Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 20: 1980

- Box 1

- Folder 1: Dole Says He Will Challenge Oil Companies Refusal To Extend Credit For Gasohol Purchases, 1/1/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800101say.pdf
- Folder 2: Move Olympics Out Of Moscow, 1/9/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800109mov.pdf
- Folder 3: All Americans Will Pay Heavy Price For Decision To Embargo Grain, 1/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800111all.pdf
- Folder 4: Dole Says Expulsion Of Us Journalists May Have Positive Impact; Iran, 1/15/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800115say.pdf
- Folder 5: Dole Proposes 10 Point Program To Deal With Grain Embargo, 1/16/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800116pro.pdf
- Folder 6: Dole Says Networks Playing Fast And Loose With Interview Shows, 1/16/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800116say.pdf
- Folder 7: Purchase Of Rock Island Track By Healthy Railroads Holds Key To Continued Kansas Service, 1/17/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800117pur.pdf
- Folder 8: Dole Introduces Bill Giving U.S. Courts Jurisdiction Over Cases Arising From Acts, 1/21/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800121int.pdf
- Folder 9: Leading Iowa State Senator Briles Endorses Dole, 1/21/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800121lea.pdf
- Folder 10: John Block New Secretary Of Agriculture, 1/22/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800122joh.pdf
- Folder 11: Reps Say ICC Should Stop Rock Island Track Embargo; Continue Directed Service, 1/23/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800123rep.pdf
- Folder 12: Republicans Say Senate Phase-Out Of Windfall Profits Bill Necessary, 1/25/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800125rep.pdf
- Folder 13: Despite Increasing Federal Revenues Administration No Closer To Balancing Budget, Dole Says, 1/28/1980

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 800128des.pdf
- Folder 14: Dole Praises ICC Postponement Of Rock Island Phase-Out, 1/29/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800129pra.pdf
- Folder 15: Dole Resolution Expresses Gratitude For Canadian Assistance In Escape Of American Diplomats, 1/30/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800130res.pdf
- Folder 16: Moving The Olympics: A Modest Proposal, 1/31/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800131mov.pdf
- Folder 17: Dole Introduces Legislation To Keep Rock Island Railroad Running, 2/1/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800201int.pdf
- Folder 18: Us Not Ready To Have Bluff Called On Persian Gulf, 2/1/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800201usn.pdf
- Folder 19: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/12/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800212ann.pdf
- Folder 20: Dole Physician Issues Statement Clarifying Medical World News Report, 2/12/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800212phy.pdf
- Folder 21: Dole Files Complaint With F.E.C. Charging Nashua Telegram Debate Unfair, 2/18/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800218fil.pdf
- Folder 22: Senate Passes Dole Resolution Commemorating Iwo Jima Day, 2/19/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800219sen.pdf
- Folder 23: Broad Incentives For Gasohol Production Included In Windfall Profits Bill, 2/20/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800220bro.pdf
- Folder 24: Dole Urges Bush And Reagan Committees To Allow Other Candidates To Debate Saturday, 2/21/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800221urg.pdf
- Folder 25: Grain Embargoed To Boost Carter's Political Image, 2/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800225gra.pdf
- Folder 26: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Not Actively Pursuing Presidential Nomination In South Carolina, 2/27/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800227sta.pdf
- Folder 27: Dole Announces Resolution Of Jurisdictional Dispute Over Former Kansas Air Bases, 3/3/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800303ann.pdf
- Folder 28: Dole Says Anderson's Showing Healthy Sign For The Republican Party, 3/5/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800305and.pdf
- Folder 29: Dole Says Farmer Being Short-Changed, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800306far.pdf
- Folder 30: Dole Introduces Bill To Help Stem Industrial Espionage Today; Freedom Of Information Act, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Science and Technology - PDF available: 800306int.pdf
- Folder 31: Dole Votes For Continued Rock Island Directed Service; Railroad, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800306vot.pdf
- Folder 32: Dole Wants Up Or Down Vote On Mandatory Wage-Price Guidelines; Inflation, 3/6/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800306wan.pdf
- Folder 33: Dole Fights To Preserve Food Stamp Benefits For Children In School Lunch Program, 3/7/1980

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 800307fig.pdf
- Folder 34: Dole Will Call On Colleagues To Oppose Wage And Price Controls; Inflation, 3/7/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800307wil.pdf
- Folder 35: White House Looking To Be Bailed Out Of Economic Problems, 3/8/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800308whi.pdf
- Folder 36: Dole Says Nation In State Of Economic Emergency, 3/10/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800310nat.pdf
- Folder 37: Dole Calls For U.N. Investigation Of Soviet Nerve Gas Atrocities In Afghanistan, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800311cal.pdf
- Folder 38: Carter Does Not Keep Commitment To Kansas Farmer, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800311car.pdf
- Folder 39: Dole-Rhodes Resolution Calls For Congressional Opposition To Wage-Price Controls; Inflation, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800311rho.pdf
- Folder 40: Dole Says Us Should Now Move To Impose Sanctions On Iran, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800311say.pdf
- Folder 41: Senate Agriculture Committee Passes Land Diversion Program, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800311sen.pdf
- Folder 42: Dole Surprised By Civiletti's Failure To Name Special Prosecutor; Attorney General Ben Civiletti, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 800311sur.pdf
- Folder 43: Dole To Introduce Anti-Wage-Price Control Resolution Soon; Inflation, 3/11/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800311toi.pdf
- Folder 44: Senator Dole Honorary Chairperson For Wheelchair Basketball Tournament, Will Deliver Keynote Address In Charlotte, Nc, 3/19/1980

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 800319hon.pdf
- Folder 45: Dole Says Reagan Nomination All But Assured, Sees Carter Vulnerable, 3/19/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800319rea.pdf
- Folder 46: Now Is Time To Pass Judgment On Carter Economic Policies, 3/21/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800321now.pdf
- Folder 47: Dole, Danforth To Conduct Hearings On Kc On Health Services, 3/24/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800324dan.pdf
- Folder 48: Congress Must Resolve To Restrain Spending Now, Says Senator Dole, 3/25/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800325con.pdf
- Folder 49: Dole Says Inflation Rate Will Soon Become As High As Carter National Approval Rating, 3/25/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800325say.pdf
- Folder 50: Iranian Embargo Predicted, 3/26/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800326ira.pdf
- Folder 51: Dole To Offer Motion To Refer Windfall Bill Back To Committee; Says Impact On Royalty Owners Must Be Assessed; Oil, 3/26/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800326too.pdf
- Folder 52: Dole Wants End To Judgeship Age Discrimination, 3/26/1980

- Subject: Judiciary - PDF available: 800326wan.pdf
- Folder 53: Dole/McGovern Coalition Farm Bill Passes Senate Ag Committee, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800327mcg.pdf
- Folder 54: Dole Praises Wichita Jazz Festival As One Of The Finest, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800327pra.pdf
- Folder 55: Dole Says Regulatory Reform Draft Legislation Deficient; Budget, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 800327reg.pdf
- Folder 56: Dole Sends Telegram To Secretary Bergland On Grain Prices, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800327tel.pdf
- Folder 57: Windfall Bill Will Not Sufficiently Encourage Domestic Production, Dole Says; Windfall Profits Tax Bill, Oil, 3/27/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800327win.pdf
- Folder 58: Carter Administration Blocks Land Diversion Bill -- Farmers Need To Send Carter A Message, 4/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800402car.pdf
- Folder 59: Dole Introduces Bill Exempting Royalty Owners From Windfall Tax; Oil, 4/2/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800402int.pdf
- Folder 60: Dole Says Windfall Bill Will Adversely Affect Domestic Production, Oil, 4/2/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800402win.pdf
- Folder 61: Public Meeting On Rock Island To Be Held In Topeka On April 7Th; Railroads, 4/3/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800403pub.pdf
- Folder 62: Preliminary List Of Witnesses Announced For April 11 Kc Hearing; Health Services To Older Americans, 4/4/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800404pre.pdf
- Folder 63: Annual Physical Exam Shows Senator Dole In Excellent Condition, 4/7/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800407ann.pdf
- Folder 64: Dole Says Summit Needed To Rally Allies Support On Foreign Policy, 4/8/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800408sum.pdf
- Folder 65: Administration Has Broken Faith With American Farmer On Grain Embargo, 4/9/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800409adm.pdf
- Folder 66: Kansas Will Be Especially Hard Hit By Carter Recession Dole Says, 4/10/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800410kan.pdf
- Folder 67: Dole Cites Growing Resentment To Windfall (Profits) Tax On Royalty Owners, 4/14/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800414cit.pdf
- Folder 68: Dole Reiterates Request To House To Free Rock Island Legislation; Railroads, 4/14/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800414rei.pdf
- Folder 69: Oil Import Fee Spells More Taxes, 4/15/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800415oil.pdf
- Folder 70: Taxpayers Should Think Of Hidden Tax They Are Paying This April 15, 4/15/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800415tax.pdf
- Folder 71: Dole Discloses 1979 Personal Tax Figures, 4/16/1980

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 800416dis.pdf
- Folder 72: Dole Says Carter Should Abandon Pre-Primary Get Tough With Iran News Conferences, 4/17/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800417car.pdf
- Folder 73: Iran Tv Re-Run Season Starts Again, Dole Says, 4/18/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800418ira.pdf
- Folder 74: Dole To Tour Pennsylvania Saturday On Behalf Of Governor Reagan; Pennsylvania Presidential Primary Election, 4/19/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800419too.pdf
- Folder 75: Dole Seeks To Preserve State's Share Of Revenue Sharing, 4/21/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 800421see.pdf
- Folder 76: Carter Supports 100% Farm Program, 4/22/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800422car.pdf
- Folder 77: Dole Fears Anderson Effort Would Hurt GOP At State And Local Level, 4/22/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800422fea.pdf
- Folder 78: Dole Assured Potwin Back To Normal But Says That Questions Still Remain; Oxidizer Leak, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 800423ass.pdf
- Folder 79: Dole Bill Would Halt Depletion Of Strategic Oil Reserves, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800423bil.pdf
- Folder 80: Dole McGovern Urge Extension Of Food Stamp Appropriations, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 800423mcg.pdf
- Folder 81: Progress Made At Rock Island Meeting -- Dole Hopeful, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800423pro.pdf
- Folder 82: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole At Press Conference On Repealing The Oil Import Tax, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800423sta.pdf
- Folder 83: Titan Accident Underlines The Need For Senate Hearings, Dole Says, 4/23/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800423tit.pdf
- Folder 84: Dole To Amend Topeka VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital Legislation To Include (Ralph T) O'Neil, 4/24/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800424toa.pdf
- Folder 85: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Regarding The Failed Rescue Attempt To Free Hostages Held By Iran, 4/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800425sta.pdf
- Folder 86: Senator Dole Says Keith Sebelius Will Be Missed In The Congress, 4/26/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800426sen.pdf
- Folder 87: Statement By Senator Bob Dole The Ship Of State; Perils Of Carter Foreign Policy, 4/28/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800428sta.pdf
- Folder 88: Senator Edmund Muskie Nomination As Secretary Of State A Shrewd Move By Carter, 4/29/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800429edm.pdf
- Folder 89: Meeting On Herrington--Ft. Worth Rail Line Slated For May 6, 4/29/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800429mee.pdf
- Folder 90: Carter Should Get Us On Road To Economic Recovery, 5/2/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800502car.pdf
- Folder 91: Farmers Home Administration Begins Review Of Alcohol Plant Application, 5/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800505far.pdf
- Folder 92: Senior Citizen Intern Begin Work In Dole Office, 5/5/1980

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 800505sen.pdf
- Folder 93: Dole, Boren To Hold Royalty Owner Field Hearings In Kansas, 5/6/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800506bor.pdf
- Folder 94: Dole Calls For Administration International Responses To Soviet Chemical Warfare, 5/6/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800506cal.pdf
- Folder 95: Dallas Rock Island Meeting Unqualified Success Says Dole; Railroad, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800507dal.pdf
- Folder 96: Dole Disapproves Of New Gas Pricing Structure; Natural Gas Policy Act Of 1978, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Natural Resources - PDF available: 800507dis.pdf
- Folder 97: Edmund Muskie Is A Man Of Unquestioned Integrity, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800507edm.pdf
- Folder 98: Dole To Introduce Bill To Establish Housing, Education Savings Accounts, 5/7/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 800507toi.pdf
- Folder 99: Dole Strongly Endorses The Gasohol Competition Act S. 2251, 5/8/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800508str.pdf
- Folder 100: Dole Legislation Would Save Full Revenue Sharing Program, 5/9/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800509leg.pdf
- Folder 101: Tax Freedom Day Will Be May 11 This Year According To Study, 5/9/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800509tax.pdf
- Folder 102: Senate Passes Important Test Vote Against Oil Import Fee, 5/12/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800512pas.pdf
- Folder 103: Dole Applauds Court Decision Declaring Carter Oil Import Fee Unlawful, 5/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800513app.pdf
- Folder 104: Air Force Report Does Not Minimize Need For Titan Hearings, Dole Says, 5/14/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800514air.pdf
- Folder 105: Senate Finance Committee Overwhelmingly Approves Dole-Roth Resolution To Block Oil Fee, 5/14/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800514fin.pdf
- Folder 106: Balanced Budget Damaged By Tax Happy President, Dole Says, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Budget - PDF available: 800515bal.pdf
- Folder 107: Dole Calls On Edmund Muskie To Broach Chemical Warfare Issue With Gromyko, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800515cal.pdf
- Folder 108: Dole Says Midwest May Be Presidential Battleground, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800515mid.pdf
- Folder 109: Saudi Oil Price Hike Illustrates Need For Strategic Petroleum Reserve, Dole Says, 5/15/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800515sau.pdf
- Folder 110: Dole Bill Would Help Young People Save To Buy Homes, 5/19/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 800519bil.pdf
- Folder 111: Carter, Byrd Scare Tactics Won't Save Oil Import Fee, Dole Says, 5/20/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800520car.pdf
- Folder 112: More Than 80% Of Kansans Feel Worse About Nation's Prospects, Survey Shows, 5/21/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800521mor.pdf
- Folder 113: Dole Urges Bergland To Lower Interests Rates To Farmers, 5/21/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800521urg.pdf
- Folder 114: Dole Calls For Postponement Of Madrid Human Rights Conference At Meeting, 5/23/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800523pos.pdf
- Folder 115: Dole Says Carter Should Inspect Whole Country, 5/23/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800523say.pdf
- Folder 116: Statement: Announcement Of Candidacy 80 Us Senate Race, 5/24/1980

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 800524sta.pdf
- Folder 117: Administration's Tax Policies Undermine America's Future, 5/29/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800529adm.pdf
- Folder 118: Dole Prepared To Offer Amendment To Block Oil Import Fee; Disappointed With House Ruling, 5/30/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800530dol.pdf
- Folder 119: Farm Income Drops 39%, 5/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800530far.pdf
- Folder 120: Rock Island Legislation Signed Will Benefit State Of Kansas Shippers; Railroad, 5/30/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800530roc.pdf
- Folder 121: Dole Calls For Immediate Hearings On Cuban Refugees, 6/2/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800602cal.pdf
- Folder 122: Dole Opposes Council On Wage Price Stability Increases; Inflation, 6/2/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800602opp.pdf
- Folder 123: Dole Ready With Amendment To Block President's Oil Import Fee; Debt Limit Bill, 6/3/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800603rea.pdf
- Folder 124: Dole Requests Report On FCIC Investigation; Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 6/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800603req.pdf
- Folder 125: Dole Calls For Creation Of Commission To Reform Primary Process; President, 6/4/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800604cal.pdf
- Folder 126: Katy Begins Service On Old Rock Island Line; Railroads, 6/4/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800604kat.pdf
- Folder 127: Dole Opposed To Premobilization Registration Says Its Unnecessary; HJ Res 521, 6/4/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800604opp.pdf
- Folder 128: Poll Shows Unrest Typical In Farm Community, 6/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800605pol.pdf
- Folder 129: Senate Support Quickly Growing For Prosecution Of Americans At Tehran Conference; Logan Act, 6/6/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 800606sup.pdf
- Folder 130: Logan Act Should Be Applied In Ramsey Clark Tehran Visit, 6/9/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 800609log.pdf
- Folder 131: Leniency Towards Clark Reprehensible: Dole Calls For Hearings On Clark Mission To Iran, 6/10/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800610len.pdf
- Folder 132: USDA Stalls In Lowering Interest Rates To Farmers, 6/10/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800610usd.pdf
- Folder 133: Dole Nutrition Compromise Agreed To By Agriculture Committee, 6/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800611nut.pdf
- Folder 134: Dole Regulatory Reform Amendment Picks Up More Kansas Support, 6/11/1980

- Subject: Regulation - PDF available: 800611reg.pdf
- Folder 135: Dole Urges Reagan To Announce He Will End (Soviet) Grain Embargo If Elected, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800612ann.pdf
- Folder 136: National Alcohol Fuels Commission To Hold Washington Hearings On June 18 And 19Th; Gasohol, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800612nat.pdf
- Folder 137: Telegram Urging Candidate Reagan To End Soviet Grain Embargo As Soon As Reagan Takes Office, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800612rea.pdf
- Folder 138: Dole Urges Reagan To Announce He Will End (Soviet) Grain Embargo If Elected, 6/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800612urg.pdf
- Folder 139: Procurement Clinic To Be Held In Wichita June 19; Business, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800613pro.pdf
- Folder 140: Tax Dollars Are Wasted By Government Playing Politics With Federal Employees, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800613tax.pdf
- Folder 141: Thousands Of Flags Flown Over Capitol Each Year For Constituents, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800613tho.pdf
- Folder 142: USDA Lowers Interest Rates - Did Not Go Far Enough -- USDA Rips Off Farmers, 6/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800613usd.pdf
- Folder 143: Field Hearings On Royalty Owners Likely In Texas In July; Windfall Profits Tax, 6/16/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800616fie.pdf
- Folder 144: The Majority Leader's Confusion Over Foreign Policy, 6/16/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800616maj.pdf
- Folder 145: Dole Says Signing Of Bill Including Strategic Petroleum Reserve Will Signal Independence, 6/16/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800616sig.pdf
- Folder 146: Bill Would Stop Major Oil Companies From Interfering With Gasohol Sales, 6/17/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800617bil.pdf
- Folder 147: Dole To Offer Ramsey Clark Resolution As Amendment To Justice Bill; Logan Act, Iran, 6/18/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 800618too.pdf
- Folder 148: Dole Pleased Strategic Petroleum Reserve Included In Syn Fuels Report, 6/19/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800619ple.pdf
- Folder 149: Dole Tells Reagan Grain Embargo Is Falling Apart; Soviet Union, 6/19/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800619tel.pdf
- Folder 150: Senate Approves Name Change Of Topeka Federal Building To Honor Frank Carlson, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Senate - PDF available: 800620app.pdf
- Folder 151: Dole Charges Administration Duplicity On Soviet Grain Sales, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800620cha.pdf
- Folder 152: Dole Introduces Bill To Immediately Rescind Soviet Grain Embargo, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800620int.pdf
- Folder 153: Dole Says Midwest May Be Presidential Battleground, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800620mid.pdf
- Folder 154: Dole Weighing Options To Aid Royalty Owners; Windfall Profits Tax, Oil, 6/20/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800620wei.pdf
- Folder 155: Administration's Embargo Follies Continue With Each New Move, Soviet Grain Embargo, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800623adm.pdf
- Folder 156: Cosponsors Flock To Dole On Grain Embargo Bill--Bipartisan Support, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800623cos.pdf
- Folder 157: Dole Sends Telegram To Secretary Klutznick On Grain Export Licenses, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800623sen.pdf
- Folder 158: Dole Sparks Drive For Relief For Royalty Owners; Windfall Profits Tax, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800623spa.pdf
- Folder 159: Dole To Lead Fight For Tax Cuts In Coming Weeks On Senate Floor, 6/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800623tol.pdf
- Folder 160: Dole Announces New Statewide Toll Free Fic Service; Federal Information Center, 6/24/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800624ann.pdf
- Folder 161: Republicans To Announce Tax Cut Program At Wednesday News Conference, 6/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800624rep.pdf
- Folder 162: Finance Committee Adopts Tariff Proposal On Foreign Alcohol, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800625fin.pdf
- Folder 163: Important Fight Won For Royalty Owners Seeking Relief From Windfall Profit Tax; Oil, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800625imp.pdf
- Folder 164: Dole Named Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman For National Convention, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800625nam.pdf
- Folder 165: Senator Tower Names Subcommittee Chairmen To 1980 Republican Platform Committee, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 800625sen.pdf
- Folder 166: Twenty Senators Support Legislation To Rescind Grain Embargo, 6/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800625twe.pdf
- Folder 167: Senate Approves Dole National POW-MIA Recognition Day, 6/26/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800626sen.pdf
- Folder 168: Dole Introduces Legislation To Amend Grain Standards Act; HR 5546, 6/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800627int.pdf
- Folder 169: Dole Expects Another Vote On Tax Cuts Before Recess, 6/28/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800628dol.pdf
- Folder 170: Expect Carter To Become Born-Again Tax Cutter, 6/28/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800628exp.pdf
- Folder 171: Congress Must Accept Blame For Some Of Volunteer Army's Failures Dole Says, 7/1/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800701con.pdf
- Folder 172: Dole Bill Would Require Secretary Of Agriculture To Make Early Set-Aside Announcement, 7/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800702bil.pdf
- Folder 173: Press Advisory; Press Conference On Soviet Grain Embargo, 7/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800702fre.pdf
- Folder 174: Kennedy Signs On As Co-Sponsor Of Bill To End Grain Embargo; Soviet Union, 7/2/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800702ken.pdf
- Folder 175: Congress Passes National POW-MIA Recognition Day Introduced By Dole, 7/3/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800703con.pdf
- Folder 176: Dole Supports Governor Reagan's Stand On Grain Embargo; Soviet Union, 7/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800703sup.pdf
- Folder 177: Dole To Travel To Detroit Sunday July 6 To Prepare Agriculture Platform, 7/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800705tot.pdf
- Folder 178: Dole Meets With Detroit Mayor Coleman Young To Discuss Economic Problems, 7/7/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800707mee.pdf
- Folder 179: Republicans In Position To Sweep The Farm States In November Says Dole, 7/9/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800709rep.pdf
- Folder 180: Dole Handicapped Amendment Added To Platform, 7/10/1980

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 800710han.pdf
- Folder 181: Dole Calls For Reexamination Of Presidential Selection Process By GOP, 7/13/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 800713cal.pdf
- Folder 182: Carter Administration Plays Politics With American Farmer, 7/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800713car.pdf
- Folder 183: America Honors Prisoners Of War, Missing In Action, 7/18/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800718ame.pdf
- Folder 184: Dole Calls On Justice Department For Information Concerning Billy Carter's Libyan Connection, 7/18/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800718cal.pdf
- Folder 185: Dole Says Carter Should Level With American People On Billy; Libya, 7/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800720say.pdf
- Folder 186: Belluomini Development Opens Up New Dimensions In Billy Investigation, 7/21/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800721bel.pdf
- Folder 187: Senators Talmadge And Dole Release Gao Report On Hospital Regulatory And Reporting Requirements, 7/21/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800721sen.pdf
- Folder 188: Dole Thanks City Of Detroit And State Of Michigan, 7/21/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800721tha.pdf
- Folder 189: Floor Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Billy Carter Investigation; Libya, 7/22/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800722flo.pdf
- Folder 190: (2) Floor Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On Billy Carter Investigation; Libya, 7/22/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800722floo.pdf
- Folder 191: Statement Of Senator Dole On Medicaid-Medicare Fraud And Abuse, 7/22/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800722med.pdf
- Folder 192: Latest Economic Figures Underscore Need For Immediate Tax Cut, 7/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800723lat.pdf
- Folder 193: Opening Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On The Need For A Tax Cut, 7/23/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800723ope.pdf
- Folder 194: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Requesting The Judiciary Committee To Investigate Billy Carter; Libya, 7/23/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800723sta.pdf
- Folder 195: Dole Royalty Owner Tax Credit Legislation Stripper Exemption, Passes Senate; Windfall Profits Tax, Oil, 7/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800724roy.pdf
- Folder 196: Senate Passes Dole Farm Credit Legislation, 7/24/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800724sen.pdf
- Folder 197: Dole Says Billy Carter - Benjamin Civiletti Conversation A Startling Development; Libya, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800725car.pdf
- Folder 198: Iranian Frozen Assets Would Be Distributed To Hostages Under Dole Amendment, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800725ira.pdf
- Folder 199: Dole-Kassebaum Amendment Accepted By Unanimous Consent As Part Of S. 2675; Would Advance Announcement Day Of Wheat Set-Aside To 08/01, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800725kas.pdf
- Folder 200: Major Farm Legislation Passed Today Would Mitigate Adverse Impact Of Embargo, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800725maj.pdf
- Folder 201: Statement Of Senator Dole On Billy Carter Investigation; Libya, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800725sta.pdf
- Folder 202: Dole To Press For Action By Full Senate On His Farm Bill Will Offer Amendment To Raise Grain Loan Rates, 7/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800725top.pdf
- Folder 203: Dole Asks That Independent Counsel Be Named Committee Meeting Advanced On Billy Carter, 7/26/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800726ask.pdf
- Folder 204: Dole Urges Carter Support Of Farm Legislation, 7/28/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800728car.pdf
- Folder 205: Dole Pleased With Carter Support Of Dole Farm Legislation, 7/28/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800728ple.pdf
- Folder 206: Dole, Kassebaum Urge President To Make Brazilian Aircraft And Parts Ineligible For Investment Tax Credits, 7/29/1980

- Subject: Commerce/Trade - PDF available: 800729kas.pdf
- Folder 207: Productivity Slump Underscores Tax Cut Need, 7/29/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800729pro.pdf
- Folder 208: Dole Cosponsors Legislation Providing Heat Relief, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800730cos.pdf
- Folder 209: Early Appearance By Jimmy Carter Before Judiciary Committee Inappropriate; Billy Carter, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800730ear.pdf
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Folder 210: Dole Meets With Bush To Discuss Upcoming Presidential Campaign Issues, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800730mee.pdf
- Folder 211: Dole Requests 29 Additional Kansas Counties Be Declared Eligible For Drought Loans, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800730req.pdf
- Folder 212: Dole Speaks Out For Passage Of Bill To Assist Elderly During Heat Waves, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800730spe.pdf
- Folder 213: Thirty-Seven Kansas Counties Approved For Farm Disaster Loan Assistance, 7/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800730thi.pdf
- Folder 214: Dole Praises Dykes Contributions As Kansas University Chancellor, 8/1/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800801pra.pdf
- Folder 215: Senate Tax Hearings End; Dole Says Tax Cut Needed To Offset Taxflation, 8/1/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800801tax.pdf
- Folder 216: Latest Cable Flip-Flop Simply Reinforce View That Carter Is Not Prepared To Explain Billy Carter's Connection With Libya, 8/2/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800802lat.pdf
- Folder 217: Us Should End Dependence On Libyan Crude Oil, 8/4/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800804uss.pdf
- Folder 218: Eleven Kansas Counties Approved For Emergency Feed Program, 8/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800805ele.pdf
- Folder 219: Marriage Tax Should Be Eliminated, 8/5/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800805mar.pdf
- Folder 220: Notice Of Nutrition Hearings On Elderly Needs In Kansas, 8/5/1980

- Subject: Nutrition - PDF available: 800805not.pdf
- Folder 221: New Loan Rate On Wheat To Be Effective Soon, 8/6/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800806new.pdf
- Folder 222: Civiletti Actions Verge On Obstruction Of Justice Says Dole On Billy Carter Investigation, 8/7/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800807civ.pdf
- Folder 223: Dole Says Press Reports Concerning Civiletti Point To Obstruction Of Justice, 8/7/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800807pre.pdf
- Folder 224: Dole Says Blaming Current Recession On GOP An Exercise In Self Delusion, 8/8/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800808bla.pdf
- Folder 225: Real Net Farm Income Could Drop 40% In 1980, 8/8/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800808rea.pdf
- Folder 226: Dole Pledges Support For Kansas Rural Water Districts Hurt By Drought, 8/11/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800811ple.pdf
- Folder 227: Dole Calls For Senate Committee Hearings On Federal Crop Insurance Management Problems, 8/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800812cal.pdf
- Folder 228: Carter Economic Policies Have Ravaged Hopes Of Elderly Americans, Dole Says, 8/12/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800812car.pdf
- Folder 229: Dole Calls For Military Pay Increase, Ft. Riley School Aid, 8/13/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800813mil.pdf
- Folder 230: Dole Says More Emergency Loans Needed By Drought Stricken Farmers, 8/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800813mor.pdf
- Folder 231: New Law Needs To Be Implemented Immediately For More Emergency Loans To Drought Stricken Farmers, 8/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800813new.pdf
- Folder 232: Dole Says Billy Carter Investigation May Be Becoming Family Affair, 8/14/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800814bil.pdf
- Folder 233: Rock Island Directed Service To Be Approved Today, Dole Announces; Railroads, 8/14/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800814roc.pdf
- Folder 234: Dole Urges Bergland To Announce Wheat Se-Aside, 8/14/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800814urg.pdf
- Folder 235: Dole Says Budget Must Not Be Balanced On The Backs Of The Elderly Population, 8/15/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800815bud.pdf
- Folder 236: ICC Formally Announces Approval Of Directed Service For Manhattan-Phillipsburg Line; Railroads, 8/15/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800815icc.pdf
- Folder 237: Dole Says Net Farm Income In Kansas Could Be Down 50% 8 Point Program Proposed, 8/15/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800815net.pdf
- Folder 238: Finance Committee Votes 15-0 To Accept Dole Call For Tax Cut This Year, 8/18/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800818fin.pdf
- Folder 239: Administration's Predictions On The Farm Vote Off Base, 8/19/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800819adm.pdf
- Folder 240: Grain Embargo Has Proved To Be Poor Foreign Policy Tool -- Should Be Abandoned, 8/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800820gra.pdf
- Folder 241: Dole Sends Cable Protesting U.S. Absention On U.N. Resolution Vote; Israel's Presence In West Jerusalem, 8/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800820sen.pdf
- Folder 242: Belluomini Development Opens Up New Dimensions In Billy Carter Investigation, 8/21/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800821bel.pdf
- Folder 243: Dole Calls For Re-Evaluation Of Cuban Refugee Policy In Wake Of Skyjackings, 8/21/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800821cal.pdf
- Folder 244: Press Advisory: Tax Cuts, 8/21/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800821pre.pdf
- Folder 245: Dole Praises Working Men And Women On Labor Day, 8/22/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 800822pra.pdf
- Folder 246: President Carter Should Get On Tax Cut Train Before It Leaves The Station, 8/22/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800822pre.pdf
- Folder 247: Dole Proposal To Liberalize Retirement Rules Accepted, 8/22/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 800822pro.pdf
- Folder 248: Billy Carter Testimony Points To Unanswered Questions, 8/23/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800823bil.pdf
- Folder 249: Polish Unrest Holds Promise For Helsinki Progress, 8/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800825pol.pdf
- Folder 250: Dole Amendment Would Allow Full Participation By Handicapped On Commission, 8/26/1980

- Subject: Disability Issues - PDF available: 800826ame.pdf
- Folder 251: Thirty-Seven Additional Kansas Counties Approved For Farm Disaster Loan Assistance, 8/26/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 800826thi.pdf
- Folder 252: Alternative To Present Long-Term Care For Elderly Needed, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800827alt.pdf
- Folder 253: Dole Applauds Action By Midwest Governor's Conference; Call For An End To The Grain Embargo, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800827app.pdf
- Folder 254: Senate Approves Dole Amendment Changing Name Of Topeka VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800827appr.pdf
- Folder 255: Woodcock Endangers Normalization With China, 8/27/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800827woo.pdf
- Folder 256: Billy Carter Failed To Pay Income Taxes In 78, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800828bil.pdf
- Folder 257: Dole Says Carter Economic Proposals Poorly Designed Politically Timed, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800828car.pdf
- Folder 258: Jobs Portion Of The Administration Economic Proposal Offers Tired Solutions, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800828job.pdf
- Folder 259: Kansas Given $2 Million For Rural Water District Drought Assistance, 8/28/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800828kan.pdf
- Folder 260: Absence Of Policy Prolongs Iranian Hostage Crisis, 8/29/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800829abs.pdf
- Folder 261: Dole States His Opposition To Peacetime Draft Registration Procedure, 8/29/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800829sta.pdf
- Folder 262: Dole To Introduce Anti-Embargo Clause In 1981 Farm Bill, 8/30/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800830dol.pdf
- Folder 263: Dole Completes Seven Day Kansas Tour Says He Plans To Work!, 9/2/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800902com.pdf
- Folder 264: Agriculture Committee Passes Dole Bill On Weighing Grain Transported Into Export Elevators, 9/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800903agr.pdf
- Folder 265: Kansas Given Additional $1.4 Million For Drought Assistance For Water Systems, 9/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800903kan.pdf
- Folder 266: Timing Of Carter Peace Talks Announcement Curious Dole Says; Egyptian-Israeli Peace Talks, 9/4/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800904car.pdf
- Folder 267: Carter's Statement On Social Security Deceptive, 9/4/1980

- Subject: Public Welfare/Social Services - PDF available: 800904cart.pdf
- Folder 268: Dole Calls For Quick Action To Free Stalled Veterans Education Checks, 9/5/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 800905cal.pdf
- Folder 269: Dole Charges USDA New Math Camouflages Farm Income Drop, 9/5/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800905cha.pdf
- Folder 270: Elizabeth Dole To Head Grassroots Effort For Reagan And Bush, 9/8/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 800908eli.pdf
- Folder 271: Dole Asks That Solar Energy Funds Be Restored, 9/9/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800909ask.pdf
- Folder 272: Sixty Five Kansas Counties Expected To Be Approved By SBA For Disaster Relief, 9/9/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800909six.pdf
- Folder 273: Taxpayers Gambling On Carter Economic Proposal, 9/9/1980

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 800909tax.pdf
- Folder 274: Dole Boschwitz Organizing GOP Colleagues For Madrid Conference; Helsinki Accords, 9/10/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800910bos.pdf
- Folder 275: ICC Ruling On Rail Service Good News For Northern Kansas, 9/10/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 800910icc.pdf
- Folder 276: Ernie Garcia Appointed As Dole's Kansas Administrative Assistant, 9/12/1980

- Subject: Staff Members - PDF available: 800912ern.pdf
- Folder 277: Dole Kassebaum To Introduce Ft. Leavenworth Ft. Riley Construction Amendments, 9/12/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800912kas.pdf
- Folder 278: Dole Seeks To Correct Gun Control Enforcement Inequities; Gun Control Act, 9/15/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800915see.pdf
- Folder 279: Senate House Conference Committee Passes Dole Farm Bill, 9/15/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800915sen.pdf
- Folder 280: Dole Supports Finance Committee Changes In Social Security Charitable Deduction Provisions, 9/16/1980

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 800916sup.pdf
- Folder 281: Senator Dole Calls Kim Trial Farce; South Korea, Kim Dae Jung, 9/17/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800917cal.pdf
- Folder 282: Carter Refusal To Fill Strategic Petroleum Reserve Has Cost Public More Than A Billion Dollars, 9/17/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800917car.pdf
- Folder 283: Dole Supports Revenue Sharing Renewal, 9/17/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 800917sup.pdf
- Folder 284: Dole Amendment Would Force Candidates To Debate Or Give Up Federal Funds, 9/18/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 800918ame.pdf
- Folder 285: Congress Thwarting Tax Cut Naysayers, 9/18/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800918con.pdf
- Folder 286: Letter To John Stennis Chairman Senate Armed Services Regarding Titan II Incident, 9/19/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800919let.pdf
- Folder 287: Titan II Accident In Arkansas Underscores Need For Re-Evaluation Of System, 9/19/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800919tit.pdf
- Folder 288: Secretary Brown's Call For Investigation A Half-Step Stennis Assures Quick Action; Titan II, 9/22/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800922sec.pdf
- Folder 289: Dole Urges Senate Leadership To Take Up Fair Housing Amendments Before Adjournment, 9/22/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 800922urg.pdf
- Folder 290: Air Force Secretary Accepts Dole Invitation To Brief Kansas Officials On Titans, 9/23/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800923air.pdf
- Folder 291: Dole Asks That Titan II Warning System Be Retained By Conference Committee Members, 9/23/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800923ask.pdf
- Folder 292: Dole Restores Solar Energy Demonstration Funds, 9/23/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800923res.pdf
- Folder 293: Approval Of Titan Alarm System Helps Ensure Safety Of Citizens Dole Says, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800924app.pdf
- Folder 294: Dole Honors Damascus Arkansas Titan Crew, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 800924hon.pdf
- Folder 295: House-Senate Conference To Consider Royalty Owner Relief; Budget Reconciliation Bill Hr 7765, Windfall Profits Tax, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800924hou.pdf
- Folder 296: Sale Of Nuclear Fuel To India Would Undercut Our Nonproliferation Commitment, Dole Says, 9/24/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800924sal.pdf
- Folder 297: Carter Grain Embargo Suffers Defeat In Senate, 9/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800925car.pdf
- Folder 298: Congress Should Remain In Session Until Implications Of Iran-Iraq Conflict Are Fully Assessed, 9/25/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 800925sho.pdf
- Folder 299: Dole Accepts Invitations To Join Democratic Opponent In Four Kansas Cities, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 800926acc.pdf
- Folder 300: Dole Bill Would Increase Fill-Rate For Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800926bil.pdf
- Folder 301: Democrats Denying Taxpayers Relief--Dole Still Hopes For Action, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 800926dem.pdf
- Folder 302: Sixty Five Kansas Counties Approved By SBA For Disaster Relief; Small Business Administration, Drought Disaster Assistance Loans To Farmers, 9/26/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 800926six.pdf
- Folder 303: Dole National High School Activities Week Passes Senate, 9/29/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800929nat.pdf
- Folder 304: Presidential Delay In Filling Oil Reserve Dangerous To Nation, 9/29/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 800929pre.pdf
- Folder 305: Senate Report Into Billy Carter Should Wait Until Justice Department Probe Finished, 9/29/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 800929sen.pdf
- Folder 306: Dole To Meet With EPA Officials To Discuss Hazardous Wastes, 9/30/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 800930tom.pdf
- Folder 307: Topeka Federal Building To Be Named In Honor Of Former Senator Frank Carlson, 9/30/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 800930top.pdf
- Folder 308: Dole Seeks Delay In Switch To 9-Digit Zip Code, 10/1/1980

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 801001see.pdf
- Folder 309: Dole Works Out Compromise On Farm Legislation, 10/1/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801001wor.pdf
- Folder 310: Dole Byrd Reach Agreement To Bring Up Superfund Bill In November, 10/2/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 801002byr.pdf
- Folder 311: Kansas Communities Encouraged To Contest Census Bureau, 10/2/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801002kan.pdf
- Folder 312: Dole Expresses Concern Over Incidents In France In Letter, 10/3/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801003exp.pdf
- Folder 313: President Honored Meritorious Executive Who Oversees Empty Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 10/3/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801003pre.pdf
- Folder 314: EPA Costle Interested In Visiting Kansas To View Waste Sites, 10/4/1980

- Subject: Environment - PDF available: 801004cos.pdf
- Folder 315: Dole Says It Is National Disgrace That 15% Of Elderly Live In Poverty, 10/5/1980

- Subject: Aging - PDF available: 801005say.pdf
- Folder 316: Dole Sees Good Prospects For Royalty Owners Tax Credit, 10/6/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801006see.pdf
- Folder 317: Letter To Bob Bergland On Ag Issues For 80 Campaign Debate, 10/7/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 801007bob.pdf
- Folder 318: Dole Calls On Bergland To Justify Carter Farm Record Before A Debate Is Considered, 10/7/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801007cal.pdf
- Folder 319: Senator Dole Has Returned $365 922.05 To Treasury Since 1975, 10/7/1980

- Subject: Finance - PDF available: 801007sen.pdf
- Folder 320: Interest Rate Lowered For USDA Emergency Farm Loans, 10/8/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801008int.pdf
- Folder 321: Us Drug Fighting Efforts Failing To Stem Drug Abuse, Dole Says, 10/8/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 801008usd.pdf
- Folder 322: Dole, Kassebaum Urge ICC Approval Of Rail Road Transit Rights, 10/9/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 801009kas.pdf
- Folder 323: Dole Says Us Ill Prepared For Persian Gulf Showdown, 10/9/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801009say.pdf
- Folder 324: Us Faces Homeless Generation If Present Policies Continue, 10/9/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 801009usf.pdf
- Folder 325: ICC Has Agreed To Rail Transit Rates, 10/10/1980

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 801010icc.pdf
- Folder 326: Dole Will Act To Reverse New IRS Regulations, 10/10/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801010wil.pdf
- Folder 327: Dole Says 1981 Farm Bill Vital To Farmers, 10/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801013dol.pdf
- Folder 328: Dole Says Kansas Needs Tax Cut Now, 10/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801013say.pdf
- Folder 329: Dole Amendment May Be Used For Grain Sales To Peoples Republic Of China, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801014ame.pdf
- Folder 330: Dole Blasts Carter Decision To Vote For Pol Pot At Un; Cambodia, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801014bla.pdf
- Folder 331: Dole Calls For Prosecution Of Released Cuban Prisoners, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801014cal.pdf
- Folder 332: Dole Says Belated Administration Support Of Interior Royalty Relief Welcome; Windfall Profits Tax, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801014say.pdf
- Folder 333: Dole Urges Clemency For Soviet Jewish Dissident Shcharansky, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801014urg.pdf
- Folder 334: Us Coast Guard Academy Nationwide Competition, 10/14/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 801014usc.pdf
- Folder 335: Dole Wagers Beef On Royals Series Win, 10/14/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 801014wag.pdf
- Folder 336: Farmers Need Strong Voice In Washington During The 1980S, 10/15/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801015far.pdf
- Folder 337: Western Kansas Faces Water Crisis In Eighties, 10/15/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801015wes.pdf
- Folder 338: China Grain Deal Should Not Drive Up Consumer Prices Dole Says, 10/16/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801016chi.pdf
- Folder 339: Dole Says Kansas Taxpayers Face $800 Million In New Federal Taxes Next Year Supports Tax Relief This Year, 10/16/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801016kan.pdf
- Folder 340: Armed Services Committee Assures Dole Of Titan II Efforts, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 801020arm.pdf
- Folder 341: Carter Makes Salt II A Halloween Surprise, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Defense - PDF available: 801020car.pdf
- Folder 342: Deadlocked East-West Conference Talks Predicted; Helsinki Accords, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801020dea.pdf
- Folder 343: Fuels Commission Urges President To Increase Federal Alcohol Use, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801020fue.pdf
- Folder 344: Dole Predicts Hostages Will Return Before November 4 Anniversary; Iran, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801020pre.pdf
- Folder 345: Dole Works On Priorities For Post-Election Session, 10/20/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801020wor.pdf
- Folder 346: Dole Concerned Over Upsurge Of Crime Rate Scores Democrats On Dismantling LEAA, 10/21/1980

- Subject: Crime - PDF available: 801021con.pdf
- Folder 347: Press Release Of Senator Dole On The Social Security Monthly Retirement Test Act, 10/21/1980

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 801021pre.pdf
- Folder 348: Dole Works On Post-Election Legislation, 10/21/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801021wor.pdf
- Folder 349: Dole Praises Reagan Support On Relief For Royalty Owners; Windfall Profits Tax, 10/22/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801022pra.pdf
- Folder 350: Dole Pledges To Seek Funding For Manhattan, 10/23/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801023ple.pdf
- Folder 351: Dole Again Calls For End To Soviet Grain Embargo, 10/24/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801024aga.pdf
- Folder 352: Dole Seeks Clarification Of President's Position On Royalty Owner Relief; Windfall Profits Tax, 10/24/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801024see.pdf
- Folder 353: Dole To Travel To 21 Kansas Cities Through Monday; Schedule, 10/24/1980

- Subject: Schedules - PDF available: 801024tra.pdf
- Folder 354: Carter Distorts Agriculture Situation Dole Says, 10/25/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801025car.pdf
- Folder 355: Kansas Income Taxes Will Rise Extra $208 Million Because Of Jump In Inflation, 10/26/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801026kan.pdf
- Folder 356: Americans For Constitutional Action Endorse Dole Re-Election Bid, 10/27/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801027ame.pdf
- Folder 357: Carter Distorts Agriculture Situation Dole Says, 10/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801027car.pdf
- Folder 358: Carter Has Lost Touch With Farm Realities Dole Says, 10/27/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801027los.pdf
- Folder 359: Dole Charges Muskie With Turning Foreign Policy Into Political Policy, 10/28/1980

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 801028mus.pdf
- Folder 360: Dole Urges Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti To Investigate Campaign Abuses Of Executive Branch, 10/28/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801028urg.pdf
- Folder 361: Dole Calls For New Hearings On Medicaid-Medicare Fraud And Abuse, 10/29/1980

- Subject: Health - PDF available: 801029cal.pdf
- Folder 362: Doles Paid Nearly $4 500 In State Property Income And Intangibles Taxes Last Year, 10/29/1980

- Subject: Financial Records - PDF available: 801029pai.pdf
- Folder 363: Dole Points To Carter Reversal On Alcohol Fuels, 11/1/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801101poi.pdf
- Folder 364: Responses To Campaign Allegations After The 80 Senate Campaign, 11/12/1980

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 801112res.pdf
- Folder 365: Kansans Named To Wheat Industry Council, 11/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801113kan.pdf
- Folder 366: Dole Pursuit Of Tax Cut Continues, 11/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801113pur.pdf
- Folder 367: Dole Sees Bright Political Future For Co-Ops, 11/13/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801113see.pdf
- Folder 368: Dole Calls For Immediate Action On House Revenue Sharing Bill, 11/15/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 801115cal.pdf
- Folder 369: Strategic Petroleum Reserve Must Be Filled Dole Says, 11/17/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801117str.pdf
- Folder 370: Dole Farm Bill Clears Last Major Hurdle, 11/18/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801118far.pdf
- Folder 371: Passage Of Dole-Roth Amendment Clears Way For 1981 Tax Cut, 11/19/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801119pas.pdf
- Folder 372: Dole Amendment Will Aid Missionaries Working Overseas, 11/20/1980

- Subject: General - PDF available: 801120ame.pdf
- Folder 373: Dole Favors Federal Charter For The Italian-American War Veterans, 11/20/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 801120fav.pdf
- Folder 374: John Block Would Be Best Choice As Secretary Of Agriculture, Dole Says, 11/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801120joh.pdf
- Folder 375: Dole Proposal To Aid Farmers Small Businessmen Is Accepted, 11/20/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801120pro.pdf
- Folder 376: Budget Conferees Agree To Dole Royalty Credit, Windfall Profits Tax, 11/21/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801121bud.pdf
- Folder 377: Dole Joins Group To Increase Farm Exports, 11/24/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801124joi.pdf
- Folder 378: Nine-Digit Zip Code Should Be Viewed Skeptically, 11/26/1980

- Subject: Postal Service - PDF available: 801126nin.pdf
- Folder 379: Dole Selected To Receive Kansas Farm Bureau Distinguished Services To Agriculture Award Of 1980, 12/1/1980

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 801201dol.pdf
- Folder 380: Dole To Host Bob Dole Commentary On Radio, 12/1/1980

- Subject: Communications - PDF available: 801201toh.pdf
- Folder 381: Dole Farm Bill Signed Into Law, 12/3/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801203far.pdf
- Folder 382: Royalty Relief Assured By Congressional Passage Of Dole Amendment; Windfall Profits Tax, 12/3/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801203roy.pdf
- Folder 383: Criticism Of Imported Alcohol Tariff Royalty Owners Relief Irresponsible (Gasohol), Dole Says, 12/4/1980

- Subject: Energy - PDF available: 801204cri.pdf
- Folder 384: Hutchinson High Salthawk Band Chosen For Reagan Inaugural Parade, 12/8/1980

- Subject: Awards/Honors - PDF available: 801208hut.pdf
- Folder 385: Dole Applauds Revenue Sharing Passage, 12/9/1980

- Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars - PDF available: 801209app.pdf
- Folder 386: Republicans Have Commitment To Fair Housing Bill Next Year, 12/9/1980

- Subject: Housing - PDF available: 801209rep.pdf
- Folder 387: Tug McGraw Of Phillies To Accept World Series Winnings, 12/9/1980

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 801209tug.pdf
- Folder 388: Falling Farm Commodity Prices Reflect Adjustment To Reality, 12/12/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801212fal.pdf
- Folder 389: Kansans To Benefit From Dole Tax Amendments, 12/13/1980

- Subject: Taxes - PDF available: 801213kan.pdf
- Folder 390: Haig A Good Choice For Secretary Of State Will Be Confirmed, 12/16/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801216hai.pdf
- Folder 391: Topeka VA Hospital Renamed To Honor Two Kansas Veterans, 12/16/1980

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 801216top.pdf
- Folder 392: FEC Audit Report Inaccurate Outdated; Federal Election Commission, 12/17/1980

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 801217fec.pdf
- Folder 393: Dole Predicts General Alexander Haig Confirmation; Secretary Of State, 12/17/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801217pre.pdf
- Folder 394: Selection Of John Block As Agriculture Secretary A Great Victory For The Farmer, 12/22/1980

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 801222sel.pdf
- Folder 395: Range Of Options Exist To Solve Social Security Financing Problems, 12/29/1980

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 801229ran.pdf
- Folder 396: Finance Committee Schedules Hearings On Richard S. Schweiker, HHS; Donald T. Regan, Secretary Of The Treasury, 12/29/1980

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 801229rang.pdf
- Folder 397: No Selections To Reagan Administration Involving Kansans This Week, 12/30/1980

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 801230nos.pdf
- Box 24

- Folder 1

- Item 15: John Block New Secretary Of Agriculture, 1/22/1980

- PDF available: s-press_024_001_015.pdf
Browse by Series:
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[Series 20: 1980],
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