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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 24: 1984Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: S.1: Cut Federal Spending, 1/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840103sic.pdf
Folder 2: Senator Dole Releases Kansas Schedule For January 4-7, 1/4/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840104sen.pdf
Folder 3: Mondale Deficit Rhetoric Shows Need For Bipartisan Cooperation, 1/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840105mon.pdf
Folder 4: Dole Seeks Crackdown On Alleged Kansas Adoption Scam, 1/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840105see.pdf
Folder 5: Dole Commends White House Task Force On Food Assistance, 1/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840109com.pdf
Folder 6: Senator Dole To Speak At Des Moines Testimonial Dinner For Chuck Grassley, 1/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840109sen.pdf
Folder 7: Dole Announces Joint Congressional Hearing On Task Force Food Assistance Recommendations, 1/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840110ann.pdf
Folder 8: Dole Urges Treasury Secretary Donald Regan To Investigate Kansas Adoption Scheme, 1/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840110urg.pdf
Folder 9: Kansas Senators Announce Grants State Awarded $272,172 For Volunteer Programs, 1/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840112kans.pdf
Folder 10: Dole Praises Task Force On Family Violence, 1/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840112pra.pdf
Folder 11: Dole To Veterans Administrator: Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Hospital Needs Action Now, 1/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840112tov.pdf
Folder 12: Recommendations For Us Attorney For Kansas, 1/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840113bob.pdf
Folder 13: Dole Praises Reagan Speech On Us Soviet Relations, 1/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840116pra.pdf
Folder 14: Dole Proposes Compromise On Telephone Access Charges, 1/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840118pro.pdf
Folder 15: Dole Jepsen Grassley Request Report From State Of Iowa About Midwestern Adoption Scam, 1/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840118sen.pdf
Folder 16: Dole Commends FCC Decision On Telephone Access Charges, 1/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840119com.pdf
Folder 17: Dole Commends Hardage Appointment To Presidential Commission On Industrial Competitiveness, 1/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840119comm.pdf
Folder 18: Dole To Host Urban Development Meeting For Kansas Municipalities In Topeka, 1/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 840124toa.pdf
Folder 19: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Disaster Aid For Ten Counties, 1/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840125doleandkas.pdf
Folder 20: Dole: President Reagan Out Front And Leading The Charge On The Deficit, 1/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840125pre.pdf
Folder 21: Dole Says Final Action By FCC On Access Charges Completely Eliminates Need For Legislation, 1/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840125say.pdf
Folder 22: Senator Dole Releases Witness List For Joint Hearing On President's Task Force On Food Assistance Report, 1/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840125sen.pdf
Folder 23: Dole Hails Victory For Everyone On Telephone Access Charges, 1/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840126hai.pdf
Folder 24: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Joint Congressional Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing On Recommendations Of President's Task Force On Food Assistance, 1/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840126joi.pdf
Folder 25: Dole Kassebaum Announce Federal Housing Grants For Kansas, 1/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840127kas.pdf
Folder 26: Dole: Let's Get Moving On Bipartisan Deficit Reduction Plan, 1/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840127let.pdf
Folder 27: Dole To Address Labor Officials Budget Deficits Of Highlight Talk, 1/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 840127toa.pdf
Folder 28: Remarks At Kansas Veterans Club Topeka Ks; Strategic Nuclear Balance; ICBM; SALT II; START; INF, 1/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840128rem.pdf
Folder 29: Dole Continues To Press For New Mission For McConnell Air Force Base Senator Meets With Top Air Force Officials, Telephones Defense Secretary Weinberger, 1/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 840130con.pdf
Folder 30: Dole Commends Reagan Budget Plan: A Useful First Step In Bipartisan Budget Debate, 2/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840201com.pdf
Folder 31: Dole Announces Replacement Mission For Wichita's McConnell Air Force Base B-1 Bombers To Replace Titan IIs, 2/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 840203ann.pdf
Folder 32: Dole To Introduce Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Act ; Mexican Adoption Scam Other Fraudulent Schemes To Be Addressed In Congressional Hearings, 2/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840203dol.pdf
Folder 33: Dole On EPA Ruling On EDB Tolerances For Grain; Ethylene Dibromide, 2/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 840203epa.pdf
Folder 34: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Federal Funds To Kansas For Prevention Of Juvenile Delinquency, 2/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840203fed.pdf
Folder 35: Dole To Democrats: Let's Meet The Deficit Challenge, 2/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840208dol.pdf
Folder 36: Dole's Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Practices Act Is Introduced--Treasury Secretary Encourages Investigation, 2/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840209ant.pdf
Folder 37: Dole Advises Block To Defer Farm Program Decision, 2/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840210adv.pdf
Folder 38: Dole Receives 9Th Watchdog Of The Treasury Award For Fiscal Integrity, 2/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840210rec.pdf
Folder 39: Kansas City's Federal Offices To Stay Put!, 2/11/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 840211dol.pdf
Folder 40: Finance Committee To Move On Deficit Reduction Package, 2/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840213fin.pdf
Folder 41: Dole Intervenes For Kansas City Metropolitan Designation Writes David Stockman To Keep Kansas City The 29Th Largest Market, 2/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 840213int.pdf
Folder 42: Kansas Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole: Public Meetings With Constituents, 2/15/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840215kan.pdf
Folder 43: Kansas Senators Announce OSHA Grants For Topeka, 2/17/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840217kan.pdf
Folder 44: Dole To Outline "Downpayment" Deficit Package At National Press Club Speech On Wednesday, 2/17/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840217out.pdf
Folder 45: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Land O'Lakes 63rd Annual Meeting; Farm Programs; Agriculture PIK Program, 2/21/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840221rem.pdf
Folder 46: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840222ann.pdf
Folder 47: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Disaster Aid For Remaining Five Counties, 2/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840222dolea.pdf
Folder 48: Dole Pushes For Debate Fair Legislation On Video Bill, 2/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840222pus.pdf
Folder 49: Remarks Of Senator Dole; National Press Club; Budget Deficit; Deficit Reduction Measures, 2/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840222rem.pdf
Folder 50: Dole Applauds EPA Office Relocation, 2/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 840224app.pdf
Folder 51: Dole Kicks Off Easter Seal Society Registration Drive For Disabled And Elderly Americans, 2/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840224kic.pdf
Folder 52: Remarks At National Easter Seal Society Project For Accessible Voting, Manchester, New Hampshire, 2/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840225rem.pdf
Folder 53: Dole Disappointed By Grove City Ruling; Will Consider Legislation To Expand Scope Of Key Anti-Sex Bias Law, 2/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 840228dis.pdf
Folder 54: Media Advisory; Nomination Of Douglas Comer As Us Attorney For Kansas, 2/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840228pre.pdf
Folder 55: Rail Service To Northern Kansas Guaranteed; Dole Hails Financing Of Huck Line, 2/29/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 840229rai.pdf
Folder 56: Dole Seeks Assurances On Continuance Of El Dorado Refinery, 2/29/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 840229see.pdf
Folder 57: Dole: Improved Wheat Program Still Possible, 3/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840301imp.pdf
Folder 58: Dole Pleased Highway Funding Stalemate Is Ending, 3/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840302ple.pdf
Folder 59: Dole Overland Park Prairie Village City Officials Discuss Area Concerns, 3/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840305dol.pdf
Folder 60: Dole Announces Senate Hearings On Adoption Fraud; House Members To Introduce Similar Measure, 3/6/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840306ann.pdf
Folder 61: Dole Pushes For Balanced Budget Amendment At Senate Hearing, 3/6/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840306pus.pdf
Folder 62: Dole Continues To Press For Assurances On El Dorado Refinery; Letter From Texaco Chairman Optimistic But Dole Seeks More, 3/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 840308dol.pdf
Folder 63: Dole Announces Nutrition Speech And Child Nutrition Hearings, 3/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840309ann.pdf
Folder 64: Media Advisory: Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing S. 2299 Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Practices Act Of 1984 March 16,1984, 3/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840309med.pdf
Folder 65: Senator Bob Dole's Schedule For Saturday March 17Th, 3/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840309sen.pdf
Folder 66: Dole Accepts National Achievement Award Of The Association Of Community Cancer Centers, 3/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840310acc.pdf
Folder 67: Dole: Keep Pressure On For Passage Of New 1984 Wheat Program Sign-Up Extension Expected, 3/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840310kee.pdf
Folder 68: Remarks Of Senator Dole Financial World Awards Banquet; The Deficit, 3/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840312rem.pdf
Folder 69: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Child Nutrition Program Reauthorization Hearing March 12, 1984, 3/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840312sta.pdf
Folder 70: Dole To Speak On Deficits Tonight In New York, 3/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840312tos.pdf
Folder 71: Chase Kansas Police Chief John Grubb To Appear Friday On ABC-TVs Good Morning America; Will Explain Role In Mexican Adoption Scam Investigation On Morning Before Dole Hearing, 3/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840314cha.pdf
Folder 72: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing March 15, 1984; Merger Activity In Petroleum Industry, 3/15/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 840315sta.pdf
Folder 73: Dole Congratulates Master Farmers Farm Homemakers, 3/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840316con.pdf
Folder 74: Dole Raps Parochial Interests For Farm Bill Impasse Program Improvements Blocked By Lone Senator, 3/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840316rap.pdf
Folder 75: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Judiciary Subcommittee On Courts Hearing S. 2299 The Anti-Fraudulent Adoption Practices Act Of 1984 March 16, 1984, 3/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840316sta.pdf
Folder 76: Dole Pays Tribute To NAACP Executive Clarence Mitchell, 3/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 840319pay.pdf
Folder 77: Senate Finance Committee Approves Dole Provision To Designate Kansas City As One Metropolitan Statistical Area, 3/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 840319sen.pdf
Folder 78: At Last! House Passage Of Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Legislation Dole Calls For Quick Action In Conference Committee, 3/21/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840321atl.pdf
Folder 79: Dole An Kassebaum Announce Disaster Aid For Remaining Four Counties, 3/21/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840321kas.pdf
Folder 80: Dole Seeks Gao Study Of All Kansas City Federal Office Space, 3/21/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840321see.pdf
Folder 81: 60 Minutes Profile On The Doles To Air Sunday Night, 3/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840322six.pdf
Folder 82: Dole Calls For Speedy House Action On Commodity Improvement Package, 3/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840323cal.pdf
Folder 83: Finance Committee Approves Child Support Improvements, 3/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 840323fin.pdf
Folder 84: Dole: Job Corps Center Coming To Kansas, 3/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 840323job.pdf
Folder 85: Post Rock Rural Water District Construction Phase Underway, 3/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840323pos.pdf
Folder 86: Dole To Address United Jewish Appeal-Federation Tomorrow, 3/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840326dol.pdf
Folder 87: Dole To Chair Hearing Tomorrow On Patent Procedures; Hi-Tech Development Encouraged, 3/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 840326toc.pdf
Folder 88: Dole Calls For Quick And Clean Democrat House Action On Farm Bill No Time To Haggle Over Nickels And Dimes, 3/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840327cal.pdf
Folder 89: Donahue Tv Show To Focus On Adoption Problems; Wichita Victim Of Mexican Adoption Scam Among Guests; Dole Bill To Crackdown On Adoption Scams Discussed, 3/29/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840329don.pdf
Folder 90: Dole Congratulates Coldwater Banker James Herrington For Leadership Role In USDA Approved Lender Program, 3/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Banking  -  PDF available: 840330con.pdf
Folder 91: Forecast Calls For Democratic Freeze On Farm Bill In Conference, 3/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840330for.pdf
Folder 92: Schedule For Senator Bob Dole -- April 6,7, And 8, 1984, 3/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840330sch.pdf
Folder 93: Dole And Dole To Address Economic Club Of New York Tomorrow Night, 4/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840402dol.pdf
Folder 94: Remarks Of Senator Dole New York Economic Club April 3 1984, 4/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840403ton.pdf
Folder 95: Dole Announces Site Selection Task Force For Kansas Federal Job Corps Center Topekan Jerry Holley To Chair Panel, 4/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 840405ann.pdf
Folder 96: Dole: Prime Rate Jumps While Congress Sits, 4/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 840405pri.pdf
Folder 97: Dole To Address Collegiate Entrepreneurs And Will Attend GOP Reception In Boston On April 14, 4/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840405toa.pdf
Folder 98: Remarks Of Senator Dole At Home Builders Association Of Greater Kansas City; Cutting The Deficit, 4/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840407rem.pdf
Folder 99: Statement Of Senator Dole On Expanded Reconciliation Bill - Budget Deficit, 4/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840409exp.pdf
Folder 100: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole The Reauthorization Of The Special Supplemental Food Program For Women Infants And Children (WIC); Subcommittee On Nutrition April 9, 1984, 4/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840409rea.pdf
Folder 101: Remarks Senator Bob Dole At American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee 25Th Policy Conference Washington Hilton, 4/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840409rem.pdf
Folder 102: Dole Congratulates President At Farm Bill Signing, 4/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840410con.pdf
Folder 103: El Dorado Refinery News; Dole Secures Commitment From Texaco That Getty Employees Retirement Benefits Will Be Protected, 4/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840410eld.pdf
Folder 104: Dole Joins Bipartisan Group In Introducing Bill To Negate Grove City; Case Has Punched A Gaping Hole In Civil Rights Laws, 4/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 840412joi.pdf
Folder 105: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Kansas Students As Summer Envoys To Japan, 4/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840412kas.pdf
Folder 106: Local Methodist Students Visit Senator Dole In Washington, 4/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840412loc.pdf
Folder 107: Hud Notification Us Department Of Housing And Urban Development, 4/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840413com.pdf
Folder 108: El Dorado Refinery News; Dole Receives Crude Oil Commitment From Texaco; But Senator Will Continue To Seek Assurances, 4/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840413eld.pdf
Folder 109: Deficit Bill Ensures More Equitable Treatment For All Americans, Dole Says, 4/17/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840417def.pdf
Folder 110: Dole To Address Independent Bankers Association Of America, 4/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840424add.pdf
Folder 111: Dole Hails Passage Of Child Support Enforcement Act, 4/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 840426hai.pdf
Folder 112: Dole Urges Close Watch On Canadian Custom Cutters; Cautions Against Relaxation Of Us Foreign Labor Laws, 4/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Immigration  -  PDF available: 840426urg.pdf
Folder 113: Dole Calls For Approval Of Deficit Package, 4/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840427app.pdf
Folder 114: Dole: Closing The Deficit Gap Has Begun, 4/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840427clo.pdf
Folder 115: Dole A Finalist In American Institute For Public Service 1984 Jefferson Award, 4/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840430afin.pdf
Folder 116: Dole A Finalist In American Institute For Public Service 1984 Jefferson Award, 4/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840430fin.pdf
Folder 117: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole At Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing On The Food Stamp Program April 30, 1984, 4/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840430nut.pdf
Folder 118: Dole Honored For Support Of Higher Education By The National Council Of Higher Education Loan Programs, 5/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 840501dol.pdf
Folder 119: Honoraria Contributed To Charity In 1983, 5/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Financial Records  -  PDF available: 840501hon.pdf
Folder 120: Dole Praises 410 Evac Unit From Topeka; Kansas Hospital Receives Highest Award In Army Reserve, 5/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840502pra.pdf
Folder 121: Senator Dole To Address American Institute Of Certified Public Accountants On Thursday May 3, 5/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840502sen.pdf
Folder 122: Dole Introduces Senate Resolution To Commemorate 30Th Anniversary Of Brown V. Board Of Education, 5/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840503int.pdf
Folder 123: Dole Introduces Senate Resolution To Commemorate 30Th Anniversary Of Brown V. Board Of Education, 5/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840503intr.pdf
Folder 124: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole -- Week Of May 6-12, 1984, 5/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840503sch.pdf
Folder 125: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole -- Week Of May 6-12, 1984, 5/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840503sche.pdf
Folder 126: Dole Asks FTC To Reconsider Texaco/Getty Consent Order, 5/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 840505ask.pdf
Folder 127: El Dorado Refinery News; Dole Asks FTC To Reconsider Texaco Getty Consent Order, 5/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840505eld.pdf
Folder 128: Dole Rated 19Th Most Influential American; 2Nd Most Influential Us Senator, 5/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840507rat.pdf
Folder 129: Senator Dole To Be Honored By George Washington University; Kansan To Receive 1984 Distinguished Public Service Award, 5/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840507sen.pdf
Folder 130: Dole To Address American Society Of Newspaper Editors On Thursday, 5/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840508toa.pdf
Folder 131: Dole To Address American Society Of Newspaper Editors On Thursday, 5/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840508toad.pdf
Folder 132: Remarks Of Senator Dole At George Washington University Public Service Award Dinner; Deficit; Economy, 5/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840509geo.pdf
Folder 133: Dole Meets China's Trade Minister; Urges Increased Chinese Wheat Purchases, 5/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840509mee.pdf
Folder 134: Dole Meets China's Trade Minister; Urges Increased Chinese Wheat Purchases, 5/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840509meet.pdf
Folder 135: Dole Receives Humane Excellence Award From American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals (ASPCA), 5/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840509rec.pdf
Folder 136: Senator Bob Dole Schedule May 11, 12 1984, 5/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840509sen.pdf
Folder 137: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole American Society Of Newspaper Editors; Deficits; Budget Resolution, 5/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840510ame.pdf
Folder 138: Federal Disaster Aid Announced For Atchison, Jackson, And Doniphan Counties, 5/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840510fed.pdf
Folder 139: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole The Annual Truman Scholar Banquet; Radisson-Muehlebach Reducing The Deficit, 5/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840512rem.pdf
Folder 140: Remarks To National Council Of Savings Institutions; Economic Recovery; Deficits, 5/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840514rem.pdf
Folder 141: Remarks To National Council Of Savings Institutions; Economic Recovery; Deficits, 5/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840514rema.pdf
Folder 142: Senator Dole To Appear Tomorrow On NBC's Today Show; Will Address Association Executives Of American Insurance Association, 5/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840514sen.pdf
Folder 143: 32 Kansas Counties Now Eligible Of Federal Disaster Aid; Dole Bill Redefines Eligibility Requirements, 5/15/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840515kan.pdf
Folder 144: Dole Hails Final Wheat Sign-Up Announcement, 5/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840516hai.pdf
Folder 145: Kassebaum Release: Kansas Senators Nancy Landon Kassebaum And Bob Dole Announce Award Of Federal Grant To NCAA Summer Youth Sports Program, 5/17/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840517kan.pdf
Folder 146: Remarks Or Senator Bob Dole Marion High School Graduation; Budget Deficits; National Debt, 5/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840520mar.pdf
Folder 147: Remarks Or Senator Bob Dole Marion High School Graduation; Budget Deficits; National Debt, 5/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840520rem.pdf
Folder 148: Dole Announces Preliminary Fire Safety Construction Funds For Topeka's Colemry-O'Neil VA Hospital, 5/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840522ann.pdf
Folder 149: Dole Urges Swift Senate Approval Of Social Security Disability Act Of 1984 In Remarks To National Organization On Disability, 5/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840522urg.pdf
Folder 150: Dole Urges Swift Senate Approval Of Social Security Disability Act Of 1984 In Remarks To National Organization On Disability, 5/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840522urge.pdf
Folder 151: Dole Kassebaum Announce $12 Million Contract For Fort Riley, 5/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840524kas.pdf
Folder 152: Dole Kassebaum Announce $12 Million Contract For Fort Riley, 5/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840524kass.pdf
Folder 153: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Before Senate Labor And Human Resources Committee S. 2568 The Civil Rights Act Of 1984, 5/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 840524lab.pdf
Folder 154: Dole Foundation Names Carl H. Rush Executive Director, 5/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840525fou.pdf
Folder 155: Senator Dole's Memorial Day Statement, 5/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840525sen.pdf
Folder 156: Senator Dole's Memorial Day Statement, 5/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840525sena.pdf
Folder 157: Construction Slated For Post Rock Rural Water District, 5/31/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840531con.pdf
Folder 158: Construction Slated For Post Rock Rural Water District, 5/31/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840531cons.pdf
Folder 159: Dole Heads War Memorial Delegation To Italy; Liberation Of Rome To Be Commemorated, 5/31/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840531hea.pdf
Folder 160: Dole Heads War Memorial Delegation To Italy; Liberation Of Rome To Be Commemorated, 5/31/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840531head.pdf
Folder 161: Presidential Delegation In Italy - Dole Lays Wreath At Florence Military Cemetery; WWII Veteran Renews 40-Year Italian Friendship, 6/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840601lay.pdf
Folder 162: Presidential Delegation In Italy - Dole Lays Wreath At Florence Military Cemetery; WWII Veteran Renews 40-Year Italian Friendship, 6/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840601pre.pdf
Folder 163: Presidential Delegation In Italy - Dole Salutes Fallen WWII Comrades; Receives Special Medal From Mayor Of Rome, 6/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840602sal.pdf
Folder 164: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole At Women's Research And Education Institute; Sex Discrimination, 6/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Womens Issues  -  PDF available: 840605rem.pdf
Folder 165: Dole Urges FCC To Make KTTL Decision; Citizens Owed Speedy Resolution; Letter To FCC Chairman Mark Fowler, 6/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840605urg.pdf
Folder 166: Dole: Wichita Okayed For Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) Funds After Pocket Of Poverty Designation, 6/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840605wic.pdf
Folder 167: 30Th Anniversary Of Eisenhower Initiative Dole Introduces Food For Peace Day Resolution, 6/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840607int.pdf
Folder 168: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole -- Week Of June 10-17, 1984, 6/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840608sch.pdf
Folder 169: Remarks By The Honorable Robert Dole Us Senator; National Association Of Americans Of Asian Indian Descent, 6/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840609nat.pdf
Folder 170: Governors Tell Dole They Will Share In Deficit Reduction Efforts, 6/11/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840611gov.pdf
Folder 171: Senator Bob Dole Keynote Speech; The Government Research Corporation's Ninth Annual Leadership Conference, 6/11/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 840611key.pdf
Folder 172: Dole Secures Personal Commitment From Texaco For El Dorado Refinery; Chairman Of The Board Promises Senator Long Term Investment In Kansas, 6/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840612sec.pdf
Folder 173: Dole Commends Early 1985 Wheat Program Announcement, 6/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840614com.pdf
Folder 174: Dole Encourages Veterans To Participate In 21-Day National Celebration; Honor America, 6/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840614enc.pdf
Folder 175: Dole Encourages Kansans To Participate In 21-Day National Celebration, 6/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840614enco.pdf
Folder 176: Letter To The President About Damage To Five Kansas Counties, 6/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840618pre.pdf
Folder 177: Kassebaum Release: Disaster Relief For Kansas Counties Struck By Tornado, 6/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840619nan.pdf
Folder 178: Dole Urges President To Declare Five Northeast Kansas Counties Eligible For Disaster Assistance, 6/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840619urg.pdf
Folder 179: Dole Leads Kansas/Missouri Delegation Request For Corps Study Of Kansas City Area Flooding, 6/21/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840621lea.pdf
Folder 180: Dole Kassebaum Announce Presidential Disaster Declarations For Kansas Counties; Brown Doniphan Atchison Jackson And Nemaha To Get Federal Assistance; Johnson County Gets SBA Declaration, 6/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840622ann.pdf
Folder 181: Dole Pushes For National Commission On Trade And Export Policy; Senator Seeks Answer To Soaring Trade Deficit And Dwindling Exports; Major Agriculture Groups Support Initiative, 6/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840622pus.pdf
Folder 182: Dole Lauds Conference Action On Deficit Reduction Package, 6/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840623dol.pdf
Folder 183: Kansas City Is 29Th Dole Protects Kansas City Provision In Deficit Downpayment Package, 6/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840625kan.pdf
Folder 184: Bond Financing For 4 Kansas Towns Saved In Conference Committee, 6/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840626fin.pdf
Folder 185: Kansas Museums Awarded $80,701 In Federal Grants, 6/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840627mus.pdf
Folder 186: Dole Disappointed With Those Who Voted Against Deficit Reduction Package; A No Vote Was Irresponsible, 6/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840628dis.pdf
Folder 187: Dole's Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Provision Passes Congress, 6/29/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840629gra.pdf
Folder 188: Dole Aid Nancy Olson Leaves To Join National Water Alliance, 7/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840702aid.pdf
Folder 189: Remarks: NAACP Conference; A New Kind Of Slavery; Extension Of Voting Rights Act; Grove City, 7/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 840702rem.pdf
Folder 190: Dole To Hold Meeting Tomorrow With Federal Officials To Discuss Northeast Kansas Storm Damage, 7/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840705toh.pdf
Folder 191: Are Americans Better Off Than Four Years Ago? No Contest! Says Dole, 7/6/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 840706are.pdf
Folder 192: Dole Meets With Administration Officials To Assess Storm Damage In Northeast Kansas; Clarifies Disaster Aid, 7/6/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840706mee.pdf
Folder 193: Dole Hails El Dorado Refinery Decision; FTC Adopts Dole Recommendation; Texaco To Keep Refinery, 7/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840710hai.pdf
Folder 194: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; P.L. 480 - 30Th Anniversary Dinner; Hunger Relief, 7/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840710rem.pdf
Folder 195: Dole Hails Selection Of Kassebaum As Deputy Chairman Of GOP Convention, 7/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 840712hai.pdf
Folder 196: Dole Stresses Need For Enterprise Zones; Will Seek Prompt Reconsideration, 7/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 840713str.pdf
Folder 197: Dole To Attend Post Rock Rural Water District Ground Breaking, 7/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 840713toa.pdf
Folder 198: Two More Counties Qualify For Public Assistance From Flood Damage; Brown And Pottawatomie Added To Federal List, 7/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840713two.pdf
Folder 199: At GOP Picnic, Dole Hails Jepsen As Key Senator For Agriculture, 7/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840714gop.pdf
Folder 200: Statement Of Senator Robert Dole Executive Session Of The Judiciary Committee On School Prayer, 7/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 840714mrc.pdf
Folder 201: Dole Meets With Chinese Ambassador; Reveals China Making Up Wheat Purchase Deficit, 7/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840716mee.pdf
Folder 202: Son Of Pre-Communist Afghanistan Official Is Released From Pakistan; Greets His Father In Great Bend Kansas, 7/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 840718son.pdf
Folder 203: Dole Asks Agriculture For Increased Pressure On Congress To Reduce Deficits, 7/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840719ask.pdf
Folder 204: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole; National POW/MIA Recognition Day July 20 1984, 7/19/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840719sta.pdf
Folder 205: Dole Congratulates Geraldine Ferraro On Vice-Presidential Nomination, 7/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Elections  -  PDF available: 840720con.pdf
Folder 206: Mexican Adoption Scam; Dole Calls On Justice Department To Complete Investigation, 7/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840723mex.pdf
Folder 207: Dole Cosponsors Resolution To Commemorate Marines Who Died In Lebanon, 7/26/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840726cos.pdf
Folder 208: Dole And Domenici Praise Senator Gordon Humphrey's Work In Senate; We Need Gordon Say Budget And Finance Committee Chairmen, 7/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 840727dol.pdf
Folder 209: Dole Urges State Department To Intercede On Behalf Of Israeli Citizen Alexander Yakir Awaiting Trial In Native Russia, 7/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840727urg.pdf
Folder 210: Senator Dole's Republican Platform Comments; The Economy; Spending Restraints; Taxes, 7/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840730sen.pdf
Folder 211: Child Support Enforcement Act Passes Senate; Kansas Senators Say Dodging Payments No Longer Tolerated, 8/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 840801chi.pdf
Folder 212: Kansas Senators Explain Price Changes For Capitol Flags, 8/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840801kan.pdf
Folder 213: Dole Marks Anniversary Of Helsinki Accords; Condemns Flagrant Violations By Soviets, 8/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840801mar.pdf
Folder 214: Dole To Democrats; Lots Of Smoke No Gun; Poverty Figures Encouraging, 8/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 840802dem.pdf
Folder 215: KAKE-TV To Air Five-Part Series On The Doles Next Week, 8/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 840803kak.pdf
Folder 216: Dole Testifies On Agricultural Export Commission; S.J.Res. 319 The Agricultural Trade And Export Policy Commission Act Of 1984, 8/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840803tes.pdf
Folder 217: Wichita Head Start Program Boosted By 94; Special Program For Potential Abused Children Gets Federal Help, 8/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840803wic.pdf
Folder 218: Kassebaum Release: Hud Awards $1.17 Million For Public Housing In Six Kansas Cities, 8/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 840808for.pdf
Folder 219: Dole Calls For Explanation Of Mondale-Ferraro Campaign Appointment For Civil Rights Commissioner, 8/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 840810call.pdf
Folder 220: Senate Passes Dole Export Commission Bill, 8/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840810exp.pdf
Folder 221: Senate Passes Dole Export Commission Bill; National Commission On Agricultural Trade And Export Policy, 8/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840810sen.pdf
Folder 222: Senate Passes Dole Export Commission Bill; National Commission On Agricultural Trade And Export Policy, 8/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840810sena.pdf
Folder 223: Dole Sponsors Additional Funding For WIC Program; Nutrition, 8/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 840810spo.pdf
Folder 224: Dole Calls Upon Walter Mondale To Fulfill The Promise Of The National Democratic Ticket, 8/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 840813rep.pdf
Folder 225: Dole Calls On Mondale To Demand Full Financial Disclosures From Running Mate And Her Spouse; Kansas Senator And Wife Did The Same In 1976, 8/15/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 840815cal.pdf
Folder 226: Dole Okays GOP Tax Plank, 8/15/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 840815oka.pdf
Folder 227: Schedule Of Senator Bob Dole; Republican National Convention - Dallas, Texas, 8/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840816rep.pdf
Folder 228: Senator Bob Dole Remarks; Republican National Convention Dallas Texas, 8/21/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 840821rep.pdf
Folder 229: Dole Goes To Bat For Kansas Towns; Calls For Limits On Antitrust Liabilities For Local Officials, 8/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 840828goe.pdf
Folder 230: Dole Hails Booming Soviet Grain Purchases, 8/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840830hai.pdf
Folder 231: President Signs Dole Agricultural Commission Into Law; Group To Study Ways To Boost Farm Exports, 8/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840830pre.pdf
Folder 232: Senator Dole's Schedule August 31 - Sept 1, 1984, 8/31/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840831sch.pdf
Folder 233: Remarks Of Senator Dole; El Dorado Lake Dedication Ceremony, 9/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840901rem.pdf
Folder 234: Bob And Elizabeth Dole To Visit State Fair September 15, 9/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840907bob.pdf
Folder 235: Bob And Elizabeth Dole To Join Darth Vader In Ceremony Honoring The Contribution Of American Youth To Preventing Disabling Accidents On Monday, 9/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840907eli.pdf
Folder 236: Dole To Keynote Cambodia Day Conference On Tuesday, 9/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840907key.pdf
Folder 237: Dole Comments On The Nomination Of Edwin Meese As Attorney General, 9/7/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 840907was.pdf
Folder 238: Dole Says Mondale Deficit Plan Not Credible Or Realistic, 9/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 840910mon.pdf
Folder 239: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; The Dedication Of Vice Presidential Sculpture Of Hubert H. Humphrey, 9/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840910rem.pdf
Folder 240: Dole Hails President's Offer Of More Grain To Soviets, 9/11/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840911hai.pdf
Folder 241: Doles In Kansas This Weekend Schedule For Senator And Secretary Dole September 14, 15, And 16, 1984, 9/13/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 840913sch.pdf
Folder 242: Customs Service Accepts Dole Recommendation For Johnson County Industrial Airport, 9/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 840916cus.pdf
Folder 243: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; Robert B. Docking Memorial Highway Dedication, 9/16/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840916rem.pdf
Folder 244: Dole Hails Social Security Disability Insurance Compromise, 9/17/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 840917hai.pdf
Folder 245: Dole And Kassebaum Praise Amvets Announce Kansas Mobile Outreach Service Schedule For Kansas, 9/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840918ann.pdf
Folder 246: Dole Hails Administration Relief Package For Farmers, 9/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 840918hai.pdf
Folder 247: Dole And Kassebaum Praise Amvets Announce Kansas Mobile Outreach Service Schedule For Kansas, 9/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 840918kas.pdf
Folder 248: Dole Lauds Bipartisan Approach To Disability Reform, 9/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840918lau.pdf
Folder 249: Opening Statement Of Senator Dole For Press Conference On Disability Agreement, 9/18/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840918ope.pdf
Folder 250: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Major Defense Contract For Beech Aircraft, 9/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 840920dol.pdf
Folder 251: Dole Pleased With Findings Of Edwin Meese Inquiry, 9/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 840920mee.pdf
Folder 252: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole The Tragedy Of Beirut, 9/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 840920sta.pdf
Folder 253: Dole Offers Reward: Any Democrats Willing To Support Mondale Tax Plan?, 9/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 840922dol.pdf
Folder 254: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole; Johnson County Park Dedication, 9/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 840922rem.pdf
Folder 255: Dole To Host Space Shuttle Crew Kansan Steve Hawley And Fellow Astronauts To Visit Dole, 9/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840925hos.pdf
Folder 256: Kansas Senators Announce Hud Financing For Elderly And Handicapped Housing, 9/25/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 840925kan.pdf
Folder 257: Dole Named To Martin Luther King Jr Commission; Group Holds First Meeting, 9/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 840928dol.pdf
Folder 258: Kansas Senators Announce Environmental Protection Agency Grants For State, 9/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 840928kan.pdf
Folder 259: President Signs Dole Initiative Designating Hospice Month, 9/28/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 840928pre.pdf
Folder 260: Senator Bob Dole Remarks; Dedication Of Rehabilitation Institute Of West Florida, 9/30/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 840930sen.pdf
Folder 261: Dole Announces Members Of National Agriculture Export Commission; Kansan Fritz Gwin Will Serve, 10/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 841001ann.pdf
Folder 262: Remarks Of Senator Dole Itzhak Perlman Benefit Concert For The Disability Rights Education And Defense Fund (DREDF), 10/1/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 841001rem.pdf
Folder 263: Larry Winn: 18 Years Of Exemplary Service To Kansas, 10/3/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 841003lar.pdf
Folder 264: Delegation Asks EPA Assistance At Furley, 10/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 841005del.pdf
Folder 265: Dole, Kassebaum Carry "Torch" For Wakeeney (Statue Of Liberty Torch), 10/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 841005kas.pdf
Folder 266: Good News From President Reagan On Social Security, 10/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 841008goo.pdf
Folder 267: Dole On Mondale Reagan Debate, 10/8/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 841008onm.pdf
Folder 268: Dole Praises Retiring Majority Leader Howard Baker, 10/9/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 841009pra.pdf
Folder 269: Dole Says Superfund Compromise Effort Came Close; Pledges Strong Support For Extension In 1985, 10/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 841010say.pdf
Folder 270: Dole Questions Mondale's Memory On Social Security And Medicare, 10/11/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 841011que.pdf
Folder 271: Dole Secures Major Funding For KU Handicapped Project, 10/11/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 841011sec.pdf
Folder 272: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole On New Human Development Center At Kansas University Lawrence, Kansas, 10/17/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 841017rem.pdf
Folder 273: Dole: 1985 Crossroads For Us Agriculture, 10/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 841022cro.pdf
Folder 274: Dole On Presidential Debate; The Real Reagan Showed Up, 10/22/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 841022onp.pdf
Folder 275: Dole Announces End To Bracket Creep; Indexing Figures Released; Kansas Taxpayers To Save $64.2 Million, 10/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 841024ann.pdf
Folder 276: Dole Launches Statewide Child Safety Day Programs Crackdown On Child Kidnapping Includes Toll Free 800 Number, 10/24/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 841024lau.pdf
Folder 277: Dole Pushes For Larger Wheat Sales As Us-Ussr Talks Are Announced, 11/2/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 841102pus.pdf
Folder 278: Dole Kassebaum And Roberts Call For Tour Stop In Wakeeney; Torch To Return To Liberty Island, 11/14/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 841114kas.pdf
Folder 279: Dole Urges USDA To Release Emergency Wheat To African Nations, 11/15/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 841115urg.pdf
Folder 280: Dole: Pizza Hut--Pizza To Stay!, 11/20/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 841120piz.pdf
Folder 281: Dole Applauds Positive Tone Of US-PRC Grain Talks, 11/23/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 841123app.pdf
Folder 282: Dole Congratulates Treasury On Tax Reform Proposal, 11/27/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 841127dol.pdf
Folder 283: Dole Praises Intention To Release Emergency Wheat, 11/29/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 841129pra.pdf
Folder 284: Dole Hails Reagan Food Assistance Program For Ethiopia, 12/5/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 841205hai.pdf
Folder 285: Jo-Anne Coe To Be Secretary Of The Us Senate, 12/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 841210joa.pdf
Folder 286: Safety Tips For Disabled Children Featured In National Program, 12/10/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 841210saf.pdf
Folder 287: Dole Calls For Clarification Of New Record Keeping Requirements For Farmers, 12/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 841212cal.pdf
Folder 288: Statement On South Africa; Apartheid, 12/12/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 841212sta.pdf
Folder 289: Dole Issues Early Release Of New Year's Resolution; Reduce Deficits, 12/29/1984Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 841229iss.pdf

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[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

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