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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 13: 1973Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Re-Certification Water Sewer Project In Iola, 1/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730103rec.pdf
Folder 2: Reinstate November 11 As Veterans Day, 1/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 730104rei.pdf
Folder 3: Action Grant For Topeka Resources Council, 1/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730108act.pdf
Folder 4: Conservation Financing, 1/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730108con.pdf
Folder 5: FHA Grants To Rural Water Districts, 1/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730112fha.pdf
Folder 6: Establishment Of Full-Time Social Security Offices In Ks, 1/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 730115est.pdf
Folder 7: Announcement Of Agric. Hearings On Farm Cutbacks, 1/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730117ann.pdf
Folder 8: La Verne Becker Named Chairman Of Ks State Agric. Comm., 1/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730117lav.pdf
Folder 9: Dole Inaugural Schedule, 1/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730118dol.pdf
Folder 10: Dole Plans To Introduce Legislation To Extend Farm Program, 1/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730119dol.pdf
Folder 11: Contesting Second Tax Audit (Reimbursement), 1/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 730122con.pdf
Folder 12: Dole Introduces Bill To Extend Farm Program, 1/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730123dol.pdf
Folder 13: Dole's Appointment To Finance Committee, 1/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730124dol.pdf
Folder 14: Dole And Pearson Urge Action On Highway Act, 1/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730124dole.pdf
Folder 15: High Praise For The President, 1/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Vietnam War  -  PDF available: 730124hig.pdf
Folder 16: Nixon Deserves Great Credit For His Courage In Agreement Assuring Peace With Honor, 1/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 730124nix.pdf
Folder 17: Dole Makes Two Speeches In Topeka, 1/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730126dol.pdf
Folder 18: Dole's Speech To Kansas County Attorney's Assoc, 1/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730129dolp.pdf
Folder 19: Relaxation Of Freeze On Housing Applications To FMHA, 1/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730130rel.pdf
Folder 20: Legislation To Increase Milk Price Support Level, 1/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730131leg.pdf
Folder 21: Dole's Schedule, 2/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730201dol.pdf
Folder 22: Nixon Praises Dole, 2/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 730201nix.pdf
Folder 23: Four Hud Grants, 2/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730207fou.pdf
Folder 24: Resolution To Investigate Causes Of War In Vietnam, 2/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Vietnam War  -  PDF available: 730207resp.pdf
Folder 25: Dole To Introduce Legislation To Extend Farm Program, 2/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730208dol.pdf
Folder 26: Request For Hearings On Postal Service Operations, 2/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Postal Service  -  PDF available: 730209req.pdf
Folder 27: Telegram To Butz Demanding Wheat Price Increase, 2/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730209tel.pdf
Folder 28: Harlan House Appointment, 2/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730212har.pdf
Folder 29: Speech To American Association Of Councils Of Medical Staffs, 2/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730212spe.pdf
Folder 30: Air Force Contract To Boeing, 2/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730214air.pdf
Folder 31: Hew Grant To Mid Kansas Community Action Program, 2/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730214hew.pdf
Folder 32: New Employees (4 Releases), 2/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 730215newp.pdf
Folder 33: Dole Against Phase Out Of Domestic Certificate Payment Program, 2/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730216dol.pdf
Folder 34: Administration Cutbacks Focus Attention On Farm Legislation, 2/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730217admp.pdf
Folder 35: Agriculture Legislation, 2/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730219agrp.pdf
Folder 36: Hud 235 Program, 2/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730219hud.pdf
Folder 37: Resolution To Place Moratorium On Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Shipments Of Wheat, 2/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730219res.pdf
Folder 38: Dole Remarks At Speech In Pekin Il Comparing Presidents Lincoln And Nixon, 2/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 730220dol.pdf
Folder 39: Dole Urges Reinstatement Of Rea Loans, 2/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730220dole.pdf
Folder 40: Older Americans Comprehensive Services Amendments, 2/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Aging  -  PDF available: 730220oldp.pdf
Folder 41: Appointment Of W.A. Smiley And A.J. Collins, 2/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730221app.pdf
Folder 42: Dole Urges Additional Judgeship In Ks, 2/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 730221dol.pdf
Folder 43: Senate Passage Of Rabbit Bill, 2/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730221sen.pdf
Folder 44: Testimony On Improvement In Judicial Machinery, 2/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 730221tesp.pdf
Folder 45: Dole Appointed To UNESCO, 2/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730222dol.pdf
Folder 46: EPA Revises Licensing Fee Regulations, 2/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 730222epa.pdf
Folder 47: Dole Honorary Member Of Soc. Of Autistic, 2/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730223dol.pdf
Folder 48: Rea Loan To Rural Telephone Service, 2/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 730223rea.pdf
Folder 49: Army Corps Of Engineers User Fees, 2/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730226arm.pdf
Folder 50: Grant To KPTS-TV In Wichita, 2/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730226gra.pdf
Folder 51: Senate Finance Committee, 2/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 730226sen.pdf
Folder 52: Vista Volunteers To Garden City, 2/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730226vis.pdf
Folder 53: Apportionment Of Interstate Highway Funds, 2/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730227app.pdf
Folder 54: Dole Urges Approval Of 5-Year Farm Program, 2/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730227dolp.pdf
Folder 55: Bia Contract To United Tribes Of Ks And Neb, 2/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Indian Affairs  -  PDF available: 730228bia.pdf
Folder 56: Criticism Leveled At User's Fees, 2/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730228cri.pdf
Folder 57: Dole Supports Reinstatement Of Reap, 3/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 730301dol.pdf
Folder 58: Reynolds Shultz Appointment, 3/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730303rey.pdf
Folder 59: Dole Speaks To Ottawa Chamber Of Commerce, 3/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Commerce/Trade  -  PDF available: 730305dol.pdf
Folder 60: Us Treasury Disbursing Office To K.C., 3/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730305ust.pdf
Folder 61: Baker/Dole Resolution Passes Senate, 3/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730306bak.pdf
Folder 62: FHA Receives Additional $2.5 Million, 3/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730306fha.pdf
Folder 63: LEAA Grant, 3/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730306lea.pdf
Folder 64: Clarification Of User Fees, 3/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730307clap.pdf
Folder 65: Dole Lunches With Butz, 3/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730307dol.pdf
Folder 66: FHA Loans To 2 Rural Water Districts, 3/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730307fha.pdf
Folder 67: Loan To Triple Creek Grazing Association, 3/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730307loa.pdf
Folder 68: No Change At Richards Gebaur AFB, 3/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730307noc.pdf
Folder 69: Dole Testifies On Us Postal Service, 3/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Postal Service  -  PDF available: 730308dol.pdf
Folder 70: Head Start Grant From Hew, 3/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730308hea.pdf
Folder 71: Introduces Legislation To Eliminate Barriers, 3/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Aging  -  PDF available: 730312intp.pdf
Folder 72: Food For Peace Program, 3/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730313foo.pdf
Folder 73: Grant To Liberal Airport, 3/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730313gra.pdf
Folder 74: Fuel Potential Of Alcohol From Grain, 3/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730314fue.pdf
Folder 75: Dole Requests Hearings On User Fees, 3/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730315dol.pdf
Folder 76: Feasibility Studies Of Interstate Highways, 3/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730315eis.pdf
Folder 77: Feasibility Studies Of Interstate Highways, 3/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730315fea.pdf
Folder 78: Grant To K.C. Economic Opportunity Foundation, 3/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730315gra.pdf
Folder 79: Dole Meets With Bible On User Fees, 3/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730316dol.pdf
Folder 80: Grant To K-State And Pratt Feedlot, 3/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730316gra.pdf
Folder 81: FMHA To Fund Rural Rental Housing Application, 3/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730319fmh.pdf
Folder 82: Grant To Washington Ks, 3/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730319gra.pdf
Folder 83: Kansas Special Olympics, 3/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730319kanp.pdf
Folder 84: Dole Itinerary, 3/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730322dol.pdf
Folder 85: Grants To Continue Us Manpower Programs, 3/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730322gra.pdf
Folder 86: Hays High Visits D.C., 3/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 730322hay.pdf
Folder 87: Agriculture Playing Important Role In Foreign Trade, 3/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730323agr.pdf
Folder 88: Federal Budget, 3/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 730326fedp.pdf
Folder 89: Grant To Mid America Regional Planning Council, 3/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730326gra.pdf
Folder 90: Hood Offered West Point Appointment, 3/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730327hoo.pdf
Folder 91: King Offered Annapolis Appointment, 3/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730327kin.pdf
Folder 92: Legislation Introduced To Limit User Fees, 3/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730327leg.pdf
Folder 93: Maurer Offered Air Force Appointment, 3/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730327mau.pdf
Folder 94: McKibbin Offered Air Force Appointment, 3/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730327mck.pdf
Folder 95: Dole Supports One Year Extension To Health Services, 3/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 730328ext.pdf
Folder 96: Grant To Black Community Inc. Topeka, 3/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730328gra.pdf
Folder 97: Grant To Independence Comm. Jr. Coll., 3/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730328gti.pdf
Folder 98: Head Start Grant To E. Ks Econ. Corp., 3/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730328hea.pdf
Folder 99: Obstacles For Ks Coliseum Removed, 3/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730328obs.pdf
Folder 100: SBA Loans To Oberlin And Pittsburg, 3/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 730328sba.pdf
Folder 101: Barrett Schoolhouse Entered In Natl Register, 3/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730329bar.pdf
Folder 102: Dole Says Phase Out Not Needed, 3/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730329dol.pdf
Folder 103: End Of Vietnam Involvement, 3/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Vietnam War  -  PDF available: 730329end.pdf
Folder 104: Kansas Coliseum, 3/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730329kanp.pdf
Folder 105: Dole In Overland Park Reception For Walker, 3/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730330dio.pdf
Folder 106: Dole Praises Nixon's Commitment To Maintain Us Strength, 3/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 730330dol.pdf
Folder 107: G.I. Forum, 3/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730331gif.pdf
Folder 108: Wheat Storage -- Commercial And On Farm, 3/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730331whe.pdf
Folder 109: The Drinking Driver Causes Highway Accidents, 4/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 730402drip.pdf
Folder 110: Hew Grant To Los Cinco Pueblos, 4/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 730402hew.pdf
Folder 111: Laundry Facility For VA Center In Leavenworth, 4/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 730402lau.pdf
Folder 112: SBA Loan To Lawrence Ind. Development Co., 4/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 730402sba.pdf
Folder 113: Wholesome Meat Act Of 1968, 4/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730402who.pdf
Folder 114: Dole Comments On Voc. Rehab Act Vote, 4/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730403dol.pdf
Folder 115: ECKAN Receives 6 Mo. Phase Out Grant, 4/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730404eck.pdf
Folder 116: International Rehabilitation, 4/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730404int.pdf
Folder 117: School Offered Appointment At West Point, 4/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730404sch.pdf
Folder 118: Contribution To Institute Of Logopedics, 4/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730408con.pdf
Folder 119: Dedication Speech Hansen Memorial Plaza, 4/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730408dedp.pdf
Folder 120: Kansas City May Soon Become Most Important Trade Center, 4/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Commerce/Trade  -  PDF available: 730409kanp.pdf
Folder 121: Statement Of Bob Dole Subcommittee On Parks And Recreation S. 1381; Limitation Of User Fees, 4/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730412stap.pdf
Folder 122: Visit Of Kansas Farm Wives, 4/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 730412vis.pdf
Folder 123: Kansas State Federation Of Fed. Employees, 4/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Federal Employees  -  PDF available: 730413kan.pdf
Folder 124: Weekend Schedule, 4/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730413wee.pdf
Folder 125: Kansas Jaycees -- Salina, 4/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730414kanp.pdf
Folder 126: Decrease In Crime, 4/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 730416dec.pdf
Folder 127: Dole Introduces Feed Grain Legislation, 4/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730416dol.pdf
Folder 128: Dole To Fight Meat Roll Back Legislation, 4/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730416dtf.pdf
Folder 129: Forbes Closing, 4/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730416fmt.pdf
Folder 130: Forbes Meeting In Topeka April 27 And 28, 4/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730416forp.pdf
Folder 131: Kent Frizzell Confirmed By Senate, 4/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730416ken.pdf
Folder 132: Federal Building Topeka Approved, 4/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730418fed.pdf
Folder 133: Feed Grain Program Passes Senate, 4/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730418fee.pdf
Folder 134: Further Explanation Of Forbes Closing, 4/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730418furp.pdf
Folder 135: Dole Meets With Oea Officials About Forbes, 4/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730419dol.pdf
Folder 136: Federal Student Aid Bill Passes Senate, 4/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730419fed.pdf
Folder 137: $20,050 Faa Grant To Parsons Airport, 4/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730420faa.pdf
Folder 138: $99,708 Grant To Beloit Municipal Airport, 4/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730420gra.pdf
Folder 139: Kansas Coliseum Wichita Approval Near, 4/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730420kan.pdf
Folder 140: Big Brother --Big Sisters Program, 4/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730425big.pdf
Folder 141: Dole Comments On Watergate, 4/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730425dolp.pdf
Folder 142: Final Approval On Federal Bldg. Topeka, 4/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730426fin.pdf
Folder 143: Expedite Federal Relief For 60 Counties, 4/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 730427exp.pdf
Folder 144: Judgment Funds To Kickapoo Indian Tribe, 4/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Indian Affairs  -  PDF available: 730427jud.pdf
Folder 145: Resignations Of Top Nixon Aides (Watergate), 4/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 730430resp.pdf
Folder 146: Dole Calls For Hearings On Energy Crisis, 5/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730501dol.pdf
Folder 147: Floor Statement On Watergate, 5/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730501flop.pdf
Folder 148: Dole Welcomes Connally To Party, 5/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 730502dol.pdf
Folder 149: Approval Of HUD Funds For Leavenworth Low-Income Housing, 5/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730503app.pdf
Folder 150: Legislation For The Handicapped, 5/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730503leg.pdf
Folder 151: Meat And Poultry Inspection Program Compliance Staff Office In Lawrence, 5/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730503mea.pdf
Folder 152: Letter To Darrell M. Trent/Fuel Shortage For Ag, 5/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730504let.pdf
Folder 153: United Cerebral Palsy Association Government Award, 5/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 730504uni.pdf
Folder 154: Energy Crisis, 5/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730507enep.pdf
Folder 155: Appointment Of George W. Haley, 5/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730509app.pdf
Folder 156: Schedule For Weekend May 11 - 13, 5/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730509sch.pdf
Folder 157: Announcement Of Don Steffes To Secondary Market Study Group, 5/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730510ann.pdf
Folder 158: Fuel Shortages In Midwest, 5/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730510fuep.pdf
Folder 159: Lessons Of Watergate, 5/10/1973Add to your cart.
Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: s-press_016_016_159.pdf
Folder 160: Announcement Of Surplus Land On Gage Blvd., 5/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730511ann.pdf
Folder 161: Great Bend Cooperative Association, 5/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730512grep.pdf
Folder 162: Small Businessman Of The Year Awards Speech: Strength During Time Of Adversity Is American Tradition, 5/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 730512smap.pdf
Folder 163: Concurrence Of Joint Comm. -- Rural Electric And Telephone, 5/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 730514con.pdf
Folder 164: New Concept In Farm Programs Considered, 5/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730514newp.pdf
Folder 165: Senate Public Works Appropriation Subcommittee, 5/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730514senp.pdf
Folder 166: Approval For Top. Fed. Office Bldg., 5/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730515app.pdf
Folder 167: Ag Research Ser -- Dickens Ave. Manhattan, 5/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730516agr.pdf
Folder 168: Limit. On User Fees At Fed. Recreation Area, 5/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730516lim.pdf
Folder 169: Policies At Wilson Reservoir, 5/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730516pol.pdf
Folder 170: Angus Centennial Celebration, 5/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730517ang.pdf
Folder 171: Schedule For May 17-20, 5/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730517sch.pdf
Folder 172: Doctor Shortage, 5/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730518doc.pdf
Folder 173: Emporia Low Rent Housing Project, 5/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730518emp.pdf
Folder 174: Dole Says System Not To Blame For, Or Hurt By, Watergate, 5/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730519dol.pdf
Folder 175: Remarks At College Of Emporia Commencement, 5/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730519remp.pdf
Folder 176: Fuel And Fertilizer Shortages, 5/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730520fuep.pdf
Folder 177: Subcomm. On Private Pension Plans, 5/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730521subp.pdf
Folder 178: Topeka--Mass Transit, 5/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730521top.pdf
Folder 179: Doctor Shortage, 5/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730522doc.pdf
Folder 180: Watergate--Pres. Statement, 5/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730522wat.pdf
Folder 181: Watergate--Mankiewicz, 5/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730523wat.pdf
Folder 182: Topeka's Mass Transit, 5/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730524top.pdf
Folder 183: Memorial Day Statement, 5/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730525mem.pdf
Folder 184: Dole Introduces Bill To Help Solve Critical Shortage Of Doctors In Rural Kansas, 5/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730528dol.pdf
Folder 185: Reap Practices, 5/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 730530rea.pdf
Folder 186: Cessna Aircraft Contract Announcement, 5/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730531ces.pdf
Folder 187: Conference Of Coalition For Rural Development, 5/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730531con.pdf
Folder 188: Federal Disaster Relief, 5/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 730531fed.pdf
Folder 189: Adopted Amendment For Doctor Shortage Areas, 6/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730601ado.pdf
Folder 190: Appointment Of Alexander To Staff, 6/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730601app.pdf
Folder 191: Passage Of Dickens Avenue Bill, 6/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 730601pas.pdf
Folder 192: Drug Abuse Still A Major Problem, 6/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Drugs  -  PDF available: 730604drup.pdf
Folder 193: Hud Grant To Urban Renewal In Topeka, 6/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730605hud.pdf
Folder 194: Dole Urges Balanced Industry Communications -- Problems And Achievements, 6/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 730606dol.pdf
Folder 195: Farm Bill, 6/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730606far.pdf
Folder 196: Mel Laird Appointment, 6/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730606mel.pdf
Folder 197: Laird And Kelly Appointment, 6/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730607lai.pdf
Folder 198: Reap, 6/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 730608rea.pdf
Folder 199: Downtown Lawrence Development Improvement, 6/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 730609dowp.pdf
Folder 200: Grain Storage Loan, 6/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730611gra.pdf
Folder 201: Mandatory Fuel Allocation, 6/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730611manp.pdf
Folder 202: Dole Testifies On Impact Of Fuel Crisis On Agriculture, 6/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730612dol.pdf
Folder 203: Fuel Shortage, 6/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730612fue.pdf
Folder 204: Ag Subcomm. On Fuel Shortage Hearings, 6/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730613agsp.pdf
Folder 205: Corn Refiners Association Board Meeting Speech On Nixon Brezhnev Meeting, 6/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 730613corp.pdf
Folder 206: Faa Contract, 6/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730613faa.pdf
Folder 207: Topeka Federal Building, 6/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730613top.pdf
Folder 208: Flag Day, 6/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730614fla.pdf
Folder 209: Economic Devel. Administration Grant, 6/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 730618eco.pdf
Folder 210: C. Kelly Nomination, 6/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730619cke.pdf
Folder 211: Dove Appointment, 6/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730619dov.pdf
Folder 212: Topeka Federal Building, 6/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730619top.pdf
Folder 213: Doctor Shortage, 6/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730620doc.pdf
Folder 214: Small Businesses Administration Loan, 6/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 730620sma.pdf
Folder 215: Ag Bill In House Comm., 6/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730621agb.pdf
Folder 216: Social Security Increase, 6/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 730621soc.pdf
Folder 217: Urban Renewal Agency Grant Salina, 6/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730621urb.pdf
Folder 218: Oil Policy Comm. For Special Rep. To Kansas, 6/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730622has.pdf
Folder 219: Haskell Indian Junior College, 6/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Indian Affairs  -  PDF available: 730622oil.pdf
Folder 220: Topeka Busses, 6/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730622topp.pdf
Folder 221: $1.5 Million To Med. Vet. Pharmacy Schools, 6/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730625mil.pdf
Folder 222: Special Fuel Team To Kansas, 6/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730625spep.pdf
Folder 223: Excerpts From American Dental Pol. Action Speech, 6/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730626excp.pdf
Folder 224: $1 Million Grant To Boeing Wichita, 6/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730626mil.pdf
Folder 225: Senate Passes Education Of The Handicapped Act, 6/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730626sen.pdf
Folder 226: $50,000 To Topeka For Forbes Study, 6/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730626top.pdf
Folder 227: Veterans Cost Of Instruction Program, 6/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 730626vet.pdf
Folder 228: Additional 300,000 Gallons Of Fuel Allocated, 6/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730627add.pdf
Folder 229: $395,000 Grant To Galena By Hud, 6/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730627gra.pdf
Folder 230: $722,475 Hud Grant To Urban Renewal Olathe, 6/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730627hud.pdf
Folder 231: $25,000 Planning Grant To Topeka For Forbes, 6/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730627pla.pdf
Folder 232: Fuel Situation, 6/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730628fue.pdf
Folder 233: Further Reports On Fuel Situation From Special Fuel Team, 6/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730628fur.pdf
Folder 234: $160,000 Grant To Spring Hill Rental Housing, 6/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730628gra.pdf
Folder 235: $917,700 HUD Grant To URA Leavenworth, 6/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730628hud.pdf
Folder 236: Legislation To Provide Funds For Ks Highway Construction, 6/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730628leg.pdf
Folder 237: $64,305 To State Economic Opportunity Office Topeka, 6/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730628sta.pdf
Folder 238: Appointment Of Governor John Love As Assistant To President On Energy Policy, 6/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730629app.pdf
Folder 239: Fuel Shortage Study And Investigation Pays Off, 6/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730629fuep.pdf
Folder 240: Air Conditioning For VA Hospitals, 6/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 730630air.pdf
Folder 241: Amendment To Ag Stabilization Act, 6/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730630ame.pdf
Folder 242: Continuing Boxcar Shortage, 7/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730701con.pdf
Folder 243: Freight Cars To Be Sent To Northwest Counties, 7/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730702fre.pdf
Folder 244: 200,000 Gallons Of Fuel Per Month For Ks Harvest Needs To Be Located, 7/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730702gal.pdf
Folder 245: $108,733 Veterans Cost Of Instruction Grant, 7/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 730702vet.pdf
Folder 246: $137,250 Hud Grant To Topeka Low-Rent Housing, 7/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730703hud.pdf
Folder 247: Dole Urges House Consideration Of Federal Bldg., 7/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730706dol.pdf
Folder 248: Telegram Of John Dunlop On Crude Oil Rollback, 7/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730706tel.pdf
Folder 249: Dole Sees No Problems With Wheat Harvest, 7/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730707dol.pdf
Folder 250: Action Grant To Chanute Red Cross, 7/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730709act.pdf
Folder 251: Action Grant To Horton, 7/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730709agh.pdf
Folder 252: Boxcar Shortage Due To Unprecedented Yield, 7/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730709box.pdf
Folder 253: Federal Building In Topeka, 7/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730710fed.pdf
Folder 254: $153,733 Grant To Sedgwick County Commissioner, 7/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730710gra.pdf
Folder 255: No Embargo To Be Placed On Wheat, 7/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730711noep.pdf
Folder 256: Boxcar Shortage On Site Survey, 7/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730712box.pdf
Folder 257: Dole Contacts House Public Works On Federal Bill, 7/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730712dol.pdf
Folder 258: Grant To Ks State Econ. Office ($31,439), 7/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730712gra.pdf
Folder 259: 400 Modified Open Hopper Cars To Ks, 7/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730712mod.pdf
Folder 260: Bill For Restoration Of Old Fort Scott, 7/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730713bil.pdf
Folder 261: Dole Urges Action On Possible Shortage Of Liquid Petroleum Gas, 7/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730713dol.pdf
Folder 262: Dole Arranged A Phase Iv Meeting, 7/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730716dap.pdf
Folder 263: Dole Arranged Pre-Phase Iv Planning Meeting, 7/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730716dol.pdf
Folder 264: Federal Building Approved By House Sub-Committee, 7/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730717fed.pdf
Folder 265: Reps Of Business Meet With Dole And Dunlop, 7/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 730717rep.pdf
Folder 266: Amendment To Minimum Wage Bill By Dole, 7/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730718ame.pdf
Folder 267: Government Regulations For Stage A Of Phase Iv Economic Controls, 7/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730718gov.pdf
Folder 268: Senate Passage Of Vocational Rehab Act-1973, 7/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730718sen.pdf
Folder 269: McPherson Residents Hired-Labor Grant, 7/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730719mcp.pdf
Folder 270: Reservation Of $650,000 For Wichita, 7/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730719res.pdf
Folder 271: Senate Granted Emergency Medical Service Act, 7/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730719sen.pdf
Folder 272: Amendment With J. Allen To Prevent Automatic Pay Increases, 7/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730720ame.pdf
Folder 273: Dole Asks Ligon For Review Of Oil And Gas, 7/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730721dol.pdf
Folder 274: Cedar Point Lake Project-Public Works Bill, 7/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730723ced.pdf
Folder 275: Senator Bob Dole Speaks On Phase Iv, 7/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730723senp.pdf
Folder 276: J. Gill In Kansas On Fri - Gas Shortage, 7/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730724gil.pdf
Folder 277: Amendment To Prevent Pay Increase, 7/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730725ame.pdf
Folder 278: Dole Discuss With Nixon Phase Iv Program, 7/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730725dol.pdf
Folder 279: PWA Bill $80,000 For Cedar Point Lake Project, 7/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730725pwa.pdf
Folder 280: Claud McCamment Appointed To Citizen's Advisory Committee On Transportation Quality, 7/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730726cla.pdf
Folder 281: Dole And Laird Discuss Phase Iv Program, 7/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730726dal.pdf
Folder 282: Dole Remarks On The Passing Of William White, 7/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730726dol.pdf
Folder 283: Kc EOF 3,680 Packages Of Inflight Food Ratio, 7/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 730727kce.pdf
Folder 284: Conference Committee Approved Two Amendments To Study Highways, 7/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730728con.pdf
Folder 285: Flight Service Stations Remain Open, 7/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730728fli.pdf
Folder 286: Short Sighted Cost Of Living Council Regulations Aggravating Fuel Problems, 7/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730728shop.pdf
Folder 287: Subcommittee Recommends Additional Judge, 7/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 730728sub.pdf
Folder 288: National Salute To Small Business In Abilene, 7/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 730730nat.pdf
Folder 289: No Time To Raise Pay, Says Dole, 7/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730730notp.pdf
Folder 290: Skill Center, Dental Clinic, And Golf Course At Forbes AFB, 7/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730730ski.pdf
Folder 291: Bill To Limit User Fees Charged At Federal Lakes, 7/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730731bil.pdf
Folder 292: Compromise On Farm Bill Amendment Completed Soon (Short Version), 7/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730731cof.pdf
Folder 293: Compromise On Farm Bill Amendment Completed Soon (Long Version), 7/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730731com.pdf
Folder 294: Housing Opportunities For Handicapped Bill, 7/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730731hou.pdf
Folder 295: Beef Shortage; Meeting Revision Two Phase Iv Decisions, 8/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730801bee.pdf
Folder 296: Bureau Outdoor Recreation Appropriation, 8/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 730801burp.pdf
Folder 297: Funding Construction Program At Haskell, 8/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730801fun.pdf
Folder 298: Topeka Federal Building House Public Works Committee, 8/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730801top.pdf
Folder 299: Criticized Administration Freeze On Beef Prices, 8/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730802cri.pdf
Folder 300: Tower-Dole Amendment Passed In Senate To End Freeze On Beef Prices, 8/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730802tow.pdf
Folder 301: Telegram Nixon -- Agriculture And Consumer Protection Act, 8/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730804tel.pdf
Folder 302: Stamp Saluting Introduction Of Angus Cattle In Us, 8/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Postal Service  -  PDF available: 730805sta.pdf
Folder 303: Senator Dole Discusses Outdoor Recreational Facilities, 8/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730806senp.pdf
Folder 304: Telegram To Butz Concerning Farm Bill, 8/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730807tel.pdf
Folder 305: Research Grant To Far-Mar-Co Hutchinson, 8/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730808res.pdf
Folder 306: Schedule Sedan Winfield Wichita, 8/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730808sch.pdf
Folder 307: Comment On Agriculture And Consumer Protection Act, 8/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730810com.pdf
Folder 308: FAA Grant To KcK Fairfax Municipal Airport, 8/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730810faa.pdf
Folder 309: CLC Dropped Plans Of Roll Back On Crude Oil, 8/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730811clc.pdf
Folder 310: Excerpts At Legacy Parks Dedication Olathe, 8/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 730813exc.pdf
Folder 311: Schedule, 8/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730813sch.pdf
Folder 312: Telegram To Nixon CLC Actions To Texas Firm, 8/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730813tel.pdf
Folder 313: Hud Approval Emporia Elderly Housing, 8/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730814hud.pdf
Folder 314: Sampson On Wichita Federal Building GSA, 8/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730814sam.pdf
Folder 315: Comment On 1974 Farm Program For Wheat, 8/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730816com.pdf
Folder 316: Hud Approval Leavenworth Elderly Housing, 8/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 730816hud.pdf
Folder 317: Kansas Reclamation Office In Topeka, 8/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730817kan.pdf
Folder 318: Northwest Kansas Planning And Development Self Help Projects, 8/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730821nor.pdf
Folder 319: Schedule, 8/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730821sch.pdf
Folder 320: ICC Survey Of Boxcar Shortage At Dole's Request, 8/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730824icc.pdf
Folder 321: Dole Calls For End To Fertilizer Price Controls, 8/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730828dolp.pdf
Folder 322: Dole Returns From Ks To Meet With Govt Officials, 8/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730828drf.pdf
Folder 323: Dole Announces Record Farm Operating Loan Allotment To Kansas, 8/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730829dar.pdf
Folder 324: Dole Meets With G. Stafford On Boxcar Shortage, 8/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730829dol.pdf
Folder 325: GSA Approved Johnson County Application For Olathe Air Station, 8/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730829gsa.pdf
Folder 326: Dole Comments On USDA's 1974 Feed Grain Program, 8/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730830dol.pdf
Folder 327: Amtrak To Keep National Limited Line From Kc Ny, 8/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 730831amt.pdf
Folder 328: $58,790 Dept Labor Grant For Operation Mainstream, 8/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730831dep.pdf
Folder 329: Request To Nixon To Lift Fertilizer Price Controls, 8/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730831req.pdf
Folder 330: Stafford To Salina For Boxcar Meeting, 9/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730903sta.pdf
Folder 331: Hew Awards $70,819 To Ks Universities, 9/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730904hew.pdf
Folder 332: Dole Introduces Resolution To End Watergate Hearings, 9/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730905dol.pdf
Folder 333: $20,000 From Hew To Washburn University, 9/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730905hwu.pdf
Folder 334: $43,362 From Hew To Kansas State University, 9/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730905ksu.pdf
Folder 335: Dole In Favor Of Ending Tv Blackout On Sports Games, 9/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 730906dol.pdf
Folder 336: $37,795 Head Start Grant To Geary County School Dist., 9/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730906hea.pdf
Folder 337: Schedule, 9/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730906sch.pdf
Folder 338: $155,000 Cooperative Education Funds To Ks Universities, 9/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730907coo.pdf
Folder 339: Dole Meets With Dunlop To Discuss Fertilizer Shortage, 9/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730907dmw.pdf
Folder 340: Dole Testifies On Mandatory Allocation For LP Gas, 9/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730907dtm.pdf
Folder 341: Dole Urges Action On Forbes AFB Disposal Report, 9/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730907dua.pdf
Folder 342: $333,450 To Kansas Regional Medical Program, 9/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730908kan.pdf
Folder 343: Freedom Tree Dedication In Holton, 9/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730909fre.pdf
Folder 344: Dole Asks That Controls Be Lifted On Fertilizer, 9/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730910dol.pdf
Folder 345: $1.14 Million To Kansas Regional Medical Program, 9/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 730910kan.pdf
Folder 346: $311,900 Bank Loan To Mo-Kan Dial Company Louisburg, 9/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 730911ban.pdf
Folder 347: Dole Sponsored Social Security Increase Passed, 9/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 730911dol.pdf
Folder 348: 102Nd Birthday Of El Dorado, 9/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 730912bir.pdf
Folder 349: Schedule For September 14-16, 9/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 730912sch.pdf
Folder 350: William Fribley Nominated Regional Co-Chairman Of Ozarks Regional Commission, 9/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 730912wil.pdf
Folder 351: Cosponsors Amendment For Pass Through On Gas And Diesel, 9/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730913cos.pdf
Folder 352: Dole Sponsors New Ems Bill, 9/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730913dol.pdf
Folder 353: Dole To Introduce Legislation For Impact Aid Funding To Ks, 9/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730914dolp.pdf
Folder 354: $142,920 To Midwestern Industries Fort Scott, 9/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730914mid.pdf
Folder 355: $232,630 To 5 Neighborhood Youth Corps Programs, 9/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730914nei.pdf
Folder 356: $76,000 To Opportunities Industrialization Center Topeka, 9/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 730914opp.pdf
Folder 357: Dole Urges Nixon To Lift Controls On Fertilizer, 9/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730918dol.pdf
Folder 358: Dole Urges Quick Action On School Lunch Program Relief, 9/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 730919dol.pdf
Folder 359: US Can't Be Part Time Humanitarian, 9/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 730919usc.pdf
Folder 360: Dole Comments On Passage Of Pension Reform, 9/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Aging  -  PDF available: 730920dol.pdf
Folder 361: Energy Problems Dole Addresses Kioga, 9/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730920ene.pdf
Folder 362: $359,165 To Nursing Student Loan And Scholarship Program, 9/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730920nurp.pdf
Folder 363: Dole Voice Praise For Kissinger, 9/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 730922dol.pdf
Folder 364: Dole Wins Senate Approval For Restoration Of Kansas Impact Aid Funds, 9/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 730924dol.pdf
Folder 365: Dole Asks Immediate LP Gas Allocation Program, 9/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730925dol.pdf
Folder 366: Recomputation Of Military Retirement Benefits Passes, 9/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730925rec.pdf
Folder 367: Dole Assured House Conferees To Support Impact Aid, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730926dah.pdf
Folder 368: Dole Contacts Federal Officials On Ks Tornado Damage, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 730926dcf.pdf
Folder 369: Dole Testifies On Electoral Reform, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Elections  -  PDF available: 730926dto.pdf
Folder 370: Statement Of Dole Hearings On Electoral Reform, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Elections  -  PDF available: 730926dtop.pdf
Folder 371: Grant Award To Kansas State Department Of Education, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 730926gra.pdf
Folder 372: Legislation To Improve Rural Health Services, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 730926leg.pdf
Folder 373: $344 000 Rea Loan To Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 730926rea.pdf
Folder 374: Vocational Rehabilitation Bill Signed, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 730926vocp.pdf
Folder 375: Water Pollution Control Funds To Ks Communities, 9/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 730926wat.pdf
Folder 376: Dole Receives Update On Storm Damages In Ks, 9/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 730927dol.pdf
Folder 377: Disaster Relief Loans To Kansas Farmers, 9/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 730928dis.pdf
Folder 378: Disaster Relief To Kansas, 9/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 730928drk.pdf
Folder 379: Impact Aid Amendment To Be Retained In Conference, 9/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 730928imp.pdf
Folder 380: Mia Amendment Adopted By Senate, 9/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730928mia.pdf
Folder 381: Rural Housing Loan Allocation Announced; Impact Aid Relief For Kansas, 9/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 730928rur.pdf
Folder 382: Dole To Tour Storm Damage, 9/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 730929dol.pdf
Folder 383: Senate Adopts Dole Rural Doctor Plan, 9/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 730929sen.pdf
Folder 384: Conferees Accept Impact Aid Funding Amendment, 10/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 731002con.pdf
Folder 385: Dole Introduces Rural Health Care Legislation, 10/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 731002dir.pdf
Folder 386: Dole Urges Early Action On Disaster Loan Eligibility, 10/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731002due.pdf
Folder 387: Mandatory Fuel Allocation Program Announced, 10/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731002man.pdf
Folder 388: Dole Opposes Senate Move Toward Federal Regulation Of Amateur Athletics, 10/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 731003dol.pdf
Folder 389: Fort Scott Restoration Bill Passes, 10/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 731004for.pdf
Folder 390: Fribley Nomination Approved By The Senate, 10/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 731004fri.pdf
Folder 391: Impact Aid, 10/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 731004imp.pdf
Folder 392: $240,509 Labor Department Grant To Manpower For Hispanic Americans, 10/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 731004lab.pdf
Folder 393: 25 More Counties Eligible For Disaster Funds, 10/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731004mor.pdf
Folder 394: Dole Schedule October 6-7, 10/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 731005dol.pdf
Folder 395: Dole Comments On Arab-Israel Hostilities, 10/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 731008dol.pdf
Folder 396: National Agriculture Week Resolution Introduced, 10/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731008nat.pdf
Folder 397: Preliminary Storm Damage Estimates, 10/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731008pre.pdf
Folder 398: Preliminary Storm Damage Estimates, 10/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731008prep.pdf
Folder 399: FY 1975 Budget For Ks Water Resource Projects, 10/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 731009bud.pdf
Folder 400: Hire The Handicapped Week, 10/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 731009hir.pdf
Folder 401: Rea Act Loan Provisions, 10/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731009rea.pdf
Folder 402: SBA Keynote Address Excerpts Of Speech, 10/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 731010sba.pdf
Folder 403: Dole Appointed To Energy Subcommittee Of Finance, 10/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 731011dol.pdf
Folder 404: New Flood And Tornado Damage, 10/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731011new.pdf
Folder 405: New School Facility At Powhattan For Indian Students, 10/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Indian Affairs  -  PDF available: 731011nsf.pdf
Folder 406: Rea Loan To Central Ks Electric Cooperative Inc., 10/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731011rea.pdf
Folder 407: Water Pollution Funds To Kansas Communities, 10/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 731011wat.pdf
Folder 408: Final Congressional Action On Impact Aid For Kansas, 10/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 731016fin.pdf
Folder 409: Application For Elderly Housing In Greenleaf, 10/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731017app.pdf
Folder 410: Dole Aids Farmers With Sprouting Grain, 10/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731017dol.pdf
Folder 411: School Lunch Bill Passes Senate, 10/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 731017sch.pdf
Folder 412: Dole Comments On Mid-East Conflict, 10/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 731018dco.pdf
Folder 413: Dole Calls For Price Policy Adjustment On Oil Field Equipment, 10/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731018dol.pdf
Folder 414: 18 Ks Counties Added To Disaster List, Original Declaration Extended, 10/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731019ksc.pdf
Folder 415: General Revenue Sharing Funds To Kansas, 10/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 731020gen.pdf
Folder 416: Dole On Veterans Day, 10/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 731021dol.pdf
Folder 417: ASCS Loans On Sprouted Milo, 10/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731023asc.pdf
Folder 418: Cancer Research Funds To KU Med Center, 10/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731023can.pdf
Folder 419: Labor Dept Funds To Topeka Hometown Plan, 10/23/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 731023lab.pdf
Folder 420: Congressmen Ask For Increased Fuel Allocation For Frontier Airlines, 10/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731025con.pdf
Folder 421: Fertilizer Price Controls Lifted, 10/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731025fer.pdf
Folder 422: House Approves Dole's Rural Amendments To The Ems Bill, 10/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 731025hou.pdf
Folder 423: Frontier Application To Be Reviewed November 1, 10/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731026fro.pdf
Folder 424: FHA Loans To 15 Counties, 10/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731029fha.pdf
Folder 425: REA Telephone Bank Loan To Haviland Telephone Company, 10/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 731030rea.pdf
Folder 426: Dole Announces Hud Approval For Greenleaf Housing, 10/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731031dol.pdf
Folder 427: Frontier Airlines Will Restore Kansas Air Service, 10/31/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731031fro.pdf
Folder 428: Charles Stuart Recommended To Post, 11/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 731101cha.pdf
Folder 429: Dole To Pay Visit Carlsons, 11/1/1973Add to your cart.
Subject: General - PDF available: 731101dtp.pdf
Folder 430: Dole Announces Meeting With Golda Meir, 11/1/1973Add to your cart.
Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 731101dam.pdf
Folder 431: Dole Colleagues Meet With Meir Discuss Settlement Prospects, 11/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 731102dol.pdf
Folder 432: Hew Grant To Shawnee County, 11/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731102hew.pdf
Folder 433: Cabin On National Register Of Historic Places, 11/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 731105cab.pdf
Folder 434: Portion Of Atchison Army Storage Facility Declared Surplus, 11/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 731105por.pdf
Folder 435: Community Programming Grant To Girard, 11/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731106com.pdf
Folder 436: Forts Larned And Leavenworth Restoration Projects Dole And Skubitz, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731107fsk.pdf
Folder 437: Forts Larned And Leavenworth Restoration Projects Dole And Sebelius, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 731107for.pdf
Folder 438: Partial Weekend Schedule, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 731107par.pdf
Folder 439: Preview On Presidential Energy Statement, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731107pre.pdf
Folder 440: President Signs School Lunch Bill Kansas Impact Aid Assured, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 731107pssp.pdf
Folder 441: School Lunch Bill, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 731107sch.pdf
Folder 442: Topeka Gets Federal Office Building, 11/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 731107top.pdf
Folder 443: Dole Seeks Fuel Trade Hearings Urges End To Fuel Exports, 11/9/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731109dol.pdf
Folder 444: Dole Urges Common Sense On Fuel Allocation Implementation, 11/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731110duc.pdf
Folder 445: Alaska Pipeline Bill Passes, 11/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731113ala.pdf
Folder 446: Dole And Pearson Call For Flexibility In Fuel Allocation, 11/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731113dap.pdf
Folder 447: Dole Proposes Help For Small Radio Broadcasters, 11/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 731113dph.pdf
Folder 448: Additional Loans From FHA For Washington Co, 11/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731115add.pdf
Folder 449: EPA Grant To Topeka, 11/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731115epa.pdf
Folder 450: Farm City Week Noted By Dole, 11/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731115far.pdf
Folder 451: Grant To Kansas Cultural Arts Commission, 11/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731115gra.pdf
Folder 452: Dole's Energy Amendment Approved (Representation For Independents), 11/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731116dolp.pdf
Folder 453: Oil And Gas Office Revise Allocations To Farmers, 11/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731116oilp.pdf
Folder 454: Site Selection Team To Topeka, 11/16/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 731116sit.pdf
Folder 455: Late Revenue Sharing Payments Released, 11/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 731117dolp.pdf
Folder 456: Dole Attempts To Gain Increase For Ks Social Services, 11/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 731117latp.pdf
Folder 457: Dole Energy Amendment Passes (Report Of Exports Of Oil), 11/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731119dolp.pdf
Folder 458: Finance Comm Approves Dole Amendments (Increase Ks Entitlement-Soc.), 11/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 731119finp.pdf
Folder 459: Report Military Construction Funds, 11/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 731119repp.pdf
Folder 460: Historic Preservation Grant, 11/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731120hisp.pdf
Folder 461: Senate Confirms Roth, 11/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 731120sen.pdf
Folder 462: Dole To Question Love Shultz On Export, 11/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Commerce/Trade  -  PDF available: 731121dol.pdf
Folder 463: $95,000 For Elderly Outreach Program, 11/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Aging  -  PDF available: 731121eld.pdf
Folder 464: Dole Considering Gi Bill To Cover Veteran Tuition Costs, 11/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 731124dolp.pdf
Folder 465: OEO Grant To Garden City, 11/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731124oggp.pdf
Folder 466: OEO Grant To Johnson County, 11/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731124ogjp.pdf
Folder 467: Two Grants To Wyandotte Co, 11/24/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731124twop.pdf
Folder 468: Proposes Help For Small Radio Broadcasters, 11/25/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 731125prop.pdf
Folder 469: Dole Appointed Chairman Of District Council, 11/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 731126dacp.pdf
Folder 470: Dole Urges Development Of Energy Sources, 11/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731126dudp.pdf
Folder 471: Dole Urges WIC Assistance For Kansas, 11/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731126duwp.pdf
Folder 472: Energy Subcommittees To Meet, 11/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731126enep.pdf
Folder 473: EPA Grant Increase To Topeka, 11/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 731126epap.pdf
Folder 474: SBA Loan To Yates Center, 11/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 731126sbap.pdf
Folder 475: Dole Speaks On Ford Nomination, 11/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 731127dolp.pdf
Folder 476: Questions Top Officials On Energy At Hearings, 11/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731127quep.pdf
Folder 477: Additional Hud Money To Hoxie, 11/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731128add.pdf
Folder 478: Dole On TWA Strike, 11/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731128dol.pdf
Folder 479: Money To Ft. Leavenworth Schools, 11/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 731128monp.pdf
Folder 480: President Considering Re-Allocation To General Aviation, 11/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731128pre.pdf
Folder 481: Amtrack, 11/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731129amtp.pdf
Folder 482: Dole Announced Elderly Outreach Program, 11/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Aging  -  PDF available: 731129dolp.pdf
Folder 483: New Natural Gas Sought For Wichita, 11/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731129newp.pdf
Folder 484: Proposes Halt To Export Of Oil Equipment -- Service Stations Can Give Sun . . ., 11/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731129prop.pdf
Folder 485: Reconsidering Tax Incentive On Oil Production (Secondary And Tertiary), 11/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731129recp.pdf
Folder 486: Dole Amendment To Ban Oil Equipment Export Passes, 11/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731130dabp.pdf
Folder 487: Dole Blasts Dot Action On Gen Aviation Fuel-Telegram To Brinegar, 11/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731130dbdpal.pdf
Folder 488: FHA Loan To Jackson County, 11/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 731130fljp.pdf
Folder 489: FHA Loan To Sedgwick County, 11/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 731130flsp.pdf
Folder 490: No News And Good News (Gen. Aviation And Boeing Funds To Be Approved, 11/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731130nonp.pdf
Folder 491: General Aviation Fuel Allocation Plan Modified (2 Versions), 12/1/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731201genp.pdf
Folder 492: Dole Amendment For Broadcasters, 12/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 731202daf.pdf
Folder 493: Dole To Meet With Simon About General Aviation, 12/2/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731202dtmp.pdf
Folder 494: Dole May Add General Aviation To Daylight Savings Time Bill, 12/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731203dmap.pdf
Folder 495: Dole Meets With Simon, 12/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731203dmwp.pdf
Folder 496: Dole On TWA Strike - First Talk With Stowe, 12/3/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731203dotp.pdf
Folder 497: Dole Contacts Federal Disaster Office After Ice Storm, 12/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731204dcfp.pdf
Folder 498: Dole Fuel Allocation Equity Amendment Passes Senate, 12/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731204dfap.pdf
Folder 499: Jobs For Progress Receives Funds, 12/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 731204jobp.pdf
Folder 500: Kansas Counties Designated For Food Stamps, 12/4/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services  -  PDF available: 731204kanp.pdf
Folder 501: Contract Addition To Boeing, 12/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731205conp.pdf
Folder 502: Dole's Office Urges Docking To Tell Whole Story, 12/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 731205doup.pdf
Folder 503: Dole Urges Hearings Into Mutual Aid Pact, 12/5/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731205duhp.pdf
Folder 504: Conservation Measures May Mean Lower Insurance Premiums, 12/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731206conp.pdf
Folder 505: Dole Asks One Third Reduction Of Govt Fuel Consumption, 12/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731206dolp.pdf
Folder 506: Grant To Far-Mar-Co Inc. Of Hutch, 12/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731206grap.pdf
Folder 507: Rea Loan To Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative, 12/6/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 731206reap.pdf
Folder 508: Dole Fuel Production Proposals Included (Grain Alcohol And Feedlot), 12/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731207dfpp.pdf
Folder 509: Dole Urges Nixon Signing Of 1974 Hew Appropriation Bill, 12/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 731207dolp.pdf
Folder 510: Hud Approves Wichita Project (Bridgeport), 12/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731207hudp.pdf
Folder 511: Money For Powhattan School, 12/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Indian Affairs  -  PDF available: 731207monp.pdf
Folder 512: New Gi Bill For Vietnam Veterans, 12/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 731207new.pdf
Folder 513: Vietnam Veterans Educational Act, 12/7/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Vietnam War  -  PDF available: 731207viep.pdf
Folder 514: Dole Locates Gas For Paola And Osawatomie Schools, 12/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731208dolp.pdf
Folder 515: Emergency Assistance For Kansas Dairy Farmers May Be Needed, 12/8/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731208emep.pdf
Folder 516: Approval Of Regional Development Project, 12/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 731210appp.pdf
Folder 517: Dole Contacts FPC And KCC On Gas For Hospitals And Schools, 12/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731210dolp.pdf
Folder 518: Fuel Allocation Equity Amendment To Be Contained In Legislation, 12/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731210fuep.pdf
Folder 519: Rea Loan To Flint Hills Rural Electric Cooperative, 12/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731210rlf.pdf
Folder 520: Rea Loan To Leavenworth-Jefferson Electric Cooperative, 12/10/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731210rll.pdf
Folder 521: Agricultural Energy Amendment Passes Senate $15 Million For . . ., 12/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731211agrp.pdf
Folder 522: Dot Grant To Kansas City Area, 12/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731211dotp.pdf
Folder 523: Interim Fuel Arrangement For Paola And Osawatomie Schools, 12/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731211intp.pdf
Folder 524: Loan To Auburn Housing Authority, 12/11/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731211loa.pdf
Folder 525: Ag Middle Distillate Allocation To Be 110% Of Past Use, 12/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731212agmp.pdf
Folder 526: Dole Urges Presidential Board To Help Resolve TWA Strike, 12/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731212dolp.pdf
Folder 527: EPA Grant To Shawnee County, 12/12/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 731212epa.pdf
Folder 528: Dole Urges President To Invoke Railway Labor Act (In TWA Strike), 12/13/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731213dolp.pdf
Folder 529: Dole Meets With Truckers, 12/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731214dolp.pdf
Folder 530: Dole White House On TWA Strike, 12/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731214dwhp.pdf
Folder 531: End Of TWA Strike, 12/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731214end.pdf
Folder 532: Govt. Officials Meet With Truckers, 12/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731214govp.pdf
Folder 533: Manpower Grant To Kansas, 12/14/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 731214manp.pdf
Folder 534: Clinton Parkway Problems To Get Hearing, 12/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 731215cli.pdf
Folder 535: Dole To Introduce Amendment To Improve Roads (Osage County), 12/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731215dol.pdf
Folder 536: Expects Approval For Vermillion River Bridge, 12/15/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 731215exp.pdf
Folder 537: Dole Meets Again With Truckers, 12/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731217dolp.pdf
Folder 538: Senate Session Prevents Dole Attendance At Liberty Bowl, 12/17/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 731217sen.pdf
Folder 539: Emergency Conservation Assistance For 16 Kansas Counties, 12/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731218emep.pdf
Folder 540: Federal Assistance For Disaster Damage To Three School Districts, 12/18/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 731218fedp.pdf
Folder 541: Army Contract To Topeka Firm, 12/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 731219arm.pdf
Folder 542: Dole For Deregulation Of Natural Gas, 12/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731219dolp.pdf
Folder 543: Federal Assistance For Disaster Damage To Minneapolis Schools, 12/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731219fedp.pdf
Folder 544: Grant To Support Sculpture Conference At Ku, 12/19/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731219grap1.pdf
Folder 545: Dole Wants Ban On Use Of American Fuel To Train Arab Pilots, 12/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731220dolp.pdf
Folder 546: Federal Assistance For Disaster Damage To St. Mary's Schools, 12/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 731220fed.pdf
Folder 547: FHA Loan To Auburn Housing Authority, 12/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731220fhap.pdf
Folder 548: SBA Loan To Greenleaf Firm, 12/20/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 731220sbap.pdf
Folder 549: Dole Calls For Investigation Of Fuel Waste Reports (Ft. Campbell), 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731221dcf.pdf
Folder 550: Dole Urges Butz To Reconsider Wheat Loan Decision, 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731221dolp.pdf
Folder 551: Equity Assured For Fuel Allocations (Gen. Aviation-Emergency Energy), 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731221equ.pdf
Folder 552: Fuel Reallocation For Colby Distributors, 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731221fuep.pdf
Folder 553: New Foreign Trade Zone Authorized For K.C. Ks, 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 731221newp.pdf
Folder 554: Ozarks Comm Approves Funds For Iola Sewers, 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 731221oza.pdf
Folder 555: Passage Of 11% Social Security Increase, 12/21/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 731221pasp.pdf
Folder 556: Congress Runs Out Of Gas On Energy Bill Dole Regrets, 12/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731222con.pdf
Folder 557: Dole Inquiry Possible Military Fuel Waste Receives Action, 12/22/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 731222dol.pdf
Folder 558: Dole Receives Report On Alleged Fuel Waste At Ft. Campbell, 12/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731226drrp.pdf
Folder 559: Dole To Meet With Amtrak President, 12/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731226dtm.pdf
Folder 560: $396,000 To Be Made Available For Wichita Model Cities, 12/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 731226tbm.pdf
Folder 561: Two SBA Loans To Greenleaf (Not Press Release?), 12/26/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 731226two.pdf
Folder 562: Dole Continuing To Work For Proposed Amtrack Route, 12/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731227dcwp.pdf
Folder 563: Dole Opposed To Gas Rationing, 12/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 731227dogp.pdf
Folder 564: FHA Loan To Anderson County, 12/27/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 731227fhap.pdf
Folder 565: Dole Speculates On Stafford Re-Appointment, 12/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 731228dolp.pdf
Folder 566: Grant To Economic Opportunity Office, 12/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731228gra.pdf
Folder 567: Sek-Cap To Receive Grant, 12/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 731228sekp.pdf
Folder 568: WIC Grant To Shawnee County Health Department, 12/28/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 731228wic.pdf
Folder 569: Dole Reviews Latest Allocation Regulations (Gen Aviation), 12/29/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 731229dolp.pdf
Folder 570: Dole Speculates On Stafford Re-Appointment, 12/30/1973Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 731230dol.pdf

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

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