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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 23: 1983Add to your cart.
Box 25Add to your cart.
Folder 13Add to your cart.
Item 19: Elizabeth Dole to be third Kansan in Cabinet History, 1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_019.pdf
Item 2: Dole Hopeful that Commission Can Still Shape a Social Security Solution, 1/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_002.pdf
Item 4: Dole Sets Date for Bankruptcy Hearings, 1/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Applauds Presidents Announcement of "PIK" Program, 1/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_005.pdf
Item 7: Dole Hails Social Security Compromise -- Predicts Congressional Approval, 1/17/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole, Kassebaum Ask Federal Officials to Grant Natural Gas Price Relief, 1/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Calls for Federal and State Cooperation in Unemployment during Chicago Meeting with Midwest Governors, 1/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_009.pdf
Item 10: Statement of Senator Bob Dole (GATT), 1/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_010.pdf
Item 11: Senator Dole to Appear on Phil Donahue Show - Air Dates Announced, 1/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Hails Presidents Spirit of Cooperation, 1/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_012.pdf
Item 13: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Committee on Finance Hearing - Results of GATT Ministerial Conference, 1/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Renews Call for House Actions on Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Reform, 1/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole addresses leaders conference on civil rights calls for renewal of voting rights bipartisan alliance in the 98th congress, 1/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_015.pdf
Item 16: American Enterprise Institute Healthcare issues in todays economy, 1/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole Urges Changes in Take or Pay Contracts, 1/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_017.pdf
Item 18: Statement of Senator Dole on S. 1 "the Social Security Amendments of 1983", 1/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_018.pdf
Item 20: Dole Introduces Demand-Oriented Farm Legislation, 1/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_020.pdf
Item 21: Dole Sees Encouraging Signals of Economic Rebound, 1/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_021.pdf
Item 22: Kansas to Receive $2.1 Million for Energy Programs, 1/31/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_022.pdf
Item 23: Commission on Security and cooperation in Europe - Letter from Dole and other Senators, 1/31/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_013_023.pdf
Folder 15Add to your cart.
Item 2: Social Security Rescued, 1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Bill Would Create Experimental National Court Of Appeals, 3/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Wins Favorable IRS Ruling On PIK Program, 3/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Endorses Withholding Changes, 3/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Issues Clarification On New Tip Reporting Law, 3/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_006.pdf
Item 7: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Consideration Of Social Security Financing Amendments, 3/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_007.pdf
Item 10: Senate Finance Committee Hearing On Taxation Of Banks, Savings and Loans, And Credit Unions - Witness List, 3/10/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_010.pdf
Item 11: Tax Problems Eliminated, Dole Hails Passage Of PIK Bill -- Urges Farmer Sign-Up Before March 11 Deadline, 3/10/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_011.pdf
Item 8: Statement Of Senator Dole - Hearing On Taxation Of Banks, Savings and Loans, and Credit Unions, 3/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_008.pdf
Item 9: 20 Big Banks Pay Only 2.3% Tax Rate -- Dole Chairs Hearing On Financial Institutions, 3/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_009.pdf
Item 12: Dole Releases Statistics On Withholding Mail, 3/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Chairs Hearings On Farm and Home Foreclosures, 3/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_013.pdf
Item 14: Senate Accepts Dole Emergency Food Act As Amendment To Jobs Bill, 3/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Salutes Three Giants Of Kansas Agriculture On National Agriculture Day, 3/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Calls For New Long-Term Agreement On Soviet Grain Trade, 3/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole Hails Passage Of Social Security Rescue Package, Calls It A "True Compromise", 3/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_017.pdf
Item 18: Senator Bob Dole -- Public Appearance Schedule, March 28 - April 1, 19983, 3/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Outlines Three-Point Program To Revitalize U.S. Farm Trade, 3/31/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_019.pdf
Item 1: The Truth About Withholding, 1983-03Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_015_001.pdf
Folder 14Add to your cart.
Item 2: Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe letter to the Nobel Institute, 1/31/1983Add to your cart.
Re: nominations for 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, signed by five Senators and six Representatives
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_002.pdf
Item 1: Helsinki Commission nominates eight human rights activists for 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, 2/1/1983Add to your cart.
CSCE news release (Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe)
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_001.pdf
Item 3: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before the Committee on Ways and Means, 2/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole bill will send surplus food to the needy, 2/2/1983Add to your cart.
Press release and related attachment
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_004.pdf
Item 5: Kansas jumps to 15th in national ranking on federal spending, 2/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_005.pdf
Item 6: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, 5th Annual Illinois Corn-Soy Conference, 2/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole, Jepsen meet with Soviet officials, Senators introduce bill to block Instant PIK Tax, 2/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole announces KCs I-35 and 75 St. qualifies for $13.8 million in federal highway funds, 2/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole welcomes unemployment drop, 2/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole letter to Mr. Bowsher, Comptroller General of the United States, 2/4/1983Add to your cart.
Re: the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole seeks end of truckers strike violence - calls for GAO study and responsible discussion, 2/5/1983Add to your cart.
Press release and accompanying summary of the proposed Strike Violence Prevention Act
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole agrees with Chief Justice, will introduce legislation, 2/7/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole praises Rostenkowski for offering alternative, 2/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole meets with Independent Truckers representative, 2/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole meets with Block to resolve PIK tax, 2/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole sets hearing on food-to-the-needy bill, 2/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_016.pdf
Item 17: Hearing on S. 17 - "The Commodity Distribution and Food Assistance Act", 2/15/1983Add to your cart.
related articles and other information
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_017.pdf
Item 18: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Nutrition Subcommittee hearings on S. 17, 2/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_018.pdf
Item 19: Opening statement of Senator Bob Dole, Social Security hearings, 2/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole reintroduces anti-sex bias bill, wins endorsement of major women's groups, 2/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_020.pdf
Item 21: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Senate Finance Committee Hearing on Social Security, 2/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole on Medicare Trust Fund crisis: "Lets start discussions now", 2/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole introduces Caribbean Basin Initiative, 2/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_023.pdf
Item 24: Dole unravels red tape hoax of withholding exemption forms, 2/24/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_024.pdf
Item 25: Reagan to Dole: 100 percent against repeal of withholding, 2/24/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_025.pdf
Item 26: Opening Statement, Senator Bob Dole, Committee on Finance, 2/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_026.pdf
Item 27: Dole announces Academy nominations, 2/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_027.pdf
Item 28: Dole introduces Laboratory Animal Research Bill, 2/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_028.pdf
Item 29: Dole Calls on Insurance Industry to Address Basic Tax Issues, 2/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_014_029.pdf
Folder 16Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole, Regan Discuss Withholding, 4/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Announces Hearing on Nutritional Status of Low-Income Americans, 4/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole-Winn "International Decade for Disabled Persons" Resolution Gets House Hearing, 4/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_003.pdf
Item 4: Opening Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing of Wednesday, April 6, 1983 - Nutritional Status of Low-Income Americans in the 1980s, 4/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_004.pdf
Item 5: Senate Finance Committee Releases Study on Changing the Structure of Medicare Benefits, 4/7/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Contacts Beach Boys for July 4th Kansas Concert -- "Surfs Up" in Kansas?, 4/7/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Refutes "Blank Check" Policy for the Pentagon on ABCS "Good Morning America", 4/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_007.pdf
Item 8: Long Term Agreement with Soviets Picks Up Steam in Senate - Dole Adds Co-Sponsors to Trade Resolution, 4/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Senate Resolution Marks National Animal Agriculture Week, 4/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Addresses Anti-Housing Bias Group - Promises Help in Passing Strengthened Fair Housing Law, 4/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_010.pdf
Item 12: Senate Finance Committee Hearing: Caribbean Basin Initiative - Statement of Senator Bob Dole, 4/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_012.pdf
Item 11: On Senate Floor, Dole Announces Formation of Foundation for the Handicapped in Kansas and Across America, 4/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_011.pdf
Item 13: Statement of Senator Dole at Withholding Press Conference, 4/14/1983Add to your cart.
with other related statements
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole and Kennedy Head Major Senate and Peoples Coalition for Withholding on Interest and Dividends - Press Conference at 11:30 Today, Senate Finance Committee Room, 4/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Heads Major Coalition in Support of Withholding, 4/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_015.pdf
Item 16: On Senate Floor, Dole Announces Formation of Foundation for the Handicapped in Kansas and Across America, 4/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_016.pdf
Item 17: Senator Dole Releases Personal Income Tax Information, 4/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Hails Reagans Pledge to Veto Withholding Repeal, 4/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Seeks Expanded EPA Role at Furley, 4/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole at White House Social Security Signing Session Hails Bipartisan Package, 4/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_020.pdf
Item 21: Dole Applauds Treasury Action on Stripper Well Tax Problems, 4/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole Hails Presidents Offer to Negotiate LTA with Soviets, 4/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Salutes Kansas Financial Institution Leaders for Help on Dole Withholding Compromise, 4/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_023.pdf
Item 24: Dole Says Withholding Compromise Far Better Than Repeal, 4/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole Rejects Senate Budget Committee Recommendations, 4/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_025.pdf
Item 26: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - American Publishers Association - Waldorf Astoria, New York - April 25, 1983, 4/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_026.pdf
Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Finance Committee Hearing: Health Benefits for the Unemployed, 4/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_016_027.pdf
Folder 17Add to your cart.
Item 1: Press Release: Dole Announces Markup of Resolution on Long-Term Grain Agreement with Soviets, 5/4/1983Add to your cart.
Press release on Senate Resolution 95
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_001.pdf
Item 2: Press Release: Dole Calls for Federal Audit of Kansas Hazardous Waste Program, 5/6/1983Add to your cart.
Press release of call for EPA audit of KDHE
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_002.pdf
Item 3: Press Release: Walter E. Olson Center for Supportive Services - Illinois Masonic Medical Center, 5/7/1983Add to your cart.
dedication of a new building at Illinois Masonic Medical Center
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_003.pdf
Item 4: Press Release: Dole Says Hands Off Presidents Tax Cut - Chairman Rejects Cap of Third Year, 5/9/1983Add to your cart.
response to Senate Minority Leader Robert Byrds plan to cap tax cut
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_004.pdf
Item 5: Press Release: Dole Announces Revision of Custom Cutter Regulations, 5/10/1983Add to your cart.
INS agrees to toughen immigration standards for Canadian custom cutting crews entering the United States
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_005.pdf
Item 6: Press Release: Dole to Speak at Kansas American Legion State Convention, Washburn Law School Commencement; Will Receive KU Distinguished Service Citation, 5/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_006.pdf
Item 7: Press Release: Dole Urges FCC to Review "Hate and Violence" Programming on Kansas Radio Station, 5/12/1983Add to your cart.
Requesting FCC to review KTTL-FM, Dodge City with related news articles
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_007.pdf
Item 8: Press Release: Dole Readies Arms Control Plan, Addresses National Security Issues in Kansas American Legion Speech Saturday, 5/13/1983Add to your cart.
to announce plan to introduce arms control legislation
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_008.pdf
Item 10: Press Release: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole / Washburn University School of Law / Topeka, Kansas -- May 14, 1983, 5/14/1983Add to your cart.
Senator Bob Doles remarks at Washburn University School of Law Commencement
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_010.pdf
Item 11: Press Release: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole / American Legion - Topeka, Kansas / May 14, 1983 / "Building our National Security", 5/14/1983Add to your cart.
Press release of Senator Doles speech to the American Legion: "Building our National Security"
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_011.pdf
Item 9: Press Release: Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health / Opening Statement of Senator Bob Dole, 5/16/1983Add to your cart.
Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health opening statement on cost sharing.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_009.pdf
Item 13: Press Release: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole / United Nations Association of the U.S.A. / May 17, 1983, 5/17/1983Add to your cart.
Senator Doles remarks at United Nations Association of the U.S.A.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_013.pdf
Item 14: Press Release: Dole Resolution on New Long Term Grain Agreement with Soviets Passes Senate, 5/17/1983Add to your cart.
Press release Senate approval of Doles resolution requiring the President to negotiate a new long term agreement on grain trade with the Soviet Union.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole says Soviet Offer to Negotiate New LTA is "Good News", 5/17/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_015.pdf
Item 12: Press Release: Dole Resolution on "Andrei Sakharov Day" signed into Law by President, 5/18/1983Add to your cart.
May 21, 1983 designated Andrei Sakharov Day
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_012.pdf
Item 16: Dole Ranks high in Three Categories in "Who Runs America" Survey -- Picked as the 14th Most Influential American, 5/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole Writes President, Mayor of Lawrence -- Endorses Reagan-Andropov "Sunflower Summit", 5/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_017.pdf
Item 19: Dole Says Budget Resolution Should have been Rejected -- Little Spending Restraint, Massive Tax Hikes are Unacceptable, 5/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole to Speak in New York Tonight will Tell Economic Club: Results -- or Lack of Results -- Is Key, Not the Budget Process, 5/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_020.pdf
Item 21: Remarks of Senator Dole: New York Economic Club, 5/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole Salutes West Point Grad First Coed Appointed From Kansas, 5/24/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Hails "Bob Jones" Decision Supreme Court Strikes Down Tax Breaks for Discrimination, 5/24/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_023.pdf
Item 24: Dole Votes for MX Funds, 5/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole Concerned by Skyrocketing costs of Farm Programs Future Ag Legislation in Trouble without Actions on Target Prices, 5/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_025.pdf
Item 26: Dole Hails Confirmation of New LTA Talks in London Former Top Dole Staffer to Head Grain Negotiations Team, 5/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_026.pdf
Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Memorial Day, 5/30/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_027.pdf
Item 28: Dole Gives President "A" on Summit, 5/31/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_028.pdf
Item 29: Dole Gives President "A" On Summit, 5/31/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_029.pdf
Item 18: Dole Tells New EPA Administrator about Furely Problems, 6/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_025_017_018.pdf
Box 26Add to your cart.
Folder 2Add to your cart.
Item 5: Dole Announces Details of Arms Control Plan at World Affairs Council in Anchorage-- Calls for Force Limits on Each Part of Nuclear Strategic Traid, Freeze After Reductions, 1/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_005.pdf
Item 2: Dole Names Administrative Assistant, 6/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole: Reject Budget of Big Tax Increases and No Spending Restraint Chairman Targets Loopholes and Tax Breaks -- Sets Hearings, 6/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_003.pdf
Item 4: Media Advisory: Dole to Announce Nuclear Control Plan, 6/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_004.pdf
Item 6: Dole pleased with state Furley audit, looks toward to EPA findings, 6/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole: "Third year safest bet in town" rejects O'Neill tax cut cap, 6/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole speaks out on foreign affairs, 6/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole co-sponsors "Housing IRA" legislation, 6/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_009.pdf
Item 10: Media Advisory - Sen. Dole to address New York Financial Writers Association, 6/10/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_010.pdf
Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, New York Financial Writers Association, 6/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_011.pdf
Item 12: Kansas students Tamera D. Schlegel and Chris Karlin intern for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_012.pdf
Item 13: Kansas resident Donald S. Andersen of Anthony interns for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_013.pdf
Item 14: Kansas resident Richard McNabb of Lawrence interns for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_014.pdf
Item 15: Kansas resident Todd Young of Hutchinson interns for Senator Dole, 6/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole wishes Sally Ride good luck on historic space shuttle mission - First woman in space is married to fellow astronaut Steve Hawley of Salina, 6/17/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole releases responses on "Sunflower Summit" from White House, State Department, 6/17/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole pushes equality for women in pension benefits - chairs Finance Committee hearing today, 6/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole testifies on "Triad Plan" for arms control before Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 6/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole: We Won! Butler County to remain in Greater Wichita Statistical Area, 6/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_020.pdf
Item 21: Media Advisory - Sen. Dole to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 6/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole salutes Kansas artist - Grandma Layton of Wellsville honored in Washington, 6/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_022.pdf
Item 23: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The Triad Plan for Nuclear Arms Control, 6/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_023.pdf
Item 25: Kansas awarded soil conservation funds - Dole announces Flint Hills Reclamation Project, 6/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_025.pdf
Item 24: Dole hits budget as "smokescreen", 6/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_024.pdf
Item 26: Dole statement on legislative veto decision of Supreme Court, 6/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_026.pdf
Item 27: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Finance Committee hearing on tax expenditures, 6/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_027.pdf
Item 28: Dole commends US-Soviet flexibility in LTA Grain talks - Negotiations head to round three in Vienna, 6/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_028.pdf
Item 29: Dole comments on EPA audit of state hazardous waste program, 6/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_029.pdf
Item 30: Dole promotes Lawrence "Sunflower Summit" on Senate floor - Remarks included in Congressional Record, 6/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_030.pdf
Item 31: Dole meets Japanese officials - presses for increase in Japanese beef imports, 6/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_031.pdf
Item 32: Dole hails Supreme Courts tuition tax credit decision, 6/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_032.pdf
Item 33: Dole says political gamesters lose tax cap battle - chairman calls for bipartisan tax reform, 6/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_033.pdf
Item 34: Dole and Kassebaum announce weatherization assistance for Kansas, 6/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_034.pdf
Item 1: Social Security Rescued, 1983-06Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_002_001.pdf
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole blasts Japanese move to drop auto export quotas, Finance Committee action is possible, 7/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole supports US position on higher LTA guarantees, 7/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole calls for "budget summit", 7/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole lauds Supreme Court pension decision - calls conclusion "inescapable", 7/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_004.pdf
Item 5: Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum announce Kansas State Historical Society funds $280,897 will aid preservation projects, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole moves to avoid food stamp crisis for poor and elderly citizens, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_006.pdf
Item 7: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Nutrition Subcommittee hearing on commodity distribution program, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole chairs hearing on food to the needy - urges extension of recession-relief nutrition program, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Introduces Homebuyer Assistance Act -- Federal, State and Local Governments To Save, Homebuyers To Benefit, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Amendment Tightens Pentagon Spending -- Weapons Systems Should Pass Tests, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_010.pdf
Item 11: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Finance Committee Markup Of S. 951, 7/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Receives Positive Responses From EPA Chief Ruckelhaus -- Will Monitor Furley Site; Kansas Is Definitely In Running For EPA Office, 7/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Calls For Freeze In Target Prices -- Says Skyrocketing Costs For Farm Programs Threatens Future As Legislation -- Warns Against Urban Backlash, 7/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_013.pdf
Item 14: Remarks By Senator Bob Dole National Corn Growers Association Springfield, Illinois "Straight Talk To Farmers", 7/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_014.pdf
Item 15: Doles "National Animal Agriculture Week" Passes Senate, 7/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_015.pdf
Item 16: Kansas Resident Julie Powers Of Lawrence Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_016.pdf
Item 17: Kansas Resident Eve Norton Of Salina Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_017.pdf
Item 18: Kansas Resident Kelly Presta Of Scott City Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_018.pdf
Item 19: Kansas Resident James Rovaris Of Topeka Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_019.pdf
Item 20: Kansas Resident Christy Varney Of Prairie Village Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_020.pdf
Item 21: Kansas Resident Roger Ramseyer Of Prairie Village Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_021.pdf
Item 22: Kansas Resident Jim Casey Of Junction City Interns For Senator Dole, 7/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Chairs Animal Welfare Hearing, 7/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_023.pdf
Item 24: At Least $72,775 Due Kansas Sits Idle In Washington Dole, Kassebaum Move To Help Kansas Townships Claim Revenue Sharing Funds, 7/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole Writes President -- Calls For Completion Of Chinese Textile Import Negotiations Wheat Exports To China Held Hostage, 7/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_025.pdf
Item 26: Dole Announces $1,000,000 Grant Award For Kansas Migrant Children Education Program, 7/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_026.pdf
Item 27: National Association Of Wheat Growers Endorses Doles Efforts On Behalf Of Farmers In U.S. - China Quota Dispute, 7/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_027.pdf
Item 28: Dole, Kassebaum Announce HUD Grants For Wichita, Kansas City And Lawrence, 7/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_028.pdf
Item 29: Dole Hails Tax Compliance Improvements Adopted By Joint Withholding Conference, 7/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_029.pdf
Item 30: Dole Encourages Other Senators To Visit Soviet Union, Introduces Senate Resolution, 7/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_030.pdf
Item 31: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Education Funds For Kansas, 7/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_031.pdf
Item 32: Dole: Volcker Deserves Approval; Congress Another Matter Altogether, 7/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_032.pdf
Item 33: At Senate Hearing, Dole Questions Treatment Of Women Under Social Security, 7/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_033.pdf
Item 34: Dole Hearing To Examine Federal Identification Fraud, 7/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_034.pdf
Item 35: Dole Hails New US-Soviet Grain Accord, 7/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_035.pdf
Item 36: Dole To Brett: "Keep Swinging!", 7/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_036.pdf
Item 37: Tip Reporting Law Proven A Success, 7/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_037.pdf
Item 38: Dole Urges Completion Of Re-Engining KC135s At Boeing, 7/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_038.pdf
Item 39: Dole Introduces Medicare Coverage For Renal Disease Patients With Hepatitis, 7/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_039.pdf
Item 40: Dole Says Wheat Program Announcement Is Imminent, 7/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_040.pdf
Item 41: Dole Sends American Legion Report On Topeka Veterans Administration Hospital To VA Administrator In Washington -- Possible Inadequacies Noted, 7/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_041.pdf
Item 42: Dole Introduces Hostage Relief Act, 7/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_042.pdf
Item 43: LTA Announcement Denotes End Of Carter Embargo, Says Dole, 7/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_003_043.pdf
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Helps Rescue Railroad Retirement Funds President Reagan, Rail Labor And Rail Management Endorse Package, 7/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_001.pdf
Item 3: Dole: 84 Wheat Program "Best We Could Expect"; Target Price Freeze Still Best Medicine For Ag Programs, 8/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Commends Long-Term Agreement Negotiators -- "Disastrous Carter Embargo Is Over", 8/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Pushes for Cost-Saving Dairy Reform Bill, 8/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole "Gratified" By Conclusion Of China Textile Dispute, 8/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_006.pdf
Item 7: Statement Of Senator Dole Subcommittee On Social Security And Income Maintenance Programs Oversight Hearings On The Extended Benefits Program, 8/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Calls For End To Furley Dioxin Scare-- "Immediate Testing In Order", 8/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Helps Rescue Railroad Retirement Funds -- 64,000 Kansans To Benefit, 8/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Sees Renewed Wheat Sales To China "In The Near Future", 8/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole Urges Immediate Action Deficit Crisis -- Calls For Presidential Leadership, Congressional Spending Restraint, 8/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole: "Stop The Budget Shell Game"-- On Senate Floor, Calls For Presidential Leadership On Deficit Crisis, 8/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Blames Senators For Blocking Farm Legislation, 8/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Submits Testimony On Controversial Kansas Radio Station KTTL-FM, "Violence Not In The Public Interest", 8/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Hails Drop In Unemployment Figures "An Injection Of Hope For Those Who Are Still Looking", 8/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Urges Completion Of Furley Site Tests -- "Review Deadline Is Approaching", 8/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_016.pdf
Item 17: Last-Minute Senate Victories: Congress Okays Doles Surplus Food Giveaway And Extra Unemployment Benefits 4,000 Kansans To Get Two Additional Weeks Of Compensation, 8/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Assails Justice department On Scope Of Key Anti-Sex Bias Law, 8/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_018.pdf
Item 19: Gary Nelson Of Falun Interns For Senator Dole, 8/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_019.pdf
Item 20: Michael Stineman Of Salina Interns For Senator Dole, 8/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_020.pdf
Item 22: Fred Polzin of Topeka Interns for Senator Dole, 8/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_022.pdf
Item 23: Kay Deever of Junction City Interns for Senator Dole, 8/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_023.pdf
Item 24: Bruce Mayfield of Overland Park Interns for Senator Dole, 8/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole Announces Federal Grant for Preservation of Historic Black Kansas Town of Nicodemus, 8/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_025.pdf
Item 26: Dole Writes Secretary of Defense on Reported Near-Launch of Titan II in Kansas -- Requests In-Depth Report, 8/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_026.pdf
Item 27: Dole Announces Unexpected $6.25 Million in Federal Funds to Help Rebuild Aging Kansas City Bridge -- West Kansas Avenue Bridge Handles 9,000 Vehicles Per Day, 8/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_027.pdf
Item 28: President Reagan Signs Railroad Retirement Rescue Package - Dole Praised for Speeding Passage of Bill -- 64,000 Kansans Benefit, 8/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_028.pdf
Item 29: Kansas Senators Dole, Kassebaum Secure $6,130,000 for 24 State Community Improvement Projects -- Jobs Bill Pays Off for Kansans, 8/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_029.pdf
Item 30: Dole, Kassebaum Announce $4,815,381 in Federal Funds for Kansas -- 6 Cities Receive Funds for Low-Income Kansans, Housing, & Construction Projects, 8/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_030.pdf
Item 31: Dole Announces $83,050 for Kansas Civil Rights Efforts in Fair Housing Compliance, 8/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_031.pdf
Item 32: Kansas Heat Scorches Grazing Land -- Dole Urges Immediate Action on Emergency Plan, 8/17/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_032.pdf
Item 33: Dole Wires Carlin on Drought Following Department of Agriculture Briefing -- Heatwave Scorches Kansas Crops, 8/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_033.pdf
Item 34: Don Fambrough Joins Dole Team - Former KU Coach to be Field Representative, 8/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_034.pdf
Item 35: Top VA Official Responds to Dole Inquiry on Topeka Hospital - Full Report to be on Doles Desk within Three Weeks, 8/24/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_035.pdf
Item 36: Dole Calls for Bipartisan Effort from Civil Rights Leaders in "March on Washington", 8/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_036.pdf
Item 37: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Education Funding for Kansas - Six School Districts Awarded a Total of $103,509.34, 8/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_037.pdf
Item 21: Melissa Williams of Dodge City Interns for Senator Dole, 1983-08Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_021.pdf
Item 2: Dole Will Attend Drought Summit In Chicago --Representatives From 26 Scorched States Invited To Meet With Ag Secretary, 1983-08Add to your cart.
likely early draft due to heavy amount of notes & writing of majority of Press Release
              PDF available: s-press_026_004_002.pdf
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 1: Statement by Senator Dole on Soviet Attack on Jumbo Jet - "Put the Freeze on Ice, 9/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum Announce $494,474 in Housing & Urban Development Funds -- 8 Kansas Communities to Benefit, 9/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole, Co-Chairman of the Helsinki Commission, Calls for U.S. Boycott of Madrid Meeting, 9/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_003.pdf
Item 4: Remarks by Senator Bob Dole - Growmark, Inc. - September 2, 1983 - Conrad Hilton Hotel - Chicago, Illinois, 9/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_004.pdf
Item 5: ** Chicago Drought Summit Meeting ** - Dole Calls for Overhaul of Drought Relief Regulations - Introduces 4-Point Program to Expedite Federal Assistance., 9/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Pledges Support of Presidents Proposed Sex-Bias Changes: Will Amend His Pending Legislation to Secure Prompt Enactment, 9/9/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_006.pdf
Item 34: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - "Thanks and Farewell to Howard Liebengood", 9/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_034.pdf
Item 7: Dole Pushes for Tax Credits for Low and Moderate Income First-Time Homebuyers -- Bill Would Avoid Middleman Costs. Senator Chairs Finance Committee Hearing on "Homebuyers Assistance Act", 9/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_007.pdf
Item 8: Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum Announce Housing and Urban Development Grants -- Kansas Awarded $429,270, 9/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Renews Call for Target Price Compromise, 9/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Cited for "Legendary" Role in Food Programs for the Needy - Kansas Senator Receives First "Golden Carrot Award" For Nutrition Leadership, 9/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole Pushes for Child Support Enforcement, Co-Sponsors Crackdown Bill As Finance Committee Opens Hearings, 9/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_011.pdf
Item 13: Dole Praises Historic Black Kansas Town of Nicodemus on 105th Anniversary, 9/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Meets with Agriculture Leaders, 9/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_014.pdf
Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Titan II Missile Inqest, 9/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_012.pdf
Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Finance Committee Hearing on the Federal Supplemental Compensation Program - Friday, September 16, 1983, 9/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Disappointed with VA Response on Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Hospital Staffing Problems -- Senator Wants Answers to Conflicting VA Response, 9/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_016.pdf
Item 17: Open Letter: U.S. - PRC Textile Dispute, 9/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Seeks Movement on 1984 Wheat Program/Target Price Issue, 9/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Urges Chinese to Complete Grain Purchase Commitment -- Senator Cites End of U.S./China Textile Dispute, 9/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole Calls for Women's Equity in Social Security -- Senator Urges Reform Before House Task Force, 9/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_020.pdf
Item 21: Dole, Kassebaum Announce HUD Grants for Kansas - State Awarded More Than $4 Million, 9/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_021.pdf
Item 22: Senator Dole on Secretary Watts Comments, 9/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Receives Positive Response on China Grain Sales -- "Settlement Can Be Worked Out" Says Ambassador, 9/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_023.pdf
Item 24: Senator Bob Dole and World-Renowned Violinist Itzhak Perlman to Hold Press Conference on Monday - Year-Long Activities of Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund To Be Announced, 9/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole Urges Swift Consensus on Senate Revenue Sharing Package, 9/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_025.pdf
Item 26: Dole: Break the Impasse over Farm Legislation - Senator Readies Amendment on Improved 1984 Wheat Program, 9/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_026.pdf
Item 27: Senator Dole Holds Press Conference with World Renowned Violinist Itzhak Perlman - Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Activities to be Announced, 9/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_027.pdf
Item 28: Senator Dole to Speak on Civil Rights Tomorrow -- Kansan Will Address Washington Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, 9/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_028.pdf
Item 29: Kansas City, Kansas Construction Projects Get $10 Million in Federal Funds -- I-435 Bridges, Roadway Receive Last Minute Funding, 9/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_029.pdf
Item 30: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund Press Conference with Itzhak Perlman - Monday, September 26, 1983, 9/26/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_030.pdf
Item 31: Dole Addresses Civil Rights Group -- Cites "Injustice" of Federal Deficits. Title IX and Fair Housing are Top Dole Priorities, 9/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_031.pdf
Item 32: Kansas Senators Announce Interior Department Funds to Kansas Counties, 9/27/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_032.pdf
Item 33: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Environmental Protection Agency Grants to Kansas -- State Awarded $3,439,694, 9/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_033.pdf
Item 35: Dole Re-Emphasizes National Campaign for Disability Rights -- Itzhak Perlman/Dole Press Conference for Handicapped Dominated by Watt Controversy, 9/28/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_035.pdf
Item 36: Congressional Record - Senator Baker and Senator Dole, 9/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_036.pdf
Item 37: Dole Joins as Founder of National Water Alliance, 9/30/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_005_037.pdf
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole On Martin Luther King Bill: A "Holiday For All The People", 10/3/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum Announce U.S.-Japan Student Exchange Program, 10/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_002.pdf
Item 3: Southeast Kansas water War: Dole Receives Response To Army Corps Of Engineers Letter, 10/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_003.pdf
Item 4: V.A. Seeks To Add 21 Nurses To Colmery-O'Neil Hospital Staff Following Meeting With Dole; Senator Encouraged, Will Continue To Monitor Staffing At Topeka Facility, 10/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_004.pdf
Item 5: Helsinki Commission Co-Chairman Dole Hails Nobel Peace Prize Winner Lech Walesa - Commission Nominated Solidarity Leader For Prestigious Prize, 10/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole And Kassebaum Encourage Local Officials To Attend UDAG Workshop In Kansas City, 10/6/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole And Kassebaum Announce HUD Grants -- Kansas Awarded $615,996 In Section 8 Funding, 10/11/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Calls For Wheat Farmer Response On 1984 Program -- Improved Wheat Compromise Stalled By One Senator "Time To Get Off The Fence": Stop $3 Wheat, 10/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_008.pdf
Item 9: Nutrition Subcommittee To Meet On Tuesday Dole To Chair Food Stamp Program Oversight Hearing, 10/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Welcomes Kansas Drought Assistance Request, Assures Prompt Action By USDA, 10/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_010.pdf
Item 11: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing On State Implementation Of Food Stamp Program Reforms, 10/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Presses For Speedy Approval Of Additional Staff At Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Veterans Hospital, 10/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Calls For End To Ag Credit Impasse; Dispute Threatens Farm Exports, 10/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole requests Immediate Dioxin Testing at Furley, 10/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_014.pdf
Item 15: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Senate Passage Of King Holiday Bill, 10/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_015.pdf
Item 16: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Women's Equity Action League Annual Awards Dinner "Progress And Poverty Among American Women", 10/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole bill Addresses Pension Inequality For Women, 10/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_017.pdf
Item 20: Dole To Address Women's Equity Action League Tonight In New York City - Senator Is Congressional Chair Of Sixth Annual Economic Awards Dinner -Eight Women Leaders To Be Honored--, 10/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_020.pdf
Item 18: Anti-Semitic, Racist Broadcasts Investigated Dole Announces On FCC On-Site Probe Of Dodge City Radio Station KTTL, 10/21/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_018.pdf
Item 19: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - National Convention Of The American Association For The Advancement Of Slavic Studies - Kansas City, Missouri, 10/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_019.pdf
Item 21: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Reform And Simplification Of Corporate Taxation, 10/24/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_021.pdf
Item 22: Senate Finance Committee Approves Dole Pension Equity Bill Women's Reform Package Heads To Senate Floor, 10/25/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Asks For Review Of Summer-Fallow Rules; Senator Writes Agriculture Secretary Block, 10/31/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_006_023.pdf
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Downplays Debt Ceiling Defeat -- Renews Call For Action On Deficit Reduction, 11/1/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_001.pdf
Item 2: Grange Endorses Dole Wheat Plan, 11/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Asks For Presidential Task Force On Farm Trade Policy, 11/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_003.pdf
Item 4: Senator Dole Releases Drought Chronology, 11/4/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Announces Courts Subcommittee Hearing Tomorrow, 11/7/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Calls For Leadership On Deficits In Speech To National Meat Association, 11/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole To Speak On Deficit Reduction Tonight At Hyatt; Senator And Secretary Dole To Appear On CNNs "Freeman Reports" Nationwide TV Show Wednesday Night, 11/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Demands Action On Stalled Grain Elevator Bankruptcy Bill -- Writes House Judiciary Committee, 11/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole: Capitol Bomb Destruction Wider Than Reported Potential Casualties Averted By Schedule Change, 11/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Announces Drought For 35 Kansas Counties, 11/10/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_010.pdf
Item 11: Veterans Administration Resource Committee To Meet This Week - Final Decision Due On Dole/VA Recommendation For Additional Nursing At Topeka's Colmery-O'Neil Hospital, 11/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_011.pdf
Item 12: American Petroleum Institute - New York Hilton -- November 15, 1983 - Senator Bob Dole, 11/14/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Hails House Approval Of Civil Rights Commission Compromise, 11/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Salutes Ron Wineinger Marion Native Is New National FFA President, 11/17/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Announces Legislation To Remedy Problems With Government Patent Policies, 11/18/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_015.pdf
Item 16: Senator Dole Remembers Kennedy, 11/22/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole Presses For Action On Deficits - Spending Cuts To Be Wiped Out Dole Says In Washington Speech, 11/29/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_017.pdf
Item 18: "People To Watch In 84" Lists Bob Dole -- Washingtonian Magazine Selects Kansas Senator, 11/30/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Commends Regan For Deficit Stance; Hopes Secretary Accepts Invitation To Appear At Finance Committee Deficit Hearings In December, 11/30/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_007_019.pdf
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Salutes Record Drop In Unemployment - Encouraging Statistics Should Spur Action On Soaring Deficits, 12/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_001.pdf
Item 2: Meeting to Discuss Future of McConnell Air Force Base, Office of Senator Robert Dole - December 2, 1983, 12/2/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole and Kassebaum Announce Remaining Drought Counties Receive Disaster Area Designation, 12/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Calls for Private Sector Conference on Farm Trade Rules, 12/5/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Statement on Civil Rights Commission Controversy, 12/8/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Addresses Ohio Corngrowers - Calls for Private Sector Conference on Farm Trade Rules, 12/10/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Hails Guess Appointment to Civil Rights Panel, 12/12/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_007.pdf
Item 8: Cabbage Patch Doll Heading to Capper Foundation - Senator Dole to Hand Deliver Special Christmas Gift, 12/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Encouraged by President Reagans Remarks on Tax Options -- Common Ground Forms for Major Attack on Deficits in 84, 12/15/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Calls GSA Administrator on Federal Study of Kansas City Regional Offices, 12/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole on Winn: "Kansas Will Miss Him", 12/16/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Salutes Kansas Conservation Award Finalist, 12/19/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Announces Interior Department Funds to Kansas, 12/20/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole: Kennedys Remarks Threaten Bipartisan Spirit of Nutrition, 12/23/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_014.pdf
Item 15: Senator Dole Makes New Years Statement, 12/30/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_026_008_015.pdf
Box 28Add to your cart.
Folder 10Add to your cart.
Item 21: John Madsen Completes Internship For Sen. Dole, 9/13/1983Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_028_010_021.pdf

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[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
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[Series 6: 1966],
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[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
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[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
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