By Erin Wolfe, Damien Gilbert, Julia Stanislav
Collection Overview
Title: VIP Letters, 1960-2008
Predominant Dates:1960-2004
ID: 01/020
Extent: 593.0 Letters
Arrangement: The letters are arranged alphabetically by the sender's last name. Multiple letters from the same sender are arranged chronologically.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The VIP Letters collection consists of letters that were removed from the Dole papers. With few exceptions, the letters were written to Senator Dole from notable public figures, including U.S. Presidents (about 66% of the letters), Congresspeople, foreign officials, and other distinguished persons. The contents of the letters covers a wide range of topics, including current events, personal notes, responses to letters from Dole, and more.
Search the full text of all scanned VIP letters:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1: A-B],
Box 2: George H.W. Bush],
Box 3: C],
Box 4: Bill Clinton],
Box 5: D-E],
Box 6: F-K],
Box 7: Gerald Ford],
Box 8: L],
Box 9: M-Q],
Box 10: Richard Nixon],
Box 11: R],
Box 12: Ronald Reagan],
Box 13: S-Z],
- Box 1: A-B

- Item 1: David M. Abshire to Bob Dole, 6/9/1971

- Letter from Assistant Secretary for Congressional Relations David Abshire to Senator Dole regarding the Alfred M. Landon lecture series at Kansas State University.
Available here: c020_001_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Spiro Agnew to Bob Dole, 6/7/1995

- Letter from former Vice President Spiro Agnew to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending a bust unveiling and for speaking at the event.
Available here: c020_001_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Madeleline Albright to Bob Dole, 1/5/1997

- Letter from Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to Senator Bob Dole confirming a contribution of $2,000,000 to Dole's International Commission on Missing Persons.
Available here: c020_001_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Senator Lamar Alexander to Bob Dole, 7/14/2005

- Letter from Senator Lamar Alexander to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_001_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Heydar Aliyev to Bob Dole, 2/10/1996

- Letter from President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his actions modifying the Freedom Support Act. Russian letter with separate English translation.
Available here: c020_001_000_005 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 6: Corazon Aquino to Bob Dole, 9/16/1991

- Letter from President of the Philippines Corazon Aquino to Senator Bob Dole informing him that, due to her dismay at the Philippine Senate's rejection of the RP-US Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Security, she would be calling for a national refer
Available here: c020_001_000_006 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 7: Nancy Kassebaum to Bob Dole, 7/18/2006

- Letter from former Senator Nancy Kassebaum to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_001_000_007 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 8: Birch Bayh to Bob Dole, undated

- Letter from Senator Birch Bayh to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy belated birthday.
Available here: c020_001_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Birch Bayh to Bob Dole, 9/27/2005

- Letter from former Senator Birch Bayh to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_001_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Robert Bennett to Bob Dole, 12/5/1975

- Letter from Governor of Kansas Robert Bennett to Senator Bob Dole opposing the Energy Policy and Conservation Act's oil pricing provisions.
Available here: c020_001_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Lloyd Bentsen to Bob Dole, 2/4/1994

- Letter from Secretary of the Treasury Lloyd Bentsen to Senator Bob Dole responding to Dole's letter concerning Armenia's difficult economic
situation and calling on multilateral assistance for the country.
Available here: c020_001_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Alexander A. Bessmertnykh to Bob Dole, 11/14/1990

- Letter from the USSR Ambassador Alexander A. Bessmertnykh to Senator Bob Dole confirming the transmission of pictures taken during an August-September 1990 visit by Dole to the USSR.
Available here: c020_001_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Boris Biancheri to Bob Dole, 11/8/1993

- Letter from Italian Ambassador Boris Biancheri to Senator Bob Dole assuring Italy's agreement to an anti-personnel landmine export ban being drafted by the United Nations.
Available here: c020_001_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Joe Biden to Bob Dole, 4/4/1989

- Letter from Senator Joe Biden to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending a reception for Mike Mansfield.
Available here: c020_001_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Mohammad Bin Hussein Al-Shaali to Bob Dole, 8/29/1995

- Letter from Ambassador to United Arab Emirates Mohammad Bin Hussein Al-Shaali to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for receiving Sheikh Mohammad Bin Zayed Al Nahayan in his office.
Available here: c020_001_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: David A. Brandon to Bob Dole, 6/30/2005

- Letter from Domino's Pizza CEO David A. Brandon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_001_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Tom Brokaw to Bob Dole, 7/23/1980

- Letter from journalist Tom Brokaw to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for appearing on TODAY during the Republican National Convention.
Available here: c020_001_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Pat Buchanan to Bob Dole, 7/11/1996

- Letter from presidential candidate Pat Buchanan to Senator Bob Dole declining his invitation to attend a lunch at the City Club.
Available here: c020_001_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: William E. Burger to Bob Dole, 4/1/1985

- Letter from Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Warren E. Burger to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of S.B. 704.
Available here: c020_001_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Barbara Bush to Bob Dole, 9/9/1983

- Letter from Second Lady of the United States Barbara Bush to Senator Bob Dole delivering condolences for the loss of his mother.
Available here: c020_001_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Barbara Bush to Bob Dole, 3/9/1995

- Letter from former First Lady Barbara Bush to Senator Bob Dole declining his invitation to speak at the National Teacher's Hall of Fame.
Available here: c020_001_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Barbara Bush to Bob Dole, 6/28/1996

- Letter from former First Lady Barbara Bush to Senator Bob Dole encouraging him on the upcoming presidential election.
Available here: c020_001_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: George W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/29/2004

- Letter from President George W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his work establishing the Volunteer Service Award.
Available here: c020_001_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 24: George W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/18/2004

- Letter from President George W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his work on Bush's 2004 re-election campaign.
Available here: c020_001_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: George W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/6/2005

- Letter from President George W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending his inauguration.
Available here: c020_001_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: George W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/25/2005

- Letter from President George W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_001_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: George W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/14/2008

- Letter from President George W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending the 2008 State of the Union address.
Available here: c020_001_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Earl L. Butz to Bob Dole, 12/12/1974

- Letter from Secretary of Agriculture Earl L. Butz to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the talk given by Dole at a Commodities Conference.
Available here: c020_001_000_028 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 2: George H.W. Bush

- Item 1: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/16/1971

- Letter from Ambassador to the United Nations George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Bush's nomination as UN Ambassador and welcoming any suggestions or advice.
Available here: c020_002_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/29/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sending an earlier letter.
Available here: c020_002_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/15/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for accepting an invitation to speak at a Miami Beach Republican gathering.
Available here: c020_002_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/21/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting Dole to fill out a questionnaire regarding how best to coordinate with House and Senate committees.
Available here: c020_002_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/5/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his recent response to Bush's inquiry about a get-together for all the RNC chairmen.
Available here: c020_002_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/17/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining the fundraising operation of the RNC in the wake of the Watergate scandal.
Available here: c020_002_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/19/1973

- Letter from chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting a personal reply to an attached memo asking for three reasons for belonging to the Republican Party and three reasons for not belonging to the Democat.r
Available here: c020_002_000_010 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 8: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/4/1974

- Letter from chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole acknowledging Dole's letter expressing interest in Ward White.
Available here: c020_002_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/14/1979

- Letter from presidential candidate George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining his support for President Carter in the Iranian hostage situation but elucidating his opposition to Carter's foreign policy approach.
Available here: c020_002_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/25/1980

- Letter from presidential candidate George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining a miscommunication about the scheduling of a one-on-one New Hampshire debate between Bush and Ronal Reagan to which Dole was not invited.
Available here: c020_002_000_013 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 11: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/14/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining that he has a new personal assistant for legislative affairs who will stop by Dole's office to get acquainted.
Available here: c020_002_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/7/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for not being able to attend an event to which Dole invited him.
Available here: c020_002_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/9/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the recent death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_002_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/27/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole encouraging attendance at a luncheon for the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund's public awareness campaign.
Available here: c020_002_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/6/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole acknowledging the receipt of Dole's letter concerning patent procurement procedures of the Federal Acquisition Regulation as it stood in the drafted bill of S. 2171.
Available here: c020_002_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/10/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole regarding coal sales with Japan.
Available here: c020_002_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/30/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole regretting having had to decline Dole's invitation to the 40th anniversary celebration of the Normandy invasion.
Available here: c020_002_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/10/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole appointing him to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Available here: c020_002_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/26/1985

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to attend an informal meeting with Prince Sadruddin Khan in Geneva.
Available here: c020_002_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/15/1985

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for an earlier Dole letter.
Available here: c020_002_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/23/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole discussing the state convention in preparation for the '88 election.
Available here: c020_002_000_092 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 22: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/25/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on receiving the "Award for Life Service to Veterans"
Available here: c020_002_000_094 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1988-05-??

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to visit Maine for day or two, or offering to pick him up from the airport.
Available here: c020_002_000_093 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 24: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/3/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole sending his regrets for not being able to attend a ice cream social.
Available here: c020_002_000_095 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/8/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole offering thanks.
Available here: c020_002_000_096 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/10/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to participate on the Convention Advisory Committee.
Available here: c020_002_000_097 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/15/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for participating in the Unity '88 rallies in Denver, Cincinnati, and Atlanta.
Available here: c020_002_000_098 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/22/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for information about the drought problems in rural communities and discussed a drought relief package.
Available here: c020_002_000_099 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/26/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing delight that Dole, Nancy Kassebaum, and Mike Hayden are serving as Honorary Chairmen of the Kansas George Bush President Campaign.
Available here: c020_002_000_100 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/9/1988

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for defending Dan Quayle.
Available here: c020_002_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 31: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/21/1989

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole extending an invitation to a White House meeting on deficit reduction strategy.
Available here: c020_002_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 32: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/21/1989

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Bush's proposal on minimum wage.
Available here: c020_002_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 33: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/19/1989

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/3/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Bush's legislative agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_028 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 35: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/10/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his work on securing the nomination of Thomas Van Bebber as Kansas' U.S. District Judge.
Available here: c020_002_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/14/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for Dole's report on his trip to Latin America and for urging those he met with to embrace and support democracy.
Available here: c020_002_000_030 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 37: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/28/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for creating a "tally sheet" on a vote concerning China.
Available here: c020_002_000_031 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/12/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole confirming the receipt of an earlier Dole letter and assuring that its request would be given "close and prompt attention."
Available here: c020_002_000_032 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 39: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/24/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole assuring that Bush talked with Brian Mulroney per Dole's suggestion.
Available here: c020_002_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/14/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Bush's Amtrak Authorization Bill.
Available here: c020_002_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/13/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing the Senator a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 42: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/26/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole presenting him with a pen used to sign the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 43: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/26/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging support for a bill to cancel Egypt's Foreign Military Sales debt.
Available here: c020_002_000_037 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 44: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/4/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging support for legislation to implement the Bipartisan Budget Agreement.
Available here: c020_002_000_038 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/22/1990

- Letter from President George H.W Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his work on a Farm Bill.
Available here: c020_002_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/6/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his fourth Marriott Lifetime Achievement Award.
Available here: c020_002_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/14/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Bush's legislative agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/15/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote in support of eliminating Egypt's Foreign Military Sales debt.
Available here: c020_002_000_042 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/24/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for visiting troops in Desert Storm.
Available here: c020_002_000_043 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 50: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/30/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his help with judicial nominations and requesting additional assistance in recruiting more candidates.
Available here: c020_002_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 51: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/9/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole supporting an earlier Dole press release and suggesting the two talk over the phone.
Available here: c020_002_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 52: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/8/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole requesting support for a resolution that says that Congress supports the use of all necessary means to implement UN Security Council Resolution 678
Available here: c020_002_000_046 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 53: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/31/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole asking Dole to appoint people to work with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan to examine capital gains.
Available here: c020_002_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 54: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/1/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole encouraging support of fast track implementation of trade agreements.
Available here: c020_002_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 55: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/20/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his comments on post-war diplomacy in the Middle East.
Available here: c020_002_000_049 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 56: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/23/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging the Senate to repair a loophole concerning Social Security protection.
Available here: c020_002_000_050 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 57: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/21/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the luncheon the two shared and for the special credit card given to Bush by Dole.
Available here: c020_002_000_051 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 58: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/4/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole clarifying Bush's position on abortion.
Available here: c020_002_000_052 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 59: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/12/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_053 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 60: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/26/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his leadership on the China Most Favored Nation vote.
Available here: c020_002_000_054 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 61: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/10/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole concerning the Gulf War and a 120-day "pause for peace."
Available here: c020_002_000_055 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 62: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/1/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole reiterating his position on the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_056 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 63: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/3/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for leading the votes to defeat the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_057 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 64: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/16/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole outlining his objections to the Intelligence Authorization Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_058 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 65: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/1/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole outlining the role of the National Energy Security Act of 1991 in reducing America's dependence on foreign oil.
Available here: c020_002_000_059 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 66: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/13/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his Congressional voting record and for supporting Bush's legislative agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_060 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 67: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/22/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sharing his ideas on bolstering the real estate market.
Available here: c020_002_000_061 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 68: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/24/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for his proposals to stimulate new investment in capital and real estate and put Americans back to work.
Available here: c020_002_000_062 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 69: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/25/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for Bush's reelection bid.
Available here: c020_002_000_063 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 70: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/24/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote in opposition to H.R. 4210.
Available here: c020_002_000_064 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 71: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/27/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole sending greetings to people gathered for the 45th annual meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
Available here: c020_002_000_065 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 72: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/18/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for a balanced budget constitutional amendment.
Available here: c020_002_000_066 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 73: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/17/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_067 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 74: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/29/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for being part of a Republican bus tour.
Available here: c020_002_000_068 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 75: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/8/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him for his work on the employment requirements in the recently enacted Americans with Disabilities Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_069 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 76: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/9/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting a supporting vote on S. 640.
Available here: c020_002_000_070 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 77: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/17/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging him to oppose S. 12, the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992.
Available here: c020_002_000_071 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 78: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/2/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for H.R. 776 to implement Bush's national energy strategy.
Available here: c020_002_000_072 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 79: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/10/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing his friendship and respect for Dole.
Available here: c020_002_000_101 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 80: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/22/1993

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his Senate leadership and assuring him that life outside of the White House is not bad.
Available here: c020_002_000_073 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 81: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/2/1993

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his kind words and expressing regret for no longer being able to share a working relationship with the Senator.
Available here: c020_002_000_074 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 82: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, Circa 1989-1993

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing gratitude that Dole would be attending a pro-ethanol rally in Illinois.
Available here: c020_002_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 83: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, Circa 1992-1993

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a lunch they shared while discussing how to "constructively" oppose the recently elected Bill Clinton's agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 84: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/2/1994

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his words at the funeral of Richard Nixon.
Available here: c020_002_000_075 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 85: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/4/1994

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his words on Haiti.
Available here: c020_002_000_076 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 86: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/24/1994

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the birthday card Dole sent.
Available here: c020_002_000_077 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 87: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/9/1995

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing annoyance at being accused of "betraying" the Israeli revolution.
Available here: c020_002_000_078 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 88: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/1/1996

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him luck in the upcoming election and including a $1,000 donation.
Available here: c020_002_000_079 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 89: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/18/1996

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to stay at Bush's private residence sometime during the campaign.
Available here: c020_002_000_080 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 90: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/19/1996

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for requesting Bush's advice on an upcoming speech and offering some suggestions.
Available here: c020_002_000_081 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 92: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/9/1998

- Letter from former President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him luck with his upcoming book, Great Political Wit, and providing a quote for the cover jacket.
Available here: c020_002_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 93: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/27/2000

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his fax.
Available here: c020_002_000_083 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 94: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/19/2000

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole reporting that he forwarded Dole's suggestion on to his son.
Available here: c020_002_000_084 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 95: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/4/2000

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole appreciating "the Christopher Ruddy story" and thanking Dole for all he'd done.
Available here: c020_002_000_085 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 96: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/18/2001

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole confirming receipt of Dole's note.
Available here: c020_002_000_086 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 97: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/6/2001

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter and for "Portraits of Combat," while wishing the Senator a merry Christmas.
Available here: c020_002_000_087 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 98: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/4/2002

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for weighing in on Bush's invitation to receive the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award.
Available here: c020_002_000_088 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 99: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/10/2002

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for being unable to see Slovenia's Prime Minister.
Available here: c020_002_000_089 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 100: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/6/2004

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his post-convention note and noting that Dole's "exposure of [John] Kerry's behavior" after returning from Vietnam was important.
Available here: c020_002_000_090 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 101: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/16/2007

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for being unable to join in "Saluting the Leader."
Available here: c020_002_000_091 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 3: C

- Item 1: Nicholas E. Calio to Bob Dole, 6/4/1992

- Letter from Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Nicholas E. Calio to Senator Bob Dole including pictures of President George H.W. Bush, Bob Michel, and Dole at Bush's portrait unveiling ceremony.
Available here: c020_003_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Andrew Card to Bob Dole, 4/29/2005

- Letter from White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_003_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: John Carlin to Bob Dole, 1983-09, circa

- Card from Governor of Kansas John Carlin to Senator Bob Dole extending condolences for what is most likely the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_003_000_003 (PDF, 4 pp.)
- Item 4: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 1/12/1977

- Letter from President-Elect Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole asking for legislative cooperation in order to increase the effectiveness of the executive branch.
Available here: c020_003_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 5: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 3/7/1977

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole detailing his appreciation of Dole's comments on the Grove Reservoir project.
Available here: c020_003_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 6: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/20/1977

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole wishing the senator a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_003_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 7: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 10/19/1977

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole inviting Dole to accept a pen Carter used to sign the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 into law.
Available here: c020_003_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 8: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 2/15/1978

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for encouraging the administration to defend duty-free bindings on soybeans.
Available here: c020_003_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 9: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/20/1978

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_003_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 10: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 10/5/1978

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole urging him to help control inflation by supporting Carter's veto of a public works bill.
Available here: c020_003_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 11: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/22/1979

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_003_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 12: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/26/1979

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole urging him to support the Panama Canal Treaty implementing bill.
Available here: c020_003_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 13: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 4/22/1980

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for the "Medigap" amendment to the Social Security Disability Amendments of 1979.
Available here: c020_003_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 14: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 10/12/1979

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support in passing the Trade Agreements Act of 1979 and offering a commemorative pen in recognition.
Available here: c020_003_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 15: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 6/30/1980

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his contributions to the Presidential Commission on World Hunger.
Available here: c020_003_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 16: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/18/1980

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole asking him to accept a pen Carter used to sign the Energy Security Act into law.
Available here: c020_003_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 17: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/21/1980

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole urging him to support the Alaska Lands conservation bill.
Available here: c020_003_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 18: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 8/20/1980

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for provisions in the Domestic Violence Act.
Available here: c020_003_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 19: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 12/2/1980

- Letter from President Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole requesting a vote for cloture on the Fair Housing Bill.
Available here: c020_003_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 20: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 6/15/1985

- Letter from former president Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole asking him to consider making a contribution to Habitat for Humanity.
Available here: c020_003_000_019 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 21: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 9/26/1989

- Letter from former president Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for providing a state flag for the Carter Presidential Library.
Available here: c020_003_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 22: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 12/22/1992

- Letter from former president Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole regretting that Dole was unable to join him for a talk on global development cooperation.
Available here: c020_003_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 23: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 3/25/1996

- Letter from former president Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole updating him on Carter Center work to reduce the level of violence in the Great Lakes region of East Africa.
Available here: c020_003_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 24: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 3/19/1996

- Letter from former president Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole reporting on his recent humanitarian visit to Tunis.
Available here: c020_003_000_023 (PDF, 14 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
- Item 25: Jimmy Carter to Bob Dole, 7/6/2005

- Letter from former president Jimmy Carter to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_003_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Subject/Index Terms:
Carter, Jimmy, 1924-
Dole, Robert J., 1923-2021
- Item 26: Dick Cheney to Bob Dole, 9/14/1988

- Letter from Congressman Dick Cheney to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his get-well wishes.
Available here: c020_003_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: Dick Cheney to Bob Dole, 1/21/2005

- Letter from Vice President Dick Cheney to Senator Bob Dole offering prayers and love in wake of Dole's illness.
Available here: c020_003_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Heng Cheng to Bob Dole, 10/29/1991

- Letter from former President of Cambodia Heng Cheng to Senator Bob Dole asking for Dole's support in the upcoming Cambodian election.
Available here: c020_003_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: Raymond Chretien to Bob Dole, 11/18/1994

- Letter from Canadian Ambassador Raymond Chretien to Senator Bob Dole enclosing a speech on the American-Canadian bilateral relationship.
Available here: c020_003_000_028 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: Warren Christopher to Bob Dole, 12/2/1993

- Letter from Secretary of State Warren Christopher to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter regarding the orderly withdrawal of troops from Somalia.
Available here: c020_003_000_029 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 31: Warren Christopher to Bob Dole, 12/22/1993

- Letter from Secretary of State Warren Christopher to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter regarding the intention to release $40 million in Economic Support Funds for Nicaragua.
Available here: c020_003_000_030 (PDF, 4 pp.)
- Item 32: Warren Christopher to Bob Dole, 2/28/1994

- Letter from Secretary of State Warren Christopher to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about passports and related restrictions on travel to Lebanon.
Available here: c020_003_000_031 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 33: Hillary Clinton to Bob Dole, 2/8/1993

- Letter from First Lady Hillary Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the opportunity to meet with him and Senator Lincoln Chafee to discuss health care reform.
Available here: c020_003_000_032 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: Hillary Clinton to Bob Dole, 7/28/1993

- Letter from First Lady Hillary Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the tape of Saturday Night Live.
Available here: c020_003_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 35: Hillary Clinton to Bob Dole, 6/28/2005

- Letter from Senator Hillary Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_003_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: William S. Cohen to Bob Dole, 1/23/1998

- Letter from Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen to Senator Bob Dole extending an invitation to a full honors ceremony and parade in honor of the Senator.
Available here: c020_003_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 37: William S. Cohen to Bob Dole, 10/22/1998

- Letter from Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen to Senator Bob Dole enclosing his speech on their bilateral relationship and requesting Dole's reaction.
Available here: c020_003_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: Edward F. Cox to Bob Dole, 1/22/1997

- Letter from attorney Edward F. Cox to Senator Bob Dole expressing regrets that Dole would not be taking the Presidential oath and extending congratulations for his campaign.
Available here: c020_003_000_037 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 39: Tricia Nixon Cox to Bob Dole, 5/28/1995

- Letter from the daughter of Richard Nixon, Tricia Nixon Cox, to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his hospitality at the unveiling of Spiro Agnew's bust.
Available here: c020_003_000_038 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 40: Alfredo Cristiani to Bob Dole, 7/26/1991

- Letter from President of El Salvador Alfredo Cristiani to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his participation in a debate regarding military assistance to El Salvador.
Available here: c020_003_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 4: Bill Clinton

- Item 1: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/22/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his speed and responsiveness in moving his selections for the Cabinet through the confirmation process.
Available here: c020_004_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/25/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter urging a shift to fixed deficit targets.
Available here: c020_004_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 3/9/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his invitation to meet with members of the Republican Policy Luncheon Group, and thanking him for his contribution to the jogging track.
Available here: c020_004_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 3/9/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the death of Dole's brother.
Available here: c020_004_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 4/5/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter urging Clinton to request the U.N. Security Council to adopt an oil embargo against Libya.
Available here: c020_004_000_005 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 6: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 6/7/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole sharing the reasons he decided to withdraw the nomination of Lani Guinier to be Assistant Attorney General.
Available here: c020_004_000_006 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 7: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 7/22/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_004_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 8/5/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter calling for additional sanctions against Libya.
Available here: c020_004_000_008 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 9: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 8/19/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter regarding reconciliation.
Available here: c020_004_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 9/2/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole outlining his plan to forge a new, bipartisan alliance on health care reform.
Available here: c020_004_000_010 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 11: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 11/22/1993

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote in favor of the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Available here: c020_004_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/5/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about the defense budget.
Available here: c020_004_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 7/5/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his interest in the country's oil and gas policy.
Available here: c020_004_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 7/22/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_004_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 11/11/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about the arms embargo on Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Available here: c020_004_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 11/11/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to attend the Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida.
Available here: c020_004_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 11/21/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole sharing his concern about the deteriorating situation in northwest Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Available here: c020_004_000_017 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 18: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 11/30/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter regarding theater missile defenses.
Available here: c020_004_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 12/21/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about the European Union's banana imports.
Available here: c020_004_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 12/27/1994

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole reaffirming his commitment to health care reform even though he was unable to achieve agreement on it in the past year.
Available here: c020_004_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/5/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about Defense Base Closures.
Available here: c020_004_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/9/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to a welfare reform work session to discuss options.
Available here: c020_004_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 2/9/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for the Technology Reinvestment Project to protect the US' military technological advantages.
Available here: c020_004_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 24: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 3/9/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter on the Export Enhancement Program.
Available here: c020_004_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 5/26/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter concerning the 80th anniversary of the American massacres.
Available here: c020_004_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 5/30/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of the US' efforts to open Japan's market to foreign autos and auto parts.
Available here: c020_004_000_026 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 27: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 5/31/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Clinton's efforts to find long term solutions to softwood trade issues with Canada.
Available here: c020_004_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 6/28/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about missile defenses.
Available here: c020_004_000_028 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 8/2/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about US participation in the UN conference on women.
Available here: c020_004_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 8/28/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for expressing his concern about the recent diplomatic initiatives to end the Balkan conflict.
Available here: c020_004_000_030 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 31: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 12/21/1995

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his leadership in developing the resolution in support of US troops in Bosnia.
Available here: c020_004_000_031 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 32: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 3/5/1996

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for the LIBERTAD bill.
Available here: c020_004_000_032 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 33: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 5/15/1996

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his 35 years in Congress and looking forward to the upcoming election.
Available here: c020_004_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 5/21/1996

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole responding to his letter concerning Armenian Remembrance Day.
Available here: c020_004_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 35: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/13/1997

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his gift of wine and for the present from Socks to Leader.
Available here: c020_004_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 3/18/1997

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for agreeing to act as National Co-Chairman of the World War II Memorial Campaign.
Available here: c020_004_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 37: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 7/30/1997

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for reporting on his trip to Bosnia, Romania, and Slovenia.
Available here: c020_004_000_037 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 38: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 8/5/1997

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole asking him to accept a pen that Clinton used to sign the Instruments of Ratification to the Chemical Weapons Convention.
Available here: c020_004_000_038 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 39: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 1/21/1998

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for joining Clinton's delegation to Bosnia.
Available here: c020_004_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 3/9/1998

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter on Dole's first trip to Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia.
Available here: c020_004_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 7/14/1998

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his note supporting the Victims of Communism Memorial Museum in the Ronald Reagan Building.
Available here: c020_004_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 42: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 8/31/1998

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about the deteriorating situation in Kosovo.
Available here: c020_004_000_042 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 43: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 2/11/1999

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter describing Dole's recent trip to the former Yugoslavia.
Available here: c020_004_000_043 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 44: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 12/16/1999

- Letter from President Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for following up with Clinton on the World War II Memorial Campaign.
Available here: c020_004_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 12/28/2002

- Letter from former president Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole offering thanks for Dole's kind words about Hillary.
Available here: c020_004_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 11/10/2004

- Letter from former president Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him for being awarded the American Patriot Award by the National Defense University Foundation.
Available here: c020_004_000_046 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 12/29/2004

- Letter from former president Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole expressing regret that Dole was unable to attend the dedication of the William J. Clinton Presidential Center.
Available here: c020_004_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 6/9/2005

- Letter from former president Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to the inaugural meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative.
Available here: c020_004_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: Bill Clinton to Bob Dole, 6/17/2005

- Letter from former president Bill Clinton to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for passing on a letter from Ray Bachman and Kimberly Sacket.
Available here: c020_004_000_049 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 5: D-E

- Item 1: The Dalai Lama to Bob Dole, 1/23/1995

- Letter from the Dalai Lama to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his election as Senate Majority Leader and offering concerns about the status of Tibet.
Available here: c020_005_000_001 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 2: Tom Daschle to Bob Dole, 8/23/2005

- Letter from Senator Tom Daschle to Senator Bob Dole reporting that Dole got good press in South Dakota.
Available here: c020_005_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: F.W. De Klerk to Bob Dole, 11/20/1990

- Letter from President of South Africa F.W. De Klerk to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his contributions to South Africa's progress toward a full democratic society.
Available here: c020_005_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Archie R. Dykes to Bob Dole, 7/31/1973

- Letter from Chancellor of the University of Kansas Archie R. Dykes to Senator Bob Dole expressing pleasure at having been able to meet the Senator.
Available here: c020_005_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Dwight D. Eisenhower to Bob Dole, 10/8/1962

- Letter from former president Dwight D. Eisenhower to Congressman Bob Dole endorsing him for reelection.
Available here: c020_005_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: Dwight D. Eisenhower to Bob Dole, 6/14/1963

- Letter from former president Dwight D. Eisenhower to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for Dole's telegram about the defeat of the Area Redevelopment Bill.
Available here: c020_005_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Mamie D. Eisenhower to Bob Dole, 6/3/1974

- Letter from former First Lady Mamie D. Eisenhower to Senator Bob Dole declining Dole's invitation to make a campaign appearance.
Available here: c020_005_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: El Hassan bin Talal to Bob Dole, 7/29/1991

- Letter from Prince of Jordan El Hassan bin Talal to Senator Bob Dole outlining Jordan's position from the outset of the Gulf crisis.
Available here: c020_005_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: El Hassan bin Talal to Bob Dole, 7/31/1991

- Letter from Prince of Jordan El Hassan bin Talal to Senator Bob Dole elaborating Jordan's position on the Gulf crisis.
Available here: c020_005_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 6: F-K

- Item 1: Diane Feinstein to Bob Dole, 5/15/1996

- Letter from Senator Diane Feinstein to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his service in the Senate.
Available here: c020_006_000_001 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 2: Diane Feinstein to Bob Dole, 2/28/2002

- Letter from Senator Diane Feinstein to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his participation at a National Cancer Act press conference.
Available here: c020_006_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Diane Feinstein to Bob Dole, 3/4/2002

- Letter from Senator Diane Feinstein to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for joining her to introduce the National Cancer Act of 2002.
Available here: c020_006_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Indira Gandhi to Bob Dole, 9/15/1971

- Letter from Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi to Senator Bob Dole declining Dole's invitation to visit Kansas.
Available here: c020_006_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Robert Gates to Bob Dole, 1/10/1993

- Letter from Director of the CIA Robert Gates to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for Dole's support over the years.
Available here: c020_006_000_005 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 6: Rudy Giuliani to Bob Dole, 7/23/2003

- Letter from former mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his graciousness in awarding to him the Dole Prize for Leadership.
Available here: c020_006_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Dan Glickman to Bob Dole, 1983

- Letter from Representative Dan Glickman to Senator Bob Dole expressing condolences for the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_006_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Dan Glickman to Bob Dole, 12/21/1998

- Letter from Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman to Senator Bob Dole wishing him the best in the new year and expressing his appreciation of their friendship.
Available here: c020_006_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Dan Glickman to Bob Dole, 9/18/2000

- Letter from Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman to Senator Bob Dole confirming Dole's induction into the Department of Agriculture's Hall of Heroes.
Available here: c020_006_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Dan Glickman to Bob Dole, 10/6/2005

- Letter from CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America Dan Glickman to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his note and requesting a continuation of their discussion.
Available here: c020_006_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Barry Goldwater to Bob Dole, 12/30/1963

- Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater to Congressman Bob Dole inviting him to a meeting in Arizona to discuss Goldwater's decision on whether to run for president.
Available here: c020_006_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Barry Goldwater to Bob Dole, 1/3/1964

- Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater to Congressman Bob Dole announcing his candidacy for president.
Available here: c020_006_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Barry Goldwater to Bob Dole, 6/24/1966

- Letter from former senator Barry Goldwater to Congressman Bob Dole encouraging him to support H.R. 4671.
Available here: c020_006_000_013 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 14: Barry Goldwater to Bob Dole, 11/18/1980

- Letter from Senator Barry Goldwater to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his help in acquiring last-minute campaign funds.
Available here: c020_006_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 5/5/1993

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole enclosing a copy of a Schlesinger article mentioned earlier by President Clinton.
Available here: c020_006_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 12/3/1993

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about paperwork requirements imposed in regard to the National Performance Review.
Available here: c020_006_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 2/4/1994

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on being chosen for the 117th annual Distinguished Patriot Award.
Available here: c020_006_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 8/11/1994

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his help in preserving the space station.
Available here: c020_006_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 10/3/1994

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter regarding "the Schneerson collection."
Available here: c020_006_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 12/22/1994

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a strong recovery from his recent surgery.
Available here: c020_006_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 6/20/1995

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for S. 75, which would recognize President Franklin D. Roosevelt's accomplishments by designating October 1996 as Roosevelt History Month.
Available here: c020_006_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 7/21/1995

- Letter from Vice President Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_006_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Al Gore to Bob Dole, 5/31/2005

- Letter from former vice president Al Gore to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_006_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 24: Billy Graham to Bob Dole, 11/11/1998

- Letter from Baptist minister Billy Graham to Senator Bob Dole requesting a visit.
Available here: c020_006_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: Alan Greenspan to Bob Dole, 6/28/2005

- Letter from Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board Alan Greenspan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_006_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: Raja Mohammed Zafarul Haq to Bob Dole, 2/28/1995

- Letter from Leader of the Opposition of the Pakistani Senate Raja Mohammed Zafarul Haq to Senator Bob Dole wishing him success in his pursuit of the presidency.
Available here: c020_006_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: Bryce N. Harlow to Bob Dole, 8/11/1964

- Letter from White House Advisor Bryce N. Harlow to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for his note and encouraging Dole to pursue the matter of Richard Nixon visiting Kansas' First Congressional District.
Available here: c020_006_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Bryce N. Harlow to Bob Dole, 12/19/1972

- Letter from White House Advisor Bryce N. Harlow to Senator Bob Dole listing stipulations regarding Dole's resignation as chair of the Republican National Committee.
Available here: c020_006_000_028 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 29: Vaclav Havel to Bob Dole, 4/23/1999

- Letter from President of the Czech Republic Vaclav Havel to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting the Czech Republic's entrance to the North Atlantic Alliance and to NATO.
Available here: c020_006_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: John Heinz to Bob Dole, 1983

- Letter from Senator John Heinz to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_006_000_030 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 31: Jesse Helms to Bob Dole, 2/8/1974

- Letter from Senator Jesse Helms to Senator Bob Dole presenting him with a pair of men's hose.
Available here: c020_006_000_031 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 32: Jesse Helms to Bob Dole, 3/11/1974

- Letter from Senator Jesse Helms to Senator Bob Dole sharing a letter sent to him by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
Available here: c020_006_000_032 (PDF, 5 pp.)
- Item 33: Jesse Helms to Bob Dole, 7/23/1974

- Letter from Senator Jesse Helms to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Helms' amendment which would have eliminated the back-up centers from the Legal Services Corporation.
Available here: c020_006_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: Jesse Helms to Bob Dole, 9/8/1983

- Letter from Senator Jesse Helms to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_006_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 35: J. Edgar Hoover to Bob Dole, 3/27/1967

- Letter from Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover to Congressman Bob Dole informing him that Russell O. Vail has been appointed as a Special Agent in the FBI.
Available here: c020_006_000_035 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 36: J. Edgar Hoover to Bob Dole, 1/3/1968

- Letter from Director of the FBI J. Edgar Hoover to Congressman Bob Dole informing him that his communication was referred to the FBI by the Department of Justice.
Available here: c020_006_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 37: Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole, 9/17/1965

- Letter from Vice President Hubert Humphrey to Congressman Bob Dole sending him an autographed copy of Humphrey's address to the Syracuse University Class of 1965.
Available here: c020_006_000_037 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole, 4/26/1966

- Letter from Vice President Hubert Humphrey to Congressman Bob Dole inviting him to the Washington Briefing for Young Americans.
Available here: c020_006_000_038 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 39: Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole, 7/17/1967

- Letter from Vice President Hubert Humphrey to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_006_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole, 6/28/1968

- Letter from Vice President Hubert Humphrey to Congressman Bob Dole asking him for his help in encouraging greater opportunities for youth.
Available here: c020_006_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: Hubert Humphrey to Bob Dole, 3/16/1973

- Letter from Senator Hubert Humphrey to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sending a photo.
Available here: c020_006_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 42: Jacob K. Javits to Bob Dole, 5/8/1979

- Letter from Senator Jacob K. Javits to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for Dole's kind words about Javits' career in the Senate.
Available here: c020_006_000_042 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 43: Jacob K. Javits to Bob Dole, 7/24/1979

- Letter from Senator Jacob K. Javits to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for not having answered Dole's letter transmitting the witness list for the SALT II hearing.
Available here: c020_006_000_043 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 44: Lyndon B. Johnson to Bob Dole, 7/22/1965

- Letter from President Lyndon B. Johnson to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_006_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: Lyndon B. Johnson to Bob Dole, 7/22/1966

- Letter from President Lyndon B. Johnson to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_006_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: Lyndon B. Johnson to Bob Dole, 7/22/1967

- Letter from President Lyndon B. Johnson to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_006_000_046 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: Madame Chiang Kai-shek to Bob Dole, 8/8/1995

- Letter from the wife of the president of the Republic of China Madame Chiang Kai-shek to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for co-sponsoring a reception in her honor.
Available here: c020_006_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: Nancy Landon Kassebaum to Bob Dole, 1983

- Letter from Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum to Senator Bob Dole offering him condolences for the death of his mother.
Available here: c020_006_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: Nancy Landon Kassebaum to Bob Dole, 1996

- Letter from Senator Nancy Landon Kassebaum to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences on the outcome of the 1996 presidential election.
Available here: c020_006_000_049 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 50: Ewing M. Kauffman to Bob Dole, 3/27/1973

- Letter from President of the Kansas City Royals Ewing M. Kauffman to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to the Royals' opening game at the new Harry S. Truman Sports Complex.
Available here: c020_006_000_050 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 51: Ewing M. Kauffman to Bob Dole, 4/18/1973

- Letter from President of the Kansas City Royals Ewing M. Kauffman to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending the opening of the Royals' stadium.
Available here: c020_006_000_051 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 52: Ewing M. Kauffman to Bob Dole, 10/9/1974

- Letter from President of the Kansas City Royals Ewing M. Kauffman to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of the Copyright Revision Bill.
Available here: c020_006_000_052 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 53: Jack Kemp to Bob Dole, 11/6/1996

- Letter from Republican Vice Presidential nominee Jack Kemp to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the honor of including Kemp in Dole's campaign for president.
Available here: c020_006_000_053 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 54: Jack Kemp to Bob Dole

- Letter from former Congressman Jack Kemp to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on opening the door to a GOP growth package.
Available here: c020_006_000_054 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 55: Jack Kemp to Bob Dole, 2005

- Letter from former Congressman Jack Kemp to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_006_000_055 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 56: Robert F. Kennedy to Bob Dole, 5/22/1961

- Letter from Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy to Congressman Bob Dole including a copy of the telegram Kennedy sent to Governor Patterson of Alabama regarding the federal government's decision to send U.S. deputy marshals to Montgomery to maintain order
Available here: c020_006_000_056 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 57: Ted Kennedy to Bob Dole, 9/8/1983

- Letter from Senator Ted Kennedy to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_006_000_057 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 58: Martin Luther King, Jr. to Bob Dole, 7/9/1965

- Telegram from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Bob Dole urging defeat of the McCulloch amendment to the Voting Rights Bill.
Available here: c020_006_000_058 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 59: Henry A. Kissinger to Bob Dole, 8/2/1974

- Letter from Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to Senator Bob Dole accepting Dole's invitation to attend a function in Kansas.
Available here: c020_006_000_059 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 7: Gerald Ford

- Item 1: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/20/1966

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_007_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 11/30/1966

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for sending him a newspaper clipping.
Available here: c020_007_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 5/1/1967

- Letter from House Minority Leader to Congressman Bob Dole acknowledging Dole's wish to be the Republican Congressional Adviser to the Food and Agriculture Organization's conference in Italy.
Available here: c020_007_000_003 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 4: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/19/1967

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole complimenting his work on Food Stamp Act amendments.
Available here: c020_007_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/28/1967

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for his advice regarding C.R. Lentz' invitation to speak.
Available here: c020_007_000_005 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 6: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/21/1967

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_007_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 8/11/1967

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for his efforts on the reorganization plan for the District of Columbia.
Available here: c020_007_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 1/30/1968

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole informing him that he had been designated to represent Kansas in the US delegation to the Mexico-United States Interparliamentary Group.
Available here: c020_007_000_008 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 9: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 2/9/1968

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole appreciating Dole's recommendations regarding the Committee on Rules' action on H.R. 12066.
Available here: c020_007_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/19/1968

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Congressman Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_007_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 1/27/1969

- Telegram from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his election to the Senate.
Available here: c020_007_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 11/28/1973

- Letter from House Minority Leader Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support and confidence.
Available here: c020_007_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/22/1974

- Letter from Vice President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_007_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 10/18/1974

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole expressing appreciation for having been able to discuss agricultural problems with the Senator in Kansas City.
Available here: c020_007_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 2/20/1975

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting H.R. 1767.
Available here: c020_007_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 3/10/1975

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter regarding complications in agricultural energy.
Available here: c020_007_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/11/1975

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter about a woman whose husband was missing in Vietnam.
Available here: c020_007_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 8/1/1975

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of legislation that would modify the arms embargo on Turkey.
Available here: c020_007_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 2/21/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for voting to sustain Ford's veto of the Public Works Employment Bill.
Available here: c020_007_000_019 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 20: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 3/4/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for joining Ford for breakfast and for his analysis of Ford's campaign.
Available here: c020_007_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 3/10/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sending copies of a press release praising Ford's candidacy.
Available here: c020_007_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 5/6/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Ford's veto of the Child Day Care Services under Social Security Act.
Available here: c020_007_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/11/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his election as a delegate from Kansas to the Republican National Convention.
Available here: c020_007_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 24: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/14/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for joining Ford in Missouri for a campaign stop.
Available here: c020_007_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/7/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole presenting a ceremonial pen Ford used to sign H.R. 10051.
Available here: c020_007_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/23/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote sustaining Ford's veto of the Public Works Employment Act of 1976.
Available here: c020_007_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 12/9/1976

- Letter from President Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his efforts during the 1976 presidential campaign.
Available here: c020_007_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/28/1977

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole requesting Dole's cooperation with the co-author of Ford's upcoming book.
Available here: c020_007_000_028 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/18/1977

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for expressing his foreign policy ideas on the Senate floor.
Available here: c020_007_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 11/7/1977

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sending Ford a copy of Dole's remarks on the Senate floor regarding the nomination of Charles Ruff.
Available here: c020_007_000_030 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 31: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 9/5/1978

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole declining his invitation to speak at the annual banquet of the Salina Chamber of Commerce.
Available here: c020_007_000_031 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 32: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 5/8/1979

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his correspondence with Tom Branigan and for his donation to the Ford Presidential Library.
Available here: c020_007_000_032 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 33: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 11/13/1979

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole complimenting him on his November 4, 1979 column in the Washington Post.
Available here: c020_007_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 5/25/1981

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole requesting Congressional reexamination of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978.
Available here: c020_007_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 35: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 1982

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole urging support of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1982.
Available here: c020_007_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 9/7/1983

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole extending condolences regarding the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_007_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 37: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 2/21/1984

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole informing him of Ford's participation at a function in Independence, Kansas that was attended at Dole's request.
Available here: c020_007_000_037 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/25/1985

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter outlining the fundraising plan for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.
Available here: c020_007_000_038 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 39: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 5/7/1990

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to a reception for the annual meeting of the Gerald R. Ford Foundation.
Available here: c020_007_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 5/19/1992

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole urging Congressional support for funding to Cambodia.
Available here: c020_007_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 6/11/1993

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for participating in the celebration of Ford's birthday and anniversary.
Available here: c020_007_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 42: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 7/19/1993

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole endorsing and supporting Stuart Eizenstat's nomination to be ambassador to the European Community in Brussels.
Available here: c020_007_000_042 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 43: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 12/4/1995

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole extending appreciation for Dole's bipartisan support for President Clinton's commitment of 20,000 American troops to Bosnia.
Available here: c020_007_000_043 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 44: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 9/25/2001

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his financial support of programs at the Gerald R. Ford Library and Museum.
Available here: c020_007_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 8/18/2002

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the special commemorative cap and congratulating him on his leadership concerning the National World War II Memorial.
Available here: c020_007_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 12/7/2004

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his earlier letter and encouraging a future meeting.
Available here: c020_007_000_046 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 3/29/2005

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole asking him to consider being an honorary pallbearer at Ford's funeral.
Available here: c020_007_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, 4/4/2005

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_007_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, Post 1977, 08-17

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for thinking of Ford after Ford's recent hospitalization.
Available here: c020_007_000_049 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 50: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, Post 1977, 12-02

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his comments when Ford was awarded the Victory of Freedom Award.
Available here: c020_007_000_050 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 51: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, Post 1977, 06-11

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his comments at the reunion of the Ford Administration at the Capital Hill Club.
Available here: c020_007_000_051 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 52: Gerald Ford to Bob Dole, Post 1977, 06-08

- Letter from former president Gerald Ford to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for participating in a dinner sponsored by the Ford Foundation.
Available here: c020_007_000_052 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 8: L

- Item 1: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 12/12/1972

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole offering advice on Dole's reelection campaign.
Available here: c020_008_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 1/8/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him for defending Richard Nixon.
Available here: c020_008_000_002 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 3: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 1/18/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole requesting that an enclosed text be inserted into the Congressional Record.
Available here: c020_008_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 2/13/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the American flag and offering advice about Dole's reelection campaign.
Available here: c020_008_000_004 (PDF, 4 pp.)
- Item 5: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 3/5/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole providing information on possible competition in Dole's upcoming Senate race.
Available here: c020_008_000_005 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 6: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 3/15/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole informing him that C.Y. Thomas' anti-primary bill was killed in the Senate Republican caucus.
Available here: c020_008_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 3/20/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole providing information on potential candidates in the 1974 Kansas Senate race.
Available here: c020_008_000_007 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 8: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 4/2/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole enclosing a copy of a letter Landon wrote to President Nixon.
Available here: c020_008_000_008 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 9: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 4/12/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole discussing the Watergate scandal.
Available here: c020_008_000_009 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 10: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 9/25/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the birthday greetings Dole sent.
Available here: c020_008_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 10/16/1973

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole inquiring whether Dole had put Landon's Baker University speech in the Congressional Record.
Available here: c020_008_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 2/13/1974

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole offering strategies to consider regarding Dole's 1974 reelection campaign.
Available here: c020_008_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 3/5/1974

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole requesting Dole to coordinate with Congressman Jack Edwards to put Landon's Native Sons and Daughters talk in the Congressional Record.
Available here: c020_008_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 4/2/1974

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole offering advice regarding Dole's statements about President Nixon.
Available here: c020_008_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Alf M. Landon to Bob Dole, 8/30/1974

- Letter from former Governor of Kansas Alf M. Landon to Senator Bob Dole offering his opinions on Dole's reelection campaign.
Available here: c020_008_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Patrick Leahy to Bob Dole, 6/30/2005

- Letter from Senator Patrick Leahy to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_008_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Jay Leno to Bob Dole, ????

- Card from Tonight Show host Jay Leno to Senator Bob Dole complimenting the Senator.
Available here: c020_008_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Jay Leno to Bob Dole, ????

- Card from Tonight Show host Jay Leno to Senator Bob Dole complimenting the Senator.
Available here: c020_008_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Jay Leno to Bob Dole, ????

- Card from Tonight Show host Jay Leno to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for being on the show.
Available here: c020_008_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: John Lewis to Bob Dole, 11/7/1962

- Telegram from President of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Commission John Lewis to Congressman Bob Dole congratulating him on his reelection.
Available here: c020_008_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Trent Lott to Bob Dole, 11/18/2004

- Letter from Senator Trent Lott to Senator Bob Dole extending an invitation to President George W. Bush's inaugural ceremony.
Available here: c020_008_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Trent Lott to Bob Dole, 6/30/2005

- Letter from Senator Trent Lott to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_008_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 9: M-Q

- Item 1: John Major to Bob Dole, 1/12/1995

- Letter from British Prime Minister John Major to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his earlier letter and expounding on developments in Bosnia.
Available here: c020_009_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Mike Mansfield to Bob Dole, 5/15/1979

- Letter from US Ambassador to Japan Mike Mansfield to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending a meeting with the Japanese Prime Minister.
Available here: c020_009_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Nelson Mandela to Bob Dole, 1/11/1995

- Letter from President of South Africa Nelson Mandela to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for Rev. Leon Sullivan's effort to assist the South African government in its pursuit of the Reconstruction and Development Program's goals. Includes a note from N
Available here: c020_009_000_003 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 4: Bill Marriott Jr. to Bob Dole, 9/1/2005

- Letter from CEO of Marriott International Bill Marriott Jr. to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Marriott's fight against hunger.
Available here: c020_009_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: George McGovern to Bob Dole, 1/18/1980

- Letter from Senator George McGovern to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his kind words about McGovern at the Iowa presidential debate.
Available here: c020_009_000_005 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 6: George McGovern to Bob Dole, 4/15/2005

- Letter from former senator George McGovern to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_009_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Robert Michel to Bob Dole, 6/23/1992

- Letter from House Minority Leader Robert Michel to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for attending and speaking at Michel's "unveiling."
Available here: c020_009_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Daniel Moynihan to Bob Dole, 9/6/1983

- Letter from Senator Daniel Moynihan to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_009_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Nursultan Nazarbayev to Bob Dole, 2/22/1995

- Letter from President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his election as Senate Majority Leader and inviting him to visit Kazakhstan.
Available here: c020_009_000_009 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 10: Benjamin Netanyahu to Bob Dole, 11/6/1996

- Letter from Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu to Senator Bob Dole expressing his admiration for Dole's pursuit of the US presidency.
Available here: c020_009_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Sam Nunn to Bob Dole, 5/22/1996

- Letter from Senator Sam Nunn to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his retirement from the Senate.
Available here: c020_009_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Sadako Ogata to Bob Dole, 7/3/1998

- Letter from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Sadako Ogata to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for meeting with him.
Available here: c020_009_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Ehud Olmert to Bob Dole, 8/10/1995

- Letter from Mayor of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert to Senator Bob Dole sending proposals on future developments of Jerusalem.
Available here: c020_009_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: George Pataki to Bob Dole, 12/16/2004

- Letter from Governor of New York George Pataki to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to a post-inauguration parade watch party.
Available here: c020_009_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Claude Pepper to Bob Dole, 5/11/1983

- Letter from Congressman Claude Pepper to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the letter Dole sent commending him on his work on the Social Security Commission.
Available here: c020_009_000_015 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 16: Colin Powell to Bob Dole, 10/27/2004

- Letter from Secretary of State Colin Powell to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for recommending Jack Kemp to be a member of the State Department's Advisory Committee on Persons with Disabilities.
Available here: c020_009_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Dan Quayle to Bob Dole, 12/6/1990

- Letter from Vice President Dan Quayle to Senator Bob Dole wishing him and Elizabeth Dole a happy 15th anniversary.
Available here: c020_009_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Dan Quayle to Bob Dole, 11/13/1992

- Letter from Vice President Dan Quayle to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his efforts in the 1992 presidential race.
Available here: c020_009_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Dan Quayle to Bob Dole, 12/28/1994

- Letter from former vice president Dan Quayle to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his thoughts and prayers during Quayle's hospital stay.
Available here: c020_009_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Dan Quayle to Bob Dole, 6/15/1995

- Letter from former vice president Dan Quayle to Senator Bob Dole encouraging Dole to "keep the heat on" President Bill Clinton.
Available here: c020_009_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Dan Quayle to Bob Dole, 10/17/1995

- Letter from former vice president Dan Quayle to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for their meeting.
Available here: c020_009_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Dan Quayle to Bob Dole, 1/16/1996

- Letter from former vice president Dan Quayle to Senator Bob Dole encouraging Dole in his campaign for president.
Available here: c020_009_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 10: Richard Nixon

- Item 1: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/9/1960

- Letter from Vice President Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole congratulating him on his House primary victory in Kansas' First District.
Available here: c020_010_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 9/25/1960

- Letter from Vice President Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole requesting compliance with the Republican National Committee's recently created Republican voter registration program.
Available here: c020_010_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Richard Nixon to C. Donald Carr, 1/19/1961

- Letter from Vice President Richard Nixon to Mrs. C. Donald Carr thanking her for her letter after losing the 1960 election.
Available here: c020_010_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 3/30/1963

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for his letter and regretting that his legal practice would not allow him to schedule additional commitments.
Available here: c020_010_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/14/1964

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole delaying his answer to Dole's invitation to the 87 Club.
Available here: c020_010_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 6/29/1964

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole declining Dole's invitation to a campaign event.
Available here: c020_010_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/21/1964

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for hosting the 87 Club dinner and asking Dole to keep Nixon posted about political trends in Kansas.
Available here: c020_010_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/9/1964

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole congratulating him on his reelection.
Available here: c020_010_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/18/1965

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole stating that his travel schedule for the 1966 was being worked out and may allow for a visit to Dole's district.
Available here: c020_010_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 6/15/1966

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole sending a copy of an article written by Nixon summarizing the issues of the 1966 campaign.
Available here: c020_010_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/20/1967

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole thanking him for his counsel and friendship and for attending a dinner.
Available here: c020_010_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/28/1967

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole congratulating him on his efforts to assist senior citizens in understanding various government services.
Available here: c020_010_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/31/1968

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole including a letter Nixon sent to people in New Hampshire outlining his reasons for seeking the 1968 Republican presidential nomination.
Available here: c020_010_000_013 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 14: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 7/26/1968

- Letter from former vice president Richard Nixon to Congressman Bob Dole asking for Dole's advice regarding Nixon's potential running mates.
Available here: c020_010_000_014 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 15: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, ????-08-02

- Telegram from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his work on the military procurement bill.
Available here: c020_010_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1968-11-05 (?)

- Telegram from President-elect Richard Nixon to Jim French congratulating the Dole campaign on its electoral victory. The exact date of the telegram is approximate due to conflicting chronological indicators.
Available here: c020_010_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 12/2/1968

- Letter from President-Elect Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole asking him for recommendations and comments regarding individuals under consideration for Nixon's administration.
Available here: c020_010_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 6/18/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support and advice on major issues.
Available here: c020_010_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/6/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole complimenting him for his remarks on Vietnam to the Arlington Republican Women's Club and thanking him for his political courage.
Available here: c020_010_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/8/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for expressing his strong support for Nixon's Vietnam policy.
Available here: c020_010_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/15/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his leadership in developing support for Dole's resolution on Vietnam.
Available here: c020_010_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/5/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole offering thanks on the one-year anniversary of Nixon's campaign victory.
Available here: c020_010_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/6/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the support he offered after Nixon's address to the nation regarding Vietnam.
Available here: c020_010_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 24: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/13/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his statement of confidence in Judge Haynsworth's nomination.
Available here: c020_010_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/21/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Judge Haynsworth's nomination to the Supreme Court.
Available here: c020_010_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 12/9/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for endorsing Nixon's decisions concerning United States policy on chemical and biological warfare.
Available here: c020_010_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 12/11/1969

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sharing Nixon's conviction on the tax reform bill.
Available here: c020_010_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/26/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting the Nixon administration during the Senate hearings on Hurricane Camille.
Available here: c020_010_000_028 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 2/3/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole appreciating his favorable comments on Nixon's State of the Union address.
Available here: c020_010_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 4/11/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of G. Harrold Carswell for Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
Available here: c020_010_000_030 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 31: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 4/21/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his telegram regarding Nixon's nomination of Judge Harry Blackmun to be an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
Available here: c020_010_000_031 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 32: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/31/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote to sustain Nixon's veto of the Education Appropriations bill.
Available here: c020_010_000_032 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 33: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/7/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole sharing the full text of Nixon's proposal to end hostilities in Indochina.
Available here: c020_010_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/25/1970

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote to sustain Nixon's veto of the Political Broadcasting bill.
Available here: c020_010_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 35: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 2/11/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for co-sponsoring the General Revenue Sharing bill.
Available here: c020_010_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 3/24/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole including a copy of a book on Thomas Jefferson by Frank van der Linden.
Available here: c020_010_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 37: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 4/23/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole including a copy of Nixon's plan to reorganize domestic Executive Departments.
Available here: c020_010_000_037 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 5/26/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter praising police chief Jerry Wilson.
Available here: c020_010_000_038 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 39: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 6/2/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of European troop withdrawals.
Available here: c020_010_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 7/20/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for accompanying Nixon to Kansas City.
Available here: c020_010_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/7/1971

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Nixon's new economic policies by voting against Senate Resolution 169.
Available here: c020_010_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 42: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 2/14/1972

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his recent endorsement of the Vietnam negotiations.
Available here: c020_010_000_042 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 43: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 4/24/1972

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his expression of support for Nixon's Vietnam policies.
Available here: c020_010_000_043 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 44: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 5/11/1972

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support for the peace proposals Nixon presented to the nation.
Available here: c020_010_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 7/10/1972

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for coming to Nixon's defense when charges were made against Nixon's character.
Available here: c020_010_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/3/1972

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Nixon's peace proposal.
Available here: c020_010_000_046 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 9/6/1972

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole extending thanks for Dole's efforts in arranging the 1972 Republican National Convention.
Available here: c020_010_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/24/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole appreciating his support of Nixon's Vietnam policies.
Available here: c020_010_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/29/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole including a copy of Nixon's address about his annual budget.
Available here: c020_010_000_049 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 50: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/31/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his service as the chairman of the Republican National Committee.
Available here: c020_010_000_050 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 51: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 2/26/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his service on Nixon's inaugural committee.
Available here: c020_010_000_051 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 52: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 4/3/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote to sustain Nixon's veto of the Rehabilitation Act of 1972.
Available here: c020_010_000_052 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 53: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 7/13/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole requesting consideration of an enclosed letter expressing Nixon's views on the urgent need for Alaskan oil legislation.
Available here: c020_010_000_053 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 54: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 9/26/1973

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for voting to sustain Nixon's veto of a bill to amend the Small Business Act.
Available here: c020_010_000_054 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 55: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 3/7/1974

- Letter from President Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote to sustain Nixon's veto of the Energy Emergency Act.
Available here: c020_010_000_055 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 56: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 5/19/1976

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole expressing appreciation for Dole having put a Newsweek article in the Congressional record.
Available here: c020_010_000_056 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 57: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/20/1976

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Bob Dole extending best wishes to Dole in the upcoming 1976 election and offering advice on campaigning.
Available here: c020_010_000_057 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 58: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 6/24/1977

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole including a copy of Julie Nixon's book, "Special People."
Available here: c020_010_000_058 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 59: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/24/1981

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole extending congratulations for Dole's legislative tax victory and for the ensuing positive press coverage.
Available here: c020_010_000_059 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 60: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 10/10/1983

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole including an advance copy of Nixon's upcoming book, "Real Peace: A Strategy for the West."
Available here: c020_010_000_060 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 61: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 9/12/1984

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole enclosing a speech by Ray Price making the case for President Ronald Reagan's reelection over Walter Mondale.
Available here: c020_010_000_061 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 62: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/28/1984

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his election as Senate Majority Leader.
Available here: c020_010_000_062 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 63: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 12/3/1984

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole including a copy of a memo Nixon sent regarding the defense budget.
Available here: c020_010_000_063 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 64: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 2/22/1985

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole regarding the upcoming 10th anniversary of the fall of Saigon and including a copy of a book by Nixon on the subject of Vietnam.
Available here: c020_010_000_064 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 65: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/26/1986

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole recommending Dole's continued association with Al Sindlinger and showing concern regarding the impact the slow economy would have on the November 1986 elections.
Available here: c020_010_000_065 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 66: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 3/9/1988

- Telegram from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole wishing him luck in the 1988 Republican presidential primary.
Available here: c020_010_000_066 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 67: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 12/21/1989

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole extending appreciation for Dole's role in hosting a dinner with Senator Robert Byrd the previous night.
Available here: c020_010_000_067 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 68: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/13/1991

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his leadership on the Gulf vote.
Available here: c020_010_000_068 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 69: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 4/30/1991

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for hosting a bipartisan briefing with Senator Robert Byrd.
Available here: c020_010_000_069 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 70: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/27/1992

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole congratulating Dole on his decision to run for another term as US Senator from Kansas.
Available here: c020_010_000_070 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 71: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 8/24/1992

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole complimenting him on the quality of his 1992 Republican National Convention speech.
Available here: c020_010_000_071 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 72: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 11/2/1992

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his defense of Nixon in a hearing before the Kerry Committee and commenting on the prospects of several Senate races.
Available here: c020_010_000_072 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 73: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 12/11/1992

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole encouraging him in his Republican leadership and on his 1996 presidential prospects.
Available here: c020_010_000_073 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 74: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 3/16/1993

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to participate in the US-Japan conference at the Nixon Presidential Library.
Available here: c020_010_000_074 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 75: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 6/28/1993

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his eulogy at the funeral of Pat Nixon.
Available here: c020_010_000_075 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 76: Richard Nixon to Bob Dole, 1/27/1994

- Letter from former president Richard Nixon to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for hosting a 25th Anniversary luncheon in honor of Nixon.
Available here: c020_010_000_076 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Box 11: R

- Item 1: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, undated

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his comments about Ronald Reagan at the dedication ceremony of a building named in his honor.
Available here: c020_011_000_001 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 2: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, undated

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for taking the time out of his schedule to have lunch with her.
Available here: c020_011_000_002 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 3: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/5/1995

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole endorsing former Kansas Governor John Carlin in his nomination for National Archivist.
Available here: c020_011_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/22/1995

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_011_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/22/1996

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_011_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/18/1996

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his speech regarding drug abuse.
Available here: c020_011_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/22/1998

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_011_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/14/2000

- Letter from former First Lady Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_011_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/21/2002

- Letter from Former First Lady of the United States Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole offering birthday wishes.
Available here: c020_011_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Nancy Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/22/2005

- Letter from Former First Lady of the United States Nancy Reagan to Senator Bob Dole offering birthday wishes.
Available here: c020_011_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Elliot L. Richardson to Bob Dole, 5/2/1971

- Letter from Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Elliot L. Richardson to Senator Bob Dole regarding a lecture Richardson is to give at Kansas State University.
Available here: c020_011_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Pat Roberts to Bob Dole, 9/6/1983

- Representative from Kansas Pat Roberts to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences on death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_011_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: David Rockefeller to Bob Dole, 2/12/1998

- Letter from Former Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank David Rockefeller to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for congratulating Rockefeller on receiving the Medal of Freedom.
Available here: c020_011_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Nelson Rockefeller to Bob Dole, 10/17/1973

- Letter from Governor of New York Nelson Rockefeller scheduling a fundraising dinner.
Available here: c020_011_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Nelson Rockefeller to Bob Dole, 2/14/1974

- Letter from Founder, Commission on Critical Choice for Americans Nelson Rockefeller to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for a luncheon in Topeka.
Available here: c020_011_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: William Roy to Bob Dole, 1/19/1971

- Letter from Representative from Kansas Bill Roy to Senator Bob Dole asking Dole to visit him in his office to greet Kansans.
Available here: c020_011_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: William Roy to Bob Dole, 1/28/1971

- Letter from Representative from Kansas Bill Roy to Senator Dole thanking him for coming to Roy's Oath of Office.
Available here: c020_011_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: William Roy to Bob Dole, 3/14/1972

- Letter from Representative from Kansas Bill Roy to Senator Bob Dole asking him to support S.2574, to simplify voter registration procedures.
Available here: c020_011_000_019 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 19: Donald Rumsfeld to Bob Dole, 2/11/1975

- Letter from Assistant to the President Donald Rumsfeld to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for a job recommendation for William Crotinger.
Available here: c020_011_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Donald Rumsfeld to Bob Dole, 3/5/1975

- Letter from Assistant to the President Donald Rumsfeld to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of a speech.
Available here: c020_011_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Donald Rumsfeld to Bob Dole, 6/12/2001

- Letter from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for going to the opening ceremony for Armed Forces Day.
Available here: c020_011_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Donald Rumsfeld to Bob Dole, 10/26/2001

- Letter from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for discussing the war against terrorism.
Available here: c020_011_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Donald Rumsfeld to Bob Dole, 7/11/2005

- Letter from Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld to Senator Bob Dole regarding a letter Dole sent about Arthur Wojtowicz.
Available here: c020_011_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 24: Dean Rusk to Bob Dole, 2/6/1967

- Letter from Secretary of State Dean Rusk to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for support on a proposal.
Available here: c020_011_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: Jim Ryun to Bob Dole, 6/24/2005

- Letter from Representative from Kansas Jim Ryun to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of "One Soldier's Story".
Available here: c020_011_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 12: Ronald Reagan

- Item 1: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/7/1962

- Letter from Spokesman for General Electric Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for not making a commitment at this time.
Available here: c020_012_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/2/1967

- Letter from Governor of California Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole having received his resolution to award a posthumous gold medal to Walt Disney.
Available here: c020_012_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 12/13/1967

- Letter from Governor of California Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for meeting Nancy Reagan at the airport.
Available here: c020_012_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/17/1968

- Letter from Governor of California Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole regarding a fundraiser he is speaking at in Topeka.
Available here: c020_012_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/7/1974

- Letter from Governor of California Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole in regards to a fundraising event in Topeka for Dole.
Available here: c020_012_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 12/12/1974

- Letter from Governor of California Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole asking for support in two bills.
Available here: c020_012_000_006 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 7: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 12/3/1980

- Letter from President Elect of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole asking for concerns on upcoming legislature.
Available here: c020_012_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/3/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing a new economic program.
Available here: c020_012_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/7/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his role in the debt limit legislation.
Available here: c020_012_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/6/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for voting to forego the dairy price support increase in S. 509.
Available here: c020_012_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/31/1981

- A letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving him a signing pen as memento for the passage of S.509.
Available here: c020_012_000_011 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 12: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 4/3/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support on the final passage of Senate continuing Resolution 9.
Available here: c020_012_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/12/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of the Budget Resolution.
Available here: c020_012_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/6/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for work on a new tax plan.
Available here: c020_012_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/30/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting the reconciliation bill.
Available here: c020_012_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/29/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a belated birthday.
Available here: c020_012_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/10/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving a signing pen and thanking him for support on economic recovery legislation.
Available here: c020_012_000_018 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 18: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/14/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support on S.391, the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982.
Available here: c020_012_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 10/16/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking for Dole's role in passing S. 884, the Agriculture and Food Act.
Available here: c020_012_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 10/29/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for helping the Senate reject the House Concurrent Resolution 194.
Available here: c020_012_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 12/23/1981

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for agreeing to serve on the new National Commission on Social Security Reform.
Available here: c020_012_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/7/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for being in the Oval Office when the President signed the Agriculture and Food Act.
Available here: c020_012_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/20/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole asking for support legislation for the IRS.
Available here: c020_012_000_024 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 24: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/13/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing a trip to the Midwest.
Available here: c020_012_000_025 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 25: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/25/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote to sustain a veto of the Standby Petroleum Allocation Act, S. 1503.
Available here: c020_012_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/8/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole about Social Security reform.
Available here: c020_012_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/22/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing the passing of Senate Concurrent Resolution 92, the First Concurrent Budget Resolution.
Available here: c020_012_000_028 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/25/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole offering his support for those who served in Vietnam, as Dole was throwing many Memorial Day events in Topeka.
Available here: c020_012_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/2/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole reemphasizing his commitment to provisions of the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981.
Available here: c020_012_000_030 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/24/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a telegram on security and cooperation.
Available here: c020_012_000_031 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 31: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/30/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving Dole a signing pen which was used to sign the extension of the Voting Right Act of 1965.
Available here: c020_012_000_032 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 32: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/16/1982

- Letter from President of United States to Senator Bob Dole offering birthday wishes.
Available here: c020_012_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 33: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/17/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving his support on a bill introduced by the Senate Finance Committee.
Available here: c020_012_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 8/9/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing the Educational Opportunity and Equity Act of 1982 (S. 2673)
Available here: c020_012_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 35: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 8/10/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting S.J. Resolution 58, a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget.
Available here: c020_012_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/27/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing equality before the law and the Executive Order 12336.
Available here: c020_012_000_037 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 37: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 10/29/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving Dole a signing pen commemorating the signing of H.R. 5154 by Reagan
Available here: c020_012_000_038 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 11/22/1982

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole explaining his decision to place 100 MX "Peacekeeper" missiles in Wyoming in case the Soviets continue their military buildup.
Available here: c020_012_000_039 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 39: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/21/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for a letter regarding the Caribbean Basin Initiative and assures Dole that it is one of his top legislative priorities.
Available here: c020_012_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/24/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for a letter about the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act; equity for all American taxpayers is of prime concern.
Available here: c020_012_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/5/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his service on the National Commission on Social Security Reform.
Available here: c020_012_000_042 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 42: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 4/26/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving Dole the signing pen from H.R. 1900, the Social Security Amendments of 1983.
Available here: c020_012_000_043 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 43: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/26/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for support of the Senate Concurrent Resolution 26, to deploy 100 peacekeepers missiles and develop a new single-warhead ICBM.
Available here: c020_012_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 44: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/2/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving a signing pen for the designation of National Andrei Sakharov Day.
Available here: c020_012_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/6/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole asking Dole to join a commission on drunk driving.
Available here: c020_012_000_046 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/8/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole sharing two publications which highlight some republican accomplishments.
Available here: c020_012_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/15/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_012_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/27/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for support in the proceeding of the production and deployment of the MX Peacekeeper missile.
Available here: c020_012_000_049 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 8/3/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his support in efforts to deal with the problem of ensuring
Available here: c020_012_000_050 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 50: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/7/1983

- Telegram from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences on the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_012_000_051 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 51: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/12/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving support to certain nominees for the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Available here: c020_012_000_052 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 52: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/23/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for interest in developing defense technology against ballistic missiles, and to not prejudge the Defensive Technology Plan.
Available here: c020_012_000_053 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 53: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 9/26/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving support for the reauthorization of General Revenue Sharing in the Senate version of H.R. 2780
Available here: c020_012_000_054 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 54: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 10/5/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving a signing pen used to sign the Caribbean Basin Initiative into law.
Available here: c020_012_000_055 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 55: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 10/11/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for support of the Fiscal Year 1984 Defense Authorization Bill.
Available here: c020_012_000_056 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 56: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 11/15/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole reminding him of the importance of s. 528, the Educational Opportunity Equity act.
Available here: c020_012_000_057 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 57: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 11/18/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for support on the debt ceiling increase, H.J. Res. 308.
Available here: c020_012_000_058 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 58: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 12/9/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving a signing pen for H.R. 2780, the State and Local Fiscal Assistance Amendments of 1983.
Available here: c020_012_000_059 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 59: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/19/1984

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing plans for debt reduction.
Available here: c020_012_000_060 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 60: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/27/1984

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole offering his support on H.R. 4170, the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984.
Available here: c020_012_000_061 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 61: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/20/1984

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing Dole a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_012_000_062 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 62: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 11/27/1984

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving a signing pen from the Comprehensive Crime Control Act of 1984 as Public Law 98-473.
Available here: c020_012_000_063 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 63: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/3/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole welcoming him back to the Washington and the 99th congress.
Available here: c020_012_000_064 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 64: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/7/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole informing Dole that he is planning his State of the Union address on February 06.
Available here: c020_012_000_065 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 65: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/6/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his help in appointing Ed Meese for Attorney General.
Available here: c020_012_000_066 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 66: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/16/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole urging support on two resolutions that would release funds for 21 MX missiles.
Available here: c020_012_000_067 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 67: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 3/20/1983

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for support of S.J. Res 71; which released FY 85 funding for MX missiles.
Available here: c020_012_000_068 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 68: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 4/30/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his leadership on the Senate vote to approve $14 million in humanitarian aid to Nicaraguan Contras.
Available here: c020_012_000_069 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 69: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/23/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his leadership in the passing of the deficit reduction plan.
Available here: c020_012_000_070 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 70: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/23/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole endorsing the terms of the Nunn/Warner Amendment to the FY 86 Defense Authorization Bill.
Available here: c020_012_000_071 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 71: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 8/23/1985

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a message during his recent surgery.
Available here: c020_012_000_072 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 72: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/7/1986

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for voting in opposition of Senate Joint Resolution 316 to prohibit the sale of air defense and anti-ship missiles to Saudi Arabia.
Available here: c020_012_000_073 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 73: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 5/12/1986

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole sending his best wishes for the success of the Battle of Normandy Memorial Museum in Caen, France.
Available here: c020_012_000_074 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 74: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 6/6/1986

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole expressing gratitude that the Senate sustained his veto of Senate Joint Resolution 316, prohibiting arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
Available here: c020_012_000_075 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 75: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/18/1986

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole wishing Dole a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_012_000_076 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 76: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 11/25/1987

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole discussing a bipartisan agreement to make meaningful reductions in the Federal deficit.
Available here: c020_012_000_077 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 77: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 10/13/1988

- Letter from President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole giving Dole a signing pen from law H.R. 5090, the United States-Canada Free Trade Agreement Implementation act of 1988.
Available here: c020_012_000_078 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 78: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/28/1990

- Letter from Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his kind words about efforts to bring democracy to Nicaragua.
Available here: c020_012_000_079 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 79: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/27/1992

- Letter from Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a book and his gladness in hearing that Dole's recovery is going smoothly.
Available here: c020_012_000_080 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 80: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 2/11/1994

- Letter from Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for making his birthday such a success, turning 83 will be one of the highlights of his life.
Available here: c020_012_000_081 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 81: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 4/11/1994

- Letter from Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to a special one-day conference, "Do Conservatives Have a Sense of Humor?"
Available here: c020_012_000_082 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 82: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 7/22/1994

- Letter from Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole offering birthday wishes.
Available here: c020_012_000_083 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 83: Ronald Reagan to Bob Dole, 1/17/1997

- Letter from Former President of the United States Ronald Reagan to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on receiving the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Available here: c020_012_000_084 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Box 13: S-Z

- Item 1: Arnold Schwarzenegger, 8/2/2005

- Letter from Governor of California Arnold Schwarzenegger to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a copy of One Soldier's Story.
Available here: c020_013_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: Hugh Scott to Bob Dole, 7/20/1973

- Letter from Senate Minority Leader, Senator Hugh Scott to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_013_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: Keith Sebelius to Bob Dole, 2/21/1980

- Letter from Representative from Kansas Keith Sebelius to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on a splendid job in the Iowa debate.
Available here: c020_013_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: Sargent Shriver to Bob Dole, 10/14/1992

- Letter from American Statesman Sargent Shriver to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on making the cover of "Jobs Corps in Action".
Available here: c020_013_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: Alan Simpson to Bob Dole, 3/20/1979

- Letter from Senator from Wyoming Alan Simpson to Senator Bob Dole complimenting him on a talk he gave at the VFW (Veteran's of Foreign Wars) Banquet.
Available here: c020_013_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: Jim Slattery to Bob Dole, 1983-??-??

- Letter from Representative Jim Slattery to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences on the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_013_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: Dean Smith to Bob Dole, 7/29/1997

- Letter from Head Basketball Coach, University of North Carolina, Dean Smith to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a letter congratulating the coach on their basketball season, also discussing a shared past at KU.
Available here: c020_013_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 8: Cornelio Sommaruga to Bob Dole, 2/23/1999

- Letter from President of the International Committee of the Red Cross Cornelio Sommaruga to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for an evaluation of Chief of Staff of the ICMP, Erwin Bohi.
Available here: c020_013_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: Arlen Specter to Bob Dole, 7/22/2005

- Letter from Senator from Pennsylvania; Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee Arlen Specter offering birthday wishes.
Available here: c020_013_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: Leslie Stahl to Bob Dole, 11/9/1987

- Letter from CBS reporter Lesley Stahl to Senator Bob Dole giving him a picture of the two of them and Lawton Chiles.
Available here: c020_013_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 11: Ted Stevens to Bob Dole, 7/14/2006

- Letter from Senator From Alaska Ted Stevens to Senator Bob Dole offering him birthday wishes.
Available here: c020_013_000_010 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: Elizabeth Taylor to Bob Dole, 3/27/1990

- Letter from Actress Elizabeth Taylor to Senator Bob Dole encouraging him to co-sponsor S.2240, the Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency act.
Available here: c020_013_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: Margaret Thatcher to Bob Dole, 11/6/1996

- Letter from Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Margaret Thatcher to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for his 1996 Presidential election loss.
Available here: c020_013_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: Nancy Thurmond to Bob Dole, 9/8/1983

- Letter from Wife of Senator from South Caroline Nancy Thurmond offering condolences for the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_013_000_013 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: Strom Thurmond to Bob Dole, 10/19/1972

- Letter from Senator from South Carolina Strom Thurmond to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for a copy of memorial addresses and tributes to James F. Byrnes.
Available here: c020_013_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: Strom Thurmond to Bob Dole, 11/16/1972

- Letter from Senator from South Carolina to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a recent letter.
Available here: c020_013_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: Strom Thurmond to Bob Dole, 9/7/1983

- Letter from Senator from South Caroline Strom Thurmond to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences on the death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_013_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: Strom Thurmond to Bob Dole, 12/5/2002

- Letter from Senator from South Carolina Strom Thurmond to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for sponsoring Strom's 100th birthday celebration.
Available here: c020_013_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: Cesar Gaviria Trujillo to Bob Dole, 10/5/1990

- Letter from President of Colombia Cesar Gaviria Trujillo to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his kindness during a recent visit to the U.S. with extra mention of the Caribbean Basin Initiative.
Available here: c020_013_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: John Warner to Bob Dole, 11/8/1993

- Letter from Senator from Virginia John Warner to Senator Bob Dole asking for increases communication when all-Member briefings are being held, as many offices had not be contacted for a visiting Ambassador who was updating the Senate on Somalia.
Available here: c020_013_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: Caspar Weinberger to Bob Dole, 9/19/1974

- Letter from Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare Caspar Weinberger to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his recommendation of Monsignor James T. McHugh for the National commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral R
Available here: c020_013_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 22: Elie Wiesel to Bob Dole, 12/13/1979

- Letter from Author; Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel to Senator Bob Dole giving Dole details on the President's Commission on the Holocaust; in which the commission has suggested a museum, memorial, and teaching facility.
Available here: c020_013_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: Roy Wilkins to Bob Dole, 7/6/1965

- Telegram from Chairman of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights Roy Wilkins to Senator Bob Dole asking for support on the Voting Rights Bill by supporting the House Judiciary Bill and opposing the Ford-McCulloch substitute.
Available here: c020_013_000_020 (PDF, 7 pp.)
- Item 24: Paul Wolfowitz to Bob Dole, 11/1/2004

- Letter from Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz to Senator Bob Dole telling Dole of a upcoming invitation to speak to students at the School of Advanced International Studies.
Available here: c020_013_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: Boris Yeltsin to Bob Dole, Undated

- Letter from President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin to Senator Bob Dole, all text is in Russian.
Available here: c020_013_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon to Bob Dole, 11/28/2000

- Letter from President of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de Leon to Senator Bob Dole letting him know that he is leaving office on November 30 and hoping that Dole's interest in Mexico will continue in the future.
Available here: c020_013_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
Browse by Box:
Box 1: A-B],
Box 2: George H.W. Bush],
Box 3: C],
Box 4: Bill Clinton],
Box 5: D-E],
Box 6: F-K],
Box 7: Gerald Ford],
Box 8: L],
Box 9: M-Q],
Box 10: Richard Nixon],
Box 11: R],
Box 12: Ronald Reagan],
Box 13: S-Z],
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