By Robert Lay, Catherine Riggs, Hannah Ballard, Jeremy Denham, Jennifer Kirmer, Melissa Morris, Alex Rausch, Kristine Schenk, Margaret White
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Senate Papers-Legislative Relations, 1969-1996
ID: 01/003
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 346.5 Linear Feet
Arrangement: Because these files were accumulated by several individuals, they demonstrate many different arrangement schemes. When possible, these have been preserved. Sub-series 3, 4, 6, and 9 are arranged chronologically. Sub-series 1, 2, 5, 7, and 8 are arranged alphabetically.
Subjects: Kansas
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The lawmaking function of a Senator's office is perhaps the best known and the most thoroughly documented. The Legislative Relations series of the Dole Senate Papers covers this important function. Legislative records include a variety of materials such as Congressional Research Service reports, memoranda and correspondence, personal notes, published material, bill drafts, Senate committee proceedings, press materials, and other information. These various materials were maintained by the Senator's staff of legislative assistants. A full list of legislative assistants and their areas of topical expertise appears in the sub-series description for the Legislative Assistants Files. This series demonstrates the ways in which the Senator's office crafted legislation or responded to bills proposed in either the House or the Senate.
Of significant importance are the Legislative Assistants Files. These contain information about nearly every political and legislative issue that came before the Senate from 1969-1996, and also show evidence of carry-over from Senator Dole's time in the House of Representatives. This sub-series contains information that may not be found elsewhere, and shows the often contradictory opinions of LAs in the same office.
Subject/Index Terms
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee.
There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Processing Information:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Briefing Books, 1972-1994],
Series 2: Committee Files, 1973-1994],
Series 3: Congressional Record Inserts, 1973-1980],
Series 4: Floor Statements, 1969-1994],
Series 5: Kansas Projects, 1963-1994],
[Series 6: Legislative Assistants, 1963-1996],
Series 7: Specific Bill Files, 1961-1984],
Series 8: Subject Files, 1969-1995],
Series 9: Voting/Attendance Record, 1969-1992],
- Series 6: Legislative Assistants, 1963-1996

- The staff files of the legislative assistants comprise the bulk of the Legislative Relations series. The LA files include everything from reference materials to files on specific legislative or policy efforts. They document the various ways in which bills are drafted and the cooperative and/or competitive relationships between Senators and between their staffs. These documents are heavily annotated by their creators, thus they contain a wealth of unfiltered opinions. Throughout his career, Senator Dole employed dozens of individuals as legislative assistants. Those who are represented here include:
Mira Barrata: defense, 1988-1989
Margaret Berlin: foreign policy, particularly the Helsinki Commission, 1979-1983
Barbara Bodine: foreign policy, particularly the Helsinki Commission, 1972-1984
Christina Bolton: agriculture, disability, education, food, and welfare (particularly child nutrition and welfare reform), 1975-1989
Judy Brottman: disability, 1982-1986
Janeal Cabbage: commerce, 1979-1993
Karen Carmean: education, 1981-1982
Steve Coen: commerce, energy, and transportation, 1978-1988
David Cordova: defense, foreign policy, 1981-1986
Darren Dick: defense and veterans affairs, 1988-1986
Robert Downen: foreign policy, 1977-1979
Edward Duckers: agriculture, energy, and environment, 1978-1985
Andrew Fedynsky: foreign policy, 1978-1980
John Finch: housing, 1985-1988
Bret Fox: agriculture (particularly the 1990 Farm Bill), 1980-1995
Keira Franz: transportation, 1991-1996
Lisa Frick: environment, 1993-1995
Richard Friedman: finance and housing, 1974-1978
Ernie Garcia: immigration and labor, 1969-1981
Karen Gaston: correspondence, 1981-1982
John Gordley: agriculture, 1980-1987
Matthew Hickam: economy, health, and social security, 1983-1996
Stacy Hoffhaus: agriculture, health, and welfare, 1981-1993
Jeff House: energy and foreign policy, 1984-1989
Steve Kittrell: criminal justice and labor, 1972-1978
Don Lee: education, 1989-1992
Al Lehn: foreign policy, 1988
Brenda Levenson: foreign policy (particularly the Helsinki Commission), 1977-1981
Ann Lindgren: religion (particularly cult activities), 1979-1984
Kay Luther: correspondence, 1971-1988
Martha McCabe: energy and environment, 1969-1980
Randy Miller: defense and water resources, 1974-1982
Nathan Muyskens: taxation, 1993-1996
Jack O'Connell: defense, 1979-1984
Mike Packard: defense and foreign policy (particularly the Helsinki Commission), 1977-1983
Mark Scanlan: agriculture and animals, 1976-1989
Greg Schnacke: environment and transportation, 1986-1994
Naomi Schweisow: defense and foreign policy (particularly the Helsinki Commission), 1977-1984
Ron Seeber: criminal justice and labor, 1990-1996
Janet Sena: budgets, environment, and transportation, 1992-1996
John Smith: foreign policy, health, and housing, 1969-1974
David Spears: agriculture and trade (particularly the 1990 Farm Bill), 1986-1994
Daniel Stanley: defense (particularly Base Realignment and Closure and the B-2 bomber)
David Taylor: elections, 1987-1995
Mike Torrey: agriculture and environment (particularly the 1995 and 1996 Farm Bills), 1990-1996
Kim Wells: welfare, 1975-1977
Maureen West: disability, health, and veterans affairs, 1974-1992
Mary Wheat: disability and welfare, 1977-1979
Ward White: defense and foreign policy (particularly the Vietnam War), 1969-1973
Bob Wiklund: defense, 1990-1992
Cynthia Wilhite: agriculture, 1981-1982
David Wilson: communications, education, housing, transportation, and welfare, 1983-1995
- Arrangement: All files are assigned a folder heading corresponding to the topic of the materials and the staff member who created them. These are arranged alphabetically first by staff member and then by topic.
Extent: 614 boxes
- Box 83

- Folder 4: Defense - Barrata - United States Senate Arms Control Observer Group, 1988-1989

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Barrata - Correspondence, President Clinton on Bosnian Diplomatic Initiatives, August 28, 1995

- Folder 6: Budgets - Barrata/Stanley - Budget Proposals, 1996

- Folder 7: Budgets - Barrata/Stanley - Tort Reform, May 10, 1995

- Folder 8: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - Letters, January 12-March 5, 1996

- Folder 9: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA)/Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Vote Records, 1984-1994

- Folder 10: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), National Public Radio (NPR), Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), 1995-1996

- Folder 11: Communication - Barrata/Stanley - Talking Points, 1995-1996

- Folder 12: Criminal Justice - Barrata/Stanely - Crime, 1994-1995

- Folder 13: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Pell Grants/Loans, 1994-1996

- Folder 14: Education - Barrata/Stanley - School Choice/School Vouchers, January 18-December 12, 1994-1995

- Folder 15: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Student Letters - Temporary Spelling, November 17, 1995

- Folder 16: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Titles I,II, March 6, 1996

- Folder 17: Education - Barrata/Stanley - Title I/Even Start Funding, February 22-28, 1996

- Box 84

- Folder 1: Elections - Barrata/Stanley - Campaign Finance Reform, 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Elections - Barrata/Stanley - Gaming Lobby, December 19, 1995

- Folder 3: General - Barrata/Stanley - Miscellaneous, 1995

- Folder 4: General - Barrata/Stanley - Miscellaneous, 1996

- Folder 5: Labor - Barrata/Stanley - Affirmative Action, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Labor - Barrata/Stanley - Minimum Wage, February 3, 1995

- Folder 7: Law - Barrata/Stanley - Law, 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Armenian Martyrs Day (Turkish Massacre of Armenians), 1979

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Afghanistan, 1981

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Byelorussia, 1982

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [2 of 3], 1981

- Box 85

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Digest [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Digest [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents [1 of 2], 1980-1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents [2 of 2], 1980-1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Anatoly Scharansky, 1982

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Human Rights Cases, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union
- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Iosif Mendelevich, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Lucien Ficks, 1979-1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Mihajlo Mihajlov, 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Raoul Wallenberg, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Romanian Dissidents, 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Victor Brailovsky, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Dissidents - Yakir Family, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Box 86

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Ethnic Newsletter, 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Helsinki Accords Implementation [1 of 3], 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Helsinki Accords Implementation [2 of 3], 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Helsinki Accords Implementation [3 of 3], 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Moscow Helsinki Watch, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Pope Assassination Hearing, 1982

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Romania - Most Favored Nation [1 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Romania - Most Favored Nation [2 of 3], 1980-1982

- Box 87

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Romania - Most Favored Nation [3 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Berlin - "Rumania's Violations of the Helsinki Final Act Provisions: Forced Assimilation of Minorities in Rumania", 1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights, Romania
- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Senate Letter for Joseph Begun (Johnston, Laxalt), Soviet Jews, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Soviet Jewry [1 of 2], 1981-1983

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Soviet Jewry [2 of 2], 1981-1983

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Soviet Psychiatric Abuse, 1982

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Ukraine, 1981

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Berlin - Ukrainian Independence Day, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Berlin - U.S. Helsinki Watch, 1979-1980

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Berlin - World Hunger, 1980

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Armenian Genocide, May 10-15, 1984

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Baltic States, February 22-July 20, 1983-1984

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Catholic, Human Rights
- Box 88

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) Commissioners and Liaisons, 1974

- Soviet Union
- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Cuban Affairs, August-March 19, 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Dear Colleague Letters, December 8-May 13, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Dear Colleague Letters, May 21-April 2, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine - France, March 23-August 2, 1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Human Rights, April 4-February 22, 1983-1984

- Latin America
- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Immigration, August, 1978-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Ireland, January-May 23, 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Japan, July 22-July 26, 1981-1984

- Box 89

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Lebanon, June 14-May 23 [1 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Lebanon, June 14-May 23 [2 of 2], 1982-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Miscellaneous Correspondents, January 28- October 29, 1983-1984

- Fidel Castro, Gustavo Arcos bergnes, India, China, Nicaragua, Sandinista, Nightly News, American University of Beirut, Aphraham Ashjian, Armenia, National Independence Day, American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), Meeting for Peace, Iran
- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Moralism and U.S. Foreign Policy, 1972

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Nicaragua, January 13-June 27, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Paraguay, February 5-July 6, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Peru, December 9-January 31, 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Philippines, September 22-June, 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Soviet Dissidents, May 3-May 22, 1982-1984

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Human Rights
- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Spain - Madrid Meeting, January 13-February 11, 1983-1985

- Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Box 90

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Ukraine, May 5-August 10, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Vatican, December 17-March 27, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea, December 19-July 10, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine - World Communications, December 16-April, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine - Yugoslavia, 1978

- Soviet Union, Human Rights
- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Algeria, Morocca, Tunisia, Libya, May 7-June 26, 1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Arab-Israeli Affairs, October 18-June 12, 1982-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Australia, New Zealand, February 27-June 24, 1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Cambodia Conflict, July 24-June 26, 1979-1985

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Canada, December 16-June 12, 1982-1984

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America, January-October 11 [1 of 2], 1981-1984

- Box 91

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America, January-October 11 [2 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: Contadora Negotiations, October 25-August 6, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: National Bipartisan Commission, July 15-August 8 [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: National Bipartisan Commission, July 15-August 8 [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Central America: Soviets and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Influence and Assistance, April-July 30, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Chile, February-March 28, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - China, Taiwan, June 1-August 8 [1 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - China, Taiwan, June 1-August 8 [2 of 2], 1983-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Columbia, May 22, 1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Costa Rica, August 2, 1984

- Box 92

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Cyprus, Greece, Turkey, December 9-May 29, 1982-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Czechoslovakia, February 13-June 29, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Egypt, January 2-May 7, 1978-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [1 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [2 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [3 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - El Salvador, January 13-March 15 [4 of 4], 1981-1985

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Europe, July 22-June 22, 1982-1984

- Box 93

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Europe, General, March 7-August 2, 1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - European Economic Community (EEC), June 5, 1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Federal Republic of Germany, January-July 3, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - German Democratic Republic, October 8-April 14, 1980-1981

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Great Britain, May-July, 1981-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Grenada, October 17-November 15, 1983

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Guatemala, October 17-August 9, 1982-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Honduras, December-August 6, 1982-1984

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Hungary, October 20-July 13, 1981-1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - IMBS, January 19-July 18, 1984

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - India, October 24-August 3, 1983-1984

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Iran, September 12-August 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Iraq, May 20-July 17, 1983-1984

- Box 94

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [1 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [2 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [3 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Israel, July 22-July 27 [4 of 4], 1979-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Italy, [1981]

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Jordan, January 15-June 29, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Romania, August 4-July 10, 1982-1985

- Box 95

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Italy: 40th Anniversary of Liberation of Rome Delegation, May 30-February 8 [1 of 2], 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Italy: 40th Anniversary of Liberation of Rome Delegation, May 30-February 8 [2 of 2], 1984-1985

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Korea, January 23-September 26, 1981-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Panama, March 13-April 14, 1982-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [1 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [2 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [3 of 5], 1980-1985

- Box 96

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [4 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Soviet Union, March 6-March 4 [5 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Thailand, April 9, 1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Uruguay, February 18-July 31, 1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Bodine/Cordova - Venezuela, March 4, 1984

- Folder 6: Abortion - Bolton - Abortion [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Abortion - Bolton - Abortion [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 8: Abortion - Bolton - Planned Parenthood, 1981-1982

- Box 97

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - Action on Aging Legislation in the 97th Congress, 1983

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - "Aging America: Trends and Projections", 1983

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - Aging Committee Hearings on Nutrition, 1982

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - Aging Issues, 1980-1983

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - Care Giving: The Challenge of Elder Care, 1987

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - Cooling Assistance, 1980

- Folder 7: Aging - Bolton - Developments in Aging: 1983, Volume 1, 1983

- Folder 8: Aging - Bolton - Developments in Aging: 1983, Volume 2 - Appendixes, 1983

- Folder 9: Aging - Bolton - Elderly Nutrition, 1983

- Box 98

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - "Final Report, the 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Volume 1", 1981

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - "Final Report, the 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Volume 2", 1981

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - "Final Report, the 1981 White House Conference on Aging: Volume 3", 1981

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - Focus Hope, Detroit, 1985

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - "Future Directions for Aging Policy: A Human Service Model", 1980

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - Health Services to Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 7: Aging - Bolton - Hearings - Nutrition Needs of the Elderly, 1980

- Folder 8: Aging - Bolton - Legislative and Administrative Steps to Implement the National Policy on Aging, 1982

- Folder 9: Aging - Bolton - Low-Income Energy Assistance - Elderly, 1981

- Folder 10: Aging - Bolton - Meals on Wheels, 1983

- Folder 11: Aging - Bolton - Newsletter, Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 12: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition Hearings in Kansas, 1980

- Folder 13: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition for the Elderly [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 14: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition for the Elderly [2 of 2], 1980

- Box 99

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition Needs of Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - Nutrition Speech, Older Americans, 1981

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - Older Americans Act of 1965, as Amended, 1979

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - Older Americans Act of 1981, 1981-1984

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - Older Americans Programs, 1985

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - Oversight Hearing on the Older American Nutrition Programs, 1979

- Folder 7: Aging - Bolton - Programs for the Elderly - Employment, 1980

- Folder 8: Aging - Bolton - Protecting Older Americans Against Overpayment of Income Taxes, 1980

- Folder 9: Aging - Bolton - Senior Companion Program, 1986

- Folder 10: Aging - Bolton - The Aging [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 11: Aging - Bolton - The Aging [2 of 2], 1984

- Box 100

- Folder 1: Aging - Bolton - The Elderly [1 of 3], 1981-1984

- Folder 2: Aging - Bolton - The Elderly [2 of 3], 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Aging - Bolton - The Elderly [3 of 3], 1981-1984

- Folder 4: Aging - Bolton - "Toward More Effective Implementation of the Older Americans Act", 1981

- Folder 5: Aging - Bolton - White House Conference on Aging, 1981

- Folder 6: Aging - Bolton - White House Conference on Aging - Appointments, 1981

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Bolton - Farm Bill, 1985

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Bolton - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 1983

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Bolton - FY 1985 Agriculture Appropriations, 1984

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Bolton - Local Food Organizations in D.C., 1983

- Box 101

- Folder 1: Budgets - Bolton - Budget [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Budgets - Bolton - Budget [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 3: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981, 1980

- Folder 4: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981 - Education, 1980

- Folder 5: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981 - Health and Human Services, 1980

- Folder 6: Budgets - Bolton - Budget FY 1981 - National Institutes of Health (NIH), 1980

- Folder 7: Budgets - Bolton - Myths and Facts Report, Undated

- Folder 8: Budgets - Bolton - Report on Departments on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies Appropriation Bill (S. 2836), 1985

- Folder 9: Budgets - Bolton - "Senate/Administration Deficit Reduction Plan", 1985

- Folder 10: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Agreement FY 1986 [1 of 2], 1985

- Box 102

- Folder 1: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Agreement FY 1986 [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution, 1984

- Folder 3: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution [1 of 3], 1987

- Folder 4: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution [2 of 3], 1987

- Folder 5: Budgets - Bolton - Senate Budget Resolution [3 of 3], 1987

- Folder 6: Children - Bolton - "An Examination of State Administrative Expense Funding in the Child Nutrition Programs", 1985

- Folder 7: Children - Bolton - Child Abuse, 1982

- Folder 8: Children - Bolton - Child Abuse, 1985

- Box 103

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - Child Care [1 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Child Care [2 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Child Care [3 of 3], 1985-1988

- Folder 4: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [1 of 5], 1989

- Folder 5: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [2 of 5], 1989

- Box 104

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [3 of 5], 1989

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [4 of 5], 1989

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Child Care - General [5 of 5], 1989

- Folder 4: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [1 of 4], 1985-1988

- Folder 5: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [2 of 4], 1985-1988

- Box 105

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [3 of 4], 1985-1988

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Child Care Issues [4 of 4], 1985-1988

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Child Care Welfare Programs [1 of 3], 1989

- Folder 4: Children - Bolton - Child Care Welfare Programs [2 of 3], 1989

- Folder 5: Children - Bolton - Child Care Welfare Programs [3 of 3], 1989

- Folder 6: Children - Bolton - Child/Youth Programs, 1983-1985

- Folder 7: Children - Bolton - Family and Children's Caucus, 1983

- Box 106

- Folder 1: Children - Bolton - "International Year of the Child", 1980

- Folder 2: Children - Bolton - Report on Adolescent Family Life, 1981

- Folder 3: Children - Bolton - Senate Children's Caucus, 1979

- Folder 4: Constitution - Bolton - Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 5: Constitution - Bolton - Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - "1984 & Beyond," The Seventh Regional Conference of the Association on Handicapped Student Service Programs in Post-Secondary Education, 1984

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - Bulletin of the Association on Handicapped Student Service Programs in Post-Secondary Education, 1984

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - Close-Captioned Television Service, 1982

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - Committee Amendments, 1981

- Folder 10: Disabled - Bolton - "Competitive Employment for Persons with Mental Retardation: From Research to Practice", 1985

- Box 107

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Deaf Issues, 1980

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - "Disabled Policy: America's Programs for the Handicapped", 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - Dole Foundation, 1988

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - Education of Handicapped Children, 1975-1977

- Folder 5: Disabled - Bolton - "Education of Handicapped Children in State Operated or Supported Schools: Program Summary and Issue Analysis, 1980

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - "Employer Initiatives in the Employment or Re-Employment of People with Disabilities", 1985

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - Funding for Gallaudet College, 1981

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Bills [1 of 2], 1979-1983

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Bills [2 of 2], 1979-1983

- Folder 10: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Bill of Rights, 1980

- Folder 11: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Education, 1981

- Folder 12: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Rehabilitation Act, 1977-1981

- Box 108

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Handicapped Statistics, 1975

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - Kennedy, Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals (JEDI), 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [1 of 4], 1980

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [2 of 4], 1980

- Folder 5: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [3 of 4], 1980

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - The Menninger Foundation's Projects with Industry Program [4 of 4], 1980

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - National Cystic Fibrosis Week Resolution, 1980

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - National Rehabilitation Conference, July 9, 1981

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - The Public Health Service and the International Year of Disabled Persons, 1980

- Box 109

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Public Law 94-142 (Education for Handicapped Children), 1980

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - Reagan Questionnaire, 1980

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - Rehabilitation, Comprehensive Services and Developmental Disabilities Legislation, 1979

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - Report on Developmental Disabilities Act of 1984, 1984

- Folder 5: Disabled - Bolton - "Social Security Disability Programs: An International Perspective", 1987

- Folder 6: Disabled - Bolton - Special Olympics, 1980

- Folder 7: Disabled - Bolton - Spinal Cord Regeneration Research, 1980

- Folder 8: Disabled - Bolton - "The Dole Foundation: Case Statement", Undated

- Folder 9: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [1 of 4], 1987

- Folder 10: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [2 of 4], 1987

- Folder 11: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [3 of 4], 1987

- Box 110

- Folder 1: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation [4 of 4], 1987

- Folder 2: Disabled - Bolton - Transportation: Surface, 1987

- Folder 3: Disabled - Bolton - University of Kansas Handicapped Grant, 1980

- Folder 4: Disabled - Bolton - Urban Mass Transit Systems, 1988

- Folder 5: Drug Abuse - Bolton - Alcohol and Drug Abuse (S. 440), 1979

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Action Committee for Higher Education, 1979-1982

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), 1985

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [1 of 4], 1985-1989

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [2 of 4], 1985-1989

- Box 111

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [3 of 4], 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Background Files, April-May 10 [4 of 4], 1985-1989

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Bilingual Education, 1986

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Block Grant, 1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Carlin Statements on Education, 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Congressional Research Service (CRS) 87-20: Appropriations Enacted for Specific Colleges and Universities by the 96th through the 99th Congress, 1987

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - "Critical Needs in International Education: Recommendations for Action", 1983

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - "Debating National Education Policy: the Question of Standards", 1981

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Department of Education [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 10: Education - Bolton - Department of Education [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 11: Education - Bolton - "Disparities Still Exist in Who Gets Special Education", 1981

- Folder 12: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [1 of 4], 1986-1988

- Box 112

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [2 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [3 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material [4 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Dole Education Material - Chapter 1 Reauthorization, 1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Education Amendment to Supplemental Appropriations Bills, 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Education Competitiveness Bill, 1987

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Education: Impact Aid, 1984

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Education Reform, 1986

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [1 of 6], 1987-1988

- Box 113

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [2 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [3 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [4 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [5 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Education Reports, Etc. [6 of 6], 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [1 of 6], 1987

- Box 114

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [2 of 6], 1987

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [3 of 6], 1987

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [4 of 6], 1987

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [5 of 6], 1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Education Working File [6 of 6], 1987

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - FY 1985 Budget Recommendations for Education, 1984

- Box 115

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - General [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - General [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - General [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - General Education Legislation, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Handbooks from Kansas Schools [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Handbooks from Kansas Schools [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Higher Education, 1985-1987

- Box 116

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act, 1980

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act (S. 1839), 1980

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Amendments [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Amendments [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Conference Report [1 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act Conference Report [2 of 2], 1980-1983

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Act - Floor Action on S. 1839, 1980

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Reauthorization - Student Lending Organizations, 1985

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Higher Education Reform Act, 1982

- Box 117

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Impact Aid, 1985

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - "Issues in Science and Technology", 1986

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Kansas Education Issues, 1979-1980

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Kansas State University, 1985-1987

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Kansas State University [1 of 2], 1986-1989

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - Kansas State University [2 of 2], 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Kansas Trip, January, 1984

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Labor/Health and Human Services/Education Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Libraries, 1985-1987

- Folder 10: Education - Bolton - Literacy and Adult Education, 1985-1987

- Folder 11: Education - Bolton - Literacy Commission, 1979-1984

- Folder 12: Education - Bolton - Literacy Resolution, 1985

- Folder 13: Education - Bolton - Math and Science Improvement Act [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 118

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Math and Science Improvement Act [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Memos and Correspondence, 1985-1987

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Miscellaneous [1 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Miscellaneous [2 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Miscellaneous [3 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - National Forum on Excellence in Education, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - National High School Activities Week Resolution, 1980

- Box 119

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Old Education [1 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - Old Education [2 of 2], 1987-1989

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - Report on Adult Education Act Amendments, 1984

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - Report on S. 2491, Establishing a System for the Consolidation of Student Loans Under Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and for Other Purposes, 1984

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Report on the Vocational Education Act of 1984

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - S. 210, Statement Against the Department of Education, 1978

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - Sakharov Institute, 1983

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Satisfactory Academic Progress Standards for Federal Student Aid Recipients, 1983

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Science, 1987

- Folder 10: Education - Bolton - Science and Math Education, 1983

- Folder 11: Education - Bolton - "Signs of Trouble and Erosion: A Report on Graduate Education in America", 1983

- Folder 12: Education - Bolton - Speech Material: Education and Children [1 of 2], 1982-1988

- Box 120

- Folder 1: Education - Bolton - Speech Material: Education and Children [2 of 2], 1982-1988

- Folder 2: Education - Bolton - State of Education, 1983

- Folder 3: Education - Bolton - "Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae): 1986 Report to the President and the Congress of the United States", 1987

- Folder 4: Education - Bolton - "Study of the Special Allowance Formula of the Guaranteed Student Loan Program", 1983

- Folder 5: Education - Bolton - Tuition Tax Credit, 1983

- Folder 6: Education - Bolton - University of Kansas Grants, 1986

- Folder 7: Education - Bolton - University of Kansas Grants - Dole Letters, 1985

- Folder 8: Education - Bolton - Upward Bound Program, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Education - Bolton - Vocational Education, 1984

- Folder 10: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - Child Nutrition, 1981-1983

- Folder 11: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - Congressional Research Service (CRS), 1981-1983

- Folder 12: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - New Federalism, 1981-1983

- Folder 13: Executive Departments - Bolton - New Federalism Issues - Nutrition Block Grants, 1981-1983

- Folder 14: Families - Bolton - Broken Families, 1983

- Box 121

- Folder 1: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence (S. 1843 and H.R. 2977) [1 of 3], 1980

- Folder 2: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence (S. 1843 and H.R. 2977) [2 of 3], 1980

- Folder 3: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence (S. 1843 and H.R. 2977) [3 of 3], 1980

- Folder 4: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Act, 1980

- Folder 5: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Act - Statements of Senator Bob Dole, 1980

- Folder 6: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Legislation [1 of 2], 1980-1984

- Box 122

- Folder 1: Families - Bolton - Domestic Violence Legislation [2 of 2], 1980-1984

- Folder 2: Families - Bolton - White House Conference on Families, 1980

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Academic Nutrition Issues, 1983

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - African Famine Situation [1 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - African Famine Situation [2 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - African Famine Situation [3 of 3], 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - African Food Situation, 1984

- Box 123

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - Competitive Food Amendment, 1977

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - Dr. Larry Brown, Hunger Study, 1986

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Food Fortification and Vitamin Supplements - Reference Materials, 1981-1983

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Food Issues, 1979-1981

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Food Safety Speech and Materials [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Food Safety Speech and Materials [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - Food Safety Speech and Materials - Food Labeling, 1976-1980

- Folder 8: Food - Bolton - "Food Safety: Where Are We?", 1979

- Box 124

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - Harry Chapin File, 1983

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - Hunger [1 of 2], 1983-1986

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Hunger [2 of 2], 1983-1986

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Hunger and Global Security Bill, 1981

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Hunger in America, 1984

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Hunger Prevention Act of 1988, 1988

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - Infant Formula Resolution [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: Food - Bolton - Infant Formula Resolution [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: Food - Bolton - Joint Resolution, World Food Day, 1985

- Box 125

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - "National Survey Data on Food Consumption: Uses and Recommendations", 1984

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - New England Hunger Report, 1984

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [1 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [2 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [3 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [4 of 6], 1979-1984

- Box 126

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [5 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - Nutrition [6 of 6], 1979-1984

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - Nutrition Labeling Hearings, 1980

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearings, 1982

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Presidential Commission on World Hunger, Technical Papers, 1980

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Speech, Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Fundraiser, May 17, 1984

- Folder 7: Food - Bolton - World Food Day Resolution, 1983

- Box 127

- Folder 1: Food - Bolton - World Hunger, 1980

- Folder 2: Food - Bolton - World Hunger, 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Food - Bolton - World Hunger Final Report, 1980

- Folder 4: Food - Bolton - Yale Nutrition Journal Article [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 5: Food - Bolton - Yale Nutrition Journal Article [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 6: Food - Bolton - Yale Nutrition Journal Article [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Bolton - Foreign Policy Statements, 1982-1983

- Box 128

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Bolton - "Helsinki Commission: The First 8 Years", 1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Bolton - Report on Establishing the U.S. Academy of Peace and for Other Purposes, 1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Bolton - U.S.-U.S.S.R. Meeting for Peace, Lawrence, Kansas, 1984

- Folder 4: General - Bolton - Anschutz Collection, 1981

- Folder 5: General - Bolton - Bicentennial of the Constitution, 1985

- Folder 6: General - Bolton - Bob Dole Briefing Papers, 1975-1980

- Folder 7: General - Bolton - Correspondence/Memos, 1980

- Folder 8: General - Bolton - Correspondence with Reports, 1986

- Folder 9: General - Bolton - Dole Positions and Legislation [1 of 3], 1979-1987

- Folder 10: General - Bolton - Dole Positions and Legislation [2 of 3], 1979-1987

- Folder 11: General - Bolton - Dole Positions and Legislation [3 of 3], 1979-1987

- Folder 12: General - Bolton - Invitations, 1982

- Folder 13: General - Bolton - Karl Menninger Speech, 1983

- Folder 14: General - Bolton - Legislative Issues, 1986

- Box 129

- Folder 1: General - Bolton - Miscellaneous, 1982

- Folder 2: General - Bolton - Miscellaneous Memos, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: General - Bolton - National Year of Thanksgiving Resolution, 1985

- Folder 4: General - Bolton - Newspaper Clippings, 1982

- Folder 5: General - Bolton - President's FY 1987 Budget, 1986

- Folder 6: General - Bolton - Staff Memos [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 7: General - Bolton - Staff Memos [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 8: Hazardous Substances - Bolton - Radiation Compensation Act, 1981

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Bolton - American Recreation Coalition, 1982

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Bolton - "Cancer and Heart Disease", 1982

- Box 130

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Bolton - Congressional Research Service Health Care Materials and Issue Briefs, 1984

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Bolton - Department of Health and Human Services, 1981

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Bolton - Hatch Health Bill for Therapeutic Use of Heroin, 1981

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Care Dear Colleague Letters, 1985

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower - Health Manpower Act, 1980

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Manpower - Health Manpower Proposal, 1980

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Planning, 1981

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Bolton - Health Systems Agency, 1982

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Bolton - Medicare Reform (S. 936), 1987

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Bolton - Mental Health Services Act (S. 1177), 1980

- Box 131

- Folder 1: Health Policy - Bolton - Mental Health Systems Act, 1980

- Folder 2: Health Policy - Bolton - National Health Service Corps, 1980

- Folder 3: Health Policy - Bolton - "Poverty and Health in New England", 1984

- Folder 4: Health Policy - Bolton - Primary Health Care Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 5: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Alcohol Abuse, Alcoholism, and Drug Abuse Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Biomedical Research Training and Medical Library Assistance Amendments of 1983, 1983

- Folder 7: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Health Maintenance Organization Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 8: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Health Professions Training Assistance Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 9: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Health Services, Preventative Health Services, and Home and Community Based Services Act of 1984, 1984

- Folder 10: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Nurse Education Amendments of 1984, 1984

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Bolton - Report on Smoking Prevention Health and Education Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Bolton - Smoking Prevention Act, 1983-1984

- Folder 13: Housing - Bolton - Community Development Block Grant, 1987

- Folder 14: Housing - Bolton - Fair Housing Act, 1987

- Folder 15: Housing - Bolton - Housing and Community Act of 1987, 1987

- Folder 16: Housing - Bolton - Memos, 1987

- Folder 17: Labor - Bolton - Affirmative Action - Small Business, 1980

- Folder 18: Labor - Bolton - Employment, Unemployment, and Labor Issues, 1985-1987

- Folder 19: Labor - Bolton - Jobs for Employable Dependent Individuals Act, 1989

- Folder 20: Labor - Bolton - Report on Human Services Reauthorization Act, 1984

- Folder 21: Labor - Bolton - "U.S. News and World Report," "America's Wandering Jobless", 1983

- Box 132

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - American School Food Service Association and Kansas School Food Service Association (KSFSA), 1984

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - "An Experimental Evaluation of Nutrition Education Methods", 1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "An Experimental Evaluation of Nutrition Education Methods: Executive Summary", 1984

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Boschwitz Resolution on Nutrition Cuts, 1983

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Care Food Program, 1982

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition, 1981

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition, 1986

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Act of 1984 (S. 2617) [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 133

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Act of 1984 (S. 2617) [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Issues, 1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition - Kansas Child Nutrition Programs, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Programs, 1985

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Proposed Legislation [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Proposed Legislation [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1985

- Box 134

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reauthorization [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reauthorization, 1986

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reconciliation [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reconciliation [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Reconciliation [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Resolution (S. Con. Res. 121, 97th Congress), 1982

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition/School Lunch Program (S. 1898) [1 of 2], 1979

- Box 135

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition/School Lunch Program (S. 1898) [2 of 2], 1979

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition/School Lunch Program (S. 1898) - School Lunch Regulations, 1979

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition - Section 4 Issues, 1985

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Child Nutrition Speech, Background, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Appropriations and Food Assistance, 1983

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Background Material, 1983

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Drafts of S. 17, 1983

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Funding Letter, 1983

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - House Bills, 1983

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Legislation [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Legislation [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Press, 1983

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Press on S. 17, 1983

- Box 136

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act (S. 17) [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act (S. 17) [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act (S. 17) [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - S. 17 Congressional Record Reprints and Dear Colleague, 1983

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - S. 17 Floor Amendments, 1983

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - S. 17 Talking Points, 1983

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Surplus Distribution [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Surplus Distribution [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Act - Volunteer Letter, S. 17, 1983

- Box 137

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Bill [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Bill [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Distribution Program, 1986

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Commodity Program, 1985

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Dole, Food Assistance Legislation, 1984

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donation in the National School Lunch Program: Overview of Study Methodology", 1981

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of Alternatives to Commodity Donation in the National School Lunch Program: Interim Report", 1984

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of National Commodity Processing", 1985

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - "Evaluation of the Commodity Supplemental Food Program Final Report: Health and Nutrition Impacts of Three Local Projects", 1982

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - "Federally-Supported Human Nutrition Research and Training, FY 1980-1982", 1983

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - Final Report of the Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, 1977

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - Food Distribution, 1987

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program - Restoration of Improperly Denied or Terminated Benefits", 1986

- Box 138

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - FY 1981, Continuing Resolution, Food and Nutrition, 1980

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Hart Amendment on School Lunch, 1981

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "Improved Administration of Special Surplus Dairy Product Distribution Program Needed", 1984

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Kansas Child Nutrition, 1981

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Kansas Dietetic Association (KDA) Nutrition Speech, 1984

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Kansas Trip Briefing Materials, 1986

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - "Meal Production Costs in School Nutrition Programs", 1982

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Miscellaneous, 1985-1987

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - National Commodity Processing, 1985

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition and Low Income Earners, 1983

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition and the Elderly, 1980

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget Cuts [1 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget Cuts [2 of 2], 1981-1984

- Folder 14: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget Cuts - Proposals for Budget Cuts in Nutrition Programs, 1981-1982

- Folder 15: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget FY 1981 [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 16: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Budget FY 1981 [2 of 2], 1980

- Box 139

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education and Research [1 of 2], 1978-1981

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education and Research [2 of 2], 1978-1981

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education in Medical School Curriculum, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education Speech Material [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Education Speech Material [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Issues, 1986

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Labeling Hearing [1 of 2], 1980

- Box 140

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Labeling Hearing [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Monitoring, 1987

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "Nutrition Monitoring in the United States", 1986

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Needs of Older Americans, 1980

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Needs of Older Americans - Subcommittee on Nutrition, 1980

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Newsletter, 1981

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Background Information, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearings, 1983

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - School Breakfast Programs, 1980

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - "Participation in the National School Lunch Program", 1984

- Folder 11: Nutrition - Bolton - "Program in Biomedical and Behavioral Nutrition Research and Training Fiscal Year 1982", 1983

- Folder 12: Nutrition - Bolton - "Progress Made in Federal Human Nutrition Research Planning and Coordination: Some Improvement Needed", 1982

- Folder 13: Nutrition - Bolton - Public Voice - Golden Carrot Award, 1983

- Box 141

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - Public Voices News Conference, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - Puerto Rico Nutrition Block Grant, 1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - School Lunch - Elimination of Subsidy to Paying Students, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - School Lunch Program, 1982

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - "School Meal Programs: Options for Improving the Verification of Student Eligibility", 1986

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton - Seattle/Portland Trip, 1985

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton - Speech: National Nutrition Consortium, 1981

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton - Speech to Kansas School Lunch Group, October 25, 1980

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton - Speech to National Nutrition Consortium, 1981

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton - "Surplus Commodities: Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program's Operations and Continuance", 1987

- Box 142

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton - The Emergency Food Assistance Plan (TEFAP) Background, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton - "The National Evaluation of School Nutrition Programs: Final Report, Volume 1: Overview and Presentation of Findings", 1983

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton - "The National Evaluation of School Nutrition Programs: Final Report, Volume 2: Technical Appendices", 1983

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton - U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) - Human Nutrition Center, 1981

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton - "What Foods Should Americans Eat? Better Information Needed on Nutritional Quality of Foods", 1980

- Folder 6: Science Policy - Bolton - Report on Authorizing Appropriations for the National Science Foundation, Fiscal Year 1985, 1984

- Folder 7: Social Security - Bolton - Kansas Social Security Offices, 1987

- Folder 8: Social Security - Bolton - Social Security Issues, 1987-1988

- Box 143

- Folder 1: Social Services - Bolton - United Way Resolution, 1986

- Folder 2: Social Services - Bolton - Volunteer Services, 1986

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Bolton - Vietnam Veterans Commemorative Stamp, 1981-1983

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - A Study of the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP), 1987

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Administration Food Stamp Bill, Undated

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Agriculture Committee - Correspondence with Senator Helms, 1981

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - "Alternative Method of Delivering Food Benefits", 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - "An Analysis of Displacement Caused by Donations Through the Temporary Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP)", 1986

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "An Evaluation of the 1981 Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Changes: Final Report", 1985

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - "Better Wage-Matching Systems and Procedures Would Enhance Food Stamp Program Integrity", 1984

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - "Bitter Harvest II: A Status Report on the Need for Emergency Food Assistance in America", 1985

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Block Grants, Human Resources, 1981

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Block Grants, Miscellaneous, 1985-1987

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Budget Conference: Food Stamps, 1982

- Folder 15: Welfare - Bolton - Budget Issues, 1982

- Box 144

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Characteristics of Food Stamp Households, 1985

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - "Characteristics of Food Stamp Households: August", 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Child Care Food Program, 1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Background on Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), 1984

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Congressional Research Service - Poverty Studies [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Congressional Research Service - Poverty Studies, 1986 [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Dole, Food Stamp Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Dole, Food Stamp Reauthorization [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "Efforts to Control Fraud, Abuse, and Mismanagement in Domestic Food Assistance Programs: Progress Made - More Needed", 1980

- Box 145

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Error Rates/Sanction System, 1985

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - "Evaluation of Existing Issuance Systems in the Food Stamp Program, Volume I: Analysis by System Types", Undated

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - "Evaluation of Expedited Service in the Food Stamp Program", 1987

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Family Security Act, 1987

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - "Federal and State Initiatives Needed to Improve Productivity and Reduce Administrative Costs of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children and Food Stamp Programs", 1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Federal and State Liability for Inaccurate Payments of Food Stamp, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program Benefits", 1984

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Assistance Material, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Assistance: Task Force Report [1 of 2], 1984

- Box 146

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Assistance: Task Force Report [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Program Update, 1983

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Program Update, 1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Accountability Act, 1987

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Budget Cuts, 1981

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Employment and Training: Resource Guide", 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Fraud [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Fraud [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Fraud [3 of 3], 1981

- Box 147

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Legislation [1 of 2], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Legislation [2 of 2], 1984

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Legislation, 1985

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Program - Computer Technology, 1983

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program: Error Rate Adjustments and Sanctions", 1987

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program: Statistical Validity of Agriculture's Payment Error-Rate Adjustments", 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Program: Trends in Program Applications, Participation, and Denials", 1987

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamp Reconciliation, 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Research: Results form the Income Survey Development Program and the Promise of the Survey on Income and Program Participation", 1986

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Work Registration and Job Search Demonstration: Evaluation Report", 1985

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - "Food Stamp Work Registration and Job Search Demonstration: Final Report", 1986

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps, 1980

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps: Administration Proposals, 1982

- Box 148

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Background Information, 1983-1984

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Bank Fees, 1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Block Grant, 1985

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Briefing Material, 1982

- Box 149

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Budget Resolution, 1980

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Food Stamps - Budget Resolution Colloquy, 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Categorical Eligibility, 1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps/Child Nutrition Hearings, 1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Conference, S. 1309 [1 of 2], 1980

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Conference, S. 1309 [2 of 2], 1980

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Estimates, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Elimination of Purchase Requirement (EPR), 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Error Rate Sanction System, 1982-1983

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Error Rate Sanction System, 1984

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Expedited Service, 1982

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Food Stamp Law Update, 1981

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Funding - Supplemental, 1983

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing [1 of 3], 1984

- Box 150

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearing, 1983-1985

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearings [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Hearings [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps: Impact Data, 1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Integrity and Accountability Act, 1983

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Issues Related to Finance Committee, 1982

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Legislation, 1982

- Box 151

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Legislation, Helms, 1983

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Lump Sum Payments, 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps: Monthly Reporting/Retrospective Budgeting (MRRB), 1983

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - National Governor's Association Positions, 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program [1 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program [2 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program [3 of 3], 1985-1987

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program: National Academy of Sciences' Recommendations on the Sanctions Backlog, 1987

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Program and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Timetable, 1982

- Box 152

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Programs and Legislation [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Reauthorization, 1985

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Reconciliation Conference, 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps Regulations and Monthly Letters, 1982

- Box 153

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Reform, 1983

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps/School Lunch Letter to Editor, Washington Post, 1980

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - State and County Letters [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - State and County Letters [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Students, Undated

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Supplemental Appropriations, 1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Support Letters from States, etc., 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Testimony [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Testimony [2 of 3], 1981

- Box 154

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Testimony [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Thrifty Food Plan Adjustments, 1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Veterans Amendment, 1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Work Proposals, 1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Work Requirements, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare, 1982

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare - Dole Substitute on Work Provision, 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare - The Cap, 1981

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Food Stamps - Workfare - Work Program (Helms/Hayakawa), 1982

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - FY 83 Administration Budget Proposals, 1982

- Box 155

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - FY 85 Administration Budget, 1984

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - General Mark-Up Documents, 1985

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - General Poverty Background, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Greater Opportunities for Work (GROW) Proposals, 1987

- Child Support, Work Incentive (WIN) Program
- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Helm's Food Stamp Bill, 1982

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Helm's Food Stamp Hearing, 1984

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Helm's Food Stamp/Tobacco Letter, 1982

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Homeless Programs, 1987

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Income Security Systems, 1981

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - "Increasing Hunger and Declining Help: Barriers to Participation in the Food Stamp Program", 1986

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Kansas Food Stamp Issues, 1980

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Kansas Social and Rehabilitation Services (SRS) Report, 1983

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Agriculture Legislation, 1985

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition, General, 1985

- Box 156

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - Legislative History [1 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - Legislative History [2 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Programs - Legislative History [3 of 3], 1980-1982

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing [1 of 3], 1983

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing [2 of 3], 1983

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing [3 of 3], 1983

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [1 of 4], 1981-1987

- Box 157

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [2 of 4], 1981-1987

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [3 of 4], 1981-1987

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Nutrition and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) [4 of 4], 1981-1987

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - "Overview and Perspectives on the Food Stamp Program", 1985

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - "Private Sector Initiatives to Feed America's Poor", 1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Public and Private Efforts to Feed America's Poor, 1983

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Puerto Rico Issues, 1981-1983

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - "Report of the President's Task Force on Food Assistance", 1984

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Report on the Food Bank Demonstration Project, 1984

- Box 158

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - "Report on Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Education Services", 1986

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - "Report to the Secretary of Agriculture: Need to Foster Optimal Use of Resources in the Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)", 1985

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - "Report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Domestic Marketing, Consumer Relations, and Nutrition, Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives: Quality Control Error Rates for the Food Stamp Program", 1985

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Simplifying Requirements for State Management Information Systems in Entitlement Programs, 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Smaller Slices of the Pie: The Growing Economic Vulnerability of Poor and Moderate Income Americans, 1985

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - "Study of Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Participant and Program Characteristics", 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Testimony, Reauthorization of the Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - "The Background of Work and Welfare", 1983

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "The Characteristics of Food Stamp Work Registrants", 1984

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - The Demonstration of State Work/Welfare Initiatives, 1983

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - "The Effects of Legislative Changes in 1981 and 1982 on Food Stamp Program Benefits", 1984

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - The President's Task Force on Food Assistance, 1984

- Folder 13: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform, 1987

- Folder 14: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform [1 of 3], 1988-1989

- Box 159

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform [2 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform [3 of 3], 1988-1989

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [1 of 4], 1987

- Family Welfare Programs; Health and Human Services 1988 Budget; Poverty Study; H.R. 1720 Cost Estimate; Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Employment and Training Reorganization Act of 1987; Social Security and Family Policy Subcommittee Testimony
- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [2 of 4], 1987

- Domestic Policy Council, Low Income Opportunity Working Group Report; Center on Budget and Policy Priorities; Welfare Reform Task Force; Social Security and Family Policy Subcommittee Hearings
- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [3 of 4], 1987

- Social Security and Income Maintenance Programs Subcommittee; National Council for Children's Rights; National Child Support Enforcement Association; Anti-Poverty Programs
- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform Proposals and Materials [4 of 4], 1987

- GOP Welfare Reform Alternative; H.R. 1720; Senate Finance Committee; Clinton, William J.
- Box 160

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers, 1987

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Administration Government Relations Office (GRO) Proposal, 1987

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Child Support, 1987

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Long-Dole Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Block Grant, 1979

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Memos, 1987

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Proposals, 1987

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Welfare Testimony, 1987

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Welfare Reform - Working Papers - Work Program Comparisons, 1987

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, 1981-1983

- Folder 10: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 11: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 12: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program Issues, 1984

- Box 161

- Folder 1: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues [1 of 3], 1978-1983

- Folder 2: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues [2 of 3], 1978-1983

- Folder 3: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues [3 of 3], 1978-1983

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program - Testimony and FY 1983 Issues - Current Issues, 1982

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC), 1985

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Funding Formula, 1986

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Hearing, 1984

- Folder 8: Welfare - Bolton - Women, Infants, Children (WIC) Legislation, 1986

- Folder 9: Welfare - Bolton - "Work and Welfare: Current Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) Work Programs and Implications for Federal Policy", 1987

- Folder 10: Women - Bolton - "A Statistical Portrait of Women in the United States: 1978", 1978

- Box 162

- Folder 1: Women - Bolton - Equal Rights Amendment, 1980

- Folder 2: Women - Bolton - National Science Foundation (NSF) and Women in Science and Technology, 1980

- Folder 3: Women - Bolton - "The 1980 Virginia Slims American Women's Opinion Poll", 1980

- Folder 4: Women - Bolton - Women's Equality Act (S. 888), 1981

- Folder 5: Women - Bolton - Women's Issues, 1981

- Folder 6: Women - Bolton - Women's Legislation, 1984

- Folder 7: Women - Bolton - Women in Science and Technology, 1979-1980

- Folder 8: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition - June 15-April 25, 1985-1989

- Folder 9: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Amendments of 1980 [1 of 2], September 14 - November 26, 1979-1980

- Folder 10: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Amendments of 1980 [2 of 2], September 14 - November 26, 1979-1980

- Box 163

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Amendments of 1980 - Child Nutrition Conference, May 7-September 12, 1980

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition and Funding Restorations, September 6-March 15, 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - Child Nutrition Program Regulations, July 20, 1982

- Folder 4: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - Meal Patterns, February 12-August 5, 1979-1982

- Folder 5: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - National Nutritional Foods Association (NNFA), July 13-February 24, 1981-1982

- Folder 6: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Child Nutrition Regulations - Summer Feeding Regulations, January 7 - January 13, 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Nutrition, Miscellaneous, December 17-November 18 [1 of 3], 1984-1988

- Box 164

- Folder 1: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Nutrition, Miscellaneous, December 17-November 18 [2 of 3], 1984-1988

- Folder 2: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Nutrition, Miscellaneous, December 17-November 18 [3 of 3], 1984-1988

- Folder 3: Nutrition - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Stockman Proposals, Nutrition Cuts, Undated

- Folder 4: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Food Stamps, July 18 - May 12, 1979-1980

- Folder 5: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, May 15-January 5 [1 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 6: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, May 15-January 5 [2 of 3], 1978-1984

- Folder 7: Welfare - Bolton/Hoffhaus - Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, May 15-January 5 [3 of 3], 1978-1984

- Box 165

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [3 of 4], 1984

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [1 of 5], 1985

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [2 of 5], 1985

- Folder 7: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [3 of 5], 1985

- Box 166

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [4 of 5], 1985

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [5 of 5], 1985

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [1 of 6], 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [2 of 6], 1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [3 of 6], 1986

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [4 of 6], 1986

- Box 167

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [5 of 6], 1986

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence [6 of 6], 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence and Programs [1 of 2], 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Correspondence and Programs [2 of 2], 1986

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF) - Itzhak Perlman Concert, 1983

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seal "Dear Friends" Letters, 1986

- Folder 7: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals, 1984

- Box 168

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals [1 of 3], 1986

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals [2 of 3], 1986

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Gold Seals [3 of 3], 1986

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Housing and the Homeless, 1987

- Folder 5: Disabled - Brottman - Housing and the Homeless - Housing and Urban Development (HUD), 1984-1986

- Folder 6: Disabled - Brottman - Housing and the Homeless - Homeless Bill: Housing, 1987

- Folder 7: Disabled - Brottman - Letters of Support, 1985

- Box 169

- Folder 1: Disabled - Brottman - Neurofibromatosis [1 of 2], 1982-1988

- Folder 2: Disabled - Brottman - Neurofibromatosis [2 of 2], 1982-1988

- Folder 3: Disabled - Brottman - Radio Reading Services, Lawrence, Kansas, Services for the Blind, 1983

- Folder 4: Disabled - Brottman - Senator Dole and Itzhak Perlman, Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund (DREDF), 1984

- Folder 5: Education - Brottman - Dole Tax Bills, 1983

- Folder 6: Commerce - Cabbage - Commerce Correspondence, November 30-September 14, 1989-1990

- Folder 7: Commerce - Cabbage - Customer Service Week, February 5-September 17, 1993

- Folder 8: Commerce - Cabbage - LOR*AL Corporation, Selling to Soviet Union, December 19-February 25, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Commerce - Cabbage - Mobile-Tech, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA), September 3, 1993

- Folder 10: Commerce - Cabbage - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), ZAX, Inc., December 23-May 25, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Commerce - Cabbage - RSH International, Saudi Arabia, March 19-October, 1986-1987

- Folder 12: Emergency Management - Cabbage - Neosho River Flooding, April 5-May 5, 1993

- Box 170

- Folder 1: Energy - Cabbage - Energy Correspondence, August 2-February 23, 1988-1990

- Folder 2: General - Cabbage - General Correspondence, November 17-April 29, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Government Employees - Cabbage - Russel Springs Post Office, May 16-July 5, 1994

- Folder 4: Trade - American International Group (AIG), December 29, 1986

- Folder 5: Transportation - Cabbage - Department of Transportation (DOT) Proposed Rule on Ammonia, February 26, 1988

- Folder 6: Transportation - Cabbage - Direct International Flights for Kansas City International Airport (KCI), April 5-June 27, 1989

- Folder 7: Transportation - Cabbage - Response Plans for Onshore Oil Pipelines, January 26-March 4, 1993

- Folder 8: Transportation - Cabbage - Transponders, Private Pilot Regulations, April 5-June 28, 1979-1988

- Folder 9: Education - Carmean - American Alliance Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER), 1982

- Folder 10: Education - Carmean - Arts and Humanities, 1982

- Folder 11: Education - Carmean - Bilingual Education, 1982

- Folder 12: Education - Carmean - Community Colleges, 1982

- Folder 13: Education - Carmean - Congressional Research Service Education Issue Briefs, 1982

- Folder 14: Education - Carmean - Correspondence, 1982

- Folder 15: Education - Carmean - Day Care, 1981-1982

- Folder 16: Education - Carmean - Dear Colleagues, 1982

- Folder 17: Education - Carmean - Department of Education, 1981-1982

- Folder 18: Education - Carmean - Dole's Education Votes, 1982

- Folder 19: Education - Carmean - Education Budgets - FY 1981, 1982, and 1983, 1982

- Folder 20: Education - Carmean - Education of the Handicapped, 1982

- Folder 21: Education - Carmean - Gallaudet College, 1980-1981

- Folder 22: Education - Carmean - Grant Consolidation for Education Programs, 1982

- Folder 23: Education - Carmean - Guaranteed Student Loans [1 of 2], 1982

- Box 171

- Folder 1: Education - Carmean - Guaranteed Student Loans [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 2: Education - Carmean - Handicapped [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 3: Education - Carmean - Handicapped [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 4: Education - Carmean - Health Issues, 1982

- Folder 5: Education - Carmean - Hearing Testimony, House, 1982

- Folder 6: Education - Carmean - Higher Education Budget Impact, 1982

- Folder 7: Education - Carmean - Higher Education Budget Proposals, 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Education - Carmean - Impact Aid, 1982

- Folder 9: Education - Carmean - Independent Colleges, 1982

- Folder 10: Education - Carmean - Johnson County Community College, Undated

- Folder 11: Education - Carmean - Kansas Colleges Budget Impact, 1982

- Folder 12: Education - Carmean - Kansas Education Statistics, 1982

- Folder 13: Education - Carmean - Kansas Wesleyan, 1982

- Folder 14: Education - Carmean - Karen Carmean's Notebook, 1981-1982

- Folder 15: Education - Carmean - League of United Latin Citizens [LULAC], 1982

- Folder 16: Education - Carmean - Marymount College, 1982

- Box 172

- Folder 1: Education - Carmean - Mayetta, Kansas School District, 1977-1979

- Folder 2: Education - Carmean - Nonpublic Elementary and Secondary Education, 1982

- Folder 3: Education - Carmean - Pittsburg State University, 1982

- Folder 4: Education - Carmean - Public Schools, 1982

- Folder 5: Education - Carmean - S. 2338, Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations, 1982

- Folder 6: Education - Carmean - St. Mary's College, Leavenworth, Kansas, 1982

- Folder 7: Education - Carmean - Social Security Student Benefits, 1982

- Folder 8: Education - Carmean - Student Financial Assistance [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Education - Carmean - Student Financial Assistance [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 10: Education - Carmean - Student Loan Defaults, 1981

- Folder 11: Education - Carmean - Student Petitions, 1982

- Folder 12: Education - Carmean - Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), 1982

- Folder 13: Education - Carmean - Title I, 1982

- Folder 14: Education - Carmean - Title III Regulations, 1982

- Folder 15: Education - Carmean - Title IX, 1979-1982

- Folder 16: Education - Carmean - TRIO (Increasing Access to Higher Education for Economically Disadvantaged Students), 1982

- Folder 17: Education - Carmean - University Research Tax Credits, 1982

- Folder 18: Education - Carmean - Vocational Education, 1982

- Folder 19: Education - Carmean - Wichita State University, 1982

- Box 173

- Folder 1: Commerce - Coen - Beech Aircraft, June 27, 1986

- Folder 2: Commerce - Coen - Boxcar Deregulation, June 2 - September 12, 1981-1986

- Folder 3: Commerce - Coen - Cessna, May 9, 1986

- Folder 4: Commerce - Coen - Commerce Seminar, April 20-February 20, 1985-1986

- Folder 5: Commerce - Coen - Conference on Federal Procurements and Export Opportunities, March 14-October 28, 1986

- Folder 6: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [1 of 5], November 4-September 30, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [2 of 5], July 13-March 13, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [3 of 5], July 23-January 28, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [4 of 5], April 25-May 23, 1985-1986

- Box 174

- Folder 1: Commerce - Coen - Conrail Sale: Staggers Act [5 of 5], February 20-November 4, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Commerce - Coen - Department of Transportation, Claassen, Walter, February 8-June 13, 1984-1986

- Folder 3: Commerce - Coen - Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, September 10-June 12, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Commerce - Coen - Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, April 16-November 14, 1986

- Folder 5: Commerce - Coen - Forum '87, November 18-January 14, 1985-1987

- Folder 6: Commerce - Coen - Junk Bonds, December 9-18, 1985

- Folder 7: Commerce - Coen - Oklahoma, Kansas and Texas Rail Users Association, January 23-30, 1987

- Folder 8: Commerce - Coen - Osawatomie and Missouri Pacific Railroad, September 22-June 9, 1982-1986

- Folder 9: Commerce - Coen - Santa Fe Merger, October 24-October 5, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Commerce - Coen - Small Business Administration, Congton, July 1-21, 1986

- Folder 11: Commerce - Coen - Small Business Administration, Warden, September 17-August 4, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Commerce - Coen - Technology Transfer Act, January 3-February, 1985-1988

- Box 175

- Folder 1: Commerce - Coen - Truck Weights, November 15 - November 20, 1984 - 1986

- Folder 2: Commerce - Coen - Trucking Industry Issues, February 18 - June 7, 1986

- Folder 3: Commerce - Coen - Wholesale Credit Act, August 22, 1985

- Folder 4: Communications - Coen - Hit Video USA, June 2 - February 2, 1983-1987

- Folder 5: Communications - Coen - KHCC Radio, September 11 - June 19, 1984-1986

- Folder 6: Communications - Coen - Satellite Television [1 of 2], May 27 - June 12, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Communications - Coen - Satellite Television [2 of 2], January 3 - October 9, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Defense - Coen - Defense Projects, June 19, 1985

- Folder 9: Defense - Coen - McConnell Air Force Base, April 25 - May 1, 1985

- Folder 10: Defense - Coen - T-46, April 6, 1988

- Folder 11: Energy - Coen - Elkhart Ethanol Plant, September - February 12, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Energy - Coen - Energy Information, August - September 28, 1985

- Folder 13: Energy - Coen - Ethanol Plant Bonding, December 6 - November 20, 1985-1986

- Box 176

- Folder 1: Energy - Coen - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rule 436 [1 of 2], April 16 - December 17, 1985

- Folder 2: Energy - Coen - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rule 436 [2 of 2], December 12, 1985

- Folder 3: Energy - Coen - High Plains, November 8 - December 30, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Energy - Coen - K/N Energy Inc. March 10, 1986

- Folder 5: Energy - Coen - Kansas City Power and Light Company (KCPL), February 3 - March 4, 1986

- Folder 6: Energy - Coen - Morrison, Milt, July 25 - February 12, 1986-1987

- Folder 7: Energy - Coen - Nomination of David Walker, March 31 - April 15, 1986

- Folder 8: Energy - Coen - Oklahoma Energy Center, September 4-6, 1986

- Folder 9: Energy - Coen - Sale of Power Marketing Agencies (PMAs), March 19 - June 11, 1986

- Folder 10: Energy - Coen - Scaletty, Jim, May 1 - December 15, 1984-1986

- Folder 11: Energy - Coen - Sunflower Electric, Garden City, December 9 - January 28, 1986-1987

- Folder 12: Energy - Coen - Water, August 4, 1986

- Folder 13: Energy - Coen - Western Area Power Administration: Department of Energy Study, May 31 - July 26, 1985-1986

- Box 177

- Folder 1: Energy - Coen - Wolf Creek, September 12 - December 3, 1985

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Coen - Coffeyville Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCB), November 25 - February 25, 1985-1986

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Coen - Furley Waste Site, October 18 - July 21, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Coen - Galena, June 27, 1986

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Coen - Galena Wells, April 23 - May 6, 1986

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Coen - Hazardous Wastes, July - February 22, 1986-1987

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Coen - Nuclear Waste, October 28 - February 4, 1985-1987

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Coen - Tillotsen, April 29 - May 23, 1986

- Folder 9: Government Employees - Coen - Office of Personnel Management and Larry Seeley, December 10 - May 28, 1985-1986

- Folder 10: Indian Affairs - Coen - Haskell Indian Junior College, 1988

- Folder 11: Indian Affairs - Coen - Sac and Fox Tribes, November 21-28, 1986

- Folder 12: Public Lands - Coen - Cimarron National Grasslands, July 31 - June 5, 1935-1986

- Folder 13: Public Lands - Coen - Hillsdale Lake, April 15-18, 1986

- Folder 14: Public Lands - Coen - Kirwin Reservoir, September 17, 1986

- Box 178

- Folder 1: Public Lands - Coen - Medicine River Basin, October 24 - April 8, 1985-1986

- Folder 2: Public Lands - Coen - Mines, May 5 - December 19, 1986

- Folder 3: Public Lands - Coen - Santa Fe Trail, September 10-17, 1986

- Folder 4: Public Works - Coen - Arkansas City, March 20 - July 23, 1986

- Folder 5: Public Works - Coen - Great Bend Flood Control, October 30 - February 7, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Public Works - Coen - Kansas Rural Water Association, June, 1986

- Folder 7: Public Works - Coen - Kansas Water Plan, November 26 - May 2, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: Public Works - Coen - Marmaton (Ft. Scott) Reservoir, October 23, 1986

- Folder 9: Public Works - Coen - Ogallalah Aquifer, June 2-8, 1986

- Folder 10: Public Works - Coen - Rural Water Districts, June 18, 1986

- Folder 11: Public Works - Coen - Topeka Flood Control, August 4-12, 1986

- Folder 12: Public Works - Coen - Water Resource Development Act [1 of 2], 1985-1986

- Folder 13: Public Works - Coen - Water Resource Development Act [2 of 2], 1985-1986

- Box 179

- Folder 1: Space - Coen - National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), May 23 - June 9, 1986

- Folder 2: Taxation - Coen - Tax Hardage, June 20, 1986

- Folder 3: Transportation - Coen - Appropriations: Beech, Federal Aviation Administration, November 19 - August 6, 1985-1986

- Folder 4: Transportation - Coen - Beech Job Training Partnership Act, November 13 - March 11, 1984-1986

- Folder 5: Transportation - Coen - Braniff, November 12 - January 21, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Transportation - Coen - Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Tower, Topeka, August 14 - October 17, 1986

- Folder 7: Transportation - Coen - Hawaii H-3 Project, May 9 - September 24, 1986

- Folder 8: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill [1 of 3], June 9 - October 27, 1986-1987

- Folder 9: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill [2 of 3], February 5 - October 2, 1986

- Folder 10: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill [3 of 3], March 27 - February 2, 1986-1987

- Box 180

- Folder 1: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - 55 mph, August 18 - September 24, 1978-1986

- Folder 2: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - Billboard Act, June 23 - December 8, 1986

- Folder 3: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - Hawaii Highway, January - September 19, 1986

- Folder 4: Transportation - Coen - Highway Bill - Highway Beauty, August 5 - September 19, 1986

- Folder 5: Transportation - Coen - Kanan, B.D. May 17 - July 7, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Transportation - Coen - Lawrence Interchange, February 7 - August 22, 1985

- Folder 7: Transportation - Coen - Lawrence Vans, February 7 - August 22, 1986

- Folder 8: Transportation - Coen - Trans World Airlines (TWA) Pilots, January 3 - September 29, 1986

- Folder 9: Transportation - Coen - Trans World Airlines (TWA) Strike, May 15 - June 12, 1986

- Folder 10: Veterans Affairs - Coen - River Rats, January 28 - October 2, 1986

- Folder 11: Veterans Affairs - Coen - Paxton, Coen, July 1 - September 30, 1986

- Folder 12: Defense - Cordova - Air Force [1 of 2], October 6 - August 13, 1983-1984

- Folder 13: Defense - Cordova - Air Force [2 of 2], October 6 - August 13, 1983-1984

- Folder 14: Defense - Cordova - B-1 Bomber, August 30, 1984

- Folder 15: Defense - Cordova - Briefing Book, Omnibus Defense Authorization Act, 1985

- Binary Chemical Weapons; B-1 Bomber; MX Missile; Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI); McConnell Air Force Base; Contra Funding
- Box 181

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova - Competition in Contracting (S. 338), February 1 - July 25, 1983

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Anti-Satellite (ASAT) Weapons, May 23 - August 6, 1984

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Central America, June 1 - September 27, 1984

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Combined Effects Munitions (CEM) Project, June 5 - January 23, 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Cruise Missiles, June 12-14, 1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Defense Bill General, March 19 - June 19, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Fiscal Year 1983, February 9 - December 13, 1982

- Folder 8: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Fiscal Year 1984 - Defense Appropriations Bill, July 22, 1983

- Folder 9: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - GI Bill, June 7 - August 16, 1984

- Folder 10: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Military Construction, February 1 - August 9, 1984

- Folder 11: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - MX Missiles, December 2 - March 15, 1981-1985

- Box 182

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - National Guard and Reserves, February 29 - July 19, 1984

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Nerve Gas, June 27 - June 6, 1981-1984

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Proposed Amendments, June 6 - 19, 1984

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorizations - Strategic Defense Initiatives (SDI), March 30 - September 18, 1984

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova - Dole Arms Control Resolution [1 of 3], April 29 - May 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova - Dole Arms Control Resolution [2 of 3], April 29 - May 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 7: Defense - Cordova - Dole Arms Control Resolution [3 of 3], April 29 - May 29, 1979-1984

- Folder 8: Defense - Cordova - International Terrorism, August 18 - January 31, 1981-1984

- Folder 9: Defense - Cordova - Military Construction Programs - Fiscal Year 1984, February 10 - August 9, 1983

- Box 183

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA], November 9 - July 8, 1979-1985

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA] Related Issues [1 of 3], May 27 - January, 1981-1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA] Related Issues [2 of 3], May 27 - January, 1981-1986

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova - Prisoner of War/Missing in Action [POW/MIA] Related Issues [3 of 3], May 27 - January, 1981-1986

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova - Terrorism, January 26 - June 24, 1984

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova - Transfer of Technology, 1983

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Bulgaria, January 3 - June 25, 1983-1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Caribbean Basin Initiative, March 18 - May 9, 1982-1984

- Box 184

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [1 of 2], February 24 - June 6, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) [2 of 2], August 1 - July, 1981-1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Democratic Presidential Candidates on Foreign Policy, May 13 - July 24, 1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - East-West Trade, May 11 - June 20, 1982-1983

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Foreign Assistance, February - June 27, 1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Foreign Investment in the United States, December 22 - October 30, 1980-1981

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Foreign Relations (General), January 31 - June 26, 1984

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - The Genocide Convention [1 of 2], September 6 - April 26, 1984-1985

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Cordova - The Genocide Convention [2 of 2], 1984-1985

- Box 185

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Global Debt Problem, August 6 - December 17, 1981-1983

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Human Rights (General) [1 of 2], September 14, 1978-1984

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Human Rights (General) [2 of 2], March 7 - February 7, 1978-1984

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Hunger and Global Security, July 14 - February 1, 1981-1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - International Trade, July 17 - October 22, 1979-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Law of the Sea Conference, June 28 - April 3, 1980-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Life International Surplus Vessels, June 30 - September 29, 1982

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Meeting, Agenda, January 15 - June 24, 1981-1982

- Box 186

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Mexico-International Conference on Population, Mexico City, May 30 - May 7, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Miller Act, 1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Montreal Protocols, May 14 - March 7, 1982-1983

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Narcotics, March 2, 1983

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - National Security Council, July 17 - October 22, 1982-1983

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - North Atlantic Treaty Organization, February 19 - May 22, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Palestinian Liberation Organization, May - April 19, 1982-1983

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Peace Corp/Action, September 30 - January, 1981-1983

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Poland, October 30 - September 21, 1980-1984

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Refugees Problem [1 of 2], September 27 - July 23, 1982-1984

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Refugees Problem [2 of 2], July 29 - June 17, 1982-1984

- Box 187

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Schultz, George P., July 5 - July 2, 1982-1983

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Senate Select, December 12, 1983

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Cordova - State Authorization, October 14, 1983

- Folder 4: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Threshold Test Ban Treaty, March 27, 1984

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United Nations [1 of 2], October - April 12, 1978-1984

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United Nations [2 of 2], April 20 - June 18, 1983-1984

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United States Peace Academy, May 29 - November 21, 1979-1983

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Cordova - United States - Philippine Treaty, Undated

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Cordova - Williamsburg Summit, May 6 - June 4, 1983

- Folder 10: General - Cordova - The Executive Branch, 1981-1983

- Folder 11: General - Cordova - Inside Congress, 1983

- Folder 12: General - Cordova - National Endowment for Democracy, June 15 - August 9, 1984

- Box 188

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft, 1978-1984

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues [1 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues [2 of 2], 1982-1986

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues - C-5 Aircraft [1 of 2], 1978-1982

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Aircraft Issues - C-5 Aircraft [2 of 2], 1978-1982

- Box 189

- Folder 1: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Corporate Cases [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 2: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Corporate Cases [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 3: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Fort DeRussy, 1983

- Folder 4: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Gates Learjet, 1982

- Folder 5: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Military Readiness, 1983

- Folder 6: Defense - Cordova/O'Connell - Miscellaneous, 1981-1983

- Folder 7: Budgets - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Appropriations, 1995

- Box 190

- Folder 1: Budgets - Dick - General Budget, 1993

- Folder 2: Budgets - Dick - General Electric Aircraft Engines - Mike Talbert, 1993

- Folder 3: Budgets - Dick - Non-Nuclear Component Manufacturing - Allied - Signal Aerospace Company, 1993

- Folder 4: Civil Liberties - Dick - Flag Protection, 1995

- Folder 5: Commemorations - Dick - Chapel of Four Chaplains Legion of Honor Gold Medallion, 1993

- Folder 6: Commemorations - Dick - Ferrumar Resources Corporation, Recovering Bush's Plane from the Bonic Trench, 1992

- Folder 7: Communications - Dick - Dear Colleague, 1993

- Folder 8: Communications - Dick - Gold Seals, 1993

- Folder 9: Communications - Dick - Intercountry Adoption, 1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - 50th Anniversary of World War II [1 of 2], 1993-1996

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick - 50th Anniversary of World War II [2 of 2], 1993-1996

- Box 191

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - 931st Air Refueling Group (McConnell), 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Active Army Force Structure, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Adventure Group, Incorporated, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Air Defense Alerting Device (ADAD), 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Air Force Association - Kansas, 1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Air Force Sergeants Association 35th Anniversary, April 30, 1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) for Japan, 1992

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Alderson Congressional Medal of Honor, 1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - American Veterans (AMVETS), 1995

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support (ARMS) Initiative, June 29, 1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick - Armament Retooling and Manufacturing Support (ARMS) Initiative, 1994

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick - Armed Forces Journal International (AFJI), 1995

- Folder 13: Defense - Dick - Arms Proliferation, General Research File [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 14: Defense - Dick - Arms Proliferation, General Research File [2 of 2], 1992

- Box 192

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Army Aviation Modernization, 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Army Civilian Personnel Operation Center Reorganization, 1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - B-1 Bomber [1 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - B-1 Bomber [2 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - B-2, 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - B-52, Undated

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)/ McKinney Act, 1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Base Reallocation and Closure, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Battle of Normandy Foundation, 1991-1995

- Box 193

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Bomber Force Structure, 1994

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Bosnia Deployment, 1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Bosnia Duty Benefits, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Bottom-Up Review [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Bottom-Up Review [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - C-9 Aircraft, 1994

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - C-17 Airlift Aircraft [1 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - C-17 Airlift Aircraft [2 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - C-21A Modernization, 1996

- Box 194

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - C-XX Mid-Range Aircraft, 1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Casework - Bob Meyers - Life International Refit of Naval Hospital Ship "Sanctuary", 1991-1992

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Casework - Rock Island Arsenal Commissary - Keeping It Open, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Casework - St. Francis Academy - Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) Certification Request, 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Casework - The Summary, Undated

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Quantum Group, Operation Desert Storm, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [1 of 4], 1988-1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [2 of 4], 1988-1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [3 of 4], 1988-1995

- Box 195

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Chandler/Mitchell [4 of 4], 1988-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Civilian X-Prisoner of War Bill, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Clausen Power Blade [2 of 2], 1996

- Box 196

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Cold War Resolution, 1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Cost of Living Allowance (CoLA) Equity, 1993-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - CT-39/T-39N, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Deep Digger, 1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Defense Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1997, 1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1993 [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1993 [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1997 [1 of 2], 1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Defense Authorization, Fiscal Year 1997 [2 of 2], 1996

- Box 197

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Defense Conversion, General Research File [1 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Defense Conversion, General Research File [2 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Defense Conversion, General Research File [3 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Defense Cuts, March 8-17, 1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS), 1994-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Defense Fiscal Year 1994, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Defense Logistics Agency, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Defense Procurement Programs (P-1), Fiscal Year 1994, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Defense Supplemental, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 2], 1995

- Box 198

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Defense Supplemental, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995 [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorization, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Department of Defense (DOD) Authorization, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 2], 1994

- Box 199

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Department of Energy (DOE) Authorization Provision, Fiscal Year 1996, 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Department of Energy (DOE) Funding, Fiscal Year 1997, 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Dependable Hydraulic Test/Repair Facility, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Detroit Diesel, 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Dole to Perry - Reply: Chemical Agent Detection, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Doonesbury Response, 1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Environmental Cleanup Program Report, 1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - F-15 Engine Qualification, 1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - F-22 Crash, Undated

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1993 Defense, 1992

- Box 200

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [1 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [2 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [3 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [4 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization [5 of 5], 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - Defense Program Requests, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - General, January 22-25, 1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - Miscellaneous Amendments, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 Defense Budget and Authorization - Senate Armed Services Committee Letter, 1995

- Box 201

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 National Guard and Reserves [1 of 2], 1992-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year 1996 National Guard and Reserves [2 of 2], 1992-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year Defense Plan (FYDP)/Defense Budget, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 3], 1994

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year Defense Plan (FYDP)/Defense Budget, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 3], 1994

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Fiscal Year Defense Plan (FYDP)/Defense Budget, Fiscal Year 1995 [3 of 3], 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Forbes Runraw B-31, 1994

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Research and Development (R and D) Recoupment, 1995

- Box 202

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Fort Riley [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Fort Riley [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Fort Riley Military Police (MPs), 1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - General Defense, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - GLASCO Contract, 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Greenamyre Rentals [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Greenamyre Rentals [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Helms/Midway Memorial, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Homosexuals in the Military, 1991-1993

- Box 203

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Homosexuals in the Military, 1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - The International Economy Editorial, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) [1 of 2], 1994-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System (JPATS) [2 of 2], 1994-1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Joliet Army Ammunition Plant, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 1994-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant in Parsons, Kansas, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Kansas Defense, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Kansas Guard Force Structure, 1994

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Kansas State University and Fort Riley Department of Defense Training Land Management Center [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 204

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Kansas State University and Fort Riley Department of Defense Training Land Management Center, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - KC-135 Re-Engining, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Life Sciences Equipment Lab, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Lott Pleiku Campaign Legislation, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - M109A6 Paladin, Fiscal Years 1996-1997, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - M1A2 Tanks, 1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Medical Free Electron Lasers, 1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1993, 1992

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1995 [1 of 2], 1994

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1995 [2 of 2], 1994

- Box 205

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - MILCON Projects for Fiscal Year 1993, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997 [1 of 3], 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997 [2 of 3], 1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - MILCON, Fiscal Year 1997 [3 of 3], 1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Military Construction Bill, Fiscal Year 1996 [1 of 3], 1995

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Military Construction Bill, Fiscal Year 1996 [2 of 3], 1995

- Box 206

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Military Construction Bill, Fiscal Year 1996 [3 of 3], 1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - Military Order of World Wars, 1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Military Retirement "High One", 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Military Telemedicine, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Military Traffic Management Control Test, 1992

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - MQM-107, 1994-1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS), 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Munitions Industrial Base, 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - The National D-Day Museum, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - National Guard/Reserve Aircraft Procurement, 1994-1995

- Box 207

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - National Guard and Reserves [1 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - National Guard and Reserves [2 of 2], 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - No Greater Love, 1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Non-Developmental Airlift Aircraft (NDAA), 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Novick/59th Anniversary Committee, 1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Operational Support Airlift, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Patriot Anti-Cruise Missile, 1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Peacekeeper, 1995

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - Prisoner of War (POW) Health Studies, 1994-1996

- Box 208

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - Program Updates, 1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - RC-135/E3 Re-Engine, 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - Revolutionary Patriots Foundation, 1995-1996

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Reynolds, Charles, 1995

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Safeguard, 1996

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick - Senior Army Reserve Commander's Association (SARCA), 1995

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick - Sensor Fuzzed Weapons (SFW), 1995-1996

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick - Shrinking the Defense Infrastructure, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick - State Fair B-2 Flyover, 1995

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick - Sunflower Ammo Plant, 1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick - SUU-30, 1995

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick - Tank Sales to Sweden, 1993

- Folder 13: Defense - Dick - U-2/Strother, 1995

- Folder 14: Defense - Dick - UH-60 Blackhawk, 1993-1995

- Folder 15: Defense - Dick - United States Air Force Reserve, Fiscal Year 1996, 1995

- Folder 16: Defense - Dick - United States Army Medical Department Activity (MEDDAC) Fort Riley, 1995

- Box 209

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick - United States Army Reserve (USAR) Command and Control Structure Reorganization, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick - United States Disciplinary Barracks, 1996

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick - U.S.S Ronald Reagan, 1994-1995

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick - Vice-Admiral Bulkeley, 1996

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick - Wraparound Services, 1996

- Folder 6: Education - Dick - Lawrence Central Jr. High School, 1993

- Folder 7: Education - Dick - Leavenworth School District Project [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 8: Education - Dick - Leavenworth School District Project [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Energy - Dick - Kansas Electric Utilities Research Program (KEURP), 1992

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Dick - Environmental Education Opportunities Program, 1994-1995

- Folder 11: Food - Dick - Distilled Alcoholic Spirit Labeling, 1993

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Dick - Casework - Schneerson-Agudas Chabad Library, 1993

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Dick - Missing Service Personnel Act, 1994-1996

- Folder 14: Foreign Policy - Dick - Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1993-1995

- Box 210

- Folder 1: Foreign Policy - Dick - Yugoslavia [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Foreign Policy - Dick - Yugoslavia [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 3: General - Dick - Miscellaneous Memos to Senator Dole, 1993

- Folder 4: General - Dick - Tuba and Euphonium Recital Greeting Request, 1994

- Folder 5: Hazardous Substances - Dick - Career Training Program for Hazardous Material Handlers, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1993

- Folder 6: Health Policy - Dick - Medicare Subvention, 1995-1996

- Folder 7: Humanities - Dick - Enola Gay/Smithsonian, 1995

- Folder 8: Immigration - Dick - Casework - Suzanne and Roy Wilbur - Humanitarian Parole Request for Bosnian Child, June 22, 1993

- Folder 9: Medicine - Dick - Fiscal Year 1995 Medical Ventilators, 1993-1995

- Folder 10: Public Lands - Dick - Milwaukee Stadium, 1996

- Box 211

- Folder 1: Trade - Dick - Application for Foreign Trade Zone in McPherson, Kansas [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 2: Trade - Dick - Application for Foreign Trade Zone in McPherson, Kansas [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 3: Trade - Dick - Cardwell International, 1993

- Folder 4: Trade - Dick - Casework - Wenger International - Encouraging Russian Purchase of Goods, 1993

- Folder 5: Trade - Dick - Golf Course Superintendents Association [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Dick - Golf Course Superintendents Association [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 7: Trade - Dick - Meeting with United States Trade Representative (USTR) Kantor, 1993

- Folder 8: Veterans Affairs - Dick - 95 Budget Reconciliation, 1995

- Folder 9: Veterans Affairs - Dick - American Legion, 1995

- Box 212

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Association for Service Disabled Veterans, 1993-1995

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Barrett, Joseph P., 1994

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Casework - Dale Schubert - Breakthrough Club, 1993

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Casework - Ted Yoakam - Fort Scott National Cemetery Expansion, 1993

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Department of Veterans Affairs Budget, Fiscal Year 1996 [1 of 2], 1995

- Folder 6: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Department of Veterans Affairs Budget, Fiscal Year 1996 [2 of 2], 1995

- Folder 7: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Disabled American Veterans, 1995

- Folder 8: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [1 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 9: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [2 of 4], 1995-1996

- Box 213

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [3 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Dole GI Bill [4 of 4], 1995-1996

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Hutchinson Veterans CR 95, 1995

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Insight Veterans Interview, 1995

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Korean War Veterans, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Veterans Affairs - Dick - The Law Company, 1993

- Folder 7: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Leavenworth Veterans Administration Ambulatory Care Addition, 1994-1996

- Folder 8: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Leavenworth Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) [1 of 2], 1994-1995

- Box 214

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Leavenworth Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) [2 of 2], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Liberal Veterans Affairs (VA) Outreach Clinic, 1995

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Lindler and Associates, 1993

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Medal of Honor Pension Increase, 1993

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Prisoner of War (POW)/Missing in Action (MIA), 1985-1992

- Folder 6: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Administration, Housing and Urban Development, Independent Agencies, Fiscal Year 1996, 1995

- Folder 7: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs Health Care Reform [1 of 3], 1994-1995

- Box 215

- Folder 1: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs Health Care Reform [2 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs Health Care Reform [3 of 3], 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans Affairs/Housing and Urban Development Appropriations, Fiscal Year 1995, 1994

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), 1995-1996

- Folder 5: Veterans Affairs - Dick - Vietnam Veterans Institute, 1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Amendments Defense Authorization, 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - American Metalcasting Consortium/National Defense Stockpile, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Ammo Fast 21, Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 1993

- Box 216

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Base Closures and Transitions, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Boeing/National Guard, 1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Bombers, 1991-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Burn Laser Research and Development, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - C-21/C-12, 1993-1994

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - CBU Demil Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, July 7-September 2, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Combined Effects Munition (CEM)/Cluster Bomb Unit (CBU) 87, 1989-1991

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Civilian Technicians, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Conversion Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Azide, 1992

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - CVN 76, 1990-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 [1 of 2], 1992-1993

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 [2 of 2], 1992-1993

- Box 217

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 - Dear Colleague, 1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 - Dole Amendments, 1992

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Authorization, '93 - Floor Speeches, 1992

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Conversion/Arms, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Finance and Accounting Service Consolidation, 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Notes, 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Department of Defense '93 [1 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Department of Defense '93 [2 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Votes, 1989-1991

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Defense Votes - Votes, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Electronic Document Imaging Proposal, January 26-October 26, 1993

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Export Loan Guarantee, 1992-1993

- Box 218

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Floor Speeches, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Foreign Trade Zones '93, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - FY '93 Issues, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Gays in the Military, September 22, 1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Gays in the Military, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - General [1 of 3], 1993

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - General [2 of 3], 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - General [3 of 3], 1993

- Box 219

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Gold Seals, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Guardrail, 1993-1994

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Halperin [1 of 2], 1988-1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Halperin [2 of 2], 1988-1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Hazardous Substance Research Center (HSRC) Amendment to Department of Defense Amendment, 1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Health Issues, September 22, 1992

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Joint Primary Aircraft Training System, 1992-1994

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, March 11-August 19, 1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Conversion, 1984-1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Army Ammunition Plant Retirement Package, 1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Defense Projects, Press, 1991-1992

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Kansas Units, August 12-13, 1993

- Box 220

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Sauer - KC/RC 135, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Leader's Defense Breakfast, August 13-September 30, 1993

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Sauer - "M" Accounts, June 21-22, 1993

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Meals Ready-To-Eat, July 14-September 29, 1993

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Military Construction, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Multiple Launch Rocket Systems, 1993-1994

- Folder 7: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Out-of-State Mail, 1993

- Folder 8: Defense - Dick/Sauer - P-180, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Pioneer UAV, June 7, 1993

- Folder 10: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Personnel/Pay, 1989-1993

- Folder 11: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Referrals to Darren, 1991-1993

- Folder 12: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Science and Technology Academies Reinforcing Basic Aviation and Space Exploration (STARBASE), 1993

- Folder 13: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Sensor Fuzed Weapon, 1992-1993

- Folder 14: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) Demil Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant, 1993

- Folder 15: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Special Operations Forces, 1986-1993

- Folder 16: Defense - Dick/Sauer - Spent Nuclear Fuel, July 12, 1993

- Folder 17: Defense - Dick/Sauer - T-1A Tanker - Transport Training System, 1992-1994

- Folder 18: Defense - Dick/Sauer - T-47, 1992-1993

- Box 221

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - Army, 1990-1991

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - Cadet Nurses, 1976-1990

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - China - Missile Sales, 1988

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Wiklund - Richards-Gebaur Base Closure, 1991

- Folder 5: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Dole's Statements, 1991

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Dole's Statements on Yugoslavia, 1992

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Freedom for Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets (FREEDOM) Support Act, 1992

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Panama, 1989-1990

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Romania, 1990-1991

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Russia - Heart to Heart, 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Somalia, 1992

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - South Africa, 1986-1991

- Folder 13: Foreign Policy - Dick/Wiklund - Yugoslavia, 1990-1992

- Folder 14: Veterans Affairs - Dick/Wicklund - Rural Health, 1991-1992

- Folder 15: Commemorations - Dick/Wisecarver - Report of the Buffalo Soldier Monument Committee, 1991

- Box 222

- Folder 1: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Milcon, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Milcon, Fiscal Year 1991, 1990

- Folder 3: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Report on Preservation of U.S. Nuclear Submarine Capability, March 3 [1 of 3], 1992

- Folder 4: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Report on Preservation of U.S. Nuclear Submarine Capability, March 3 [2 of 3], 1992

- Folder 5: Defense - Dick/Wisecarver - Report on Preservation of U.S. Nuclear Submarine Capability, March 3 [3 of 3], 1992

- Box 223

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research, 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Bill Status, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Bill Status - Congressional Research Service (CRS), Congressional Budget Office (CBO) Policy Analysis, 1992-1993

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Department of Energy (DOE) and Department of Defense (DOD), 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Bill, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Info, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Laws, 1992-1993

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Dick/Wisecarver - S. 2891, Hazardous Substance Research - Kansas State University Program, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Downen - Foreign Policy, Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Downen - Foreign Relations Letters, 1978-1979

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Downen - Initiatives in Foreign Policy, March 9-May 17, 1977-1978

- Box 224

- Folder 1: Water Resources - Downen - 208 Water Quality, October 26-27, 1977

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Duckers - Forum on Regulation, 1979

- Folder 3: Animals - Duckers - Alternatives to Pain in Experiments on Animals, 1980

- Folder 4: Animals - Duckers - "Animal Welfare", 1982

- Folder 5: Animals - Duckers - Greyhound Dog Racing, 1980

- Folder 6: Commerce - Duckers - "Commodity Exchange Act as Amended and Regulations Thereunder", 1981

- Folder 7: Commerce - Duckers - "Commodity Futures Trading Commission: Annual Report", 1981

- Folder 8: Commerce - Duckers - Editorial on America's Economic Future, 1983

- Folder 9: Commerce - Duckers - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Small Business, 1982

- Folder 10: Commerce - Duckers - Product Liability Act, 1983

- Folder 11: Communications - Duckers - Access Charge: Small Business Concern, 1984

- Folder 12: Communications - Duckers - Access Charges, Pressler Letter to Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 1984

- Folder 13: Communications - Duckers - American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) Divestiture - Background Information, 1983

- Folder 14: Communications - Duckers - Beer and Wine Advertising, 1985

- Folder 15: Communications - Duckers - KTTL Radio, 1985

- Folder 16: Communications - Duckers - Preservation of Universal Telephone Service [1 of 3], 1983-1984

- Box 225

- Folder 1: Communications - Duckers - Preservation of Universal Telephone Service [2 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 2: Communications - Duckers - Preservation of Universal Telephone Service [3 of 3], 1983-1984

- Folder 3: Communications - Duckers - Public TV - Very High Frequency (VHF)/Ultra High Frequency (UHF) Swap, 1985

- Folder 4: Communications - Duckers - Schematic Drawings of Telephone Exchanges Serving Kansas, Undated

- Folder 5: Communications - Duckers - Society for Private and Commercial Earth-Stations (SPACE), 1985

- Folder 6: Communications - Duckers - Telephone Travel, 1984

- Folder 7: Communications - Duckers - U.S. Telecom, 1985

- Folder 8: Communications - Duckers - Universal Service Fund, 1983

- Box 226

- Folder 1: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act of 1983, 1983

- Folder 2: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Congressional Record Reprints, 1984

- Folder 3: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Issues and Outcome, 1983-1984

- Folder 4: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Joint Hearing and Minority Report, 1983

- Folder 5: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Mail, 1984

- Folder 6: Communications - Duckers - Universal Telephone Service Preservation Act (S. 1660) - Telephone Access Charge, Testimony of Kansas Independent Telephone Companies, 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Agricultural Co-Op Access to Crude Oil in Emergency [1 of 2], 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Agricultural Co-Op Access to Crude Oil in Emergency [2 of 2], 1981-1982

- Box 227

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline, 1982

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Alaskan Crude Oil Export, 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Agriculture Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Colloquies, 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Dear Colleagues, 1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Fifteen Plant Guarantee, 1980

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Final Report, 1980

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Information, 1980

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Letters of Support, 1981

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Leveraging, 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Leveraging Letter [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Leveraging Letter [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 228

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Loan Recissions [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Loan Recissions [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Alcohol Fuels - Proposal to Use Surplus Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Grain, 1982

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Alternative Energy Tax Credits, 1982

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Biomass Energy and Alcohol Fuels Act Amendment, 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Bob Riordan: University of Kansas Center for Research, Incorporated, 1981

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Bonneville Power Administration, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Canadian Energy Company Takeover, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Circle Energy Project [1 of 3], 1985

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Circle Energy Project [2 of 3], 1985

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Circle Energy Project [3 of 3], 1985

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Coal Slurry Project, 1983

- Box 229

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Colwich/Rod Guinn/High Plains Ethanol, 1984

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Core Transport Agents (CTAs) Bills in Kansas, 1982

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Corporate Average Fuel Economy, 1985

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Correspondence: Merrill, K.E. and Paradise, A.J./Department of Energy (DOE), 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Dear Colleague Letters, 1981

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Department of Energy (DOE) - Abolishment, 1982

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Department of Energy (DOE) Congressional Liaison Contact Information, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Department of Energy (DOE) - Weatherization Program, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Deregulation of Natural Gas, 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Energy and Water Appropriations [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Energy and Water Appropriations [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Energy Education Programs, 1981

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act (ESECA)/Kansas Power and Light (KP&L), 1981

- Box 230

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Energy and Water Development, Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway, 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Energy Appliance Standards, 1980

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Energy Emergency Preparedness Act, S. 2332, 1982

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Energy Task Force of the Urban Consortium, 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Ethanol Imports, 1984

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Docket #RM80-18: Exemption for Fertilizer Manufacturing, 1981

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): Kansas Corporation Commission (KCC) Public Documents, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Rule on Natural Gas Right-of-Way Grantor, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Fuel Use Act (S. 410), Repeal of Section 301, 1981

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Gas Lights Bill (S. 811), 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Gasohol in Federal Fleet, 1980

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Hearings Regarding Mergers of U.S. Oil Companies [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Hearings Regarding Mergers of U.S. Oil Companies [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Hearings Regarding Mergers of U.S. Oil Companies [3 of 3], 1984

- Box 231

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Howard Wilkins Confirmation Hearings, 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Hugoton Infill Drilling, 1984

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Hydro Relicensing, 1984

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Hydrocarbon Production, 1979

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Hydropower, 1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Hydropower Repayment Reform, 1985

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Interior Amendment: Office of Special Counsel, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Interior Appropriations [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Interior Appropriations [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Kansas Electric Power Cooperative (KEPCo): Rural Electrification Administration (REA) Financing on Wolf Creek Share, 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Kansas Power Electric Cooperative, 1981

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Kansas Science and Technology Advisory Committee, 1981

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Letters, 1980

- Box 232

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Mined Oil Production, 1982

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - National Energy Plan III [1 of 3], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - National Energy Plan III [2 of 3], 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - National Energy Plan III [3 of 3], 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas, 1982

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - 98th Congress Press Clippings, 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Administration Bill, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Algerian Liquified Natural Gas (LNG), 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Danforth/Eagleton, 1982

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Dear Colleagues, 1983

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Deep Gas Opposition to Old Gas Decontrol, 1983

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Ruling on Producer Gathering Costs, 1983

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Fertilizer Institute, Access to Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Gas, Etc., 1983

- Box 233

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [1 of 17], 1983

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [2 of 17], 1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [3 of 17], 1983

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [4 of 17], 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [5 of 17], 1983

- Box 234

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [6 of 17], 1983

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [7 of 17], 1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [8 of 17], 1983

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [9 of 17], 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [10 of 17], 1983

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [11 of 17], 1983

- Box 235

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [12 of 17], 1983

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [13 of 17], 1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [14 of 17], 1983

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [15 of 17], 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [16 of 17], 1983

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General [17 of 17], 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - General Memos, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Kansas Independent Oil and Gas Association (KIOGA) Position, 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Letter to Secretary of Energy Donald Hodel, 1983

- Box 236

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Lame-Duck Press Clippings, 1982

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) Amendments in Lame-Duck, 1982-1983

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Market Value Royalties, 1984

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Meeting with Secretary of Energy Donald Hodel and Kansas Mayors, 1983

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Northwest Energy Company Legislative Proposal, 1983

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Northwest Energy Company Petition Regarding Amoco/Wamsutter, 1983

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Opposition to Administration Proposal, 1983

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Price and Take-or-Pay Amendments in Lame Duck, 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Rawlins-Hesston Pipeline Condition Letter, 1983

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Thank You Letters for Amoco Letter, 1983

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Natural Gas - Voluntary Contract Renegotiation, 1983

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Newsletters, 1980

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Nomination of James Richards for Department of Energy (DOE) Inspector General, 1981

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Northern Tier Pipeline, 1980

- Folder 15: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Power [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 16: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Power [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 237

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Authorization, S. 562, 1979

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) - Kansas City Power and Light (KCP&L), 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Oil Deregulation, 1981

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Oil - Independent Crude and Refining, 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Oil, Letter to Malcolm Baldridge, 1980

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: General, 1984

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: Perfecting, 1984

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: Statement, 1984

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Oil Mergers: Substitute, 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Oil Shale Leases (S. 1073), 1981

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Osage City Solar Project, 1978-1980

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Moratorium Amendments, 1984

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Petroleum Facts, 1981

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Pipeline Deregulation (S. 1646), 1981

- Folder 15: Energy - Duckers - Press Releases, 1980

- Folder 16: Energy - Duckers - Propane, 1981

- Folder 17: Energy - Duckers - Re-refining Industry, 1981

- Folder 18: Energy - Duckers - S. 1480 Superfund, 1980

- Box 238

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - S. 2598 and S. 932 - Gasohol and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - S. 2598 and S. 932 - Gasohol and the Strategic Petroleum Reserve [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Service Station Dealers, 1980

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Seward Energy Ethanol Plant, 1985

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Small Business Motor Fuel Marketers Preservation Act [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - Small Business Motor Fuel Marketers Preservation Act [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - Solar, 1981

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Solvent Refined Coal (SRC-1) Amendment, Interior Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Stirling Engine, 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Strategic Petroleum Reserve [1 of 2], 1980-1981

- Box 239

- Folder 1: Energy - Duckers - Strategic Petroleum Reserve [2 of 2], 1980-1981

- Folder 2: Energy - Duckers - Synfuels Corporation, 1982

- Folder 3: Energy - Duckers - Synfuels Corporation, 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Energy - Duckers - Synthetic Fuels Fast Track (John Foley), 1981

- Folder 5: Energy - Duckers - Three Mile Island, 1981

- Folder 6: Energy - Duckers - United Parcel Service (UPS) Stratified Charged Engines, 1980

- Folder 7: Energy - Duckers - U.S. Ethanol/World-Wide Construction, 1980

- Folder 8: Energy - Duckers - Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS), 1983

- Folder 9: Energy - Duckers - Washington Public Power Supply System (WPPSS), 1984

- Folder 10: Energy - Duckers - Weekly Oil Update, 1980

- Folder 11: Energy - Duckers - Wind Power, 1980-1981

- Folder 12: Energy - Duckers - Winter Heating Fuels, 1980

- Folder 13: Energy - Duckers - Wood, 1980

- Folder 14: Energy - Duckers - Worldwide Construction Company, 1980-1981

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Alaska Statements, 1980

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Appropriations, 1983

- Box 240

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Arkansas River Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Report, 1981

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Automated Weather Data Network, 1984

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Barrier Islands (S. 1018), 1982

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Bottle Bills, 1981

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Chlorofluorocarbons (S. 517), 1982

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [1 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [2 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [3 of 5], 1981-1982

- Box 241

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [4 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Air Act [5 of 5], 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Water Act, 1984

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Clean Water: Symms Amendment, 1984

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Coal Slurry [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Coal Slurry [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Colorado Wilderness, 1980

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Comfortable Quarters for Laboratory Animals", 1979

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Amendments, 1984

- Box 242

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Dangerous Waste Dumps, 1980

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Derby Refinery: Lead Phasedown, 1982

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Dingell-Johnson Fund Expansion (S. 564), 1981

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Draize Rabbits, 1981

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - El Dorado Lake Project, 1981

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Elephant Protection, 1980

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Elk Creek Watershed, 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Emporia Swimming Pool, 1981-1982

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Endangered Species Bulletin, 1980

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environment, 1981

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environment and Public Works, 1982

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 1982

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, January 10, 1984

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Environmental Quality: The Eleventh Annual Report of the Council on Environmental Quality", 1980

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fish and Wildlife Service Abuse of Funds, 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fishery Bulletin, 1984

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Flint Hills Wildlife Refuge, Ronald Riner, 1984

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fluoridation, 1981

- Folder 19: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Fur Seal Trade, 1981

- Box 243

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Audit, 1983

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [1 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [2 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [3 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [4 of 5], 1980-1985

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Furley Waste Site [5 of 5], 1980-1985

- Box 244

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Groundwater Recharge, 1984

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals", 1980

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Hazardous Waste Site Information, 1980

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Hazardous Waste Sites in Kansas, Undated

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Industrial Cost Exclusion (ICE) - D'Amato Bill (S. 789), 1981

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Johnson County Flood Plain Study, 1984

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Audubon Society, 1983

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas City Times: Water Policy, 1982

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Hazardous Waste Law, 1981

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Water Assurance Program, 1985

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Kansas Water Resources Board, 1981

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Land and Water Conservation Fund, 1982

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Lead Phasedown, 1981

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Llano Estacado Playa Lake Water Resources Study, 1981

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Marine Mammal Protection Act, 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Marmaton Valley Reservoir, 1981

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Midwest Solvents, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Problem, 1982

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance, 1983-1984

- Box 245

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance [1 of 3], 1984

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance [2 of 3], 1984

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance [3 of 3], 1984

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance, 1985

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Background, 1983

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Background/Language, 1984

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Board Members, 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Correspondence, 1983

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Dole Memos, 1984

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Fundraising/Membership, 1984

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Inquiries, 1984

- Box 246

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Invitees - Philadelphia, 1983

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Kansas City, 1984

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - La Jolla, 1984

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Meeting Notes and Miscellaneous, 1983

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Memos to Dole, 1984

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Philadelphia, 1983

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Pittsburgh, 1984

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Press, 1983

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Press, 1984

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - St. Paul, 1984

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Staff Memos, 1983

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Water Alliance - Water Legislation, 1983

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - National Wildlife Federation, 1981

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Noise Control Act (S. 1204), 1981

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Noise Pollution, 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Nuclear Waste Legislation, 97th Congress [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 17: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Nuclear Waste Legislation, 97th Congress [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 18: Environmental Protection - Duckers - O-keet-sha Trail, 1980

- Folder 19: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Omnibus Water Bill (S. 1739), 1983-1984

- Box 247

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - "Physical and Mental Suffering of Experimental Animals", 1979

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs), 1981

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Research Modernization Act (H.R. 556), 1981

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Roadless Area Review and Evaluation (RARE) II Review (S. 842), 1981

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Rural Fire Prevention and Control, 1980

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Sabetha Water Project, 1983

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Secretary of the Interior James Watt, 1982

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Seneca Lake, 1984

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Severance Taxes, 1980

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Superfund Improvement and Public Works, 1985

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Tallgrass Research Center, 1981

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Timber, 1984

- Folder 13: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Tonnage/Strip Mining, 1980

- Folder 14: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Toxic Waste, Johnson County, 1980

- Folder 15: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Upper Little Arkansas River Watershed - Survey Report and Environmental Impact Statement [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 16: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Upper Little Arkansas River Watershed - Survey Report and Environmental Impact Statement [2 of 2], 1981

- Box 248

- Folder 1: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Water Pollution Control Act Construction Grants Program [1 of 2], 1981

- Folder 2: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Water Pollution Control Act Construction Grants Program [2 of 2], 1981

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Wichita Sludge Project, 1981

- Folder 4: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, 1980

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Duckers - Youth Conservation Corps, 1983-1984

- Folder 6: General - Duckers - Budget Information, 1982

- Folder 7: General - Duckers - Budget Program: Fall 1981 Press Release, 1981

- Folder 8: General - Duckers - Casework - Closed Kansas Cases [1 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 9: General - Duckers - Casework - Closed Kansas Cases [2 of 3], 1981-1982

- Folder 10: General - Duckers - Casework - Closed Kansas Cases [3 of 3], 1981-1982

- Box 249

- Folder 1: General - Duckers - Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War Charter request, Betty Bernstorf, 1981

- Folder 2: General - Duckers - Dear Colleagues, 1983

- Folder 3: General - Duckers - Election Reform, 1981

- Folder 4: General - Duckers - Evans, Dan: Campaign Talking Points, 1983

- Folder 5: General - Duckers - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR) Memorial Amendment to Interior Appropriations, 1981

- Folder 6: General - Duckers - Iowa - Senate, 1984

- Folder 7: General - Duckers - Kansas Correspondence, 1981

- Folder 8: General - Duckers - Mattison, Craig, 1984

- Folder 9: General - Duckers - Memos, 1981-1982

- Folder 10: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [1 of 4], 1984

- Folder 11: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [2 of 4], 1984

- Folder 12: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [3 of 4], 1984

- Box 250

- Folder 1: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Correspondence [4 of 4], 1984

- Folder 2: General - Duckers - Miscellaneous Memos, 1981

- Folder 3: General - Duckers - National Institutes of Health (NIH): FY 1983, 1982

- Folder 4: General - Duckers - Parliamentary Procedure, Undated

- Folder 5: General - Duckers - Recommendations, 1981

- Folder 6: General - Duckers - Reference - Summary Issue, Major Legislation of the Congress, 97th Congress, 1983

- Folder 7: General - Duckers - Supplemental Appropriations Bill [1 of 2], 1983

- Folder 8: General - Duckers - Supplemental Appropriations Bill [2 of 2], 1983

- Folder 9: General - Duckers - White House - Senate Budget for FY 1986 [1 of 2], 1985

- Folder 10: General - Duckers - White House - Senate Budget for FY 1986 [2 of 2], 1985

- Folder 11: Health Policy - Duckers - Arthritis, 1983

- Folder 12: Health Policy - Duckers - "National Health Insurance: A Pragmatic Perspective", 1983

- Folder 13: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Chilocco Indian Reservation Project, 1981

- Folder 14: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Haskell Junior College (JuCo), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), 1981

- Box 251

- Folder 1: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Indian Health Care Improvement Act Reauthorization, 1981

- Folder 2: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Mayetta School, 1981

- Folder 3: Indian Affairs - Duckers - National United Indian Action Programs, 1981

- Folder 4: Indian Affairs - Duckers - Texas Kickapoo Indians, 1981

- Folder 5: Labor - Duckers - Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Private Industry Councils (PICs), Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA) [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Labor - Duckers - Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Private Industry Councils (PICs), Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973 (CETA) [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 7: Labor - Duckers - Davis-Bacon Amendments (Senator Nickles), 1982

- Folder 8: Labor - Duckers - Four Day, Ten Hour Work Week, 1982

- Folder 9: Labor - Duckers - Longshoremen's and Harbor Worker's Act (S. 1182), 1981

- Folder 10: Natural Resources - Duckers - Natural Resources, 1982

- Folder 11: Public Lands - Duckers - El Dorado Lake: Study of Western Access Route, 1981

- Folder 12: Public Lands - Duckers - Sagebrush Rebellion Bill (Senator Hatch), 1981

- Folder 13: Public Lands - Duckers - Saline County Commission, Schilling Bomb Range, 1981

- Box 252

- Folder 1: Public Works - Duckers - Kansas Bureau of Water Quality, 1981-1982

- Folder 2: Public Works - Duckers - Kansas Bureau of Water Quality - Public Law 94-369, Fund Recission, 1981-1982

- Folder 3: Public Works - Duckers - Kirwin Reservoir Trailer Park, 1981

- Folder 4: Public Works - Duckers - Lugar-Proxmire Amendment, 1982

- Folder 5: Public Works - Duckers - Reclamation Act of 1982 [1 of 2], 1982

- Folder 6: Public Works - Duckers - Reclamation Act of 1982 [2 of 2], 1982

- Folder 7: Public Works - Duckers - Rural Water District #2, 1981

- Folder 8: Public Works - Duckers - Rural Water District #2 - Draft Environmental Statement (Elm Creek), 1981

- Folder 9: Public Works - Duckers - Rural Water District No. 2, Ottawa County, 1981

- Folder 10: Public Works - Duckers - Salina Drainage/Mall Project, 1981

- Folder 11: Public Works - Duckers - Severe Storms Advisory Act (S. 1539), 1981

- Folder 12: Public Works - Duckers - Water Cost Sharing, 1983

- Folder 13: Public Works - Duckers - Water Projects Bill, 1983

- Folder 14: Religion - Duckers - Cult Calls: Sending Info, 1979

- Folder 15: Transportation - Duckers - Airbags, 1984

- Folder 16: Transportation - Duckers - Airline Industry After Deregulation, 1984-1985

- Folder 17: Transportation - Duckers - Amtrak Accident, 1979

- Folder 18: Transportation - Duckers - Amtrak: Kansas City to Omaha, 1984

- Box 253

- Folder 1: Transportation - Duckers - Amtrak Subsidy, 1981-1985

- Folder 2: Transportation - Duckers - Boxcar Hire Rules, 1984

- Folder 3: Transportation - Duckers - Conrail Sale, 1985

- Folder 4: Transportation - Duckers - Bureau of Wholesale Representatives (Luxury Car Provision), 1984

- Folder 5: Transportation - Duckers - General Motors (GM) Auto Plant, 1981

- Folder 6: Transportation - Duckers - Highway Bill, 1981

- Folder 7: Transportation - Duckers - Highways and Freeways, 1985

- Folder 8: Transportation - Duckers - I-635 Interchange, Kansas City, 1985

- Folder 9: Transportation - Duckers - Interchange: 119th and I-35, Olathe, Kansas, 1985

- Folder 10: Transportation - Duckers - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Railroads [1 of 2], 1984-1986

- Folder 11: Transportation - Duckers - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) - Railroads [2 of 2], 1984-1986

- Folder 12: Transportation - Duckers - Lawrence Turnpike Interchange, 1984

- Folder 13: Transportation - Duckers - Trans World Airlines (TWA) - Icahn Takeover, 1985

- Box 254

- Folder 1: Transportation - Duckers - Reform of the Staggers Rail Act of 1980, 1983

- Folder 2: Transportation - Duckers - Southern Pacific/Santa Fe, 1984

- Folder 3: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [1 of 4], 1984-1985

- Folder 4: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [2 of 4], 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [3 of 4], 1984-1985

- Folder 6: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act [4 of 4], 1984-1985

- Box 255

- Folder 1: Transportation - Duckers - Staggers Act - Staggers Act Oversight, 1984-1985

- Folder 2: Transportation - Duckers - Urban and Rural Mass Transportation, 1985

- Folder 3: Veterans Affairs - Duckers - Agent Orange, 1984

- Folder 4: Veterans Affairs - Duckers - Pearl Harbor Survivors Association, 1985

- Folder 5: Water Resources - Duckers - Chikaskia Project, 1982

- Folder 6: Water Resources - Duckers - Indian Affairs, General, 1978-1982

- Folder 7: Water Resources - Duckers - Inland Waterways, 1980-1981

- Folder 8: Water Resources - Duckers - Law Enforcement at Reservoirs, 1980-1981

- Folder 9: Water Resources - Duckers - Public Works, General, 1980-1982

- Folder 10: Water Resources - Duckers/Miller - General Water Districts, February-March, 1981

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Fedynsky - 1980 Olympics, 1978-1980

- Folder 12: Foreign Policy - Fedynsky - Helsinki Commission Memos, 1978

- Box 256

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - A Strategy for Designing a Fully Comprehensive National Housing Policy for the Federal Government of the United States, May, 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Administrative Law Judge Hearing Regarding Fair Housing Amendments, February 19 - June 9, 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Anthony Downs' National Housing Policy, 1988

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Appropriations for 1989, May 12-August 9, 1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Comparisons of House and Senate Housing Bills, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Correspondence, April 29 - September 21, 1987

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Enterprise Zones, 1984-1987

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, July 25-July 24, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, February 19-February 24, 1987-1988

- Box 257

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, June 21-August 2 [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Fair Housing, June 21-August 2 [2 of 2], 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Farmers Home Administration, June 18-23, 1986

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Federal Fair Housing Policy in the 1980s: The Great Misapprehension, May, 1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Federal Housing Agencies and National Housing Policies Institutional Roles, Relevance and Responsibilities, May, 1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - First-Time Homebuyers: Issues and Policy Options, May, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Hearings, August 12-September 30 [1 of 2], 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Hearings, August 12-September 30 [2 of 2], 1988

- Box 258

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - The Homebuilding Industry: What Will it Take to Produce More Affordable Housing?, May, 1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Homeless - January, November 24 [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Homeless - January, November 24 [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Home Ownership Hearings, July 1, 1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Dole Amendments, November 5-February 17, 1985-1986

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, General Background, August 5-July 10, 1985-1986

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Home Ownership Amendment, June 11-July 29, 1986

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Interest Groups Comments, January 30-September 10, 1986

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Miscellaneous Amendments, June 16-July 12, 1986

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Nehemiah Program Amendment, July 3, 1986

- Folder 11: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Resident Management Amendment, June 1-September 10, 1985-1986

- Folder 12: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, Talking Points, 1986-1987

- Folder 13: Housing - Finch - Housing Act, UDAG, February 7-July 31, 1985-1986

- Box 259

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Housing Bill, February 19-July 29, 1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Housing Bill, November 9-December 2 [1 of 2], 1987

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Housing Bill, November 9-December 2 [2 of 2], 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Housing Grant Research and Casework, April 27-November 24, 1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues [1 of 3], 1986-1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues [2 of 3], 1986-1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues [3 of 3], 1986-1988

- Box 260

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [1 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [2 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [3 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Housing Issues Notebook [4 of 4], 1986-1988

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Housing Policy for the 1990s, May, 1988

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Housing and Supportive Services: Federal Policy for the Frail Elderly and Chronically Mentally Ill, May, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Housing and the Capital Markets, May, 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Housing and the Homeless, May, 1988

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Industry, May 4- March 15, 1987-1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - Info on Home Ownership, December 27-June 30, 1985-1987

- Box 261

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Information Sent to Housing and Urban Development (HUD) with Buck Slip, 1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Integrated Housing and Welfare Assistance, May, 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Intern File, June 22-October 24, 1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Low-Income Housing, September-May 27 [1 of 2], 1984-1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Low-Income Housing, September-May 27 [2 of 2], 1984-1987

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Mahaska, Kansas, June 30-July 7, 1987

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - Miscellaneous, April 25-May 8, 1987

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - Miscellaneous Legislation, 1983-1987

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - The Nation's Housing: A Review of Past Trade and Future Prospect for Housing in America, May, 1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - New Directions for Federal Housing Policy: The Rule of the States, May, 1988

- Folder 11: Housing - Finch - PD Issue, November 16-March 2, 1987-1988

- Folder 12: Housing - Finch - Prepayment, June 5, 1987

- Box 262

- Folder 1: Housing - Finch - Portfolio, June 18-April 29, 1986-1987

- Folder 2: Housing - Finch - Preservation of the Existing Stock of Assisted Private Housings, May, 1988

- Folder 3: Housing - Finch - Radon [1 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 4: Housing - Finch - Radon [2 of 2], 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Housing - Finch - Radon, May 20-August 5, 1987

- Folder 6: Housing - Finch - Resolving Local Regulatory Disputes and Building Consensus for Affordable Housing, May, 1988

- Folder 7: Housing - Finch - The Role of Nonprofits in Renewed Federal Housing Efforts, May, 1988

- Folder 8: Housing - Finch - The Role of Public Housing in a Revitalized National Housing Policy, May, 1988

- Folder 9: Housing - Finch - Rural Housing: Status and Issues, May, 1988

- Folder 10: Housing - Finch - Tax Incentives and Federal Housing Programs: Proposed Principles for the 1990s, May, 1988

- Folder 11: Housing - Finch - The Tax Reform Act of 1986 and Real Estate, May, 1988

- Folder 12: Housing - Finch - The Voucher/Production Debate, May, 1988

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox - 1990 Budget Reconciliation - Agriculture - General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) Trigger, October 27, 1990

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox - 2nd Crop - Ex and Bill, September 14-October 23, 1989

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox - Beef Check-Off/Beef Board, July 2-17, 1992

- Box 263

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Bio Tech, December 14-18, 1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Boris Yeltsin Visits Kansas, June 4-22, 1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Boris Yeltsin Visits Kansas - Dold Plant, June 11, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Boris Yeltsin Visits Kansas - Equipment, June 15-17, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Bovine Somatotropin (BST), October-June 15, 1987-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Bumpers - Pyror, October 1-July 13, 1987-1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Bureau of Reclamation - Kansas, January 15-February, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Clippings, August 21-June 9 [1 of 3], 1991-1993

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Clippings, August 21-June 9 [2 of 3], 1991-1993

- Box 264

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Clippings, August 21-June 9 [3 of 3], 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Bid Acceptance/ Denial Ward, Lukert, June-September 25, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Conservation Reserve Program Easement - Title Search, Undated

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Corps of Engineers/Bureau of Reclamation - Harlan County Lake, April-May, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Crop Acreage Bases for Feedgrains, February 7-January 28, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Cuba, April 24-August 7, 1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Dear Colleague Letters, February 18-August 20, 1987-1989

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance, May 24-August 2, 1989

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Examples, July 18-26, 1989

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Miscellaneous, July 11-20, 1989

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Options, July 24-26, 1989

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Points, Conference, August 3, 1989

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster Assistance - Senator Dole, July 8-August 1, 1989

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox - Disaster - Quality Payments, March 22-April 26, 1993

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox - Dole Trip to Kansas, August 3-9, 1991

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Fox - Dole Trip to Kansas, August 18-23, 1991

- Box 265

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol, March 10-August 23, 1970-1987

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol Dear Colleague Relying on Ethanol for America Program, May 29-June 25 [1 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol Dear Colleague Relying on Ethanol for America Program, May 29-June 25 [2 of 2], 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Ethanol Panel, March 28-November 18, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Evans Grain, September 11-July 24, 1987-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Bill 1990-1991 Technical Corrections, July 10-November 12, 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Bill 1990 - Corn/Sorghum Base, December 13-June 11, 1990-1991

- Box 266

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit, April 24-March 21, 1987-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farmers Home Administration, February 26-April 11, 1987

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Secondary Markets, September 14-December 22, 1987

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Insurance Issue, January 10-December 17, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Letters, September 11-December 22, 1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Farm Credit - Farm Credit Service (FCS) Summaries, September 21-December 22, 1987

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Farm and Rural America Conference - Chicago, September 8-December 15, 1986

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Farm and Rural America Conference - Iowa, December 23-December 15, 1985-1986

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Farm and Rural America Conference - Washington, August 23 - June 25, 1986-1987

- Box 267

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, September 30-November 12 [1 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, September 30-November 12 [2 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Farmers and Ranchers for Dole for President, September 30-November 12 [3 of 3], 1980-1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Federal Land Acquisitions, September, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Grain Quality, November 22-September [1 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Grain Quality, November 22-September [2 of 2], 1989-1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Grain Quality - Inspection, October 7-22, 1991

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Grassley Amendment to Urban Aid Bill - Enterprise Zone Agricultural Exemption, August 10-11, 1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Grazing Fees, July 23-May 4, 1991-1993

- Box 268

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Haying and Grazing, January-May 29, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Improved Standards for Laboratory Animals (ISLA) Act, February 25-April 26, 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 1099-B Brokerage Grain Merchants, December 20 - February 6, 1990-1991

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) Rail Exemption, July 29-November 11, 1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas Crop Conditions, September 11-January 23, 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas Development Finance Authority (KDFA), October 10-March 30, 1990-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas Livestock Association, June 18-March, 1987-1994

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas State University Appropriations, August 21-June 22, 1991-1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas State University Pre-Harvest Food Safety, June 3-February 10 [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - Kansas State University Pre-Harvest Food Safety, June 3-February 10 [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox - Larry Flinchbaugh Survey - How Kansas Farm Operators View Agricultural and Food Policy Issues, November 6-February 21, 1989-1991

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox - Legislation - 101st Congress, January 25-May 23 [1 of 2], 1989

- Box 269

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Legislation - 101st Congress, January 25-May 23 [2 of 2], 1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Legitimate Hedge, June 9-June 10, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Received, September 9, 1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Received - Cosponsored, February 9-12, 1988

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Received - General, September 29-October 5, 1987-1988

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Letters Sent, August 25-October 18, 1987-1988

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Letters - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Response, January - October 6, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Marketing Loans for Grain, October 26 - January 7, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Market Promotion Program, February - July, 1992

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - Market Promotion Program - Wofford, May 6, 1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox - Payment Limitations, January 16 - June 21, 1987-1990

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox - Plant Variety Protection Act (PVPA), March 19 - March, 1991-1993

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox - Possible Amendments - 100th Congress, July 9 - May 14, 1986-1987

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox - Oil Seeds and Confection Loans, February 24 - April 24, 1991

- Box 270

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [1 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [2 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [3 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [4 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [5 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [6 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Box 271

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [7 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [8 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [9 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [10 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development [11 of 11], December 23 - August 22, 1985-1989

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development 1989, April 19 - May 22, 1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development Legislation, January 25 - May 24, 1989

- Box 272

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development S. 1036 [1 of 2], March 1 - September 15, 1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - Rural Development S. 1036 [2 of 2], March 1 - September 15, 1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - S. 2296 - Downed Animals Protection Act, June - April, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - Seaboard, Corporation, Undated

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Streamlined Inspection Service (SIS), June 5 - August, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar, September 17 - June 22, 1986-1989

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar Floor Statement, September 22, 1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar Press Release, September 18, 1987

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox - Sugar Resolution, September 23, 1987

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Announcements [1 of 3], September 27 - March 8, 1990-1993

- Box 273

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Announcements [2 of 3], September 27 - March 8, 1990-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Announcements [3 of 3], September 27 - March 8, 1990-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Appropriations - Fiscal Year 1992 [1 of 2], April 4 - October 3, 1991

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Appropriations - Fiscal Year 1992 [2 of 2], April 4 - October 3, 1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Appropriations - Fiscal Year 1993, April 14 - August 14, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Easy Access Paperwork, October 22, 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Impact Analysis, April 11 - March 30, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Lamb Pricing, June 9, 1992

- Box 274

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reform [1 of 2], January - January 19, 1991-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reform [2 of 2], January - January 19, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Reform - Leahy Base Closing Bill, September May 13, 1991-1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox - US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Veterinarians, October - November 7, 1981-1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox - Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistants (VOCA)/Agricultural Cooperative Development International (ACDI), 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox - Water Quality Incentive Program (WQIP) - Certified Crop Advisor, April 4 - June 2, 1991-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox - Z-Bar Ranch, March - October 4, 1991-1993

- Folder 8: Animals - Fox - Extra Label Use for Veterinarians, 1992-1993

- Folder 9: Defense - Fox - Iraq Opposition Leaders, July 29, 1992

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Fox - Casework - R.J. Wuorinen - Drinking Water, March 25, 1993

- Folder 11: Food - Fox - Meat Inspection - E-Coli 0157:H7 [1 of 2], 1992-1993

- Box 275

- Folder 1: Food - Fox - Meat Inspection - E-Coli 0157:H7 [2 of 2], 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox - China Most Favored Nation, 1991-1993

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox - Finney's Grain Trade Follies, January 15, 1993

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox - Generalized System of Preferences Information, June 15 - January 27, 1992-1993

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox - Russian Aid - Food for Progress (FFP), 1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox - US/Soviet Grain Trade, 1990-1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Algerian Wheat Sales, June 9, 1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Beacon/Accent Herbicides, February 23, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Beginning Farmer Credit [1 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Beginning Farmer Credit [2 of 2], 1991-1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Budget Entitlements, March 27 - April 21, 1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Capture 2EC (bifenthrin) Emergency Exemption, July 30 - August 7, 1990

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - A.B. Fisher - Payment Eligibility, 1992

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Allen Shaw - Bankruptcy, March 9, 1989

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Charles B. Fegan - Denial of Benefits, November 6 - December 28, 1989

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Craig Massey - Application Denial, 1990

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Curtis DuVall - Payment Limitations, 1990

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dan Brown - Conservation Reserve Program Appeal, 1989-1990

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dave Wirth - Swampbuster, 1989-1991

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dennis and Estella Meech, 1991-1992

- Box 276

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Dillard Ungeheuer - Net Recovery Buyout, 1986-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Don Lewis - Highly Erodible Land (HEL), August - November, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Donna Hutchinson - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Contract, October 21, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Doug Theissen - Loan Foreclosure, November 8 - May 8, 1989-1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Fermenta Annual Health Company - Mislabeled Bulk Drugs, 1992-1993

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Freddie Walls - Disaster Credit [1 of 2], 1990-1993

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Freddie Walls - Disaster Credit [2 of 2], 1990-1993

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - G and T Incorporated - Loan Guarantee, June 25 - November 23, 1990

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Gary Forsberg - Sodbuster, March 14 - June 26, 1990

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Gene Hamilton - Acreage Reduction Program, 1987-1990

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - GIGOT - Payment Eligibility, June 5, 1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - James Baxter - Broiler Growout, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Jere and Juanita Robinson - Farmer's Home Administration (FMHA) Loan Collection, October - December, 1992

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - J.M. Hesser - Hops Growers [1 of 2], 1993

- Box 277

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - J.M. Hesser - Hops Growers [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Ken Nickell - Sodbusting, May - September 24, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Kurt Huelskamp - Loss Payment, February 9, 1993

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Leon Stephens - Disaster Relief, 1987-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Lloyd Lewis - Homestead Rights, March 13 - April, 1990

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Lloyd Theimer - Loss Insurance, 1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Louis Sabatka - Grain Sorghum Acreage, 1992

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Mike Harden - Irrigated Acreage Maximum, July 19, 1991

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Mike Zwahlen - Private Property Rights, 1990-1993

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Miscellaneous, 1992-1993

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Paul Deters - Commodity Credit Corporation, 1990-1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Phyllis Fulmer - Loan Repayment, August 5, 1992

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Robert Carlson - Irrigated Acreage Maximum, January 8 - May 15, 1992

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Robert Hunter - Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Contract, September 16, 1992

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Robert Seidenstricker - Program Benefits, February 6, 1991

- Folder 16: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Ron Ohlde - Swampbuster Case, 1991

- Folder 17: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Steve Hamlin - Plant Inspections, 1992

- Folder 18: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Steve Kruse - Non-Program Acre Usage, 1992

- Folder 19: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Casework - Wayne Entz - Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations, 1993

- Folder 20: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Chinch Bugs, 1989-1990

- Folder 21: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - CoBank - National Bank for Cooperatives - GSM Programs, March 24, 1993

- Folder 22: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Dairy - Kansas [1 of 2], 1991

- Box 278

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Dairy - Kansas [2 of 2], 1991

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Farmer's Home Administration (FMHA), June 3 - July 26, 1991

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Fertilizer Institute, August, 1989

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Food Safety and Inspection Service, 1981-1991

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Grain Sorghum Pesticide Issues, September - October 2, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Great Plains Agriculture Policy Center, January 28, 1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Glyphosate Herbicide Desiccant - Roundup, Undated

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Herbicide 2, 4-D, October 23, 1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Herbicide Propazine (Milogard), September 22 - April 30, 1992-1993

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Insecticide Carbofuran Granular (Furadan 15g), Undated

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Insecticide Synthetic Pyrethroid (Grain Sorghum Label), September 16, 1991

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas Atrazine Management, November 1 - May 19, 1991-1992

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas Farm Credit Services, April 6 - July 27, 1987

- Folder 14: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Offices Base Closings Information [1 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 15: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Offices Base Closings Information [2 of 3], 1992-1993

- Box 279

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Kansas US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Offices Base Closings Information [3 of 3], 1992-1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Methyl Bromide and Ozone Depletion, March 4 - June 16, 1992

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - National Cattlemen's Association, July 16 - June 15, 1987-1988

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Permit Herbicide by Monsanto, Undated

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticide Duty Suspensions, Undated

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticide Management Area - Delaware Basin, Undated

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [1 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [2 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [3 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) [4 of 4], 1987-1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) - Delaney Clause, September 11 - May 12, 1992-1993

- Box 280

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides (Circle of Deception) - Research Info (Circle of B.S./Pain), 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pesticides - Local Preemption - Wisconsin versus Mortier, September 3 - May 20, Undated

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Pork Producers Appropriations, February 6, 1992

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Soil Conservation Service (SCS), 1987-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Compliance, 1988-1991

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - Briefing, October 17 - 20, 1991

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - Briefing Points - Trips 1-3, August 19 - September 4, 1991

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - Trip 3, August 29, 1991

- Folder 9: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Travel Files - US Canola Association, August 12 - November 18, 1991

- Folder 10: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Wheat Background Material [1 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 11: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Wheat Background Material [2 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 12: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Wheat Background Material - Canadian Beef Reinspection, 1990-1991

- Folder 13: Agriculture - Fox/Spears - Worker Protection Standards - Pesticide Use, August 13 - March 26, 1992-1993

- Box 281

- Folder 1: Animals - Fox/Spears - Endangered Species Act, May 8 - October 5, 1990-1992

- Folder 2: Economic Policy - Fox/Spears - Great Plains Caucus, April 23 - June, 1991

- Folder 3: Environmental Protection - Fox/Spears - Clean Water Act, 1990-1992

- Folder 4: Food - Fox/Spears - Food Safety Inspection Service - Kansas State University Training Facility, September 18 - October 1, 1987

- Folder 5: Food - Fox/Spears - Kennedy Food Safety Bill Amendment (S. 1074), May 14, 1991

- Folder 6: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package, May 6 - October 27, 1992

- Folder 7: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package Amendments, June 26 - 30, 1992

- Folder 8: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Credit Worthiness, June 24 - 26, 1992

- Folder 9: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Loan Fee, July 1, 1992

- Folder 10: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Memos, June 30, 1992

- Folder 11: Foreign Policy - Fox/Spears - Confederation of Independent States (CIS) Aid Package - Soviets, May 7 - 22, 1992

- Folder 12: Public Works - Fox/Spears - Morris County Rural Water District #1, 1990-1991

- Folder 13: Public Works - Fox/Spears - Rural Water Districts, March - December, 1991

- Folder 14: Trade - Fox/Spears - Cargo Preference, 1989-1991

- Folder 15: Trade - Fox/Spears - End-Use Certificates, March 24, 1992

- Folder 16: Trade - Fox/Spears - End-Use Certificates - Aid, April 27 - August 11, 1992

- Folder 17: Trade - Fox/Spears - End-Use Origins - US Origins, November 18 - 20, 1991

- Folder 18: Trade - Fox/Spears - European Community Third Country Meat Directive, October 23, 1992

- Box 282

- Folder 1: Trade - Fox/Spears - Export Enhancement Program, 1989-1992

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox/Spears - Export Enhancement Program - India, January 20 - March 11, 1992

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox/Spears - Export Enhancement Program Resolution, 1991

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox/Spears - Glickman Food Trade Modification Act, 1991

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox/Spears - Iraq Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Fraud, June 22, 1992

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 7: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 8: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Background [1 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 9: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Background [2 of 2], 1991-1994

- Folder 10: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Beef Caucus, 1992-1993

- Box 283

- Folder 1: Trade - Fox/Spears - North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) - Sugar, 1992

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox/Spears - Oil Seed - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) 301 Case, 1992-1993

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox/Spears - Oil Seed Issues - US Trade Representative (USTR) Release, April 15 - 30, 1992

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox/Spears - Russell Redenbaugh, April 30 - May 9, 1991

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox/Spears - Russian Credits Post-Defaults, February 22 - March 24, 1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox/Spears - Soviet Credits and Defaults [1 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 7: Trade - Fox/Spears - Soviet Credits and Defaults [2 of 2], 1990-1992

- Folder 8: Trade - Fox/Spears - Taiwanese Wheat Delegation, August 29, 1991

- Folder 9: Trade - Fox/Spears - US/Soviet Long-Term Grain Agreement, 1981-1989

- Folder 10: Trade - Fox/Spears - US/Japan Wheat Trade, Undated

- Folder 11: Trade - Fox/Spears - Yemen and Access to US Exports Programs, July 25 - 29, 1991

- Box 284

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Brief Descriptions of Studies, Reports and Surveys for H.R. 3950 and S. 2830 [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Brief Descriptions of Studies, Reports and Surveys for H.R. 3950 and S. 2830 [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Bovine Somatotropin (BST), 1990-1994

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Clayton Yeutter Statements to Agriculture Subcommittee, February 2 - 6, 1989

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Clear Title and the Farm Bill [1 of 2], 1985-1988

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Clear Title and the Farm Bill [2 of 2], 1985-1988

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Comparative Print Showing S. 2830, September, 1990

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit, Undated

- Box 285

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System [1 of 2], 1984-1989

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System [2 of 2], 1984-1989

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System - Farm Credit Administration, 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System Financial Safety and Soundness Act, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farm Credit System - Secondary Markets, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) [1 of 3], February - March, 1990

- Box 286

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) [2 of 3], February - March, 1990

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) [3 of 3], February - March, 1990

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Background, 1989-1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Background - Farm Credit System, 1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Business and Industry Preapplication for HyPlains Beef [1 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Business and Industry Preapplication for HyPlains Beef [2 of 3], 1991-1992

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Farmers Home Administration (FMHA) Business and Industry Preapplication for HyPlains Beef [3 of 3], 1991-1992

- Box 287

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS), 1984-1992

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Federal Grain Inspection Service (FGIS) Reauthorization, August 6 - September 24, 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Fruit and Vegetable Title - Circle of Poison [1 of 2], 1990

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Fruit and Vegetable Title - Circle of Poison [2 of 2], 1990

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Market Order Program, December 4 - 16, 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Organic Certification Program, April 25, 1990

- Folder 7: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Payment-In-Kind (PIK) Generic Certificates, 1986-1987

- Folder 8: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act (PACA) Trust, August 10 - October 2, 1992

- Box 288

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Torrey - Pro Farmer Press Releases, January 15 - March 4, 1991-1992

- Folder 2: Food - Fox/Torrey - Seafood Inspection [1 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 3: Food - Fox/Torrey - Seafood Inspection [2 of 2], 1989-1990

- Folder 4: General - Fox/Torrey - Upcoming Events/Memos to the Senator [1 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 5: General - Fox/Torrey - Upcoming Events/Memos to the Senator [2 of 2], 1991-1993

- Folder 6: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material [1 of 3], 1985-1992

- Box 289

- Folder 1: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material [2 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 2: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material [3 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 3: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material - Blair House, 1993

- Folder 4: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material - Dunkel Draft, 1991-1992

- Folder 5: Trade - Fox/Torrey - General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and International Trade Material - Zero for Zero, September 10 - November 19, 1993

- Folder 6: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [1 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 7: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [2 of 5], 1987-1992

- Box 290

- Folder 1: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [3 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 2: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [4 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 3: Water - Fox/Torrey - Groundwater [5 of 5], 1987-1992

- Folder 4: Water - Fox/Torrey - Water Legislation (HR 429) [1 of 2], 1992

- Folder 5: Water - Fox/Torrey - Water Legislation (HR 429) [2 of 2], 1992

- Folder 6: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Agricultural Appropriations, 1992-1993

- Box 291

- Folder 1: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Agricultural Appropriations - Mid-America World Trade Center [1 of 2], 1993

- Folder 2: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Agricultural Appropriations - Mid-America World Trade Center [2 of 2], 1993

- Folder 3: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Casein, 1981-1985

- Folder 4: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Chapter 12 Bankruptcy, 1986-1987

- Folder 5: Agriculture - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Community Asset Sales, 1986-1987

- Folder 6: Animals - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Animal Welfare [1 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 7: Animals - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Animal Welfare [2 of 3], 1985-1992

- Box 292

- Folder 1: Animals - Fox/Spears/Torrey - Animal Welfare [3 of 3], 1985-1992

- Folder 2: Animals - Franz - Animals/Class B Dealers, September 6 - February 1, 1994-1995

- Folder 3: Budgets - Franz - Reinventing Government, February 10 - April 21, 1994

- Folder 4: Commerce - Franz - Product Liability, June 23 - July 7, 1994

- Folder 5: Emergency Management - Franz - National Flood Insurance, March 10 - February 3, 1994-1995

- Folder 6: Environmental Protection - Franz - Environment, Bucked Responses, 1992-1993

- Folder 7: Environmental Protection - Franz - Environment, Bucked Responses from Agencies, April 19 - February 24, 1991-1994

- Folder 8: Environmental Protection - Franz - Mining Law Reform, July 18 - May 19, 1991-1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Franz - Superfund, 1994

- Folder 10: Labor - Franz - Railroad Labor Dispute, April 17 - May 9, 1991-1996

- Box 293

- Folder 1: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Municipal Waste: Bills, Cases, Amendments, 1994

- Folder 2: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Municipal Waste: Letters, Memos, 1994

- Folder 3: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Municipal Waste Transport Articles, 1994

- Folder 4: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Remarks, 1992-1994

- Folder 5: Solid Wastes - Franz - Solid Waste/Flow Control - Schanke, 1982

- Folder 6: Transportation - Franz - Air Service - Topeka, January 4 - June 19, 1989-1995

- Folder 7: Transportation - Franz - Electric Vehicles, September 19 - October 5, 1995

- Folder 8: Transportation - Franz - Emergency Locator Transmitters, October 14 - July 7, 1994-1995

- Folder 9: Transportation - Franz - Form Letters: Energy, Environment, Transportation, 1994

- Folder 10: Transportation - Franz - Guardrails, February 9 - November 22, 1993-1994

- Folder 11: Transportation - Franz - Midwest Air Traffic Control, October 1 - June 27, 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Transportation - Franz - Motorcycle Helmets [1 of 2], February - June 20, 1991-1995

- Folder 13: Transportation - Franz - Motorcycle Helmets [2 of 2], February - June 20, 1991-1995

- Box 294

- Folder 1: Transportation - Franz - National Highway System, January 22 - June 15, 1994-1995

- Folder 2: Transportation - Franz - Railroad - Shipper Advisory Council, January 23 - February 27, 1996

- Folder 3: Transportation - Franz - Reflectors on Railroad Cars, December - July 20, 1982-1994

- Folder 4: Transportation - Franz - Seat Belts, April 27 - September 21, 1988-1993

- Folder 5: Transportation - Franz - Surface Transportation Board, October 1 - April 23, 1995-1996

- Folder 6: Transportation - Franz - Transportation, Correspondence, March 17 - 21, 1994

- Folder 7: Transportation - Franz - TSP, Incorporated, June 27 - August 12, 1994

- Folder 8: Budgets - Frick - Unfunded Mandates, October 27 - March 14, 1993-1995

- Folder 9: Environmental Protection - Frick - Natural Resources, Correspondence, 1990-1991

- Folder 10: Environmental Protection - Frick - Natural Resources, Correspondence, April 12 - October 1, 1991-1993

- Folder 11: Environmental Protection - Frick - Safe Drinking Water Act, Correspondence [1 of 2], 1993-1994

- Folder 12: Environmental Protection - Frick - Safe Drinking Water Act, Correspondence [2 of 2], 1993-1994

- Box 295

- Folder 1: Commerce - Friedman - S. 825, Voluntary Standards and Accreditation Act of 1977, March 22 - April 5, 1976-1977

- Folder 2: Criminal Justice - Friedman - Hearst Statement, February 2 - October 11, 1976-1978

- Folder 3: Criminal Justice - Friedman - Saffels, Dole: Nomination to US District Judgeship for Kansas, 1979

- Folder 4: Emergency Management - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Flood Insurance Program, April 11 - April 4, 1975-1978

- Folder 5: Environmental Protection - Friedman - Marine Protection Act, October 1 - September 27, 1977-1978

- Folder 6: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bill [1 of 2], March 15 - July 25, 1974-1978

- Folder 7: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bill [2 of 2], March 15 - July 25, 1974-1978

- Folder 8: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bank Bill - Additional Information, February - July 13, 1976-1978

- Box 296

- Folder 1: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bank Bill - H.R. 2777, 1978

- Folder 2: Finance - Friedman - Consumer Cooperative Bank Bill - Miscellaneous, 1978

- Folder 3: Foreign Policy - Friedman - Scientific Exchanges, 1977-1979

- Folder 4: General - Friedman - D.C. Convention Center, September 16 - October 4, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: General - Friedman - Henry D. Parkinson Federal Building, June 12 - 19, 1979

- Folder 6: General - Friedman - Senate Resolution Tribute to Alf Landon, September 10 - September 8, 1969-1977

- Folder 7: General - Friedman - Tribute to Joe Skubitz, March 1 - October 6, 1977-1978

- Folder 8: Government Employees - Friedman - Reduction of Treasury - Postal Appropriations, June 8 - 27, 1978

- Folder 9: Housing - Friedman - 1978 Housing Authorization [1 of 2], August 22 - August 19, 1974-1978

- Folder 10: Housing - Friedman - 1978 Housing Authorization [2 of 2], August 22 - August 19, 1974-1978

- Folder 11: Housing - Friedman - Housing [1 of 2], March 5 - November 11, 1971-1977

- Folder 12: Housing - Friedman - Housing [2 of 2], March 5 - November 11, 1971-1977

- Box 297

- Folder 1: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [1 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 2: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [2 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 3: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [3 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 4: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Community Development Act of 1977 [4 of 4], June 11 - October 25, 1973-1977

- Folder 5: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Appropriations, January 19 - November 23, 1977

- Folder 6: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization, March 6 - November 6, 1978

- Box 298

- Folder 1: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - Amendment to S. 3084, July 20, 1978

- Folder 2: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - Colloquy Flap, July 20 - 31, 1978

- Folder 3: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - HUD Reorganization Resolution [1 of 2], October 17 - August 31, 1977-1978

- Folder 4: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization - HUD Reorganization Resolution [2 of 2], October 17 - August 31, 1977-1978

- Folder 5: Housing - Friedman - Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Reorganization Letters, October 7 - December 8, 1977

- Folder 6: Housing - Friedman - Housing Bill, May 10 - May 13, 1974-1976

- Folder 7: Law - Friedman - S. 423, Dispute Resolution Act of 1979, February 9 - March 12, 1979

- Folder 8: Public Works - Friedman - Public Works Employment Bill, January 28 - March 10, 1977

- Box 299

- Folder 1: Solid Wastes - Friedman - Solid Waste Disposal, April 7 - August 15, 1977

- Folder 2: Transportation - Friedman - Union Station/National Visitors Center, 1978

- Folder 3: Business - Garcia - Car "Prep" Bill, January 19 - March 13, 1978

- Folder 4: Business - Garcia - Small Business Administration, January 31 - October 9, 1975-1980

- Folder 5: Defense - Garcia - Draft, Correspondence, August 11 - June 6, 1978-1980

- Folder 6: Defense - Garcia - Draft Registration Bill [1 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 7: Defense - Garcia - Draft Registration Bill [2 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 8: Defense - Garcia - Draft Registration Bill [3 of 3], 1978-1981

- Folder 9: Immigration - Garcia - Aliens, July 4 - July 18, 1977

- Folder 10: Immigration - Garcia - Aliens: Social Security, January 24, 1978

- Folder 11: Immigration - Garcia - Cuba File, 1977-1978

- Box 300

- Folder 1: Immigration - Garcia - Illegal Alien Materials, July - October 30, 1977-1978

- Folder 2: Immigration - Garcia - Illegal Alien Materials - Illegal Alien Hate Mail, 1977

- Folder 3: Immigration - Garcia - Illegal Alien Materials - Illegal Aliens, September 21 - July 21, 1976-1977

- Folder 4: Immigration - Garcia - Immigration/Refugees, 1981

- Folder 5: Immigration - Garcia - Letters Requesting Entrance into the U.S, October 19, 1979-1980

- Folder 6: Labor - Garcia - 5.5% Pay Raise, May 14 - February 6, 1979-1980

- Folder 7: Labor - Garcia - Congressional Research Service (CRS) Briefings, 1978

- Folder 8: Labor - Garcia - General, 1980