service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: "American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection" - Dole Introduces Constitutional Amendment, 7/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Discusses Drought Bill with President; Bush Agrees, House Multi-Crop Bail-Out "Too Expensive" - Senator Calls for Chairmen and Ranking Republicans to Meet, 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_017.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Hands Letter To Chinese Ambassador - 40 Republican Senators Express "Outrage" At Chinese Government Brutality - No Toleration Of "Business As Usual", 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_028.pdf
- Item 18: Kansas AAUW Visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_018.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Says Don't Pull The Plugs On International Contacts, Even The PLO, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_029.pdf
- Item 1: Jill Deatherage Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Jillaine Patterson Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Doug Nickel Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_003.pdf
- Item 19: Barry Beck Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Chip Budde Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Andrew Hoffman Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_021.pdf
- Item 30: Regarding Co-Sponsored Legislation between Kansas Senators Nancy Landon Kassebaum and Bob Dole renaming the Veterans Hospital in Leavenworth, Kansas in honor of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 7/25/1989

- Appears twice, once without Kassebaum heading and once with Kassebaum heading
PDF available: s-press_032_004_030.pdf
- Item 4: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas on Line for $2.18 Million in Projects for State - Dole Announces $1.88 Million for Kansas State Research; Includes Funding for Missouri River Project, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Goes to Bat for "Zero 92" Producers - Coverage Expected under New Drought Relief Bill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Bill Lucas -- Profile in Courage; Liberal Critics -- Profile in Politics; a Disgraceful Episode on Capitol Hill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Wheat Producers Come Up 21 Cents per Bushel Short under Democrat Drought Plan -- Dole Calls for Fairness as New Figures Show Soybeans and Corn Also Taking Big Hits on the Assistance Front, 7/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_009.pdf
- Item 22: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole: No Safe Haven For Those Who Murder Americans - Calls for U.S. Response If Higgins Reports Are True, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senate Leadership Amendment On Higgins Execution, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_024.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Terrorists Draw a Line in the Sand - Time For Allies to End "Freelancing" On Hostage Front, 8/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Secures $70 Million For Cessna Drug Interception Aircraft, 8/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Secures $200,000 In Construction Funding for KCK Courthouse; Planning Underway in Kansas City, 8/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Kansan Appointed To Santa Fe Trail Advisory Board, 8/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Senate Agreement on Drought/Disaster Package. Dole Wins Targeted Relief for Winter Wheat & Program Crops; House Bill Bail-out for 600 Crops Along With Its Sky High Costs Drastically Reduced -- 27 Cents More Per Bushel For Wheat - Dole Also Wins "0/92" Coverage, 8/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senate Passes Marion Lake Name Change, 8/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Topekan Appointed State Director of Farmers Home Administration, 8/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Time for Streamlining The War on Drugs; Dole Calls For New Super Congressional Committee On Drugs, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Helps Secure Drought Relief Package. House Agrees to Senates Targeted Relief for Winter Wheat and Program Crops. 0/92 Also Included, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senator Dole - Secretary Dole Mission to Poland & Armenia Stops in Morocco - Soviet Armenia - Poland - The Netherlands, 8/17/1989

- second and third pages are copies of each other
PDF available: s-press_032_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Announces Grants for Meade And Winfield Airports, 8/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Talks With Yeutter About Disaster Aid Optimistic On Flexibility For Farmers Who Planted Replacement Crops, 8/30/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Says "Thank You" To Americas Guard and Reserve, 8/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_013.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole: U.S. 77 In Junction City To Get Federal Funds, 9/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole On Presidents National Drug Speech: "No Time For Nitpicking or Tax Increases!", 9/5/1989

- Along top says **Embargoed Until 9:00 PM EDT**
PDF available: s-press_032_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: ADVISORY - News Availability And Reception - Sen. Dole and National Organization on Disability Welcome Ilya Zaslavsky, Soviet Disability Advocate And Deputy To The Soviet Peoples Congress, To Capitol Hill Reception, 9/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: Manhattan Bridge Project to Receive $3.21 Million in Federal Funds, 9/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Calls for Franking Funds to Help Pay for Drug War: "War on Drugs More Important than Congressional War on Constituents Mail Boxes" -- Tap Senate Budget For a Change, Stop Junk Mail, 9/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: National Drug Control Strategy - Streamline Congress with Fewer Committees - War on Drugs -- Not On The Taxpayer, 9/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Positions Three Kansas Airports to Get $1.5 Million in Instrument Landing Systems, 9/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_007.pdf
- Item 13: Two Photos of Doles Visit to Soviet Armenia, 9/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_013.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Recommends Kansan For Education Advisory Committee, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Topeka's Tom Van Bebber Nominated to U.S. District Court, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: War on Drugs means War on Crime -- So Where Is the Crime Bill?? Even Democrats Admit "Tax Response" To Presidents Plan Is A Bomb - Dole To Look at Byrd Budget-Cutting Proposal to Fund Drug War, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls Ag Secretary to Hill to Push for "Second Crop" Fix; After Meeting, Dole Predicts Changes and More Fairness In Drought Assistance Formula, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole, Kassebaum Lock-Up Foreign Trade Zone For Sedgwick County; Major Hit For Area Economy -- Garvey Industrial Park Flexes New Muscle With Competitive Edge on International Front, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_012.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Announces $1.2 Million Grant for Garden City Airport, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole: $2.2 Million One Step Closer For Leavenworth VA Domiciliary, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole/Kassebaum Announce $1 Million For KU Bioscience Center, 9/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Hails Administrations New Food Aid Package to Poland "Good Investment in Democracy & Economic Reform In Poland", 9/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_017.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Testifies At Hearing For Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project Reformulation; Two Kansans Also Testify, 9/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kansas Schedule For Senator Bob Dole - September 16, 1989, 9/15/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Senate Approves Dole Amendment For More U.S. Funds Armenian Earthquake Relief $5 Million Added to Foreign Appropriations Bill, 9/21/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Brings Army Secretary to Kansas; Stops Include Ft. Riley to Discuss Expansion and Ft. Leavenworth to View Facilities, 9/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Announces Loans to Aid Kansas Disabled, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Kansas on Line For $1.293 Million More For War on Drugs; Dole Amendment Corrects "Urban Bias" In Federal Funding Formula, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Announces Loans to Aid Kansas Elderly, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole: Senate Clears Major Appropriations Bill; Kansas Projects Still on Line, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_026.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Says Solidarity Demonstrations Show Poland Will Not Go Back, 1989-09

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_018.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Great Bend Firm Receives Aid with $800,000 Economic Development Grant; 525 Jobs Secure, 10/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum, Federal & School Officials to Sign Papers - $5.2 Million & Transfer of Building Ownership to Geary County - Caps 20-year effort to improve Ft. Riley Junior High School, 10/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Amendment Will Help Kansas Small Oil & Gas Producers, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Piaggio Coming to Kansas! Dole Congratulates President and Wichita, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Feds Give Geary County Six Ft. Riley School Buildings - Dole-Initiated Study Prompts $5.2 Federal Funds for Repairs, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: $2.1 Million For Kansans; Cheyenne Bottoms A Winner! Dole Successful in Saving Funds for Haskell Junior College, 10/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Harkin Amendment Is Premeditated Murder, 10/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas Funds Left Intact In Transportation Bill; $6.86 Million For Kansas, 10/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole/Kassebaum Announce $2 Million For Leavenworth VA Domiciliary, 10/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection - Dole Details Proud History of Old Glory - Declaration of Independence to Iwo Jima the Moon, 10/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole, Kassebaum to Host Soviet Delegation In Kansas; Dodge City, Wichita, and Hutchinson to be Visited; Leaders of Soviet Parliament Arrive on October 29th., 10/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole: Public Greets Deficit Bill with a Yawn - Loaded with Gimmicks -- It Needs to be Fixed - Congress Should Do the Job -- Not Automatic Cuts, 10/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Gets Action on CRP Payments - Kansas Farmers Will Share in $1.5 Billion, 10/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls for End of Congressional Roadblocks to Second Crop Relief, 10/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_014.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Wins Major Funding For McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve the Best," Dole Says, 10/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_018.pdf
- Item 15: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_015.pdf
- Item 17: Soviet Ambassador to Join Supreme Soviet Delegation In Kansas - Western Kansas Town Meeting Open to All Comers - Soviet Lawmakers to See Dodge City, Air Base, Grain Elevators, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_017.pdf
- Item 19: Dole: $16.7 Million Slated For Ft. Riley, 10/25/1989

- Conference Report Approved For $10.6 Million - Ft. Riley Water Treatment Center; Approval Gained For Other Ft. Riley Priorities
PDF available: s-press_032_007_019.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Confident President Will Sign "Second Crop" Relief Bill; Kassebaum/Dole Package Clears House and Senate Thursday; 50% Threshold On Its Way To the White House for Bush Signature, 10/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_016.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Dole, Roberts Report Continued Progress on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 11/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars, 11/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_002.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Welcomes HUD Office to Kansas!, 11/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_015.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Introduces U.S. District Court Nominee, 11/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces $1 Million Grant for Coffeyville Airport, 11/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Veterans Day, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Secures $70 Million Boost in Funding for Parsons Plant. "Dual Source Plan" Gets Green Light, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars - Final House/Senate Approval Expected, 11/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Amendment on Polish Aid, 11/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Senate Passage of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Bill, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Salutes Kansas Principal and Teacher of the Year, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Expresses Support for Treasury ETBE Clarification Action, 11/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_012.pdf
- Item 14: 101st Congress: 1989 - Sine Die Senate Floor Statement - Republican Leader Bob Dole, 11/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_014.pdf
- Item 13: Senator Dole Comments on GAO Study, 11/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_013.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole, December 6 - 8, 1989, 12/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_001.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Reviews 1989 Congressional Year, 12/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_004.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Supports Kassebaum Call to suspend Ft. Riley Expansion Activities Pending Answers to Critical G.A.O. Report, 12/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole, Kassebaum and Roberts Recommend Kansans for State ASCS Committee, 12/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_003.pdf
- Box 30

- Folder 11

- Item 20: Senate Approves Dole Amendment to Halt Iranian Trade, 9/29/1989

- Includes Bill
PDF available: s-press_030_011_020.pdf
- Series 30: 1990

- Box 1

- Folder 1: 1990: The Making Of A Farm Bill: ASCS State Conference; Manhattan, Kansas, 1/9/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900109mak.pdf
- Folder 2: Good News For Wichita And America West; Dole Helps Secure New Landing Slots At Washington's National Airport, 1/10/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900110goo.pdf
- Folder 3: Kansan Appointed To Us Alternative Fuels Council, 1/10/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 900110kan.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Recommends Kansas Woman For Appointment; Marcia Golden, 1/11/1990

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 900111rec.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Announces New Mobile Office For Southeast Kansas; Rita Riley Named Regional Rep, 1/13/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900113ann.pdf
- Folder 6: Letter To Honorable Robert Dole About Fund Reallocation For Democracy Building, 1/22/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900122hon.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Continues Push For Foreign Aid Reallocation, 1/23/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900123con.pdf
- Folder 8: Statement Of Senator Dole; To Provide A Permanent Endowment For The Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Program, 1/23/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900123sta.pdf
- Folder 9: Us Defense Policy In The 1990S; Dole Highlights 4 Key Issues, 1/23/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900123usd.pdf
- Folder 10: S&L Crooks Continue To Rip-Off Taxpayers, 1/24/1990

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 900124sal.pdf
- Folder 11: Senator Dole/Kassebaum Open Second Session With Actions To Launch The Centennial Celebration Of Dwight Eisenhower, 1/24/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900124sen.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole On Chinese Student Vote, 1/25/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900125dol.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole Wants Answers On Coleman Pension Problems, 1/26/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 900126wan.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Welcomes FDA To Kansas, 1/27/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900127wel.pdf
- Folder 15: Gorbachev Stepping Down As Party Chief?, 1/30/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900130gor.pdf
- Folder 16: Dole Announces $1.8 Million For Johnson County Executive Airport, 1/31/1990

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 900131ann.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole On State Of The Union, 1/31/1990

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 900131sta.pdf
- Folder 18: Dole Welcomes Democrats To Foreign Aid Effort, 1/31/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900131wel.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Announces Funding To Kansas Geological Survey, 2/1/1990

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 900201ann.pdf
- Folder 21: Speech Text; American Task Force For Lebanon Awards Dinner, 2/3/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900203spe.pdf
- Folder 22: Finance Committee Opens Hearing On Moynihan Plan, 2/5/1990

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 900205fin.pdf
- Folder 23: Democrats Deliver Partisan Aid Package For Eastern Europe, 2/6/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900206dem.pdf
- Folder 24: Press Advisory: Dole's Civil Rights Press Conference, 2/6/1990

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 900206pre.pdf
- Folder 25: Wichita Firm Wins $4.7 Million Contract For New VA Regional Office Building, 2/6/1990

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 900206wic.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Commends President's Sanction-Lifting Aid Package To Panama, 2/7/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900207com.pdf
- Folder 27: Statement On Hearing In Preparation For 1990 Farm Bill, 2/7/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900207sta.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Recommends First Disabled Veteran For Appointment To Us Commission On Civil Rights, 2/8/1990

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 900208rec.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Promotes Ethanol At Congressional Hearing, 2/9/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 900209pro.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Secures Federal Action On Coleman Pension, 2/9/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 900209sec.pdf
- Folder 31: Statement To Senate Labor And Education Committee, 2/13/1990

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 900213sta.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Welcomes The First Lady To Salina, 2/13/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900213wel.pdf
- Folder 33: Justice And Humanity Demand Support For Resolution; Where Are China Critics On Armenian Question?, 2/21/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900221jus.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole On Armenian Genocide, 2/21/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900221ona.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole Welcomes Jayhawk Trainer To Kansas, 2/21/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900221wel.pdf
- Folder 36: Who, After All, Speaks Today Of The Armenians; David Vs. Goliath Facts Say It All; Vote For Genocide Resolution, 2/22/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900222who.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Commends President's Appointment Of Art Fletcher To Head Civil Rights Commission, 2/23/1990

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 900223com.pdf
- Folder 38: Freedom Wins Out In Nicaragua; Ortega, Noriega History, 2/26/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900226fre.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole/Thurmond Pups Come To Washington, 2/27/1990

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 900227eve.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole, Hayden: Rural Inter-City Bus Plan To Be Developed, 2/27/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900227hay.pdf
- Folder 41: Too Big To Fail Doctrine, 3/3/1990

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 900303too.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Agriculture Aide To Conduct Farm Forums In Kansas; Seeking Input From Farmer's For 1990 Farm Bill, 3/5/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900305agr.pdf
- Folder 43: Flag Statute Flunks Constitutionality Test Again -- Dole Renews Call For Constitutional Protection For Old Glory, 3/6/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900306fla.pdf
- Folder 44: Let's Retire The Social Security Earnings Test, 3/6/1990

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 900306let.pdf
- Folder 45: Media Advisory: Campaign Finance Panel, 3/6/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900306med.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Rejects Gephardt Plan No Direct Us Aid To Gorbachev, 3/6/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900306rel.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole To Recommend Census Workers Asks Applicants To Call His Wichita Office, 3/7/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900307dol.pdf
- Folder 48: Dole To Recommend Census Workers Asks Applicants To Call His Wichita Office, 3/7/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900307tor.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Fights For Fair Clean Air Bill; Kansas Issues Reach Senate Floor, Dole Amendments Win Approval Today, 3/9/1990

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 900309fig.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole On Campaign Finance Reform Time To Dump Partisanship, 3/9/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900309onc.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole On Rostenkowski Deficit Proposal, 3/12/1990

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 900312dol.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Urges Speedy Passage Of President's Central American Emergency Aid Package, 3/13/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900313urg.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole Goes To Bat For Ethanol As Clean Air Discussion Moves Forward, 3/14/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 900314dol.pdf
- Folder 54: EPA Listens To Dole: Underground Tank Requirements Delayed, 3/14/1990

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 900314epa.pdf
- Folder 55: Beech Wins Confidence Vote From Air Force; Air Force Orders 14 TTTS Worth Over $131 Million Dollars, 3/16/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900316bee.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Salutes Heroic Rescue And Relief Efforts In Wake Of Killer Kansas Tornados, 3/20/1990

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 900320sal.pdf
- Folder 57: Statement By Senator Dole National Agriculture Day, 3/20/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900320sta.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole On Long-Term Grain Agreement With Soviet Union, 3/22/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900322dol.pdf
- Folder 59: Eastern European Recovery Act, The Right Idea; Subsidies For Gorbachev, The Wrong One, 3/22/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900322eas.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Announces Details For Joint Session To Honor Eisenhower's Centennial, 3/26/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900326ann.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Addresses Joint Session Of Congress On Eisenhower; Heart Of America Hero, 3/27/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900327add.pdf
- Folder 62: Senator Dole Honors Young Kansan From Paola For His Courage And Determination, 3/28/1990

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 900328sen.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Amendment Would Help Ethanol Producers And Farmers; Passes The Senate Overwhelmingly, 3/29/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 900329ame.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole Applauds Supreme Court's Fast Track For Flag Protection Question, 3/29/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900329app.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Updates KcK Federal Courthouse Project, 3/29/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900329upd.pdf
- Folder 66: Lithuania President Invites Dole To Visit Troubled Republic, 3/30/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900330lit.pdf
- Folder 67: Passage Of Clean Air Act, 4/3/1990

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 900403pas.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole To Lead 6 Member Senate Delegation To The Middle East, 4/4/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900404dol.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Sends McConnell Gift To Soviet Union, 4/4/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900404spe.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Supports Kansas Nominee For Us Claims Court, 4/4/1990

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 900404sup.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole Southeast Kansas Mobile Office Logs 5,000 Miles In First 11 Weeks Of Service, 4/6/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900406sou.pdf
- Folder 72: Small Business Administration Clears Way For Tornado Damage Loans, 4/9/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 900409sma.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Welcomes New Owners Of Learjet, 4/9/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 900409wel.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Announces $2.8 Million Grant For Garden City Airport, 4/10/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900410ann.pdf
- Folder 75: Jerusalem Resolution: Ill-Timed; Some Use As An Excuse Not To Talk Peace Process, 4/19/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900419jer.pdf
- Folder 76: Dole Sets The Record Straight On Jerusalem Resolution And Jerusalem Post Interview, 4/19/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900419set.pdf
- Folder 77: Time To Take Hard Line On Soft Money - N.Y. Times Editorial Feeds On Sewer Misinformation, 4/19/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900419tim.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Helps Secure Extra Funding For Wichita Airport Authority, 4/23/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900423hel.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Telephones Thanks To Syrian Foreign Minister For Help In Hostage Release, 4/23/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900423tel.pdf
- Folder 80: Armenian Genocide; Day Of Remembrance; Senate Should Have Made It Official, 4/24/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900424arm.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Protects Kc-135 Tanker Program From Cuts, 4/25/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900425pro.pdf
- Folder 82: Dole Secures $2.5 Million In Special Disaster Aid For Hesston And Other Kansas Communities Devastated By March Tornadoes, 4/25/1990

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 900425sec.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Wins Public Service Award, 4/25/1990

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 900425win.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole Says Congress Should Slow Walk Any Us/Soviet Trade Pact, 4/27/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900427say.pdf
- Folder 85: Dole Rated Most Effective Republican In Congress, 4/30/1990

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 900430dol.pdf
- Folder 86: Dole On Release Of American Hostage Frank Reed, 4/30/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900430ful.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole Introduces Major Campaign Finance Reform Bill (Bill Included), 5/1/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900501int.pdf
- Folder 88: Housing Guarantees For Soviet Jews In Israel, 5/1/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900501mee.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Unveils Republican Campaign Finance Reform Bill, 5/1/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900501unv.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Speaks With Us Ambassador To Syria, 5/3/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900503spe.pdf
- Folder 91: Grappling With The Bear -Us/Soviet Relations, 5/4/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900504gra.pdf
- Folder 92: Statement Of Senator Dole...Public Financing No!, 5/4/1990

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 900504sta.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole On White House Budget Senate Floor Remarks, 5/9/1990

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 900509onw.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Announces $910,722 For Forbes Field, 5/11/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900511ann.pdf
- Folder 95: Campaign Finance Reform, 5/11/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900511cam.pdf
- Folder 96: Lee Thompson Confirmed By Senate As Us Attorney, 5/11/1990

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 900511lee.pdf
- Folder 97: Statement Of Senator Dole Old Glory Deserves Constitutional Amendment, 5/11/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900511sta.pdf
- Folder 98: Statement Of Senator Dole To Commodity Club Luncheon On Farm Bill, 5/14/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900514bil.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole's $2.5 Million Tornado Relief Package Survives House/Senate Conference, 5/17/1990

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 900517dol.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Introduces Commercial Driver's License Waiver Bill; Changes Needed To Assist Agricultural Interests, 5/18/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900518int.pdf
- Folder 101: Salute To 40 Years Of Military Heroes, 5/24/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900524sal.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Donates $55,150 To Kansas Charities, Report Shows, 5/30/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900530don.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole To Meet Gorbachev Twice During Summit, 5/30/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900530tom.pdf
- Folder 104: Statement Commemorating 50Th Anniversary Of WWII, 6/1/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900601sen.pdf
- Folder 105: Middle East: More Violence, Less Hope In The Middle East, 6/6/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900606mid.pdf
- Folder 106: India And Pakistan; The Danger Is Real, 6/7/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900607ind.pdf
- Folder 107: Media Alert: Flag Day Event, 6/13/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900613med.pdf
- Folder 108: Democrats Bail Out On Campaign Reform, 6/18/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900618dem.pdf
- Folder 109: Flag, 6/19/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900619fla.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Hopes House Can Protect Flag; If Not, Senate Can Save The Day, 6/20/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900620fla.pdf
- Folder 111: PLO, 6/20/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900620plo.pdf
- Folder 112: Senator Dole To Receive Top Honor From Neda For His Leadership In Environmental Issues, 6/20/1990

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 900620sen.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Announces $1.49 Million For Three Kansas Airports, 6/22/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900622ann.pdf
- Folder 114: Flag, 6/22/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900622fla.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Praises Leavenworth As Site For New Detention Facility, 6/22/1990

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 900622pra.pdf
- Folder 116: Snooze And Lose Congress; Partisan Attacks Fail To Obscure Congressional Role In Savings And Loan Nightmare, 6/22/1990

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 900622sno.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Announces $583,888 For Manhattan Airport, 6/25/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900625ann.pdf
- Folder 118: Budget, 6/26/1990

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 900626bud.pdf
- Folder 119: Old Glory; Statement Of Senator Dole Constitutional Protect For The Flag, 6/26/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900626old.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Hosts Retirement Party For Kansan, 6/28/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900628hos.pdf
- Folder 121: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Human Rights In Yugoslavia, 6/28/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900628rem.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole/Kassebaum Go To Bat For Wichita Air Service, 6/29/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900629dol.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Announces $646,380 For Beloit Municipal Airport, 7/2/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900702ann.pdf
- Folder 124: No Direct Aid To Moscow, 7/9/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900709nod.pdf
- Folder 125: Houston Summit; Agriculture Subsidies, 7/11/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900711hou.pdf
- Folder 126: Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia, 7/11/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900711rom.pdf
- Folder 127: S&L Crooks, 7/11/1990

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 900711san.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Urges Yeutter To Announce 1991 Wheat Program, 7/11/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900711urg.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Announces $1.6 Million Airport Grant For Ulysses Airport, 7/12/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900712anno.pdf
- Folder 130: Defense Secretary Cheney To Visit Fort Riley, 7/12/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900712def.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Announces $21.4 Million For Kansas Military Projects In DOD Authorization Bill, 7/13/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900713ann.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Announces $823 Million For Wichita Area Projects In DOD Authorization Bill, 7/13/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900713anno.pdf
- Folder 133: Disabilities Act, 7/13/1990

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 900713dis.pdf
- Folder 134: Statement Of Dole The Food, Agriculture Conservation And Trade Act Of 1990, We Need To Move Quickly, 7/13/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900713sta.pdf
- Folder 135: Statement Of Dole National League Of Families Of American Prisoners And Missing In Southeast Asia, 7/13/1990

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 900713stat.pdf
- Folder 136: Civil Rights, 7/16/1990

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 900716civ.pdf
- Folder 137: Textile, 7/17/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 900717vot.pdf
- Folder 138: Cheney Schedule Dole/Kassebaum To Accompany Defense Secretary To Ft. Riley, 7/20/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900720che.pdf
- Folder 139: Civil Rights, 7/20/1990

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 900720civ.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole Issues Statement On 1990 Farm Bill; We Must Be Budget Conscious, 7/20/1990

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 900720iss.pdf
- Folder 141: Judge Souter To Make Official Hill Call, 7/24/1990

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 900724jud.pdf
- Folder 142: Durenberger, Look At The Record, 7/25/1990

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 900725dur.pdf
- Folder 143: Letter To Honorable George Mitchell About 5 Point Campaign Finance Reform Proposal, 7/25/1990

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 900725hon.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole And Kasten Call On White House To Provide Sign Language Interpreters For Deaf Tourists, 7/26/1990

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 900726dol.pdf
- Folder 145: Letter To Editor On Campaign Finance Reform, 7/27/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900727cam.pdf
- Folder 146: Farm Bill; Sense Of The Senate Resolution: Budget Reconciliation, 7/27/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900727far.pdf
- Folder 147: Justice Marshall's Partisan Pot-Shots Over The Line, 7/27/1990

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 900727jus.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Gets Good News For Kansas From Secretary Of The Air Force, 7/28/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900728get.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Announces $1 Million For Olathe And Wichita Airports, 7/30/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900730ann.pdf
- Folder 150: Campaign Finance Reform; Statement On Flexible Fundraising Targets, 7/30/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900730cam.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Secures $4.3 Million For New Interchange In Wyandotte County; Funds Included In Fy91 Transportation Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900730sec.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Goes To Bat To Fund Two Major Kansas Projects; KcK Courthouse And Pittsburg State Technology Complex, 7/31/1990

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 900731dol.pdf
- Folder 153: Kansas On Line For $37 Million For State Water Projects, 8/1/1990

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 900801kan.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Places Pratt Municipal Airport On Priority Funding List, 8/1/1990

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 900801pla.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Announces 92,000 Metric Ton Kansas Wheat Sale To Taiwan, 8/2/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900802ann.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Announces Tentative Figures For The 1991 Wheat Program, 8/2/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900802anno.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Appointment Of Wichitan To Topeka Home Loan Board, 8/2/1990

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 900802dol.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole/Kassebaum Announce $2.1 Million Kansas Rural Water Project, 8/2/1990

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 900802kas.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Wins Senate Approval For Ft. Hays State Program, 8/2/1990

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 900802win.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole, Kassebaum: Federal Storm Disaster Assistance On The Way, 8/3/1990

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 900803kas.pdf
- Folder 161: Gas Prices; Dole Calls For Justice Department Investigation Of Gouging At The Pumps, 8/6/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 900806gas.pdf
- Folder 162: Kuwait: Media Advisory; Dole, Mitchell To Meet With Kuwaiti Ambassador, 8/6/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900806med.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Sponsors Contracting Seminar For Super Collider At Wichita State University, 8/6/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 900806spo.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Wins $10.9 Million For Kellogg-Dugan Interchange! Long-Time Wish List Project Closer To Reality, 8/6/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900806win.pdf
- Folder 165: Gas Gouging; Dole Sends Telegrams To 11 Top American Oil Company C.E.O.S, 8/9/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 900809sen.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole, Kassebaum Successfully Push EPA To Help Kansas Corngrowers, 8/14/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900814kas.pdf
- Folder 167: Dole Welcomes Gerald Ford To Abilene For Eisenhower Tribute, 8/20/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900820wel.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Addresses VFW Convention In Baltimore, 8/21/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900821add.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Calls Reestablishment For Expert Bipartisan Panel To Seek Real Campaign Finance Reform, 8/22/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 900822cal.pdf
- Folder 170: Remarks At Dedication Of University Of Kansas Dole Human Development Center, 8/25/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900825rem.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Announces $753,000 For Salina Municipal Airport, 9/6/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900906ann.pdf
- Folder 173: Cable To Warren Zimmerman, U.S. Ambassador To Yugoslavia, 9/6/1990

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 900906can.pdf
- Folder 171: Dole To Introduce Wheat Program Legislation When Senate Reconvenes On Monday: Farmers In The Dark Again, Dole Says, 9/7/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 9009007toi.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Announces Great Bend Airport To Receive $585,000 For Instrument Landing System, 9/7/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900907ann.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Announces An Increase Of $572,220 For Beloit Municipal Airport, 9/7/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900907anno.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole, D'Amato Press For Release Of American Jailed In Yugoslavia During Senate Visit, 9/7/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900907dam.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole And Roberts Announce Minneapolis Firm Being Revitalized By Federal Dollars, 9/10/1990

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 900910dol.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole Announces $3,776,400 For Instrument Landing Systems At Johnson County Executive And Lawrence Municipal Airports, 9/11/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900911ann.pdf
- Folder 179: Wheat Program; Dole's Wheat Program Legislation Sails Through Senate; Arp Plan Heads To House As Farmers Head To Fields, 9/11/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900911whe.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Secures $9.43 Million For Three Kansas Projects In Overland Park, Salina, And Southeast Kansas, 9/12/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900912sec.pdf
- Folder 181: Judge Souter; Statement Of Senator Dole Nomination Of David H. Souter, 9/13/1990

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 900913jud.pdf
- Folder 182: Dole's Highway Projects Gets Senate Approval, 9/17/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900917hig.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Announces $140 Million Contract For 31 More Kc-135R Re-Engine Modification Kits From Boeing, 9/18/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900918ann.pdf
- Folder 184: Budget; Dole Statement Following Late Night Break-Up Of Budget Summit At Andrews Air Force Base, 9/18/1990

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 900918dol.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole, Kassebaum To Meet With Santa Fe Chairman Robert Krebs, 9/18/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900918kas.pdf
- Folder 186: It's Official: Ft. Riley Expansion On Hold, 9/18/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 900918off.pdf
- Folder 187: Farm Bill Committee Adopts Dole Arp Plan; Dole Says USDA To Set 15% Arp, 9/19/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900919far.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Comments On Usda's Decision To Require A 15% 1991 Wheat Acreage Reduction Program, 9/20/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 900920com.pdf
- Folder 189: Dole Commercial Drivers License Waiver Legislation Passes Senate, 9/20/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900920comm.pdf
- Folder 190: Yugoslavia: Fledgling Democracy To Oldline Communism, 9/20/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 900920yug.pdf
- Folder 191: Dole, Kassebaum: Rural Bus Funds Coming To Kansas, 9/26/1990

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 900926kas.pdf
- Folder 192: Statement Of Dole Dedication Of Interstate - 635 In Honor Of Senator Harry Darby, 9/26/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 900926sta.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole, Burdick Call For Action; Rural Health Care Needs Infusion Of Resources, 10/1/1990

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 901001bur.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole Helps Win $28 Million For Kansas Military Projects In Military Construction Appropriations Bill, 10/1/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 901001hel.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Welcomes Release Of Jailed American In Kosova; Shaban Kastrati Should Never Have Been Arrested, 10/2/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901002wel.pdf
- Folder 196: Dole's Highway Projects Approved By Conference Committee, 10/3/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 901003hig.pdf
- Folder 197: Senate Passes Dole Initiative To Fund Relocation Of St. Mary's Food Kitchen, 10/3/1990

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 901003sen.pdf
- Folder 198: Dole Applauds Designation Of Youth Space Education Week, 10/4/1990

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 901004app.pdf
- Folder 199: Salina Firm Awarded Contract For VA Replacement Domiciliary, 10/4/1990

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 901004sal.pdf
- Folder 200: Trains On Route To Abilene To Celebrate 100Th Anniversary Of Dwight D. Eisenhower's Birthday, 10/4/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 901004tra.pdf
- Folder 201: Ag Conference Oks Dole Plan To Halt Silly Farm Studies; Dole Also Explains Great Plains Conservation Program, 10/5/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 901005agc.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole Appoints Kansas Governor Hayden And Rand Araskog To Competitiveness Policy Council, 10/9/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 901009app.pdf
- Folder 203: Key Dole Provisions For Kansas Oil/Gas And Ethanol Adopted, 10/13/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 901013key.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Remembers Man From Abilene On 100Th Anniversary Of Eisenhower's Birth, 10/14/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 901014rem.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Accepting Academy Applications, 10/18/1990

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 901018acc.pdf
- Folder 206: President Visits Dole; Thanks Senator For Deficit Reduction Support, 10/19/1990

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 901019pre.pdf
- Folder 207: Dole Lands 30 Kc-135RS In Wichita; House Senate Conference Agree With Dole-- Add 6 Aircraft And Over $100 Million For Tanker, 10/20/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 901020lan.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole Urges Secretary Yeutter To Find Sufficient Funds To Utilize EEP Aggressively In Combating Low Wheat Prices, 10/23/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 901023urg.pdf
- Folder 209: New Fulbright Scholarship Program For Eastern Europe; Dole Plan Heads To White House, 10/24/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901024new.pdf
- Folder 210: Dole/Dole Photo-Op, 10/24/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 901024pho.pdf
- Folder 211: Kansas Projects Included In Fy91 Interior Appropriations Bill; $7.8 Million For Kansas Projects, 10/24/1990

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 901024pro.pdf
- Folder 212: No Deal Yet! Missing Spending Cuts Should Be Balanced With Tax Cuts, 10/26/1990

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 901026mis.pdf
- Folder 213: S&L Crooks; Dole Crime Bill Amendment Cracks Down On Loopholes For The Greedy, 10/29/1990

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 901029cri.pdf
- Folder 214: Ethanol; Dole Clean Air, Budget Proposals Give Twin Boost To Ethanol, 10/29/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 901029eth.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole: Kansas Oil And Gas Producers Gain In Deficit Deal, 10/29/1990

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 901029kan.pdf
- Folder 216: Retired Officers Association; Topeka, Kansas, 10/29/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 901029ret.pdf
- Folder 217: Big Red One To Persian Gulf, 11/8/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901108big.pdf
- Folder 218: Campaign Finance Reform; Helping Challengers A Priority For 102Nd Congress, 11/9/1990

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 901109cam.pdf
- Folder 219: Dole/Bush In Saudi Arabia, 11/13/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901113dol.pdf
- Folder 220: Dole Re-Elected Republican Leader, 11/14/1990

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 901114ree.pdf
- Folder 221: Dole Demands Review Of Cold-Hearted IRS Paperwork Deadline For Persian Gulf Troops, 12/3/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901203dem.pdf
- Folder 222: Administration Credit Offer To Soviets For Grain Looks Promising And On Track, Dole Reports, 12/4/1990

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 901204adm.pdf
- Folder 223: Californians Visit With Senator Dole, 12/5/1990

- Subject: General - PDF available: 901205cal.pdf
- Folder 224: Dole On Saddam And Hostages, 12/6/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901206dol.pdf
- Folder 225: Tax Relief For Gulf Troops, 12/7/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901207tax.pdf
- Folder 226: Dole, GOP Leaders To Host Dinner For President Bush And Senate Republicans, 12/9/1990

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 901209med.pdf
- Folder 227: Jackson-Vanik And Soviet Grain, 12/12/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901212jac.pdf
- Folder 228: Dole Says Impending Santa Fe Track Deal Is Good News; Shortline Sales, Not Abandonment, The Way To Go, 12/12/1990

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 901212say.pdf
- Folder 229: Soviet Grain Credits, 12/12/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901212sov.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole To Deliver VFW Care Packages To Us Troops In Saudi Arabia, 12/16/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901216dol.pdf
- Folder 231: Education Fairness, 12/19/1990

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 901219edu.pdf
- Folder 232: Senator Dole Salutes The Coleman Company's Special Donation To The Big Red One, 12/19/1990

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 901219sen.pdf
- Folder 233: Dole Visits With Kansas Reservists At Fort Riley; Troops Are Preparing For Operation Desert Shield. Visits With Three Brothers From Garden City, 12/20/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 901220dol.pdf
- Folder 234: Dole Visits With Kansas Reservists At Fort Riley; Troops Are Preparing For Operation Desert Shield, 12/20/1990

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 901220sen.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Lands $2.8 Million Grant For High Tech KU Bioscience Center, 12/21/1990

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 901221lan.pdf
- Folder 236: Special Session; Dole Says Special Session Looming Before Christmas, 12/28/1990

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 901228spe.pdf
- Folder 19: Fact Sheet; Dole And Kassebaum Meet With Labor Department, 1990-02

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 900200fac.pdf
- Box 33

- Folder 15

- Item 19: Dole salutes Kansas farmers, 3/20/1990

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_019.pdf
- Series 31: 1991

- Box 33

- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Carries Through on Commitment to Desert Shield Troops; Tax Relief Bill Introduced in Congress, 1/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Carries Through on Commitment to Desert Shield Troops; Tax Relief Bill Introduced in Congress, 1/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_002.pdf
- Item 3: Kansans Reappointed to State ASCS Committee, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_003.pdf
- Item 4: -El Salvador Executions- 3 Americans Murdered by FMLN Assassins; Bush Should Fully Fund Cristiani Regime, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_004.pdf
- Item 5: Persian Gulf - The Best Chance for Peace, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_005.pdf
- Item 6: Persian Gulf - The Best Chance for Peace, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_006.pdf
- Item 7: -El Salvador Executions- 3 Americans Murdered by FMLN Assassins; Bush Should Fully Fund Cristiani Regime, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansans Reappointed to State ASCS Committee, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_008.pdf
- Item 9: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers, 1/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_009.pdf
- Item 10: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers, 1/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole on Bush Letter - Persian Gulf, 1/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole/Warner Resolution - Last Best Hope for Peace, 1/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_012.pdf
- Item 13: Defeat Dem Resolution: Saddam is Watching, 1/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_013.pdf
- Item 14: Defeat Dem Resolution: Saddam is Watching, 1/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_014.pdf
- Item 15: Suspend USSR Grain Credits - Gorbachev's Bullying of Republics Means No "Business as Usual", 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_015.pdf
- Item 16: Energy - Time for American Independence, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_016.pdf
- Item 17: Healthcare: A National Priority, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_017.pdf
- Item 18: Suspend USSR Grain Credits - Gorbachev's Bullying of Republics Means No "Business as Usual", 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_018.pdf
- Item 19: S.8 -- Troops Tax Relief - Dole Carries Through on Commitment to Desert Shield Troops; Tax Relief Bill Introduced in Senate, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_019.pdf
- Item 20: Republican Leader Introduces Legislative Package as 102nd Congress Opens for Business, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_020.pdf
- Item 21: Kansas Woman Receives Presidential Appointment at the Request of Senator Bob Dole, 1/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Recommends Kansan for Appointment to the American Folklife Center Board of Trustees, 1/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_022.pdf
- Item 23: Lithuania - Resolution on Soviet Crack Down: No Business As Usual, 1/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole on Persian Gulf War, 1/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_024.pdf
- Item 25: America, United, 1/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_025.pdf
- Item 26: Stalinism Alive and Well in Yugoslavia & Soviet Union; Crackdowns Ordered by Belgrade and Moscow Crushing Democracy; Deadly Deadline Ticks Down in Yugoslavia, 1/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_026.pdf
- Item 27: Stalinism Alive and Well in Yugoslavia & Soviet Union; Crackdowns Ordered by Belgrade and Moscow Crushing Democracy; Deadly Deadline Ticks Down in Yugoslavia, 1/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_027.pdf
- Item 28: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers - Meeting Rescheduled for Friday, January 25th, 1/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_028.pdf
- Item 29: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers - Meeting Rescheduled for Friday, January 25th, 1/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_029.pdf
- Item 30: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule - January 24 - 26, 1991, 1/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_030.pdf
- Item 31: Troop Tax Relief - Dole Bill Clears Committee; Desert Storm Soldiers Closer to Much Needed Tax Relief, 1/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Urges White House Take Immediate Action on Ag Export Front; Letter to President Bush Lists Options to Battle Foreign Subsidies, 1/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_032.pdf
- Item 33: Crisis in Yugoslavia, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_033.pdf
- Item 34: Salute to Bob Dole and "Compeer for Kids", 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole on Baltics - Mitchell-Dole Resolution on Baltics, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_035.pdf
- Item 36: POWs - Mitchell-Dole Resolution on Prisoners of War, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_036.pdf
- Item 37: Troop Tax Relief, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_037.pdf
- Item 38: New Ag Secretary, 1/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_038.pdf
- Item 39: Senator Bob Dole - Remarks for Kansas Day Banquet, 1/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_039.pdf
- Item 40: Dole on State of the Union - "State of Unity" Reflects Right Priorities, 1/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_040.pdf
- Item 41: Mitchell/Dole Red Cross Resolution, 1/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_041.pdf
- Item 42: Agent Orange Act of 1991, 1/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_042.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Rated Most Effective, Respected GOP Senator in Survey of Top Capitol Hill Aides, 2/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Rated Most Effective, Respected GOP Senator in Survey of Top Capitol Hill Aides, 2/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Repeal Wright Amendment, 2/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: $8.75 Million Headed for Six Kansas Airports - "Significant Boost for Kansas Aviation," Says Dole, 2/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_004.pdf
- Item 5: $8.75 Million Headed for Six Kansas Airports - "Significant Boost for Kansas Aviation," Says Dole, 2/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_005.pdf
- Item 6: Labor Sec. Lynn Martin, 2/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Kansas Farmers to Receive Disaster Relief; Additional Assistance "Welcome News," Says Dole, 2/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas Farmers to Receive Disaster Relief; Additional Assistance "Welcome News," Says Dole, 2/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_008.pdf
- Item 9: Iraqi Statement - Dole Says Baghdad's Latest P.R. Move "Nothing New;" "Its Going to Fall Like a Scud", 2/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_009.pdf
- Item 10: EEP Funding - Dole Introduces Resolution to Boost EEP Funding; Program Running Out of Funds: 85% Already Gone, 2/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, 2/20/1991

- American Enterprise Institute - Vista International Hotel
PDF available: s-press_033_014_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Women's Equal Opportunity Act of 1991, 2/21/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_012.pdf
- Item 13: Yugoslavia - Direct Aid for Democratic Republics, 2/21/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: Desert Storm Phone Rates - Dole Seeks Reduction in Saudis Sky High Phone Rates for Desert Storm Families; Kingdoms "Wrong Number" Costing Soldiers & Loved Ones, 2/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_014.pdf
- Item 15: Gulf Ultimatum - Dole: "Saddam Better Get Busy -- High Noon Comes Quickly", 2/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_015.pdf
- Item 16: Persian Gulf War - Not Time Outs, Lets Finish the Job: Time fore Soviets to Butt Out -- No More Free Advice., 2/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Selects 51 for Academy Nominations, 2/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_017.pdf
- Item 18: Operation Desert Calm - Brilliant Leadership Wins War; Bush Makes "Toughest Call of Our Time", 2/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_018.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 1: Dole calls for creation of international strategic petroleum reserve, 3/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole receives first annual purple heart Freedom Award", 3/5/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_002.pdf
- Item 3: Bush address to Congress, 3/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_003.pdf
- Item 4: AG secretary Madigan confirmed, 3/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole helps secure major $12.9 million grant for Kansas, 3/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_005.pdf
- Item 6: Kansas wins $575,000 jobs grant training for victims of unfair foreign trade practices, 3/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_006.pdf
- Item 7: Yugoslavia protests, 3/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_007.pdf
- Item 8: Civil Rights, 3/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_008.pdf
- Item 9: $1.73 Million coming to two Kansas airports, 3/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_009.pdf
- Item 10: Crime Bill, 3/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_010.pdf
- Item 11: Wichita SBA district director named, 3/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole helps eastern Kansas farmers get relief from burdensome ASCS regulations, 3/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_012.pdf
- Item 13: Eisenhower fellowship gets $1 Million boost, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Committee lifts spending cap on export enhancement program, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole recommends Rose and Shmidman for Heritage Commission appointments, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_015.pdf
- Item 16: Kansan appointed to Federal Education Commission, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_016.pdf
- Item 17: Kansas Community colleges, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_017.pdf
- Item 18: Resolution to reduce desert storm phone rates passes senate committee, 3/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_018.pdf
- Item 20: Dole supports legislation to waive commercial drivers license for farmers and farm related business vehicles, 3/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_020.pdf
- Item 21: Wheat Export Enhancement, 3/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_021.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 1: Three Kansas Rural Water Projects Receive $3.8 Million; Increased Services for Rural Customers, 4/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_001.pdf
- Item 2: Remembering Senator John Heinz, 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_002.pdf
- Item 3: $1.44 Million in Tornado Relief for Hesston; Dole Delivers Funding for Community Economic Development Projects, 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: Approval of 10,000 Parsons Bombs Vindicates Support for Ammo Plant; Parsons Firepower "Not Pork, its Pure Muscle", 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole: Approval of 10,000 Parsons Bombs Vindicates Support for Ammo Plant; Parsons Firepower "Not Pork, its Pure Muscle", 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_005.pdf
- Item 6: Iraq - The "Killing Sands" of Iraq - President Bush Makes the Right Calls, 4/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_006.pdf
- Item 7: Testimony of Senator Bob Dole - Violence Against Women - Senate Judiciary Committee, 4/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Hails Big Brothers and Sisters of Wichita; Organization is named "Daily Point of Light", 4/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Helps K-State win $145,237 Electric Car Research Grant, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Helps K-State win $145,237 Electric Car Research Grant, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Makes it Official: No Base Closings for Kansas, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Makes it Official: No Base Closings for Kansas, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Helps Win "Farmer-Friendly" Changes to Onerous Farm Bill Regulations, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_013.pdf
- Item 14: Miss USA - Dole to Welcome "Miss USA" to Washington; Liberal, Kansas Native Kelly McCarthy to Meet President Bush, 4/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_014.pdf
- Item 15: Rail Strike, 4/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_015.pdf
- Item 16: President Bush Nominates Mike Hayden for Interior Post; Dole Says Hayden "A Natural" for Fish, Wildlife & Parks Job, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Brings Persian Gulf Jobs Conference to Wichita: Federal Officials to Assist Kansans Seeking Kuwaiti Reconstruction Opportunities, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_017.pdf
- Item 18: Miss USA Media Alert, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole - April 19 - 20, 1991, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_019.pdf
- Item 20: Yugoslavia - Dole Resolution Send Tough Message to Communist Hard Liners: Senate Stands on Side of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_020.pdf
- Item 21: Four Kansas Airports to Recieve $2,775,000 for Improvements, 4/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_021.pdf
- Item 22: Four Kansas Airports to Recieve $2,775,000 for Improvements, 4/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_022.pdf
- Item 23: Miss U.S.A. Comes to Washington: Kelli McCarty of Liberal, Kansas Meets President Bush, is Saluted at Dole/Kassebaum Reception; Pizza Hut Delivers 70 Pizzas to Capitol Hill, 4/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Announces Sheila Bair of Independence, Kansas, to be CFTC Commissioner, 4/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_024.pdf
- Item 25: Motor Voter, 4/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_025.pdf
- Item 26: Social Security, 4/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Applauds Presidential Disaster Declaration; Continues Personal Efforts to Coordinate Relief, 4/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole on Crime Report - Talk is Cheap: Time to Get Tough on Criminals, 4/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_028.pdf
- Item 29: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole to Tour Damaged Sites in Andover, 4/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Announces Contract Award for Construction of Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, KS, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Announces Contract Award for Construction of Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, KS, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_031.pdf
- Item 32: Soviet Grain Credits - Dole Continues to Work with Administration on Ag Credits for Soviet Union, but with Tough Conditions; Administration Right to Resist "No Questions Asked" Attitude to Moscow - Dole Talks to Secretary Madigan on Issue., 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Announces Emergency Food Stamp Aid for Tornado Victims in Butler & Sedgwick Counties; Federal Government Continues to Respond to Kansas Disaster, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Announces Emergency Food Stamp Aid for Tornado Victims in Butler & Sedgwick Counties; Federal Government Continues to Respond to Kansas Disaster, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_034.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Dole Sends Telegram to U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade; Communist Crackdowns are Unacceptable, 5/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole - May 4 - 6, 1991, 5/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Appoints Neal McCoy of Kansas to National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement, 5/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: Wichita, Topeka Airports to Receive $1.4 Million, 5/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole: Wichita, Topeka Airports to Receive $1.4 Million, 5/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Says Tornado Damage at McConnell Hits $62 Million in Preliminary Estimate, 5/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_006.pdf
- Item 7: Tornado Relief Update - Dole Wins New Tornado Warning Sirens for Andover; Cuts Federal Red Tape for Emergency Relief Funds for McConnell and Public Facilities, 5/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_007.pdf
- Item 8: Tornado Relief Update - Dole Wins New Tornado Warning Sirens for Andover; Cuts Federal Red Tape for Emergency Relief Funds for McConnell and Public Facilities, 5/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole, Kassebaum Welcome National Champ K-State Debate Team; Presidential Visit, Senate Reception Highlight Wildcats Visit, 5/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Kuwait Rebuilding Conference Speakers; Kuwait Government Official, Contractors, Federal Experts, Bankers to Provide Key Information to Kansas Firms Seeking Work in Gulf, 5/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Secures $500,000 Development Grant for Southwest Kansas; Government-Sponsored Loan Program to Boost Business Opportunities: Great Bend, Liberal, Coldwater, Meade, Dodge City, Garden City with Pending Projects for Preapproved Businesses., 5/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_011.pdf
- Item 12: U.S.-Soviet Relations: Benchmarks for American Policy, 5/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_012.pdf
- Item 13: Bob Gates - Gates is the Right Man for CIA Post, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole, Kassebaum Push Family Farm Tax Reform; Estate Should be "All in the Family" in IRS Eyes, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Appoints Kansan to Indian Education Board, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_015.pdf
- Item 16: Yugoslavia - Day of Reckoning for Yugoslavia, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_016.pdf
- Item 17: Soviet Food Credits - Dole Resolution Spells Out Comprehensive Conditions; Potential to Help American Farmers, Ease Soviet Food Crisis, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_017.pdf
- Item 18: EPA Expanding its Offices in Kansas City, KS., 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_018.pdf
- Item 19: Campaign Finance Reform: The Republican Approach, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kuwaiti Ambassador Accepts Doles Invitation to Come to Wichita; Ambassador Al-Sabah to highlight Doles Kuwait Reconstruction Conference, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_020.pdf
- Item 21: Kuwaiti Ambassador to Join Dole in Topeka Salute to Gulf Troops; Ambassador Al-Sabah to Honor Kansas Soldiers in American Legion Parade This Saturday, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_021.pdf
- Item 22: Yugoslavia - Hardliners Veto Democracy in Yugoslavia, 5/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_022.pdf
- Item 23: MFN for China, 5/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_023.pdf
- Item 24: Civil Rights - H.R. 1 -- Still a Quota Bill - House "Compromise" a Political "Figleaf & Gimmick", 5/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_024.pdf
- Item 25: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule for May 17 - 21, 1991, 5/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_025.pdf
- Item 26: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Children with Disabilities and the School Lunch Program, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Says Sedgwick, Cowley, Butler Counties Qualify for Federal Tornado Aid; FEMA Declaration to Help Rebuild Public Facilities, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole: New U.S. Marshals Facility on Track for Leavenworth; "80 to 100 Jobs, Frontline Facility" a Go, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole: New U.S. Marshals Facility on Track for Leavenworth; "80 to 100 Jobs, Frontline Facility" a Go, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dems "Anything But Action Plan", 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_030.pdf
- Item 31: Front-Page Test - Dole Anti-Keating Amendment Would Require Disclosure of Congressional Contacts with Agencies; Constituent Service Should Be Suitable for Front Page, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole, Mayor Finlason Announce Arrival of Andover Tornado Sirens; Temporary Warning Systems to Guard Andover Until Installation of new Sirens Secured by Dole, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole, Mayor Finlason Announce Arrival of Andover Tornado Sirens; Temporary Warning Systems to Guard Andover Until Installation of New Sirens Secured by Dole, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_033.pdf
- Item 34: Challenger Seed Money - Dole Amendment: Helping Challengers Key to Campaign Reform; Seed Money to Improve Competition Against Well-Heeled Incumbents, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_034.pdf
- Item 35: Fast Track Extension, 5/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_035.pdf
- Item 36: Darman Briefs Dole on Administrations Tornado Relief Package & McConnell Reconstruction; "Federal Government Will Take Care of it", 5/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_036.pdf
- Item 37: Darman Briefs Dole on Administrations Tornado Relief Package & McConnell Reconstruction; "Federal Government Will Take Care of it", 5/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_037.pdf
- Item 38: Walsh/Iran-Contra, 5/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_038.pdf
- Item 39: Senator Bob Dole Schedule for Kansas - Sunday, June 2, 1991, 5/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_039.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: H.R. 1: Still a quota bill, 6/3/1991

- text of Dole Senate speech on HR 1, "which is virtually identical to the quota bill vetoed by President Bush last year"
PDF available: s-press_033_018_001.pdf
- Item 2: MFN For China, 6/4/1991

- text of Dole Senate speech on MFN for China
PDF available: s-press_033_018_002.pdf
- Item 3: Senators Dole and Specter to attend "Prairiesta" celebration in hometown Russell, 6/5/1991

- US Sens. Dole and Arlen Specter will return to their hometown of Russell, Kansas, June 8 to participate in the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the city of Russell and to attend the sixth annual "Prairiesta" all-community celebration.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_003.pdf
- Item 4: Health Care, 6/6/1991

- Dems Dukakis-model mandates pick pockets of small businesses; GOP ready to join debate to hold down costs, boost access to care
PDF available: s-press_033_018_004.pdf
- Item 5: HR 1: Out-of-Touch with America, 6/6/1991

- Sen. Doles statement on the passage of HR 1, calling it a bill that transforms title VII into a national tort law with a "civil rights" label
PDF available: s-press_033_018_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole appoints Connie Hadley of Kansas City to Federal Council on Aging, 6/10/1991

- Sen. Dole today announced his recommendation of Mrs. Connie Hadley of Kansas City, Kansas, for appointment to the Federal Council on Aging. Mrs. Hadley is an active senior with a longtime commitment to community programs.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_006.pdf
- Item 7: Soviet Food Credits, 6/11/1991

- Dole welcomes Soviet food credit offer: Senate action instrumental to breakthrough offer from administration
PDF available: s-press_033_018_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole introduces $400 million "Seed II" bill, 6/11/1991

- Responsible US aid program for fledgling democracies; Bi-partisan approach needed - differences narrow in legislation
PDF available: s-press_033_018_008.pdf
- Item 9: Luxury tax repeal, 6/11/1991

- Democrats "fairness" hammering middle-class workers
- Item 10: Dole, Nichols meet with ARCOTransportation Co. President; Secure pledge to keep pipe line headquarters in Independence, 6/11/1991

- KS Sen. Bob Dole and Congressman Dick Nichols (R-KS) met today with ARCO Transportation company President William C. Rusnack in Doles US Capitol Leadership Office to discuss ARCO's recent decision to move 50 jobs to Houston, Texas.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_010.pdf
- Item 11: Marysville project included in FY92 Energy and Water Appropriations bills, 6/11/1991

- Sen. Dole announced today Senate subcommittee approval of a $200,000 feasibility study of a plan to control flooding by the Big Blue River in Marysville, Kansas. The project was approved by the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee
PDF available: s-press_033_018_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole urges Andover tornado victims to turn in grant and loan applications; deadline in two weeks, 6/12/1991

- As the deadline for filing disaster assistance applications approaches, Kansas Senator Bob Dole today encouraged Sedgwick and Butler County tornado victims, who have not yet done so, to apply for federal assistance before time runs out.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senator Bob Dole Schedule for Kansas, June 14-15, 6/13/1991

- Senator Bob Doles Kansas June 14-15 schedule (KC, Leavenworth, Lenexa, Overland Park)
PDF available: s-press_033_018_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole appoints Kansas Secretary of State Bill Graves to Competitiveness Policy Council, 6/13/1991

- Senator Dole today appointed KS Secretary of State Bill Graves to the Competitiveness Policy Council
PDF available: s-press_033_018_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole backs commercial drivers license waiver measure for custom harvesters; approved by Senate, 6/13/1991

- Sen. Dole announced that the Senate approved a Dole-sponsored measure which would allow states to waive application of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 with respect to vehicles used to transport farm supplies from retail dealers to or
PDF available: s-press_033_018_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole: Carla Lancaster case to be made public Friday, 6/13/1991

- "I have been closely monitoring the ongoing military trial of Captain Carla Lancaster
- Item 17: 100 Day Challenge, 6/13/1991

- Dems should file for extension
- Item 18: Hayden confirmed, 6/14/1991

- The nomination of former Kansas Governor Mike Hayden to the US Department of the Interior cleared the Senate by unanimous consent
PDF available: s-press_033_018_018.pdf
- Item 19: RTC: Martinelli transferred, 6/14/1991

- Martinelli transfer shouldn't deter full accounting of taxpayer dollars in Kansas City RTC office; "vigorous investigation" needed - new director is J. Paul Ramey
PDF available: s-press_033_018_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole charitable contributions top $700,000, 6/14/1991

- Kansas charities get lions share, new financial disclosure records show: $34,500 in 1990. Most of these donations to charities by Sen. Dole are in Kansas
PDF available: s-press_033_018_020.pdf
- Item 21: Soviet food credits, 6/17/1991

- Dole meets Soviet trade reps: urges speedy negotiations along with wheat purchases
PDF available: s-press_033_018_021.pdf
- Item 22: USDA equity study, 6/18/1991

- Dole releases USDA equity analysis of commodity support in 1990 Farm Bill; disparity found in levels of support, study concludes (USDA analysis included)
PDF available: s-press_033_018_022.pdf
- Item 23: Interstate trash dumping, 6/18/1991

- Sen. Dole today submitted testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Environmental Protection on a Dole-backed bill to help states such as Kansas regulate or ban the dumping of out-of-state waste within their borders
PDF available: s-press_033_018_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole appoints Dr. Donald McCoy of Kansas to the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress, 6/19/1991

- Sen. Dole announced the appointment of Dr. Donald McCoy, of Lawrence, Kansas, to the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress
PDF available: s-press_033_018_024.pdf
- Item 25: Soviet Food Credits, 6/20/1991

- Dole meets with soviet negotiating team
- Item 26: Dole Kansas schedule, 6/21/1991

- Dole Kansas Schedule, June 22-23
PDF available: s-press_033_018_026.pdf
- Item 27: Two Kansas firms win $248,614 in high-tech grants for research and development proposals, 6/24/1991

- Sen. Dole announced today that two Kansas companies have been awarded a total of $248,614 for outstanding research and development proposals under the US Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program
PDF available: s-press_033_018_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole wins approval of $9.9 million proposal to repair Wichita courthouse building, 6/25/1991

- Sen. Dole today won subcommittee approval for a $9.9 million major renovation project for the US Federal Courthouse in Wichita. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letter head, 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_018_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Announces $1.3 Million Grant for Garden City Airport, 6/27/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_018_029.pdf
- Item 30: Senator Bob Dole Schedule for Kansas, June 28-29, 6/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_030.pdf
- Item 31: Tornado Relief Update - Dole Secures Federal Funding Package For Rebuilding McConnell AFB & Kansas Tornado Relief, 6/27/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_018_031.pdf
- Item 32: Yugoslavia - Yugoslav Army, Communist Hardline Tactics Jeopardize Stability; U.S. Must Support Peaceful Dialogue, 6/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_032.pdf
- Item 33: Firearms Compromise - Dole Plan Passes Senate; Five Day Wait to End When Reliable Instant Check System Developed, 6/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_033.pdf
- Item 34: Yugoslavia - Senate passes S. Res. 147 condemning the use of force to resolve political differences in Yugoslavia, 6/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_034.pdf
- Item 35: Senator Bob Dole Schedule Update: McPherson Stop Saturday, June 29th, Noon To Discuss Landfill Issue, 6/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_035.pdf
- Folder 19

- Item 2: Clarence Thomas - Dole Calls for Quick Senate Confirmation of Bush Supreme Court Nominee, 7/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole to Host Kansans In Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 7/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_003.pdf
- Item 4: Senator Dole Honored by FBI For Work in Congress; Dole Gives Special Award to Widow of Slain Agent from Galena, KS, 7/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces High-Tech Cancer Treatment Equipment Coming To Wichita Medical Centers, 7/2/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senator Bob Dole - Schedule for Kansas, July 4,6; Stops Include Victory Review of "The Big Red One" at Fort Riley, 7/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Mourns Passing of John Franke, "Good Friend" of Kansas, 7/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_007.pdf
- Item 8: Yugoslavia Crisis - Dole Appeals to President with 4-Point Plan For Urgent Efforts To Stop Yugoslav Army Aggression & Brutal Crackdown On Democracy, 7/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_008.pdf
- Item 9: Rose Hunter Lee: 1920-1991. Remembering Kansas City's Proud Community Leader, 7/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_009.pdf
- Item 10: **Media Alert** Clarence Thomas Visits Hill, 7/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_010.pdf
- Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Operation Prairie Storm Coffeyville, Kansas, 7/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_011.pdf
- Item 12: Two Kansas Rural Water Projects Receive $884,600; Increased Services for Rural Customers, 7/9/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_012.pdf
- Item 13: Judge Clarence Thomas - Record of Public Service Speaks for Itself; Don't Politicize The Confirmation Process, 7/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_013.pdf
- Item 14: South Africa Sanctions - President Bush Makes Right Decision: "Sanctions No Longer Make Any Sense"; Blacks Bear Brunt of Sanctions Impact, 7/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_014.pdf
- Item 15: Kansans Town Receives $55,000 Grant for Rural Water Project; Increased Service For Rural Customers, 7/10/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Seeks $900,000 For Wilson Lake; Wins First Round Senate Approval, 7/10/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_016.pdf
- Item 17: ***Media Advisory*** China MFN, 7/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_017.pdf
- Item 18: KU Pollution Study In Line for $1.45 Million Grant; Doles Request Approved Today, Along with Eastern Europe Program, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_018.pdf
- Item 19: Wichita's Domestic Violence Program In Line For $500,000 Thanks To Dole, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_019.pdf
- Item 20: High Tech Laser Research Facility Wins Funding Breakthrough - Garden City Still Candidate for $211 Million Outer Space Project, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_020.pdf
- Item 21: Wyandotte House In Line for $750,000; Dole and Kassebaum's Request Approved Today, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole: Iola Airport to Receive 1.5 Million, 7/12/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_022.pdf
- Item 23: 75th Anniversary of the Boeing Company, 7/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_023.pdf
- Item 24: Kansas Defense Projects Win Big Boost From Key Senate Committee; Parsons Ammo Plant, TTTS, KC-135, McConnell AFB, Ft, Leavenworth, 7/16/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_024.pdf
- Item 25: Gorby & The G-7 Summit - Dole: Limit Western Aid, Press Soviet Reforms, 7/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_025.pdf
- Item 26: Tornado Radar Update - Dole Underscores Senate Support For Torndao-Detecting Radar; House Funding Cuts, Technical Snags Slow Delivery To Wichita, 7/17/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_026.pdf
- Item 27: The Gates Nomination - Delay Unfortunate; Senate Cant Wait On Special Prosecutor, 7/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_027.pdf
- Item 28: Senate Passes Dole Amendment Providing $500,000 To Boost Kansas City, Kansas Social Services to Help the Needy, 7/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_028.pdf
- Item 29: AIDS & Health Workers - Dole Bipartisan Amendment Implements CDC Guidelines, 7/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_029.pdf
- Item 30: 91 Towns in 34 Counties In Line For Brand New Warning Equipment; Dole Plan Wins Senate Approval For The $1.15 Million Request, 7/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole: Kansas Bostwick to Receive Additional Water, 7/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_031.pdf
- Item 32: China MFN - Defeat Mitchell Resolution: Do Good, Not "Feel Good", 7/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole: Three Kansas Airports to Receive $2.3 Million Topeka - Independence - Olathe, 7/22/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_033.pdf
- Item 34: Doles Kansas Projects On Line for $5.87 Million In Federal Funding; K-State Wins Big: Throckmorton and Agriculture Research Projects Funded; Russell Wins First-Round Approval for Gluten Plant, 7/23/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_034.pdf
- Item 35: John Lungstrum Picked For Kansas Federal Bench - President Bush Calls to Tell Lawrence Resident the Good News, 7/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole, Mitchell Press House For Fair Highway Treatment; Federal Dollars for Kansas at Stake in "Level of Effort" Issue, 7/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_036.pdf
- Item 37: MFN "Alice In Wonderland" Amendment; American Workers, Producers to Pay Price for "Political Cover", 7/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Announces $282,000 In Housing Grants For Kansas Communities, 7/23/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_038.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Selects K-State Professor for National Nutrition Advisory Council, 7/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_039.pdf
- Item 40: Key Committee Endorses Dole Kansas Projects; Dole Requests On Line for More than $8.3 Million for Kansas Wildlife, Education, & Research Initiatives, 7/24/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Releases Wilson Lake Findings: Park Service Praises Lakes Potential & Recreation Opportunities, Denies Feasibility for National Recreation Area Status, 7/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_041.pdf
- Item 42: Direct Aid - Senate Unanimously Adopts Dole Amendment; Paves Way for Direct Aid to Democratic Republics in Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_042.pdf
- Item 43: Baltics & Soviet Republics - On Eve of Summit, Dole-Simon Amendment Adopted Supporting Freedom for Baltics & Republics, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_043.pdf
- Item 44: Morris County Rural Water District to Receive $5.6 Million; Area Users to Receive Needed Water after Decade of Work, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_044.pdf
- Item 45: Iraq Nuclear Amendment - Dole/Lieberman Measure to Support Presidents Options to Wipe Out Saddam's Nuke Capability, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_045.pdf
- Item 1: MFN For Soviets - President Bush Announces Trade Agreement in Moscow, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_001.pdf
- Item 46: Dole-Backed Amendments Gain Senate Approval; $285,000 for KSU Research Projects and Ethanol Study; Included in FY92 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Wins Senate Approval for Wichita's "Project Freedom"; Drug Abuse Program in Line for $150,000, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Wins Senate Approval for Wichita's "Project Freedom"; Drug Abuse Program in Line for $150,000, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_048.pdf
- Item 49: Pittsburgh State Wins New Funding for Technology Center; Dole Wins Conference Committee Approval for $4 Million., 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_049.pdf
- Item 50: Pittsburgh State Wins New Funding for Technology Center; Dole Wins Conference Committee Approval for $4 Million., 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_050.pdf
- Item 51: K-State/Pittsburgh State - Dole-Backed Amendments Gain Senate Approval; $285,000 for KSU Research Projects and Joint Pittsburgh/K-State Ethanol Study Included in FY92 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_051.pdf
- Item 52: K-State/Pittsburgh State - Dole-Backed Amendments Gain Senate Approval; $285,000 for KSU Research Projects and Joint Pittsburgh/K-State Ethanol Study Included in FY92 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_052.pdf
- Item 53: Wilson Lake - Doles Wilson Lake Upgrades Clear Key Hurdle; $900,000 in Improvements Endorsed by Senate-House Conference, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_053.pdf
- Item 54: Wilson Lake - Doles Wilson Lake Upgrades Clear Key Hurdle; $900,000 in Improvements Endorsed by Senate-House Conference, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_054.pdf
- Item 55: Marysville Flood Project Wins Approval in Key Conference Committee, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_055.pdf
- Item 56: Marysville Flood Project Wins Approval in Key Conference Committee, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_056.pdf
- Item 57: Clarence Thomas - NAACP Leadership: Out of the Mainstream, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_057.pdf
- Box 34

- Folder 1

- Item 1: BCCI - The Justice Department: Taking the Lead Against BCCI, 8/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Liberal Airport To Receive $504,000 For Improvements, 8/1/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Amendment: Study Need & Plan For Shelters At Bases In Kansas, 8/1/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Appoints KU Dean to National Education and Standards Council, 8/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Statement: Unemployment Alternative, 8/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole/Lieberman Amendment Puts Saddam Hussein on Notice: Come Clean on Nuclear Weapons or Pay The Price, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Bob Dole Tours Northwest Kansas; Other Stops Include Kansas City, Manhattan & Wichita August 3 - 11, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Pittsburg State/Marysville Wilson Lake, 8/2/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, Top right part ripped on second page
PDF available: s-press_034_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole/Packwood "Secure Choice" Bill: Comprehensive Approach To Access & Cost of Long-Term Care Services & Insurance, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Unemployment Goes Down - Democrats Dial "1-800-DEFICIT", 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole B-2 Amendment Targets Topeka's Air Base, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: U.S. National Security & Americas Role In The World: Dole Accepts Distinguished Service Award At 71st Annual Convention of the Military Order of the World Wars, 8/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Pennsylvania Senate Ruling - Dole applauds Appeals Court Ruling Clearing Way For U.S. Senate Election in Pennsylvania, 8/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: October Surprise Probe, 8/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: $5.6 Million For Morris County Rural Water District Gets Final O.K. From Farmers Home Administration; Users in Morris, Geary & Wabaunsee Counties On Line For Needed Water System, 8/8/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Labor Department Report Confirms Need for Glass Ceiling Commission; Dole to Re-Introduce Bill to Build on Report, 8/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Hays Wins $116,094 for Airport Upgrades, 8/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Announces Funding for Kansas Public Radio Stations; Great Bend, Garden City, Hutchinson To Receive New, Upgraded Public Broadcasting Service, 8/12/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Harlan County Reservoir - Dole Calls Federal Officials to His Office, 8/13/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule August 18 - 22, 1991, 8/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Time for U.S. To Lead; N.Y. Times Editorial On Target, 8/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Unemployment, 8/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Gorby Coup, 8/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: Soviet Coup - Dole: Hardline Coup Attempt Another "Wake Up Call" For Liberals, 8/21/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dodge City Airport Awarded $986,400 in Federal Funding, 8/21/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces 28 Kansas Counties Qualify For Haying And Grazing Emergency Relief, 8/21/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Announces $100,000 For Universities To Compete For Research Grants; KSU, KU and WSU To Get Assistance, 8/21/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: Soviet Food Credits - Dole: Continue Pressing For Fulfillment of Lang-Term Grain Agreement; Additional Food Aid Hinges on Soviet Reforms, 8/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_028.pdf
- Item 29: Humanitarian Aid to USSR - Look To Foreign Aid Budget, Not Defense, If Short-Term Aid Needed, 8/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole: Time For Serbian Communists To Learn Lesson Of Failed Soviet Coup, 8/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_030.pdf
- Item 31: The New Challenges for US-Soviet Relations - Remarks By Senator Bob Dole to the Commission on Accreditation Facilities 25th Anniversary Conference - Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington DC, 8/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_031.pdf
- Item 32: Senator Bob Dole Kansas Schedule, September 2-4, 8/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_032.pdf
- Item 33: Yugoslavia - International Community Must Bring Pressure To End Aggression Against Freedom-Minded Republics; Milosevic Among Worlds Last Hardline Communists, 8/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Alternative to S. 1554 (Draft Proposal), 9/17/1991

- Draft Proposal
PDF available: s-press_034_001_034.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Baltics Must Now Build on Freedoms Victory; America Has Special Role to Play As Leader of Free World, 9/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Bringing Ag Secretary Madigan to Kansas State Fair - September 14, 1991, 9/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Carla Lancaster Case - Air Force Upholds Carla Lancaster Conviction: Dole Has "Grave Concerns, Real Doubts" About Air Force Review, Promises Continued Appeals Help For Basehor, KS Native, 9/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces Second Contract Award for Construction of Federal Courthouse Building in Kansas City, Kansas, 9/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Emporia State - Emporia State Wins Federal Grant For Early Education Program, 9/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole to be Eight Person to Receive Highest Honor From Military Order of the Purple Heart; Presentation Ceremony: 10:30 AM Thursday, September 12th S-230 U.S. Capitol, 9/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Wichita's "Project West" Program Receives $482,000; Will Fund Dropout Prevention Program, 9/9/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Domestic Agenda - Finish Business of 91 Before Starting Politics of 92, 9/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Clarence Thomas - People Want God Government, Not Good Theater, At Hearings, 9/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole To Be First Person In Twelve Years to Receive Highest Honor From Military Order of the Purple Heart; Presentation Ceremony: 10:30 AM Thursday, September 12th S-230 U.S. Capitol, 9/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Protecting Health Workers - Dole/Mitchell Amendment Aims For Workplace Guidelines To Protect Health Care Professionals From Aids & Other Bloodborne Diseases, 9/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Amendments to Labor/HHS/Ed Bill Pass Senate: $500,000 For Program to Assist People with Disabilities; $450,000 To Boost Rural Mental Health Services for Elderly, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Secures $9.43 Million For Three Kansas Projects In Overland Park, Salina, and Southeast Kansas, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: School Funding - Dole Protects Federal Funding for Kansas Schools, 9/12/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Senator Dole, Congressman Roberts Bring Ag Secretary Ed Madigan to Hutchinson; Kansas State Fair Schedule - Saturday, September 14, 1991, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Middle East Hostages; Soviet Troops and Cuba, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Wichita's Environmental Education Center in Line for $675,000; Dole Secures Funds for Second Phase of Project, 9/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Pittsburg State - Dole Announces Nearly Million Dollar Grant for Pittsburg State, 9/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Pittsburg State - Dole Announces Nearly Million Dollar Grant for Pittsburg State, 9/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Walsh/Iran-Contra - North Charges Dropped; Next Step -- Shut Down Multi-Million Dollar Taxpayer-Funded Walsh Iran-Contra Investigation, Dole Says, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: $55 Million for McConnell - Dole Secures Senate Approval of $55.28 Million Package to Rebuild Tornado Damaged Facilities at McConnell AFB, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: $55 Million for McConnell - Dole Secures Senate Approval of $55.28 Million Package to Rebuild Tornado Damaged Facilities at McConnell AFB, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Introduces Gates - Remarks of Senator Bob Dole Introducing CIA Director-Designate Bob Gates at Confirmation Hearings Before Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_023.pdf
- Item 24: "Glass Ceiling" Legislation - Dole Reintroduces Glass Ceiling Bill; Commission to Recommend Policies to Shatter Artificial Barriers to Corporate Advancement of Women & Minorities, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Announces $300,000 Loan to Great Plains Development, Inc. - Funds will Assist Kansas Small Businesses, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces $300,000 Loan to Great Plains Development, Inc. - Funds will Assist Kansas Small Businesses, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_026.pdf
- Item 27: Wright Amendment - Dole Puts Senate on Notice: Restriction on Kansas-Dallas-Love Field Will be Dealt With, 9/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: $3.3 Million for Rural Hospitals - Dole Announces $3.3 Million Grant to 22 Rural Kansas Hospitals, 9/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_028.pdf
- Item 29: $3.3 Million for Rural Hospitals - Dole Announces $3.3 Million Grant to 22 Rural Kansas Hospitals, 9/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Unemployment Insurance - Dole Announces Fiscally Responsible Alternative to Budget Busting Democrat Plan, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_030.pdf
- Item 31: Iraq - President Giving Saddam One Last Chance to Comply with U.N. Resolutions; Senate Already on Record Supporting "All Necessary Means", 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_031.pdf
- Item 32: B-2 - Dole Meets with Air Force Secretary; So-Called B-2 Problem Political, Not Technical, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Secures $205,000 for Santa Fe Trail, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Secures $205,000 for Santa Fe Trail, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Announces $3.69 Million Grant for Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole Announces $3.69 Million Grant for Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_036.pdf
- Item 37: BCCI - Democrat Silence on BCCI Deafening; "Where Are Their Outraged Voices Calling for an Independent Counsel?", 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_037.pdf
- Item 38: Senate Passes Interior Bill; Dole Requests on Line for More than $9.1 Million for Kansas, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_038.pdf
- Item 39: Family Leave - Compromise Falls Short; Businesses and Workers Want Choice, Not Mandates, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_039.pdf
- Item 40: Yugoslavia - Dole Introduces Bill to Prohibit U.S. Import of Arms from Yugoslavia; Don't Subsidize Yougoslav Army, U.S. Street Crime, 9/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_040.pdf
- Item 41: Senate Passes Interior Bill; Dole Wildlife, Education & Research Requests Provide More Than $9.1 Million for Kansas, 9/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_041.pdf
- Item 42: Presidents U.N. Speech - Dole Applauds Bush's Focus on Economic Issues, Repeal of Zionism/Racism Resolution, Iraq's Compliance, 9/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole & Kassebaum Announce $3.1 Million in Housing Grants, 9/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_043.pdf
- Item 44: Extending Unemployment Benefits - Dole/Dominici/Roth Plan the Responsible Approach; Democrat Package a Budget Buster, Dials 1-800-DEFICIT, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_044.pdf
- Item 45: Repeal "Zionism is Racism" Resolution, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_045.pdf
- Item 46: Dole & Kassebaum Announce Public Housing Grants for Bonner Springs, Minneapolis & Herrington; Johnson, Leavenworth & Wyandotte Counties to Get Rental Assistance Funds, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole & Kassebaum Announce Public Housing Grants for Bonner Springs, Minneapolis & Herrington; Johnson, Leavenworth & Wyandotte Counties to Get Rental Assistance Funds, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Announces $197,000 from FHMA; Economic Development Funding for Minneapolis, Lyndon, and Neosho Basin Development Company, Emporia, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_048.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Announces $197,000 from FHMA; Economic Development Funding for Minneapolis, Lyndon, and Neosho Basin Development Company, Emporia, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_049.pdf
- Item 50: Dole Announces $502,838 Grant for Wichita's Jabara Airport, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_050.pdf
- Item 51: Dole Announces $502,838 Grant for Wichita's Jabara Airport, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_051.pdf
- Item 52: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule September 28-29, 1991, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_052.pdf
- Item 53: Dole Announces $189,000 for Johnson County Industrial Airport; Funds for Fire-Fighting and Safety Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_053.pdf
- Item 54: Dole Announces $189,000 for Johnson County Industrial Airport; Funds for Fire-Fighting and Safety Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_054.pdf
- Item 55: American Competitiveness - Remarks of Senator Bob Dole to the Committee on Investment of Employee Benefits Assets, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_055.pdf
- Item 56: 154 Tornado Sirens for Kansas - Doles $1.15 Million Tornado Siren Plan Clears Major Hurdle; 91 Towns in 34 Counties Eligible for Brand New Warning Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_056.pdf
- Item 57: 154 Tornado Sirens for Kansas - Doles $1.15 Million Tornado Siren Plan Clears Major Hurdle; 91 Towns in 34 Counties Eligible for Brand New Warning Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_057.pdf
- Item 58: Wichita - Kansas Defense Projects Win Big Boost from Senate; $853.3 Million for TTTS, KC-135s, C-12s, and T-47s, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_058.pdf
- Item 59: Wichita - Kansas Defense Projects Win Big Boost from Senate; $853.3 Million for TTTS, KC-135s, C-12s, and T-47s, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_059.pdf
- Item 60: Doles $9.9 Million Proposal to Renovate Wichita Courthouse Clears Major Hurdle, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_060.pdf
- Item 61: Doles $9.9 Million Proposal to Renovate Wichita Courthouse Clears Major Hurdle, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_061.pdf
- Item 62: Unemployment Benefits - Setting the Record Straight on Benefits Debate; Democrats Should Come Back to Dole Alternative, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_062.pdf
- Item 63: Presidents Defense Policy Address - Dole Calls Presidents Bold Proposal "Giant Step" Forward, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_063.pdf
- Item 64: Arms Control - Democrats Should Support Presidents Bold Plan, Not Rush to Gut Defense Budget, 9/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_064.pdf
- Item 65: Dole & Kassebaum Announce $6.55 Million in Public Housing Grants for Kansas City, KS., Topeka, Wichita, Clay Center, Lawrence and Manhattan, 9/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_065.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Unemployment Benefits, 10/1/1991

- Dole to introduce responsible alternative: Democrat budget-buster DOA; Democrats should join GOP and President to enact benefits
PDF available: s-press_034_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Highway bill/unemployment, 10/1/1991

- Failure to enact highway bill costs American jobs
- Item 3: Dole introduces Kansas Federal District Court nominee at confirmation hearing - John Lungstrum, Lawrence, KS., 10/2/1991

- Sen. Dole today introduced John W. Lungstrum, Lawrence, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Lungstrum has been nominated to the US District Court for Kansas by President Bush.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole announces major contract award for work at Parsons; KAAP to get share of $135 million in army & Air Force production, 10/2/1991

- Sen. Dole today announced that two contract awards that will bring major work to the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant in Parsons, Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Doles initiative for Wichita's "Project Freedom" clears major hurdle; conference committee approves $150,000 for drug prevention program, 10/2/1991

- A key Senate/House conference committee last night approved Kansas Sen. Doles amendment for $150,000 to help fund a Wichita drug prevention coalition designed to inform mothers of the dangers of substance abuse.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Tornado radar, 10/2/1991

- Conference committee adopts Senates funding for tornado-detecting radar; $155.6 million clears key hurdle
PDF available: s-press_034_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Family Leave, 10/2/1991

- Mandates bad for businesses, most employees; bill invites veto
- Item 8: Unemployment insurance, 10/2/1991

- Dole to Democrats: Put politics aside, approve responsible Bush-backed benefits package this week
- Item 9: Dole applauds veteran nomination to Court of Military Appeals, 10/2/1991

- Republican Leader Bob Dole applauded the nomination by President Bush of Justice Herman F. "Sparky" Gierke to the Court of Military Appeals.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Doles highway projects approved by conference committee; $7.56 million for Kansas projects in Overland Park, Salina, and Southeast Kansas, 10/3/1991

- Funding for the construction of three major Kansas highway projects backed by Sen. Dole was approved today as a House/Senate conference committee completed action on the FY92 Transportation Appropriations bill.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Senate passes VA/HUD conference report; Doles projects approved, 10/3/1991

- $1.75 million for Wichita's Domestic Violence Program, KCKs Wyandotte House, and KCKs Social Service Program.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Kansas ag projects total $4.54 million; KSU wins funding for Throckmorton and Agriculture research, 10/3/1991

- Joint Pittsburg State/KSU research project funded; Russell Gluten Plant also funded
PDF available: s-press_034_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Sanctions against Serbia, 10/3/1991

- Dole backs D'Amato bill to isolate hardline leader
- Item 14: Kansas tornado sirens, 10/3/1991

- Doles $1.15 million tornado siren plan wins final approval; Bush's OK will make 154 sirens available for 91 towns, 34 counties.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Unemployment benefits, 10/3/1991

- Priority should be extended benefits for unemployed, not benefits for politicians
- Item 16: Doles $9.9 million proposal to renovate Wichita courthouse gets final congressional OK; ready for President Bush's signature, 10/4/1991

- Sen. Doles amendment providing $9.9 million dollars to renovate the US Federal Courthouse in Wichita has received final approval from Congress as both the Senate and House Thursday night passed conference the conference report to the FY 92 Treasury
PDF available: s-press_034_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Wichita's "Project Freedom" gets OK from Congress; Dole gets $150,000 approved for drug prevention program, 10/4/1991

- Congress has agreed to fund $150,000 for a Wichita drug prevention coalition designed to inform mothers of the dangers of substance abuse
PDF available: s-press_034_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Tornado Radar, 10/4/1991

- Congress agrees to fund $155.6 million for tornado-detecting radar; next step President Bush's OK
PDF available: s-press_034_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Long term grain agreement, 10/4/1991

- New Soviet grain purchases will fulfill LTA
PDF available: s-press_034_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Senator Bob Dole Kansas schedule October 9-10, 1991, 10/4/1991

- Schedule for visit to KS - Wellington, Johnson, Satanta, Cimarron, Jetmore, Smith Center, St. Mary's
PDF available: s-press_034_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole, Stevens announce major EPA grant to Pittsburg for Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade, 10/4/1991

- Kansas Senator Bob Dole and Pittsburg City Manager Larry Stevens today announced that the city of Pittsburg has been awarded a federal grant to cover a large portion of the upcoming major modifications to its wastewater treatment plant
PDF available: s-press_034_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Thomas nomination, 10/4/1991

- Doles remarks on the confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court
PDF available: s-press_034_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Unemployment benefits, 10/4/1991

- Dole to seek unanimous OK to consider GOP bill; Will Dems object? "Unemployed Americans not laughing" at political games
PDF available: s-press_034_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Tornado relief funds, 10/7/1991

- Dole wins tornado relief aid breakthrough; $2.1 million to repair damaged public facilities to be released soon; $43.2 million for McConnell AFB also headed for approval
PDF available: s-press_034_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Thomas nomination, 10/7/1991

- Who is behind the "weekend allegation"?; text of Senator Doles remarks on Senate floor
PDF available: s-press_034_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: Extended benefits veto, 10/11/1991

- Presidents veto puts Democrats to test; GOP plans ready to go
PDF available: s-press_034_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: Wright Amendment - Dole & Kassebaum Accelerate Repeal Effort; Kansas Senators Show their Colleagues Amendments Cost To Their Own Constituents, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Senate Gives Final Okay to Military Construction Funding; Doles Initiatives Include $43.2 Million For McConnell Tornado Reconstruction, Plus $16.86 Million to Fund New Construction Projects at Ft. Riley and McConnell, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Senate Gives Final Approval To Agriculture Funding Measure; Kansas Ag Projects Total $4.54 Million; Funding for KSUs Throckmorton and Agriculture Research Projects, Joint Pittsburg State/KSU Research Project, Russell Gluten Plant. Next Up President Bush, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_029.pdf
- Item 30: Congress Approves Highway Bill; Doles Kansas Initiatives Include $7.56 Million for Overland Park, Salina, and Southeast Kansas Projects, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_030.pdf
- Item 31: Sustain Extended Benefits Veto - Dole to Press For Debate on GOP Alternative; Stop Political Games, Start Talking About Responsible Benefits Package, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_031.pdf
- Item 32: High-Level Russian Official to Accompany Dole on Kansas Tour, 10/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_032.pdf
- Item 33: Senate Passes Interior Bill; Dole Requests On Line For $13.59 Million For Kansas, 10/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_033.pdf
- Item 34: Kansas Attracting Foreign Tourists In Record Numbers; Dole: "They Come To See & Hear The Story of America", 10/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_034.pdf
- Item 35: Mid-East Peace Talks - Dole/Mitchell Resolution Supports President Bush's Role in Madrid Conference, 10/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_035.pdf
- Item 36: Women In The Senate - Liberal Groups Overlook, Refuse to Support, Tradition of Quality GOP Women Candidates, 10/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_036.pdf
- Item 37: Civil Rights Breakthrough - Historic Civil Rights Compromise Becomes A Reality, 10/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Announces Kansas Company Wins Persian Gulf Contract, 10/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_038.pdf
- Item 39: Soviet Aid - Remarks At Virginia Tech Leadership Forum National Press Club, Washington, DC, 10/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_039.pdf
- Item 40: Glass Ceiling Amendment - Dole Amendment to Civil Rights Bill Creates Commission to Examine Barriers to Advancement of Women and Minorities, 10/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_040.pdf
- Item 41: Madrid Peace Talks - Mid-East Peace Conference A Historic Opportunity For Real Peace, 10/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_041.pdf
- Item 42: Civil Rights Compromise - Remarks of Senator Bob Dole Prior to Final Passage of Compromise Civil Rights Bill, 10/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole Names Republican Task Force On Real Estate, 10/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_043.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Reports Final Action As $2.1 Million In Tornado Relief Heads To Kansas;, 11/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Kansas Defense Projects Boosted In Defense Conference Committee, $755 Million For KC-135Rs, TTTS, And C-12S; Bill Also Boosts Work For Kansas Subcontractors, 11/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Iowa Republican Party "Celebration Of Leadership" Des Moines Convention Center, 11/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Ethanol: Fuel Of The Future Senator Bob Dole Hubert Humphrey Institute Of Public Affairs University of Minnesota, 11/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Confirm Bob Gates - A Man of Experience, Integrity & Talent, Gates Is The Right Nominee To Lead CIA, 11/5/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: GOP Health Care Bill - Reject Government Mandates & Crippling Taxes on Small Business; Rural Health Care Reform A Priority In Republican Alternative, 11/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Appoints Glenn Walker of Concordia to National Education Commission on Time and Learning, 11/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Unemployment Update - Democrats Latest Multiple Choice Plan An Offer We Can Refuse; Dems Partisan Demagoguery Denying Extended Benefits to Unemployed, 11/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dodge City Development Group Selected for Nationwide Program; "Great News For Rural Economic Development," Dole Says, 11/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: POW/MIA - Dole Names John Erickson of Clay Center to Key Staff Position for Senate POW/MIA Committee, 11/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Foreign Aid/U.S. Workers - Dole Offers "America First" Amendments; Reject Special Foreign Aid Treatment; Use Aid Freeze Surplus to Help American Workers By Repealing Luxury Tax, Reviving Expiring "Extenders", 11/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Robert J. Dole - Introduction of Monti L. Belot Nominated to the U.S. District Court for Kansas - U.S. Senate Committee on The Judiciary, 11/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senate Passes Older Americans Act; Dole Includes Help for the Elderly, 11/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Panel Okays Dole Funding Request for Salina Aviation School; $7.6 Million Included in Defense Bill for KSU Program, 11/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Walsh--Iran/Contra - Poindexter Convictions Overturned; Dole Renews Call to Close Up Walsh's Taxpayer-Funded Iran/Contra Outfit, 11/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senate Closed Captioning - Closed Captioning Another Breakthrough For Americans with Disabilities; Senate Becoming Worlds Most Accessible Legislative Body, 11/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Yugoslavia Food Airlift - Administration Oks Dole Request o Airlift Food for Civil War Victims in Croatia, 11/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Soviet Food Credits - Aid Plan Announcement Expected Today; Congress Should Be Willing To Go On Record, 11/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Bill Would Award Bronze Star To Navy And Marine Heroes of Corregidor, 11/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kansas Defense Projects - Doles Kansas Defense Projects Win Big -- $898 Million; Congress Gives Final Approval to Nations Defense Bill, 11/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole-Backed 1990 Farm Bill "Fixes" Pass The Senate: Deficiency Payments Moved Up, Planting Flexibility Boosted, 11/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Targeted Soviet Aid: "In Americas Interest", 11/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Political Fundraising Fraud - Dole Bill Would End Fraudulent Misrepresentation of Political Fundraising Authority; Millions Raised In 88 Never Reached Dole, Bush Presidential Bids, 11/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Announces Appointment of State Senator Ed Reilly of Leavenworth to Chair U.S. Parole Commission, 11/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: Kansas Farmers Win Disaster Assistance: Dole Helps Secure 90 & 91 Coverage, Plus Special Protection for 19922 Winter Wheat Disaster, 11/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Highway Funds for Kansas - $1.3 Billion/Six Year Total; Dole Secures $40 Million For Hutchinson Bypass, West Leavenworth Trafficway & US-81 Extension, 11/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: $100 Million In Accelerated Farm Payments Coming to Kansas; Deficiency Payments Moved Up, Planting Flexibility Boosted, 11/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_027.pdf
- Item 28: Kansas Highway Update - Dole Highway Projects Get Big Additional Funding Boost: Hutchinson Bypass Now Fully Funded, US-81 -- Four Lanes All the Way to Nebraska; Nations Interstate System To Be Named For Eisenhower, 11/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_028.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: SUNUNU - Statement regarding resignation of White House Chief of Staff, John SUNUNU, 12/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Political Fundraising Fund - Dole Urges Party Chairmen to Warn Contributors & Candidates to Potential Fundraising Scams, 12/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Senator Dole - Kansas Schedule - Hutchinson, Wichita - Wednesday, December 11, 1991, 12/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Augusta Airport to Receive $228,240, 12/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Croatia Airlift - Emergency Airlift Requested By Senator Dole On Its Way to Croatia, 12/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senator Dole Schedule for Surgery, 12/17/1991

- "Evaluation and treatment of a prostatic condition"
PDF available: s-press_034_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Successful Surgery for Dole: Excellent Prognosis, 12/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senator Dole Continues Recovery, 12/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_008.pdf
- Series 32: 1992

- Box 1

- Folder 2: Wichita Conference To Feature Issues And Opportunities For Employing Persons With Disabilities, 1/13/1992

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 920113wic.pdf
- Folder 3: New Session Begins 102Nd Congress, 1/21/1992

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 920121new.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Announces $459,000 Grant For Wichita's Jabara Airport, 1/22/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920122ann.pdf
- Folder 5: Emergency Farm Loans; Dole Announces Farmers In 78 Kansas Counties Eligible For Loans Under USDA Disaster Designation, 1/22/1992

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 920122eme.pdf
- Folder 6: Recognize Croatia And Slovenia, 1/23/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920123rec.pdf
- Folder 7: Senator Dole In Kansas, 1/23/1992

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 920123sen.pdf
- Folder 8: Remarks To Kansas City, Kansas Chamber Of Commerce, 1/24/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920124rem.pdf
- Folder 9: State Of The Union; President Delivers In Clutch, 1/28/1992

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 920128sta.pdf
- Folder 10: The Bush Challenge; Time For Congress To Live Up To Some High Expectations, For A Change, 1/29/1992

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 920129the.pdf
- Folder 11: Democrat Hypocrisy; GOP United Behind Bush Plan -- Democrats Don't Have One, 1/31/1992

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 920131dem.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole Announces White Rock Creek To Receive Grant For Water Quality Project, 2/3/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920203ann.pdf
- Folder 13: Dole Announces Walnut Creek To Receive Grant For Water Quality Project, 2/3/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920203anno.pdf
- Folder 14: Tax Relief; Bush Withholding Plan No Gimmick, 2/3/1992

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 920203tax.pdf
- Folder 15: Wichita Broadcaster Named To International Radio Panel, 2/3/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920203wic.pdf
- Folder 16: Unemployment Benefits, 2/4/1992

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 920204une.pdf
- Folder 17: Bush Plan Introduced, 2/5/1992

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 920205bus.pdf
- Folder 18: Bush Health Care Plan: President's Free-Market Plan Addresses Major Problems, 2/6/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920206bus.pdf
- Folder 19: 42 Days To Go; Dole Introduces President's Budget Package, 2/7/1992

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 920207for.pdf
- Folder 20: Nominations Process; Democrats Problems Lie In Ballot Box, Not Process, 2/7/1992

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 920207nom.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole On New Agricultural Credits To Former Soviet Republics, 2/11/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920211new.pdf
- Folder 22: Tsongas; Democrats Should Follow Lead Of Their New Front-Runner Paul Tsongas, 2/12/1992

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 920212tso.pdf
- Folder 23: Democrat Disarray; Deadline Approaches For Economic Growth Package, 2/18/1992

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 920218dem.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Selects 45 For Academy Nominations, 2/18/1992

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 920218sil.pdf
- Folder 25: Defense Cuts And Jobs, 2/19/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920219def.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Invites Tsongas To Washington; Free Trip Offered To Bring Mainstream Message To Congressional Democrats, 2/19/1992

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 920219inv.pdf
- Folder 27: Senate Passes Energy Bill; Dole Amendments Promote Kansas Energy, 2/19/1992

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 920219pas.pdf
- Folder 28: CBO Defense Cuts Study, 2/20/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920220cbo.pdf
- Folder 29: President Bush Designates Kansan To Serve On Commission For The Preservation Of America's Heritage Abroad, 2/20/1992

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 920220pre.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Amend. Promotes Better Access To Higher Education For Students With Disabilities, 2/21/1992

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 920221ame.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Secures $200,000 For Kansas Abandoned Mine Safety Program, 2/24/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920224sec.pdf
- Folder 32: China MFN, 2/25/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920225chi.pdf
- Folder 33: Senate Leaders Appoint Observer Group For U.N. Conference On Environment, 2/25/1992

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 920225sen.pdf
- Folder 34: House Slam Dunks Demo Tax Bill, 2/26/1992

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 920226hou.pdf
- Folder 35: Pension Plan Insurance, 2/26/1992

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 920226pen.pdf
- Folder 36: Kosova, 2/27/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920227kos.pdf
- Folder 37: Walsh Investigation, 2/27/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920227sca.pdf
- Folder 38: Kerrey On Clinton, 2/28/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920228ass.pdf
- Folder 39: High Tech Hope For Rural America; The Communications Competitiveness And Infrastructure Modernization, 2/28/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920228com.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole On Taxes, 2/28/1992

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 920228dol.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Names Clay Edmands Of Salina To Key Health Care Advisory Panel, 3/2/1992

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 920302nam.pdf
- Folder 43: Crime, 3/3/1992

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 920303cri.pdf
- Folder 44: Public Broadcasting Funds; No Free Ride For $1.1 Billion For Public Broadcasting, 3/3/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920303pub.pdf
- Folder 45: Kansas To Receive $4.6 Million To Help Fight The War On Crime And Drugs, 3/4/1992

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 920304kan.pdf
- Folder 46: Taxes; Democrat Plan Reveals Same Old Tax And Spend Agenda, 3/4/1992

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 920304tax.pdf
- Folder 47: Time To Fight Crime War Not Class War, 3/4/1992

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 920304tim.pdf
- Folder 48: Organizing To Promote Exports, 3/5/1992

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 920305jou.pdf
- Folder 49: GOP Economic Growth Bill, 3/11/1992

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 920311gop.pdf
- Folder 50: Democrat Tax Plan, 3/13/1992

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 920313dem.pdf
- Folder 51: Fred Bramlage, 3/17/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920317fre.pdf
- Folder 52: Wrong Way To Press China, 3/17/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920317usa.pdf
- Folder 53: American People Won Cold War; Deserve Ceasefire In Ugly America Bashing, 3/18/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920318ame.pdf
- Folder 54: China MFN, 3/18/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920318chi.pdf
- Folder 55: Clayton Ks Water System To Receive $214,800, 3/19/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920319cla.pdf
- Folder 56: Kansas Water Project To Receive $2.3 Million, 3/19/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920319kan.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Pays Tribute To Fred Bramlage On Senate Floor, 3/19/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920319pay.pdf
- Folder 58: President's Deadline; One Day Until Zero Congress Strikes Out, 3/19/1992

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 920319pre.pdf
- Folder 59: Senator Bob Dole Recognized Kansas Family On Senate Floor; Trinkle Family From Lacygne Praised For Service To America, 3/19/1992

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 920319sen.pdf
- Folder 60: Economic Growth Deadline, 3/20/1992

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 920320eco.pdf
- Folder 61: Big Bird Doesn't Need Tax Handouts, 3/23/1992

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 920323big.pdf
- Folder 62: Letter To Andrew Cord Secretary Of U.S. Department Of Transportation About Commercial Driver's License Relief For Farmers, 3/24/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920324and.pdf
- Folder 63: Letter To Andrew Cord Secretary Of U.S. Department Of Transportation About Commercial Driver's License Relief For Farmers, 3/24/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920324hon.pdf
- Folder 64: Warren Rudman, 3/24/1992

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 920324war.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Continues To Fight For Commercial Drivers License Ag Waiver, 3/26/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920326con.pdf
- Folder 66: $5 Million Water Project For 10 Kansas Communities, 3/26/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920326fiv.pdf
- Folder 41: Salina Airport Industrial Center Receives $284,000; Roads For New KSU/Salina Technology School, 3/31/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920231sal.pdf
- Folder 68: Aid To The Republics, 4/3/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920403aid.pdf
- Folder 69: Demo Campaign Reform; All-Democrat Reform Bill, 4/3/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920403dem.pdf
- Folder 70: Media Alert; Recognition Of Former Yugoslav Republics, 4/7/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920407med.pdf
- Folder 71: Us Recognizes Croatia, Slovenia, And Bosnia Herzegovina, 4/7/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920407usc.pdf
- Folder 72: Johnson County Industrial Airport Awarded $620,577, 4/8/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920408joh.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Receives Patriot Award From Boy Scouts Of America, 4/8/1992

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 920408sen.pdf
- Folder 74: RTC Funding, 4/9/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920409rtc.pdf
- Folder 75: Government Should Reorganize To Prepare For Battle In Trade War, 4/10/1992

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 920410com.pdf
- Folder 76: Congressional Reform, 4/10/1992

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 920410con.pdf
- Folder 77: Ku Med Wins Cancer Research Funding, 4/13/1992

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 920413kum.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Forms Republican Task Force For Defense Build-Down; Rudman Named Chair, 4/16/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920416for.pdf
- Folder 79: Ku Gets $1.7 Million For Oil Recovery Study, 4/27/1992

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 920427kug.pdf
- Folder 80: Major New Water Project For 7 Southeast Kansas Communities, 4/27/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920427maj.pdf
- Folder 81: Campaign Finance Reform, 4/28/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920428cam.pdf
- Folder 82: Syria Lifts Jewish Restrictions, 4/28/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920428syr.pdf
- Folder 83: Armenian Genocide Anniversary 77Th Anniversary Of Tragedy, 4/29/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920429arm.pdf
- Folder 84: Campaign Finance Reform, 4/30/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920430cam.pdf
- Folder 85: L.A. Police Verdict, 4/30/1992

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 920430lap.pdf
- Folder 86: Us Recognition Of Serbia; Withhold Recognition Until Attacks And Repression End, 4/30/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920430usr.pdf
- Folder 89: Senate Leaders Make Appointments To Office Of Fair Employment Practices, 5/1/1992

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 920501sen.pdf
- Folder 90: Wichita To Receive Nexrad Doppler Radar This Year, 5/5/1992

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 920505wic.pdf
- Folder 91: Defense Build-Down And Jobs, 5/7/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920507def.pdf
- Folder 92: Wichita To Receive $1.68 Million Home Grant, 5/7/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920507wic.pdf
- Folder 93: Sabetha Manufacturer Chosen To Serve On Trade Advisory Committee, 5/8/1992

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 920508sau.pdf
- Folder 94: Topeka To Receive $750,000 Home Grant, 5/11/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920511top.pdf
- Folder 95: L.A./Urban Renewal: Time For Bipartisan Action, 5/12/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920512lau.pdf
- Folder 96: Product Liability Reform, 5/12/1992

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 920512pro.pdf
- Folder 97: Statement By The Press Secretary, 5/12/1992

- Subject: Unemployment - PDF available: 920512sta.pdf
- Folder 98: Unemployment Benefits, 5/12/1992

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 920512une.pdf
- Folder 99: Wabaunsee County Water System To Receive $258,200, 5/12/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920512wab.pdf
- Folder 100: Address By Dole At The Annual Meeting Of The American Urological Association, 5/12/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920512wel.pdf
- Folder 101: 86Th Annual Meeting American Jewish Committee, 5/13/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920513ame.pdf
- Folder 102: Campaign Finance Veto, 5/13/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920513cam.pdf
- Folder 103: Contract Awarded For New Family Housing At McConnell AFB, 5/13/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920513con.pdf
- Folder 104: Kansas Congressional Delegation Announces The Formation Of Congressional Award Program In Kansas, 5/13/1992

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 920513kan.pdf
- Folder 105: Motor Voter Alternative, 5/14/1992

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 920514mot.pdf
- Folder 106: Dole Announces $1.97 Million For Wyandotte County Head Start Program, 5/19/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920519ann.pdf
- Folder 107: Kansas To Receive $6,418,000 Home Grant, 5/19/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920519kan.pdf
- Folder 108: RTC Delivers Report To Dole, 5/19/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920519rtc.pdf
- Folder 109: Dole Announces 11 Kansas Museums To Receive $458,524, 5/21/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920521ann.pdf
- Folder 110: Rural Health Care Hearing, 5/21/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920521rur.pdf
- Folder 111: Johnny Carson, 5/21/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920521sal.pdf
- Folder 112: Yeltsin To Wichita, 5/21/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920521yel.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Announces $1.3 Million For Family Housing Assistance In Kansas, 5/22/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920522ann.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole On U.S. Foreign Policy: Reject Isolationism; Serbia; Crisis In Yugoslavia; Yeltsin To Kansas, 5/23/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920523dol.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole On U.S. Foreign Policy: Sterling Commencement (2 Versions), 5/23/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920523onu.pdf
- Folder 116: Rural Health Care Hearing Hays, Kansas, 5/26/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920526rur.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Announces $702,127 For Kansas Abandoned Mine Lands Reclamation Program, 5/27/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920527ann.pdf
- Folder 118: Hurdle Cleared For $28 Million Dole-Backed Project To Upgrade Leavenworth VA Hospital, 5/30/1992

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 920530hur.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Calls For Railroad Safety In Wake Of Osawatomie Tragedy, 6/1/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920601cal.pdf
- Folder 120: Dole Announces Staff Changes For Kansas Operations, 6/2/1992

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 920602ann.pdf
- Folder 121: Serbian Sanctions, 6/2/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920602ser.pdf
- Folder 122: Small Bank Regulatory Relief, 6/2/1992

- Subject: Banking - PDF available: 920602sma.pdf
- Folder 123: Public Broadcasting Funds, 6/3/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920603pub.pdf
- Folder 124: Confirmation Hearings For Don Alexander Ambassador To Netherlands, 6/3/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920603sta.pdf
- Folder 125: Democrat Investigations, 6/4/1992

- Subject: Democratic Party - PDF available: 920604dem.pdf
- Folder 126: Garden City Airport To Receive $1.2 Million, 6/4/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920604gar.pdf
- Folder 127: Public Broadcasting Reforms, 6/4/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920604pub.pdf
- Folder 128: Dole Announces Appointment Of Don Wilson To Rural Health Care Advisory Committee, 6/8/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920608ann.pdf
- Folder 129: Urban Aid, 6/9/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920609urb.pdf
- Folder 130: Salina Firm Wins Major Design Contract For New Domiciliary At Leavenworth, 6/10/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920610sal.pdf
- Folder 131: Yeltsin/Dole Advance Team To Arrive In Wichita Thursday, 6/10/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920610yel.pdf
- Folder 132: Yeltsin History, 6/12/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920612his.pdf
- Folder 133: NASA Administrator Goldin And Astronaut Senator Jake Garn To Visit Hutchinson Cosmosphere, 6/12/1992

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 920612nas.pdf
- Folder 134: Yeltsin/Dole Wichita Visit Press Credential Advisory, 6/12/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920612yel.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole/Yeltsin Backgrounder, 6/16/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920616dol.pdf
- Folder 136: Dole Welcoming Remarks To President Boris Yeltsin, 6/16/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920616sen.pdf
- Folder 137: Dole/Yeltsin Media Advisory, 6/16/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920616yel.pdf
- Folder 138: Seven Kansas Students To Study At Top Research Centers This Summer, 6/19/1992

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 920619sev.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Calls For NATO Ultimatum To Stop Yugoslav Bloodbath, 6/22/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920622cal.pdf
- Folder 140: Rail Strike And Kansas, 6/23/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920623rai.pdf
- Folder 141: Rail Strike; Kansas Impact, Congressional Role, 6/24/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920624rai.pdf
- Folder 142: Defense Build-Down, 6/25/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920625def.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Secures Assurances Protecting Non-Striking Rail Workers, 6/26/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920626dol.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Secures Assurances Protecting Non-Striking Rail Workers, 6/26/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920626sec.pdf
- Folder 145: Balanced Budget And Taxes, 6/30/1992

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 920630bal.pdf
- Folder 146: Dole Announces Economic Development Funding For Northwest Kansas, 7/1/1992

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 920701ann.pdf
- Folder 147: Freedom Support Act, 7/2/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920702fre.pdf
- Folder 148: Wright Amendment, 7/2/1992

- Subject: Regulations - PDF available: 920702wel.pdf
- Folder 149: Contract Awarded For $27 Million New Wichita Federal Building, 7/6/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920706con.pdf
- Folder 150: Ft. Riley Expansion, 7/7/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920707ftr.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole On Clinton-Gore, 7/9/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920709dol.pdf
- Folder 152: Political Fundraising Fraud, 7/9/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920709pol.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Announces $1.2 Million Loan For St. Paul, 7/10/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920710ann.pdf
- Folder 154: Westmoreland Housing Authority Receives Loan, 7/10/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920710wes.pdf
- Folder 155: Commencement Remarks Of Senator Dole Brown Mackie College, 7/11/1992

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 920711com.pdf
- Folder 156: Kansas Crime Summit, 7/13/1992

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 920713kan.pdf
- Folder 157: Kansas Congressional Delegation Appoints State Advisory Committee For Congressional Award, 7/15/1992

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 920715con.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole On Perot, 7/16/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920716dol.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole Announces $4.5 Million In Public Housing Grants For Kansas Cities, 7/17/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920717ann.pdf
- Folder 160: Clinton And Congress, 7/17/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920717cli.pdf
- Folder 161: Clinton/Gore = Liberal, 7/20/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920720cli.pdf
- Folder 162: Us Israeli Relations, 7/20/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920720usi.pdf
- Folder 163: Clinton/Gore Black Out, 7/21/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920721cli.pdf
- Folder 164: Media Alert; Bosnia, 7/21/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920721med.pdf
- Folder 165: Senator Dole Announces Seminars For Kansas Small Businesses, 7/21/1992

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 920721sen.pdf
- Folder 166: Dole Announces Senate Approval Of Bill Commemorating Pony Express Trail, 7/22/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920722ann.pdf
- Folder 167: Dole Appoints Kansan To Risk Assessment And Management Commission, 7/22/1992

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 920722app.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Salutes Kevin Saunders, Kansas Native, 7/22/1992

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 920722sal.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Announces Committee Approval Of Funding For Kanopolis Lake Study; To Seek Ways To Meet Salina's Water Demands, 7/23/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920723ann.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Announces Committee Approval Of Agriculture Funding Measure, 7/23/1992

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 920723anno.pdf
- Folder 171: Nexrad Tornado Radar, 7/23/1992

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 920723nex.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Announces $283,000 In Housing Grants For Kansas Communities, 7/24/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920724ann.pdf
- Folder 173: Kansas Senators Announce Judicial Nominee For Kansas, 7/24/1992

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 920724sen.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Secures Senate Approval Of $400,000 Aid For Storm-Damaged NCK Electric Cooperative, 7/28/1992

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 920728sec.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Announces Senate Committee Approval For Kansas Projects, 7/29/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920729ann.pdf
- Folder 176: Media Advisory; Kurdish Opposition, 7/29/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920729med.pdf
- Folder 177: Media Advisory; GOP Mayors And Urban Issues, 7/29/1992

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 920729medi.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole Announces USDA Emergency Loans For 27 Kansas Counties, 7/29/1992

- Subject: NATURAL Disasters - PDF available: 920729usd.pdf
- Folder 179: Dole Announces Us Senate Approval Of Agriculture Funding Measure; KSU's Throckmorton And Ag Research Projects, 7/29/1992

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 920729uss.pdf
- Folder 180: Senate Committee Approves Funding For New Bus Garage In Wichita, 7/30/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920730sen.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Announces Committee Approval To Fund Kansas Projects, 7/31/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920731ann.pdf
- Folder 182: Senate Approves Dole Initiative To Fund Plans For New Energy Research Center, 7/31/1992

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 920731app.pdf
- Folder 183: Rural Heath Care, 7/31/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920731rur.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Announces Senate Approval Of Kansas Energy And Water Projects, 8/4/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920804ann.pdf
- Folder 185: Truth About Health Care: Clinton Plan, 8/4/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920804tru.pdf
- Folder 186: Senate Approves Funding For New Bus Garage In Wichita, 8/5/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920805sen.pdf
- Folder 187: Health Care: Republican Reform Package Ready To Go, 8/6/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920806hea.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Announces Senate Approval For Kansas, 8/7/1992

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 920807ann.pdf
- Folder 189: Dole Announces Final Congressional Approval Of Agriculture Funding Measure, 8/11/1992

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 920811ann.pdf
- Folder 190: Bosnia Resolution, 8/11/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920811bos.pdf
- Folder 191: Israeli Loan Guarantees, 8/11/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920811isr.pdf
- Folder 192: Walsh Investigation, 8/11/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920811wal.pdf
- Folder 193: Repeal Wright Amendment, 8/13/1992

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 920813rep.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole Announces New Southeast Kansas Office, 8/22/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920822ann.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Applauds President Bush's Training Initiative, 8/24/1992

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 920824app.pdf
- Folder 196: Dole Announces Public Housing Grant For Seneca, 8/25/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920825ann.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Announces Funding For 30 Higher Education Scholarships, 8/26/1992

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 920826ann.pdf
- Folder 198: Pony Express Station, 8/30/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920830pon.pdf
- Folder 199: Dole Welcomes Bush's Agriculture Disaster Assistance, 9/2/1992

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 920902wel.pdf
- Folder 200: Wheat Export Sales, 9/2/1992

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 920902whe.pdf
- Folder 201: Clinton Must Come Clean On Draft, 9/3/1992

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 920903cli.pdf
- Folder 202: Clinton And Draft, 9/8/1992

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 920908cli.pdf
- Folder 203: Remembering Quentin Burdick, 9/8/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920908rem.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Announces Grant To Upgrade Public Television In Western Kansas, 9/9/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920909ann.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Appoints Wichita Businesswoman To Glass Ceiling Commission, 9/9/1992

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 920909app.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole Announces Presidential Appointment Of Kansan Fritz Edmunds To The Architectural And Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 9/9/1992

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 920909dol.pdf
- Folder 207: Senate Approves Dole-Backed Kansas Projects, 9/9/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920909sen.pdf
- Folder 208: Seymour Appointed To Bi-Partisan Glass Ceiling Panel, 9/9/1992

- Subject: Womens Issues - PDF available: 920909sey.pdf
- Folder 209: Dole Announces $1.4 Million To Russell For Industrial Park, 9/10/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920910ann.pdf
- Folder 210: Product Liability Reform: Democrat Filibuster Major Blow To Kansas Business And Aviation, 9/10/1992

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 920910kan.pdf
- Folder 211: Clinton, Kerrey And Draftgate, 9/13/1992

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 920913cli.pdf
- Folder 212: China MFN, 9/14/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920914chi.pdf
- Folder 213: Wheat Exports To China, 9/14/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920914whe.pdf
- Folder 214: Clinton And Draftgate, 9/15/1992

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 920915cli.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole Recommends Kansan For Education Advisory Panel, 9/15/1992

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 920915rec.pdf
- Folder 216: Floor Statement: Swearing-In Of Jocelyn Burdick, 9/16/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920916sen.pdf
- Folder 217: Dole Announces $4 Million Grant For Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, 9/17/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920917ann.pdf
- Folder 218: Kansas Army National Guard Gets Key Senate Committee Approval For New Communications System, 9/17/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920917kan.pdf
- Folder 219: Key Senate Committee Gives Boost To Wichita Aviation, 9/17/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 920917key.pdf
- Folder 220: Key Senate Committee Includes Funding For M-1 Tank Conversion Program, 9/17/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920917sen.pdf
- Folder 221: Clinton's Request For Special Treatment By Senator Fulbright's Office, 9/19/1992

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 920919cli.pdf
- Folder 222: Clinton's Request For Special Treatment By Senator Fulbright's Office, 9/19/1992

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 920919req.pdf
- Folder 223: Cable Television; Consumers Lose In Regulation Attempt; Reform Still Needed, Dole Says, 9/21/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 920921cab.pdf
- Folder 224: 2,200 Men Get Free Cancer Screenings At Dole State Fair Booth, 9/21/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920921men.pdf
- Folder 225: Dole Announces Public Housing Grant For Gaylord, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920922ann.pdf
- Folder 226: Us Senate Passes Defense Funding Bill: High-Tech Training System For Kansas Guard Gets Okay, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922def.pdf
- Folder 227: Us Senate Okays Funding For M-1 Tank Conversion Program - Atchison Metal Company Produces Castings, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922fun.pdf
- Folder 228: Us Senate Okays Defense Funding Bill; Wichita Aviation Programs Approved, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922oka.pdf
- Folder 229: Us Senate Passes Defense Funding Bill: High-Tech Training System For Kansas Guard Gets Okay, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922pas.pdf
- Folder 230: Us Senate Passes Defense Funding Bill: Includes Dole Priorities For Parsons Ammunition Plant, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922sen.pdf
- Folder 231: Us Senate Approves Communications System For Kansas Army National Guard, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922sena.pdf
- Folder 232: Us Senate Approves Communications System For Kansas Army National Guard, 9/22/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920922uss.pdf
- Folder 233: City Of Topeka To Receive $401,475 Grant; Funds Will Assist With First-Time Homebuyers, 9/23/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920923cit.pdf
- Folder 234: KcK Housing Authority To Receive $74,114 Grant; Funds Will Assist With First-Time Homebuyers, 9/23/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920923hou.pdf
- Folder 235: Mennonite Housing Services Of Wichita To Receive $629,625 Grant; Funds Will Assist With First-Time Homebuyers, 9/23/1992

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 920923men.pdf
- Folder 236: Natural Gas Tax Credit, 9/23/1992

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 920923nat.pdf
- Folder 237: Dole: New Choppers On Line For Kansas National Guard; Modernization Program Okayed Following Senator's Amendment, 9/23/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920923new.pdf
- Folder 238: Family Leave Veto, 9/24/1992

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 920924fam.pdf
- Folder 239: Health Care Reform: Senate Approves Dole Backed Reforms, 9/24/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920924hea.pdf
- Folder 240: POW/MIA Hearings, 9/24/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 920924pow.pdf
- Folder 241: Dole Announces Final Congressional Approval Of Kansas Water Projects, 9/25/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920925ann.pdf
- Folder 242: Dole Projects Win Final Congressional Approval; Six Kansas Priorities Head To President's Desk, 9/25/1992

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 920925pro.pdf
- Folder 243: It's Official: Topeka Monroe School Is Now Historic Landmark - President Bush Signs Dole/Kassebaum Bill, 9/27/1992

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 920927its.pdf
- Folder 244: Dole Announces Public Housing Grants For KcK, Topeka, Atchison; Funding For Drug Elimination Programs, 9/28/1992

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 920928ann.pdf
- Folder 245: Kerry On Clinton, 9/28/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920928ker.pdf
- Folder 246: Small Business Administration Launches New Loan Program For Kansas Businesses, 9/29/1992

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 920929rur.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole Announces Final Congressional Approval For Kansas Projects, 9/30/1992

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 920930ann.pdf
- Folder 248: $1.5 Million For Rural Hospitals, 9/30/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920930one.pdf
- Folder 249: Six Rural Kansas Hospitals Win Federal Funding, 9/30/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 920930six.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole Announces Final Congressional Approval For New Bus Garage In Wichita, 10/1/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921001ann.pdf
- Folder 251: China And Wheat, 10/1/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 921001chi.pdf
- Folder 252: Ethanol Breakthrough, 10/1/1992

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 921001eth.pdf
- Folder 253: Dole Secures Funding For Wichita's Kellogg/Us 54 Project, 10/1/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921001fun.pdf
- Folder 254: Dole Secures Funding For KcK's Turner Diagonal Bridge Project, 10/1/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921001sec.pdf
- Folder 255: Dole Secures Funding For Dodge City's South 14Th Avenue Project, 10/1/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921001secu.pdf
- Folder 256: Tornado Radar, 10/1/1992

- Subject: NATURAL Disasters - PDF available: 921001tor.pdf
- Folder 257: US Senate Passes Dole Legislation Designating Topeka's Monroe School A National Historic Site, 10/2/1992

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 921002pas.pdf
- Folder 258: Congress Approves Funding For M1A2 Tank Conversion Program, 10/3/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921003con.pdf
- Folder 259: Wichita's Boeing Kc-135R Tanker Line Receives Boost, 10/3/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921003wic.pdf
- Folder 260: New Choppers For Kansas National Guard Await Bush Signature; Modernization Program Okayed Following Dole Amendment, 10/5/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921005cho.pdf
- Folder 261: Congress Okays Defense Funding Bill; Wichita Aviation Programs Approved, 10/5/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921005con.pdf
- Folder 262: Defense Funding Bill Gets Final Congressional Approval: Includes Dole Priorities For Parsons Ammunition Plant, 10/5/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921005fun.pdf
- Folder 263: Salina: Dole Secures High-Tech Training System For Kansas Guard, 10/5/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921005sal.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Secures New High-Tech Communications System For Kansas Army National Guard, 10/5/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921005sec.pdf
- Folder 265: Kansas Military Construction Projects Approved By Congress And The President, 10/6/1992

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 921006kan.pdf
- Folder 266: Topeka Monroe School Legislation Sent To President, 10/8/1992

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 921008top.pdf
- Folder 267: Pbs And Objectivity, 10/13/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 921013pbs.pdf
- Folder 268: Four Kansas Airports To Receive Funding For Improvements, 10/30/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921030kan.pdf
- Folder 269: Four Kansas Airports To Receive Funding For Improvements, 11/19/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921119fou.pdf
- Folder 271: Atkinson Municipal Airport To Receive Funding For Improvements, 12/3/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921203atk.pdf
- Folder 272: TWA Recovery, 12/7/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921207rec.pdf
- Folder 273: TWA Lauds Political Support In Reaching Agreement With The Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 12/7/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 921207twa.pdf
- Folder 274: Walsh Probe Update, 12/7/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 921207wal.pdf
- Folder 275: Augusta Municipal Airport To Receive Funding For Improvements, 12/9/1992

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 921209aug.pdf
- Folder 276: Gramm Already Cleared Despite Liberal Efforts To Say Otherwise, 12/9/1992

- Subject: General - PDF available: 921209gra.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole On Bentsen And Panetta, 12/10/1992

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 921210ben.pdf
- Folder 278: Key Weinberger Charge Dismissed, 12/11/1992

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 921211key.pdf
- Folder 279: Walsh's Latest Outrage, 12/15/1992

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 921215wal.pdf
- Folder 280: Clinton Economic Conference, 12/16/1992

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 921216cli.pdf
- Folder 281: GOP Hit Squad?, 12/17/1992

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 921217gop.pdf
- Folder 282: NATO Airstrikes Over Bosnia, 12/17/1992

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 921217nat.pdf
- Folder 283: Early Detection Is Imperative In Surviving Prostate Cancer, 12/18/1992

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 921218ear.pdf
- Folder 284: Letter To Dole About Recent Audit Of Independent Counsels And Lawrence Walsh, 12/22/1992

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 921222hon.pdf
- Folder 285: Walsh's Waste Exposed, 12/22/1992

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 921222wal.pdf
- Folder 286: Presidential Pardons, 12/24/1992

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 921224pre.pdf
- Folder 1: Dole Resolution On The Recognition Of Croatia And Slovenia, 1992-01

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920100res.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Resolution On The Recognition Of Croatia And Slovenia, 1992-04

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 920400res.pdf
- Folder 87: Description Of Carl D. Moore's Professional Life, 1992-05

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920500car.pdf
- Folder 88: Description Of Harriett G. Jenkins's Professional Life, 1992-05

- Subject: General - PDF available: 920500har.pdf
- Folder 270: An Ultimatum To Mr. Milosevic By Bob Dole, 1992-12

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 921200mil.pdf
- Series 33: 1993

- Box 1

- Folder 1: 103Rd Congress Sworn In, 1/5/1993

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 930105one.pdf
- Folder 2: Dole Continues Service On Agriculture, Finance Panels, 1/8/1993

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 930108con.pdf
- Folder 3: GOP Committee Assignments, 1/8/1993

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 930108gop.pdf
- Folder 4: October Surprise Report, 1/12/1993

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 930112oct.pdf
- Folder 5: POW/MIA Committee Report, 1/12/1993

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 930112pow.pdf
- Folder 6: Iraq And Allied Air Strikes, 1/13/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930113ira.pdf
- Folder 7: The Bush Recovery, 1/15/1993

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 930115bus.pdf
- Folder 8: October Surprise Apology, 1/15/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930115oct.pdf
- Folder 9: Republican Priorities For The 103Rd Congress, 1/21/1993

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 930121rep.pdf
- Folder 10: Senate Dole, Domenici Ask President Clinton To Stick With Deficit Targets, 1/21/1993

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 930121sen.pdf
- Folder 11: Tribute To President Bush, 1/21/1993

- Subject: Bush Administration - PDF available: 930121tri.pdf
- Folder 12: Gays In Military, 1/25/1993

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 930125gay.pdf
- Folder 13: Congressional Reform, 1/26/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930126con.pdf
- Folder 14: Media Alert; Gays In The Military, 1/27/1993

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 930127gay.pdf
- Folder 15: Thurgood Marshall, 1/27/1993

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 930127thu.pdf
- Folder 16: Gays In The Military, 1/29/1993

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 930129gay.pdf
- Folder 17: RNC Meeting, 1/29/1993

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 930129rnc.pdf
- Folder 18: Senator Jack Danforth, 2/1/1993

- Subject: General - PDF available: 930201sen.pdf
- Folder 19: Campaign Finance Reform, 2/3/1993

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 930203cam.pdf
- Folder 20: Bush Recovery, 2/4/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930204rec.pdf
- Folder 21: Walsh Iran/Contra Report, 2/8/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930208wal.pdf
- Folder 22: White House Staff Cuts, 2/9/1993

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 930209whi.pdf
- Folder 23: Aids-Infected Aliens, 2/10/1993

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 930210aid.pdf
- Folder 24: Clinton Bosnia Plan, 2/10/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930210cli.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Response, 2/15/1993

- Subject: General - PDF available: 930215aid.pdf
- Folder 26: Aids And Immigration Amendment, 2/17/1993

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 930217aid.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole On Clinton Economic Plan, 2/17/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930217onc.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Recommends Hatch To Holocaust Memorial Council, 2/17/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930217rec.pdf
- Folder 29: Statement Of Senator Dole On Boeing Layoffs, 2/18/1993

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 930218sta.pdf
- Folder 30: Clinton's Tricky Tax Bill, 2/23/1993

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 930223cli.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole/Clinton/Bosnia, 2/23/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930223dol.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole On Clinton Economic Plan, 2/24/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930224dol.pdf
- Folder 33: Senate Leaders Announce Appointments To Task Force On Congressional Coverage, 2/24/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930224lea.pdf
- Folder 34: Pay Freeze For Members Of Congress And Congressional Staff, 2/24/1993

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 930224sta.pdf
- Folder 35: Clinton Budget: Where Is It?, 2/25/1993

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 930225cli.pdf
- Folder 36: Bush Recovery, 2/26/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930226bus.pdf
- Folder 37: Clinton's National Service Program, 3/1/1993

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 930301cli.pdf
- Folder 38: Media Advisory; Clinton Visits GOP Senators, 3/1/1993

- Subject: General - PDF available: 930301vis.pdf
- Folder 39: Campaign Finance Reform, 3/3/1993

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 930303cam.pdf
- Folder 40: Pay For Unemployment Benefits, 3/3/1993

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 930303pay.pdf
- Folder 41: CBO/Clinton Analysis, 3/4/1993

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 930304cbo.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole On McConnell AFB, 3/4/1993

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 930304mcc.pdf
- Folder 43: Motor-Voter, 3/4/1993

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 930304mot.pdf
- Folder 44: Bush Recovery Continues, 3/5/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930305bus.pdf
- Folder 45: Grassley And Mack To Helsinki Commission, 3/5/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930305rec.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Challenges Clinton, 3/11/1993

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 930311cha.pdf
- Folder 47: Deficit Reduction: Fact And Fiction, 3/11/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930311def.pdf
- Folder 48: Motor-Voter, 3/17/1993

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 930317mot.pdf
- Folder 49: Across-The-Board Freeze, 3/19/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930319acr.pdf
- Folder 50: Dole On Clinton's First Supreme Court Nomination, 3/19/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930319dol.pdf
- Folder 51: Justice White/Supreme Court, 3/19/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930319jus.pdf
- Folder 52: Clinton Budget Update, 3/20/1993

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 930320cli.pdf
- Folder 53: Murkowski To Japan-Us Friendship Commission, 3/24/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930324app.pdf
- Folder 54: Health Care Reform, 3/24/1993

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 930324hea.pdf
- Folder 55: Republican Budget Alternative, 3/24/1993

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 930324rep.pdf
- Folder 56: Reno's March Massacre, 3/25/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930325ren.pdf
- Folder 57: Health Care Reform, 3/26/1993

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 930326hea.pdf
- Folder 58: Hearings On March Massacre, 3/26/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930326mar.pdf
- Folder 59: KSU/Salina Project, 3/29/1993

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 930329ksu.pdf
- Folder 60: Deficit Reduction, 4/1/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930401def.pdf
- Folder 61: Clinton/Yeltsin Summit, 4/2/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930402cli.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole On Durenberger, 4/2/1993

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 930402dur.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Stimulus Alternative, 4/2/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930402sti.pdf
- Folder 64: Clinton And Gridlock, 4/6/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930406cli.pdf
- Folder 65: Stimulus Update, 4/7/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930407sti.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole On Clinton Budget, 4/8/1993

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 930408dol.pdf
- Folder 67: Immunizations And Easter Eggs, 4/12/1993

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 930412imm.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole On Boeing, 4/12/1993

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 930412sta.pdf
- Folder 69: Stimulus Update: White House Snow Job, 4/13/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930413sti.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole: Bosnia Policy Failure, 4/14/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930414bos.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole/Clinton Call, 4/15/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930415dol.pdf
- Folder 72: Stimulus Compromise, 4/16/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930416sti.pdf
- Folder 73: Issue Military Ultimatum To Serbian Dictator: Letter, 4/17/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930417dol.pdf
- Folder 74: GOP Stimulus Alternative, 4/20/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930420gop.pdf
- Folder 75: China MFN, 4/22/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930422mfn.pdf
- Folder 76: First Quarter Stats: American People Grade President, 4/29/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930429fir.pdf
- Folder 77: 100 Days...And Beyond, 4/30/1993

- Subject: General - PDF available: 930430one.pdf
- Folder 78: White House's $23 Million Lie, 5/3/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930503whi.pdf
- Folder 79: Boathouse Update, 5/4/1993

- Subject: General - PDF available: 930504boa.pdf
- Folder 80: Economic Indicators Plunge, 5/4/1993

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 930504eco.pdf
- Folder 81: Campaign Reform, 5/7/1993

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 930507cam.pdf
- Folder 82: Clinton/Dole Wichita Boathouse Letter, 5/7/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930507cli.pdf
- Folder 83: Motor Voter, 5/7/1993

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 930507mot.pdf
- Folder 84: Unemployment Figures, 5/7/1993

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 930507une.pdf
- Folder 85: Statement Of Dole On 1992 Oregon Senate Election, 5/10/1993

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 930510ore.pdf
- Folder 86: Statement Of Dole On 1992 Oregon Senate Election, 5/10/1993

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 930510sta.pdf
- Folder 87: Tax Increase Trust Fund, 5/12/1993

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 930512tax.pdf
- Folder 88: Tax Increase Trust Fund Update, 5/13/1993

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 930513tax.pdf
- Folder 89: Independent Counsel Law, 5/14/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930514ind.pdf
- Folder 90: Letter To Dole About Renovation Of Wichita City Owned Building, 5/18/1993

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 930518let.pdf
- Folder 91: Tax And Spend Crusade, 5/18/1993

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 930518tax.pdf
- Folder 92: Campaign Finance Reform, 5/19/1993

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 930519cam.pdf
- Folder 93: Craig Appointed To Ethics Committee, 5/19/1993

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 930519cra.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole/Domenici/Packwood On Boren/Danforth Plan, 5/20/1993

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 930520dol.pdf
- Folder 95: Guinier Nomination, 5/20/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930520gun.pdf
- Folder 96: Bosnia Disappointment, 5/23/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930523bos.pdf
- Folder 97: W.H. Travel Office Coup, 5/23/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930523wht.pdf
- Folder 98: Achtenberg Nomination, 5/24/1993

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 930524ach.pdf
- Folder 99: W.H. Travel Office Update, 5/24/1993

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 930524wht.pdf
- Folder 100: Text Of Dole Letter To Biden Requesting Judiciary Committee Hearings On W.H. Travel Office Affair, 5/25/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930525tex.pdf
- Folder 101: Travelgate Hearings, 5/25/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930525tra.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Appoints Kansan To Coordinating Council On Juvenile Justice And Delinquency Prevention, 5/27/1993

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 930527app.pdf
- Folder 103: Media Advisory: Bosnia Arms Embargo, 5/27/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930527bos.pdf
- Folder 104: End Bosnia Arms Embargo, 5/27/1993

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 930527end.pdf
- Folder 105: FBI/IRS Independence Amendment, 5/27/1993

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 930527fbi.pdf
- Folder 106: House Vote Bad News For Taxpayers Senators On The Hot Seat, 5/27/1993

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 930527hou.pdf
- Folder 107: Travelgate Confusion Mounts, 5/27/1993

- Subject: General - PDF available: 930527tra.pdf
- Box 35

- Folder 12

- Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The Small Business Investment Act of 1993, 1/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Republican Priorities for the 103rd Congress - "Changing America for the Better", 1/21/1993

- Subtitled: "The Economy, Reforming Bureaucracy, Line-Item Veto, Family Leave, Health Care, Civil Justice Reform, Criminal Justice Reform, Fighting Violence Against Women, Congressional & Campaign Finance Reform; S.6 -- S.10"
PDF available: s-press_035_012_002.pdf
- Folder 11

- Item 1: RNC Meeting - "The Party of Promise -- Promise of the American Dream" - Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole -- Remarks Prepared for Delivery - Hyatt Regency Union Station - St. Louis, Missouri, 1/29/1993

- Press Release (14 Copies)
PDF available: s-press_035_011_001.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 3: Highlights from Senator Dole and Mitchells morning Briefing, 2/16/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_008_003.pdf
- Item 1: Dole On Clinton Economic Plan - Working America Not Celebrating Historic Tax Hike; Alarming Post-Election Surprise Offers Only Symbolic Nicks at Federal Spending, 2/17/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: A Lesson in Clintonomics - The Clinton Plans High-Stakes Numbers Games: More Taxes, Fewer Cuts, Less Deficit Reduction; Tax Hikes Far Outweigh Budget Cuts, 2/18/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_008_002.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 6: Tax & Spend White House - Dole Sets Record Straight On Tax Heavy Clinton Program: New White House P.R. Blitz Cant Obscure The Facts; Republicans Continue To Offer Alternative Approach -- Cut Spending First, 6/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_006.pdf
- Item 5: Clinton Tax Plan - Budget Debate Reveals Dramatic Contrast: Clinton Tax & Spend Vs. GOPs "Tax-Free in 93" Cut-Spending-First Approach; Republicans Propose "Taxpayers Alternative," Fight Democrat "Taxasaurus", 6/23/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_005.pdf
- Item 4: No Bridge Loans For Vietnam, 7/1/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_004.pdf
- Item 3: Bosnia Inaction - Dole Welcomes Administration Review of Bosnia Policy; Not Too Late for U.S. to do More -- Assert Position As Worlds Superpower, 7/29/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_003.pdf
- Item 2: Bosnia Update - Dole Urges President Clinton to Firm U.S. Resolve; Put NATO in Charge of Military Operations in Bosnia; Prevent Geneva Sell-Out, 8/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_002.pdf
- Item 10: Remarks of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - National Governors Association - Tulsa, Oklahoma, 8/17/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_010.pdf
- Item 1: U.S. at a Crossroads In Foreign Policy - Dole Urges President Clinton to Avoid Quagmires: Disengage From Somalia and Lead New Diplomatic And Military Approach to War in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 10/1/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_001.pdf
- Item 11: Somalia & Russia - Time for U.S. Exit From Somalia: Gap Between U.S. Interests & U.N. Operations Widens; U.S. Has Vital National Interest In Future of Russia, 10/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_011.pdf
- Item 9: Bosnia/Haiti - Dole Amendments Don't Tie Presidents Hands; Congress Shouldn't Sit On Its Hands Either, 10/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_009.pdf
- Item 8: $50 Billion Spending Cut Plan - Dole & Senate Republicans Unveil 50-Point Plan to Cut Federal Spending, Improve Government Performance, Reduce Deficit; Includes Ideas From Grace Commission & National Performance Review, 12/8/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_008.pdf
- Item 7: Defense Budget Cut Too Far, Too Fast - Dole Urges President To Reevaluate Huge Cuts In Defense Listen to Military Experts, 12/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_009_007.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: Dole Request for Salina National Guard Academy Project Included in Final Military Construction Bill Approved by Congress, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Request for Ft. Riley Military Construction Projects Wins Final Congressional Approval, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Request for McConnell AFB Military Construction Projects Wins Final Congressional Approval, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Forbes Field Military Construction Project Wins Final Congressional Approval, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Rural Hospital Funding - Senate OKs Funding for Key Rural Health Care Programs: Kansas to Share in $31.1 Million Boost for Rural Hospitals, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_005.pdf
- Item 8: $8 Million for Topeka Buses - Dole Request Wins Key Committee Approval: Funding will Purchase 30 New Buses Accessible to Disabled, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_008.pdf
- Item 6: Lenexa Post Office - Senate Delivers on Doles Request to Expand Lenexa Post Office, 10/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_006.pdf
- Item 7: Halstead Flood Control - Halstead Flood Control Project to be Completed with Funding Cap Increase OK'd by Congress, 10/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_007.pdf
- Item 9: Topeka Flood Protection - Topeka Flood Protection Study Gets Final Congressional OK, 10/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_009.pdf
- Item 10: Wichita Aviation - U.S. Senate Gives Final OK to Defense Spending Bill: Boost to Wichita Aviation, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_010.pdf
- Item 11: Sunflower Ammo Plant - Senate Gives Final OK to Defense Spending Bill: Includes Dole Request for Defense Conversion Project at Sunflower Ammunition Plant, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_011.pdf
- Item 12: Kansas National Guard - Kansas National Guard to Receive MLRS Units, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_012.pdf
- Item 13: Parsons Ammo Plant - Senate Gives Final OK to Defense Spending Bill: Includes Important Parsons Production & Defense Conversion Projects, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Gives Final Approval to Dole Request for Retraining Program: K-State Included in Scholarship Initiative, 11/18/1993

- PDF available: s-press_035_010_014.pdf
- Box 36

- Folder 6

- Item 1: Kansas City Schedule Saturday, Jun 5, 6/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Praises Wal-mart decision to build a 4-state regional distribution center in Ottawa, 6/7/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: BTU Tax & Kansas, 6/9/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Media Alert: Hutchison & Dole, 6/9/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: The L.A. Message, 6/9/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole directs $50,100 to Kansas Charities in 1992, 6/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_006.pdf
- Item 22: Taxes = Bad Economic News, 6/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_022.pdf
- Item 7: Travelgate coverup??, 6/11/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Ginsburg nomination, 6/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Remembering John Connally, 6/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Poll: change direction, 6/16/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Clinton Radio, 6/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Steve Gerstel, 6/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Tax & Spend White House, 6/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Remembering Pat Nixon, 6/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Republican Leadership News: National Service Forum, 6/23/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Clinton Tax Plan, 6/23/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Clinton Tax Plan, 6/23/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: The Clinton/Gore tax increase, 6/23/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Tax Vote: A defining moment, 6/25/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Bosnia Arms Embargo, 6/25/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Economic Indicators, 6/29/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_021.pdf
- Item 23: Dole appoints Kansan to Library of Congress trust fund board, 6/30/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole applauds Lawrence Central junior highs Russian exchange program, 6/30/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_006_024.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 62: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request for Brown V. Board of Education, 6/8/1993

- 3 copies
PDF available: s-press_036_007_062.pdf
- Item 1: No Bridge Loans for Vietnam, 7/1/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: No Bridge Loans for Vietnam, 7/1/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: No Bridge Loans for Vietnam, 7/1/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Unemployment - Climbing Unemployment Sends Message to White House: Dump Massive Tax Increase Which Haunts Working America, 7/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Unemployment - Climbing Unemployment Sends Message to White House: Dump Massive Tax Increase Which Haunts Working America, 7/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: W.H. Travelgate Report - White House Damage Control Doesn't Change [sic] Need for Independent Congressional Probe, 7/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: W.H. Travelgate Report - White House Damage Control Doesn't Change [sic] Need for Independent Congressional Probe, 7/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: W.H. Travelgate Report - White House Damage Control Doesn't Change [sic] Need for Independent Congressional Probe, 7/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Travelgate Report - Dole Says In-House Report Doesn't Close Travelgate Case, 7/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Olive Beech: A Pioneer, An Amazing Talent, A Good Friend, 7/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Olive Beech: A Pioneer, An Amazing Talent, A Good Friend, 7/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell and Republican Leader Bob Dole, 7/8/1993

- Russian President Yeltsin
PDF available: s-press_036_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Sends Letter to Ag Secretary Espy - Seeks Federal Assistance for Kansas Counties Hit by Damaging Weather, 7/12/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Sends Letter to Ag Secretary Espy - Seeks Federal Assistance for Kansas Counties Hit by Damaging Weather, 7/12/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Sends Letter to Ag Secretary Espy - Seeks Federal Assistance for Kansas Counties Hit by Damaging Weather, 7/12/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Sends Letter to Ag Secretary Espy - Seeks Federal Assistance for Kansas Counties Hit by Damaging Weather, 7/12/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Flood & Congress - Dole Prepared to Move Quickly, Cooperate with President to Provide Federal Relief, 7/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: Flood & Congress - Dole Prepared to Move Quickly, Cooperate with President to Provide Federal Relief, 7/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Flood & Congress - Dole Prepared to Move Quickly, Cooperate with President to Provide Federal Relief, 7/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_019.pdf
- Item 20: Flood & Congress - Dole Prepared to Move Quickly, Cooperate with President to Provide Federal Relief, 7/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_020.pdf
- Item 21: Travelgate Special Counsel - Dole Calls on Reno to Appoint Special Counsel to Get to the Bottom of Travelgate Fiasco: Independent Probe Needed; When Will Travelgate Filibuster End?, 7/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_021.pdf
- Item 22: Travelgate Special Counsel - Dole Calls on Reno to Appoint Special Counsel to Get to the Bottom of Travelgate Fiasco: Independent Probe Needed; When Will Travelgate Filibuster End?, 7/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_022.pdf
- Item 23: Deficit Magic Act - Dole Blasts Reported Delay of Mid-Session Budget Review: Hocus-Pocus to Conceal Lower Deficit Before Tax Vote, 7/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_023.pdf
- Item 24: Deficit Magic Act - Dole Blasts Reported Delay of Mid-Session Budget Review: Hocus-Pocus to Conceal Lower Deficit Before Tax Vote, 7/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_024.pdf
- Item 25: Deficit Magic Act - Dole Blasts Reported Delay of Mid-Session Budget Review: Hocus-Pocus to Conceal Lower Deficit Before Tax Vote, 7/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_025.pdf
- Item 26: Deficit Magic Act - Dole Blasts Reported Delay of Mid-Session Budget Review: Hocus-Pocus to Conceal Lower Deficit Before Tax Vote, 7/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Introduces Legislation to Examine Discrimination Against People with Disabilities Worldwide, 7/16/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Introduces Legislation to Examine Discrimination Against People with Disabilities Worldwide, 7/16/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Introduces Legislation to Examine Discrimination Against People with Disabilities Worldwide, 7/16/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_029.pdf
- Item 30: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", 7/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_030.pdf
- Item 31: "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", 7/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_031.pdf
- Item 32: Sessions Dismissal, 7/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_032.pdf
- Item 33: Sessions Dismissal, 7/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_033.pdf
- Item 34: Sessions Dismissal, 7/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_034.pdf
- Item 35: Sessions Dismissal, 7/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_035.pdf
- Item 36: Tax Relief for Flood Victims: Waive Clinton Tax Increases, 7/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_036.pdf
- Item 37: Tax Relief for Flood Victims: Waive Clinton Tax Increases, 7/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_037.pdf
- Item 38: Tax Relief for Flood Victims: Waive Clinton Tax Increases, 7/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_038.pdf
- Item 39: Tax Relief for Flood Victims: Waive Clinton Tax Increases, 7/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_039.pdf
- Item 40: FBI Director Nomination, 7/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_040.pdf
- Item 41: FBI Director Nomination, 7/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_041.pdf
- Item 42: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request for La Crosse Industrial Park, 7/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_042.pdf
- Item 43: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request for La Crosse Industrial Park, 7/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_043.pdf
- Item 44: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request for La Crosse Industrial Park, 7/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_044.pdf
- Item 45: Dole Request for Throckmorton Approved by Senate Committee; $1.2 Million Will Complete KSU Plant Science Research Center, 7/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_045.pdf
- Item 46: Dole Request for Throckmorton Approved by Senate Committee; $1.2 Million Will Complete KSU Plant Science Research Center, 7/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Request for Throckmorton Approved by Senate Committee; $1.2 Million Will Complete KSU Plant Science Research Center, 7/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_047.pdf
- Item 48: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request to Expand Post Office in Lenexa, Kansas, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_048.pdf
- Item 49: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request to Expand Post Office in Lenexa, Kansas, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_049.pdf
- Item 50: Senate Includes Dole Request for Emporia State Electronic Education Program, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_050.pdf
- Item 51: Senate Includes Dole Request for Emporia State Electronic Education Program, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_051.pdf
- Item 52: Senate Includes Dole Request for Emporia State Electronic Education Program, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_052.pdf
- Item 53: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request to Expand Post Office in Lenexa, Kansas, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_053.pdf
- Item 54: Senator Dole\Rep. Roberts to Tour Flood Damaged Areas Friday, July 23 - Press Availability in Topeka and Ft. Riley, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_054.pdf
- Item 55: Senator Dole\Rep. Roberts to Tour Flood Damaged Areas Friday, July 23 - Press Availability in Topeka and Ft. Riley, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_055.pdf
- Item 56: Senator Dole\Rep. Roberts to Tour Flood Damaged Areas Friday, July 23 - Press Availability in Topeka and Ft. Riley, 7/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_056.pdf
- Item 63: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request for Santa Fe Trail, 7/23/1993

- 3 copies
PDF available: s-press_036_007_063.pdf
- Item 57: What Gridlock? Dole Defends Responsibility of Congressional Republicans: Majority of Americans Looking for Alternatives & Political Competition; 442 Items Pass Senate -- What Gridlock?, 7/28/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_057.pdf
- Item 58: What Gridlock? Dole Defends Responsibility of Congressional Republicans: Majority of Americans Looking for Alternatives & Political Competition; 442 Items Pass Senate -- What Gridlock?, 7/28/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_058.pdf
- Item 59: What Gridlock? Dole Defends Responsibility of Congressional Republicans: Majority of Americans Looking for Alternatives & Political Competition; 442 Items Pass Senate -- What Gridlock?, 7/28/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_059.pdf
- Item 60: What Gridlock? Dole Defends Responsibility of Congressional Republicans: Majority of Americans Looking for Alternatives & Political Competition; 442 Items Pass Senate -- What Gridlock?, 7/28/1993

- PDF available: s-press_036_007_060.pdf
- Item 61: Dole Appoints Kansan to Transportation Panel, 7/28/1993

- 3 copies
PDF available: s-press_036_007_061.pdf
- Item 64: Republican Victory in Arkansas - Dole Hails Nationwide Vitality of Republican Party, New Arkansas Lt. Governor Mike Huckabee, 7/28/1993

- 2 copies. 1 with colored letterhead and 1 in black in white
PDF available: s-press_036_007_064.pdf
- Item 65: Media Advisory - Dole Hosts Ceremony to Unveil Eisenhower Interstate System Sign, 7/28/1993

- 3 copies. 1 with colored letterhead and 2 in black and white
PDF available: s-press_036_007_065.pdf
- Item 66: Bosnia Inaction - Dole Welcomes Administration Review of Bosnia Policy; Not Too Late For U.S. To Do More -- Assert Position As Worlds Superpower, 7/29/1993

- 2 copies. 1 with colored letterhead and 1 in black and white
PDF available: s-press_036_007_066.pdf
- Item 67: Wichita Company Wins Bid for Leavenworth VA Construction Project, 7/29/1993

- 3 copies. 2 with colored letterhead and 1 in black and white
PDF available: s-press_036_007_067.pdf
- Item 68: Dole/Kassebaum Proposal for Wichita Approved By Senate; Will Help City Fight The War On Crime and Drugs, 7/29/1993

- 3 copies. 1 with colored letterhead and 2 in black and white
PDF available: s-press_036_007_068.pdf
- Item 69: Clinton Tax Plan - White House Fog Machine on Full Blast, 7/31/1993

- 2 copies. 1 with colored letterhead and 1 in black and white
PDF available: s-press_036_007_069.pdf
- Box 37

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Budget Update - Failure of Clinton Plan Wont Be End Of World: "We Can Do Better"; Republicans Stand Ready To Help Develop Better Plan -- Cut Spending First, Provide Incentives For Growth, 8/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Salute to Ewing Kauffman - Remarks By Senator Bob Dole On Senate Floor, 8/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: ** Media Advisory ** Crime Bill Press Conference, 8/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Response - Dole Offers Nationally-Televised Republican Response - Ask Yourself Four Key Questions About Clinton Tax Plan: Answers Affect Jobs, Businesses, Families; Clinton Plan Takes America In Wrong Direction; "We Can Do Better", 8/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Throckmorton In Line For $1.08 Million; Completes KSU Plant Science Research Center, 8/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: National Service Act Includes Dole Amendment For People With Disabilities, 8/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Retroactive Taxes - Even Draft Russian Constitution Bans Retroactive Tax Increases, 8/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Deficit Reduction Trust Fund Is This The Last Gimmick? - Dole Warns Americans : "Don't Trust The Trust Fund", 8/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Anti-Crime Bill - Dole Unveils "Neighborhood Security Act": Comprehensive GOP Plan To Restore Order & Combat Violent Crime, 8/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Supports Proposal To Increase Disaster Funds to Farmers, 8/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Tax Plan Fog Machine - White House Spin Doctors Cant Make Tax Plan Look Good: Retroactive Tax Rate Increase Steams American People; Setting Record Straight About Largest Tax Increase In History, 8/5/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Grab Your Wallet! - Taxes Going Up: American People Not Buying Clinton Tax Plan, 8/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: 1988 Dole Campaign & FEC Reach Settlement, 8/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Bosnia Update - Dole Urges President Clinton To Firm U.S. Resolve; Put NATO In Charge of Military Operations in Bosnia; Prevent Geneva Sell-Out, 8/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Senator Dole - Kansas Schedule - August 9-11, 8/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Bipartisanship - Senator Dole statement made by Senate Republican Leader in response to President Clinton Speech, 8/9/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Anti-Crime Bill - GOP Already Out Front with Tough Proposal: Republicans Hope for Bipartisanship to Reduce Safety Deficit, 8/11/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Remarks of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - National Governors Association - Tulsa, Oklahoma, 8/17/1993

- Spacing 1
PDF available: s-press_037_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Remarks of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - National Governors Association - Tulsa, Oklahoma, 8/17/1993

- Spacing 2
PDF available: s-press_037_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Its Double-Trouble, 8/26/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: **Media Advisory** Dole to Lead Pro-NAFTA Trip to Mexico City: Congressional Delegation to Meet with President Salinas and Leading U.S. and Mexican Businessmen and Women, 8/26/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Senator Dole - Kansas Schedule - August 31 - September 1, 8/30/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_001_022.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: U.S. At A Crossroads in Foreign Policy - Dole Urges President Clinton to Avoid Quagmires: Disengage from Somalia and Lead New Diplomatic and Military Approach to War in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 9/1/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: U.S. At A Crossroads in Foreign Policy - Dole Urges President Clinton to Avoid Quagmires: Disengage from Somalia and Lead New Diplomatic and Military Approach to War in Bosnia-Hercegovina, 9/1/1993

- No Letterhead
PDF available: s-press_037_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Joan Finney, 9/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Congratulates KSU-Salina Retraining Center; $7.7 Million Check Arrived Today, 9/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: 1993 Winter Wheat Crop Disaster Eligibility Extended, 9/7/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: ** Media Advisory ** Dole To Address Detroit Economic Club, 9/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Malcolm Wallop - Dole Salutes Retiring Senior Senator From Wyoming, 9/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: NAFTA - Dole Increasingly Concerned About Fate of Trade Pact In Congress: Republican Leader Reports On Meeting With Mexican President, 9/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Middle East Peace - Statement made on the Senate Floor by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Remarks To The Detroit Economic Club: Economy, Health Care, NAFTA, Foreign Policy, 9/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_010.pdf
- Item 13: Israel/PLO Accord - "Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole toady made remarks about the accord", 9/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For National Commission To Fix Nations Vocational Rehabilitation Program, 9/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: McConnell AFB Military Construction Projects Okayed By Senate, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Forbes Field Military Construction Project Okayed By Senate, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Request for Salina National Guard Academy Project Okayed By Senate, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Requests For FT. Riley Military Construction Projects Okayed By Senate, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Senate Includes Dole Request For Haskell Teacher Training Program Funding to Complete Dormitory Also Included, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: U.S. Senate Passes Defense Authorization Bill; Includes Important Projects For Wichita Aircraft Manufacturers, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: U.S. Senate Passes Defense Authorization Bill; Includes Important Parsons Project, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: U.S. Senate Passes Defense Authorization Bill; Includes Dole Request For Education Retraining Scholarships, 9/14/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: "No" To Vietnam - Statement made by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_023.pdf
- Item 24: Health Care Reform - Republicans Unveil Comprehensive Reform Plan, 9/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Mid-Session Review - Statement offered By Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole on Senate Floor, 9/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_025.pdf
- Item 27: Dave Durenberger - Statement by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/16/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_027.pdf
- Item 26: GATT - Dole Wants President To Stand Firm In GATT Talks: Agriculture Agreement Should Not Be Renegotiated, 9/17/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_026.pdf
- Item 28: Dole On Yeltsin - Statement Made on Senate Floor by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_028.pdf
- Item 29: Clinton On Health Care Address - Republicans Committed To Right Dose of Reform, Now Overdose Of Government Control, 9/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole on Hutchison Indictment - Statement by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_030.pdf
- Item 31: Clinton U.N. Speech - U.S. Interests, Not U.N. Agenda, Should Guide Foreign Policy; Dole Supports Reform of United Nations, 9/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_031.pdf
- Item 32: Crown Heights - Dole Urges Federal Civil Rights Probe of Yankel Rosenbaum Murder, 9/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_032.pdf
- Item 33: Crown Heights Amendment - Dole/D'Amato Resolution Calls For Federal Civil Rights Probe Of Yankel Rosenbaum Murder, 9/29/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_033.pdf
- Item 12: Senator Bob Dole Statement - Cable Television, 10/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_012.pdf
- Item 11: Health Care Reform - ** Satellite Feed Advisory **, 10/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_002_011.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Salute To Bob Michel - Dole Pays Tribute To Retiring House Republican Leader, 10/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Somalia & Russia - Time For Blueprint For U.S. Exit From Somalia: Gap Between U.S. Interests & U.N. Operations Widens; U.S. Has Vital National Interest In Future of Russia, 10/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Travelgate Amendment - Senate Adopts Legal Defense Relief For Five Victims of Travelgate, 10/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: NAFTA - Trade Pact Enters Decisive Phase: Public Recognizing NAFTAs Benefits; European Automakers Choose U.S., Not Mexico, 10/6/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Midwest Summit on Health Care - Dole Announces Kansas City & Garden City To Host Historic Two-Day Health Care Event: Public Sessions "Bring Health Care Debate Home To Kansas", 10/8/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Request For Ft. Riley Military Construction Projects Wins Final Congressional Approval, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Request For McConnell AFB Military Construction Projects Wins Final Congressional Approval, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Forbes Field Military Construction Project Wins Final Congressional Approval, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Request for Salina National Guard Academy Project Included in Final Military Construction Bill Approved by Congress, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Rural Hospital Funding - Senate OKs Funding for Key Rural Health Care Programs: Kansas to Share in $31.1 Million Boost for Rural Hospitals, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: $8 Million for Topeka Buses - Dole Request Wins Key Committee Approval: Funding will Purchase 30 New Buses Accessible to Disabled, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Media Advisory - Crime Press Conference, 10/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Neighborhood Security - GOP Truth-in-Sentencing Plan Key to Keeping Criminals Behind Bars, 10/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Haiti Amendment - Lays Down Marker for Administration: Put Congress on Record Before Deployment, 10/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Bosnia/Haiti - Dole Amendments Don't Tie Presidents Hands; Congress Shouldn't Sit on Its Hands Either, 10/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole to address annual Al Smith dinner: legendary Catholic charity benefits hospitals, 10/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Lenexa Post Office, 10/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Midwest Health Care Summit, 10/26/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Topeka Flood Protection: Topeka flood protection study gets final congressional OK, 10/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Halstead Flood Control: Halstead flood control projectbe completed with funding cap increase OK'd by Congress, 10/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Topeka Flood Protection, 10/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_021.pdf
- Item 23: Clinton health care bill, 10/27/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senator Dole hosts Asian-American breakfast, 10/28/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_003_024.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole on George Allen victory, 11/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Health Care Industry: creating enemies list is not the way to go about reforming our health care system; all sides need to avoid inflammatory rhetoric -- public wants facts, not fiction, 11/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Year of the Republican: GOP winning streak continues in New York, New Jersey, Virginia; Republican have right candidates and right ideas, 11/3/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Tribute to David Dinkins: "A picture that's worth a thousand words", 11/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: California Arson: Dole amendment to crime bill increases federal penalties for arson, 11/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Investigate U.N. Aid to Bosnia: Dole calls for GAO probe of U.N. aid program: pursuit of political goals may bear heavy humanitarian price, 11/4/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Violence against women & children: Dole measures adopted, 11/5/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Criminal Youth Gangs: Dole/Hatch amendments expands federal anti-gang laws; funds for federal prosecutors; $100 million for anti-gang programs, 11/8/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Anti-gang Amendment: senate approves first-ever federal anti-gang law, 11/9/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Kansas National Guard to receive MLRS units, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Wichita Aviation: U.S. Senate gives final OK to defense spending bill, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Parsons Ammo Plant: Senates gives final OK to defense spending bill, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Sunflower Ammo Plant: Senate gives final OK to defense spending bill, 11/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: New Jersey voting: story paints inaccuate picture of GOP, inpugns integrity of African-American clergy, 11/12/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: NAFTA & House Republicans - Dole Writes Undecided House Republicans, Gives assurance That NAFTA Support Solid in Senate, 11/15/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: NAFTA: House Vote - "NAFTAs a Lock," Headed for Big Senate Victory: Republican Votes Make the Difference, 11/17/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Senate Gives Final Approval to Dole Request for Retraining Program: K-State Included in Scholarship Initiative, 11/18/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Mobile Office - Dole Announces Return of Mobile Constituent Service to Southeast Kansas, 11/18/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Independent Counsel Law - Dole Amendments Designed to Prevent Repeat of Lawrence Walsh-Style Excesses, 11/18/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Crime Bill: Family Breakdown - Moynihan/Dole Amendment Urges Analysis of Breakdown of Two-Parent Family, Out-of-Wedlock Births, 11/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Access to Firearms - Dole Amendment Puts Focus on Instant Computer Checks to Keep Guns from Criminals, 11/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Crime Bill: Troops-to-Cops - Dole Measure Adopted to Help Police Forces Hire Displaced Soldiers as Cops, 11/19/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: NAFTA: Senate Vote - Remarks of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 11/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Expands Definition of Hate Crimes to Include Disabled; Other Provisions Tackle Violence and Abuse Against Disabled, 11/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Cites Major Accomplishments on Behalf of Disabled as Session Winds Down, 11/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: End of Session Review - "Republicans Made a Difference", 11/23/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: Politics & The Justice Department, 11/24/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_004_027.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Dole & Gephardt Announce Uruguay Round Advisory Group, 12/2/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Offices Save Taxpayer Dollars, 12/7/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Surgeon General Hazardous to Our Health, 12/8/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Wichita Community Policing Fund Update, 12/9/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Tough Crime Bill Needs Presidents Support - President Squandering Opportunity to Endorse Tough Bill Passed by Senate, 12/10/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Public Letter from Dole to President, 12/10/1993

- Regarding Crime Bill
PDF available: s-press_037_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Baxter Springs, Kansas Awarded $7 Million of Loan Guarantee Assistance, 12/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Defense Budget Cut Too Far, Too Fast - Dole Urges President to Reevaluate Huge Cuts in Defense, Listen to Military Experts, 12/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Public Letter to Janet Reno, 12/13/1993

- Regarding Yankel Rosenbaum
PDF available: s-press_037_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Crime Bill Update - Dole Proposes Joint Appearance with President Clinton to Show Support for Tough Anticrime Provisions in Senate-Passed Bill, 12/13/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Scam Letter - Kansans Beware! Dole Urges State & Federal Probes of Letter Seeking $300 for Phony Multimillion Dollar Federal Windfall, 12/17/1993

- Doctored Version
PDF available: s-press_037_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Scam Letter - Kansans Beware! Dole Urges State & Federal Probes of Letter Seeking $300 for Phony Multimillion Dollar Federal Windfall, 12/17/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Crime Bill Endorsement - Dole Calls on President to Endorse Senates Tough Anti-Crime Bill, Prevent Liberal Democrats from Playing Scrooge, 12/20/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Russian "Shock Therapy" - Dole Applauds Administration Reassessment: Time for Less Shock, More Therapy, 12/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Clinton & The Fed - Avoid Presidential Pressure on Fed: Don't Put Short-Term Politics Ahead of Long-Term Economic Interests, 12/21/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Madison Guaranty-Whitewater - Dole Calls for Official Senate Hearing into Madison Guaranty-Whitewater Affair, 12/22/1993

- PDF available: s-press_037_005_016.pdf
- Series 34: 1994

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Saturday Radio Address: Dole Delivers Republican Response, 1/1/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 940101sat.pdf
- Folder 2: Whitewater Special Counsel, 1/3/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940103whi.pdf
- Folder 3: Remembering Tip O'Neill, 1/6/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940106rem.pdf
- Folder 4: Statement Of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole On The Passing Of Virginia Kelley, 1/6/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940106sta.pdf
- Folder 5: Media Advisory - The Facts About Special Counsels And The Authority Of The Attorney General, 1/7/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940107med.pdf
- Folder 6: NATO And Russia Summits, 1/7/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940107nat.pdf
- Folder 7: Special Counsel Update, 1/7/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940107spe.pdf
- Folder 8: Whitewater Update, 1/9/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940109whi.pdf
- Folder 9: Whitewater Select Committee, 1/12/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940112whi.pdf
- Folder 10: Inman Nomination, 1/18/1994

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 940118inm.pdf
- Folder 11: Iran-Contra Report, 1/18/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940118ira.pdf
- Folder 12: Senator Bob Dole Schedule; Wichita, Hays, Topeka, 1/18/1994

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 940118sen.pdf
- Folder 13: Senator Bob Dole Schedule; Wichita, Hays, Topeka, 1/19/1994

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 940119wic.pdf
- Folder 14: Lift U.S. Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/20/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940120lif.pdf
- Folder 15: Media Advisory: Crime Press Conference, 1/25/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940125cri.pdf
- Folder 16: Media Advisory: Crime Press Conference, 1/25/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940125med.pdf
- Folder 17: Opening Remarks Of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole On Start Of Second Session Of The 103Rd Congress, 1/25/1994

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 940125ope.pdf
- Folder 18: State Of The Union Republican Response, 1/25/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 940125sta.pdf
- Folder 19: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 1/27/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940127bos.pdf
- Folder 20: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 1/27/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940127lif.pdf
- Folder 21: Vietnam Embargo, 1/27/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940127vie.pdf
- Folder 22: Lift Us Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/28/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940128bos.pdf
- Folder 23: Lift Us Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/28/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940128lif.pdf
- Folder 24: Lift Us Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/28/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940128us.pdf
- Folder 25: Dole Remarks To American Hospital Association, 1/31/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940131sen.pdf
- Folder 26: U.N. Peacekeeping Amendment, 1/31/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940131unp.pdf
- Folder 27: North Korea, 2/1/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940201nor.pdf
- Folder 28: Remarks National Governors Association, 2/1/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940201sen.pdf
- Folder 29: Anti-Racism Amendment, 2/2/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940202ant.pdf
- Folder 30: CBO Health Care Report, 2/2/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940202cbo.pdf
- Folder 31: Peace Powers Update, 2/2/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940202pea.pdf
- Folder 32: Senate Adopts Dole Amendment To Goals 2000 Bill, 2/3/1994

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 940203ado.pdf
- Folder 33: Vietnam Embargo, 2/3/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940203vie.pdf
- Folder 34: Sarajevo Massacre, 2/5/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940205sar.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole On Budget, 2/7/1994

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 940207onb.pdf
- Folder 36: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 2/8/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940208lif.pdf
- Folder 37: Entitlement Commission, 2/10/1994

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 940210ent.pdf
- Folder 38: $50 Billion Spent Cut Plan, 2/10/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940210fif.pdf
- Folder 39: Pay For Disaster Relief, 2/10/1994

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 940210pay.pdf
- Folder 40: Remarks To The C-Pac 94 Conference, 2/10/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940210rep.pdf
- Folder 41: Senator Hutchinson Acquittal, 2/11/1994

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 940211sen.pdf
- Folder 42: Trade Talks With Japan, 2/11/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940211tra.pdf
- Folder 43: Japan Trade, 2/15/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940215jap.pdf
- Folder 44: Strobe Talbott Nomination, 2/22/1994

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 940222str.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole On Russian Spy Scandal, Yeltsin's Bosnia Summit Proposal, 2/23/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940223rus.pdf
- Folder 46: Durenberger Re-Indictment, 2/25/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940225dur.pdf
- Folder 47: Altman Conflict, 2/28/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940228alt.pdf
- Folder 48: Ft. Riley Housing, 3/1/1994

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 940301ftr.pdf
- Folder 49: Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/3/1994

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 940303bal.pdf
- Folder 50: Whitewater-Madison Update, 3/3/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940303whi.pdf
- Folder 51: Mitchell Announcement, 3/4/1994

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 940304mit.pdf
- Folder 52: Whitewater Hearings, 3/7/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940307whi.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole Questions Department Of Veteran Affairs Plans Regarding Leavenworth Domiciliary, 3/8/1994

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 940308sen.pdf
- Folder 54: U.N. Peacekeeping: Georgia, 3/9/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940309unp.pdf
- Folder 55: Whitewater Hearings Update, 3/9/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940309whi.pdf
- Folder 56: Whitewater Hearings, 3/11/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940311whi.pdf
- Folder 57: President Clinton And Republicans, 3/15/1994

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 940315pre.pdf
- Folder 58: General Aviation Liability, 3/16/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940316avi.pdf
- Folder 59: Christopher's China Trip, 3/16/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940316chr.pdf
- Folder 60: Whitewater Hearings Resolution, 3/17/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940317whi.pdf
- Folder 61: Office Of The Senate Republican Leader Press Office Facsimile Cover Sheet, 3/18/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940318wen.pdf
- Folder 62: Republican Budget Plan, 3/23/1994

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 940323rep.pdf
- Folder 63: Parsons Funding, 3/25/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940325par.pdf
- Folder 64: Whitewater And Congressional Hearings, 3/26/1994

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 940326whi.pdf
- Folder 65: Senator Bob Dole Kansas Schedule, 3/28/1994

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 940328sen.pdf
- Folder 66: Buehler And Dole Spend Semester Together, 4/7/1994

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 940407bue.pdf
- Folder 67: Crime Bill, 4/11/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940411cri.pdf
- Folder 68: Ft. Scott Funding, 4/11/1994

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 940411fts.pdf
- Folder 69: Disability Policy - 25Th Anniversary Dole Speech, 4/14/1994

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 940414dis.pdf
- Folder 70: Dole Praises Lugar On USDA Reorganization, 4/14/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 940414pra.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole Honored By Ft. Leavenworth School District, 4/14/1994

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 940414sen.pdf
- Folder 72: Defense Secretary Accepts Invite To Tour Ft. Riley, 4/15/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940415def.pdf
- Folder 73: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 4/18/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940418lif.pdf
- Folder 74: Bosnia Policy Update, 4/20/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940420bos.pdf
- Folder 75: Bosnia Policy, 4/20/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940420bosn.pdf
- Folder 76: Media Advisory - Bosnian Vice President, 4/21/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940421bos.pdf
- Folder 77: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 4/21/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940421lif.pdf
- Folder 78: Media Advisory - Dole In Wichita, 4/22/1994

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 940422med.pdf
- Folder 79: Remembering President Nixon, 4/23/1994

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 940423rem.pdf
- Folder 80: Tribute To President Nixon, 4/25/1994

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 940425tri.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Pitches Wichita For New Commuter Aircraft Production, 5/3/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940503pit.pdf
- Folder 82: Base Closures-Two Year Delay--Dole Bill, 5/4/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940504bas.pdf
- Folder 83: U.N. And Bosnia: Gao Probe, 5/4/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940504una.pdf
- Folder 84: Haiti Policy, 5/5/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940505hai.pdf
- Folder 85: Bosnia Arms Embargo Bill, 5/6/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940506bos.pdf
- Folder 86: Us Wheat Sales To Russia, 5/9/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940509usw.pdf
- Folder 87: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 5/10/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940510lif.pdf
- Folder 88: Saluting President Mandela, 5/10/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940510sal.pdf
- Folder 89: Bosnia Arms Embargo Update - Letter From Bosnian Prime Minister To Senator, 5/11/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940511bos.pdf
- Folder 90: GOP Winning Streak Continues, 5/11/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 940511gop.pdf
- Folder 91: Breyer Nomination, 5/13/1994

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 940513bre.pdf
- Folder 92: Haiti Policy--Dole Renews Call For Bipartisan Fact-Finding Commission, 5/13/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940513hai.pdf
- Folder 93: American Leadership, 5/14/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940514amer.pdf
- Folder 94: China MFN, 5/16/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940516chi.pdf
- Folder 95: Bosnia Update - Dole Renews Call To Withdraw U.N. Forces and Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 5/19/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940519bos.pdf
- Folder 96: Remembering Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 5/20/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940520rem.pdf
- Folder 97: Haiti Policy Update, 5/23/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940523hai.pdf
- Folder 98: GOP Winning Streak, 5/24/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 940524gop.pdf
- Folder 99: Whitewater Hearings, 5/25/1994

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 940525whi.pdf
- Folder 100: Big Red One D-Day Tribune, 5/26/1994

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 940526big.pdf
- Folder 101: China Most Favored Nation, 5/26/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940526chi.pdf
- Folder 102: Memorial Day Tribute, 5/27/1994

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 940527mem.pdf
- Folder 103: Pell And Dole Lead Official Us Senate Delegation To D-Day Commemorations, 5/31/1994

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 940531pel.pdf
- Folder 104: Saunders Reappointed To President's Council On Physical Fitness, 5/31/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940531sau.pdf
- Folder 105: Tribute To Major General Robles, 5/31/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940531tri.pdf
- Folder 106: Religious Bigotry: GOP Letter To The President, 6/23/1994

- Subject: Religion - PDF available: 940623rel.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Announces New Toll-Free Number For Gulf War Veterans, 6/24/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940624ann.pdf
- Folder 108: Health Care Reform, 6/24/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940624hea.pdf
- Folder 109: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 6/24/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940624lif.pdf
- Folder 110: Media Advisory - Senator Bob Dole Olathe, Kansas, 6/24/1994

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 940624sen.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Proposal For Arkansas City Flood Control Project Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940630for.pdf
- Folder 112: GOP Crime Conference Report, 6/30/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940630gop.pdf
- Folder 113: Media Advisory - Health Care, 6/30/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940630med.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Proposal For Wichita Water Project Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940630pro.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Proposal For Elwood And Wathena Flood Control Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940630prop.pdf
- Folder 116: Dole Proposal For Wilson Lake Water Study Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940630wil.pdf
- Folder 117: Crime Conference Report, 7/12/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940712cri.pdf
- Folder 118: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 7/13/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940713fac.pdf
- Folder 119: Bosnia Relief Update, 7/14/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940714bos.pdf
- Folder 120: Haiti Fact-Finding, 7/14/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940714hai.pdf
- Folder 121: Health Care Update, 7/14/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940714hea.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Co-Sponsors Kassebaum Proposal For Z-Bar Ranch, 7/15/1994

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 940715zba.pdf
- Folder 123: Crime Bill Update, 7/17/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940717cri.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Supports Amendment To Improve Access To Health Care In Rural America, 7/18/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940718hea.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Proposal For Leavenworth's Eisenhower Veterans Medical Center Clears Key Hurdle, 7/18/1994

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 940718pro.pdf
- Folder 126: Tribute To Overland Park's Chris Rahimian, 7/18/1994

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 940718tri.pdf
- Folder 127: Crime Bill Update, 7/19/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940719cri.pdf
- Folder 128: Cuba Policy, 7/19/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940719cub.pdf
- Folder 129: Remarks Before National Governors Association, 7/19/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940719rem.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Announces Disaster Relief Authorization Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 940720ann.pdf
- Folder 131: Dole Proposal For Manhattan Grain Marketing Research Lab Renovation Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 940720gra.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Proposal For Kansas State University Agriculture Research Projects Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 940720kan.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Proposal For Soil Conservation Service Conservation Operations Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 940720soi.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Proposal For Technical Assistance To Child Nutrition Program Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 940720tec.pdf
- Folder 135: Army OKs Dole Plan To Upgrade Reserve And National Guard Fleet With Wichita-Built C-12, 7/21/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940721arm.pdf
- Folder 136: Bosnia, 7/21/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940721com.pdf
- Folder 137: Crime Conference Report, 7/21/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940721cri.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Proposal For Johnson County Transportation Project Approved By Senate, 7/21/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940721joh.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Proposal For Kansas City, Ks Highway Project Approved By Senate, 7/21/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940721kan.pdf
- Folder 140: Dole Proposal For Wichita Mass Transit Maintenance Facility Approved By Senate, 7/21/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940721pro.pdf
- Folder 141: Approved With Students Disabilities, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 940722app.pdf
- Folder 142: Health Care And Pizza Hut, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940722hea.pdf
- Folder 143: Illegal Aliens, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 940722ill.pdf
- Folder 144: Rwanda Relief, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940722rel.pdf
- Folder 145: Remembering Hugh Scott, 7/22/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 940722rem.pdf
- Folder 146: Rural Health Care, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940722rur.pdf
- Folder 147: Rwanda Relief, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940722rwa.pdf
- Folder 148: Tv Marti, 7/22/1994

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 940722tvm.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Proposal For Preservation Of Amelia Earhart's Atchison Home Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 940726dol.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Proposal For Monroe School And Brown Foundation Proposal Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 940726for.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Proposal For Kansas Rural Abandoned Mine Program Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 940726pro.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Proposal For University Of Kansas Fossil Fuel Research Project Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 940726uni.pdf
- Folder 153: Health Care Reform - Dole Welcomes Phony Express Bus Tour To Kansas, 7/28/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940728car.pdf
- Folder 154: Crime Bill, 7/28/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940728cri.pdf
- Folder 155: Health Care Reform - Remarks At American Enterprise Institute, 7/28/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940728hea.pdf
- Folder 156: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request For Bourbon County Flood Relief Assistance, 7/28/1994

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 940728sen.pdf
- Folder 157: Whitewater Hearings, 7/28/1994

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 940728whi.pdf
- Folder 158: Haiti Amendment, 8/2/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940802hai.pdf
- Folder 159: Haiti Policy, 8/2/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940802hait.pdf
- Folder 160: Health Care Update, 8/2/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940802hea.pdf
- Folder 161: Mitchell Health Care Bill, 8/2/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940802mit.pdf
- Folder 162: Health Care Reform, 8/4/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940804hea.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Proposal For Leavenworth's Eisenhower Veterans Medical Center Approved By Senate, 8/4/1994

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 940804lea.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Proposal For Topeka And Kansas City Sewer Improvement Projects Approved By Senate, 8/4/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940804top.pdf
- Folder 165: Dole Proposal For Wichita Community Development Approved By Senate, 8/4/1994

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 940804wic.pdf
- Folder 166: Clinton And The Economy, 8/5/1994

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 940805cli.pdf
- Folder 167: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 8/5/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940805lif.pdf
- Folder 168: Bosnia Policy Update, 8/8/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940808bos.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Request For Study Of Federal Support For Rehabilitation Science Approved By Senate, 8/8/1994

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 940808req.pdf
- Folder 170: Health Care Debate-Dole's Opening Statement, 8/9/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940809hea.pdf
- Folder 171: Health Care Update - Recommended Reading, 8/10/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940810car.pdf
- Folder 172: Crime Bill Update - Call For Improvements To Crime Bill, 8/10/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940810cri.pdf
- Folder 173: Dole Proposal For Forbes Field Project Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940810for.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Proposal For McConnell Construction Projects Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940810mcc.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Proposal For Nickell Barracks Training Center Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940810nic.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Proposal For Ft. Riley Projects Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940810pro.pdf
- Folder 177: Bosnia Update - Conditions In Bosnia Continue To Deteriorate, 8/11/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940811bos.pdf
- Folder 178: Crime Bill--House Vote, 8/11/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940811cri.pdf
- Folder 179: Health Care Debate - Setting Record Straight, 8/11/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940811hea.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Calls On Gregg To Play Leadership Role In Health Care Reform Debate, 8/11/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940811ong.pdf
- Folder 181: Health Care Reform, 8/22/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940822pow.pdf
- Folder 182: Crime Bill: Red Herring on Guns, 8/24/1994

- PDF available: 940824cri.pdf
- Folder 183: Cuba Policy Update, 8/24/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940824cub.pdf
- Folder 184: Regional Agreement For New Federal Building In KcK, 8/25/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940825ann.pdf
- Folder 185: Health Care Reality Check, 8/26/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940826hea.pdf
- Folder 186: Media Advisory - Senator Dole In Kansas City, Topeka, Logan, 8/26/1994

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 940826sat.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Mobile Office To Tour Western Kansas, 8/30/1994

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 940830mob.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Announces New Contract For Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 9/1/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940901ann.pdf
- Folder 189: Haiti Invasion Policy, 9/1/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940901inv.pdf
- Folder 190: Foreign And Defense Policy - National Guard Association, 9/4/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940904for.pdf
- Folder 191: Haiti Invasion And Congress, 9/8/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940908hai.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Mobile Office To Tour More Western Kansas Communities, 9/9/1994

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 940909mob.pdf
- Folder 193: Republican Crime Bill Crime Control Improvement Act, 9/13/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 940913rep.pdf
- Folder 194: President's Address On Haiti, 9/15/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940915pre.pdf
- Folder 195: Haiti Diplomacy - Dole Urges High Level, 9/16/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940916hai.pdf
- Folder 196: Haiti Resolution, 9/21/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940921hai.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Presents Testimony To Helsinki Commission On Discrimination Against The Disabled Abroad, 9/21/1994

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 940921pre.pdf
- Folder 198: Health Care Reform Anniversary Of Clinton Speech, 9/22/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940922hea.pdf
- Folder 199: Telecommunications Policy - Statement On S. 1822 The Danforth-Hollings Bill, 9/23/1994

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 940923tel.pdf
- Folder 200: Health Care Reform, 9/26/1994

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 940926hea.pdf
- Folder 201: Dole Request For Leavenworth's Eisenhower Veterans Medical Center Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 940927lea.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole Request For Topeka And Kansas City Sewer Improvement Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 940927req.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Request For Ft. Scott Flood Relief Assistance Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 940927requ.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Request For Wichita Community Development Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 940927wic.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Proposal For Child Nutrition For Students With Disabilities Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 940928chi.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole Proposal For Ft. Larned Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 940928for.pdf
- Folder 207: Dole Proposal For Kansas State University Research Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 940928kan.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole Proposal For Manhattan Grain Marketing Research Lab Renovation Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 940928man.pdf
- Folder 209: Dole Proposal For Monroe School And Brown Foundation Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 940928mon.pdf
- Folder 210: Dole Proposal For Study Of Amelia Earhart Atchison Home Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 940928pre.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Proposal For University Of Kansas Fossil Fuel Research Project Approved By Senate, 9/28/1994

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 940928uni.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole Proposal For Johnson County Transportation Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/29/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940929joh.pdf
- Folder 213: Dole Proposal For Kansas City, Kansas Highway Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/29/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940929kan.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Proposal For Wichita Mass Transit Maintenance Facility Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/29/1994

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 940929wic.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole Proposal For KAAP Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/30/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940930for.pdf
- Folder 216: Dole Proposal For Defense Aircraft Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/30/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940930pro.pdf
- Folder 217: Dole Request For MLRS Battalion For National Guard Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/30/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 940930req.pdf
- Folder 218: Haiti Occupation, 10/3/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941003hai.pdf
- Folder 219: Haiti Resolution, 10/6/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941006hai.pdf
- Folder 220: Dole Accepting Service Academy Applications; December 5, 1994 Deadline, 10/7/1994

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 941007acc.pdf
- Folder 221: 103Rd Congress - End Of Session Statement, 10/7/1994

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 941007one.pdf
- Folder 222: Iraq Troop Movements, 10/8/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941008ira.pdf
- Folder 223: Cedra's Golden Parachute, 10/14/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941014ced.pdf
- Folder 224: Iraq Update - Don't Ease Sanctions, 10/14/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941014ira.pdf
- Folder 225: North Korea--Dole Questions New North Korea Nuclear Pact, 10/19/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941019nor.pdf
- Folder 226: North Korea Agreement, 10/21/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941021nor.pdf
- Folder 227: The Big Tax Memo, 10/24/1994

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 941024big.pdf
- Folder 228: Deficit Reality Check, 10/28/1994

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 941028def.pdf
- Folder 229: Campaign Update: Trick Or Treat, 10/31/1994

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 941031cam.pdf
- Folder 230: Campaign Update: Social Security Hypocrisy, 11/1/1994

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 941101cam.pdf
- Folder 231: Campaign Update: White House Hypocrisy, 11/2/1994

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 941102cam.pdf
- Folder 232: Campaign Update: Clinton Message Not Selling, 11/3/1994

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 941103cam.pdf
- Folder 233: Criminal Justice, 11/3/1994

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 941103cri.pdf
- Folder 234: Democrat Hypocrisy On Agriculture, 11/4/1994

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 941104dem.pdf
- Folder 235: Saturday Radio Address: The Republican Response, 11/5/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 941105sat.pdf
- Folder 236: Ins Update, 11/7/1994

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 941107ins.pdf
- Folder 237: The Election Message, 11/9/1994

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 941109ele.pdf
- Folder 238: Bosnia Update, 11/16/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941116bos.pdf
- Folder 239: GATT Update, 11/22/1994

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 941122gat.pdf
- Folder 240: Dole Names Howard Greene To Be Senate Sergeant At Arms, 11/22/1994

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 941122nam.pdf
- Folder 241: NATO/Bosnia, 11/28/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941128nat.pdf
- Folder 242: Dole Names Elizabeth Greene Secretary For The Majority; Joyce McCluney To Be Deputy Sergeant At Arms, 11/29/1994

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 941129nam.pdf
- Folder 243: GATT Vote, 12/1/1994

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 941201gat.pdf
- Folder 244: Tribute To Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, 12/1/1994

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 941201tri.pdf
- Folder 245: Dole Announces 5 GOP Working Groups On Policy And Reform Issues, 12/5/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 941205ann.pdf
- Folder 246: Bentsen Retirement, 12/6/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 941206ben.pdf
- Folder 247: Bosnia Update, 12/8/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941208bos.pdf
- Folder 248: Remembering Ed Madigan, 12/8/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 941208rem.pdf
- Folder 249: Regulatory Moratorium, 12/12/1994

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 941212reg.pdf
- Folder 250: Senator Thompson To Deliver Official Republican Response To President's Address, 12/14/1994

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 941214sen.pdf
- Folder 251: Bosnia And President Carter, 12/16/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941216bos.pdf
- Folder 252: President's Speech, 12/16/1994

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 941216pre.pdf
- Folder 253: Bosnia/Carter Update, 12/19/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941219bos.pdf
- Folder 254: Dole Statement On Senator Brown's Decision To Not Seek Reelection, 12/20/1994

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 941220sta.pdf
- Folder 255: Base Closure Commission, 12/22/1994

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 941222bas.pdf
- Folder 256: Dole Names Janet Dorsey Senate Postmaster, 12/22/1994

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 941222nam.pdf
- Folder 257: Glickman Nomination, 12/28/1994

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 941228gli.pdf
- Folder 258: North Korea, 12/28/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941228nor.pdf
- Folder 259: Dole Announces Bob Dove To Return To Position Of Senate Parliamentarian, 12/30/1994

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 941230ann.pdf
- Folder 260: Gingrich Book, 12/30/1994

- Subject: General - PDF available: 941230gin.pdf
- Folder 261: North Korea Update, 12/30/1994

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 941230nor.pdf
- Series 35: 1995

- Box 38

- Folder 7

- Item 1: Dole Names Dennis Shea Deputy Chief of Staff, 1/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Cheney Announcement, 1/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Announces Old Senate Chamber Now Accessible to Disabled, 1/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Names Kyle McSlarrow Counsel to Majority Leader, 1/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Base Closure Commission - Dole Names Michael Stone & Wendi Steele to 1995 Base Closure Commission, 1/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: 104th Congress - "Reining In Our Government Will Be My Mandate" - Opening of Session Statement Majority Leader Bob Dole, 1/4/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo - Dole & Lieberman Introduce Bipartisan Effort To Lift U.S. Arms Embargo on Bosnia, 1/4/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Bosnia Embargo Update - Bipartisan Senate Effort to Lift U.S. Arms Embargo "Entirely Supportive of Peace Efforts," Bosnian President Tells Dole, 1/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Telecommunications Policy - Testimony of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Senate Commerce Committee, 1/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Remarks to the American Farm Bureau Federation, 1/9/1995

- 2 copies. 1 with colored letterhead and 1 in black and white
PDF available: s-press_038_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Forms National Security Working Group, 1/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Recommends Cochran & Simpson to Smithsonian Board, 1/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Exploratory Committee Formed, 1/12/1995

- Dole for President Exploratory Committee Press Release
PDF available: s-press_038_007_013.pdf
- Item 32: Joint Statement by President Clinton, House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle, and House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, 1/12/1995

- Press Release from The White House, Office of the Press Secretary
PDF available: s-press_038_007_032.pdf
- Item 14: Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act - Dole/Simon Legislation to Ensure Prompt Delivery of U.S. Humanitarian Assistance; Deter Interference by Other Countries, 1/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Pushes for Real Progress on Child Hunger, 1/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Bennett to Chair Senate GOP Health Care Task Force, 1/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Emporia Company Wins Contract, 1/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Announces New Senate Chaplain, 1/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Missing Service Personnel Act of 1995, 1/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_019.pdf
- Item 20: RNC Winter Meeting - Remarks of Senate Majority Leader - Ramada Renaissance Hotel - Washington, D.C., 1/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_020.pdf
- Item 21: Tribute to Rose Kennedy, 1/23/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_021.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Names Nina Oviedo Assistant Secretary of the Senate, 1/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_023.pdf
- Item 24: State of the Union, 1/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_024.pdf
- Item 25: State of the Union - Republican Congress Moving Forward to Carry Out Mandate, Keep Promises; Success Depends on Actions, not words, 1/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_025.pdf
- Item 26: Middle East Terrorist Attacks, 1/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_026.pdf
- Item 22: Baseball Strike - Play Ball! Dole Offers Offices as Forum for Negotiations, 1/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_022.pdf
- Item 28: Unfunded Mandates - Senate Passes Legislation with Broad Bipartisan Support; Provides Needed Relief to State and Local Governments and the American Taxpayer, 1/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_028.pdf
- Item 29: American Hospital Association - Remarks Prepared For Delivery Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Washington Hilton - Washington, D.C., 1/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_029.pdf
- Item 30: Senator Dole Considering Inhofe Choice for Pentagons Base Closure Commission, 1995-01

- No Date
PDF available: s-press_038_007_030.pdf
- Item 31: Media advisory - Senate Leaders Meet Japanese Prime Minister - 4:!5 PM Wednesday, January 11, 1995 - Room S-230, US Capitol, 1995-01

- No date
PDF available: s-press_038_007_031.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Regulatory Reform, 2/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole says its high time to repeal Wright Amendment, 2/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole urges tax reform for rural America, 2/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole to testify on regulatory reform, 2/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Baseball strike update, 2/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Baseball strike and Congress, 2/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole selects Ark city native to compete for appointment to the U.S. service academies, 2/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senate leaders meet German chancellor, 2/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: CPAC conference remarks prepared for delivery, 2/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act, 2/14/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Crime Bill, 2/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Base closure commission, 2/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_012.pdf
- Item 13: Striker replacement executive order, 2/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_013.pdf
- Item 14: Mexico assistance, 2/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_014.pdf
- Item 15: U.N Convention on the rights of the child, 2/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole mobile office to tour northwest Kansas, 2/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_016.pdf
- Item 17: Media Advisory: Dole/foreign policy, 2/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_017.pdf
- Item 18: Balanced Budget Amendment, 2/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole helps Kansas military bases escape closure tax, 2/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_008_019.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Foreign Policy: "winning the peace", 3/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_001.pdf
- Item 2: Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole mobile office to tour south-central Kansas, 3/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_003.pdf
- Item 4: Balanced budget amendment vote analysis, 3/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_004.pdf
- Item 5: Affirmative action hearings, 3/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole names Alan Cobb and Scott Hesse as deputy state directors, 3/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_006.pdf
- Item 7: Striker replacement, 3/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole names Craig to congressional award board, 3/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_008.pdf
- Item 9: Bosnia Arms Embargo, 3/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_009.pdf
- Item 10: Legal reform, 3/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_010.pdf
- Item 11: National newspaper association remarks prepared for delivery, 3/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_009_011.pdf
- Item 12: North Korea Agreement, 3/14/1995

- Sen. Dole late yesterday sent the following letter to Sec. of State Warren Christopher
- Item 13: Affirmative Action, 3/15/1995

- Dole to introduce legislation to remove preferences from federal law to promote color-blind ideal
PDF available: s-press_038_009_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole names Thomas Griffith Deputy Senate Legal Counsel, 3/15/1995

- Thomas B. Griffith has been named Deputy Senate Legal Counsel by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_014.pdf
- Item 15: Regulatory Reform, 3/16/1995

- Clinton proposal misses point of wiping out burdensome regulations; Dole urges commonsense, meaningful reform
PDF available: s-press_038_009_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole mobile office to tour Southwest Kansas, 3/17/1995

- Kansas Senator Bob Doles mobile office will visit 16 communities in southwest Kansas from Monday, March 27 through Thursday, March 30.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_016.pdf
- Item 17: Affirmative Action, 3/17/1995

- Dole sets the record straight; strong past civil rights record doesn't disqualify him from raising legitimate questions about effectiveness and fairness of programs
PDF available: s-press_038_009_017.pdf
- Item 18: Line item veto, 3/17/1995

- Legislation has overwhelming backing of Republican Senators; Dole tells President now is time to act and let his support be known to American people.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_018.pdf
- Item 19: Crime bill/gun ban, 3/17/1995

- Statement of Sen. Bob Dole regarding Sen. Dianne Feinstein's threat to filibuster efforts to repeal the gun ban when the Senate debates anti-crime legislation later this year.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_019.pdf
- Item 20: Line item veto, 3/18/1995

- Dole again asks President for urgent support
PDF available: s-press_038_009_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole backs Glickman for Secretary of Agriculture, 3/21/1995

- Kansas Sen. Dole today made the following statement before the Senate Agriculture Committee in support of former Congressman Dan Glickman's nomination for Secretary of Agriculture
- Item 22: Presidents trip to Moscow, 3/21/1995

- Dole has serious reservations about trip; President must use opportunity to press American concerns; urges President to also commemorate V-E Day in London
PDF available: s-press_038_009_022.pdf
- Item 23: S.5: The Peace Powers Act of 1995, 3/21/1995

- Testimony of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole/Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
PDF available: s-press_038_009_023.pdf
- Item 24: **Media Advisory** Private Property Rights, 3/22/1995

- Sen. Dole will be joined by a bipartisan group of Senate colleagues and representatives of organizations supporting private property rights to introduce "The Omnibus Property Rights Act of 1995"
PDF available: s-press_038_009_024.pdf
- Item 25: Trade deficit, 3/23/1995

- Record trade deficit threatens American standard of living; US must not head down same deficit road as Mexico
PDF available: s-press_038_009_025.pdf
- Item 26: Private Property Rights, 3/23/1995

- Dole introduces "Omnibus Private Property Rights Act of 1995"; Sweeping reforms to limit arbitrary exercise of government power and protect rights of citizens
PDF available: s-press_038_009_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole cheers on KU Jayhawks, 3/24/1995

- Dole wishes KU the best of luck in the NCAA tournament during his weekly Kansas radio conference call.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole praises Stevens for role in passage of line item veto, 3/24/1995

- Senator Dole today credited Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) for his role in the successful passage of the line item veto in the Senate.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole mobile office to visit Kingman and St. John, 3/24/1995

- Kansas Senator Bob Doles mobile office will visit Kingman and St. John on Thursday, April 6.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_029.pdf
- Item 30: Affirmative Action update, 3/24/1995

- As the Washington Post reported today, the overwhelming majority of the American people believe that the race-counting game has gone too far.
PDF available: s-press_038_009_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole names Annette Guarisco Welsh to Tax Counsel for Office of Senate Majority Leader, 3/27/1995

- Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole has named Annette Guarisco Welsch to Tax Counsel
PDF available: s-press_038_009_031.pdf
- Item 32: Spending cuts, 3/28/1995

- Senates $13 billion rescission package gives President real opportunity to get on spending cuts bandwagon
PDF available: s-press_038_009_032.pdf
- Item 33: Glickman confirmation, 3/30/1995

- Dole backs Glickman for Secretary of Agriculture
PDF available: s-press_038_009_033.pdf
- Item 34: Haiti update, 3/31/1995

- UN control, costs of occupation, problems in Haiti present concerns
PDF available: s-press_038_009_034.pdf
- Folder 10

- Item 1: **Media Advisory** Dole and Gingrich News conference to announce National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform, 4/3/1995

- Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and Speaker of the house Newt Gingrich will hold a news conference today to announce the formation of the national Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform
PDF available: s-press_038_010_001.pdf
- Item 2: Economic Growth and Tax Reform, 4/3/1995

- Dole and Gingrich form National Commission on Economic Growth and Tax Reform: Jack Kemp to serve as Chairman of nine-member panel "to design a system that is flatter, fairer, and simpler"
PDF available: s-press_038_010_002.pdf
- Item 3: Sophia Kim of Overland Park, Kansas joins Dole office, 4/4/1995

- Kansas Sen. Bob Dole announced that Sophia Kim, a native of Overland Park, Kansas, has joined his Washington office as a receptionist.
PDF available: s-press_038_010_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole recommends Abraham to Helsinki Commission, 4/5/1995

- Sen. Dole has announced his reccommendation of Senator Spencer Abraham (R-MI) to serve on the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Helsinki Commission.
PDF available: s-press_038_010_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole recommends Kempthorne to Helsinki Commission, 4/5/1995

- Sen. Dole has announced his reccommendation of Senator Dirk Kempthorne (R-ID) to serve on the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Helsinki Commission.
PDF available: s-press_038_010_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole recommends Campbell to Helsinki Commission, 4/5/1995

- Sen. Bob Dole has announced his recommendation of Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO) to serve on the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Helsinki Commission
PDF available: s-press_038_010_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole recommends Santorum to Helsinki Commission, 4/5/1995

- Sen. Bob Dole has announced his recommendation of Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) to serve on the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, the Helsinki Commission
PDF available: s-press_038_010_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Mobile Office to Tour Western Kansas, 4/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_008.pdf
- Item 9: President Franklin Delano Roosevelt: A Disability Hero, 4/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Republican Task Force On Elimination of Government Agencies, 4/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_010.pdf
- Item 11: The First 100 Days - Dole Congratulates Gingirch & House GOP; Cites House & Senate Successes in Turning Peoples Message Into Action, 4/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_011.pdf
- Item 12: Bosnia-Herzegovina War - Third Anniversary - Dole Again Urges Legal, Moral Policy: Withdraw Unprofor & Lift Embargo, 4/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Recommends Grassley to Holocaust Memorial Council, 4/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_013.pdf
- Item 14: Passover Message - Statement, 4/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Representative To Visit Three Communities, 4/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_015.pdf
- Item 17: Foster Nomination - Statement on nomination of Dr. Henry Foster to be Surgeon General, 4/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_017.pdf
- Item 18: Montana Announcement - Dole Statement regarding Joe Montana's retirement from professional football, 4/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_018.pdf
- Item 19: Oklahoma City Terrorism -Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 4/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_019.pdf
- Item 20: Doles Deputy State Director To Visit Six Communities, 4/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_020.pdf
- Item 21: Oklahoma City Tragedy - GOP Ready to Work With Administration On Comprehensive Anti-Terrorism Initiative, 4/24/1995

- Original first page and photocopy of first and last page (other pages missing)
PDF available: s-press_038_010_021.pdf
- Item 22: Legal Reform - Dole Amendment Extends Protection From Outrageous Punitive Damages to All Americans, 4/26/1995

- Press Release (other pages missing)
PDF available: s-press_038_010_022.pdf
- Item 23: FBI & Domestic Terrorism - Dole, Hatch, & Oklahoma Senators Seek Answers From AG Reno On Adequacy of Guidelines for FBI Authority: FBI May Need Boost, But "Tread Very Carefully", Dole Says, 4/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Meets with Poland's Foreign Minister, 4/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_024.pdf
- Item 25: Anti-Terrorism Bill - Dole, Hatch & Nickle's Introduce Comprehensive Terrorism Prevention Act of 1995, 4/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Mobile Office To Tour Southeast Kansas, 4/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_026.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Travel Schedule April 18 - 20, 1995-04

- PDF available: s-press_038_010_016.pdf
- Folder 11

- Item 1: Bosnia Update - As Ceasefire Expires, Bosnia No Closer to Peace Due to Illegal Embargo; Time for New Policy Based on Bosnia's Right to Self Defense, 5/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_001.pdf
- Item 2: Iran & Russia, 5/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_002.pdf
- Item 3: Legal Reform, 5/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_003.pdf
- Item 4: Cuba Policy, 5/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_004.pdf
- Item 5: Joint Statement of Senate Majority Leader bob dole & Speaker Newt Gringrich, 5/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_005.pdf
- Item 6: Lawsuit Abuse, 5/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_006.pdf
- Item 7: Japan Trade, 5/4/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_007.pdf
- Item 8: Protecting Medicare, 5/4/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole names Kelly Johnston to be Secretary of the Senate, 5/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_009.pdf
- Item 10: Legal Reform, 5/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_010.pdf
- Item 11: Croatia update, 5/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_011.pdf
- Item 12: Prime Minister Klaus, 5/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_012.pdf
- Item 13: Doles Deputy State Director to visit three communities, 5/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole praises nomination of former Kansas governor John Carlin to be U.S. Archivist, 5/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_014.pdf
- Item 15: AIPAC policy conference, 5/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_015.pdf
- Item 16: AIPAC policy conference- remarks prepared, 5/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_016.pdf
- Item 17: V-E Day - 50th anniversary, 5/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_017.pdf
- Item 18: Jerusalem Embassy, 5/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_018.pdf
- Item 19: Japan Trade Union, 5/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_019.pdf
- Item 20: Product liability reform, 5/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_020.pdf
- Item 21: U.S. - Russia Summit, 5/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_021.pdf
- Item 22: Kansas bases survive base closure, 5/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_022.pdf
- Item 23: Product liability reform, 5/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_023.pdf
- Item 24: U.S. - Russia summit update, 5/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_024.pdf
- Item 25: Balanced Budget, 5/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_025.pdf
- Item 26: dole designates $25,000 award to Kansas Wesleyan University scholarship fund, 5/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_026.pdf
- Item 27: Anti-terrorism Bill, 5/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_027.pdf
- Item 28: Doles deputy state director to visit ten communities, 5/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_028.pdf
- Item 29: Doles deputy state director to visit two communities, 5/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole mobile office to tour northwest Kansas, 5/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_030.pdf
- Item 31: Contract with the American Family, 5/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_031.pdf
- Item 32: Entertainment Industry, 5/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_032.pdf
- Item 33: House Budget Vote, 5/18/1995

- Dole applauds GOP budget victory in House
PDF available: s-press_038_011_033.pdf
- Item 34: Bosnia Update, 5/18/1995

- GAO report confirms UN not doing its job in Bosnia, UNPROFOR Operation not worth denying Bosnia right to self defense
PDF available: s-press_038_011_034.pdf
- Item 35: NRA apology, 5/18/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
PDF available: s-press_038_011_035.pdf
- Item 36: Budget debate, 5/18/1995

- Opening statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
- Item 37: Wichita company lands $55 million order for Beech C-12, 5/18/1995

- Sen. Dole today announced that the Raytheon Aircraft Company in Wichita, Kansas, has secured a $55 million order to provide 14 Beech C-12s to the Pentagon.
PDF available: s-press_038_011_037.pdf
- Item 38: **Media Advisory** Cessna groundbreaking ceremony, 5/19/1995

- Sen. Dole will give brief remarks today at the formal groundbreaking ceremony for the Cessna single-engine assembly plant in Independence. Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_038_011_038.pdf
- Item 39: Term limits, 5/22/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole on the Supreme Courts term limits ruling
PDF available: s-press_038_011_039.pdf
- Item 40: Department of Commerce, 5/23/1995

- Senate and House leaders unveil legislation to eliminate Department of Commerce; plan transfers essential functions to agencies, saves taxpayer dollars, and makes government better
PDF available: s-press_038_011_040.pdf
- Item 41: Telecommunications reform, 5/23/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
PDF available: s-press_038_011_041.pdf
- Item 42: Veterans & the Budget, 5/24/1995

- The US Senate today approved a Sense of the Senate amendment introduced by KS Sen. Dole which urges Congress to consider carefully a package of budget recommendations put forth by a coalition of veterans groups.
PDF available: s-press_038_011_042.pdf
- Item 43: Joint Statement on Office of Compliance, 5/24/1995

- Committee Selection announced by Dole, Daschle, Gingrich and Gephardt
PDF available: s-press_038_011_043.pdf
- Item 44: Economic Growth & Tax Reform Commission, 5/24/1995

- Gingrich and Dole name members
PDF available: s-press_038_011_044.pdf
- Item 45: Dole mobile office to tour Western Kansas, 5/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_038_011_045.pdf
- Item 46: Bosnia airstrike, 5/25/1995

- Sen. Dole released the following statement on todays NATO airstrike on an ammunition depot near the Bosnian Serb headquarters at Pale
- Item 47: Balanced Budget Vote, 5/25/1995

- Closing statement of Sen. Dole: "Today, we begin to speak for the future"
PDF available: s-press_038_011_047.pdf
- Item 48: Bosnia airstrike update, 5/26/1995

- Sen. Dole today released the following statement on the second NATO air strike on the ammunition depot near Pale
- Item 49: Foster nomination, 5/26/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole regarding the nomination of Dr. Henry Foster to be US Surgeon General
PDF available: s-press_038_011_049.pdf
- Item 50: Welfare reform, 5/26/1995

- Dole heralds committee approval of welfare overhaul
PDF available: s-press_038_011_050.pdf
- Item 51: Anti-terrorism bill, 5/27/1995

- Sen. Dole today released the following statement in response to President Clintons radio address
- Item 52: John Schall joins staff of Majority Leader Dole, 5/30/1995

- Sen. Dole has announced that John A. Schall has joined his staff as Assistant to the Republican Leader
PDF available: s-press_038_011_052.pdf
- Item 53: Bosnia policy, 5/31/1995

- Sen. Dole today issued the following statement
- Box 39

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Joint Statement on Rescissions Bill, 6/6/1995

- Congress of the United States joint statement
PDF available: s-press_039_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Anti-terrorism bill, 6/6/1995

- Dole welcomes Presidents reversal on including death row appeals reform in counterterrorism bill
PDF available: s-press_039_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Bosnia resolution, 6/6/1995

- Dole to introduce resolution to authorize Presidents conditional use of US ground forces to assist in UNPROFOR withdrawal
PDF available: s-press_039_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Bosnia Update - Administration Arguments Against Unprofor Withdrawal & Lifting Arms Embargo Unfounded; Time for America to Exercise Leadership & End Failed Policy, 6/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Rescissions Bill Veto - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Anti-Terrorism Bill - Closing Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Telecommunications Reform - Bipartisan leadership Amendment with sweeping deregulatory reforms on telecommunications, 6/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Captain Scott O'Grady -Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Affirmative Action - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Balanced Budget Republican Response - Remarks of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole & Kansas Charities - Support for Kansas Charities Continues, Senate Report Shows, 6/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Supports Public/Private Management of Presidio, 6/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Bosnia Update - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/16/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Balanced Budget Amendment - Dole Challenges President to Rally Democrat Support for Balanced Budget Amendment, Produce One More Vote For Victory, 6/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Foster Nomination - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Foster Nomination - Second Cloture Vote Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Tribute to George Stafford - Statement by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Announces Beech is JPATS Winner, 6/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: House, Senate Leadership Announce Budget Agreement, 6/22/1995

- Not a Dole Sponsored Press Release
PDF available: s-press_039_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Balanced Budget Agreement- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 6/23/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Bosnia Update, 6/23/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Presidio Bill, 6/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Regulatory Reform, 6/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: U.N. 50th anniversary, 6/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: "Natural Born Killers", 6/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Haiti Elections, 6/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: S.343: comprehensive regulatory reform bill, 6/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: Balanced Budget Resolution, 6/29/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_028.pdf
- Item 30: Mid-year senate review, 6/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_030.pdf
- Item 31: Welfare reform update, 6/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole commends Zeliff for hearings on national drug control strategy, 6/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_032.pdf
- Item 33: Japan Trade update, 6/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_033.pdf
- Item 34: Independence Day, 6/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_001_034.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: U.S. - Vietnam relations, 7/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Bosnia Update, 7/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Regulatory Reform, 7/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Food Safety, 7/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Vietnam normalization, 7/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Bosnia Disaster, 7/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Bosnia update, 7/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Regulatory Reform & the media, 7/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Harry Wu: Human rights crusaders imprisonment, 7/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_009.pdf
- Item 33: Joint Statement by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole and Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle regarding the GAO audit of Senate operations, 7/13/1995

- Congress of the United States
PDF available: s-press_039_002_033.pdf
- Item 10: Regulatory reform distortion update, 7/14/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Mobile Office to tour mid-western Kansas, 7/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Lift Bosnia arms embargo, 7/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Bosnia Update, 7/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Affirmative Action, 7/19/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
PDF available: s-press_039_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Olathe project approved by Senate, 7/21/1995

- Sen. Dole announced today that the US Senate approved $539,000 for land acquisition for an Army Reserve facility in Olathe
PDF available: s-press_039_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole proposal for Ft. Riley project approved by Senate, 7/21/1995

- Sen. Dole announced that the US Senate today approved his request for $15.3 million for long overdue barracks improvement at Ft. Riley
PDF available: s-press_039_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Fort Leavenworth project approved by Senate, 7/21/1995

- Sen. Dole announced today that the US Senate approved $4.4 million for Phase II construction of a Corps Simulation Center at Fort Leavenworth
PDF available: s-press_039_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole proposal for Forbes Field project approved by Senate, 7/21/1995

- Sen. Dole announced today that the US Senate approved his request for $5.2 million for a Composite Medical/Communication Facility for the Kansas Air National Guard at Forbes Field
PDF available: s-press_039_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Bosnia update, 7/21/1995

- Dole disappointed with outcome of London meeting; lifting arms embargo only hope for saving Bosnia and US credibility
PDF available: s-press_039_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Bosnia update, 7/24/1995

- London conference: bottom line - no new policy; time for US to exercise leadership and lift US arms embargo
PDF available: s-press_039_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: S. 929: Department of Commerce Dismantling Act, 7/25/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole/Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs
PDF available: s-press_039_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: Lobbying reform, 7/25/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
PDF available: s-press_039_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: Lift arms embargo, 7/25/1995

- Dole-Lieberman bill provides historic opportunity to reverse immoral, unjust approach to Serb aggression
PDF available: s-press_039_002_023.pdf
- Item 24: Media Advisory - Equal Opportunity Act of 1995, 7/26/1995

- Sen. Dole, Rep. Canady, other members of the Senate and House, as well as outside representatives, will hold a news conference Thursday to announce introduction of "The Equal Opportunity Act of 1995"
PDF available: s-press_039_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole greets Jason Steinle, 7/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Media Advisory - "American Family-Owned Business Act", 7/27/1995

- News conference announcement
PDF available: s-press_039_002_026.pdf
- Item 27: Korean War Veterans Memorial, 7/27/1995

- Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole
PDF available: s-press_039_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: Equal Opportunity Act of 1995, 7/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_028.pdf
- Item 29: American Family-Owned Business Act, 7/28/1995

- Dole introduces bipartisan bill to provide estate tax relief to help preserve American family businesses
PDF available: s-press_039_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole mobile office to tour South Central Kansas, 7/31/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_030.pdf
- Item 31: Harry Wu and U.N. Conference on Women, 7/31/1995

- Sen. Dole today introduced an amendment to the State Department Reorganization Bill to withhold $3.5 million for international confrences unless the Secretary of State certifies no U.S. funds were expended to finance the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Women
PDF available: s-press_039_002_031.pdf
- Item 32: U.N. Bureaucracy, 7/31/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_002_032.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Amy Smith of Burlington, Kansas joins Dole office, 8/2/1995

- Sen. Dole announced that Amy Smith of Burlington, Kansas, has joined his Washington office as a receptionist
PDF available: s-press_039_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole request for Arkansas City Flood Control Project wins Senate approval, 8/2/1995

- The US Senate approved legislation including Kansas Senator Bob Doles request for $700,000 to complete pre-construction engineering and design, and to begin construction of the Arkansas City Flood Control Project
PDF available: s-press_039_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole request for Grand/Neosho River Basin study wins Senate approval, 8/2/1995

- The US Senate approved legislation including Sen. Doles request for $500,000 for the Grand/Neosho River basin study to improve flood control
PDF available: s-press_039_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole request for Equus Beds Groundwater Project wins Senate approval, 8/2/1995

- The US Senate approved legislation including Sen. Doles request for $500,000 for the Equus Beds Groundwater Recharge Project
PDF available: s-press_039_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole request for Winfield Flood Protection Project wins Senate approval, 8/2/1995

- The US Senate approved legislation including Sen. Doles request for $670,000 to complete pre-construction engineering and design, and to begin construction of the Winfield Local Flood Protection Project
PDF available: s-press_039_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole mobile office to tour Southeast Kansas, 8/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Missile Defense Act, 8/3/1995

- Dole Senate floor remarks
PDF available: s-press_039_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Welfare Reform - Welfare Reform Reaches Senate Floor: Dole Outlines Principles of "Work Opportunity Act", 8/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Work Opportunity Act of 1995 - Opening Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 8/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Proposal For Quivira National Wildlife Refuge Wins Senate Approval, 8/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Proposal for Kansas Geological Survey Wins Approval, 8/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Welfare Reform - Republican Plan Provides Work, Hope & Opportunity: President Has No Plan, Senate Democrats Plan is "Weak First", 8/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Family Tax Relief - Dole Supports "American Family Tax Relief Act of 1995"; Balanced Budget & Tax Relief Important to Future of Americas Families & Children, 8/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: V-Chip & Telecom Bill - Dole Urges President to Reconsider Veto Threat on Telecom Bill; V-Chip Technology is "Drawing-Board Scheme", 8/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Bosnia Update - Dole Supports Bipartisan "Multilateral Bosnia and Herzegovina Self-Defense Fund"; Places Future of Bosnia Back in Bosnian Hands, 8/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Clinton Tax Increase: 2 Years Later - Americans Not Celebrating 2nd Anniversary of Largest Tax Hike in History: GOP Put Country on Historic Path to Balanced Budget, 8/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Bosnia Veto - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 8/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Farm Policy and Rural America - Statement made on Senate Floor by Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 8/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Affirmative Action - Dole Welcomes Democratic Leadership Council Contribution to Debate over Group Preferences, 8/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: 50th Anniversary of World War II - Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole makes a statement on Senate Resolution recognizing World War II Veterans and their Families, 8/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Nuclear Test Ban - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 8/11/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: ** Media Advisory ** Medicare - "Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole has designated a Senate Republican Working Group to deal with critical Medicare issues.", 8/14/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Senator Dole Travel Itinerary August 16-17, 1995, 8/16/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senator Bradley's Retirement- Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 8/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Balkan Update - - Dole Letter to Clinton Urges No Lifting of Sanctions on Serbia Now: Don't Reward Milosevic For His Promises, Rather Than His Deeds, 8/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: Harry WU & U.N. Conference - Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole statement on the release of Harry Wu, 8/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: ** Media Advisory ** - Senator Dole to Attend Kansas State Fair, 8/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Bosnia - Dole Condemns Sarajevo Massacre: World Waits for West to Respond, 8/29/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Bosnia & NATO Action - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 8/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_003_029.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Bosnia - Dole Urges Continued NATO Pressure on Bosnian Serbs, 9/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_001.pdf
- Item 3: Kansas National Guard Proposal Wins Senate Approval, 9/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Request for Fort Leavenworth Schools Wins Senate Approval, 9/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Request For Parsons Project Wins Senate Approval, 9/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_005.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Proposals for Wichita Defense Aircraft Projects Win Senate Approval, 9/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_002.pdf
- Item 6: Cal Ripken Tribute - On Record-Breaking Day, Dole Tips Hat to Cal Ripken, Jr., 9/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Welfare Reform - Democrat Bill Fails Real Reform Test; GOP Work Opportunity Act Provides Work, Hope, & Opportunity, 9/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: ** Media Advisory ** Senator Dole At Kansas State Fair, 9/7/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Teenage Drug Use - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Names Kelly to Education Advisory Committee, 9/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Newsweek Forum on National Security - Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Remarks Prepared for Delivery, 9/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Unveils Small Employer Pension Proposal - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Senate Committee on Small Business, 9/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Welfare Reform - Historic Work Opportunity Act Ends Welfare As A Way of Life, 9/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Proposals for Kansas State University Food Safety and Agriculture Research Projects Win Senate Approval, 9/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Proposal for Manhattan Grain Marketing Research Laboratory Wins Senate Approval, 9/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Support of Lincoln Industrial Park Wins Senate Approval, 9/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: State Department Reorganization- Dole-Helms Amendment Streamlines Bloated Bureaucracy; Administration Afraid of Reorganization- Fosters Foreign Affairs Gridlock, 9/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Humanitarian Aid Corridor Act - Dole-Simon Amendment Prohibits U.S. Foreign Assistance to Countries that Block Humanitarian Aid; Maximizes Federal Budget Efficiency & Saves Taxpayer Dollars, 9/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Olathe Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Proposals for Wichita Construction Projects Win Final Senate Approval, 9/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Proposal for Ft. Riley Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Proposal For Forbes Field Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Fort Leavenworth Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Bosnia Update - Dole Requests Hearings on Clinton Plan For U.S. Troops in Bosnia; GOP Leader Sets Record Straight on Consultation With Congress, 9/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: ** Media Advisory ** - Prisoner Litigation Reform News Conference, 9/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Prison Litigation Reform Act - Dole Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Curb Alarming Explosion of Prisoner Lawsuits & To Stop Revolving Prison Door, 9/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_026.pdf
- Item 28: Contract With America Anniversary - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 9/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Proposals for Cheney Reservoir Water Treatment Project Win Senate Approval, 9/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Proposal for U.S. Highway 54 Modernization Project Wins Senate Approval, 9/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Proposal To Provide Veterans Health Services in Liberal Wins Senate Approval, 9/28/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_031.pdf
- Item 27: ** Media Advisory ** Medicare, 9/29/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_004_027.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Simpson Verdict - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Presidents Veto - Joint Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole & House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 10/3/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Accepting Service Academy Applications - December 5, 1995 Deadline, 10/4/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Meets With Representatives of New Production Facility In Manhattan, Kansas, 10/5/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Foreign Policy - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole on President Clintons Foreign Policy Address, 10/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Cuba Policy - Easing Embargo on Cuba A Propaganda Victory for Castro, Undermines Supporters of Democratic Change: Increases Urgency For "Cuban Liberty & Democratic Solidarity Act", 10/6/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Nunn's Retirement - Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 10/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Castro Visa - Dole Urges Denial of Visa to Castro: Dole Prepared to Offer Amendment to Cuban Liberty Bill, 10/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Cuba Liberty Bill Update - Dole Urges Colleagues to Keep Pressure On Castro, Oppose Democrat Filibuster; Cuba, Not U.S., Should Change Its Policy, 10/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Jerusalem Embassy - Dole Joined By Moynihan In Bill to Move U.S. Embassy In Israel To Jerusalem; Change in Groundbreaking Requirement Boosts Support; Bottom Line Remains - Move By 1999, 10/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Farrakhan & Million Man March - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: G.I. Bill Reform - Dole Introduces Service Persons Re-Adjustment Act of 1995; Long-Overdue Veterans Education Measure to Provide Flexibility & Economic Equality, 10/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Debt Limit - Rubin Letter Takes Halloween Scare Tactics to New Level; GOP Congress Works to Prevent Budget Default, Promote Economic Security, 10/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Cuba Liberty Bill - Embargo Cuba Will Be Strengthened, Despite White House Inflexibility; Senate Paves Way for Passage of "Libertad", 10/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Castro Visa - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_015.pdf
- Item 16: Service Persons Re-Adjustment Act of 1995, 10/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_016.pdf
- Item 17: Cuba Liberty Bill - "Libertad" Bill Passes Senate With Broad Bipartisan Support; Conference to Fight For Tough Provision To Deter Foreign Investment, Despite White House Opposition, 10/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Mobile Office To Tour Western Kansas, 10/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_018.pdf
- Item 19: Bosnia Update - Administration Has Yet To Make Case For U.S. Ground Troops; Many Questions Remain; Dole Urges Administration To Seek Congressional Authorization, 10/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_019.pdf
- Item 20: Castro's U.N. Speech - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_020.pdf
- Item 21: Jerusalem Embassy Act - Senate Passes Bipartisan, Historic Bill to Relocate U.S. Embassy To Jerusalem By 1999, 10/24/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_021.pdf
- Item 22: Balanced Budget: A Historic Movement - Dole Opens Debate On Historic Plan To Balance Budget, Cut Taxes, & Preserve Medicare; Vote to Fundamentally Change Government & Keep Promises Will Be A Defining Moment, 10/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_022.pdf
- Item 23: Radio Alert - "Kansas Senator Bob Dole today introduced the Resource Enhancement Act of 1995", 10/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_023.pdf
- Item 24: Radio Alert - "Kansas Senator Bob Dole today opened Senate debate on the Republican plan to balance the federal budget", 10/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_024.pdf
- Item 25: Satellite Feed - "Kansas Senator Bob Dole today opened Senate debate on the Republican plan to balance the budget.", 10/25/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_025.pdf
- Item 26: Bosnian Serb War Crimes - Dole Urges Administration Not to Sweep Hideous Crimes Under Rug As Price for Peace Settlement; Bottom Line: Congress Should Know About Milosevic's Role, 10/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_026.pdf
- Item 27: Bosnia, US Troops & Congress - Majority of Senators Join Dole In Urging President to Seek Congressional Authorization Prior To Deployment of Troops For Bosnia Peace Settlement, 10/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_027.pdf
- Item 30: Democrats & Medicare - Joint Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole & House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 10/26/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_030.pdf
- Item 28: GDP & Balanced Budget - Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_028.pdf
- Item 29: Balanced Budget Vote - Closing Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_029.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Mobile Office To Visit Two Communities, 10/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_031.pdf
- Item 32: Weekly Republican Radio Address - House Speaker Newt Gingrich & Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 10/28/1995

- Non-Dole created
PDF available: s-press_039_005_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Mobile Office To Visit Three Communities, 10/31/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_033.pdf
- Item 34: Middle East Peace - Middle East Peace Facilitation Act Extension Important; Administration Refuses To Deal Seriously With Senate Majority; Dole Urges Bipartisan Cooperation to Reach Agreement, 10/31/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_034.pdf
- Item 35: Senator Thomas Named To Federal-State Advisory Commission, 10/31/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_005_035.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Conservation Reform, 11/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole request for Equus beds groundwater project wins final senate approval, 11/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole request for Grand/Neosho river basin study wins final senate approval, 11/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole request for Arkansas City flood control wins final Senate approval, 11/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole request for Winfield flood protection project wins final senate approval, 11/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 11/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Teenage drug use, 11/2/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Rabin Assassination, 11/4/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Bosnia Update, 11/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole announces transfer of old federal court house to Wyandotte County, 11/8/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Media Advisory - Term Limits, 11/9/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Veterans Day, 11/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Castro-White house deal, 11/10/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Leadership & Balancing the Budget, 11/15/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Balanced Budget Act of 1995, 11/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Proposals for Wichita Defense Aircraft Projects Win Final Senate Approval, 11/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole request for Parsons project wins final senate approval, 11/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole request for Fort Leavenworth schools wins final senate approval, 11/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansas National Guard proposal wins final senate approval, 11/17/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Bosnia Talks, 11/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Senator Kassebaum, 11/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Balanced budget agreement, 11/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Bosnia Peace Accord, 11/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Entertainment Industry & money train attack, 11/27/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole introduces John Thomas Marten of McPherson at Senate confirmation hearing, 11/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_025.pdf
- Item 26: Bosnia & U.S. Troops, 11/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_006_026.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Bosnia Policy, 12/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Senator Hatfield: Statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, 12/1/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Drug Policy task force: news conference, 12/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Flag Protection Amendment, 12/12/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Bosnia Debate: Hefley resolution, 12/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: National Drug Policy, 12/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senior Citizens Freedom to Work Act, 12/13/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Bosnia Deployment Tax Relief, 12/14/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Joint statementof Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole & House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 12/18/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole names Kyle McSlarrow deputy Chief of Staff, 12/19/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Joint statement of Senate Majority Leader Bob dole & House Speaker Newt Gingrich, 12/20/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Olathe Project wins final senate approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole proposal for Forbes Field Project wins final senate approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Fort Leavenworth Project wins final Senate approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole proposal for Ft. Riley project wins final Senate approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole request for Parson's Project wins finals Senate approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Proposals For Defense Aircraft Projects Win Final Senate Approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_017.pdf
- Item 18: Kansas National Guard Proposal Wins Final Senate Approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Proposals For Wichita Construction Projects Win Final Senate Approval, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_019.pdf
- Item 20: ** Media Alert ** Dole Directs Toys To Kansas Children, 12/21/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_020.pdf
- Item 21: Bosnia Visit - Dole Regrets He Will Not Make Holiday Visit to American Troops, 12/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_021.pdf
- Item 22: Securities Litigation Reform - Senate Overrides Clinton Veto; Bill Reduces Frivolous, Costly Lawsuits & Provides Relief to Working Americans & Small Investors, 12/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_022.pdf
- Item 23: Welfare Reform - Historic Welfare Reform Bill Ends Failed System, Provides Work, Hope, & Opportunity, 12/22/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_023.pdf
- Item 24: Weekly Republican Radio Address - Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole - Remarks Prepared for Delivery, 12/30/1995

- PDF available: s-press_039_007_024.pdf
- Series 36: 1996

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Marten Confirmed To Court, 1/2/1996

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 960102mar.pdf
- Folder 2: 104Th Congress, 1/3/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960103one.pdf
- Folder 3: Farm Policy, 1/5/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960105far.pdf
- Folder 4: Weekly Republican Radio Address, 1/6/1996

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 960106rep.pdf
- Folder 5: Telecom Reform, 1/10/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960110tel.pdf
- Folder 6: Welfare Reform Veto, 1/10/1996

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 960110wel.pdf
- Folder 7: Dole Office Set Budget Example, 1/11/1996

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 960111off.pdf
- Folder 8: MLK Birthday Statement, 1/15/1996

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 960115sta.pdf
- Folder 9: Media Advisory; National Commission On Economic Growth And Tax Reform, 1/16/1996

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 960116nat.pdf
- Folder 10: Senator Cohen Retirement, 1/16/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960116sen.pdf
- Folder 11: Budget Letter To President, 1/17/1996

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 960117dea.pdf
- Folder 12: National Commission On Economic Growth And Tax Report, 1/17/1996

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 960117nat.pdf
- Folder 13: Statement Of Gingrich, Dole, And Armey, 1/17/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960117sta.pdf
- Folder 14: U.N. Reform, 1/17/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960117unr.pdf
- Folder 15: U.N. Reform, 1/22/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960122unr.pdf
- Folder 16: State Of The Union: The Republican Response, 1/23/1996

- Subject: Republican Party - PDF available: 960123sta.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Announces Cessna Wins C-XX Contract, 1/26/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960126ann.pdf
- Folder 18: Defense Authorization Bill, 1/26/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960126def.pdf
- Folder 19: START II, 1/26/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960126sta.pdf
- Folder 20: National Commission On Economic Growth And Tax Reform, 1/31/1996

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 960131nat.pdf
- Folder 21: Telecommunications Reform Statement, 1/31/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960131tel.pdf
- Folder 22: New Fire Station To Fort Leavenworth, 2/1/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960201ann.pdf
- Folder 23: Telecom Reform, 2/1/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960201tel.pdf
- Folder 24: Farm Bill, 2/2/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960202far.pdf
- Folder 25: Nicodemus As National Historic Site, 2/2/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960202pro.pdf
- Folder 26: Dole Selects 49 Kansans To Compete For Appointments To Us Service Academies, 2/5/1996

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 960205sel.pdf
- Folder 27: Farm Bill Satellite Feed, 2/6/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960206far.pdf
- Folder 28: Farm Bill, 2/6/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960206giv.pdf
- Folder 29: Farm Bill, 2/7/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960207far.pdf
- Folder 30: Farm Bill Radio Alert, 2/7/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960207rad.pdf
- Folder 31: Telecommunications Reform, 2/8/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960208tel.pdf
- Folder 32: Kansans To Perform In Kennedy Center Grand Foyer, 2/9/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960209kan.pdf
- Folder 33: Aegean Crisis, 2/23/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960223aeg.pdf
- Folder 34: Cuba Aircraft Shootdown, 2/24/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960224cub.pdf
- Folder 35: Kansas Smithsonian Exhibition, 2/24/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960224smi.pdf
- Folder 36: Cuba Policy, 2/25/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960225cub.pdf
- Folder 37: Cuba Sanctions, 2/26/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960226cub.pdf
- Folder 38: Mexico And Drug War, 2/26/1996

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 960226mex.pdf
- Folder 39: Cuba Policy, 2/27/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960227cub.pdf
- Folder 40: Entertainment Industry, 2/28/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960228ent.pdf
- Folder 41: Haiti And U.S. Aid, 2/28/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960228hai.pdf
- Folder 42: Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 2/28/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960228par.pdf
- Folder 43: Northern Ireland, 2/29/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960229nor.pdf
- Folder 44: Tv Ratings System, 2/29/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960229tvr.pdf
- Folder 45: Middle East Terror Attacks, 3/4/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960304mid.pdf
- Folder 46: Cuban Liberty Bill; Radio Alert, 3/5/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960305cub.pdf
- Folder 47: Cuban Liberty Bill, 3/5/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960305lib.pdf
- Folder 48: Senator Dole Announces Office Changes, 3/5/1996

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 960305sen.pdf
- Folder 49: Bosnia Troop Tax Relief, 3/6/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960306bos.pdf
- Folder 50: Drug Policy, 3/6/1996

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 960306dru.pdf
- Folder 51: Statement On Debt Ceiling By Dole, Gingrich, And Armey, 3/6/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960306joi.pdf
- Folder 52: Indict Cuban Murderers, 3/7/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960307ind.pdf
- Folder 53: Cuban Liberty Bill, 3/12/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960312cub.pdf
- Folder 54: Bosnia Assistance, 3/13/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960313bos.pdf
- Folder 55: Joint Statement On Invitation To John Bruton Of Ireland, 3/14/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960314joi.pdf
- Folder 56: Product Liability, 3/20/1996

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 960320pro.pdf
- Folder 57: Assault Weapons Ban, 3/21/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960321ass.pdf
- Folder 58: B-2 Bomber, 3/21/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960321b2b.pdf
- Folder 59: Defend America Act Of 1996, 3/21/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960321def.pdf
- Folder 60: Haiti Policy, 3/21/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960321hai.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Introduces Medicare Subvention Bill, 3/21/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960321int.pdf
- Folder 62: Greek Independence Day, 3/22/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960322gre.pdf
- Folder 63: Edmund Muskie, 3/26/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960326edm.pdf
- Folder 64: Anti-Terrorism Bill, 3/27/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960327ant.pdf
- Folder 65: Kosova Crisis, 3/27/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960327kos.pdf
- Folder 66: Line Item Veto, 3/27/1996

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 960327lin.pdf
- Folder 67: Farm Bill, 3/28/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960328far.pdf
- Folder 68: Farm Bill, 3/28/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960328lea.pdf
- Folder 69: Advisory Board On Welfare Indicators, 3/29/1996

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 960329nam.pdf
- Folder 70: Economic Growth, 4/1/1996

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 960401eco.pdf
- Folder 71: Disciplinary Barracks To Stay At Fort Leavenworth, 4/3/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960403sic.pdf
- Folder 72: Farm Bill Signing Statement, 4/4/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960404far.pdf
- Folder 73: Statement On Ron Brown Plane Crash, 4/4/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960404sta.pdf
- Folder 74: Clinton On Bosnia, 4/5/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960405cli.pdf
- Folder 75: Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 4/5/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960405par.pdf
- Folder 76: Line Item Veto, 4/9/1996

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 960409lin.pdf
- Folder 77: Partial Birth Abortion Ban, 4/10/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960410par.pdf
- Folder 78: Pension Reform, 4/11/1996

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 960411pen.pdf
- Folder 79: Japan Auto Agreement, 4/12/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960412jap.pdf
- Folder 80: State Department Authorization Veto, 4/12/1996

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 960412sta.pdf
- Folder 81: Anti-Terrorism Bill, 4/15/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960415ant.pdf
- Folder 82: Anti-Terrorism Bill, 4/17/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960417ant.pdf
- Folder 83: Bosnia And Iranian Arms, 4/17/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960417bos.pdf
- Folder 84: Spectrum Update, 4/17/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960417bro.pdf
- Folder 85: Ron Brown Resolution, 4/17/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960417ron.pdf
- Folder 86: Health Insurance Reform, 4/18/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960418hea.pdf
- Folder 87: Technology And Disabled, 4/19/1996

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 960419ful.pdf
- Folder 88: Haiti Policy Update, 4/19/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960419hai.pdf
- Folder 89: Clinton Judges, 4/22/1996

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 960422cli.pdf
- Folder 90: Earth Day, 4/22/1996

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 960422ear.pdf
- Folder 91: Clinton Judges Update, 4/23/1996

- Subject: Clinton Administration - PDF available: 960423cli.pdf
- Folder 92: Health Insurance Reform, 4/23/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960423hea.pdf
- Folder 93: Medicare, 4/23/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960423med.pdf
- Folder 94: Term Limits, 4/23/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960423ter.pdf
- Folder 95: Armenian Genocide, 4/24/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960424arm.pdf
- Folder 96: Cuba Policy, 4/25/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960425cub.pdf
- Folder 97: Immigration Reform Update, 4/25/1996

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 960425imm.pdf
- Folder 98: Chernobyl Disaster, 4/26/1996

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 960426cho.pdf
- Folder 99: Repeal Clinton Gas Tax Hike, 4/26/1996

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 960426rep.pdf
- Folder 100: Senate Week In Review, 4/26/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960426sen.pdf
- Folder 101: Prison Litigation Reform Act, 4/27/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960427pri.pdf
- Folder 102: Cuba Policy, 4/29/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960429cha.pdf
- Folder 103: Clinton Judges Update, 4/29/1996

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 960429cli.pdf
- Folder 104: Cuba Policy, 4/29/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960429cub.pdf
- Folder 105: Gas Tax Repeal Update, 4/29/1996

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 960429gas.pdf
- Folder 106: Japan Trade Update, 4/29/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960429jap.pdf
- Folder 107: Product Liability Reform, 4/29/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960429pro.pdf
- Folder 108: Transition To Civilian Life, 4/29/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960429tra.pdf
- Folder 109: Cuban Refugee Adjustment Act, 4/30/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960430cub.pdf
- Folder 110: Joint Statement On Clinton Gas Tax Repeal, 4/30/1996

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 960430joi.pdf
- Folder 111: Media Advisory: Product Liability Reform, 4/30/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960430pro.pdf
- Folder 112: A Good Week For Wichita, 5/1/1996

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 960501ago.pdf
- Folder 113: Computer Security, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 960502com.pdf
- Folder 114: Illegal Immigration Reform Passes, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 960502ill.pdf
- Folder 115: Senate Tribute To Reverend And Mrs. Billy Graham: Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 960502maj.pdf
- Folder 116: Physician-Assisted Suicide, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960502phy.pdf
- Folder 117: Product Liability Reform Veto, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 960502pro.pdf
- Folder 118: Senate Recg. Ks Treasurers, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960502sen.pdf
- Folder 119: WTO Update, 5/2/1996

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 960502wto.pdf
- Folder 120: Balanced Budget Amendment, 5/3/1996

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 960503bal.pdf
- Folder 121: Farm Policy, 5/3/1996

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 960503far.pdf
- Folder 122: Repeal Clinton Gas Tax Increase, 5/3/1996

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 960503rep.pdf
- Folder 123: Senate Week In Review, 5/3/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960503sen.pdf
- Folder 124: Wisconsin Welfare Reform, 5/3/1996

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 960503wis.pdf
- Folder 125: Democrats Block Megan's Law, 5/8/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960508dem.pdf
- Folder 126: Teamwork For Employees And Management Act, 5/8/1996

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 960508tea.pdf
- Folder 127: Remarks Us Leadership In The Pacific, 5/9/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960509ame.pdf
- Folder 128: Passage Of Megan's Law, 5/9/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960509sen.pdf
- Folder 129: Stack Nomination Withdrawn, 5/9/1996

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 960509sta.pdf
- Folder 131: China Proliferation Sanctions, 5/10/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960510chi.pdf
- Folder 132: Kerfuffle, 5/10/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960510ker.pdf
- Folder 133: Senate Week In Review, 5/10/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960510sen.pdf
- Folder 134: Child Pornography Laws, 5/12/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960512chi.pdf
- Folder 135: Drug Smuggling Prosecutions, 5/13/1996

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 960513dru.pdf
- Folder 136: Drug Smuggling Prosecutions Update, 5/14/1996

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 960514dru.pdf
- Folder 137: Asia Policy, 5/17/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960517asi.pdf
- Folder 138: Megan's Law, 5/17/1996

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 960517meg.pdf
- Folder 139: China MFN, 5/20/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960520chi.pdf
- Folder 140: Iraqi Sanctions Relief, 5/20/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960520ira.pdf
- Folder 141: Kansas Appointment To Folklife Center Board (2 Releases), 5/22/1996

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 960522ame.pdf
- Folder 142: Drug Smuggling Prosecution, 5/22/1996

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 960522dru.pdf
- Folder 143: President Clinton And National Security, 5/22/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960522pre.pdf
- Folder 144: Dole Recommends Nebraskan For Appointment To The American Folklife Center Board Of Trustees, 5/22/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960522rec.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Recommends Nebraskan For Appointment To The American Folklife Center Board Of Trustees, 5/22/1996

- Subject: General - PDF available: 960522reco.pdf
- Folder 146: Welfare And Drug Testing, 5/22/1996

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 960522wel.pdf
- Folder 147: Missile Defense, 5/23/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960523mis.pdf
- Folder 148: IRS Reform Commission, 5/23/1996

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 960523nam.pdf
- Folder 149: Frahm Appointment, 5/24/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960524app.pdf
- Folder 150: Balanced Budget Amendment, 5/24/1996

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 960524bal.pdf
- Folder 151: Welfare Reform Blocked, 5/24/1996

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 960524wel.pdf
- Folder 152: C-17, 5/27/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960527c17.pdf
- Folder 153: Memorandum For The Secretary Of State; Vietnamese Cooperation In Accounting For U.S. POWs And MIAs, 5/29/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960529pre.pdf
- Folder 154: Israel Relations, 5/30/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960530isr.pdf
- Folder 155: Vietnam And POW/MIA, 5/31/1996

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 960531vie.pdf
- Folder 156: NATO Expansion, 6/3/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960603nat.pdf
- Folder 157: Defend America Act, 6/4/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960604def.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Hosts Media Reception, 6/4/1996

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 960604hos.pdf
- Folder 159: NATO Enlargement Act, 6/4/1996

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 960604nat.pdf
- Folder 160: Protecting Medicare, 6/5/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960605pro.pdf
- Folder 161: Balanced Budget Amendment, 6/6/1996

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 960606bal.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Congratulates 1996 Congressional Medal Winners, 6/7/1996

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 960607con.pdf
- Folder 163: North Korea, 6/7/1996

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 960607nor.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Announces Laura Sachen Of Kansas City Selected For Sony Program, 6/7/1996

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 960607sen.pdf
- Folder 165: Campaign Finance Reform, 6/11/1996

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 960611cam.pdf
- Folder 166: Disability Policy, 6/11/1996

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 960611dis.pdf
- Folder 167: Health Care Reform, 6/11/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960611hea.pdf
- Folder 168: Medicare Reform, 6/11/1996

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 960611med.pdf
- Folder 169: Senate Remarks Farewell Address, 6/11/1996

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 960611rem.pdf
- Folder 130: Presidio Passes, 1996-05

- Subject: General - PDF available: 96050pre.pdf
- Box 38

- Folder 7

- Item 27: Start II - Senate Gives Approval to Start II Treaty With Conditions; Dole States Start II Action Not Linked to ABM Treaty; Missile Defense Remains Top Priority, 1/26/1996

- PDF available: s-press_038_007_027.pdf
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
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Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
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Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
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Series 32: 1992],
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