By Robert Lay, Catherine Riggs, Hannah Ballard, Jeremy Denham, Jennifer Kirmer, Melissa Morris, Alex Rausch, Kristine Schenk, Margaret White
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Legislative Relations, 1969-1996
ID: 01/003
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 346.5 Linear Feet
Arrangement: Because these files were accumulated by several individuals, they demonstrate many different arrangement schemes. When possible, these have been preserved. Sub-series 3, 4, 6, and 9 are arranged chronologically. Sub-series 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 are arranged alphabetically.
Subjects: Kansas
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The lawmaking function of a Senator's office is perhaps the best known and the most thoroughly documented. The Legislative Relations series of the Dole Senate Papers covers this important function. Legislative records include a variety of materials such as Congressional Research Service reports, memoranda and correspondence, personal notes, published material, bill drafts, Senate committee proceedings, press materials, and other information. These various materials were maintained by the Senator's staff of legislative assistants. A full list of legislative assistants and their areas of topical expertise appears in the sub-series description for the Legislative Assistants Files. This series demonstrates the ways in which the Senator's office crafted legislation or responded to bills proposed in either the House or the Senate.
Of significant importance are the Legislative Assistants Files. These contain information about nearly every political and legislative issue that came before the Senate from 1969-1996, and also show evidence of carry-over from Senator Dole's time in the House of Representatives. This sub-series contains information that may not be found elsewhere, and shows the often contradictory opinions of LAs in the same office.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee.
There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Processing Information:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Briefing Books, 1972-1994],
Series 2: Committee Files, 1973-1994],
Series 3: Congressional Record Inserts, 1973-1980],
Series 4: Floor Statements, 1969-1994],
Series 5: Kansas Projects, 1963-1994],
Series 6: Legislative Assistants, 1963-1996],
Series 7: Specific Bill Files, 1961-1984],
Series 8: Subject Files, 1969-1995],
Series 9: Voting/Attendance Record, 1969-1992],
- Series 1: Briefing Books, 1972-1994

- Briefing books are background materials about various issues. These were assembled by the legislative staff for the Senator's use. Many of Senator Dole's briefing books cover foreign relations and defense issues, such as the activities of the Commission for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), the Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, and the U.S. Senate Arms Control Observer Group. Other briefing books cover legislative topics of interest to the Senator, such as tax reform, health care (particularly Medicare reform), child nutrition, and amendments to the Clean Air Act.
- Arrangement: Briefing Books are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 18 boxes
- Box 1

- Folder 1: 1980 Republican Platform Working Document, June 20, 1980

- Folder 2: Arms Control Issues, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1984

- Folder 3: Arms Control Issues, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 1985

- Folder 4: Arms Control Subcommittee, June 21, 1983

- Folder 5: Briefing Book - East and South Asian Trade, 1985

- Folder 6: Briefing Book on East Asia and U.S. Agricultural Trade, 1985

- Folder 7: Briefing Book - Far East Trade [1 of 2], 1976-1985

- Box 2

- Folder 1: Briefing Book - Far East Trade [2 of 2], 1976-1985

- Folder 2: Briefing Book: France, Germany, Italy, and the U.K., April [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 3: Briefing Book: France, Germany, Italy, and the U.K., April [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 4: Briefing Book - MX Missile Program, 1985

- Folder 5: Briefing Book - Symposium on Budget Balance, January [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 6: Briefing Book - Symposium on Budget Balance, January [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 7: Briefing Book: The Economy, Spending, Taxes, and Welfare, 1972

- Folder 8: Briefing Book on Trade, 1985

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Briefing Material on Puerto Rico, 1979

- Folder 2: Child Nutrition Amendments Briefing Book, 1981

- Folder 3: Child Nutrition Reconciliation Briefing Book, 1981

- Folder 4: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Control Mechanisms, 1981

- Folder 5: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Federal/State Roles, 1981

- Folder 6: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Miscellaneous, 1981

- Folder 7: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Mobile Sources, 1981

- Folder 8: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Nonattainment, 1981

- Folder 9: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Overview, 1981

- Folder 10: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Visibility, 1981

- Folder 11: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Special Problems, 1981

- Folder 12: Clean Air Act Staffers Briefing Book - Standards and Standards Setting, 1981

- Folder 13: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Basket II Hearings [1 of 2], [1980]

- Folder 14: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Basket II Hearings [2 of 2], [1980]

- Box 4

- Folder 1: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Belgrade Review Conference [1 of 4], [1977]

- Folder 2: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Belgrade Review Conference [2 of 4], [1977]

- Folder 3: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Belgrade Review Conference [3 of 4], [1977]

- Folder 4: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Belgrade Review Conference [4 of 4], [1977]

- Folder 5: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Current Proposals at the Belgrade Review Conference, 1977

- Folder 6: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): European Trip, 1976

- Box 5

- Folder 1: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Follow-Up Meeting in Belgrade, 1977

- Folder 2: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Helsinki Commission Hearings, 1977

- Folder 3: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE): Western Conception of Concluding Document, Undated

- Folder 4: Committee Digest - Senate Committee Special Report 97-98th Congress, January 23, 1983

- Folder 5: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Banking, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Budget, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Campaign, 1991-1992

- Folder 8: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Children, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Civil Rights, 1991-1992

- Folder 10: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Commerce, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Crime, 1991-1992

- Folder 12: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Deficit, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Drugs, 1991-1992

- Folder 14: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Economy, 1991-1992

- Folder 15: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Education, 1991-1992

- Folder 16: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Energy, 1991-1992

- Folder 17: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Environment, 1991-1992

- Folder 18: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Gun Control, 1991-1992

- Folder 19: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Health, 1991-1992

- Folder 20: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Housing, 1991-1992

- Folder 21: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Indians, 1991-1992

- Folder 22: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Labor/Jobs, 1991-1992

- Folder 23: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Miscellaneous, 1991-1992

- Folder 24: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Natural Resources, 1991-1992

- Folder 25: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Public Land, 1991-1992

- Folder 26: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Small Business, 1991-1992

- Box 6

- Folder 1: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Tax, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Trade, 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Transportation, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Unemployment, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Comprehensive Briefing Book - Welfare, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Congressional Research Service Reports - Civil Rights and Disabilities, 1984-1989

- Folder 7: Congressional Research Service Reports - Disabled, 1990-1994

- Folder 8: Congressional Research Service Reports - Social Security, Block Grants, Entitlements, 1990-1994

- Folder 9: Defense, July-August [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 10: Defense, July-August [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 11: Defense, Briefing Material, Miscellaneous Files Regarding Amendments, May 19, 1988

- Box 7

- Folder 1: Defense, General Defense Briefing Book, May 13, 1988

- Folder 2: Defense, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Amendments, [1987]

- Folder 3: Defense, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Background Readings and Stats [1 of 2], Undated

- Folder 4: Defense, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Background Readings and Stats [2 of 2], Undated

- Folder 5: Defense, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Briefing Book from the Department of State, February-May 2 [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 6: Defense, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Briefing Book from the Department of State, February-May 2 [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 7: Defense, Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and Treaty Interpretation, Undated

- Box 8

- Folder 1: Defense, Participants - Defense/Foreign Policy Steering Group, December 9, 1987

- Folder 2: Defense, Senator's Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Briefing Book, April 20 [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 3: Defense, Senator's Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty Briefing Book, April 20 [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 4: Dole Briefing Book on Nutrition [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 5: Dole Briefing Book on Nutrition [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 6: Dole Legislative Record - Disability, 91st-97th Congress [1 of 3], 1969-1982

- Folder 7: Dole Legislative Record - Disability, 91st-97th Congress [2 of 3], 1969-1982

- Folder 8: Dole Legislative Record - Disability, 91st-97th Congress [3 of 3], 1969-1982

- Box 9

- Folder 1: Dole Legislative Record - Disability, 98th-103rd Congress [1 of 3], 1983-1994

- Folder 2: Dole Legislative Record - Disability, 98th-103rd Congress [2 of 3], 1983-1994

- Folder 3: Dole Legislative Record - Disability, 98th-103rd Congress [3 of 3], 1983-1994

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection Agency Superfund Briefing Book, 1980

- Folder 5: Food Stamp 1981 Mark-Up, 1981

- Folder 6: General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports - Disabilities, Training, Etc..., 1989-1993

- Box 10

- Folder 1: General Accounting Office Briefing Report - Social Security and Disabilities [1 of 2], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: General Accounting Office Briefing Report - Social Security and Disabilities [2 of 2], 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Health - Deficit Reduction Act, August, 1984

- Folder 4: Health - Physician Office Laboratories, Undated

- Folder 5: Health - Skilled Nursing Facilities, 1982-1984

- Folder 6: Health Subcommittee on Health Care for the Economically Disadvantaged, 1984

- Folder 7: Health - Teaching Physician Payments, 1983

- Folder 8: Hospice Briefing Book [1 of 3], 1984-1985

- Folder 9: Hospice Briefing Book [2 of 3], 1984-1985

- Box 11

- Folder 1: Hospice Briefing Book [3 of 3], 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Hospitals - Medicare Market Basket Plus Rate of Increase, 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Hunan Province Briefing Material, 1985

- Folder 4: Institute for Health Issues Management, 1985

- Folder 5: Key Vote Interest Group Ratings by Selected Issues, 1987-1991

- Folder 6: Medicaid - Drug Co-Pay, 1984

- Folder 7: Medicaid - Maternal and Child Health Program, April 4, 1984

- Folder 8: Medicaid - Medically Needy, Undated

- Folder 9: Medicaid - Puerto Rico, 1984

- Folder 10: Medicaid - Reduction Proposals, 1982-1984

- Folder 11: Medicaid - Skilled Nursing and Intermediate Care Recertification, Undated

- Folder 12: Medicare Briefing Book [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 13: Medicare Briefing Book [2 of 2], 1984

- Box 12

- Folder 1: Medicare Briefing Book - Prospective Payment System [1 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 2: Medicare Briefing Book - Prospective Payment System [2 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 3: Medicare Briefing Book - Prospective Payment System [3 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 4: Medicare - Capital Financing, 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Medicare - Children and Pregnant Women Groups, 1984

- Folder 6: Medicare - Contracting Proposal, 1984

- Folder 7: Medicare - Delay Entitlement, 1983

- Folder 8: Medicare - Durable Medical Equipment Co-Pay, 1984

- Folder 9: Medicare - Grace Commission Options, 1984

- Folder 10: Medicare - Index Deductible, 1984

- Folder 11: Medicare - Intermittent Care Proposals, 1983

- Folder 12: Medicare - Lesser of Costs or Charges, 1984

- Box 13

- Folder 1: Medicare - Payment System Booklets, 1984

- Folder 2: Medicare - Physician Fees, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Medicare - Revaluation of Assets, 1984

- Folder 4: Medicare - Rounding Part B Claims, 1983

- Folder 5: Medicare - Rural Hospital Amendments, 1984

- Folder 6: Medicare - Supplementary Medical Insurance Premiums, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Medicare - Working Aged, Undated

- Folder 8: National Security and Arms Control, October 29-November 2 [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 9: National Security and Arms Control, October 29-November 2 [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 10: National Forum on Solutions to Economic Problems, December 5, 1978

- Folder 11: Nutrition Budget Briefing Book, 1980-1981

- Box 14

- Folder 1: Nutrition Needs of Older Americans, 1979

- Folder 2: Nutrition Needs of Older Americans (Kansas Field Hearings), 1980

- Folder 3: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 1, May [1 of 4], 1977

- Folder 4: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 1, May [2 of 4], 1977

- Box 15

- Folder 1: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 1, May [3 of 4], 1977

- Folder 2: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 1, May [4 of 4], 1977

- Folder 3: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 2, May [1 of 4], 1977

- Folder 4: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 2, May [2 of 4], 1977

- Box 16

- Folder 1: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 2, May [3 of 4], 1977

- Folder 2: Petitions for Nijole Saduniate, Volume 2, May [4 of 4], 1977

- Folder 3: Possible Amendments to Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, Undated

- Folder 4: Save Our City: Flooding of Barton County, Kansas, 1980

- Folder 5: Six-State High Plains - Ogallala Aquifer Regional Resources Study, 1981

- Folder 6: Social Security - Annual Report of Congress [1 of 3], 1981-1983

- Box 17

- Folder 1: Social Security - Annual Report of Congress [2 of 3], 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Social Security - Annual Report of Congress [3 of 3], 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Social Security - Trustees' Report, 1984

- Folder 4: Trip to Bolivia, December 10-11, 1989

- Folder 5: United States Senate, Arms Control Observer Group, 1985

- Folder 6: Yugoslavia, Austria and Israel, July [1 of 2], 1977

- Box 18

- Folder 1: Yugoslavia, Austria and Israel, July [2 of 2], 1977

- Series 2: Committee Files, 1973-1994

- Records generated by Congressional committees are the property of the federal government, but Senator Dole's collection contains many committee-related records that were generated by his personal staff, which are cataloged here. Senator Dole served on several committees during his time in the Senate, most notably the Finance Committee (1973-1996), of which he was chairman from 1981-1983, and the Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee (1969-1996). Dole other committee assignments include:
Judiciary (1979-1988)
Public Works (1969-1972)
Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs (1969-1978)
Select Committee on Small Business (1969-1975)
Budget (1975-1980)
Joint Committee on Taxation (1979-1994)
Rules and Administration (1981-1996)
Labor and Human Resources (1989-1994)
Certain legislative staff were solely assigned to monitor the activities of Senate committees. These include Pete Velde (Judiciary), Kim Wells (Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry; Budget, Finance; Nutrition and Human Needs), and Richard Friedman (Finance). Committee files can include bill drafts and committee reports, correspondence between members, testimonies before committees, and information about controversial pieces of legislation such as the Food Stamp Reform Act, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), and tax and bankruptcy reform.
- Arrangement: All files have been assigned a folder heading corresponding to the committee to which the material relates. These are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 11 boxes
- Box 18

- Folder 2: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Child Nutrition - Block Grant, 1976

- Folder 3: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Community Nutrition Institute (CNI) [1 of 2], 1976

- Folder 4: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Community Nutrition Institute (CNI) [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 5: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Farm Limitations on Artificial Losses (LAL), 1975

- Folder 6: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamps, 1976

- Folder 7: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Bill Text and Print, 1975

- Folder 8: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Budget, 1976

- Folder 9: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Cost Estimates/Letters, Talmadge and Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 1976

- Folder 10: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Dole Statements, 1975

- Folder 11: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Draft Amendment Language, 1976

- Folder 12: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - "Eliminate the Purchase Requirement" (EPR) Amendment #1550, 1976

- Folder 13: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - "Eliminate the Purchase Requirement" (EPR) Article, [1976]

- Folder 14: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - "Eliminate the Purchase Requirement" (EPR) Greenskin Information, 1976

- Folder 15: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Erroneous Cost Estimates, [1976]

- Folder 16: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Fiscal Responsibility, [1976]

- Box 19

- Folder 1: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Food Stamp Fact Sheet, Compromise, 1976

- Folder 2: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - General Pro Letters, [1976]

- Folder 3: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Haggart, 1976

- Folder 4: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Information, 1975-1976

- Folder 5: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Kentucky, [1976]

- Folder 6: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Letters from Other Senators, 1976

- Folder 7: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Miscellaneous Information [1 of 3], 1975-1977

- Folder 8: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Miscellaneous Information [2 of 3], 1975-1977

- Folder 9: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Miscellaneous Information [3 of 3], 1975-1977

- Folder 10: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Miscellaneous Press Clippings, 1975-1976

- Folder 11: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Motion to Suspend 401 (b), Undated

- Box 20

- Folder 1: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Propaganda, 1976

- Folder 2: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Puerto Rico, November 17, 1975

- Folder 3: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Reports - General Accounting Office, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Greenstein, Nutrition Committee [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 4: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Reports - General Accounting Office, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Greenstein, Nutrition Committee [2 of 2], 1975

- Folder 5: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Rivilin Cost Estimates (Congressional Budget Office), 1976

- Folder 6: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Saving Food Stamp Dollars, 1975

- Folder 7: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Short Summary, Compromise, [1975]

- Folder 8: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Statements and Press Releases, 1975

- Folder 9: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Statistical Data, 1975

- Folder 10: Committee on Agriculture and Forestry - Food Stamp Reform Act - Text, [1975]

- Folder 11: Committee on the Budget - Haggart Jobs Bill, 1976

- Folder 12: Committee on the Budget - Humphrey-Hawkins, 1976

- Folder 13: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Barclay's Memo on Work Requirement, 1976

- Folder 14: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - California Work Requirements, April, 1976

- Box 21

- Folder 1: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Copies of Work Requirement Bill, Undated

- Folder 2: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Court Cases, 1974

- Folder 3: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Definitions, 1976

- Folder 4: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Department of Labor, Materials and Papers, 1975-1976

- Folder 5: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Existing Legislation, 1975

- Folder 6: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - General Assistance, 1971

- Folder 7: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Utah Work Requirement, 1976

- Folder 8: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Work Incentive (WIN) Program, 1976

- Folder 9: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Work Requirement Correspondence, 1976

- Folder 10: Committee on Finance - Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) - Work Requirement, General, Undated

- Folder 11: Committee on Finance - Bill to Amend Section 105 on the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Legal Services), 1975-1976

- Folder 12: Committee on Finance - Bill to Amend Section 105 on the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (Business Men's Assurance Company of America), 1974-1975

- Folder 13: Committee on Finance - Cattle-Breeding, 1976

- Folder 14: Committee on Finance - Colleague Letters - Floor Amendments, Tax Reform Act, 1976

- Folder 15: Committee on Finance - Committee Business, 1973

- Folder 16: Committee on Finance - Concrete Rail Ties, 1976

- Box 22

- Folder 1: Committee on Finance - Criticism/Response, Tax Amendments [1 of 3], 1973-1976

- Folder 2: Committee on Finance - Criticism/Response, Tax Amendments [2 of 3], 1973-1976

- Folder 3: Committee on Finance - Criticism/Response, Tax Amendments [3 of 3], 1973-1976

- Folder 4: Committee on Finance - Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) Tax, 1976

- Folder 5: Committee on Finance - Hathaway-Dole, 1976

- Folder 6: Committee on Finance - International Trade Commission (ITC), 1976

- Folder 7: Committee on Finance - Motion Picture - International Trade Commission (ITC) Amendments, 1976

- Folder 8: Committee on Finance - Muskie-Dole Charities Bill, 1976

- Folder 9: Committee on Finance - Net Operating Loss, 1976

- Folder 10: Committee on Finance - News Releases, May 7, 1976

- Folder 11: Committee on Finance - Non-Tax Criminal Investigation, Undated

- Box 23

- Folder 1: Committee on Finance - Oil and Gas, 1975

- Folder 2: Committee on Finance - Recycling Credit, 1976

- Folder 3: Committee on Finance - Savings and Loan, 1976

- Folder 4: Committee on Finance - Social Security Tax Cuts, 1991-1994

- Folder 5: Committee on Finance - Social Security - Trustees' Report, 1985

- Folder 6: Committee on Finance - State of the Union Fact Sheets, 1976

- Folder 7: Committee on Finance - Welfare Reform - Speeches, 1975

- Folder 8: Committee on Finance - Whitlock Case, 1976

- Folder 9: Committee on Finance - Windfall Profits Tax, 1975

- Folder 10: Committee on the Judiciary - Bankruptcy: Court Reform, 1982

- Folder 11: Committee on the Judiciary - Bankruptcy: Dole Floor Statement, [1982]

- Folder 12: Committee on the Judiciary - Bills Included in Bankruptcy Package [1 of 2], 1982

- Box 24

- Folder 1: Committee on the Judiciary - Bills Included in Bankruptcy Package [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Committee on the Judiciary - Confirmation Hearings - Sandra Day O'Connor for the U.S. Supreme Court, 1981

- Folder 3: Committee on the Judiciary - Correspondence on Behalf of Senator Dole - 97th Congress, 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Committee on the Judiciary - Crime, Criminal, Prisons - General, National Crime Information Center (NCIC) - National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS), 1982

- Folder 5: Committee on the Judiciary - Crime - Violent Crime Task Force Report, Reagan's International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), 1981

- Folder 6: Committee on the Judiciary - Dole, Correspondence to Colleagues, 1982

- Folder 7: Committee on the Judiciary - Dole Gun Bill Amendments, 1982

- Folder 8: Committee on the Judiciary - False Identification, 1983

- Folder 9: Committee on the Judiciary - General - Billy Carter, 1980

- Folder 10: Committee on the Judiciary - Gun Bill Filing [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 11: Committee on the Judiciary - Gun Bill Filing [2 of 2], 1982

- Box 25

- Folder 1: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), 1982

- Folder 2: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) - General/Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) - General/Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 4: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) - Police Patrol Car Proposed Amendment/Thurmond, 1979

- Folder 5: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization - S. 241 [1 of 6], 1979

- Folder 6: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization - S. 241 [2 of 6], 1979

- Folder 7: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization - S. 241 [3 of 6], 1979

- Box 26

- Folder 1: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization - S. 241 [4 of 6], 1979

- Folder 2: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization - S. 241 [5 of 6], 1979

- Folder 3: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization - S. 241 [6 of 6], 1979

- Folder 4: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky, December 5-7, 1979

- Folder 5: Committee on the Judiciary - Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) Reauthorization: Sting, 1980

- Folder 6: Committee on the Judiciary - Plan for Leavenworth Penitentiary, 1981

- Folder 7: Committee on the Judiciary - Thank You's to Dole - No Response Needed, 1982

- Folder 8: Committee on the Judiciary - Velde Correspondence with Senator Dole, 97th Congress, 1981

- Box 27

- Folder 1: Committee on the Judiciary - Velde's Manfield File [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Committee on the Judiciary - Velde's Manfield File [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 3: Committee on the Judiciary - William French Smith Confirmation Hearings, 1981

- Folder 4: Committee Unknown - 65% Limit, [1975]

- Folder 5: Committee Unknown - Bartlett, Bankroll Transfer, 1976

- Folder 6: Committee Unknown - Accrual Account Bills, 1976

- Folder 7: Committee Unknown - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1975-1976

- Folder 8: Committee Unknown - Mini Bonds, 1976

- Folder 9: Committee Unknown - Office of Telecommunications Policy (OTP), 1975

- Folder 10: Committee Unknown - Pension Plan Reform, 1976

- Folder 11: Committee Unknown - Politics and Speeches, 1975-1976

- Folder 12: Committee Unknown - Polls, 1976

- Folder 13: Committee Unknown - Purex, 1976

- Folder 14: Committee Unknown - Ward Paper Box Company, 1974-1975

- Folder 15: Committee - Welfare Reform - Speeches, 1976

- Folder 16: House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce - American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T), 1976

- Folder 17: House Committee on Ways and Means - Cases, 1975

- Box 28

- Folder 1: House Committee on Ways and Means - Law Review - Library of Congress - Background, Farm Taxation, 1975

- Folder 2: House Committee on Ways and Means - Tax Reform Bill, 1975-1976

- Folder 3: Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs - Nutrition Speeches, Community Nutrition Institute (CNI), June 10-15, 1976

- Folder 4: Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Wyandotte County, 1976

- Folder 5: Select Committee on Small Business - Background Materials, 1975

- Series 3: Congressional Record Inserts, 1973-1980

- This short sub-series contains copies and originals of honors and commemorations that were added to the Congressional Record at the Senator's request. Only the period 1973-1980 is covered, likely because these files were maintained by the staffer responsible as his or her files, rather than as a separate unit.
- Arrangement: Inserts are arranged chronologically by Congress
Extent: 2 boxes
- Box 28

- Folder 6: 93rd Congress, 1st Session - Resolution of Appreciation, January 3, 1973

- Folder 7: 94th Congress, 1st Session, January 15-December 12, 1975

- Box 29

- Folder 1: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, December 12-September 1, 1975-1976

- Folder 2: 96th Congress, 1st Session, January 15-March 27, 1979

- Folder 3: 96th Congress, 1st Session, March 28-April 10, 1979

- Folder 4: 96th Congress Reprints, 1st Session, January 18-September 10, 1979

- Folder 5: 96th Congress, 1st Session, May 8-October 30, 1979

- Folder 6: 96th Congress, 2nd Session, March 6-November 21, 1980

- Folder 7: 97th, 1st Session, January 21-May 21, 1981

- Series 4: Floor Statements, 1969-1994

- Boxes 30-57 contain copies and originals of Senator Dole's statements on the Senate floor as recorded by the Congressional Record. These were maintained solely for reference purposes, and contain little notation or other ephemera about how the statements were drafted.
- Arrangement: All files are arranged chronologically.
Extent: 28 boxes
- Box 30: September 5-September 29, 1969-1970

- (22 Folders)
- Box 31: October-October 18, 1970-1972

- (47 Folders)
- Box 32: January 15-June 15, 1975-1976

- (283 Folders)
- Box 33: June 16, 1976-1977

- Includes 1976 Index and 94th Congress Index. (147 Folders)
- Box 34: January 10-October 10, 1977

- (268 Folders)
- Box 35: October 10-March 20, 1977-1978

- (228 Folders)
- Box 36: March 21-October 16, 1978

- Includes 95th Congress Index. (326 Folders)
- Box 37: January 18-October 15, 1979

- (339 Folders)
- Box 38: October 16-December 20, 1979

- (274 Folders)
- Box 39: March 6-December 15, 1980

- Includes 96th Congress Index. (307 Folders)
- Box 40: January 5-December 16, 1981

- (209 Folders)
- Box 41: January 25-March 11, 1982-1983

- Includes 9th Congress Index. (212 Folders)
- Box 42: March 11-December 15, 1983

- (243 Folders)
- Box 43: January 23-December 12, 1984

- Includes 98th Congress Index. (193 Folders)
- Box 44: January 3-July 17, 1985

- (198 Folders)
- Box 45: July 18-December 20, 1985

- (205 Folders)
- Box 46: January 21-July 31, 1986

- (241 Folders)
- Box 47: August 1-October 18, 1986

- Includes 99th Congress Index. (185 Folders)
- Box 48: January 6-May 12, 1987

- (270 Folders)
- Box 49: May 13-October 30, 1987

- (277 Folders)
- Box 50: November 3-July 14, 1987-1988

- (299 Folders)
- Box 51: July 25-October 21, 1988

- Includes Cosponsorship Statements, Daily Digests, and 100th Congress Index. (229 Folders)
- Box 52: January 3-September 6, 1989

- (299 Folders)
- Box 53: September 7-March 29, 1989-1990

- (300 Folders)
- Box 54: March 30-June 27, 1990-1991

- (290 Folders)
- Box 55: August 1-February 7, 1991-1992

- (221 Folders)
- Box 56: February 18-October 8, 1992

- (298 Folders)
- Box 57: Multiple Issues, January-September, 1992-1994

- (16 Folders)
- Box 791: June 28-September 30, 1990

- (95 Folders)
- Box 792: October 1-27, 1990

- (72 Folders)
- Series 5: Kansas Projects, 1963-1994

- A side function of the legislative staff was monitoring and providing influence for federal and grant-funded development projects in Kansas. These files are arranged alphabetically by city and range from 1969-1994. Among those projects documented here are the Lyons Radioactive Waste Storage Facility; flood control projects in Great Bend and Halstead, KS; the Glen Elder Dam; the Kansas City federal courthouse; and the Kansas interstate highway system. Of particular interest are the files concerning disaster relief and emergency preparedness programs and rural development projects.
- Arrangement: Most Kansas Projects files are assigned a folder heading corresponding to the city or region in which the project took place. The files are arranged alphabetically.
Extent: 26 boxes
- Box 58

- Folder 1: Abandoned Mine Reclamation, 1989

- Folder 2: Alf Landon Birthday Resolution, 1987

- Folder 3: Appropriations and Other, 1985

- Folder 4: Arkansas City, Kansas - Flood Control Projects, 1986

- Folder 5: Arkansas City - Rodeo Packing Plant Closing, 1982

- Folder 6: Arkansas River Project [1 of 6], 1963-1975

- Folder 7: Arkansas River Project [2 of 6], 1963-1975

- Folder 8: Arkansas River Project [3 of 6], 1963-1975

- Folder 9: Arkansas River Project [4 of 6], 1963-1975

- Box 59

- Folder 1: Arkansas River Project [5 of 6], 1963-1975

- Folder 2: Arkansas River Project [6 of 6], 1963-1975

- Folder 3: Arlington Lake, 1973

- Folder 4: Army Corp of Engineers - Indian Creek, 1986

- Folder 5: Appropriations Overview, 1989

- Folder 6: Baxter - Travenol Plant, Hays, 1986

- Folder 7: Big Hill Reservoir (Tulsa District) [1 of 2], 1970-1974

- Folder 8: Big Hill Reservoir (Tulsa District) [2 of 2], 1970-1974

- Folder 9: Blue River Basin [1 of 9], 1968-1974

- Box 60

- Folder 1: Blue River Basin [2 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 2: Blue River Basin [3 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 3: Blue River Basin [4 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 4: Blue River Basin [5 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 5: Blue River Basin [6 of 9], 1968-1974

- Box 61

- Folder 1: Blue River Basin [7 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 2: Blue River Basin [8 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 3: Blue River Basin [9 of 9], 1968-1974

- Folder 4: Blue River Reservoir Project, Symington Bill, 1969-1971

- Folder 5: Briefing Book - Federal Funding for University Facility, 1986

- Folder 6: Bostwick Irrigation District (Scandia Unit) [1 of 3], 1965-1971

- Folder 7: Bostwick Irrigation District (Scandia Unit) [2 of 3], 1965-1971

- Folder 8: Bostwick Irrigation District (Scandia Unit) [3 of 3], 1965-1971

- Folder 9: Buckner Lake - Hodgeman County, 1989

- Box 62

- Folder 1: Buffalo National Park, 1972

- Folder 2: Burger King, 1986

- Folder 3: Cedar Bluff/Pick-Sloan Missouri Basin Program, 1989

- Folder 4: Cessna, 1988

- Folder 5: Chanute, Kansas - General Motors, First National Bank of Chanute, 1986

- Folder 6: Cheyenne Bottoms, 1989

- Folder 7: Corps of Engineers - User Fees [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 8: Corps of Engineers - User Fees [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 9: Curtis, V.D., 1983

- Folder 10: Department of the Interior Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 11: Department of the Interior Appropriations [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 12: Department of the Interior Appropriations [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 13: Department of the Interior - Water and Resources Service [1 of 2], 1981

- Box 63

- Folder 1: Department of the Interior - Water and Resources Service [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Derby, Kansas - McConnell Air Force Base/Derby School Districts, 1986

- Folder 3: Diggs Construction Company, 1986

- Folder 4: Dodge City, Kansas - Airport, 1985

- Folder 5: Dodge City, Kansas - Industrial Park, 1986

- Folder 6: Dole: Press Clippings, 1986

- Folder 7: Douglas Construction Company Problems with Army Corp of Engineers, 1984

- Folder 8: Drought - Kansas, 1989

- Folder 9: Ed Duckers' Personal Notes on Kansas Matters, 1983

- Folder 10: Educational Appropriations, 1989

- Folder 11: Ellis, Kansas - Big Creek Channel Dredging, 1986

- Folder 12: Emporia, Kansas - Overpass, 1978

- Folder 13: Energy and Water Projects, 1989

- Folder 14: Eskridge, Kansas - Lake Wabuansee, 1989

- Folder 15: FY 1986 Supplemental Appropriations [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 16: FY 1986 Supplemental Appropriations [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 17: FY 1986 Supplemental Appropriations [3 of 3], 1986

- Box 64

- Folder 1: Form Letters [1 of 2], 1974-1975

- Folder 2: Form Letters [2 of 2], 1974-1975

- Folder 3: Fort Larned, Kansas - Bridge, 1989

- Folder 4: Fort Larned, Kansas - National Historic Site, 1989

- Folder 5: Fort Larned National Historic Site, 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Fort Riley, Kansas - Correctional Facility, Undated

- Folder 7: Fort Riley, Kansas - Military Base Relocation, 1989

- Folder 8: Fort Riley, Kansas - School Audit #1, 1986

- Folder 9: Fort Riley, Kansas - School Problem, 1986

- Folder 10: Fort Scott, Kansas - National Historic Site, 1989

- Folder 11: Fort Scott, Kansas - Western Casualty and Surety Company, 1986

- Folder 12: Furley, Kansas - National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES) Site, 1984

- Folder 13: Garden City, Kansas - Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) System, 1986

- Folder 14: Garnett, Kansas - Water Reservoir, 1981

- Folder 15: Gates Learjet, 1985

- Folder 16: General Motors Closings, 1986

- Box 65

- Folder 1: Glen Elder Dam [1 of 4], 1964-1974

- Folder 2: Glen Elder Dam [2 of 4], 1964-1974

- Folder 3: Glen Elder Dam [3 of 4], 1964-1974

- Folder 4: Glen Elder Dam [4 of 4], 1964-1974

- Folder 5: Goodrich Plant, 1986

- Folder 6: Grants and Projects - John Finch, Housing, 1988

- Folder 7: Grasshopper - Coal and Elk Creek Watershed Districts, 1981

- Folder 8: Great Bend, Kansas - Flood Control Projects [1 of 3], 1985-1987

- Box 66

- Folder 1: Great Bend, Kansas - Flood Control Projects [2 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 2: Great Bend, Kansas - Flood Control Projects [3 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Halstead Flood Prevention, 1982

- Folder 4: Halstead Flood - Water Bill, 1981

- Folder 5: Halstead, Kansas - Flood Control, 1986

- Folder 6: Halstead, Kansas - Flood Control, 1989

- Folder 7: Halstead, Kansas - Flood Control District, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Hutchinson, Kansas - Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Application - Holiday Inn, 1986

- Folder 9: Hyatt Regency Collapse, July 18, 1981

- Folder 10: Independence, Kansas - Flood Control, 1986

- Folder 11: Independence, Kansas - Social Security Administration (SSA), 1985

- Folder 12: John Black, Secretary of Agriculture Trip, 1981

- Folder 13: Junction City, Kansas - Corps Problem, 1984

- Folder 14: Junction City, Kansas - Jobs Corps Center, Justification of Need, 1984

- Folder 15: Kanopolis Lake [1 of 3], 1965-1974

- Box 67

- Folder 1: Kanopolis Lake [2 of 3], 1965-1974

- Folder 2: Kanopolis Lake [3 of 3], 1965-1974

- Folder 3: Kansas Agriculture Drug Plan, 1987

- Folder 4: Kansas Association of Commerce and Industry (KACI), 1981

- Folder 5: Kansas Association of Commerce and Industry (KACI) Briefing, April, 1982

- Folder 6: Kansas City, Kansas - Federal Courthouse Construction, 1989

- Folder 7: Kansas City, Kansas - Federal Issues Affecting the Kansas City Metropolitan Area, 1986

- Folder 8: Kansas City, Kansas - Issues, 1986

- Folder 9: Kansas City, Kansas - Walnut Creek, Plaza Flood Control Project, 1985

- Folder 10: Kansas City Labor Department, 1985

- Folder 11: Kansas Communities, 1986

- Folder 12: Kansas Contacts [1 of 2], 1985-1986

- Box 68

- Folder 1: Kansas Contacts [2 of 2], 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Kansas Contacts - Useful Contacts, 1983

- Folder 3: Kansas Demonstration Projects for Highway Bill, 1987

- Folder 4: Kansas Department of Transportation, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Kansas Department of Transportation - Kansas Interstate System: Status, Progress and Condition, 1985

- Folder 6: Kansas Department of Transportation - Selected Statistics, 1985

- Folder 7: Kansas Department of Transportation - Senate, 1986

- Folder 8: Kansas Department of Transportation - South Lawrence Trafficway, 1986

- Folder 9: Kansas Flood Control Projects, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Kansas Floods - Army Corps of Engineers Report, 1993

- Folder 11: Kansas Floods - Bond Bill, 1994

- Folder 12: Kansas Floods - Briefing Memos, 1993

- Folder 13: Kansas Floods - Case 1001 - City of Elwood, 1993

- Folder 14: Kansas Floods - Case 1002, City of Manhattan, 1993

- Folder 15: Kansas Floods - Case 1003, Orin Bell, Manhattan, 1993

- Folder 16: Kansas Floods - Case 1004, Karen Beckwith, 1993

- Folder 17: Kansas Floods - Case 1005, David Raucher, 1993

- Folder 18: Kansas Floods - Case 1006, Ellsworth, 1993

- Folder 19: Kansas Floods - Case 1007, Mulvane, 1993

- Box 69

- Folder 1: Kansas Floods - Case 1009, Kansas City, 1993

- Folder 2: Kansas Floods - Case 1010, Graham County Commission, Antelope Lake Dam, 1993

- Folder 3: Kansas Floods - Case 1011, Elwood, 1993

- Folder 4: Kansas Floods - Case 1012, Jerry Davis, Culver, 1993

- Folder 5: Kansas Floods - Case 1013, Turkey Creek, 1993

- Folder 6: Kansas Floods - Case 1014, Kansas City, 1993

- Folder 7: Kansas Floods - Congressional Advisory, 1993

- Folder 8: Kansas Floods - Congressional Research Service (CRS) - Disaster Relief Programs and Disaster Management, 1993

- Folder 9: Kansas Floods - Corps of Engineers, Levee Repair, 1993

- Folder 10: Kansas Floods - Constituent Contacts, 1993

- Folder 11: Kansas Floods - County Coordinators, 1993

- Folder 12: Kansas Floods - Declarations, 1993

- Folder 13: Kansas Floods - Disaster Application Centers, 1993

- Folder 14: Kansas Floods - Disaster Declarations/Displaced Workers, 1993

- Folder 15: Kansas Floods - Doniphan County Meeting, 1993

- Folder 16: Kansas Floods - Draft of Flood Affected States Assistance Act, 1993

- Folder 17: Kansas Floods - Economic Development Agency (EDA), 1994

- Folder 18: Kansas Floods - Elwood - Gladden Drainage District, 1994

- Folder 19: Kansas Floods - Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Bill, 1994

- Folder 20: Kansas Floods - Farmers Home Administration (FmHA), 1993

- Folder 21: Kansas Floods - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1993

- Folder 22: Kansas Floods - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Disaster News Briefs, 1993

- Folder 23: Kansas Floods - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) 1993 Flood Summary, 1993

- Folder 24: Kansas Floods - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Local Emergency Projects, 1993

- Folder 25: Kansas Floods - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and Small Business Administration (SBA) Memos, 1993

- Folder 26: Kansas Floods - Flood Control, Flood Prevention Systems, 1994

- Folder 27: Kansas Floods - Flood Damage to Fairfax Levee, 1993

- Folder 28: Kansas Floods - Flood Reports, 1993

- Folder 29: Kansas Floods - Follow Up, 1993

- Folder 30: Kansas Floods - Forms, 1993

- Folder 31: Kansas Floods - Governor's Request, 1993

- Folder 32: Kansas Floods - The Great Flood of 1993 Post-Flood Report, Appendix E, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1994

- Folder 33: Kansas Floods - Hydrologic Outlook, 1993-1994

- Box 70

- Folder 1: Kansas Floods - Interagency Flood Plain Management Review Committee, 1993

- Folder 2: Kansas Floods - Kansas City Office Equipment, 1993

- Folder 3: Kansas Floods - Letters from Constituents, 1993

- Folder 4: Kansas Floods - Levee Assessment (Maps), 1993

- Folder 5: Kansas Floods - Levee Information, 1993

- Folder 6: Kansas Floods - Maps, [1993]

- Folder 7: Kansas Floods - Media Coverage, 1993

- Folder 8: Kansas Floods - Memos, 1993

- Folder 9: Kansas Floods - Miscellaneous, 1993

- Folder 10: Kansas Floods - Notes, 1993

- Folder 11: Kansas Floods - President's Request, 1993

- Folder 12: Kansas Floods - Press Office Information, 1993

- Folder 13: Kansas Floods - Quindaro Power and Water Plant Flood Damage, 1993

- Folder 14: Kansas Floods - Small Business Administration (SBA), 1993

- Folder 15: Kansas Floods - Summary of Casework, 1993

- Folder 16: Kansas Floods - Summary of Problems, Issues, and Solutions, Wyandotte County, Kansas Flood, July, 1993

- Folder 17: Kansas Floods - Wakefield, 1993

- Box 71

- Folder 1: Kansas FY 1986 Appropriations, 1985

- Folder 2: Kansas Goodyear Takeover, 1986

- Folder 3: Kansas Highways [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 4: Kansas Highways [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 5: Kansas Issues, 1986

- Folder 6: Kansas Job Corps Center Site Location - General Information, 1983

- Folder 7: Kansas Municipal Utilities Projects, 1984

- Folder 8: Kansas Projects [1 of 3], 1987

- Box 72

- Folder 1: Kansas Projects [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 2: Kansas Projects [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 3: Kansas, Rural Electrification Administration (REA), 1985

- Folder 4: Kansas State University Grant, 1986

- Folder 5: Kansas State University Miscellaneous Projects, 1989

- Folder 6: Kansas State University - Plant Science Center, 1988

- Folder 7: Kansas State University - School Food Service Management Institute/Throckmorton Hall - Agricultural Projects, 1989

- Folder 8: Kansas Trip Cases, 1985

- Folder 9: Kansas Trips, 1981

- Folder 10: Kansas Water Policy and Problems [1 of 2], 1979-1981

- Folder 11: Kansas Water Policy and Problems [2 of 2], 1979-1981

- Folder 12: Kickapoo Government Programs, 1978-1981

- Box 73

- Folder 1: Kickapoo, Nemaha/Brown County Watershed, 1983

- Folder 2: Land Use Policy and Planning Assistance Act (S. 268), 1973

- Folder 3: Lawrence, Kansas - Bypass/Clinton Lake, 1986

- Folder 4: Lawrence, Kansas - Economic Development, South Lawrence Trafficway, 1986

- Folder 5: Lawrence, Kansas - KLWN, 1979

- Folder 6: Lawrence, Kansas - Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG), 1986

- Folder 7: Leavenworth, Kansas - Flooding, 1986

- Folder 8: Leavenworth, Kansas - Fort Leavenworth, 1981

- Folder 9: Liberal, Kansas - Airport Improvement, Undated

- Folder 10: Liberal, Kansas - Army Airfield Reunion - U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, U.S. Navy Blue Angels, 1985

- Folder 11: Liberal, Kansas - Tradewinds, 1986

- Folder 12: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Angino Correspondence, 1971

- Folder 13: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Correspondence, 1970

- Folder 14: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Background Information, 1970-1973

- Folder 15: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Boeing Correspondence and Reports, 1970-1971

- Folder 16: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Citizens, 1970

- Box 74

- Folder 1: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Clippings [1 of 2], 1970-1971

- Folder 2: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Clippings [2 of 2], 1970-1971

- Folder 3: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Congressional Record Copies, 1971

- Folder 4: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, February, 1971

- Folder 5: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, March, 1971

- Folder 6: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, April, 1971

- Folder 7: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, May, 1971

- Folder 8: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, June, 1971

- Folder 9: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, July, 1971

- Folder 10: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, August, 1971

- Folder 11: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, October, 1971

- Folder 12: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, November, 1971

- Folder 13: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Correspondence, 1972

- Folder 14: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Environmental Statement Correspondence, 1970-1971

- Folder 15: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Hearing Testimony, March 16, 1971

- Folder 16: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Kansas Legislative Hearing, 1971

- Folder 17: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Kansas State Department of Health, 1970-1971

- Folder 18: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Legislative Mark-Ups, H.R. 9388, S. 2150, 1969-1971

- Box 75

- Folder 1: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Releases, 1971

- Folder 2: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Research [1 of 6], 1970-1971

- Folder 3: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Research [2 of 6], 1970-1971

- Folder 4: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Research [3 of 6], 1970-1971

- Folder 5: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Research [4 of 6], 1970-1971

- Folder 6: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Research [5 of 6], 1970-1971

- Box 76

- Folder 1: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Research [6 of 6], 1970-1971

- Folder 2: Lyons Radioactive Storage - Skubitz, 1970

- Folder 3: Manhattan, Kansas - Downtown Redevelopment Project, 1986

- Folder 4: Manhattan, Kansas - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1986

- Folder 5: Manhattan, Kansas - K-177, 1987

- Folder 6: Manhattan, Kansas - Kansas River Bridge, 1989

- Folder 7: Manhattan, Kansas - Wheat Labs, 1989

- Folder 8: Marion Lake, 1986

- Folder 9: McPherson, Kansas - Miscellaneous Issues, 1986

- Folder 10: Memos to Senator - Projects, 1988

- Folder 11: Mid-America World Trade Center [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 12: Mid-America World Trade Center [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 13: Mid-America World Trade Center [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 14: Miscellaneous [1 of 3], 1981

- Box 77

- Folder 1: Miscellaneous [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Miscellaneous [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Miscellaneous Kansas Projects [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 4: Miscellaneous Kansas Projects [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 5: Missouri and Arkansas River Basin - FY 1983 Appropriations, 1982

- Folder 6: Neurofibromatosis, 1983

- Folder 7: Olathe, Kansas - Interchange, 1986

- Folder 8: Olathe, Kansas - I-35 and 119th Street Interchange Project Update, 1986

- Folder 9: Olathe, Kansas - I-35/U.S. 169/151st Street Interchange Projects, 1989

- Folder 10: Old Fort Scott, 1978

- Folder 11: Onaga Lake Project, 1982

- Folder 12: Overbrook, Kansas - Wakarusa Watershed, District 35, 1981

- Folder 13: Overland Park, Kansas - Miscellaneous Issues, 1986

- Folder 14: Owen/Small Business Association Contract Press, 1988

- Folder 15: Parsons, Kansas - Army Ammunition Plant, 1971

- Box 78

- Folder 1: Parsons, Kansas - Labette Creek Flood Control Project, 1981

- Folder 2: Pending Kansas Grants, 1989

- Folder 3: Piedmont Airlines, 1986

- Folder 4: Pittsburg - Chanute Railroad, 1986

- Folder 5: Pittsburg, Kansas - Federal Revenue Sharing, Tax Reform, 1986

- Folder 6: Post Rock Rural Water District, 1981

- Folder 7: Prairie Park, 1971

- Folder 8: Prairie Park - Agriculture Hall of Fame - National Park, 1971

- Folder 9: Prairie Park - Crofoot Correspondence, 1971

- Folder 10: Prairie Park - News Clips, 1971

- Folder 11: Prairie Park - Pearson Bill, S. 2149, 1971

- Folder 12: Presidential Classrooms, 1984

- Folder 13: Printed Remarks of Senator Dole, 1971-1975

- Folder 14: Powhattan, Kansas - School Districts, 1981

- Folder 15: Public Building Act (S. 533), 1981

- Folder 16: Regional Office Closings, 1985

- Folder 17: Revenue Sharing/Community Development Block Grants, 1985

- Folder 18: Russell, Kansas - Water Pipeline, 1981

- Folder 19: Sac and Fox Indians, 1980-1981

- Folder 20: Salina, Kansas - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Site Selection, 1986

- Folder 21: Salina, Kansas - International Pilot Training, 1989

- Folder 22: Salina, Kansas - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Heating, April 5, 1978

- Folder 23: Scott City, Kansas - Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), 1985

- Box 79

- Folder 1: Sedgwick County - Resource Recovery Program, 1981

- Solid Waste Disposal; Fireworks
- Folder 2: Severe Storms Legislation, 1980

- Folder 3: Small Projects Requests - Water Shortages - Edna, Kansas and Greeley, Kansas, 1981

- Folder 4: Special Projects, 1986

- Folder 5: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), 1983

- Folder 6: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) - Background Material, 1983

- Wichita, KS; Topeka, KS; Sedgwick County; Butler County
- Folder 7: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) - Correspondence and Communications, 1983

- Wichita, KS; Butler County; Sedgwick County
- Folder 8: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) - Dole Memos, 1983

- Wichita, KS; Topeka, KS; Sedgwick County; Butler County
- Folder 9: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) - Kansas City, 1983

- Folder 10: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) - Press Releases and Clippings, 1983

- Wichita, KS; Sedgwick County; Butler County
- Folder 11: State Economic/Budget Outlooks, Undated

- Folder 12: State Historical Society, 1987

- Box 80

- Folder 1: Strong City, Kansas - Flint Hills Prairie National Monument [1 of 2], 1989

- Folder 2: Strong City, Kansas - Flint Hills Prairie National Monument [2 of 2], 1989

- Folder 3: Supplemental Appropriations, 1989

- Folder 4: Tobias, Ansel - Advisory Council Appointee, 1971

- Folder 5: Topeka, Kansas - Job Corps Center, 1983

- Folder 6: Tourism Industry in Kansas, 1974

- Folder 7: Tradewind, 1985

- Folder 8: Transportation/Urban Mass Transit Administration (UMTA) - Bus Service Project, 1989

- Folder 9: Tuttle Creek Floods, 1985

- Folder 10: U.S. Attorney, 1983

- Folder 11: United States Senate Youth Program, 1984

- Box 81

- Folder 1: University of Kansas Amendment, 1984

- Folder 2: University of Kansas Biotechnology Center, 1988

- Folder 3: University of Kansas Health Maintenance Organization, 1981

- Folder 4: University of Kansas Infant Day Care Study, 1989

- Folder 5: University of Kansas Vietnam Memorial, 1984

- Folder 6: Water Projects - Arkansas River Basin, 1987

- Folder 7: Water Resources Projects for S. 703, 1982

- Folder 8: Watergate Five [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 9: Watergate Five [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 10: Wellington, Kansas - Wellington Regional Park, 1989

- Folder 11: Wichita, Kansas - Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (BATF), 1981

- Folder 12: Wichita, Kansas - Indian Urban Health Center, 1981-1983

- Folder 13: Wichita, Kansas - McConnell Air Force Base, 1984

- Box 82

- Folder 1: Wichita, Kansas - Projects [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 2: Wichita, Kansas - Projects [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 3: Wichita, Kansas - Overpass, Kellogg and Oliver Interchange, 1986

- Folder 4: Wichita, Kansas - Revenue Sharing, Community Development Block Grants, Medicare, Wastewater Treatment, Federal Housing, Jobs, 1986

- Folder 5: Wichita, Kansas - Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA), 1986

- Folder 6: Wichita, Kansas - Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Application, 1981

- Folder 7: Wichita, Kansas - Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) - Ramada Hotel Parking Garage, 1986

- Folder 8: Wichita, Kansas - Wichita State University, Career Systems, Inc. (CSI), 1971

- Folder 9: Wichita State Air Safety Research Center [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Box 83

- Folder 1: Wichita State Air Safety Research Center [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Wildlife Mitigation/Missouri River, 1989

- Folder 3: Winfield, Kansas - Flood Control, 1986

- Box 793: Oversize

- Folder 1: Kansas Floods - Levee Assessment (Maps), 1993

- Drawer 9: Oversize Manuscripts

- Folder 1: Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area (SMSA) Background Material, 1983

- Series 6: Legislative Assistants, 1963-1996

- The staff files of the legislative assistants comprise the bulk of the Legislative Relations series. The LA files include everything from reference materials to files on specific legislative or policy efforts. They document the various ways in which bills are drafted and the cooperative and/or competitive relationships between Senators and between their staffs. These documents are heavily annotated by their creators, thus they contain a wealth of unfiltered opinions. Throughout his career, Senator Dole employed dozens of individuals as legislative assistants. Those who are represented here include:
Mira Barrata: defense, 1988-1989
Margaret Berlin: foreign policy, particularly the Helsinki Commission, 1979-1983
Barbara Bodine: foreign policy, particularly the Helsinki Commission, 1972-1984
Christina Bolton: agriculture, disability, education, food, and welfare (particularly child nutrition and welfare reform), 1975-1989
Judy Brottman: disability, 1982-1986
Janeal Cabbage: commerce, 1979-1993
Karen Carmean: education, 1981-1982
Steve Coen: commerce, energy, and transportation, 1978-1988
David Cordova: defense, foreign policy, 1981-1986
Darren Dick: defense and veterans affairs, 1988-1986
Robert Downen: foreign policy, 1977-1979
Edward Duckers: agriculture, energy, and environment, 1978-1985
Andrew Fedynsky: foreign policy, 1978-1980
John Finch: housing, 1985-1988
Bret Fox: agriculture (particularly the 1990 Farm Bill), 1980-1995
Keira Franz: transportation, 1991-1996
Lisa Frick: environment, 1993-1995
Richard Friedman: finance and housing, 1974-1978
Ernie Garcia: immigration and labor, 1969-1981
Karen Gaston: correspondence, 1981-1982
John Gordley: agriculture, 1980-1987
Matthew Hickam: economy, health, and social security, 1983-1996
Stacy Hoffhaus: agriculture, health, and welfare, 1981-1993
Jeff House: energy and foreign policy, 1984-1989
Steve Kittrell: criminal justice and labor, 1972-1978
Don Lee: education, 1989-1992
Al Lehn: foreign policy, 1988
Brenda Levenson: foreign policy (particularly the Helsinki Commission), 1977-1981
Ann Lindgren: religion (particularly cult activities), 1979-1984
Kay Luther: correspondence, 1971-1988
Martha McCabe: energy and environment, 1969-1980
Randy Miller: defense and water resources, 1974-1982
Nathan Muyskens: taxation, 1993-1996
Jack O'Connell: defense, 1979-1984
Mike Packard: defense and foreign policy (particularly the Helsinki Commission), 1977-1983
Mark Scanlan: agriculture and animals, 1976-1989
Greg Schnacke: environment and transportation, 1986-1994
Naomi Schweisow: defense and foreign policy (particularly the Helsinki Commission), 1977-1984
Ron Seeber: criminal justice and labor, 1990-1996
Janet Sena: budgets, environment, and transportation, 1992-1996
John Smith: foreign policy, health, and housing, 1969-1974
David Spears: agriculture and trade (particularly the 1990 Farm Bill), 1986-1994
Daniel Stanley: defense (particularly Base Realignment and Closure and the B-2 bomber)
David Taylor: elections, 1987-1995
Mike Torrey: agriculture and environment (particularly the 1995 and 1996 Farm Bills), 1990-1996
Kim Wells: welfare, 1975-1977
Maureen West: disability, health, and veterans affairs, 1974-1992
Mary Wheat: disability and welfare, 1977-1979
Ward White: defense and foreign policy (particularly the Vietnam War), 1969-1973
Bob Wiklund: defense, 1990-1992
Cynthia Wilhite: agriculture, 1981-1982
David Wilson: communications, education, housing, transportation, and welfare, 1983-1995
- Arrangement: All files are assigned a folder heading corresponding to the topic of the materials and the staff member who created them. These are arranged alphabetically first by staff member and then by topic.
Extent: 614 boxes
- Box 83

- Folder 4: Defense - Barrata - United States Senate Arms Control Observer Group, 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Barrata - Correspondence, President Clinton on Bosnian Diplomatic Initiatives, August 28, 1995

- Folder 6: Budgets - Barrata/Stanley - Budget Proposals, 1996

- Folder 7: Budgets - Barrata/Stanley - Tort Reform, May 10, 1995

- Folder 8: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - Letters, January 12-March 5, 1996

- Folder 9: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)/Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Vote Records, 1984-1994

- Folder 10: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), National Public Radio (NPR), Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 1995-1996

- Folder 11: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - Talking Points, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Criminal Justice - Barrata/Stanely - Crime, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Pell Grants/Loans, 1994-1996

- Folder 14: Education - Barrata/Stanley - School Choice/School Vouchers, January 18-December 12, 1994-1995

- Folder 15: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Student Letters - Temporary Spelling, November 17, 1995

- Folder 16: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Titles I,II, March 6, 1996

- Folder 17: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Title I/Even Start Funding, February 22-28, 1996

- Box 84

- Folder 1: Elections - Barrata/Stanley - Campaign Finance Reform, 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Elections - Barrata/Stanley - Gaming Lobby, December 19, 1995

- Folder 3: General - Barrata/Stanley - Miscellaneous, 1995

- Folder 4: General - Barrata/Stanley - Miscellaneous, 1996

- Folder 5: Labor - Barrata/Stanley - Affirmative Action, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Labor - Barrata/Stanley - Minimum Wage, February 3, 1995

- Folder 7: Law - Barrata/Stanley - Law, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Armenian Martyrs Day (Turkish Massacre of Armenians), 1979

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Afghanistan, 1981

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Byelorussia, 1982

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [2 of 3], 1981

- Box 85

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Digest [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Digest [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents [1 of 2], 1980-1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents [2 of 2], 1980-1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Anatoly Scharansky, 1982

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Human Rights Cases, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union
- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Iosif Mendelevich, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Lucien Ficks, 1979-1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Mihajlo Mihajlov, 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Raoul Wallenberg, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Romanian Dissidents, 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Victor Brailovsky, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Yakir Family, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Box 86

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Ethnic Newsletter, 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Helsinki Accords Implementation [1 of 3], 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Helsinki Accords Implementation [2 of 3], 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Helsinki Accords Implementation [3 of 3], 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Moscow Helsinki Watch, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Pope Assassination Hearing, 1982

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Romania - Most Favored Nation [1 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Romania - Most Favored Nation [2 of 3], 1980-1982

- Box 87

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Romania - Most Favored Nation [3 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Berlin - "Rumania's Violations of the Helsinki Final Act Provisions: Forced Assimilation of Minorities in Rumania", 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights, Romania
- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Senate Letter for Joseph Begun (Johnston, Laxalt), Soviet Jews, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Soviet Jewry [1 of 2], 1981-1983

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Soviet Jewry [2 of 2], 1981-1983

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Soviet Psychiatric Abuse, 1982

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Ukraine, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Ukrainian Independence Day, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Berlin - U.S. Helsinki Watch, 1979-1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Berlin - World Hunger, 1980

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Armenian Genocide, May 10-15, 1984

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Baltic States, February 22-July 20, 1983-1984

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Catholic, Human Rights
- Box 88

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Commissioners and Liaisons, 1974

- Soviet Union
- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Cuban Affairs, August-March 19, 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Dear Colleague Letters, December 8-May 13, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Dear Colleague Letters, May 21-April 2, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine - France, March 23-August 2, 1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Human Rights, April 4-February 22, 1983-1984

- Latin America
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Immigration, August, 1978-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Ireland, January-May 23, 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Japan, July 22-July 26, 1981-1984

- Box 89

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Lebanon, June 14-May 23 [1 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Lebanon, June 14-May 23 [2 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Miscellaneous Correspondents, January 28- October 29, 1983-1984

- Fidel Castro, Gustavo Arcos bergnes, India, China, Nicaragua, Sandinista, Nightly News, American University of Beirut, Aphraham Ashjian, Armenia, National Independence Day, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Meeting for Peace, Iran
- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Moralism and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1972

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Nicaragua, January 13-June 27, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Paraguay, February 5-July 6, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Peru, December 9-January 31, 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Philippines, September 22-June, 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Soviet Dissidents, May 3-May 22, 1982-1984

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Spain - Madrid Meeting, January 13-February 11, 1983-1985

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Box 90

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Ukraine, May 5-August 10, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Vatican, December 17-March 27, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, December 19-July 10, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine - World Communications, December 16-April, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Yugoslavia, 1978

- Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Algeria, Morocca, Tunisia, Libya, May 7-June 26, 1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Arab-Israeli Affairs, October 18-June 12, 1982-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Australia, New Zealand, February 27-June 24, 1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Cambodia Conflict, July 24-June 26, 1979-1985

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Canada, December 16-June 12, 1982-1984

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America, January-October 11 [1 of 2], 1981-1984

- Box 91

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America, January-October 11 [2 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: Contadora Negotiations, October 25-August 6, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: National Bipartisan Commission, July 15-August 8 [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: National Bipartisan Commission, July 15-August 8 [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: Soviets and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Influence and Assistance, April-July 30, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Chile, February-March 28, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - China, Taiwan, June 1-August 8 [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - China, Taiwan, June 1-August 8 [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Columbia, May 22, 1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Costa Rica, August 2, 1984

- Box 92

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, December 9-May 29, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Czechoslovakia, February 13-June 29, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Egypt, January 2-May 7, 1978-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [1 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [2 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [3 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [4 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Europe, July 22-June 22, 1982-1984

- Box 93

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Europe, General, March 7-August 2, 1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - European Economic Community (EEC), June 5, 1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Federal Republic of Germany, January-July 3, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - German Democratic Republic, October 8-April 14, 1980-1981

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Great Britain, May-July, 1981-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Grenada, October 17-November 15, 1983

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Guatemala, October 17-August 9, 1982-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Honduras, December-August 6, 1982-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Hungary, October 20-July 13, 1981-1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - IMBS, January 19-July 18, 1984

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - India, October 24-August 3, 1983-1984

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Iran, September 12-August 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Iraq, May 20-July 17, 1983-1984

- Box 94

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [1 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [2 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [3 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [4 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Italy, [1981]

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Jordan, January 15-June 29, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Romania, August 4-July 10, 1982-1985

- Box 95

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Italy: 40th Anniversary of Liberation of Rome Delegation, May 30-February 8 [1 of 2], 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Italy: 40th Anniversary of Liberation of Rome Delegation, May 30-February 8 [2 of 2], 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Korea, January 23-September 26, 1981-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Panama, March 13-April 14, 1982-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [1 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [2 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [3 of 5], 1980-1985

- Box 96

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [4 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [5 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Thailand, April 9, 1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Uruguay, February 18-July 31, 1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Venezuela, March 4, 1984

- Folder 6: Abortion - Bolton - Abortion [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Abortion - Bolton - Abortion [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 8: Abortion - Bolton - Planned Parenthood, 1981-1982

- Box 97

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - Action on Aging Legislation in the 97th Congress, 1983

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - "Aging America: Trends and Projections", 1983

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - Aging Committee Hearings on Nutrition, 1982

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - Aging Issues, 1980-1983

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - Care Giving: The Challenge of Elder Care, 1987

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - Cooling Assistance, 1980

- Folder 7: Aging - Bolton - Developments in Aging: 1983, Volume 1, 1983

- Folder 8: Aging - Bolton - Developments in Aging: 1983, Volume 2 - Appendixes, 1983

- Folder 9: Aging - Bolton - Elderly Nutrition, 1983

- Box 98

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - "Final Report, the 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Volume 1", 1981

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - "Final Report, the 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Volume 2", 1981

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - "Final Report, the 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Volume 3", 1981

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - Focus Hope, Detroit, 1985

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - "Future Directions for Aging Policy: A Human Service Model", 1980

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - Health Services to Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 7: Aging - Bolton - Hearings - Nutrition Needs of the Elderly, 1980

- Folder 8: Aging - Bolton - Legislative and Administrative Steps to Implement the National Policy on Aging, 1982

- Folder 9: Aging - Bolton - Low-Income Energy Assistance - Elderly, 1981

- Folder 10: Aging - Bolton - Meals on Wheels, 1983

- Folder 11: Aging - Bolton - Newsletter, Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 12: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition Hearings in Kansas, 1980

- Folder 13: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition for the Elderly [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 14: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition for the Elderly [2 of 2], 1980

- Box 99

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition Needs of Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition Speech, Older Americans, 1981

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - Older Americans Act of 1965, as Amended, 1979

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - Older Americans Act of 1981, 1981-1984

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - Older Americans Programs, 1985

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - Oversight Hearing on the Older American Nutrition Programs, 1979

- Folder 7: Aging - Bolton - Programs for the Elderly - Employment, 1980

- Folder 8: Aging - Bolton - Protecting Older Americans Against Overpayment of Income Taxes, 1980

- Folder 9: Aging - Bolton - Senior Companion Program, 1986

- Folder 10: Aging - Bolton - The Aging [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 11: Aging - Bolton - The Aging [2 of 2], 1984

- Box 100

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - The Elderly [1 of 3], 1981-1984

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - The Elderly [2 of 3], 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - The Elderly [3 of 3], 1981-1984

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - "Toward More Effective Implementation of the Older Americans Act", 1981

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - White House Conference on Aging, 1981

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - White House Conference on Aging - Appointments, 1981

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Bolton - Farm Bill, 1985

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Bolton - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Bolton - FY 1985 Agriculture Appropriations, 1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Bolton - Local Food Organizations in D.C., 1983

- Box 101

- Folder 1: Budgets - Bolton - Budget [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Budgets - Bolton - Budget [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 3: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981, 1980

- Folder 4: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981 - Education, 1980

- Folder 5: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981 - Health and Human Services, 1980

- Folder 6: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981 - National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1980

- Folder 7: Budgets - Bolton - Myths and Facts Report, Undated

- Folder 8: Budgets - Bolton - Report on Departments on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill (S. 2836), 1985

- Folder 9: Budgets - Bolton - "Senate/Administration Deficit Reduction Plan", 1985

- Folder 10: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Agreement FY 1986 [1 of 2], 1985

- Box 102

- Folder 1: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Agreement FY 1986 [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution, 1984

- Folder 3: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 4: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 5: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 6: Children - Bolton - "An Examination of State Administrative Expense Funding in the Child Nutrition Programs", 1985

- Folder 7: Children - Bolton - Child Abuse, 1982

- Folder 8: Children - Bolton - Child Abuse, 1985

- Box 103

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - Child Care [1 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Child Care [2 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Child Care [3 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 4: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [1 of 5], 1989

- Folder 5: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [2 of 5], 1989

- Box 104

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [3 of 5], 1989

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [4 of 5], 1989

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [5 of 5], 1989

- Folder 4: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [1 of 4], 1985-1988

- Folder 5: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [2 of 4], 1985-1988

- Box 105

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [3 of 4], 1985-1988

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [4 of 4], 1985-1988

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Child Care Welfare Programs [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Children - Bolton - Child Care Welfare Programs [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 5: Children - Bolton - Child Care Welfare Programs [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 6: Children - Bolton - Child/Youth Programs, 1983-1985

- Folder 7: Children - Bolton - Family and Children's Caucus, 1983

- Box 106

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - "International Year of the Child", 1980

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Report on Adolescent Family Life, 1981

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Senate Children's Caucus, 1979

- Folder 4: Constitution - Bolton - Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 5: Constitution - Bolton - Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - "1984 & Beyond," The Seventh Regional Conference of the Association on Handicapped Student Service Programs in Post-Secondary Education, 1984

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - Bulletin of the Association on Handicapped Student Service Programs in Post-Secondary Education, 1984

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - Close-Captioned Television Service, 1982

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - Committee Amendments, 1981

- Folder 10: Disabled - Bolton - "Competitive Employment for Persons with Mental Retardation: From Research to Practice", 1985

- Box 107

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Deaf Issues, 1980

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - "Disabled Policy: America's Programs for the Handicapped", 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - Dole Foundation, 1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - Education of Handicapped Children, 1975-1977

- Folder 5: Disabled - Bolton - "Education of Handicapped Children in State Operated or Supported Schools: Program Summary and Issue Analysis, 1980

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - "Employer Initiatives in the Employment or Re-Employment of People with Disabilities", 1985

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - Funding for Gallaudet College, 1981

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Bills [1 of 2], 1979-1983

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Bills [2 of 2], 1979-1983

- Folder 10: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Bill of Rights, 1980

- Folder 11: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Education, 1981

- Folder 12: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Rehabilitation Act, 1977-1981

- Box 108

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Statistics, 1975

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - Kennedy, Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals (JEDI), 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 5: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - National Cystic Fibrosis Week Resolution, 1980

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - National Rehabilitation Conference, July 9, 1981

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - The Public Health Service and the International Year of Disabled Persons, 1980

- Box 109

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Public Law 94-142 (Education for Handicapped Children), 1980

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - Reagan Questionnaire, 1980

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services and Developmental Disabilities Legislation, 1979

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - Report on Developmental Disabilities Act of 1984, 1984

- Folder 5: Disabled - Bolton - "Social Security Disability Programs: An International Perspective", 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - Special Olympics, 1980

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - Spinal Cord Regeneration Research, 1980

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - "The Dole Foundation: Case Statement", Undated

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 10: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [3 of 4], 1987

- Box 110

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation: Surface, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - University of Kansas Handicapped Grant, 1980

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - Urban Mass Transit Systems, 1988

- Folder 5: Drug Abuse - Bolton - Alcohol and Drug Abuse (S. 440), 1979

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Action Committee for Higher Education, 1979-1982

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), 1985

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [1 of 4], 1985-1989

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [2 of 4], 1985-1989

- Box 111

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [3 of 4], 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [4 of 4], 1985-1989

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Bilingual Education, 1986

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Block Grant, 1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Carlin Statements on Education, 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Congressional Research Service (CRS) 87-20: Appropriations Enacted for Specific Colleges and Universities by the 96th through the 99th Congress, 1987

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - "Critical Needs in International Education: Recommendations for Action", 1983

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - "Debating National Education Policy: the Question of Standards", 1981

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Department of Education [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 10: Education - Bolton - Department of Education [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 11: Education - Bolton - "Disparities Still Exist in Who Gets Special Education", 1981

- Folder 12: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [1 of 4], 1986-1988

- Box 112

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [2 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [3 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [4 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material - Chapter 1 Reauthorization, 1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Education Amendment to Supplemental Appropriations Bills, 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Education Competitiveness Bill, 1987

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Education: Impact Aid, 1984

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Education Reform, 1986

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [1 of 6], 1987-1988

- Box 113

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [2 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [3 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [4 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [5 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [6 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [1 of 6], 1987

- Box 114

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [2 of 6], 1987

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [3 of 6], 1987

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [4 of 6], 1987

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [5 of 6], 1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [6 of 6], 1987

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - FY 1985 Budget Recommendations for Education, 1984

- Box 115

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - General [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - General [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - General [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - General Education Legislation, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Handbooks from Kansas Schools [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Handbooks from Kansas Schools [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Higher Education, 1985-1987

- Box 116

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act, 1980

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act (S. 1839), 1980

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Amendments [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Amendments [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Conference Report [1 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Conference Report [2 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act - Floor Action on S. 1839, 1980

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Reauthorization - Student Lending Organizations, 1985

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Reform Act, 1982

- Box 117

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Impact Aid, 1985

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - "Issues in Science and Technology", 1986

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Kansas Education Issues, 1979-1980

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Kansas State University, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Kansas State University [1 of 2], 1986-1989

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Kansas State University [2 of 2], 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Kansas Trip, January, 1984

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Labor/Health and Human Services/Education Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Libraries, 1985-1987

- Folder 10: Education - Bolton - Literacy and Adult Education, 1985-1987

- Folder 11: Education - Bolton - Literacy Commission, 1979-1984

- Folder 12: Education - Bolton - Literacy Resolution, 1985

- Folder 13: Education - Bolton - Math and Science Improvement Act [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 118

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Math and Science Improvement Act [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Memos and Correspondence, 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Miscellaneous [1 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Miscellaneous [2 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Miscellaneous [3 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - National Forum on Excellence in Education, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - National High School Activities Week Resolution, 1980

- Box 119

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Old Education [1 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Old Education [2 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Report on Adult Education Act Amendments, 1984

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Report on S. 2491, Establishing a System for the Consolidation of Student Loans Under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and for Other Purposes, 1984

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Report on the Vocational Education Act of 1984

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - S. 210, Statement Against the Department of Education, 1978

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Sakharov Institute, 1983

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Federal Student Aid Recipients, 1983

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Science, 1987

- Folder 10: Education - Bolton - Science and Math Education, 1983

- Folder 11: Education - Bolton - "Signs of Trouble and Erosion: A Report on Graduate Education in America", 1983

- Folder 12: Education - Bolton - Speech Material: Education and Children [1 of 2], 1982-1988

- Box 120

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Speech Material: Education and Children [2 of 2], 1982-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - State of Education, 1983

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - "Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae): 1986 Report to the President and the Congress of the United States", 1987

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - "Study of the Special Allowance Formula of the Guaranteed Student Loan Program", 1983

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Tuition Tax Credit, 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - University of Kansas Grants, 1986

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - University of Kansas Grants - Dole Letters, 1985

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Upward Bound Program, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Vocational Education, 1984

- Folder 10: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - Child Nutrition, 1981-1983

- Folder 11: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - Congressional Research Service (CRS), 1981-1983

- Folder 12: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - New Federalism, 1981-1983

- Folder 13: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - Nutrition Block Grants, 1981-1983

- Folder 14: Families - Bolton - Broken Families, 1983

- Box 121

- Folder 1: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence (S. 1843 and H.R. 2977) [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence (S. 1843 and H.R. 2977) [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence (S. 1843 and H.R. 2977) [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Act, 1980

- Folder 5: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Act - Statements of Senator Bob Dole, 1980

- Folder 6: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Legislation [1 of 2], 1980-1984

- Box 122

- Folder 1: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Legislation [2 of 2], 1980-1984

- Folder 2: Families - Bolton - White House Conference on Families, 1980

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Academic Nutrition Issues, 1983

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - African Famine Situation [1 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - African Famine Situation [2 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - African Famine Situation [3 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - African Food Situation, 1984

- Box 123

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - Competitive Food Amendment, 1977

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - Dr. Larry Brown, Hunger Study, 1986

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Food Fortification and Vitamin Supplements - Reference Materials, 1981-1983

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Food Issues, 1979-1981

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Food Safety Speech and Materials [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Food Safety Speech and Materials [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - Food Safety Speech and Materials - Food Labeling, 1976-1980

- Folder 8: Food - Bolton - "Food Safety: Where Are We?", 1979

- Box 124

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - Harry Chapin File, 1983

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - Hunger [1 of 2], 1983-1986

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Hunger [2 of 2], 1983-1986

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Hunger and Global Security Bill, 1981

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Hunger in America, 1984

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Hunger Prevention Act of 1988, 1988

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - Infant Formula Resolution [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: Food - Bolton - Infant Formula Resolution [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: Food - Bolton - Joint Resolution, World Food Day, 1985

- Box 125

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - "National Survey Data on Food Consumption: Uses and Recommendations", 1984

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - New England Hunger Report, 1984

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [1 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [2 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [3 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [4 of 6], 1979-1984

- Box 126

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [5 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [6 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Nutrition Labeling Hearings, 1980

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearings, 1982

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Presidential Commission on World Hunger, Technical Papers, 1980

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Speech, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fundraiser, May 17, 1984

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - World Food Day Resolution, 1983

- Box 127

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - World Hunger, 1980

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - World Hunger, 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - World Hunger Final Report, 1980

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Yale Nutrition Journal Article [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Yale Nutrition Journal Article [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Yale Nutrition Journal Article [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bolton - Foreign Policy Statements, 1982-1983

- Box 128

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bolton - "Helsinki Commission: The First 8 Years", 1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bolton - Report on Establishing the U.S. Academy of Peace and for Other Purposes, 1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bolton - U.S.-U.S.S.R. Meeting for Peace, Lawrence, Kansas, 1984

- Folder 4: General - Bolton - Anschutz Collection, 1981

- Folder 5: General - Bolton - Bicentennial of the Constitution, 1985

- Folder 6: General - Bolton - Bob Dole Briefing Papers, 1975-1980

- Folder 7: General - Bolton - Correspondence/Memos, 1980

- Folder 8: General - Bolton - Correspondence with Reports, 1986

- Folder 9: General - Bolton - Dole Positions and Legislation [1 of 3], 1979-1987

- Folder 10: General - Bolton - Dole Positions and Legislation [2 of 3], 1979-1987

- Folder 11: General - Bolton - Dole Positions and Legislation [3 of 3], 1979-1987

- Folder 12: General - Bolton - Invitations, 1982

- Folder 13: General - Bolton - Karl Menninger Speech, 1983

- Folder 14: General - Bolton - Legislative Issues, 1986

- Box 129

- Folder 1: General - Bolton - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 2: General - Bolton - Miscellaneous Memos, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: General - Bolton - National Year of Thanksgiving Resolution, 1985

- Folder 4: General - Bolton - Newspaper Clippings, 1982

- Folder 5: General - Bolton - President's FY 1987 Budget, 1986

- Folder 6: General - Bolton - Staff Memos [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 7: General - Bolton - Staff Memos [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 8: Hazardous Substances - Bolton - Radiation Compensation Act, 1981

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Bolton - American Recreation Coalition, 1982

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Bolton - "Cancer and Heart Disease", 1982

- Box 130

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Bolton - Congressional Research Service Health Care Materials and Issue Briefs, 1984

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Bolton - Department of Health and Human Services, 1981

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Bolton - Hatch Health Bill for Therapeutic Use of Heroin, 1981

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Care Dear Colleague Letters, 1985

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower - Health Manpower Act, 1980

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower - Health Manpower Proposal, 1980

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Planning, 1981

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Systems Agency, 1982

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Bolton - Medicare Reform (S. 936), 1987

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Bolton - Mental Health Services Act (S. 1177), 1980

- Box 131

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Bolton - Mental Health Systems Act, 1980

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Bolton - National Health Service Corps, 1980

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Bolton - "Poverty and Health in New England", 1984

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Bolton - Primary Health Care Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Biomedical Research Training and Medical Library Assistance Amendments of 1983, 1983

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Health Professions Training Assistance Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Health Services, Preventative Health Services, and Home and Community Based Services Act of 1984, 1984

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Nurse Education Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Smoking Prevention Health and Education Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Bolton - Smoking Prevention Act, 1983-1984

- Folder 13: Housing - Bolton - Community Development Block Grant, 1987

- Folder 14: Housing - Bolton - Fair Housing Act, 1987

- Folder 15: Housing - Bolton - Housing and Community Act of 1987, 1987

- Folder 16: Housing - Bolton - Memos, 1987

- Folder 17: Labor - Bolton - Affirmative Action - Small Business, 1980

- Folder 18: Labor - Bolton - Employment, Unemployment, and Labor Issues, 1985-1987

- Folder 19: Labor - Bolton - Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals Act, 1989

- Folder 20: Labor - Bolton - Report on Human Services Reauthorization Act, 1984

- Folder 21: Labor - Bolton - "U.S. News and World Report," "America's Wandering Jobless", 1983

- Box 132

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - American School Food Service Association and Kansas School Food Service Association (KSFSA), 1984

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - "An Experimental Evaluation of Nutrition Education Methods", 1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "An Experimental Evaluation of Nutrition Education Methods: Executive Summary", 1984

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Boschwitz Resolution on Nutrition Cuts, 1983

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Care Food Program, 1982

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition, 1981

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition, 1986

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Act of 1984 (S. 2617) [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 133

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Act of 1984 (S. 2617) [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Issues, 1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition - Kansas Child Nutrition Programs, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Programs, 1985

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Proposed Legislation [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Proposed Legislation [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1985

- Box 134

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reauthorization, 1986

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reconciliation [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reconciliation [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reconciliation [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Resolution (S. Con. Res. 121, 97th Congress), 1982

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition/School Lunch Program (S. 1898) [1 of 2], 1979

- Box 135

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition/School Lunch Program (S. 1898) [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition/School Lunch Program (S. 1898) - School Lunch Regulations, 1979

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition - Section 4 Issues, 1985

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Speech, Background, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Appropriations and Food Assistance, 1983

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Background Material, 1983

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Drafts of S. 17, 1983

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Funding Letter, 1983

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - House Bills, 1983

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Legislation [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Legislation [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Press, 1983

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Press on S. 17, 1983

- Box 136

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act (S. 17) [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act (S. 17) [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act (S. 17) [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - S. 17 Congressional Record Reprints and Dear Colleague, 1983

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - S. 17 Floor Amendments, 1983

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - S. 17 Talking Points, 1983

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Surplus Distribution [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Surplus Distribution [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Volunteer Letter, S. 17, 1983

- Box 137

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Bill [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Bill [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Program, 1986

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Program, 1985

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Dole, Food Assistance Legislation, 1984

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donation in the National School Lunch Program: Overview of Study Methodology", 1981

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donation in the National School Lunch Program: Interim Report", 1984

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of National Commodity Processing", 1985

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program Final Report: Health and Nutrition Impacts of Three Local Projects", 1982

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - "Federally-Supported Human Nutrition Research and Training, FY 1980-1982", 1983

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - Final Report of the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 1977

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - Food Distribution, 1987

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program - Restoration of Improperly Denied or Terminated Benefits", 1986

- Box 138

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - FY 1981, Continuing Resolution, Food and Nutrition, 1980

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Hart Amendment on School Lunch, 1981

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "Improved Administration of Special Surplus Dairy Product Distribution Program Needed", 1984

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Kansas Child Nutrition, 1981

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Kansas Dietetic Association (KDA) Nutrition Speech, 1984

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Kansas Trip Briefing Materials, 1986

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - "Meal Production Costs in School Nutrition Programs", 1982

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Miscellaneous, 1985-1987

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - National Commodity Processing, 1985

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition and Low Income Earners, 1983

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition and the Elderly, 1980

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget Cuts [1 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget Cuts [2 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 14: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget Cuts - Proposals for Budget Cuts in Nutrition Programs, 1981-1982

- Folder 15: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget FY 1981 [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 16: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget FY 1981 [2 of 2], 1980

- Box 139

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education and Research [1 of 2], 1978-1981

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education and Research [2 of 2], 1978-1981

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education in Medical School Curriculum, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education Speech Material [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education Speech Material [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Issues, 1986

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Labeling Hearing [1 of 2], 1980

- Box 140

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Labeling Hearing [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Monitoring, 1987

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "Nutrition Monitoring in the United States", 1986

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Needs of Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Needs of Older Americans - Subcommittee on Nutrition, 1980

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Newsletter, 1981

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Background Information, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearings, 1983

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - School Breakfast Programs, 1980

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - "Participation in the National School Lunch Program", 1984

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - "Program in Biomedical and Behavioral Nutrition Research and Training Fiscal Year 1982", 1983

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - "Progress Made in Federal Human Nutrition Research Planning and Coordination: Some Improvement Needed", 1982

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - Public Voice - Golden Carrot Award, 1983

- Box 141

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Public Voices News Conference, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Puerto Rico Nutrition Block Grant, 1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - School Lunch - Elimination of Subsidy to Paying Students, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - School Lunch Program, 1982

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - "School Meal Programs: Options for Improving the Verification of Student Eligibility", 1986

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Seattle/Portland Trip, 1985

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Speech: National Nutrition Consortium, 1981

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Speech to Kansas School Lunch Group, October 25, 1980

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - Speech to National Nutrition Consortium, 1981

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - "Surplus Commodities: Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program's Operations and Continuance", 1987

- Box 142

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - The Emergency Food Assistance Plan (TEFAP) Background, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - "The National Evaluation of School Nutrition Programs: Final Report, Volume 1: Overview and Presentation of Findings", 1983

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "The National Evaluation of School Nutrition Programs: Final Report, Volume 2: Technical Appendices", 1983

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Human Nutrition Center, 1981

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - "What Foods Should Americans Eat? Better Information Needed on Nutritional Quality of Foods", 1980

- Folder 6: Science Policy - Bolton - Report on Authorizing Appropriations for the National Science Foundation, Fiscal Year 1985, 1984

- Folder 7: Social Security - Bolton - Kansas Social Security Offices, 1987

- Folder 8: Social Security - Bolton - Social Security Issues, 1987-1988

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Social Services - Bolton - United Way Resolution, 1986

- Folder 2: Social Services - Bolton - Volunteer Services, 1986

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Bolton - Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Stamp, 1981-1983

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - A Study of the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), 1987

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Administration Food Stamp Bill, Undated

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Agriculture Committee - Correspondence with Senator Helms, 1981

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - "Alternative Method of Delivering Food Benefits", 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - "An Analysis of Displacement Caused by Donations Through the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)", 1986

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "An Evaluation of the 1981 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Changes: Final Report", 1985

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - "Better Wage-Matching Systems and Procedures Would Enhance Food Stamp Program Integrity", 1984

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - "Bitter Harvest II: A Status Report on the Need for Emergency Food Assistance in America", 1985

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Block Grants, Human Resources, 1981

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Block Grants, Miscellaneous, 1985-1987

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Budget Conference: Food Stamps, 1982

- Folder 15: Welfare - Bolton - Budget Issues, 1982

- Box 144

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Characteristics of Food Stamp Households, 1985

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - "Characteristics of Food Stamp Households: August", 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Child Care Food Program, 1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Background on Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), 1984

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Congressional Research Service - Poverty Studies [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Congressional Research Service - Poverty Studies, 1986 [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Dole, Food Stamp Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Dole, Food Stamp Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "Efforts to Control Fraud, Abuse, and Mismanagement in Domestic Food Assistance Programs: Progress Made - More Needed", 1980

- Box 145

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Error Rates/Sanction System, 1985

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - "Evaluation of Existing Issuance Systems in the Food Stamp Program, Volume I: Analysis by System Types", Undated

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - "Evaluation of Expedited Service in the Food Stamp Program", 1987

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Family Security Act, 1987

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - "Federal and State Initiatives Needed to Improve Productivity and Reduce Administrative Costs of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Food Stamp Programs", 1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Federal and State Liability for Inaccurate Payments of Food Stamp, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program Benefits", 1984

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Assistance Material, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Assistance: Task Force Report [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 146

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Assistance: Task Force Report [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Program Update, 1983

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Program Update, 1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Accountability Act, 1987

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Budget Cuts, 1981

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Employment and Training: Resource Guide", 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Fraud [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Fraud [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Fraud [3 of 3], 1981

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Legislation [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Legislation [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Legislation, 1985

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Program - Computer Technology, 1983

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program: Error Rate Adjustments and Sanctions", 1987

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program: Statistical Validity of Agriculture's Payment Error-Rate Adjustments", 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program: Trends in Program Applications, Participation, and Denials", 1987

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Reconciliation, 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Research: Results form the Income Survey Development Program and the Promise of the Survey on Income and Program Participation", 1986

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Work Registration and Job Search Demonstration: Evaluation Report", 1985

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Work Registration and Job Search Demonstration: Final Report", 1986

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps, 1980

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps: Administration Proposals, 1982

- Box 148

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background Information, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Bank Fees, 1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Block Grant, 1985

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Briefing Material, 1982

- Box 149

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Budget Resolution, 1980

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Food Stamps - Budget Resolution Colloquy, 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Categorical Eligibility, 1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps/Child Nutrition Hearings, 1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Conference, S. 1309 [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Conference, S. 1309 [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Estimates, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Elimination of Purchase Requirement (EPR), 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Error Rate Sanction System, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Error Rate Sanction System, 1984

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Expedited Service, 1982

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Food Stamp Law Update, 1981

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Funding - Supplemental, 1983

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing [1 of 3], 1984

- Box 150

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing, 1983-1985

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearings [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearings [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps: Impact Data, 1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Integrity and Accountability Act, 1983

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Issues Related to Finance Committee, 1982

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Legislation, 1982

- Box 151

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Legislation, Helms, 1983

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Lump Sum Payments, 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps: Monthly Reporting/Retrospective Budgeting (MRRB), 1983

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - National Governor's Association Positions, 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program [1 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program [2 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program [3 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program: National Academy of Sciences' Recommendations on the Sanctions Backlog, 1987

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Timetable, 1982

- Box 152

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Reauthorization, 1985

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Reconciliation Conference, 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Regulations and Monthly Letters, 1982

- Box 153

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Reform, 1983

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps/School Lunch Letter to Editor, Washington Post, 1980

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - State and County Letters [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - State and County Letters [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Students, Undated

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Supplemental Appropriations, 1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Support Letters from States, etc., 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Testimony [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Testimony [2 of 3], 1981

- Box 154

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Testimony [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Thrifty Food Plan Adjustments, 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Veterans Amendment, 1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Work Proposals, 1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Work Requirements, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare, 1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare - Dole Substitute on Work Provision, 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare - The Cap, 1981

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare - Work Program (Helms/Hayakawa), 1982

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - FY 83 Administration Budget Proposals, 1982

- Box 155

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - FY 85 Administration Budget, 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - General Mark-Up Documents, 1985

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - General Poverty Background, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Greater Opportunities for Work (GROW) Proposals, 1987

- Child Support, Work Incentive (WIN) Program
- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Helm's Food Stamp Bill, 1982

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Helm's Food Stamp Hearing, 1984

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Helm's Food Stamp/Tobacco Letter, 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Homeless Programs, 1987

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Income Security Systems, 1981

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - "Increasing Hunger and Declining Help: Barriers to Participation in the Food Stamp Program", 1986

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Kansas Food Stamp Issues, 1980

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) Report, 1983

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Agriculture Legislation, 1985

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition, General, 1985

- Box 156

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - Legislative History [1 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - Legislative History [2 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - Legislative History [3 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [1 of 4], 1981-1987

- Box 157

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [2 of 4], 1981-1987

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [3 of 4], 1981-1987

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [4 of 4], 1981-1987

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - "Overview and Perspectives on the Food Stamp Program", 1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - "Private Sector Initiatives to Feed America's Poor", 1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Public and Private Efforts to Feed America's Poor, 1983

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Puerto Rico Issues, 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - "Report of the President's Task Force on Food Assistance", 1984

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Report on the Food Bank Demonstration Project, 1984

- Box 158

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - "Report on Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Education Services", 1986

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - "Report to the Secretary of Agriculture: Need to Foster Optimal Use of Resources in the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)", 1985

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - "Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations, and Nutrition, Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives: Quality Control Error Rates for the Food Stamp Program", 1985

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Simplifying Requirements for State Management Information Systems in Entitlement Programs, 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Smaller Slices of the Pie: The Growing Economic Vulnerability of Poor and Moderate Income Americans, 1985

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Study of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Participant and Program Characteristics", 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Testimony, Reauthorization of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - "The Background of Work and Welfare", 1983

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "The Characteristics of Food Stamp Work Registrants", 1984

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - The Demonstration of State Work/Welfare Initiatives, 1983

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - "The Effects of Legislative Changes in 1981 and 1982 on Food Stamp Program Benefits", 1984

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - The President's Task Force on Food Assistance, 1984

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform, 1987

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform [1 of 3], 1988-1989

- Box 159

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform [2 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform [3 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [1 of 4], 1987

- Family Welfare Programs; Health and Human Services 1988 Budget; Poverty Study; H.R. 1720 Cost Estimate; Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Employment and Training Reorganization Act of 1987; Social Security and Family Policy Subcommittee Testimony
- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [2 of 4], 1987

- Domestic Policy Council, Low Income Opportunity Working Group Report; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; Welfare Reform Task Force; Social Security and Family Policy Subcommittee Hearings
- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [3 of 4], 1987

- Social Security and Income Maintenance Programs Subcommittee; National Council for Children's Rights; National Child Support Enforcement Association; Anti-Poverty Programs
- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [4 of 4], 1987

- GOP Welfare Reform Alternative; H.R. 1720; Senate Finance Committee; Clinton, William J.
- Box 160

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers, 1987

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Administration Government Relations Office (GRO) Proposal, 1987

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Child Support, 1987

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Long-Dole Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Block Grant, 1979

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Memos, 1987

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Proposals, 1987

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Welfare Testimony, 1987

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Work Program Comparisons, 1987

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, 1981-1983

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program Issues, 1984

- Box 161

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues [1 of 3], 1978-1983

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues [2 of 3], 1978-1983

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues [3 of 3], 1978-1983

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues - Current Issues, 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC), 1985

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Funding Formula, 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Hearing, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Legislation, 1986

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "Work and Welfare: Current Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Work Programs and Implications for Federal Policy", 1987

- Folder 10: Women - Bolton - "A Statistical Portrait of Women in the United States: 1978", 1978

- Box 162

- Folder 1: Women - Bolton - Equal Rights Amendment, 1980

- Folder 2: Women - Bolton - National Science Foundation (NSF) and Women in Science and Technology, 1980

- Folder 3: Women - Bolton - "The 1980 Virginia Slims American Women's Opinion Poll", 1980

- Folder 4: Women - Bolton - Women's Equality Act (S. 888), 1981

- Folder 5: Women - Bolton - Women's Issues, 1981

- Folder 6: Women - Bolton - Women's Legislation, 1984

- Folder 7: Women - Bolton - Women in Science and Technology, 1979-1980

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition - June 15-April 25, 1985-1989

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Amendments of 1980 [1 of 2], September 14 - November 26, 1979-1980

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Amendments of 1980 [2 of 2], September 14 - November 26, 1979-1980

- Box 163

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Amendments of 1980 - Child Nutrition Conference, May 7-September 12, 1980

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition and Funding Restorations, September 6-March 15, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - Child Nutrition Program Regulations, July 20, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - Meal Patterns, February 12-August 5, 1979-1982

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), July 13-February 24, 1981-1982

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - Summer Feeding Regulations, January 7 - January 13, 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Nutrition, Miscellaneous, December 17-November 18 [1 of 3], 1984-1988

- Box 164

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Nutrition, Miscellaneous, December 17-November 18 [2 of 3], 1984-1988

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Nutrition, Miscellaneous, December 17-November 18 [3 of 3], 1984-1988

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Stockman Proposals, Nutrition Cuts, Undated

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Food Stamps, July 18 - May 12, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, May 15-January 5 [1 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, May 15-January 5 [2 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, May 15-January 5 [3 of 3], 1978-1984

- Box 165

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [1 of 5], 1985

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [2 of 5], 1985

- Folder 7: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [3 of 5], 1985

- Box 166

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [4 of 5], 1985

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [5 of 5], 1985

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [1 of 6], 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [2 of 6], 1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [3 of 6], 1986

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [4 of 6], 1986

- Box 167

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [5 of 6], 1986

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [6 of 6], 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence and Programs [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence and Programs [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) - Itzhak Perlman Concert, 1983

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seal "Dear Friends" Letters, 1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals, 1984

- Box 168

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals [3 of 3], 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Housing and the Homeless, 1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Housing and the Homeless - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1984-1986

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Housing and the Homeless - Homeless Bill: Housing, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - Brottman - Letters of Support, 1985

- Box 169

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Neurofibromatosis [1 of 2], 1982-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Neurofibromatosis [2 of 2], 1982-1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Radio Reading Services, Lawrence, Kansas, Services for the Blind, 1983

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Senator Dole and Itzhak Perlman, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), 1984

- Folder 5: Education - Brottman - Dole Tax Bills, 1983

- Folder 6: Commerce - Cabbage - Commerce Correspondence, November 30-September 14, 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Commerce - Cabbage - Customer Service Week, February 5-September 17, 1993

- Folder 8: Commerce - Cabbage - LOR*AL Corporation, Selling to Soviet Union, December 19-February 25, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Commerce - Cabbage - Mobile-Tech, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), September 3, 1993

- Folder 10: Commerce - Cabbage - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), ZAX, Inc., December 23-May 25, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Commerce - Cabbage - RSH International, Saudi Arabia, March 19-October, 1986-1987

- Folder 12: Emergency Management - Cabbage - Neosho River Flooding, April 5-May 5, 1993

- Box 170

- Folder 1: Energy - Cabbage - Energy Correspondence, August 2-February 23, 1988-1990

- Folder 2: General - Cabbage - General Correspondence, November 17-April 29, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Government Employees - Cabbage - Russel Springs Post Office, May 16-July 5, 1994

- Folder 4: Trade - American International Group (AIG), December 29, 1986

- Folder 5: Transportation - Cabbage - Department of Transportation (DOT) Proposed Rule on Ammonia, February 26, 1988

- Folder 6: Transportation - Cabbage - Direct International Flights for Kansas City International Airport (KCI), April 5-June 27, 1989

- Folder 7: Transportation - Cabbage - Response Plans for Onshore Oil Pipelines, January 26-March 4, 1993

- Folder 8: Transportation - Cabbage - Transponders, Private Pilot Regulations, April 5-June 28, 1979-1988

- Folder 9: Education - Carmean - American Alliance Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER), 1982

- Folder 10: Education - Carmean - Arts and Humanities, 1982

- Folder 11: Education - Carmean - Bilingual Education, 1982

- Folder 12: Education - Carmean - Community Colleges, 1982

- Folder 13: Education - Carmean - Congressional Research Service Education Issue Briefs, 1982

- Folder 14: Education - Carmean - Correspondence, 1982

- Folder 15: Education - Carmean - Day Care, 1981-1982

- Folder 16: Education - Carmean - Dear Colleagues, 1982

- Folder 17: Education - Carmean - Department of Education, 1981-1982

- Folder 18: Education - Carmean - Dole's Education Votes, 1982

- Folder 19: Education - Carmean - Education Budgets - FY 1981, 1982, and 1983, 1982

- Folder 20: Education - Carmean - Education of the Handicapped, 1982

- Folder 21: Education - Carmean - Gallaudet College, 1980-1981

- Folder 22: Education - Carmean - Grant Consolidation for Education Programs, 1982

- Folder 23: Education - Carmean - Guaranteed Student Loans [1 of 2], 1982

- Box 171

- Folder 1: Education - Carmean - Guaranteed Student Loans [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Education - Carmean - Handicapped [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 3: Education - Carmean - Handicapped [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 4: Education - Carmean - Health Issues, 1982

- Folder 5: Education - Carmean - Hearing Testimony, House, 1982

- Folder 6: Education - Carmean - Higher Education Budget Impact, 1982

- Folder 7: Education - Carmean - Higher Education Budget Proposals, 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Education - Carmean - Impact Aid, 1982

- Folder 9: Education - Carmean - Independent Colleges, 1982

- Folder 10: Education - Carmean - Johnson County Community College, Undated

- Folder 11: Education - Carmean - Kansas Colleges Budget Impact, 1982

- Folder 12: Education - Carmean - Kansas Education Statistics, 1982

- Folder 13: Education - Carmean - Kansas Wesleyan, 1982

- Folder 14: Education - Carmean - Karen Carmean's Notebook, 1981-1982

- Folder 15: Education - Carmean - League of United Latin Citizens [LULAC], 1982

- Folder 16: Education - Carmean - Marymount College, 1982

- Box 172

- Folder 1: Education - Carmean - Mayetta, Kansas School District, 1977-1979

- Folder 2: Education - Carmean - Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Education, 1982

- Folder 3: Education - Carmean - Pittsburg State University, 1982

- Folder 4: Education - Carmean - Public Schools, 1982

- Folder 5: Education - Carmean - S. 2338, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1982

- Folder 6: Education - Carmean - St. Mary's College, Leavenworth, Kansas, 1982

- Folder 7: Education - Carmean - Social Security Student Benefits, 1982

- Folder 8: Education - Carmean - Student Financial Assistance [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Education - Carmean - Student Financial Assistance [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 10: Education - Carmean - Student Loan Defaults, 1981

- Folder 11: Education - Carmean - Student Petitions, 1982

- Folder 12: Education - Carmean - Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), 1982

- Folder 13: Education - Carmean - Title I, 1982

- Folder 14: Education - Carmean - Title III Regulations, 1982

- Folder 15: Education - Carmean - Title IX, 1979-1982

- Folder 16: Education - Carmean - TRIO (Increasing Access to Higher Education for Economically Disadvantaged Students), 1982

- Folder 17: Education - Carmean - University Research Tax Credits, 1982

- Folder 18: Education - Carmean - Vocational Education, 1982

- Folder 19: Education - Carmean - Wichita State University, 1982

- Box 173

- Folder 1: Commerce - Coen - Beech Aircraft, June 27, 1986

- Folder 2: Commerce - Coen - Boxcar Deregulation, June 2 - September 12, 1981-1986

- Folder 3: Commerce - Coen - Cessna, May 9, 1986

- Folder 4: Commerce - Coen - Commerce Seminar, April 20-February 20, 1985-1986

- Folder 5: Commerce - Coen - Conference on Federal Procurements and Export Opportunities, March 14-October 28, 1986

- Folder 6: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [1 of 5], November 4-September 30, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [2 of 5], July 13-March 13, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [3 of 5], July 23-January 28, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [4 of 5], April 25-May 23, 1985-1986

- Box 174

- Folder 1: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [5 of 5], February 20-November 4, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Commerce - Coen - Department of Transportation, Claassen, Walter, February 8-June 13, 1984-1986

- Folder 3: Commerce - Coen - Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, September 10-June 12, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Commerce - Coen - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, April 16-November 14, 1986

- Folder 5: Commerce - Coen - Forum '87, November 18-January 14, 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Commerce - Coen - Junk Bonds, December 9-18, 1985

- Folder 7: Commerce - Coen - Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas Rail Users Association, January 23-30, 1987

- Folder 8: Commerce - Coen - Osawatomie and Missouri Pacific Railroad, September 22-June 9, 1982-1986

- Folder 9: Commerce - Coen - Santa Fe Merger, October 24-October 5, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Commerce - Coen - Small Business Administration, Congton, July 1-21, 1986

- Folder 11: Commerce - Coen - Small Business Administration, Warden, September 17-August 4, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Commerce - Coen - Technology Transfer Act, January 3-February, 1985-1988

- Box 175

- Folder 1: Commerce - Coen - Truck Weights, November 15 - November 20, 1984 - 1986

- Folder 2: Commerce - Coen - Trucking Industry Issues, February 18 - June 7, 1986

- Folder 3: Commerce - Coen - Wholesale Credit Act, August 22, 1985

- Folder 4: Communications - Coen - Hit Video USA, June 2 - February 2, 1983-1987

- Folder 5: Communications - Coen - KHCC Radio, September 11 - June 19, 1984-1986

- Folder 6: Communications - Coen - Satellite Television [1 of 2], May 27 - June 12, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Communications - Coen - Satellite Television [2 of 2], January 3 - October 9, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Defense - Coen - Defense Projects, June 19, 1985

- Folder 9: Defense - Coen - McConnell Air Force Base, April 25 - May 1, 1985

- Folder 10: Defense - Coen - T-46, April 6, 1988

- Folder 11: Energy - Coen - Elkhart Ethanol Plant, September - February 12, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Energy - Coen - Energy Information, August - September 28, 1985

- Folder 13: Energy - Coen - Ethanol Plant Bonding, December 6 - November 20, 1985-1986

- Box 176

- Folder 1: Energy - Coen - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rule 436 [1 of 2], April 16 - December 17, 1985

- Folder 2: Energy - Coen - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rule 436 [2 of 2], December 12, 1985

- Folder 3: Energy - Coen - High Plains, November 8 - December 30, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Energy - Coen - K/N Energy Inc. March 10, 1986

- Folder 5: Energy - Coen - Kansas City Power and Light Company (KCPL), February 3 - March 4, 1986

- Folder 6: Energy - Coen - Morrison, Milt, July 25 - February 12, 1986-1987

- Folder 7: Energy - Coen - Nomination of David Walker, March 31 - April 15, 1986

- Folder 8: Energy - Coen - Oklahoma Energy Center, September 4-6, 1986

- Folder 9: Energy - Coen - Sale of Power Marketing Agencies (PMAs), March 19 - June 11, 1986

- Folder 10: Energy - Coen - Scaletty, Jim, May 1 - December 15, 1984-1986

- Folder 11: Energy - Coen - Sunflower Electric, Garden City, December 9 - January 28, 1986-1987

- Folder 12: Energy - Coen - Water, August 4, 1986

- Folder 13: Energy - Coen - Western Area Power Administration: Department of Energy Study, May 31 - July 26, 1985-1986

- Box 177

- Folder 1: Energy - Coen - Wolf Creek, September 12 - December 3, 1985

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Coen - Coffeyville Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB), November 25 - February 25, 1985-1986

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Coen - Furley Waste Site, October 18 - July 21, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Coen - Galena, June 27, 1986

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Coen - Galena Wells, April 23 - May 6, 1986

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Coen - Hazardous Wastes, July - February 22, 1986-1987

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Coen - Nuclear Waste, October 28 - February 4, 1985-1987

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Coen - Tillotsen, April 29 - May 23, 1986

- Folder 9: Government Employees - Coen - Office of Personnel Management and Larry Seeley, December 10 - May 28, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Indian Affairs - Coen - Haskell Indian Junior College, 1988

- Folder 11: Indian Affairs - Coen - Sac and Fox Tribes, November 21-28, 1986

- Folder 12: Public Lands - Coen - Cimarron National Grasslands, July 31 - June 5, 1935-1986

- Folder 13: Public Lands - Coen - Hillsdale Lake, April 15-18, 1986

- Folder 14: Public Lands - Coen - Kirwin Reservoir, September 17, 1986

- Box 178

- Folder 1: Public Lands - Coen - Medicine River Basin, October 24 - April 8, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Coen - Mines, May 5 - December 19, 1986

- Folder 3: Public Lands - Coen - Santa Fe Trail, September 10-17, 1986

- Folder 4: Public Works - Coen - Arkansas City, March 20 - July 23, 1986

- Folder 5: Public Works - Coen - Great Bend Flood Control, October 30 - February 7, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Public Works - Coen - Kansas Rural Water Association, June, 1986

- Folder 7: Public Works - Coen - Kansas Water Plan, November 26 - May 2, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Public Works - Coen - Marmaton (Ft. Scott) Reservoir, October 23, 1986

- Folder 9: Public Works - Coen - Ogallalah Aquifer, June 2-8, 1986

- Folder 10: Public Works - Coen - Rural Water Districts, June 18, 1986

- Folder 11: Public Works - Coen - Topeka Flood Control, August 4-12, 1986

- Folder 12: Public Works - Coen - Water Resource Development Act [1 of 2], 1985-1986

- Folder 13: Public Works - Coen - Water Resource Development Act [2 of 2], 1985-1986

- Box 179

- Folder 1: Space - Coen - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), May 23 - June 9, 1986

- Folder 2: Taxation - Coen - Tax Hardage, June 20, 1986

- Folder 3: Transportation - Coen - Appropriations: Beech, Federal Aviation Administration, November 19 - August 6, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Transportation - Coen - Beech Job Training Partnership Act, November 13 - March 11, 1984-1986

- Folder 5: Transportation - Coen - Braniff, November 12 - January 21, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Transportation - Coen - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Tower, Topeka, August 14 - October 17, 1986

- Folder 7: Transportation - Coen - Hawaii H-3 Project, May 9 - September 24, 1986

- Folder 8: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill [1 of 3], June 9 - October 27, 1986-1987

- Folder 9: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill [2 of 3], February 5 - October 2, 1986

- Folder 10: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill [3 of 3], March 27 - February 2, 1986-1987

- Box 180

- Folder 1: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - 55 mph, August 18 - September 24, 1978-1986

- Folder 2: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - Billboard Act, June 23 - December 8, 1986

- Folder 3: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - Hawaii Highway, January - September 19, 1986

- Folder 4: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - Highway Beauty, August 5 - September 19, 1986

- Folder 5: Transportation - Coen - Kanan, B.D. May 17 - July 7, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Transportation - Coen - Lawrence Interchange, February 7 - August 22, 1985

- Folder 7: Transportation - Coen - Lawrence Vans, February 7 - August 22, 1986

- Folder 8: Transportation - Coen - Trans World Airlines (TWA) Pilots, January 3 - September 29, 1986

- Folder 9: Transportation - Coen - Trans World Airlines (TWA) Strike, May 15 - June 12, 1986

- Folder 10: Veterans Affairs - Coen - River Rats, January 28 - October 2, 1986

- Folder 11: Veterans Affairs - Coen - Paxton, Coen, July 1 - September 30, 1986

- Folder 12: Defense - Cordova - Air Force [1 of 2], October 6 - August 13, 1983-1984

- Folder 13: Defense - Cordova - Air Force [2 of 2], October 6 - August 13, 1983-1984

- Folder 14: Defense - Cordova - B-1 Bomber, August 30, 1984

- Folder 15: Defense - Cordova - Briefing Book, Omnibus Defense Authorization Act, 1985

- Binary Chemical Weapons; B-1 Bomber; MX Missile; Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI); McConnell Air Force Base; Contra Funding
- Box 181

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova - Competition in Contracting (S. 338), February 1 - July 25, 1983

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapons, May 23 - August 6, 1984

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Central America, June 1 - September 27, 1984

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Combined Effects Munitions (CEM) Project, June 5 - January 23, 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Cruise Missiles, June 12-14, 1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Defense Bill General, March 19 - June 19, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Fiscal Year 1983, February 9 - December 13, 1982

- Folder 8: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Fiscal Year 1984 - Defense Appropriations Bill, July 22, 1983

- Folder 9: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - GI Bill, June 7 - August 16, 1984

- Folder 10: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Military Construction, February 1 - August 9, 1984

- Folder 11: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - MX Missiles, December 2 - March 15, 1981-1985

- Box 182

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - National Guard and Reserves, February 29 - July 19, 1984

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Nerve Gas, June 27 - June 6, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Proposed Amendments, June 6 - 19, 1984

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Strategic Defense Initiatives (SDI), March 30 - September 18, 1984

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova - Dole Arms Control Resolution [1 of 3], April 29 - May 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova - Dole Arms Control Resolution [2 of 3], April 29 - May 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 7: Defense - Cordova - Dole Arms Control Resolution [3 of 3], April 29 - May 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 8: Defense - Cordova - International Terrorism, August 18 - January 31, 1981-1984

- Folder 9: Defense - Cordova - Military Construction Programs - Fiscal Year 1984, February 10 - August 9, 1983

- Box 183

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA], November 9 - July 8, 1979-1985

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA] Related Issues [1 of 3], May 27 - January, 1981-1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA] Related Issues [2 of 3], May 27 - January, 1981-1986

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA] Related Issues [3 of 3], May 27 - January, 1981-1986

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova - Terrorism, January 26 - June 24, 1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova - Transfer of Technology, 1983

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Bulgaria, January 3 - June 25, 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Caribbean Basin Initiative, March 18 - May 9, 1982-1984

- Box 184

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [1 of 2], February 24 - June 6, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [2 of 2], August 1 - July, 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Democratic Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy, May 13 - July 24, 1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - East-West Trade, May 11 - June 20, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Foreign Assistance, February - June 27, 1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Foreign Investment in the United States, December 22 - October 30, 1980-1981

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Foreign Relations (General), January 31 - June 26, 1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - The Genocide Convention [1 of 2], September 6 - April 26, 1984-1985

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Cordova - The Genocide Convention [2 of 2], 1984-1985

- Box 185

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Global Debt Problem, August 6 - December 17, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Human Rights (General) [1 of 2], September 14, 1978-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Human Rights (General) [2 of 2], March 7 - February 7, 1978-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Hunger and Global Security, July 14 - February 1, 1981-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - International Trade, July 17 - October 22, 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Law of the Sea Conference, June 28 - April 3, 1980-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Life International Surplus Vessels, June 30 - September 29, 1982

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Meeting, Agenda, January 15 - June 24, 1981-1982

- Box 186

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Mexico-International Conference on Population, Mexico City, May 30 - May 7, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Miller Act, 1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Montreal Protocols, May 14 - March 7, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Narcotics, March 2, 1983

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - National Security Council, July 17 - October 22, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, February 19 - May 22, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Palestinian Liberation Organization, May - April 19, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Peace Corp/Action, September 30 - January, 1981-1983

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Poland, October 30 - September 21, 1980-1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Refugees Problem [1 of 2], September 27 - July 23, 1982-1984

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Refugees Problem [2 of 2], July 29 - June 17, 1982-1984

- Box 187

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Schultz, George P., July 5 - July 2, 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Senate Select, December 12, 1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - State Authorization, October 14, 1983

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Threshold Test Ban Treaty, March 27, 1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United Nations [1 of 2], October - April 12, 1978-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United Nations [2 of 2], April 20 - June 18, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United States Peace Academy, May 29 - November 21, 1979-1983

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United States - Philippine Treaty, Undated

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Williamsburg Summit, May 6 - June 4, 1983

- Folder 10: General - Cordova - The Executive Branch, 1981-1983

- Folder 11: General - Cordova - Inside Congress, 1983

- Folder 12: General - Cordova - National Endowment for Democracy, June 15 - August 9, 1984

- Box 188

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft, 1978-1984

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues [1 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues [2 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues - C-5 Aircraft [1 of 2], 1978-1982

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues - C-5 Aircraft [2 of 2], 1978-1982

- Box 189

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Corporate Cases [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Corporate Cases [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Fort DeRussy, 1983

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Gates Learjet, 1982

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Military Readiness, 1983

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Miscellaneous, 1981-1983

- Folder 7: Budgets - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Appropriations, 1995

- Box 190

- Folder 1: Budgets - Dick - General Budget, 1993

- Folder 2: Budgets - Dick - General Electric Aircraft Engines - Mike Talbert, 1993

- Folder 3: Budgets - Dick - Non-Nuclear Component Manufacturing - Allied - Signal Aerospace Company, 1993

- Folder 4: Civil Liberties - Dick - Flag Protection, 1995

- Folder 5: Commemorations - Dick - Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Gold Medallion, 1993

- Folder 6: Commemorations - Dick - Ferrumar Resources Corporation, Recovering Bush's Plane from the Bonic Trench, 1992

- Folder 7: Communications - Dick - Dear Colleague, 1993

- Folder 8: Communications - Dick - Gold Seals, 1993

- Folder 9: Communications - Dick - Intercountry Adoption, 1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - 50th Anniversary of World War II [1 of 2], 1993-1996

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick - 50th Anniversary of World War II [2 of 2], 1993-1996

- Box 191

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - 931st Air Refueling Group (McConnell), 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Active Army Force Structure, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Adventure Group, Incorporated, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Air Defense Alerting Device (ADAD), 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Air Force Association - Kansas, 1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Air Force Sergeants Association 35th Anniversary, April 30, 1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) for Japan, 1992

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Alderson Congressional Medal of Honor, 1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - American Veterans (AMVETS), 1995

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support (ARMS) Initiative, June 29, 1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick - Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support (ARMS) Initiative, 1994

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick - Armed Forces Journal International (AFJI), 1995

- Folder 13: Defense - Dick - Arms Proliferation, General Research File [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 14: Defense - Dick - Arms Proliferation, General Research File [2 of 2], 1992

- Box 192

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Army Aviation Modernization, 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Army Civilian Personnel Operation Center Reorganization, 1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - B-1 Bomber [1 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - B-1 Bomber [2 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - B-2, 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - B-52, Undated

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)/ McKinney Act, 1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Base Reallocation and Closure, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Battle of Normandy Foundation, 1991-1995

- Box 193

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Bomber Force Structure, 1994

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Bosnia Deployment, 1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Bosnia Duty Benefits, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Bottom-Up Review [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Bottom-Up Review [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - C-9 Aircraft, 1994

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - C-17 Airlift Aircraft [1 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - C-17 Airlift Aircraft [2 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - C-21A Modernization, 1996

- Box 194

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - C-XX Mid-Range Aircraft, 1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Casework - Bob Meyers - Life International Refit of Naval Hospital Ship "Sanctuary", 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Casework - Rock Island Arsenal Commissary - Keeping It Open, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Casework - St. Francis Academy - Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) Certification Request, 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Casework - The Summary, Undated

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Quantum Group, Operation Desert Storm, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [1 of 4], 1988-1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [2 of 4], 1988-1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [3 of 4], 1988-1995

- Box 195

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [4 of 4], 1988-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Civilian X-Prisoner of War Bill, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [2 of 2], 1996

- Box 196

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Cold War Resolution, 1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Cost of Living Allowance (CoLA) Equity, 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - CT-39/T-39N, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Deep Digger, 1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Defense Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1997, 1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1993 [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1993 [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1997 [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1997 [2 of 2], 1996

- Box 197

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Defense Conversion, General Research File [1 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Defense Conversion, General Research File [2 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Defense Conversion, General Research File [3 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Defense Cuts, March 8-17, 1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Defense Fiscal Year 1994, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Defense Logistics Agency, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Defense Procurement Programs (P-1), Fiscal Year 1994, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Defense Supplemental, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 2], 1995

- Box 198

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Defense Supplemental, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995 [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorization, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorization, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 2], 1994

- Box 199

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Department of Energy (DOE) Authorization Provision, Fiscal Year 1996, 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Department of Energy (DOE) Funding, Fiscal Year 1997, 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Dependable Hydraulic Test/Repair Facility, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Detroit Diesel, 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Dole to Perry - Reply: Chemical Agent Detection, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Doonesbury Response, 1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Environmental Cleanup Program Report, 1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - F-15 Engine Qualification, 1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - F-22 Crash, Undated

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1993 Defense, 1992

- Box 200

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [1 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [2 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [3 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [4 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [5 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - Defense Program Requests, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - General, January 22-25, 1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - Miscellaneous Amendments, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - Senate Armed Services Committee Letter, 1995

- Box 201

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 National Guard and Reserves [1 of 2], 1992-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 National Guard and Reserves [2 of 2], 1992-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year Defense Plan (FYDP)/Defense Budget, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year Defense Plan (FYDP)/Defense Budget, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year Defense Plan (FYDP)/Defense Budget, Fiscal Year 1995 [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Forbes Runraw B-31, 1994

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Research and Development (R and D) Recoupment, 1995

- Box 202

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Fort Riley [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Fort Riley [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Fort Riley Military Police (MPs), 1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - General Defense, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - GLASCO Contract, 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Greenamyre Rentals [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Greenamyre Rentals [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Helms/Midway Memorial, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Homosexuals in the Military, 1991-1993

- Box 203

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Homosexuals in the Military, 1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - The International Economy Editorial, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) [1 of 2], 1994-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) [2 of 2], 1994-1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Joliet Army Ammunition Plant, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 1994-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant in Parsons, Kansas, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Kansas Defense, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Kansas Guard Force Structure, 1994

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Kansas State University and Fort Riley Department of Defense Training Land Management Center [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 204

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Kansas State University and Fort Riley Department of Defense Training Land Management Center, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - KC-135 Re-Engining, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Life Sciences Equipment Lab, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Lott Pleiku Campaign Legislation, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - M109A6 Paladin, Fiscal Years 1996-1997, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - M1A2 Tanks, 1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Medical Free Electron Lasers, 1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1993, 1992

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 2], 1994

- Box 205

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - MILCON Projects for Fiscal Year 1993, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997 [1 of 3], 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997 [2 of 3], 1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997 [3 of 3], 1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Military Construction Bill, Fiscal Year 1996 [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Military Construction Bill, Fiscal Year 1996 [2 of 3], 1995

- Box 206

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Military Construction Bill, Fiscal Year 1996 [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Military Order of World Wars, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Military Retirement "High One", 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Military Telemedicine, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Military Traffic Management Control Test, 1992

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - MQM-107, 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Munitions Industrial Base, 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - The National D-Day Museum, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - National Guard/Reserve Aircraft Procurement, 1994-1995

- Box 207

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - National Guard and Reserves [1 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - National Guard and Reserves [2 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - No Greater Love, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Non-Developmental Airlift Aircraft (NDAA), 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Novick/59th Anniversary Committee, 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Operational Support Airlift, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Patriot Anti-Cruise Missile, 1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Peacekeeper, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Prisoner of War (POW) Health Studies, 1994-1996

- Box 208

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Program Updates, 1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - RC-135/E3 Re-Engine, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Revolutionary Patriots Foundation, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Reynolds, Charles, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Safeguard, 1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Senior Army Reserve Commander's Association (SARCA), 1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Sensor Fuzzed Weapons (SFW), 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Shrinking the Defense Infrastructure, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - State Fair B-2 Flyover, 1995

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Sunflower Ammo Plant, 1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick - SUU-30, 1995

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick - Tank Sales to Sweden, 1993

- Folder 13: Defense - Dick - U-2/Strother, 1995

- Folder 14: Defense - Dick - UH-60 Blackhawk, 1993-1995

- Folder 15: Defense - Dick - United States Air Force Reserve, Fiscal Year 1996, 1995

- Folder 16: Defense - Dick - United States Army Medical Department Activity (MEDDAC) Fort Riley, 1995

- Box 209

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - United States Army Reserve (USAR) Command and Control Structure Reorganization, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - United States Disciplinary Barracks, 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - U.S.S Ronald Reagan, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Vice-Admiral Bulkeley, 1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Wraparound Services, 1996

- Folder 6: Education - Dick - Lawrence Central Jr. High School, 1993

- Folder 7: Education - Dick - Leavenworth School District Project [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Education - Dick - Leavenworth School District Project [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Energy - Dick - Kansas Electric Utilities Research Program (KEURP), 1992

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Dick - Environmental Education Opportunities Program, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Food - Dick - Distilled Alcoholic Spirit Labeling, 1993

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Dick - Casework - Schneerson-Agudas Chabad Library, 1993

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Dick - Missing Service Personnel Act, 1994-1996

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - Dick - Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1993-1995

- Box 210

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Dick - Yugoslavia [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Dick - Yugoslavia [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 3: General - Dick - Miscellaneous Memos to Senator Dole, 1993

- Folder 4: General - Dick - Tuba and Euphonium Recital Greeting Request, 1994

- Folder 5: Hazardous Substances - Dick - Career Training Program for Hazardous Material Handlers, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1993

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Dick - Medicare Subvention, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Humanities - Dick - Enola Gay/Smithsonian, 1995

- Folder 8: Immigration - Dick - Casework - Suzanne and Roy Wilbur - Humanitarian Parole Request for Bosnian Child, June 22, 1993

- Folder 9: Medicine - Dick - Fiscal Year 1995 Medical Ventilators, 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Public Lands - Dick - Milwaukee Stadium, 1996

- Box 211

- Folder 1: Trade - Dick - Application for Foreign Trade Zone in McPherson, Kansas [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 2: Trade - Dick - Application for Foreign Trade Zone in McPherson, Kansas [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 3: Trade - Dick - Cardwell International, 1993

- Folder 4: Trade - Dick - Casework - Wenger International - Encouraging Russian Purchase of Goods, 1993

- Folder 5: Trade - Dick - Golf Course Superintendents Association [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Dick - Golf Course Superintendents Association [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 7: Trade - Dick - Meeting with United States Trade Representative (USTR) Kantor, 1993

- Folder 8: Veterans Affairs - Dick - 95 Budget Reconciliation, 1995

- Folder 9: Veterans Affairs - Dick - American Legion, 1995

- Box 212

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Association for Service Disabled Veterans, 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Barrett, Joseph P., 1994

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Casework - Dale Schubert - Breakthrough Club, 1993

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Casework - Ted Yoakam - Fort Scott National Cemetery Expansion, 1993

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Department of Veterans Affairs Budget, Fiscal Year 1996 [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 6: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Department of Veterans Affairs Budget, Fiscal Year 1996 [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 7: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Disabled American Veterans, 1995

- Folder 8: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [1 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [2 of 4], 1995-1996

- Box 213

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [3 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [4 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Hutchinson Veterans CR 95, 1995

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Insight Veterans Interview, 1995

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Korean War Veterans, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Veterans Affairs - Dick - The Law Company, 1993

- Folder 7: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Leavenworth Veterans Administration Ambulatory Care Addition, 1994-1996

- Folder 8: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Leavenworth Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 214

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Leavenworth Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Liberal Veterans Affairs (VA) Outreach Clinic, 1995

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Lindler and Associates, 1993

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Medal of Honor Pension Increase, 1993

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1985-1992

- Folder 6: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Administration, Housing and Urban Development, Independent Agencies, Fiscal Year 1996, 1995

- Folder 7: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs Health Care Reform [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Box 215

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs Health Care Reform [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs Health Care Reform [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995, 1994

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Vietnam Veterans Institute, 1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Amendments Defense Authorization, 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - American Metalcasting Consortium/National Defense Stockpile, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Ammo Fast 21, Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 1993

- Box 216

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Base Closures and Transitions, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Boeing/National Guard, 1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Bombers, 1991-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Burn Laser Research and Development, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - C-21/C-12, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - CBU Demil Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, July 7-September 2, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Combined Effects Munition (CEM)/Cluster Bomb Unit (CBU) 87, 1989-1991

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Civilian Technicians, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Conversion Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Azide, 1992

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - CVN 76, 1990-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 [1 of 2], 1992-1993

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 [2 of 2], 1992-1993

- Box 217

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 - Dear Colleague, 1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 - Dole Amendments, 1992

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 - Floor Speeches, 1992

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Conversion/Arms, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Finance and Accounting Service Consolidation, 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Notes, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Department of Defense '93 [1 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Department of Defense '93 [2 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Votes, 1989-1991

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Votes - Votes, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Electronic Document Imaging Proposal, January 26-October 26, 1993

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Export Loan Guarantee, 1992-1993

- Box 218

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Floor Speeches, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Foreign Trade Zones '93, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - FY '93 Issues, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Gays in the Military, September 22, 1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Gays in the Military, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - General [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - General [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - General [3 of 3], 1993

- Box 219

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Gold Seals, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Guardrail, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Halperin [1 of 2], 1988-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Halperin [2 of 2], 1988-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) Amendment to Department of Defense Amendment, 1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Health Issues, September 22, 1992

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System, 1992-1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, March 11-August 19, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Conversion, 1984-1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Retirement Package, 1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Defense Projects, Press, 1991-1992

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Units, August 12-13, 1993

- Box 220

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - KC/RC 135, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Leader's Defense Breakfast, August 13-September 30, 1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - "M" Accounts, June 21-22, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Meals Ready-To-Eat, July 14-September 29, 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Military Construction, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Out-of-State Mail, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - P-180, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Pioneer UAV, June 7, 1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Personnel/Pay, 1989-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Referrals to Darren, 1991-1993

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Science and Technology Academies Reinforcing Basic Aviation and Space Exploration (STARBASE), 1993

- Folder 13: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Sensor Fuzed Weapon, 1992-1993

- Folder 14: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) Demil Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, 1993

- Folder 15: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Special Operations Forces, 1986-1993

- Folder 16: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Spent Nuclear Fuel, July 12, 1993

- Folder 17: Defense - Dick/Sauer - T-1A Tanker - Transport Training System, 1992-1994

- Folder 18: Defense - Dick/Sauer - T-47, 1992-1993

- Box 221

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - Army, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - Cadet Nurses, 1976-1990

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - China - Missile Sales, 1988

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - Richards-Gebaur Base Closure, 1991

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Dole's Statements, 1991

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Dole's Statements on Yugoslavia, 1992

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets (FREEDOM) Support Act, 1992

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Panama, 1989-1990

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Romania, 1990-1991

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Russia - Heart to Heart, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Somalia, 1992

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - South Africa, 1986-1991

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Yugoslavia, 1990-1992

- Folder 14: Veterans Affairs - Dick/Wicklund - Rural Health, 1991-1992

- Folder 15: Commemorations - Dick/Wisecarver - Report of the Buffalo Soldier Monument Committee, 1991

- Box 222

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Milcon, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Milcon, Fiscal Year 1991, 1990

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Report on Preservation of U.S. Nuclear Submarine Capability, March 3 [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Report on Preservation of U.S. Nuclear Submarine Capability, March 3 [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Report on Preservation of U.S. Nuclear Submarine Capability, March 3 [3 of 3], 1992

- Box 223

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Bill Status, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Bill Status - Congressional Research Service (CRS), Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Policy Analysis, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DOD), 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Bill, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Info, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Laws, 1992-1993

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Kansas State University Program, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Downen - Foreign Policy, Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Downen - Foreign Relations Letters, 1978-1979

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Downen - Initiatives in Foreign Policy, March 9-May 17, 1977-1978

- Box 224

- Folder 1: Water Resources - Downen - 208 Water Quality, October 26-27, 1977

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Duckers - Forum on Regulation, 1979

- Folder 3: Animals - Duckers - Alternatives to Pain in Experiments on Animals, 1980

- Folder 4: Animals - Duckers - "Animal Welfare", 1982

- Folder 5: Animals - Duckers - Greyhound Dog Racing, 1980

- Folder 6: Commerce - Duckers - "Commodity Exchange Act as Amended and Regulations Thereunder", 1981

- Folder 7: Commerce - Duckers - "Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Annual Report", 1981

- Folder 8: Commerce - Duckers - Editorial on America's Economic Future, 1983

- Folder 9: Commerce - Duckers - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Small Business, 1982

- Folder 10: Commerce - Duckers - Product Liability Act, 1983

- Folder 11: Communications - Duckers - Access Charge: Small Business Concern, 1984

- Folder 12: Communications - Duckers - Access Charges, Pressler Letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1984

- Folder 13: Communications - Duckers - American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) Divestiture - Background Information, 1983

- Folder 14: Communications - Duckers - Beer and Wine Advertising, 1985

- Folder 15: Communications - Duckers - KTTL Radio, 1985

- Folder 16: Communications - Duckers - Preservation of Universal Telephone Service [1 of 3], 1983-1984

- Box 225

- Folder 1: Communications - Duckers - Preservation of Universal Telephone Service [2 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 2: Communications - Duckers - Preservation of Universal Telephone Service [3 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Communications - Duckers - Public TV - Very High Frequency (VHF)/Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Swap, 1985

- Folder 4: Communications - Duckers - Schematic Drawings of Telephone Exchanges Serving Kansas, Undated

- Folder 5: Communications - Duckers - Society for Private and Commercial Earth-Stations (SPACE), 1985

- Folder 6: Communications - Duckers - Telephone Travel, 1984

- Folder 7: Communications - Duckers - U.S. Telecom, 1985

- Folder 8: Communications - Duckers - Universal Service Fund, 1983

- Box 226

- Folder 1: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 2: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Congressional Record Reprints, 1984

- Folder 3: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Issues and Outcome, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Joint Hearing and Minority Report, 1983

- Folder 5: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Mail, 1984

- Folder 6: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Telephone Access Charge, Testimony of Kansas Independent Telephone Companies, 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Agricultural Co-Op Access to Crude Oil in Emergency [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Agricultural Co-Op Access to Crude Oil in Emergency [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Box 227

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline, 1982

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Alaskan Crude Oil Export, 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Agriculture Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Colloquies, 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Dear Colleagues, 1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Fifteen Plant Guarantee, 1980

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Final Report, 1980

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Information, 1980

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Letters of Support, 1981

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Leveraging, 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Leveraging Letter [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Leveraging Letter [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 228

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Loan Recissions [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Loan Recissions [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Proposal to Use Surplus Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Grain, 1982

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Alternative Energy Tax Credits, 1982

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Biomass Energy and Alcohol Fuels Act Amendment, 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Bob Riordan: University of Kansas Center for Research, Incorporated, 1981

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Bonneville Power Administration, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Canadian Energy Company Takeover, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Circle Energy Project [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Circle Energy Project [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Circle Energy Project [3 of 3], 1985

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Coal Slurry Project, 1983

- Box 229

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Colwich/Rod Guinn/High Plains Ethanol, 1984

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Core Transport Agents (CTAs) Bills in Kansas, 1982

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Corporate Average Fuel Economy, 1985

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Correspondence: Merrill, K.E. and Paradise, A.J./Department of Energy (DOE), 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Dear Colleague Letters, 1981

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Department of Energy (DOE) - Abolishment, 1982

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Department of Energy (DOE) Congressional Liaison Contact Information, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Department of Energy (DOE) - Weatherization Program, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Deregulation of Natural Gas, 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Energy and Water Appropriations [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Energy and Water Appropriations [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Energy Education Programs, 1981

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act (ESECA)/Kansas Power and Light (KP&L), 1981

- Box 230

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Energy and Water Development, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Energy Appliance Standards, 1980

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Energy Emergency Preparedness Act, S. 2332, 1982

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Energy Task Force of the Urban Consortium, 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Ethanol Imports, 1984

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Docket #RM80-18: Exemption for Fertilizer Manufacturing, 1981

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) Public Documents, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rule on Natural Gas Right-of-Way Grantor, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Fuel Use Act (S. 410), Repeal of Section 301, 1981

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Gas Lights Bill (S. 811), 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Gasohol in Federal Fleet, 1980

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Hearings Regarding Mergers of U.S. Oil Companies [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Hearings Regarding Mergers of U.S. Oil Companies [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Hearings Regarding Mergers of U.S. Oil Companies [3 of 3], 1984

- Box 231

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Howard Wilkins Confirmation Hearings, 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Hugoton Infill Drilling, 1984

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Hydro Relicensing, 1984

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Hydrocarbon Production, 1979

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Hydropower, 1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Hydropower Repayment Reform, 1985

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Interior Amendment: Office of Special Counsel, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Interior Appropriations [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Interior Appropriations [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Kansas Electric Power Cooperative (KEPCo): Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Financing on Wolf Creek Share, 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Kansas Power Electric Cooperative, 1981

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Kansas Science and Technology Advisory Committee, 1981

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Letters, 1980

- Box 232

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Mined Oil Production, 1982

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - National Energy Plan III [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - National Energy Plan III [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - National Energy Plan III [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas, 1982

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - 98th Congress Press Clippings, 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Administration Bill, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Algerian Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Danforth/Eagleton, 1982

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Dear Colleagues, 1983

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Deep Gas Opposition to Old Gas Decontrol, 1983

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Ruling on Producer Gathering Costs, 1983

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Fertilizer Institute, Access to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Gas, Etc., 1983

- Box 233

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [1 of 17], 1983

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [2 of 17], 1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [3 of 17], 1983

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [4 of 17], 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [5 of 17], 1983

- Box 234

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [6 of 17], 1983

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [7 of 17], 1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [8 of 17], 1983

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [9 of 17], 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [10 of 17], 1983

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [11 of 17], 1983

- Box 235

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [12 of 17], 1983

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [13 of 17], 1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [14 of 17], 1983

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [15 of 17], 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [16 of 17], 1983

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [17 of 17], 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General Memos, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Kansas Independent Oil and Gas Association (KIOGA) Position, 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Letter to Secretary of Energy Donald Hodel, 1983

- Box 236

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Lame-Duck Press Clippings, 1982

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) Amendments in Lame-Duck, 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Market Value Royalties, 1984

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Meeting with Secretary of Energy Donald Hodel and Kansas Mayors, 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Northwest Energy Company Legislative Proposal, 1983

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Northwest Energy Company Petition Regarding Amoco/Wamsutter, 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Opposition to Administration Proposal, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Price and Take-or-Pay Amendments in Lame Duck, 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Rawlins-Hesston Pipeline Condition Letter, 1983

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Thank You Letters for Amoco Letter, 1983

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Voluntary Contract Renegotiation, 1983

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Newsletters, 1980

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Nomination of James Richards for Department of Energy (DOE) Inspector General, 1981

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Northern Tier Pipeline, 1980

- Folder 15: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Power [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 16: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Power [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 237

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Authorization, S. 562, 1979

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L), 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Oil Deregulation, 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Oil - Independent Crude and Refining, 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Oil, Letter to Malcolm Baldridge, 1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: General, 1984

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: Perfecting, 1984

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: Statement, 1984

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: Substitute, 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Oil Shale Leases (S. 1073), 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Osage City Solar Project, 1978-1980

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Moratorium Amendments, 1984

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Petroleum Facts, 1981

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Pipeline Deregulation (S. 1646), 1981

- Folder 15: Energy - Duckers - Press Releases, 1980

- Folder 16: Energy - Duckers - Propane, 1981

- Folder 17: Energy - Duckers - Re-refining Industry, 1981

- Folder 18: Energy - Duckers - S. 1480 Superfund, 1980

- Box 238

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - S. 2598 and S. 932 - Gasohol and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - S. 2598 and S. 932 - Gasohol and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Service Station Dealers, 1980

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Seward Energy Ethanol Plant, 1985

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Small Business Motor Fuel Marketers Preservation Act [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Small Business Motor Fuel Marketers Preservation Act [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Solar, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Solvent Refined Coal (SRC-1) Amendment, Interior Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Stirling Engine, 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Strategic Petroleum Reserve [1 of 2], 1980-1981

- Box 239

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Strategic Petroleum Reserve [2 of 2], 1980-1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Synfuels Corporation, 1982

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Synfuels Corporation, 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Synthetic Fuels Fast Track (John Foley), 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Three Mile Island, 1981

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - United Parcel Service (UPS) Stratified Charged Engines, 1980

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - U.S. Ethanol/World-Wide Construction, 1980

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS), 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS), 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Weekly Oil Update, 1980

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Wind Power, 1980-1981

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Winter Heating Fuels, 1980

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Wood, 1980

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Worldwide Construction Company, 1980-1981

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Alaska Statements, 1980

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Appropriations, 1983

- Box 240

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Arkansas River Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Report, 1981

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Automated Weather Data Network, 1984

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Barrier Islands (S. 1018), 1982

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Bottle Bills, 1981

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Chlorofluorocarbons (S. 517), 1982

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [1 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [2 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [3 of 5], 1981-1982

- Box 241

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [4 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [5 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Water Act, 1984

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Water: Symms Amendment, 1984

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Coal Slurry [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Coal Slurry [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Colorado Wilderness, 1980

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Comfortable Quarters for Laboratory Animals", 1979

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Amendments, 1984

- Box 242

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Dangerous Waste Dumps, 1980

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Derby Refinery: Lead Phasedown, 1982

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Dingell-Johnson Fund Expansion (S. 564), 1981

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Draize Rabbits, 1981

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - El Dorado Lake Project, 1981

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Elephant Protection, 1980

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Elk Creek Watershed, 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Emporia Swimming Pool, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Endangered Species Bulletin, 1980

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environment, 1981

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environment and Public Works, 1982

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1982

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, January 10, 1984

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Environmental Quality: The Eleventh Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality", 1980

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fish and Wildlife Service Abuse of Funds, 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fishery Bulletin, 1984

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Flint Hills Wildlife Refuge, Ronald Riner, 1984

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fluoridation, 1981

- Folder 19: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fur Seal Trade, 1981

- Box 243

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Audit, 1983

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [1 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [2 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [3 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [4 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [5 of 5], 1980-1985

- Box 244

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Groundwater Recharge, 1984

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals", 1980

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Hazardous Waste Site Information, 1980

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Hazardous Waste Sites in Kansas, Undated

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Industrial Cost Exclusion (ICE) - D'Amato Bill (S. 789), 1981

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Johnson County Flood Plain Study, 1984

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Audubon Society, 1983

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas City Times: Water Policy, 1982

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Hazardous Waste Law, 1981

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Water Assurance Program, 1985

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Water Resources Board, 1981

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1982

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Lead Phasedown, 1981

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Llano Estacado Playa Lake Water Resources Study, 1981

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Marmaton Valley Reservoir, 1981

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Midwest Solvents, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Problem, 1982

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance, 1983-1984

- Box 245

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance, 1985

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Background, 1983

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Background/Language, 1984

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Board Members, 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Correspondence, 1983

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Dole Memos, 1984

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Fundraising/Membership, 1984

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Inquiries, 1984

- Box 246

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Invitees - Philadelphia, 1983

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Kansas City, 1984

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - La Jolla, 1984

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Meeting Notes and Miscellaneous, 1983

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Memos to Dole, 1984

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Philadelphia, 1983

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Pittsburgh, 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Press, 1983

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Press, 1984

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - St. Paul, 1984

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Staff Memos, 1983

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Water Legislation, 1983

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Wildlife Federation, 1981

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Noise Control Act (S. 1204), 1981

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Noise Pollution, 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Nuclear Waste Legislation, 97th Congress [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Nuclear Waste Legislation, 97th Congress [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Duckers - O-keet-sha Trail, 1980

- Folder 19: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Omnibus Water Bill (S. 1739), 1983-1984

- Box 247

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Physical and Mental Suffering of Experimental Animals", 1979

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), 1981

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Research Modernization Act (H.R. 556), 1981

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE) II Review (S. 842), 1981

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Rural Fire Prevention and Control, 1980

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Sabetha Water Project, 1983

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Secretary of the Interior James Watt, 1982

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Seneca Lake, 1984

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Severance Taxes, 1980

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Superfund Improvement and Public Works, 1985

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Tallgrass Research Center, 1981

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Timber, 1984

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Tonnage/Strip Mining, 1980

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Toxic Waste, Johnson County, 1980

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Upper Little Arkansas River Watershed - Survey Report and Environmental Impact Statement [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Upper Little Arkansas River Watershed - Survey Report and Environmental Impact Statement [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 248

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Water Pollution Control Act Construction Grants Program [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Water Pollution Control Act Construction Grants Program [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Wichita Sludge Project, 1981

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 1980

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Youth Conservation Corps, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: General - Duckers - Budget Information, 1982

- Folder 7: General - Duckers - Budget Program: Fall 1981 Press Release, 1981

- Folder 8: General - Duckers - Casework - Closed Kansas Cases [1 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 9: General - Duckers - Casework - Closed Kansas Cases [2 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 10: General - Duckers - Casework - Closed Kansas Cases [3 of 3], 1981-1982

- Box 249

- Folder 1: General - Duckers - Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War Charter request, Betty Bernstorf, 1981

- Folder 2: General - Duckers - Dear Colleagues, 1983

- Folder 3: General - Duckers - Election Reform, 1981

- Folder 4: General - Duckers - Evans, Dan: Campaign Talking Points, 1983

- Folder 5: General - Duckers - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Memorial Amendment to Interior Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 6: General - Duckers - Iowa - Senate, 1984

- Folder 7: General - Duckers - Kansas Correspondence, 1981

- Folder 8: General - Duckers - Mattison, Craig, 1984

- Folder 9: General - Duckers - Memos, 1981-1982

- Folder 10: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 11: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 12: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [3 of 4], 1984

- Box 250

- Folder 1: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Memos, 1981

- Folder 3: General - Duckers - National Institutes of Health (NIH): FY 1983, 1982

- Folder 4: General - Duckers - Parliamentary Procedure, Undated

- Folder 5: General - Duckers - Recommendations, 1981

- Folder 6: General - Duckers - Reference - Summary Issue, Major Legislation of the Congress, 97th Congress, 1983

- Folder 7: General - Duckers - Supplemental Appropriations Bill [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: General - Duckers - Supplemental Appropriations Bill [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: General - Duckers - White House - Senate Budget for FY 1986 [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 10: General - Duckers - White House - Senate Budget for FY 1986 [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Duckers - Arthritis, 1983

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Duckers - "National Health Insurance: A Pragmatic Perspective", 1983

- Folder 13: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Chilocco Indian Reservation Project, 1981

- Folder 14: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Haskell Junior College (JuCo), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 1981

- Box 251

- Folder 1: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Indian Health Care Improvement Act Reauthorization, 1981

- Folder 2: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Mayetta School, 1981

- Folder 3: Indian Affairs - Duckers - National United Indian Action Programs, 1981

- Folder 4: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Texas Kickapoo Indians, 1981

- Folder 5: Labor - Duckers - Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Private Industry Councils (PICs), Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA) [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Labor - Duckers - Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Private Industry Councils (PICs), Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA) [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 7: Labor - Duckers - Davis-Bacon Amendments (Senator Nickles), 1982

- Folder 8: Labor - Duckers - Four Day, Ten Hour Work Week, 1982

- Folder 9: Labor - Duckers - Longshoremen's and Harbor Worker's Act (S. 1182), 1981

- Folder 10: Natural Resources - Duckers - Natural Resources, 1982

- Folder 11: Public Lands - Duckers - El Dorado Lake: Study of Western Access Route, 1981

- Folder 12: Public Lands - Duckers - Sagebrush Rebellion Bill (Senator Hatch), 1981

- Folder 13: Public Lands - Duckers - Saline County Commission, Schilling Bomb Range, 1981

- Box 252

- Folder 1: Public Works - Duckers - Kansas Bureau of Water Quality, 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Public Works - Duckers - Kansas Bureau of Water Quality - Public Law 94-369, Fund Recission, 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Public Works - Duckers - Kirwin Reservoir Trailer Park, 1981

- Folder 4: Public Works - Duckers - Lugar-Proxmire Amendment, 1982

- Folder 5: Public Works - Duckers - Reclamation Act of 1982 [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Public Works - Duckers - Reclamation Act of 1982 [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 7: Public Works - Duckers - Rural Water District #2, 1981

- Folder 8: Public Works - Duckers - Rural Water District #2 - Draft Environmental Statement (Elm Creek), 1981

- Folder 9: Public Works - Duckers - Rural Water District No. 2, Ottawa County, 1981

- Folder 10: Public Works - Duckers - Salina Drainage/Mall Project, 1981

- Folder 11: Public Works - Duckers - Severe Storms Advisory Act (S. 1539), 1981

- Folder 12: Public Works - Duckers - Water Cost Sharing, 1983

- Folder 13: Public Works - Duckers - Water Projects Bill, 1983

- Folder 14: Religion - Duckers - Cult Calls: Sending Info, 1979

- Folder 15: Transportation - Duckers - Airbags, 1984

- Folder 16: Transportation - Duckers - Airline Industry After Deregulation, 1984-1985

- Folder 17: Transportation - Duckers - Amtrak Accident, 1979

- Folder 18: Transportation - Duckers - Amtrak: Kansas City to Omaha, 1984

- Box 253

- Folder 1: Transportation - Duckers - Amtrak Subsidy, 1981-1985

- Folder 2: Transportation - Duckers - Boxcar Hire Rules, 1984

- Folder 3: Transportation - Duckers - Conrail Sale, 1985

- Folder 4: Transportation - Duckers - Bureau of Wholesale Representatives (Luxury Car Provision), 1984

- Folder 5: Transportation - Duckers - General Motors (GM) Auto Plant, 1981

- Folder 6: Transportation - Duckers - Highway Bill, 1981

- Folder 7: Transportation - Duckers - Highways and Freeways, 1985

- Folder 8: Transportation - Duckers - I-635 Interchange, Kansas City, 1985

- Folder 9: Transportation - Duckers - Interchange: 119th and I-35, Olathe, Kansas, 1985

- Folder 10: Transportation - Duckers - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Railroads [1 of 2], 1984-1986

- Folder 11: Transportation - Duckers - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Railroads [2 of 2], 1984-1986

- Folder 12: Transportation - Duckers - Lawrence Turnpike Interchange, 1984

- Folder 13: Transportation - Duckers - Trans World Airlines (TWA) - Icahn Takeover, 1985

- Box 254

- Folder 1: Transportation - Duckers - Reform of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, 1983

- Folder 2: Transportation - Duckers - Southern Pacific/Santa Fe, 1984

- Folder 3: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [1 of 4], 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [2 of 4], 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [3 of 4], 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [4 of 4], 1984-1985

- Box 255

- Folder 1: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act - Staggers Act Oversight, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Transportation - Duckers - Urban and Rural Mass Transportation, 1985

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Duckers - Agent Orange, 1984

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Duckers - Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, 1985

- Folder 5: Water Resources - Duckers - Chikaskia Project, 1982

- Folder 6: Water Resources - Duckers - Indian Affairs, General, 1978-1982

- Folder 7: Water Resources - Duckers - Inland Waterways, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: Water Resources - Duckers - Law Enforcement at Reservoirs, 1980-1981

- Folder 9: Water Resources - Duckers - Public Works, General, 1980-1982

- Folder 10: Water Resources - Duckers/Miller - General Water Districts, February-March, 1981

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Fedynsky - 1980 Olympics, 1978-1980

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Fedynsky - Helsinki Commission Memos, 1978

- Box 256

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - A Strategy for Designing a Fully Comprehensive National Housing Policy for the Federal Government of the United States, May, 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Administrative Law Judge Hearing Regarding Fair Housing Amendments, February 19 - June 9, 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Anthony Downs' National Housing Policy, 1988

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Appropriations for 1989, May 12-August 9, 1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Comparisons of House and Senate Housing Bills, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Correspondence, April 29 - September 21, 1987

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Enterprise Zones, 1984-1987

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, July 25-July 24, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, February 19-February 24, 1987-1988

- Box 257

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, June 21-August 2 [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, June 21-August 2 [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Farmers Home Administration, June 18-23, 1986

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Federal Fair Housing Policy in the 1980s: The Great Misapprehension, May, 1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Federal Housing Agencies and National Housing Policies Institutional Roles, Relevance and Responsibilities, May, 1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - First-Time Homebuyers: Issues and Policy Options, May, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Hearings, August 12-September 30 [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Hearings, August 12-September 30 [2 of 2], 1988

- Box 258

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - The Homebuilding Industry: What Will it Take to Produce More Affordable Housing?, May, 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Homeless - January, November 24 [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Homeless - January, November 24 [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Home Ownership Hearings, July 1, 1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Dole Amendments, November 5-February 17, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, General Background, August 5-July 10, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Home Ownership Amendment, June 11-July 29, 1986

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Interest Groups Comments, January 30-September 10, 1986

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Miscellaneous Amendments, June 16-July 12, 1986

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Nehemiah Program Amendment, July 3, 1986

- Folder 11: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Resident Management Amendment, June 1-September 10, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Talking Points, 1986-1987

- Folder 13: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, UDAG, February 7-July 31, 1985-1986

- Box 259

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Housing Bill, February 19-July 29, 1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Housing Bill, November 9-December 2 [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Housing Bill, November 9-December 2 [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Housing Grant Research and Casework, April 27-November 24, 1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues [1 of 3], 1986-1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues [2 of 3], 1986-1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues [3 of 3], 1986-1988

- Box 260

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [1 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [2 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [3 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [4 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Housing Policy for the 1990s, May, 1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Housing and Supportive Services: Federal Policy for the Frail Elderly and Chronically Mentally Ill, May, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Housing and the Capital Markets, May, 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Housing and the Homeless, May, 1988

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Industry, May 4- March 15, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - Info on Home Ownership, December 27-June 30, 1985-1987

- Box 261

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Information Sent to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with Buck Slip, 1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Integrated Housing and Welfare Assistance, May, 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Intern File, June 22-October 24, 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Low-Income Housing, September-May 27 [1 of 2], 1984-1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Low-Income Housing, September-May 27 [2 of 2], 1984-1987

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Mahaska, Kansas, June 30-July 7, 1987

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Miscellaneous, April 25-May 8, 1987

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Miscellaneous Legislation, 1983-1987

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - The Nation's Housing: A Review of Past Trade and Future Prospect for Housing in America, May, 1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - New Directions for Federal Housing Policy: The Rule of the States, May, 1988

- Folder 11: Housing - Finch - PD Issue, November 16-March 2, 1987-1988

- Folder 12: Housing - Finch - Prepayment, June 5, 1987

- Box 262

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Portfolio, June 18-April 29, 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Preservation of the Existing Stock of Assisted Private Housings, May, 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Radon [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Radon [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Radon, May 20-August 5, 1987

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Resolving Local Regulatory Disputes and Building Consensus for Affordable Housing, May, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - The Role of Nonprofits in Renewed Federal Housing Efforts, May, 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - The Role of Public Housing in a Revitalized National Housing Policy, May, 1988

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Rural Housing: Status and Issues, May, 1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - Tax Incentives and Federal Housing Programs: Proposed Principles for the 1990s, May, 1988

- Folder 11: Housing - Finch - The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and Real Estate, May, 1988

- Folder 12: Housing - Finch - The Voucher/Production Debate, May, 1988

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox - 1990 Budget Reconciliation - Agriculture - General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) Trigger, October 27, 1990

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox - 2nd Crop - Ex and Bill, September 14-October 23, 1989

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox - Beef Check-Off/Beef Board, July 2-17, 1992

- Box 263

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Bio Tech, December 14-18, 1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Boris Yeltsin Visits Kansas, June 4-22, 1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Boris Yeltsin Visits Kansas - Dold Plant, June 11, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Boris Yeltsin Visits Kansas - Equipment, June 15-17, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Bovine Somatotropin (BST), October-June 15, 1987-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Bumpers - Pyror, October 1-July 13, 1987-1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Bureau of Reclamation - Kansas, January 15-February, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Clippings, August 21-June 9 [1 of 3], 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Clippings, August 21-June 9 [2 of 3], 1991-1993

- Box 264

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Clippings, August 21-June 9 [3 of 3], 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Bid Acceptance/ Denial Ward, Lukert, June-September 25, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Conservation Reserve Program Easement - Title Search, Undated

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Corps of Engineers/Bureau of Reclamation - Harlan County Lake, April-May, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Crop Acreage Bases for Feedgrains, February 7-January 28, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Cuba, April 24-August 7, 1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Dear Colleague Letters, February 18-August 20, 1987-1989

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance, May 24-August 2, 1989

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Examples, July 18-26, 1989

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Miscellaneous, July 11-20, 1989

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Options, July 24-26, 1989

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Points, Conference, August 3, 1989

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Senator Dole, July 8-August 1, 1989

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster - Quality Payments, March 22-April 26, 1993

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox - Dole Trip to Kansas, August 3-9, 1991

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Fox - Dole Trip to Kansas, August 18-23, 1991

- Box 265

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol, March 10-August 23, 1970-1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol Dear Colleague Relying on Ethanol for America Program, May 29-June 25 [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol Dear Colleague Relying on Ethanol for America Program, May 29-June 25 [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol Panel, March 28-November 18, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Evans Grain, September 11-July 24, 1987-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Bill 1990-1991 Technical Corrections, July 10-November 12, 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Bill 1990 - Corn/Sorghum Base, December 13-June 11, 1990-1991

- Box 266

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit, April 24-March 21, 1987-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farmers Home Administration, February 26-April 11, 1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Secondary Markets, September 14-December 22, 1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Insurance Issue, January 10-December 17, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Letters, September 11-December 22, 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Summaries, September 21-December 22, 1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Farm and Rural America Conference - Chicago, September 8-December 15, 1986

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Farm and Rural America Conference - Iowa, December 23-December 15, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Farm and Rural America Conference - Washington, August 23 - June 25, 1986-1987

- Box 267

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, September 30-November 12 [1 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, September 30-November 12 [2 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, September 30-November 12 [3 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Federal Land Acquisitions, September, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Grain Quality, November 22-September [1 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Grain Quality, November 22-September [2 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Grain Quality - Inspection, October 7-22, 1991

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Grassley Amendment to Urban Aid Bill - Enterprise Zone Agricultural Exemption, August 10-11, 1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Grazing Fees, July 23-May 4, 1991-1993

- Box 268

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Haying and Grazing, January-May 29, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals (ISLA) Act, February 25-April 26, 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1099-B Brokerage Grain Merchants, December 20 - February 6, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Rail Exemption, July 29-November 11, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas Crop Conditions, September 11-January 23, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas Development Finance Authority (KDFA), October 10-March 30, 1990-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas Livestock Association, June 18-March, 1987-1994

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas State University Appropriations, August 21-June 22, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas State University Pre-Harvest Food Safety, June 3-February 10 [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas State University Pre-Harvest Food Safety, June 3-February 10 [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox - Larry Flinchbaugh Survey - How Kansas Farm Operators View Agricultural and Food Policy Issues, November 6-February 21, 1989-1991

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox - Legislation - 101st Congress, January 25-May 23 [1 of 2], 1989

- Box 269

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Legislation - 101st Congress, January 25-May 23 [2 of 2], 1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Legitimate Hedge, June 9-June 10, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Received, September 9, 1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Received - Cosponsored, February 9-12, 1988

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Received - General, September 29-October 5, 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Sent, August 25-October 18, 1987-1988

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Letters - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Response, January - October 6, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Marketing Loans for Grain, October 26 - January 7, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Market Promotion Program, February - July, 1992

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - Market Promotion Program - Wofford, May 6, 1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox - Payment Limitations, January 16 - June 21, 1987-1990

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox - Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA), March 19 - March, 1991-1993

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox - Possible Amendments - 100th Congress, July 9 - May 14, 1986-1987

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox - Oil Seeds and Confection Loans, February 24 - April 24, 1991

- Box 270

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [1 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [2 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [3 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [4 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [5 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [6 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Box 271

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [7 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [8 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [9 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [10 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [11 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development 1989, April 19 - May 22, 1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development Legislation, January 25 - May 24, 1989

- Box 272

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development S. 1036 [1 of 2], March 1 - September 15, 1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development S. 1036 [2 of 2], March 1 - September 15, 1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - S. 2296 - Downed Animals Protection Act, June - April, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Seaboard, Corporation, Undated

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Streamlined Inspection Service (SIS), June 5 - August, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar, September 17 - June 22, 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar Floor Statement, September 22, 1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar Press Release, September 18, 1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar Resolution, September 23, 1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Announcements [1 of 3], September 27 - March 8, 1990-1993

- Box 273

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Announcements [2 of 3], September 27 - March 8, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Announcements [3 of 3], September 27 - March 8, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Appropriations - Fiscal Year 1992 [1 of 2], April 4 - October 3, 1991

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Appropriations - Fiscal Year 1992 [2 of 2], April 4 - October 3, 1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Appropriations - Fiscal Year 1993, April 14 - August 14, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Easy Access Paperwork, October 22, 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Impact Analysis, April 11 - March 30, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Lamb Pricing, June 9, 1992

- Box 274

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reform [1 of 2], January - January 19, 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reform [2 of 2], January - January 19, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reform - Leahy Base Closing Bill, September May 13, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Veterinarians, October - November 7, 1981-1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistants (VOCA)/Agricultural Cooperative Development International (ACDI), 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Water Quality Incentive Program (WQIP) - Certified Crop Advisor, April 4 - June 2, 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Z-Bar Ranch, March - October 4, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Animals - Fox - Extra Label Use for Veterinarians, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Fox - Iraq Opposition Leaders, July 29, 1992

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Fox - Casework - R.J. Wuorinen - Drinking Water, March 25, 1993

- Folder 11: Food - Fox - Meat Inspection - E-Coli 0157:H7 [1 of 2], 1992-1993

- Box 275

- Folder 1: Food - Fox - Meat Inspection - E-Coli 0157:H7 [2 of 2], 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox - China Most Favored Nation, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox - Finney's Grain Trade Follies, January 15, 1993

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox - Generalized System of Preferences Information, June 15 - January 27, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox - Russian Aid - Food for Progress (FFP), 1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox - US/Soviet Grain Trade, 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Algerian Wheat Sales, June 9, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Beacon/Accent Herbicides, February 23, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Beginning Farmer Credit [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Beginning Farmer Credit [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Budget Entitlements, March 27 - April 21, 1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Capture 2EC (bifenthrin) Emergency Exemption, July 30 - August 7, 1990

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - A.B. Fisher - Payment Eligibility, 1992

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Allen Shaw - Bankruptcy, March 9, 1989

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Charles B. Fegan - Denial of Benefits, November 6 - December 28, 1989

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Craig Massey - Application Denial, 1990

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Curtis DuVall - Payment Limitations, 1990

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dan Brown - Conservation Reserve Program Appeal, 1989-1990

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dave Wirth - Swampbuster, 1989-1991

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dennis and Estella Meech, 1991-1992

- Box 276

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dillard Ungeheuer - Net Recovery Buyout, 1986-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Don Lewis - Highly Erodible Land (HEL), August - November, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Donna Hutchinson - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Contract, October 21, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Doug Theissen - Loan Foreclosure, November 8 - May 8, 1989-1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Fermenta Annual Health Company - Mislabeled Bulk Drugs, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Freddie Walls - Disaster Credit [1 of 2], 1990-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Freddie Walls - Disaster Credit [2 of 2], 1990-1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - G and T Incorporated - Loan Guarantee, June 25 - November 23, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Gary Forsberg - Sodbuster, March 14 - June 26, 1990

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Gene Hamilton - Acreage Reduction Program, 1987-1990

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - GIGOT - Payment Eligibility, June 5, 1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - James Baxter - Broiler Growout, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Jere and Juanita Robinson - Farmer's Home Administration (FMHA) Loan Collection, October - December, 1992

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - J.M. Hesser - Hops Growers [1 of 2], 1993

- Box 277

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - J.M. Hesser - Hops Growers [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Ken Nickell - Sodbusting, May - September 24, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Kurt Huelskamp - Loss Payment, February 9, 1993

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Leon Stephens - Disaster Relief, 1987-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Lloyd Lewis - Homestead Rights, March 13 - April, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Lloyd Theimer - Loss Insurance, 1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Louis Sabatka - Grain Sorghum Acreage, 1992

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Mike Harden - Irrigated Acreage Maximum, July 19, 1991

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Mike Zwahlen - Private Property Rights, 1990-1993

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Miscellaneous, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Paul Deters - Commodity Credit Corporation, 1990-1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Phyllis Fulmer - Loan Repayment, August 5, 1992

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Robert Carlson - Irrigated Acreage Maximum, January 8 - May 15, 1992

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Robert Hunter - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Contract, September 16, 1992

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Robert Seidenstricker - Program Benefits, February 6, 1991

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Ron Ohlde - Swampbuster Case, 1991

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Steve Hamlin - Plant Inspections, 1992

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Steve Kruse - Non-Program Acre Usage, 1992

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Wayne Entz - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations, 1993

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Chinch Bugs, 1989-1990

- Folder 21: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - CoBank - National Bank for Cooperatives - GSM Programs, March 24, 1993

- Folder 22: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Dairy - Kansas [1 of 2], 1991

- Box 278

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Dairy - Kansas [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Farmer's Home Administration (FMHA), June 3 - July 26, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Fertilizer Institute, August, 1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Food Safety and Inspection Service, 1981-1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Grain Sorghum Pesticide Issues, September - October 2, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Great Plains Agriculture Policy Center, January 28, 1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Glyphosate Herbicide Desiccant - Roundup, Undated

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Herbicide 2, 4-D, October 23, 1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Herbicide Propazine (Milogard), September 22 - April 30, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Insecticide Carbofuran Granular (Furadan 15g), Undated

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Insecticide Synthetic Pyrethroid (Grain Sorghum Label), September 16, 1991

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas Atrazine Management, November 1 - May 19, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas Farm Credit Services, April 6 - July 27, 1987

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Offices Base Closings Information [1 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Offices Base Closings Information [2 of 3], 1992-1993

- Box 279

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Offices Base Closings Information [3 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Methyl Bromide and Ozone Depletion, March 4 - June 16, 1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - National Cattlemen's Association, July 16 - June 15, 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Permit Herbicide by Monsanto, Undated

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticide Duty Suspensions, Undated

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticide Management Area - Delaware Basin, Undated

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [1 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [2 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [3 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [4 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) - Delaney Clause, September 11 - May 12, 1992-1993

- Box 280

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) - Research Info (Circle of B.S./Pain), 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides - Local Preemption - Wisconsin versus Mortier, September 3 - May 20, Undated

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pork Producers Appropriations, February 6, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Soil Conservation Service (SCS), 1987-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Compliance, 1988-1991

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - Briefing, October 17 - 20, 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - Briefing Points - Trips 1-3, August 19 - September 4, 1991

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - Trip 3, August 29, 1991

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - US Canola Association, August 12 - November 18, 1991

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Wheat Background Material [1 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Wheat Background Material [2 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Wheat Background Material - Canadian Beef Reinspection, 1990-1991

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Worker Protection Standards - Pesticide Use, August 13 - March 26, 1992-1993

- Box 281

- Folder 1: Animals - Fox/Spears - Endangered Species Act, May 8 - October 5, 1990-1992

- Folder 2: Economic Policy - Fox/Spears - Great Plains Caucus, April 23 - June, 1991

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Fox/Spears - Clean Water Act, 1990-1992

- Folder 4: Food - Fox/Spears - Food Safety Inspection Service - Kansas State University Training Facility, September 18 - October 1, 1987

- Folder 5: Food - Fox/Spears - Kennedy Food Safety Bill Amendment (S. 1074), May 14, 1991

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package, May 6 - October 27, 1992

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package Amendments, June 26 - 30, 1992

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Credit Worthiness, June 24 - 26, 1992

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Loan Fee, July 1, 1992

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Memos, June 30, 1992

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Soviets, May 7 - 22, 1992

- Folder 12: Public Works - Fox/Spears - Morris County Rural Water District #1, 1990-1991

- Folder 13: Public Works - Fox/Spears - Rural Water Districts, March - December, 1991

- Folder 14: Trade - Fox/Spears - Cargo Preference, 1989-1991

- Folder 15: Trade - Fox/Spears - End-Use Certificates, March 24, 1992

- Folder 16: Trade - Fox/Spears - End-Use Certificates - Aid, April 27 - August 11, 1992

- Folder 17: Trade - Fox/Spears - End-Use Origins - US Origins, November 18 - 20, 1991

- Folder 18: Trade - Fox/Spears - European Community Third Country Meat Directive, October 23, 1992

- Box 282

- Folder 1: Trade - Fox/Spears - Export Enhancement Program, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox/Spears - Export Enhancement Program - India, January 20 - March 11, 1992

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox/Spears - Export Enhancement Program Resolution, 1991

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox/Spears - Glickman Food Trade Modification Act, 1991

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox/Spears - Iraq Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Fraud, June 22, 1992

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 7: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 8: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Background [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 9: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Background [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 10: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Beef Caucus, 1992-1993

- Box 283

- Folder 1: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Sugar, 1992

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox/Spears - Oil Seed - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 301 Case, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox/Spears - Oil Seed Issues - US Trade Representative (USTR) Release, April 15 - 30, 1992

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox/Spears - Russell Redenbaugh, April 30 - May 9, 1991

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox/Spears - Russian Credits Post-Defaults, February 22 - March 24, 1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox/Spears - Soviet Credits and Defaults [1 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 7: Trade - Fox/Spears - Soviet Credits and Defaults [2 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 8: Trade - Fox/Spears - Taiwanese Wheat Delegation, August 29, 1991

- Folder 9: Trade - Fox/Spears - US/Soviet Long-Term Grain Agreement, 1981-1989

- Folder 10: Trade - Fox/Spears - US/Japan Wheat Trade, Undated

- Folder 11: Trade - Fox/Spears - Yemen and Access to US Exports Programs, July 25 - 29, 1991

- Box 284

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Brief Descriptions of Studies, Reports and Surveys for H.R. 3950 and S. 2830 [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Brief Descriptions of Studies, Reports and Surveys for H.R. 3950 and S. 2830 [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Bovine Somatotropin (BST), 1990-1994

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Clayton Yeutter Statements to Agriculture Subcommittee, February 2 - 6, 1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Clear Title and the Farm Bill [1 of 2], 1985-1988

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Clear Title and the Farm Bill [2 of 2], 1985-1988

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Comparative Print Showing S. 2830, September, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit, Undated

- Box 285

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System [1 of 2], 1984-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System [2 of 2], 1984-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System - Farm Credit Administration, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System Financial Safety and Soundness Act, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System - Secondary Markets, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) [1 of 3], February - March, 1990

- Box 286

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) [2 of 3], February - March, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) [3 of 3], February - March, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Background, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Background - Farm Credit System, 1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Business and Industry Preapplication for HyPlains Beef [1 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Business and Industry Preapplication for HyPlains Beef [2 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Business and Industry Preapplication for HyPlains Beef [3 of 3], 1991-1992

- Box 287

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), 1984-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) Reauthorization, August 6 - September 24, 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Fruit and Vegetable Title - Circle of Poison [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Fruit and Vegetable Title - Circle of Poison [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Market Order Program, December 4 - 16, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Organic Certification Program, April 25, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Payment-In-Kind (PIK) Generic Certificates, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) Trust, August 10 - October 2, 1992

- Box 288

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Pro Farmer Press Releases, January 15 - March 4, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Food - Fox/Torrey - Seafood Inspection [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Food - Fox/Torrey - Seafood Inspection [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 4: General - Fox/Torrey - Upcoming Events/Memos to the Senator [1 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 5: General - Fox/Torrey - Upcoming Events/Memos to the Senator [2 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material [1 of 3], 1985-1992

- Box 289

- Folder 1: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material [2 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material [3 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material - Blair House, 1993

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material - Dunkel Draft, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material - Zero for Zero, September 10 - November 19, 1993

- Folder 6: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [1 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 7: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [2 of 5], 1987-1992

- Box 290

- Folder 1: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [3 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 2: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [4 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 3: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [5 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 4: Water - Fox/Torrey - Water Legislation (HR 429) [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 5: Water - Fox/Torrey - Water Legislation (HR 429) [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Agricultural Appropriations, 1992-1993

- Box 291

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Agricultural Appropriations - Mid-America World Trade Center [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Agricultural Appropriations - Mid-America World Trade Center [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Casein, 1981-1985

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Chapter 12 Bankruptcy, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Community Asset Sales, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Animals - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Animal Welfare [1 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 7: Animals - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Animal Welfare [2 of 3], 1985-1992

- Box 292

- Folder 1: Animals - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Animal Welfare [3 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 2: Animals - Franz - Animals/Class B Dealers, September 6 - February 1, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Budgets - Franz - Reinventing Government, February 10 - April 21, 1994

- Folder 4: Commerce - Franz - Product Liability, June 23 - July 7, 1994

- Folder 5: Emergency Management - Franz - National Flood Insurance, March 10 - February 3, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Franz - Environment, Bucked Responses, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Franz - Environment, Bucked Responses from Agencies, April 19 - February 24, 1991-1994

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Franz - Mining Law Reform, July 18 - May 19, 1991-1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Franz - Superfund, 1994

- Folder 10: Labor - Franz - Railroad Labor Dispute, April 17 - May 9, 1991-1996

- Box 293

- Folder 1: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Municipal Waste: Bills, Cases, Amendments, 1994

- Folder 2: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Municipal Waste: Letters, Memos, 1994

- Folder 3: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Municipal Waste Transport Articles, 1994

- Folder 4: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Remarks, 1992-1994

- Folder 5: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Schanke, 1982

- Folder 6: Transportation - Franz - Air Service - Topeka, January 4 - June 19, 1989-1995

- Folder 7: Transportation - Franz - Electric Vehicles, September 19 - October 5, 1995

- Folder 8: Transportation - Franz - Emergency Locator Transmitters, October 14 - July 7, 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Transportation - Franz - Form Letters: Energy, Environment, Transportation, 1994

- Folder 10: Transportation - Franz - Guardrails, February 9 - November 22, 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Transportation - Franz - Midwest Air Traffic Control, October 1 - June 27, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Transportation - Franz - Motorcycle Helmets [1 of 2], February - June 20, 1991-1995

- Folder 13: Transportation - Franz - Motorcycle Helmets [2 of 2], February - June 20, 1991-1995

- Box 294

- Folder 1: Transportation - Franz - National Highway System, January 22 - June 15, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Transportation - Franz - Railroad - Shipper Advisory Council, January 23 - February 27, 1996

- Folder 3: Transportation - Franz - Reflectors on Railroad Cars, December - July 20, 1982-1994

- Folder 4: Transportation - Franz - Seat Belts, April 27 - September 21, 1988-1993

- Folder 5: Transportation - Franz - Surface Transportation Board, October 1 - April 23, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Transportation - Franz - Transportation, Correspondence, March 17 - 21, 1994

- Folder 7: Transportation - Franz - TSP, Incorporated, June 27 - August 12, 1994

- Folder 8: Budgets - Frick - Unfunded Mandates, October 27 - March 14, 1993-1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Frick - Natural Resources, Correspondence, 1990-1991

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Frick - Natural Resources, Correspondence, April 12 - October 1, 1991-1993

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Frick - Safe Drinking Water Act, Correspondence [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Frick - Safe Drinking Water Act, Correspondence [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Box 295

- Folder 1: Commerce - Friedman - S. 825, Voluntary Standards and Accreditation Act of 1977, March 22 - April 5, 1976-1977

- Folder 2: Criminal Justice - Friedman - Hearst Statement, February 2 - October 11, 1976-1978

- Folder 3: Criminal Justice - Friedman - Saffels, Dole: Nomination to US District Judgeship for Kansas, 1979

- Folder 4: Emergency Management - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Flood Insurance Program, April 11 - April 4, 1975-1978

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Friedman - Marine Protection Act, October 1 - September 27, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bill [1 of 2], March 15 - July 25, 1974-1978

- Folder 7: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bill [2 of 2], March 15 - July 25, 1974-1978

- Folder 8: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bank Bill - Additional Information, February - July 13, 1976-1978

- Box 296

- Folder 1: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bank Bill - H.R. 2777, 1978

- Folder 2: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bank Bill - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Friedman - Scientific Exchanges, 1977-1979

- Folder 4: General - Friedman - D.C. Convention Center, September 16 - October 4, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: General - Friedman - Henry D. Parkinson Federal Building, June 12 - 19, 1979

- Folder 6: General - Friedman - Senate Resolution Tribute to Alf Landon, September 10 - September 8, 1969-1977

- Folder 7: General - Friedman - Tribute to Joe Skubitz, March 1 - October 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 8: Government Employees - Friedman - Reduction of Treasury - Postal Appropriations, June 8 - 27, 1978

- Folder 9: Housing - Friedman - 1978 Housing Authorization [1 of 2], August 22 - August 19, 1974-1978

- Folder 10: Housing - Friedman - 1978 Housing Authorization [2 of 2], August 22 - August 19, 1974-1978

- Folder 11: Housing - Friedman - Housing [1 of 2], March 5 - November 11, 1971-1977

- Folder 12: Housing - Friedman - Housing [2 of 2], March 5 - November 11, 1971-1977

- Box 297

- Folder 1: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [1 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 2: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [2 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 3: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [3 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 4: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [4 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 5: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Appropriations, January 19 - November 23, 1977

- Folder 6: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization, March 6 - November 6, 1978

- Box 298

- Folder 1: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - Amendment to S. 3084, July 20, 1978

- Folder 2: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - Colloquy Flap, July 20 - 31, 1978

- Folder 3: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - HUD Reorganization Resolution [1 of 2], October 17 - August 31, 1977-1978

- Folder 4: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - HUD Reorganization Resolution [2 of 2], October 17 - August 31, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization Letters, October 7 - December 8, 1977

- Folder 6: Housing - Friedman - Housing Bill, May 10 - May 13, 1974-1976

- Folder 7: Law - Friedman - S. 423, Dispute Resolution Act of 1979, February 9 - March 12, 1979

- Folder 8: Public Works - Friedman - Public Works Employment Bill, January 28 - March 10, 1977

- Box 299

- Folder 1: Solid Wastes - Friedman - Solid Waste Disposal, April 7 - August 15, 1977

- Folder 2: Transportation - Friedman - Union Station/National Visitors Center, 1978

- Folder 3: Business - Garcia - Car "Prep" Bill, January 19 - March 13, 1978

- Folder 4: Business - Garcia - Small Business Administration, January 31 - October 9, 1975-1980

- Folder 5: Defense - Garcia - Draft, Correspondence, August 11 - June 6, 1978-1980

- Folder 6: Defense - Garcia - Draft Registration Bill [1 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 7: Defense - Garcia - Draft Registration Bill [2 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 8: Defense - Garcia - Draft Registration Bill [3 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 9: Immigration - Garcia - Aliens, July 4 - July 18, 1977

- Folder 10: Immigration - Garcia - Aliens: Social Security, January 24, 1978

- Folder 11: Immigration - Garcia - Cuba File, 1977-1978

- Box 300

- Folder 1: Immigration - Garcia - Illegal Alien Materials, July - October 30, 1977-1978

- Folder 2: Immigration - Garcia - Illegal Alien Materials - Illegal Alien Hate Mail, 1977

- Folder 3: Immigration - Garcia - Illegal Alien Materials - Illegal Aliens, September 21 - July 21, 1976-1977

- Folder 4: Immigration - Garcia - Immigration/Refugees, 1981

- Folder 5: Immigration - Garcia - Letters Requesting Entrance into the U.S, October 19, 1979-1980

- Folder 6: Labor - Garcia - 5.5% Pay Raise, May 14 - February 6, 1979-1980

- Folder 7: Labor - Garcia - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Briefings, 1978

- Folder 8: Labor - Garcia - General, 1980

- Folder 9: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), November 2, 1976-1978

- Folder 10: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) [1 of 3], 1980

- Box 301

- Folder 1: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Dole Amendment [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Dole Amendment [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Dole Amendment [1 of 3], 1977

- Folder 4: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Dole Amendment [2 of 3], 1977

- Folder 5: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) - Dole Amendment [3 of 3], 1977

- Folder 6: Labor - Garcia - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Reports, 1978-1980

- Folder 7: Minorities - Garcia - Dole Minority Business Bill [1 of 2], 1969-1981

- Box 302

- Folder 1: Minorities - Garcia - Dole Minority Business Bill [2 of 2], 1969-1980

- Folder 2: Minorities - Garcia - Dole Minority Business Bill - Background, Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE), Literature, 1976

- Folder 3: Minorities - Garcia - Dole Minority Business Bill - Executive Orders Creating Office of Minority Business Enterprise (OMBE), 1976

- Folder 4: Minorities - Garcia - Dole Minority Business Bill - Hispanic Chamber of Commerce of Kansas City, 1977-1980

- Folder 5: Minorities - Garcia - Dole Minority Business Bill - Income Tax Investments, May 2, 1978

- Folder 6: Minorities - Garcia - Jose Sinohui, 1977-1980

- Folder 7: Minorities - Garcia - Office of Hispanic Affairs, November 23 - March 13, 1977-1978

- Folder 8: Minorities - Garcia - Office of Hispanic Affairs - House Joint Resolution 740, Cuba, February 15 - 16, 1978

- Folder 9: Minorities - Garcia - Office of Hispanic Affairs - National Economic Development Association (NEDA), 1977-1978

- Folder 10: Minorities - Garcia - Office of Hispanic Affairs - Panama Canal Treaty, July 10, 1977-1978

- Folder 11: Religion - Garcia - Cults - General, 1976-1979

- Folder 12: Religion - Garcia - Cults - Staff Material, 1979

- Folder 13: Religion - Garcia - Cults - Statement and Monitor Cards, 1979

- Folder 14: Religion - Garcia - Cults and Violence, 1980

- Folder 15: Religion - Garcia - Ex-Members Against Moon, 1980

- Folder 16: Religion - Garcia - Letters from Organizations and Unification Church, 1979

- Folder 17: Religion - Garcia - Senator and Witness Immunity, 1979

- Folder 18: Religion - Garcia - Statements at February 5, 1979 "Cult" Meeting, 1979

- Folder 19: Religion - Garcia - Tax Exempt Status, 1981

- Folder 20: Religion - Garcia - Transcendental Meditation, 1978-1979

- Folder 21: Religion - Garcia - Universal Life Church, 1981

- Folder 22: Religion - Garcia - World Wide Church of God, 1979

- Folder 23: General - Gaston - Correspondence/Memos, November 16 - February 26, 1981-1982

- Folder 24: General - Gaston - Memos to Dole, 1981

- National Bald Eagle Day; Sexual Assault Reform Act of 1981; S. Res. 231, Sale of Government Property; S. 1780, Program Fraud Civil Penalties Act of 1981
- Folder 25: Agriculture - Gordley - 30th Anniversary of Public Law 480, Food for Peace, 1984

- Box 303

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Agricultural Export Equity and Market Expansion Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - The Agricultural Programs Adjustment Act of 1984 (H.R. 4072), 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Bill Information, 1980-1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture and Food Act of 1981, 1981

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [1 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [2 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [3 of 9], 1980-1984

- Box 304

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [4 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [5 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [6 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [7 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [8 of 9], 1980-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference [9 of 9], 1980-1984

- Box 305

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference Materials [1 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference Materials [2 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference Materials [3 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reference Materials [4 of 4], 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "The Emerging Economics of Agriculture: Review and Policy Options", September, 1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "Farm Income Protection Insurance: A Report to the United States Congress", June, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "Farm Revenue Insurance: An Alternative Risk- Management Option for Crop Farmers", August, 1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "High Value Agricultural Exports: U.S. Opportunities in the 1980s", 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "Improvement of Post-Harvest Grain Systems, Annual Report, 1980-1981", 1981

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "Improvement of Post-Harvest Grain Systems, Annual Report, 1981-1982", 1982

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Gordley - Agriculture Reports - "Improvement of Post-Harvest Grain Systems, Annual Report, FY 1983", 1983

- Box 306

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - "Agriculture, Stability and Growth: Toward a Cooperative Approach", 1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Alternative Agriculture, March 22 - September 2, 1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Amendment of the Payment-In-Kind Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - "An Assessment of Parity as a Tool for Formulating and Evaluating Agricultural Policy", October 10, 1980

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Legislative Calendar , 98th Congress, 1st Session, 1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Comparative Analysis of Proposed Bills Relating to Agricultural Export Trade, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Gordley - Current Legislation and Farm Bills, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Gordley - Dairy Bill, 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Gordley - Dairy Issues, 1984

- Box 307

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Dairy Legislation and Issues, 1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Dear Colleagues, January 30 - August 8, 1986

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - "Ethylene Dibromide (EDB): Science and Public Policy", 1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - European Trip and U.S.-U.S.S.R. Economic Council Meeting in Moscow, 1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Farm Credit Materials [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Farm Credit Materials [2 of 2], 1987

- Box 308

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Farm Policy: Dole Legislation, Proposals, European Economic Community (EEC) Issues [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Farm Policy: Dole Legislation, Proposals, European Economic Community (EEC) Issues [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Food for Peace Program, 1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) Staff Report, "Value-Added U.S. Agricultural Exports, 1967-81: An Analysis of the Distribution and Structure of Exports by Commodity and Regional Destination", 1983

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - General, July 11 - June 6, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - General Agriculture Policy [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Gordley - General Agriculture Policy [2 of 2], 1987

- Box 309

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Hearing Before the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Assessment of General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) Conference, 1982

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Hearing Before Subcommittee on Soil and Water Conservation, Forestry and Environment of the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, Legislative Proposals Linking Commodity and Conservation Programs, 1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Information to Send to Farmers [1 of 2], April 18 - June 15, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Information to Send to Farmers [2 of 2], April 18 - June 15, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Kansas Association of Wheat Growers, 1984 Resolutions, 1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Legislation, 99th/100th Congress, August 27 - September 22, 1986

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Gordley - Letters, August 7 - November 16, 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Gordley - Letters, H.R. 4784, 1984

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Gordley - Marketing Loan, Farm Options Bill, March 29 - July, 1983-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Gordley - Memos, December 4 - November 15, 1981-1985

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Gordley - Negotiations to Liberalize Japanese Quotas on U.S. Agricultural Imports, 1983

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Gordley - Promotion of Agricultural Trade and Export, 1983

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Gordley - Relocation of Hawaii State Office of the Farmers Home Administration, Correspondence, 1983

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Gordley - Rural Development [1 of 2], 1987

- Box 310

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Gordley - Rural Development [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Gordley - Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund, Amendments, 1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Gordley - Speeches, July 18 - December 11, 1983-1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Talking Points, 1981-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Gordley - Target Options Program (TOP) and Agriculture Bill, 1985

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Gordley - Task Force/Long-Term Agricultural Policy, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Gordley - Task Force Report on the Department of Agriculture, The President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, 1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Gordley - U.S. Department of Agriculture, "Crop Production: 1983 Summary", 1984

- Box 311

- Folder 1: Budgets - Gordley - Budget of the United States Government, Fiscal Year 1984, January, 1983

- Folder 2: Commerce - Gordley - Chicago Board of Trade 1983 Annual Report, 1984

- Folder 3: Commerce - Gordley - "Futures: Policy and Prospects for a Dynamic Market", 1983

- Folder 4: Defense - Gordley - Grenada Invasion, December 15 - February 8, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Defense - Gordley - Miscellaneous Memos and Notes, January 9 - August 2, 1984

- Folder 6: Elections - Gordley - Republican National Convention Platform [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 7: Elections - Gordley - Republican National Convention Platform [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Gordley - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program (ECARP), 1989

- Folder 9: Food - Gordley - "Economic Impact Analysis on the Use and Labeling of Cheese Substitutes in Frozen Foods", 1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Gordley - Helsinki Commission Staff Applicants, October 16 - May 21, 1981-1984

- Box 312

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Gordley - President's Anti-Embargo Letter, September 14, 1981

- Folder 2: General - Gordley - Town Squire Magazine, "The Faith to Endure: How a Bullet Made Bob Dole a Man the Hard Way", 1983

- Folder 3: Trade - Gordley - "A Preface to Trade", 1982

- Folder 4: Defense - Gordley/Shweisow - President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, Department of Defense (DOD) [1 of 2], May 19 - 22, 1984

- Folder 5: Defense - Gordley/Shweisow - President's Private Sector Survey on Cost Control, Department of Defense (DOD) [2 of 2], May 19 - 22, 1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Gordley/Shweisow - Quotes, Military, November, 1981

- Folder 7: Abortion - Hickam - Abortion [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 8: Abortion - Hickam - Abortion [2 of 2], 1995

- Box 313

- Series 1: Children - Hickam - Adoption, 1995-1996

- Series 2: Commemorations - Hickam - Commemoratives, 1995-1996

- Series 3: Criminal Justice - Hickam - Casework - Kirkava Family - Clemency Application, 1994

- Series 4: Criminal Justice - Hickam - Whitewater, 1996

- Series 5: Defense - Hickam - Casework - Jose Vincent Wallace - Agent Orange, 1995

- Series 6: Economic Policy - Hickam - Bank Insurance Fund/Savings Association Insurance Fund [1 of 2], 1994-1996

- Series 7: Economic Policy - Hickam - Bank Insurance Fund/Savings Association Insurance Fund [2 of 2], 1994-1996

- Series 8: Economic Policy - Hickam - Community Reinvestment Act, 1995-1996

- Series 9: Economic Policy - Hickam - Credit Unions, 1995

- Series 10: Economic Policy - Hickam - Federal Reserve, 1995-1996

- Series 11: Economic Policy - Hickam - Money and Coinage, 1995-1996

- Series 12: Economic Policy - Hickam - National Credit Union Association Appointment, 1996

- Box 314

- Folder 1: Economic Policy - Hickam - Robert Rubin - Nomination for Secretary of the Department of the Treasury, 1995

- Folder 2: Economic Policy - Hickam - Rodash, 1995

- Folder 3: Economic Policy - Hickam - Securities, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Economic Policy - Hickam - Securities Litigation Reform, 1995

- Folder 5: Energy - Hickam - Casework - Utilicorp - Natural and Petroleum Gas Tax, 1994

- Folder 6: Executive Departments - Hickam - Casework - Charles I. "Cy" Moyer - Appointment to Department of the Treasury's Advisory Commission on Financial Services, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Executive Departments - Hickam - Casework - Robert E. Wilson, III - Concerning a Nomination, 1994

- Folder 8: Finance - Hickam - Bank of America, 1995

- Folder 9: Finance - Hickam - Banks, 1994-1996

- Folder 10: Finance - Hickam - Casework - David Steinhaus, 1994

- Folder 11: Finance - Hickam - Casework - Innovative Systems, Incorporated - Small Business Administration and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1994

- Folder 12: Finance - Hickam - Casework - Michael's (Clothier) - Internal Revenue Code Regarding Business and Charitable Donations, 1994

- Folder 13: Finance - Hickam - Casework - National Bankers Association - Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC) and the Minority Preference Program (MPP), 1994

- Folder 14: Finance - Hickam - Casework - Toni Turner - Board of Directors Appointment to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1994

- Folder 15: Finance - Hickam - Credit Crunch Relief, 1993

- Folder 16: Finance - Hickam - Equitable Escheatment Act of 1993, 1993

- Folder 17: Finance - Hickam - Insurance Agents, 1994

- Folder 18: Finance - Hickam - Kansas Bankers Association, 1994-1995

- Folder 19: Finance - Hickam - Mortgage Companies, March 8, 1994

- Folder 20: Finance - Hickam - Municipal Bonds, 1995

- Folder 21: Finance - Hickam - Regulatory Relief, 1995

- Folder 22: Finance - Hickam - Resolution Trust Corporation, 1994

- Folder 23: Finance - Hickam - Ricki Tigert - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Nominee, 1994

- Folder 24: General - Hickam - 103rd Congress Legislation, 1994

- Box 315

- Folder 1: General - Hickam - 104th Congress Legislation, 1994

- Folder 2: General - Hickam - Casework, 1995

- Folder 3: General - Hickam - Legislative History [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 4: General - Hickam - Legislative History [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 5: General - Hickam - Scheduling, 1995

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Hickam - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 1995

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Hickam - Casework - Dr. Manoj K. Jain - Medical Supply Coding, 1994

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Hickam - Casework - Martha D. Staker - Project EAGLE, 1994

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Hickam - Casework - Western Plains Regional Hospital, 1994

- Box 316

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Hickam - Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 1992-1996

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Hickam - Health Care Access, 1990-1994

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Hickam - Health Care (Summer 1994) [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Hickam - Health Care (Summer 1994) [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Hickam - Hearing Aids, 1993

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Hickam - Home Health, 1996

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Hickam - Long Term Care, 1994

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Hickam - Medical Practitioners, 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Hickam - Medical Research, 1994

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Hickam - Medicare, 1995

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Hickam - Medicaid, 1994

- Box 317

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Hickam - National Health Care [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Hickam - National Health Care [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Hickam - National Institute of Health, 1996

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Hickam - National Men's Health Week, 1994

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Hickam - Rural Health, Undated

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Hickam - Tobacco [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Hickam - Tobacco [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 8: Medicine - Hickam - Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 1995

- Folder 9: Social Security - Hickam - 1983 Amendments [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 10: Social Security - Hickam - 1983 Amendments [2 of 2], 1983

- Box 318

- Folder 1: Social Security - Hickam - Social Security Earnings Test, 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Social Security - Hickam - Social Security Notch, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Social Security - Hickam - Social Security Policy, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Social Security - Hickam - Social Security Trust Funds, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Social Security - Hickam - Welfare Reform [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 6: Social Security - Hickam - Welfare Reform [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 7: Trade - Hickam - Commodities Futures Trading Commission [1 of 4], 1986-1995

- Folder 8: Trade - Hickam - Commodities Futures Trading Commission [2 of 4], 1986-1995

- Box 319

- Folder 1: Trade - Hickam - Commodities Futures Trading Commission [3 of 4], 1986-1995

- Folder 2: Trade - Hickam - Commodities Futures Trading Commission [4 of 4], 1986-1995

- Folder 3: Abortion - Hoffhaus - Abortion/Title X, 1985

- Folder 4: Abortion - Hoffhaus - Zero Population Growth, June 26 - August 25, 1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill [1 of 4], April 20 - October 18, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill [2 of 4], April 20 - October 18, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill [3 of 4], April 20 - October 18, 1990

- Box 320

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill [4 of 4], April 20 - October 18, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Accepted Amendments, April 25 - May 1, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Advocate's Proposals, January - May 16, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Alaska/Hawaii, May 16, 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Annotated Copy of HR 4110, February 27, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Automation, April 23, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Briefing Materials, August 11 - July 31, 1988-1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), March 9 - May 11, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) - Advance Warning, Undated

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports, April 30 - July 19, 1990

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Extended Nutrition Family Education Program (EFNEP) Amendment,, Undated

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Ford Bill, April 14 - August 28, 1990

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Guam, Undated

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Homeless Preschoolers, Undated

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Leahy Draft, February 18, 1990

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Lieberman Amendment, July 13 - 20, 1990

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Lugar Railroad/Food Stamp Bill, September 6 - 9, 1990

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - McConnell Bills, March 9, 1990

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Meeting Notes, December 6, 1989

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Memos, April 18 - September 4, 1990

- Folder 21: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - National Commodity Processing (NCP) Program, Undated

- Folder 22: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Non-Cost Amendments, May 22, 1990

- Folder 23: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Notifying Shelters, Undated

- Folder 24: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Other Amendments, April 30 - June 22, 1990

- Folder 25: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Pro Rating, April 23, 1990

- Folder 26: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Pryor Bill, April 11 - 23, 1990

- Folder 27: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Puerto Rican Study, April 23 - June 6, 1990-1991

- Folder 28: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Sasser/Domenici Amendment (S. 2310), March 21, 1990

- Folder 29: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Sasser/Domenici Explanation, March 9, 1990

- Folder 30: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Side by Side, May 22, 1990

- Folder 31: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Special Agricultural Workers (SAWS), Undated

- Folder 32: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Subcommittee Bill, Undated

- Folder 33: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Talking Points, Undated

- Folder 34: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Tear Off Sheet, Undated

- Folder 35: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), Undated

- Folder 36: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) Amendments, May 11, 1990

- Folder 37: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Talking Points, March 26, 1990

- Folder 38: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - 1990 Farm Bill - Wilson Amendments, Undated

- Folder 39: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Agency for International Development (AID) Awards, October 17 - September 10, 1988-1990

- Folder 40: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Bertini, Catherine A. Nomination, September 20 - December 24, 1989-1991

- Folder 41: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Betty Jo Nelsen, March 12 - August 6, 1992

- Folder 42: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Bonus Floor Subsidies, April 24 - July 1, 1992

- Box 321

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Bread for the World's Every Fifth Child Act (S. 2387) [1 of 2], June 1 - December 15, 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Bread for the World's Every Fifth Child Act (S. 2387) [2 of 2], June 1 - December 15, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Dole Substitutes to the 1990 Farm Bill - Nutrition Title [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Dole Substitutes to the 1990 Farm Bill - Nutrition Title [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Dole Substitutes to the 1990 Farm Bill - Nutrition Title [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Information, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Import Quotas from Peanuts, June 3 - 16, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Mike Espy Nomination, January 7, 1993

- Box 322

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - National Commodity Processing (NCP) Program, April 24 - May 25, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - National Private Commodity Processing (NPCP) Program, January 6 - May 13, 1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Pizza Hut Briefing Book [1 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Pizza Hut Briefing Book [2 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Pizza Hut Controversy [1 of 3], 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Pizza Hut Controversy [2 of 3], 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Pizza Hut Controversy [3 of 3], 1990-1991

- Box 323

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Public Voice, September 14 - April 5, 1983-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Technical Correction to Farm Bill [1 of 4], July - November 19, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Technical Correction to Farm Bill [2 of 4], July - November 19, 1991

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Technical Correction to Farm Bill [3 of 4], July - November 19, 1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - Technical Correction to Farm Bill [4 of 4], July - November 19, 1991

- Box 324

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Fact Sheets, May - April 30, 1988-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Hoffhaus - World Food Commemorative, September 11 - September 20, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Children - Hoffhaus - Breastfeeding Promotion Bill [1 of 2], June 20 - February 2, 1990-1994

- Folder 4: Children - Hoffhaus - Breastfeeding Promotion Bill [2 of 2], June 20 - February 2, 1990-1994

- Folder 5: Children - Hoffhaus - Child Care Contacts, Undated

- Folder 6: Children - Hoffhaus - Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) Community Childhood Hunger Identification Program (CCHIP) Study [1 of 2], February - July 11, 1991-1995

- Folder 7: Children - Hoffhaus - Food Research and Action Center (FRAC) Community Childhood Hunger Identification Program (CCHIP) Study [2 of 2], February - July 11, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Children - Hoffhaus - Infant Formula Practices Study, May 28 - October 12, 1992

- Box 325

- Folder 1: Children - Hoffhaus - Infant Formula Price Fixing, March 6 - March 8, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Children - Hoffhaus - Infant Formula Voluntary, May 3 - January 23, 1991-1994

- Folder 3: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Prevention Act Notebook [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 4: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Prevention Act Notebook [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act 102nd Congress [1 of 2], April 4 - October 2, 1990-1992

- Folder 6: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act 102nd Congress [2 of 2], April 4 - October 2, 1990-1992

- Folder 7: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act 102nd Congress - Bill Text, March 21 - February 27, 1991-1992

- Folder 8: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act 102nd Congress - Briefing Book, July 18 - October 9, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act 102nd Congress - Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Estimates, June 14 - 18, 1991

- Folder 10: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act 102nd Congress - Food Research and Action Committee (FRAC) Background, June 17 - October 2, 1992

- Box 326

- Folder 1: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529), June 17 - September 18, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Absent Parent Provision, April 20, 1990

- Folder 3: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Administrative Savings, January 5 - June 10, 1993

- Folder 4: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Articles, August 9 - May 20, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - British Thermal Unit (BTU) Tax, April 1 - May 25, 1993

- Folder 6: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Child Support Enforcement, October 26 - July 30, 1984-1993

- Folder 7: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Food Stamp Statistics, March 25 - April 3, 1993

- Folder 8: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Fraud Provisions, March 4 - May 7, 1993

- Folder 9: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Letters, May 4 - July 26, 1993

- Folder 10: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Memos, February 17 - August 4, 1993

- Folder 11: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Notes, April 26 - May 17, 1993

- Folder 12: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Summaries, April 27 - May 27, 1993

- Folder 13: Children - Hoffhaus - Leland Childhood Hunger Relief Act (HR 529) - Quality Controls, December 2 - July 1, 1992-1993

- Folder 14: Children - Hoffhaus - McConnell 1991 Child Care Food Program Bills, January 16 - June 12, 1991

- Folder 15: Children - Hoffhaus - Share Our Strength (SOS) Charge Against Hunger, December 7 - September 13, 1984-1993

- Folder 16: Disabled - Hoffhaus - Plans for Achieving Self Support (PASS) [1 of 2], August 13 - February 24, 1987-1992

- Folder 17: Disabled - Hoffhaus - Plans for Achieving Self Support (PASS) [2 of 2], August 13 - February 24, 1987-1992

- Folder 18: Families - Hoffhaus - Child Support Enforcement [1 of 2], February 1 - November 18, 1986-1992

- Box 327

- Folder 1: Families - Hoffhaus - Child Support Enforcement [2 of 2], February 1 - November 18, 1986-1992

- Folder 2: Food - Hoffhaus - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Emergency Food, October 16 - February 8, 1992-1994

- Folder 3: Food - Hoffhaus - Food Chemical News [1 of 3], December 10 - March 18, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Food - Hoffhaus - Food Chemical News [2 of 3], December 10 - March 18, 1990-1991

- Folder 5: Food - Hoffhaus - Food Chemical News [3 of 3], December 10 - March 18, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Food - Hoffhaus - Food Research and Action Committee (FRAC) Events, 1989-1993

- Folder 7: Food - Hoffhaus - Hunger Forum, 1993

- Folder 8: Food - Hoffhaus - Hunger Prevention Act, Undated

- Box 328

- Folder 1: Food - Hoffhaus - Kansas City Cave Fires/Toxic Foods, December 12 - January 14, 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Food - Hoffhaus - Medford Declaration, March 12 - June 22, 1992

- Folder 3: Food - Hoffhaus - Wholesome Meat Bill, June 1 - 7, 1989

- Folder 4: General - Hoffhaus - Chris Bolton Memos, January 20 - January 25, 1983-1989

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - American Heart Association's Heart Guide Briefing Book, October 19 - March 13, 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Aging/Senior Citizen Concerns, August 22 - January, 1979-1989

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Alzheimer's Disease, December 13 - October 30, 1985-1987

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Child Care, April 6 - January 17, 1988-1989

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus, July 2 - August 18, 1986-1987

- Box 329

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Drug and Alcohol Abuse, January 9 - October 29, 1986-1988

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Bucks, Old Letters, December 12 - March 16, 1984-1989

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Health Background, January 15 - March, 1985-1989

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Health Care Cost Escalation (also Malpractice Insurance), February 14 - March 16, 1979-1988

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Health Care for the Poor (except Medicare, Medicaid), November 6 - February 26, 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Health Insurance, August 5 - January 17, 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Infant Mortality, September 14 - May 31, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding, June 6 - June 9, 1979-1988

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - S. 1265, Mandated Health Insurance, January 30 - December 21, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Hoffhaus - Background Files - Smoking/Tobacco, April 8 - November 8, 1985-1988

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - 1991 Child Nutrition Issues, January 10 - February 28, 1991

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - 1991 Nutrition Budget, January 29 - June 22, 1990

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - 1992 Child Nutrition Bill, December 13 - July 29, 1991-1992

- Folder 14: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Bush's 1992 Budget of Nutrition, February 5, 1991

- Folder 15: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [1 of 5], 1989

- Box 330

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [2 of 5], 1989

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [3 of 5], 1989

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [4 of 5], 1989

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [5 of 5], 1989

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Breastfeeding, June 15 - 20, 1989

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Breastfeeding II, July 21, 1989

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Budget Information, July 20 - 21, 1989

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Cost Containment Amendment, July 21, 1989

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Early Drafts, March 27 - June 14, 1989

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - McConnell Amendments, May 2, 1989

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization Memos, July 5 - September 29, 1989

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - National Youth Sports Program (NYSP) Amendment, May 3 - July 20, 1989

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Other Amendments, April 11 - October 4, 1989

- Folder 14: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Reauthorization - Section by Section, Undated

- Folder 15: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Commodities [1 of 4], 1990-1993

- Box 331

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Commodities [2 of 4], 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Commodities [3 of 4], 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Commodities [4 of 4], 1990-1993

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP), February 20 - February 7, 1990-1992

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Dietary Guidelines, August 5 - April 28, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Eating Right Pyramid, May 6 - April 28, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Elderly Nutrition, January 19 - October 10, 1990-1992

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Elderly Nutrition and Disabled [1 of 2], 1983-1993

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Elderly Nutrition and Disabled [2 of 2], 1983-1993

- Box 332

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Folic Acid, December 7 - January 3, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Food Labeling [1 of 2], January 16 - February 18, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Food Labeling [2 of 2], January 16 - February 18, 1990-1993

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Infant Formula, April 10 - June 12, 1990-1992

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - International Center for Control of Nutritional Anemia/KU Iron Deficiency, October 21 - August 6, 1986-1992

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Metric Labeling, February 14 - June 15, 1992

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Miscellaneous Nutrition Bills, July 3 - August 10, 1991-1992

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Education, June 13 - April 2, 1989-1992

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Council, January 23 - July 25, 1991

- Box 333

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation [1 of 2], October 4 - October 20, 1988-1993

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation [2 of 2], October 4 - October 20, 1988-1993

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation Background, Undated

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation Co-Sponsors, January 25, 1989

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation - De la Garza Bill, March 23, 1989

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation House Bills, June 21 - July 12, 1989

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation Memos, July 18 - October 3, 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation Testimony, June 23, 1989

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring Legislation US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Info, October 3 - September 21, 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring in the US [1 of 2], September, 1989

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Monitoring in the US [2 of 2], September, 1989

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Products, February 16 - October 7, 1990-1992

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Services for the Disabled Bill Text, Undated

- Folder 14: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Services to the Disabled Congressional Research Service (CRS) Analysis, April 23 - May 7, 1991

- Box 334

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Services for the Disabled Contacts, December 6 - November 20, 1990-1992

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Services to the Disabled Memos, April 17 - August 5, 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Statements [1 of 3], December 2 - October, 1969-1990

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Statements [2 of 3], December 2 - October, 1969-1990

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Statements [3 of 3], December 2 - October, 1969-1990

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Nutrition Subcommittee, November 7 - May 4, 1990-1993

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Rita Hamman, February 14 - August 12, 1990-1991

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - School Breakfast, September - October 26, 1990-1993

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - School Lunch [1 of 3], 1990-1993

- Box 335

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - School Lunch [2 of 3], 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - School Lunch [3 of 3], 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - School Lunch Cuts, 1981-1992

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - School Lunch Studies, October - February 18, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Tufts University Center on Hunger, Poverty, and Nutrition Policy, June 7 - May 13, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - Tufts University Symposium/White House Conference on Nutrition, September 15 - June 11, 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Labeling [1 of 4], January 2 - January 15, 1991-1993

- Box 336

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Labeling [2 of 4], January 2 - January 15, 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Labeling [3 of 4], January 2 - January 15, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Labeling [4 of 4], January 2 - January 15, 1991-1993

- Folder 4: Taxation - Hoffhaus - General Accounting Office (GAD) Report on Puerto Rico, March, 1990

- Folder 5: Taxation - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Hearings [1 of 3], July 29 - April 26, 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Taxation - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Hearings [2 of 3], July 29 - April 26, 1989-1990

- Box 337

- Folder 1: Taxation - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Hearings [3 of 3], July 29 - April 26, 1989-1990

- Folder 2: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Casework - Kansas Housing Authority, November 21 - April 28, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Clinton Welfare Program, October 2 - March 3, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Dole Food Stamp Floor Statements, January 18 - December 18, 1977-1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Emergency Food Stamps, April 30 - May 6, 1991

- Folder 6: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Flood Affected States Food Stamp Program (S. 1453), September 14 - October 22, 1993

- Folder 7: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps and Disability, August 23 - March 23, 1988-1993

- Folder 8: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps Background, June - August 25, 1988-1993

- Folder 9: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps Background and Memos [1 of 3], November 17 - May 6, 1988-1993

- Box 338

- Box 1: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps Background and Memos [2 of 3], November 17 - May 6, 1988-1993

- Box 2: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps Background and Memos [3 of 3], November 17 - May 6, 1988-1993

- Box 3: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps Floor Statements, February 27 - March 21, 1990

- Box 4: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Food Stamps - Los Angeles County, May 18 - 21, 1992

- Box 5: Welfare - Hoffhaus - General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports on Food Stamps [1 of 2], March - January, 1986-1990

- Box 6: Welfare - Hoffhaus - General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports on Food Stamps [2 of 2], March - January, 1986-1990

- Box 7: Welfare - Hoffhaus - House Ways and Means Food Stamp Report, November - July 31, 1988-1989

- Box 8: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Marginal Stores, April 24 - March 13, 1990-1992

- Box 9: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Minnesota Family Investment Plan, June 7 - 23, 1989

- Box 339

- Folder 1: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Monthly Reporting and Retrospective Budgeting (MRRB) Bill, September 27 - August 13, 1988-1991

- Folder 2: Welfare - Hoffhaus - National Performance Review and Food Stamp Training, September 10 - 24, 1993

- Folder 3: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps [1 of 4], 1981-1991

- Folder 4: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps [2 of 4], 1981-1991

- Folder 5: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps [3 of 4], 1981-1991

- Folder 6: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps [4 of 4], 1981-1991

- Folder 7: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps Bill, Undated

- Box 340

- Folder 1: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps Testimony, November 9, 1989

- Folder 2: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Puerto Rico Referendum - Food Stamps - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Info, August 24, 1989

- Folder 3: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Quality Control Sanctions, March 21 - April 24, 1990

- Folder 4: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Store Disqualification, June 29 - October 2, 1989

- Folder 5: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Tax Intercept Initiative, August 20 - April 4, 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Thrifty Food Plan (S. 3001), July 15 - August 26, 1992

- Folder 7: Welfare - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reports on Food Stamps [1 of 2], November - July 31, 1988-1991

- Folder 8: Welfare - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reports on Food Stamps [2 of 2], November - July 31, 1988-1991

- Folder 9: Welfare - Hoffhaus - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Store Renewal Letter, April 9, 1992

- Folder 10: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Welfare Reform [1 of 3], 1990-1993

- Folder 11: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Welfare Reform [2 of 3], 1990-1993

- Box 341

- Folder 1: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Welfare Reform [3 of 3], 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Appropriations Letters, May 10 - July 20, 1989-1993

- Folder 3: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Articles, April 2 - 8, 1991

- Folder 4: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Background, July 23 - March 19, 1986-1991

- Folder 5: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Child Impact Study [1 of 2], December 8 - December 22, 1988-1992

- Folder 6: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Child Impact Study [2 of 2], December 8 - December 22, 1988-1992

- Folder 7: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Eligibility, March 20, 1991

- Folder 8: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657), May 29 - June 28, 1990-1992

- Folder 9: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) Background on New Version, July 19, 1991

- Folder 10: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) Bill Text, March 13, 1991

- Box 342

- Folder 1: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) Dairy Provision, March 19, 1991

- Folder 2: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) Formula Cost, March 14, 1991

- Folder 3: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) Kansas Response, Undated

- Folder 4: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) National Association of Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Directors (NAWD), April 25, 1991

- Folder 5: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant Feeding Initiative Act (S. 657) Notes, Undated

- Folder 6: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Kansas, April 20 - October 21, 1989-1991

- Folder 7: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Raisins, June 24 - January 11, 1991-1992

- Folder 8: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Restoration Bill, June 14 - 28, 1990

- Folder 9: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Retailer Amendment - Dairy (H.J. Resolution 178), March 19 - November 22, 1991

- Folder 10: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Speech, April - December 2, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Welfare - Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Vendor Eligibility, December 28 - January 31, 1990-1994

- Folder 12: Commerce - House - Asia-Pacific Council of American Chambers of Commerce (APCAC), May 25 - June 27, 1989

- Box 343

- Folder 1: Defense - House - Coast Guard, 1987

- Folder 2: Energy - House - Nuclear Reactor, The N Reactor, Washington State, November 13 - July 9, 1983-1987

- Folder 3: Energy - House - Nuclear Reactors, Savannah River, June - February 3, 1987-1989

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - House - Berlin Initiative, May 13 - 18, 1988

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - House - Human Resources Letters - Asian, Polish, Romanian, Czech, etc. Cases, February 2 - February 26, 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Copies of Human Rights Letter Responses, July 21 - April 18, 1986-1987

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Ethiopian Drought, July 12 - August 11, 1988

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Hold Cases/No Responses Yet, November 13 - August 6, 1984-1988

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Human Rights Resolution, Amnesty International, Assorted Countries, February 19 - October 14, 1986-1988

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Lipinskaya, Vera, [1987]

- Box 344

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Soviet Jewry, April 3 - February 23, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights Letters - Soviet Union Violence, March 12 - July 14, 1988

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - House - Human Rights - India, March - October 27, 1985-1987

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - House - Israel, 1987

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - House - Korea, 1987

- Folder 6: General - House - Tribute to John McCain, October 26, 1987

- Folder 7: Space - House - Space, February 1 - 9, 1989

- Folder 8: Space - House - Space - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), July 6 - September 28, 1987-1988

- Folder 9: Space - House - Space - Space, December 21 - February 2, 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Veterans Affairs - House - Health Care, 1986

- Folder 11: Commerce - Kittrell - Minority Economic Development Administration (EAD) 10% Grants, May 13 - February 13, 1977-1978

- Folder 12: Commerce - Kittrell - S. 1974, Small Business Regulation, August 1 - November 29, 1977

- Folder 13: Consumers - Kittrell - Products Liability, [1 of 2], 1976-1977

- Box 345

- Folder 1: Consumers - Kittrell - Products Liability [2 of 2], 1976-1977

- Folder 2: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Bail Reform [1 of 2], July 11 - April 19, 1969-1977

- Folder 3: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Bail Reform [2 of 2], July 11 - April 19, 1969-1977

- Folder 4: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Bail Reform Amendment to S. 1437, January 3 - August 5, 1975-1977

- Folder 5: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Black Powder Taggants, April 10 - 28, 1978

- Folder 6: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Cases, February 24 - January 23, 1959-1973

- Folder 7: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Crimes on Pre-Trial Release Amendment to S. 1437, January 23 - 24, 1978

- Folder 8: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Criminal Code Reform Act of 1977, S. 1437 [1 of 3], May 2 - February 17, 1977-1978

- Box 346

- Folder 1: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Criminal Code Reform Act of 1977, S. 1437 [2 of 3], May 2 - February 17, 1977-1978

- Folder 2: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Criminal Code Reform Act of 1977, S. 1437 [3 of 3], 1977-1978

- Folder 3: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Dole Bills/Support Materials, June 5 - 21, 1978

- Folder 4: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Gun Control, March 16 - May 27, 1978

- Folder 5: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Gun Control, 1978

- Folder 6: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - The Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), December 14 - May 17, 1977-1978

- Box 347

- Folder 1: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - S. 3126, Research, November 11 - June 27, 1977-1978

- Folder 2: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - S. 3162, Search Warrants, Bills, June 2 - 8, 1978

- Folder 3: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - S. 3222, Personal Privacy Act, June 22, 1978

- Folder 4: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Statements/Memos/Bills, June 5 - 22, 1978

- Folder 5: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Third Party Searches, July 6 - June 28, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Third Party Searches, Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, June 8 - 22, 1978

- Folder 7: Criminal Justice - Kittrell - Zurcher v. Stanford Daily, Miscellaneous, June 13 - August 4, 1978

- Folder 8: Finance - Kittrell - Insurance, 1977-1978

- Anti-trust Law
- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Kittrell - Heritage Papers, 1987

- Japan, Defense of Japan, Mozambique, Reagan Doctrine, Iran, Middle East, Sale of Arms to Iran, Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI), Star Wars, China, Israel, El Salvador
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Kittrell - Vincent Vallquist Position Papers [1 of 2], 1987

- Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev
- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Kittrell - Vincent Vallquist Position Papers [2 of 2], 1987

- Soviet Union
Mikhail Gorbachev
- Box 348

- Folder 1: General - Kittrell - Correspondence and Publications, 1986-1987

- American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Cessna
- Folder 2: Government Information - Kittrell - Census, 1978

- Folder 3: Labor - Kittrell - Davis-Beacon Act, September 6 - March 28, 1972-1978

- Folder 4: Labor - Kittrell - Labor Issues, November 9 - May 23, 1973-1978

- Folder 5: Labor - Kittrell - Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) Letter to Williams, July 2 - March 2, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: Labor - Kittrell - Used Speeches, May 2 - June 8, 1978

- Folder 7: Social Services - Kittrell - General Accounting Office (GAO) Audit of ACTION, 1977-1978

- Folder 8: Transportation - Kittrell - Airline Deregulation, April 27 - May 1, 1977-1978

- Folder 9: Veterans - Kittrell - Veterans Information [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Paralyzed Veterans of America; Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital; Veterans Administration Medical Center Memphis, TN; Veterans Administration Medical Center Tacoma, WA; Veterans Administration Medical Center Mountain Home, TN; Veterans Administration Medical Center Dayton, OH; Veterans Administration Medical Center Cincinnati, OH; Veterans Administration Medical Center Seattle, WA; Veterans Administration Medical Center Murfreesboro, TN; Veterans Voices
- Box 349

- Folder 1: Veterans - Kittrell - Veterans Information [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Veterans Administration Annual Report
- Folder 2: Budgets - Lee - Budget Summit Agreement [1 of 2], September 24 - November 14, 1990

- Folder 3: Budgets - Lee - Budget Summit Agreement [2 of 2], September 24 - November 14, 1990

- Folder 4: Education - Lee - Benedictine College, July 6 - September 6, 1989

- Folder 5: Education - Lee - Education Foundation of America, Inc, April 14 - June 6, 1989

- Folder 6: Education - Lee - Education Summit, 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Education - Lee - International University in Thailand, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Education - Lee - Library Improvement Act, 1989

- Folder 9: Education - Lee - Literacy, 1987-1990

- Box 350

- Folder 1: Education - Lee - Math/Science Bill, S. 2114, May 9 - October 24, 1989-1990

- Folder 2: Education - Lee - Service Employment Redevelopment (SER) Jobs for Progress, September 7 - 25, 1990

- Folder 3: Education - Lee - Steering Committee, June 10 - November 15, 1988-1989

- Folder 4: Education - Lee - Sterling College, June 7 - June 17, 1988-1991

- Folder 5: Education - Lee - Student Athlete Right to Know, June - November 17, 1989

- Folder 6: Education - Lee - Student Loan Defaults, March 11 - January 25, 1988-1990

- Folder 7: Education - Lee - Student Loan Defaults, September - May 25, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Education - Lee - Student Loan Defaults, March 23 - February 14, 1989-1990

- Folder 9: Education - Lee - Student Loan Defaults - Appropriations Bill, June 1 - January 29, 1989-1990

- Folder 10: Education - Lee - Tuition Tax Credits, January 29 - July 26, 1983-1989

- Folder 11: Education - Lee - Vocational Education Conference Report, July 21 - September 28, 1990

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Lee - Third World Debt, September 30 - September 26, 1988-1989

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Lee - Third World Debt - Administrative, Phone Numbers, [1989]

- Box 351

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Lee - Third World Debt - International Reaction, July 14 - 26, 1989

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Lee - Third World Debt - Memos to David, July 14 - August 18, 1989

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Lee - Third World Debt - Poland, July 11 - August 22, 1989

- Folder 4: General - Lee - Campaign Briefing Memos, October 26 - May 29, 1990-1991

- Folder 5: General - Lee - General Issues, December 22 - September 27, 1987-1989

- Folder 6: Housing - Lee - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), May 21 - May 5, 1990-1992

- Folder 7: Housing - Lee - Parallax, June 22 - September 10, 1990

- Folder 8: Housing - Lee - Prepayment (HR 5558), September 10 - October 2, 1990

- Folder 9: Labor - Lee - Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Appropriations, July 23 - October 25, 1990

- Folder 10: Disabled - Lee/Burke - National Community Service Act [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Box 352

- Folder 1: Disabled - Lee/Burke - National Community Service Act [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 2: General - Lee/Burke - Letter Reports, 1989-1991

- Folder 3: General - Lee/Burke - Schedule Stuff, Vol. I, 1989

- Folder 4: General - Lee/Burke - Schedule Stuff, Vol. II, 1990

- Folder 5: General - Lee/Burke - Schedule Stuff, Vol. III [1 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 6: General - Lee/Burke - Schedule Stuff, Vol. III [2 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Housing - Lee/Burke - Fair Housing Bill, 1988 [1 of 3], 1987-1988

- Box 353

- Folder 1: Housing - Lee/Burke - Fair Housing Bill, 1988 [2 of 3], 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Lee/Burke - Fair Housing Bill, 1988 [3 of 3], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Lee/Burke - Hutchinson Urban Development Action Grant, July 20, 1990

- Folder 4: Housing - Lee/Burke - Hutchinson Urban Development Action Grant Information, 1986

- Folder 5: Housing - Lee/Hoffhaus - '92 Department of Housing and Urban Development Budget, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Housing - Lee/Hoffhaus - Homeownership and Opportunity for People Everywhere: Bush, Housing Initiative, July 2 - 3, 1991

- Folder 7: Housing - Lee/Hoffhaus - Housing Letters, June 4 - July 29, 1991

- Folder 8: Housing - Lee/Hoffhaus - National Affordable Housing Act - Technical Corrections, June 4 - June 12, 1991

- Folder 9: Housing - Lee/Hoffhaus - Topeka Housing Authority and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Budget, June 8 - 20, 1991

- Box 354

- Folder 1: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Affordable Housing/Core Capital, 1989-1990

- Folder 2: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Dear Colleague Letters on Housing, 1990-1991

- Folder 3: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Gateway, Hughes Development, 1977-1992

- Folder 4: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Housing Reauthorization, 1992

- Folder 5: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), October 24 - March 16, 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - KOFA Savings Split, 1992

- Folder 7: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) [1 of 3], 1990-1991

- Folder 8: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) [2 of 3], 1990-1991

- Box 355

- Folder 1: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) [3 of 3], 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) - Administrative Views, 1990

- Folder 3: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) - Amendments, 1990

- Folder 4: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) - Bill Summaries, 1990

- Folder 5: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) - Kansas Impact, 1990

- Folder 6: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) - Memos to Dole, 1990

- Folder 7: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - National Affordable Housing Act (S. 566) - Miscellaneous, 1990

- Folder 8: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Topeka Home Loan Bank, 1992

- Folder 9: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Various Housing Studies [1 of 2], 1988-1991

- Folder 10: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Various Housing Studies [2 of 2], 1988-1991

- Folder 11: Housing - Lee/Rockefeller - Victoria Parks Apartments, Wichita, 1991

- Box 356

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Lehn - Human Rights - Iran, October - May 5, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Lehn - Human Rights - Memos, Dear Colleagues, May 23 - July 13, 1983-1988

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Captive Nations Week, 1980-1981

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Commission on the Holocaust, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Glagolev, 1979

- Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights [1 of 2], 1978-1979

- Romania, Most Favored Nation, Soviet Union, S. 643, Refugee Act of 1979, Soviet Jews, Cuba, Fidel Castro, Genocide Convention, Iran, Kurd, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Helsinki, Human Rights, Czechoslovakia, Vietnam, China, Taiwan, Tibet, Lithuania
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights [2 of 2], 1978-1979

- Soviet Union, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Helsinki Commission
- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights [1 of 3], 1979-1980

- Soviet Union, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Helsinki Commission
- Box 357

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights [2 of 3], 1979-1980

- Soviet Union, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Helsinki Commission
- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights [3 of 3], 1979-1980

- Soviet Union, Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Helsinki Commission
- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights Contacts, 1979

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights Press Clippings, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Hungary, 1979

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Romania - Mail, 1979

- Folder 7: Civil Liberties - Lindgren - American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 1980

- Folder 8: Defense - Lindgren - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Appropriations to Selective Service, 1978

- Folder 9: Energy - Lindgren - Alaska Lands Amendments, 1980

- Box 358

- Folder 1: Energy - Lindgren - Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) [1 of 2], 1979-1980

- Folder 2: Energy - Lindgren - Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) [2 of 2], 1979-1980

- Folder 3: Energy - Lindgren - Carter Plan for Utility Oil Reduction, 1980

- Folder 4: Energy - Lindgren - Diesel Cases - Dole Action, 1979

- Folder 5: Energy - Lindgren - Gasoline Rationing - Comments, 1979-1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Lindgren - Kansas Gasohol Projects, 1980

- Folder 7: Energy - Lindgren - Kansas Gasohol Projects - Alcohol Plants Under Construction, 1980

- Folder 8: Energy - Lindgren - Kansas Rural Electric Cooperative Association (RECA), 1980

- Box 359

- Folder 1: Energy - Lindgren - Kansas Solar Projects [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 2: Energy - Lindgren - Kansas Solar Projects [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 3: Energy - Lindgren - National Alcohol Fuels Commission (NAFC) - Washington Hearing [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 4: Energy - Lindgren - National Alcohol Fuels Commission (NAFC) - Washington Hearing [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 5: Energy - Lindgren - Norther Tier Pipeline, 1979-1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Lindgren - Oil Imports - Iran, 1978-1979

- Folder 7: Energy - Lindgren - Oil - Number 2 Heating Oil, 1979

- Folder 8: Energy - Lindgren - Solar - Carter Administration Plan, 1979

- Folder 9: Immigration - Lindgren - Border Patrol [1 of 2], 1977-1980

- Folder 10: Immigration - Lindgren - Border Patrol [2 of 2], 1974-1980

- Box 360

- Folder 1: Immigration - Lindgren - Good Neighbor Act, 1979-1980

- Folder 2: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Action, 1983

- Folder 3: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Advice to Parents, Undated

- Folder 4: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Americans for the Preservation of Religious Liberty (APRL), 1978

- Folder 5: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Black Hebrews, 1981

- Folder 6: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Books, 1980-1982

- Folder 7: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Brainwashing, 1978

- Folder 8: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Chaplain Halverson, 1984

- Folder 9: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Child Abuse, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Children of God, 1981

- Folder 11: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Church Audit, 1983

- Folder 12: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Church of Bible Understanding (COBU), 1980

- Folder 13: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Citizens Freedom Foundation (CFF) Groups, 1983

- Folder 14: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Congressional Letters for Information, 1981

- Folder 15: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Definition of a Cult, 1983

- Folder 16: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Deprogramming, 1981

- Folder 17: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Divine Light Mission, 1981

- Folder 18: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Dole Amendment to Criminal Code, 1979

- Folder 19: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Dole Transcript, February 5, 1979

- Box 361

- Folder 1: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Dungeons and Dragons, 1981

- Folder 2: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Eckankar, Undated

- Folder 3: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Education, Schools, 1983

- Folder 4: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Erhard Seminar Training (EST), 1978-1983

- Folder 5: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Ex-Members' Support, 1982

- Folder 6: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - First Amendment, 1978-1979

- Folder 7: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Fraser Report, October 31, 1978

- Folder 8: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Garden Grove Crystal Cathedral (GGCC), 1982

- Folder 9: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - General, 1978-1979

- Folder 10: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - General [1 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 11: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - General [2 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 12: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - General [3 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 13: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - General Publications, 1977-1980

- Box 362

- Folder 1: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Hare Krishna, 1979-1980

- Folder 2: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization (3HO), Yagi Bhajan, 1980

- Folder 3: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Hearings, 1979

- Folder 4: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Help for Parents Regarding Kids in Destructive Cults, 1978-1980

- Folder 5: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - H. Res. 217, Dymally, 1983

- Folder 6: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - International, 1980

- Folder 7: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Kansas Conservatorship Bill, 1982

- Folder 8: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - LaRouche, U.S. Labor Party, 1978-1982

- Folder 9: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Legal, Maryland Resolution, 1980

- Folder 10: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Legal Suits, 1983

- Folder 11: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Legislation, 1982

- Folder 12: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Leo Ryan Award, 1983

- Folder 13: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Lesser Known Cults, 1981-1982

- Folder 14: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Letters for General Information and/or Support of Dole, 1984

- Folder 15: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Lifespring, 1981

- Folder 16: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Marantha, 1981

- Folder 17: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Masters, Roy, Undated

- Box 363

- Folder 1: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Memos and Form Letters, 1976-1983

- Folder 2: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Military, 1982

- Folder 3: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Moon Tax Evasion, 1984

- Folder 4: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - "MOVE" - Philadelphia, 1984

- Folder 5: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Need Answers, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - News Clippings, 1980

- Folder 7: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai of America (NSA), 1982

- Folder 8: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Occult, Undated

- Folder 9: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Ottinger Hearing, 1979-1980

- Folder 10: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Parents' Letters, 1979-1984

- Folder 11: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - People's Temple, 1979-1981

- Folder 12: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Pro Cult/Against Hearing, 1979-1983

- Folder 13: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Professional Articles, 1979-1984

- Box 364

- Folder 1: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Professional Papers, 1975-1980

- Folder 2: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Psychiatry, 1979

- Folder 3: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Rajneesh [1 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 4: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Rajneesh [2 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 5: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Reader's Digest, 1981

- Folder 6: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Rehabilitation, 1980

- Folder 7: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Requests for Transcripts, 1982

- Folder 8: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Resources, January 1, 1980

- Folder 9: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Scientology, 1980

- Box 365

- Folder 1: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Shepherding Evangelical Discipleship, 1977-1982

- Folder 2: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Silva Mind Control, Undated

- Folder 3: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Synanon, 1983

- Folder 4: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Tax Status [1 of 2], 1977-1980

- Folder 5: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Tax Status [2 of 2], 1977-1980

- Folder 6: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Tony and Susan Alamo Foundation, 1979-1983

- Folder 7: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Transcripts Available, Undated

- Folder 8: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - Unification Church Front Groups, Undated

- Folder 9: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - The Way, International [1 of 2], 1979-1984

- Folder 10: Religion - Lindgren - Cults - The Way, International [2 of 2], 1979-1984

- Folder 11: Social Security - Lindgren - Social Security, 1983-1984

- Box 366: General - Luther - 92nd and 93rd Congress, 1971-1974

- Box 367: General - Luther - 94th and 95th Congress, 1975-1978

- Box 368: General - Luther - 96th Congress, 1979-1980

- Box 369: General - Luther - 97th Congress, 1981-1982

- Box 370: General - Luther - 98th Congress, 1983-1984

- Box 371: General - Luther - 99th Congress, 1985-1986

- Box 372

- Folder 1: Animals - McCabe - Ban on Drugs in horse racing, 1980

- Folder 2: Animals - McCabe - Pribiloff Seal Kill, August 24 - September 18, 1979

- Folder 3: Animals - McCabe - Whaling Moratorium, June 26 - September 18, 1979

- Folder 4: Disabled - McCabe - Accessibility - Architectural and Transportational Barriers Removal, 1976

- Folder 5: Disabled - McCabe - Dear Colleague Letters, H.R. 10612, Removal of Architectural and Transportational Barriers, 1976

- Folder 6: Energy - McCabe - Carter Proposal of June 1979, 1979

- Folder 7: Energy - McCabe - Corps of Engineers, 1980

- Folder 8: Energy - McCabe - Department of Energy Authorization, 1980

- Folder 9: Energy - McCabe - Energy Mobilization Board, 1979-1981

- Folder 10: Energy - McCabe - Energy Security Corporation, 1980

- Folder 11: Energy - McCabe - National Alcohol Fuels Commission - Jonesboro, AR Hearing, 1979

- Box 373

- Folder 1: Energy - McCabe - National Alcohol Fuels Commission - New Jersey Hearing, October 22-23 [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 2: Energy - McCabe - National Alcohol Fuels Commission - New Jersey Hearing, October 22-23 [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 3: Energy - McCabe - National Alcohol Fuels Commission - Portland, OR, September 8, 1979

- Folder 4: Energy - McCabe - National Alcohol Fuels Commission - Salina, KS Hearing, November 10 [1 of 2], 1979

- Folder 5: Energy - McCabe - National Alcohol Fuels Commission - Salina, KS Hearing, November 10 [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 6: Energy - McCabe - Natural Gas Information, 1978-1980

- Folder 7: Energy - McCabe - Nuclear Regulatory Commission Reorganization, 1980

- Box 374

- Folder 1: Energy - McCabe - Truman - Rural Electric Cooperative (REC) Problem, 1975-1980

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - McCabe - 2, 4, 5-T Herbicide, 1979

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Carter Radioactive Waste Disposal, undated

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Corps of Engineers - Part I [1 of 3], 1968-1973

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Corps of Engineers - Part I [2 of 3], 1968-1973

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Corps of Engineers - Part I [3 of 3], 1968-1973

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Corps of Engineers - Part II [1 of 2], 1970-1973

- Box 375

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Corps of Engineers - Part II [2 of 2], 1970-1973

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Disposal of Hazardous Wastes - Carter Proposals, 1980

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Law of the Seabed, 1980

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Law of the Seabed - Deep Seabed Mining, 1979

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Montana Women for Timber, 1978-1979

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Nuclear Waste Policy Act (S. 2189), 1980

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Oil Spills, 1979

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Power Plant Fuels Conservation Act of 1980 (S. 2570), 1980

- Box 376

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Rare II [1 of 2], 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - McCabe - Rare II [2 of 2], 1978-1980

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - McCabe - S. 1408 Superfund Bill, 1980

- National Wildlife Federation
- Folder 4: General - McCabe - Background Memos, 1975-1976

- Oil Depletion; Excise Tax on Private Operating Foundations--Museums and Libraries; Sales Tax
- Folder 5: Taxation - McCabe - Amendments to H.R. 10612 - Oil Depletion, Trusts, and Retail Exclusion, 1976

- Folder 6: Taxation - McCabe - Letter to Senator Long, H.R. 10612, 1976

- Folder 7: Taxation - McCabe - Letters of Support, Tax Reform Act of 1976 (H.R. 10612), 1976

- Barrier Removal; Disabled; Oil Depletion; Trusts
- Folder 8: Taxation - McCabe - Public Law 94-12, Tax Reduction Act of 1975, Depletion and Retail Exclusion, 1976

- Folder 9: Taxation - McCabe - Trade Show Exemptions, H.R. 10612, 1976

- Folder 10: Defense Policy - Miller - Titan II - Official Correspondence, 1982

- Box 377

- Folder 1: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Assessment Report: Titan II LGM 25C Weapon Condition and Safety, 1980

- Folder 2: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Briefing, Secretary of the Air Force, Dr. Hans Mark in Wichita, KS, September 27, 1980

- Folder 3: Defense - Miller - Titan II - General Information, 1980

- Folder 4: Defense - Miller - Titan II - General Titan Missile File, 1980-1981

- Folder 5: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Hearings, 1981

- Folder 6: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Location of Missile Sites in KS (map), 1980

- Folder 7: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Newspaper Articles, 1980-1982

- Folder 8: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Potwin, KS Incident, April 22, 1980

- Folder 9: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Press Releases from Senator Dole, 1980

- Folder 10: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Review Group Report, December, 1980

- Folder 11: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Statements, 1980

- Folder 12: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Titan Cuts, 1982

- Folder 13: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Titan Report, January 6, 1980

- Folder 14: Defense - Miller - Titan II - Titan II Missile Removal, 1978-1979

- Box 378

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Miller - Solid Waste Disposal, 1978-1980

- Folder 2: General - Miller - Treasury Appropriations 1980, 1979-1980

- Folder 3: Government Employees - Miller - Rural Mail Carriers, 1981

- Folder 4: Indian Affairs - Miller - Indian Affairs Committee, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Indian Affairs - Miller - Kickapoo Indians, 1979-1981

- Folder 6: Indian Affairs - Miller - Kickapoo Youth Work, January 18 - 22, 1980

- Folder 7: Indian Affairs - Miller - Riverside Indian School, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: Solid Wastes - Miller - Bennington Sewage, April 21 - May 7, 1981

- Folder 9: Water Resources - Miller - Buckner Lake, 1980

- Folder 10: Water Resources - Miller - Diverting Missouri River, 1982

- Folder 11: Water Resources - Miller - Fishing Bill, S. 1631, 1979-1980

- Folder 12: Water Resources - Miller - Fort Scott Lake, March - October, 1981

- Folder 13: Water Resources - Miller - Missouri-Arkansas River Basin Projects, 1974-1981

- Folder 14: Water Resources - Miller - Ogallala, 1980-1981

- Folder 15: Water Resources - Miller - Public Access to Watersheds, 1979-1980

- Folder 16: Water Resources - Miller - Regional Development Act of 1979, S. 835, 1979-1980

- Box 379

- Folder 1: Water Resources - Miller - Rural Water District #10, 2 Neosho County, 1980-1981

- Folder 2: Water Resources - Miller - Water, General, 1975-1982

- Folder 3: Water Resources - Miller - Water Projects, 1980-1981

- Folder 4: Commerce - Muyskens - S. 978, Charitable Giving Protection of 1995, July 12 - November 29, 1995

- Folder 5: Elections - Muyskens - Federal Election Commission (FEC) Rules and Regulations, September 29 - March 28, 1989-1994

- Folder 6: Elections - Muyskens - Gift Ban, October 30 - January 29, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Government Employees - Muyskens - Office Operations, April 15 - April 12, 1992-1996

- Folder 8: Government Employees - Muyskens - Overtime Regulations, 1995

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Muyskens - Long-Term Healthcare, May - June 20, 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Taxation - Muyskens - Adoption Tax Credit, April 26 - May 1, 1996

- Folder 11: Taxation - Muyskens - Corporate-Owned Life Insurance (COLI), September 25 - December 5, 1995

- Folder 12: Taxation - Muyskens - Debt Instruments, December 5 - 12, 1995

- Folder 13: Taxation - Muyskens - Depreciation of Rental Property, July - November 16, 1995

- Folder 14: Taxation - Muyskens - Draft Apple Cider Tax, September 29 - December 1, 1995

- Folder 15: Taxation - Muyskens - Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), September 22 - November 3, 1995

- Folder 16: Taxation - Muyskens - Family Tax Relief Act, August 9, 1995

- Folder 17: Taxation - Muyskens - Federal Sales Corporation Rules, January 27 - October 4, 1993-1995

- Box 380

- Folder 1: Taxation - Muyskens - Gas Tax, July 21 - May 7, 1993-1996

- Folder 2: Taxation - Muyskens - Gas Tax Repeal [1 of 2], October 10 - May 2, 1985-1996

- Folder 3: Taxation - Muyskens - Gas Tax Repeal [2 of 2], October 10 - May 2, 1985-1996

- Folder 4: Taxation - Muyskens - Kansas Appropriations, Pork, December 12 - March 11, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Taxation - Muyskens - Kemp Commission, January, 1996

- Folder 6: Taxation - Muyskens - Pension Simplification, June - September 8, 1995

- Folder 7: Taxation - Muyskens - S. 1086, Family Owned Business Act, July 25 - September 14, 1995

- Folder 8: Taxation - Muyskens - Safe Harbor Leases, September 21 - October 10, 1995

- Folder 9: Taxation - Muyskens - Section 936 Repeal, October 9 - December 4, 1995

- Folder 10: Taxation - Muyskens - Section 936 Repeal - Puerto Rican Governor's Position, February 15 - March 12, 1996

- Folder 11: Taxation - Muyskens - Section 2032, Cash Leases, March 20 - November 29, 1991-1995

- Folder 12: Taxation - Muyskens - Sports Penalty Tax, September 5 - April 22, 1988-1996

- Folder 13: Taxation - Muyskens - Stamp Tax, January 17 - 18, 1996

- Folder 14: Taxation - Muyskens - Target Jobs, Tax Credit, September 28 - October 2, 1995

- Box 381

- Folder 1: Taxation - Muyskens - Tax Exempt Organizations, 501(c), September 27 - November 14, 1995

- Folder 2: Taxation - Muyskens - Tax Treatment of Tenured Faculty, November 14, 1995

- Folder 3: Taxation - Muyskens - Taxpayer Bill of Rights, May 7, 1996

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - 1983 Vets Budget, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Advanced Technology Bomber - ATB "Stealth", August 14 - August 1, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Advanced Technology Fighter, July 10, 1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Aegis Class Cruiser, January 23 - June 30, 1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Aerospace Industries, 1982

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Agent Orange, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Agent Orange - Dioxin [1 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Agent Orange - Dioxin [2 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 12: Defense - O'Connell - AH-64 Apache Helicopter, March 26, 1982

- Folder 13: Defense - O'Connell - Aircraft Carriers, May 27 - July 7, 1982

- Folder 14: Defense - O'Connell - Aircraft - General, May 13 - August 3, 1982-1983

- Folder 15: Defense - O'Connell - Aircraft Engines, June 23 - 30, 1983

- Folder 16: Defense - O'Connell - Air Force, 1982-1983

- Folder 17: Defense - O'Connell - Air Force Plans for Kansas, 1982-1983

- Box 382

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Air Force - Systems Brief, May 17, 1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - American Legion, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - American Legion Speech (5/14/83 Topeka), 1979-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Anti-Tank Weapons, October 8 - June 13, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Arms Control [1 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Arms Control [2 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Arms Control [3 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Arms Control Violations, Fall - March, 1983-1984

- Box 383

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Army Background on Equipment [1 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Army Background on Equipment [2 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Army Chemical Research, March 18 - June 22, 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Athletes United for Peace, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Aviation Bonuses, August 9, 1982

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Aviation - General, 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - AWACS [1 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - AWACS [2 of 2], 1981-1983

- Box 384

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - B-1, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Beechcraft, 1977-1984

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Beechcraft [1 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Beechcraft [2 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Benefits for Veterans, 1981-1982

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Biological/Chemical Warfare, 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Boeing, 1980-1984

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Boeing Military Airplane Company, 1982-1983

- Box 385

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Budget, 1985

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Cessna, 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Cessna Trainers, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Chemical Weapons, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Chemical Weapons [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Chemical Weapons [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Colmery-O'Neil V.A. Medical Center, June 3, 1982

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Commercial Activities, 1980-1982

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Commission on Cooperation and Security in Europe, July 6 - June 6, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, April 2 - April 25, 1982-1983

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Contract Awards, January 10 - August 11, 1982-1983

- Folder 12: Defense - O'Connell - Correspondence, 1982-1983

- Folder 13: Defense - O'Connell - Cost Initiatives, 1981-1983

- Folder 14: Defense - O'Connell - Cruise Missiles, January 5 - February 10, 1983

- Folder 15: Defense - O'Connell - Dear Colleagues, 1982-1983

- Box 386

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Defense Budget [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Defense Budget [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Defense Budget [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Defense/Energy Center Proposal, September 9 - October 13, 1982

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Defense - General [1 of 3], 1983-1988

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Defense - General [2 of 3], 1983-1988

- Box 387

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Defense - General [3 of 3], 1983-1988

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Defense Officer Personnel Management Act, 1975-1979

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Defense Procurement, January 28 - August 10, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Defense Production Act, October 15 - 18, 1982

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 1983 [1 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 1983 [2 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 1984 [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Department of Defense Authorization Act for FY 1984 [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Disabled American Veterans, January - February, 1982

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Dole Information, 1980-1985

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Dole Triad Plan, April 26 - June 24, 1983

- Box 388

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Dole Voting Record Military Issues [1 of 2], 1974-1982

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Dole Voting Record Military Issues [2 of 2], 1974-1982

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Draft - Miscellaneous, May 27 - September 23, 1982

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Dwight D. Eisenhower Veterans Administration Medical Center, 1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Engineering District, Kansas, August 20 - April 19, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Espionage, March 30 - April 7, 1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - F-18 F/A Aircraft, November 8 - May 2, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - First Concurrent Budget Resolution (S. Con. Res. 27, FY 1984), 1983

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Floor Statements, January 29 - May 3, 1981-1982

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Foreign Affairs/Issues, April 19 - January 26, 1982-1983

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Foreign Assistance, May 17 - January 15, 1983-1984

- Box 389

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Foreign Military Sales, March 5 - July 1, 1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Fort Carson, Colorado, February 6, 1981

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Fort Riley, 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Fort Riley Vehicle Maintenance, May 28 - July 17, 1982

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Future of Kansas Aircraft Industry, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Gates Learjet, 1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - General [1 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - General [2 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - General [3 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - General Accounting Office Documents [1 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - General Accounting Office Documents [2 of 2], 1982-1983

- Box 390

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - G.I. Bill, 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Increase Rates of Disability Compensation and Indemnity Compensation, May 25 - June 13, 1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Intelligence Matters, 1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Talks, May, 1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac [1 of 4], 1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac [2 of 4], 1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac [3 of 4], 1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac [4 of 4], 1983

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac Bid Protest [1 of 2], 1983

- Box 391

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac Bid Protest [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Jack Roach Cadillac Case, August 12, 1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Kansas Veterans Program, June 29 - June 30, 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Korean Airliner and Sanctions, September 1 - 6, 1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Laser Technology, 1980-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Lebanon and the War Powers Act, 1981-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Logistics Over the Shore, 1982

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Major Military Installments [1 of 2], 1979-1982

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Major Military Installments [2 of 2], 1979-1982

- Box 392

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Marine Corps, March - October, 1982

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Military Construction - Davis/Bacon Act, July 28 - September 31, 1981

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Military Order of the Purple Heart, 1972-1982

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Military Reform Caucus, April 15 - September 14, 1981

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Military Retirement, March 17 - September, 1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - MX Basing [1 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - MX Basing [2 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - MX Missile, 1980-1982

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - National Guard [1 of 2], 1981-1990

- Box 393

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - National Guard [2 of 2], 1981-1990

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Naval Air Rework Facilities, 1977-1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Navy, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Navy Force Studies [1 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Navy Force Studies [2 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Navy Force Studies [3 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Next Generation Trainer, 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - Cooperation in Weapons Purchase and Development, 1982-1983

- Box 394

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Nuclear Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union [1 of 5], 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Nuclear Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union [2 of 5], 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Nuclear Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union [3 of 5], 1982-1984

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Nuclear Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union [4 of 5], 1982-1984

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Nuclear Arms Control Negotiations with the Soviet Union [5 of 5], 1982-1984

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Operational Support Aircraft [1 of 3], 1981-1983

- Box 395

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Operational Support Aircraft [2 of 3], 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Operational Support Aircraft [3 of 3], 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Operational Test and Evaluations [1 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Operational Test and Evaluations [2 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Paralyzed Veterans of America, January 24 - July 29, 1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Pay-Military [1 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Pay-Military [2 of 2], 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Peace Through Strength, 1982-1983

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, May 9 - August 18, 1983

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Pershing II Missile, May 11 - July 4, 1983

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Personnel Issues, December 3, 1981

- Folder 12: Defense - O'Connell - Point Papers for Senator, March 25 - August 18, 1983

- Folder 13: Defense - O'Connell - Pol-Mil Issues, September 14, 1982

- Box 396

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - President's Speeches on Arms Control, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Prisoners of War-Missing In Action Issues, 1980-1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Radiation Damage, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Rapid Deployment Force, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Reserve Officers' Association, December 31 - February 27, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Retirement Pay/Divorce (S. 1814), 1981-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Roll Call Votes for Military/Veterans Issues, August 3 - October 1, 1982

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - SALT II, 1978-1981

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Sea Lift, May 30, 1982

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Selective Service, 1978-1982

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Shipbuilding, March 28, 1983

- Folder 12: Defense - O'Connell - Small Business Advanced Technology Program, July 12 - 20, 1982

- Folder 13: Defense - O'Connell - Space Programs, June 22 - June 2, 1982-1983

- Folder 14: Defense - O'Connell - Speeches and Statements, July 29, 1983

- Folder 15: Defense - O'Connell - Strategic Arms Reduction Talks, 1972-1984

- Folder 16: Defense - O'Connell - Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), 1983

- Folder 17: Defense - O'Connell - Strategic Defense, 1982-1984

- Box 397

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Submarines, October 14, 1982

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - T-34C Production Line Problem, March 14 - April 27, 1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - T-34C Versus the NGT, February - March 11, 1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - Taiwan Issue/Arms Sales, 1982

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Tanks - M-1, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - Technology Transfer to the Soviet Union, April - January/February, 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Defense - O'Connell - Thunderbirds, January 25 - February 8, 1982

- Folder 8: Defense - O'Connell - Titan Missile [1 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Titan Missile [2 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Defense - O'Connell - Titan II, August 11 - 14, 1983

- Folder 11: Defense - O'Connell - Trident 2 SSBN/Arms Control, 1982-1983

- Folder 12: Defense - O'Connell - Urgent Supplemental Appropriations Bill - Defense Aspects, 1983

- Folder 13: Defense - O'Connell - U.S. Strategy and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 1982

- Folder 14: Defense - O'Connell - Veterans Correspondence to Kansas Offices, September 22 - October, 1982

- Box 398

- Folder 1: Defense - O'Connell - Veterans Educational Assistance Program, November 30 - March 30, 1978-1981

- Folder 2: Defense - O'Connell - Veterans of Foreign Wars, January 14 - August, 1983

- Folder 3: Defense - O'Connell - Viper Anti-Tank Missile, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Defense - O'Connell - War Powers Resolution, 1980

- Folder 5: Defense - O'Connell - Weapons System Procurement, General Accounting Office (GAO) Documents, 1983

- Folder 6: Defense - O'Connell - World War II Prisoners of War, 1979-1982

- Folder 7: Budgets - Olson - Kansas Grants, 1983

- Folder 8: Budgets - Olson - Township Government Revenue Sharing Project, 1983

- Folder 9: Commemorations - Olson - National Circle K International Week (S.Res. 336), 1984

- Folder 10: Commerce - Olson - Commerce Research, 1982-1984

- Folder 11: Commerce - Olson - Enterprise Zones, 1981-1983

- Folder 12: Communications - Olson - WPTS, Wichita Channel 8, 1984

- Folder 13: Education - Olson - Miscellaneous Education, 1982-1983

- Entitlements; Tuition Tax Credit; Career Development; Teacher of the Year; Federal Funding
- Box 399

- Folder 1: Finance - Olson - Finance Language, 1982-1983

- Folder 2: General - Olson - Abstracts, 1984

- Folder 3: General - Olson - Congratulations and Thank Yous [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 4: General - Olson - Congratulations and Thank Yous [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 5: General - Olson - Correspondence Files Copies, 1982-1984

- Folder 6: General - Olson - Correspondence and Memos, 1982-1984

- Folder 7: General - Olson - Miscellaneous Topics, 1982-1983

- Cosmetology; Special Olympics; Bretton-Woods Act; Balanced Budget; Higher Education Student Aid Reform Act; Martin Luther Commemorative Stamp
- Folder 8: General - Olson - Pending Legislation, 1982-1984

- Folder 9: General - Olson - Statements, Polls, etc., 1982-1983

- Box 400

- Folder 1: Government Employees - Olson - Federal Employees, 1983

- Public Employees Appreciation Day; Federal Employees' Compensation Improvement Act; Civil Service Reform Act; Executive Branch Salaries and Allowances; Merit Pay for Federal Employees; Civil Service Retirement Budget Proposals; Federal Employees Health Benefits Program
- Folder 2: Healthy Policy - Olson - Health Fair, 1984

- Folder 3: Humanities - Olson - Institute of Museum Services (IMS) Grants to Small Institutions, 1984

- Folder 4: Humanities - Olson - Kansas State Historical Society, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Humanities - Olson - Sir Winston and Lady Churchill Statue Commemorative Stamp, Kansas City, 1984

- Folder 6: Law - Olson - Judiciary Language (Wayne Cryts Grain Elevator Letter), 1982

- Folder 7: Politics and Government - Olson - Governmental Affairs, Miscellaneous, 1983

- Commemorations; Productivity Management; Kansas Delegation Office Expenses; Regulatory Policy Act; National Archives and Records Administration Act of 1983 (S. 905)
- Folder 8: Politics and Government - Olson - Intergovernmental Issues, 1982

- Folder 9: Politics and Government - Olson - Lobbying, 1983

- Folder 10: Social Services - Olson - Private Sector Initiatives, 1984

- Folder 11: State and Local Governments - Olson - Kansas City, KS, 1983

- Folder 12: Urban Areas - Olson - Wichita Metropolitan Statistical Area, 1983

- Folder 13: Veterans - Olson - Veterans Administration Hospitals, 1984

- Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Affairs Medical Center Topeka, KS
- Folder 14: Veterans - Olson - Veterans Administration Hospitals - Correspondence, Topeka, 1984

- Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Affairs Medical Center Topeka, KS
- Folder 15: Veterans - Olson - Veterans Administration Hospitals - Dole Memos, Topeka, 1984

- Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Affairs Medical Center Topeka, KS
- Folder 16: Veterans - Olson - Veterans Administration Hospitals - Meeting Notes, 1984

- Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Affairs Medical Center Topeka, KS
- Folder 17: Veterans - Olson - Veterans Administration Hospitals - Notes and Memos, 1984

- Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Affairs Medical Center Topeka, KS
- Folder 18: Veterans - Olson - Veterans Administration Hospitals - Topeka Clippings/Releases, 1984

- Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Affairs Medical Center Topeka, KS
- Folder 19: Defense - Packard - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Sale to Saudi Arabia, 1981

- Folder 20: Defense - Packard - Julie, Loebe Affair [1 of 3], July 28 - May 20, 1975-1982

- Box 401

- Folder 1: Defense - Packard - Julie, Loebe Affair [2 of 3], July 28 - May 20, 1975-1982

- Folder 2: Defense - Packard - Julie, Loebe Affair [3 of 3], July 28 - May 20, 1975-1982

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Packard - Billy-Gate (Billy Carter), 1980

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Packard - Copenhagen Conference, 1980

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Packard - Czechoslovakia, 1981

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Packard - Eastern Europe Info, 1981

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Packard - F-15 Enhancement Sale/Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), 1981

- Box 402

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Packard - Foreign Policy Briefing Book [1 of 2], 1977-1982

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Packard - Foreign Policy Briefing Book [2 of 2], 1977-1982

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Packard - Foreign Policy Letters [1 of 2], 1979-1981

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Packard - Foreign Policy Letters [2 of 2], 1979-1981

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Packard - Foreign Policy Position, March 9 - November 15, 1977-1979

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Packard - Genocide Treaty, 1979-1982

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Packard - Human Rights, 1979-1980

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Packard - Human Rights - Georgy Vins Hearing, 1979

- Box 403

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Packard - Human Rights Letters [1 of 2], 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Packard - Human Rights Letters [2 of 2], 1978-1980

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Packard - India, 1980

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Packard - International Human Rights Covenants, 1981

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Packard - Iran [1 of 4], 1979-1980

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Packard - Iran [2 of 4], 1979-1980

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Packard - Iran [3 of 4], 1979-1980

- Box 404

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Packard - Iran [4 of 4], 1979-1980

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Packard - Iraq, 1981

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Packard - Israel and the Middle East [1 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Packard - Israel and the Middle East [2 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Packard - Israel and the Middle East [3 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Packard - Kerala and Katyn Massacres, 1978

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Packard - Lebanon Initiatives, 1981

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Packard - Madrid Conference Postponement, 1980

- Box 405

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Packard - Most Favored Nation Renewal for Romania, 1980

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Packard - Ramsey Clark, 1980

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Packard - Romania - Most Favored Nation [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Packard - Romania - Most Favored Nation [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Packard - Sakharov, 1981

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Packard - Sakharov, 1983

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Packard - Voice of America, Jack Anderson, 1978-1979

- Folder 8: Aging - Scanlan - Hospice/Long-Term Care/Hospice Benefit Medicare, 1991

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Acreage Reduction Program, 1981-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agency for International Development, August 20 - September 21, 1982

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agricultural Credit, 1985-1987

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agricultural Imports, January 28, 1986

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture, 1985

- Box 406

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Clippings [1 of 4], 1985

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Clippings [2 of 4], 1985

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Clippings [3 of 4], 1985

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Clippings [4 of 4], 1985

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Cooperative, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Embargo Amendment, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Export Expansion Act, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Export Expansion Act, 1983-1985

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Agriculture Exports, 1983-1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Analysis of Activities, Food and Feed Grain Institute, FY 1977-FY 1981, April 15, 1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Banking, 1981-1986

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Bankruptcy, February 14 - June 22, 1981

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Bonus Incentive Commodity Export Program, 1985-1986

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Briefing Book Materials, January 29 - August 31, 1987

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Brucellosis, December 17 - January 21, 1981-1982

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Budget and Finance, September, 1983

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Canadian Custom Cutters [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Scanlan - Canadian Custom Cutters [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Box 407

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Cargo Preference [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Cargo Preference [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Cargo Preference Act, 1981-1985

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Cargo Preference Exemptions, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Caseine, S. 509, 1981

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - CBI Initiative, March 8 - 16, 1982

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Cheese, 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Citrus Growers, June 5, 1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Clear Title Proposal, 1981-1985

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Clippings, 1985

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Credit Corporation, 1982-1983

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Credit Corporation, 1985-1986

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1975-1982

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1979-1982

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1980-1982

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 1985-1986

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission Reauthorization, March 1, 1982

- Box 408

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission - Securities and Exchange, Commission Agreement, December 7, 1981

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Short Selling, January 13 - 20, 1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Provisions [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Provisions [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Commodity Tax Straddles, May 8 - June 2, 1981

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Reform Legislation, 1984

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Soil Conservation: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Conservation Reserve Program, March 28, 1986

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Corn, 1981-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Cost of Production, 1981-1986

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Crop Insurance [1 of 2], 1979-1980

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Crop Insurance [2 of 2], 1979-1980

- Box 409

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Crop Insurance Associations, May 5 - August 2, 1982

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Custom Cutters, April 26, 1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy [1 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy [2 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy: Casein, December, 1979

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy Production Stabilization Act, 1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy: Proposals, 1980-1981

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy: Milk Diversion Program, 1983-1985

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy: Trade, June 1 - August 25, 1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dairy: Whole Herd Buy Out Program, March 28 - April 7, 1986

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Danforth Trade Bill, February 10 - September 23, 1982

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dole Agriculture Meetings/Photo Ops, September 14, 1987

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dole Farm Advisory Board, 1985

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Dole Farm Advisory Board - Young Farmer Advisory Board, 1985

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Domestic Commodity Distribution and Food Assistance Act, February 17 - March 3, 1983

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Economic Support Fund, January 18, 1983

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Scanlan - Economic Support Funds, July 13, 1982

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Scanlan - Egypt: Flour Understanding, May 12, 1982

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Scanlan - Egypt: PL 480, 1982

- Box 410

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Egypt: Title III, March 16 - August 10, 1981

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Emergency Farm Aid, 1981-1986

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Emergency Last Feed Program, May 19 - July 10, 1981

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program, 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program, 1989, [1 of 2], 1988-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program, 1989, [2 of 2], 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Estate Gift Tax, 1981

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Estate Taxes, 1981-1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Ethanol, 1986-1987

- Box 411

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - European Community, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - European Community: Trade Strategy, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - European Community - Canadian Beef, January 23, 1981

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Export Administration Act, January 12, 1983

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Export Credit Revolving Fund, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports, 1983-1986

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports: Embargos, 1981-1986

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports: Export Enhancement Program, 1988-1989

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports: Proposals, 1982-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports: Revolving Credit Fund, November 2 - February 1, 1981-1982

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports: Targeted Export Assistance, March 20 - April 6, 1987

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Exports: Trade Policy, 1982-1987

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill, 1981-1982

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Box 412

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill Amendments, 1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill: Areas and Related Issues, 1980-1982

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill: Areas and Related Issues - Sugar Hearings, 1979-1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill Improvement Act of 1987, March 4, 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill: Initiatives, 1984-1985

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill Meeting, October 31, 1985

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill: Miscellaneous Amendments, 1981-1984

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill: Proposals, 1983-1985

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Bill: Related Information, 1984-1985

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Clippings, 1985

- Box 413

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Credit [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Credit [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Credit [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Credit System, September 24 - October 4, 1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Export Legislation, 1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Policy Debate, 1984

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farm Union, December 22 - February 14, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farmer Owned Reserve, June 1, 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farmers Home Administration Loans, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Farms, 1979-1982

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Grain Inspection Service: Relocation, June 2 - September 28, 1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, 1982

- Box 414

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, Environmental Protection Agency [1 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act, Environmental Protection Agency [2 of 2], 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act Mark-Up, 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA) [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA) [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA) [3 of 3], 1987

- Box 415

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Finance, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info, 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Export-Import Bank, 1982-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Farm Credit System, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Federal Reserve, 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Gold, November 8, 1982

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Gold Standard, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Inheritance Tax, 1980-1982

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - Interest Rate, 1982-1983

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - International Bank, June 17 - 29, 1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Financial Info - International Monetary Fund, 1982-1983

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Flexible Parity, 1978-1986

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Food and Drug Administration, May 25 - June 28, 1982

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Food Prices, 1981-1986

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Food Safety, 1981-1982

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Food Security Improvements Act of 1986, March 4 - April 8, 1986-1987

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Scanlan - Food Surpluses, 1983

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Scanlan - Foreign Farm Ownership, May, 1983

- Box 416

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Freeze Loan Rates, 1972-1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Futures Market, April, 1982

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Futures Options, 1979-1981

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Futures Trading Act of 1982, December 21, 1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [1 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [2 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [3 of 10], 1976-1984

- Box 417

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [4 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [5 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [6 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [7 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [8 of 10], 1976-1984

- Box 418

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [9 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [10 of 10], 1976-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - General, 1980-1981

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [1 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [2 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [3 of 8], 1980-1984

- Box 419

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [4 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [5 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [6 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [7 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [8 of 8], 1980-1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - General, 1982-1983

- Box 420

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [1 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [2 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [3 of 3], 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [1 of 3], 1982-1985

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [2 of 3], 1982-1985

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - General [3 of 3], 1982-1985

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - General, 1982-1986

- Box 421

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - General Accounting Office Reports, September 20, 1979

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Dairy and Meat Agreements, April 12, 1979

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - General: Campaign Positions, 1977-1980

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - General: News Clippings, 1979-1985

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - General: Press Releases, 1980-1982

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - General: Press Releases, 1982-1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Georgia Agribusiness Council, April 21 - 23, 1982

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Gold Seal Thank You Notes, 1985-1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Legislation, August, 1982

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Grain Elevator Bill, 1977

- Box 422

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Grain Export Enhancement Program (EEP), 1986

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Grain Quality, 1983-1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Homestead Program, March 18, 1986

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Honey, January 30 - February 26, 1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Ideas/Development, 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Impact of Silver, 1978-1980

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Improvement of Postharvest Grain Systems - Annual Report, 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs, 1979-1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - East-West Trade, May 11 - September 9, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - EEC Trade Complaints, 1979-1982

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - Mexico, December - September 8, 1982-1983

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - Soviet Grain Embargo, 1981-1982

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - Special Trade Representative, 1981

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - Special Trade Representative White Paper, 1976-1979

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - U.S.-Japan Trade Issues, 1982-1984

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Affairs - U.S.-Soviet Affairs, 1981-1984

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Debt Problem, October 17 - March 10, 1986-1987

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Scanlan - International Grains Program Conference, August, 1984

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Scanlan - Interstate Meat Bill, 1979-1981

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Scanlan - Iowa Beef Processors, 1980

- Folder 21: Agriculture - Scanlan - Kansas State University, 1982

- Folder 22: Agriculture - Scanlan - Kansas State University, 1985-1987

- Folder 23: Agriculture - Scanlan - Lackey Feed Lots, 1982

- Folder 24: Agriculture - Scanlan - Legislative Voting Patterns - Farm Legislation Crisis, 1983

- Box 423

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Legislative Voting Patterns - Voting Patterns on Major Farm Legislation - 1948-1981, February 16, 1982

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Letters from Reagan, September 14 - October 16, 1981

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Long Term Grain Agreement: China, September 8 - October 22, 1980

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Long Term Grain Agreement: USSR, 1981-1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Long-Term Trade Agreement, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Mail, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Mandatory Production Controls, 1980-1985

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Marketing, 1982-1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Marketing - Agricultural Marketing, 1983-1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Marketing - Market Development, 1979-1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Marketing - Marketing Orders, June - July, 1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Marketing Loan, 1985-1987

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Maritime Cargo Preference, 1982-1983

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Maximum Payment Limitation, 1985-1986

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - McMillan and Lying at the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1983-1984

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Meat Import Act, 1980

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Meat Imports, 1979-1980

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Scanlan - Meat Inspection, August 11, 1982

- Box 424

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Memos, 1982-1986

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Memos, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Memos and Letters, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Memos to Senator Dole, 1981-1985

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Miscellaneous, 1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Miscellaneous, 1985-1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Mortgaged Commodities, 1984

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - National Economic Stability Act, 1983-1985

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - National Farmers Union, February 24 - March 1, 1982

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Natural Gas, January 2, 1982

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Nutrition: Food Aid, 1976-1986

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Nutrition: World Food Council, 1980-1982

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Office of Inspector General (OIG) Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC), 1981-1982

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Oil, 1979-1982

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Oil Shortage, 1981-1982

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Organic Farming, August 2 - May 24, 1983-1984

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Parity [1 of 2], 1977-1983

- Box 425

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Parity [2 of 2], 1977-1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Parity - Parity, 1977

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Parity - Tri-Lateral Commission, 1976-1983

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Payment-in-Kind, 1981-1983

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Payment-in-Kind, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Payment-in-Kind [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Payment-in-Kind [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Payment-in-Kind [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Payment-in-Kind and Roll, 1986-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Percy-Dixon Embargo, 1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Percy/Dixon Record, 1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Personal Thank You Notes, March 12 - May 5, 1987

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Plans, 1982-1983

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Poland Sanctions, 1981-1982

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Pork, December 18 - April 7, 1981-1986

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Possible Dole Amendments, 1987

- Box 426

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Reauthorization of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [1 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Reauthorization of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [2 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Reauthorization of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [3 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Reauthorization of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [1 of 3], 1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Reauthorization of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [2 of 3], 1982

- Box 427

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Reauthorization of Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [3 of 3], 1982

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Remarks/Talking Points, 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Research Statement of Differences, Research, Extension, and Teaching in the Food and Agricultural Sciences,, Undated

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Resource Material, 1982-1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rice, September 3 - April 28, 1981-1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Development [1 of 2], 1986-1988

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Development [2 of 2], 1986-1988

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Electrification Act, Telephone, 1981-1983

- Box 428

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Electrification Administration, 1981-1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Transportation, 1981-1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Transportation Crisis, 1981-1983

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Rural Transportation Crisis - Rural Transportation Crisis, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Small Business Administration, 1981-1982

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Social Security, September 13 - October, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soil Conservation Act of 1984 - Conference Committee Materials, 1984

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soil Conservation Service - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), FY 1985 Budget, 1984

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soil and Water Conservation in Kansas, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soil and Water Transportation, 1974-1985

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soviet Grain Embargo, 1979-1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soviet Grain Embargo: Press Releases, 1980-1981

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Soy Beans, 1982-1987

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Stock Index Futures Contracts, 1978-1982

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Storage, 1981-1986

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Storage, 1982-1984

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan - Storage, 1982-1986

- Box 429

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Storage - Storage, 1982

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Sugar, 1982-1986

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Surplus Agriculture Commodities Disposal Act, 1982-1985

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Surplus Cheese, January 6 - February 9, 1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Table Grapes, April 1 - August 12, 1982

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Target Price, August, 1983

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Target Price Freeze, 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Target Price Freeze - For Debate, 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Tax Shelter Registration, October 16 - 26, 1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Act, 1981-1983

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Textiles, 1983

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Textiles, 1985

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Tobacco, 1981-1985

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - Tobacco, April 14 - 19, 1983

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - Tobacco Amendment, 1983

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Box 430

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade Agreements on Tariffs and Trade, 1986-1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade: Canadian Trade Agreement [1 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade: Canadian Trade Agreement [2 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade: Canadian Trade Agreement [3 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade: Export Promotion Program, August 4, 1982

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade: General Agreements on Tariffs and Trade, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Trade: Smoot-Hawley, 1979-1986

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - US Department of Agriculture (USDA): Secretary of Agriculture, December 1 - March 13, 1980-1987

- Box 431

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan - US Department of Agriculture (USDA): Speeches, 1982-1985

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan - US Department of Agriculture (USDA): Soil Conservation Service, FY 1984 Budget Materials, 1983

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan - US and Soviet Trade, 1979-1982

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan - US and USSR Long-Term Trade Agreement, 1980-1982

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan - Veal Information, 1986-1988

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan - Vet School - Memo, 1982

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan - Weather - Weather Service Act, May 14 - September 27, 1982

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan - Wheat, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan - Wheat Certification Tax, Undated

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan - Wheat Classification, September 17 - December 29, 1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan - Wheat Flour, 1975-1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan - Wheat Industry Council, 1977-1980

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan - Wine, October 5 - March 9, 1983-1984

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan - World Agriculture, August 16, 1985

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan - World Bank Loans, 1985-1986

- Folder 16: Animals - Scanlan - Animals - Experiments, 1983

- Folder 17: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare [1 of 3], 1983-1989

- Box 432

- Folder 1: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare [2 of 3], 1983-1989

- Folder 2: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare [3 of 3], 1983-1989

- Folder 3: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare [1 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 4: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare [2 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare [3 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 6: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare - Animal Welfare, 1986-1987

- Box 433

- Folder 1: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare Act, 1987

- Folder 2: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare: General, April 1 - August 16, 1983

- Folder 3: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare: Prevent a Litter Month [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 4: Animals - Scanlan - Animal Welfare: Prevent a Litter Month [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Commemorations - Scanlan - Martin Luther King Commission, 1985-1996

- Folder 6: Commemorations - Scanlan - Martin Luther King Day (Correspondence), March, 1971

- Folder 7: Commemorations - Scanlan - Martin Luther King Holiday, Undated

- Folder 8: Commemorations - Scanlan - Martin Luther King, Jr. (Holiday), 1969-1970

- Folder 9: Criminal Justice - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Computer Crime and Security: Selected Articles, 1984

- Folder 10: Emergency Management - Scanlan - Disaster Assistance, 1983

- Folder 11: Energy - Natural Gas Policy Act, 1983

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Scanlan - Conservation Staff Agreement, Resource Conservation, Undated

- Folder 13: Finance - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - International Banking: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 14: Finance - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - International Monetary Fund: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 15: Finance - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Supply-Side Economics: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 16: Finance - Scanlan - Marketing and Futures, 1983

- Folder 17: Food - Scanlan - Hunger, 1986-1987

- Folder 18: Foreign Policy - Scanlan - American Embassy Moscow, U.S.S.R, 1981-1982

- Folder 19: Foreign Policy - Scanlan - The Argentine Debt Crisis and Exchange Stabilization Fund, 1984

- Folder 20: Foreign Policy - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Central America: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 21: Foreign Policy - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - China-U.S.-Taiwan Relations: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 22: Foreign Policy - Scanlan - International Investment, 1983

- Folder 23: General - Scanlan - Dole Newsletters and Dole Alumni Group, Undated

- Folder 24: General - Scanlan - Mark Scanlan's Miscellaneous File, 1983-1984

- Folder 25: Government Information - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Congressional Research Service Info Packs, 1983

- Folder 26: Housing - Scanlan - Housing and Mortgage Finance Data: Current and Historical, 1984

- Folder 27: Infrastructure - Scanlan - Congressional Research Service Reference Materials - Infrastructure and Job Creation: Selected References, 1984

- Folder 28: Law - Scanlan - Bayh-Dole Act, 1993-1995

- Box 434

- Folder 1: Law - Scanlan - Bayh-Dole [Act] Legislative History, 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Scanlan - Rounds Estate - Lacueva Tract Exchange, 1984

- Folder 3: Rural Affairs - Scanlan - Agriculture, Rural Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, 1985

- Folder 4: Rural Affairs - Scanlan - Rural Electrification and Telephone Revolving Fund Self-Sufficiency Act of 1983 (S. 1300), 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Taxation - Scanlan - Internal Revenue Service Announcement No. 83-130, 1983

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - 1985 Farm Bill [1 of 3], 1981-1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - 1985 Farm Bill [2 of 3], 1981-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - 1985 Farm Bill [3 of 3], 1981-1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - 1987 Marketing Loan, April - October, 1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Agriculture Articles, September - October, 1987

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Agriculture Committee Structure and Rules, 1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Alternative Agriculture, 1989

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Alternative Agriculture - Scientist's Review, July, 1990

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - The Ambelopoulia, 1987

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Animal Patents - Agriculture's Perspective, August 25, 1987

- Box 435

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Briefing Materials, April 1, 1980

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Campaign Activities By Senate Employees, April 2, 1982

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), January - April, 1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Corn Gluten, September 28 - October 3, 1988

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Crop Protection Chemicals Reference, 1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Department of Agriculture Nominees, February 18 - May 13, 1981

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Farm Bill 1990 - Agenda for the Environment and Consumers, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Farm Credit, August - September, 1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Farm Credit and Debt, 1985-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Farm Organization's Names to Know, 1979-1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) [1 of 2], 1986-1988

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) [2 of 2], 1986-1988

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Feedstuffs, September - October, 1987

- Box 436

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - General Agriculture Policy [1 of 5], 1982-1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - General Agriculture Policy [2 of 5], 1982-1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - General Agriculture Policy [3 of 5], 1982-1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - General Agriculture Policy [4 of 5], 1982-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - General Agriculture Policy [5 of 5], 1982-1987

- Box 437

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - General Farm Economy, June 30 - July 13, 1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Glickman Information, September 13 - October 8, 1985

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - High Plains Journal, August - October, 1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Imported Meat and Livestock - Chemical Residue Detection and the Issue of Labeling, September, 1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Making Soil and Water Conservation Work - Scientific and Policy Perspectives, 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Mandatory Controls, October 31, 1986

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Marketing Loans, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - National Agriculture Day, 1980-1989

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - News Clippings, 1985-1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Newsletters, 1980-1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Public Law (PL) 480 Dinner, June 29 - July 10, 1984

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Should Imported Meat Be Labeled, October, 1987

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - State of Kansas Farm Economy - Junior Armstrong, August 24, 1981

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Target Prices, 1983-1984

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Tax Issues, 1984-1986

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Tax Issues and Information, 1984-1987

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Third World Debt [1 of 3], 1985-1988

- Box 438

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Third World Debt [2 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Third World Debt [3 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Top Ranking Counties in Kansas Agriculture, 1986-1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - University of Kansas Law Review - Prevention of Groundwater Contamination in Kansas, 1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - US Agriculture and the Developing World - Partners or Competitors, 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - US Agriculture and Third World Development - The Critical Language, 1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - USSR Situation Report, 1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - US Wheat Associates, July 17, 1981

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Values of Agriculture, 1983-1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - What Agribusiness Thinks, August, 1985

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Wheat Facts, 1987

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Wheat Growers, September 27 - October 11, 1980

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Scanlan/Spears - Wisconsin Law Review, 1986

- Folder 14: Emergency Management - Scanlan/Spears - Drought [1 of 3], 1988

- Box 439

- Folder 1: Emergency Management - Scanlan/Spears - Drought [2 of 3], 1988

- Folder 2: Emergency Management - Scanlan/Spears - Drought [3 of 3], 1988

- Folder 3: Emergency Management - Scanlan/Spears - Drought Summaries, July - October, 1988

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Scanlan/Spears - Conservation [1 of 2], 1980-1988

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Scanlan/Spears - Conservation [2 of 2], 1980-1988

- Box 440

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Scanlan/Spears - Environmental Conservation Acreage Preserve Program (ECARP) Background Information, 1988

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Scanlan/Spears - South Fork Kansas Watershed, July 7 - October 27, 1986

- Folder 3: Food - Scanlan/Spears - Food Safety Working Group, August, 1981

- Folder 4: General - Scanlan/Spears - Dole Newspaper Clippings, 1980-1987

- Folder 5: General - Scanlan/Spears - Letters to the Governor and President, 1981-1986

- Folder 6: General - Scanlan/Spears - Maps of Kansas, Undated

- Folder 7: General - Scanlan/Spears - Memos, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: General - Scanlan/Spears - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], 1980-1987

- Folder 9: General - Scanlan/Spears - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], 1980-1987

- Folder 10: General - Scanlan/Spears - Miscellaneous Letters, 1986-1987

- Folder 11: General - Scanlan/Spears - Miscellaneous Publications, 1987-1988

- Box 441

- Folder 1: General - Scanlan/Spears - Parliamentary Notes, June 15 - November, 1981

- Folder 2: General - Scanlan/Spears - Pending Visits and Receptions, 1983-1989

- Folder 3: General - Scanlan/Spears - Phrases and Sayings, 1981-1983

- Folder 4: General - Scanlan/Spears - President's Speeches and Notes, 1981-1982

- Folder 5: General - Scanlan/Spears - Statements/Speeches, 1982-1985

- Folder 6: Governmental Employees - Scanlan/Spears - Inter-Office Procedural, September 28, 1981

- Folder 7: Public Works - Scanlan/Spears - Rural Recovery and Revitalization Act, June 25, 1987

- Folder 8: Public Works - Scanlan/Spears - Rural Recovery and Revitalization Act Sectional, Undated

- Folder 9: Public Works - Scanlan/Spears - Rural Recovery and Revitalization Act Summaries, Undated

- Folder 10: Trade - Scanlan/Spears - General Agreement Tariffs and Trade (GATT), September 11 - November 29, 1984-1988

- Folder 11: Trade - Scanlan/Spears - Trade Policy [1 of 3], 1983-1988

- Box 442

- Box 1: Trade - Scanlan/Spears - Trade Policy [2 of 3], 1983-1988

- Box 2: Trade - Scanlan/Spears - Trade Policy [3 of 3], 1983-1988

- Box 3: Commerce - Schnacke - ARCO's Move from Independence, KS to Houston, TX, 1991

- Box 4: Commerce - Schnacke - Bagcraft Corporation, May 4 - February 28, 1993-1994

- Box 5: Commerce - Schnacke - Computer Science Corporation Relocation in Kansas, September 7 - 12, 1989

- Box 6: Commerce - Schnacke - Danforth Plan to Eliminate the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), July 27 - September 16, 1993

- Box 7: Commerce - Schnacke - General Motors Leeds Assembly Plant in Kansas City, December 2, 1987

- Box 8: Commerce - Schnacke - Hoisington Plant Extension, June 2 - 7, 1993

- Box 9: Commerce - Schnacke - National Independent Trucker Day, August 16 - May 13, 1993-1994

- Box 10: Commerce - Schnacke - Overbrook Farmers' Union Coop/Missouri Pacific Rail Abandonment in Osage County, Kansas, 1988-1989

- Box 11: Commerce - Schnacke - Private Enterprise Policy at Federal Transit Administration, 1993-1994

- Box 12: Commerce - Schnacke - S. 140, Increasing Federal Payments in Lieu of Taxes to Units of General Local Government, January 14 - August 16, 1991

- Box 13: Energy - Schnacke - Hugoton Gas Field, 1989-1991

- Box 14: Energy - Schnacke - Letter to General Motors Chairman Robert Stempel Supporting Reformulated Gasoline, 1991

- Box 15: Energy - Schnacke - Strategic Oil Reserves, KS Site, Mid-Continent Energy Center, 1954-1991

- Box 443

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project [1 of 5], 1987-1990

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project [2 of 5], 1987-1990

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project [3 of 5], 1989

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project [4 of 5], 1989

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project [5 of 5], 1988

- Box 444

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Lead Exposure Reduction Act of 1993/1994, May 23 - 24, 1994

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Neosho River and Mad Tom, April 13 - May 16, 1994

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Phosphate Fertilizer Amendment to H.R. 5679, June - July, 1992

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Schnacke - Superfund Reform Act of 1994, February 14 - May 4, 1994

- Folder 5: General - Schnacke - Bob Partridge and Roy Beaver's University of Missouri Alumni Award, January 4 - 5, 1994

- Folder 6: General - Schnacke - Everett Maynard, Request for Assistance, February 15, 1994

- Folder 7: General - Schnacke - Iowa/Liberal Air Museum Name Dispute, June - July 8, 1993

- Folder 8: General - Schnacke - Kearney County Time Zone Change, July 31 - July 25, 1989-1990

- Folder 9: General - Schnacke - Lovewell Institute for the Creative Arts, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: General - Schnacke - M.A. Chaudry and Visas, March 17 - April 15, 1994

- Folder 11: General - Schnacke - Memos, Letters to Dole, 1991-1994

- Folder 12: General - Schnacke - Miscellaneous Correspondence, February 21 - April 26, 1991

- Folder 13: General - Schnacke - Miscellaneous Letters to Constituents [1 of 2], 1987-1993

- Folder 14: General - Schnacke - Miscellaneous Letters to Constituents [2 of 2], 1987-1993

- Folder 15: General - Schnacke - National Association of Postmasters of the U.S., January 29 - March 7, 1992-1994

- Folder 16: General - Schnacke - Pottawatomie Mission, Topeka, 1992-1994

- Folder 17: General - Schnacke - St. Mary of the Plains College, 1990-1991

- Folder 18: General - Schnacke - Victor Merryfield, Topeka, March 23, 1994

- Folder 19: Public Works - Schnacke - Flood Control Project at Halstead, 1991-1992

- Folder 20: Public Works - Schnacke - Wichita Boathouse, 1994

- Box 445

- Folder 1: Transportation - Schnacke - Air Service Cutbacks, Dec 13 - January 12, 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Transportation - Schnacke - Airplane Theft, Associated Aviation Underwriters, Olathe, KS, October 9 - December 12, 1989

- Folder 3: Transportation - Schnacke - American Airlines and O'Hare Slots, March 14 - April 20, 1990

- Folder 4: Transportation - Schnacke - Atchison to Topeka Railroad Abandonment, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Transportation - Schnacke - Aviation Systems and Supplier to the Gambia, December 6, 1988

- Folder 6: Transportation - Schnacke - Beloit Airport Rehab Grant, 1990

- Folder 7: Transportation - Schnacke - Berkel & Company Contractors and Federal Highway Projects, June 1 - August 23, 1990

- Folder 8: Transportation - Schnacke - Bombardier Congrats on Acquisition of Lear, July 3 - 17, 1990

- Folder 9: Transportation - Schnacke - Emporia Overpass Project/Bob Dole Overpass, 1991

- Folder 10: Transportation - Schnacke - Expanded America West Airline Service in Wichita, May 24 - July 30, 1989-1990

- Folder 11: Transportation - Schnacke - Federal Express Hub Expansion in Wichita, September 15 - October 3, 1993

- Folder 12: Transportation - Schnacke - Ft. Scott Scenic Byway, May 7 - 20, 1991

- Folder 13: Transportation - Schnacke - Ft. Scott Scenic Byway - Frontier Military Scenic Byway, 1990-1991

- Folder 14: Transportation - Schnacke - Ft. Scott Scenic Byway - Ft. Scott Publicity, 1991

- Folder 15: Transportation - Schnacke - Funding for Highway 66 Near Galena, January 30, 1990

- Folder 16: Transportation - Schnacke - Governor's Highway Plan, August 3 - 4, 1989

- Folder 17: Transportation - Schnacke - Grant, Wichita State University's Aviation Safety Institute, 1987-1990

- Folder 18: Transportation - Schnacke - Greyhound Bus Abandons Intercity Bus Service [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 19: Transportation - Schnacke - Greyhound Bus Abandons Intercity Bus Service [2 of 2], May - July 1989

- Box 446

- Folder 1: Transportation - Schnacke - Greyhound Bus Abandons Intercity Bus Service - Abandoned Bus, 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Transportation - Schnacke - Greyhound Bus Abandons Intercity Bus Service - Rural Bus Service, December 26 - March 4, 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Transportation - Schnacke - Hinson, Midwest Air Traffic Control Service, 1993

- Folder 4: Transportation - Schnacke - Interchange at 110th Street and I-70, July 30 - September 21, 1990

- Folder 5: Transportation - Schnacke - Kansas City Power and Light Compliance with Federal Highway Administration Rules, June 5 - 22, 1989

- Folder 6: Transportation - Schnacke - Kansas Pacific Railroad Association, 1992

- Folder 7: Transportation - Schnacke - Kansas Turnpike Authorities and Schnacke Detroit Trip, April 19 - June 10, 1991

- Folder 8: Transportation - Schnacke - Lear and Tanker Transport Training System, July 21 - 31, 1989

- Folder 9: Transportation - Schnacke - Letter Supporting Kansas City Urban Mass Transportation Administration, May 8, 1991

- Folder 10: Transportation - Schnacke - Metric Conversion Legislation, February 2 - 4, 1994

- Folder 11: Transportation - Schnacke - Miscellaneous [1 of 2], June 6 - June 8, 1992-1994

- Folder 12: Transportation - Schnacke - Miscellaneous [2 of 2], June 6 - June 8, 1992-1994

- Folder 13: Transportation - Schnacke - Phil Lesh Request for Sunflower Electric, May 24 - 27, 1988

- Folder 14: Transportation - Schnacke - Pratt Demonstration Airport Project [1 of 2], October 31 - July 5, 1989-1990

- Box 447

- Folder 1: Transportation - Schnacke - Pratt Demonstration Airport Project [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Transportation - Schnacke - Private Jet Expedition, Inc., February 2 - March 1, 1989

- Folder 3: Transportation - Schnacke - Radar Coverage in Kansas, August 1, 1991

- Folder 4: Transportation - Schnacke - Robert Meyer, San Francisco Bay Area Transit Consolidation Study, January - November 10, 1990-1992

- Folder 5: Transportation - Schnacke - Route 66 Study Bill, Domenici, May 10 - June 19, 1989

- Folder 6: Transportation - Schnacke - Ryan International Airlines, August 3, 1989

- Folder 7: Transportation - Schnacke - Santa Fe and Rail Abandonment in Kansas, February 6 - May 8, 1991

- Folder 8: Transportation - Schnacke - South Dakota Local Rail Service Assistance, July 7 - October 2, 1987

- Folder 9: Transportation - Schnacke - State Rail Safety Enhancement Act, November 9 - December 2, 1988

- Folder 10: Transportation - Schnacke - Syracuse, KS Runway Extension, March 6 - 15, 1991

- Folder 11: Transportation - Schnacke - Trucking and Triple Trailer Issue, 1990-1993

- Folder 12: Transportation - Schnacke - Union Pacific Depot Project, Lawrence, KS, November 14 - October 3, 1986-1989

- Folder 13: Transportation - Schnacke - Union Pacific Rail Salina and Plainville Abandonment, July - August 12, 1993

- Folder 14: Transportation - Schnacke - U.S. 59 from St. Joseph to Atchison, January 14 - February 1, 1994

- Folder 15: Transportation - Schnacke - US 69 Bridge Funds Over the Argentine Rail Yard, June 6 - August 9, 1988-1989

- Folder 16: Transportation - Schnacke/Cabbage - Miscellaneous Aviation Background, March 21 - March 1, 1992-1995

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Schnacke/Franz - California Desert, March 15 - March 2, 1994-1995

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Schnacke/Franz - Fiberglass/Insulation, March 5 - March 23, 1993-1994

- Folder 19: Science Policy - Schnacke/Franz - Metric System Signage, May - December 20, 1992-1995

- Box 448

- Folder 1: Transportation - Schnacke/Franz - Trucking, Negotiated Rates, May 9 - August 22, 1991-1995

- Folder 2: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - Beiriger, Michael/Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Manager, 1992

- Folder 3: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - Projects, Grants, December 3 - October 1, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - US Air/British Airways Proposal, September 21 - December 1, 1992

- Folder 5: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - Wright Amendment Repeal Efforts, Love Field, Dallas, TX [1 of 4], April 26 - December 1, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - Wright Amendment Repeal Efforts, Love Field, Dallas, TX [2 of 4], April 26 - December 1, 1991-1992

- Box 449

- Folder 1: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - Wright Amendment Repeal Efforts, Love Field, Dallas, TX [3 of 4], April 26 - December 1, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Transportation - Schnacke/Hunziker - Wright Amendment Repeal Efforts, Love Field, Dallas, TX [4 of 4], April 26 - December 1, 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Defense - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Administration and Senate Correspondence, 1981

- Folder 4: Defense - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Background, 1981

- Folder 5: Defense - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - General, 1981

- Folder 6: Defense - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Other Correspondence, 1981

- Folder 7: Defense - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Reports [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 8: Defense - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Reports [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 450

- Folder 1: Defense Policy - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - Resolutions and Announcements, 1981

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Schwiesow - El Salvador, February 16 - July 23, 1982

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Schwiesow - Miscellaneous, March 1 - March 29, 1982-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Schwiesow - National Conference on Soviet Jewry, 1977-1979

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Schwiesow - Sakharov Committee, 1982

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Schwiesow - Sakharov Hearings, 1980

- Folder 7: Commerce - Seeber - Associated Builders and Contractors Speech, April 2 - 22, 1996

- Folder 8: Commerce - Seeber - El Dorado Incentive Package, April 25 - 26, 1994

- Folder 9: Constitution - Seeber - 10th Amendment Resolution, April 29 - 30, 1996

- Folder 10: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Assault Weapon Victim's Mother, May 11, 1995

- Folder 11: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Dr. George Meredith Department of Justice Investigation, June 26 - May 8, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Eugene Shore Case, October 18 - February 13, 1995-1996

- Folder 13: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Model State Drug Laws, June 27 - February 12, 1995-1996

- Folder 14: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Parole Commission, February 22 - April 3, 1996

- Folder 15: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Paul and Lisa Program, January 26 - April 18, 1992-1994

- Folder 16: Criminal Justice - Seeber - Wichita Police Money, July 29 - December 20, 1993

- Folder 17: Drug Abuse - Seeber - Drug Awareness Resistance Effort (DARE), November 9 - January 30, 1995-1996

- Box 451

- Folder 1: General - Seeber - Assorted Wacko Letters [1 of 3], January 23 - January 29, 1990-1996

- Folder 2: General - Seeber - Assorted Wacko Letters [2 of 3], January 23 - January 29, 1990-1996

- Folder 3: General - Seeber - Assorted Wacko Letters [3 of 3], January 23 - January 29, 1990-1996

- Folder 4: General - Seeber - Intern Top Ten List of Republican Leader Office Staff, Undated

- Folder 5: General - Seeber - Mayor Cleaver Meeting, August 25, 1994

- Folder 6: Labor - Seeber - Amendments to Age Discrimination Enforcement Act (Firefighter's Bill), March 8 - June 4, 1996

- Folder 7: Labor - Seeber - Davis-Bacon Helpers, September 29 - January 17, 1993-1996

- Folder 8: Labor - Seeber - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Letters, October 27 - June 20, 1993-1995

- Folder 9: Labor - Seeber - Minimum Wage, March 26 - May 22, 1996

- Folder 10: Labor - Seeber - National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) Letters, March 13 - April 11, 1996

- Folder 11: Labor - Seeber - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Rulings, January 17 - February 8, 1995

- Folder 12: Labor - Seeber - Right to Work Bill, March 21 - February 6, 1995-1996

- Folder 13: Labor - Seeber - Workforce Development Block Grants, March 11 - April 16, 1996

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Sena - Certificate of Financial Responsibility (COFR), December 8 - February 8, 1994-1995

- Folder 15: Animals - Sena - Endangered Species Act, May 4 - March 12, 1995-1996

- Folder 16: Budgets - Sena - Appropriations, July 28 - March 25, 1994-1996

- Box 452

- Folder 1: Budgets - Sena - Budget Reconciliation Issues, April 13 - November 1, 1995

- Folder 2: Budgets - Sena - Superfund - Environmental Insurance Resolution Fund, September 28, 1994

- Folder 3: Budgets - Sena - Superfund - Finance Committee, June 23 - September 27, 1994

- Folder 4: Budgets - Sena - Superfund - Notes/Dole Memos, August 19 - October 25, 1994

- Folder 5: Budgets - Sena - Superfund - Office of Inspector General (OIG) Report, July 25 - September 20, 1994

- Folder 6: Budgets - Sena - Superfund - Summaries, Amendments, Etc. January 14 - October 1, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Budgets - Sena - Superfund - The End, July 22 - October 5, 1995

- Folder 8: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Documents, February 8 - September 28, 1995

- Folder 9: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - Financing, December 22 - February 21, 1995-1996

- Folder 10: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - Insurance Issues, July 21, 1995

- Folder 11: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - Letters, June 28 - April 22, 1994-1996

- Folder 12: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - Memos, November 29 - May 10, 1994-1996

- Folder 13: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - National Governors Association (NGA), May 24 - February 29, 1995-1996

- Folder 14: Budgets - Sena - Superfund, 1995-1996 - State Roles Hearing, May 4 - September 18, 1995

- Box 453

- Folder 1: Budgets - Sena - Superfund Finance Committee Hearing Briefing Book, September, 1994

- Folder 2: Business - Sena - S. 942, Small Business Fairness Act, February 7 - March 9, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Commerce - Sena - Department of Commerce (DOC) Marine Navigation Trust Fund Act, July 25, 1994

- Folder 4: Commerce - Sena - Patent Issues, September 26 - 27, 1994

- Folder 5: Emergency Management - Sena - Missouri River, May 9 - May 25, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Emergency Management - Sena - National Disaster Bill, December 26 - February 6, 1994-1996

- Folder 7: Emergency Management - Sena - Smokey the Bear Resolution, July 29 - August 9, 1994

- Folder 8: Energy - Sena - Department of Energy, July 18 - November 11, 1994

- Folder 9: Energy - Sena - Department of Energy, General Information, September 21 - February 3, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Energy - Sena - Energy Committee, September 20 - March 16, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Energy - Sena - Nuclear Energy, November 10 - April 7, 1992-1995

- Folder 12: Energy - Sena - Ocean Shipping Reform Act, May 18 - November 6, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Energy - Sena - Oil and Gas, 1994, June 23 - December, 1994

- Folder 14: Energy - Sena - Oil Issues, February 4 - March 6, 1992-1995

- Folder 15: Energy - Sena - Power Marketing Administrations, January 27 - June 7, 1995

- Folder 16: Energy - Sena - Propane, January 26 - April, 1996

- Folder 17: Energy - Sena - S. 395, Alaska, September 14 - November 25, 1994-1995

- Folder 18: Energy - Sena - United States Energy Association (USEA), April 19 - April 23, 1995-1996

- Folder 19: Environmental Protection - Sena - Battery Bill, September 27 - December 20, 1994

- Folder 20: Environmental Protection - Sena - Brownfields, July 24, 1995

- Folder 21: Environmental Protection - Sena - California Desert Act, February 13 - October 8, 1993-1994

- Folder 22: Environmental Protection - Sena - Central Valley, March 8 - 15, 1995

- Folder 23: Environmental Protection - Sena - Clean Air, August 3 - December 13, 1994

- Box 454

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Sena - Clean Air Act 1995-1996, August 5 - November 13, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Sena - Clean Water [1 of 2], July 22 - August 15, 1992-1994

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Sena - Clean Water [2 of 2], July 22 - August 15, 1992-1994

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Sena - Coastal Zone Management, May 17 - April 29, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Sena - Conservation Fund, April 23 - May 23, 1996

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Sena - Earth Day Floor Statement, April 9 - 22, 1996

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Sena - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Cluster Rule, March - February 22, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Sena - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Documents, January 18 - March 20, 1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Sena - Indoor Air, August 12 - June 20, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Sena - Kansas, Landfills/Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE), December 7 - December 16, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Sena - Presidio Package, February 13 - May 7, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Sena - Rangeland Reform, March 14 - 21, 1996

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Sena - S. 619, Battery Bill, September 1 - April 23, 1995-1996

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Sena - San Diego, October 7 - May 18, 1994-1995

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Sena - United States Fish and Wildlife, February 8 - February 21, 1993-1996

- Box 455

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Sena - Volatile Organic Compound (VOC), Air Emissions, Bakeries, December - October 28, 1987-1994

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Sena - Wetlands, May 24 - September 21, 1995

- Folder 3: Executive Departments - Sena - Department of Energy Elimination, February 28 - September 27, 1995

- Folder 4: Executive Departments - Sena - Department of Interior Bucked Letters, February 27 - May 16, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Food - Sena - Food, Agriculture Issues, Regulatory Reform, 1995

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Sena - Law of the Sea Treaty, July 27, 1994

- Folder 7: General - Sena - 104th General Issues, November 10 - March 25, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: General - Sena - Constituent Letter Responses, A-Z, December 6 - April 29, 1993-1996

- Folder 9: General - Sena - Dear Colleague Letters, January 30 - September 7, 1995

- Folder 10: General - Sena - Kansas Projects, January 16 - November 30, 1995

- Folder 11: General - Sena - Kansas Projects 1994, August 4 - December 22, 1994

- Folder 12: General - Sena - Memos, Regulatory Reform, May 18 - 22, 1995

- Folder 13: General - Sena - Negotiation Packages, June 14 - 28, 1995

- Folder 14: General - Sena - Republican Leader's Office Follow-Up, November 13 - June 6, 1995-1996

- Folder 15: General - Sena - State Issues, July 21 - January 6, 1994-1995

- Folder 16: General - Sena - Postal Issues, March 25 - September 9, 1985-1994

- Folder 17: General - Sena - Hawaii Health Care, July 30 - September 27, 1994

- Box 456

- Folder 1: Natural Resources - Sena - Coastal Barriers Act, July 12 - September 27, 1994

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Sena - Oregon National Historic Trail, 1994

- Folder 3: Public Lands - Sena - National Park System, August 23 - June 19, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Public Works - Sena - 29th and Meade Superfund Site, May 24 - April 25, 1994-1996

- Folder 5: Public Works - Sena - Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee, January 27 - December 20, 1995

- Folder 6: Public Works - Sena - Rural Utilities Service (RUS)/Midwest, September 28 - December 16, 1994

- Folder 7: Solid Wastes - Sena - Flow Control, 1994, August 17 - May 11, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Solid Wastes - Sena - Interstate Trash, 1992-1993, March 20 - August 1, 1992-1994

- Folder 9: Solid Wastes - Sena - Interstate Trash, 1994-1995, March 25 - May 17, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Solid Wastes - Sena - McKeon/Mack/Graham, November 13 - March 11, 1995-1996

- Folder 11: Solid Wastes - Sena - Nuclear Waste, August 8 - June 1, 1994-1996

- Folder 12: Solid Wastes - Sena - Ward Valley, March 29 - April 15, 1996

- Folder 13: Taxation - Sena - Excise Tax, Wine and Spirits Wholesalers of America (WSWA), Distilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS), April 20 - July 25, 1994

- Folder 14: Taxation - Sena - Section 29 Tax Credits, September 26 - October 31, 1994

- Box 457

- Folder 1: Taxation - Sena - Unfunded Federal Mandates, May 5 - April 15, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Transportation - Sena - Airlines, International, July 15 - September 15, 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Transportation - Sena - Aviation Fuel Tax, July 20 - April 18, 1982-1996

- Folder 4: Transportation - Sena - Commerce Committee, Aviation Issues, March 21 - May 20, 1994-1996

- Folder 5: Transportation - Sena - Freight Forwarders, August 26 - September 8, 1994

- Folder 6: Transportation - Sena - Hours of Service Exemption, October 1 - May 2, 1993-1996

- Folder 7: Transportation - Sena - Intermodal Transportation Commission, September - November 18, 1994

- Folder 8: Transportation - Sena - Intrastate Operating Authorities, September 25 - January 2, 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Transportation - Sena - Los Angeles Airport, January 27 - April 24, 1995

- Folder 10: Transportation - Sena - Maritime 1994, September 23 - April 25, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Transportation - Sena - National Highway System, March 3 - October 6, 1994-1995

- Folder 12: Transportation - Sena - National Highway System - Amendments, May 5 - September 26, 1995

- Folder 13: Transportation - Sena - National Highway System - Arkansas City Bypass, March 14 - November 14, 1994-1995

- Folder 14: Transportation - Sena - National Highway System - I-35/North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Corridor, November 18 - April 26, 1994-1996

- Folder 15: Transportation - Sena - National Highway System - Possible Kansas Projects, August 30 - June 15, 1994-1995

- Folder 16: Transportation - Sena - National Highway System and Crumb Rubber, February 15 - October 12, 1993-1995

- Box 458

- Folder 1: Transportation - Sena - Railroad Crossing Bill, May 22 - August 9, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Transportation - Sena - Speed Limit, August 18 - February 29, 1987-1996

- Folder 3: Transportation - Sena - Wright Amendment, March - August 9, 1990-1995

- Folder 4: Water - Sena - Water Aquifers, July 24 - 25, 1994

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Sena/Franz - Pesticide Legislation, June 23 - October 17, 1994

- Folder 6: Animals - Sena/Franz - Constituent Letters, January 10 - March 30, 1989-1992

- Folder 7: Animals - Sena/Franz - Puppy Mills, September 18 - June 2, 1990-1992

- Folder 8: Budgets - Sena/Franz - National Biological Service, August 10 - 21, 1995

- Folder 9: Budgets - Sena/Franz - Procurement Reform, August 15 - 22, 1994

- Folder 10: Budgets - Sena/Franz - S. 333, Murkowski Risk Bill, 1995

- Folder 11: Business - Sena/Franz - National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB), September 14 - 28, 1994

- Folder 12: Business - Sena/Franz - Small Business Administration (SBA) File, August 26 - November 16, 1994

- Folder 13: Business - Sena/Franz - Small Business Administration Letters, July 9 - June 19, 1993-1995

- Folder 14: Business - Sena/Franz - Small Business Regulatory Reform Hearing, October 31, 1995

- Folder 15: Commerce - Sena/Franz - Interstate Commerce Commission, January 31 - December 20, 1995

- Box 459

- Folder 1: Economic Policy - Sena/Franz - Economic Development, November 30 - February 3, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Economic Policy - Sena/Franz - Economic Development, August 18 - February 29, 1995

- Folder 3: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Army Corps of Engineers, Bucked Letters, June 9 - September 16, 1994

- Folder 4: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1994, September 9 - November 9, 1994

- Folder 5: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Midwest Flood Relief/Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) [1 of 3], June 14 - January 5, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Midwest Flood Relief/Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) [2 of 3], June 14 - January 5, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Midwest Flood Relief/Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) [3 of 3], June 14 - January 5, 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Midwest Flood Relief/Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) - Flood Information, July 27 - 31, 1993

- Folder 9: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Midwest Flood Relief/Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) - Flood Pictures, July, 1993

- Folder 10: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Midwest Flood Relief/Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) - Midwest Floods, 1991 - 1994, February 15 - June 10, 1991-1994

- Box 460

- Folder 1: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), March 12 - November 20, 1991-1996

- Folder 2: Emergency Management - Sena/Franz - Rossville, August 30 - July 27, 1988-1994

- Folder 3: Energy - Sena/Franz - Efficiency Standards, TV Sets, September 16 - May 28, 1994-1996

- Folder 4: Energy - Sena/Franz - Energy, Bucked Letters, April 17 - January 6, 1991-1994

- Folder 5: Energy - Sena/Franz - Energy Committee, September 29 - February 24, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Energy - Sena/Franz - Energy Regulatory Reform, [1995]

- Folder 7: Energy - Sena/Franz - Helium, May 13 - May 1, 1994-1996

- Folder 8: Energy - Sena/Franz - Natural Gas Pricing Issues, 1971-1978, August 5 - September 26, 1971-1978

- Folder 9: Energy - Sena/Franz - Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nominations, February 14 - April 17, 1995-1996

- Folder 10: Energy - Sena/Franz - Oil Prices, October 23 - March 29, 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Energy - Sena/Franz - Petroleum Marketing Practices Act Amendments, July 21 - September 19, 1992-1994

- Folder 12: Energy - Sena/Franz - Sunflower Electric Cooperative, August 28 - April 16, 1986-1991

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 1990 Clean Air Act - Amendments, July 10 - March 29, 1987-1990

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 1990 Clean Air Act - Dear Colleagues, November 14 - April 25, 1989-1994

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 1990 Clean Air Act - Ethanol, June 5 - November 15, 1989

- Box 461

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 1990 Clean Air Act - Kansas Letters, March 12 - November 20, 1990

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 1990 Clean Air Act - Press Releases/Articles, March 9 - June 12, 1990

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 1990 Clean Air Act - Summaries, [1990]

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Alternative Compliance, 1995

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Applicability to Current Law, 1995

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Aptus, Incorporated, 1994

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), October 17 - November 30, 1995

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Biological Diversity Treaty [1 of 2], May 24 - October 6, 1993-1994

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Biological Diversity Treaty [2 of 2], May 24 - October 6, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Bottle Bill, September 19 - 26, 1994

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Cement Kilns, February 24 - September 12, 1994-1995

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Chlorine, January 31 - March 7, 1994

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Chloroflourocarbons (CFCs), July 25 - October 25, 1994

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Clean Air Regulatory Reform, October 31 - November 2, 1994

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Department of the Interior, July 11 - May 11, 1994-1995

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Agency Information, July 22 - January, 1994-1995

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Bucks, September 13 - May 7, 1993-1996

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Communications Agency, November 2 - December 12, 1994

- Folder 19: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Radon, July 22, 1994

- Box 462

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Regulatory Actions, December 16 - June 20, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Regulatory Reform, December 3 - June 7, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Environmental Technologies Act, May 11 - October, 1994

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Farm Bill/Agriculture and the Environment, September 9 - November 4, 1994

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Federal Implementation Plan (FIP), California, Clean Air Act, February 15 - August 18, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Fish and Wildlife, August 8 - April 25, 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Global Warming, November - March 31, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Kansas, Small Landfill/Groundwater, October 9 - October 3, 1991-1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Koch Industries Proposed Amendment, October 17 - June 21, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Medical Waste, May 20 - January 3, 1994-1996

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Methyl Bromide, June 30 - January 26, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Mining Reform Law, July 8 - September 28, 1994

- Box 463

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Paperwork Reduction Act, April 3 - 17, 1996

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Pretty Prairie, Kansas, October 11 - April 10, 1994-1996

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Private Property Rights, July 27 - December 13, 1994

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, April 28 - December 28, 1992

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Safe Drinking Water Act [1 of 2], September 8 - May 26, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Safe Drinking Water Act [2 of 2], September 8 - May 26, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Safe Drinking Water Act - Amendments and Backgrounds, January 25 - April 18, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Safe Drinking Water Act - Dole Memos, September 9 - November 29, 1992-1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Safe Drinking Water Act - Letters, January 7 - July 20, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - 'Setting Priorities, Getting Results', April - May, 1995

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Timber Salvage, March 30 - March 11, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Underground Storage Tanks, May 17 - January 12, 1991-1995

- Box 464

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Waste, Chemical Regulatory Reform, October 12 - December 20, 1994

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Wetlands, August 24 - February, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Sena/Franz - Z-Bar/Tallgrass Prairie, February 23 - March 21, 1994-1996

- Folder 4: Executive Departments - Sena/Franz - Agency Elimination Task Force, March 10 - March 13, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Food - Sena/Franz - Food Safety Amendment, 1995

- Folder 6: General - Sena/Franz - 103rd General Issues, December 2 - October 14, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: General - Sena/Franz - 1982 Regulatory Reform Bill, March 18 - 24, 1982

- Folder 8: General - Sena/Franz - Dear Colleagues, S. 343, February 7 - August 1, 1995

- Folder 9: General - Sena/Franz - Dole History, S. 405, February 5, 1981

- Folder 10: General - Sena/Franz - General Regulatory Reform, January 23 - August 4, 1995

- Folder 11: General - Sena/Franz - House Bill, Regulatory Reform, May 19 - September 28, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: General - Sena/Franz - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulatory Reform, March 29 - July 10, 1995

- Folder 13: General - Sena/Franz - Press Releases, December 5 - July 14, 1994-1995

- Folder 14: General - Sena/Franz - 'Red Tape in America: Stories From the Front Line', 1995

- Folder 15: General - Sena/Franz - 'Reform of Risk Regulation: Achieving More Protection at Less Cost', March, 1995

- Folder 16: General - Sena/Franz - Regulation Statistics, December 2 - March 2, 1994-1995

- Box 465

- Folder 1: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Accepted Amendments, 1995

- Folder 2: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Administrative Procedure Act (APA) Reform, 1995

- Folder 3: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Affirmative Defense, 1995

- Folder 4: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Agency Review, 1995

- Folder 5: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform Articles [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 6: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform Articles [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 7: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform Articles [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 8: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Congressional Review, 1995

- Folder 9: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Consent Decrees, 1995

- Folder 10: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Cost Benefit Analysis, 1995

- Folder 11: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Decisional Criteria, 1995

- Folder 12: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Definitions, 1995

- Folder 13: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Delaney Clause, 1995

- Folder 14: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Democrat Amendments, July 12 - 17, 1995

- Folder 15: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Editorials/News Stories, 1995

- Folder 16: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Executive Oversight, 1995

- Folder 17: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - General Concerns and Letters of Support [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 466

- Folder 1: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - General Concerns and Letters of Support [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Glenn Chafee Substitute, 1995

- Folder 3: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Johnston Democrat Amendments, 1995

- Folder 4: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Judicial Review, 1995

- Folder 5: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Kansas Concerns and Letters of Support, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform Letters, CON, June 15 - July 10, 1995

- Folder 7: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform Letters, PRO, 1995

- Folder 8: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Petitions, 1995

- Box 467

- Folder 1: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Republican Amendments, 1995

- Folder 2: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform - Risk Assessment, 1995

- Folder 3: General - Sena/Franz - Regulatory Reform, Supermandate Amendment, [1995]

- Folder 4: General - Sena/Franz - Risk Assessment Letters, May - June 19, 1995

- Folder 5: General - Sena/Franz - S. 219, Regulatory Reform, March 6, 1995

- Folder 6: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Agency Views, July 11, 1995

- Folder 7: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Calendar No. 118, May 26, 1995

- Folder 8: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform [1 of 2], May 28 - July 22, 1995

- Folder 9: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform [2 of 2], May 28 - July 22, 1995

- Folder 10: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform - Bill Drafts [1 of 5], 1995

- Box 468

- Folder 1: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform - Bill Drafts [2 of 5], 1995

- Folder 2: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform - Bill Drafts [3 of 5], 1995

- Folder 3: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform - Bill Drafts [4 of 5], 1995

- Folder 4: General - Sena/Franz - S. 343, Regulatory Reform - Bill Drafts [5 of 5], 1995

- Folder 5: General - Sena/Franz - S. 1080, Regulatory Reform Act and Committee on Governmental Affairs Report, December 16, 1981

- Folder 6: General - Sena/Franz - S. 1080, Regulatory Reform Act and Committee on the Judiciary Report, November 30, 1981

- Box 469

- Folder 1: General - Sena/Franz - Summaries, Regulatory Reform, January 27 - September 26, 1995

- Folder 2: General - Sena/Franz - 'Value of a Human Life', 1995

- Folder 3: General - Sena/Franz - White House Documents, October 26 - July 10, 1993-1995

- Folder 4: Labor - Sena/Franz - Mining, July 16 - April 7, 1993-1995

- Folder 5: Public Lands - Sena/Franz - Bureau of Land Management, September 22 - 27, 1994

- Folder 6: Public Lands - Sena/Franz - Nicodemus, August 9 - May 30, 1983-1996

- Folder 7: Public Lands - Sena/Franz - Nicodemus - Articles, June 26 - July 30, 1991-1995

- Folder 8: Public Lands - Sena/Franz - Nicodemus - Polaroids, Undated

- Folder 9: Public Lands - Sena/Franz - U.S. Forest Service, August 4, 1994

- Folder 10: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Kansas, City Meetings, January 24 - March 9, 1995

- Folder 11: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Rural Electrification Administration (REA), September 30 - September 30, 1991-1992

- Box 470

- Folder 1: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Annexation, June 22 - December 15, 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Rural Electrification Administration (REA)/Rural Telephone Bank (RTB), October 11 - October 28, 1988-1991

- Folder 3: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Water Resources Development Act, April 8 - August 7, 1991-1995

- Folder 4: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Water Resources Development Act - Arkansas, May 24, 1996

- Folder 5: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Water Resources Development Act - Arkansas City, March 14 - November 17, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Water Resources Development Act - Halstead, February 25 - July 15, 1992-1996

- Folder 7: Public Works - Sena/Franz - Water Resources Development Act - Winfield, February 6 - April 21, 1995

- Folder 8: Taxation - Sena/Franz - Bi-State Cultural District, June 8 - October 11, 1994

- Folder 9: Taxation - Sena/Franz - Gas Tax/Strategic Petroleum Reserve, December 10 - May 23, 1982-1996

- Folder 10: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Air Traffic Controllers, October 4 - October 19, 1993-1995

- Folder 11: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Airport Improvement, September 28 - May 14, 1994-1996

- Folder 12: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Airport Systems, Inc., June 21 - July 7, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Amtrak Reauthorization, April 4 - May 10, 1995-1996

- Folder 14: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Amtrak Service in Kansas, August 12 - May 9, 1991-1996

- Folder 15: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Aviation Product Liability, April 11 - June 28, 1994-1996

- Folder 16: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Billboards, November 14 - June 30, 1986-1992

- Folder 17: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad Merger, June 29 - April 25, 1994-1995

- Box 471

- Folder 1: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Commercial Drivers License - Agricultural Exemption, etc., February 9 - April 17, 1988-1992

- Folder 2: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards, July 31 - April 3, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Diesel Fuel, October 19 - November 9, 1993

- Folder 4: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Drunk Driving, April 14 - September 20, 1982-1995

- Folder 5: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Essential Air Service, March 10 - August 29, 1987-1995

- Folder 6: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Bucked Letters, September 1 - April 8, 1993-1996

- Folder 7: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization, August 2 - May 30, 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Hazardous Materials Transportation, June 20 - July, 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Hoover, Robert A., April 21 - May 2, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Hutchinson Railroad Accident, February 21 - October 28, 1992

- Folder 11: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act of 1991, May 20 - June 8, 1991-1994

- Folder 12: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Kansas Airport Issues, December 6 - May 19, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Kansas Aviation Issues, April 21 - May 29, 1994-1996

- Folder 14: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Kansas Case, Downed Plane, May 4 - August 28, 1995

- Box 472

- Folder 1: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Kansas State Highway Plan [1 of 2], February 9 - May 14, 1990-1996

- Folder 2: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Kansas State Highway Plan [2 of 2], February 9 - May 14, 1990-1996

- Folder 3: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Light Truck Fuel Economy, July 27 - September 6, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Maritime, October 20 - April 24, 1981-1996

- Folder 5: Transportation - Sena/Franz - National Highway System, February 16 - November 28, 1995

- Folder 6: Transportation - Sena/Franz - National Highway System and Department of Transportation, December 9, 1993

- Folder 7: Transportation - Sena/Franz - National Highway System - Kansas Specific, September 29 - September 27, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Transportation - Sena/Franz - National Highway System - Letters of Support, September 27 - September 20, 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Transportation - Sena/Franz - One-Call, September 26 - July 21, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Rail Abandonment, July 5 - September 27, 1990-1993

- Folder 11: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Railroad Retirement, August 26 - April 22, 1991-1996

- Folder 12: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Research and Special Programs Administration (RSPA), September 20 - January 3, 1995-1996

- Folder 13: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Ryan Aviation, July 24 - August 17, 1995

- Folder 14: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Santa Fe Railroad, December - September 27, 1989-1990

- Box 473

- Folder 1: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Transportation Regulatory Reform, December 16 - July 5, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Trucking Deregulation, Airport Improvement Program 1994 Bill, April 18 - August 21, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Railroad Merger, May 5 - May 14, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Water Well Drillers, August 19 - June 16, 1992-1995

- Folder 5: Water - Sena/Franz - Kansas Water Issues, April 5 - May 20, 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Water - Sena/Franz - Water Issues, Kansas, September 15 - September 17, 1994

- Folder 7: Disabled - Sinclair - Cerebral Palsy, 1972-1973

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Sinclair - Health Care, Services to the Blind, National Health Security System, 1971-1973

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Smith - Agricultural Fair Practices Act, 1969

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Smith - Codification of Agriculture Laws, 1969

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Smith - Fortner Bros., L.P. Gas, Inc., 1973

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Smith - Water and Waste Disposal Loans, 1969

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Smith - Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 Amendments, 1969

- Folder 14: Budgets - Smith - Public Works Appropriations, 1974

- Folder 15: Commemorations - Smith - Alf Landon Speech, Mt. St. Scholastica Academy, 1972

- Folder 16: Commemorations - Smith - Amelia Earhart, Atchison, KS, 1973

- Folder 17: Commemorations - Smith - Eisenhower Museum, Senator Harry Darby, 1972

- Folder 18: Commemorations - Smith - President Eisenhower's Eulogy, 1970

- Box 474

- Folder 1: Congress - Smith - Dole's Voting Record, 1971-1972

- Folder 2: Congress - Smith - Howard Baker, Minority Whip, 1969

- Folder 3: Consumers - Smith - Consumer Booklet, 1973

- Folder 4: Consumers - Smith - Consumer Protection, 1971

- Folder 5: Consumers - Smith - Cost of Living (Food Prices), 1973

- Folder 6: Defense - Smith - Military Expenditures, 1969

- Folder 7: Elections - Smith - Campaign Financing, 1974

- Folder 8: Energy - Smith - Power Resources, Energy Crisis, 1974

- Folder 9: Energy - Smith - Proposed Rollback of Crude Oil Prices, 1973

- Folder 10: Finance - Smith - Banking and Currency Computer Services, 1969

- Folder 11: Food - Smith - Southeast Kansas Community Action Program (SEK-CAP) Rural Nutrition Projects, 1974

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Smith - CBS Transcript, "POWs: Pawns of War", 1971

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Smith - Congressional Research Service (CRS) - Prisoners of War (POW), 1971

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - Smith - Copy of Report on Tonkin Gulf Resolution, August 6, 1964

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - Smith - Defeated Attempt to Repeal Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 1966

- Folder 16: Foreign Policy - Smith - Dole Amendment to Repeal Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 1970

- Folder 17: Foreign Policy - Smith - Dole/Bayh Prisoner of War (POW) Letter, 1970

- Folder 18: Foreign Policy - Smith - Dole Prisoner of War (POW) Letter to 'Time Magazine', 1971

- Folder 19: Foreign Policy - Smith - Dole's Prisoner of War (POW) Statements, 1970

- Folder 20: Foreign Policy - Smith - Floor Debate Book on Foreign Assistance Act (S. 3390), Section 13 - Azores and Bahrain Agreements, 1972

- Folder 21: Foreign Policy - Smith - House Foreign Affairs Committee, 1969-1970

- Box 475

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Smith - International Verification of Prisoners of War, 1972

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Smith - Joint Session, Colonel Frank Borman, 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Smith - Land Reform, 1970

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Smith - Laos Information from White House, 1971

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Smith - Letters on Prisoners of War (POWs), 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Smith - Miscellaneous Prisoner of War (POW) Statements by Senators in the Congressional Record, 1970

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Smith - National League of Families of American Prisoners and Missing in Southeast Asia, 1971

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Smith - Nguyen This Binh's Letter, 1972

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Smith - Passage of Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Debate, 1964

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs) [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs) [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs), 1970-1971

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs), 1970-1973

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs), 1971-1972

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs) Information, 1970-1971

- Folder 16: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1970

- Folder 17: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1970-1971

- Folder 18: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POWs)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1971-1972

- Folder 19: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoners of War (POW) Release Documents at Paris Peace Talks, 1970

- Folder 20: Foreign Policy - Smith - Prisoner of War (POW) Speeches, 1970

- Folder 21: Foreign Policy - Smith - Repeal of Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Miscellaneous Clippings, 1970

- Box 476

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Smith - S. Con. Res. 64 (Mathias), 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Smith - Son Tay Prisoner of War (POW) Rescue Attempt, 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Smith - Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 1964-1970

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Smith - Vietnam Chronology to January 1970, February 18, 1970

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Smith - Vietnam, Prisoners of War (POWs)/ Missing in Action (MIA), 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Smith - Vietnam, Secretary of Defense, 1970

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Smith - Voices in Vital America (VIVA) Prisoners of War (POW) Advertisement, 1972

- Folder 8: General - Smith - Congressional Record, 1971

- Folder 9: General - Smith - Correspondence, 1969-1971

- Folder 10: General - Smith - Day of Prayer Resolutions, 1970

- Folder 11: General - Smith - John James Ingalls, Senator from Kansas, Quotations and Biography, undated

- Folder 12: General - Smith - Personal Files, 1970-1973

- Topeka Congressional Forum Unions; National Labor Relations Board (NLRB); Kappa Sigma Fraternity; Atomic Energy Commission (AEC); Atomic waste depository; Fuel shortage
- Folder 13: General - Smith - Senator Dole's Notebook for May 1 Prisoner of War (POW) Rally, 1970

- Folder 14: General - Smith - William L. White, 1973

- Folder 15: Government Employees - Smith - Federal Employees' Pay Raise, 1974

- Folder 16: Government Employees - Smith - Noncombatant Civilian Service in War Zone - Civil Service Retirement Act, 1969

- Folder 17: Government Employees - Smith - Post Office and Civil Service Possible Legislation, 1969

- Folder 18: Government Employees - Smith - Postal Service Reforms, 1974

- Folder 19: Health Policy - Smith - Hospital Modernization - Loans, 1969

- Folder 20: Health Policy - Smith - Medical Academy, 1974

- Box 477

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Smith - Mental Health, 1974

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Smith - National Health Insurance [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Smith - National Health Insurance [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 4: Housing - Smith - Housing/Community Development Act [1 of 4], 1974

- Folder 5: Housing - Smith - Housing/Community Development Act [2 of 4], 1974

- Folder 6: Housing - Smith - Housing/Community Development Act [3 of 4], 1974

- Box 478

- Folder 1: Housing - Smith - Housing/Community Development Act [4 of 4], 1974

- Folder 2: Taxation - Smith - Anti-Recession Tax Bill, 1974

- Folder 3: Taxation - Smith - U.S. Liable for Court Costs, Attorney's Fees (Vickers), 1971

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Smith - Veterans Affairs, 'LIFE' Magazine, 1970

- Folder 5: Immigration - Smith - Immigration and Naturalization Private Bills - Students, etc., 1969

- Folder 6: Law - Smith - Judge Charles Whittaker, Statements, 1969

- Folder 7: Law - Smith - Supreme Court Nominations, William Rehnquist and Lewis Powell, 1971

- Folder 8: Law - Smith - Warren James, Northeast Political Caucus of Kansas City, KS, 1972

- Folder 9: Minorities - Smith - Manuel Fierro, General Accounting Office (GAO) Investigation of the Kansas Human Needs Corporation [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 10: Minorities - Smith - Manuel Fierro, General Accounting Office (GAO) Investigation of the Kansas Human Needs Corporation [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 11: Presidents - Smith - Appointment of Bob Wells to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1971

- Folder 12: Public Contracts - Smith - Surplus Property, 1969

- Foster homes; Friendship Home
- Folder 13: Public Lands - Smith - Cherokee Strip (Skubitz), 1969

- Folder 14: Public Lands - Smith - Eisenhower Dam Bill (Milford Lake/Eisenhower Lake), 1969

- Folder 15: Public Lands - Smith - Federal Lands for Parks, 1969

- Folder 16: Public Lands - Smith - High Timber Yield Fund, 1969

- Folder 17: Science Policy - Smith - Uniform Time Act Amendment, 1969

- Folder 18: Taxation - Smith - Baker-Tower Municipal Bond Amendment, 1969

- Folder 19: Taxation - Smith - Internal Revenue Act Amendment, 1969

- Folder 20: Taxation - Smith - Internal Revenue - Income Tax Exclusion of Moving Expenses, 1967

- Folder 21: Taxation - Smith - Internal Revenue - Investment Credit - Boxcars, 1966

- Folder 22: Trade - Smith - Chet Mize, U.S. Tariff Commission, undated

- Box 479

- Folder 1: Water - Smith - Corps of Engineers, 1973

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - 0-92 Decoupling and Deficiency Payments Legislation, 1987-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill [1 of 2], September 1 - October 20, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill [2 of 2], September 1 - October 20, 1989-1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Amendments [1 of 2], June 21 - 28, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Amendments [2 of 2], June 21 - 28, 1990

- Box 480

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Briefing Book, June 11, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Budget, August 1 - September 12, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Budget, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Comprehensive Briefing Book [1 of 5], February - April 13, 1990-1994

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Comprehensive Briefing Book [2 of 5], February - April 13, 1990-1994

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Comprehensive Briefing Book [3 of 5], February - April 13, 1990-1994

- Box 481

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Comprehensive Briefing Book [4 of 5], February - April 13, 1990-1994

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Comprehensive Briefing Book [5 of 5], February - April 13, 1990-1994

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Constituent Briefing Materials [1 of 2], May 31 - June 19, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Constituent Briefing Materials [2 of 2], May 31 - June 19, 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Cotton, 1990-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Current, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Dairy [1 of 2], 1990

- Box 482

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Dairy [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Dairy Old Reference, 1986-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Feed Grains, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Forestry [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Forestry [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Forestry [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Fruits and Vegetables, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, General Commodities, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Honey, 1990-1993

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Honey Producers, 1990

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Memos - Miscellaneous, July 23 - August 2, 1990

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill - Miscellaneous, February 20 - June 29, 1990

- Box 483

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Peanuts, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Questionnaire, September 11 - 20, 1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Questionnaire [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Questionnaire [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Questionnaire [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Rice, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Rural Development, September 19 - 26, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Second Draft, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill - Studies Amendment, January 17 - April 9, 1990-1991

- Box 484

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Sugar [1 of 2], 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Sugar [2 of 2], 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Task Force, April - June 20, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Tobacco, 1986-1993

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Various, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill Watershed, December - May 3, 1984-1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Wheat, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Spears - 1990 Farm Bill, Wool, 1990-1993

- Box 485

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - Conservation [1 of 4], January 8 - October 11, 1987-1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - Conservation [2 of 4], January 8 - October 11, 1987-1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - Conservation [3 of 4], January 8 - October 11, 1987-1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - Conservation [4 of 4], January 8 - October 11, 1987-1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - Cost of Production, April 23, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance [1 of 3], September 20 - September 29, 1989-1993

- Box 486

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance [2 of 3], September 20 - September 29, 1989-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance [3 of 3], September 20 - September 29, 1989-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance - Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Fairness Act, July 6 - March 9, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance - Group Risk Plan, Undated

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance - Reinsurance Agreement [1 of 2], March 28 - September 30, 1985-1991

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - Crop Insurance - Reinsurance Agreement [2 of 2], March 28 - September 30, 1985-1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate [1 of 4], February 6 - February 26, 1991-1992

- Box 487

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate [2 of 4], February 6 - February 26, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate [3 of 4], February 6 - February 26, 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate [4 of 4], February 6 - February 26, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate - Cowboys, June 19 - October 21, 1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate - Jeffords Bill (S. 1098), May 22, 1991

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate - Marketing Orders, November 26 - March, 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - Dairy 2-Tier Debate - Non-Fat Solids, October 28 - November 5, 1991

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Spears - Disaster Amendment, July 12 - 20, 1989

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Spears - Dole Commodity Substitute (S. 2830) [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Spears - Dole Commodity Substitute (S. 2830) [2 of 2], 1990

- Box 488

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program (ECARP) [1 of 2], January 25 - April 9, 1989-1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - Environmental Conservation Acreage Reserve Program (ECARP) [2 of 2], January 25 - April 9, 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - Ethyl Parathion, January 17 - March 31, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - Federal-State Pesticide Regulation Partnership Act (S. 2085), November 7 - April 23, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - Groundwater, September 26 - January 19, 1986-1988

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - Hearing Transcripts: Conservation and the 1990 Farm Bill, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - Hearing Transcripts: Impact of Agriculture on Ground Water, January, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Spears - Hearing Transcripts: State and Private Forestry in the 1990 Farm Bill, 1990

- Box 489

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - Memos, October 17 - November 15, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - National Pork Producers Council, 1987-1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - Organic Foods Act of 1981 (S. 1846), January 19 - February 8, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Spears - Production Controls, August 12 - February, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Spears - Production Controls - Mandatory Controls, July 22 - August 3, 1980-1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Spears - Research [1 of 2], January 20 - October 3, 1987-1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Spears - Research [2 of 2], January 20 - October 3, 1987-1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Spears - Summer Fallow and Haying and Grazing, October 31 - March 22, 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Spears - Trade [1 of 3], February 20 - October 15, 1990

- Box 490

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Spears - Trade [2 of 3], February 20 - October 15, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Spears - Trade [3 of 3], February 20 - October 15, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Spears - Travel Files - California Agriculture Briefing, May 8, 1992

- Folder 4: Emergency Management - Spears - Disaster Assistance, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Emergency Management - Spears - General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports on Disaster Assistance [1 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Emergency Management - Spears - General Accounting Office (GAO) Reports on Disaster Assistance [2 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Food - Spears - Pizza Hut and Meat Inspections, May 9 - September 4, 1991

- Folder 8: Food - Spears - Poultry Inspection, January 19 - July 27, 1990-1991

- Box 491

- Folder 1: Trade - Spears - Soviet Credits [1 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Trade - Spears - Soviet Credits [2 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - 1991 Defense Appropriations [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - 1991 Defense Appropriations [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - 1991 Defense Authorizations [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - 1991 Defense Authorizations [2 of 2], 1990

- Box 492

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - 1991 Department of Defense (DOD) Budget Request [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - 1991 Department of Defense (DOD) Budget Request [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - 1992 Budget Request, 1991

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - 1992 Defense Appropriations, 1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Air Force One, 1990

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Arms Control, Verification, 1987

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Arms Control, Violations, 1985-1989

- Box 493

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - B-2 Bomber, General Material [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - B-2 Bomber, General Material [2 of 2], 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - B-2 Stealth Bomber, 1990

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - B-2 Stealth Bomber Fact Book, 1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - B-2 Stealth Week, 1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure [1 of 2], 1990-1991

- Box 494

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure [2 of 2], 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) [3 of 3], 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): Add Round, 1995

- Box 495

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) - Clips, 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commissioners, 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commissioners - Dr. Allen E. Puckett, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commissioners - Lieutenant General Tom McInerny, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Community Transition [1 of 2], 1993-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Community Transition [2 of 2], 1993-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): Delay, 1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), Department of Defense Report [1 of 2], 1995

- Box 496

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC), Department of Defense [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): Force Structure, 1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): General, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Hearings Schedule, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC): Memos, 1995

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) - Overseas Closures, 1990-1992

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Boeing, 1987-1989

- Folder 8: Defense - Stanley - Boeing Contract on A-6 Intruder Wings, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Defense - Stanley - Book/ A Guard in Peace and War: The History of the Kansas National Guard, 1854-1987, 1989

- Folder 10: Defense - Stanley - Books/ The Almanac of Seapower, 1991, 1992, and 1993, 1991-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Stanley - Books/ The Wisdom of Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1990

- Folder 12: Defense - Stanley - Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress, Appendices A-S [1 of 2], April, 1992

- Folder 13: Defense - Stanley - Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress, Appendices A-S [2 of 2], April, 1992

- Box 497

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress, Appendix T, April, 1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress, Chapters 1-8 [1 of 2], April, 1992

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Conduct of the Persian Gulf War: Final Report to Congress, Chapters 1-8 [2 of 2], April, 1992

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Defense Appropriations, 1990-1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Defense Appropriations, 1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization, 1989

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization [1 of 2], 1990

- Box 498

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization, FY 1987 [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization, FY 1987 [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization, FY 1988 [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorization, FY 1988 [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorizations Bill for FY 1988 - Defense Authorization Issues, FY 1988, 1987

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Defense Authorizations Bill, FY 1988 - Letters, 1987

- Box 499

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Defense Bill Files, Persian Gulf [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Defense Bill Files, Persian Gulf [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Defense Budget 1989, 1988

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Defense Production Act, 1989-1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Defense Strategy [1 of 3], 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Defense Strategy [2 of 3], 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Defense Strategy [3 of 3], 1990-1991

- Box 500

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Defense Testimony, 1990

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations for FY 1986, 1985-1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Department of Defense (DOD)/Wichita State Funding, 1986

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Desert Shield [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Desert Shield [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Desert Shield/Desert Storm Supplemental, 1991

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Desert Storm [1 of 2], 1991

- Box 501

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Desert Storm [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Export Control Act, 1990

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1988 Appropriations Bill [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1988 Appropriations Bill [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1989 Appropriations Bill [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1989 Appropriations Bill [2 of 2], 1988

- Box 502

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1989 Defense Authorization Bill [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1989 Defense Authorization Bill [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1990 Defense Appropriations, 1989

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1990 Defense Authorizations, 1989

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year 1991 Reprogramming, Defense, 1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Fiscal Year B-2 Hearings, 1991

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Fort Riley Task Force [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Box 503

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Fort Riley Task Force [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Fort Riley Task Force [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Gramm-Rudman-Hollings (GRH) Defense, 1990

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICMB) Modernization Reference Manual, March 20, 1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Judiciary Committee Memos of Pete Velde, 1979-1980

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Closure, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Explosion, 1989

- Folder 9: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Defense Files, Fort Riley [1 of 2], 1985-1989

- Box 504

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Defense Files, Fort Riley [2 of 2], 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Defense Files, Gates Learjet, 1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Defense Files, Jim Washington, 1985

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Defense Files, Jim Washington, 1987

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Desert Shield, May 16, 1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Kansas Guard/Reserves - Desert Storm, 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Kansas State University Aviation Grant [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Stanley - Kansas State University Aviation Grant [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Box 505

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - McConnell/Forbes, 1984-1989

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Medical Free Electron Laser (MFEL), Strategic Defense Initiative, 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Naval Arms Control, 1987

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Non-Lethal Force, 1990-1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Nuclear Testing [1 of 2], 1986-1988

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Nuclear Testing [2 of 2], 1986-1988

- Box 506

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Nuclear Testing - Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT) - Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Treaty [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Nuclear Testing - Threshold Test Ban Treaty (TTBT) - Peaceful Nuclear Explosion Treaty [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Schedule, 1989-1991

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Soviet File, Military, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - SSN 21 Seawolf, 1992

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT), 1977-1980

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) Modernization, 1989-1990

- Box 507

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) Modernization Letters, January 3 & February 1, 1991

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative, 1988

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative [1 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative [2 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative, 1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative: Pre-1988 (Background and Commentary) [1 of 2], 1987

- Box 508

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative: Pre-1988 (Background and Commentary) [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative, Pre-1988 Reports [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Defense Initiative, Pre-1988 Reports [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Files, MX Fiscal Year, 1985

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Files, Soviet File [1 of 2], 1989

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Strategic Files, Soviet File [2 of 2], 1989

- Folder 7: Defense - Stanley - Tanker Transport Training System (TTTS), 1989

- Box 509

- Folder 1: Defense - Stanley - Tanker Transport Training System - Beechcraft, 1990

- Folder 2: Defense - Stanley - Trade and Technology Promotion Act - S. 1978, 1989

- Folder 3: Defense - Stanley - United States Strategic Modernization [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 4: Defense - Stanley - United States Strategic Modernization [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 5: Defense - Stanley - Wellman Laboratories Medical Free Electron Laser, 1986-1988

- Folder 6: Defense - Stanley - Wind Tunnel, Lawrence, KS, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Finance - Stanley - Bank of Horton, 1989-1991

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Stanley - Yeltsin Visit, 1991

- Box 510

- Folder 1: Elections - Taylor - Campaign Finance Reform, September 29 - July 5, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: General - Taylor - Legislative Activities, January 5 - January 2, 1993-1995

- Folder 3: General - Taylor - Legislative Activities, January 3-July 8, 1995

- Folder 4: General - Taylor - Legislative Activities, January 4-October 10, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 15% Tax Credit, July 22 - 23, 1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1990 Farm Bill Concepts, September 1 - February 7, 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Appropriations, October 1 - November 12, 1992-1993

- Box 511

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes [1 of 2], March 23 - May 25, 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes [2 of 2], March 23 - May 25, 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes - 4,400, January 28 - June 15, 1993

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes - British Thermal Unit (BTU) Tax, February 19 - June 9, 1993

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes - Dairy, May 27 - June 17, 1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes - Farm Commodities, February 1 - January 31, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1993 Agriculture Taxes - Press, February 4 - June 2, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - 1994 Agriculture Appropriations, January 11 - October 5, 1993-1994

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Agriculture Budget, February 7 - March 16, 1994

- Box 512

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Agriculture Markup [1 of 2], July 25 - November 2, 1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Agriculture Markup [2 of 2], July 25 - November 2, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill, 1994-1996

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill [1 of 3], January - September, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill [2 of 3], January - September, 1995

- Box 513

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill [3 of 3], January - September, 1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Agriculture Committee, September 25 - 27, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [1 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [2 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [3 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [4 of 11], 1993-1995

- Box 514

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [5 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [6 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [7 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [8 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [9 of 11], 1993-1995

- Box 515

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [10 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Analysis [11 of 11], 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Cotton, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Credit, May 3 - 15, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Dairy, June 28 - December 21, 1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Democrat's Bill, Undated

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Disaster Assistance, April 27 - May 4, 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Endorse Hours, September 19 - October 4, 1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Freedom to Farm, August 2 - September 11, 1995

- Box 516

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - General [1 of 2], February - October, 1994

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - General [2 of 2], February - October, 1994

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Marketing Loans, October 13, 1994

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Mike/Bruce/Dave, May 19 - August 2, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Mike Torrey, May 19 - August 2, 1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Milo, Undated

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Peanuts, September 20 - November 7, 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Press, October 21 - November 22, 1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Research [1 of 2], 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Research [2 of 2], 1993-1995

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Rights, July 17 - 18, 1995

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Rural Development, March 9 - May 16, 1995

- Box 517

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Senate Reconciliation Bill, September 25 - 26, 1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Sheep, November 8, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Sorghum, [1995]

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Sugar, September - November, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Trade [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Trade [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Trade [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill Trade - Farmland Export Enhancement Program, June 20, 1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - Tomatoes, August 22 - September 11, 1995

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - 1995 Farm Bill - What the Bill Does, October - November 21, 1995

- Box 518

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill [2 of 2], 1996

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Changes in Conference, February 23 - March 7, 1996

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Commodities, June 25 - March 4, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference - Brown Amendment, February 29 - March 1, 1996

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference - Check-Off, March 20, 1996

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference - Conservation, March 19 - April 23, 1996

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference - Letters, March 11 - 26, 1996

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference - Press, March 22 - April 5, 1996

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference Report [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference Report [2 of 2], 1996

- Box 519

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Conference - Torrey, February 7 - March 27, 1996

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Conservation, March 1 - 15, 1996

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Credit, October 20 - March 15, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Crop Insurance, October 20 - March 15, 1996

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Environmental Quality, Conservation and Horse Transport, February 21 - March 6, 1996

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Immigration, March 6 - 13, 1996

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Markup [1 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Markup [2 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill Markup [3 of 3], 1995-1996

- Box 520

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Non-Commodity Provisions, March 11, 1996

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Research, March 11, 1996

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Rural Development, March 12, 1996

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - 1996 Farm Bill - Trade, February 26 - March 15, 1996

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - 1997 Agriculture Budget Summary, 1997

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Appropriations [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Appropriations [2 of 3], 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Appropriations [3 of 3], 1995

- Box 521

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Appropriations Briefing Materials, June 16, 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Budget Hearing, February 16, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Agricultural Credit, March 31, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Commodity Policy [1 of 2], June 13 - 15, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Commodity Policy [2 of 2], June 13 - 15, 1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Conservation [1 of 2], March 14, 1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Conservation [2 of 2], March 14, 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Farm Bill, March 16, 1995

- Box 522

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Farm Programs, March 9, 1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Market Effects, April 4, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Research, May 24, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Tax Policy Reform, February 7, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Hearing on Trade, May 25, 1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Markup Memos, November 17 - August 7, 1993-1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Memos, 1993-1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Nominations [1 of 2], 1993-1996

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Committee Nominations [2 of 2], 1993-1996

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Reconciliation - Briefing Book, June 16, 1993

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Reconciliation - House Action, May 14 - 20, 1993

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Reconciliation Memos, July - December, 1995

- Box 523

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Reconciliation - Senate Action, June 14 - 16, 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Reconciliation Summary, November 2 - 17, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Resources Enhancement Act (S. 1373) Support Letters, November 6 - 30, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Welfare Reform [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Welfare Reform [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Welfare Reform [3 of 4], 1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Agriculture Welfare Reform [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Alfalfa, August 13, 1989-1996

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Aquaculture, August 28 - September 29, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Balanced Budget Reconciliation Side by Side, November, 1995

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Bill Roenbaugh, January 26 - 31, 1995

- Box 524

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Biodiversity [1 of 2], May 5 - January 16, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Biodiversity [2 of 2], May 5 - January 16, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Budget, December, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Budget Reconciliation Markup Notes, August 16 - September 17, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Budget Resolution, April 25 - June 4, 1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework, January 19 - March 6, 1996

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Don Child - Disaster Assistance, September 9 - December 18, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Don Mattison - Disaster Unemployment Assistance, September 8 - December 15, 1993

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - James Miller - Brucellosis, June 8, 1995

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Ken Cook - Fox in the Henhouse, June 30, 1995

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Kevin and Earnest Knikava - Farm Bankruptcy, May 10 - July 22, 1994

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Larry Forrester - China Grain Bid, March 26 - September 15, 1993

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Louis Weifelman - Disaster Assistance, June 1, 1994

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Matt Hessler - Plant Inspections, December 16 - 22, 1994

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Paul Deters - Credit Commodity Corporation, April 13, 1994

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Paul Riley - Soil Conservation, June 19 - August 28, 1992

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Robert Freeze - Treated Milo, August 19 - September 14, 1993

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Roger McCartney - Free Trucking, August 5 - December 16, 1991-1993

- Box 525

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Sherman County - Highly Erodible Lands (HEL) Status Determination, March 7 - December 1, 1994

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Casework - Walden Schwein -Acreage Reserve (ACR), September 29 - December 9, 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Cattle Consent, May 16 - June 22, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - China Most Favored Nation (MFN), August 25, 1993

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Committee Rules and Budget, 1993-1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Meeting, June 2 - 26, 1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation Backgrounds, April, 1995

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation - Mike Hayden Meeting, October 5 - February 17, 1994-1995

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation Reserve Program [1 of 2], 1993-1995

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation Reserve Program [2 of 2], 1993-1995

- Box 526

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) - Conservation Compliance Deadline, February 3 - April 13, 1994

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) - Emerging Market Transaction Guarantee (EMTG), May 3 - September 21, 1994

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Cotton Title, March 23, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Credit, May 8 - July 26, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Crop Insurance Extension, September 21 - 27, 1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Crop Insurance - Group Risk Program, December 22 - July 1, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Custom Harvesters, March 21 - 22, 1994

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Dairy Compact, August 1 - April 4, 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Dairy Self-Help, March 16 - September 24, 1994

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Export Enhancement Program (EEP), January 12 - May 4, 1994

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Export Enhancement Program (EEP) Resolution, February 13 -20, 1991

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - Farm Bill - Indian Provisions/Pressler Legislation, December 14 - January 19, 1990-1994

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Torrey - Farm Credit Service (FCS), March 24, 1994

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Torrey - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Reform, January 28 - November 7, 1994

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Torrey - Farmer Owned Reserve (FOR), August 12 - September 10, 1992

- Box 527

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Farmer's Home Administration (FmHA), January 28 - February 17, 1994

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) Reform, October 14 - August 15, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Federal Grain Inspection Service Reauthorization, September 20 - November 4, 1993

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Flour, January 29, 1996

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade (FACT) Act Amendments [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade (FACT) Act Amendments [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade (FACT) Act Amendments - Technical Corrections [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade (FACT) Act Amendments - Technical Corrections [2 of 2], 1991

- Box 528

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Fraud Hearing [1 of 2], February 2, 1994

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Fraud Hearing [2 of 2], February 2, 1994

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Glickman, September 24 - March 28, 1993-1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Hydrogrowth, January 28, 1994

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Indian Lands - Equity in Educational Land-Grant Status Act (S. 1345), July 18 - 28, 1994

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Kansas Farm Bill Analysis, May 1 - 5, 1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Letters to Colleagues, November 29, 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Letters to Federal Agencies, January 10 - February 6, 1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Letters to US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1991-1994

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Letters to US Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Livestock Grazing Act, May 24 - December 8, 1995

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - Market Promotion Program, March 15 - August 1, 1994-1995

- Box 529

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Meat Inspection/Packer Concentration [1 of 2], February 3 - June 6, 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Meat Inspection/Packer Concentration [2 of 2], February 3 - June 6, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Memos/Notes, November 1 - March 3, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Mike Espy [1 of 2], 1989-1994

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Mike Espy [2 of 2], 1989-1994

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Minor Use Pesticides, September 8 - April 21, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Neosho Madtom, April 5 - September 7, 1991-1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Paperwork Reduction, September 2 - December 9, 1993-1994

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Pathogen Act, September 13 - 14, 1994

- Box 530

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Peanuts, Undated

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Planting Dates - Soybeans, June 19 - 23, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Poultry, February 14 - August 16, 1994

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - President's Council on Sustainable Development, October 6 - August 22, 1993-1994

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Public Law 480, October 28 - April 25, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Regulatory Reform [1 of 2], December 12 - February 17, 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Regulatory Reform [2 of 2], December 12 - February 17, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Regulatory Reform, May 10 - October 11, 1995

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Regulatory Reform - Agriculture Issues, December 21 - April 3, 1994-1995

- Box 531

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Research [1 of 2], April 6 - June 14, 1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Research [2 of 2], April 6 - June 14, 1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Resource Enhancement Act (REA), August 31 - October 26, 1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Rural Development, June 29 - July 15, 1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Separate Person Status, November 3 - January 24, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Side by Side of S. 1541 and HR. 2854 [1 of 2], March 18 - 19, 1996

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Side by Side of S. 1541 and HR. 2854 [2 of 2], March 18 - 19, 1996

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Soil Conservation Service, June 15 - July 19, 1994

- Box 532

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Sorghum, September 20, 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Sorghum/Furadan [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - Sorghum/Furadan [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - Sorghum/Furadan [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - Soybean Marketing Loan Option, April 6 - 10, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Sugar Title, March 24 - April 21, 1995

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Sunflowers, July 5, 1995

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Target Option Payment (TOP), January 7, 1994

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Trade, June 14 - September 11, 1995

- Box 533

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Equity Study, October 25 - June 19, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Press Releases, April 4 - May 15, 1996

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Torrey - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reinvent, September 24 - March 2, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Torrey - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reorganization, November - December 12, 1994

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Torrey - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Response, 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Torrey - Value Added Commodity Earmark Aid, November 6 - July 28, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Torrey - Water Rights Task Force, April 29 - 30, 1996

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Torrey - Wheat Feed Grain Technology, March 14 - 17, 1994

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Torrey - Wheat Gluten [1 of 2], December 26 - August 1, 1990-1995

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Torrey - Wheat Gluten [2 of 2], December 26 - August 1, 1990-1995

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Torrey - Wheat/Gluten, January 4 - April 26, 1996

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Torrey - Wheat Title, March 16, 1995

- Box 534

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Torrey - Z-Bar Ranch [1 of 2], June 21 - June 8, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Torrey - Z-Bar Ranch [2 of 2], June 21 - June 8, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Animals - Torrey - Animal Drug Availability Act, April 12 - June 5, 1995

- Folder 4: Animals - Torrey - Endangered Species Act [1 of 3], 1993-1996

- Folder 5: Animals - Torrey - Endangered Species Act [2 of 3], 1993-1996

- Folder 6: Animals - Torrey - Endangered Species Act [3 of 3], 1993-1996

- Folder 7: Animals - Torrey - Pork, May 2, 1996

- Folder 8: Children - Torrey - Food Research and Action Center, January 12 - 18, 1995

- Folder 9: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities Amendment Background, May 4 - August 10, 1994

- Box 535

- Folder 1: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities - Nutrition, May 17 - February 11, 1991-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities - Special Meals, July 27 - June 21, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities - Special Meals Correspondence, April 5 - June 17, 1991-1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities - Special Meals - Memos, March 7 - September 25, 1991

- Folder 5: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities - Special Meals - National Food Service Management Institute Speech, May 13 - March 29, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Torrey - Children with Disabilities - Special Meals Press, July - August, 1991

- Folder 7: Disabled - Torrey - Disability Statements, May 17 - April 14, 1991-1994

- Folder 8: Emergency Management - Torrey - 1988-1989 Disaster, May 30 - September 12, 1989

- Folder 9: Emergency Management - Torrey - 1989 Disaster Amendments, Undated

- Folder 10: Emergency Management - Torrey - 1993 Disaster [1 of 2], June - November, 1993

- Folder 11: Emergency Management - Torrey - 1993 Disaster [2 of 2], June - November, 1993

- Folder 12: Emergency Management - Torrey - 1993 Disaster - Agriculture Supplemental, June 21 - 22, 1993

- Folder 13: Emergency Management - Torrey - 1993 Disaster - Roberts' Crop Insurance Bill, Undated

- Folder 14: Emergency Management - Torrey - Budget Reconciliations, August 9, 1993

- Folder 15: Emergency Management - Torrey - Casework - Midwest Flood - Standard Flood Insurance Program (SFIP), August 27 - September 9, 1993

- Folder 16: Emergency Management - Torrey Disaster, November 28 - July 14, 1990-1992

- Box 536

- Folder 1: Energy - Torrey - Diesel Fuels, June 25 - February 19, 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Arkansas Shiner, August 18 - January 13, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Clean Water Act [1 of 2], 1992-1995

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Clean Water Act [2 of 2], 1992-1995

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Clean Water Act Amendments, June 4, 1994

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Clean Water Act - Mike Torrey, July 14 - September 15, 1993

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Clean Water File, May 4 - July 23, 1993

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Dioxin, April 28 - September 14, 1994

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Irrigation, January 21 - 24, 1994

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Everglades [1 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Everglades [2 of 3], 1995-1996

- Box 537

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Everglades [3 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Everglades - Sugar Policy, 1994-1996

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA), April 26, 1994

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Marine Mammal Protection Act, January 21 - February 9, 1994

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Methyl Bromide, March 21 - February 7, 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Safe Drinking Water, March 8 - October 6, 1994

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Wetlands, October 27 - December 1, 1993

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Wetlands Manual [1 of 3], 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Wetlands Manual [2 of 3], 1991-1993

- Box 538

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Wetlands Manual [3 of 3], 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Torrey - Wetlands Moratorium - Grassley, January 12 - 19, 1995

- Folder 3: Food - Torrey - Results - Senator Dole, June 26, 1995

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Torrey - Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistants, October 9, 1995

- Folder 5: General - Torrey - Buck Letters, April 7 - June 29, 1995

- Folder 6: General - Torrey - Federal Agency Response, 1991-1994

- Folder 7: General - Torrey - Federal Agency Response, 1995-1996

- Folder 8: General - Torrey - Letters Bob Dole Signed, 1991-1996

- Folder 9: General - Torrey - Letters to Colleagues, 1991-1994

- Folder 10: General - Torrey - Letters to Federal Agencies, 1991-1994

- Folder 11: General - Torrey - Letters to White House, 1991-1994

- Folder 12: General - Torrey - Letters to White House, December 3 - October 20, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: General - Torrey - Memos [1 of 2], 1995

- Box 539

- Folder 1: General - Torrey - Memos [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 2: General - Torrey - Memos, 1996

- Folder 3: General - Torrey - Memos to Dole [1 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 4: General - Torrey - Memos to Dole [2 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 5: General - Torrey - Miscellaneous [1 of 4], 1995

- Folder 6: General - Torrey - Miscellaneous [2 of 4], 1995

- Folder 7: General - Torrey - Miscellaneous [3 of 4], 1995

- Box 540

- Folder 1: General - Torrey - Miscellaneous [4 of 4], 1995

- Folder 2: General - Torrey - Old Dole Amendments, Undated

- Folder 3: General - Torrey - Official Letters, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: General - Torrey - Position Papers, 1995

- Folder 5: General - Torrey - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Response, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: General - Torrey - White House Responses, 1991-1994

- Folder 7: General - Torrey - White House Responses, 1994-1996

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Torrey - Casework - Hays Medical Center - Foreign Residency Requirement, August 4 - September 30, 1993

- Folder 9: Humanities - Torrey - National Agriculture Library, September 17 - November 17, 1993

- Folder 10: Labor - Torrey - Background Information on Worker Protection Standard (WPS), January 4 - May 2, 1995

- Folder 11: Labor - Torrey - Worker Protection Standards (WPS), December 17 - March 30, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Natural Resources - Torrey - Forestry, April 1, 1994

- Folder 13: Natural Resources - Torrey - Santa Fe Trail, January, 1995

- Box 541

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Torrey - Bid Rigging, October - July 21, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Torrey - Cash and Commodity Line of Credit (CLOC), May 3 - April 3, 1989-1992

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Torrey - Child Nutrition Reauthorization Background, October 13 - July 21, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Torrey - Child Nutrition Reauthorization Decision Memos, May 4 - August 22, 1994

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Torrey - Child Nutrition Reauthorization Statements, April 18 - May 20, 1989-1992

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Torrey - Commodities, December 1 - October 26, 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Torrey - Competitive Foods, October 8 - November 3, 1980-1993

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Torrey - Dietary Supplement Bill Memos, September 18 - September 4, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Torrey - Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, June 17 - May 18, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Torrey - Food Stamp Fraud Articles, March 3 - January 24, 1992-1994

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Torrey - Lugar Whole Milk Bill, January 31 - January 28, 1991-1993

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 542

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Amendments to Dairy Bill, July 24 - October 22, 1991

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Background [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Background [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Legislation Briefing Materials [1 of 3], 1990

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Legislation Briefing Materials [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Legislation Briefing Materials [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Torrey - Nutrition Markup, June 13 - 14, 1995

- Box 543

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Torrey - School Breakfast/Lunch Background, 1995

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Torrey - School Food Service, 1994

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Torrey - School Meal Block Grants, 1995

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Torrey - Universal School Lunch, 1991-1993

- Folder 5: Public Lands - Torrey - Important Info on Private Property Rights, 1995

- Folder 6: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [1 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 7: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [2 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 8: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [3 of 10], 1993-1995

- Box 544

- Folder 1: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [4 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [5 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [6 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 4: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [7 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 5: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [8 of 10], 1993-1995

- Box 545

- Folder 1: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [9 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights [10 of 10], 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights - 103rd Congress, March 25 - October 7, 1994

- Folder 4: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights Article, May 16 - August 21, 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Public Lands - Torrey - Private Property Rights - Important Documents, April 10 - April 23, 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Public Lands - Torrey - Z-Bar Ranch/Wetlands [1 of 3], 1979-1994

- Folder 7: Public Lands - Torrey - Z-Bar Ranch/Wetlands [2 of 3], 1979-1994

- Box 546

- Folder 1: Public Lands - Torrey - Z-Bar Ranch/Wetlands [3 of 3], 1979-1994

- Folder 2: Public Works - Torrey - Casework - Graham County - Antelope Lake Dam, August 9 - 17, 1993

- Folder 3: Public Works - Torrey - Casework - Harold Mertz - Levee Rehabilitation, September 1 - October 1, 1993

- Folder 4: Public Works - Torrey - Rural Electrification Act (REA), May 25 - June 1, 1993

- Folder 5: Public Works - Torrey - Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Reform, September 21 - March 25, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Trade - Torrey - Asia Trade, September 27, 1994

- Folder 7: Trade - Torrey - Beef Hormone, January 10, 1996

- Folder 8: Trade - Torrey - Canadian Cattle, September 9, 1994

- Folder 9: Trade - Torrey - Canadian Wheat [1 of 2], December 18 - October 18, 1992-1994

- Folder 10: Trade - Torrey - Canadian Wheat [2 of 2], December 18 - October 18, 1992-1994

- Folder 11: Trade - Torrey - Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), January 9 - 23, 1995

- Folder 12: Trade - Torrey - Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) - Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT), December 11 - 15, 1995

- Folder 13: Trade - Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [1 of 3], 1993-1995

- Folder 14: Trade - Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [2 of 3], 1993-1995

- Box 547

- Folder 1: Trade - Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) [3 of 3], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Trade - Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - Agriculture, August 1 - September 20, 1994

- Folder 3: Trade - Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade - Paneta, August 18 - November 13, 1994

- Folder 4: Trade - Torrey - GSM Credits - Soviets, November 9 - December 7, 1990

- Folder 5: Trade - Torrey - Kansas International Trade, October 26, 1994

- Folder 6: Trade - Torrey - Mexico, January 31, 1995

- Folder 7: Trade - Torrey - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [1 of 2], July 14 - December, 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Trade - Torrey - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [2 of 2], July 14 - December, 1993-1994

- Folder 9: Trade - Torrey - Russia, May 9, 1994

- Folder 10: Trade - Torrey - Trade Title, March 9 - December 1, 1994

- Folder 11: Welfare - Torrey - Casework - Kent Laughman - Women, Infant, Children (WIC) Certification, February 28 - March 3, 1994

- Folder 12: Welfare - Torrey - Casework - Stuart Warwick - Women, Infant, Children (WIC) Reimbursement, July 12 - August 5, 1994

- Folder 13: Welfare - Torrey - Child Care Food Program (CCFP), March - November 25, 1989-1991

- Box 548

- Folder 1: Welfare - Torrey - Convenience Stores, April 27 - December 27, 1993

- Folder 2: Welfare - Torrey - Dole Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Amendments, March 24, 1993

- Folder 3: Welfare - Torrey - Economic and Educational Opportunities Committee (EEDC) - Welfare Conference [1 of 2], March 8 - January 10, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Welfare - Torrey - Economic and Educational Opportunities Committee (EEDC) - Welfare Conference [2 of 2], July 14 - December, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamps, December 20 - March 31, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Cash Out, November 23 - July 19, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamps and Child Nutrition, October 26 - December 13, 1984-1993

- Folder 8: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Education and Training, August 15 - April 14, 1991-1994

- Box 549

- Folder 1: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT), April - March 18, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Fraud, February 7 - 8, 1990-1994

- Folder 3: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Fraud - Industry Views, March 28 - June 5, 1995

- Folder 4: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Fraud - Jackson County, June 9 - August 3, 1993

- Folder 5: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Fraud - Notes for Hearing, March 18 - January 28, 1992-1994

- Folder 6: Welfare - Torrey - Food Stamp Quality Control Reform, March 30 - November 18, 1988-1993

- Folder 7: Welfare - Torrey - Homeless Children, August 4 - January 29, 1992-1993

- Folder 8: Welfare - Torrey - Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), January 25 - June 27, 1990-1994

- Folder 9: Welfare - Torrey - Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) - Earthquake Supplemental, October 4 - February 9, 1992-1994

- Folder 10: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) [1 of 4], 1991-1994

- Box 550

- Folder 1: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) [2 of 4], 1991-1994

- Folder 2: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) [3 of 4], 1991-1994

- Folder 3: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) [4 of 4], 1991-1994

- Folder 4: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) as an Entitlement, July 24 - January 21, 1991-1993

- Folder 5: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Full/Extra Funding, March 6 - August 18, 1991-1994

- Folder 6: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) "Hold Harmless", 1991

- Folder 7: Welfare - Torrey - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Motor Voter, October 22 - November 1, 1993

- Box 551

- Folder 1: Aged - Vachon/West - Alliance for Aging Research, 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Aged - Vachon/West - Family Friends [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 3: Aged - Vachon/West - Family Friends [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 4: Aged - Vachon/West - Green Thumb, 1991-1993

- Folder 5: Aged - Vachon/West - Older Americans Act, 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Aged - Vachon/West - Older Americans Act Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Aged - Vachon/West - Older Americans Act Reauthorization [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 8: Aged - Vachon/West - University of Kansas, Vanims, October - November, 1993

- Folder 9: Aged - Vachon/West - White House Conference on Aging, April 26 - May 5, 1995

- Box 552

- Folder 1: Aged - Vachon/West - Wilken, Caroline/Kansas State University, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Accessible Arts, Inc., 1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Accessing Southwest Kansas, Inc. Independent Living Center, Dole Visit, August 5, 1993, August 5 - 9, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Accreditation Council on Services to People with Disabilities, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Air Carrier Access Act of 1986, 1991-1994

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 - Air Carrier Access Act, Rick Douglas [1 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 - Air Carrier Access Act, Rick Douglas [2 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Alliance for Technology Access, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1993

- Box 553

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Congressional Research, Service Report [1 of 3], 1989-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_553_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Congressional Research, Service Report [2 of 3], 1989-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_553_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Congressional Research, Service Report [3 of 3], 1989-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_553_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Fact Sheets [1 of 3], 1988-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_553_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Fact Sheets [2 of 3], 1988-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_553_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Fact Sheets [3 of 3], 1988-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_553_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Mental Illness, 1990-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_553_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 554

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Tax Credits, 1991-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_554_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Americans with Disabilities Act Tax Credits - Tax Exemptions, 1992-1993

- Associated files: s-leg_554_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Architectural and Transportation Compliance [1 of 2], 1990-1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Architectural and Transportation Compliance [2 of 2], 1990-1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Best Buddies, 1989-1994

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [1 of 7], 1977-1994

- Box 555

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [2 of 7], 1977-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [3 of 7], 1977-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [4 of 7], 1977-1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [5 of 7], 1977-1994

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [6 of 7], 1977-1994

- Box 556

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Capitol Access [7 of 7], 1977-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - The Care Network for Disabled, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas [1 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas [2 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas Issues, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas Rehabilitation, Research and Training Center, August 18, 1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Childlink (M. Will), May 20, 1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Children's Hospital of King's Daughters, 1991-1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Chronological File, March 14 - April 14, 1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Committee for Purchase from People Who are Blind or Disabled, May 20, 1993

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities, 1993-1994

- Folder 13: Disabled - Vachon/West - The Council for Exceptional Children, 1993-1994

- Folder 14: Disabled - Vachon/West - Council of State Administrators of Vocational Rehabilitation, 1993-1994

- Folder 15: Disabled - Vachon/West - Dole Foundation, 1989-1993

- Box 557

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Dole Foundation, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Dole Foundation Letters and Memos, 1984-1990

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Edmunds, Fritz, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Employment for People with Disabilities, 1991-1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Employment, Job Training Reform Proposals [1 of 4], 1992-1995

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Employment, Job Training Reform Proposals [2 of 4], 1992-1995

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Employment, Job Training Reform Proposals [3 of 4], 1992-1995

- Box 558

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Employment, Job Training Reform Proposals [4 of 4], 1992-1995

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, July 23, 1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Health Regulations, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Technical Assistance, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Families Together, Topeka, Kansas, 1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Federal Employees, 1987-1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Full Citizenship, Inc., 1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Gallagher, Hugh, 1963-1981

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Gallagher, Hugh, 1991-1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Ginsburg, Ruth Bader - Supreme Court Nomination, 1985-1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Goals 2000: Educate America Act (S. 1150)/NAS Study Amendments [1 of 2], 1993-1995

- Box 559

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Goals 2000: Educate America Act (S. 1150)/NAS Study Amendments [2 of 2], 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Goals 2000: Educate America Act (S. 1150)/NAS Study, Amendments - Goals 2000 Amendment Follow-Up Letters, February 3 - September 2, 1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Health Care Financing Administration, April 30, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Health Care Financing Administration - Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carriers, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Hearne, Paul - Hofstra Alumni Award, July 26, 1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Heart Spring, October 11, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Henry Betts Award [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Henry Betts Award [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Henry B. Betts Award, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Henry B. Betts Award 1994, 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Hester, Edward, 1993

- Box 560

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Heumann, Judith E., 1993

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Higher Education Consortium for Higher Education, 1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Housing, 1989-1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Institute of Medicine, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Interagency Subcommittee Disability Statistics, 1993-1995

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Inter-National Association of Business, Industry and Rehabilitation, October 14 - November 10, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps, 1992-1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation, October 3 - 7, 1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kaleidoscope, 1995

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Advocacy and Protective Services, 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Disability Contacts [1 of 3], 1987-1993

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Disability Contacts [2 of 3], 1987-1993

- Box 561

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Disability Contacts [3 of 3], 1987-1993

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped, 1989-1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Elks Training Center for the Handicapped (KETCH)/Robert J. Dole Committee for Employment of Kansans with Disabilities, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Human Rights Commission, May 27, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Office for Community Service, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, May 25 - October 12, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas Relay Center, 1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas State School for the Deaf, March 3, 1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Kansas State University, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Learning Disabilities Association, 1988-1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Legislative Forecast 104th, 1992-1993

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - Legislative Forecast 104th - Legislative Agenda 103rd, 2nd Session, 1994

- Folder 13: Disabled - Vachon/West - Manhattan, Kansas [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 562

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Manhattan, Kansas [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Mary Ann Kieffer, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Marriot Foundation for People with Disabilities, 1989-1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Metro, Washington, D.C., 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Metro, Washington, D.C. - Metro Accessibility, April 28 - July 12, 1994

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Mikita, J. Stephen, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Mobility International, USA, 1981

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Academy of Social Insurance, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Academy of Social Insurance - Disability Policy Task Force, 1991-1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - National and Community Service [1 of 2], 1992-1994

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - National and Community Service [2 of 2], 1992-1994

- Box 563

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - National and Community Service - National and Community Service, 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Association of Protection and Advocacy Systems, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, May 3 - November 12, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services, May - June, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Association of State Mental Retardation Program Directors, 1990-1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Center for Learning Disabilities, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Center for Youth with Disabilities, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Council on Disability [1 of 2], 1992-1994

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Council on Disability [2 of 2], 1992-1994

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Council on Independent Living, May 10, 1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Easter Seal Society, 1993

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Evaluation of State Grants for Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Programs [1 of 4], December, 1992

- Box 564

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Evaluation of State Grants for Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Programs [2 of 4], December, 1992

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Evaluation of State Grants for Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Programs [3 of 4], December, 1992

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Evaluation of State Grants for Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Programs [4 of 4], December, 1992

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Federation of the Blind, 1992-1994

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Handicapped Sports, 1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Health Policy Forum - George Washington University, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Industries for the Blind, 1987-1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Institute on Deafness, 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Organization on Disability [1 of 3], 1991-1994

- Box 565

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Organization on Disability [2 of 3], 1991-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Organization on Disability [3 of 3], 1991-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Organization on Disability, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Organization on Disability - 8th J.C. Penney National Organization on Disability National Partners Lunch, 1993-1994

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Parent Network on Disabilities, 1992-1994

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Parks/Wilderness Areas, January, 1995

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Rehabilitation Association, 1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Rehabilitation Hospital, 1992-1994

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Rehabilitation Information Center, 1990-1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Repository of Electronic Text Files/Recording for the Blind, 1994-1996

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Repository of Electronic Files/Recording for the Blind - Recording for the Blind, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Retail Federation, 1993

- Box 566

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Task Force on Disability, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - National Theater Workshop, May 24, 1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Neurofibromatosis, 1991-1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - New Horizons for Disabled, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Nish, February-September, 1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Nish, October-November, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Paralympics [1 of 3], 1994-1996

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Paralympics [2 of 3], 1994-1996

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Paralympics [3 of 3], 1994-1996

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Paralyzed Veterans of America, 1990-1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Partners of America, 1991-1993

- Box 567

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Personal Assistance, 1987-1991

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities/American's with Disabilities Act Business Forum, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities/National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Forum on Personal Assistance Services in the Workplace, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - President's Committee on Mental Retardation, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Quickie, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Rainbows United, Inc., 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Recording for the Blind, October 27 - 29, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Rehab International, 1st North American Conference, 1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Report on the Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Round Table Discussion, September 25, 1990

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - Rural Disability Issues, University of Montana, 1993-1994

- Box 568

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Saunders, Kevin, 1993

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Senate Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance, August 11, 1994

- Associated files: s-leg_568_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Senate Bipartisan Working Group, 1990-1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Senate Compliance with Americans with Disabilities Act, December 29, 1994

- Associated files: s-leg_568_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Senate Special Service, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Sensory Access Foundation, June - September, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business Administration [1 of 4], 1989-1991

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business Administration [2 of 4], 1989-1991

- Box 569

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business Administration [3 of 4], 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business Administration [4 of 4], 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Small Business Legislation, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Social Security Administration Disability Reform, 1993-1995

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Social Security Administration Project Network, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - Social Security Disability Benefit Issues (June 1994) SSI Proposed Changes H.R. [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Social Security Disability Benefit Issues (June 1994) SSI Proposed Changes H.R. [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Box 570

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Social Security Re-Engineering Proposals [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Social Security Re-Engineering Proposals [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Special Olympics, January 1, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vachon/West - Spina Bifida Association of America, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Vachon/West - Spina Bifida Roast, October 19, 1993 - October - November, 1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Vachon/West - St. Joseph's Medical Center, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Vachon/West - Steininger, Tim, January 3, 1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Vachon/West - Telecommunications for the Deaf, 1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Vachon/West - Training and Evaluation Center for the Handicapped, Inc., 1991-1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - Vachon/West - United Cerebral Palsy Associations, 1990-1992

- Folder 11: Disabled - Vachon/West - United Cerebral Palsy Associations, 1991-1993

- Folder 12: Disabled - Vachon/West - United Cerebral Palsy Associations, April 20 - July 22, 1993

- Folder 13: Disabled - Vachon/West - United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Chicago, 1991-1993

- Folder 14: Disabled - Vachon/West - University of Kansas/Research Center USIA Application, August 5 - 24, 1993

- Folder 15: Disabled - Vachon/West - Very Special Arts, 1992-1994

- Box 571

- Folder 1: Disabled - Vachon/West - Very Special Arts, 1992-1995

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vachon/West - Very Special Arts, 1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Vachon/West - Voice of the Retarded, 1993-1994

- Folder 4: General - Vachon/West - Resumes/Job Requests, 1993-1994

- Folder 5: Health - Vachon/West - American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, 1993

- Folder 6: Health - Vachon/West - Appropriation 1993 (FY 1994), 1993

- Folder 7: Health - Vachon/West - Appropriations FY 1995, 1994

- Folder 8: Health - Vachon/West - Appropriations Pre-94, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Health - Vachon/West - Arc, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Health - Vachon/West - Auvigne, Amalia M.D., 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Health - Vachon/West - Auvigne, Amalia M.D. - Auvigne, A.R. October 16 - 18, 1993

- Folder 12: Health - Vachon/West - Children's Mental Health Service Program (P.L. 102-321), 1993-1994

- Box 572

- Folder 1: Health - Vachon/West - Compeer, Inc., 1987-1993

- Folder 2: Health - Vachon/West - The Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health, April, 1993

- Folder 3: Health - Vachon/West - Froelich, Darrell, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Health - Vachon/West - Heart to Heart [1 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 5: Health - Vachon/West - Heart to Heart [2 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 6: Health - Vachon/West - Labette Center for Mental Health, Jack Martin, 1994

- Folder 7: Health - Vachon/West - Mental Health Policy Resource Center, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Health - Vachon/West - Mentor Clinical Care, 1992

- Folder 9: Health - Vachon/West - National Multiple Sclerosis Society, December 13, 1993

- Folder 10: Health - Vachon/West - Nutrition Matters, 1981-1993

- Folder 11: Health - Vachon/West - Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Health - Vachon/West - Welfare Reform Proposals [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Box 573

- Folder 1: Health - Vachon/West - Welfare Reform Proposals [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Compromise - Defense, 1977

- Folder 3: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Compromise - General, 1977

- Folder 4: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Dole-McGovern Amendments, 1975

- Folder 5: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Dole Statement, 1975

- Folder 6: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Draft, 1976

- Folder 7: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Letters, 1975-1976

- Folder 8: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Quality Control, 1976

- Folder 9: Welfare - Wells - National Food Stamp Reform Act: Talmadge Statement/Compromise, 1977

- Folder 10: Abortion - West - Abortion - Judicial Control, July 3 - 6, 1989

- Folder 11: Aged - West - Administration on Aging, 1990

- Folder 12: Aged - West - American Association of Homes for the Aging, 1988-1989

- Folder 13: Aged - West - Family Friends Program, 1989

- Box 574

- Folder 1: Aged - West - National Alliance of Senior Citizens, 1989

- Folder 2: Aged - West - National Council on Aging, 1988-1989

- Folder 3: Aged - West - Resources for Older Americans, February 23 - 28, 1989

- Folder 4: Aged - West - St. John's Community Outreach, Undated

- Folder 5: Aged - West - Senior Citizens General Material, 1986

- Folder 6: Business - West - Mitsubishi Corporate Profile, 1992

- Folder 7: Children - West - Adoption, 1987-1989

- Folder 8: Children - West - After-School Programs, 1985

- Folder 9: Children - West - Bureau of Child Research, 1988

- Folder 10: Children - West - Childhood Mental Impairments, Undated

- Folder 11: Children - West - Children's Benefits and Organizations, 1988

- Folder 12: Children - West - Children's Health, April 11, 1989

- Folder 13: Children - West - Daycare, 1985

- Folder 14: Children - West - Juvenile Diabetes Foundation International, 1988-1989

- Folder 15: Children - West - Make-a-Wish Foundation, 1985-1987

- Folder 16: Children - West - RespecTeen National Youth Forum, 1989

- Folder 17: Children - West - Siblings for Significant Change, July 12, 1989

- Folder 18: Children - West - Spina Bifida Awareness Month, October, 1989

- Folder 19: Children - West - The Adolescent Family Life Services Program, 1985-1986

- Folder 20: Children - West - World Summit For Children Implementation Act of 1991, 1991

- Folder 21: Civil Rights - West - Civil Rights Restoration Act, 1985-1987

- Box 575

- Folder 1: Civil Rights - West - Civil Rights Restoration Act, February 19 - April 1, 1987

- Folder 2: Civil Rights - West - Congressional Practices Regarding Employment Rights, September 14, 1989

- Folder 3: Civil Rights - West - Health and Employment Discrimination, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Commemorations - West - Commemorative Legislation for 100-101st Congress, January 17, 1989

- Folder 5: Commemorations - West - The Hugh O'Brian Youth Foundation, May 10 - July 19, 1989

- Folder 6: Commemorations - West - Inaugural Money, 1981-1985

- Folder 7: Commemorations - West - Inaugural Swearing-In, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Communications - West - General Press, January, 1989

- Folder 9: Communications - West - Kansas Newsclips, 1989

- Folder 10: Communications - West - Newsclips - General, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Communications - West - Press Regarding Disability, 1984-1986

- Folder 12: Congress - West - Legislative Amendments [1 of 3], 1991

- Box 576

- Folder 1: Congress - West - Legislative Amendments [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 2: Congress - West - Legislative Amendments [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 3: Consumers - West - Consumer Education, 1984-1986

- Folder 4: Criminal Justice - West - Teenage Suicide Prevention, 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Access Housing and Fair Housing, 1989-1991

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Accommodations Regarding Employment, 1987-1990

- Box 577

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Accreditation for Arrowhead West, Inc., 1987

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Air Carrier Access, 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Air Carrier Access, 1986-1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Air Carrier Access Act Regulatory Process, 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Airline Access [1 of 4], 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Airline Access [2 of 4], 1990

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Airline Access [3 of 4], 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Airline Access [4 of 4], 1988

- Box 578

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, 1985-1987

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Amendment to the Small Business Act, 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - American Association on Mental Deficiency (AAMD), 1987

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - American Horticultural Therapy Association [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - American Horticultural Therapy Association [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, September 9, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Bills, 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_578_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Bills [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_578_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Bills [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_578_009_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Chapman - AIDS Amendment, 1990

- Associated files: s-leg_578_010_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 579

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Compliance Guide [1 of 2], 1991

- Associated files: s-leg_579_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Compliance Guide [2 of 2], 1991

- Associated files: s-leg_579_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act - Compliance Guide [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act - Compliance Guide [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act - Compliance Guide [3 of 3], 1991

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Congressional Coverage, 1988-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_579_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Costs [1 of 2], 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_579_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 580

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Costs [2 of 2], 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_580_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Manual [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Manual [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Manual [3 of 3], 1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Appointment for the Regional Commissioner of the Rehabilitation Services Administration, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1974

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1980-1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1984

- Box 581

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Association of Handicapped Student Service Programs in Post-Secondary Education, 1986-1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living, circa 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Autism Society of America, 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Benign Essential Bletharospasm, June, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Best Buddies Chanty Ball, April 29, 1989

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Bipartisan Working Group on Disability, 1990-1991

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Breakthrough Productions, Inc. Television Series for the Disabled, 1987

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Bryn Mawr Rehabilitation Hospital, 1989

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Capitol Hill Handicap Access, 1984-1989

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Career and the Handicapped, 1987

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Undated

- Folder 13: Disabled - West - "Challenged American", 1987

- Folder 14: Disabled - West - Civil Rights Commission, 1989-1990

- Folder 15: Disabled - West - Civil Rights Commission, Russell Redenbaugh, 1989-1990

- Folder 16: Disabled - West - Clippings, 1989

- Box 582

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Closed Captioning of Senate Proceedings, 1986-1991

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Columbia Lighthouse for the Blind, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Commission on Civil Rights, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Commission on Education of the Deaf, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Community Care versus Institutional Care [1 of 4], 1988-1990

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Community Care versus Institutional Care [2 of 4], 1989

- Box 583

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Community Care versus Institutional Care [3 of 4], 1988-1990

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Community Care versus Institutional Care [4 of 4], 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Community Living, 1983-1985

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Community Living, 1985-1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Community Living [1 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Community Living [2 of 3], 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Community Living [3 of 3], 1989-1990

- Box 584

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Community Living Opportunities, 1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Community Services Center, 1985-1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [1 of 3], May 1 - 3, 1992

- Associated files: s-leg_584_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [2 of 3], May 1 - 3, 1992

- Associated files: s-leg_584_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Conference on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) [3 of 3], May 1 - 3, 1992

- Associated files: s-leg_584_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports on Disability Issues [1 of 2], 1985-1988

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports on Disability Issues [2 of 2], 1985-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) Briefing, 1987-1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Cottonwood Incorporated, 1987

- Box 585

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Court Case Adapt v. Burnley [1 of 2], 1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Court Case Adapt v. Burnley [2 of 2], 1989

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Costs of Institutional Care, 1984-1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Department of Defense Plan of Action for the Decade of Disabled Persons, 1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Department of Education and the JMA Foundation, August, 1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Developmental Disabilities [1 of 2], 1983-1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Developmental Disabilities [2 of 2], 1983-1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Digest of Data on Persons with Disabilities, 1984

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Disability Advisory Council, 1986-1987

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Disability Advocate Articles, 1984-1989

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Disability Advocates, April, 1989

- Box 586

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Disability Amendments to Higher Education Act, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Disability and Campaigns, 1986-1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Disability Management, 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Disability Programs, Appropriations, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Disability Publications Index, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Disability Legislation and Job Responsibilities, 1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Disabled Americans at Work, 1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Disabled Citizens of Japan [1 of 2], 1981-1988

- Box 587

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Disabled Citizens of Japan [2 of 2], 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Disabled Dole Supporters, 1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Disabled Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 1986-1991

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Disabled Supplemental Social Security, 1987-1990

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Disabled Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Disabled Terminology, 1984-1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Discrimination Correspondence, 1982-1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Dole Foundation, April 14, 1988

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Dole Foundation, 1991

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Dole's 1st Disability Speech, April 14,1969; April 14, 1983, 1969-1983

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Dr. Jean Elder, 1987

- Box 588

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Education for All Handicapped Children's Act, 1983-1985

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Education of the Handicapped Act Amendments, 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Employment for Disabled Individuals Speech Engagements, September, 1987

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Employment Opportunities for the Disabled, April 26, 1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Employment Opportunities for the Disabled Americans Act [1 of 2], 1984-1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Employment Opportunities for the Disabled Americans Act [2 of 2], 1984-1989

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Fair Housing Act Amendments, 1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Fair Housing Act Amendments and the Handicapped [1 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Fair Housing Act Amendments and the Handicapped [2 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Fair Housing Act Amendments Summary, November 4, 1988

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Family Support - Beach Center [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Box 589

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Family Support - Beach Center [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Federal-State Assistive Technology Bill, 1989

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Federal Task Force on Disabilities, 1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Florist Transworld Delivery (FTD), Congressional Award for Service to the Disabled, 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Funding for High Functioning Disabled Individuals, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Futures Unlimited, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Federal Aviation Administration Seat Regulations, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Gallaudet University, The Deaf Way, 1984-1988

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Goodwill Industries Employment of People with Disabilities, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - General Accounting Office: Medicaid/Medicare, 1991

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - General Correspondence, 1983-1985

- Box 590

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - General Information, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - General Kansas, 1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Group Home for the Mentally Disabled, May 3, 1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Hal's Pal, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Handicapped Accessibility [1 of 2], 1984-1986

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Handicapped Accessibility [2 of 2], 1984-1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Handicapped Equity Act, 1981-1985

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Handicapped Organized Woman, 1985

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Handicapped Requirements Handbook [1 of 2], 1978-1990

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Handicapped Requirements Handbook [2 of 2], 1978-1990

- Box 591

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Handicapped Requirements Handbook 1 [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Handicapped Requirements Handbook 1 [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Headstart Programs for Handicapped Children, 1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Health Source Information and Publications, 1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Hearing Aid Compatibility, 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Heart Transplant Support, 1985

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Helen Keller International Incorporated, 1984-1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Helen Keller National Center, March, 1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Henry Betts Award, 1990

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Higher Education Act - Disability Amendments, 1989-1992

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Higher Education Act - Disability Amendments [1 of 4], 1991-1992

- Box 592

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Higher Education Act - Disability Amendments [2 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Higher Education Act - Disability Amendments [3 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Higher Education Act - Disability Amendments [4 of 4], 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Housing, 1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Increase in Substantial Gainful Activity (SGA) Amount, 1986-1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Independence, Inc., 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Independent Living Trusts and Contributions Act of 1988, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Information Books on Disability, 1984

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Information for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, 1989

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Inspire '85 [1 of 2], 1984-1985

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Inspire '85 [2 of 2], 1984-1985

- Box 593

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Institute for Research in Learning Disabilities, 1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Integrated Microcomputer Systems, Inc., 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded [1 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Intermediate Care Facilities for the Mentally Retarded [2 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - International Center for the Disabled Survey: Bringing Disabled Americans into the Mainstream, 1986

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps [1 of 6], 1984-1989

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps [2 of 6], 1984-1989

- Box 594

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps [3 of 6], 1984-1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps [4 of 6], 1984-1989

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps [5 of 6], 1984-1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - International League of Societies for Persons with Mental Handicaps [6 of 6], 1984-1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - International Rehabilitation Development Foundation, Inc., Undated

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Jay Rochlin Reference, July 17, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Job Training Partnership Act, 1987-1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Kansas Arts Resource Training System, 1986

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Kansas Center for Mental Retardation and Human Development, 1980-1986

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Kansas Contacts for Disability Resources, 1989

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Kansas Disability, 1988

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - Kansas Elks Training Center, Undated

- Folder 13: Disabled - West - Kansas Mental Health and Mental Retardation Services, 1988-1989

- Folder 14: Disabled - West - Kansas Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities Services, 1988

- Folder 15: Disabled - West - Kansas Rehabilitation Hospital, 1988

- Folder 16: Disabled - West - Lakemary Center, 1987

- Folder 17: Disabled - West - Lakemary Center, 1988-1989

- Folder 18: Disabled - West - Learning Disabled Students Transition to Employment, 1988-1989

- Box 595

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Learning Disabilities, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Library of Congress Handicapped Accessible, Undated

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Long-Term Care of the Disabled, 1987

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Lou Harris Poll, 1986-1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Mailing List, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Mailing Lists for Disability Resource Centers, 1984-1985

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Mainstream, 1981-1986

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Marc Buoniconti Fund/ Miami Project Dinner, 1987-1988

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - March of Dimes, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Medicaid Financing, 1986

- Box 596

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Medicaid Reimbursement for Community Living [1 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Medicaid Reimbursement for Community Living [2 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Medicaid Reimbursement for Community Living [3 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Menninger Foundation [1 of 2], 1980-1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Menninger Foundation [2 of 2], 1980-1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Mental Health [1 of 2], 1985-1991

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Mental Health [2 of 2], 1985-1991

- Box 597

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Mental Health, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Mental Illness [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Mental Illness [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Mental Retardation, 1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Mental Retardation, 1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Military Families Overseas and Social Security Benefits [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Military Families Overseas and Social Security Benefits [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Minority Disability, 1988

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Music Therapy, 1987-1989

- Box 598

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - National Amputee Golf Association, 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - National Association for the Deaf, 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities Anniversary, June - July, 1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - National Association of Residential Facilities for the Mentally Retarded [1 of 2], 1980-1988

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - National Association of Residential Facilities for the Mentally Retarded [2 of 2], 1980-1988

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - National Barrier Awareness Foundation, 1986-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - National Council of the Blind, 1984

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - National Council on the Handicapped, 1987

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - National Council on Independent Living, 1985-1988

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - National Council on Independent Living, 1988-1989

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - National Easter Seal Society, National Representatives, 1989

- Folder 13: Disabled - West - National Employ the Handicapped Week, 1977-1987

- Folder 14: Disabled - West - National Federation of the Blind, 1984-1985

- Folder 15: Disabled - West - National Handicapped Sports, October, 1989

- Folder 16: Disabled - West - National Handicapped Sports and Recreation Association, 1987-1988

- Folder 17: Disabled - West - National Head Injury Foundation, 1988-1989

- Box 599

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - National Industries for the Blind, 1983-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - National Industries for the Severely Handicapped, 1988-1989

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities [1 of 2], 1984-1991

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities [2 of 2], 1984-1991

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - National Information Network, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - National Institute for Health Research, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - National Institute for Deafness and Communicative Disorders, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1987

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research, 1988

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - National League of Societies for the Mentally Disabled, 1988

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - National Mental Health Association, 1987

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - National Organization on Disability [1 of 3], 1983-1988

- Box 600

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - National Organization on Disability [2 of 3], 1983-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - National Organization on Disability [3 of 3], 1983-1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - National Parent to Parent Conference, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - National Rehabilitation Hospital, 1983-1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - National Research Institute for Neural Inquiry, 1984

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - National Society to Prevent Blindness, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - National Stuttering Association, 1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - News Clippings, 1981-1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Newsletter Speech [1 of 2], 1989-1991

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Newsletter Speech [2 of 2], 1989-1991

- Box 601

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Newsletter Speech, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - North American Riding for the Handicapped Association, Incorporated, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Oasis at Kanorado, Inc., 1984-1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Occupational Center of Central Kansas, Inc., 1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Office of Special Education and Policy Initiatives, 1984

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Operation Real Rights Proposal, 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Overview of Hearing Impaired Legislation, 1985-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Parking Provisions, 1987

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - People to People Committee for the Handicapped, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Personal Preparation by Edward Meyen Regarding Education of the Handicapped Act, February 13, 1989

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Personal Testimonies, 1988-1989

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - Physical Activity and Sports, 1986

- Folder 13: Disabled - West - Presbyterian Manor, 1984-1986

- Folder 14: Disabled - West - Prevention, 1984-1986

- Folder 15: Disabled - West - Projects with Industry, 1989

- Box 602

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Proposal for a Joint Special Services Office, 1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Public Service Announcement (PSA) for 50th Anniversary of the Easter Seal Rehabilitation Center, June, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Reagan and Bush Policies for Persons with Disabilities, 1984-1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Reauthorization of the Discretionary Programs of the Education of the Handicapped Act, October 23, 1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Reauthorization of Rehabilitation Act [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Reauthorization of Rehabilitation Act [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Reauthorization of Rehabilitation Act [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Reform Postal Subsidies, 1984-1985

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, 1989

- Box 603

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Regulatory Negotiation Process on the Air Carrier Access Act, 1987

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act, 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act [1 of 6], 1987-1992

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act [2 of 6], 1987-1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act [3 of 6], 1987-1992

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act [4 of 6], 1987-1992

- Box 604

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act [5 of 6], 1987-1992

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act Reauthorization Act [6 of 6], 1987-1992

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Act, Section 503, 1986-1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 1983-1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, 1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Rehabilitation International, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Replace the Word "Crippled" with "Disabled" or "Handicapped" in the Social Security Act, 1984-1985

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Research Material [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Research Material [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Box 605

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Rural Disabled, 1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Ryan Mathews Fundraiser, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Self-Help for the Hard of Hearing, 1983-1987

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Self-Help for Hard Hearing People, Inc. (SHHH), 1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Senate Special Services Office, Undated

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Senator Chafee's Medicaid Home and Community Quality Service Act, 1987-1988

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Senator Weicker Speeches, 1981-1986

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Senator Weicker Speeches, 1985-1987

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Senator Weicker Speeches, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Severely Physically Handicapped Adults Proposal, Undated

- Box 606

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Skilled Nursing Facility, 1985

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Small Business Administration (SBA) and Handicap Employment Training [1 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Small Business Administration (SBA) and Handicap Employment Training [2 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Small Business Administration (SBA) and Handicap Employment Training [3 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Smithsonian Access, 1989-1991

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Social Security Administration (SSA) as Independent Agency, 1989

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Social Security and Disability [1 of 3], 1983-1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Social Security and Disability [2 of 3], 1983-1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Social Security and Disability [3 of 3], 1983-1989

- Box 607

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Social Security and Disability [1 of 3], 1984-1989

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Social Security and Disability [2 of 3], 1984-1989

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Social Security and Disability [3 of 3], 1984-1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Social Security Disability Amendment of 1984, 1983-1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), 1987-1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Social Security Income, Rehabilitation, 1981-1988

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Social Security Income, Rehabilitation, 1987-1989

- Box 608

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Social Security Income, Rehabilitation, 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Social Security Work Incentives Act, 1986-1991

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Social Security Work Incentives Act, 1988-1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Social Security Work Incentives Act, 1989

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Social Security Work Incentives - Bartlett's Bill [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Social Security Work Incentives - Bartlett's Bill [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Society for Human Advancement Through Rehabilitation Engineering Foundation (SHARE), 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Soviet Union, 1990

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Special Education, 1984

- Box 609

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Special Education, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Special Olympics, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Special Olympics - Kansas, March 9, 1987

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Speech Information, 1984-1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Speech Information [1 of 3], 1988-1991

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Speech Information [2 of 3], 1988-1991

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Speech Information [3 of 3], 1988-1991

- Box 610

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Spinal Cord Injury, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Subcommittee on Handicapped, Commission on Education of the Deaf, 1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Supplemental Security Income and the Disabled, 1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Supplemental Security Income (SSI): Work Incentives, 1985-1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Supported Employment, 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Tactile Capitol, 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Targeted Job Tax Center, 1985-1988

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Task Force on Disabled Persons [1 of 2], 1983-1985

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Task Force on Disabled Persons [2 of 2], 1983-1985

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Tax Deduction for Reasonable Accommodations, 1985-1988

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Taxes Relating to Disabilities, 1986-1988

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - Technology Related Assistance to Individuals with Disabilities, 1988

- Box 611

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Technology to Educate Children with Handicaps Act, 1983-1985

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Technology to Educate Children with Handicaps Act, 1984-1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Telecommunication Device for Deaf People, Undated

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Telecommunication Systems for the Deaf, 1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - The Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps (TASH), 1988-1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - The Capper Foundation for Crippled Children, March 2, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - The Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities, March 3, 1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - The Dole Foundation, 1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - The Dole Foundation: Strategies for a Changing Labor Market, 1990

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - The Good Shepherd Home, Challenge for Hope and Healing, 1987-1988

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - The Hearing Impaired, 1988

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - The Medicaid Home and Community Quality Services Act [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Box 612

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - The Medicaid Home and Community Quality Services Act [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - The Menninger Foundation, 1985

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - The Miami Project, 1988-1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - The President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - The Research and Training Center on Independent Living, Undated

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - The Research and Training Center on Independent Living, 1984-1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - The Resignation of Justin Dart from Rehabilitation Services Administration, 1987

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - The Seeing Impaired, 1983-1988

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - The Technology-Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act, August 2, 1988

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - The US Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board and Handicapped Accessibility, 1988

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Three Rivers Resource Center, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Disabled - West - Title XX, Community Based Services for Persons with Disabilities, 1989

- Folder 13: Disabled - West - Topeka Resource Center, 1988

- Folder 14: Disabled - West - Total Living Center (TLC), 1984-1985

- Folder 15: Disabled - West - Transportation, 1982-1985

- Box 613

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Trust Component of Social Security Income Programs [1 of 2], 1988-1990

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - Trust Component of Social Security Income Programs [2 of 2], 1988-1990

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - US Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ATBCB) [1 of 2], 1983-1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - US Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (ATBCB) [2 of 2], 1983-1988

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Very Special Arts, Kansas, 1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - West - Victory Awards, 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Disabled - West - Vocational Education [1 of 2], 1985-1989

- Folder 8: Disabled - West - Vocational Education [2 of 2], 1985-1989

- Folder 9: Disabled - West - Vocational Education Reauthorization, November 1, 1989

- Folder 10: Disabled - West - Vocational Rehab Agencies, July 24, 1989

- Folder 11: Disabled - West - Wheelchairs for the Disabled, June 13, 1989

- Box 614

- Folder 1: Disabled - West - Will Menninger Center for Applied Behavioral Sciences, 1981-1986

- Folder 2: Disabled - West - World Institute on Disability Attendant Care, 1984-1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - World Rehabilitation Fund, 1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - West - Zebley Implementation [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - West - Zebley Implementation [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Disease - West - Neurofibromatosis, 1989

- Folder 7: Drug Abuse - West - Alcoholism, 1984-1987

- Folder 8: Drug Abuse - West - Alcoholism and Treatments, 1989

- Folder 9: Drug Abuse - West - Alcoholism Treatment Research, June 16, 1988

- Folder 10: Drug Abuse - West - Drug Abuse, 1984-1987

- Folder 11: Drug Abuse - West - Essay Contest Sponsored by National Council on Alcoholism, June, 1987

- Folder 12: Drug Abuse - West - Smoking Policy, December, 1986

- Folder 13: Education - West - Foundations for Children with Learning Disabilities, 1986

- Folder 14: Education - West - Institute of Fire and Burn Education, 1985

- Folder 15: Elections - West - Dole Time Article, June 27, 1988

- Box 615

- Folder 1: Elections - West - Perception International, 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Families - West - Adoption, 1987

- Folder 3: Families - West - Baby Doe Court Case, 1980-1985

- Folder 4: Families - West - Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies, 1984

- Folder 5: Food - West - Alcohol Labeling, 1986

- Folder 6: Food - West - Food and Drug Administration, 1985

- Folder 7: Food - West - Hunger, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Food - West - Hunger Related Issues, 1987

- Folder 9: Government - West - Government Post Nominees, 1987-1989

- Folder 10: Government Employees - West - Job Recommendations, Lex Frieden, 1988

- Folder 11: Health Policy - West - AIDS, 1987

- Folder 12: Health Policy - West - AIDS, 1987-1989

- Folder 13: Health Policy - West - American Heart Association, 1984-1985

- Folder 14: Health Policy - West - General Articles, 1984-1989

- Folder 15: Health Policy - West - Health and Human Services, 1988

- Folder 16: Health Policy - West - Human Genome (Biotechnology), February, 1989

- Folder 17: Health Policy - West - Kidney Information, 1985-1987

- Box 616

- Folder 1: Health Policy - West - Medicaid Eligibility, Undated

- Folder 2: Health Policy - West - Mental Health, 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Health Policy - West - Midwest Heart Institute, 1985-1987

- Folder 4: Health Policy - West - National Association of Community Health Centers, Inc., 1984-1986

- Folder 5: Health Policy - West - National Institutes of Health, 1985

- Folder 6: Health Policy - West - National Mental Health Association [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 7: Health Policy - West - National Mental Health Association [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 8: Health Policy - West - Pooled Risk Insurance, 1984-1986

- Folder 9: Health Policy - West - Rheyes Syndrome, 1979-1987

- Folder 10: Health Policy - West - Risk Pools and Health Insurance Associations, 1988

- Folder 11: Health Policy - West - Senator Chaffee's "Medicaid Home and Community Quality Service Act", 1988-1989

- Folder 12: Health Policy - West - The Medicaid Home and Community Quality Services Act [1 of 3], 1984-1988

- Box 617

- Folder 1: Health Policy - West - The Medicaid Home and Community Quality Services Act [2 of 3], 1984-1988

- Folder 2: Health Policy - West - The Medicaid Home and Community Quality Services Act [3 of 3], 1984-1988

- Folder 3: Housing - West - Abernathy Towers, 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - West - Homelessness Information, 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Housing - West - Housing and Community Development Act of 1987, 1987

- Folder 6: Housing - West - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 504 Regulations, 1987

- Folder 7: Indian Affairs - West - American Indians, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Medicine - West - Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), 1985

- Folder 9: Medicine - West - Alzheimer's, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Medicine - West - American Diabetes Association, 1986-1987

- Folder 11: Medicine - West - Arthritis, 1982-1987

- Box 618

- Folder 1: Medicine - West - Asthma and Allergy Material, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Medicine - West - Autism, 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Medicine - West - Cancer, 1986

- Folder 4: Medicine - West - Children's Hospice, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Medicine - West - Children's Hospital, November 28, 1988

- Folder 6: Medicine - West - Chronic Epstein Barr Virus, 1986

- Folder 7: Medicine - West - Cosmopolitan International Conference, 1987

- Folder 8: Medicine - West - Cystic Fibrosis, 1985-1987

- Folder 9: Medicine - West - Diabetes, 1986-1988

- Folder 10: Medicine - West - Epilepsy, 1984

- Folder 11: Medicine - West - Huntington's Disease, 1983-1985

- Folder 12: Medicine - West - Juvenile Diabetes Petition, 1986

- Folder 13: Medicine - West - Leukemia Society, 1987

- Box 619

- Folder 1: Medicine - West - Lupus [1 of 2], 1984-1988

- Folder 2: Medicine - West - Lupus [2 of 2], 1984-1988

- Folder 3: Medicine - West - Mental Health, 1980-1988

- Folder 4: Medicine - West - Mental Health, 1986-1989

- Folder 5: Medicine - West - Mental Health [1 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 6: Medicine - West - Mental Health [2 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 7: Medicine - West - Multiple Sclerosis, 1985-1987

- Box 620

- Folder 1: Medicine - West - National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, 1987

- Folder 2: Medicine - West - National Cystic Fibrosis Week, 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Medicine - West - National Head Injury Foundation, 1983-1987

- Folder 4: Medicine - West - National Head Injury Foundation, 1984-1987

- Folder 5: Medicine - West - Osteoporosis, 1987

- Folder 6: Medicine - West - Polio, 1982-1985

- Folder 7: Medicine - West - Protection and Advocacy for the Mentally Ill, 1988

- Folder 8: Medicine - West - Public Health Service (PHS), 1987-1989

- Folder 9: Medicine - West - Rehabilitation Hospitals, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Medicine - West - Rheumatism, 1987

- Folder 11: Medicine - West - Rotary International Polio Plus Campaign, 1985-1987

- Box 621

- Folder 1: Medicine - West - Rural Mental Health Project, 1987

- Folder 2: Politics and Government - West - Joint Center for Political Studies, 1988-1989

- Folder 3: Science Policy - West - "American Physiologist Week", 1986

- Folder 4: Social Security - West - Social Security, 1975-1988

- Folder 5: Social Security - West - Social Security General, 1989

- Folder 6: Social Services - West - Compeer, Inc., 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Social Services - West - Huck Boyd Foundation, 1987

- Folder 8: Social Services - West - Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) Annual Report, 1987

- Folder 9: Sports - West - Foundation for America's Citizen-Athletes, 1988

- Folder 10: Veterans - West - Blinded Veterans Association (BVA), 1987

- Folder 11: Veterans - West - General Material, 1989

- Folder 12: Veterans - West - Paralyzed Veterans of America [1 of 2], 1985-1986

- Folder 13: Veterans - West - Paralyzed Veterans of America [2 of 2], 1986-1988

- Folder 14: Veterans - West - Paralyzed Veterans of America, February 22, 1989

- Box 622

- Folder 1: Veterans - West - Paralyzed Veterans of America, Life Services Award, 1988

- Folder 2: Veterans - West - Paraplegia News: Paralyzed Veterans of America, March, 1989

- Folder 3: Welfare - West - Philanthropy, 1987-1989

- Folder 4: Welfare - West - Philanthropy (Kellogg Foundation), 1989

- Folder 5: Aging - Wheat - Older Americans Act, February 20 - July 26, 1973-1978

- Folder 6: Budget - Wheat - The Budget, April 3 - 24, 1979

- Folder 7: Civil Liberties - Wheat - Equal Rights Amendment, March 9 - November 21, 1978

- Folder 8: Disabled - Wheat - Congressional Record Reprints Concerning Handicapped, Statements, March 26 - March, 1965-1977

- Folder 9: Disabled - Wheat - Dole/Stafford Amendment to S. 1309, March - July 20, 1979

- Folder 10: Disabled - Wheat - Teletypewriters, January 3 - January 12, 1977-1979

- Folder 11: Education - Wheat - Federal Direction Over State and Local Education, 1979

- Folder 12: Food - Wheat - Against Bellman Amendment, 1979

- Folder 13: Food - Wheat - Bellman Summer Food Amendment, May 10 - July 18, 1979

- Folder 14: Food - Wheat - Dole Compromise, Bellman Amendment, August 10, 1978

- Folder 15: Food - Wheat - Eagleton Amendment to S. 292, 1979

- Folder 16: Food - Wheat - Support for Bellman Amendment, February 27 - May 21, 1979

- Box 623

- Folder 1: General - Wheat - Statements by Dole [1 of 3], April 14 - July 23, 1976-1979

- Folder 2: General - Wheat - Statements by Dole [2 of 3], April 14 - July 23, 1976-1979

- Folder 3: General - Wheat - Statements by Dole [3 of 3], April 14 - July 23, 1976-1979

- Folder 4: Social Security - Wheat - H.R. 12973, Remaining Title XX Amendments, June 21 - October 14, 1978

- Folder 5: Social Services - Wheat - Domestic Volunteers, September 7 - November 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Wheat - Child Nutrition Voting Record, 92nd-96th Congress, January 27 - March 15, 1977-1979

- Folder 7: Welfare - Wheat - Food Stamp Conference, 1977

- Folder 8: Welfare - Wheat - Morgan Amendment, 1979

- Folder 9: Welfare - Wheat - Morgan Formula Distribution Amendment, 1979

- Folder 10: Welfare - Wheat - Strikers Amendment to S. 1309, 1979

- Box 624

- Folder 1: Education - White, M./Wilson - Education, 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Education - White, M./Wilson - Tuition Increases, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Indian Affairs - White, M./Wilson - Indians - Gaming/Healthcare, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - White - Air War: The Third Indochina War, 1972

- Folder 5: Defense - White - Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM), 1970

- Folder 6: Defense - White - "End the War" Amendments, 1971

- Folder 7: Defense - White - "End the War" Amendments, 1972

- Folder 8: Defense - White - Selective Service Extension (H.R. 6531, 92nd Congress), 1971

- Folder 9: Defense - White - Troop Withdrawal Figures, 1969

- Folder 10: Disabled - White - Handicapped Legislation, Internal Revenue Code, 1969

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - "A Vietnam Reappraisal", by Clark Clifford, 1969

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - Administration Speeches, 1970

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act, 1970

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Byrd Amendment, 1970

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Cooper-Church File, 1969

- Folder 16: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Defense Appropriations - Jets to Israel, 1970

- Folder 17: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Department of State, Presidential Power, Korea, 1950

- Folder 18: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 599 (Young), 1970

- Folder 19: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 604 (Goodell, McGovern, Young), 1970

- Folder 20: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 620 (Cooper, Church, Mansfield, Aiken), 1970

- Folder 21: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 621 (Muskie, Anderson, Gravel, Cannon, Scott), 1970

- Folder 22: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 622, 1970

- Folder 23: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 622 (Dole Version), 1970

- Folder 24: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 623 (Mondale), 1970

- Folder 25: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 625 (Eastland), 1970

- Folder 26: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 626 (Dominick), 1970

- Folder 27: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 627 (Church), 1970

- Folder 28: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 628 (Gore), 1970

- Folder 29: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 15628, Amendment 629 (Gore), 1970

- Folder 30: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - H.R. 17123, Amendment 609 (McGovern, Cranston, Goodell), 1970

- Box 625

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Laos-Thailand Amendment, December, 1969

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Nixon Doctrine, 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Percy Resolution, 1970

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Scott Statement, 1970

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Vietnam, 1973

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Vietnam Clippings, 1972

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Amendments to Foreign Military Sales Act - Vietnam, Nixon Administration Accomplishments, Undated

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - "Beyond Vietnam," Address by Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, 1971

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia, 1970-1971

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Concluded, 1970

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia, Foreign Military Sales Act, 1970

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Cambodia Operations, 1970

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Cambodian Government Information, Maps, Etc., 1970

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Laos, 1970

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Legislative Research Service Background on Vietnam, 1969

- Folder 16: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - National Student Coordinating Committee for Freedom in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1972

- Folder 17: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Percy Resolution (S. Res. 409), 1970

- Folder 18: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Senator's Foreign Military Sales Notebook, 1970

- Folder 19: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - "Use of Armed Forces in Armed Conflict," Analysis of S.J. Resolution 95 and S. 731, 1971

- Box 626

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - "Viet Cong Repression and Its Implications for the Future", 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Vietnam and Cambodia, Dole-Mansfield, and Massachusetts Resolution, 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Vietnam: National Student Coordinating Committee for Freedom in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1971

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Cambodia Materials - Vietnam Withdrawal (Opinion Survey), 1971

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Chronology of the Vietnam Conflict, 1954-1969

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Congressional Research Service - "The U.S. and Cambodia", 1971

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power [1 of 3], 1969-1971

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power [2 of 3], 1969-1971

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power [3 of 3], 1969-1971

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - Boston University Law Review, "Maltreatment of POWs," Howard S. Levie, 1968

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - Cease-fire Proposals, 1970

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - Constitutional Confrontation Between Congress and the President, Laos and War, 1971

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - Constitutional Issue in Cambodian Intervention, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - Constitutionality of President's Decision, 1970

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - "The Indochina War: Is It Legal?" by Erwin N. Griswold, Solicitor General, 1971

- Box 627

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - Presidential Powers - Virginia and Harvard Law Reviews, 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Constitutional Question of President's Power - War Powers Act, 1972

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Cooper/Church Amendment, 1970

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Cooper/Church Congressional Record Debate, 1970

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Cooper/Church Debate [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Cooper/Church Debate [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Cooper/Church Remarks, 1971

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Department of State Remarks on Cambodia, 1970

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Dole-Church Colloquy: Congressional Record, 1970

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Dole on Cambodia Situation, 1970

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Dole on Cooper/Church Amendment, 1970

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - Drugs, Southeast Asia, 1972

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Editorials and Articles, 1970

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - End the War Materials (H.R. 15628 and Cooper/Church), 1970

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Facts Regarding the 1968 Vietnam "Peace Opportunity", 1972

- Box 628

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Fact Sheets on Military Sales: Senate Floor Debate (H.R. 15628), 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Foreign Military Sales Act (Cooper/Church), 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Act Wrap-Up, 1970

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Henry Kissinger Press Conference: Vietnam Peace Plan, October 26, 1972

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Human Cost of Communism in Vietnam, 1972

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Indochina Background and Reports [1 of 2], 1970

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Indochina Background and Reports [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Indochina Background and Reports - "Documents Relating to the War Power of Congress, the President's Authority as Commander-in-Chief and the War in Indochina", 1970

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Indochina Background and Reports - Security Assistance Program, 1972

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Indochina Background and Reports - "Vietnam Policy Proposals", 1970

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Indochina Withdrawal Date, 1970

- Box 629

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - McGovern-Hatfield Amendment, 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Miscellaneous Amendments and Statements, 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Miscellaneous Amendments and Statements - Notebook of Vietnam Resolutions, 1969

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - National Student Coordinating Committee for Freedom in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, 1972

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - News Articles on Cambodia, 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Paris Peace Negotiations - Introduction, 1969

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Paris Peace Negotiations - Point 1: Mutual Settlement, 1969

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Paris Peace Negotiations - Point 2: Show Flexibility and Desire for Compromise, 1969

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Paris Peace Negotiations - Point 3: Viet Cong-Saigon Negotiations, 1968-1969

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Paris Peace Negotiations - Point 4: Saigon Government and Free Elections, 1969

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Pentagon Papers, Sen. Res. 162 (Stennis and Mansfield), 1971

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - President's Peace Effort and Remarks of Critics, 1972

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - Air Force, etc., POW Materials, 1969-1970

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - North Vietnamese Terror Intentions, 1970

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - POW, 1970

- Folder 16: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - POW Amendment to Foreign Military Sales Act [1 of 2], 1970

- Box 630

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - POW Amendment to Foreign Military Sales Act [2 of 2], 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - Rand, Viet Cong Terror, 1970

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Amendment - Viet Cong Strategy, Pike Report, 1970

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Rally, 1971

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution, 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Debate on House Vietnam Resolution (H. Res. 613), 1969

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Dole Testimony, 1970

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Mathias Testimony, 1969

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Paris Peace Talks, Packet A, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Paris Peace Talks, Packet B, 1969

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Paris Peace Talks, Packet C, 1969-1970

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Paris Peace Talks, Packet D, 1969

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Rebuttal to Demands for U.S. Troop Withdrawal, 1969

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Rebuttal to South Vietnam Coalition Government, 1969

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Rebuttal to "South Vietnamese Government Not Representative, Responsive to South Vietnamese People", 1969

- Folder 16: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Testimony (Goodell, Cranston, Eagleton, Hughes, Fulbright), 1970

- Folder 17: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Testimony (Scott, Javitts-Pell, McGovern, Hartke), 1970

- Folder 18: Foreign Policy - White - Prisoner of War (POW) Resolution - Vietnam Resolution, 1973

- Folder 19: Foreign Policy - White - Repeal of Tonkin Gulf Resolution, 1966

- Folder 20: Foreign Policy - White - Repeal of Tonkin Gulf Resolution - Fulbright - S. Con. Res. 64, 1970

- Folder 21: Foreign Policy - White - Repeal of Tonkin Gulf Resolution - Remarks, 1970

- Folder 22: Foreign Policy - White - Repeal of Tonkin Gulf Resolution - Tonkin Gulf Vote, 1970

- Folder 23: Foreign Policy - White - Senator Dole's Material on Cambodia, 1970-1971

- Box 631

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Testimony before the Foreign Relations Committee, February 5, 1970

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - The National Liberation Front's (NLF) Seven Points, 1971

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam: A Look at the Record (Propaganda), 1971

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Agreement to End the War, 1973

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Amendment to End the War [1 of 3], 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Amendment to End the War [2 of 3], 1970

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Amendment to End the War [3 of 3], 1970

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Amendment to End the War - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1970

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Americans for Winning the Peace, 1970

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Anti-War Commercials, 1971

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam and Cambodia, 1970

- Box 632

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, CBS Coverage of War, 1971

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Common Cause to End the War Show, 1971

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Communist Strategies, 1971

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, General, 1971

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Gulf of Tonkin, 1970

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Isolationism of the 1940s, 1970

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Paris Peace Talks, 1969

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam - Peace Talks, 1972

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Richard Nixon, 1969-1970

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam Situation - Spring, 1972

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Solutions for Ending the War, 1971

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Statement by John Kerry, 1971

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Vietnam Resolution, 1969

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, Vietnam Resolution, 1969-1970

- Folder 15: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam, War Powers, 1970

- Box 633

- Folder 1: General - White - Quotations [1 of 2], undated

- Folder 2: General - White - Quotations [2 of 2], undated

- Folder 3: General - White - Unfamiliar and Obscure Quotations [1 of 5], undated

- Folder 4: General - White - Unfamiliar and Obscure Quotations [2 of 5], undated

- Box 634

- Folder 1: General - White - Unfamiliar and Obscure Quotations [3 of 5], undated

- Folder 2: General - White - Unfamiliar and Obscure Quotations [4 of 5], undated

- Folder 3: General - White - Unfamiliar and Obscure Quotations [5 of 5], undated

- Folder 4: General - White - Unfamiliar and Obscure Quotations Index, undated

- Folder 5: Law - White - Judge Clement Haynsworth Case, 1969

- Folder 6: Law - White - Judge Earl O'Conner, 1971

- Box 635

- Folder 1: Law - White - Supreme Court Nomination of Judge Harry Blackmun, 1970

- Folder 2: Presidents - White - Nomination of Gerald R. Ford to Vice President, 1973

- Folder 3: Defense - Wiklund - Address List, Saudi Arabia Deployment, 1991

- Folder 4: Defense - Wiklund - Air Force, 1990-1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Wiklund - Marines, 1991

- Folder 6: Defense - Wiklund - Middle East Arms Sales, 1991

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Wiklund - Russia-Cunin Brothers and Schneerson-Agudas Chabad Library, 1991-1992

- Folder 8: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence, 1990

- Folder 9: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [1 of 6], 1991

- Folder 10: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [2 of 6], 1991

- Box 636

- Folder 1: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [3 of 6], 1991

- Folder 2: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [4 of 6], 1991

- Folder 3: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [5 of 6], 1991

- Folder 4: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [6 of 6], 1991

- Folder 5: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [1 of 5], 1992

- Box 637

- Folder 1: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [2 of 5], 1992

- Folder 2: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [3 of 5], 1992

- Folder 3: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [4 of 5], 1992

- Folder 4: General - Wiklund - Gold Seal Correspondence [5 of 5], 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Wilhite - Grain Elevator Bankruptcy [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Wilhite - Grain Elevator Bankruptcy [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Wilhite - Grain Elevator Bankruptcy - Missouri Grain Elevator, 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Wilhite - Farmer's Home Administration Notes and Correspondence, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Wilhite - Wolf Creek Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Loan, 1982

- Folder 10: Trade - Wilhite - Embargo Protection Proposal - Plan A, 1981

- Folder 11: Transportation - Wilhite - Testimony of Kenneth L. Wright, President, Wright-Lorenz Grain Company, 1981

- Box 638

- Folder 1: Budgets - Wilson - Impact Aid, May 20 - May 13, 1974-1992

- Folder 2: Budgets - Wilson - Impact Aid - Amendments, May 8 - September 28, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Budgets - Wilson - Impact Aid - Grants, November 30 - February 3, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Budgets - Wilson - Impact Aid - Statements, March 30 - September 13, 1993

- Folder 5: Children - Wilson - Child Abuse, August 27 - October 28, 1987

- Folder 6: Children - Wilson - Child Care [1 of 2], 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Children - Wilson - Child Care [2 of 2], 1986-1989

- Folder 8: Children - Wilson - Congressional Youth Leadership Council, July 16 - October 8, 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Children - Wilson - National Youth Sports Program, June 23 - July 1, 1994

- Folder 10: Children - Wilson - Religion in Childcare, January 5 - August 10, 1988

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - 2 Gigahertz Proceedings, April 10 - July 27, 1992

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - Burns Communication Bill, June 27 - August 10, 1990

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - Cable Legislation, June 6 - September 4, 1990-1991

- Folder 14: Communications - Wilson - Cable Reregulation, March 16 - September 28, 1989-1990

- Folder 15: Communications - Wilson - Cable Reregulation - Federal Communications Commission, August 7 - February 5, 1990-1991

- Folder 16: Communications - Wilson - Cable Reregulation, News, September 28, 1990

- Box 639

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Communications, September 14 - September 27, 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Communications, November 27 - February 11, 1990-1991

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Communications, June 8 - May 28, 1990-1992

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Communications Articles, March 31, 1992

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - Communications Correspondence, February 1 - March 22, 1991

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - Communications Correspondence - Research Info, June 18 - March 14, 1986-1991

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - Communications Correspondence - Wholey Support Letters, September 21 - February 25, 1989-1991

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - Communications, General, December 6 - 12, 1991

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - Communications Memos - Cable, July 24 - October 6, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - Communications Memos - Telecommunications, March 17 - September 30, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - Communications Policy Statements, February 24 - April 14, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), November 23 - December 14, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - Digital Audio Taping, May 1 - 16, 1990

- Folder 14: Communications - Wilson - Dole Bill, June 18 - September 16, 1986

- Folder 15: Communications - Wilson - Dole Communication Statements, June 5 - November 26, 1991

- Box 640

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Dole Draft, 1994 - Articles and Comments, April 22 - August 24, 1994

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Dole Draft, 1994 - Background, April 27 - July 20, 1994

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Dole Draft, 1994 - Discussion Draft, January 19 - 27, 1995

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Dole Draft, 1994 - Dole Preliminary Drafts, July 13 - 16, 1994

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - Dole Draft, 1994 - Personal Notes, August 18 - 22, 1994

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - Dole Draft, 1994 - Proposed Changes, July 21 - August 26, 1994

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - Dole Statements, January 23 - July 31, 1990

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - English as the Official Language, July 19 - September 1, 1993-1995

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC), July 13 - September 19, 1989-1990

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Articles, March 16 - March 16, 1995-1996

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Automatic Vehicle Monitoring (AVM), November 29 - January 9, 1994-1995

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Correspondence - Auctions and Disability Preferences, January 5 - 9, 1995

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Correspondence - Chairman Hundt, December 17 - November 29, 1993-1994

- Folder 14: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Correspondence - Commissioner Chong, November 4 - March 4, 1993-1994

- Folder 15: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Correspondence - Video Dialtone, May 21 - July 19, 1992

- Folder 16: Communications - Wilson - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Letter, Consumer Fraud, June 22 - August 17, 1994

- Folder 17: Communications - Wilson - Financial Interest and Syndication Rule, February 26 - May 7, 1990

- Folder 18: Communications - Wilson - Foreign Investment, September 19 - August 14, 1989-1990

- Folder 19: Communications - Wilson - GOP Federal Communications Commission (FCC), July - October 30, 1991-1993

- Box 641

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - GOP Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Slot, December 17 - April 14, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Greystone Communications, July 28 - October 7, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Miscellaneous, December - September 6, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Modified Final Judgment, July 26 - February 13, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) - Court Opinions, February 7, 1991

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) - Current Legislation, September 10 - June 28, 1986-1990

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) - Notes, August 10 - May 18, 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) - Nynex, February 9, 1991

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - Modified Final Judgment (MFJ) - Southwestern Bell, August 28 - September 13, 1990

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - Multimedia Cable versus Southwestern Bell, Wichita, February 11 - January 3, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - National Telephone Co-Op Association Speech, May 8 - June 28, 1991

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - Pioneer's Preference and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), April 12 - April 25, 1993-1996

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - Pioneer's Preference and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), May 3 - March 15, 1994-1995

- Box 642

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Pioneer's Preference and General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) - Pioneer's Issue, August 9 - November 21, 1994

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Public Broadcasting System (PBS) Resolution Language, March 3, 1992

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Rural Telephone Coalition, February 28 - June 13, 1991

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Rural Telephone Companies, April 13, 1990

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - S. 12, Cable Bill, _ - October 4, 1984-1992

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - S. 12, Cable Bill, January 14 - October 7, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - S. 12, Cable Bill, March 6-August 26, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - S. 12, Cable Bill, June 28-September 13, 1991-1993

- Box 643

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - S. 12, Cable Bill, July 2 - September 24, 1992

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - S. 12, Cable Bill - Topeka and TCI of Kansas, Inc. Refranchisement, December 2 - February 22, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - S. 173, Modified Final Judgement, January 14 - June 28, 1991

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - S. 652, Caller I.D, June 20 - May 6, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - S. 652, Volume Discount Amendment, June 7 - 20, 1995

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - S. 1200, May 30 - May 21, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - S. 1200, June 4 - September 20, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - S. 1200, October 5 - September 10, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822, February 3-August 8, 1994

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822, March 11-August 16, 1994

- Box 644

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822 - Draft II, 1994

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822 - Farm Team, July 19 - August 8, 1994

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822 - House Version, April - June 23, 1994

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822 - Opposition, July 19 - August 25, 1994

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822 - Stevens Draft, 1994

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - S. 1822 - Summaries, June 6 - August 22, 1994

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - S. 1880, Cable Bill, Briefing Book, November 15 - October 17, 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - S. 1880, Cable Regulation, June 28 - September 4, 1990

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - S. 1880, Committee Hearing, October 12, 1990

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - Side-by-Sides, 1995

- Box 645

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Side-by-Sides, 1995 - Wireless Antenna/Local Zoning, July 21 - August 2, 1995

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Spectrum Allocation, April 25 - January 6, 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Spectrum Licensing, February 7, 1991

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Sprint, December 3 - September 13, 1992-1995

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - Sprint - Esrey Letter, August 3 - 30, 1994

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - Sprint - European Deal, February 21 - February 6, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - Sprint - Federal Telecommunication Services (FTS) 2000, January 7 - April 8, 1992-1994

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - Sprint - Postal/Treasury, December 8 - September 18, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - Stats, December - March 1, 1994-1995

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - Stats - Wall Street Analysis, August 9, 1995

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - Stats - Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates (WEFA) Study, February, 1995

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Cable TV Comments, January 6 - 12, 1995

- Folder 14: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Cellular Comments, September 22, 1994

- Folder 15: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Congressional Budget Office and Tax Issue, June 6 - 7, 1995

- Folder 16: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Dole Amendment, June 7, 1995

- Folder 17: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Interoperability Amendment, December 23, 1994

- Folder 18: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Initial Draft, 1995

- Box 646

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Kick-Off Hearing, January 4 - 9, 1995

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Manufacturing, December 8 - 12, 1994

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Ownership Restrictions, December 19, 1994

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Pole Attachment, January 6, 1995

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Price-Cap Regulation, April 7 - July 29, 1994

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - S. 652, Industry Thank You Letters, May 4 - July 5, 1995

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - Security Alarm People, August 12 - May 24, 1992-1993

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - Telecom, 1995 - White House, August 1, 1995

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - Telecom and Domestic Content, March 14 - 18, 1994

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - Telecom Articles, 94, June 13 - August 12, 1983-1994

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Act of 1996, February 1, 1996

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Articles, July 22 - 27, 1995

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Legislation, June 5 - October 9, 1969-1986

- Box 647

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Legislation, February 10 - June 16, 1978-1983

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Legislation, July 30 - April 14, 1987-1994

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Memos, June 25 - April 21, 1992-1994

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Memos, May 4 - December 27, 1994

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Memos, January 5-July 26, 1995

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Memos, July 26-December 28, 1995

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunications Memos, January 3-June 26, 1996

- Box 648

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Telecommunication Reform, 1993-1996

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Articles, Ads, and Papers, December 21 - July 1, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Bill Language, January 26 - 29, 1996

- Folder 4: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Bliley Letter, June 19, 1996

- Folder 5: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Broadcaster Letters, December 21 - March 18, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Budget Numbers, February 1 - April 11, 1996

- Folder 7: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Dole Statements and Letter, January 5 - June 20, 1996

- Folder 8: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Group Opposition, October 27 - January 30, 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Letter Agreement, January 31 - February 1, 1996

- Folder 10: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Letters Opposing Give-Away, January 2 - July 1, 1996

- Folder 11: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Member Statements, January 25 - 26, 1996

- Folder 12: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Materials, January 31, 1996

- Folder 13: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Talking Points, January 29 - April 17, 1996

- Folder 14: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - Testimony, September 7 - March 14, 1995-1996

- Folder 15: Communications - Wilson - TV Broadcast Give-Away - White House, February 14 - April 3, 1996

- Folder 16: Communications - Wilson - Universal Service, February 9 - October 10, 1994

- Folder 17: Communications - Wilson - Universal Service - General Telephone and Electronics (GTE) Corporation Proposal, December 2 - 5, 1994

- Folder 18: Communications - Wilson - Universal Service - Subsidies: Industry Comments [1 of 2], January 10 - January 11, 1994-1995

- Box 649

- Folder 1: Communications - Wilson - Universal Service - Subsidies: Industry Comments [2 of 2], January 10 - January 11, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Communications - Wilson - US Sprint, July 17 - January 5, 1990-1991

- Folder 3: Disabled - Wilson - Handicap, Disability, December - February 16, 1982-1989

- Folder 4: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol Background Information, October 27 - October 6, 1987-1989

- Folder 5: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol Grant Application, October 10 - May 30, 1989-1990

- Folder 6: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol Grant Application, May 3 - June 12, 1990

- Folder 7: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol, Introduction to Kansas City, September 30 - October 13, 1990

- Box 650

- Folder 1: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol Proposal Drug Education Program, April 17 - June 12, 1990

- Folder 2: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol, Workbooks and Materials, 1988-1989

- Folder 3: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Various Anti-Drug Programs, May 17 - October 24, 1988-1990

- Folder 4: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Various Anti-Drug Programs, June - March 19, 1990

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Accreditation Reform, September 10 - October 10, 1990

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Alexander, Lamar: Security of Education, January 8 - March 14, 1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Association of American Universities, February 10 - April 18, 1993

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs, Accreditation, January 30 - June 3, 1992

- Box 651

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Bank of Horton, June 12 - June 23, 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Choice, March 6 - Feburary 18, 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Community Colleges, February - March 21, 1991

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Community Colleges - Coffeyville Community College, November 3 - March 9, 1991-1994

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Community Colleges - Colby College, September 7, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Cranford College, October - April 26, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Dear Colleagues, Education, January 8 - June 17, 1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Direct Lending, October 3 - 6, 1995

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - Direct Lending - Memos, March 6 - April 30, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Education - Wilson - Direct Lending - Opposition, July 27 - September 22, 1995

- Folder 11: Education - Wilson - Direct Lending - Talking Points, Undated

- Box 652

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Dodge City Community College, December 14 - June 6, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Downing, Jimmy, February 21 - 27, 1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Edison Project, June 5 - March 23, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Education and the Arts, May 18 - January 8, 1989-1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Education and the Arts, September 11 - April 22, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Education and the Arts - Hubbard Award, October 2 - March 12, 1989-1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Education and the Arts - National Endowment for the Arts, January 1 - March 14, 1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Education and the Arts - National Endowment for the Arts Reauthorization Legislation, October 7 - November 2, 1989-1990

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - Education and the Arts - Senator Dole, October 8, 1990

- Box 653

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Education Commemoratives, January 23 - June 3, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Education Lobbies and Associations, November 30 - May 22, 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Education Lobbies and Associations, February, 1991

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Education Lobbies and Associations, February 5-March 14, 1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Education Memos - Base Choice, June 30 - August 6, 1992

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Education Memos - Higher Education, December 5 - October 14, 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Education Memos - Impact Aid, March 5 - October 4, 1992-1993

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Education Memos - Miscellaneous, January 20 - May 2, 1991-1996

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - Education Memos - S. 2, School Improvement Act, November 13 - October 1, 1991-1992

- Folder 10: Education - Wilson - Education Talking Points, September 4 - June 9, 1980-1986

- Folder 11: Education - Wilson - Education Voting Record, December 1 - September 28, 1987-1992

- Box 654

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Educational Technology, April 28 - March 4, 1988-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Educational Technology, January - May, 1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Fight or Flight Amendment, June 7 - July 29, 1994

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Fight or Flight Amendment, January 31 - September 23, 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Financial Aid in Kansas, Data, 1985-1987

- Box 655

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Financial Aid in Kansas, Data, 1988-1990

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Gender Equity Letter, December 22, 1994

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000, July 13 - May 7, 1993-1996

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Amendments, February 2 - 8, 1994

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Articles and Editorials, June 22 - March 23, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Memos, November 15 - February 3, 1991-1994

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Outside Letters, July 14 - February 3, 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Policy Group, May 4 - October 28, 1993

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Senate and Education Letters, July 15 - February 2, 1993-1994

- Folder 10: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Statements, August 17 - February 3, 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Education - Wilson - Goals 2000 - Summaries, May 19 - February 4, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Education - Wilson - Haskell Indian Junior College, April 7 - January 16, 1989-1991

- Box 656

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Haskell Indian Junior College - Haskell, September - December 7, 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Haskell Indian Junior College - Information Packet, March 13 - October 18, 1990

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Haskell Library, April 11 - June 7, 1991

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act, Miscellaneous - 1992 Indian Scholarships, August 26, 1992

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act, Miscellaneous - Independent Statements, December 22 - March 8, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act, Miscellaneous - Life Long Learning Act, May 14, 1992

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act, Miscellaneous - Pell Grants, February 23, 1993

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act, Miscellaneous - Pell Grants, Prisoners, February 16 - June 16, 1992

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act, Miscellaneous - Race Exclusive Scholarship, December 4 - 5, 1991

- Folder 10: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act of 1992 - Dole Amendments, February 20, 1992

- Folder 11: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act of 1992 - Kansas Concerns, February 12 - June 4, 1992

- Folder 12: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act of 1992 - Pell Grants, February 6 - 12, 1992

- Folder 13: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Act of 1992 - Talking Points, October 30 - June 22, 1991-1992

- Folder 14: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Assistance Foundation (HEAF), July 26 - December 16, 1990

- Folder 15: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Assistance Foundation (HEAF) - Miscellaneous, July 20 - November 5, 1990

- Folder 16: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Assistance Foundation (HEAF) - North Star, October 23 - January 30, 1990-1991

- Box 657

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, March 19 - February, 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, April 7-September 25, 1986

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, May 13, 1986

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, June 26 - August 3, 1989-1990

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, July - June 8, 1990-1991

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act, April 30 - June 14, 1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Higher Education Reauthorization Act - Miscellaneous, January 13, 1986

- Box 658

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Impact Aid, December 8 - November 18, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Invitation to Secretary Alexander, May 22 - June 24, 1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Kansas College and Bible School, July 8 - February 12, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Kansas Education, January 5 - July 10, 1986-1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Kansas Education, July - June 4, 1989-1991

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Minority Scholarships, October 4 - January 23, 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous, December - January 14, 1989-1991

- Box 659

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous, June - September 25, 1990

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Education Memos, September 27 - September 23, 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Education Memos - Higher Education Assistance Foundation (HEAF), July 24 - September 28, 1990

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Education Memos - S. 1336, June 20 - 26, 1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Education Memos - S. 2810, January 28 - September 25, 1993-1995

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Reports, March 12 - June 14, 1987-1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Reports, June - May, 1988-1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Reports, June - May 23, 1989-1991

- Box 660

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Miscellaneous Reports, February 15 - May 13, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), February 22 - April 17, 1991

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - National Education Goals Panel: Memos and Information, September 12 - March 21, 1990-1996

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - National Education Laboratories, September - February, 1982-1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - National Science Foundation, June 29 - July 3, 1990

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Parents as Teachers, March 2 - May 6, 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - President's Education Plan [1 of 2], 1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - President's Education Plan [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - President's Education Plan - '92 Education Budget, February 4 - April 23, 1991

- Folder 10: Education - Wilson - President's Education Plan - Briefing, May 15 - 21, 1991

- Folder 11: Education - Wilson - President's Education Plan - Drug Education, August 30, 1989

- Folder 12: Education - Wilson - Reece, Marynell, October 24 - March 14, 1989-1991

- Folder 13: Education - Wilson - Riley, Richard: Secretary of Education, January 9 - January 25, 1992-1993

- Box 661

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - S. 2: Democrat's Education Bill, 102nd Congress, January 14 - April 17, 1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - S. 2, Kennedy-Ford Education Bill, September 15 - October 2, 1992

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - S. 2, Kennedy-Ford Education Bill - Memos, January 20 - October 6, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - S. 2, Kennedy-Ford Education Bill - Statements, January 17, 1992

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - S. 64: National Commission on a Longer School Year, 102nd Congress, January 14 - April 17, 1991

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - S. 695/H.R. 5115: Excellence in Education Act, 101st Congress [1 of 3], 1989-1991

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - S. 695/H.R. 5115: Excellence in Education Act, 101st Congress [2 of 3], 1989-1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - S. 695/H.R. 5115: Excellence in Education Act, 101st Congress [3 of 3], 1989-1991

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - S. 695/H.R. 5115: Excellence in Education Act, 101st Congress - House Education Bill, H.R. 5115, July 2 - September, 1990

- Folder 10: Education - Wilson - S. 695/H.R. 5115: Excellence in Education Act, 101st Congress - Teacher Training Bill, S. 1676, September 26 - October 23, 1989-1990

- Folder 11: Education - Wilson - S. 1298, Military Student School Choice - Background, Fact Sheets, April 22 - September 11, 1992

- Folder 12: Education - Wilson - S. 3114, Base Choice, Undated

- Box 662

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Sallie Mae, October 16 - April 26, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - School Choice, June 25 - November 1, 1992-1995

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - School Violence Info, May - July, 1991-1994

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Shawnee Mission Center for International Studies, August 18 - June 10, 1989-1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Special Programs for Students from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (TRIO), July 1 - February, 1986-1991

- Folder 6: Education - Wilson - Spectrum Trust Fund, March 22 - October 23, 1995

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson - St. Mary's of the Plains, March 14 - December 17, 1990-1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson - Student Loan Default, July - July 12, 1986-1990

- Folder 9: Education - Wilson - Student Loan Default, April 1 - September, 1989-1990

- Box 663

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson - Student Loan Default, May 30 - June 17, 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson - Teachers Hall of Fame Project, Emporia State University, February 11 - May 9, 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson - USA Funds Trip Summary, November 5 - 12, 1992

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson - Washburn University, January 7 - May 4, 1989-1991

- Folder 5: Education - Wilson - Wright Business School, December 4 - September 30, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Food - Wilson - Hunger, August 17 - August 16, 1983-1989

- Folder 7: General - Wilson - Memos to Sheila and Whit, May 22 - September 16, 1990-1992

- Folder 8: Government Employees - Wilson - American Folklife Board, January 9 - December 5, 1990

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Wilson - Completed Medicare Bucks [1 of 2], 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Wilson - Completed Medicare Bucks [2 of 2], 1988-1989

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Wilson - Malpractice Insurance, August 7 - November 4, 1988

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Wilson - Medicare/Medicaid, May 1 - April 17, 1978-1989

- Box 664

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Wilson - Medicare/Medicaid, June 3 - June 21, 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Wilson - Nutrition, December 5 - January 9, 1984-1989

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Wilson - Old Letters, Health, November 14 - February 26, 1978-1986

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Wilson - Old Letters, Health, Welfare, December 14 - June 5, 1984-1987

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Wilson - Old Letters, Medicaid/Medicare, May 14 - January 31, 1979-1986

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Wilson - Scientific Research, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), February - July 6, 1989

- Folder 7: Housing - Wilson - General Housing, November 16, 1992

- Folder 8: Housing - Wilson - General Housing - Frank Flynn and Hurricane Andrew, September 2 - 16, 1992

- Folder 9: Housing - Wilson - Housing, July 6 - July 19, 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Housing - Wilson - Miscellaneous - Housing in Topeka, November 4 - 25, 1990

- Box 665

- Folder 1: Housing - Wilson - National Affordable Housing Act, May 3-June 27, 1990

- Folder 2: Housing - Wilson - National Affordable Housing Act, June 12-19, 1990

- Folder 3: Housing - Wilson - Supplemental Appropriations, March 6 - 20, 1991

- Folder 4: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Haskell Indian College - Haskell Learning Center, January 29 - December 4, 1992

- Folder 5: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Haskell Indian College - S. 1345, Land Grant Status for Indian Colleges, August 3 - July 28, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Indian Affairs Memos, January 21 - April 18, 1991-1996

- Folder 7: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Indian Education File - White House Conference, January 23 - June 11, 1991

- Folder 8: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Indian Education File - Indian Higher Education Commission, November 22 - February 25, 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Indian Gaming, January 21 - July 9, 1991-1992

- Folder 10: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Indian Resources, Dole Voting Record, January 21 - September 25, 1987-1992

- Folder 11: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Indian Tax Provision, Gaming Tax, September 21 - 26, 1995

- Folder 12: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Iowa Indian Tribe, May 24 - December 16, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Kickapoo Indian Tribe, August 13 - October 6, 1991-1992

- Box 666

- Folder 1: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Kickapoo Indian Tribe, May 21 - March 29, 1992-1994

- Folder 2: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Koch Industries, August 18-March 26, 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Koch Industries, October 24-July 5, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Lumbee Recognition Legislation, July 23 - February 22, 1989-1992

- Folder 5: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Naho Construction, September 22 - October 24, 1988-1991

- Folder 6: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Potawatomi Indian Tribe, December 11 - February 7, 1987-1991

- Folder 7: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Potawatomi Indian Tribe, February 7 - July 19, 1991

- Folder 8: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Sac and Fox Indian Tribe, December 16, 1992

- Folder 9: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Sevier Shooting, Lawrence, Kansas, April 22 - May 17, 1991

- Folder 10: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Sioux Nation Black Hills Act, July 17 - October 13, 1985-1987

- Box 667

- Folder 1: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Taos Indian Land Reclamation, September 8 - April 25, 1965-1994

- Folder 2: Indian Affairs - Wilson - Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma, December 18 - April 12, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Labor - Wilson - Job Training 2000 Act, December 7 - April 29, 1990-1992

- Folder 4: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Amendments, July 30, 1993

- Folder 5: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Articles, September 29 - July 26, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Independent, March 2 - July 14, 1993

- Folder 7: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Memos, July 7 - 26, 1993

- Folder 8: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Outside Support, June 11 - July 26, 1993

- Folder 9: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Statements, June 23 - July 21, 1993

- Folder 10: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Summaries, February 26 - July 20, 1993

- Folder 11: Labor - Wilson - National Service Legislation - Volunteers, July 30, 1993

- Folder 12: Social Security - Wilson - Completed Social Security Bucks, July 29 - April 3, 1988-1989

- Folder 13: Social Security - Wilson - Old Letters, Social Security, November 14 - October 14, 1978-1986

- Box 668

- Folder 1: Social Security - Wilson - Social Security, November 14 - June 3, 1978-1989

- Folder 2: Social Services - Wilson - Congressional Awards Program, October 3 - September 29, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Social Services - Wilson - Congressional Awards Program - Kansas, March 19 - June 26, 1991

- Folder 4: Social Services - Wilson - National Service File, May 12 - September 7, 1993

- Folder 5: Transportation - Wilson - Railroad Retirement, September 13 - January, 1988-1989

- Folder 6: Welfare - Wilson - Welfare Reform, May 30 - May 29, 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Education - Wilson/Lee - National Education Goals Panel, January - February, 1991

- Folder 8: Education - Wilson/Lee - Student Loan Defaults, September 12, 1990

- Box 669

- Folder 1: Education - Wilson/Lee - Student Loan Defaults, September 13, 1990

- Folder 2: Education - Wilson/Lee - Student Loan Defaults, September 25, 1990

- Folder 3: Education - Wilson/Lee - Student Loan Defaults, September 26, 1990

- Folder 4: Education - Wilson/Lee - Student Loan Defaults, June 10 - 11, 1991

- Folder 5: Defense - Wisecarver - Department of Defense Re-education Program/Environmental Protection Superfund and Defense Issues [1 of 4], 1992

- Hazardous Waste; Waste Management; Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR)
- Folder 6: Defense - Wisecarver - Department of Defense Re-education Program/Environmental Protection Superfund and Defense Issues [2 of 4], 1992

- Hazardous Waste; Wetlands; Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR); Solid Waste; Nuclear Energy; Coal
- Box 670

- Folder 1: Defense - Wisecarver - Department of Defense Re-education Program/Environmental Protection Superfund and Defense Issues [3 of 4], 1992

- Acid Rain; Air Quality; Safe Water Drinking Act; Water Resources Development Act; Hazardous Waste; Montgomery G.I. Bill; Nuclear Weapons
- Folder 2: Defense - Wisecarver - Department of Defense Re-education Program/Environmental Protection Superfund and Defense Issues [4 of 4], 1992

- Hazardous Waste
- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Wisecarver - Environmental Legislation [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Wisecarver - Environmental Legislation [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Wisecarver - Environmental Legislation - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Bill, 1993

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Wisecarver - Environmental Legislation - Hazardous Materials Research Center Bill, 1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Unknown - "A Lawyer's Guide to Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) Administrative Appeals and Judicial Review of ASCS Decisions", 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Unknown - "A Lawyer's Guide to Payment Limitations", 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Unknown - Acreage Limitation, 1979-1981

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Unknown - Agricultural Outlook for 1984, 1983

- Box 671

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Unknown - Amendments to the Agriculture Bill of 1983, 1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Unknown - Angus Postal Stamp [1 of 2], 1969-1972

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Unknown - Angus Postal Stamp [2 of 2], 1969-1972

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Unknown - Antibiotics in Animal Feed, March 24, 1981

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Unknown - Baling Wire/K-5, 1974

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Unknown - Beef Imports, June 10, 1970

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Unknown - Chinch Bugs, 1981

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Unknown - Cotton Hearings, 1981

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Unknown - Crop Gleaning, 1977-1980

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Unknown - Dairy and Tobacco Adjustment Act of 1983 (H.R. 3385), 1983

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Unknown - Day of Bread, 1970-1971

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Unknown - Dole Introduction of Agriculture Act of 1970 in Senate, July 24, 1970

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Unknown - Ethylene Dibromide (EDB) Residues in Stored Grain, Impact of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Decision, 1984

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Unknown - Explanation of Amendment to H.R. 6793, 1982-1983

- Box 672

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Unknown - Export Administration Act Reauthorization (S. 979), 1983

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Unknown - Farm Credit, 1971

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Unknown - Farm Editor's Speech, April 20, 1971

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Unknown - Farm Entry Assistance, 1979-1981

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Unknown - Farmer to Farmer, January 8 - March 31, 1969-1970

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Unknown - Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 as Amender, 1980-1981

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Unknown - Farmland Preservation, 1981

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Unknown - Farmline: Rebuilding Rural America, August, 1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Unknown - Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Undated

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Unknown - Federal Meat Inspection, July 29, 1971

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Unknown - Federal Plant Pest Act, 1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Unknown - Federal Wheat Commodity Programs, 1984

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Unknown - File on Efforts to Induce a More Objective Reporting from Rural Electrification Act, 1973

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Unknown - Flora Board, 1981

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Unknown - Food for Peace, January 13 - October 8, 1969-1970

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Unknown - Food Legislation, Foreign Food Aid, _ - August 1, 1985-1995

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Unknown - Foreign Investment in Agriculture Lands, 1979

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Unknown - Germplasm, July 30, 1984

- Box 673

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Unknown - Grain Alcohol, July 16, 1970

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Unknown - Grazing Rights, 1980

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Unknown - Grain Sales to USSR, 1973

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Unknown - Highly Erodible Land Conservation Act of 1983 (S. 663), 1984

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Unknown - How to Prevent Sulfa Residues in Hogs, December, 1985

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Unknown - Improvement of Post-Harvest Grain Systems - U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Kansas State University, Cooperative Agriculture, 1984

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Unknown - Kansas Farm Family Awards, 1973

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Unknown - Kansas Food Products, 1971

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Unknown - Loan Guarantees for Wheat Sales to Nigeria, Correspondence, 1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Unknown - Meat Inspection (News Release), July 29, 1971

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Unknown - National Day of Bread, 1973

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Unknown - One Year Delay in Target Price Increases, 1983

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Unknown - Ozarks Regional, November 20, 1971

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Unknown - Predator Control and Livestock Loss, 1980-1981

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Unknown - Public Law 98-473, October 12, 1984

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Unknown - Price Supports for Domestic Sugar, 1983

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Unknown - Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1986

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Unknown - Rural Development Amendment Title 9, 1970

- Box 674

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Unknown - Rural Telephone Loan Programs, 1979-1981

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Unknown - Salute to Agriculture, May 10, 1971

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Unknown - Semiannual Report - Office of the Inspector General, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), 1982

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Unknown - Sprouted Grain, 1973

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Unknown - Sugar [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Unknown - Sugar [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Unknown - Sugar Beets, 1966-1970

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Unknown - Sugar Growers, 1972

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Unknown - Summary Agriculture Act of 1970 and Comparison, 1970-1973

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Unknown - Summary Agriculture Bill as Reported 8/28/70, August 28, 1970

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Unknown - Sunflowers, 1980-1981

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Unknown - Swine and Sulfamethazine, 1979-1980

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Unknown - The Agricultural Economy, June 26, 1970

- Box 675

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Unknown - The Evening Star Subsidies, July 25, 1970

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Unknown - Triticale, 1965-1970

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Unknown - U.S. Agricultural Policy, 1984

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Unknown - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1984 Budget Summary, 1983

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Unknown - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 1985 Budget Summary, 1984

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Unknown - Webster Irrigation, 1970-1971

- Folder 7: Animals - Unknown - Animal Care and Animal Care Policy at the University of California-Berkeley, October, 1983

- Folder 8: Animals - Unknown - Dollars and Sense: A Symposium Held at Herndon, Virginia, May 28 - 29, 1987

- Folder 9: Animals - Unknown - Fisheries, 1980

- Folder 10: Animals - Unknown - Low Plains Duck Hunting Proposal, 1979

- Folder 11: Animals - Unknown - North Pacific Fur Seal Convention, 1981-1984

- Folder 12: Animals - Unknown - Pets, 1979

- Wildlife Conservation
- Folder 13: Animals - Unknown - Reference Materials - Animal Welfare/Agriculture, 1980-1983

- Folder 14: Budgets - Unknown - Press Release, Dole on Deficit Reduction, 1983

- Folder 15: Business - Unknown - Pettet Corporation, 1981

- Folder 16: Business - Unknown - Consumer Cooperative (Co-Op) Banks, 1981

- Folder 17: Commerce - Unknown - Illinois Brick, 1979

- Folder 18: Communications - Unknown - C-SPAN and Television in the Senate, 1994-1995

- Box 676

- Folder 1: Criminal Justice - Unknown - Marijuana [1 of 5], 1985

- Folder 2: Criminal Justice - Unknown - Marijuana [2 of 5], 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Criminal Justice - Unknown - Marijuana [3 of 5], 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Criminal Justice - Unknown - Marijuana [4 of 5], 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Criminal Justice - Unknown - Marijuana [5 of 5], 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Defense - Unknown - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - News Clippings, 1981

- Folder 7: Defense - Unknown - Base Closing: Richards-Gebaur [1 of 2], 1976

- Box 677

- Folder 1: Defense - Unknown - Base Closing: Richards-Gebaur [2 of 2], 1976

- Folder 2: Defense - Unknown - Cooke Espionage Case, 1981

- Folder 3: Defense - Unknown - Dear Colleague Letters on Additional Army Aircraft [1 of 2], 1979-1980

- Folder 4: Defense - Unknown - Dear Colleague Letters on Additional Army Aircraft [2 of 2], 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Defense - Unknown - Department of Defense Appropriation Bill 1987, September 17, 1986

- Folder 6: Defense - Unknown - Dole Statement on Sale of Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) and F-15 Enhancement to Saudi Arabia, 1981

- Folder 7: Defense - Unknown - Draft, Bills and Amendments, June 18, 1979

- Folder 8: Defense - Unknown - Draft, Military Manpower, March 6 - September 30, 1980-1981

- Folder 9: Defense - Unknown - Draft, Reports [1 of 2], November - May 12, 1978-1980

- Box 678

- Folder 1: Defense - Unknown - Draft, Reports [2 of 2], November - May 12, 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Defense - Unknown - Force Structure Summary - USSR, Eastern Europe, Mongolia, and Afghanistan, February, 1989

- Folder 3: Defense - Unknown - Military Confidence and Security-Building Measures in Europe: Strengthening Stability Through Openness, April, 1989

- Folder 4: Defense - Unknown - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 1988 and 1989 Report, May 8, 1987

- Folder 5: Defense - Unknown - National Security Strategy of the United States, January, 1988

- Folder 6: Defense - Unknown - Negotiation on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, 1988-1989

- Folder 7: Defense - Unknown - Parsons Ammunition Plant [1 of 2], 1977

- Folder 8: Defense - Unknown - Parsons Ammunition Plant [2 of 2], 1977

- Folder 9: Defense - Unknown - Policy Paper 5: Nuclear Weapons Testing, January, 1987

- Folder 10: Defense - Unknown - Press Release, "Dole Amendment Tightens Pentagon Spending", July 12, 1983

- Folder 11: Defense - Unknown - Reagan Bomber Program, 1981

- Folder 12: Defense - Unknown - The Red Army on Pakistan's Border: Policy Implications for the United States Special Report, 1986

- Folder 13: Defense - Unknown - Richards-Bebaur Testimony Before Subcommittee, 1976

- Folder 14: Defense - Unknown - Some National Security Issues for the 1990s, Undated

- Box 679

- Folder 1: Defense - Unknown - Tower Nomination [1 of 2], 1981-1989

- Folder 2: Defense - Unknown - Tower Nomination [2 of 2], 1981-1989

- Folder 3: Drug Abuse - Unknown - Indian Provisions to Omnibus Drug Bill [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Drug Abuse - Unknown - Indian Provisions to Omnibus Drug Bill [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Drug Abuse - Unknown - National Trends in Drug Use and Related Factors Among American High School Students and Young Adults, 1975-1986

- Folder 6: Drug Abuse - Unknown - Teens in Action: Creating a Drug-Free Future for America's Youth, 1985

- Folder 7: Economics - Unknown - Budget for Fiscal Year 1988 Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Economics - Unknown - Budget Process Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Economics - Unknown - Deficit Reduction Issues Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack [1 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 10: Economics - Unknown - Deficit Reduction Issues Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack [2 of 2], 1985-1987

- Folder 11: Economics - Unknown - Deficit Reduction Issues Updated Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack, 1985-1987

- Box 680

- Folder 1: Economics - Unknown - European Economic Community, 1969-1970

- Folder 2: Economics - Unknown - Major Issue Forum Trade Congressional Research Service (CRS) Review, February, 1987

- Folder 3: Economics - Unknown - Money, Debt, and Inflation: A New Conservative Economics, 1986

- Folder 4: Education - Unknown - Education in America: Report on its Condition, Recommendations for Change Congressional Research Service (CRS) Issue Brief, 1986

- Folder 5: Education - Unknown - Education Reform Reports: Content and Impact Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack, March 17, 1986

- Folder 6: Energy - Unknown - Agriculture Hearings, June, 1973

- Folder 7: Energy - Unknown - Agricultural Energy Hearings - Dole-Talmadge Letter and Jackson Response, 1973

- Folder 8: Energy - Unknown - Alcohol Fuels and the Energy Security Act, 1980

- Folder 9: Energy - Unknown - Allocation Guidelines, May 23, 1973

- Folder 10: Energy - Unknown - Allocation System: Simon Testimony, May 10, 1973

- Folder 11: Energy - Unknown - American Coal Enterprise, 1980

- Folder 12: Energy - Unknown - American Petroleum Institute (API) Fact Sheets, 1973

- Folder 13: Energy - Unknown - Aviation, 1973

- Folder 14: Energy - Unknown - Banking Committee Hearings, May 10, 1973

- Folder 15: Energy - Unknown - Dole Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS)/Allocation Letter, 1973

- Folder 16: Energy - Unknown - Dole Statement on Voluntary System, May 10, 1973

- Box 681

- Folder 1: Energy - Unknown - Energy Reference Materials [1 of 3], December - June 12, 1978-1980

- Folder 2: Energy - Unknown - Energy Reference Materials [2 of 3], December - June 12, 1978-1980

- Folder 3: Energy - Unknown - Energy Reference Materials [3 of 3], December - June 12, 1978-1980

- Folder 4: Energy - Unknown - Energy Subcommittee, 1973

- Folder 5: Energy - Unknown - Excess Profits Hearings [1 of 2], February 13 - 14, 1974

- Folder 6: Energy - Unknown - Excess Profits Hearings [2 of 2], February 13 - 14, 1974

- Folder 7: Energy - Unknown - Farm Fuel Phone Calls, June 19, 1973

- Folder 8: Energy - Unknown - Fuels for Agriculture, 1973

- Box 682

- Folder 1: Energy - Unknown - Grain Alcohol, 1973

- Folder 2: Energy - Unknown - Greater Southwest Regional Planning Commission [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Unknown - Greater Southwest Regional Planning Commission [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Unknown - Hart et al. Telegram - Allocation to Independents, May 9, 1973

- Folder 5: Energy - Unknown - Joint Committee Atomic Energy (JCAE) Study, 1973

- Folder 6: Energy - Unknown - Mandatory Allocation, 1973

- Folder 7: Energy - Unknown - Meeting with Simon and Trent, May 8, 1973

- Folder 8: Energy - Unknown - Rural Electrification Administration (REA), July 27, 1984

- Folder 9: Food - Unknown - Food Additives, 1980-1981

- Folder 10: Food - Unknown - Food Additives, Antibiotics in Animal Feed, 1980

- Folder 11: Food - Unknown - Food Additives, Diethylstilbestrol (DES) in Cattle, 1980

- Box 683

- Folder 1: Food - Unknown - Food Additives, Nitrates in Bacon, 1979-1980

- Folder 2: Food - Unknown - Food Additives, United States Department of Agriculture Diethylstilbestrol (DES) Situation Report, 1980

- Folder 3: Food - Unknown - Food Security Reserve, 1980

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Unknown - Chase Manhattan Materials, 1971-1973

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Unknown - Contervailing Duty Petition on Textiles, Apparel, and Related Products from the People's Republic of China, 1983

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Unknown - Human Rights - Dole Statements, February 7 - June 6, 1985-1988

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Unknown - International Farm Export Commission, 1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Unknown - Newsletters, 1980

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Unknown - Panama Canal Treaty, January 19 - October 14, 1978

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Unknown - U.S.-China Trade: New U.S.-China Textile Agreement, 1983

- Folder 11: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, Incomplete, 103rd Congress [1 of 5], 1994

- Folder 12: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, Incomplete, 103rd Congress [2 of 5], 1994

- Box 684

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, Incomplete, 103rd Congress [3 of 5], 1994

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, Incomplete, 103rd Congress [4 of 5], 1994

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, Incomplete, 103rd Congress [5 of 5], 1994

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, 103rd Congress and Earlier, Agriculture and Disabilities [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Dole Legislative History, 103rd Congress and Earlier, Agriculture and Disabilities [2 of 2], 1994

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Draft Materials, 1983

- Box 685

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 15 - January 2, 1979-1981

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 3 - October 21, 1987-1988

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 3 - January 26, 1989-1991

- Box 686

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 3 - April 25, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 5 - October 15, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 4 - October 10, 1995

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Legislative Activities, January 4 - January 6, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Policy Differences Between Republicans and Democrats, 103rd Congress, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Questionnaire Answers, 1985-1987

- Box 687

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 102nd Congress, 1st Session [1 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 102nd Congress, 1st Session [2 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 102nd Congress, 1st Session [3 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 3], 1991-1992

- Box 688

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 1st Session [1 of 4], 1993-1994

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 1st Session [2 of 4], 1993-1994

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 1st Session [3 of 4], 1993-1994

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 1st Session [4 of 4], 1993-1994

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 3], 1993-1994

- Box 689

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 3], 1993-1994

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 103rd Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 3], 1993-1994

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, 2nd Session, Votes 1-61, 1996

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, 2nd Session, Votes 1-159, 1996

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 1 [1 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 1 [2 of 4], 1995-1996

- Box 690

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 1 [3 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 1 [4 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 2 [1 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 2 [2 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Record Vote Analysis, 104th Congress, Volume 2 [3 of 3], 1995-1996

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Record Vote Summaries and Attendance Reports for Senator Dole, 103rd Congress, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 98th Congress, 1st Session, 1983

- Folder 8: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 98th Congress, 2nd Session, 1984

- Folder 9: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 99th Congress, 1st Session, 1985

- Folder 10: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 99th Congress, 2nd Session, 1986

- Folder 11: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 100th Congress, 1st Session, 1987

- Folder 12: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 100th Congress, 2nd Session, 1988

- Folder 13: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 101st Congress, 1st Session, 1989

- Folder 14: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 101st Congress, 2nd Session, 1990

- Folder 15: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 102nd Congress, 1st Session, 1991

- Folder 16: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1992

- Folder 17: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 103rd Congress, 1st Session, 1993

- Folder 18: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 103rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1994

- Folder 19: General - Unknown - Senate Journal, 104th Congress, 1st Session, 1995

- Folder 20: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 103rd Congress, 1993-1994

- Box 691

- Folder 1: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 103rd Congress - Bills and Amendments Sponsored, 1993-1994

- Folder 2: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 103rd Congress - Congressional Record Index Pages, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 104th Congress, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 104th Congress - Bills and Amendments Sponsored, 1995-1996

- Folder 5: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 104th Congress - Congressional Record Index Pages, 1st Session, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 104th Congress - Congressional Record Index Pages, 2nd Session, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: General - Unknown - Voting Percentage, 104th Congress - Vote Record: 2nd Session, 1995-1996

- Folder 8: General - Unknown - Voting Record, 103rd Congress, 1st Session, 1993

- Folder 9: General - Unknown - Voting Record, 103rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1994

- Folder 10: General - Unknown - Voting Record, 104th Congress, 1st Session, 1995-1996

- Folder 11: Government Employees - Unknown - A Functional Analysis of Congressional Member Office Operations Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report, May 14, 1981

- Folder 12: Government Employees - Unknown - Congressional Liaison Offices of Selected Federal Agencies Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report, October 1, 1986

- Folder 13: Government Employees - Unknown - How a Bill Becomes a Law Congressional Research Service (CRS) Info Pack, 1984-1986

- Folder 14: Government Employees - Unknown - Women in the United States Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report, March 30, 1987

- Folder 15: Health Policy - Unknown - Federal Register Part II Department of Health and Human Services, May 9, 1985

- Folder 16: Health Policy - Unknown - Griffen-Dole Emergency Public Interest Protection Act 1971, February 3, 1971

- Box 692

- Folder 1: Housing - Unknown - A New National Housing Policy, October, 1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Unknown - A Status on Homeless Families in America's Cities, May, 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Unknown - Community Development - Kansas, 1988

- Folder 4: Housing - Unknown - Community Development Programs: State Reports, 1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Unknown - Concurrent Resolution on the Budget - Fiscal year 1989, March 31, 1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Unknown - Continuing Appropriations, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Unknown - Department of Housing and Urban Development - Independent Agencies Appropriation Bill, 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Unknown - Housing Act of 1987, 1987

- Folder 9: Housing - Unknown - Housing Backgrounder, January, 1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Unknown - Housing and Homelessness, June, 1988

- Folder 11: Housing - Unknown - Housing and Urban Development, Fiscal Year 1988 Markup Notes (H.R. 2783), 1988

- Box 693

- Folder 1: Housing - Unknown - Hunger and Homelessness in Kansas, 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Unknown - Indoor Radon: Limited Federal Response to Reduce Contamination in Housing, April, 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Unknown - Making Further Continuing Appropriations for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1988, December 22, 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Unknown - National Association of Home Builders, May 20, 1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Unknown - The Preservation of Low and Moderate Income Housing in the United States of America, 1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Unknown - The Preservation of Low and Moderate Income Housing Stock, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Unknown - Preventing the Disappearance of Low Income Housing, 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Unknown - Rachel and her Children, 1988

- Folder 9: Housing - Unknown - Radon Gas in Homes, 1988

- Box 694

- Folder 1: Housing - Unknown - Report (Part 2) of the Secretary of the Senate, October 1 - March 31, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Unknown - Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Act, 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Unknown - Technical Corrections Act of 1988, August 3, 1988

- Folder 4: Housing - Unknown - Testimony of Thomas T. Demery, Assistant Secretary for Housing, 1988

- Folder 5: Humanities - Unknown - Books in Our Future, 1984

- Folder 6: Humanities - Unknown - Famous First Facts by Joseph Nathan Kane, 1981

- Folder 7: Indian Affairs - Unknown - Indian Affairs Legislation Enacted or Considered by the 99th Congress Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report for Congress, September 21, 1987

- Folder 8: Natural Resources - Unknown - Forestry, 1980-1981

- Folder 9: Natural Resources - Unknown - Office of Surface Mining, Dismissal of Ronald Drake, 1980

- Folder 10: Politics and Government - Unknown - Documents Related to the Investigation of Senator Robert Packwood, 1995

- Box 695

- Folder 1: Politics and Government - Unknown - Documents Related to the Investigation of Senator Robert Packwood, Appendix, 1995

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Unknown - The Big Sur Issue, 1980

- Folder 3: Rural Affairs - Unknown - Rural Environmental Assistance Program (REAP), 1970

- Folder 4: Rural Affairs - Unknown - Stehno Rural Development Proposal, 1973

- Folder 5: Social Security - Unknown - "Artful Work: The Politics of Social Security Reform", 1985

- Folder 6: Taxation - Unknown - Taxes and Inflation, 1979

- Tax Equalization Act
- Folder 7: Taxation - Unknown - Windfall Tax [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 8: Taxation - Unknown - Windfall Tax [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Box 696

- Folder 1: Trade - Unknown - General (Materials Found Loose) [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 2: Trade - Unknown - General (Materials Found Loose) [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 3: Water Resources - Unknown - Dickey-Lincoln School Lakes Projects, 1980

- Folder 4: Water Resources - Unknown - Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir Hydro Project, February 3, 1981

- Folder 5: Water Resources - Unknown - Iola Reservoir Site Allen County, Kansas, 1980-1981

- Folder 6: Water Resources - Unknown - Kansas Groundwater Resources and Energy Issues, 1981

- Folder 7: Water Resources - Unknown - Kansas Superfund Briefing Book, 1980

- Folder 8: Water Resources - Unknown - Kansas Water Projects, 1980

- Folder 9: Water Resources - Unknown - Middle Creek Watershed Joint District #50, February 15, 1981

- Folder 10: Water Resources - Unknown - Missouri River Bank Stabilization and Navigation Project, February 12, 1981

- Folder 11: Water Resources - Unknown - Pottawatomie Creek Watershed Joint District No. 90, 1967-1981

- Folder 12: Water Resources - Unknown - Richard's Water Letters Yellow Copies, March 23 - 24, 1981

- Folder 13: Water Resources - Unknown - Rural Water District No. 2, Ottawa County, KS [1 of 2], 1979-1981

- Folder 14: Water Resources - Unknown - Rural Water District No. 2, Ottawa County, KS [2 of 2], 1979-1981

- Folder 15: Water Resources - Unknown - Rural Water District (RWD) No. 6, Ellis County, June 4, 1981

- Folder 16: Water Resources - Unknown - Water Articles, 1981

- Folder 17: Water Resources - Unknown - Water Political Statement, 10/15/80, October 3, 1980

- Box 793: Oversize

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - The Aging, 1984

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Gordley - Comparative Analysis of Proposed Bills Relating to Agriculture Export Trade, 1983

- Folder 5: Hoffhaus - Woman, Infants, and Children (WIC) Speech, April - December 2, 1991 - 1992

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Levenson - Human Rights Contacts, 1979

- Folder 7: Government Employees - Miller - Rural Mail Carriers, 1981

- Folder 8: Defense - O-Connell - Arms Control, 1982 - 1983

- Folder 9: Defense - O'Connell - Beechcraft, 1982 - 1986

- Folder 10: Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS), 1981

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Scanlon - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act of 1972 (FIFRA), 1987

- Box 794: Oversize

- Folder 1: Defense Policy - Schwiesow - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) - General, 1981

- Folder 2: Disabled - Valchon/West - Capitol Access, 1977 - 1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - West - Disabled Citizens of Japan [2 of 2], 1988 - 1989

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - White - Vietnam Americans for Winning the Peace, 1970

- Folder 5: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Star Patrol, Workbooks and Materials, 1988 - 1989

- Folder 6: Drug Abuse - Wilson - Various Anti-Drug Programs [1 of 2], May 17th - October 24th 1990

- Folder 7: Housing - Unknown - Housing Act of 1987, 1987

- Folder 8: Water Resources - Unknown - Harry S. Truman Dam and Reservoir Hydri Project, Feb 3, 1981

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Comparative Print Showing S. 2830, September 1990

- Box Oversize A: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 1: Water Resources - Unknown - Water General

- Folder 2: Hoffhaus - Elderly Nutrition and Disabled

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997, 1996

- Box Oversize B: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Europe, General, March 7 - August 2, 1984

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance Background/Language, 1984

- Folder 3: Transportation - Duckers - Southern Pacific/Santa Fe, 1984

- Folder 4: Transportation - Sena/Franz - Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Railroad Merger, May 5, 1995 - May 14, 1996

- Folder 5: Animals - Unknown - Fisheries, 1980

- Folder 6: General - Unknown - Personal Files, 1970 - 1973

- Folder 7: Water Resources - Unknown - Ogallala

- Drawer 9: Oversize Manuscripts

- Folder 2: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [2 of 5], 1987 - 1992

- Folder 3: Water - Unknown - Kansas Water Projects, 1980

- Folder 4: Water - Unknown - Rural Water District No. 2 Ottawa County, KS, 1978

- Series 7: Specific Bill Files, 1961-1984

- This sub-series consists of reference copies of bills and resolutions introduced on the Senate floor. Most bills also have some related correspondence and/or background material. These are not restricted to Senator Dole's legislation, nor are they a complete representation of all Senate bills and resolutions during Dole's career. They represent those pieces of legislation that the staff believed were important enough to keep permanent reference files on.
- Arrangement: Files are arranged chronologically
Extent: 34 boxes
- Box 696

- Folder 18: Amendment to H.R. 8561 - Agriculture Appropriations For the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) (Withdrawn), Undated

- Box 697

- Folder 1: S. 917 - Relief of John Cadwell, March 30-June 16, 1961-1971

- Folder 2: (S. 2201): For the Relief of Unruth's, Incorporated, January 6-May 20, 1965-1969

- Folder 3: S. 609 - for the Relief of Dr. Mohamed T.A. Fonad, January 12-March 9, 1967-1970

- Folder 4: S. 631 - Dr. Elsaid Ghani Ashour Immigration and Nationality, May 2-September 16, 1968-1970

- Folder 5: S. 3184 - Relief for Johnson State Bank, October 5-February 17, 1968-1971

- Folder 6: S. 2168 - To Amend National Labor Relations Act (Dole Introduced), 1969

- Folder 7: S. 2237 - Family Separation Allowance, January 6-November 4, 1969

- Folder 8: S. 699 - for the Relief of Zafar H. Israili, January 15-November 23, 1969-1970

- Folder 9: S. 7/H.R. 4148 - Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969 [1 of 2], January 15-October 8, 1969

- Folder 10: S. 7/H.R. 4148 - Water Quality Improvement Act of 1969 [2 of 2], January 15-October 8, 1969

- Folder 11: S. Con. Res. 3 - Relief to Victims of Nigerian Civil War, January 22-February 15, 1969

- Folder 12: S. 865 - for the Relief of Jafar Hadaegh, January 31-April 14, 1969-1971

- Folder 13: S. 2201 - for the Relief of Unruth's, Incorporated (Private Bill), March 5-November 6, 1969

- Folder 14: S. 1761 - Eisenhower Interstate Highway Designation, April 3, 1969

- Folder 15: S. Con. Res. 26 - Support of Gerontology Centers, April 18-May 20, 1969

- Folder 16: H.R. 4204 - War Claims of 1948, Amending Prisoners of War (POW), May 15-29, 1969

- Folder 17: S. 2200 - Estate Taxes, May 20, 1969

- Folder 18: S. 3387 - Rural Telephone Bank Bill, May 20, 1969

- Folder 19: S. Con. Res. 32 - Railroad Passenger Service, May 23-June 12, 1969

- Folder 20: S. Con. Res. 45 - Religion and Astronauts, November 3-4, 1969

- Box 698

- Folder 1: S. 1148 - Amending the Revised Organic Act of the Virgin Islands, February, 1970

- Folder 2: S. 70 - Rural Telephone Bank [1 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 3: S. 70 - Rural Telephone Bank [2 of 2], 1970-1972

- Folder 4: [S. 1730] - National Freight Car Corporation Act of 1971, 1970-1971

- Folder 5: H.R. 4249 - Residence Requirements for Holding Office, January 20-February 19, 1970

- Folder 6: S. Con. Res. 62 - Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing In Action (MIA), April 23-27, 1970

- Folder 7: H.R. 15628 - Amendment to Foreign Military Sales Act, May 12, 1970

- Folder 8: S. Con. Res. 69 - Memorial to Fallen Servicemen and Women, May 21-July 15, 1970

- Folder 9: H.R. 15628 - Amendment 662 to Foreign Military Sales Act, May 27, 1970

- Folder 10: S. 3650 - Amendment 728 Regarding the Illegal Use of Explosives, June 23-29, 1970

- Folder 11: S. 856 - Motor Vehicle Disposal Act, August 6-February 18, 1970-1971

- Folder 12: S. Con. Res. 80 - To Establish a Joint Committee to Investigate the Treatment of Prisoners of War (POW) in Vietnam, August 17, 1970

- Folder 13: Amdt. 844 to H.R. 17123 - All Volunteer Army, August 18-24, 1970

- Folder 14: S. 3418 - Amendment to Family Medicine Bill - A Handicapped Information Center, September 14, 1970

- Folder 15: S. 4358 - To Amend the Clean Air Act, September 21, 1970

- Folder 16: S. Res. 475 - Regarding Ceremonies for Missing In Action (MIA) in Vietnam, October 12, 1970

- Folder 17: H.R. 19928 - East Pakistan Disaster Relief Regarding Supplemental Aid Authority, November 15-December 14, 1970

- Folder 18: S. Res. 486 - Prisoner of War (POW) Rescue, November 25-December 2, 1970

- Folder 19: Amdt. No. 880 to H.R. 8069 - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Amendment to Labor Appropriations Bill, December 29-November 25, 1970-1975

- Folder 20: S. Res. 501 - Concerning Injustices Suffered by Jewish Citizens in the Soviet Union, December 29, 1970

- Box 699

- Folder 1: S. Res. 501 - Concerning Injustices Suffered by Jewish Citizens in the Soviet Union, December 29-31, 1970

- Folder 2: S. Res. 503 - Resolution to Amend Rule XXII of Standing Rules of Senate, December 31-January 7, 1970-1971

- Folder 3: S. 7 - Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [1 of 2], 1971-1973

- Folder 4: S. 7 - Vocational Rehabilitation Act of 1973 [2 of 2], 1971-1973

- Folder 5: S. 70 - Rural Telephone Bank Bill, 1971-1972

- Folder 6: S. 560 - Emergency Public Interest Protection Act [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 7: S. 560 - Emergency Public Interest Protection Act [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 8: S. 907 - Interstate Environment Compact, 1971-1972

- Folder 9: S. 2097 - A Bill to establish a Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention, 1971-1972

- S. 2139: A Bill to Authorize a treatment and rehabilitation program for drug dependent members of the Armed Forces
- Folder 10: S. 1612 - Rural Community Development Revenue Sharing Act of 1971, 1971

- Folder 11: S. 2127 - Perry Reservoir (Dole Co-Sponsored), January 8-June 24, 1971

- Box 700

- Folder 1: S. 782 - Protect Civilian Employees of the Executive Branch of Government, January 18-April 1, 1971

- Folder 2: S. 742 - Rural Community Development Bank Act, January 20-February 10, 1971

- Folder 3: S. J. Res. 10 - National Week of Concern for Prisoners of War (POWs) and Missing in Action (MIA), January 21-March 19, 1971

- Folder 4: S. 10 - To Establish a National Policy to Revitalize Rural and Other Economically Distressed Areas... Incentives, etc., January 22 - April 5, 1971

- Folder 5: S. J. Res. 7 - 18 Year Olds Granted the Right to Vote, January 25, 1971

- Folder 6: S. 41 - Handicapped Information (Dole Center), January 25-February 22, 1971

- Folder 7: S. 163 - Lobbying Members of Congress, January 25-26, 1971

- Folder 8: S. 144 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code (IRC) with Respect to Ammunition Requirements, January 25-April 20, 1971

- Folder 9: S. 69 - To Authorize the Federal-State Cooperative Program, January 25-26, 1971

- Folder 10: S. Res. 10 - Ukrainian Independence Day, January 25-March 5, 1971

- Folder 11: S. 323 - Fairer Taxation for Private Aircraft, January 26-June 28, 1971

- Folder 12: S. 290 - To Amend the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act, January 26-May 11, 1971

- Folder 13: S. 377 - Equalize Retirement Pay of Members of the Uniformed Service of Equal Rank and Years of Service, January 27-March 5, 1971

- Folder 14: S. 346 - Rural Job Development Act, January 27-February 3, 1971

- Folder 15: S. 325 - Survivor Benefit Plan, January 27, 1971

- Folder 16: S. 428 - A Bill to Prohibit the Use of Interstate Facilities (Mails) to Transport Salacious Advertising, January 28-February 26, 1971

- Folder 17: S. 1457 - Amend the Clayton Act Prohibiting Certain Commodity Sales Below Cost, January 28-March 16, 1971

- Folder 18: S. 430 - Amend Title 18, US Code, to Provide for Issuance of Certain Persons of Judicial Orders to Appear for the Purpose of Conducting Non-Testimonial Identification Procedures and for other Purposes, January 28-February 26, 1971

- Folder 19: S. 927 - Deceptive Advertising with Respect to Products and Services to Prevent and Control Air and Water, January 28-February 23, 1971

- Folder 20: S. 887 - National Institute of Gerontology, January 28-February 19, 1971

- Folder 21: S. 431 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 to Modify the Provisions Relating to Taxes on Wagering to Insure the Constitutional Rights of Taxpayers, to Facilitate the Collection of Such Taxes, and for Other Purposes, January 28-February 26, 1971

- Folder 22: S. 429 - To Prohibit Use of Interstate Facilities, Mails, for Transportation of Certain Materials, January 28-February 26, 1971

- Folder 23: S. 704 - Procurement and Retention of Judge Advocates etc. for the Armed Services, January 29-July 7, 1971

- Folder 24: S. 680 - Revenue Sharing Act, January 30-February 9, 1971

- Folder 25: S. 485 - Amateur Radio Rights for Resident Aliens, February 1, 1971

- Folder 26: S. 576 - Tax Incentives to Encourage Physicians to Practice in Physician Shortage Areas, February 3-8, 1971

- Folder 27: S. Res. 45 - Committee to Study National Fuels and Energy Policy, February 4-10, 1971

- Folder 28: S. 578 - Farm Credit Bill (Dole Co-Sponsors), February 4-May 11, 1971

- Folder 29: S. 581 - To Amend the Export-Import Bank Act of 1945, February 4, 1971

- Folder 30: S. 3133 - "Soda Pop Bill," February 7-December 16, 1971

- Box 701

- Folder 1: S. J. Res. 34 - Amendment to Constitution for Voluntary Prayer in Public Schools and Public Buildings, February 8-10, 1971

- Folder 2: S. 664 - Daylight Saving Time Bill, February 8-March 30, 1971

- Folder 3: S. 662 - Prison Reform, February 8-March 4, 1971

- Folder 4: S. 637 - To Regulate the Price of Natural Gas, February 8-10, 1971

- Folder 5: S. 681 - State Environmental Centers Act of 1971, February 9-March 4, 1971

- Folder 6: S. 1015 - To Establish an Environmental Financing Authority to Assist Waste Treatment Facilities, February 9-26, 1971

- Folder 7: S. Res. 50 - Cloture Rule Compromise, February 10, 1971

- Folder 8: S. 1030 - To Amend the Vocational Rehabilitation Act, Rehabilitation Services for Older Blind Persons, February 10-March 1, 1971

- Folder 9: S. 693 - White House Conference on Indian Affairs, February 10, 1971

- Folder 10: S. 790 - Family Physicians Scholarship Program, February 17-June 25, 1971

- Folder 11: S. 942 - Commission on Security and Safety of Cargo, February 19-24, 1971

- Folder 12: S. 895 - The Speedy Trial Act of 1971, February 22-November 3, 1971

- Folder 13: S. 11 - Baker Environmental Lab, February 23-December 7, 1971

- Folder 14: S. 908 - Surviving Sons Bill, February 23-April 19, 1971

- Folder 15: S. 987 - Health Care Insurance Act of 1971, February 25, 1971

- Folder 16: S. 1012 - Amendment to the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, February 26, 1971

- Folder 17: S. 1013 - Amendment to Section 8 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, February 26, 1971

- Folder 18: S. 1014 - To Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, February 26, 1971

- Folder 19: S. 1016 - To Control the Generation and Transmission of Noise Detrimental to the Human Environment, February 26, 1971

- Folder 20: S. 1172 - Elderly Citizens Exempt from Fees for Recreational Areas, March 1-10, 1971

- Folder 21: S. 1088 - Establish U.S. Court of Labor Management Relations, March 2, 1971

- Folder 22: S. 1085 - Labeling Imported Meat Products, March 2, 1971

- Folder 23: S. 1105 - Master of Military Art and Science, March 3-October 5, 1971

- Folder 24: S. 1298 - Non-Smoking Sections in Modes of Transportation, March 3-April 20, 1971

- Folder 25: S. 1116 - Protection of Mustangs on Public Lands, March 4-December 13, 1971

- Folder 26: S. 1320 - Federal Powers Separation Regarding Unfair Labor Practices Cases in U.S. District Court, March 5-25, 1971

- Folder 27: S. 1182 - Expansion of Health Maintenance Organizations, March 10, 1971

- Folder 28: S. 1183 - New Health Manpower Education Initiatives, March 10, 1971

- Folder 29: S. J. Res. 69 - 1974 Centennial Celebration Observing the Introduction to the U.S. Hard Red Winter Wheat, March 11, 1971

- Folder 30: S. 1188 - Church Bill to Amend the Foreign Assistance Act, March 11-June 15, 1971

- Folder 31: S. 1644 - Industrial Revenue Bonds (Dole Introduced), March 16-November 30, 1971

- Box 702

- Folder 1: S. 1238 - Regulate the Dumping of Material in the Oceans, Costal, and Other Waters, March 16, 1971

- Folder 2: S. 1486 - To Establish an Antitrust Review and Revision Commission, March 17-April 5, 1971

- Folder 3: S. 1335 - Amend Social Security Amendment Act Regarding Blind Disability Insurance Benefits, March 23-June 3, 1971

- Folder 4: S. 1316 - To Amend Federal Meat Inspection Act Regarding Government Share of Cooperative Inspection, March 23-26, 1971

- Folder 5: S. 1384 - A Bill to Enact the Older American Income Assurance Act of 1971, March 25-April 23, 1971

- Folder 6: S. 1430 - Department of Community Development Act, April 1-21, 1971

- Folder 7: S. 1431 - Department of Natural Resources Act, April 1, 1971

- Folder 8: S. 1432 - Development of Human Resources Act, April 1, 1971

- Folder 9: S. 1433 - Department of Economic Affairs Act, April 1, 1971

- Folder 10: Amdt. No. 347 to S. 1437 - To Amend the Airport and Airways Acts, April 1-September 27, 1971

- Folder 11: S. Res. 73 - Regarding Senate Consideration of Appropriations Bills, April 5-14, 1971

- Folder 12: S. 1539 - Establish a Youth Council in Executive Office (Dole Introduced), April 14, 1971

- Folder 13: S. 1544 - School Assistance in Military Installation Areas, April 14, 1971

- Folder 14: S. 1561 - Bill to Protect Freedom of Choice Federal Employees, April 19, 1971

- Folder 15: S. 1612 - Rural Revenue Sharing Rural Development, April 21, 1971

- Folder 16: S. 1631 - Emergency Transition Allowance Act, April 22, 1971

- Folder 17: S. 1615 - Tax Simplification and Reform Act of 1971, April 22, 1971

- Folder 18: S. 1726 - Kansas-Nebraska Big Blue River Compact, April 30, 1971

- Folder 19: S. 1742 - To Prohibit the Use of Names of Deceased Servicemen Without Permission, May 3-June 15, 1971

- Folder 20: S. J. Res. 91 - National Family Week, May 4, 1971

- Folder 21: S. 1828 - Conquest of Cancer Act, May 11-June 10, 1971

- Folder 22: S. 1840 - Federal Government Purchasing of Recycled Paper (Dole Co-Sponsored), May 12, 1971

- Folder 23: S. 1839 - Federal Government Purchasing of Recycled Paper (Dole Co-Sponsored), May 12-June 17, 1971

- Folder 24: S. 1883 - The Interstate Taxation Act, May 17-July 29, 1971

- Box 703

- Folder 1: S. J. Res. 102 - National Patriotic Education Week, May 19-June 22, 1971

- Folder 2: S. 1932 - To Amend Federal Meat Inspection Act (Dole Co-Sponsored), May 23-July, 1971

- Folder 3: S. 1940 - To Amend Part II of Interstate Commerce Act (ICA) to Exempt Certain Vehicles, May 25-July 12, 1971

- Folder 4: S. 1943 - To Provide Inspection of Rabbits Slaughtered for Human Food, May 25-26, 1971

- Folder 5: S. 1959 - Pan American Highway, May 26-June 9, 1971

- Folder 6: S. 1775 - To Create National Agricultural Bargaining Board, May 26, 1971

- Folder 7: S. J. Res. 108 - To Establish Population Stabilization by Voluntary Means, June 2, 1971

- Folder 8: S. 2040 - Volunteer Firemen Bill, June 10, 1971

- Folder 9: S. 2097 - To Establish a Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention to Concentrate on Drug Abuse, June 17-December 2, 1971

- Folder 10: S. J. Res. 201 - Joint Congressional Committee to Investigate Vietnam War, June 18-February 9, 1971-1972

- Folder 11: S. J. Res. 119 - National Commission on Executive Secrecy (Dole Co-Sponsors), June 24, 1971

- Folder 12: S. 3272 - To Provide for Reimbursements of All Costs Incurred in 2nd Audits, June 29-March 1, 1971-1972

- Folder 13: S. J. Res. 125 - Day of Bread and Harvest Festival (Introduced), July 7-September 29, 1971

- Folder 14: S. J. Res. 129 - Amendment to the Constitution Regarding a Balanced Budget, July 12-September 8, 1971

- Folder 15: S. 2304 - The Veterans' Allied Health Professions Training Assistance Program, July 19-August 10, 1971

- Folder 16: S. 2938 - To Amend the Rail Passenger Service Act to Provide Free or Reduced Rates to Employees, July 23-December 17, 1971

- Folder 17: S. J. Res. 142 - Commission to Consider and Formulate Plans for Memorial to Herbert Hoover, July 27, 1971

- Folder 18: S. 2373 - To Authorize the Merger of Two or More Professional Basketball Leagues, July 29-December 6, 1971

- Folder 19: S. Con. Res. 48 - U.S. Retention of the Hungarian Holy Crown of St. Stephen, July 30-February 11, 1971-1973

- Folder 20: S. 2530 - Authorizes Private Suits Regarding Pornographic Material, September 16, 1971

- Folder 21: S. 2529 - To Incorporate Junior Achievement, September 16, 1971

- Folder 22: S. J. Res. 158 - Clean Up America Day, September 20, 1971

- Folder 23: S. 2559 - A Bill to Amend the Consolidated Farmers Home Administration Act of 1961 to Authorize Insured Emergency Loans, September 22, 1971

- Folder 24: S. Res. 177 - Sale of Phantom jets to Israel, October 1-15, 1971

- Folder 25: S. 2632 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to Permit Tax Credits for the Creation of New Jobs, October 2, 1971

- Folder 26: S. 2669 - The Federal Child Support Security Act (Bellmon's Bill), October 7-28, 1971

- Folder 27: S. 2716 - For Relief of Dolores Sandoval and Family, October 18-October 10, 1971-1972

- Folder 28: Amdt. No. 462, Substitute to Amdt. 347 to S. 1437 - To Airport and Airways Acts, October 12, 1971

- Folder 29: S. 2719 - To Improve Highway Safety Programs With Respect to the Prevention of Accidents Resulting from Excessive Alcohol, October 19, 1971

- Folder 30: S. 2733 - Dwight D. Eisenhower Highway, October 21, 1971

- Folder 31: S. 2748 - Survivor Benefits to Police Officers, Prison Guards and Firemen Killed on Duty, October 27, 1971

- Folder 32: S. 2780 - To Amend Section 103 of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 (Dole Co-Sponsored), November 1, 1971

- Folder 33: S. Con. Res. 45 - Providing for United Nations (UN) Charter Review (Dole Co-Sponsored), November 2, 1971

- Folder 34: S. 2800 - Rural Revitalization Act of 1971, November 2, 1971

- Folder 35: S. 2813 - To Amend the Vocational Rehabilitation Act (Dole Co-Sponsored), November 5-December 16, 1971

- Folder 36: Amdt. No. 642 to H.R. 10947 - Revenue Act of 1971, November 11, 1971

- Folder 37: S. Con. Res. 49 - Relating to Treatment of American Prisoners of War (Allott), November 12, 1971

- Folder 38: S. Con. Res. 52 - Relating to the Rights of the Mentally or Physically Handicapped, November 12-19, 1971

- Box 704

- Folder 1: S. Res. 205 - Submission of a Resolution Relating to a Russian Jewish Woman Being Held in Siberia, November 30-December 29, 1971

- Folder 2: S. J. Res. 180 - A Resolution to Authorize the President to Designate May as National Arthritis Month, December 2, 1971

- Folder 3: S. 2843 - A Bill to Designate November 11 as Veterans Day, November 11, 1971

- Folder 4: Amdt. No. 743 to S. 2712 to Extend and Amend the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970 as Amended, November 20, 1971

- Folder 5: S. 2905 - Disposition of Funds for Sac and Fox Indians, November 24, 1971

- Folder 6: Amdt. No. 767 to S. 2891 - Economic Stabilization Act, November 29, 1971

- Folder 7: S. 2945 - To Permit the Appointment by the President of Certain Additional Persons to the Service Academies, November 30-December 16, 1971

- Folder 8: S. 2943 - A Bill to Designate Health Education and Welfare, December 3, 1971

- Folder 9: S. 2944 - To Exclude from Gross Income Compensation Prisoners of War (POWs) and Missing In Action (MIA), December 3, 1971

- Folder 10: S. 2770 - Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1971, December 7-April 3, 1971-1972

- Folder 11: S. 2960 - To Amend the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act So To Connect with Rural Development, December 7, 1971

- Folder 12: Amdt. to S. 2482 - Early Release for Active Duty Doctors, 1972

- Folder 13: H.R. 1163 - Strategic Storable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1971, 1972

- Folder 14: S. 3056 - To Amend the Revenue Act of 1971, January 21, 1972

- Folder 15: S. 3063 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 so as to Permit Certain Tax Exempt Organizations, January 24-February 29, 1972

- Folder 16: S. 3079 - For the Relief of Captain Ronald W. Grout, January 26, 1972

- Folder 17: S. J. Res. 189 - National Week of Concern for Prisoners of War (POWs), January 26-February 18, 1972

- Folder 18: S. 3123 - Impose a Statutory Limit on Expenditures and Net Lending During Fiscal Year 1973, February 4, 1972

- Folder 19: S. Con. Res. 57 - National Day of Prayer for World Peace, February 4-17, 1972

- Folder 20: S. 3132 - To Encourage Preservation of Old Neighborhoods to Stimulate Conservation and Upgrading of Low and Moderate Income Housing, February 7, 1972

- Folder 21: S. J. Res. 202 - White House Conference on the Handicapped, February 9-March 14, 1972

- Folder 22: S. 3208 - Amend the Soldiers and Sailors Relief Act of 1940, February 21-September 30, 1972

- Folder 23: S. 3232 - A Bill to Provide More Effective Means for Protecting Public Interest (The Packwood Bill), February 24, 1972

- Folder 24: S. 3262 - A Bill to Amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) of 1970, February 29, 1972

- Folder 25: S. 659 - Higher Education Bill, Barring Federal Courts from Issuing Orders to Require Busing, March 1, 1972

- Folder 26: S. 3276 - Wheat and Wheat Foods Research, Education and Promotion Act, March 1-22, 1972

- Folder 27: S. Res. 272 - Relating to Support of Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty, March 2, 1972

- Folder 28: S. 3355 - To Authorize the Payment of Death Gratuity to the Survivors of Certain Members of Armed Forces, March 15-22, 1972

- Folder 29: S. 3373 - To Promote the Utilization of Improved Technology in Federally Assisted Housing Projects, March 17, 1972

- Folder 30: S. 3393 - To Amend XVII of the Social Security Act Regarding Kidney Disease, March 22, 1972

- Folder 31: S. Res. 292 - To Honor Eighty-Eighth Birthday of Harry S. Truman, April 7, 1972

- Folder 32: S. 3495 - To Provide Reimbursement of Extraordinary Transportation Expenses Incurred By Certain Disabled Individuals, April 13-July 19, 1972

- Folder 33: S. Res. 294 - To Condemn the Invasion of South Vietnam by North Vietnam and to Support U.S. Involvement in Peace Process, April 19, 1972

- Folder 34: Amdt. No. 1124 and 1125 to S. 3462 - To Provide for the Development of Rural Areas, April 19, 1972

- Folder 35: Amdt. No. 1173 to S. 3562 - Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1972, May 1, 1972

- Folder 36: S. J. Res. 236 - National Drug Abuse Prevention Week (October 15, 1972), May 23-31, 1972

- Folder 37: S. 3651 - Provide Payments to Localities for High Priority Expenditures Encourage States to Supplement Revenue Services, May 30, 1972

- Folder 38: S. J. Res. 244 - Calling for New Efforts to Protect International Travelers from Acts of Violence and Aerial Piracy, June 14-22, 1972

- Folder 39: S. J. Res. 245- Authorizing the President to Designate September 1972 as National Voter Registration Month, June 15-29, 1972

- Folder 40: S. 3765 - Authorizing the Improvement of Certain Roads in the Vicinity of Melvern and Pomona, June 28-October 4, 1972

- Folder 41: S. 3789 - To Amend Flood Control Act of 1944 to Improve Administration of Certain Lands at Water Resource Project, June 28, 1972

- Folder 42: Amdt. No. 1371 to S. 3726 - To Have Approval of Imposition of Export Control Over Agricultural Commodities, July 27, 1972

- Box 705

- Folder 1: S. 3868 - To Provide for Disposition of Funds Appropriated to Pay Certain Judgments in Favor of the Iowa Tribes, August 1, 1972

- Folder 2: Amdt. No. 1446 - To Further Continuing Appropriations 1973, August 16, 1972

- Folder 3: S. J. Res. 263 - "National Welcome Home Our Prisoners Week," September 5, 1972

- Folder 4: S. Res. 358 - Expressing Sense of the Senate on the Tragic Killings of Israeli Olympic Team Members, September 6, 1972

- Folder 5: S. J. Res. 264 - To Authorize and Request President Designate "National Welcome Home Our Prisoners Week," September 7, 1972

- Folder 6: S. Res. 363 - To Commend the Administration and American Agriculture, September 14, 1972

- Folder 7: S. Con. Res. 97 - In Behalf of Prisoners of War (POW) and Missing In Actions (MIA), September 19-26, 1972

- Folder 8: S. 4001 - To Amend Title II of Social Security Act to Provide for Liberalization and Automatic Adjustment, September 19, 1972

- Folder 9: Amdt. No. 1639 to S. 3970 - The Consumer Protection Organization Act of 1972 to Revise Title I of the Bill, September 29, 1972

- Folder 10: Amdt. No. 1687 to H.R. 16810 - To Provide Equal Tax Treatment for Unmarried Individuals, October 4, 1972

- Folder 11: S. 4103 - William L. Springer Lake, October 13, 1972

- Folder 12: S. 2801 - Amend Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with Respect to Safe Vitamins and Minerals, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: S. 2789 - Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans and Educational Benefits Act, 1973-1974

- Folder 14: Amdt. to H.R. 9639 - Impact AID, School Lunch Bill [1 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 15: Amdt. to H.R. 9639 - Impact AID, School Lunch Bill [2 of 2], 1973-1974

- Folder 16: S. 45 - To Authorize Advance Relocation of Route 1343 - Onaga Lake Project, January 3-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 17: S. 46 - Authorize the Improvement of Certain Roads in the Vicinity of Melvern and Pomona, January 4-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 18: S. Con. Res. 41 - Cease Aid with North Vietnam or Viet Cong until Missing In Action's (MIA's) are Accounted for, January 4-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: S. J. Res. 3 - Centennial Celebration Observing Hard Red Winter Wheat, January 4-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 20: S. J. Res. 11 - Pay Tribute to the Law Enforcement Officers of this Country on Law Day, January 4-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 21: S. 203 - Permit the Exclusion of Compensation Received by Law Officers Employed by State and Local Governmental Agencies, January 4-November 13, 1973

- Folder 22: S. 43 - Provide Mandatory Inspection of Rabbits, January 4-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 23: Amdt. to S. 31 - Provide Medical Emergency Transportation Services to Civilians, January 4-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 24: S. 44 to Amend the Small Business Act, January 4-December 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 25: S. J. Res. 4 - To Authorize "National Welcome Home Our Prisoners Week," January 4-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 26: S. 41 - To Designate November 11 of Each Year as Veterans Day, January 4-March 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 27: S. 42 - To Provide For Disposition of Funds Appropriated for Iowa Tribes, January 4-March 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 28: S. 159 - To Provide for Reimbursement of Extraordinary Transportation Expenses by Disabled Persons, January 4-April 17, 1973

- Folder 29: S. 1615 - Tax Simplification and Reform Act of 1971, January 9-December 14, 1973-1974

- Folder 30: S. 321 - Exclude from Gross Income First 500 Dollars of Interest Received from Savings Account Deposits in Lending Institutions, January 11-September 6, 1973-1974

- Folder 31: S. 341 - To Provide Establishment of National information and Resource Center, January 12, 1973

- Folder 32: S. 371 - Natural Gas Act Relating to Rates and Charges, January 13-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 33: S. 411 - Amend U.S. Code Relating to the Postal Service, January 16-June 14, 1973-1974

- Folder 34: S. J. Res. 19 - National Nutrition Week, January 16-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 35: S. 394 - To Amend the Rural Electrification Act of 1936, January 16-March 29, 1973-1974

- Box 706

- Folder 1: S. 44 - Health Care Insurance Act of 1973, January 18-July 9, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: S. 458 - Protection of Mentally Handicapped, January 18, 1973

- Folder 3: S. 2861 - Authorize Federal Energy Office to Obtain Information Regarding Supplies of Crude Oil and Petroleum, January 21-August 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: S. Con. Res. 6 - Making Apportionment of Funds for Highways, January 23-October 2, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: S. 490 - To Amend the Agricultural Act of 1970, January 23-March 29, 1974

- Folder 6: S. 517 - To Extend Agricultural Act of 1970, January 23-March 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: S. 571 - Amend Federal Meat Inspection Act, January 26-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 8: S. 586 - Amend Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, January 29, 1973

- Folder 9: S. 149 - Equalize the Federal Tax Treatment of Unmarried Individuals, January 31-January 27, 1973-1975

- Folder 10: S. 649 - Japan-U.S. Friendship Act, January 31-October 21, 1973-1974

- Folder 11: S. 622 - To Provide Price Support for Milk, January 31-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: S. 780 - Amend Clayton Act, February 6-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: S. 796 - A Bill To Improve Museum Services, February 7-August 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 14: S. 838 - Recomputation Pay for Armed Services, February 8-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 15: S. 817 - Social Security - Remove Limitation of Outside Income, February 8-June 5, 1973

- Folder 16: S. 818 - Social Security - No Reduction in Benefits for Receiving Social Security to Age 65, February 8-June 5, 1973

- Folder 17: S. 1036 - Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, February 13-July 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 18: S. 909 - Amend Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, February 19-December 10, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: S. 896 - Amend the Education of the Handicapped Act, February 19-March 6, 1973-1974

- Folder 20: S. 895 - Require a Health Warning on the Labels of Bottled Containing Certain Alcoholic Beverages, February 19, 1973

- Folder 21: S. 932 - Discourage the Use of Experimentation on Animals, February 20, 1973

- Folder 22: S. 978 - Federal Trade Commission Act Amendment (Exclusive Territorial), February 22-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 23: S. 1007 - Increase Foreign Commerce Involving Small Business, February 23-May 11, 1973-1974

- Folder 24: S. 1607 - Award the Degree of Master to Military, February 26-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 25: S. 990 - Disposition Funds - Sac and Fox, February 26-August 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 26: S. 994 - The Kidney Transplant Act, February 26, 1973

- Folder 27: S. J. Res. 53 - To Investigate the Causes and Origins of U.S. Involvement in Vietnam, February 26-March 6, 1973-1974

- Folder 28: S. 1035 - Relief of J. Clarence Ingram and Dick L. Ingram, February 28-December 24, 1973-1974

- Box 707

- Folder 1: S. 1098 - Amend Internal Revenue Code 1954 Simplification, Reform Relief for Small Business, March 6-August 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: S. 1087 - Exemptions from Income Tax, March 6-February 22, 1973-1974

- Folder 3: S. Res. 67 - To Urge President to Promote Negotiations for a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty, February 23-May 9, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: S. 1105 - Provide Income Tax Incentives, March 6-May 1, 1973

- Folder 5: S. 1147 - Amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, March 8-May 1, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: S. 1129 - Retirement Income Tax Credit (Dole Co-Sponsor), March 8-April 9, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: S. 1149 - Increase Supply of Railroad Rolling Stock, March 8-March 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 8: S. 1188 - Federal Assisted Housing Project, March 13-December 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 9: S. 1249 - Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, March 15, 1973

- Folder 10: S. 1326 - Hemophilia Act, March 22-November 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 11: S. 1446 - Medical Devices, March 22-June 6, 1973

- Folder 12: S. 1381 - Land and Water Conservation Fund Act, March 27-August 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: S. Con. Res. 84 - Relating to Opium Production in Turkey, March 27-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 14: S. 1388 - Request Agriculture to Assist in Animal Health Research, March 27-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 15: S. 1506 - Repeal Subtitle of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954, April 10, 1973

- Folder 16: S. 1535 - Amend Internal Revenue Service (IRS), April 11-June 28, 1973

- Folder 17: S. 1572 - Equity in the Feed Grain Set-Aside Program, April 13-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 18: S. 1579 - Housing Opportunities for the Handicapped Act, April 13-December 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: S. 1571 - Rural Development Act, April 13-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 20: S. 1599 - Continue Sale of Gasoline to Independent Gasoline Retailers, April 17-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 21: S. 1604 - Prevent Discrimination on the Basis of Sex in Housing, April 17-December 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 22: S. 1605 - Prohibit Discrimination of Sex or Marital Status in Seeking Credit, April 17-December 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 23: S. 1648 - Consideration of Appropriation Bills, April 18-December 10, 1974

- Folder 24: S. 1637 - Discourage the Use of Painful Devices in the Trapping of Animals and Birds, April 18-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 25: S. Res. 105 - Special Prosecutor for Watergate Investigation, May 1-November, 1973

- Folder 26: S. 1672 - Restore Grants Through Loans for Natural Disasters, May 2, 1973

- Folder 27: S. 1696 - Fair Taxation for Private Aircraft, May 3-December 4, 1973

- Folder 28: S. 1724 - Bilingual Proceedings in Certain District Courts, May 7-October 3, 1973-1974

- Box 708

- Folder 1: S. J. Res. 115 - Tribute to Missing in Actions in Indochina, May 10-December 10, 1973-1974

- Folder 2: S. J. Res. 110 - Establish a Non-Partisan Commission on Federal Election Reform, May 16-May 11, 1973-1974

- Folder 3: S. 1835 - Increase Sercvicemen's Group Life Insurance to $20,000, May 16-November 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 4: S. 1844 - American Folklife Preservation Act, May 17-November 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: S. 1841 - TV Blackout, Professional Sports, May 17-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: S. 1865 - Amend the National Environment Policy Act of 1969, May 22-August 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: Amdt. 145 to S. 1570 - Allocation of Fuels by President when Extraordinary Shortages, May 23, 1973

- Folder 8: S. 1875 - Amend Vocational Rehabilitation Act, May 23-March 6, 1973-1974

- Folder 9: S. 1874 - Encourage Health Professionals to Practice in Critical Health Manpower Shortage Areas, May 23, 1973

- Folder 10: Amdt. No. 136 to H.R. 3153 - Amend the Social Security Act to Make Technical and Conforming Changes, May 29, 1973

- Folder 11: S. 1902 - Re-instate Certain Permanent Soil and Water Conservation Practices, May 30, 1973

- Folder 12: Amdt. No. 154 to H.R. 7447 - Cambodia, May 30, 1973

- Folder 13: Amdt. to H.R. 7477 - Two Million for the Funding of the Physician Shortage, May 31, 1973

- Folder 14: S. 1317 - Authorize Appropriations for U.S. Information Agency, May 31-November 1, 1973

- Folder 15: S. 1914 - Establishment of the Board for International Broadcasting and to Authorize Radio FREE Europe, May 31-November 8, 1973

- Folder 16: S. 1938 - Wheat Referendum, June 4-March 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 189 to S. 1888 - Provide for Payment Under the Rural Environmental Assistance Program for Approved Permanent Practices, June 5-8, 1973

- Folder 18: Amdt. No. 197 to S. 1888 - Vegetative Cover for Multi-Year Set-Aside Acreage, June 5, 1973

- Folder 19: S. 1971 - Increase Penalties for Offenses Involving the Unlawful Distribution of Certain Narcotics Drugs, June 8-December 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 20: S. 1982 - Increase Social Security to $3,000 Limit - Annual Amount Earned, June 12-December 22, 1973

- Folder 21: S. 2022 - Part-Time and Flexible Working Hours, June 19-July 11, 1973-1974

- Folder 22: S. 2056 - Private Suits for Unsolicited Obscene Material Sent Through the Mails, June 22, 1973

- Folder 23: S. 2094 - Adjustment in Price for Agricultural Commodities (Economic Stabilization Act), June 28-30, 1973

- Folder 24: Dole Amdt. to H.R. 8619 - Agriculture Appropriations - $18,000 to Improve Traffic Artery to Grain Marketing Research Lab, June 28, 1973

- Folder 25: S. J. Res. 132 - National Family Week, June 29-December 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 26: S. 2112 - Relief of Vo Thi Suong (Nini Ann Hoyt) Private Bill, June 29-December 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 27: S. 2135 - Reorganization of a Number of Executive Agencies, July 10, 1973

- Folder 28: S. Res. 139 - Senatorial Scheduling Systems, July 11-November 22, 1973-1974

- Folder 29: S. 2173 - Commemorating Certain Historical Events in the State of Kansas, July 13-August 8, 1973-1974

- Folder 30: S. J. Res. 118 - White House Conference on the Handicapped, July 18-September 5, 1973-1974

- Folder 31: Amdt. - Amend Economic Stabilization Same Dollar for Cost of Beef has Blender Phase IV for Other Products, July 20, 1973

- Folder 32: S. 2217 - Treatment of Animals in Air Transportation, July 20-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 33: S. 2220 - Bill to Repeal the "Cooly Trade" Laws, July 23-December 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 34: S. J. Res. 138 - Permit Pass Through of Increase in Raw Agricultural Product Costs Since June 8th, 1973 in the Case of Meat and Food, July 23-25, 1973

- Folder 35: Dole Amdt. - Public Works Appropriations 1974 - Cedar Point Lake on Cottonwood River in Kansas, July 23, 1973

- Folder 36: Amdt. No. 410 to S. 372 - Freeze Members Salaries, July 24, 1973

- Folder 37: S. 372 - Amend the Campaign Communications Reform Act - To Relieve Equal Times Requirement, July 25, 1973

- Box 709

- Folder 1: S. 2361 - Social Security Arrangements with Other Countries, July 25-August 3, 1973

- Folder 2: S. J. Res. 142 - Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. Relative to the Balance of the Budget, July 30-December 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 3: Amdt. No. 451 (Tower Amendment) to S. 15514 - Beef Freeze Amendment, August 1-2, 1973

- Folder 4: S. 2304 - Provide for Mobile Home-State Offices for Senators, August 1-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: S. 2347 - Encourage the Preservation and Rehabilitation of Historic Boulevards, August 3-November 13, 1973

- Folder 6: S. Res. 166 - Discontinue Watergate Hearings, September 5-November 22, 1973-1974

- Folder 7: S. 2397 - 7% Increase in Social Security Beginning July 1974, September 10, 1973

- Folder 8: Amdt. No. 448 to S. 1866 - Increase to Civil Service Retirees Prior to 1969, September 11, 1973

- Folder 9: S. Res. 167 - Newsprint Shortage, September 11-21, 1973

- Folder 10: S. 2410 - Emergency Medical Service System Act, September 13-November 21, 1973

- Folder 11: S. 2415 - Relief for Stations and Their Operators, September 13-December 18, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: S. 2422 - Establish a National Center for the Prevention and Control of Rape, September 17-July 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 13: S. 2433 - Improve Education by Increasing Freedom of Teacher to Change Jobs Without Loss of Retirement Benefits, September 18-September 12, 1973-1974

- Folder 14: S. 2470 - Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, September 21-October 10, 1973

- Folder 15: Dole Amdt. to H.R. 69 - Impact Aid Funding (Adopted and Became Law), September 24-February 25, 1973-1974

- Folder 16: S. J. Res. 158 - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Work Construction Grants, September 25-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 494 to H.R. 9286 - Military Procurement - Military Retirement, September 25, 1973

- Folder 18: S. 2497 - Librarian of Congress to Establish a Library of Television and Radio Programs, September 27-November 22, 1973-1974

- Folder 19: S. 2482 - Amendment to Emergency Loans to Farmers, September 28, 1973

- Folder 20: S. 2511 - Rural Health Care Delivery Improvement Act of 1973, October 1, 1973

- Folder 21: S. 2513 - Provide Insurance Against the Costs of Catastrophic Illness, October 2-November 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 22: S. 2522 - Livestock Export Health and Safety Act, October 3, 1973

- Folder 23: S. Con. Res. 50 - World Food Conference, October 4, 1973

- Folder 24: S. Res. 179 - Deploring the Outbreak of Hostilities in the Middle East, October 8, 1973

- Folder 25: S. J. Res. 163 - "National Agriculture Week," October 9-December 27, 1973-1974

- Folder 26: S. Con. Res. 52 - Support of Nationalist China, October 9-18, 1973

- Folder 27: S. 3141 - Clinton Parkway Construction Policy, October 11-November 15, 1973-1974

- Folder 28: S. 2581 - Randolph-Sheppard Act for the Blind, October 13-October 9, 1973-1974

- Folder 29: S. J. Res. 165 - National Vocational Education Week, October 16-November 5, 1973

- Folder 30: S. Res. 189 - Aircraft to Israel, October 18-August 24, 1973-1974

- Folder 31: S. Res. 189 - Continued Transfer to Israel of Phantom Aircraft and Equipment, October 18, 1973

- Folder 32: Dole Amdt. No. 755 to S. 2702 - Daytime Broadcasting Stations, November 7-December 3, 1973

- Box 710

- Folder 1: S. 2589 - Amendment to Emergency Petroleum Act - Membership of Certain Independent Sectors of Energy Industries, November 16, 1973

- Folder 2: S. 2589 - Amendment to Emergency Petroleum Act - Provide Adequate Fuel for the Transportation of Handicapped, November 16, 1973

- Folder 3: S. 2589 - Emergency Petroleum Act, November 16, 1973

- Folder 4: S. J. Res. 173 - National Plan for Epilepsy, November 19-May 4, 1973-1974

- Folder 5: S. J. Res. 173 - Request President to Appoint a National Commission for the Control of Epilepsy, November 19-June 7, 1973-1974

- Folder 6: S. 1418 - Recognize Public Service of Herbert Hoover, November 26-January 6, 1973-1975

- Folder 7: Amdt. to H.R. 3153 - Social Security Act - Prohibit Export of Materials of Petroleum Products, November 30, 1973

- Folder 8: S. 181 - Reduced Air Fares for 21 and Younger and 65 and Older, December 4-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 9: Amdt. No. 767 to S. 1238 - The Natural Gas Act, December 5, 1973

- Folder 10: Dole Amdt. to S. 1283 - Regarding Grain Alcohol and Organic Waste, December 6, 1973

- Folder 11: S. Res. 222 - Authorize a National Ocean Policy Study, December 7-December 14, 1973-1974

- Folder 12: Dole Amdt. to S. 2176 - Fuels and Energy Bill - Authorize the Agriculture Research Service to Research and Develop New Energy Sources, December 10, 1973

- Folder 13: Amdt. No. 757 to S. 2176 - Fuels and Energy Bill - Establish a Target for Reduction in the Use of Energy, December 10, 1973

- Folder 14: Amdt. No. 912 to S. 2776 - Natural Gas Act No Increase in Natural Gas, December 14, 1973

- Folder 15: Dole Amdt. to S. 1283 - Energy Research and Policy Act of 1973 Price Controls on Tubular Steel Products Withdrawn, December 17, 1973

- Folder 16: S. 2822 - Encourage the Preservation of Open Lands, December 18-November 20, 1973-1974

- Folder 17: Dole Amdt. to Aid to Israel - Arab Pilot Training (Amendment Withdrawn), December 20, 1973

- Folder 18: Dole Amdt. to S. 2176 - Agricultural Research and Energy Development (Adopted), December 21, 1973

- Folder 19: S. 2854 - National Arthritis Act, December 21-January 6, 1973-1975

- Folder 20: S. 2852 - Preserve Small Communities' Air Service, December 21-December 13, 1973-1974

- Folder 21: S. 2830 - National Diabetes Research and Education, December 23-July 29, 1973-1974

- Folder 22: S. 2894 - Repeal Winter Daylight Saving Time, January 11-July 15, 1974

- Folder 23: S. 2863 - Repeal Standards for Seatbelts, January 21-July 12, 1974

- Folder 24: Amdt. No. 934 to S. 2798 - Water Resources Development Act of 1974, January 21-February 8, 1974

- Folder 25: S. 2875 - Publication of Reports Where Entitlement is $5,000 or less, January 22-March 8, 1974

- Folder 26: S. 2941 - Social Security Coverage for Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer, January 22-May 9, 1974

- Folder 27: S. 2877 - Meeting House Preservation Act, January 23-September 12, 1974

- Folder 28: S. J. Res. 84 - The School Prayer Amendment, January 23, 1974

- Folder 29: S. 2895 - Stabilize the Price of Propane, January 28-December 18, 1974

- Folder 30: S. 2932 - Provide that Veterans' Pension and Compensation will not be Reduced Due to Increase in Social Security, January 31-November 27, 1974

- Folder 31: S. 2934 - Wheat and Feed Grains - Price Adjustment, January 31-July 18, 1974

- Folder 32: S. 2938 - Indian Health Care Improvement Act, February 1-November 27, 1974

- Folder 33: S. J. Res. 185 - Advancing the Effective Date of the Final Order of the Interstate Commerce Commission, February 5-December 13, 1974

- Folder 34: S. Res. 276 - Disapprove of President's Recommendation for Pay Raise, February 5-26, 1974

- Folder 35: S. Res. 291 - Release of Newsmen in Southeast Asia, February 5-26, 1974

- Folder 36: S. Res. 279 - Washington Energy Conference, February 6-7, 1974

- Folder 37: S. Res. 281 - Express the Sense of the Senate with Respect to the Allocation of Necessary Energy Sources to the Tourism Industry, February 7 - December 13, 1974

- Folder 38: S. 3073 - Basic Educational Opportunity Grant, February 14-May 9, 1974

- Folder 39: S. 3002 - Date on Carryover of Wheat for Marketing Year, February 18-September 10, 1974

- Folder 40: S. 3006 - To Require that Certain Bills Be Printed with a "Fiscal Note," February 18-December 10, 1974

- Folder 41: S. J. Res. 188 - Declare Honorary Citizen - Alexander I. Solzhenitsk, February 19-December 27, 1974

- Folder 42: S. 4019 - Establish a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, February 19-November 27, 1974

- Folder 43: S. Con. Res. 68 - Prisoners of War, February 21-June 17, 1974

- Folder 44: S. Res. 289 - Price Situation Fertilizer, February 25-27, 1974

- Box 711

- Folder 1: S. 3045 - Rural Development Health Care Service Act, February 25-May 9, 1974

- Folder 2: S. Con. Res. 70 - Wheat Supply, February 25-March 11, 1974

- Folder 3: Aiken Amdt. to S. 3062 - Making Provision for Extraordinary Disaster Expense Grants Effective April 20, 1973 Instead of April 1, 1974, February 26-April 15, 1974

- Folder 4: S. 3077 - Increase Grant Payable for Special Adapted Housing for Disabled Veterans, February 27 - November 27, 1974

- Folder 5: S. 3078 - Increase Maximum Limitation on Loans for the Purchase of Homes, February 27-May 9, 1974

- Folder 6: S. 3098 - Plastic Feed Stocks, March 4-August 8, 1974

- Folder 7: S. 3100 - Older Americans Act - Extend Nutrition Programs for the Elderly, March 4-13, 1974

- Folder 8: Amdt. No. 1001 to S. 2747 - Limit Gross Margin Markup in Meat Products, March 6, 1974

- Folder 9: Dole Amdt. No. 999 to S. 2747 - Price Reflect Cost for Production and Distribution of Propane, March 6, 1974

- Folder 10: Kennedy Amdt. No. 1004 to H.R. 13025 - Raise Personal Tax Exemption to $850, March 7-8, 1974

- Folder 11: Amdt. No. 1009 to S. 3066 - Housing Opportunities for the Handicapped (Withdrawn), March 8, 1974

- Folder 12: Amdt. No. 1010 to S. 3066 - Non-Cash Credit Allowances For All Except Low Income Housing Projects, March 8, 1974

- Folder 13: S. 3167 - Social Security - Eliminate Special Dependency Requirements, March 13-November 24, 1974

- Folder 14: S. 3169 - Social Security - Full Old-Aged Benefits at 60 if Forced to Retire, March 13-November 20, 1974

- Folder 15: S. 3168 - Social Security - Permit Payment of Benefits to a Married Couple on Combined Earnings, March 13-November 20, 1974

- Folder 16: S. 3170 - Social Security - Social Security-Disability Benefits to Individuals Who Have 40 Quarters of Coverage, March 13-May 9, 1974

- Folder 17: S. 354 - Exempt Motorcycles from No-Fault, March 20, 1974

- Folder 18: S. 3215 - Authorize the Secretary of Commerce to Enhance and Validate Certain Export Expansion Activities, March 21-May 9, 1974

- Folder 19: S. 3225 - Curtail Exports of Petrochemical Feedstocks, March 22-December 18, 1974

- Folder 20: S. 3228 - Provide Funeral Transportation and Living Expense Benefits to the Prisoner of War's Families, March 22-27, 1974

- Folder 21: Nelson Amdt. No. 1046 to H.R. 7130 - Rotating Membership on Budget Committee (Defeated), March 22, 1974

- Folder 22: Anti-Busing Amdt. to S. 1539 - Anti-Busing Amendment, March 26-27, 1974

- Folder 23: S. 3234 - Establish Office Solar Energy Research in U.S. Government, March 26-October 30, 1974

- Folder 24: S. J. Res. 203 - National Arthritis Month, March 26-December 27, 1974

- Folder 25: Dole Amdt. to S. 1539 - Authorizes the Reimbursement of States by National Railroad Passenger Corporation, March 27-May 20, 1974

- Folder 26: Dole Amdt. No. 1127 to S. 3044 - Campaign Bill in the Form of a Substitute, March 27 - April 2, 1974

- Folder 27: S. 3245 - National Transportation Safety Board Improvement Independence and Improvement Act, March 27-December 13, 1974

- Folder 28: S. 3259 - Authorize Certain Use of Rail Passenger Equipment..., March 28-May 9, 1974

- Folder 29: S. 3258 - Make Public Viewing of Certain Deceased Veterans at Arlington National Cemetery, March 28-November 27, 1974

- Folder 30: S. Res. 301 - Support of Continued Undiluted U.S. Sovereignty of Jurisdiction Over the U.S.-Owned Canal Zone on the Isthmus, March 29-May 9, 1974

- Folder 31: S. 3282 - Amend and Extend the Authority for Regulation of Exports, April 1, 1974

- Folder 32: S. Con. Res. 79 - Celebration of 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Hoover, April 1-December 27, 1974

- Folder 33: S. 3321 - Provide that Price Support Loans Shall Mature 1 Year After the Date on Which They are Made (Farm Community Loan Bill), April 1-July 18, 1974

- Folder 34: Amdt. No. 1127 to S. 3044 - To Prohibit Campaign Solicitation via Congressional Mailing, April 1, 1974

- Folder 35: Amdt. No. 144 - Substitute the House-Passed Anti-Busing Language for Title VIII of S. 1539 - Education Amendments of 1974, April 3-10, 1974

- Folder 36: S. 3312 - Charitable Contributions/Grant Certain Homes for the Aged Same Tax Privileges Status at Hospitals, April 4-May 9, 1974

- Folder 37: Amdt. No. 1547 to S. 3267 - Provide Standby Emergency Authority to Assure Essential Energy Needs of the U.S. are Met, April 6-July 11, 1974

- Folder 38: S. Con. Res. 66 - Urge the Release from Prison of Simas Kudirka, the Lithuanian Seaman, April 9, 1974

- Folder 39: S. 3384 - Eligibility Period for All GI Bill to Ten Years in Lieu of Eight Years, April 25-November 27, 1974

- Folder 40: S. 3386 - Social Security - Increase Increment in Old-Age Benefits Payable to Individuals Who Delay Retirement Beyond Age 65, April 25-May 9, 1974

- Folder 41: Dominick Amdt. No. 1215 - Adding New Title II Making Amendments to the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), (Dole Co-Sponsored), May 2, 1974

- Folder 42: S. J. Res. 137 - Amend Constitution to Make Eligible for the Office of President and Vice President All Citizens 35 Years with 14 Years Residence, May 2-December 24, 1974

- Folder 43: Dole Amdt. No. 1265 - Petrochemical Allocation Program, May 7, 1974

- Folder 44: Amdt. No. 1266 to S. 3267 - Speed Limit from "55 to 60," May 13-September 11 [1 of 2], 1974

- Box 712

- Folder 1: Amdt. No. 1266 to S. 3267 - Speed Limit from "55 to 60," May 13-September 11 [2 of 2], 1974

- Folder 2: Gurney Amdt. No. 1194 to H.R. 10710 - Denial of Most Favored Nation Status As a Result of Hostilities in Indo-China, May 20, 1974

- Folder 3: Mathias Amdt. No. 1305 to S. 1539 - Making Grants to States for Education of Handicapped Children (Dole Co-Sponsored), May 20, 1974

- Folder 4: S. Res. 329 - Regarding Participation in International Effort to Reduce the Risk Famine and Lessen Human Suffering, May 22-August 13, 1974

- Folder 5: Dole Amdt. to S. 2664 - Halt the Importation of Certain Meats International and Meat Products for 90 Days (Withdrawn), May 29, 1974

- Folder 6: S. Con. Res. 88 - Relative to National Economic Emergency, June 5-December 18, 1974

- Folder 7: Amdt. to S. 1105 - Award Master Degree at U.S. Army Command and General Staff, June 10, 1974

- Folder 8: S. Res. 339 - Submission of Resolution in Commendation of Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, June 12-14, 1974

- Folder 9: Amdt. No. 1454 to H.R. 14832 - An Act to Provide for Temporary Increase in Public Debt Limit, June 13, 1974

- Folder 10: S. Res. 347 - Study by Committee on Commerce on the Policy and Role of Federal Government on Tourism in the U.S., June 24-December 13, 1974

- Folder 11: Higher than that Specified Amdt. No. 1536 to H.R. 15472 - Limit Beef Imports Higher than that Specified by Meat Import Act of 1964, June 27-July 22, 1974

- Folder 12: Amdt. No. 1539 to S. 3355 - Turkish Opium Ban, July 8-11, 1974

- Folder 13: S. 4023 - Amend Congressional Budget Act to Require Inflationary Impact Statements in Connection with Legislation Reported, July 12-November 22, 1974

- Folder 14: S. 15 - Inflationary Impact, July 12, 1974-1976

- Folder 15: S. 3992 - Inflationary Impact Statement, July 12-December 10, 1974

- Folder 16: Amdt. No. 1553 to S. 1361 - A Bill to Revise the Copyright Law, July 15-16, 1974

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 1536 to H.R. 15472 - Federal Water Pollution Act of 1972, July 22, 1974

- Folder 18: S. Res. 363 - Restore the Stability and Prosperity to the American Economy, July 23, 1974

- Folder 19: S. 1179 - Comprehensive Private Pension Security Act (Improve Private Retirement System), July 24, 1974

- Folder 20: Amdt. No. 1613 to S. 3792 - Amendment of Export Administration Act, July 25-30, 1974

- Folder 21: Amdt. No. 1753 to S. 3792 - Amendment of Export Administration Act, July 30, 1974

- Folder 22: S. 3841 - Missing In Action (MIA's), July 31-November 22, 1974

- Folder 23: S. 3862 - Prohibit Change in Status of Member of Uniformed Service Who is in a Missing Status, July 31-November 22, 1974

- Folder 24: Amdt. to H.R. 15155 - Public Work Appropriations for Fort Scott Lake, August 1, 1974

- Folder 25: Byrd Amdt. to H.R. 15405 - Transportation Appropriations, August 2, 1974

- Folder 26: S. Con. Res. 113 - World Food Conference and World Population Conference, August 2-September 20, 1974

- Folder 27: S. 3878 - Bill to Amend Emergency Daylight Saving Time Energy Conservation Act of 1973, August 5-December 13, 1974

- Folder 28: Amdt. No. 1778 to H.R. 15572 - Proxmire Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Bill, August 5, 1974

- Folder 29: Amdt. No. 1613 to S. 3471 - To Military Construction Authorization Bill, August 7, 1974

- Folder 30: S. 1819 - Convey Certain Lands in Geary County to Margaret Moore, August 8, 1974

- Box 713

- Folder 1: Amdt. to Amdt. No. 1768 to S. 3878 - Emergency Daylight Saving, August 15, 1974

- Folder 2: Amdt. to S. 2744 - Emergency Petroleum Allocation Act of 1973, August 15, 1974

- Folder 3: S. Res. 384 - Relating Economic Plight of Dairy Farmers in the United States, August 15-17, 1974

- Folder 4: Substitute Amdt. to S. 707 - Agency for Consumer Advocacy, August 20, 1974

- Folder 5: S. Res. 391 - Relating to the President's Committee on Food, August 22-September 10, 1974

- Folder 6: Amdt. No. 1846 to S. 1361 - Copyright Law Revision, September 5-6, 1974

- Folder 7: S. Res. 394 - Disapproving Alternative Plan for Pay Adjustments for Federal Employees, September 5, 1974

- Folder 8: S. 3967 - Extend State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972, September 5-6, 1974

- Folder 9: S. 3971 - Veterans Pension Improvement Bill of 1974, September 6-November 27, 1974

- Folder 10: S. 3982 - Restrict Authority for Inspection of Tax Returns and the Disclosure of Information Contained Therein, September 11-October 12, 1974

- Folder 11: S. 4016 - Presidential Recordings and Materials Preservation Act, September 18-December 5, 1974

- Folder 12: S. 4028 - Relieve Drought Conditions that Threaten to Destroy Livestock or Crops, September 19-24, 1974

- Folder 13: Amdt. to Amdt. No. 187 Proposed to Bill S. 707, September 19, 1974

- Folder 14: S. 4035 - Exempt Vehicles Used in Soil and Water Conservation Work from the Highway Use Tax, September 23-October 22, 1974

- Folder 15: S. Res. 410 - Support Efforts of President in Seeking World Economic Stability Between Oil-Producing and Consumer Nations, September 25-October 3, 1974

- Folder 16: S. 123 - Enable Medicare Recipients to Go to Any State-Licensed Psychologist for Mental Health Services, October-July 15, 1974-1976

- Folder 17: S. Res. 418 - Price Support for Milk Referred to Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, October 2-8, 1974

- Folder 18: S. 4081 - Veterans Day - Re-Designate November 11 as Veterans Day, October 3-December 27, 1974

- Folder 19: S. 2651 - Amend Federal Aviation Act (FAA) to Reduce Rate for Transportation for Handicapped; Persons Over 65 and 21 and Under, November 2-December 13, 1974

- Folder 20: S. 4172 - Freedom of Information Bill, November 19-22, 1974

- Folder 21: S. 4146 - Referral of Handicapped Children, November 19-27, 1974

- Folder 22: S. 4206 - Dairy Support Level Should be Raised to 90 Percent of Parity, December 4-January 10, 1974-1975

- Folder 23: Amdt. No. 2095 to H. J. Res. 1178 - Continuing Appropriations to Hollings, December 12-19, 1974

- Folder 24: Amdt. No. 2060 to H.R. 10710 - Trade Act, December 12-13, 1974

- Folder 25: Amdt. to H.R. 421 - Withholding for Interest on Portfolio Debt Investments, December 12-17, 1974

- Folder 26: Amdt. No. 2084 to H.R. 17045 - Amend Social Security Act to Establish a Consolidated Program of Federal Financial Assistance to Encourage Provisions of Services By the States, December 16, 1974

- Folder 27: Dole Amdt. 2084 to S. 3044 - To Require Identification of Tax-Supported Printed Political Advertising, December 16, 1974

- Folder 28: Amdt. No. 2090 to H.R. 13370 - Suspension of Duty on Catalysts of Platinum, December 17, 1974

- Folder 29: S. Res. 443 - Designate Dr. Riddick as "Parliamentarian Emeritus of the U.S. Senate," December 20, 1974

- Folder 30: S. 5 - Government in the Sunshine Act, 1975

- Folder 31: S. J. Res. 76 - National Beta Sigma Phi Week [1 of 4], 1975-1976

- Folder 32: S. J. Res. 76 - National Beta Sigma Phi Week [2 of 4], 1975-1976

- Box 714

- Folder 1: S. J. Res. 76 - National Beta Sigma Phi Week [3 of 4], 1975-1976

- Folder 2: S. J. Res. 76 - National Beta Sigma Phi Week [4 of 4], 1975-1976

- Folder 3: S. J. Res. 142 - National Rural Health Week, 1975-1976

- Folder 4: H.R. 8193 - Energy Transportation Security Act of 1975, 1975

- Folder 5: S. 548 - Non-Regulation of Vitamins, 1975

- Folder 6: S. 199 - Restrict Authority for Inspections of Tax Returns, January 6-March 25, 1975

- Folder 7: S. 317 - Establish a Joint Committee on Intelligence Oversight, January 8-February 27, 1975-1976

- Folder 8: S. J. Res. 12 - Open Meetings of Conference Committees, January 10-August 2, 1975

- Folder 9: S. 19 - Aid for Blind or Disabled Children Receiving Security Income Benefits, January 15-September 5, 1975

- Folder 10: S. 8 - Bill to Designate November 11 of Each Year as Veterans Day, January 15-February 26, 1975

- Folder 11: S. J. Res. 1 - Direct Popular Election of President and Vice President, January 15-May 23, 1975

- Folder 12: S. 17 - Exempt Vehicles Used in Soil and Water Conservation Work from Highway Use Tax, January 15, 1975

- Folder 13: S. 9 - Extend State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972 for Five Years, January 15, 1975

- Folder 14: S. 16 - Inspection of Rabbits Slaughtered for Human Food, January 15, 1975

- Folder 15: S. 102 - Milk Parity Prices, January 15-March 17, 1975

- Folder 16: S. 18 - Prevent Spread of Disease Harmful to Honeybees, January 15-June 25, 1975-1976

- Folder 17: Proxmire Amdt. to S. 65 - Congressional Budget Act of 1974, January 15-February 11, 1975

- Folder 18: S. 103 - Reimbursements of Transportation Expenses for Handicapped People, January 15-27, 1975

- Folder 19: S. Res. 9 - Senate Rules, January 15-30, 1975

- Folder 20: S. 483 - Consumer Credit Protection Act, January 16-December 23, 1975

- Folder 21: S. 187 - National Gas Priority Act, January 16-May 9, 1975

- Box 715

- Folder 1: S. 330 - Natural Gas Expenses, January 23-24, 1975

- Folder 2: S. 331 - Veterans Day, January 23-November 12, 1975

- Folder 3: S. Res. 59 - Energy Conservation, January 27-February 13, 1975

- Folder 4: S. Con. Res. 5 - Establish a Council on the Missing in Action (MIA), January 27-May 15, 1975

- Folder 5: S. 427 - Missing in Actions (MIAs), January 27, 1975

- Folder 6: S. 405 - Reimburse All Expenses Incurred in Contesting Unwarranted 2nd Audits of Income Tax Liability to Taxpayers, January 27, 1975

- Folder 7: S. 408 - Repeal Exemptions in the Anti-Trust Law Relating to Fair Trade Laws, January 27-November 13, 1975

- Folder 8: S. 410 - Social Security - Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance, January 27-April 1, 1975-1976

- Folder 9: S. 461 - Alien Adoption Rights to Unmarried U.S. Citizens, January 28-April 8, 1975

- Folder 10: S. 435 - Marketing Year for Wheat Adjustments, January 28, 1975

- Folder 11: S. 497 - Consumer Price Index, January 30-March 8, 1975

- Folder 12: S. 624 - Missing In Action (MIA's), February - April 30, 1975

- Folder 13: S. 699 - Mobile Office, January 30-March 17, 1975

- Folder 14: S. 522 - Native American Health Care and Education, February 3-October 5, 1975-1976

- Folder 15: S. Res. 54 - Nutrition, February 3-July 30, 1975

- Folder 16: S. Res. 60 - Additional Committee Employees, February 5-March 7, 1975

- Folder 17: S. 565 - Bilingual Proceedings in All District Courts, February 5-October 24, 1975

- Folder 18: S. 585 - Congressional Travels, February 5-April 25, 1975

- Folder 19: S. 555 - Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, February 5-August 6, 1975

- Folder 20: S. Res. 58 - Food Stamps, February 5, 1975

- Folder 21: S. 595 - Meat Import Act of 1964, February 5-August 28, 1975-1976

- Folder 22: S. 667 - Preservation of Historic Buildings, February 12-January 28, 1975-1976

- Folder 23: S. 678 - Estate Tax, February 13, 1975

- Folder 24: S. 679 - Estate Tax, February 13, 1975

- Folder 25: Amdt. No. 11 to H.R. 1767 - Oil Imports, February 13, 1975

- Folder 26: S. 708 - Veterans, February 18-19, 1975

- Folder 27: S. 706 - Credit (Utilities Cooperatives), February 19-April 18, 1975

- Folder 28: Amdt. to H.R. 1767 - Petroleum Imports (Withdrawn), February 19, 1975

- Box 716

- Folder 1: S. 772 - Market for Cattle, February 20-December 2, 1975

- Folder 2: Amdt. No. 19 to S. 187 - Natural Gas Priority for Fertilizer, February 21, 1975

- Folder 3: S. 792 - Part-Time Career Opportunity Act, February 21-October 10, 1975

- Folder 4: Amdt. No. 20 to H. J. Res. 210 - Supplemental Appropriations, February 21-26, 1975

- Folder 5: S. 810 - Amend Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 and Flood Insurance, February 24-December 5, 1975

- Folder 6: S. 840 - Funeral Transportation for Families of Deceased Servicemen Classified as Prisoners of War (POW) or Missing In Action (MIA), February 25-26, 1975

- Folder 7: S. 824 - Japan-United States Friendship Act, February 25-October 24, 1975

- Folder 8: S. 815 - Provide for Public Disclosure of Lobbying Activities with Respect to Congress and the Executive Branch, February 25-March 19, 1975-1976

- Folder 9: S. 829 - Social Security Act, Increase Old Age Benefits to Individuals Who Delay Retirement, February 25-26, 1975

- Folder 10: S. J. Res. 39 - "National Lead Poisoning Week," February 28-July 17, 1975

- Folder 11: S. Res. 97 - Panama Canal, February 28-May 3, 1975-1976

- Folder 12: S. 950 - Terminate Prior Approval of Exports Sales of Agricultural Commodities, March 5-12, 1975

- Folder 13: S. 969 - Veterans Education Assistance, March 5-October 21, 1975-1976

- Folder 14: S. 1007 - Gun Control Restrictions, March 7-April 30, 1975

- Folder 15: Amdt. to S. Res. 104 - Limited Legislative Authority to the Select Committee on Small Business, March 10, 1975

- Folder 16: S. 1136 - Investigation by Federal Trade Commission of Unfair Methods of Competition, March 11-March 6, 1975-1976

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 84 to S. 187 - Natural Gas, March 11, 1975

- Folder 18: S. 1216 - Federal Water Pollution Control Act, March 12-April 8, 1975

- Folder 19: S. 1206 - Agriculture Commodities (Export Controls), March 17-31, 1975

- Folder 20: S. 1201 - Mechanical Office Equipment, March 17, 1975

- Folder 21: Amdt. No. 243 to H.R. 2166 - Tax Reduction Act of 1975, March 20, 1975

- Folder 22: S. 1257 - To Extend the Education Broadcasting Facilities Program, March 20-April 1, 1975-1976

- Folder 23: Amdt. to H.R. 2166 - Operating Loss Carryback Years for Carryforward Years During 1970-1975, March 21, 1975

- Folder 24: S. 1305 - Rock Island Railroad Line, March 21-27, 1975

- Folder 25: S. 1353 - A Bill to Amend Section 206 (a)(7) of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, March 26-February 26, 1975-1976

- Folder 26: S. 1331 - Bill to Amend Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, March 26-April 8, 1975

- Folder 27: S. 1354 - Export Controls, March 26-June 17, 1975

- Box 717

- Folder 1: S. 1344 - Student Loan Programs, March 26-27, 1975

- Folder 2: S. J. Res. 70 - Allen H. Ellender Fellowship for Disadvantaged Secondary School Students, April 4-March 5, 1975-1976

- Folder 3: Amdt. No. 318 to S. 622 - Natural Gas Priority for Agriculture (Withdrawn), April 8, 1975

- Folder 4: S. 1406 - Bill to the Veterans' Benefits Not be Reduced Due to Increase in Social Security Benefits, April 10-June 4, 1975-1976

- Folder 5: Amdt. No. 342 to S. 200 - The Consumer Protection Act of 1975, April 14-May 6, 1975

- Folder 6: S. 1445 - For the Relief of Betty and Bill Ferland (Private Bill), April 17-25, 1975

- Folder 7: S. 1472 - Amend Social Security Act to Provide a More Effective Professional Standards Review of Health Care Services, April 18, 1975

- Folder 8: S. 1475 - Credit Union Financial Institutions Act Amendments, April 18-April 13, 1975-1976

- Folder 9: S. 1495 - Bill To Amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, April 21-April 13, 1975-1976

- Folder 10: Amdt. to S. Con. Res. 32 - Congressional Budget Levels, April 21-30, 1975

- Folder 11: Amdt. No. 438 to S. 200 - Labor Exemption Amendment, April 21-May 12, 1975

- Folder 12: Amdts. No. 369-373 to S. 200 - Consumer Protection Act of 1975, April 23, 1975

- Folder 13: S. 1522 - Continue Special Food Service Program for Children, School Breakfast, and Supplemental Food Program for Women, April 24-30, 1975

- Folder 14: Amdt. to H.R. 4485 - Dealing with the Administration of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973, April 24, 1975

- Folder 15: S. 1532 - Packers and Stockyard Act of 1921, April 24-March 17, 1975-1976

- Folder 16: Amdt. No. 386 to S. Con. Res. 32 - Congressional Budget Levels, April 29, 1975

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 383 to S. 200 - Delete the So-Called Labor Exemption from S. 200, April 29, 1975

- Folder 18: S. 1611 - To Amend Federal Water Pollution Control Act, April 30-November 4, 1975

- Folder 19: S. 1643 - A Bill to further amend the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946, May, 1975

- Folder 20: S. 1644 - Authorize payments to States from National Forest receipt during July 1, 1976 through September 30, 1976, May, 1975

- Folder 21: S. 1646 - Establish an improved program for producers and consumers of extra long staple cotton, May, 1975

- Folder 22: S. 1647 - Amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act, May, 1975

- Folder 23: S. 1648 - Protection for U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Plant and Animal Inspectors, May, 1975

- Folder 24: S. 1662 - Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964, May, 1975

- Folder 25: S. 1718 - Bingo Bills, May, 1975

- Folder 26: S. 1719 - Amend Title IV of the Social Security Act, May, 1975

- Folder 27: S. 1820 - Irrigation Projects, May, 1975

- Box 718

- Folder 1: S. 1618 - American Folklife Center, May 1-December 11, 1975

- Folder 2: S. 1625 - State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act, May 1-January 12, 1975-1976

- Folder 3: Amdt. No. 394 to S. 409 - Extension of the Council on Wage and Price Stability, May 5, 1975

- Folder 4: S. 1629 - Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, May 5-21, 1975

- Folder 5: S. 1641 - Amend the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, May 6-8, 1975

- Folder 6: S. 1642 - Amend the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, May 6-July 17, 1975

- Folder 7: Amdt. No. 405 to S. 200 - Farmers Exemption From the Agency of Consumer Advocacy Jurisdiction, May 7-15, 1975

- Folder 8: Amdt. No. 371 to S. 200 - Federal Communications Commission (FCC) License Renewal Exemption, May 7, 1975

- Folder 9: Amdt. No. 437 to S. 200 - Appropriation Report Amendment, May 12-14, 1975

- Folder 10: Amdt. No. 435 to S. 200 - Coordination of Activities, May 12, 1975

- Folder 11: Amdt. No. 436 to S. 200 - Delay of Effective Date, May 12-13, 1975

- Folder 12: Amdt. No. 429 to S. 1662 - Food Stamp Act of 1964, May 12-June 10, 1975

- Folder 13: Amdt. to S. 200 - Government Accountability Office, May 13, 1975

- Folder 14: Amdt. No. 463 to S. 200 - Internal Structure, May 13, 1975

- Folder 15: Amdt. No. 464 to S. 200 - Limitations on Power of Agency of Consumer Advocacy (ACA) to initiate Judicial Review of Agency Action, May 13-15, 1975

- Folder 16: S. Res. 152 - Resolution Relating to Present Federal Spending Program, May 13-June 16, 1975

- Folder 17: Amdt. to S. Res. 114 - Rock Island Railroad Loan, May 13-14, 1975

- Folder 18: Amdt. No. 439 - Secondary Boycotts, May 13-14, 1975

- Folder 19: Amdt. No. 475 to S. 1661 - Additional Employment Assistance for Vietnam Veterans, May 16, 1975

- Folder 20: Amdt. No. 482 to S. 1695 - Veterans Employment Act of 1975, May 19, 1975

- Folder 21: S. Res. 171 - Tribute to American Servicemen who Fought in Southeast Asia and to Their Families, May 22-23, 1975

- Folder 22: Amdt. No. 507 to S. 920 - Reduction in Navy Reserve of 25 Percent, June 3-5, 1975

- Folder 23: Amdts. No. 466-474 to S. 1426 - The Older Americans Act of 1965, June 3, 1975

- Folder 24: S. J. Res. 88 - Grain Inspection, June 4-January 21, 1975-1976

- Folder 25: Amdts. No. 549 and 550 to S. Res. 60 - Employment of Additional Assistants for Committees on Which Senators Serve, June 9, 1975

- Folder 26: Amendment #1942 to H.R. 8121 - Busing Amendment to Justice Appropriations, July-September [1 of 2], 1975

- Folder 27: Amendment #1942 to H.R. 8121 - Busing Amendment to Justice Appropriations, July-September [2 of 2], 1975

- Box 719

- Folder 1: Amdt. No. 691 to H.R. 6860 - To Impose Oil Decontrol Tax, July 10, 1975

- Folder 2: Amdts. to S. 6 - Education of Handicapped Children (Series of Four Amendments), June 17-18, 1975

- Folder 3: Amdt. to H.R. 3922 - Older Americans Act - Kansas Eligibility to Receive Commodities from the United States Department of Agriculture, June 26, 1975

- Folder 4: Amdt. to S. 644 - Consumer Products Safety Act of 1975 - Regarding Cost-Benefit Analysis, July 18-February 11, 1975

- Folder 5: Amdt. No. 802 to H.R. 6219 - Regarding Disputed Senatorial Elections, July 21, 1975

- Folder 6: Amdt. No. 801 to H.R. 6219 - To Better Clarify Scope of Voting Rights Act, July 23, 1975

- Folder 7: S. J. Res. 121 - A Joint Resolution to Provide for Quarterly Adjustments in the Support Price for Milk, August 1, 1975

- Folder 8: S. 1652 - Provide that no interest is payable on returns prepared by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) until 30 days after notice to the tax payer, September, 1975

- Folder 9: S. 1804 - Tax Exclusion Bill, September, 1975

- Folder 10: S. 1925 - A bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, September, 1975

- Folder 11: S. 2119 - Amending the Communications Act of 1934 regarding the renewal of licenses, September, 1975

- Folder 12: S. 2149 - Amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and the Tax Reduction Act, September, 1975

- Folder 13: S. 2299 - Emergency Petroleum Allocation Extension Act of 1973, September, 1975

- Folder 14: S. 2324 - Income Tax Privacy Bill, September, 1975

- Folder 15: S. Res. 240 - Relating to the Sale of Grain to the Soviet Union, September 9-10, 1975

- Folder 16: S. Res. 302 - To Investigate Legality of Activities in Labor - Management Relations and Relabeled Groups, September 19-December 3, 1975

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 917 to H.R. 8069 - Modified Version of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), September 23-24, 1975

- Folder 18: S. Res. 269 - Relating to U.S. Grain Exports to the Soviet Union, September 29-February 5, 1975-1976

- Folder 19: S. J. Res. 270 - Request President to Designate September 30 and October 13 as "Japan-U.S. Friendship Days," September 29, 1975

- Folder 20: S. 2483 - A Bill for Relief of Harold and Sylvia Schubert, October 7-October 1, 1975-1976

- Folder 21: S. J. Res. 137 - Amdt. to Constitution to Assure Rights of Students to Attend Neighborhood Schools, October 7-December, 1975

- Folder 22: Amdt. to Sinai Agreement Resolution to Require Other Countries to Pay Share (Withdrawn), October 9, 1975

- Folder 23: S. Con. Res. 70 - Relating to Broadening of Observance of Thanksgiving to Occasion of Sharing our Plenty with Others, October 9-February 24, 1975-1976

- Folder 24: S. 2521 - To Amend Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, October 9-November 1, 1975

- Folder 25: S. 2516 - Federal Government Program Oversight, October 10-May 27, 1975-1976

- Folder 26: Amdt. No. 995 to S. 2310 - Allows Transportation of Intrastate Gas on Interstate Pipelines, October 21, 1975

- Folder 27: S. Res. 288 - Submission of Resolution Relating to Action of United Nations (UN) on Zionism, October 21-November 12, 1975

- Folder 28: S. 2537 - To Reform Food Stamp Bill of 1964, October 21-April 9, 1975-1976

- Folder 29: S. 2548 - Emergency Medical Services Amendments of 1975, October 22-26, 1975

- Folder 30: S. 2598 - To Make Certain Restrictions on Imported Dairy Products, October 30-July 30, 1975-1976

- Folder 31: S. 1645 - Establish improved programs for benefit of producers and consumers of rice, November, 1975

- Folder 32: S. 1649 - Accept and administer gifts of devices for the benefit of the National Arboretum, November, 1975

- Folder 33: Amdt. No. 1031 to H.R. 9005 - To Provide Disaster Relief and Rehabilitation, Overseas Distribution of Agricultural Commodities, November 3, 1975

- Folder 34: S. 2635 - Amend Title 38 to United States Code, To Modify the Pension, November 10-April 27, 1975-1976

- Folder 35: S. 2636 - Bill to Amend U.S. Code to Promote Care and Treatment of Veterans in State Veterans' Homes, November 10-January 12, 1975-1976

- Folder 36: S. 2653 - Bill to Amend Title 38, U.S. Code to Make Veterans Affairs an Executive Department, November 11-12, 1975

- Folder 37: S. Con. Res. 73 - Relating to the United Nations and Zionism, November 11-December 1, 1975

- Folder 38: Amdt. to H.R. 5900 - Common Situs Picketing (Not Called Up), November 14-17, 1975

- Folder 39: H.R. 8773 - Amdt. to Provide Funds for Research on Converting Organic Wastes to Methane Gas, November 20, 1975

- Folder 40: S. 2704 - To Amend Section 815 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954, November 20-21, 1975

- Folder 41: S. Res. 307 - To Amend the Rules of the Senate Relating to Assessments of Legislative Goals, November 20-April 6, 1975-1976

- Folder 42: S. 1953 - Indians, December, 1975

- Folder 43: S. 2070 - To amend the act of August 24, 1966 to assure humane treatment of certain animals, December, 1975

- Folder 44: S. 2467 - For Title V of the Rural Development Act of 1972 through September 30, 1979, December, 1975

- Box 720

- Folder 1: S. 2739 - To Assist Sale of U.S. Commodities to be Stored in U.S., December 4-11, 1975

- Folder 2: S. 2784 - To Amend the Central Intelligence Agency Act to Prevent Intelligence Gathering by Clergymen, December 15, 1975

- Folder 3: Amdt. to H.R. 10284 - Professional Standards Review Organization "Start Up Deadline" (Adopted), December 15-17, 1975

- Folder 4: S. 2785 - To Amend the Emergency Petroleum Allocation Extension Act, December 15-23, 1975

- Folder 5: Amdt. to H.R. 10284 - Professional Standards Review Organization and Care Services Profiles (PSRO) "Profile" Amendment (not offered), December 17, 1975

- Folder 6: S. 2805 - To Permit Naturalization in 1976 for those Eligible in 1977, December 17-March 26, 1975-1976

- Folder 7: S. 2819 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code Relating to Estate and Gift Taxes, December 18-April 1, 1975-1976

- Folder 8: S. 2832 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code with Respect to Lobbying by Certain Types of Exempt Organizations, December 19-February 20, 1975-1976

- Folder 9: S. 556 - Lee Young Soo, 1976

- Folder 10: S. 2426 - Reduced postage rates for first class letters mailed by private individuals, January, 1976

- Folder 11: S. 2850 - For relief of John Ming Chan, January-June, 1976

- Folder 12: Amendment #1385 to H.R. 1607 - To parallel lottery prohibitions to newspapers, radio, and tv, February, 1976

- Folder 13: S. 2226 - For the relief of Severiano Vasquez Valle and family, February, 1976

- Folder 14: S. 2854 - To provide that the first sale of crude oil from stripper wells be exempt from price controls, February, 1976

- Folder 15: S. 2993 - To prohibit the federal government from restricting export sales of agricultural commodities, February, 1976

- Folder 16: Amendment #1451 to S. 3065 - Would remove restriction of funds which may be transferred on various level committees of same political party, March, 1976

- Folder 17: Amendment #1456 to S. 3065 - Remove requirements to allocate cost of voter registration drives and get-out-the-vote drives by candidates, March, 1976

- Folder 18: Amendment #1518 to H. J. Res. 857 - To make certain Emergency Medical Services (EMS) are funded, March, 1976

- Folder 19: S. 1808 - Overtime Pay for the Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, March, 1976

- Folder 20: S. 1843 - Waterways, March, 1976

- Folder 21: S. 2015 - Educational Materials, March, 1976

- Folder 22: S. 2157 - A bill to amend Title XX of the Social Security Act, March, 1976

- Folder 23: S. 2297 - A bill to amend the U.S. Grain Standards Act, March, 1976

- Folder 24: S. 2939 - Special program for financial assistance to Opportunities Industrialization Centers (OIC) to provide new jobs, March, 1976

- Folder 25: S. 3053 - To add additional staff to the Department of Agriculture and increases in salary, March, 1976

- Folder 26: S. 3141 - To amend the U.S. Grain Standards Act to improve the inspection system, March, 1976

- Folder 27: S. J. Res. 180 - To amend the Constitution to require a balanced federal budget, March, 1976

- Folder 28: Amdt. No. 3081 to S. 301 - Federal Meat Inspection Act and Poultry Product Inspection Act, March 6-September 9, 1976

- Folder 29: Amendment #1605 to S. 3055 - To provide U.S. standards and a national inspection system for grain, April, 1976

- Folder 30: S. 2451 - A bill to reform the Food Stamp Program, April, 1976

- Folder 31: S. 3079 - To amend Chapter 49 of Title 10, U.S. Code, to prohibit union organization in the armed forces, April, 1976

- Folder 32: S. 3176 - To amend the Farm Labor Contractor Registration Act of 1963 to make certain exemptions, April, 1976

- Folder 33: S. 3192 - To amend the Occupation Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), April, 1976

- Box 721

- Folder 1: S. 3235 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code to provide tax credit for wages to some new employees during high unemployment periods, April, 1976

- Folder 2: S. 3299 - To amend the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act to provide financial assistance for conservation on agricultural lands, April, 1976

- Folder 3: S. Con. Res. 108 - To eliminate discriminatory trade practices of the European Economic Community, April, 1976

- Folder 4: S. Res. 109 - To establish temporary select committee to study the Senate committee system, April, 1976

- Folder 5: S. Res. 429 - Reform the food stamp program, April, 1976

- Folder 6: Amendment #1699 to the Defense Authorization Bill - To authorize limited increase to drill strength for Naval Reserve, May, 1976

- Folder 7: S. 1650 - Amend Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930, May, 1976

- Folder 8: S. 3316 - To provide tax incentives for modification of certain facilities to aid the handicapped, May, 1976

- Folder 9: S. 3396 - For the relief of Alfred Yuk-Bun Yip, May, 1976

- Folder 10: S. J. Res. 188 - To proclaim the week of May 6, 1976 as National Handicapped Awareness Week, May, 1976

- Folder 11: S. Res. 444 - Relating to the impact on American agriculture of loans for palm oil production, May, 1976

- Folder 12: Amendment #1942 to H.R. 14239 - To extend Department of Justice policy restrictions against busing now imposed on Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW), June, 1976

- Folder 13: S. 1878 - A bill to amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, June, 1976

- Folder 14: S. 2048 - Road and Bridge Program, June, 1976

- Folder 15: S. 2475 - To amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 to modify requirements on foundations, June, 1976

- Folder 16: S. 3549 - To establish a National Agricultural Research Policy Advisory Board, June, 1976

- Folder 17: S. 3595 - To provide freedom of choice in labor relations for high school and college students, June, 1976

- Folder 18: S. J. Res. 179 - To authorize the President to proclaim July 2, 1976 as a National Bicentennial Day of Prayer of Thanksgiving and Guidance, June, 1976

- Folder 19: S. 2853 - To amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964 to ensure a proper level of accountability on the part of food stamp vendors, July, 1976

- Folder 20: S. 3073 - To amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), July, 1976

- Folder 21: S. 3361 - To provide for the striking of medals commemorating American Indians, July, 1976

- Folder 22: S. 3476 - To provide for the establishment of the G. W. Norris Home National Historic Site in Nebraska, July, 1976

- Folder 23: S. J. Res. 205 - To establish an office of hispanic affairs in various executive agencies, July, 1976

- Folder 24: S. Res. 380 - Establish procedures to release materials from the Select Committee on Intelligence Activities, July, 1976

- Folder 25: Amendment #391 to Public Law 874, August, 1976

- Folder 26: Amendment #2227 to S. 2657 - Eligibility of services to disadvantaged children under Title I, August, 1976

- Folder 27: S. 2020 - Include optometric services under Medicare supplementary benefits, August, 1976

- Folder 28: S. 2936 - To amend the Social Security Act to ensure the participation of optometrists, August, 1976

- Folder 29: S. 3543 - To establish national full employment and related economic goals, August, 1976

- Folder 30: S. 3585 - To amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to provide a National Meals-on-Wheels program for the elderly, August, 1976

- Folder 31: S. 1821 - Irrigation Projects, September, 1976

- Folder 32: S. 3017 - Lee Young Soo, private bill, September, 1976

- Folder 33: S. 3054 - To repeal certain requirements relating to notice of animal and plant quarantines, September, 1976

- Folder 34: S. 3182 - To amend the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) to provide consultation and education to employees, September, 1976

- Folder 35: S. 3661 - To amend Medicare and Medicaid provisions as they relate to rural health care facilities, September, 1976

- Folder 36: S. 3799 - To establish the antitrust review and revision commission, September, 1976

- Folder 37: S. 3801 - To strengthen the capability of government to detect, prosecute, and punish fraudulent activities under Medicare, September, 1976

- Folder 38: S. Res. 553 - To honor Mike Mansfield of Montana, September, 1976

- Folder 39: S. J. Res. 212 - Designating the third week of September 1977 as "National Rehabilitation Week," September, 1976

- Folder 40: S. 3051 - To amend the Commodity Futures Trading Commission Act of 1974, October, 1976

- Folder 41: S. 3052 - To amend Section 602 of the Agricultural Act of 1954, October, 1976

- Folder 42: S. 3091 - To amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and Act of 1897, October, 1976

- Folder 43: S. 3520 - To extend the rural community fire protection program, October, 1976

- Folder 44: S. Res. 573 - Expression of support to petition the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to reserve space on tv screens for captioning for the hearing impaired, October, 1976

- Box 722

- Folder 1: S. 113 - Restore Public Confidence in Government, December 16-May 5, 1976-1977

- Folder 2: S. 2 - "Sunset" Bill, Government Oversight, January 5-October 14, 1977-1978

- Folder 3: S. 21 - To Provide Additional Consultation and Education to Employers, January 5-May 3, 1977

- Folder 4: S. 311 - Tax Credit for Certain Education Expenses, January 6-April 28, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: S. 1828 - To Establish the George S. Norris National Historic Site, January 6-July 20, 1977

- Folder 6: S. 8 - Amend Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, January 10-March 25, 1977

- Folder 7: S. 4 - Change in Date Regarding Exclusion of Sick Pay, January 10-April 6, 1977

- Folder 8: S. 106 - Conserve, Protect, and Enhance Nation's Natural Resources, January 10-November 23, 1977

- Folder 9: S. 12 - Extend Rural Community Fire Protection, January 10-March 25, 1977

- Folder 10: S. 49 - Small Business Administration Review Act, January 10-January 27, 1977-1978

- Folder 11: S. 123 - To Amend Social Security Act to Provide for the Payment of Services by Psychologists, January 10-April 12, 1977-1978

- Folder 12: S. 143 - Detect, Prosecute, and Punish Fraudulent Activities Under Medicare and Medicaid Programs, January 11-October 4, 1977

- Folder 13: S. 146 - To Repeal Earnings Limitations of Social Security Act for All Workers 65 and Over, January 11-January 13, 1977-1978

- Folder 14: S. 237 - Changes Definition on Tariff Schedules, January 12-November 18, 1977

- Folder 15: S. 203 - To Amend the Agricultural Act of 1970, January 12-February 9, 1977

- Folder 16: S. 196 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 to Exempt Certain Agriculture Aircraft, January 12-June 25, 1977

- Folder 17: S. 239 - To Cut Meat Imports by Using 1969-1972 Information, January 12-November 18, 1977

- Folder 18: S. 247 - Recognition to Women's Air Forces Service Pilots for their Services, January 14-November 11, 1977

- Folder 19: S. 267 - To Amend the Commodity Exchange Act, January 14-March 15, 1977

- Folder 20: S. 225 - To Amend the Federal Credit Union Act, January 14-March 4, 1977

- Folder 21: S. 240 - To Amend the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, January 14-March 18, 1977

- Folder 22: S. 248 - To Establish a National Agricultural Research Policy Advisory Board, January 14-April 20, 1977

- Folder 23: S. 264 - To Increase Federal Expense in Meat Inspection Programs, January 14-May 14, 1977

- Folder 24: S. 275 - Food and Agriculture Act, National Food Stamp Reform Act, January 18-September 9, 1977

- Folder 25: S. 297 - Meat and Dairy Import Inspection and Labeling Bill, January 18-August 19, 1977-1978

- Folder 26: S. 312 - To Amend the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act, January 18-February 21, 1977-1978

- Folder 27: S. 286 - To Repeal Certain Requirements Relating to Quarantines, January 18-October 12, 1977-1978

- Folder 28: S. 274 - Unionization of the Armed Force, January 18-November 10, 1977-1978

- Folder 29: S. 380 - To Amend Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, January 19-April 23, 1977

- Folder 30: S. 410 - To Assure Appropriate Participation by Optometrists in Peer Review under Part B, Title XI, Social Security, January 24-March 13, 1977-1978

- Folder 31: S. 408 - To Extend Some Benefits to Former Employees of Country Committees Established Pursuant to Section 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act, January 24-September 8, 1977-1978

- Folder 32: S. 413 - To Provide for Payment of Overtime to Some Personnel of the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, January 24-June 23, 1977

- Folder 33: S. 414 - To Require a Health Warning on Labels of Bottles of Certain Alcoholic Beverages, January 24-December 8, 1977

- Folder 34: S. 497 - Federal Crop Insurance Expansion Act of 1977, January 28-June 15, 1977

- Folder 35: S. 496 - Mandatory Inspection of Domesticated Rabbits for Human Food, January 28-July 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 36: S. 519 - "National Meals-on-Wheels Act of 1977," January 31-September 21, 1977

- Folder 37: S. 543 - Relating to Delivery of Veteran Benefit Checks after Weekends, January 31-July 21, 1977

- Folder 38: S. 514 - To Amend Title XVIII of Social Security Act Optometric Services, January 31-June 9, 1977-1978

- Folder 39: S. 565 - Eliminate Inequity in Computing Annuities of Policemen and Firefighters, February 1-April 1, 1977

- Folder 40: S. 590 - To Amend 38 United States Code (USC) to Make the Veterans Administration an Executive Department, February 2-3, 1977

- Folder 41: S. 592 - To Establish an Advisory Committee Regarding Grain Inspection, February 2-April 29, 1977

- Folder 42: S. 672 - To Provide for the Procurement by General Services Administration (GSA) of Existing Solar Devices for Use in Federal Buildings, February 3-January 13, 1977-1978

- Folder 43: S. 616 - To Provide Tax Credit Based on the Creation of New Jobs and Increased Employment, February 3-July 29, 1977

- Folder 44: S. 720 - A Bill to Authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to Carry Nutritional Programs, February 11-June 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 45: S. 725 - Bill to Extend Certain Programs Under Education of Handicapped Act, February 11-May 25, 1977

- Folder 46: S. 728 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Change Income Distribution for Private Foundation, February 11-12, 1977

- Folder 47: S. 730 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Provide Permanent Reduction in Rate of Tax, February 11-July 29, 1977

- Folder 48: S. 845 - Bill to Amend the Food Stamp Act of 1964, March 1-June 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 49: S. 901 - To Make it Easier to Comply with Certain Federal Employee Benefit Plans, March 3, 1977

- Folder 50: S. 1401 - Relief of Elvi Engelsman, March 4-November 15, 1977-1978

- Folder 51: S. 927 - To Establish a Minority Business Development and Assistance Administration in Committee, March 7, 1977

- Folder 52: S. 964 - Prohibition of Executive Pay Raise, March 10, 1977

- Folder 53: S. 965 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 to Provide Bonds for Coal Gasification, March 10, 1977

- Folder 54: S. 1001 - To Provide for Equal Access to Courts in Civil Actions Involving the Federal Government, March 15, 1977

- Folder 55: S. 1035 - To Amend the Bail Reform Act of 1966 for Pre-Trial Detention of Certain Dangerous Persons, March 18, 1977

- Folder 56: S. 1046 - To Amend the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act to Evaluate Risks in Certain Food Additives, Sacchearin, March 18, 1977

- Folder 57: S. 1066 - To Establish an Office of Hispanic Affairs in the Executive Office, March 21, 1977

- Folder 58: S. 1106 - To Amend the Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, March 23, 1977

- Box 723

- Folder 1: S. 1107 - To Provide Federal Assistance to Employers to Establish Alcoholism Programs, March 23, 1977

- Folder 2: S. 1116 - A Bill to Provide for Nutrition Counseling, March 24, 1977

- Folder 3: S. 1126 - Bill to Amend and Strengthen the Equal Education Opportunity Act of 1974, March 24-April 20, 1977

- Folder 4: S. 1119 - To Provide for Continuation and Tribal Administration of Food Stamps, March 24-June 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: S. 1382 - Bill to Establish Rational Criteria for Sentence of Death, March 25-October 12, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: S. 1174 - Bill Entitled the Critical Lands Resource Conservation Act of 1977, March 29-April 28, 1977

- Folder 7: S. 1177 - To Amend Occupational Safety and Health Act to Improve Administration of Said Act, March 30-September 20, 1977

- Folder 8: S. 1191 - Bill to Amend the Public Health Service Act to Establish a Bureau of Human Development, March 31-September 17, 1977

- Folder 9: S. 1240 - To Extend the Time for Conducting Referendum for the Quota for Wheat, April 5-December 6, 1977

- Folder 10: S. 1308 - Authorization to Construct and Operate Glen Elder Dam, April 19-20, 1977

- Folder 11: S. 1310 - Bill to Provide for Use of Telecommunications for the Deaf, April 19-June 16, 1977

- Folder 12: S. 1307 - To Deny Benefits to Certain Veterans, April 19-January 13, 1977-1978

- Folder 13: S. 1315 - To Provide a More Effective Use of Interpreters, April 20-October 16, 1977-1978

- Folder 14: S. 1336 - To Require Daily Release of Export Sales of Agricultural Commodities, April 21-May 10, 1977

- Folder 15: S. 1402 - To Establish a National Agriculture Research Extension and Teaching Policy Board, April 27-May 11, 1977

- Folder 16: S. 1402 - The National School Lunch Act and Child Nutrition Act Amendments, April 28-June 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 17: S. 1415 - To Amend the Trade Act of 1974 to Authorize Certain Credits for Sale of Agricultural Products to Non-Market Economy Countries, April 28-May 14, 1977

- Folder 18: S. 1470 - Bill for the Reform of the Current Medicare/Medicaid Procedures, May 5-June 22, 1977-1978

- Folder 19: S. 1461 - Bill to Expand the Research in Agricultural Commodities and Forest Products, May 5-September 17, 1977

- Folder 20: S. 1464 - To Require Health Warning on Labels of Bottles Containing Alcohol, May 5-February 2, 1977-1978

- Folder 21: S. 1586 - To Establish an Antitrust Review and Revision Commission, May 23-September 22, 1977

- Folder 22: S. 1585 - To Protect Children Sexual Exploitation, May 23-June 3, 1977-1978

- Folder 23: S. 1614 - Bill to Establish the Western States Conservation Program, May 26-August 18, 1977

- Folder 24: S. 1644 - To Give Tax Equity to Single Parents, June 8-September 17, 1977

- Folder 25: S. 1674 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Employers Duties in Connection of Reporting Tips, June 10-July 26, 1977-1978

- Folder 26: S. 1700 - Standards for Interstate Commerce, June 16-October 16, 1977-1978

- Folder 27: S. 1712 - To Amend the Rehabilitation Act to Extend for 5 Years Present Programs, June 17-July 27, 1977

- Folder 28: S. 1774 - Tax on Telephone Service, June 28-August 16, 1977

- Folder 29: S. 1814 - To Amend the Natural Gas Act to Provide Certain Limitations on Gas Curtailment Plans, June 30-August 5, 1977

- Folder 30: S. 1835 - Compile Information for Adequate Rural Transportation, July 11-November 8, 1977-1978

- Folder 31: S. 1860 - To Provide for Permanent Tax Rates Reductions for Individual and Business, July 14-August 3, 1977-1978

- Folder 32: S. 1877 - Payment for Rural Health Clinics, July 18-September 10, 1977

- Folder 33: S. 1898 - To Provide for the Payment of Supplemental Tuition Allowances, July 20-September 20, 1977

- Folder 34: S. 1905 - Authorizing Federal Assistance to Agencies Under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, July 21-August 5, 1977

- Folder 35: S. 1921 - To Exempt from Taxation Amounts Received Under Certain Scholarships, July 25-September 15, 1977

- Folder 36: S. 1950 - Foreign Surveillance Act, July 27-August 23, 1977-1978

- Folder 37: S. 1974 - Small Business Regulations, August 1-October 16, 1977-1978

- Folder 38: S. 1975 - To Provide Coverage for Service of Optometrists Related to Aphakia, August 1-July 11, 1977-1978

- Folder 39: S. 1967 - To Require States with Social Security Act Employers for Payments on Calendar-Quarter, August 1-August 26, 1977-1978

- Folder 40: S. 1981 - To Provide for Automatic Adjustment of Deduction to Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), August 2-September 10, 1977

- Folder 41: S. 2087 - Exempt Disaster Payment Limits, September 13-21, 1977

- Folder 42: S. 2128 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Eliminate Adjusted Gross Income Limits on Elderly, September 22-September 27, 1977-1978

- Folder 43: S. 2169 - To Name the New South Federal Building of the Department of Health After Senator Hubert Humphrey, September 25-May 12, 1977-1978

- Folder 44: S. 2142 - To Claim Credit for Education, September 26-April 28, 1977-1978

- Folder 45: S. 2153 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) with Respect to Credit for Dependent Care Services, September 27-November 10, 1977-1978

- Folder 46: Amdt. No. 1024 to H.R. 9005 - To Provide Additional Capital for Disaster Loan Funds, September 29-October 4, 1977

- Folder 47: S. 2201 - The Alcohol Fuel Incentive Act of 1978, October 12-July 14, 1977-1978

- Folder 48: S. 2204 - To Reduce Excise Tax on Private Institution from 4% to 2%, October 13-May 23, 1977-1978

- Folder 49: S. 2218 - To Establish a National Aquaculture Policy, October 19-November 2, 1977

- Folder 50: S. 2227 - To Extend Carryover Basis of Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to 1978, October 20-April 21, 1977-1978

- Folder 51: S. 2228 - To Make Certain Changes in State and Gift Taxation, October 20-November 2, 1977

- Folder 52: S. 2236 - Bill to Strengthen the Progress to Combat International and Domestic Terrorism, October 25, 1977

- Folder 53: Amdt. No. 1010 - Delete 10% Credit, October 29, 1977

- Folder 54: UP Amdt. No. 1019 to H.R. 5263, October 31, 1977

- Folder 55: Amdt. No. 1488 to H.R. 5263 - To Delete Residential Credit in Section 1011, November 2, 1977

- Folder 56: UP Amdt. No. 1042 - Employment Tax, November 3, 1977

- Folder 57: UP Amdt. No. 1044 to H.R. 9346 - To Clarify Tax Liabilities of Non-Profits, November 3, 1977

- Folder 58: S. 2304 - Crown of St. Stephens, November 4-February 3, 1977-1978

- Folder 59: UP Amdt. No. 1052 to H.R. 9346 - Relating to Repeal of Earnings, November 4, 1977

- Folder 60: S. 2309 - To Provide Member of Armed Forces Employment Because of Reserve Component, November 8-December 16, 1977

- Folder 61: S. 2343 - To Insure the Quality of Imported Meat, December 6-July 22, 1977-1978

- Folder 62: S. 2351 - To name the New Veterans Affairs Hospital After J.L. McClellan, December 8-July 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 63: S. 2354 - Equal Access to the Courts, December 15-July 19, 1977-1978

- Box 724

- Folder 1: S. 305 - For Carlo Lim, Wife, and Son, 1978-1980

- Folder 2: S. 2393 - Small Business Incorporation, January 19-July 26, 1978

- Folder 3: S. 2391 - To Extend the Commodity Credit Exchange Act, January 19-October 7, 1978

- Folder 4: S. 2405 - Intermediate Commodity Credit Corporation Program, January 23-August 23, 1978

- Folder 5: S. 2417 - Feed Grains for Inclusion in the Disaster Reserve, January 24-February 4, 1978

- Folder 6: S. 2416 - To Extend Nurse Training Program for Two Years, January 24-November 14, 1978

- Folder 7: S. 2462 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Permit a Limited Deduction to Those in Retirement Plans, January 31-July 26, 1978

- Folder 8: S. 2482 - To Amend Producer Storage Program to Provide Incentives for Participation by Farmers, February 2-10, 1978

- Folder 9: S. 2479 - To Amend the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1965 for Advancement of Funds to State Agencies, February 2-August 23, 1978

- Folder 10: S. 2483 - To Direct the Secretary of Agriculture to Increase Exports in 1978, February 2-April 21, 1978

- Folder 11: S. 2481 - To Provide Wheat, Feed Grass, and Cotton Producers to Receive Parity, February 2-April 14, 1978

- Folder 12: S. 2504 - To Amend the Commodity Credit Corporation Act, February 6-October 14, 1978

- Folder 13: S. 2488 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Allow Small Business and Farming Business and Farming Operations to Claim Credit Against Income Tax, February 6, 1978

- Folder 14: S. 2492 - To Amend the Meat Import Quota Act, February 6-23, 1978

- Folder 15: S. 2505 - To Amend Social Security Act to Provide Certain Handicapped Individuals Medical Assistance, February 6-May 25, 1978

- Folder 16: S. 2519 - To Establish a Department of Food, Agriculture, and Renewable Resources, February 8-March 2, 1978

- Folder 17: S. 2528 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for Issuance of Educational Assistance Bonds, February 10-March 10, 1978

- Folder 18: S. 2351 - To Change the Name of Farmers Home Administration to Rural Credit Service, February 10-21, 1978

- Folder 19: S. 2526 - To Establish Bipartisan National Parity Farm Income Commission to Analyze Current Agricultural Income Problems, February 10-September 21, 1978

- Folder 20: S. 2532 - To Provide an Economic Emergency Loan Program, February 10-21, 1978

- Folder 21: S. 2561 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for Indexing of Certain Provisions, February 21-March 31, 1978

- Folder 22: S. 2564 - To Amend the Nutrition Education Section of the Child Nutritional Act of 1966, February 22-June 6, 1978

- Folder 23: S. 2580 - To Establish the National Home-Delivered Meals Act of 1978, February 24-June 14, 1978

- Folder 24: S. 2583 - Transfer of the U.S.S. Sanctuary, February 24-October 16, 1978

- Folder 25: S. 2609 - To Amend the Older Americans Act of 1965 to Extend those Programs Under the Act, February 28-May 17, 1978

- Folder 26: S. 2630 - Modify Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, March 2-August 1, 1978

- Folder 27: S. 2686 - To Permit Farmers to Elect the Year of Crop Payments as Income, March 8-22, 1978

- Folder 28: S. 2690 - To Provide Emergency Assistance to Producers of Wheat, Feed Grains, Upland Cotton, and Soybeans for Other Purposes, March 8-16, 1978

- Folder 29: S. 2707 - Government Activities, March 9-April 21, 1978

- Folder 30: S. 2737 - For Improved Controls Over Labeling and Inspection of Meat, March 13-April 20, 1978

- Folder 31: S. 2733 - Small Business Loans for Energy Purposes, March 13, 1978

- Folder 32: S. 2768 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Provide for Indexation of Certain Provisions, March 13-June 15, 1978

- Folder 33: S. 2760 - A Bill to Revise P.L. 480 Regulation Governing Operations, March 17-April 5, 1978

- Folder 34: S. 2764 - Export-Import Bank Discrimination, March 20-May 26, 1978

- Folder 35: S. 2776 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 to Provide that Use of Zero Bracket Amounts Will Not Reduce Income Averaging, March 21-22, 1978

- Folder 36: S. 2778 - To Provide for Increased Criminal Penalties for the Manufacturing of PCP, March 22-October 5, 1978

- Folder 37: S. 2808 - 20% Refundable Tax Credit, March 23-April 7, 1978

- Folder 38: S. 2809 - Child Care Food Program, March 23, 1978

- Folder 39: S. 2837 - Deducting From Gross Income for Individuals for Their Social Security, April 5, 1978

- Folder 40: S. 2879 - To Amend the Public Health Service Act (PHSA) to Establish Commission on National Primary Healthcare Needs, April 11-September 23, 1978

- Folder 41: S. 2895 - Quotas on Beef Importation, April 12-October 12, 1978

- Folder 42: S. 2905 - To Increase Target Prices for the 1978-1981 Crops of Wheat, April 13, 1978

- Folder 43: S. 2918 - To Permit Marketing Orders to Include Provisions Concerning Raisins, April 13-19, 1978

- Folder 44: S. 2920 - To Amend the Trade Act for Textiles, April 17, 1978

- Folder 45: S. 2990 - International Sugar Agreement, April 25-May 16, 1978

- Folder 46: S. 3007 - To Disregard Certain Changes Since 1975 with Treatment of Individuals as Employers, April 27-August 16, 1978

- Folder 47: S. 3065 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Provide Pre-1969 Tax Treatment for Capital Gains, May 11-July 19, 1978

- Folder 48: S. 3092 - To Amend the Federal Meat Inspection Act for Livestock Slaughtered in a Humane Manner, May 17-October 12, 1978

- Folder 49: S. 3090 - To Amend the International Security Assistance (ISA) and Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (AECA), May 17-June 6, 1978

- Folder 50: S. 3091 - To Repeal Section 25 of the International Security Assistance Act of 1977, May 17-June 6, 1978

- Folder 51: S. 3105 - The Catastrophic Health Insurance and Medical Assistance Reform Act of 1978, May 18-June 8, 1978

- Folder 52: S. 3125 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Treatment of Real Property to Farm Valuation, May 22-July 26, 1978

- Folder 53: S. 3137 - To Prohibit Public Grey Hound Rabbit Coursing, May 24-June 20, 1978

- Folder 54: S. 3147 - To Prohibit Issuance of Regulations on Taxation of Fringe Benefits, May 25-June 20, 1978

- Folder 55: S. 3162 - A Bill to Secure and Protect Individuals from Unwarranted Intrusions, June 5-July 13, 1978

- Box 725

- Folder 1: S. 3165 - For the Relief of William and Rita Armstrong, June 7, 1978

- Folder 2: S. 3168 - To Amend the Congressional Budget Act to Limit Increases in Total Federal Budget Outlay, June 7-8, 1978

- Folder 3: S. 3166 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 to Reflect the Loss of Purchasing Power Attributable to Inflation, June 7-15, 1978

- Folder 4: S. 3183 - To Clarify Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Making it Clear That Meals Provided by an Employer to an Employee is Required to Accept such Meals, June 7-13, 1978

- Folder 5: S. 3167 - To Establish a Commission to Prepare and Recommend Amendment to Balance Budget, June 7-July 14, 1978

- Folder 6: S. 3222 - Unwarranted Intrusions by Persons Acting Under Color of Law, June 22-August 23, 1978

- Folder 7: S. 3248 - To Provide for Establishment of a National Agricultural Cost of Production Board, June 27-September 21, 1978

- Folder 8: S. 3288 - Retirement Savings Deduction for Persons Covered by Certain Pension Plans, July 13-September 7, 1978

- Folder 9: S. 3300 - To Expand U.S. Exports and Adequate Food Imports, July 14-August 1, 1978

- Folder 10: S. 3326 - To Suspend the Duty on Freight Cars Until June 30, 1982, July 20-August 9, 1978

- Folder 11: S. 3432 - Bill for the Relief of Roman Enriquez, Andrietta Enriques, and Sol, July 21-October 18, 1978

- Folder 12: S. 3401 - To Revise and Extend Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Services, August 11-October 11, 1978

- Folder 13: S. 3414 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for Non-Resident Aliens for Taxable Gains, August 15-October 3, 1978

- Folder 14: S. 3421 - To Authorize the Establishment of Fort Scott National Historic Site, August 16-17, 1978

- Folder 15: S. 3426 - To Amend Title XX to Social Security Act for Dollar Limitation on Financial Participation, August 17-September 29, 1978

- Folder 16: S. 3453 - Limit Imports of Feeder and Slaughter Cattles and Statutory Quotas, August 23-September 20, 1978

- Folder 17: S. 3460 - Food to Nations for Humanitarian Needs and Price Support on Sugar, August 24-October 11, 1978

- Folder 18: S. 3496 - Patent Procedures, September 13-October 11, 1978

- Folder 19: S. 3535 - For Relief of Dr. Carlo Lim and Wife and Son, September 19-October 11, 1978

- Folder 20: S. 3536 - For Relief of Reginald Lim, September 28-29, 1978

- Folder 21: S. 3594 - Aircraft Engine Overhauls, October 12-19, 1978

- Folder 22: S. 303 - For William and Rita Armstrong (Private Immigration Bill), December 11-April 7, 1978-1979

- Folder 23: S. 12/H.R. 365 - Dole/Gadison Tax Equalization Act, 1979

- Folder 24: S. 302 - For Vincente Alvarez, January 3-February 5, 1979

- Folder 25: S. 25 - Birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. as National Holiday, January 15-August 2, 1979

- Folder 26: S. J. Res. 1 - Constitutional to Direct Election of the President, January 15, 1979

- Folder 27: S. J. Res. 5 - Expenditures of Government, January 15-October 12, 1979

- Folder 28: S. 8 - Extend Diplomatic Privilege to the Republic of China, January 15, 1979

- Folder 29: S. 43 - National Ski Patrol Recognition Act, January 15-December 6, 1979

- Folder 30: S. Res. 10 - Prior Consultation, January 15, 1979

- Folder 31: S. Res. 10 - Prior Consultation Between Executive Branch and Senate, January 15-February 27, 1979

- Folder 32: S. 10 - Redress for Violation of Rights for Institutionalized Persons, January 15-November 16, 1979

- Folder 33: S. Res. 13 - Relationship of the U.S. and the People's Republic of China, January 15, 1979

- Folder 34: S. 13 - To Amend the Congressional Budget Act (CBA)..., January 15-20, 1979

- Folder 35: S. 13 - To Amend the Congressional Budget Act of 1974 on Budget Outlay, January 15, 1979

- Folder 36: S. 12 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)..., January 15-August 28, 1979

- Folder 37: S. 12 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC)..., January 15, 1979

- Folder 38: S. Res. 13 - To Continue the Relationship Between U.S. and the Republic of China, January 15-March 24, 1979

- Folder 39: S. 8 - To Extend Diplomatic Privileges to Any Principal Liaison Office of the Republic of China, January 15-March 24, 1979

- Folder 40: S. 1 - To Improve Farm Income, January 15, 1979

- Folder 41: S. 1 - To Improve Farm Income for Other Purposes, January 15-May 24, 1979

- Folder 42: S. 6 - To Increase Milk Prices to 80% of Parity, January 15-November 16, 1979

- Folder 43: S. J. Res. 1 - To Provide for the Direct Popular Election of the President and Vice President, January 15-March 24, 1979

- Folder 44: S. 455 - For the Relief of L. Fernando, January 18-January 9, 1979-1981

- Folder 45: S. Con. Res. 2 - Resolution Relating to Termination of Treaties, January 18, 1979

- Folder 46: S. 100 - To Amend Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Provide a Deduction for Expenses Incurred in Reforestation, January 18-May 13, 1979-1980

- Folder 47: S. 79 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Reinstate Non-Business Deduction on Gasoline, January 18-20, 1979

- Folder 48: S. 75 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code for Retirement Savings Deduction, January 18, 1979

- Folder 49: S. 75 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code for Retirement Savings Reduction, January 18-August 28, 1979

- Folder 50: S. 99 - To Eliminate Inequities in Computing Annuities of Enforcement Officers, January 18-20, 1979

- Folder 51: S. 112 - A Bill to Repeal the Carryover Basis Provisions Added by the Tax Reform Act of 1976, January 23-August 28, 1979

- Box 726

- Folder 1: S. 212 - The National Space and Aeronautics Policy Act of 1979, January 24-March 24, 1979

- Folder 2: S. 221 - Congressional Award for Youth, January 25-July 31, 1979

- Folder 3: S. J. Res. 28 - Direct Election of the President, January 25-July 10, 1979

- Folder 4: S. 224 - Prohibit Regulations on Taxation of Fringe Benefits, January 25, 1979

- Folder 5: S. 223 - To Amend Anti-Dumping Act, January 25-June 9, 1979

- Folder 6: S. 225 - To Create an Economic Rural Development Bank, January 25-March 30, 1979

- Folder 7: S. 230 - To Extend Until 1980 Assistance for Nurse Training, January 25-October 3, 1979

- Folder 8: S. 241 - Restructure the Federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (FEAA) Improving Local Systems, January 29-May 21, 1979

- Folder 9: S. 248 - To Modify Criteria Regarding Self-Employment Income, January 29-August 28, 1979

- Folder 10: S. 306 - For Reginald Carlson Lim (Private Immigration Bill), January 31-February 13, 1979

- Folder 11: S. 292 - To Reduce Fiscal Year 1980 Authorization for Special Supply Food Program, January 31-June 19, 1979

- Folder 12: S. 333 - Combating of International Terrorism, February 5-June 9, 1979

- Folder 13: S. 414 - Uniform Federal Patent Procedure for Small Business, February 7-December 13, 1979

- Folder 14: S. 395 - Require Studies from Health Education and Welfare (HEW) with Respect to Health Insurances Sold as a Supplement to Medicare, February 8-July 10, 1979

- Folder 15: S. 396 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Exempt Farm Trucks and Soil and Water Conservation Trucks from Highway Use Tax, February 8-August 28, 1979

- Folder 16: S. 399 - To Amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act, February 8-April 6, 1979

- Folder 17: S. 423 - Goals for Resolution of Consumer Controversies, February 9-December 19, 1979

- Folder 18: S. Res. 71 - Importance of a Strong and Independent Department of Agriculture, February 9-March 24, 1979

- Folder 19: S. 417 - Prohibit Extension of Trade to Discriminatory Countries, February 9-August 28, 1979

- Folder 20: S. 445 - A Bill to Reorganize Federal Regulatory Agencies to Prevent Excessive Regulations, February 21-October 26, 1979

- Folder 21: S. 441 - Limitations on Importation of Meat, Related Products, February-August 28, 1979

- Folder 22: S. 446 - Equal Employment of Handicapped, February 22-November 17, 1979

- Folder 23: S. 508 - Administration of Health Care Financing, March 1-August 28, 1979

- Folder 24: S. 506 - Fair Housing Amdts., March 1-July 9, 1979

- Folder 25: S. 507 - Improvements in Medicare and Medicaid, March 1-September 7, 1979

- Folder 26: S. J. Res. 43 - "National Energy Education Day," March 1-November 30, 1979

- Folder 27: S. 505 - Reform of Medicare and Medicaid, March 1-July 10, 1979

- Folder 28: S. Res. 90 - Relating to National School Lunch Program, March 5 -June 21, 1979

- Folder 29: S. Res. Relating to National Water Policy, March 1-24, 1979

- Folder 30: S. 535 - Transportation of Nuclear Waste, March 5-September 11, 1979

- Folder 31: S. 831 - National Commission on Governmental Organization and Regulation, March 6-30, 1979

- Folder 32: S. Con. Res. 9 - Religious Freedom in the Ukraine, March 7-30, 1979

- Folder 33: S. 591 - Earned Income for Severely Disabled, March 8-August 28, 1979

- Folder 34: S. 616 - Contributions for Construction of Fraternal Organizations, March 12-October 10, 1979

- Folder 35: S. 625 - To Amend the Federal Mine Safety and Health Amendment Act, March 12-October 2, 1979

- Folder 36: S. Res. 99 - War Crimes, March 13-May 22, 1979

- Folder 37: S. Res. 104 - Clarence M. Mitchell, Jr., March 14-15, 1979

- Folder 38: S. 681 - Reciprocal Agreements for Services Outside V.S., March 15-April 20, 1979

- Folder 39: S. Res. 110 - Sense of Senate Regarding Orlov and Shcharansky, March 21-22, 1979

- Folder 40: S. 704 - To Amend the Federal Employees' Compensation Act (FECA) to Extend the Statute of Limitations to a Period of Four Years, March 21-June 9, 1979

- Folder 41: S. Res. 112 - Committee to Investigate Carter Family Businesses, March 22-28, 1979

- Folder 42: S. 736 - Employer Tax Act of 1979, March 22-August 28, 1979

- Folder 43: S. 738 - Great Plains Conservation Program, March 22-July 24, 1979

- Folder 44: S. 748 - Catastrophic Health Insurance Act, March 26-November 7, 1979

- Folder 45: S. 788 - Establish Office of Hispanic Affairs, March 26-April 7, 1979

- Box 727

- Folder 1: S. 809 - Regarding Membership in Armed Forces and Reserves, March 27-April 5, 1979

- Folder 2: S. Res. 116 - Budget Waive for Carryover Basis, March 28-29, 1979

- Folder 3: S. 818 - Content of Nitrites in Meat Products, March 28-December 12, 1979

- Folder 4: S. Con. Res. 17 - Missing in Action in Southeast Asia, March 29-July 20, 1979

- Folder 5: S. 861 - Taxation on Gasohol, April 2-August 28, 1979

- Folder 6: S. 906 - 10% Investment for Gasohol, April 5-August 28, 1979

- Folder 7: S. 949 - 180 Day Statute on Judicial Review of Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), April 10-July 26, 1979

- Folder 8: S. 962 - Self-Reliant Development and International Food Assistance Reform Act of 1979, April 10-June 19, 1979

- Folder 9: S. 980 - Restoration of Anti-Trust Laws, April 23-June 9, 1979

- Folder 10: S. 1004 - To Suspend the Duty on Freight Car as of June 30, 1981, April 25-September 6, 1979

- Folder 11: S. 1054 - Additional Projects for Hydrocarbons, May 1-23, 1979

- Folder 12: S. Con. Res. 11 - Appropriate Technology Week, May 1, 1979

- Folder 13: S. J. Res. 68 - Product Safety Week, May 1-November 30, 1979

- Folder 14: S. J. Res. 70 - Commission on Literacy, May 2-16, 1979

- Folder 15: S. 1062 - Simplify Subtitle F of Internal revenue Code (IRC), May 2-June 29, 1979

- Folder 16: S. 1063 - Simplify Internal Revenue Code (IRC) Section 453 (b), May 2-October 16, 1979

- Folder 17: S. 1067 - Authorize President any Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEN) Eligible for Tariff Preferences, May 3-8, 1979

- Folder 18: S. 1068 - Disabled Children Receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits, May 3-September 14, 1979

- Folder 19: S. Res. 149 - Length of Service of Senator Jacob K. Javits in the U.S. Senate, May 3-8, 1979

- Folder 20: S. 1096 - 22% Increase in Second-Class Postal Rates, May 8-December 13, 1979

- Folder 21: S. Res. 169 - Non-Compliance of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW), May 11-July 12, 1979

- Folder 22: S. 1158 - To Amend the Clean Air Act of 1977 to Delay for One Year Certain Provisions, May 15-June 26, 1979

- Folder 23: S. 1163 - Repeal Carryover Basis, May 16-October 31, 1979

- Folder 24: S. 1174 - Increase U.S. Food Aid, May 17-July 10, 1979

- Folder 25: S. 1185 - Include Out-Patient Rehabilitation Services Under Medicare, May 21, 1979

- Folder 26: S. Con. Res. 27 - North American Energy Cooperation, May 21-July 24, 1979

- Folder 27: S. 1200 - Alcohol Regulated Simplification Act, May 22-October 26, 1979

- Folder 28: S. J. Res. 82 - National Patriotism Week, May 22-23, 1979

- Folder 29: S. 1219 - High Moisture Corn and Grain, May 23-24, 1979

- Folder 30: S. Con. Res. 28 - National Energy Council, May 24-June 21, 1979

- Folder 31: S. 1411 - Paperwork and Red Tape Reduction Act of 1979, May 26-June 26, 1979

- Folder 32: S. 1284 - Imposition of the Death Penalty, June 5-7, 1979

- Folder 33: S. 1309 - To Increase Appropriations for Food Stamp Program, June 11-July 28, 1979

- Folder 34: S. J. Res. 88 - American Enterprise Day, June 14, 1979

- Folder 35: S. 1367 - Amend the Agricultural Act on Disaster Provisions, June 18, 1979

- Folder 36: S. 1354 - Armed Forces Manpower, June 18-27, 1979

- Folder 37: S. 1376 - To Improve and Implement Trade Agreements, June 19-November 16, 1979

- Folder 38: S. 1382 - Aid to Families with Dependent Children, June 20-October 10, 1979

- Folder 39: S. Con. Res. 31 - Relating to Indo-China Refugee Settlements, June 25-27, 1979

- Folder 40: S. 1430 - Amendments to the Maternal and Child Health and Crippled Children's Service Act of 1979, June 27-October 12, 1979

- Folder 41: S. 1444 - Award of reasonable Court Costs, June 27-December 18, 1979

- Folder 42: S. 1426 - Deduction to Enlisted Members of Armed Services Not Entitled to Severance, June 27-August 28, 1979

- Folder 43: S. Res. 191 - Energy Summit Conference, June 28, 1979

- Folder 44: S. 1467 - Accounting to be Used by a Common Carrier, July 9-November 15, 1979

- Folder 45: S. 1465 - Farm Credit System Improvement, July 9-November 30, 1979

- Folder 46: S. Res. 196 - National Jogging Day, July 11-20, 1979

- Folder 47: S. 1491 - H. D. Parkinson Building in Scott City, July 12-December 14, 1979

- Folder 48: S. 1517 - Energy Development Surtax, July 13-August 26, 1979

- Folder 49: S. 1523 - Veteran Senior Citizen Health Care Act of 1979, July 16-November 7, 1979

- Folder 50: S. 1524 - Compliance with Voluntary Compliance, July 17-September 12, 1979

- Folder 51: Amdt. No. 333 - Energy Mobilization Board, July 17, 1979

- Box 728

- Folder 1: S. J. Res. 97 - Remembrance of Victims of the Holocaust, July 20-November 30, 1979

- Folder 2: S. Con. Res. 35 - Right to Self-Determination in Puerto Rico, July 26, 1979

- Folder 3: S. 1592 - Financial Regulation Simplification of 1979, July 27-October 30, 1979

- Folder 4: S. 1597 - Savings and Investment Encouragement, July 30-August 31, 1979

- Folder 5: S. 1598 - State Contributions for Social Security Tax for Employee Coverage, July 30-November 29, 1979

- Folder 6: S. Res. 216 - A Resolution Relating to the Construction of Office Buildings for the Senate, August 1-September 6, 1979

- Folder 7: S. 1664 - Relief for Residential Users of Refined Petroleum Products, August 2-September 12, 1979

- Folder 8: S. 1693 - Amend National Labor Relations Act Regarding Religious, August 3-December 6, 1979

- Folder 9: S. 1679 - The Patent Law Amendments of 1979, August 3-November 30, 1979

- Folder 10: S. 1694 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 for Deduction for Removal of Barriers to Handicapped, August 3-September 12, 1979

- Folder 11: S. 1696 - To Further the Purpose of the Agricultural Act of 1977, August 3-September 11, 1979

- Folder 12: S. 1680 - Western Lands Appropriations, August 3-December 18, 1979

- Folder 13: S. 1783 - Fuel for Oil Dealers, September-October 31, 1979

- Folder 14: S. Amdt. No. 407 to Second Concurrent Budget Resolution, September 5-17, 1979

- Folder 15: S. Res. 228 - Cuban Troops and the Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms, September 6-7, 1979

- Folder 16: S. J. Res. 104 - Responsible Pet Care Week, September 10-11, 1979

- Folder 17: Amdt. No. 456 to S. 14 - Improve Certain Surcharges, September 12-13, 1979

- Folder 18: S. 1760 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Provide Increase Incentives for Oil, September 17-November 19, 1979

- Folder 19: H.R. 5397 - Promote the Development of Energy from Agricultural Commodities, September 19-December 12, 1979

- Folder 20: S. 1777 - To Authorize Reserve Members to Retire with Twenty Years of Service, September 19-20, 1979

- Folder 21: S. 1792 - Gold Medal for Simon Wiesenthal, September 21-November 15, 1979

- Folder 22: S. Res. 247 - Food and Medical Emergency Aid to Cambodia, September 28-October 12, 1979

- Folder 23: S. 1859 - Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) on Special Valuation of Farm Property, October 4-12, 1979

- Folder 24: S. 1860 - Small Business Federal Fund, October 4-November 7, 1979

- Folder 25: S. 1862 - Administration of Federal Firearms Control, October 5-November 29, 1979

- Folder 26: S. J. Res. 109 - American Enterprise Day, October 9-November 30, 1979

- Folder 27: S. Res. 247 - Urging Aid to Cambodia for Famine, October 12, 1979

- Folder 28: S. 1969 - Rule-making Improvement Act of 1979, November 2-16, 1979

- Folder 29: S. 1977 - Eliminate Certain Restrictions Imposed for Home Health Services, November 5-December 6, 1979

- Folder 30: S. 1979 - To Extend Section 530 of Revenue Act to Independent Contractors and Employers, November 5, 1979

- Folder 31: S. Res. 273 - To Honor Mamie Eisenhower and to Express Sorrow of Senate, November 5-7, 1979

- Folder 32: S. Res. 277 - Cambodian Refugee Situation, November 8-17, 1979

- Folder 33: Amdt. No. 751 to S. 932 - Rural Energy, November 8, 1979

- Folder 34: S. J. Res. 119 - Vietnam Veterans Fund, November 8, 1979

- Folder 35: S. Con. Res. 50 - Emigration of Ida Nudel, November 13-17, 1979

- Folder 36: S. Con. Res. 49 - Iranian Situation, November 13, 1979

- Folder 37: S. 2001 - Tax Treatment of Government Health Scholarship Programs, November 13-17, 1979

- Folder 38: S. 2016 - Target Prices on Wheat and Feed Grains, November 16-December 6, 1979

- Folder 39: S. 2034 - For Research in the Diagnosis Prevention and Control of Malignant Tumors, November 26-December 7, 1979

- Folder 40: S. 2071 - To Provide Cancellation of Student Loans Under Higher Education Act, December 4, 1979

- Folder 41: S. Con. Res. 219 - International Conference on Cambodia, December 5-20, 1979

- Folder 42: S. 2083 - Old Age Benefits Taxation, December 5-13, 1979

- Folder 43: S. 2082 - To Exempt Veteran's Organizations and Fraternal Organizations from Royalty Payments, December 5, 1979

- Folder 44: S. Res. 306 - Relating to U.S. Personnel Held Hostage in Iran, December 19, 1979

- Folder 45: S. J. Res. 131 - "The Organization For Rehabilitation Through Training Centennial Day," December 20-21, 1979

- Folder 46: S. 2183 - To Establish Revolving Fund for Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act, December 20, 1979

- Folder 47: S. Res. 318 - Release of Hostages in Iran, December 21, 1979

- Folder 48: S. Con. Res. 62 - Urging the USSR to Allow Irina Astakhova McClellan to Emigrate, January 22, 1980

- Folder 49: S. J. Res. 128 - National Diabetes Week, January 23, 1980

- Folder 50: S. J. Res. 127 - Designating June 27 as Helen Keller Day, January 24, 1980

- Folder 51: S. 2226 - Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) for Zero Brackets, January 25, 1980

- Folder 52: S. J. Res. 135 - Teacher Day, United States of America, January 29, 1980

- Folder 53: S. Con. Res. 73 - Designating 1981 as Year of the Disabled, January 31, 1980

- Folder 54: S. J. Res. 140 - Designate February 19, 1980 as "Iwo Jima Commemoration Day," February 1, 1980

- Folder 55: S. 2246 - Rock Island Railroad, February 1, 1980

- Folder 56: S. 2251 - Credit Cards for Gasohol, February 4-27, 1980

- Folder 57: S. J. Res. 139 - Rock Island and Pacific Railroad Continuation, February 4, 1980

- Folder 58: S. J. Res. 126 - Fiscal Responsibility, February 6, 1980

- Folder 59: S. 2306 - International Education, February 20, 1980

- Folder 60: S. 2308 - To Amend the United States Code (USC) for Clerical Employees to Assist Veterans Employment, February 20, 1980

- Folder 61: S. J. Res. 147 - National Cystic Fibrosis Week, February 21, 1980

- Folder 62: S. Con. Res. 79 - National Day of Prayer for Hostages in Iran, February 21, 1980

- Folder 63: S. 2334 - Clerks Shall Reside in the District He is Appointed, February 26, 1980

- Box 729

- Folder 1: S. Res. 374 - Potential Nominees for Judgeships, February 26, 1980

- Folder 2: S. 2387 - To Aid State and Local Governments in Strengthening and Improving their Judicial Systems through the Creation of a State Justice Institute, March 5, 1980

- Folder 3: S. 2392 - To Repeal Incremental Pricing of Natural Gas, March 5-May, 1980

- Folder 4: S. 2397 - To Amend the Freedom of Information for Persons Objecting, March 6, 1980

- Folder 5: S. 2399 - To Amend United States Code (USC) for Non-Profit Service Clubs for 3rd Class Rates, March 6, 1980

- Folder 6: S. 2408 - Former Presidential Facilities, March 11, 1980

- Folder 7: S. Con. Res. 81 - Wage and Price Controls, March 11, 1980

- Folder 8: S. Res. 382 - Wage and Price Controls, March 11-19, 1980

- Folder 9: S. 2413 - Naming the Veterans' Administration Hospital in Topeka, Kansas, March 12, 1980

- Folder 10: S. 2424 - Amend Mineral and Gas Leasing, March 14-June 3, 1980

- Folder 11: S. Res. 405 - Biological and Toxic Weapons, March 16, 1980

- Folder 12: S. 2434 - To Amend the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, March 18, 1980

- Folder 13: S. 2441 - Juvenile Justice and Delinquency, March 19, 1980

- Folder 14: S. 2451 - Revise Rules on Installment Sales, March 19, 1980

- Folder 15: S. Res. 387 - For Federal Highway Administration (FHA) to Implement 100 Million Dollars for Alcohol Fuels, March 21, 1980

- Folder 16: S. J. Res. 152 - National Dance Week, March 27, 1980

- Folder 17: S. J. Res. 156 - National Family Week, March 28, 1980

- Folder 18: S. 2521 - To Amend the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) to Provide Treatment to Royalty Owners, April 2, 1980

- Folder 19: S. 2598 - Naval Petroleum Reserve, April 23, 1980

- Folder 20: S. J. Res. 168 - Designating July 18 as National Prisoners of War (POW)-Missing In Action (MIA) Recognition Day, April 28, 1980

- Folder 21: S. Res. 412 - Relating to Attempted Rescue of Americans Held Hostage in Iran, April 28, 1980

- Folder 22: S. J. Res. 159 - Disapproving Action Taken by President Carter on Imposing Fee on Crude Imports, May 6, 1980

- Folder 23: S. Con. Res. 92 - Withholding of Income Tax on Interest, May 6, 1980

- Folder 24: S. Res. 423 - Disapproval of Phase II of Incremental Pricing, May 7, 1980

- Folder 25: S. 2675 - To Amend and Extend Provisions of Child Nutrition Programs, May 7, 1980

- Folder 26: S. 2681 - 5 Year Extension of General Revenue Sharing Program, May 8, 1980

- Folder 27: S. 2745 - Deduction of Contributions for Educational Savings, May 20, 1980

- Folder 28: S. 2763 - To Amend the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, May 28, 1980

- Folder 29: S. 2775 - Treatment of Retirement and Similar Plans for Nonresident Aliens, June 2, 1980

- Folder 30: S. 2810 - Child Nutrition, June 11, 1980

- Folder 31: S. J. Res. 184 - Outer Continental Shelf and Energy Restrictions, June 16, 1980

- Folder 32: S. J. Res. 164 - Business Productivity Day of June 17, 1980

- Folder 33: S. Con. Res. 101 - U.S. Automotive Industry, June 18, 1980

- Folder 34: S. 2848 - Royalty Owners, June 19, 1980

- Folder 35: S. 2855 - Commodity Exports, June 20, 1980

- Folder 36: S. 2875 - To Amend the Farm Labor Registration Act of 1963, June 25, 1980

- Folder 37: S. 2878 - To Provide for Permanent Tax rate Reductions for Individuals, June 25, 1980

- Folder 38: S. J. Res. 199 - National High School Week, August 27-September 27, 1980

- Folder 39: S. 3108 - A Bill to Amend Section 72 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) of 1954 Finance Committee, September 11, 1980

- Folder 40: S. 3127 - A Bill to Amend the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act, September 18, 1980

- Folder 41: S. 3148 - To Name the Federal Building to Frank Carlson Federal Building, September 24, 1980

- Folder 42: S. 3147 - To Rename Center in Topeka as Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Center, September 24, 1980

- Folder 43: S. 3162 - Strategic Petroleum Reserve, September 26, 1980

- Folder 44: S. 807 - Federal Assistance Improvement Act of 1981, 1981

- Folder 45: Amdt. to S. 3934 - Permit States to Specify a Speed Limit on Their Highways of up to 60 Miles per Hour, September 11, 1984

- Box 794: Oversize

- Folder 9: S. 1718 - Bingo Bill, May 1975

- Series 8: Subject Files, 1969-1995

- The Subject Files are similar to the Specific Bills in that they are general reference materials maintained by the legislative staff, but they are not limited to single pieces of legislation (or may cover multiple bills) and many files will not contain bill drafts. This sub-series contains extensive documentation of disabilities rights issues, including the Americans with Disabilities Act and the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s.
- Arrangement: All files are assigned a topical folder heading and arranged alphabetically
Extent: 40 boxes
- Box 729

- Folder 46: 91st Congress - Amendments, 1969-1970

- Folder 47: 91st Congress - Bills [1 of 3], 1969-1970

- Box 730

- Folder 1: 91st Congress - Bills [2 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 2: 91st Congress - Bills [3 of 3], 1969-1970

- Folder 3: 91st Congress - Miscellaneous Bills, 1969-1970

- Folder 4: 91st Congress - Resolutions, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: 92nd Congress, 1st Session - Dole Co-Sponsored Amendments, 1971

- Folder 6: 92nd Congress, 1st Session - Dole Co-Sponsored Resolutions, 1971

- Folder 7: 92nd Congress, 1st Session - Dole Sponsored Bills, 1971

- Folder 8: 92nd Congress, 1st Session - Dole Sponsored Resolution, 1971

- Folder 9: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, House Roll Call Votes, 1971

- Folder 10: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, [1 of 3] January-July, 1971

- Box 731

- Folder 1: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, [2 of 3] July-November, 1971

- Folder 2: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, [3 of 3] November-December, 1971

- Folder 3: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, [1 of 2] September-November, 1971

- Folder 4: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, [2 of 2] November-December, 1971

- Folder 5: 92nd Congress, 1st Session, Voting Record (House of Representatives), 1971

- Folder 6: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session - Dole Co-Sponsored Amendments, 1972

- Folder 7: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session - Dole Co-Sponsored Bills, 1972

- Folder 8: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session - Dole Co-Sponsored Resolutions, 1972

- Folder 9: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Sponsored Amendments, 1972

- Folder 10: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Sponsored Bills, 1972

- Folder 11: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Sponsored Resolutions, 1972

- Folder 12: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, House Roll Call Votes, 1972

- Box 732

- Folder 1: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, [1 of 4] January-April, 1972

- Folder 2: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, [2 of 4] April-July, 1972

- Folder 3: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, [3 of 4] July-September, 1972

- Folder 4: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, [4 of 4] September-October, 1972

- Folder 5: 93rd Congress, 1st Session - Dole Co-Sponsored Amendments, 1973

- Folder 6: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Legislation [1 of 2], 1973

- Folder 7: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Legislation [2 of 2], 1973

- Folder 8: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Resolutions, 1973

- Folder 9: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Dole Sponsored Amendments, 1973

- Box 733

- Folder 1: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Dole Sponsored Bills, 1973

- Folder 2: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Dole Sponsored Resolutions, 1973

- Folder 3: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, January-May, 1973

- Folder 4: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, May-June, 1973

- Folder 5: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, June-July, 1973

- Folder 6: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, July-October, 1973

- Folder 7: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, October-December, 1973

- Folder 8: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Record Vote Analysis, December, 1973

- Folder 9: 93rd Congress, 1st Session, Remarks and Colloquies by Dole, January-December, 1973

- Folder 10: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session - Bills, 1973-1974

- Folder 11: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session - Dole Sponsored Amendments, 1974

- Folder 12: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session - Dole Sponsored Resolution, 1974

- Folder 13: 94th Congress, 1st Session, Co-Sponsored Amendments, 1975

- Box 734

- Folder 1: 94th Congress, 1st Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Bills, 1975

- Folder 2: 94th Congress, 1st Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Resolutions, 1975

- Folder 3: 94th Congress, 1st Session, Dole Sponsored Amendments, 1975

- Folder 4: 94th Congress, 1st Session, Dole Sponsored Bills, 1975

- Folder 5: 94th Congress, 1st Session, Dole Sponsored Resolutions, 1975

- Folder 6: 94th Congress, 1st Session - Legislative Updates, 1976

- Folder 7: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Amendments, 1976

- Folder 8: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Bills, 1976

- Folder 9: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Co-Sponsored Resolutions, 1976

- Folder 10: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Sponsored Amendments, 1976

- Folder 11: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Dole Sponsored Bills, 1976

- Folder 12: 94th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Votes, 1976

- Folder 13: 94th Congress, 2nd Session - Legislative Updates, 1976-1978

- Folder 14: 95th Congress, 1st Session, Legislative Updates, 1977

- Folder 15: 95th Congress, 1st Session, Legislative Updates, 1978-1979

- Box 735

- Folder 1: 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, January-April, 1978

- Folder 2: 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, April-July, 1978

- Folder 3: 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, July-August, 1978

- Folder 4: 95th Congress, 2nd Session, Record Vote Analysis, August-October 15, 1978

- Folder 5: 95th Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: 96th Congress, Legislative Updates, 1979-1980

- Box 736

- Folder 1: 97th Congress - Legislative Updates, January - December, 1981-1982

- Folder 2: 97th Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January 5 - January 2, 1981-1983

- Folder 3: 98th Congress - Legislative Updates, January - December, 1983

- Folder 4: 98th Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January 3 - January 2, 1983-1985

- Folder 5: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 8], 1983

- Box 737

- Folder 1: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 8], 1983

- Folder 2: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 8], 1983

- Folder 3: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [4 of 8], 1983

- Folder 4: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [5 of 8], 1983

- Folder 5: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [6 of 8], 1983

- Folder 6: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [7 of 8], 1983

- Box 738

- Folder 1: 98th Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [8 of 8], 1983

- Folder 2: 98th Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored, 1984

- Folder 3: 99th Congress - Legislative Updates, 1985

- Folder 4: 99th Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January 3 - January 2, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: 100th Congress - Banking [1 of 2], 1988

- Box 739

- Folder 1: 100th Congress - Banking [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 2: 100th Congress - Banking Issues/Chronological File [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: 100th Congress - Banking Issues/Chronological File [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 4: 100th Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January 6 - March 29, 1987-1990

- Folder 5: 101st Congress - Banking [1 of 2], 1988-1989

- Box 740

- Folder 1: 101st Congress - Banking [2 of 2], 1988-1989

- Folder 2: 101st Congress - Bills Presented, 1989-1990

- Folder 3: 101st Congress - Legislative Activities - The Honorable Bob Dole of Kansas, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: 101st Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January 3 - January 6, 1989-1991

- Box 741

- Folder 1: 101st Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 5], 1989

- Folder 2: 101st Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 5], 1989

- Folder 3: 101st Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 5], 1989

- Folder 4: 101st Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [4 of 5], 1989

- Folder 5: 101st Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [5 of 5], 1989

- Folder 6: 101st Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 3], 1990

- Box 742

- Folder 1: 101st Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 3], 1990

- Folder 2: 101st Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 3], 1990

- Folder 3: 102nd Congress - Bills Presented, 1991

- Folder 4: 102nd Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January 3 - January 5, 1991-1993

- Folder 5: 102nd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 6], 1991

- Box 743

- Folder 1: 102nd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 6], 1991

- Folder 2: 102nd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 6], 1991

- Folder 3: 102nd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [4 of 6], 1991

- Folder 4: 102nd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [5 of 6], 1991

- Folder 5: 102nd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [6 of 6], 1991

- Folder 6: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 7], 1992

- Box 744

- Folder 1: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 7], 1992

- Folder 2: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 7], 1992

- Folder 3: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [4 of 7], 1992

- Folder 4: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [5 of 7], 1992

- Folder 5: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [6 of 7], 1992

- Box 745

- Folder 1: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [7 of 7], 1992

- Folder 2: 103rd Congress - Bills Introduced, 1993

- Folder 3: 103rd Congress - Bills Presented [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 4: 103rd Congress - Bills Presented [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 5: 103rd Congress - Measures Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Senator Dole, January - July 10, 1993

- Folder 6: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 9], 1993

- Folder 7: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 9], 1993

- Folder 8: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 9], 1993

- Box 746

- Folder 1: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [4 of 9], 1993

- Folder 2: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [5 of 9], 1993

- Folder 3: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [6 of 9], 1993

- Folder 4: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [7 of 9], 1993

- Folder 5: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [8 of 9], 1993

- Folder 6: 103rd Congress, 1st Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [9 of 9], 1993

- Folder 7: 103rd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [1 of 3], 1994

- Box 747

- Folder 1: 103rd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 2: 103rd Congress, 2nd Session - Legislation Sponsored and Cosponsored [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: 104th Congress - Bills Introduced [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 4: 104th Congress - Bills Introduced [2 of 2], 1996

- Folder 5: Aging - Commission on Aging/Nutrition, 1993

- Folder 6: Aging - Conference on Aging and "Green Thumb" Letters, 1995

- Folder 7: Aging - National Conference on Rural Aging, 1993

- Folder 8: Aging - Surplus Supplies and Equipment to Older Americans, 1972-1974

- Folder 9: Air Pollution Background, 1970

- Box 748

- Folder 1: Air Pollution - Kansas (Dole Amendment Included), 1970

- Folder 2: Air Quality - Kansas, 1969-1971

- Folder 3: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1987, 1987

- Associated files: s-leg_748_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) [1 of 4], 1988-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_748_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) [2 of 4], 1988-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_748_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) [3 of 4], 1988-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_748_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) [4 of 4], 1988-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_748_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - 3rd Anniversary Celebration, August 5, 1993

- Associated files: s-leg_748_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 9: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - 4th Anniversary Celebration, July 25, 1994

- Associated files: s-leg_748_009_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 10: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Architectural Barriers, 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_748_010_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 11: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Arnold, Richard - Cancer Survivor and Supreme Court Nominee, 1994

- Associated files: s-leg_748_011_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 749

- Folder 1: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Attacks [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Attacks [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Chapman Amendment, 1990

- Associated files: s-leg_749_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Congressional Compliance [1 of 3], 1992-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Congressional Compliance [2 of 3], 1992-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Congressional Compliance [3 of 3], 1992-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Data for Policy Guidelines [1 of 2], 1989-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Data for Policy Guidelines [2 of 2], 1989-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 9: Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) - Extension of Compliance Dates, 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_749_009_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 750

- Folder 1: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Factsheets, 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_750_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Guidelines, 1990-1994

- Associated files: s-leg_750_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - House Testimony, 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_750_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Implementation, 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_750_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Irving Zola Memorial Service, 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_750_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Justin Dart, Chairman of the Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities, 1988-1995

- Associated files: s-leg_750_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Letters, 1989-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_750_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Memorandum [1 of 2], 1988-1994

- Associated files: s-leg_750_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 9: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Memorandum [2 of 2], 1988-1994

- Associated files: s-leg_750_009_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 10: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Passage [1 of 2], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_750_010_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 751

- Folder 1: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Passage [2 of 2], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_751_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Press Releases, 1988-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_751_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Reference Materials [1 of 2], 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_751_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Reference Materials [2 of 2], 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_751_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Regulations [1 of 2], 1991

- Associated files: s-leg_751_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Regulations [2 of 2], 1991

- Associated files: s-leg_751_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Related Data [1 of 2], 1973-1993

- Associated files: s-leg_751_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Related Data [2 of 2], 1973-1986

- Associated files: s-leg_751_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 752

- Folder 1: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Related Materials, 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_752_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - S. 2345 [1 of 2], 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_752_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - S. 2345 [2 of 2], 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_752_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Senate Testimony [1 of 2], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_752_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Senate Testimony [2 of 2], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_752_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Senator Lowell Weicker Statements, 1985-1988

- Associated files: s-leg_752_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Small Business Concerns, 1989-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_752_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Statements [1 of 2], 1973-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_752_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 9: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Statements [2 of 2], 1973-1990

- Associated files: s-leg_752_009_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 753

- Folder 1: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Summaries, Facts, and Budgets, 1988-1989

- Associated files: s-leg_753_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Technical Assistance, 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_753_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Testimonies, 1989-1992

- Associated files: s-leg_753_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Texas School Compliance with Section 504 Legislation, 1993

- Associated files: s-leg_753_004_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 5: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Thornburgh, Richard - Americans with Disabilities Act Remarks, 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_753_005_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 6: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Unfunded Mandate Reference [1 of 2], 1994

- Associated files: s-leg_753_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Unfunded Mandate Reference [2 of 2], 1994

- Associated files: s-leg_753_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - United Nations Decade of Disabled Persons, 1986-1989

- Associated files: s-leg_753_008_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 9: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - U.S. Conference of Mayors, June 17, 1995

- Associated files: s-leg_753_009_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 10: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Various Drafts S. 933 [1 of 4], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_753_010_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Box 754

- Folder 1: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Various Drafts of S. 933 [2 of 4], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_754_001_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 2: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Various Drafts of S. 933 [3 of 4], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_754_002_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 3: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) - Various Drafts of S. 933 [4 of 4], 1989

- Associated files: s-leg_754_003_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 4: Ayers, Ann, 1994

- Folder 5: Banking and Finance - Dole Testimony, April - May, 1989

- Folder 6: Block Grants, 1990-1994

- Folder 7: CIGNA, Anti-Managed Care Legislation, August - July, 1989-1990

- Folder 8: Crime and Disability - Children, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Crime and Disability - Correspondence, 1993-1995

- Box 755

- Folder 1: Crime and Disability - Legislation, 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Crime and Disability - Reference, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Country Reports on Human Rights [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 4: Country Reports on Human Rights Practices [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 5: Day of Bread, 1969-1971

- Folder 6: Disabled - 25th Anniversary of Maiden Speech Luncheon, 1969-1974

- Folder 7: Disabled - Amendment Expanding United States Information Agency (USIA) in Disability Exchanges [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Amendment Expanding United States Information Agency (USIA) in Disability Exchanges [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 9: Disabled - American Disabled for Attendant Programs Today (ADAPT), 1989-1995

- Folder 10: Disabled - American Foreign Policy Act of 1993 - Drafts and Research, 1993

- Folder 11: Disabled - America's Disability Channel (ADC), 1992-1994

- Box 756

- Folder 1: Disabled - Amputee Coalition of America, 1993

- Folder 2: Disabled - Artlink, Disabled Artists, 1992

- Folder 3: Disabled - Athletics and the Disabled, 1994

- Folder 4: Disabled - The Beach Center on Families and Disability Publications on Child Abuse and Neglect, 1990-1995

- Folder 5: Disabled - Better America Foundation, Restructuring the Department of Education, 1995

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bill of Rights for Handicapped, May 22, 1993

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bowe, Frank Correspondence, 1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Boy Scouts and Disability, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation of Kansas, Inc., 1995

- Folder 10: Disabled - Chairman of Subcommittee on Handicapped, 1989

- Folder 11: Disabled - Children's Supplemental Security Income (SSI), 1995

- Folder 12: Disabled - Civil Rights and Disabilities Reference Material, 1983-1989

- Folder 13: Disabled - Close-Captioned Television, 1982

- Folder 14: Disabled - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [Helsinki Commission] - Disability Rights in U.S. Foreign Policy, 1991-1994

- Folder 15: Disabled - Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, 1994

- Folder 16: Disabled - Contract with America: Welfare Reform and Disabled, 1994

- Box 757

- Folder 1: Disabled - Design for Disability: Studies in Accessibility, 1993

- Folder 2: Disabled - Disability Related Decisions of Judge Breyer, 1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Disability Rights Worldwide, 1993

- Folder 4: Disabled - Disabled and Foreign Policy, 1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Disabled Rights and Foreign Policy Correspondence, 1993-1995

- Folder 6: Disabled - Disabled Veterans, 1970-1973

- Folder 7: Disabled - Dodd/Jeffords Amendment for Special Education Funding, 1993-1994

- Folder 8: Disabled - Drunk Driving Accidents, undated

- Folder 9: Disabled - Education of the Deaf, Hearing Devices, 1972-1973

- Folder 10: Disabled - Education and Disabilities, 1990-1995

- Folder 11: Disabled - Emergency Supplemental Amendments to Social Security Act, 1994

- Folder 12: Disabled - Establishment of Disabilities Prevention Program, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Disabled - Foreign Aid for Disabilities, 1992

- Box 758

- Folder 1: Disabled - H.R. 4277/S. 1560 - Social Security Reform Act of 1994 [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 2: Disabled - H.R. 4277/S. 1560 - Social Security Reform Act of 1994 [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Handicapped Accessibility in Federal Buildings, 1985-1995

- Folder 4: Disabled - Higher Education and Disability Reauthorization Bill, 1992

- Folder 5: Disabled - HIV/AIDS and Disabilities, 1987-1989

- Folder 6: Disabled - Hutchinson Heights [1 of 2], 1985-1995

- Folder 7: Disabled - Hutchinson Heights [2 of 2], 1985-1995

- Folder 8: Disabled - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Kansas, 1995

- Folder 9: Disabled - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Letters, 1995

- Folder 10: Disabled - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Out of State Letters, 1995

- Folder 11: Disabled - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) - Outreach Meetings, 1993

- Folder 12: Disabled - International Business Machines (IMB) Handicapped Awards Remarks, November 2, 1981

- Folder 13: Disabled - International Decade of Disabled Persons, 1982

- Box 759

- Folder 1: Disabled - International Year of Disabled Persons, 1981

- Folder 2: Disabled - Johns Hopkins University Awards Dinner Speech, undated

- Folder 3: Disabled - Legislation, 1972-1974

- Folder 4: Disabled - Legislation, General, 1977-1994

- Folder 5: Disabled - Little League Baseball/Disabled Children, 1993

- Folder 6: Disabled - Lestrange Decision - U.S. Supreme Court, Employment Discrimination Protection, 1983

- Folder 7: Disabled - Maiden Speech, April 14, 1969

- Folder 8: Disabled - Mainstream, Inc., Remarks by Senator Dole on the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, July 25, 1977

- Folder 9: Disabled - Medicaid Issues, 1993

- Folder 10: Disabled - National Association of Hearing and Speech Agencies (NAHSA) Speech, 1970

- Folder 11: Disabled - National Commission on the Future of Disability, 1994

- Folder 12: Disabled - National Council on Disability, 1994

- Folder 13: Disabled - National Disability Employment Awareness Month, October, 1994

- Folder 14: Disabled - National Employment of the Handicapped Week, Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Remarks, October 4, 1983

- Folder 15: Disabled - National Kidney and Urologic Disease Advisory Board, 1994

- Folder 16: Disabled - National Wheelchair Basketball Awards Banquet, April 5, 1980

- Folder 17: Disabled - "People in Motion" Series on Assistive Technology, 1994-1995

- Folder 18: Disabled - Personal Assistance and the Disabled, 1987-1991

- Folder 19: Disabled - Photo Opportunity with Disabled Constituent William Moon, 1993-1994

- Folder 20: Disabled - Physical Access to Federal Building Requirements [Legislation], 1967-1992

- Folder 21: Disabled - President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities, 1992-1993

- Folder 22: Disabled - "Progress and Potential," by Senator Bob Dole in "Computer Decisions Magazine", undated

- Folder 23: Disabled - Pryor/Kohl Disability Tax Credit, 1990

- Box 760

- Folder 1: Disabled - Randolph Sheppard Act (Blind Vendors Program), 1985

- Folder 2: Disabled - Reauthorization of Rehabilitation Act, 1983

- Folder 3: Disabled - Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Statement, March 27, 1973

- Folder 4: Disabled - Rehabilitation Act of 1974 - Veto Override, November 21, 1974

- Folder 5: Disability - Rehabilitation of Disabled - Federal Review Board, 1993-1995

- Folder 6: Disabled - S. 1256 - American Foreign Policy Act of 1993 [Correspondence], 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Disabled - S. 1256 - Disability Rights in American Foreign Policy Act [Dole Co-Sponsor], 1993

- Folder 8: Disabled - S. 1860 - Special Olympics, 1994

- Folder 9: Disabled - S. 3065 Rehabilitation Act Amendments, 1992

- Folder 10: Disabled - Social Security Disability Benefits, 1993-1995

- Folder 11: Disabled - Social Security Disability Controversies [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Disabled - Social Security Disability Controversies [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 13: Disabled - Social Security and Family Policy, 1989-1991

- Box 761

- Folder 1: Disability - Speech, Menninger Foundation, "Independence Through Employment," October 16, 1980

- Folder 2: Disability - Speech, National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities, July 1, 1989

- Folder 3: Disability - Speech, National Federation of the Blind, July 8, 1981

- Folder 4: Disability - Statement on the 13th Anniversary of Senator Dole's Wounding, April 14, 1982

- Folder 5: Disability - Tax Status of the Disabled, 1967

- Folder 6: Disabled - Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities [1 of 2], 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_761_006_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 7: Disabled - Task Force on the Rights and Empowerment of Americans with Disabilities [2 of 2], 1988

- Associated files: s-leg_761_007_all.pdf (Entire folder)
- Folder 8: Disabled - Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities, 1993

- Folder 9: Disabled - Telecommunications and Disability [1 of 3], 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Disabled - Telecommunications and Disability [2 of 3], 1993-1995

- Folder 11: Disabled - Telecommunications and Disability [3 of 3], 1993-1995

- Folder 12: Disabled - Transportation and Disabilities [1 of 2], 1989

- Box 762

- Folder 1: Disabled - Transportation and Disabilities [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 2: Disabled - Vaccine Injury Compensation, 1991-1994

- Folder 3: Disabled - Voting Access for Disabled, 1984-1989

- Folder 4: Disabled - Vocational Rehabilitation, 1986-1993

- Folder 5: Disabled - Weihenmayer, Erik - American Foundation for the Blind, 1995

- Folder 6: Disabled - Whitestone, Heather - Miss America, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Disabled - Work Incentives Conference, January 6, 1995

- Folder 8: Disabled - "Yes I Can" Awards, Neil Smith, 1994

- Folder 9: Dole/Packwood Heath Care Reform Legislation, 1994

- Folder 10: Economic Development Administration (EDA) - Minority Business Report, 1971

- Folder 11: Economic Development Legislation, 1971

- Folder 12: Electoral Reform [1 of 2], 1969-1970

- Folder 13: Electoral Reform [2 of 2], 1969-1970

- Box 763

- Folder 1: Family and Medical Leave, 1991

- Folder 2: Farm Labor, 1970-1971

- Folder 3: Food Stamp Hearings, 1972-1973

- Folder 4: Food Stamp Reform, 1976

- Folder 5: Home Health Care Legislation, [1987-1988]

- Folder 6: Kansas Legislative Information, 1971

- Folder 7: Medicare Capital Payments, 1988-1991

- Folder 8: Medicare Capital Payments, 1991

- Folder 9: S. 1007 - National Mentor Corps Act, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, 1990

- Folder 11: Pollution - Air and Water Subcommittee - Summary Legislation, 1971

- Folder 12: Pollution - Clean Air Acts, 1968-1970

- Folder 13: Pollution - Clean Air Act Conference, 1969

- Box 764

- Folder 1: Pollution - Clean Air Amendments, 1970

- Folder 2: Pollution - Clean Air Research, 1969-1970

- Folder 3: Pollution - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports on Pollution Legislation, 1968-1971

- Folder 4: Pollution - Corps of Engineers - Oversight Hearings on Rivers and Harbors, 1969-1970

- Folder 5: Pollution - Cost of Clean Water [1 of 2], 1968-1970

- Folder 6: Pollution - Cost of Clean Water [2 of 2], 1970-1971

- Folder 7: Pollution - Out-of-State Letters on the Water Pollution Bill, 1971-1972

- Box 765

- Folder 1: Pollution - Rivers and Harbors Conference Report, 1970

- Folder 2: Pollution - Saxbe Amendment to Water Pollution Act, 1970

- Folder 3: Pollution - Subcommittee on Air and Water Pollution - Hearing on Brussels Treaty, 1970

- Folder 4: Pollution - Water Pollution Control Act (Amendments and Correspondence) [1 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 5: Pollution - Water Pollution Control Act (Amendments and Correspondence) [2 of 2], 1971-1972

- Folder 6: Pollution - Water Pollution Hearings - Oversight Hearings, 1970-1971

- Folder 7: Prescription Drug Costs, 1991

- Folder 8: Public Works - Farmers Home Administration (FmHA) Water and Sewer System Loans, 1970

- Folder 9: Puerto Rican Statehood [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 10: Puerto Rican Statehood [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 11: Religion - Unification Church, Reverend Moon, 1975

- Folder 12: Republican Health Care Task Force [1 of 3], 1990

- Box 766

- Folder 1: Republican Health Care Task Force [2 of 3], 1989-1991

- Folder 2: Republican Health Care Task Force [3 of 3], 1989-1991

- Folder 3: Rules Committee, 1984

- Folder 4: Savings and Loan - Administration, 1989

- Folder 5: Savings and Loan - Background, 1988-1989

- Folder 6: Savings and Loan - Capital, 1989

- Folder 7: Savings and Loan - Clippings, 1988-1989

- Folder 8: Savings and Loan - Conference Strategy, 1989

- Folder 9: Savings and Loan - Cost Estimates, 1988-1989

- Folder 10: Savings and Loan - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 1988-1989

- Folder 11: Savings and Loan - Federal Home Loan Bank Board, 1988-1989

- Folder 12: Savings and Loan - S. 744 - Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRRE Act), 1988-1989

- Folder 13: Savings and Loan - Floor Strategy, 1989

- Folder 14: Savings and Loan - Funding, 1988-1989

- Folder 15: Savings and Loan - Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Waiver, 1989

- Box 767

- Folder 1: Savings and Loan - Kansas, 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Savings and Loan - Key Votes, 1989

- Folder 3: Savings and Loan - Miscellaneous, 1989

- Folder 4: Savings and Loan - H.R. 1278 - Reform and Refinancing Bill, 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Savings and Loan - S. 413 - Reform Plan and Justice Department, 1989

- Folder 6: Savings and Loan - Senator Dole's Statements, 1989

- Folder 7: Social Security Tax Cuts - Association Positions, 1990-1991

- Folder 8: Social Security Tax Cuts - Bush Administration Proposals, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Social Security Tax Cuts - Domenici Amendments, 1990-1991

- Folder 10: Social Security Tax Cuts - Hearings and Testimony, 1990

- Folder 11: Social Security Tax Cuts - Memos, 1990-1991

- Folder 12: Social Security Tax Cuts - Proposals, 1990

- Folder 13: Social Security Tax Cuts - Reference Files, 1988-1990

- Folder 14: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Abuses, 1993-1994

- Folder 15: Transportation - Trucking Industry Legislation, 1977

- Folder 16: U.S. AID - U.S. Agency for International Development, 1992

- Folder 17: Violations of Law by the Administrator of General Services, 1992

- Box 768

- Folder 1: Voting Record by Subject - Foreign Aid-Labor, 1971

- Folder 2: Voting Record by Subject - Pollution-Veterans, 1966-1973

- Folder 3: Voting Record by Subject - Vietnam-Youth, 1968-1973

- Folder 4: Welfare - Information on State Welfare Programs, June - October, 1970-1971

- Folder 5: Women - Women's Rights Legislation, January-November, 1983

- Box Oversize B: Mixed Collection Box

- Folder 8: S. 2127 - Perry Reservoir

- Folder 14: Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – Congressional Compliance. [3 of 3] Capital Building for ADA Compliance, March 9, 1995

- Series 9: Voting/Attendance Record, 1969-1992

- These files are summary reports of Dole's Senate votes and also summaries of Senate votes on specific bills. These files cover the 91st Congress, 1st session though the 102nd Congress, 2nd session. At the end of the sub-series are reports on voting state and county voting trends nationwide. Most of the files were originally bound into volumes that covered several Congresses. Some of the volumes were prepared by the Senator's staff, others were prepared by the national Republican party as a legislative quick reference.
- Arrangement: They are arranged by Congress and session beginning with the 91st Congress, 1st session in 1969 and ending with the 102nd Congress, 2nd session in 1992.
Extent: 23 boxes
- Box 768

- Folder 6: 91st Congress, 1st Session [1 of 5], 1969

- Box 769

- Folder 1: 91st Congress, 1st Session [2 of 5], 1969

- Folder 2: 91st Congress, 1st Session [3 of 5], 1969

- Folder 3: 91st Congress, 1st Session [4 of 5], 1969

- Folder 4: 91st Congress, 1st Session [5 of 5], 1969

- Folder 5: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 10], 1970

- Folder 6: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 10], 1970

- Folder 7: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 10], 1970

- Box 770

- Folder 1: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 10], 1970

- Folder 2: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 10], 1970

- Folder 3: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [6 of 10], 1970

- Folder 4: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [7 of 10], 1970

- Folder 5: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [8 of 10], 1970

- Folder 6: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [9 of 10], 1970

- Box 771

- Folder 1: 91st Congress, 2nd Session [10 of 10], 1970

- Folder 2: 92nd Congress, 1st Session [1 of 2], 1971

- Folder 3: 92nd Congress, 1st Session [2 of 2], 1971

- Folder 4: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 2], 1972

- Folder 5: 92nd Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 2], 1972

- Folder 6: 93rd Congress, 1st Session [1 of 3], 1973

- Folder 7: 93rd Congress, 1st Session [2 of 3], 1973

- Folder 8: 93rd Congress, 1st Session [3 of 3], 1973

- Folder 9: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 6], 1974

- Folder 10: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 6], 1974

- Folder 11: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 6], 1974

- Folder 12: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 6], 1974

- Box 772

- Folder 1: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 6], 1974

- Folder 2: 93rd Congress, 2nd Session [6 of 6], 1974

- Folder 3: 94th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 6], 1975

- Folder 4: 94th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 6], 1975

- Folder 5: 94th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 6], 1975

- Folder 6: 94th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 6], 1975

- Folder 7: 94th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 6], 1975

- Folder 8: 94th Congress, 1st Session [6 of 6], 1975

- Folder 9: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 8], 1976

- Box 773

- Folder 1: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 8], 1976

- Folder 2: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 8], 1976

- Folder 3: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 8], 1976

- Folder 4: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 8], 1976

- Folder 5: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [6 of 8], 1976

- Folder 6: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [7 of 8], 1976

- Folder 7: 94th Congress, 2nd Session [8 of 8], 1976

- Box 774

- Folder 1: 95th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 7], 1977

- Folder 2: 95th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 7], 1977

- Folder 3: 95th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 7], 1977

- Folder 4: 95th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 7], 1977

- Folder 5: 95th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 7], 1977

- Folder 6: 95th Congress, 1st Session [6 of 7], 1977

- Box 775

- Folder 1: 95th Congress, 1st Session [7 of 7], 1977

- Folder 2: 95th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 2], 1978

- Folder 3: 95th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 2], 1978

- Folder 4: 96th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 6], 1979

- Folder 5: 96th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 6], 1979

- Folder 6: 96th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 6], 1979

- Folder 7: 96th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 6], 1979

- Folder 8: 96th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 6], 1979

- Folder 9: 96th Congress, 1st Session [6 of 6], 1979

- Folder 10: 96th Congress, 1st Session - Senator Kassebaum's Voting Record, 1979

- Box 776

- Folder 1: 96th Congress, 1st Session - Significant Vote Report, 1979

- Folder 2: 96th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 5], 1980

- Folder 3: 96th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 5], 1980

- Folder 4: 96th Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 5], 1980

- Folder 5: 96th Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 5], 1980

- Folder 6: 96th Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 5], 1980

- Folder 7: 97th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 8], 1981

- Box 777

- Folder 1: 97th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 8], 1981

- Folder 2: 97th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 8], 1981

- Folder 3: 97th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 8], 1981

- Folder 4: 97th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 8], 1981

- Folder 5: 97th Congress, 1st Session [6 of 8], 1981

- Box 778

- Folder 1: 97th Congress, 1st Session [7 of 8], 1981

- Folder 2: 97th Congress, 1st Session [8 of 8], 1981

- Folder 3: 97th Congress, 1st Session through 99th Congress, 2nd Session - Voting Record by Issue, 1981-1986

- Folder 4: 97th Congress, 1st Session through 98th Congress, 2nd Session - Voting Record Memos, 1981-1984

- Folder 5: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 11], 1982

- Folder 6: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 11], 1982

- Folder 7: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 11], 1982

- Folder 8: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 11], 1982

- Folder 9: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 11], 1982

- Box 779

- Folder 1: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [6 of 11], 1982

- Folder 2: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [7 of 11], 1982

- Folder 3: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [8 of 11], 1982

- Folder 4: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [9 of 11], 1982

- Folder 5: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [10 of 11], 1982

- Folder 6: 97th Congress, 2nd Session [11 of 11], 1982

- Folder 7: 97th Congress, 2nd Session through 102nd Congress, 2nd Session - Senator Dole's Voting Record, Summary, 1982-1992

- Box 780

- Folder 1: 97th Congress - Significant Vote Report, 1981-1982

- Folder 2: 98th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 9], 1983

- Folder 3: 98th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 9], 1983

- Folder 4: 98th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 9], 1983

- Folder 5: 98th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 9], 1983

- Folder 6: 98th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 9], 1983

- Folder 7: 98th Congress, 1st Session [6 of 9], 1983

- Folder 8: 98th Congress, 1st Session [7 of 9], 1983

- Box 781

- Folder 1: 98th Congress, 1st Session [8 of 9], 1983

- Folder 2: 98th Congress, 1st Session [9 of 9], 1983

- Folder 3: 98th Congress, 1st Session through 100th Congress, 2nd Session - Voting Record by Selected Issues, 1988

- Folder 4: 98th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 5: 98th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 6: 98th Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 4], 1984

- Box 782

- Folder 1: 98th Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: 99th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 5], 1985

- Folder 3: 99th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 5], 1985

- Folder 4: 99th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 5], 1985

- Folder 5: 99th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 5], 1985

- Folder 6: 99th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 5], 1985

- Folder 7: 99th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 5], 1986

- Folder 8: 99th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 5], 1986

- Box 783

- Folder 1: 99th Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 5], 1986

- Folder 2: 99th Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 5], 1986

- Folder 3: 99th Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 5], 1986

- Folder 4: 100th Congress, 1st Session [1 of 5], 1987

- Folder 5: 100th Congress, 1st Session [2 of 5], 1987

- Folder 6: 100th Congress, 1st Session [3 of 5], 1987

- Box 784

- Folder 1: 100th Congress, 1st Session [4 of 5], 1987

- Folder 2: 100th Congress, 1st Session [5 of 5], 1987

- Folder 3: 100th Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 5], 1988

- Folder 4: 100th Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 5], 1988

- Folder 5: 100th Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 5], 1988

- Folder 6: 100th Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 5], 1988

- Folder 7: 100th Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 5], 1988

- Box 785

- Folder 1: 101st Congress, 1st Session [1 of 8], 1989

- Folder 2: 101st Congress, 1st Session [2 of 8], 1989

- Folder 3: 101st Congress, 1st Session [3 of 8], 1989

- Folder 4: 101st Congress, 1st Session [4 of 8], 1989

- Folder 5: 101st Congress, 1st Session [5 of 8], 1989

- Folder 6: 101st Congress, 1st Session [6 of 8], 1989

- Box 786

- Folder 1: 101st Congress, 1st Session [7 of 8], 1989

- Folder 2: 101st Congress, 1st Session [8 of 8], 1989

- Folder 3: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 8], 1990

- Folder 4: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 8], 1990

- Folder 5: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 8], 1990

- Folder 6: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 8], 1990

- Box 787

- Folder 1: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 8], 1990

- Folder 2: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [6 of 8], 1990

- Folder 3: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [7 of 8], 1990

- Folder 4: 101st Congress, 2nd Session [8 of 8], 1990

- Folder 5: 102nd Congress, 1st Session [1 of 3], 1991

- Folder 6: 102nd Congress, 1st Session [2 of 3], 1991

- Folder 7: 102nd Congress, 1st Session [3 of 3], 1991

- Box 788

- Folder 1: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [1 of 7], 1992

- Folder 2: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [2 of 7], 1992

- Folder 3: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [3 of 7], 1992

- Folder 4: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [4 of 7], 1992

- Folder 5: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [5 of 7], 1992

- Folder 6: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [6 of 7], 1992

- Folder 7: 102nd Congress, 2nd Session [7 of 7], 1992

- Folder 8: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Alabama, 1968-1976

- Folder 9: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Alaska, 1976

- Folder 10: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Arizona, 1968-1976

- Folder 11: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Arkansas, 1968-1976

- Folder 12: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - California, 1968-1976

- Folder 13: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Colorado, 1968-1976

- Folder 14: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Connecticut, 1968-1976

- Folder 15: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Delaware, 1968-1976

- Folder 16: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Florida, 1968-1976

- Folder 17: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Georgia, 1968-1976

- Folder 18: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Hawaii, 1968-1976

- Folder 19: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Idaho, 1968-1976

- Folder 20: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Illinois, 1968-1976

- Folder 21: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Indiana, 1968-1976

- Folder 22: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Iowa, 1968-1976

- Folder 23: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Kansas, 1968-1976

- Folder 24: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Kentucky, 1968-1976

- Box 789

- Folder 1: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Louisiana, 1968-1976

- Folder 2: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Maine, 1968-1976

- Folder 3: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Maryland, 1968-1976

- Folder 4: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Massachusetts, 1968-1976

- Folder 5: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Michigan, 1968-1976

- Folder 6: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Minnesota, 1968-1976

- Folder 7: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Mississippi, 1968-1976

- Folder 8: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Missouri, 1968-1976

- Folder 9: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Montana, 1968-1976

- Folder 10: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Nebraska, 1968-1976

- Folder 11: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Nevada, 1968-1976

- Folder 12: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - New Hampshire, 1968-1976

- Folder 13: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - New Jersey, 1968-1976

- Folder 14: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - New Mexico, 1968-1976

- Folder 15: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - New York, 1968-1976

- Folder 16: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - North Carolina, 1968-1976

- Folder 17: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - North Dakota, 1968-1976

- Folder 18: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Ohio, 1968-1976

- Folder 19: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Oklahoma, 1968-1976

- Folder 20: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Oregon, 1968-1976

- Folder 21: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Pennsylvania, 1968-1976

- Folder 22: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Rhode Island, 1968-1976

- Folder 23: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - South Carolina, 1968-1976

- Folder 24: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - South Dakota, 1968-1976

- Folder 25: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Tennessee, 1968-1976

- Folder 26: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Texas, 1968-1976

- Folder 27: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Utah, 1968-1976

- Folder 28: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Vermont, 1968-1976

- Folder 29: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Virginia, 1968-1976

- Folder 30: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Washington, 1968-1976

- Folder 31: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - West Virginia, 1968-1976

- Folder 32: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Wisconsin, 1968-1976

- Folder 33: Nationwide Voting Record by County and State - Wyoming, 1968-1976

- Folder 34: "Report of Findings: A Study of the Attitudes and Intentions of Eligible and Likely Voters in the 1986 Kansas Statewide Elections," October, 1986

- Folder 35: Senate Republican Conference Voting Analysis, 1979-1980

- Folder 36: Status of Legislation and Background Information on Legislative Issues, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1982

- Folder 37: Voting Record Information, 1986

- Box 790

- Folder 1: Voting Record Information, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Voting Record Summary [1 of 2], 1969-1973

- Folder 3: Voting Record Summary [2 of 2], 1969-1973

Browse by Series:
Series 1: Briefing Books, 1972-1994],
Series 2: Committee Files, 1973-1994],
Series 3: Congressional Record Inserts, 1973-1980],
Series 4: Floor Statements, 1969-1994],
Series 5: Kansas Projects, 1963-1994],
Series 6: Legislative Assistants, 1963-1996],
Series 7: Specific Bill Files, 1961-1984],
Series 8: Subject Files, 1969-1995],
Series 9: Voting/Attendance Record, 1969-1992],