Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 14: 1974

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole To Meet On Proposed Amtrack Route, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740102amt.pdf
- Folder 2: Hew Contract To Aid Potawatomie Indians, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740102hew.pdf
- Folder 3: Grant To KNI, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740102kni.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Against Postal Rate Increase Without Better Service, 1/2/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740102pos.pdf
- Folder 5: Faa Grant To Manhattan, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740103faa.pdf
- Folder 6: Gypsum Now Eligible For Flood Insurance, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740103gyp.pdf
- Folder 7: Proposed K.C.-Denver Amtrack Route To Undergo Feasibility Study, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740103pro.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Meets With Simon To Discuss Energy Impact On Kansas, 1/3/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740103sim.pdf
- Folder 9: Dole's Disaster Relief Legislation Signed Into Law, 1/4/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740104dis.pdf
- Folder 10: Dole Calls For Immediate Investigation Of Tax Adv. Of Major Oil Companies, 1/4/1974

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 740104oil.pdf
- Folder 11: Schedule For January 7 And 8, 1/5/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740105sc7.pdf
- Folder 12: Dole's Schedule January 9-12, 1/5/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740105sc9.pdf
- Folder 13: General Accounting Office Will Move Into Kansas, 1/7/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740107gen.pdf
- Folder 14: Hew Grant To Sek-Cap, 1/7/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740107hew.pdf
- Folder 15: 3 New Parks For Kansas (Topeka Sunflower Leavenworth), 1/7/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740107par.pdf
- Folder 16: Daylight Savings Time And Dole Telegram To Docking, 1/9/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740109day.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Scores FCC Action On Daylight Broadcasters, 1/9/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740109fcc.pdf
- Folder 18: National Science Foundation Awards Grants To Kansas Colleges, 1/9/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740109nat.pdf
- Folder 19: Rea Loan Notification (Sunflower Telephone Coop Of Dodge City), 1/9/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740109rea.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Announces Grant For Cerebral Palsy, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740110cer.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole To Seek Repeal Of Winter Daylight Savings Time, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740110day.pdf
- Folder 22: Dole Opposes Export Controls On Wheat, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740110opp.pdf
- Folder 23: Kansas Receives Records Allocation Of Loan Funds For Rural Homes, 1/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740110rur.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Announces Fuel Allocation, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111ann.pdf
- Folder 25: EPA Grant For State Water Pollution Control, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740111epa.pdf
- Folder 26: FHA Grants 3 Loans To Kansas, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740111fha.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Finds Support For Ending Winter Daylight Time, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111fin.pdf
- Folder 28: Natural Gas Restored To Paola Osawatomie Schools, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111nat.pdf
- Folder 29: Portion Of Forbes Declared Excess Hospital Included, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740111por.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Calls For Action On Propane Prices, 1/11/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740111pro.pdf
- Folder 31: Wage And Price Controls Authority Should Be Allowed To Expire April 30, 1/13/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740113wag.pdf
- Folder 32: Emergency Broadcasts Permitted By FCC Says Dole, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740114eme.pdf
- Folder 33: Grant For Fort Riley Exchange Complex, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740114gra.pdf
- Folder 34: Rea Loan Notification, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740114rea.pdf
- Folder 35: Dole's Schedule For January 15-16-17 And 18, 1/14/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740114s15.pdf
- Folder 36: Civil Aeronautics Board Issues Landmark Decision, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740115civ.pdf
- Folder 37: Fuel Allocations Announced Generalization Gets Equity, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740115fue.pdf
- Folder 38: Kansan George Stafford ICC Chairman Named To 2nd 7 Year Term, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740115kan.pdf
- Folder 39: New FHA Emergency Loan Program Sponsored By Dole Takes Effect, 1/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740115new.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Asks Immediate IRS Investigation Of Propane Pricing, 1/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740116imm.pdf
- Folder 41: Dole Meets IRS Officials In Lyons Re. Propane Pricing, 1/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740116mee.pdf
- Folder 42: National Endowment For The Arts Grant, 1/16/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740116nea.pdf
- Folder 43: El Dorado Industrial Park Grant Awarded By Eda, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740117eld.pdf
- Folder 44: Dole Confers With Dent On Oil Field Supplies Shortages, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740117oil.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Urges Propane Price Regulation Changes, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740117pro.pdf
- Folder 46: Dole Says Trade Bill Must Be Re-Examined, 1/17/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740117tra.pdf
- Folder 47: Conservation Funds Announced, 1/18/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740118con.pdf
- Folder 48: OEO Grant To Kansas, 1/18/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740118oeo.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Sees Bright Future For America, 1/18/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740118see.pdf
- Folder 50: Impact Aid Money To Topeka Schools, 1/19/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740119now.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole Now On Post Office And Civil Service Committee, 1/19/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740119simp.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Wires Butz On Reorganization Plan, 1/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740119wir.pdf
- Folder 53: Energy Staff To Meet With Wamego Resident's At Dole's Request, 1/21/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740121ene.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Says Sound Financing For Energy Programs Is Essential, 1/21/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740121sou.pdf
- Folder 55: Bids To Be Taken For New Construction At Eisenhower Library, 1/22/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740122bid.pdf
- Folder 56: Grant To Unit Of KBI, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740122gra.pdf
- Folder 57: Dole Has Meeting With Country's Major Bailing Wire Producers, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740122mee.pdf
- Folder 58: Dole Meets With President On Energy Shortage, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740122pre.pdf
- Folder 59: Windfall Profits Measure Threatens Kansas Industry, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740122pro.pdf
- Folder 60: Recreational Grant To St. Mary's, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740122rec.pdf
- Folder 61: Dole Wins Approval For Vermilion River Bridge, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740122ver.pdf
- Folder 62: Dole Wins Assurance Of Road Improvements For Melvern And Pomona, 1/22/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740122win.pdf
- Folder 63: Dole Announces Fuel Released For Wamego, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740123ann.pdf
- Folder 64: FHA Loan To Brown County For Water System, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740123fha.pdf
- Folder 65: Dole Opposes Import Quota Suspension, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740123opp.pdf
- Folder 66: Dole Says Streamlining Of Local Ag Programs Ok, 1/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740123str.pdf
- Folder 67: Amtrak Study Expected Soon, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740124amt.pdf
- Folder 68: Meeting To Discuss Bailing Wire Shortage, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740124bai.pdf
- Folder 69: Dole Calls Meeting On Baling Wire Shortage, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740124cal.pdf
- Folder 70: Fuel For USD #395, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740124fue.pdf
- Folder 71: Money For Kansas Park Roads, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740124mon.pdf
- Folder 72: Impact Aid Money To Salina Schools, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740124sal.pdf
- Folder 73: Dole Meets With FPC Chairman Nassikas On Wichita Natural Gas Need, 1/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740124wic.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole Asks Simon For Investigation Of Propane Speculators, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125ask.pdf
- Folder 75: ITY's Gas Problems Alleviated, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125gas.pdf
- Folder 76: New CLC Regulations For Baling Wire, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740125new.pdf
- Folder 77: Propane Regulations To Change, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125pro.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole For Repeal Of Winter Daylight, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125rep.pdf
- Folder 79: Us Must Demand Unified Stance From Oil-Importing Countries, 1/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740125usm.pdf
- Folder 80: Supply For Fort Scott Aluminum Plant Located, 1/26/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740126sup.pdf
- Folder 81: Dole Bill To Repeal Winter Daylight Saving Time, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128bill.pdf
- Folder 82: Grant To K.U. Med Center, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740128gra.pdf
- Folder 83: Dole Introduces Legislation To Roll Back Propane Prices, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128int.pdf
- Folder 84: Legislation To Repeal Winter Daylight Saving Time, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128leg.pdf
- Folder 85: Rea Loan To Serve 5 Kansas Counties, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128rea.pdf
- Folder 86: Remarks Re. Energy Emergency Act, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740128rem.pdf
- Folder 87: Dole Sees Growing Support For Vietnam Era Gi Educational Benefits, 1/28/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740128see.pdf
- Folder 88: One Million Dollars Approved For Kansas Roads, 1/29/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740129one.pdf
- Folder 89: Dole Sees Signs Of Serious Energy Effort, 1/29/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740129see.pdf
- Folder 90: Dole Welcomes Administration Support For Veterans Day Change, 1/29/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740129wel.pdf
- Folder 91: Dole Discusses New Health Plan With Weinberger, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740130dis.pdf
- Folder 92: Funds Now Allotted For Kansas Education, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740130fun.pdf
- Folder 93: Grant To Topeka Recreation Commission, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740130gra.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Pushes Higher Target Prices For Wheat And Feed Grains, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740130pus.pdf
- Folder 95: Rea Loan To Serve 9 Counties, 1/30/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740130rea.pdf
- Folder 96: Recommended Allocation Figure For Fort Larned Increased, 1/31/1974

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 740131rec.pdf
- Folder 97: Atchison County Now Eligible For Flood Aid, 2/1/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740201atc.pdf
- Folder 98: Grant For Planning And Development Of State Law Enforcement, 2/1/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740201gra.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Meets On Farm Fuel, 2/2/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740202mee.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Urges Baling Wire Protection, 2/2/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740202urg.pdf
- Folder 101: Dole Discusses Rural Needs Notes Impact Of Wheat Exports On Economy, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740203dis.pdf
- Folder 102: Dole Foresees Decline In Propane Prices, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740203for.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Describes New Health Insurance Plan, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740203new.pdf
- Folder 104: Dole To Meet With Fertilizer Producers On Kansas Farm Needs, 2/3/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740203tom.pdf
- Folder 105: Money Allotted For FHA Loans To Kansas, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740204fha.pdf
- Folder 106: Grant To Provide Job Training, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740204job.pdf
- Folder 107: Money Requested For Kansas City VA Hospital, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740204mon.pdf
- Folder 108: VA Seeks Money To Complete Modernization Of Wichita VA Hospital, 2/4/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740204vas.pdf
- Folder 109: Amtrak Feasibility Study Received Dole Schedules Thursday Meeting, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740205amt.pdf
- Folder 110: Baling Wire Production To Rise, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740205bai.pdf
- Folder 111: Dole Confers With Roth On Strike Says Trucks Should Roll, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740205con.pdf
- Folder 112: Resolution To End Truck Strike, 2/5/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740205res.pdf
- Folder 113: Amtrak Feasibility Study Received Dole Schedules Thursday Meeting, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740206amt.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Announces Water And Sewer Funds, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740206ann.pdf
- Folder 115: Senator Dole Announces Operating Funds For Farmers, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740206fun.pdf
- Folder 116: $1.4 Million In Law Enforcement Grants To Kansas, 2/6/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740206one.pdf
- Folder 117: Dole Favors Exemption From Costly Requirement For Small Towns, 2/7/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740207fav.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Meets On Amtrak Requests More Information, 2/7/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740207mee.pdf
- Folder 119: Dole Urges President Not To Impose Wheat Export Embargo, 2/7/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740207urg.pdf
- Folder 120: FEO Can Order Refund By Get Rich Quick Speculators, 2/9/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740209feo.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Wants Truckers Back To Work, 2/9/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740209wan.pdf
- Folder 122: Flexibility In Allocation Rules Noted, 2/11/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740211fle.pdf
- Folder 123: Wichita Designated As Port Of Entry, 2/11/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740211wic.pdf
- Folder 124: Fuel For Farmland Made Available By FEO, 2/13/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740213fue.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Would Support Limited Rollback On Crude Oil Prices, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740214ene.pdf
- Folder 126: FEO Acts To Lower Propane Prices, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740214feo.pdf
- Folder 127: New ICC Ruling For Truckers To Be Announced, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740214new.pdf
- Folder 128: FEO Will Order Fuel For Farmland Industries, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740214ord.pdf
- Folder 129: Dole Predicts A Year Of Health In Congress, 2/14/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740214pre.pdf
- Folder 130: Dole Urges Early Action On Animal Health Research Act, 2/15/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740215ani.pdf
- Folder 131: Dot Grant To Metropolitan Area, 2/15/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740215dot.pdf
- Folder 132: Dole Asks Immediate IRS Investigation Of Propane Pricing, 2/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740216ask.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Confers With Simon Propane Price Rollback Assured, 2/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740216con.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Confers With Simon Propane Price Rollback Assured, 2/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740216pro.pdf
- Folder 135: Pilot VA Program For Wichita, 2/17/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740217pil.pdf
- Folder 136: Kansas Allotment For Educational Materials Increased, 2/18/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740218edu.pdf
- Folder 137: Retail Propane Prices Start To Fall, 2/18/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740218ret.pdf
- Folder 138: Kansas Gas Allocation Good News, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740219all.pdf
- Folder 139: Dole Comments On FEO Gas Allocation Announcements, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740219com.pdf
- Folder 140: Remarks Of Dole Re. The Energy Emergency Act, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740219ene.pdf
- Folder 141: Remarks Of Dole At Fertilizer Hearings For Ag Subcommittee, 2/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740219rem.pdf
- Folder 142: Grant To Kansas Park And Resources Authority, 2/20/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740220gra.pdf
- Folder 143: Dole Calls For Including All Of Kansas In Ozarks Development, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740221cal.pdf
- Folder 144: Department Of Interior Contract Awarded For Haskell Improvements, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740221dep.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Cautions Against Relaxation Of Defense Readiness, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740221dol.pdf
- Folder 146: FHA Grant To Nemaha County Rural Water District #3, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740221fha.pdf
- Folder 147: Manhattan Firm Will Study Economic Impact Of Energy Shortage, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740221man.pdf
- Folder 148: New Member Named To Kansas Agric Stabilization And Conservation Committee, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740221new.pdf
- Folder 149: Senate Approves Kansas Public Works Project, 2/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740221sen.pdf
- Folder 150: Dole Butz Discuss Fertilizer Supply, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740222but.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Outlines Fuel Proposals Offers Aid To Kansans Emergencies, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740222fue.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Opposes Pay Raise For Congress, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740222opp.pdf
- Folder 153: Outreach Program For Topeka Minority Youths To Be Funded, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 740222out.pdf
- Folder 154: Propane Price Decline Continues, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740222pro.pdf
- Folder 155: Dole Urges Hearings Into Fuel For Agriculture, 2/22/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740222urg.pdf
- Folder 156: Dole Says Kansas Economy Threatened By Cattle Market Disaster, 2/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740223say.pdf
- Folder 157: Will There Be Enough Wheat?, 2/25/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740225will.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Announces Fertilizer Availability, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740226fer.pdf
- Folder 159: Kansas George Stafford Approved By Senate Committee For 2Nd Term On Interstate Commerce Commission, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740226kan.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Asks Special Fuel Allocation For Kansas, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740226spe.pdf
- Folder 161: Dole Votes Against Pay Raise, 2/26/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740226vot.pdf
- Folder 162: Dole Opposes Proposed Feedlot Regulations, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740227opp.pdf
- Folder 163: Dole Announces Passage Of Fertilizer Resolution, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740227pas.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole School Administrators Discuss Impact Aid, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740227sch.pdf
- Folder 165: Statement Before Mandatory Fuel Allocation Oversight Hearings, 2/27/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740227sta.pdf
- Folder 166: Air Force Contract For Cessna, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740228air.pdf
- Folder 167: Michael E. Powell Offered Appointed To Air Force Academy, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740228mic.pdf
- Folder 168: Stafford Ceremony To Take Place In Wichita, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740228sta.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Calls For Veto Of Energy Bill, 2/28/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740228vet.pdf
- Folder 170: Dole Asks For Figures On Kansas Fertilizer Supplies, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740301fig.pdf
- Folder 171: Hew Grant To State Office, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740301hew.pdf
- Folder 172: Kansan Considered For FHA Post, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740301kan.pdf
- Folder 173: Loan For Greenleaf Housing, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740301loa.pdf
- Folder 174: Dole Seeks Special Ruling On Unused Gasoline Reserves, 3/1/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740301see.pdf
- Folder 175: Dole Cautions On Defense Manpower And Fuel Costs, 3/2/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740302cau.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Asks Assurance That Rural Areas Receive Fair Share Of Rail Service, 3/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740303ask.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole Argues Against Pay Raises, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740304arg.pdf
- Folder 178: Grants Go To Aid Summer Training Of Teachers, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740304gra.pdf
- Folder 179: Dole Introduces Allocation Of Plastic Feedstocks, 3/4/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740304int.pdf
- Folder 180: Ross Robin McIlvain Offered Appointment To West Point, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740304ros.pdf
- Folder 181: SBA To Send Special Rep To Topeka On Base Closure Loan Program, 3/4/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740304sba.pdf
- Folder 182: Topeka Awarded Eda Grant, 3/5/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740305top.pdf
- Folder 183: Dole Announces Fuel Hearings, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740306ann.pdf
- Folder 184: FHA Loan To Sedgwick County, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740306fha.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole Hits Energy Bill's Damage To Kansas, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740306hit.pdf
- Folder 186: Dole Meets With Dot Officials Optimistic About Kansas City - Denver Amtrak Route, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740306mee.pdf
- Folder 187: Dole Requests Hearings Into Beef Prices, 3/6/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740306req.pdf
- Folder 188: Herrington To Receive Impact Aid Funds, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740307her.pdf
- Folder 189: Impact Aid Funds For Hope, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740307imp.pdf
- Folder 190: Kansas Public Works Projects Become Law, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740307pub.pdf
- Folder 191: Dole Reports Fertilizer Production, 3/7/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740307rep.pdf
- Folder 192: Dole Announces Ruling On Pet Shipments, 3/8/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740308ann.pdf
- Folder 193: Dole Objects To Retail Beef Prices, 3/8/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740308obj.pdf
- Folder 194: Dole Introduces Clinton Parkway Bill, 3/9/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740309cli.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Faults USDA On Beef Prices, 3/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740310fau.pdf
- Folder 196: Approval Of Kansas Participation In Economic Development Region, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740311app.pdf
- Folder 197: Extra Acreage In Cultivation Justifies More Fuel For Kansas Says Dole, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740311ext.pdf
- Folder 198: Kansas Manpower Programs Continued With Labor Department Grant, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740311man.pdf
- Folder 199: Senate Adopts Dole Community Development Amendment, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740311sen.pdf
- Folder 200: Shelley S. Rogers Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 3/11/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740311she.pdf
- Folder 201: Dole Announces Animal Health Research Action, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740312ann.pdf
- Folder 202: Bruce Scott Collins Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740312bru.pdf
- Folder 203: FEO Regulation Change Under Consideration Would Mean Extra Fuel, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740312feo.pdf
- Folder 204: Final Senate Approval For Fort Larned Funding, 3/12/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740312fin.pdf
- Folder 205: Statement Before Farm And Retail Prices For Beef Hearings, 3/13/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740313sta.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole Helps Service Stations, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740314hel.pdf
- Folder 207: LEAA Awards Grant For Improving Kansas Criminal Justice System, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 740314lea.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole Reports On Agriculture Week, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740314rep.pdf
- Folder 209: Dole Requests Fertilizer Investigations, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740314req.pdf
- Folder 210: Dole's Weekend Schedule, 3/14/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740314wee.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Announces Ag Research Funds, 3/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740315ann.pdf
- Folder 212: Glen E. Shipman Offered Appointment To Naval Academy, 3/15/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740315gle.pdf
- Folder 213: Dole Comments On USDA Crop Forecast, 3/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740317com.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Announces Guidelines On Highway Feasibility Studies, 3/17/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740317gui.pdf
- Folder 215: Dole Sponsors Major Business Procurement Conference In Topeka, 3/17/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740317spo.pdf
- Folder 216: Contact To Leavenworth Firm, 3/18/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740318con.pdf
- Folder 217: Impact Aid Money For Kansas, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740318imp.pdf
- Folder 218: Kansan Named To FHA Post, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740318kan.pdf
- Folder 219: Law Enforcement Grant To Washburn University, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740318law.pdf
- Folder 220: Michael Creed Offered Appointment To West Point, 3/18/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740318mic.pdf
- Folder 221: Education Grant For Kansas, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740319edu.pdf
- Folder 222: ICC Assigns Hopper Cars For Fertilizer Shipment To Kansas, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740319icc.pdf
- Folder 223: $1 Million Loan To Serve 8 Counties, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740319one.pdf
- Folder 224: Resolution To Establish Ag Week Passes Senate, 3/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740319res.pdf
- Folder 225: Dole Announces Approval Of Animal Health Research Bill, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740320app.pdf
- Folder 226: Manpower Programs Extended In Kansas, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740320man.pdf
- Folder 227: Dole Opposes Legislation That Would Depress Grain Prices, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740320opp.pdf
- Folder 228: Phillip J. Zeller III Offered Appointment At West Point, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740320phi.pdf
- Folder 229: Reimbursement Grants Announced For Kansas EPA Projects, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740320rei.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Seeks Relief For Southeast Kansas Cattlemen, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740320see.pdf
- Folder 231: Dole Telegrams Nixon On Cattlemen's Need, 3/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740320tel.pdf
- Folder 232: FHA Loan To Wabaunsee County, 3/21/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740321fha.pdf
- Folder 233: Conservation Assistance Offered To Two Kansas Counties, 3/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740322con.pdf
- Folder 234: Dole Announces Fertilizer Meeting, 3/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740322fer.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Introduces Bill To Aid POW Families, 3/22/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740322pow.pdf
- Folder 236: Dole Urges Competitive Integrity In KU-UCLA Basketball Game, 3/24/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740324urg.pdf
- Folder 237: VA And Action Office Will Begin Operation Vetreach, 3/24/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740324vaa.pdf
- Folder 238: Dole-Sebelius Bill To Aid POW Families Passes Congress, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740325bill.pdf
- Folder 239: Fuel For Agriculture Discussed In Hearings Called By Dole, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740325fue.pdf
- Folder 240: Full Kansas Participation In Ozarks Economic Development Region, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740325full.pdf
- Folder 241: Rea Loan To Serve Eight Kansas Counties, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740325rea.pdf
- Folder 242: Dole Receives Interim FEO Report On Propane Investigation, 3/25/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740325rec.pdf
- Folder 243: Special White House Meeting To Discuss Agriculture, 3/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740326spe.pdf
- Folder 244: Dole Introduces Anti-Busing Measure, 3/27/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740327int.pdf
- Folder 245: Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans Education Benefits Act Of 1973, 3/28/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740328com.pdf
- Folder 246: Dole Urges Haste In Hearings To Aid Plastics Processors, 3/28/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740328urg.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole Praises Passage Of Animal Health Research Act, 3/29/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740329pra.pdf
- Folder 248: 20 Students Will Receive 4 Year ROTC Scholarships, 3/29/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740329twe.pdf
- Folder 249: April Fuel For Kansas Farm Production Announced, 3/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740330apr.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole Bill For POW Families Becomes Law, 3/30/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740330bill.pdf
- Folder 251: Kansas Farmers To Receive Funding For Conservation, 3/30/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740330kan.pdf
- Folder 252: Dole Amendment To Prohibit Appeals For Money By Franked Mail, 4/1/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740401ame.pdf
- Folder 253: Start-Up Bridgeport Urban Renewal Funds Announced More Expected, 4/1/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740401sta.pdf
- Folder 254: Grants Go To Fund Undergraduate Research Projects, 4/2/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740402gra.pdf
- Folder 255: Dole Opposes Amtrak Cancellation, 4/2/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740402opp.pdf
- Folder 256: Dole Supports Equitable Fuel Allocation For Kansas Tourism, 4/2/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740402sup.pdf
- Folder 257: Formal Confirmation Of Bridgeport Funding, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740403for.pdf
- Folder 258: Dole Hits Railroad Car Shortage, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740403hit.pdf
- Folder 259: ICC To Issue Order To Aid Grain Shipment, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740403icc.pdf
- Folder 260: Dole Sees Breakthrough On Prospects For Health Insurance Action, 4/3/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740403see.pdf
- Folder 261: Dole Announces Hearings On Clinton Parkway, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740404ann.pdf
- Folder 262: Grants Will Extend Manpower Projects In Kansas, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740404ext.pdf
- Folder 263: Land For K-State, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740404lan.pdf
- Folder 264: Dole Opposed To Closing Manhattan Flight Service Station, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740404opp.pdf
- Folder 265: Dole Questions FEO About Kansas April Gasoline Allocation Totals, 4/4/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740404que.pdf
- Folder 266: Dole Calls For Administration Action On Physician Program, 4/5/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740405cal.pdf
- Folder 267: Dole Announces 5 Million Gallons Additional Kansas Fuel, 4/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740406ann.pdf
- Folder 268: Amtrak On-Site Study To Begin April 16, 4/8/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740408amt.pdf
- Folder 269: Impact Aid Money To Kansas Schools, 4/8/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740408imp.pdf
- Folder 270: Dole Offers Amendment To Identify Tax-Paid Campaign Materials, 4/8/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740408off.pdf
- Folder 271: Benedictine Students To Conduct Independent Environmental Studies, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740409ben.pdf
- Folder 272: Dole Introduces Campaign Reform Substitute, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740409int.pdf
- Folder 273: Kansan To Be Named To National Committee, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740409kan.pdf
- Folder 274: Dole Supports Ending Debate On Tax Supported Political Campaigns, 4/9/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740409sup.pdf
- Folder 275: Over $1 Million In Impact Aid For Kansas, 4/10/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740410ove.pdf
- Folder 276: Statement On Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Benefits Act, 4/10/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740410sta.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole Testifies On Comprehensive Vietnam Era Veterans Educational Benefits Act, 4/10/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740410tes.pdf
- Folder 278: $1.5 Million To Wichita For Southwest Project, 4/12/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740412one.pdf
- Folder 279: Dole's Recess Schedule, 4/12/1974

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 740412rec.pdf
- Folder 280: Hew Grant To Capper Foundation, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740413hew.pdf
- Folder 281: Over Half Million Dollars In Impact Aid For Kansas, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740413ove.pdf
- Folder 282: Up To $10 Million In Refunds To Kansans -- New Allocation Regulations Drafted, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740413upt.pdf
- Folder 283: Dole Urges Action To Avoid Truck Strike, 4/13/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740413urg.pdf
- Folder 284: Dole Announces Handicapped Bills, 4/14/1974

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 740414ann.pdf
- Folder 285: Reimbursement Grants For Kansas EPA Projects, 4/15/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740415rei.pdf
- Folder 286: Up To $10 Million In Refunds To Kansas, 4/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740415upt.pdf
- Folder 287: Agricultural Fuel Allocation Regulations Re-Drafted, 4/16/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740416agr.pdf
- Folder 288: Eisenhower Center To Receive Visitor's Center And Addition, 4/16/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740416eis.pdf
- Folder 289: Over $1.5 Million For Dickinson County Water District, 4/16/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740416ove.pdf
- Folder 290: Headstart Grant To Serve Five Kansas Counties, 4/18/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740418hea.pdf
- Folder 291: Dole Meets With Veterans To Discuss Needs, 4/18/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740418mee.pdf
- Folder 292: Nine Kansas Areas Designated As Bicentennial Communities, 4/18/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740418nin.pdf
- Folder 293: Dole Says County Ag Office Consolidation Plans Slowed, 4/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740420dol.pdf
- Folder 294: Dole Calls For Tax Hearing, 4/21/1974

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 740421tax.pdf
- Folder 295: Five Kansans Reappointed To District Advisory Council, 4/22/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740422kan.pdf
- Folder 296: Inflation Budget Reform And Retirement Income Discussed By Dole, 4/23/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740423inf.pdf
- Folder 297: John E.B. Smith Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740424joh.pdf
- Folder 298: Dole Receives Assurance On Air Taxi Mail Service, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740424rec.pdf
- Folder 299: Statement On Retirement Of Law Enforcement And Firefighters, 4/24/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740424ret.pdf
- Folder 300: Senate Approves Dole-Gurney Amendment To No-Fault Bill, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740424sen.pdf
- Folder 301: Steve McCarter Offered Appointment To Air Force Academy, 4/24/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740424ste.pdf
- Folder 302: Approval For Dole Disaster Relief Proposal, 4/25/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740425app.pdf
- Folder 303: EPA Reimbursement Grants To Kansas Communities, 4/25/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740425epa.pdf
- Folder 304: Kansan Appointed To National Advisory Mental Health Council, 4/25/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740425kan.pdf
- Folder 305: Dole Announces Names Of Navy ROTC Scholarship Winners, 4/26/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740426ann.pdf
- Folder 306: Dole Bill Would Raise Speed Limit To 60 Mph, 4/26/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740426wou.pdf
- Folder 307: Dole Outlines Plan For Harvest Fuel Needs Welcomes FEO Move, 4/28/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740428out.pdf
- Folder 308: Voters Credibility Quotient Controlling In 74 Elections, 4/28/1974

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 740428vot.pdf
- Folder 309: Elderly Hot Meals Program Funded, 4/29/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740429eld.pdf
- Folder 310: $412,000 Rea Loan To Serve 5 Kansas Counties, 4/29/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740429rea.pdf
- Folder 311: Statement Hearings On Fy1975 Public Works Appropriations, 4/29/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740429sta.pdf
- Folder 312: Garcia Joins Dole Senate Staff, 5/1/1974

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 740501gar.pdf
- Folder 313: Dole Calls For Action On Physician Shortage Program, 5/2/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740502cal.pdf
- Folder 314: Kansas City-Denver On-Site Inspection Completed, 5/2/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740502kan.pdf
- Folder 315: Amtrak Provides Preliminary Draft On K.C.-Tulsa Passenger Route, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740503amt.pdf
- Folder 316: Dole Requests Butz Assessment Of Kansas Fuel Situation, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740503but.pdf
- Folder 317: Draft Actuality Text For Mitchell County Water District, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740503dra.pdf
- Folder 318: Dole Requests Investigation In Disappearance Of Kansan, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 740503miss.pdf
- Folder 319: $244,907 To Aid Kansas Elderly, 5/3/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740503two.pdf
- Folder 320: Increased Aid For Elderly Sought, 5/4/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740504inc.pdf
- Folder 321: Dole Announces Possible Continuing Education Center Funds For Ku, 5/4/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740504poss.pdf
- Folder 322: Grant For Jobs Program In McPherson Announced, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740505gra.pdf
- Folder 323: Dole Proposals On Farm Fuel Adopted By FEO More Fuel For Harvest Seen, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740505pro.pdf
- Folder 324: Dole Sees Reg Change Helpful On Harvest Fuel Gets Interim Fertilizer Report, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740505see.pdf
- Folder 325: Dole To Confer On Forbes Turnover, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740505toc.pdf
- Folder 326: Topeka Business Conference Draws Nationwide Attention, 5/5/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740505top.pdf
- Folder 327: Dole Cautions Doctors As Controls End, 5/6/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740506cau.pdf
- Folder 328: Dole To Seek Speed Limit Increase, 5/6/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740506tos.pdf
- Folder 329: Funding For Summer Job Programs Awarded, 5/7/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740507fun.pdf
- Folder 330: Dole Proposals On Farm Fuel Adopted By FEO More Fuel For Harvest, 5/7/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740507pro.pdf
- Folder 331: Rural Water Funds Released $120 Million For Grants Nationwide, 5/7/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740507rur.pdf
- Folder 332: Dole Offers Speed Limit Amendment, 5/8/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740508off.pdf
- Folder 333: Dole Stresses Need To Control Inflation, 5/8/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740508str.pdf
- Folder 334: Dole Supports OSHA Modifications, 5/8/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740508sup.pdf
- Folder 335: Approval For Dole Disaster Relief Proposal, 5/9/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740509app.pdf
- Folder 336: Dole Takes Veteran's Case Direct To President, 5/9/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740509tak.pdf
- Folder 337: Physician Shortage Area Scholarships Announced By Dole, 5/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740510phy.pdf
- Folder 338: Dole Sees Progress Toward Passage Of National Health Insurance, 5/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740510see.pdf
- Folder 339: High Food Prices Symptom Of Inflation Not Its Cause Says Dole, 5/12/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740512hig.pdf
- Folder 340: Vote On Dole's Bill To Raise Speed Limit Set For Monday, 5/12/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740512vot.pdf
- Folder 341: $107,104 In Impact Aid Funds To Serve 12 Kansas School Districts, 5/13/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740513one.pdf
- Folder 342: Dole Regrets Senate Failure To Pass 60 Mph Limit Offers Again, 5/13/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740513reg.pdf
- Folder 343: Senate Passes Bill To Extend Veterans Educational Benefits, 5/13/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740513sen.pdf
- Folder 344: Dole Petrochemical Measure Passes Senate, 5/14/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740514pet.pdf
- Folder 345: $265,913 In Impact Aid Funds To Serve Four Kansas School District, 5/14/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740514two.pdf
- Folder 346: Dole Urges Revision Of 1974 Wheat Estimate, 5/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740514urg.pdf
- Folder 347: Amtrak Decision Expected Soon, 5/15/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740515amt.pdf
- Folder 348: Dole Asks Temporary Reduction In Meat Imports, 5/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740515ask.pdf
- Folder 349: Senate Fails To Pass Anti-Busing Provision, 5/15/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740515sen.pdf
- Folder 350: Crutcher To Be Top Dole Aid, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 740516cru.pdf
- Folder 351: Senate Passes Busing Limit Proposed By Dole, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740516pas.pdf
- Folder 352: Dole Reasonable Time Amendment Adopted, Would Grant Topeka More Time On School Plan, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740516rea.pdf
- Folder 353: Dole Releases Statement On Financial Status, 5/16/1974

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 740516rel.pdf
- Folder 354: Over $6 Million For Kansas Urban Renewal, 5/17/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740517ove.pdf
- Folder 355: Price Of Flags To Rise, 5/17/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740517pri.pdf
- Folder 356: $285,015 In Impact Aid Funds To 13 Kansas School Districts, 5/17/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740517two.pdf
- Folder 357: $415,000 FHA Loan To Pottawatomie County Water District, 5/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740520fou.pdf
- Folder 358: Senate Assures Kansas Eligible For Impact Funds Dole Amendment Passes, 5/20/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740520sen.pdf
- Folder 359: $233,910 Action Grant For Topeka, 5/20/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740520two.pdf
- Folder 360: Dole Emphasizes Need For Harvest Fuel Distribution System, 5/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740521emp.pdf
- Folder 361: EPA Reimbursement Grants Total $898,600 For 20 Kansas Projects, 5/22/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740522epa.pdf
- Folder 362: Dole Urges Steps To Stabilize Wheat Market, 5/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740522urg.pdf
- Folder 363: $415,000 Loan To Pottawatomie County, 5/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740523fou.pdf
- Folder 364: $51,500 Grant To Aid Economic Planning For 14 County Areas, 5/24/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740524fif.pdf
- Folder 365: Paul Michael Skolaut Appointed To Air Force Academy, 5/24/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740524pau.pdf
- Folder 366: Dole Brinegar Confer Again On Amtrak Route, 5/27/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740527bri.pdf
- Folder 367: Dole To Meet With Hew Officials On Topeka Issue, 5/27/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740527mee.pdf
- Folder 368: $153,342 In Impact Aid Funds To 8 Kansas School District, 5/28/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740528one.pdf
- Folder 369: Dole Fears Impact Of Imported Beef On Consumers And Kansas Economy, 5/29/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740529fea.pdf
- Folder 370: St. Mary's Now Eligible For Flood Insurance Through Hud, 5/29/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740529stm.pdf
- Folder 371: Dole Meets With HEW Over Topeka School District Civil Rights Issue, 5/30/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740530mee.pdf
- Folder 372: $481,720 EPA Grant For Wichita Project, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740531fou.pdf
- Folder 373: Grant Will Aid Topeka Elderly, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740531gra.pdf
- Folder 374: Postal Service Drops Consideration Of Forbes Building, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740531pos.pdf
- Folder 375: Dole Says Peace Is The Overwhelming Factor In What Is Right With America, 5/31/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740531say.pdf
- Folder 376: $66,424 Hew Grant To KU Med Center For Family Medical Training, 5/31/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740531six.pdf
- Folder 377: Dole Calls For End To Barbaric Cruelty; Legislation To Prohibit Use Of Dogs In Experiments, 6/1/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740601cal.pdf
- Folder 378: Kansas Fuel Allocation Up To 13 Million Gallons For June, 6/1/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740601kan.pdf
- Folder 379: Kan-Ombe Funds Expected To Continue, 6/1/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740601kano.pdf
- Folder 380: Measure Would Raise VA To Cabinet Level, 6/4/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740604mea.pdf
- Folder 381: Senate Approves Ban On Experimentation With Dogs, 6/4/1974

- Subject: Animal Welfare - PDF available: 740604sen.pdf
- Folder 382: Increased Aid To The Elderly Approved, 6/5/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740605inc.pdf
- Folder 383: $167,000 To Aid Kansas Education, 6/5/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740605one.pdf
- Folder 384: Dole Announces Official Hud Action On Northeast Leavenworth, 6/6/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740606ann.pdf
- Folder 385: Dole Urges Quick Action To Aid Cattle Industry, 6/6/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740606urg.pdf
- Folder 386: Additional Funding Made Available For Bridgeport Project, 6/7/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740607add.pdf
- Folder 387: Dole Checks Baling Wire Output, 6/7/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740607che.pdf
- Folder 388: EPA Reimbursement Grants Total $94,800 For 10 Kansas Projects, 6/7/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740607epa.pdf
- Folder 389: Sawhill Answers Dole's Questions, 6/7/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740607saw.pdf
- Folder 390: $83,745 For State Vocational Education Program, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740610eig.pdf
- Folder 391: Dole Informed Of Livestock Actions, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740610inf.pdf
- Folder 392: Kansas Declared A National Disaster Area, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740610kan.pdf
- Folder 393: Over $6.5 Million For Kansas Students From Hew Grants And Loans, 6/10/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740610ove.pdf
- Folder 394: Amtrak Decision Expected Within Ten Days, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740611amt.pdf
- Folder 395: $80,000 Hew Grant To United Tribes, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740611eig.pdf
- Folder 396: Senate Passes Amendment To Allow Masters Degree At Fort Leavenworth, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740611sen.pdf
- Folder 416: Dole Offers Livestock Producer And Consumer Protection Act Of 1974, 6/11/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 74061off.pdf
- Folder 397: Dole Comments On Kissinger Controversy, 6/12/1974

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 740612com.pdf
- Folder 398: Dole Urges Ag Sec Butz To Reduce Beef Imports, 6/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740612urg.pdf
- Folder 399: Senators Adopt Dole Recommendation; Meat Import Quotas, 6/13/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740613sen.pdf
- Folder 400: $50,000 FHA Grant To Luray, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740614fif.pdf
- Folder 401: Dole Meets To Discuss Livestock Industry, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740614mee.pdf
- Folder 402: $99,316 To Aid Bilingual Children, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740614nin.pdf
- Folder 403: SBA Loan To Aid Sabetha Firm, 6/14/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740614sba.pdf
- Folder 404: Dole Amendment To Tie Budget Cut To Tax Cut, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740617ame.pdf
- Folder 405: Decision To Ban Fireworks Not Effective Until Public Hearing, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 740617dec.pdf
- Folder 406: Depression In The Livestock Industry, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740617dep.pdf
- Folder 407: New Doctor For Mound City, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740617new.pdf
- Folder 408: Statement For Subcommittee On Ag Credit And Rural Electrification, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740617sta.pdf
- Folder 409: $249,770 For Kansas State Health Board, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740617two.pdf
- Folder 410: Dole Wants Positive Action For Livestock Producers, 6/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740617wan.pdf
- Folder 411: Kansas Receives $1,858,225 From Labor Department, 6/18/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740618kan.pdf
- Folder 412: $100 Million Government Meat Purchase Approved, 6/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740618one.pdf
- Folder 413: Ag Committee Reports Bill To Aid Hard Hit Livestock Producers, 6/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740619agc.pdf
- Folder 414: $26,105 For Kansas Postsecondary Education Planning, 6/19/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740619twe.pdf
- Folder 415: Veterans Bill Passes Senate, 6/19/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740619vet.pdf
- Folder 417: Dole Announces Dept Of Labor Grants For Kansas Youth, 6/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740620ann.pdf
- Folder 418: Dole Legislation Will Extend Kansas Programs, 6/20/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740620kan.pdf
- Folder 419: Dole Legislation Would Extend Kansas Programs, 6/20/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740620leg.pdf
- Folder 420: Dole Announces $40,000 Headstart Grant To Topeka Indian Center, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740621ann.pdf
- Folder 421: $100,555 To Kansas Department Of Economic Development, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740621one.pdf
- Folder 422: Senate Ends Debate On Livestock Credit Bill, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740621sen.pdf
- Folder 423: Statement Subcommittee On Communications Broadcast License Renewal, 6/21/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740621sta.pdf
- Folder 424: Dole, Brinegar Will Meet To Discuss Amtrak Decision, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740622bri.pdf
- Folder 425: Dole Calls For Embargo On Canadian Meat And Farm Product Imports, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740622cal.pdf
- Folder 426: Disaster Relief Program Flexible, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740622dis.pdf
- Folder 427: Dole Urges Disaster Relief Change, 6/22/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740622urg.pdf
- Folder 428: $50,000 Hud Grant To Topeka Shawnee County Metro Planning Commission, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740624fif.pdf
- Folder 429: Livestock Credit Bill Passes Senate, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740624liv.pdf
- Folder 430: More Doctors Are Needed, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740624mor.pdf
- Folder 431: Dole Supports Longer Broadcast License Terms, 6/24/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740624sup.pdf
- Folder 432: 14 Kansas Communities Receive Total Of $456,800 In EPA Grants, 6/25/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740625fou.pdf
- Folder 433: $20,000 Preliminary Hud Loan To Prairie Band Potawatomie Indians, 6/25/1974

- Subject: Indian Affairs - PDF available: 740625pre.pdf
- Folder 434: $44,000 To Regional Planning Commission, 6/25/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740625tor.pdf
- Folder 435: Dole Comments On Courts Right To Reply Decision, 6/26/1974

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 740626com.pdf
- Folder 436: $5.3 Million In Highway Funds To I-35 (Transportation), 6/26/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740626fiv.pdf
- Folder 437: Dole Meets With FEA's Sawhill Concerning Asphalt Shortage, 6/26/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740626mee.pdf
- Folder 438: $126,201 Grant To State Services For The Aging, 6/26/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740626one.pdf
- Folder 439: USDA To Increase Technical Service Personnel For Conservation (Agriculture), 6/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740626usd.pdf
- Folder 440: Hew Grant Awarded To Wichita Public School System (Education), 6/27/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740627hew.pdf
- Folder 441: Kansas Educational Institutions To Receive Over 1.5 Million Dollars (Education), 6/27/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740627kan.pdf
- Folder 442: Kansas City-Denver Route Not To Be Among Today's Announcements, 6/27/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740627kans.pdf
- Folder 443: Statement On Soil Conservation Before Subcommittee On Ag Production, 6/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740627sta.pdf
- Folder 444: Labor Department Will Provide Funds For Ser Pilot Program (Labor), 6/28/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740628lab.pdf
- Folder 445: Nearly One Million Dollars In Hud Funds To Kansas (Housing), 6/28/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740628nea.pdf
- Folder 446: Nearly Half Million Dollars To Fund Summer Jobs For Kansas Youth (Employment Labor), 6/28/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740628near.pdf
- Folder 447: $107,400 OEO Grants For Nutrition Programs (Health Care), 7/1/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740701hea.pdf
- Folder 448: $50,000 To Kansas Commission On Alcoholism (Drug Abuse Alcohol), 7/2/1974

- Subject: Drugs - PDF available: 740702fif.pdf
- Folder 449: Videotape Text Re. Raising VA To Cabinet Level, 7/3/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740703enc.pdf
- Folder 450: $450,525 For Law Enforcement Education In Kansas, 7/8/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740708fou.pdf
- Folder 451: Grants Totaling $190,625 To Topeka Public Schools, 7/8/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740708gra.pdf
- Folder 452: High Cost Low Supply Of Winter Propane Concerns Dole (Energy), 7/9/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740709hig.pdf
- Folder 453: Food For Peace: 20 Years Of Sharing (Agriculture), 7/10/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740710foo.pdf
- Folder 454: $314695 For Topeka Institutions From Hew (Funding And Grants), 7/10/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740710thi.pdf
- Folder 455: House And Senate Conferees On Education Bill Accept Language (Education), 7/11/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740711hou.pdf
- Folder 456: Announce Appointment Of Earl Brookover To Ag Advisory Committee (Agriculture), 7/12/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740712ann.pdf
- Folder 457: Following Release Of Final Report Of Watergate Committee (Watergate), 7/12/1974

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 740712fol.pdf
- Folder 458: Dole Urges Baling Wire And Fertilizer Action (Agriculture), 7/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740715urg.pdf
- Folder 459: $556,250 To Refund Kansas Programs, 7/16/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740716fiv.pdf
- Folder 460: Videotape Text Re. OEO And Cap Agencies (Business), 7/16/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740716vid.pdf
- Folder 461: Dole Again Urges Import Quotas (Trade), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740717aga.pdf
- Folder 462: Urge Butz To Impose Meat Import Quotas, 7/17/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740717but.pdf
- Folder 463: $50,000 In Grants To Kansas Latinos Migrants (Funding And Grants), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Immigration - PDF available: 740717fif.pdf
- Folder 464: Dole Reports Action On Livestock Credit (Agriculture), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740717rep.pdf
- Folder 465: Dole Scores End Of European Dairy Subsidies (Agriculture), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740717sco.pdf
- Folder 466: $20,000 For Kansas Mass Transit (Transportation), 7/17/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740717twe.pdf
- Folder 467: Dole Bill Would Improve Farm And Business Loans For Vietnam Veterans (Veterans), 7/18/1974

- Subject: Vietnam War - PDF available: 740718bill.pdf
- Folder 468: Rea Loan To Serve 7 Kansas Counties (Rural Development), 7/19/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740719rea.pdf
- Folder 469: Skubitz And Dole Urge Administration On Crop Failure Assessments, 7/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740721sku.pdf
- Folder 470: Dole Livestock Amendment Accepted By Senate (Agriculture), 7/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740722liv.pdf
- Folder 471: Dole Requests Information To Aid Kansas Drillers (Energy), 7/23/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740723req.pdf
- Folder 472: USDA Sending Agent To Speed Crop Damage Assessment (Agriculture), 7/23/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740723usd.pdf
- Folder 473: Statement Before Subcommittee On Agricultural Credit Farm Shortages (Agriculture), 7/24/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740724stap.pdf
- Folder 474: Livestock Credit Bill Signed Into Law (Agriculture), 7/26/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740726liv.pdf
- Folder 475: Dole Hopeful On Possible Columbus Fertilizer Plant (Agriculture), 7/29/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740729hop.pdf
- Folder 476: Dole Announces Relaxation Of Disaster Payment Requirement (Disasters), 7/29/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740729rel.pdf
- Folder 477: Dole Acts On Natural Gas Problems (Energy), 7/30/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740730act.pdf
- Folder 478: Dole Requests Special FHA Drought Survey (Disasters), 7/30/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740730req.pdf
- Folder 479: Dole Announces August Fuel Amounts (Energy), 7/31/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740731ann.pdf
- Folder 480: Dole Anti-Inflation Move Narrowly Beaten, 7/31/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740731ant.pdf
- Folder 481: Dole Asks Assignment To New Senate Budget Committee (Federal Budget), 7/31/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740731ask.pdf
- Folder 482: Senate Approves Measure To Allow Masters Degree At Fort Leavenworth (Education), 7/31/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 740731sen.pdf
- Folder 483: Dole Anti-Spending Push Gains Momentum (Federal Budget), 8/1/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740801ant.pdf
- Folder 484: Family Housing Construction To Begin At Fort Riley (Housing), 8/1/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740801fam.pdf
- Folder 485: Meat Imports Decline (Agriculture), 8/2/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740802mea.pdf
- Folder 486: Senate Budget Cutting Measure Reduces Transportation Department Appropriation 100 Million Dollars, 8/2/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740802sen.pdf
- Folder 487: Senate Anti-Inflation Forces Growing Pass Byrd-Dole Amendment (Inflation), 8/2/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740802sena.pdf
- Folder 488: Dole Urges Action On Drought Disaster Aid Wires Governor And State ASCS Director, 8/2/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740802urg.pdf
- Folder 489: Hud Appropriation Bill Recommitted: Expect $160 Million Cut (Appropriations), 8/5/1974

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 740805hud.pdf
- Folder 490: $1.9 Million To Telephone Cooperative Serving 5 Kansas Counties (Rural Development), 8/7/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 740807mil.pdf
- Folder 491: Dole On Of Six Senate Republicans Named To New Budget Committee (Federal Budget), 8/7/1974

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 740807ono.pdf
- Folder 492: $6.1 Million For Wichita Renewal, 8/8/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 740808mil.pdf
- Folder 493: Nixon Resignation (Nixon Administration), 8/8/1974

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 740808nix.pdf
- Folder 494: Dole Welcomes New Propane Pricing Rule (Energy), 8/8/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740808wel.pdf
- Folder 495: On Ford Swearing-In (Ford Administration), 8/9/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740809onf.pdf
- Folder 496: Emergency Hearings To Be Held On Crop Losses (Agriculture), 8/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740812eme.pdf
- Folder 497: Dole Says Emergency Livestock Loans Ready This Week In Kansas (Agriculture), 8/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740812say.pdf
- Folder 498: Eda Growth Centers Designated (Funding And Grants), 8/13/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740813eda.pdf
- Folder 499: $254,000 Loan For Pottawatomie County Water District #1 (Public Works), 8/13/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740813loa.pdf
- Folder 500: Inflation Statement (Inflation), 8/14/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740814inf.pdf
- Folder 501: Emergency Hearing On Crop Production (Agriculture), 8/15/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740815eme.pdf
- Folder 502: Statement On Daylight Savings Time Amendment (Daylight Savings Time), 8/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740815pas.pdf
- Folder 503: Passage Of Daylight Savings Time Amendment, 8/15/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740815pass.pdf
- Folder 504: Dedication Of Kansas Hard Winter Wheat Stamp, 8/16/1974

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 740816iti.pdf
- Folder 505: Largest FHA Water District Grant Ever In Kansas Goes To Dickenson County, 8/16/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740816lar.pdf
- Folder 506: Six Top Republicans Send Letter To Ford: Urge Import Quotas (Trade), 8/18/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740818six.pdf
- Folder 507: Dole Wants Rapid Action On Disaster Declaration (Disasters), 8/19/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740819wan.pdf
- Folder 508: Agency For Consumer Advocacy Substitute Amendment, 8/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740820age.pdf
- Folder 509: Highlights Of Dole Substitute For The CPA (Dole Activities), 8/20/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740820hig.pdf
- Folder 510: Dole Wires Butz: Urges Rapid Action For Drought Victims (Disasters), 8/20/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740820wir.pdf
- Folder 511: Dole Supported $5.5 Billion Reduction In Defense Budget, 8/21/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740821sup.pdf
- Folder 512: Veterans Educational Benefits Bill Passes Senate (Veterans), 8/21/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740821vet.pdf
- Folder 513: $17.2 Million Allotted For Kansas FHA Programs (Agriculture), 8/22/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740822mil.pdf
- Folder 514: To The Editor/Reply To Opponents Advertisement, 8/22/1974

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 740822tot.pdf
- Folder 515: New Appointees To FEA Advisory Committees (Appointments), 8/27/1974

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 740827new.pdf
- Folder 516: CDA Authorization For Kansas Over $35 Million In FY 1975 (Appropriations), 8/28/1974

- Subject: Appropriations - PDF available: 740828cda.pdf
- Folder 517: Senate Passed Resolution Dole Cosponsored Allowing Pay Raise For White Collar Civil Servants, 9/1/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740901sen.pdf
- Folder 518: Dole Asks Butz For Water District Grants In Kansas (Public Works), 9/5/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740905ask.pdf
- Folder 519: Dole Bill Would Extend Revenue Sharing, 9/5/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740905bil.pdf
- Folder 520: Dole To Attend Economic Conference (Economy), 9/6/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740906att.pdf
- Folder 521: Dole Bill Would Aid Elderly And Their Widows (Senior Citizens), 9/6/1974

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 740906bil.pdf
- Folder 522: $90,500 FHA Loan To Shawnee Water District (Public Works), 9/6/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 740906fha.pdf
- Folder 523: Amnesty Issue (Ford Administration), 9/9/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740909amn.pdf
- Folder 524: Butz Answers Dole's Request For Additional Kansas Funds (Agriculture), 9/9/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740909but.pdf
- Folder 525: Ford's Grant Of Pardon To Nixon (Ford Administration), 9/9/1974

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 740909for.pdf
- Folder 526: Dole Gets Cash For School Lunches (Health Care), 9/10/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740910get.pdf
- Folder 527: Dole Predicts No Additional Pardons (Ford Administration), 9/11/1974

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 740911pre.pdf
- Folder 528: Dole Says Pardon Is Premature, 9/11/1974

- Subject: Nixon Administration - PDF available: 740911say.pdf
- Folder 529: Kansas Disaster Payments Estimated To Total $28.8 Million (Disasters), 9/13/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740913kan.pdf
- Folder 530: Dole Says No Plans To Close Leavenworth (Defense), 9/16/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740916say.pdf
- Folder 531: Dole Says No Plans To Close Leavenworth (Defense), 9/16/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 740916sayp2.pdf
- Folder 532: Dole Urges Veterans Committee To Push For Comprehensive Education Bill, 9/16/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740916urg.pdf
- Folder 533: Anti-Forced Busing Amendment (Civil Rights), 9/17/1974

- Subject: Civil Rights - PDF available: 740917ant.pdf
- Folder 534: Butz To Hold Hearings In Response To Dole Request (Disasters), 9/17/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740917but.pdf
- Folder 535: Dole Urges Action To Avert Transportation Problem (Transportation), 9/18/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 740918act.pdf
- Folder 536: Bureau Of Outdoor Recreation Authorized $30,000 Grant For Kansas Outdoor Recreation Plan, 9/18/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 740918bur.pdf
- Folder 537: Dole Humphrey To Debate On Grain Reserves In Washington (Agriculture), 9/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740918hum.pdf
- Folder 538: Dole Lauds Vote As Taxpayer Victory (Taxes), 9/18/1974

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 740918lau.pdf
- Folder 539: Dole Supports Pay Raise For White Collar Civil Servants (Civil Service), 9/19/1974

- Subject: Labor - PDF available: 740919sup.pdf
- Folder 540: Dole Telegrams Ford About International Food Conference, 9/19/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 740919tel.pdf
- Folder 541: Dole Urges Rapid Action For Foundation For The Blind (Disabled), 9/20/1974

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 740920rap.pdf
- Folder 542: Dole Urges Ford's Support Of Consumer Protection Act (Consumers), 9/21/1974

- Subject: Business - PDF available: 740921urg.pdf
- Folder 543: Dole Expresses Faith In Local Decision-Making (Kansas), 9/22/1974

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 740922exp.pdf
- Folder 544: Dole Reports CEA Conference Committee Action (Legislation), 9/23/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740923cea.pdf
- Folder 545: Dole Criticizes Natural Gas Laws (Energy), 9/23/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740923cri.pdf
- Folder 546: GSA To Begin Survey (Government), 9/23/1974

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 740923gsa.pdf
- Folder 547: President Plans No Import Quota Increases (Trade), 9/23/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 740923pre.pdf
- Folder 548: Kansas To Receive Up To $128,000 From Federal Energy Administration (Energy), 9/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740924kan.pdf
- Folder 549: Senate Says No To Doctor Draft; Adopts Beall-Dole Substitute (Health Care), 9/24/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 740924sen.pdf
- Folder 550: Wichita Area Energy Problems Aired (Energy), 9/24/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 740924wic.pdf
- Folder 551: Dole Criticizes G.I. Bill Delay In View Amnesty (Veterans), 9/25/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 740925cri.pdf
- Folder 552: McPherson County Receives Disaster Designation (Disasters), 9/25/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 740925mcp.pdf
- Folder 553: Dole Expects Passage Of Stymied DST Bill (Legislation), 9/26/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 740926exp.pdf
- Folder 554: Nearly $2.5 Million For Manhattan EPA Project (Environment), 9/26/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 740926nea.pdf
- Folder 555: Statement By Dole At Economic Summit Conference On Inflation (Inflation), 9/27/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 740927sta.pdf
- Folder 556: Statement By Dole Submitted To Subcommittee On Ag On The Dairy Situation, 9/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 740930sta.pdf
- Folder 557: Topeka Receives Allocation And Grant (Funding And Grants), 10/1/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 741001top.pdf
- Folder 558: Dole Tries Unfreezing Antifreeze (Dole Activities), 10/1/1974

- Subject: GEM - PDF available: 741001tri.pdf
- Folder 559: Aircraft To Shawnee County Civil Defense (Defense), 10/2/1974

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 741002air.pdf
- Folder 560: Dole Criticizes Handling Of Emergency Livestock Credit Act, 10/2/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741002cri.pdf
- Folder 561: $1 Million For Rural Water District #1 (Public Works), 10/2/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 741002one.pdf
- Folder 562: Dole Requests Propane Action, 10/2/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741002req.pdf
- Folder 563: Dole Announces $17.2 Million Loan From FHA For Housing (Housing), 10/3/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 741003ann.pdf
- Folder 564: Early Payment Of $8.5 Million To Kansas Schools Assured (Education), 10/4/1974

- Subject: Education - PDF available: 741004ear.pdf
- Folder 565: Statement By Senator Bob Dole Russian Grain Sale And Export Controls (Agriculture), 10/5/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741005sta.pdf
- Folder 566: Dole Opposes Export Controls (Trade), 10/8/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741008opp.pdf
- Folder 567: Russian Grain Sale (Agriculture), 10/8/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741008rusp.pdf
- Folder 568: Additional Funds To Leavenworth From Hud (Housing), 10/9/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 741009add.pdf
- Folder 569: Dole's Inflationary Impact Statement Bill Used Ford (Inflation), 10/9/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 741009inf.pdf
- Folder 570: Dole Advises Sawhill That Proposed Propane Prices Are Too High (Energy), 10/10/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741010adv.pdf
- Folder 571: Dole Urges Ford To Approve Railroad Retirement Legislation (Railroads), 10/10/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 741010for.pdf
- Folder 572: Urban Renewal Funds To Manhattan (Housing), 10/10/1974

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 741010urb.pdf
- Folder 573: Dole Moves On Box Cards For Sugarbeet Crop (Agriculture), 10/12/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741012mov.pdf
- Folder 574: Senators Urge Ford To Sign Veterans Aid Bill -- 63 Sign Dole Letter, 10/17/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 741017sen.pdf
- Folder 575: Dole Lauds Inclusion Of Funds For Ethnic Heritage, 10/24/1974

- Subject: General - PDF available: 741024lau.pdf
- Folder 576: Dole Calls For Strong Action To Curb Meat Imports, 10/25/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741025cal.pdf
- Folder 577: Statement Of Senator Dole Before Hearings Sponsored By White House Office Of The Special Representative For Trade Negotiations, 10/25/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741025sta.pdf
- Folder 578: Dole Criticizes Multinational Oil Companies, 10/26/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741026cri.pdf
- Folder 579: Kansas City To Denver Amtrak Route Announcement Imminent Says Dole, 10/28/1974

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 741028kan.pdf
- Folder 580: $13.1 Million FHA Loan For Kansas, 10/30/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741030thi.pdf
- Folder 581: Economic Development Applications For Hesston And McPherson Near Funding, 10/31/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 741031eco.pdf
- Folder 582: Dole Urges Unity At Food Conference, 11/13/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741113urg.pdf
- Folder 583: Dole Urges Unity At Food Conference, 11/13/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741113urge.pdf
- Folder 584: Dole Comments Upon Return From World Food Conference, 11/15/1974

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 741116com.pdf
- Folder 585: Dole Urges Hearings Into Us Food Relief Level, 11/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741119urg.pdf
- Folder 586: $516 000 LEAA Grant For Kansas, 11/20/1974

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 741120fiv.pdf
- Folder 587: Food Assistance Hearings To Be Held In December, 11/20/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741120foo.pdf
- Folder 588: Dole Explains Vote To Override Veto Of Rehabilitation Act Of 1973, 11/21/1974

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 741121exp.pdf
- Folder 589: CMS To Receive $1.9 Million Rea Loan, 11/22/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 741122cms.pdf
- Folder 590: $1.3 Million Rea Loan To Serve 3 Kansas Counties, 11/22/1974

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 741122one.pdf
- Folder 591: Urgent Request To Ford For Increase In Milk Price Supports, 11/27/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741127urg.pdf
- Folder 592: Dole Inquires On Trade Bill, 12/3/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741203inq.pdf
- Folder 593: Senate Overrides Veterans Education Bill Veto, 12/3/1974

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 741203sen.pdf
- Folder 594: Emergency Designation Of Kansas Counties Expected By Dole, 12/7/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 741207eme.pdf
- Folder 595: Community Services Act Passed By Senate, 12/13/1974

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 741213com.pdf
- Folder 596: Dole Protects Farm Trade With Technical Amendment To Trade Bill, 12/14/1974

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 741214pro.pdf
- Folder 597: Senate Ag Unit Acts On Dairy And Livestock Crisis, 12/18/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741218sen.pdf
- Folder 598: Topeka Shawnee County Agency Receives EPA Funds, 12/18/1974

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 741218top.pdf
- Folder 599: VA Grant For WSU College Of Health Related Professions, 12/18/1974

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 741218vag.pdf
- Folder 600: Dole And Shriver Meet With Administration Representatives To Discuss Federal Building, 12/19/1974

- Subject: Public Works - PDF available: 741219and.pdf
- Folder 601: Dole-Humphrey Bill To Aid Dairymen Passes Senate, 12/19/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741219hum.pdf
- Folder 602: 24 Kansas Counties Eligible For Fha Emergency Loans, 12/19/1974

- Subject: Natural Disasters - PDF available: 741219kan.pdf
- Folder 603: Dole Requests Action Explanation On Propane Prices, 12/20/1974

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 741220req.pdf
- Folder 604: Milk Price Supports To 85 Percent Parity, 12/21/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741221mil.pdf
- Folder 605: Dole Sees Tough Decisions Ahead On Economy Energy In 1975, 12/30/1974

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 741230see.pdf
- Folder 606: Early Action On Farm Policy Amendments Predicted, 12/31/1974

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 741231ear.pdf
- Box 19

- Folder 46

- Item 6: Dole Approves Ford Plan, 1/13/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_006.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Expects Uehling To Be Named To Kansas ASCS Committee, 1/15/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_009.pdf
- Item 10: New V.A. Center Director For Leavenworth, 1/16/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_010.pdf
- Item 11: 130 New Jobs For Prairie Village, 1/20/1974

- Some notes at the bottom
PDF available: s-press_019_046_011.pdf
- Item 17: Exports Reporting System Eased, 1/29/1974

- PDF available: s-press_019_046_017.pdf
- Box 20

- Folder 3

- Item 9: The Economy and Kansas, 4/11/1974

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_009.pdf
- Item 15: Supplemental Funding for Five Kansas Corps of Engineers Projects, 4/18/1974

- PDF available: s-press_020_003_015.pdf
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
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