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Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, 1958-1996

By Erik Radowski, Sarah D

Collection Overview

Title: Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, 1958-1996

ID: 01/019

Extent: 41.7 Linear Feet

Arrangement: The collection is arranged chronologically into thirty-six series based on Senator Dole’s years of service as the Russell County Attorney, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Kansas’s 6th district and then Kansas’s 1st district, and United States Senator from Kansas. Objects have been removed and housed separately from text materials for preservation purposes; although removal forms still link the materials intellectually to the corresponding series.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, which spans the years 1958-1996, consists of speeches, remarks, talking points, briefing materials, correspondence, photographs, invitations, newspapers and clippings, itineraries, research, and travel files from Senator Bob Dole’s career in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.

All speeches listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to view the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned speeches here:

The majority of the collection relates to Senator Dole’s many speaking engagements over the course of his career and reveals his desire to engage with all Americans. Senator Dole’s emergence as a national political figure is documented through his speeches as a U.S. Congressman at local Kansas high school commencements to appearances on Meet the Press as a respected Senator and presidential-hopeful. This collection includes materials from speaking at conventions for national organizations and many local Republican meetings, which exemplify Senator Dole’s drive to increase awareness of the Republican platform and raise support for fellow Republicans. As a leader of the Republican Party and prominent U.S. Senator, Bob Dole often traveled the country; the collection proves he visited every state in the union and spoke in most of them.

Administrative Information

Access Restrictions: This collection is open for research, however, some materials within the Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.

Use Restrictions: Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.

Processing Information:

View a full series list of this collection here (PDF will open in a new window): dole_archives_speeches_collection.pdf

Box and Folder Listing

Series 1: 1958Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: County Attorney's Relations with the Sherriff - Russell County, Kansas, 1958Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_001_all.pdf
Series 2: 1961Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Dedication of a Post Office in Barnard, Kansas - Barnard, Kansas, 17 March 1961Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: The Ellis Post Office: A Sketch to 1882, 28 April 1961Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Radio - U.S.A., 3 May 1961Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: The Role of the Town Paper in the 60's, 5 June 1961Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Memorial Service, 27 November 1961Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_006_all.pdf
Series 3: 1962Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 7: History of Tescott, Kansas, 14 February 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Hill City Post Office - Hill City, Kansas, 23 April 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Freemasonry Builds: Dedication of a Masonic Lodge - Kansas, 1 May 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Rotary Meeting - Downs, Osborne, Smith Center, Kansas, 7 May 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: The Christian in Politics, 5 October 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Laying Cornerstone of a Masonic Lodge, 25 October 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Conservation of Our Soil and Water Resources - Kansas Association of Soil Conservation Districts - Hays, Kansas, 4 December 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Kansas Young Americans for Freedom Constitutional Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 15 December 1962Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_014_all.pdf
Series 4: 1963Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 15: Victory Dinner - Great Bend, Kansas, 5 January 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Agriculture Legislation Prospects in 1963 - House Committee on Agriculture - Washington, D.C., 18 January 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Agriculture Legislation Prospects in 1963 - House Committee on Agriculture - Washington, D.C., 11 February 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Fulfilling the Demands of Freedom in an Age of Revolution - Liberal Key Club - Liberal, Kansas, Early Fall, 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Joint 1st and 4th District Republican Rally - Salina, Kansas, 19 October 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Burlington County Young Republicans - Burlington, New Jersey, 2 November 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Veterans Day Celebration - Norton, Kansas, 11 November 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Cheyenne County Republican Meeting - St. Francis, Kansas, 23 November 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Formal Opening of a Community Clinic - Natoma, Kansas, 24 November 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Heart of America Goldwater for President Club - Prairie Village, Kansas, 25 November 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: 19th Annual Kansas Association of Soil Conservation District Meeting - Pratt, Kansas, 2 December 1963Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_025_all.pdf
Series 5: 1964Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Distinguished Service Award Banquet - Hugoton, Kansas, 17 January 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Young Republican National Leadership Training School - Washington, D.C., 24 January 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Republican Citizens Committee Annual Meeting of Onondaga County - Syracuse, New York, 27 January 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Republican Lincoln Day Dinner - Rensselaer, Indiana, 12 February 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Jaycee Awards Banquet - Young Men and leadership - Sublette, Kansas, 15 February 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: 1st District Republican Convention - Dodge City, Kansas, 14 March 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Central Kansas Conference Retreat for Methodist Men - Salina, Kansas, 11 April 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: World War II Veterans - Russell, Kansas, 14 April 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Mount Olivet Methodist Church - Arlington, Virginia, 19 April 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: First Vanderbilt Mock Nominating Convention - Nashville, Tennessee, 25 April 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Collegiate Young Republican Club Rally - Emporia, Kansas, 1 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: South Dakota College Federation of Young Republicans State Convention - Pierre, South Dakota, 2 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Goldwater Rally - Daytona Beach, Florida, 8 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Sherman County Republicans - Goodland, Kansas, 10 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Introduction of Senator Goldwater in Madison Square Garden - New York City, New York, 12 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Florida Federation of Young Republicans - Sarasota, Florida, 16 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Third District Republican Association - Richmond, Virginia, 20 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Arlington Republican Women's Club - Arlington, Virginia, 26 May 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Disabled American Veterans - Kansas State Convention - Dodge City, Kansas, 6 June 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Dedication of a Boy Scout Log Cabin - Plainville, Kansas, 13 June 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: Washington Roundtable - Washington, D.C., 26 June 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Denver and Longmont, Colorado, July 31 - August 1, 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: National Republican Congressional Committee - 1964 Candidates Conference - Arlington, Virginia, 4 August 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Indiana State Young Republicans Federation - South Bend, Indiana, 8 August 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Illinois Republican Rally - Anna, Illinois, 29 August 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_001_050_all.pdf
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Groundbreaking Ceremonies for Glen Elder Dam and Reservoir - Beloit, Kansas, 4 October 1964Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_001_all.pdf
Series 6: 1965Add to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Arizona Young Republicans League - Tucson, Arizona, 9 January 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Fifth Annual Fargo Farm Forum - Fargo, North Dakota, 5 February 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Lincoln Day Dinner - Orange County Republicans - Orlando, Florida, 12 February 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Kansas Livestock Association 52nd Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 12 March 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Union County Young Republicans - Summit, New Jersey, 13 March 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Texas Young Republican State Convention - Austin, Texas, 20 March 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Kansas Collegiate Young Republican State Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 27 March 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: 13th Annual Republican Women's Conference - Washington, D.C., 2 April 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: District of Columbia Young Republicans - Washington, D.C., 26 April 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Annual Frederick County, Maryland Dinner - Frederick, Maryland, 28 April 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Louisiana Young Republican Convention - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 1 May 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Delaware Young Republican Convention - Dover, Delaware, 15 May 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Phillipsburg High School Commencement Address - Phillipsburg, Kansas, 20 May 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Memorial Day 1965 - Medicine Lodge, Kansas, 30 May 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Morris County Young Republican Club Awards Dinner - Florham Park, New Jersey, 13 June 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Young Republican Club of Montgomery County - Maryland, 14 June 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Disabled American Veterans State Convention - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 26 June 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Sharon Springs Religious Group - Sharon Springs, Kansas, 4 July 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Washington Citizenship Seminar - Washington, D.C., 26 July 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Ohio League of Young Republicans - Cincinnati, Ohio, 31 July 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Kansas Farm Bureau Commodity Conference - Rock Springs Ranch, Kansas, 13 August 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Appreciation Rally for Harry Carbaugh - Chattanooga, Tennessee, 14 August 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: "Constitution at the Crossroads" - Constitution Day - Bartlesville, Oklahoma, 18 September 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Allen County Republican Rally - Lima, Ohio, 2 October 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: GOP Alabama Jubilee - Mobile, Alabama, 9 October 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Happy Birthday Ike Dinner - Durham, North Carolina, 14 October 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_027_001.pdf
Folder 28: Republican Fall Harvest Dinner - Utica, New York, 19 October 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_027_all.pdf
Folder 29: Region VII College Young Republican Training School - Kansas City, Kansas, 6 November 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_028_all.pdf
Folder 30: Kansas Association of Wheat Growers Congressional Luncheon - Hutchinson, Kansas, 10 November 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Veterans Day - Garden City, Kansas, 11 November 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Crawford County Republican Rally - Pittsburg, Kansas, 17 November 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: St. John Lutheran Parent-Teacher League - Lincoln, Kansas, 18 November 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: National Beet Growers Federation - Colorado Springs, Colorado, 8 December 1965Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_034_all.pdf
Series 7: 1966Add to your cart.
Box 2Add to your cart.
Folder 35: First Methodist Church Dinner - "A Layman's Responsibility to his Church" - Salina, Kansas, 7 January 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: American National Cattlemen's Association 69th Annual Convention - Kansas City, Missouri, 25 January 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Kansas Veterans Republican Club Meeting - Topeka, Kansas, 29 January 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: News Hens - "Nothing" - Topeka, Kansas, 30 January 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: 45th Annual Stockholder's Meeting Central Livestock Association, Inc. - South St. Paul, Minnesota, 9 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Republican Lincoln Day Dinner - Salt Lake City, Utah, 10 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_002_040_all.pdf
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Republican Lincoln Day Dinner - Bismarck, North Dakota, 11 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Republican Lincoln Day Dinner - Marion, Ohio, 12 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Kansas Bankers Agricultural School - Manhattan, Kansas, 18 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Republican Women's Group - Hays, Kansas, 19 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Soil Conservation Service - Norton, Kansas, 19 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, Inc. - National Conference on Food-Aid Legislation - Washington, D.C., 24 February 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: The Bar Association of the State of Kansas - Institute of Farm Law - Salina, Kansas, 4 March 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Smith County Farmers Union - Smith Center, Kansas, 5 March 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Newspaper Farm Editors, 18 April 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: 14th Annual Republican Women's Conference - Republican Victories in Rural America - Washington, D.C., 6 May 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Plainville High School Commencement - Plainville, Kansas, 20 May 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Washburn Alumni Association Alumni Banquet, 4 June 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Sunflower Girls' State - Lawrence, Kansas, 12 June 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Nominating Convention, 6th District of Virginia - Roanoke, Virginia, 18 June 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Republican National Committee Workshop - Greensboro, North Carolina, 23 July 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Missouri Farmers Association and Midcontinent Farmers Association - Columbia, Missouri, 8 August 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Republican State Committee of Delaware Candidates' School - Newark, Delaware, 7 September 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Kansas Association of Soil Conservation Districts - Area One Meeting - Stockton, Kansas, 1 November 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Association of Wheat Growers - Dodge City, Kansas, 10 November 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Veterans Day and Vietnam - Belleville, 11 November 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Knights Templar - "Patriotism and the Youth of America" - Hays, Kansas, 12 November 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Petroleum Group, 1 December 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Kansas Farm Bureau - The 90th Congress on Agriculture Legislation, 12 December 1966Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Apathy or Action - The 1966 ElectionsAdd to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_024_all.pdf
Series 8: 1967Add to your cart.
Box 3Add to your cart.
Folder 25: 96th Kansas Agricultural Convention - Topeka, Kansas, 12 January 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: 48th Annual Ohio Pastors Convocation - Columbus, Ohio, 24 January 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Culmore Methodist Church - Falls Church, Virginia, 1 February 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Wayne County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner - Goldsboro, North Carolina, 9 February 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Lincoln Day Celebration Noon Luncheon - Independence, Kansas, 11 February 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: 25th National Rural Electric Cooperative Association Annual Meeting - San Francisco, California, 22 February 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Lincoln Day Celebration - Clarksburg, West Virginia, 3 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Greeting to the Mayor's Prayer Breakfast, 7 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: House of Representatives on Farm Credit - Washington, D.C., 8 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Fifty Years of Farm Credit, 8 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Wayne County Lincoln Day Banquet - Richmond, Indiana, 16 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Strengthening Agriculture, 28 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: No Title, Kansas, 1 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Your Generation as Citizens, 1 March 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Spillman Creek Watershed, Soil Conservation Service - Kansas, 7 April 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Veterans of WWI Convention - Salina, Kansas, 8 April 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Agriculture and the 90th Congress, 17 April 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Ninth District of Virginia, 29 April 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Floor Statement of Post Office Letter Carriers, 6 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Chicago Board of Trade - First International Agribusiness Conference - Chicago, Illinois, 11 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: The National Independent Meat Packers Association - Chicago, Illinois, 12 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: Thirtieth Anniversary Congratulations to Radio Station KSAL - Salina, Kansas, 17 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: First District-Northwest Area - Republican Women - Smith Center, Kansas, 20 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: St. Mary of the Plains College Commencement - Dodge City, Kansas, 20 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Boy Scouts of America - Self-Reliance and the Goal of Excellence, 21 May 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Annual Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars - Garden City, Kansas, 3 June 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_003_050_all.pdf
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Wilson Dam and Reservoir Dedication - Wilson, Kansas, 10 June 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Dedication of Clarence A. Gilbert Memorial - Plainville, Kansas, 10 June 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Bill Scott Dinner - Prince William County Republican Committee - Manassas, Virginia, 17 June 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Bob Price Appreciation Dinner - Pampa, Texas, 24 June 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: First Annual Independence Day Celebration - Great Bend, Kansas, 4 July 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Extension Service - District I - Summer Planning Conference - Dodge City, Kansas, 10 July 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Western Plains States Campaign Management Seminar - Norman, Oklahoma, 15 July 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Republican Campaign Seminar - Emporia, Kansas, 12 August 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Kansas City, Kansas Rotary Club - Kansas City, Kansas, 5 September 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: The Administration and the American Farmer - Russell, Kansas, 7 September 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Wyandotte County Republican Picnic - Kansas City, Kansas, 17 September 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Midwest Republican Women's Regional Conference - Chicago, Illinois, 22 September 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: The Society of American Petroleum Engineers - Liberal, Kansas, 23 September 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Agriculture Economic Conference - Liberal, Kansas, 23 September 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: The Problem - Unequal Justice Under Law, 3 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: First District Young Republicans Convention - Pratt, Kansas, 14 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Dedication of a Meat-Packing Plant - Mankato, Kansas, 15 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Jackson County Farm Bureau Association - Holton, Kansas, 16 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Kansas Mental Health Association Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 27 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Meade County Dinner Meeting - Meade, Kansas, 28 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Kansas Division, USA-UNA Annual Meeting - Emporia, Kansas, 28 October 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Johnson County Young Republicans - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 3 November 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_022_all.pdf
Folder 23Add to your cart.
Item 23: 49th Convention of Kansas Farm Bureau - Wichita, Kansas, 7 November 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Kansas Young Republican Federation Biennial Convention - Hutchinson, Kansas, 2 December 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Hard Winter Wheat Quality Advisory Council - Kansas City, Kansas, 4 December 1967Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_025_all.pdf
Series 9: 1968Add to your cart.
Box 4Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Great Plains Life Insurance Company - Wichita, Kansas, 6 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Professional Engineers in Government Section of the Kansas Engineering Society - Kansas City, Missouri, 10 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Osborne County Soil Conservation District - Osborne, Kansas, 13 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Goodland Chamber of Commerce - Goodland, Kansas, 15 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Distinguished Awards Banquet - Junior Chamber of Commerce - Wichita, Kansas, 20 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Kansas Electric Cooperatives Inc. - Topeka, Kansas, 23 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: National Association of Wheat Growers - Wichita, Kansas, 24 January 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: National Telephone Cooperative Association - Washington, D.C., 2 February 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: American War Mothers - Kansas City, Kansas, 16 February 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Second International Conference on War on Hunger - Washington, D.C., 20 February 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Kansas Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children - Hays, Kansas, 8 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, 11 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Veterans of WWI - Lawrence, Kansas, 17 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Hays Senior Citizens' Conference - Hays, Kansas, 22 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: First District GOP Convention - Hays, Kansas, 23 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Armourdale Association - Kansas City, Kansas, 25 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Harvey County Republican Women Masonic Lodge - Sedgewick, Kansas, 29 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Veterans of World War I District Convention - Russell, Kansas, 31 March 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Our Obsolete Welfare StateAdd to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: State Independent Telephone Association of Kansas - Wichita, Kansas, 5 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: Johnson County Pace Members - Overland Park, Kansas, 6 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Annual C.A.P. Dinner Dance - Wichita, Kansas, 6 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: Where Do We Go From Here? - Great Bend, Kansas, 17 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Derby Jaycees, 17 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: "Focus '68: New Leadership", 18 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_004_050_all.pdf
Box 5Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Victory Electric Coops - Dodge City, Kansas, 18 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Farmers Cooperative Commission Co. - Wichita, Kansas, 22 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Conference of Independent Bankers Association of America - Washington, D.C., 22 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Republican Women's Conference Campaign Workshops - Washington, D.C., 23 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Midwest Federation of College Republican Clubs - Chicago, Illinois, 26 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Regional Jaycee Meeting - Hays Kansas, 27 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Kappa Sigma Luncheon - Manhattan, Kansas, 28 April 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Veterans of WWI and Auxiliary - Marysville, Kansas, 3 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Mock Political Convention - Manhattan, Kansas, 3 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: "Grover Cobb Day" - Great Bend, Kansas, 5 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Kansas Savings and Loan Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 10 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Brown County Republican Women's Club VFW Club - Hiawatha, Kansas, 11 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Cowley County Dole for Senate Dinner - Winfield, Kansas, 17 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Republican County Rally - Belleville, Kansas, 18 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Saline County Medical Society and Bar Association - Salina, Kansas, 19 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: North Central High School Commencement - Morrowville, Kansas, 20 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Russell high School Commencement - Russell, Kansas, 24 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Evans Grain Managers Meeting - Salina, Kansas, 24 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Petroleum Accountants Conference - Wichita, Kansas, 24 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: 60th Annual American Feed Manufacturers Association Convention - Washington, D.C., May 26-28, 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: American Feed Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 28 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Johnson County Open Meeting - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 31 May 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Olpe High School Alumni Banquet - Olpe, Kansas, 1 June 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: "The Federal Government's Role in Agriculture" - Corn Refiners Association - Washington, D.C., 5 June 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Disabled American Veterans - Coffeyville, Kansas, 15 June 1968Add to your cart.
Folder 26: Doniphan County Dole for Senate Committee - Troy, Kansas, 16 June 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Second Independence Day Celebration - Eureka, Kansas, 4 July 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Johnson County Reception - Johnson County, Kansas, 12 July 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: 1968 Issues - Ft. Scott, Kansas, 13 July 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Party Council - "Victory for America" - Topeka, Kansas, 27 August 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: 134th International Convention and Leadership Conference of Delta Upsilon - Manhattan, Kansas, 28 August 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Kansas Builders Forum - Hutchinson, Kansas, 6 September 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Great Western Sugar Company Luncheon for Growers, 20 September 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Medical Auxiliary of Johnson County - Overland Park, Kansas, 27 September 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Leavenworth County Republican Meeting - Lansing, Kansas, 27 September 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Dedication of the Nursing Addition - Good Samaritan Center - Ellsworth, Kansas, 29 September 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Wabaunsee County Republican Dinner - Eskridge, Kansas, 30 September 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Neosho County Republican Dinner - Chanute, Kansas, 5 October 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Republican Fundraising Dinner - Augusta, Kansas, 7 October 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: "A Time for Truth" - Ford County Farm Bureau Meeting - Dodge City, Kansas, 17 October 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: "The Mainstream of America" - Topeka, Kansas, 23 October 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Kansas Electric Cooperative Board Meeting, 23 October 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: "The Responsibility of a Layman in Public Life to his Church" - St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Kansas City, Kansas, 27 October 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Election Reflections, November - December 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Senator Frank Carlson Symposium on World Population and Food Supply - Manhattan, Kansas, 4 December 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_005_045_all.pdf
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Agribusiness - U.S. Feed Producers, June 1 - December 31, 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Crisis in the Cities, 1968Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_002_all.pdf
Series 10: 1969Add to your cart.
Box 6Add to your cart.
Folder 3: "Salute to Industrial Progress Dinner" - Lenexa, Kansas, 21 February 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Licking County Republican Dinner - Newark, Ohio, 6 March 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Keyman Conference American Optometric Association - Washington, D.C., 10 March 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Caldwell County Lincoln Day Dinner - Lenoir, North Carolina, 15 March 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Grain and Feed Dealers National Association 73rd Annual Convention - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 27 March 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Midwest Federation of College Republican Clubs - Washington, D.C., 28 March 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: "The Peacemaker" - Abilene, Kansas, 2 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Rotary District 571 Convention - Topeka, Kansas, 12 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: All-University Open House Convention - Manhattan, Kansas, 12 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: FAR-MAR-CO, Inc. 1st Annual Stockholder's Meeting - Kansas City, Missouri, 15 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: "The First 90 Days" - Kansas Press Association - Salina, Kansas, 19 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Oklahoma County Republican Convention - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 19 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: "The First 96 Days" - Kansas Grain and Feed Dealers Association Annual Convention and Trade Show - Wichita, Kansas, 26 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Millers' National Federation 67th Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C., 29 April 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Annual Meeting of President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped - Washington, D.C., 1 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Opportunities Unlimited Program - San Diego, California, 3 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Florida Federation of young Republicans - St. Petersburg, Florida, 10 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: 19th Annual Convention of Kansas Association of Radio Broadcasters - Salina, Kansas, 10 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Association of the U.S. Army - Ft. Riley, Kansas, 16 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Kansas Bankers Association Convention - Topeka, Kansas, 16 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Harveyville High School Commencement Address - Harveyville, Kansas, 22 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Bethany College Commencement Address - Lindsborg, Kansas, 25 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Salina High School Commencement Address - Salina, Kansas, 28 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: G.I. Forum - Kansas City, Kansas, 31 May 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: American Legion Boys State - Lawrence, Kansas, 1 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: D-Day 25th Anniversary - Abilene, Kansas, 6 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Business Professional Women's State Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 6 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Kansas City - Kansas City, 7 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Girls' State - Lawrence, Kansas, 13 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Honoring the Armed Forces - Municipal Stadium - Kansas City, Missouri, 13 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Honorary Citizen of Osawatomie, Kansas, 28 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Kansas Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs - Topeka, Kansas, 28 June 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Comments on Apollo 11 for Kansas City Star, 1 July 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Kiwanis Club - Wichita, Kansas, 5 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Freshman Orientation University of Southern California - California, 10 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: National Feed ingredients Association - Arlington Heights, Illinois, 10 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: 72nd Annual Picnic Missouri Republican Club - Kansas City, Missouri, 13 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Baltimore County Republican Dinner - Baltimore, Maryland, 16 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: American Society of Agricultural Consultants - New Orleans, Louisiana, 26 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Washington County Fund Raising Dinner - Washington, Kansas, 27 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Dedication of Washburn Law School - Topeka, Kansas, 27 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Arlington Republican Women's Club - Arlington, Virginia, 30 September 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Kansas Motor Carriers Association - Wichita, Kansas, 2 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_006_045_all.pdf
Box 7Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Rawlins County Farm Bureau Dinner - Atwood, Kansas, 4 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Butler County Farm Bureau - El Dorado, Kansas, 10 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Dwight D. Eisenhower Commemorative Stamp Ceremony - Abilene, Kansas, 14 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Kansas Association for Mental Health, Inc. - Overland Park, Kansas, 17 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Art Griggs "Top Kansan" Award Banquet - Topeka, Kansas, 23 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Congressional Boosters Lunch - Denver, Colorado, 24 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Service Corps of Retired Executives - Silver Spring, Maryland, 29 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Jefferson County Farmers Bureau Dinner - Valley Falls, Kansas, 30 October 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: BPW Youth Council - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 1 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Douglas County Republican Central Committee - Lake Tahoe, Nevada, 2 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Americanism Week - Dedication of Armory Drill Hall - McPherson, Kansas, 14 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Midwest Republican Conference - Des Moines, Iowa, 14 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: National Easter Seal Society - Columbus, Ohio, 21 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Trunk 'N Tusk of Tucson - Tucson, Arizona, 22 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Mayor's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped - Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 28 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: "I Love America Week" - Pittsburg, Kansas, 1 November 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Farmland Industries Annual Meeting - Kansas City, Missouri, 4 December 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Kappa Sigma Founder's Day Banquet - Topeka, Kansas, 7 December 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Dedication of the Ida Long Goodman Memorial Library - St. John, Kansas, 7 December 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Dinner Honoring Congressman Joe Skubitz - Independence, Kansas, 13 December 1969Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_020_all.pdf
Series 11: 1970Add to your cart.
Box 7Add to your cart.
Folder 21: Masonic Hall Dedication - Russell, Kansas, 13 January 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Chamber of Commerce Dinner - Parsons, Kansas, 30 January 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Principals-Presidents Banquet - Topeka, Kansas, 31 January 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Mississippi Valley Association - St. Louis, Missouri, 1 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Lincoln Day Dinner - Lawrence, Kansas, 12 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Lincoln Day Dinner - Stillwater, Oklahoma, 13 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Third Annual Joint Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 13 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Lincoln Day Dinner - San Pedro, California, 14 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Animal Health Division - San Diego, California, 15 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Midwest Fertilizer Conference - Chicago, Illinois, 17 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: National Association of hearing and Speech Agencies - St. Louis, Missouri, 21 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Washington's Birthday Freedom Rally - Washington, D.C., 21 February 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Kansas Home Economic Association - Manhattan, Kansas, 7 March 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Leadership Training School, Montana State University - Bozeman, Montana, 8 March 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Arkansas Basin Development Association Annual Meeting - Tulsa Oklahoma, 13 March 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Texas young Republican Federation State Convention - Dallas, Texas, 14 March 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Dedication of Lakemary Center - Paola, Kansas, 21 March 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Kansas Pharmaceutical Association - Topeka, Kansas, 22 March 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Civil Defense Council - Washington, D.C., 1 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Dinner Honoring Congressman Joe Skubitz - Emporia, Kansas, 3 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Rededication of the Living Center, St. Francis Boys' Home - Salina, Kansas, 5 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Grocery Manufacturers of America - Washington, D.C., 9 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Annual Conference United Cerebral Palsy Associations - Cincinnati, Ohio, 10 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Rolla Clymer Day - El Dorado, Kansas, 11 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Midwest Cancer Conference - Wichita, Kansas, 11 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: Handicapped Americans - United States Senate - Washington, D.C., 14 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Canterbury Courts - Ottawa, Kansas, 18 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: Kansas Association for Retarded Children - Kansas City, Kansas, 24 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Wilson County young Farmers, 25 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Kansas State Association of Life Underwriters - Wichita, Kansas, 25 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_007_050_all.pdf
Box 8Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Fredonia, Kansas, 25 April 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: New Hampshire Federation of Republican Women - Newcastle, New Hampshire, 11 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: American Youth at the Crossroads Conference - Los Angeles, California, 15 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Grandview Republican Club Barbeque - Grandview, Missouri, 17 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Dedication of the Marshall Miller Memorial Sanctuary - Prairie Village, Kansas, 17 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: South Carolina Jaycees Convention - Charleston, South Carolina, 23 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Commencement Address - Fort Hays Kansas State College - Hays, Kansas, 29 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Memorial Day - Wichita, Kansas, 30 May 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Republican Boosters Club - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Topeka News Director - Topeka, Kansas, 6 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: TIPRO (Texas Independent Producers & Royalty Owners Association) 24th Annual Meeting - Dallas, Texas, 7 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: King County Republican Convention - Seattle, Washington, 13 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Dedication of Elks Lodge No. 595 - Lawrence, Kansas, 14 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Connecticut State Republican Convention - Harford, Connecticut, 19 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: American Agricultural Editors Association - Washington, D.C., 23 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Virginia State Republican Convention - Richmond, Virginia, 26 June 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Convocation Day - Johnson County Community College (JCCC) - Kansas City, Kansas, 3 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Republican Dinner - Parsons, Kansas, 3 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Dedication of Centralia Community Library - Centralia, Kansas, 4 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Republican Dinner - State Convention - Lincoln, Nebraska, 4 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Associated Milk Producers, Inc. - Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois, 5 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Johnson County Bar Association, 8 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: 16th District Republican Rally - Rockford, Illinois, 12 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Republican Dinner - Bay City, Texas, 12 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: GOP Steak Fry - Bloomington, Illinois, 19 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Republican Dinner for Honorable H.R. Gross - Clear Lake, Iowa, 19 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Congressional Booster Club - Washington, D.C., 23 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Dinner Honoring Honorable Bill Roth - Dover, Delaware, 24 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Republican Rally for Honorable John Wold - Cody, Wyoming, 26 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Kick-Off Barbeque for Honorable Larry Winn - Olathe, Kansas, 27 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: International Communities Conference - New York, New York, 28 September 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Clay County Republican Dinner - Excelsior Springs, Missouri, 2 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Republican Dinner for the Honorable Ed Eshleman - Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 8 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Republican Dinner - Big Springs, Texas, 10 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Dinner Honoring Neil Bishop - Bangor, Maine, 15 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Breakfast Honoring Neil Bishop - Augusta, Maine, 16 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Businessmen's Luncheon - Lima, Ohio, 17 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Republican Professional Women's Association - Toledo, Ohio, 17 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Four-County Republican Rally - Loogootee, Indiana, 18 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Reception Honoring Senator Bob Dole and Congressman Larry Winn - Prairie Village, Kansas, 18 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Republican Breakfast - Columbus, Kansas, 20 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Republican Dinner - Joplin, Missouri, 21 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Republican Dinner - Indianapolis, Indiana, 22 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Dinner Honoring Congressman Jim Broghill - Shelby, North Carolina, 23 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Luncheon Honoring Jack Hawke - Asheboro, North Carolina, 23 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_008_045_all.pdf
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Republican Luncheon - Fargo, North Dakota, 24 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Republican Dinner - Fort Wayne, Indiana, 26 October 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Johnson County Young Presidents Dinner - Johnson County, Kansas, 2 November 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Kansas City Young Matrons Luncheon - Kansas City, Missouri, 2 November 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Russell Chamber of Commerce - Russell, Kansas, 5 November 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Kansas State Teachers Association Annual Convention - Chanute, Kansas, 6 November 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: United States Savings and Loan League Annual Convention - San Francisco, California, 9 November 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: University of Missouri - Columbia, Missouri, 10 December 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Dedication of Ulysses High School - Ulysses, Kansas, 12 December 1970Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_009_all.pdf
Series 12: 1971Add to your cart.
Box 9Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Home Builders Association Dinner - Topeka, Kansas, 7 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Kansas Livestock Association Annual Meeting - Wichita, Kansas, 7 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Super Market Institute 1971 Midwinter Executive Conference - Bal Harbour, Florida, 12 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: National Council of Farmer Cooperatives - Washington, D.C., 13 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Leadership Orientation Conference for Newly Elected Members of U.S. House of Representatives - Washington, D.C., 16 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: National Association of Retail Druggists - Washington, D.C., 20 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Republican Women of Capitol Hill - Washington, D.C., 25 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Republican State Committee Breakfast - Topeka, Kansas, 29 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: California State Republican State Convention - Sacramento, California, 31 January 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Lincoln Commemorative Luncheon, D.C. League of Republican Women, Young Republicans and D.C. Republican Committee - Washington, D.C., 2 February 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Arapahoe County Lincoln Day Dinner - Denver, Colorado, 11 February 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Young Republican Leaders - Washington, D.C., 18 February 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: 69th Annual Convention National Farmer' Union - Washington, D.C., 25 February 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Republican Luncheon - Salina, Kansas, 27 February 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Luncheon Meeting, Midwest Feed Manufacturers Association - St. Louis, Missouri, 1 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Washington Semester Program - Washington, D.C., 3 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Philadelphia County Dental Association - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 7 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Republican Boosters Club Luncheon - Palm Beach, Florida, 8 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Republican Dinner - Jacksonville, Florida, 8 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Lincoln Day Dinner - Cumberland, Maryland, 10 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: American Medical Association Workshop - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Fund Raising Dinner - Honolulu, Hawaii, 20 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Montgomery County GOP Women - Bethesda, Maryland, 23 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Ohio Petroleum Marketers Association - Columbus, Ohio, 24 March 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Young republicans Convention - Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27 March 1973Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: "Salute to the Chairman" Dinner - Johnson County, Kansas, 3 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Dedication of the Barton County Community Junior College - Great Bend, Kansas, 3 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Palm Beach GOP Dinner - Palm Beach, Florida, 8 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Indian River Junior College - Fort Pierce, Florida, 8 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Kansas Optometric Annual Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 16 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Association of American Physicians and Surgeons - Chicago, Illinois, 16 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: GOP Dinner - Norwalk, Ohio, 17 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Annual Banquet Newspaper Farm Editors of America National Press Club, 19 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_009_042_all.pdf
Box 10Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Republican Governor's Conference - Williamsburg, Virginia, 19 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Bankers' Luncheon - New York City, New York, 21 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Kennecott Copper Corporation Executives - New York City, New York, 21 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Annual Republican Dinner - Springfield (Delaware County), Pennsylvania, 22 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Dedication of the Ryan Library, Sacred Heart College - Wichita, Kansas, 25 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Kansas Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 26 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Introduction of Senator Hugh Scott, Kansas University - Manhattan, Kansas, 26 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: American Israel Public Affairs Committee and the Jewish Community Council of Greater Washington - Washington, D.C., 29 April 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Law Day, U.S.A., Kansas City Bar Association - Kansas City, Missouri, 1 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: National LP - Gas Association 40th Annual Meeting - Chicago, Illinois, 3 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Pepperdine University Forum XIII - Los Angeles, California, 4 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Mid-America Telephone Convention - Kansas City, Missouri, 5 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Brandywine Region Republican Committee - Newcastle, Delaware, 10 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: National Canners Association Food Editors Workshop - Washington, D.C., 12 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Testimonial Dinner Honoring Senator Margaret Chase Smith - Skowhegan, Maine, 15 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Annual GOP Stag - Bergen County, New Jersey, 17 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Testimonial Dinner for Senator Jack Miller - Des Moines, Iowa, 18 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: National Republican Heritage Group Nationalities Council - Washington, D.C., 22 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Cuyahoga - Lake County GOP Dinner - Cleveland, Ohio, 26 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Republican State Central Committee Dinner - Portland, Oregon, 27 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Summer Kick-Off Banquet, Johnson County Council on Drug Abuse - Overland Park, Kansas, 28 May 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Salute to Trans World Airlines - Kansas City, Missouri, 1 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: GOP Fund Raising Dinner - Seattle, Washington, 4 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Montana State Republican Convention Banquet - Helena, Montana, 5 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Republican Fund Raiser Dinner - San Mateo County, California, 12 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: D.C. Republican Central Committee Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 15 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Grocery Manufacturers of America - The Greenbrier, West Virginia, 21 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Trunk 'N' Tusk Club - Phoenix, Arizona, 24 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Rensselaer County Republican Dinner - Averill Park, New York, 26 June 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Republican Fundraising Dinner - Columbia, South Carolina, 9 July 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Annual Conference National Association of Counties - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 18 July 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Second Annual Firefighters Recognition Sunday - Wichita, Kansas, 25 July 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: The Wichita Council on Drug Abuse - Wichita, Kansas, 25 July 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Annual GOP Picnic - Elk County, Pennsylvania, 31 July 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Dedication Week Independence Park and Cut-and-Cover Conduit - Atchison, Kansas, 13 August 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Dedication Week Luncheon - Atchison, Kansas, 13 August 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Fund Raising Dinner Honoring Congressmen Clarence Miller - Lancaster, Ohio, 10 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: National Association of Life Underwriters - New York City, New York, 15 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Century Club Dinner - Riverside, California, 17 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Congress of County Medical Societies - Anaheim, California, 18 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: National Agricultural Chemical Association - White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 20 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_010_041_all.pdf
Box 11Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Suffolk County GOP Dinner - Huntington, New York, 22 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Testimonial Dinner for Ralph Halpern - Long Island, New York, 23 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Kansas League of Municipalities - Wichita, Kansas, 27 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Annual Convention Pennsylvania Council of Republican Women - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 28 September 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Testimonial Dinner Honoring Congressman Philip Crane - Chicago, Illinois, 1 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: GOP Fundraising Event - Springfield, Missouri, 2 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Introduction of Senator Barry Goldwater Missouri GOP Fundraising Dinner - Kansas City, Missouri, 4 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Midwestern States Republican Conference - Indianapolis, Indiana, 7 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Mariners' Club Dinner - Prairie Village, Kansas, 8 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: National Association of Farm Broadcasters - Kansas City, Missouri, 9 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Republican State Nationalities Council of Illinois Testimonial - Dinner for Honorable Ed Derwinski - Chicago, Illinois, 10 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: National Association for Retarded Children - Denver, Colorado, 13 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Suggested for Teague Fundraiser - Ventura County, California, 14 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Western States Republican Conference - Las Vegas, Nevada, 16 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: U.S. Independent Telephone Association Convention - New Orleans, Louisiana, 19 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Orleans County, New York GOP Event - Medina, New York, 20 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: 16th Biennial Convention National Federation of Republican Women - Washington, D.C., 22 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Vermont GOP Fund Raising Dinner - Barre, Vermont, 23 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Veterans' Day Memorial Services - Topeka, Kansas, 25 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Zach Chandler Club Dinner - Lansing, Michigan, 26 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Testimonial Dinner for Congressman Vernon Thomson - La Crosse, Wisconsin, 29 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Florida State GOP Event - Orlando, Florida, 30 October 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Cabinet Meeting - Washington, D.C., 5 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Kansas Speech and Hearing Association Annual Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 5 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Sunflower Federation of the Blind, 6 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Security Benefit Life Sales Conference - Phoenix, Arizona, 8 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Scientific Apparatus Makers Association - Phoenix, Arizona, 8 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Trunk 'N' Tusk Club - Tucson, Arizona, 12 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: National Association of Independent Insurers - Chicago, Illinois, 17 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Dinner Honoring Senator Bill Brock - Johnson City, Tennessee, 19 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: GOP Heritage Groups, 19 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Alabama GOP Finance Committee Dinner - Birmingham, Alabama, 20 November 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Kansas GOP Fund Raising Dinner - Wichita, Kansas, 3 December 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Kansas Fertilizer and Chemical Institute - Topeka, Kansas, 15 December 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Israeli Bond Organization's Dinner, 20 December 1971Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Towards a Better FutureAdd to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_036_all.pdf
Series 13: 1972Add to your cart.
Box 11Add to your cart.
Folder 37: Republican National Committee (RNC) Professional Staff Conference - Washington, D.C., 19 January 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Republican National Committee (RNC) Professional Staff Conference - Washington, D.C., 21 January 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: National Association of Homebuilders - Houston, Texas, 24 January 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: American Dehydrators Association - Bal Harbour, Florida, 27 January 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_011_040_all.pdf
Box 12Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Missouri State Republican Lincoln Day Dinner - St. Louis, Missouri, 5 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Lincoln Day Dinner on the Queen Mary - Long Beach, California, 10 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Lincoln Day Dinner - Orange County, California, 11 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Lincoln Day Dinner - Albuquerque, New Mexico, 12 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Lincoln Day Dinner - Middletown, Ohio, 18 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Pacific Dental Association - Phoenix, Arizona, 23 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Lincoln Day Dinner - Knoxville, Tennessee, 25 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: National Rural Electric Cooperative Association - Las Vegas, Nevada, 28 February 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Lincoln Day Dinner - Annapolis, Maryland, 2 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: John Mitchell Introduction - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: St. Petersburg, Florida, 4 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Gypsum Drywall Convention - Las Vegas, Nevada, 9 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Young Republican Leadership Training Conference - Washington, D.C., 10 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Lincoln Day Dinner - Cocoa, Florida, 10 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Breakfast Honoring Congressman Jack McDonald - Pontiac, Michigan, 17 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Ashland College Forum - Ashland, Ohio, 21 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Southern Regional Women's Conference - Atlanta, Georgia, 24 March 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: GOP Fund Raising Dinner - Providence, Rhode Island, 6 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Western Regional Republican Women's Conference - Phoenix, Arizona, 8 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Cooperative Food Distributors Convention - Atlanta, Georgia, 11 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Youth and Politics 1972 Republican Convention - Overland Park, Kansas, 11 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: National Telephone Cooperatives - Washington, D.C., 17 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Tulane University - New Orleans, Louisiana, 19 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Maryland Federation of Republican Women - Gaithersburg, Maryland, 19 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 21 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Barry College - Miami, Florida, 24 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Chicago Council on Foreign Relations - Chicago, Illinois, 26 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Vickers Lecture Series - Lawrence, Kansas, 27 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Kansas State GOP Convention - Topeka, Kansas, 29 April 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: GOP State Convention - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 6 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: National Machine Tool Builders Convention - Scottsdale, Arizona, 6 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: GOP Fundraising Dinner - Buffalo, New York, 9 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: American Retail Federation - Washington, D.C., 9 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: GOP Fundraising Dinner - Sacramento, California, 13 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Association of General Contractors - Wichita, Kansas, 15 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: GOP Fundraising Dinner - Dayton, Ohio, 17 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: National Press Club Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 17 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet - Dodge City, Kansas, 23 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: GOP Fundraising Dinner - Flint, Michigan, 24 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: GOP Fundraising Dinner - Flint, Michigan, 25 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_012_040_all.pdf
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Missouri State Convention - Springfield, Missouri, 27 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Missouri GOP State Convention - Springfield Missouri, 27 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Memorial Day - Topeka, Kansas, 28 May 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: GOP Wisconsin State Convention - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 3 June 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Lake County Fundraiser - Zion, Illinois, 16 June 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Minnesota State Republican Convention - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 23 June 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Republican Women of Capitol Hill - Washington, D.C., 28 June 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Congressional Candidates Conference - Washington, D.C., 1 July 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Memorial Ceremony - Vail, Colorado, 9 July 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Nixon Legacy of Parks Dedication Ceremony - Topeka, Kansas, 10 July 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City - Kansas City, Missouri, 10 July 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Fundraising Dinner - Knoxville, Tennessee, 14 September 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Fundraising Dinner - Raleigh, North Carolina, 21 September 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Sigma Delta Chi Fraternity National Press Club - Washington, D.C., 27 September 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Fundraising Dinner - Cambridge, Ohio, 28 September 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: World Dairy Exposition - Madison, Wisconsin, 30 September 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Kansas Republican Dinner - Wichita, Kansas, 2 October 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Northeast Missouri State Teacher's College - Kirksville, Missouri, 17 October 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_018_all.pdf
Folder 20: Republican Fundraising Dinner - Bismarck, North Dakota, 23 October 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Maryland Republican State Central Committee - Baltimore, Maryland, 24 October 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Bergen County Republican Fundraising Neptune Inn - Paramus, New Jersey, 3 November 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Rehabilitation International - Chicago, Illinois, 10 November 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Young President's Organization - Pebble Beach, California, 16 November 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Central Illinois Builders Association - Springfield, Illinois, 17 November 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Rural Development Seminar/Workshop - Salina, Kansas, 27 November 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Hand Rehabilitation Center - Kansas City, Kansas, 27 November 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Speech Hotel Motel Political Action Committee - Phoenix, Arizona, 5 December 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Partial Speech, 1972Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_029_all.pdf
Series 14: 1974Add to your cart.
Box 13Add to your cart.
Folder 30: Paola Chamber of Commerce - Paola, Kansas, 11 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: New Officer's Installation Dinner - Shawnee, Kansas, 12 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Dedication of Golf Course Superintendents Association's National Headquarters - Lawrence, Kansas, 12 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Woodson County Co-Op Meeting - Yates Center, Kansas, 14 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Kansas Conservation Contractors Association - Topeka, Kansas, 14 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Salina Homebuilders Association - Salina, Kansas, 15 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Student Convocation - Hutchinson Junior College - Hutchinson, Kansas, 18 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Kansas Rural Electric Cooperatives - Topeka, Kansas, 21 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Albert Gallatin Award Dinner - New York, New York, 25 January 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Annual Meeting of Chikaskia and Indian Hills Regional Planning Commissions - Pratt, Kansas, 2 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Jaycees Banquet - Great Bend, Kansas, 2 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: The Fertilizer Institute - Chicago, Illinois, 5 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Annual Baden Powell Dinner - Russell, Kansas, 10 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Lincoln Chamber of Commerce - Lincoln, Kansas, 11 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Sedgwick County Medical Society - Wichita, Kansas, 13 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Chamber of Commerce - Atchison, Kansas, 15 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_013_045_all.pdf
Box 14Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Certified Public Dispensers of Kansas - Wichita, Kansas, 3 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Excerpts of Remarks at Lincoln Day Dinner - Independence, Kansas, 16 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Reserve Officers Association - Washington, D.C., 21 February 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Cattlemen's Day - Manhattan, Kansas, 1 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Reserve Officers Association - Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, Missouri, 2 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Minneapolis Farm Forum - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 5 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: National Grain and Feed Association - Washington, D.C., 12 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Grocery Manufacturers of America, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 13 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Small Business Prime Contractor Award - Wellington, D.C., 15 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Swearing-In Ceremony of George Stafford - Wichita, Kansas, 15 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Founders Day Dinner - Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, 15 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Kansas Association of Mental Health - Great Bend, Kansas, 15 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: John Deere Farming Frontier Meeting - Wichita, Kansas, 16 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Shawnee Mission East High School Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 18 March 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Outstanding Handicapped Federal Employees of 1973 Awards - Washington, D.C., 4 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Bogue Cheese-A-Rama - Bogue, Kansas, 6 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Circle K Clubs Convention - Manhattan, Kansas, 6 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: American Postal Workers Union - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 6 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity - Topeka, Kansas, 6 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Ryder Truck Safety Awards Banquet - Kansas City, Missouri, 12 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Wichita Port of Entry Dedication - Wichita, Kansas, 16 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Student Convocation - McPherson, Kansas, 16 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Mid-America Gasoline Dealer's Association - Kansas City, Kansas, 17 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Kansas Federation of Women's Clubs - Atchison, Kansas, 17 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Political Science Club Conference on Energy - Wichita, Kansas, 18 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Student Assembly - Shawnee, Kansas, 18 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Hallmark Public Affairs Group - Kansas City, Missouri, 18 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Meeting of Board of Directors of Institute of Scrap Iron - Chicago, Illinois, 19 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Kansas Federation of Federal Employees - Leavenworth, Kansas, 19 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Meeting of the Joint Service Clubs - Clay Center, Kansas, 19 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Bi-Annual Kansas Medical-Dental Program - Hays, Kansas, 20 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Government Affairs Breakfast - Hays, Kansas, 20 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Kansas Chapter of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees - Wichita, Kansas, 22 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Southeast Kansas Community Action Program Annual Meeting - Pittsburg, Kansas, 27 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Kansas Federation of Republican Women - Iola, Kansas, 27 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Anderson County Farm Bureau - Garnett, Kansas, 27 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Dedication of Bluestem High School - Leon, Kansas, 28 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Renn Memorial Library Dedication - Arkansas City, Kansas, 28 April 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Annual Meeting of Kansas Office of Minority Business Enterprise - Topeka, Kansas, 3 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Mitchell County Rural Water District - Beloit, Kansas, 4 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_014_040_all.pdf
Box 15Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Cloud County Community College and Belleville Public Library Awareness Program - Belleville, Kansas, 4 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Kansas Legal Secretaries Association - Salina, Kansas, 4 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Freedom Tree Dedication - Clifton, Kansas, 5 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Kansas Medical Society - Topeka, Kansas, 5 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Kansas Association of Life Underwriters - Salina, Kansas, 10 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: O K Grain Co-Op Dinner Meeting - Kiowa, Kansas, 11 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Commencement Ceremonies - Great Bend, Kansas, 17 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Kansas Dental Society - Topeka, Kansas, 20 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Coffeyville Junior College Commencement - Coffeyville, Kansas, 22 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Cawker City High School Commencement - Cawker City, Kansas, 23 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Commencement Ceremonies at Downs High School - Downs, Kansas, 23 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Wyandotte County Republican Women - Kansas City, Kansas, 24 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Cornerstone Dedication Ceremonies - Halstead, Kansas, 25 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Derby High School Commencement Ceremonies - Derby, Kansas, 28 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Commencement Ceremonies - Independence, Kansas, 31 May 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Kansas Knights Templar Dinner - Fredonia, Kansas, 1 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Kansas Federation of Republican Women - Mankato, Kansas, 1 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Kansas Disabled American Veterans - Junction City, Kansas, 2 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Taft Institute of Government - Overland Park, Kansas, 2 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: National Baptist Sunday School and Baptist Training Unit - Wichita, Kansas, 6 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Kansas Federation of Republican Women Spring Meeting, 15 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Kansas Academy of Family Practitioners - Overland Park, Kansas, 15 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Dedication of Countryside Christian Church - Wichita, Kansas, 16 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Mid-America Dairymen, Inc. - Sabetha, Kansas, 28 June 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Overland Park Rotary Club - Overland Park, Kansas, 1 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Topeka Chamber of Commerce - Topeka, Kansas, 2 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Fourth of July Celebration - Ottawa, Kansas, 4 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Cassoday Fourth of July Bar-B-Que - Cassoday, Kansas, 4 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: 4th of July Picnic - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 4 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Johnson County Vietnam Memorial Plaza, 4 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Kansas Division of Associated Milk Producers - Wichita, Kansas, 5 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Kansas Experimental Aircraft Association - Newton, Kansas, 6 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Mobile Van Dedication Day - Topeka, Kansas, 8 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Watershed Association Meeting - Strong City, Kansas, 12 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: All-American Junior Hereford Association Field Day - Sun City, Kansas, 19 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Sister City Dinner Party - Olathe, Kansas, 20 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Award of Boy Scout Life-Saving Medal - Manhattan, Kansas, 28 July 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Retired Machinists and Aerospace Workers - Wichita, Kansas, 29 August 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: 100th Centennial of Red Wheat - Hays, Kansas, 6 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Ohio Association of Realtors - Cleveland, Ohio, 10 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Kansas Independent Oil and Gas Association - Wichita, Kansas, 12 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Introduction of Senator Bob Griffin, 21 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Kansas Sunflower Club (Bill Brock) - Overland Park, Kansas, 27 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Economic Summit Conference on Inflation - Washington, D.C., 27 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: League of Kansas Municipalities - Wichita, Kansas, 20 September 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_015_045_all.pdf
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Republican Women's Federal Forum - Washington, D.C., 5 December 1974Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_001_all.pdf
Series 15: 1975Add to your cart.
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 2: Introduction of Governor Bond - Topeka, Kansas, 29 January 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: New Jersey Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 7 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council - Washington, D.C., 19 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: U.S. Civil Service Committee - Washington, D.C., 21 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: American Federation of Government Employees - Washington, D.C., 25 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors - Washington, D.C., 25 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Young Republican Leadership Conference - Washington, D.C., 27 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Fulton County Lincoln Day Dinner - Atlanta, Georgia, 28 February 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Annual Meeting of the Can Manufacturers Institute - Arlington, Virginia, 3 March 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: American Dental Association and American Dental Political Action Committee (ADPAC) - Washington, D.C., 5 March 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: 49th Annual Dinner of Drug, Chemical and Allied Trades Association - New York, New York, 6 March 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Republican Leadership Conference - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1975Add to your cart.
Folder 14: Machinery Dealers National Association Convention - Hollywood, Florida, 19 April 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Florida Medical Political Action Committee - Bal Harbour, Florida, 25 April 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Montgomery County Republican Dinner - Dayton, Ohio, 28 April 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Annual Convention of the North Carolina Federation of Republican Women - Raleigh, North Carolina, 2 May 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Annual Dinner and Membership Meeting - American Horse Council, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 15 May 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: United States Independent Telephone Association - Washington, D.C., 4 June 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: 1200 Club of Illinois - Ravinia, Illinois, 20 June 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: American Pathology Foundation - Chicago, Illinois, 22 September 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: National Boiler Council - Washington, D.C., 2 October 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: 8th District Republican Meeting - Salisbury, North Carolina, 11 October 1975Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_023_all.pdf
Series 16: 1976Add to your cart.
Box 16Add to your cart.
Folder 24: Introduction of Mr. harry G. Wiles, 2 March 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Grain Elevator and Processing Society - Kansas City, Missouri, 4 March 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Labor Policy Association - Williamsburg, Virginia, 6 March 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: The Proprietary Association - Palm Beach, Florida, 6 April 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Dedication of the Pottawatomie Creek Watershed - Garnett, Kansas, 10 April 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Keith Sebelius Dinner - Hays, Kansas, 7 May 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Minneapolis High School Commencement Ceremonies - Minneapolis, Kansas, 21 May 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: 73rd Bomb Wing Reunion - Hays, Kansas, 22 May 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: National Association of Homebuilders - Washington, D.C., 23 May 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Groundbreaking for Kansas Coliseum - Wichita, Kansas, 5 June 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Missouri State Republican Convention - Springfield, Missouri, 11 June 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Midwest Republican Chairmen Meeting - Washington, D.C., 26 June 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Dinner Honoring Tim Simms - Rockford, Illinois, 16 July 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Future Farmers of America, 19 July 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: National Black Republican Council - Kansas City, Missouri, 13 August 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Address of Senator Helms before the Public Affairs Club of Dallas - Dallas, Texas, 15 November 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Sixth International Commodities Conference - Chicago, Illinois, 7 December 1976Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_016_040_all.pdf
Series 17: 1977Add to your cart.
Box 17Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Testimony Before the Rules Committee on S. Res. 4 - Washington, D.C., 7 January 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Confirmation of Representative Bergland - Washington, D.C., 10 January 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: National Council of Farmer Coops - San Juan, Puerto Rico, 12 January 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Kansas Day, 29 January 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Lincoln Day - Lenoir, North Carolina, 5 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: D.C. Republican Women - Washington, D.C., 7 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Ohio Grain, Feed and Fertilizer Conference - Cincinnati, Ohio, 8 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Lincoln Day Dinner - Denver, Colorado, 11 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Lincoln Day Dinner - Fort Morgan, Colorado, 12 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Lincoln Day - Cheyenne, Wyoming, 13 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Lincoln Day - Kearney, Nebraska, 14 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Salina Rotary Club - Salina, Kansas, 14 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Oklahoma Press Association, 18 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Lincoln Day Dinner - Worcester, Massachusetts, 21 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Albany County Republican Committee, 24 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Monmouth County Republican Lincoln Day Dinner, 26 February 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: 1977 Republican Dinner - Washington, D.C., 1 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Statements to NBC Forum, 5 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Quarter Horse Meeting - Las Vegas, Nevada, 8 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Young Republican Conference, 10 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Wheat Seminar, 14 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Miami Achievement Hall of Fame - Miami, Florida, 15 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Young Republican Luncheon - Greensboro, North Carolina, 19 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Commonwealth Club Dinner - Williamsburg, Virginia, 19 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Tippecanoe County Lincoln Day Dinner - Lafayette, Indiana, 21 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: American Dietetic Association - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Consumer Credit Insurance Association - Tarpon Springs, Florida, 28 March 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Hamilton County Republican Dinner - Westfield, Indiana, 1 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Knox County Republican Dinner - Vincennes, Indiana, 1 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Georgetown University Republican Club - Washington, D.C., 5 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Republican Congressional Booster - Palm Springs, Florida, 7 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Scientific Apparatus Makers Association - Baton Rouge, Louisiana, 18 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Agricultural Editors Association - Washington, D.C., 19 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Kennedy Political Union - Washington, D.C., 22 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: American Israel Public Affairs Committee, 25 April 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Commencement Exercises - St. Leo College, Florida, 1 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: American Cotton Shippers Association - Dallas, Texas, 6 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Republican Dinner - Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 3 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: New Jersey Republican State Convention - Trenton, New Jersey, 7 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Mankato National Guard Armory - Mankato, Kansas, 8 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Initiation Ceremonies of Sachem Circle - Lawrence, Kansas, 8 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Shawnee Mission Medical Center Dedication - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 8 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Kansas State School for the Deaf - Olathe, Kansas, 15 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Farm and Industrial Equipment Institution - Washington, D.C., 16 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: International Food Service Manufacturers - Chicago, Illinois, 20 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_045_all.pdf
Box 18Add to your cart.
Folder 1Add to your cart.
Item 1: National Republican Heritage Groups Council - Chicago, Illinois, 21 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: American Feed manufacturers' Association - Washington, D.C., 25 May 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Dedication of Brandon Community Hospital - Brandon, Florida, 4 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Institute of Food Technologists - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 4 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Opticians' Association of America - Washington, D.C., 8 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: American Advertising Federation - Washington, D.C., 14 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Republican Women's Club - Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, 15 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Machine Tool Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 22 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: American Physical Therapy Association - St. Louis, Missouri, 26 June 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Zionist Organization of America - Jerusalem, Israel, 6 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: The Society for Nutrition Education - Washington, D.C., 14 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Republican Heritage Council - California, 16 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: California Republican State Central Committee Workshop - Pasadena, California, 16 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Republican Party Dinner - Burbank, California, 16 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Independent Truckers Association Convention - Kansas City, Missouri, 22 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: National Conference on Nutrition and the American Food System - Washington, D.C., 27 July 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: National Farm and Power Equipment Dealers Association - Washington, D.C., 1 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Hearing on Federally Supported Food Programs - Parsons, Kansas, 8 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Hearing on Federally Supported Food Programs - Horton, Kansas, 8 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Hearing on Federally Supported Food Programs - Salina, Kansas, 9 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Hearing on Federally Supported Food Programs - Wichita, Kansas, 9 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Hearing on Federally Supported Food Programs - Colby, Kansas, 10 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Hearing on Federally Supported Food Programs - Garden City, Kansas, 10 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Great Plains Wheat Inc. - Wichita, Kansas, 15 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: National Milk Producers Federation - Washington, D.C., 22 August 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Illinois Federation of Young Republicans Convention - Springfield, Illinois, 10 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: National Flexible Packaging Association - New York, New York, 20 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Testimonial Luncheon for Colston, Lewis - Washington, D.C., 21 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Non-Commissioned Officers Association - Arlington, Virginia, 23 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Baltic Human Rights Rally - Washington, D.C., 24 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Cayuga County Republican Committee - Auburn, New York, 25 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Maryland Federation of Republican Women (In Honor of J. Glenn Beall) - Easton, Maryland, 30 September 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: U.S. Lions Forum 1977 - Chicago, Illinois, 1 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Testimony to Reverend Father Theodore M. Hesburgh - Washington, D.C., 3 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Dauphin County Republican Committee Dinner - Hershey, Pennsylvania, 16 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Foodservice Organization of Distributors - Washington, D.C., 18 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Georgia Jaycee Mock Legislature - Atlanta, Georgia, 22 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: National Federation of Republican Women - Atlanta, Georgia, 22 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Yankee Milk Producers - Newton, Massachusetts, 24 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Yankee Milk Producers - Newton, Massachusetts, 24 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Eliot Janeway Seminar University Club - Washington, D.C., 25 October 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Bergen County Republican Dinner - Paramus, New Jersey, 6 November 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_018_043_all.pdf
Box 19Add to your cart.
Folder 1: National Association of Farm Broadcasters - Kansas City, Missouri, 11 November 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: United Synagogue Biennial Convention - Kiamesha, New York, 16 November 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Chamber of Commerce Luncheon - Alexandria, Virginia, 18 November 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Southern Republican Conference - Orlando, Florida, 19 November 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Hanukkah Banquet of the Jewish National Fund - Beverly Hills, California, 4 December 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Zionist Organization of America - Baltimore, Maryland, 7 December 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: National Farmers' Organization - Omaha, Nebraska, 8 December 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Forbes Field - Topeka, Kansas, 9 December 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: International Symposium on Famine Prevention, 19 December 1977Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_009_all.pdf
Series 18: 1978Add to your cart.
Box 19Add to your cart.
Folder 10: Forsyth County GOP Committee - Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 19 February 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_017_001_all.pdf
Folder 11: Burlington County Lincoln Day Dinner - Cherry Hill, New Jersey, 24 February 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Introduction of Russell Long to U.S. Citizens Congress - Washington, D.C., 22 February 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: New Hampshire State Republicans Meeting - Manchester, New Hampshire, 25 February 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: 60th Anniversary of Estonian Independence - New York, New York, 26 February 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: National Peanut Council Convention - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: GOP Dinner - Biloxi, Mississippi, 3 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: National Farmers Union - Salt Lake City, Utah, 5 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: 6th Annual Legislative Action Conference - Washington, D.C., 8 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Gridiron Dinner - Washington, D.C., 11 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Lincoln Day Dinner - Zanesville, Ohio, 17 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Lincoln Day Dinner - Bedford, Indiana, 18 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Lincoln Day Dinner - Columbus, Indiana, 18 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Lincoln Day Dinner - Ashland, Kentucky, 19 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: National Agriculture Day - Wichita, Kansas, 19 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Gallaudet College - Washington, D.C., 22 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: American Personnel and Guidance Association - Washington, D.C., 23 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Veterans Opportunity Seminar - Washington, D.C., 24 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Kansas City Rotary Club - Kansas City, Kansas, 25 March 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Eisenhower Dinner - Dearborn, Michigan, 6 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Campaign Kick-Off Dinner for Matt Rinaldo - West Orange, New Jersey, 14 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Dinner for Dan Marriott - Salt Lake City, Utah, 15 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: National Rifle Association - Salt Lake City, Utah, 16 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Rock Creek Republican Women's Club - Bethesda, Maryland, 18 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Virginia Federation of Republican Women - Arlington, Virginia, 21 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Mitchell County Republicans Dinner - Bakersville, North Carolina, 22 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Florida Republican Women's Club - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 28 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Fundraiser Dinner - Fargo, North Dakota, 28 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: 7th District Convention - Bemidji, Minnesota, 29 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Talking Points for Meeting - Moorhead, Minnesota, 29 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Barbeque for Senator Tower - Dallas, Texas, 30 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_019_040_all.pdf
Box 20Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Abilene, Texas, 30 April 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Food Marketing Institute Convention - Dallas, Texas, 1 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Direct Mail and Marketing Association - Washington, D.C., 3 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Republican State Convention - Springfield, Missouri, 5 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Israel's 30th Anniversary Celebration - Miami, Florida, 11 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Mecklenburg County Executive Republican Committee - Charlotte, North Carolina, 12 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: 1st District GOP Convention - Williamsburg, Virginia, 13 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: 7th District GOP Convention - Harrisonburg, Virginia, 13 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Iola Junior College Commencement - Iola, Kansas, 13 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Wayne County Lincoln Day Dinner - Wooster, Ohio, 13 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Brooke County Lincoln Day Dinner - Bethany, West Virginia, 14 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Slovak World Congress - Washington, D.C., 17 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Santa Clara County Republican Central Committee - San Jose, California, 19 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Dinner Honoring Dan E. Lungren - Long Beach, California, 20 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Southwestern University School of Law - Los Angeles, California, 21 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: National Pharmaceutical Alliance - Washington, D.C., 22 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Grocery Manufacturers of America - Washington, D.C., 24 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Trunk and Tusk Dinner - Phoenix, Arizona, 25 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Ukrainian National Association Conference - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Republican National Heritage Groups - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 27 May 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Carroll Campbell for Congress Reception - Greenville, South Carolina, 2 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: 11th Congressional District Fundraiser - Asheville, North Carolina, 3 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Alabama Poultry Festival - Birmingham, Alabama, 3 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: GOP Dinner - Trenton, Missouri, 10 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Kansas Cavalry - New York, New York, 14 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: American Health Care Association - Washington, D.C., 15 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Dave Durenberger Dinner - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 16 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Eisenhower Farm - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, 17 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Association for a Better New York - New York, New York, 21 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Washington State Republican Convention - Vancouver, Washington, 30 June 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: American Weakness in the Face of Soviet Provocation - Boston, Massachusetts, 3 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Jim Courter for Congress Kick-Off Dinner - Hackettstown, New Jersey, 29 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Myers for Congress Dinner - Terre Haute, Indiana, 15 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: State of Israel National Tribute Dinner in Honor of Louis Fox - Kansas City, Missouri, 16 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Bangor, Michigan, 15 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Virginia Bar Association - Hot Springs, Virginia, 21 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: American School Foodservice Association - New Orleans, Louisiana, 23 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: The Bourne Affair, 28 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Passaic County Salute to our GOP Chairmen Dinner - Wayne, New Jersey, 29 July 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: National Medical Association - Washington, D.C., 1 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_020_040_all.pdf
Box 21Add to your cart.
Folder 1: American Association of Diabetes Educators - St. Louis, Missouri, 6 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: GOP Fundraising Dinner - Lubbock, Texas, 12 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Jim Baker for State Attorney General Fundraising Dinner - El Paso, Texas, 12 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Statement on District of Columbia Representation - Washington, D.C., 19 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Dedication Ceremony of Seven Rivers Community Hospital - Crystal River, Florida, 20 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Dallas County Republican Men's Club - Dallas, Texas, 21 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: 79th Annual National Convention of Veterans of Foreign Wars - Dallas, Texas, 21 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: National Black Police Association - Chicago, Illinois, 22 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Middlesex County GOP Fundraising Dinner - Edison, New Jersey, 25 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Mike Thompson for Congress - Lafayette, Louisiana, 31 August 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Hopkins for Congress Rally - Lexington, Kentucky, 7 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Various Topics - Lawton, Oklahoma, 8 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Robb for Congress Dinner - Norman, Oklahoma, 8 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Israel Bond Man of the year Dinner - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 12 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Small Business, Nonprofit Organization Act, 13 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: California State Republican Convention - Los Angeles, California, 16 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Republican National Heritage - Los Angeles, California, 17 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Various Topics - Westchester, New York, 22 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Ham Horton for Congress - Wilkesboro, North Carolina, 23 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_019_all.pdf
Box 22Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Pennsylvania Associated Builders and Contractors - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 26 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_021_020_all.pdf
Folder 2: Tom Rippon for Congress - Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, 27 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_001_all.pdf
Folder 3: Nashua Lions' Club - Nashua, New Hampshire, 30 September 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_002_all.pdf
Folder 4: Association of School Business Officials - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_003_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Hospice Association - Washington, D.C., 5 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_004_all.pdf
Folder 6: United Egg Producers Board of Directors - Washington, D.C., 11 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_005_all.pdf
Folder 7: The Greater Washington Business Center Opportunity Trade Fair - Washington, D.C., 12 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_006_all.pdf
Folder 8: Cape May GOP Brunch - Cape May, New Jersey, 15 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_007_all.pdf
Folder 9: Cumberland County GOP Reception and Dinner - Vineland, New Jersey, 15 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_008_all.pdf
Folder 10: Gloucester County GOP Rally - Mickleton, New Jersey, 15 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_009_all.pdf
Folder 11: York County GOP Dinner - York, Pennsylvania, 16 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_010_all.pdf
Folder 12: Sonny Kane for Congress Lunch - Media, Pennsylvania, 16 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_011_all.pdf
Folder 13: Aronoff for Congress Breakfast - Cincinnati, Ohio, 17 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_012_all.pdf
Folder 14: Henry County Republican Fundraising Dinner - Kewanee High School - Kewanee, Illinois, 17 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_013_all.pdf
Folder 15: Tom Thorson for Congress Luncheon - South Bend, Indiana, 17 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_014_all.pdf
Folder 16: 10th District Republican Fundraising Dinner - Evanston, Illinois, 18 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_015_all.pdf
Folder 17: Tim Simms for State Representative/Joint Candidates Dinner - Rockford, Illinois, 18 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_016_all.pdf
Folder 18: Jim Sensenbrenner for Congress - Agricultural Rally - Summit, Wisconsin, 19 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_017_all.pdf
Folder 19: National Institution Food Distributors Association - Crown Center, Kansas City, Missouri, 19 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_018_all.pdf PDF available: c019_022_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Tom Tauke for Congress Luncheon - Dyersville, Iowa, 19 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Cumberland School of Law - Birmingham, Alabama, 20 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_020_all.pdf
Folder 22: Jim Martin for Senate Luncheon - Montgomery, Alabama, 20 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_021_all.pdf
Folder 23: Rowan County/Roger Austin Dinner - Catawba College - Salisbury, North Carolina, 20 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_022_all.pdf
Folder 24: Blanchard for Congress Breakfast - Jacksonville, North Carolina, 21 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_023_all.pdf
Folder 25: Caldwell County Republican Rally - West Caldwell High School - Lenoir, North Carolina, 21 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_024_all.pdf
Folder 26: Jim Martin for Congress Bar-B-Que and Rally - Lincolnton, North Carolina, 21 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_025_all.pdf
Folder 27: Baxter for Senate Dinner - Milford, Delaware, 23 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_026_all.pdf
Folder 28: President Ford Visit to Kansas for Nancy Kassebaum - Kansas, 23 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_027_all.pdf
Folder 29: Bill James Luncheon - Boca Raton, Florida, 25 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_028_all.pdf
Folder 30: Al Cardenas for Congress - Coral Gables, Florida, 26 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_029_all.pdf
Folder 31: Congressman Young Rally - St. Petersburg, Florida, 26 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_030_all.pdf
Folder 32: Jewish Retirees - Residents of Century Village Temple Israel - Deerfield Beach, Florida, 26 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_031_all.pdf
Box 23Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Van Poole for State Senate Breakfast - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 26 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_022_032_all.pdf
Folder 2: Hillsborough County GOP Breakfast - Tampa, Florida, 27 October 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_001_all.pdf
Folder 3: GOP Rally - Worcester, Massachusetts, 3 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_002_all.pdf
Folder 4: GOP Rally - Moultonborough, New Hampshire, 3 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_003_all.pdf PDF available: c019_023_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Association of Realtors - Honolulu, Hawaii, 9 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_004_all.pdf
Folder 6: Grain Terminal Association Banquet - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 15 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_005_all.pdf
Folder 7: Aerospace Industries Association - Arizona, 17 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_006_all.pdf
Folder 8: National Grange Rural American Luncheon - Denver, Colorado, 17 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_007_all.pdf
Folder 9: Anti-Defamation League - New York, New York, 18 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_008_all.pdf
Folder 10: American Hotel and Motel Association - Kansas City, Missouri, 28 November 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_009_all.pdf
Folder 11: Senator-Elect Gordon Humphrey Victory Dinner - Concord, New Hampshire, 1 December 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_010_all.pdf
Folder 12: National Forum on Solutions to Economic Problems Facing U.S. Agriculture - Agriculture Council of America and Texas A&M University - College Station, Texas, 5 December 1978Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_011_all.pdf PDF available: c019_023_012_all.pdf
Series 19: 1979Add to your cart.
Box 23Add to your cart.
Folder 13: Distilled Spirits Council of the United States - Palm Beach, Florida, 9 January 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Vice Presidential Selection Process Before the RNC Rules Committee - Washington, D.C., 22 January 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Diffusing the Middle East - Rabbinical Council of America, 23 January 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Kansas Day Introduction - Topeka, Kansas, 27 January 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Committee of 100 - Miami, Florida, 30 January 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Retail Store's Association - Washington, D.C., 31 January 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: American Hospital Association - Washington, D.C., 5 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: "The Cult Phenomenon in America" - Washington, D.C., 5 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Pennsylvania Horticulture Association - Hershey, Pennsylvania, 7 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Hearing on Nutrition Labeling and Information - Nutrition Subcommittee, 9 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_023_022_all.pdf
Box 24Add to your cart.
Folder 1: GOP Lincoln Day Dinner - Hampton, New Hampshire, 9 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Cheshire Women's GOP Club - Keene, New Hampshire, 12 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Tribute to Roger Jepsen - Des Moines, Iowa, 16 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Summit County Lincoln Day Dinner - Akron, Ohio, 17 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: American Medical Association - Chicago, Illinois, 18 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Unspecified Event - Nashua, New Hampshire, 20 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: U.S. Citizen's Congressional Education Dinner - Washington, D.C., 22 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Lincoln Day Dinner - Huntington, West Virginia, 23 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Lincoln Club of Kentucky - Louisville, Kentucky, 24 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Hearing on 1980 Food and Nutrition Service (FNS)/United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Budget - Unspecified Committee, 27 February 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Young Republican Leadership Conference (YRLC) - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Washington Non-Profit Tax Conference - Washington, D.C., 8 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Computer and Communications Industry Association, 9 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Midwest Republican Leadership Conference - Indianapolis, Indiana, 10 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Iowa Young President's Organization - Des Moines, Iowa, 16 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Unspecified Event - Des Moines, Iowa, 16 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Chemical Specialties Manufacturer's Association, 21 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Direct Selling Association - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Lincoln Day - Rockingham, Colorado, 23 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Press Conference - Boston, Massachusetts, 23 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Insuring a Just Peace, 25 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: American Agricultural Editors Association - Washington, D.C., 26 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Communication Workers of America, 28 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Public Policy and Private Health - St. Louis, Missouri, 31 March 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: State Republican Committee Dinner - Concord, New Hampshire, 7 April 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Armed Services YMCA Dinner - Fort Riley, Kansas, 16 April 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Women's Republican Club - West Palm Beach, Florida, 27 April 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_024_027_all.pdf
Box 25Add to your cart.
Folder 1: North Carolina 11th District - Franklin, North Carolina, 28 April 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: New Mexico Medical Association PAG - Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Arizona Women's Republican Club - Phoenix, Arizona, 4 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: New Mexico Medical Association Political Action Committee (PAC) - Albuquerque, New Mexico, 4 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Disabled American Veterans - Kansas City, Kansas, 5 May 1979Add to your cart.
Folder 6: California Feed and Grain Dealers - Lake Tahoe, California, 12 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Presidential Nomination Announcement - Russell, Kansas, 14 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Old Dominion Dinner - Fredericksburg, Virginia, 14 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Des Moines Announcement - Des Moines, Iowa, 14 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Concord Rotary Club - Concord, New Hampshire, 15 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Republican National Heritage Convention - Washington, D.C., 18 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Badin Air National Guard Base - Badin, North Carolina, 19 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: North Carolina Republican Convention - Raleigh, North Carolina, 19 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Senate/House Republican Dinner - Washington, D.C., 24 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Florida Medical Association Political Action Committee (PAC) - Hollywood, Florida, 25 May 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: New York State Republican Dinner - New York City, New York, 2 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Roast of Governor Lee Dreyfus - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 8 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Options Industry Council (O.I.C.) Convention - Washington, D.C., 10 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 12 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: National League of Families Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: National Federation of Independent Businessmen - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: National Association of Truck Stop Operators - Washington, D.C., 14 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Financial Analysts - Washington, D.C., 19 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Independent Oil and Gas - Sandestin, Florida, 20 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Florida Young Republicans - Orlando, Florida, 21 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Florida Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) - Daytona Beach, Florida, 21 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: New Hampshire State Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) - Salem, New Hampshire, 23 June 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Minneapolis Press Club - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 6 July 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Illinois Republican Committee - Chicago, Illinois, 4 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: National Press Club - Washington, D.C., 7 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Manchester Kiwanis Club - Manchester, New Hampshire, 13 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: "Energy and the Auto Industry" - Detroit, Michigan, 17 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: The Taxpayer's Revolt - Des Moines, Iowa, 18 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Direction for the Eighties - Wichita, Kansas, 21 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Kansas Livestock Association Cow-Calf Stocker Conference - Hutchinson, Kansas, 27 August 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_025_035_all.pdf
Box 26Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Zionist Organization of America - New Orleans, Louisiana, 1 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: National Pet Food Institute - Washington, D.C., 6 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: International Food Manufacturer's Association - Washington, D.C., 11 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Republican Convention - Minnesota, 15 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Associated Industries of New York State - New York, 16 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Jaycees Leadership Seminar - Washington, D.C., 26 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: National Rehabilitation Information Center Dedication - Washington, D.C., 27 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: National Restaurant Association - Washington, D.C., 27 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Association for a Better New York City - New York City, New York, 28 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: National Federation of Republican Women - Indianapolis, Indiana, 29 September 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Detroit Economic Club - Detroit, Michigan, 1 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Sandwich Fair - Sandwich, New Hampshire, 8 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: South Carolina State GOP Convention - South Carolina, 13 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Rural Transportation Crisis - Ames, Iowa, 13 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Iowa State Dinner - Ames, Iowa, 13 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: The Eisenhower Legacy - Abilene, Kansas, 14 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Nashua Lions - Nashua, New Hampshire, 15 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Nashua Rotary - Nashua, New Hampshire, 15 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Eisenhower Day Dinner - Belleville, Illinois, 20 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: National Newspaper Association - Orlando, Florida, 20 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Hillsborough County Medical Society - Merrimac, New Hampshire, 23 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Building Products Executive Conference - Washington, D.C., 25 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: New England Republican Caucus - Hyannis, Massachusetts, 27 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: American Marketing Association, 29 October 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Maine Republican Forum - Portland, Maine, 3 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Republican National Committee Dinner, 6 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Kansas Federation of Republican Women - Kansas, 10 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Veterans Memorial Monument - Dakota City, Iowa, 11 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: National Association of Realtors - New Orleans, Louisiana, 14 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Unspecified Event - Orlando, Florida, 17 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: "A Nation in Doubt" - Warren County, Iowa, 30 November 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Unspecified Event - Davenport, Iowa, 1 December 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Unspecified Event - Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1 December 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Iowa Association of Electrical Corps Convention - Des Moines, Iowa, 6 December 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Arkansas Republican State Convention - Arkansas, 8 December 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Puerto Rico New Progressive Party - Washington, D.C., 11 December 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: National Association of Apparel Salesmen - Miami, Florida, 15 December 1979Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Kappa SigmasAdd to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Tribute to Carl CurtisAdd to your cart.
PDF available: c019_026_039_all.pdf
Series 20: 1980Add to your cart.
Box 27Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Arlington County Medical Society - Arlington, Virginia, 23 January 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Kansas Republican Veterans Club - Topeka, Kansas, 26 January 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Kansas Day Banquet - Topeka, Kansas, 26 January 1980Add to your cart.
Folder 4: The Southern New Hampshire Association of Commerce - Nashua, New Hampshire, 29 January 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Origins of Our Foreign Policy Crisis - Washington, D.C., 2 February 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Hampton Jaycees - Hampton, 11 February 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: New Hampshire Principals Association, 12 February 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: American Agricultural Movement Grassroots Convention - Washington, D.C., 20 February 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: CSA Convention - Washington, D.C., 20 February 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: National Association of Home Health Agencies - Washington, D.C., 4 March 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: National Gasohol Commission - Washington, D.C., 4 March 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Dole Withdrawal Statement - Lawrence, Kansas, 15 March 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Associated General Contractors of America - Honolulu, Hawaii, 21 March 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Reagan for President Rally - Overland Park, Kansas, 30 March 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Kansas Stump Speech, April 4-14, 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: National Wheelchair Basketball Tournament Awards Banquet - Charlotte, North Carolina, 5 April 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Kansas Library Association - Topeka, Kansas, 10 April 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Pennsylvania Reagan Tour - Pennsylvania, 19 April 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Reserve Officers Association - Beaumont, Texas, 26 April 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Solidarity Sunday Rally - New York, New York, 27 April 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Businesswomen's Conference - Washington, D.C., 2 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Sylvia Herman Tribute - Rockville, Maryland, 7 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons - Washington, D.C., 8 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: American Board of Orthopedic Surgery - Washington, D.C., 8 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Republican Platform Committee - Washington, D.C., 8 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Securities Industry Association - Sulphur Springs, West Virginia, 9 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Close-Up Award Presentation - Washington, D.C., 13 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Announcement of Candidacy, 24 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Memorial Day - Washington, D.C., 24 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Dr. Herbert Songer - Lincoln, Kansas, 25 May 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Healthy American Conference - Washington, D.C., 10 June 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Republican Unity Dinner - Los Angeles, California, 13 June 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Republican National Convention - Detroit, Michigan, 16 July 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Republican National Convention - Nomination of George P. Bush for VP - Detroit, Michigan, 17 July 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: National Rural Letter Carriers - Wichita, Kansas, 6 August 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Tribute to Albert Herman - Washington, D.C., 25 August 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: American Bakers Association - Washington, D.C., 16 September 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Titan II Briefing - Wichita, Kansas, 27 September 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Jimmy's Haunted House - St. Louis, Missouri, 30 September 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Johnson County Bar Association - Overland Park, Kansas, 8 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Kansas Association of Realtors - Topeka, Kansas, 9 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Bethany College Centennial - Lindsborg, Kansas, 10 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: St. John's Military Academy - Salina, Kansas, 12 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Eisenhower Middle School - Topeka, Kansas, 16 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Projects with Industry Group - Topeka, Kansas, 16 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: Fort Scott National Historic Site - Fort Scott, Kansas, 20 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Don Nickles for Senate - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 22 October 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: National Association of Home Builders - Palm Beach, Florida, 7 November 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Cooperative League of the U.S.A. - Washington, D.C., 13 November 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Oil Investment Institute - Tarpon Springs, Florida, 21 November 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_050_all.pdf
Folder 51: Food Safety Council - Washington, D.C., 11 December 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_051_all.pdf
Folder 52: Wright Memorial Dinner - Washington, D.C., 12 December 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_052_all.pdf
Folder 53: Comex Board of Governors - New York City, New York, 15 December 1980Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_027_053_all.pdf
Series 21: 1981Add to your cart.
Box 28Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Frank Carlson Federal Building - Topeka, Kansas, 30 January 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Consumer Bankruptcy Seminar - Public Policy Choices - Washington, D.C., 5 February 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Walter Reed Army Medical Center Graduation - Washington, D.C., 19 June 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: National Rehabilitation Conference - A.B.C. Knudson Award Acceptance - Hollywood, Florida, 9 July 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Federation of the Blind - Washington, D.C., 10 July 1981Add to your cart.
Folder 6: Kappa Sigma International Fraternity - New Orleans, Louisiana, 20 August 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Mainstream Inc. - Arlington, Virginia, 9 September 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: American College of Nutrition - Bethesda, Maryland, 15 September 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Goldwater Scholarship Dinner - Washington, D.C., 23 September 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Health Industry Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 24 September 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: U.S. Farm Export Education Project - Washington, D.C., 25 September 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Washington, D.C., 3 October 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Elizabeth Dole Speech - National Wives of Businessmen - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: National Nutrition Consortium Forum on Nutrition and Aging - Washington, D.C., 23 October 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: "United Together" Meeting - Arlington, Virginia, 23 October 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: "Senator Richard Lugar Fund Raiser" - Indianapolis, Indiana, 14 November 1981Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_016_all.pdf
Series 22: 1982Add to your cart.
Box 28Add to your cart.
Folder 17: American Hospital Association Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C., 1 February 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Chamber of Commerce - Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 4 February 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Lincoln Day - Bakersfield, California, 12 February 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Rotary Club Luncheon - State of the Economy - San Rafael, California, 12 February 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Tribute to Dwayne Orville Andreas - New York, New York, 4 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Futures Industry Association - Boca Raton, Florida, 6 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Common Carriers Conference - Kansas City, Kansas, 8 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: American Newspaper Publishers Association - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Computer and Communications Industry Association - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Delaware Investment Advisers - Washington, D.C., 11 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Federation of American Hospitals - Las Vegas, Nevada, 13 March 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Elizabeth Dole Speech - " A Clear Mandate to Rebuild Our Defenses" - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2 April 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: American Gas Association - Washington, D.C., 17 April 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: American International Automobile Dealers Association - Washington, D.C., 27 April 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: American Group Practice Association - Washington, D.C., 30 April 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: AMVETS 1982 Silver Helmet Awards Banquet - Arlington, Virginia, 1 May 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: McDermott, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 5 May 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Day of Fasting for Soviet Dissents - Washington, D.C., 10 May 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: American Bar Association - Washington, D.C., 15 May 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: League of Women Voters - Houston, Texas, 16 May 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: American Farm Bureau Federation - Washington, D.C., 8 June 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Food Policy Conference: "New Challenges in Nutrition" - Washington, D.C., 22 June 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Business Government Relations Council - Washington, D.C., 23 June 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: South Dakota State Republican Convention - Yankton, South Dakota, 25 June 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: International Platform Association - Washington, D.C., 6 August 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Sheet Metal Workers International Association - New York City, New York, 30 August 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Producers Advisory Forum - Washington, D.C., 10 September 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: National Black Republican Council - Washington, D.C., 16 September 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: National Press Club - Washington, D.C., 20 September 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: John Rhodes Dinner - Washington, D.C., 21 September 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: National Health Council 30th Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C., 30 September 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: Evans-Novak Forum - Washington, D.C., 7 October 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Bill Emerson Campaign - Missouri, 12 October 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Price Waterhouse Tax Conference - Los Angeles, California, 14 October 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_028_050_all.pdf
Box 29Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Campaign Trail Stump Speech, 15 October 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: National Wholesale Druggists Association - Las Vegas, Nevada, 17 October 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Heinz Event - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 26 October 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: National Machine Dealers - Washington, D.C., 5 November 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Washington Press Club - Washington, D.C., 10 November 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: USSR Trade and Economic Council - Moscow, U.S.S.R., 16 November 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Parliamentary Group of the Supreme Soviet - Moscow, U.S.S.R., 18 November 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Helsinki Commission - Madrid, Spain, 23 November 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: IME Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 7 December 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Nutrition Foundation National Academy of Sciences - Washington, D.C., 10 December 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Larry Speaks: Kappa Sigma Man of the Year - Washington, D.C., 10 December 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_011_all.pdf
Series 23: 1983Add to your cart.
Box 29Add to your cart.
Folder 12: Ernest Whittenberg Associates - Washington, D.C., 25 January 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: American Enterprise Institute - Washington, D.C., 26 January 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Conference of Mayors - Washington, D.C., 27 January 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Kansas Legislators - Topeka, Kansas, 28 January 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: National School Board Association - Washington, D.C., 30 January 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Center for Strategic and International Studies - Washington, D.C., 2 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: National Parking Association - Washington, D.C., 3 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: National Corn Growers - Decatur, Illinois, 3 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Small Business Legislative Council - Washington, D.C., 17 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: American Bankers Association - Washington, D.C., 17 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 17 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Lincoln Day Dinner - Maumee, Ohio, 19 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Y Group - Washington, D.C., 22 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Proctor and Gamble - Washington, D.C., 23 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Children's Defense Fund - Washington, D.C., 23 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: National PTA Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 23 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: National Multi-Housing Council - Washington, D.C., 28 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: National Association of Counties - Washington, D.C., 28 February 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Dun's Business Month - New York City, New York, 1 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Association for Advanced Life Underwriters - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: American Association of Equipment Lessors - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Washington Non-Profit Tax Conference - Washington, D.C., 3 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Shaklee Corporation - Arlington, Virginia, 6 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: National League of Cities - Washington, D.C., 6 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Hill and Knowlton - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 8 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Public Securities Association - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: National Machine Tool Builders' Association - Arlington, Virginia, 11 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: 1983 Manufacturers Executive Conference - Washington, D.C., 11 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Pfizer Washington Government Relations Seminar - Washington, D.C., 11 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_029_040_all.pdf
Box 30Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Associated General Contractors - Atlanta, Georgia, 12 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: National Association for Home Care - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: National Grain and Feed Association - Washington, D.C., 15 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: National Marine Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 16 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Hibernian Society of Savannah - Savannah, Georgia, 17 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Volume Footwear Retailers - Boca Raton, Florida, 19 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: General Mills Restaurant Group - Miami, Florida, 19 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: 20/20 Group - Washington, D.C., 23 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Textron Annual Management Meeting - Washington, D.C., 25 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: The Gridiron Club: 98th Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C., 26 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Commonwealth Club - San Francisco, California, 28 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Impact of Congressional Action on Health Care in Western Kansas - Hays, Kansas, 31 March 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Boston Economic Seminar - Boston, Massachusetts, 4 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: National Agri-Marketing Association - Washington, D.C., 6 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Fay Improvement Company Seminar - Washington, D.C., 6 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Congressman Tallon's Economic Policy Conference - Washington, D.C., 6 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Boston University Congressional Forum - Boston, Massachusetts, 7 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: The National Committee Against Discrimination in Housing - Washington, D.C., 12 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Responsible Government for America Foundation - Washington, D.C., 14 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: American College of Surgeons - Washington, D.C., 15 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: National Association of Credit Management - Washington, D.C., 18 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Institutional Investor Institute - Washington, D.C., 19 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: National Telephone Cooperative Association - Washington, D.C., 19 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: National Venture Capital Association - Washington, D.C., 21 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: American Academy of Family Physicians - Kansas City, Kansas, 23 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: General Foods International's Council on External Affairs - Washington, D.C., 25 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: American Newspaper Publishers Association - Astoria, New York, 25 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company - Washington, D.C., 26 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Seagram Chief Executive Forum - Washington, D.C., 27 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Senate Business Forum - Washington, D.C., 27 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Hospital Payment Reform Seminar - Washington, D.C., 28 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Fiftieth Anniversary of Founding of Wichita Veterans' Administration Medical Center - Wichita, Kansas, 29 April 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Tenth Annual Civil Service Award Dinner - Kansas City, Missouri, 1 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: National Fair Housing Month - Kansas City, Kansas, 1 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Worchester Area Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 2 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_030_035_all.pdf
Box 31Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Government Research Corporation - Washington, D.C., 3 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Small Business United - Washington, D.C., 3 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Direct Marketing Association - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Owens-Corning Plant Managers Conference - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Washington Seminar for Bank Executives - Washington, D.C., 5 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: The Walter E. Center for Supportive Services of the Illinois Masonic Medical Center - Chicago, Illinois, 7 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: National Oil Jobbers Council - Astoria, New York, 8 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: American Program Bureau - Astoria, New York, 9 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: National Association of Realtors - Washington, D.C., 11 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Small Business Winner Awards Dinner - Washington, D.C., 11 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: American Retail Federation - Washington, D.C., 11 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Business Council - Homestead, West Virginia, 14 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: American Legion - Topeka, Kansas, 14 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Washburn University School of Law, 14 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: United Nations Association - New York City, New York, 17 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Southern Furniture Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 17 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Southwestern Area Commerce and Industry Association of Connecticut - Washington, D.C., 19 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: National Federation of Republican Women - Washington, D.C., 19 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: American Financial Services Association - Washington, D.C., 20 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: American Meat Institute - Washington, D.C., 23 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: New York Economic Club - New York, New York, 23 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Nomination Hearing of Richard Armitage for Assistant Secretary of Defense - Senate Armed Services Committee, 24 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Association of Private Pension and Welfare Plans - Washington, D.C., 25 May 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: World Affairs Council - Anchorage, Alaska, 3 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: National Apartment Association - Washington, D.C., 8 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Maximum Service Telecasters - Washington, D.C., 9 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: International Consumer Credit Association - Washington, D.C., 10 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Anderson, Hibey, Nauheim and Blair - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: New York Financial Writer's Association - New York, New York, 13 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: American Productivity Management Association - Washington, D.C., 17 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Washington Discussion Group - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: National Realty Committee - Washington, D.C., 22 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Timmons and Company - Washington, D.C., 23 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: IDS Advisory Group - Washington, D.C., 24 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: National Humanitarian Award from National Jewish Hospital and Research Center - National Asthma Center - Wichita, Kansas, 25 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_031_035_all.pdf
Box 32Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Iowa Manufacturers Association - Lake Okoboji, Iowa, 25 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: American Optometric Association - Washington, D.C., 30 June 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: National Agricultural Chemicals Association, 12 July 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Phillip Morris Corporate Affairs - Washington, D.C., 20 July 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Dr. Karl Menninger Lecture - Topeka, Kansas, 22 July 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Florists' Transworld Delivery Association - Honolulu, Hawaii, 23 August 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Drought Summit - Chicago, Illinois, 2 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Growmark, Inc. - Chicago, Illinois, 2 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Transworld Corporation - Washington, D.C., 9 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: National Automobile Dealers Association - Washington, D.C., 13 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Business Roundtable - New York, New York, 13 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: President's Commission on Executive Exchange, 14 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Public Voice (Golden Carrot Awards) - Washington, D.C., 14 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Paul Weyrich Group - Washington, D.C., 16 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Metropolitan Life Insurance Company - New York, New York, 16 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Safeway Stores - Washington, D.C., 20 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Distilled Spirits - Washington, D.C., 20 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Brookings Institution - Washington, D.C., 21 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: American Medical Association (AMA) Political Action Committee - Washington, D.C., 22 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Remembering Ed Sexton, 23 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: National Tire Dealers and Retreaders Association - St. Louis, Missouri, 23 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: General Electric - Washington, D.C., 26 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: National Association of Tobacco Distributors - Washington, D.C., 28 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: National Feed Ingredients Association - Williamsburg, Virginia, 30 September 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Council of American Specialty Societies - Washington, D.C., 3 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Jefferies & Company, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: National Employment of the Handicapped Week - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: American Business Conference - Washington, D.C., 5 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Futures Industry Association - Washington, D.C., 6 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: National Health Council - Washington, D.C., 6 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: National Security Traders Association - Boca Raton, Florida, 9 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: American Association for Respiratory Therapy - Kansas City, Missouri, 15 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Food Marketing Institute Speech - Washington, D.C., 17 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Mid-Urban Conference - City School Superintendents - Arlington, Virginia, 17 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Third Annual Washington Conference on Alcohol - Arlington, Virginia, 18 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_032_035_all.pdf
Box 33Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Century 21 National Brokers' Communication Congress - Washington, D.C., 18 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: West German Insurance Companies - Washington, D.C., 18 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Ground Breaking National Rehabilitation Hospital - Washington, D.C., 19 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Women's Equality Action League - Annual Awards Dinner - New York, New York, 20 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Convention of the Advancement of Slavic Studies - Kansas City, Missouri, 22 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Portland Cement Association - Washington, D.C., 24 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Medical Management Group - Washington, D.C., 25 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning (A/C) Contractors - Washington, D.C., 25 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Cooperative League of the U.S.A. - Washington, D.C., 25 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: American Advertising Federation - Washington, D.C., 26 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Building Products Executive Committee - Washington, D.C., 27 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Aluminum Association - Washington, D.C., 27 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts - Washington, D.C., 28 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Boston-Kennedy Institute of Politics - Cambridge, Massachusetts, 29 October 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: National Meat Association - Washington, D.C., 8 November 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: The Deficit - Challenge and Risk - Grand Island, Nebraska, 11 November 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: President's Task Force on Food Assistance Hearing - Kansas City, Missouri, 14 November 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: American Petroleum Institute - New York, New York, 15 November 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Touche Ross Fund Raiser - New York, New York, 21 November 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: American Gas Association - Washington, D.C., 29 November 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Pathology Practice Association Annual Meeting - Los Angeles, California, 9 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Ashland Oil - Ashland, Kentucky, 10 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Ohio Corn Growers - Columbus, Ohio, 10 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: National Venture Capital Association - Washington, D.C., 12 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: American Bankers Association - Washington, D.C., 13 December 1982Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Robert Parks and Associates - Washington, D.C., 13 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Washington Journalism Center - Washington, D.C., 14 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Bank of Illinois Seminar - Champaign, Illinois, 15 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: 2nd Annual Seminar on Export Grain Marketing - Manhattan, Kansas, 16 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Winfield Jaycees, 16 December 1983Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_030_all.pdf
Series 24: 1984Add to your cart.
Box 33Add to your cart.
Folder 31: Jayhawk Council Boy Scouts Eagle Recognition Dinner - Topeka, Kansas, 4 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: William A. Kats - Washington, D.C., 6 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Charles Walker Associates Tax Group - Washington, D.C., 9 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Edison Electric Institute - Washington, D.C., 12 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Chuck Grassley Dinner - Des Moines, Iowa, 20 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_033_035_all.pdf
Box 34Add to your cart.
Folder 1: National Association of Home Builders - Houston, Texas, 21 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Paine Webber Mitchell Group - Washington, D.C., 23 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Gulf Oil Corporation - Washington, D.C., 23 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Washington Press Club "Salute to Congress" - Washington, D.C., 24 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities - Washington, D.C., 26 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: The Fay Improvement Company - Washington, D.C., 26 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Congressional Leadership Seminar - Washington, D.C., 27 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Kansas Veterans Club - Topeka, Kansas, 28 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: National Association of Royalty Owners - Washington, D.C., 30 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: American Hospital Association Annual Meeting - Washington, D.C., 30 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: National Association of Government Labor Officials - Washington, D.C., 30 January 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: National Council of Jewish Women - Washington, D.C., 1 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: American Textile Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 1 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 2 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: American Association of Retired Persons - Washington, D.C., 3 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: National Pork Producers Council, 8 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: The Business Council - Washington, D.C., 9 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Mid-Continent Oil and Gas Association - Washington, D.C., 10 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Land O'Lakes 63rd Annual Meeting - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 21 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: National Press Club - Washington, D.C., 22 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: National Agricultural Forum - Washington, D.C., 23 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Employers' National Job Service Committee - Washington, D.C., 23 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Dinner Honoring Judge William Treat - Manchester, New Hampshire, 27 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: The National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council - Washington, D.C., 27 February 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Forum for Economic and Political Relationships Between the Netherlands and the United States - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Futures Industry Association - Boca Raton, Florida, 4 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: American Business Press - Washington, D.C., 6 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: U.S. League's Legislative Conference - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: National Association of Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: National Association of Black Accountants - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Committee on the Constitutional System - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Association of Junior League - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Non-Profit Tax Conference - Washington, D.C., 9 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Tenth National Achievement Award - Association of Community Cancer Awards - Rockville, Maryland, 10 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Financial World Awards Banquet - New York City, New York, 12 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_034_035_all.pdf
Box 35Add to your cart.
Folder 1: National Lumber and Building Material Dealers Association - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Western Regional Council - Washington, D.C., 15 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: American Supply and Machinery Manufacturer's Association - Washington, D.C., 15 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Young Republican Leadership Conference - Washington, D.C., 16 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Kansas Masonic Home - Wichita, Kansas, 17 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Space Meeting - Las Vegas, Nevada, 18 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Tax Executives Institute, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 19 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Bristol Meyers Crucial Issues Program - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Henry Clay Society - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: National Marine Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: National Cattlemen's Association - Washington, D.C., 26 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 26 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: National Association of Convenience Stores - Washington, D.C., 26 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: United Jewish Appeal Federation Campaign - Washington, D.C., 27 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: The Christian Life Commission - Arlington, Virginia, 27 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company - Washington, D.C., 28 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: American Dental Association - Washington, D.C., 28 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: National Parking Association - Washington, D.C., 29 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Louisiana Association of Independent Producers and Royalty Owners - New Orleans, Louisiana, 30 March 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: The Seagram Family Association - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 1 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Manufactured Housing Institute - Washington, D.C., 2 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 2 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: New York Economic Club - New York City, New York, 3 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: National Federation of Independent Unions - Washington, D.C., 4 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: United States Telephone Association - Washington, D.C., 4 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Hickory Farms of Ohio - Washington, D.C., 5 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City - Kansas City, Missouri, 7 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Annual Meeting of the Kansas Diabetic Association - Wichita, Kansas, 7 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: American - Israeli Public Affairs Committee - Washington, D.C., 9 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Electronic Industries Association - Washington, D.C., 10 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_030_all.pdf
Box 36Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Representative Goodling Event - York, Pennsylvania, 13 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_035_031_all.pdf
Folder 2: Association of College Entrepreneurs - Cambridge, Massachusetts, 14 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_001_all.pdf
Folder 3: Bank Seminar - Pascagoula, Mississippi, 23 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_002_all.pdf
Folder 4: Commodity Club - Washington, D.C., 24 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_003_all.pdf
Folder 5: Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Field - Washington, D.C., 25 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_004_all.pdf
Folder 6: The Bond Club - New York City, New York, 26 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_005_all.pdf
Folder 7: Century 21 Convention - Orlando, Florida, 27 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_006_all.pdf
Folder 8: Maine Republican State Convention - Augusta, Maine, 27 April 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_007_all.pdf
Folder 9: National Council of Higher Education Loan Programs - Washington, D.C., 1 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_008_all.pdf
Folder 10: Independent Bankers Association of America - Washington, D.C., 1 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_009_all.pdf
Folder 11: Council of Pollution Control Financing Agencies - Washington, D.C., 2 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_010_all.pdf
Folder 12: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Washington, D.C., 3 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_011_all.pdf
Folder 13: 20/20 Group - Washington, D.C., 3 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_012_all.pdf
Folder 14: American Apparel Manufacturers Association - Nashville, Tennessee, 4 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_013_all.pdf
Folder 15: Ernst & Whitney - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_014_all.pdf
Folder 16: National Association of Corporate Treasurers - Washington, D.C., 6 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_015_all.pdf
Folder 17: Institutional Investor Institute - Washington, D.C., 9 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_016_all.pdf
Folder 18: George Washington Public Service Award - Washington, D.C., 9 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_017_all.pdf
Folder 19: Business Week - Washington Roundtable - Washington, D.C., 10 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_018_all.pdf
Folder 20: Washington Seminar for Bank Executives - Washington, D.C., 10 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_019_all.pdf
Folder 21: American Society of Newspaper Editors - Washington, D.C., 10 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_020_all.pdf
Folder 22: The Annual Truman Scholar Banquet - Kansas City, Missouri, 12 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_021_all.pdf
Folder 23: National Council of Savings Institutions - Baltimore, Maryland, 14 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_022_all.pdf
Folder 24: American Society of Association Executives - Washington, D.C., 15 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_023_all.pdf
Folder 25: The Government Research Corporation - Washington, D.C., 15 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_024_all.pdf
Folder 26: American Insurance Association - Washington, D.C., 15 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_025_all.pdf
Folder 27: Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies - Washington, D.C., 17 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_026_all.pdf
Folder 28: National Association of Home Builders, 17 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_027_all.pdf
Folder 29: Marion High School Graduation - Marion, Kansas, 20 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_028_all.pdf
Folder 30: National Association on Disability Awards Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 22 May 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_029_all.pdf
Box 37Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Women's Research and Education Institute Conference - Washington, D.C., 5 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_036_030_all.pdf
Folder 2: National Association of Americans of Asian Indian Descent - Atlantic City, New Jersey, 9 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_001_all.pdf
Folder 3: Executive Committee on the national Governor's Association, 11 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_002_all.pdf
Folder 4: National Council of Farmer Cooperatives - Washington, D.C., 12 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_003_all.pdf
Folder 5: American Horse Council - Arlington, Virginia, 12 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_004_all.pdf
Folder 6: Council for Rural Housing and Development - Washington, D.C., 12 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_005_all.pdf
Folder 7: Owens/Corning Customer Meeting - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_006_all.pdf
Folder 8: Amway Corporation - Washington, D.C., 16 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_007_all.pdf
Folder 9: Insurance Information Institute - Washington, D.C., 19 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_008_all.pdf
Folder 10: National Soft Drink Association - Washington, D.C., 19 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_009_all.pdf
Folder 11: The National Realty Committee - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_010_all.pdf
Folder 12: U.S.-Israel Free Trade Area - Anti-Defamation League/Food Marketing Institute - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_011_all.pdf
Folder 13: Tax Coalition - Washington, D.C., 21 June 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_012_all.pdf
Folder 14: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Conference - Kansas City, Missouri, 2 July 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_013_all.pdf
Folder 15: 30 Year Commemoration Food for Peace Program - Washington, D.C., 10 July 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_014_all.pdf
Folder 16: Groundbreaking for the Post Rock Rural Water District - Lake Kanopolis, Kansas, 19 July 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_015_all.pdf
Folder 17: El Dorado Lake Dedication Ceremony - El Dorado, Kansas, 1 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_016_all.pdf
Folder 18: The Dedication of the Vice Presidential Sculpture of Hubert Humphrey - Washington, D.C., 10 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_017_all.pdf
Folder 19: The Government Research Corporation's Ninth Annual Leadership Conference - Washington, D.C., 11 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_018_all.pdf
Folder 20: American Business Conference - Washington, D.C., 12 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_019_all.pdf
Folder 21: American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) - Washington, D.C., 12 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_020_all.pdf
Folder 22: National Association of Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 13 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_021_all.pdf
Folder 23: Economic Policy Council - Washington, D.C., 14 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_022_all.pdf
Folder 24: Robert B. Docking Memorial Highway Dedication - Arkansas City, Kansas, 16 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_023_all.pdf
Folder 25: National Association of Private Psychiatric Hospitals - Washington, D.C., 17 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_024_all.pdf
Folder 26: Republican Senatorial Inner Circle - Washington, D.C., 17 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_025_all.pdf
Folder 27: Oregon Bankers' Association - Washington, D.C., 17 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_026_all.pdf
Folder 28: National Mass Retailing Institute - Washington, D.C., 18 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_027_all.pdf
Folder 29: Press Conference on Disability Agreement - Washington, D.C., 18 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_028_all.pdf
Folder 30: Menninger Foundation Conference - Washington, D.C., 18 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Institute for Research on Economics of Taxation - Washington, D.C., 18 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Packaging Machinery Manufacturers Institute - Washington, D.C., 19 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Information Industry Association Public Policy Council - Washington, D.C., 20 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Dedication of Johnson County Park - Shawnee, Kansas, 22 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Fertilizer Institute - Washington, D.C., 27 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Dedication of Rehabilitation Institute of West Florida - Pensacola, Florida, 30 September 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: National Broiler Council - Washington, D.C., 4 October 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Memorial Service for Phil Ruppenthal - Eulogy, 7 October 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Texas Commerce Bancshares, Inc. - Houston, Texas, 16 October 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: New Human Development Center at Kansas University (KU) - Lawrence, Kansas, 17 October 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Minnesota Agri-Growth Council Annual Meeting - Bloomington, Minnesota, 22 October 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Business International Corporation - Miami, Florida, 26 October 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Kick-Off Reception for Fifth Decade Fund - Kansas University Medical Center - Kansas City, Kansas, 5 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: American Stock Exchange - Washington, D.C., 7 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Washington Forum - Washington, D.C., 8 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: National Future Farmers of America (FFA) Convention - Kansas City, Missouri, 9 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Natural Gas Supply Association Annual Meeting - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, 19 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: Georgetown University - Washington, D.C., 20 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Radiological Society of North America - Washington, D.C., 26 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Republican Dinner - Washington, D.C., 28 November 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_037_050_all.pdf
Box 38Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Missouri Editors and Publishers - Kansas City, Missouri, 2 December 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Baxter-Travenol Plant Closing - Hays, Kansas, 3 December 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: 1985 Farm Bureau Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 3 December 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: 1984 Kansas Legislative Orientation Session - Topeka, Kansas, 3 December 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Western Regional Council - Scottsdale, Arizona, 7 December 1984Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Cuomo/Garnett Tax Reform - Washington, D.C., 11 December 1984Add to your cart.
Folder 7: Paine Webber - Washington, D.C., 12 December 1984Add to your cart.
Series 25: 1985Add to your cart.
Box 38Add to your cart.
Folder 8: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday - Washington, D.C., 13 January 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 9: Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 24 January 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Congressional Leadership Seminar - Washington, D.C., 25 January 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Valmont Industries - Washington, D.C., 31 January 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: American Bankers Association - Washington, D.C., 7 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Anti-Defamation League Inaugural Dinner - Palm Beach, Florida, 7 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Friends of Bill Scranton Dinner - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 12 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Reactivation of the Tenth Mountain Division - Fort Drum, New York, 13 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: AFL-CIO Executive Council - Washington, D.C., 15 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Annual Kenworth Truck Dealers - Miami, Florida, 18 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: Marriott Managers Meeting - Washington, D.C., 18 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: National Conference of State Legislators - Washington, D.C., 21 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: State of the American Farm Conference - Washington, D.C., 24 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: National Governors' Association - Washington, D.C., 24 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Washington Newstour - Washington, D.C., 25 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Creve Coeur Club Washington Day Banquet - Peoria, Illinois, 26 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: The Carpet and Rug Institute - Washington, D.C., 28 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Honeywell General Managers Meeting - Washington, D.C., 28 February 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Conference for Arab Americans - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Association for Advanced Life Underwriting - Washington, D.C., 4 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: Dallas Chamber Board of Directors - Washington, D.C., 5 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: U.S. Feed Grains Council - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Washington Non-Profit Tax Conference - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Republican Women's Federal Forum - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 32: Hogan and Hartson Congressional Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 19 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Outdoor Advertising Association of America, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: National Parking Association - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Kansas State University: Landon Lecture - Manhattan, Kansas, 24 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: American Bar Association - Washington, D.C., 27 March 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 37: YMCA Partner with Youth Victory Dinner - Washington, D.C., 27 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: American Paper Institute - Pinehurst, North Carolina, 29 March 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Alabama Farm Bureau - Washington, D.C., 1 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Fay Improvement Company Financial Executives' Meeting - Washington, D.C., 2 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: Jeane Kirkpatrick Reception - Washington, D.C., 4 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors' National Association - Washington, D.C., 15 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: Building Construction Trades Group - Washington, D.C., 16 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Iowa Bankers Meeting - Washington, D.C., 16 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: National Multiple Sclerosis Society - Washington, D.C., 17 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: U.S. Army Command and General Staff College - Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 19 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Hutchinson heights Fundraising Dinner - Hutchinson, Kansas, 19 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: 1985 Great American Award of the Committee of One - Kansas City, Missouri, 19 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Kansas Press Association - Manhattan, Kansas, 20 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Clemson University Dinner - Washington, D.C., 24 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_050_all.pdf
Folder 51: United Cerebral Palsy - Washington, D.C., 26 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_051_all.pdf
Folder 52: Association of Reserve City Bankers - Boca Raton, Florida, 28 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_052_all.pdf
Folder 53: League of Women Voters - Washington, D.C., 30 April 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_053_all.pdf
Folder 54: National Association of Arab-Americans - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_054_all.pdf
Folder 55: Senator D'Amato's Local Government Conference - Washington, D.C., 7 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_055_all.pdf
Folder 56: Government Research Corporation - Washington, D.C., 7 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_056_all.pdf
Folder 57: Scottish Rite Armed Forces Appreciation Day Ceremony - Alameda, Kansas, 10 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_057_all.pdf
Folder 58: Kansas Newman College Commencement - Wichita, Kansas, 11 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_058_all.pdf
Folder 59: Dodge City Community College Commencement - Dodge City, Kansas, 12 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_059_all.pdf
Folder 60: former Members of Congress Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 13 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_038_060_all.pdf
Box 39Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Farm and Industrial Equipment Institute - Washington, D.C., 16 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Security Properties Meeting - Washington, D.C., 16 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: National Association of Home Builders - Washington, D.C., 17 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: Divisional Post Review - Fort Riley, Kansas, 18 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Institute for Employment Equity - Overland Park, Kansas, 18 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: 67th Annual American Legion State Convention - Topeka, Kansas, 18 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: DuPont Plant and Sales Managers Seminar - Washington, D.C., 20 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Political Leadership Day - Washington, D.C., 20 May 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Seagrams and Sons Executive Forum - Washington, D.C., 3 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: 20/20 Group - Washington, D.C., 6 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Rural Housing Council - Washington, D.C., 10 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: American Stock Exchange - State Department - Washington, D.C., 11 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Massachusetts Mutual Life Board of Directors - Washington, D.C., 12 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Outdoor Advertising Association of American - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Dedication of Dwight D. Eisenhower Sculpture - Abilene, Kansas, 15 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: New Hampshire Association of Commerce and Industry - Nashua, New Hampshire, 17 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: National Health Committee - Washington, D.C., 18 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: National Young Republicans Convention - Chicago, Illinois, 22 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Mid-West Republican Leadership Conference - Grand Rapids, Michigan, 22 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: Health Insurance Association of America - Washington, D.C., 24 June 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Covington and Burlington Luncheon, 12 July 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: National Urban League - Washington, D.C., 22 July 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: National Association of Farmer-Elected Committeemen - Washington, D.C., 23 July 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Heart of America Council Breakfast - Kansas City, Kansas, 5 August 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: International Platform Association - Washington, D.C., 7 August 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Business Roundtable - New York, New York, 1 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Council on Foreign Relations - New York, New York, 5 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: National Republican Eagles - Washington, D.C., 13 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Ford Foundation - Washington, D.C., 13 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: D'Accord Incorporated - Capital Intensive Industries - Washington, D.C., 17 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Jaycees - Washington, D.C., 17 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: The Delegation of the National Peoples Congress of China Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 19 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: National Water Alliance Conference Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 20 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: National Rifle Association - Arlington, Virginia, 20 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: American Council on the Arts - Washington, D.C., 23 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Human Events Group - Washington, D.C., 23 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Money Market Services - Washington, D.C., 23 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Coalitions for America - Washington, D.C., 25 September 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: Business Conference Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 2 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Tribute Dinner for Morris K. Udall - Americans for Indian Opportunity - Washington, D.C., 3 October 1985Add to your cart.
Folder 41: American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons - Washington, D.C., 6 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Magazine Publishers Association - Hilton Head, South Carolina, 7 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: The Heritage Foundation - Washington, D.C., 8 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Chemical Manufacturers' Association - Washington, D.C., 8 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: International Council of Shopping Centers - Washington, D.C., 9 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_045_all.pdf
Folder 46: Onondaga County Republicans - Onandaga County, New York, 9 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_046_all.pdf
Folder 47: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association - Washington, D.C., 11 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_047_all.pdf
Folder 48: Business Council - Hot Springs, Virginia, 11 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_048_all.pdf
Folder 49: Savage/Fogarty Companies - Washington, D.C., 15 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_049_all.pdf
Folder 50: Construction Industry Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 16 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_039_050_all.pdf
Box 40Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Holocaust Museum - Washington, D.C., 16 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Vermont Republican Fundraiser - Northfield, Vermont, 19 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: IRS Joint Conference - Washington, D.C., 24 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: The American Jewish Committee - Kansas City, Missouri, 27 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Timmons and Company, Incorporated - Washington, D.C., 28 October 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Righteousness Award - Detroit, Michigan, 3 November 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: National Association of Realtors, 10 November 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: Council of Jewish Federations - Washington, D.C., 16 November 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: Boys Town Jerusalem International Dinner - New York, New York, 17 November 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: American League of Lobbyists - Washington, D.C., 21 November 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: National Association of Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 3 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Former Members of Congress - Washington, D.C., 4 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Merrill Lynch Private Capital Group - Washington, D.C., 5 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: National Council for Research Development - Washington, D.C., 6 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Tribute to William Loeb Dinner - Washington, D.C., 11 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: Association of Advanced Life Underwriters - Washington, D.C., 16 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Michigan State GOP's Annual Fall Event - Detroit, Michigan, 16 December 1985Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_017_all.pdf
Series 26: 1986Add to your cart.
Box 40Add to your cart.
Folder 18: The 50 Club of Cleveland - Cleveland, Ohio, 6 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: The Carlson Lecture - University of Minnesota - Minneapolis, Minnesota, 16 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: National Realty Committee Chairman's Roundtable Washington, D.C., 22 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: National Association of Accountants - Washington, D.C., 22 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce - Hutchinson, Kansas, 23 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Dillon Lecture - Hutchinson, Kansas, 24 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) Convention - Washington, D.C., 31 January 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Nevada Tax and Industry Council - Washington, D.C., 3 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: Mortgage Bankers Association - Washington, D.C., 4 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Knox County Republican Party - Knoxville, Tennessee, 11 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: National Apartment Association - Washington, D.C., 17 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: National Press Club - Washington, D.C., 19 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Hong Kong/U.S. Economic Cooperation - Washington, D.C., 20 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Association of Community College Trustees - Washington, D.C., 23 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: Southern Governors' Association on International Competitiveness, 23 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: New Jersey Jewish Federation - Washington, D.C., 25 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: Burson-Marstellar Group - Washington, D.C., 26 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: Good Samaritan Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 26 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Professional Insurance Agent - Washington, D.C., 26 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: Presidential Classroom Students - Washington, D.C., 27 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Seagram Tax Seminar - Washington, D.C., 27 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: President's Commission on White House Fellowships - Washington, D.C., 28 February 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Southern Republican Leadership Conference - Nashville, Tennessee, 1 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_040_040_all.pdf
Box 41Add to your cart.
Folder 1: United Jewish Appeal Young Leadership Conference - Washington, D.C., 2 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Association for Advanced Life Underwriters - Washington, D.C., 4 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: Council of State Housing Agencies - Washington, D.C., 5 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: The New England Council, Inc. - Washington, D.C., 5 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: Distilled Spirits Council of the United States - Washington, D.C., 6 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: Non- Profit Tax Conference - Washington, D.C., 6 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Merrill Lynch - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: The Association of Junior Leagues - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: General Foods Corporation - Washington, D.C., 13 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Georgetown Center for Strategic and International Studies Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Art Laffer Associates - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: Independent Insurance Agents of America - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Berrien County Lincoln Day Dinner - Benton Harbor, Michigan, 15 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: General Agents and Managers Conference - National Association of Life Underwriters - Baltimore, Maryland, 17 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Colorado (Congressman Hank Brown) Farm Group - Washington, D.C., 19 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: United Jewish Appeal (UJA) - Federation Washington Mission - Washington, D.C., 19 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Los Angeles Times Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: 20/20 Group Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Buffet Reception Humphrey Institute - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: National Association of State Treasurers - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: Women in Government Relations - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: David Brinkley Show, 30 March 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: Ides of March IV Reception - Los Angeles, California, 2 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Salute to Senator Robert J Dole and Guests - Los Angeles, California, 3 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Meeting with Leaders of the Hispanic Business Community - Lincoln, Nebraska, 3 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_025_all.pdf
Folder 26: "Victory of the Human Spirit" Reception and Award presented by the National Rehabilitation Hospital - Washington, D.C., 7 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_026_all.pdf
Folder 27: Announcement of Jacob Javits Award - International Rehabilitation Week Conference - New York, New York, 7 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_027_all.pdf
Folder 28: ABC "Good Morning America" - Washington, D.C., 8 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_028_all.pdf
Folder 29: Fundraising Breakfast for Frank Wolf - Arlington, Virginia, 8 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_029_all.pdf
Folder 30: Headliner Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 9 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_030_all.pdf
Folder 31: Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 9 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_031_all.pdf
Folder 32: National Parking Association - Washington, D.C., 10 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_032_all.pdf
Folder 33: Washington Tax Seminar - Washington, D.C., 10 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_033_all.pdf
Folder 34: The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 11 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_034_all.pdf
Folder 35: The Associated General Contractors of America - Washington, D.C., 14 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_035_all.pdf
Folder 36: Introduction of James O. Foster Testifying before the Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development, 14 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_036_all.pdf
Folder 37: National Marine Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 15 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_037_all.pdf
Folder 38: Majority '86 Scoreboard Breakfast by Senatorial Committee - Washington, D.C., 15 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_038_all.pdf
Folder 39: GOP Women Leaders - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 18 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_039_all.pdf
Folder 40: Midwest Hear and Vascular Institute - Wichita, Kansas, 19 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_040_all.pdf
Folder 41: World Trade Council of Wichita - President's "E" Award, 19 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_041_all.pdf
Folder 42: Kansas Community Correction Association Convention Dinner - Kansas City, Kansas, 24 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_042_all.pdf
Folder 43: East-West Trade - Washington, D.C., 24 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_043_all.pdf
Folder 44: Kansas State Firefighters' Council - Wichita, Kansas, 24 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_044_all.pdf
Folder 45: Bethany Medical Center Annual Banquet - Kansas City, Kansas, 24 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_041_045_all.pdf
Box 42Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Kansas Grain and Feed Dealers Association - Wichita, Kansas, 25 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_001_all.pdf
Folder 2: Kansas Credit Union League - Overland Park, Kansas, 25 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_002_all.pdf
Folder 3: National Rifle Association Annual Meeting - New Orleans, Louisiana, 26 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_003_all.pdf
Folder 4: U.S. Chamber Meeting - Washington, D.C., 28 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_004_all.pdf
Folder 5: National Republican Legislative Campaign Committee - Washington, D.C., 29 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_005_all.pdf
Folder 6: U.S. Tobacco - Washington, D.C., 30 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_006_all.pdf
Folder 7: Specialty Advertising Association International - Washington, D.C., 30 April 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_007_all.pdf
Folder 8: United Way of America's 1986 Volunteer Leaders Conference - Cincinnati, Ohio, 4 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_008_all.pdf
Folder 9: National Association of Industrial and Office Parks - Arlington, Virginia, 4 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_009_all.pdf
Folder 10: Colorado Forum Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 6 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_010_all.pdf
Folder 11: Holocaust Council's Day of Remembrance - Washington, D.C., 6 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_011_all.pdf
Folder 12: PAC Meeting - Washington, D.C., 6 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_012_all.pdf
Folder 13: Northern Virginia Builders Association - Arlington, Virginia, 8 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_013_all.pdf
Folder 14: Welcome for Natan (Anatoly) Shcharansky - Washington, D.C., 13 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_014_all.pdf
Folder 15: Des Moines Chamber of Commerce - Washington, D.C., 14 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_015_all.pdf
Folder 16: National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Luncheon - New York, New York, 16 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_016_all.pdf
Folder 17: Fundraising Breakfast for Governor Dick Snelling - Burlington, Vermont, 17 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_017_all.pdf
Folder 18: New Hampshire Bankers Association - Washington, D.C., 18 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_018_all.pdf
Folder 19: Heinz Pennsylvania Tax Seminar - Washington, D.C., 19 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_019_all.pdf
Folder 20: American International Auto Dealers Association - Washington, D.C., 19 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_020_all.pdf
Folder 21: BATUS Group - Washington, D.C., 20 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_021_all.pdf
Folder 22: Western Massachusetts Leaders - Washington, D.C., 21 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_022_all.pdf
Folder 23: American Society of Association Executives - Washington, D.C., 21 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_023_all.pdf
Folder 24: Shawnee Mission Medical Center Foundation - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 22 May 1986Add to your cart.
PDF available: c019_042_024_all.pdf
Folder 25: Forum 1986 - Hays, Kansas, 22 May 1986Add to your cart.