By Erin Wolfe
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Press Clippings, 1939-1995
Predominant Dates:1976, 1979, 1987-1988, 1991-1995
ID: 01/017
Primary Creator: Russell Public Library
Extent: 2941.0 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The articles are listed in the order that they were collected and microfilmed, which is largely in chronological order. To facilitate browsing, the finding aid has been divided into series by year. During the microfilming process, 66 pages were duplicated. In these cases, only the higher quality image has been listed in the finding aid.
Series of press clippings related to the political career of Kansas Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole for period of 1939-1995. Clippings were selected from various published sources from around the nation by the staff at the Russell Public Library.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection contains press clippings from newspapers, magazines, and other published sources, as well as some additional unpublished material, such as press releases or letters from Dole. Search the full text of all articles:
Please note that, due to the quality of microfilm scans, the full text search will not be able to identify all relevant results. Use the search box at the top right of the screen to search the article titles.
About 80% of the items (about 2300 articles) are from Kansas newspapers, with the rest from national publications and a few items from Dole's office or other non-published sources. The clippings cover many aspects of Dole's life and political career. There is an emphasis on Dole's major campaigns, specifically the 1976 Ford-Dole Presidential campaign and Dole's 1988 Presidential campaign, 1992 Senate campaign, and 1996 Presidential campaign through December 31, 1995.
Collection Historical Note
The content was selected by the staff at the Russell Public Library. It was microfilmed by the Kansas Historical Society and donated to Senator Dole in 1996.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Alternate Extent Statement:
2941 items, 866 sheets
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
Series 2: 1939],
Series 3: 1940],
Series 4: 1941],
Series 5: 1943],
Series 6: 1945],
Series 7: 1959],
Series 8: 1964],
Series 9: 1965],
Series 10: 1966],
Series 11: 1967],
Series 12: 1968],
Series 13: 1969],
Series 14: 1970],
Series 15: 1971],
Series 16: 1972],
Series 17: 1974],
[Series 18: 1976],
Series 19: 1977],
Series 20: 1978],
Series 21: 1979],
Series 22: 1980],
Series 23: 1981],
Series 24: 1982],
Series 25: 1983],
Series 26: 1984],
Series 27: 1985],
Series 28: 1986],
Series 29: 1987],
Series 30: 1988],
Series 31: 1989],
Series 32: 1990],
Series 33: 1991],
Series 34: 1992],
Series 35: 1993],
Series 36: 1994],
Series 37: 1995],
- Series 18: 1976

- 374 articles
- Item 1: Some Faces on the Convention Podium: Robert J. Dole, 8/16/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_029 (PDF)
- Item 2: Dole Says 'Nuts' To Carter, 8/17/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_029 (PDF)
- Item 3: Dole Chances For VP Still Considered Solid, 8/18/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_029 (PDF)
- Item 4: Dole Still In Running For VP, 8/19/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_030 (PDF)
- Item 5: Ford Selects Dole For Running Mate, 8/19/1976

- Junction City Daily Union c017_roll1_030 (PDF)
- Item 6: Ford Names Kansas Senator Dole, 8/19/1976

- Lyons Daily News c017_roll1_030 (PDF)
- Item 7: Ford Picks Dole as Veep, 8/19/1976

- Oakland Tribune c017_roll1_031 (PDF)
- Item 8: Dole a Tough Fighter, Was Loyal to Nixon, 8/19/1976

- Oakland Tribune c017_roll1_031 (PDF)
- Item 9: Ford Chooses Dole, 8/19/1976

- Oakland Tribune c017_roll1_031 (PDF)
- Item 10: Dole a Fighter, 8/19/1976

- Oakland Tribune c017_roll1_031 (PDF)
- Item 11: Ford Picks Bob Dole, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 12: Carlson Surprised but Happy, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 13: Kansas Delegation Elated, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 14: Ford Captures GOP Nomination (Part 1), 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 15: Coincidence, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 16: Ronald Reagan Supporters Charge He Used 'Mickey Mouse' Tactics, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 17: Bombshell Hits Russell (Part 1), 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 18: Politics Aside, Dole Choice Pleasing to Area Residents, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 19: Reagan Promises Support Dole, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 20: Ford, Dole Plan Stop In Russell, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_032 (PDF)
- Item 21: When Going Gets Rough They Call on Bob Dole, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_033 (PDF)
- Item 22: Ford, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_033 (PDF)
- Item 23: Can't Believe It', 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_033 (PDF)
- Item 24: Dole's Sister Sends Greetings to Russell, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_033 (PDF)
- Item 25: News Media Flocks to Russell, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_033 (PDF)
- Item 26: Bombshell, 8/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_033 (PDF)
- Item 27: Ford Mantle on Kansas' Dole, 8/19/1976

- Salina Inn c017_roll1_034 (PDF)
- Item 28: Ford Picks; Sen. Dole; Reagan Backs Ticket, 8/19/1976

- San Francisco Examiner c017_roll1_034 (PDF)
- Item 29: Tough Bob Dole Survived Watergate, 8/19/1976

- San Francisco Examiner c017_roll1_035 (PDF)
- Item 30: Dole Leaders Like Him, Other's don, 8/19/1976

- San Francisco Examiner? c017_roll1_035 (PDF)
- Item 31: Ford and Dole Seek Republican Unity, 8/19/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_035 (PDF)
- Item 32: Obscure Dole A Tough Campaigner, 8/20/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_035 (PDF)
- Item 33: So It Is Ford and Dole . . ., 8/20/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_036 (PDF)
- Item 34: The Carter Ford Gap, 8/20/1976

- Christian Science Monitor c017_roll1_036 (PDF)
- Item 35: Why Dole Choice Gives Ford A Tactical Boost, 8/20/1976

- Christian Science Monitor c017_roll1_036 (PDF)
- Item 36: Dole Termed 'Political Infighter', 8/20/1976

- Colorado Springs Sun c017_roll1_036 (PDF)
- Item 37: Dole's Family. Friends Happy, 8/20/1976

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll1_038 (PDF)
- Item 38: Emotions Overcome Dole, 8/20/1976

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll1_038 (PDF)
- Item 39: GOP Unites Behind Ford and Dole, 8/20/1976

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll1_038 (PDF)
- Item 40: Ford Selects Dole For No. 2 Spot, 8/20/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_039 (PDF)
- Item 41: Joy, Tears For Kansans, 8/20/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_039 (PDF)
- Item 42: Russell Folks Excited, 8/20/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_039 (PDF)
- Item 43: Dole Able To Dish and Take, 8/20/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_039 (PDF)
- Item 44: State Republican Look Toward Future, 8/20/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_039 (PDF)
- Item 45: Ford Picks Kansas' Sen. Robert Dole But Are Kansans Thrilled?, 8/20/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_040 (PDF)
- Item 46: Dole Accepts Nomination, 8/20/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_040 (PDF)
- Item 47: Dole's Selection Honor For State, 8/20/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_040 (PDF)
- Item 48: Presidential Visit For Russell, 8/20/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_040 (PDF)
- Item 49: Kansan Wasting No Time In Planning Strategy, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_042 (PDF)
- Item 50: G.O.P. Nominates Dole as Veep, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_042 (PDF)
- Item 51: He's Hero In Russell, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_042 (PDF)
- Item 52: Team Sent Into Battle, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_042 (PDF)
- Item 53: Carter Views Selection of Dole As Conceding South To Him, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_042 (PDF)
- Item 54: Dole Not Letting Any Grass Grow Under Feet, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_043 (PDF)
- Item 55: Dole Thought Baker Would Be Chosen, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_043 (PDF)
- Item 56: Convention '76 The Text of Sen. Bob Dole's Acceptance Speech, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_044 (PDF)
- Item 57: Ford Threw Press a Curve Ball in Selecting Dole, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_044 (PDF)
- Item 58: And Now Our No. 2 Man, Bob Dole! (Bob Dole?), 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_045 (PDF)
- Item 59: Veep Choice a Fighter From Way Back, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_045 (PDF)
- Item 60: Bob Dole Will Help Ford's Bid, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_045 (PDF)
- Item 61: Bond Happy With Dole, 8/20/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_045 (PDF)
- Item 62: Dole Known For His Slashing Oratory, 8/20/1976

- Los Angeles Times c017_roll1_046 (PDF)
- Item 63: Ford, Aides Met in Wee Hours to Decide on No. 2, 8/20/1976

- Los Angeles Times c017_roll1_046 (PDF)
- Item 64: Pleased with the Dole honor, 8/20/1976

- Lyons Daily News c017_roll1_047 (PDF)
- Item 65: Ford, 8/20/1976

- Lyons Daily News c017_roll1_047 (PDF)
- Item 66: Former Mrs. Dole Views Career, 8/20/1976

- Lyons Daily News c017_roll1_048 (PDF)
- Item 67: Ford Picks Senator Dole As Running Mate; Says He Wants, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_048 (PDF)
- Item 68: A Tough Infighter (Part 1), 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_048 (PDF)
- Item 69: Dole Choice Conformed to the Wishes of Reagan (Part 1), 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_048 (PDF)
- Item 70: President Vows Fight 'With a Total Will' to Win Election, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_048 (PDF)
- Item 71: Dole Choice Conformed to the Wishes of Reagan (Part 2), 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_049 (PDF)
- Item 72: Mrs. Dole, a Southerner, is Federal Trade Official, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_049 (PDF)
- Item 73: A Tough Infighter (Part 2), 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_049 (PDF)
- Item 74: Excerpts From the Address by Dole to the Convention, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_049 (PDF)
- Item 75: Ford Phones and Dole Says 'Certainly', 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_049 (PDF)
- Item 76: Delegates Voice Doubts on Ford, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_050 (PDF)
- Item 77: Doleful Nomination, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_050 (PDF)
- Item 78: Ford's Doleful News, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_050 (PDF)
- Item 79: The Dole, 8/20/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_050 (PDF)
- Item 80: Visit Becomes Reality After Hectic Night's Preparations, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 81: Stage is Set for Debates, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 82: Bob Dole Day Proclaimed, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 83: GOP Battle Starts in Russell, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 84: If I Have Had Success It is Because of People, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 85: Last Presidential Visit Was in 1906, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 86: Ford, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 87: Grant Charms Conventioneers, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 88: Russell Community Is Taken by Surprise (Part 1), 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_051 (PDF)
- Item 89: Ford, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_052 (PDF)
- Item 90: Russell (Part 2), 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_052 (PDF)
- Item 91: Welcome Home, Bob, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_052 (PDF)
- Item 92: Ford, 8/20/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_052 (PDF)
- Item 93: Dole is Chosen as GOP Running Mate, 8/20/1976

- San Francisco Chronicle c017_roll1_052 (PDF)
- Item 94: Why Ford Picked Dole (Part 1), 8/20/1976

- Los Angeles Times c017_roll1_052 (PDF)
- Item 95: Why Ford Chose Dole (Part 2), 8/20/1976

- Los Angeles Times c017_roll1_053 (PDF)
- Item 96: Dole Praised by the Also, 8/20/1976

- San Francisco Chronicle c017_roll1_053 (PDF)
- Item 97: Robert Dole Likes a Fight Against the Odds, 8/20/1976

- San Francisco Chronicle c017_roll1_053 (PDF)
- Item 98: Dole's Wife May Be a Perfect Running Mate, 8/20/1976

- Washington Post c017_roll1_053 (PDF)
- Item 99: Keys, Freeman see Dole as benefit, 8/20/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_055 (PDF)
- Item 100: Russell welcomes its favorite son, 8/20/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_055 (PDF)
- Item 101: Senator Told of Selection at 10:30 a.m., 8/20/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_055 (PDF)
- Item 102: Dole Endorsed by Convention, 8/20/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_055 (PDF)
- Item 103: Dole Tough Competitor, Basketball Coach Recalls, 8/20/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_056 (PDF)
- Item 104: Kansas Reagan Forces Not Thrilled with Dole, 8/20/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_056 (PDF)
- Item 105: President to Attend Cookout Today in Dole's Hometown, 8/20/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_056 (PDF)
- Item 106: Dole Support Was Gauged, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_056 (PDF)
- Item 107: Dole Staffers Caught Off Guard by Announcement, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_056 (PDF)
- Item 108: Dole Does Well Down the Stretch, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_057 (PDF)
- Item 109: Campaign Tactics Are Plus, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_057 (PDF)
- Item 110: Dole May Stain Teeth, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_057 (PDF)
- Item 111: Mrs. Dole Called Perfect, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_057 (PDF)
- Item 112: VP Choice Praised by Butz, 8/20/1976

- Topeka State Journal c017_roll1_057 (PDF)
- Item 113: Dole's Name Gradually Emerged, Gained Favor, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_059 (PDF)
- Item 114: Ford, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_059 (PDF)
- Item 115: Russell Thrust Into Limelight, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_059 (PDF)
- Item 116: Sen. Dole Reputations for Toughness Started with WWII, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_060 (PDF)
- Item 117: His Family They're Dole's Commandos, Ready for Campaign, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_060 (PDF)
- Item 118: His Wife She's a Southern Belle, a Graduate of Harvard, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_060 (PDF)
- Item 119: Kansas City Key For Kansans, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_061 (PDF)
- Item 120: A Night and Day Campaigner, Dole Enjoys a Verbal Scrap, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_061 (PDF)
- Item 121: IF: Dole Becomes Veep, What'll Bennett Do?, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_061 (PDF)
- Item 122: Campaign Record Will Help: Landon, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_061 (PDF)
- Item 123: Farm Leaders Applaud 'Friend's' Qualifications, 8/20/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_061 (PDF)
- Item 124: Ford, Dole Compatible, 8/21/1976

- Colorado Springs Sun c017_roll1_061 (PDF)
- Item 125: Emotional Homecoming For Senator Dole, 8/21/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_062 (PDF)
- Item 126: Opinion: Dole's Prospects, 8/21/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_062 (PDF)
- Item 127: Dole Planning No 'Personal' Attacks, 8/21/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_062 (PDF)
- Item 128: Dole Able, Fearless: Carlson, 8/21/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_062 (PDF)
- Item 129: Main St. Russell Swells with Pride, 8/21/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_063 (PDF)
- Item 130: Dole, 8/21/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_063 (PDF)
- Item 131: Ford, Dole Cheered On Emotional Visit, 8/21/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_063 (PDF)
- Item 132: No Doubts in Russell About Visit, 8/21/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_063 (PDF)
- Item 133: Dole's Ex, 8/21/1976

- Kansas City Star c017_roll1_065 (PDF)
- Item 134: Selection of Dole Safe, Unimaginative, 8/21/1976

- Kansas City Star c017_roll1_065 (PDF)
- Item 135: Ford Joins Dole for Welcome in Hometown in Kansas, 8/21/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_065 (PDF)
- Item 136: News Summary and Index: The Major Events of the Day: National, 8/21/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_065 (PDF)
- Item 137: Mrs. Dole Ponders Decision, 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_066 (PDF)
- Item 138: Member of Ford's Staff Has Different Idea About Russell (Part 1), 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_066 (PDF)
- Item 139: Mom Dole Loses Keys, 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_066 (PDF)
- Item 140: Signed Football May Be Preserved, 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_066 (PDF)
- Item 141: Ford Makes Promises (Part 1), 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_066 (PDF)
- Item 142: Contrast in Visitation of Two Presidents, 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_066 (PDF)
- Item 143: Member, 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_067 (PDF)
- Item 144: Ford, 8/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_067 (PDF)
- Item 145: At Russell Homecoming, Dole Weeps at Hero's Welcome (Part 1), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_069 (PDF)
- Item 146: Big Crowd Greets Ford, Dole Here (Part 1), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_069 (PDF)
- Item 147: Ford Challenges Carter to Debate (Part 1), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_069 (PDF)
- Item 148: Russell "stunned, delighted" by Dole Selection (Part 1), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_069 (PDF)
- Item 149: Russell "stunned, delighted" by Dole Selection (Part 2), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_071 (PDF)
- Item 150: Security Tight For Big Visit, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_071 (PDF)
- Item 151: Big Crowd Greets Ford, Dole Here (Part 2), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_071 (PDF)
- Item 152: Dole Weeps at Hero's Welcome (Part 2), 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_071 (PDF)
- Item 153: He's Had Close Election Calls, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 154: Carlson Surprised, Pleased By Choice, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 155: Hot Line Was Here, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 156: Secret Service Has Busy Season, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 157: Windsor Estates Residents on Hand, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 158: Who Will Be Tapped To Succeed Dole?, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 159: Salinan Complains About Some GOP Noise, 8/21/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_072 (PDF)
- Item 160: Dole Tearfully Remembers, 8/21/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_073 (PDF)
- Item 161: Ford Sees 'Dole Country', 8/21/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_073 (PDF)
- Item 162: Eastern Press Hacks at Dole; Questions Choice, 8/21/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_073 (PDF)
- Item 163: Korea, Dole Blamed in Drop, 8/21/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_073 (PDF)
- Item 164: Heartland' Reaches Out to GOP, 8/21/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon and Beacon c017_roll1_074 (PDF)
- Item 165: Veep Proposal Not Bad, 8/21/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon and Beacon c017_roll1_074 (PDF)
- Item 166: Carter Likens Dole to Maddox, Plans to Aim Attack at Ford, 8/21/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon and Beacon c017_roll1_076 (PDF)
- Item 167: Strategy for Dole: To Wound Carter, Bring Out Issues, 8/21/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon and Beacon c017_roll1_076 (PDF)
- Item 168: Mondale, Oks Dole Debate, 8/21/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon and Beacon c017_roll1_076 (PDF)
- Item 169: A Town That Takes Care of Its Own, 8/22/1976

- Boston Sunday Globe c017_roll1_076 (PDF)
- Item 170: Waiting For Its Favorite Son, A Town Remembers, 8/22/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_078 (PDF)
- Item 171: Choice of Dole Surprise to All, 8/22/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_078 (PDF)
- Item 172: Bob Dole Can Draw on Good Supply of Quick Quips on Campaign Trail, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_078 (PDF)
- Item 173: Dole Puts Russell on the Map, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_078 (PDF)
- Item 174: Too Much Alike, Carter Says, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_078 (PDF)
- Item 175: Dole Ready to Debate Mondale, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal[?] c017_roll1_078 (PDF)
- Item 176: Interesting Fight, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_079 (PDF)
- Item 177: Suddenly, Dole's A Moderate, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_079 (PDF)
- Item 178: Dole's Prospects, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_079 (PDF)
- Item 179: At First Blush, 8/22/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_079 (PDF)
- Item 180: Kansas, Dole in Spotlight, 8/22/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_079 (PDF)
- Item 181: Dole Can Add Much to Ford's Presidency Bid, 8/22/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_080 (PDF)
- Item 182: Bob Dole 'turns out just fine' for Kansans, 8/22/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_080 (PDF)
- Item 183: Dole Dramatizes the GOP's Desperation, 8/22/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_080 (PDF)
- Item 184: A Big Day for Russell, 8/23/1976

- El Dorado Times c017_roll1_081 (PDF)
- Item 185: Bob Dole and Battles Lost, 8/23/1976

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_081 (PDF)
- Item 186: Dole to 'Bridge Gap', 8/23/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_081 (PDF)
- Item 187: Ford's Aides Say Dole Will Assume Big Campaign Role, 8/23/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_081 (PDF)
- Item 188: Doles Home From Convention, 8/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_082 (PDF)
- Item 189: Will Bob Dole Bridge the Gap, 8/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_082 (PDF)
- Item 190: The Race Is On, 8/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_082 (PDF)
- Item 191: [pictures and captions], 8/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_083 (PDF)
- Item 192: Ford Picks Bob Dole, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_085 (PDF)
- Item 193: Carlson Surprised but Happy, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_085 (PDF)
- Item 194: Doles Home From Convention, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_085 (PDF)
- Item 195: Politics Aside, Dole Choice Pleasing to Area Residents, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_085 (PDF)
- Item 196: We're Proud of You, Bob, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 197: Welcome Home, Bob!, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 198: Mrs. Dole Ponders Decision, 8/22/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 199: Dole Family Overwhelmed, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 200: Coincidence, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 201: Visit Becomes Reality After Hectic Night's Preparations, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 202: If I Have Had Success It is Because of People, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 203: Dorrance Waits, Hopes For a 'Yes' From Dole, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_086 (PDF)
- Item 204: [pictures and captions], 8/22/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_087 (PDF)
- Item 205: Dole Telephones Sequence of Events, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 206: Bombshell Hits Russell, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 207: Mom Dole Loses Keys, 8/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 208: Dole's Tears, 8/23/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 209: Bob Dole is Briefed, 8/23/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 210: Can Dole Bridge Ford-Reagan Gap?, 8/23/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 211: Dole Says GOP Will Close Gap, 8/23/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_089 (PDF)
- Item 212: Dole Pledges to Save Legion Poppy Program, 8/25/1976

- Seattle Times c017_roll1_090 (PDF)
- Item 213: Dole Denies Role in Anti-Abortion Ads, 8/25/1976

- Seattle Times c017_roll1_090 (PDF)
- Item 214: No Blanket Pardon,' says Dole, 8/25/1976

- Seattle Times c017_roll1_090 (PDF)
- Item 215: Ford Gaining in Republican Poll, says Dole, 8/25/1976

- Seattle Times c017_roll1_090 (PDF)
- Item 216: Ford Does Kansas A Favor In Naming Dole As His Running Mate, 8/26/1976

- Belleville Telescope c017_roll1_090 (PDF)
- Item 217: Ford Hits Carter "amnesty': Dole, 8/26/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_091 (PDF)
- Item 218: Conservative Welcome in Russell, 8/26/1976

- Hoisington Dispatch c017_roll1_091 (PDF)
- Item 219: Dole: No Blanket Pardon, 8/26/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_091 (PDF)
- Item 220: An Excellent Choice, 8/26/1976

- Plainville Times c017_roll1_091 (PDF)
- Item 221: Just a Normal Rally, 8/26/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_092 (PDF)
- Item 222: What Other Editorial Writers Say About Dole, 8/26/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_092 (PDF)
- Item 223: Bob Dole Condemns Carter's Promise, 8/26/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_093 (PDF)
- Item 224: Dole's Selection Was Gradual, 8/26/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_093 (PDF)
- Item 225: What Can Dole Do?, 8/26/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_093 (PDF)
- Item 226: Dole Vows 'No Blanket Pardon' to Evaders; Demos Assailed on War, 8/26/1976

- Seattle Post c017_roll1_093 (PDF)
- Item 227: Legion Liked Dole On Pardons, 8/26/1976

- Seattle Post c017_roll1_093 (PDF)
- Item 228: Dole as Ford Choice, 8/27/1976

- Texarkana Gazette c017_roll1_095 (PDF)
- Item 229: Editor's Corner, 8/26/1976

- West-Lane News c017_roll1_095 (PDF)
- Item 230: Bob Dole, 8/29/1976

- Boston Globe c017_roll1_095 (PDF)
- Item 231: Dole Gunning Only for Issues, Not Personalities, He Repeats, 8/29/1976

- Kansas City Star c017_roll1_097 (PDF)
- Item 232: Dole (Part 1), 8/29/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_097 (PDF)
- Item 233: [cont.] Dole (Part 2), 8/29/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_098 (PDF)
- Item 234: Dole Will Clarify Issues, 8/29/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_099 (PDF)
- Item 235: The Underdog (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_099 (PDF)
- Item 236: The Underdog (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_100 (PDF)
- Item 237: It Ain't Necessarily So, 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_100 (PDF)
- Item 238: How Ford Did It (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_100 (PDF)
- Item 239: How Ford Did It (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_101 (PDF)
- Item 240: All Americans, 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_101 (PDF)
- Item 241: Delegates' Delight (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_101 (PDF)
- Item 242: Delegates' Delight (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_102 (PDF)
- Item 243: Picking A Veep, 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_102 (PDF)
- Item 244: A Bridge To Reagan, 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_102 (PDF)
- Item 245: The Point Man (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_102 (PDF)
- Item 246: The Point Man (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_103 (PDF)
- Item 247: Young Pro, 8/30/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_103 (PDF)
- Item 248: Coming Out Swinging (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_103 (PDF)
- Item 249: Coming Out Swinging (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_104 (PDF)
- Item 250: The Debates Ahead, 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_104 (PDF)
- Item 251: Instant Replay: How Ford Won It (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_104 (PDF)
- Item 252: Instant Replay: How Ford Won It (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_105 (PDF)
- Item 253: The Making of a Fighting Speech, 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_105 (PDF)
- Item 254: The Dole Decision, 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_105 (PDF)
- Item 255: Has Gun, Will Travel (Part 1), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_105 (PDF)
- Item 256: Has Gun, Will Travel (Part 2), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_106 (PDF)
- Item 257: The Droll Dole, 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_106 (PDF)
- Item 258: Has Gun, Will Travel (Part 3), 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_107 (PDF)
- Item 259: I Hope We've Bottomed Out', 8/30/1976

- Time c017_roll1_107 (PDF)
- Item 260: Behind the Surprise Choice of Senator Dole as No. 2, 8/30/1976

- U.S. News & World Report c017_roll1_107 (PDF)
- Item 261: Dole Takes Out After Carter, 8/30/1976

- U.S. News & World Report c017_roll1_109 (PDF)
- Item 262: Dole Says Debates Are Not Crucial, 8/30/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_109 (PDF)
- Item 263: Ford Binds Political Future to Dole, Autumn 1976

- Washburn Alumnus c017_roll1_109 (PDF)
- Item 264: Dole is Expected to Run Interference for Ford, Sep-76

- Kansas Alumni c017_roll1_110 (PDF)
- Item 265: Senator's Record Reflects Conservatism, Sep-76

- Kansas Alumni c017_roll1_110 (PDF)
- Item 266: Dole, Born in Russell, waited tables at KU Before Enlisting in Army, Sep-76

- Kansas Alumni c017_roll1_110 (PDF)
- Item 267: On the Great Debates, 9/6/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_112 (PDF)
- Item 268: The GOP's New Trail Boss, 9/6/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_112 (PDF)
- Item 269: Dress Rehearsal, 9/6/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_112 (PDF)
- Item 270: Young: Getting Out The Vote, 9/6/1976

- Newsweek c017_roll1_112 (PDF)
- Item 271: The First Whiffs of Grapeshot, 9/6/1976

- Time c017_roll1_114 (PDF)
- Item 272: New Politics: A Plains Sweep, 9/7/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_114 (PDF)
- Item 273: On VP Trail: Ax 'em, but Keep 'em Laughing, 9/15/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_114 (PDF)
- Item 274: Dole Campaigning with Quips, 9/15/1976

- Concordia Blade-Empire c017_roll1_115 (PDF)
- Item 275: Watergate's Prosecutor Declares He Didn't Get Dole Gift Inquiry, 9/15/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_115 (PDF)
- Item 276: Dole Sounding Like a Lonely Man With Less Than Total Confidence, 9/15/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_115 (PDF)
- Item 277: Dole Carrying GOP Banner Alone, 9/15/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_115 (PDF)
- Item 278: Dole Defends Campaign, 9/17/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_116 (PDF)
- Item 279: Dole Claims Gains for Ford, 9/19/1976

- Kansas City Star c017_roll1_116 (PDF)
- Item 280: Dole Again in Uphill Fight, but Stakes Bigger This Time, 9/19/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_116 (PDF)
- Item 281: Dole: GOP Gaining in South, 9/19/1976

- Colorado Springs Sun c017_roll1_116 (PDF)
- Item 282: Dole Proposes National Health Insurance Plan, 9/20/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_117 (PDF)
- Item 283: Ford Thanks Russell Folks for Hospitality, 9/20/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_117 (PDF)
- Item 284: Dole Meets Childhood Companion, 9/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_117 (PDF)
- Item 285: Retired Faculty Says Bob Dole Hard-Working Athlete, 9/23/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_117 (PDF)
- Item 286: Helping the Handicapped: Dole Says Abilities, Not Disabilities, That Count, 9/27/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_119 (PDF)
- Item 287: Non-Kansans Taking Over Dole's Campaign, 9/27/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_119 (PDF)
- Item 288: Nixon Not Innocent in Watergate: Dole, 9/30/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_119 (PDF)
- Item 289: Kings of the Hill: Six Masters of the Senate Power Game (Part 1), Oct-76

- Twa Ambassador c017_roll1_119 (PDF)
- Item 290: Kings of the Hill: Six Masters of the Senate Power Game (Part 2), Oct-76

- Twa Ambassador c017_roll1_121 (PDF)
- Item 291: Dole: GOP in a Bit of a Slump, 10/1/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_122 (PDF)
- Item 292: Debate to Cover Defense, 10/4/1976

- Colorado Springs Sun c017_roll1_122 (PDF)
- Item 293: Dole Blames the Game He's Playing Himself, 10/4/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_122 (PDF)
- Item 294: Bob Dole, Will He Be Pressed as Hard for His 'Sinful Deeds' as Jimmy Carter is for His 'Sinful Thoughts'? (Part 1), 10/8/1976

- San Francisco Bay Guardian c017_roll1_122 (PDF)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 295: Bob Dole, Will He Be Pressed as Hard for His 'Sinful Deeds' as Jimmy Carter is for His 'Sinful Thoughts'? (Part 2), 10/8/1976

- San Francisco Bay Guardian c017_roll1_124 (PDF)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 296: Sen. Dole Reveals: I Nearly Died in World War 2 When Nazi Gunfire Cut Me Down, 10/10/1976

- National Enquirer c017_roll1_124 (PDF)
- Item 297: Dole on Tour: This Time, He's After the Big Prize (Part 1), 10/10/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_124 (PDF)
- Item 298: Dole Campaigning for the Big Prize This Time (Part 2), 10/10/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_125 (PDF)
- Item 299: Dole tries to dispel a mushroom cloud, 10/11/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_125 (PDF)
- Item 300: Dole campaigns for ethnic votes, 10/11/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_125 (PDF)
- Item 301: 10/16/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_126 (PDF)
- Item 302: Dole, Mondale in spirited debate, 10/16/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_126 (PDF)
- Item 303: Colorful tie sends Dole on quick shopping spree, 10/16/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_126 (PDF)
- Item 304: Ford's choice of Dole may have affected farm policy, 10/16/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_127 (PDF)
- Item 305: Bob Dole: Home again, 10/17/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_127 (PDF)
- Item 306: Saturday: Dole day at KU, 10/17/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_127 (PDF)
- Item 307: Roy: "It was vintage Dole", 10/17/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_127 (PDF)
- Item 308: Commentary: "Ford steps up attack", 10/17/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_128 (PDF)
- Item 309: The Journal's Page of Opinion: "The Great Debate", 10/17/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_128 (PDF)
- Item 310: Dole's KU visit highlighted otherwise sad Homecoming, 10/17/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_128 (PDF)
- Item 311: In the Great Veep Debate: "Bob and Fritz trade charges", 10/17/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_128 (PDF)
- Item 312: Designated hitters get their turn on debate stage, 10/17/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 313: LWV becomes debate issue, 10/17/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 314: "Vintage Dole" says old foe, 10/17/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 315: Dole master of one-liner, 10/17/1976

- salina Journal c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 316: Sen. Dole's Style Credited to Russell Influence, 10/17/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 317: Veep candidates trade barbs: "Dole - 'Hang onto wallet' ", 10/18/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 318: We'll Counter 'Gate Talk, Dole Says After Debate, 10/17/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_129 (PDF)
- Item 319: It's "rough-and-tough campaign," says Dole, 10/18/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_131 (PDF)
- Item 320: Sen. Dole Reveals: I Nearly Died in World War 2 When Nazi Gunfire Cut Me Down, 10/19/1976

- National Enquirer c017_roll1_131 (PDF)
- Item 321: What Their Signatures Reveal About the Candidates: Ford, Dole, Carter & Mondale, 10/19/1976

- National Enquirer c017_roll1_131 (PDF)
- Item 322: Letter from Publisher to President Ford about his visit to Russell (Part 1), 10/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_131 (PDF)
- Item 323: [cont.] Letter from Publisher to President Ford about his visit to Russell (Part 2), 10/19/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_133 (PDF)
- Item 324: Dole Pressured Nixon to accept the milk money, 10/20/1976

- Chicago Daily News c017_roll1_133 (PDF)
- Item 325: Dole showered with peanuts, 10/21/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_133 (PDF)
- Item 326: Dole Plans Are Still Uncertain, 10/21/1976

- Russell Record c017_roll1_133 (PDF)
- Item 327: Dole Was Just an Average Kid': Luthi, 10/21/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_133 (PDF)
- Item 328: Dole blasts new Carter interview, 10/21/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_133 (PDF)
- Item 329: Writing on President Ford's visit to Russell, KS after announcing Dole's VP Nomination (Part 1), 10/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_134 (PDF)
- Item 330: Writing on President Ford's visit to Russell, KS after announcing Dole's VP Nomination (Part 2), 10/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_135 (PDF)
- Item 331: Writing on President Ford's visit to Russell, KS after announcing Dole's VP Nomination (Part 3), 10/23/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_136 (PDF)
- Item 332: Dole on the Roll (Part 1), 10/24/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_137 (PDF)
- Item 333: Dole on the Roll (Part 2), 10/24/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_139 (PDF)
- Item 334: Bob Dole: "We'll win by a nose", 10/24/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_140 (PDF)
- Item 335: Candidates Running Strong, 10/25/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_140 (PDF)
- Item 336: Doles Make Conference Telephone Call, 10/25/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_140 (PDF)
- Item 337: Dole Puts 'Hatchet' In Mondale's Hand, 10/27/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_140 (PDF)
- Item 338: Dole's Day Was Spent Clarifying, 10/27/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_140 (PDF)
- Item 339: Dole Softens Attack, 10/27/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_140 (PDF)
- Item 340: Bob Dole is still a hero in Kansas, 10/29/1976

- San Francisco Bay Guardian c017_roll1_141 (PDF)
- Item 341: Could You Picture These Men In the White House?, 10/31/1976

- Family Weekly c017_roll1_141 (PDF)
- Item 342: Dole rejects label of 'hatchet man' (Part 1), 10/31/1976

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_141 (PDF)
- Item 343: Could You Picture These Men In the White House? (Part 2), 10/31/1976

- Family Weekly c017_roll1_143 (PDF)
- Item 344: Dole Has a Flair For Biting Putdowns, 10/31/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_143 (PDF)
- Item 345: Proclamation: of Bob Dole Day by Chairman of the Russell County Board of Commissioners:, 11/1/1976

- c017_roll1_143 (PDF)
- Item 346: Russell Prepares for Dole's Visit on Tuesday, 11/1/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_145 (PDF)
- Item 347: Bob Dole Day is Proclaimed, 11/1/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_145 (PDF)
- Item 348: Proclamation: of Bob Dole Day by Mayor Roger W. Williams, 11/1/1976

- c017_roll1_145 (PDF)
- Item 349: Influx of Law Enforcement, 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_146 (PDF)
- Item 350: Dole Leaves with Cake in Hand, 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_146 (PDF)
- Item 351: Hometown Russell Reacts with Pride (Part 1), 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_146 (PDF)
- Item 352: RHS Band Doubles as Crowd Pleasers, 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_146 (PDF)
- Item 353: Bob Comes Home to Vote (Part 1), 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_146 (PDF)
- Item 354: Bob, 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 355: Hometown, 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 356: Voters- (Part 2), 11/2/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 357: Dole predicts Truman-like win, 11/2/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 358: Will just stay Bob, 11/3/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 359: Dole confidently predicts victory, 11/2/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 360: Editorials: What's Next for Bob Dole?, 11/3/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_147 (PDF)
- Item 361: Russell Welcomes Dole Home, 11/3/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_148 (PDF)
- Item 362: Dole Still Has Support, 11/4/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_148 (PDF)
- Item 363: Dole Predicts a Struggle For Leadership of GOP, 11/4/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_148 (PDF)
- Item 364: Russell Disappointed But Still Proud of Bob, 11/4/1976

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_148 (PDF)
- Item 365: Dole Replies to Critics Who Believe That He Hurt Ford, 11/5/1976

- New York Times c017_roll1_150 (PDF)
- Item 366: Nixon Calls Loser Dole, 11/7/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_150 (PDF)
- Item 367: Dole Wishes Campaign Was 1 Week Longer, 11/7/1976

- Kansas City Star c017_roll1_150 (PDF)
- Item 368: Dole's Campaign Style May Have Cost Votes for Dole, 11/7/1976

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_150 (PDF)
- Item 369: What Next for Dole?, 11/8/1976

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_152 (PDF)
- Item 370: Will Dole Try for Top Spot in 1980, 11/8/1976

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_152 (PDF)
- Item 371: Dole Sensed Loss of Election Early, 11/24/1976

- Topeka Daily Capital c017_roll1_152 (PDF)
- Item 372: Republicans are Still Alive and Kicking': Dole, 11/25/1976

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_152 (PDF)
- Item 373: Burden of Ford Defeat Placed on Dole, 12/4/1976

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_152 (PDF)
- Item 374: Letter to Mr. Russ Townsley, The Russell Daily News

- c017_roll1_152 (PDF)
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
Series 2: 1939],
Series 3: 1940],
Series 4: 1941],
Series 5: 1943],
Series 6: 1945],
Series 7: 1959],
Series 8: 1964],
Series 9: 1965],
Series 10: 1966],
Series 11: 1967],
Series 12: 1968],
Series 13: 1969],
Series 14: 1970],
Series 15: 1971],
Series 16: 1972],
Series 17: 1974],
[Series 18: 1976],
Series 19: 1977],
Series 20: 1978],
Series 21: 1979],
Series 22: 1980],
Series 23: 1981],
Series 24: 1982],
Series 25: 1983],
Series 26: 1984],
Series 27: 1985],
Series 28: 1986],
Series 29: 1987],
Series 30: 1988],
Series 31: 1989],
Series 32: 1990],
Series 33: 1991],
Series 34: 1992],
Series 35: 1993],
Series 36: 1994],
Series 37: 1995],
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