Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 31: 1991

- Box 33

- Folder 13

- Item 1: Dole Carries Through on Commitment to Desert Shield Troops; Tax Relief Bill Introduced in Congress, 1/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Carries Through on Commitment to Desert Shield Troops; Tax Relief Bill Introduced in Congress, 1/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_002.pdf
- Item 3: Kansans Reappointed to State ASCS Committee, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_003.pdf
- Item 4: -El Salvador Executions- 3 Americans Murdered by FMLN Assassins; Bush Should Fully Fund Cristiani Regime, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_004.pdf
- Item 5: Persian Gulf - The Best Chance for Peace, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_005.pdf
- Item 6: Persian Gulf - The Best Chance for Peace, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_006.pdf
- Item 7: -El Salvador Executions- 3 Americans Murdered by FMLN Assassins; Bush Should Fully Fund Cristiani Regime, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansans Reappointed to State ASCS Committee, 1/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_008.pdf
- Item 9: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers, 1/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_009.pdf
- Item 10: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers, 1/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole on Bush Letter - Persian Gulf, 1/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole/Warner Resolution - Last Best Hope for Peace, 1/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_012.pdf
- Item 13: Defeat Dem Resolution: Saddam is Watching, 1/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_013.pdf
- Item 14: Defeat Dem Resolution: Saddam is Watching, 1/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_014.pdf
- Item 15: Suspend USSR Grain Credits - Gorbachev's Bullying of Republics Means No "Business as Usual", 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_015.pdf
- Item 16: Energy - Time for American Independence, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_016.pdf
- Item 17: Healthcare: A National Priority, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_017.pdf
- Item 18: Suspend USSR Grain Credits - Gorbachev's Bullying of Republics Means No "Business as Usual", 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_018.pdf
- Item 19: S.8 -- Troops Tax Relief - Dole Carries Through on Commitment to Desert Shield Troops; Tax Relief Bill Introduced in Senate, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_019.pdf
- Item 20: Republican Leader Introduces Legislative Package as 102nd Congress Opens for Business, 1/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_020.pdf
- Item 21: Kansas Woman Receives Presidential Appointment at the Request of Senator Bob Dole, 1/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Recommends Kansan for Appointment to the American Folklife Center Board of Trustees, 1/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_022.pdf
- Item 23: Lithuania - Resolution on Soviet Crack Down: No Business As Usual, 1/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole on Persian Gulf War, 1/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_024.pdf
- Item 25: America, United, 1/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_025.pdf
- Item 26: Stalinism Alive and Well in Yugoslavia & Soviet Union; Crackdowns Ordered by Belgrade and Moscow Crushing Democracy; Deadly Deadline Ticks Down in Yugoslavia, 1/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_026.pdf
- Item 27: Stalinism Alive and Well in Yugoslavia & Soviet Union; Crackdowns Ordered by Belgrade and Moscow Crushing Democracy; Deadly Deadline Ticks Down in Yugoslavia, 1/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_027.pdf
- Item 28: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers - Meeting Rescheduled for Friday, January 25th, 1/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_028.pdf
- Item 29: Deputy Secretary of Energy Department Accepts Dole Invitation to Come to Wichita to Discuss National Energy Strategy with Kansas Oil and Gas Producers - Meeting Rescheduled for Friday, January 25th, 1/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_029.pdf
- Item 30: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule - January 24 - 26, 1991, 1/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_030.pdf
- Item 31: Troop Tax Relief - Dole Bill Clears Committee; Desert Storm Soldiers Closer to Much Needed Tax Relief, 1/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Urges White House Take Immediate Action on Ag Export Front; Letter to President Bush Lists Options to Battle Foreign Subsidies, 1/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_032.pdf
- Item 33: Crisis in Yugoslavia, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_033.pdf
- Item 34: Salute to Bob Dole and "Compeer for Kids", 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole on Baltics - Mitchell-Dole Resolution on Baltics, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_035.pdf
- Item 36: POWs - Mitchell-Dole Resolution on Prisoners of War, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_036.pdf
- Item 37: Troop Tax Relief, 1/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_037.pdf
- Item 38: New Ag Secretary, 1/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_038.pdf
- Item 39: Senator Bob Dole - Remarks for Kansas Day Banquet, 1/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_039.pdf
- Item 40: Dole on State of the Union - "State of Unity" Reflects Right Priorities, 1/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_040.pdf
- Item 41: Mitchell/Dole Red Cross Resolution, 1/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_041.pdf
- Item 42: Agent Orange Act of 1991, 1/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_013_042.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Rated Most Effective, Respected GOP Senator in Survey of Top Capitol Hill Aides, 2/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Rated Most Effective, Respected GOP Senator in Survey of Top Capitol Hill Aides, 2/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Repeal Wright Amendment, 2/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: $8.75 Million Headed for Six Kansas Airports - "Significant Boost for Kansas Aviation," Says Dole, 2/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_004.pdf
- Item 5: $8.75 Million Headed for Six Kansas Airports - "Significant Boost for Kansas Aviation," Says Dole, 2/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_005.pdf
- Item 6: Labor Sec. Lynn Martin, 2/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Kansas Farmers to Receive Disaster Relief; Additional Assistance "Welcome News," Says Dole, 2/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas Farmers to Receive Disaster Relief; Additional Assistance "Welcome News," Says Dole, 2/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_008.pdf
- Item 9: Iraqi Statement - Dole Says Baghdad's Latest P.R. Move "Nothing New;" "Its Going to Fall Like a Scud", 2/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_009.pdf
- Item 10: EEP Funding - Dole Introduces Resolution to Boost EEP Funding; Program Running Out of Funds: 85% Already Gone, 2/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_010.pdf
- Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole, 2/20/1991

- American Enterprise Institute - Vista International Hotel
PDF available: s-press_033_014_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Women's Equal Opportunity Act of 1991, 2/21/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_012.pdf
- Item 13: Yugoslavia - Direct Aid for Democratic Republics, 2/21/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: Desert Storm Phone Rates - Dole Seeks Reduction in Saudis Sky High Phone Rates for Desert Storm Families; Kingdoms "Wrong Number" Costing Soldiers & Loved Ones, 2/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_014.pdf
- Item 15: Gulf Ultimatum - Dole: "Saddam Better Get Busy -- High Noon Comes Quickly", 2/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_015.pdf
- Item 16: Persian Gulf War - Not Time Outs, Lets Finish the Job: Time fore Soviets to Butt Out -- No More Free Advice., 2/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Selects 51 for Academy Nominations, 2/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_017.pdf
- Item 18: Operation Desert Calm - Brilliant Leadership Wins War; Bush Makes "Toughest Call of Our Time", 2/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_014_018.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 1: Dole calls for creation of international strategic petroleum reserve, 3/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole receives first annual purple heart Freedom Award", 3/5/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_002.pdf
- Item 3: Bush address to Congress, 3/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_003.pdf
- Item 4: AG secretary Madigan confirmed, 3/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole helps secure major $12.9 million grant for Kansas, 3/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_005.pdf
- Item 6: Kansas wins $575,000 jobs grant training for victims of unfair foreign trade practices, 3/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_006.pdf
- Item 7: Yugoslavia protests, 3/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_007.pdf
- Item 8: Civil Rights, 3/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_008.pdf
- Item 9: $1.73 Million coming to two Kansas airports, 3/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_009.pdf
- Item 10: Crime Bill, 3/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_010.pdf
- Item 11: Wichita SBA district director named, 3/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole helps eastern Kansas farmers get relief from burdensome ASCS regulations, 3/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_012.pdf
- Item 13: Eisenhower fellowship gets $1 Million boost, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Committee lifts spending cap on export enhancement program, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole recommends Rose and Shmidman for Heritage Commission appointments, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_015.pdf
- Item 16: Kansan appointed to Federal Education Commission, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_016.pdf
- Item 17: Kansas Community colleges, 3/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_017.pdf
- Item 18: Resolution to reduce desert storm phone rates passes senate committee, 3/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_018.pdf
- Item 20: Dole supports legislation to waive commercial drivers license for farmers and farm related business vehicles, 3/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_020.pdf
- Item 21: Wheat Export Enhancement, 3/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_015_021.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 1: Three Kansas Rural Water Projects Receive $3.8 Million; Increased Services for Rural Customers, 4/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_001.pdf
- Item 2: Remembering Senator John Heinz, 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_002.pdf
- Item 3: $1.44 Million in Tornado Relief for Hesston; Dole Delivers Funding for Community Economic Development Projects, 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: Approval of 10,000 Parsons Bombs Vindicates Support for Ammo Plant; Parsons Firepower "Not Pork, its Pure Muscle", 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole: Approval of 10,000 Parsons Bombs Vindicates Support for Ammo Plant; Parsons Firepower "Not Pork, its Pure Muscle", 4/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_005.pdf
- Item 6: Iraq - The "Killing Sands" of Iraq - President Bush Makes the Right Calls, 4/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_006.pdf
- Item 7: Testimony of Senator Bob Dole - Violence Against Women - Senate Judiciary Committee, 4/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Hails Big Brothers and Sisters of Wichita; Organization is named "Daily Point of Light", 4/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Helps K-State win $145,237 Electric Car Research Grant, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Helps K-State win $145,237 Electric Car Research Grant, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Makes it Official: No Base Closings for Kansas, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Makes it Official: No Base Closings for Kansas, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Helps Win "Farmer-Friendly" Changes to Onerous Farm Bill Regulations, 4/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_013.pdf
- Item 14: Miss USA - Dole to Welcome "Miss USA" to Washington; Liberal, Kansas Native Kelly McCarthy to Meet President Bush, 4/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_014.pdf
- Item 15: Rail Strike, 4/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_015.pdf
- Item 16: President Bush Nominates Mike Hayden for Interior Post; Dole Says Hayden "A Natural" for Fish, Wildlife & Parks Job, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Brings Persian Gulf Jobs Conference to Wichita: Federal Officials to Assist Kansans Seeking Kuwaiti Reconstruction Opportunities, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_017.pdf
- Item 18: Miss USA Media Alert, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole - April 19 - 20, 1991, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_019.pdf
- Item 20: Yugoslavia - Dole Resolution Send Tough Message to Communist Hard Liners: Senate Stands on Side of Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights, 4/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_020.pdf
- Item 21: Four Kansas Airports to Recieve $2,775,000 for Improvements, 4/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_021.pdf
- Item 22: Four Kansas Airports to Recieve $2,775,000 for Improvements, 4/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_022.pdf
- Item 23: Miss U.S.A. Comes to Washington: Kelli McCarty of Liberal, Kansas Meets President Bush, is Saluted at Dole/Kassebaum Reception; Pizza Hut Delivers 70 Pizzas to Capitol Hill, 4/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Announces Sheila Bair of Independence, Kansas, to be CFTC Commissioner, 4/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_024.pdf
- Item 25: Motor Voter, 4/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_025.pdf
- Item 26: Social Security, 4/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Applauds Presidential Disaster Declaration; Continues Personal Efforts to Coordinate Relief, 4/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole on Crime Report - Talk is Cheap: Time to Get Tough on Criminals, 4/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_028.pdf
- Item 29: Senator Dole, Mrs. Dole to Tour Damaged Sites in Andover, 4/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Announces Contract Award for Construction of Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, KS, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Announces Contract Award for Construction of Federal Courthouse in Kansas City, KS, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_031.pdf
- Item 32: Soviet Grain Credits - Dole Continues to Work with Administration on Ag Credits for Soviet Union, but with Tough Conditions; Administration Right to Resist "No Questions Asked" Attitude to Moscow - Dole Talks to Secretary Madigan on Issue., 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Announces Emergency Food Stamp Aid for Tornado Victims in Butler & Sedgwick Counties; Federal Government Continues to Respond to Kansas Disaster, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Announces Emergency Food Stamp Aid for Tornado Victims in Butler & Sedgwick Counties; Federal Government Continues to Respond to Kansas Disaster, 4/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_016_034.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Dole Sends Telegram to U.S. Ambassador in Belgrade; Communist Crackdowns are Unacceptable, 5/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole - May 4 - 6, 1991, 5/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Appoints Neal McCoy of Kansas to National Commission on Financial Institution Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement, 5/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: Wichita, Topeka Airports to Receive $1.4 Million, 5/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole: Wichita, Topeka Airports to Receive $1.4 Million, 5/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Says Tornado Damage at McConnell Hits $62 Million in Preliminary Estimate, 5/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_006.pdf
- Item 7: Tornado Relief Update - Dole Wins New Tornado Warning Sirens for Andover; Cuts Federal Red Tape for Emergency Relief Funds for McConnell and Public Facilities, 5/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_007.pdf
- Item 8: Tornado Relief Update - Dole Wins New Tornado Warning Sirens for Andover; Cuts Federal Red Tape for Emergency Relief Funds for McConnell and Public Facilities, 5/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole, Kassebaum Welcome National Champ K-State Debate Team; Presidential Visit, Senate Reception Highlight Wildcats Visit, 5/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Announces Kuwait Rebuilding Conference Speakers; Kuwait Government Official, Contractors, Federal Experts, Bankers to Provide Key Information to Kansas Firms Seeking Work in Gulf, 5/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Secures $500,000 Development Grant for Southwest Kansas; Government-Sponsored Loan Program to Boost Business Opportunities: Great Bend, Liberal, Coldwater, Meade, Dodge City, Garden City with Pending Projects for Preapproved Businesses., 5/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_011.pdf
- Item 12: U.S.-Soviet Relations: Benchmarks for American Policy, 5/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_012.pdf
- Item 13: Bob Gates - Gates is the Right Man for CIA Post, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole, Kassebaum Push Family Farm Tax Reform; Estate Should be "All in the Family" in IRS Eyes, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Appoints Kansan to Indian Education Board, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_015.pdf
- Item 16: Yugoslavia - Day of Reckoning for Yugoslavia, 5/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_016.pdf
- Item 17: Soviet Food Credits - Dole Resolution Spells Out Comprehensive Conditions; Potential to Help American Farmers, Ease Soviet Food Crisis, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_017.pdf
- Item 18: EPA Expanding its Offices in Kansas City, KS., 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_018.pdf
- Item 19: Campaign Finance Reform: The Republican Approach, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kuwaiti Ambassador Accepts Doles Invitation to Come to Wichita; Ambassador Al-Sabah to highlight Doles Kuwait Reconstruction Conference, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_020.pdf
- Item 21: Kuwaiti Ambassador to Join Dole in Topeka Salute to Gulf Troops; Ambassador Al-Sabah to Honor Kansas Soldiers in American Legion Parade This Saturday, 5/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_021.pdf
- Item 22: Yugoslavia - Hardliners Veto Democracy in Yugoslavia, 5/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_022.pdf
- Item 23: MFN for China, 5/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_023.pdf
- Item 24: Civil Rights - H.R. 1 -- Still a Quota Bill - House "Compromise" a Political "Figleaf & Gimmick", 5/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_024.pdf
- Item 25: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule for May 17 - 21, 1991, 5/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_025.pdf
- Item 26: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Children with Disabilities and the School Lunch Program, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Says Sedgwick, Cowley, Butler Counties Qualify for Federal Tornado Aid; FEMA Declaration to Help Rebuild Public Facilities, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole: New U.S. Marshals Facility on Track for Leavenworth; "80 to 100 Jobs, Frontline Facility" a Go, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole: New U.S. Marshals Facility on Track for Leavenworth; "80 to 100 Jobs, Frontline Facility" a Go, 5/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dems "Anything But Action Plan", 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_030.pdf
- Item 31: Front-Page Test - Dole Anti-Keating Amendment Would Require Disclosure of Congressional Contacts with Agencies; Constituent Service Should Be Suitable for Front Page, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole, Mayor Finlason Announce Arrival of Andover Tornado Sirens; Temporary Warning Systems to Guard Andover Until Installation of new Sirens Secured by Dole, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole, Mayor Finlason Announce Arrival of Andover Tornado Sirens; Temporary Warning Systems to Guard Andover Until Installation of New Sirens Secured by Dole, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_033.pdf
- Item 34: Challenger Seed Money - Dole Amendment: Helping Challengers Key to Campaign Reform; Seed Money to Improve Competition Against Well-Heeled Incumbents, 5/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_034.pdf
- Item 35: Fast Track Extension, 5/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_035.pdf
- Item 36: Darman Briefs Dole on Administrations Tornado Relief Package & McConnell Reconstruction; "Federal Government Will Take Care of it", 5/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_036.pdf
- Item 37: Darman Briefs Dole on Administrations Tornado Relief Package & McConnell Reconstruction; "Federal Government Will Take Care of it", 5/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_037.pdf
- Item 38: Walsh/Iran-Contra, 5/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_038.pdf
- Item 39: Senator Bob Dole Schedule for Kansas - Sunday, June 2, 1991, 5/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_017_039.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: H.R. 1: Still a quota bill, 6/3/1991

- text of Dole Senate speech on HR 1, "which is virtually identical to the quota bill vetoed by President Bush last year"
PDF available: s-press_033_018_001.pdf
- Item 2: MFN For China, 6/4/1991

- text of Dole Senate speech on MFN for China
PDF available: s-press_033_018_002.pdf
- Item 3: Senators Dole and Specter to attend "Prairiesta" celebration in hometown Russell, 6/5/1991

- US Sens. Dole and Arlen Specter will return to their hometown of Russell, Kansas, June 8 to participate in the celebration of the 120th anniversary of the city of Russell and to attend the sixth annual "Prairiesta" all-community celebration.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_003.pdf
- Item 4: Health Care, 6/6/1991

- Dems Dukakis-model mandates pick pockets of small businesses; GOP ready to join debate to hold down costs, boost access to care
PDF available: s-press_033_018_004.pdf
- Item 5: HR 1: Out-of-Touch with America, 6/6/1991

- Sen. Doles statement on the passage of HR 1, calling it a bill that transforms title VII into a national tort law with a "civil rights" label
PDF available: s-press_033_018_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole appoints Connie Hadley of Kansas City to Federal Council on Aging, 6/10/1991

- Sen. Dole today announced his recommendation of Mrs. Connie Hadley of Kansas City, Kansas, for appointment to the Federal Council on Aging. Mrs. Hadley is an active senior with a longtime commitment to community programs.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_006.pdf
- Item 7: Soviet Food Credits, 6/11/1991

- Dole welcomes Soviet food credit offer: Senate action instrumental to breakthrough offer from administration
PDF available: s-press_033_018_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole introduces $400 million "Seed II" bill, 6/11/1991

- Responsible US aid program for fledgling democracies; Bi-partisan approach needed - differences narrow in legislation
PDF available: s-press_033_018_008.pdf
- Item 9: Luxury tax repeal, 6/11/1991

- Democrats "fairness" hammering middle-class workers
- Item 10: Dole, Nichols meet with ARCOTransportation Co. President; Secure pledge to keep pipe line headquarters in Independence, 6/11/1991

- KS Sen. Bob Dole and Congressman Dick Nichols (R-KS) met today with ARCO Transportation company President William C. Rusnack in Doles US Capitol Leadership Office to discuss ARCO's recent decision to move 50 jobs to Houston, Texas.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_010.pdf
- Item 11: Marysville project included in FY92 Energy and Water Appropriations bills, 6/11/1991

- Sen. Dole announced today Senate subcommittee approval of a $200,000 feasibility study of a plan to control flooding by the Big Blue River in Marysville, Kansas. The project was approved by the Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee
PDF available: s-press_033_018_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole urges Andover tornado victims to turn in grant and loan applications; deadline in two weeks, 6/12/1991

- As the deadline for filing disaster assistance applications approaches, Kansas Senator Bob Dole today encouraged Sedgwick and Butler County tornado victims, who have not yet done so, to apply for federal assistance before time runs out.
PDF available: s-press_033_018_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senator Bob Dole Schedule for Kansas, June 14-15, 6/13/1991

- Senator Bob Doles Kansas June 14-15 schedule (KC, Leavenworth, Lenexa, Overland Park)
PDF available: s-press_033_018_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole appoints Kansas Secretary of State Bill Graves to Competitiveness Policy Council, 6/13/1991

- Senator Dole today appointed KS Secretary of State Bill Graves to the Competitiveness Policy Council
PDF available: s-press_033_018_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole backs commercial drivers license waiver measure for custom harvesters; approved by Senate, 6/13/1991

- Sen. Dole announced that the Senate approved a Dole-sponsored measure which would allow states to waive application of the Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 with respect to vehicles used to transport farm supplies from retail dealers to or
PDF available: s-press_033_018_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole: Carla Lancaster case to be made public Friday, 6/13/1991

- "I have been closely monitoring the ongoing military trial of Captain Carla Lancaster
- Item 17: 100 Day Challenge, 6/13/1991

- Dems should file for extension
- Item 18: Hayden confirmed, 6/14/1991

- The nomination of former Kansas Governor Mike Hayden to the US Department of the Interior cleared the Senate by unanimous consent
PDF available: s-press_033_018_018.pdf
- Item 19: RTC: Martinelli transferred, 6/14/1991

- Martinelli transfer shouldn't deter full accounting of taxpayer dollars in Kansas City RTC office; "vigorous investigation" needed - new director is J. Paul Ramey
PDF available: s-press_033_018_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole charitable contributions top $700,000, 6/14/1991

- Kansas charities get lions share, new financial disclosure records show: $34,500 in 1990. Most of these donations to charities by Sen. Dole are in Kansas
PDF available: s-press_033_018_020.pdf
- Item 21: Soviet food credits, 6/17/1991

- Dole meets Soviet trade reps: urges speedy negotiations along with wheat purchases
PDF available: s-press_033_018_021.pdf
- Item 22: USDA equity study, 6/18/1991

- Dole releases USDA equity analysis of commodity support in 1990 Farm Bill; disparity found in levels of support, study concludes (USDA analysis included)
PDF available: s-press_033_018_022.pdf
- Item 23: Interstate trash dumping, 6/18/1991

- Sen. Dole today submitted testimony to the Senate Subcommittee on Environmental Protection on a Dole-backed bill to help states such as Kansas regulate or ban the dumping of out-of-state waste within their borders
PDF available: s-press_033_018_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole appoints Dr. Donald McCoy of Kansas to the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress, 6/19/1991

- Sen. Dole announced the appointment of Dr. Donald McCoy, of Lawrence, Kansas, to the Advisory Committee on the Records of Congress
PDF available: s-press_033_018_024.pdf
- Item 25: Soviet Food Credits, 6/20/1991

- Dole meets with soviet negotiating team
- Item 26: Dole Kansas schedule, 6/21/1991

- Dole Kansas Schedule, June 22-23
PDF available: s-press_033_018_026.pdf
- Item 27: Two Kansas firms win $248,614 in high-tech grants for research and development proposals, 6/24/1991

- Sen. Dole announced today that two Kansas companies have been awarded a total of $248,614 for outstanding research and development proposals under the US Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program
PDF available: s-press_033_018_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole wins approval of $9.9 million proposal to repair Wichita courthouse building, 6/25/1991

- Sen. Dole today won subcommittee approval for a $9.9 million major renovation project for the US Federal Courthouse in Wichita. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letter head, 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_018_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Announces $1.3 Million Grant for Garden City Airport, 6/27/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_018_029.pdf
- Item 30: Senator Bob Dole Schedule for Kansas, June 28-29, 6/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_030.pdf
- Item 31: Tornado Relief Update - Dole Secures Federal Funding Package For Rebuilding McConnell AFB & Kansas Tornado Relief, 6/27/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_018_031.pdf
- Item 32: Yugoslavia - Yugoslav Army, Communist Hardline Tactics Jeopardize Stability; U.S. Must Support Peaceful Dialogue, 6/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_032.pdf
- Item 33: Firearms Compromise - Dole Plan Passes Senate; Five Day Wait to End When Reliable Instant Check System Developed, 6/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_033.pdf
- Item 34: Yugoslavia - Senate passes S. Res. 147 condemning the use of force to resolve political differences in Yugoslavia, 6/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_034.pdf
- Item 35: Senator Bob Dole Schedule Update: McPherson Stop Saturday, June 29th, Noon To Discuss Landfill Issue, 6/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_018_035.pdf
- Folder 19

- Item 2: Clarence Thomas - Dole Calls for Quick Senate Confirmation of Bush Supreme Court Nominee, 7/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole to Host Kansans In Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 7/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_003.pdf
- Item 4: Senator Dole Honored by FBI For Work in Congress; Dole Gives Special Award to Widow of Slain Agent from Galena, KS, 7/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces High-Tech Cancer Treatment Equipment Coming To Wichita Medical Centers, 7/2/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senator Bob Dole - Schedule for Kansas, July 4,6; Stops Include Victory Review of "The Big Red One" at Fort Riley, 7/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Mourns Passing of John Franke, "Good Friend" of Kansas, 7/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_007.pdf
- Item 8: Yugoslavia Crisis - Dole Appeals to President with 4-Point Plan For Urgent Efforts To Stop Yugoslav Army Aggression & Brutal Crackdown On Democracy, 7/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_008.pdf
- Item 9: Rose Hunter Lee: 1920-1991. Remembering Kansas City's Proud Community Leader, 7/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_009.pdf
- Item 10: **Media Alert** Clarence Thomas Visits Hill, 7/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_010.pdf
- Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Operation Prairie Storm Coffeyville, Kansas, 7/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_011.pdf
- Item 12: Two Kansas Rural Water Projects Receive $884,600; Increased Services for Rural Customers, 7/9/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_012.pdf
- Item 13: Judge Clarence Thomas - Record of Public Service Speaks for Itself; Don't Politicize The Confirmation Process, 7/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_013.pdf
- Item 14: South Africa Sanctions - President Bush Makes Right Decision: "Sanctions No Longer Make Any Sense"; Blacks Bear Brunt of Sanctions Impact, 7/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_014.pdf
- Item 15: Kansans Town Receives $55,000 Grant for Rural Water Project; Increased Service For Rural Customers, 7/10/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Seeks $900,000 For Wilson Lake; Wins First Round Senate Approval, 7/10/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_016.pdf
- Item 17: ***Media Advisory*** China MFN, 7/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_017.pdf
- Item 18: KU Pollution Study In Line for $1.45 Million Grant; Doles Request Approved Today, Along with Eastern Europe Program, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_018.pdf
- Item 19: Wichita's Domestic Violence Program In Line For $500,000 Thanks To Dole, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_019.pdf
- Item 20: High Tech Laser Research Facility Wins Funding Breakthrough - Garden City Still Candidate for $211 Million Outer Space Project, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_020.pdf
- Item 21: Wyandotte House In Line for $750,000; Dole and Kassebaum's Request Approved Today, 7/11/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole: Iola Airport to Receive 1.5 Million, 7/12/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_022.pdf
- Item 23: 75th Anniversary of the Boeing Company, 7/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_023.pdf
- Item 24: Kansas Defense Projects Win Big Boost From Key Senate Committee; Parsons Ammo Plant, TTTS, KC-135, McConnell AFB, Ft, Leavenworth, 7/16/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_024.pdf
- Item 25: Gorby & The G-7 Summit - Dole: Limit Western Aid, Press Soviet Reforms, 7/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_025.pdf
- Item 26: Tornado Radar Update - Dole Underscores Senate Support For Torndao-Detecting Radar; House Funding Cuts, Technical Snags Slow Delivery To Wichita, 7/17/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_026.pdf
- Item 27: The Gates Nomination - Delay Unfortunate; Senate Cant Wait On Special Prosecutor, 7/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_027.pdf
- Item 28: Senate Passes Dole Amendment Providing $500,000 To Boost Kansas City, Kansas Social Services to Help the Needy, 7/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_028.pdf
- Item 29: AIDS & Health Workers - Dole Bipartisan Amendment Implements CDC Guidelines, 7/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_029.pdf
- Item 30: 91 Towns in 34 Counties In Line For Brand New Warning Equipment; Dole Plan Wins Senate Approval For The $1.15 Million Request, 7/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole: Kansas Bostwick to Receive Additional Water, 7/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_031.pdf
- Item 32: China MFN - Defeat Mitchell Resolution: Do Good, Not "Feel Good", 7/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole: Three Kansas Airports to Receive $2.3 Million Topeka - Independence - Olathe, 7/22/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_033.pdf
- Item 34: Doles Kansas Projects On Line for $5.87 Million In Federal Funding; K-State Wins Big: Throckmorton and Agriculture Research Projects Funded; Russell Wins First-Round Approval for Gluten Plant, 7/23/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_033_019_034.pdf
- Item 35: John Lungstrum Picked For Kansas Federal Bench - President Bush Calls to Tell Lawrence Resident the Good News, 7/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole, Mitchell Press House For Fair Highway Treatment; Federal Dollars for Kansas at Stake in "Level of Effort" Issue, 7/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_036.pdf
- Item 37: MFN "Alice In Wonderland" Amendment; American Workers, Producers to Pay Price for "Political Cover", 7/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Announces $282,000 In Housing Grants For Kansas Communities, 7/23/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_038.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Selects K-State Professor for National Nutrition Advisory Council, 7/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_039.pdf
- Item 40: Key Committee Endorses Dole Kansas Projects; Dole Requests On Line for More than $8.3 Million for Kansas Wildlife, Education, & Research Initiatives, 7/24/1991

- Press Release. 2 Copies
PDF available: s-press_033_019_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Releases Wilson Lake Findings: Park Service Praises Lakes Potential & Recreation Opportunities, Denies Feasibility for National Recreation Area Status, 7/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_041.pdf
- Item 42: Direct Aid - Senate Unanimously Adopts Dole Amendment; Paves Way for Direct Aid to Democratic Republics in Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_042.pdf
- Item 43: Baltics & Soviet Republics - On Eve of Summit, Dole-Simon Amendment Adopted Supporting Freedom for Baltics & Republics, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_043.pdf
- Item 44: Morris County Rural Water District to Receive $5.6 Million; Area Users to Receive Needed Water after Decade of Work, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_044.pdf
- Item 45: Iraq Nuclear Amendment - Dole/Lieberman Measure to Support Presidents Options to Wipe Out Saddam's Nuke Capability, 7/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_045.pdf
- Item 1: MFN For Soviets - President Bush Announces Trade Agreement in Moscow, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_001.pdf
- Item 46: Dole-Backed Amendments Gain Senate Approval; $285,000 for KSU Research Projects and Ethanol Study; Included in FY92 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Wins Senate Approval for Wichita's "Project Freedom"; Drug Abuse Program in Line for $150,000, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Wins Senate Approval for Wichita's "Project Freedom"; Drug Abuse Program in Line for $150,000, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_048.pdf
- Item 49: Pittsburgh State Wins New Funding for Technology Center; Dole Wins Conference Committee Approval for $4 Million., 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_049.pdf
- Item 50: Pittsburgh State Wins New Funding for Technology Center; Dole Wins Conference Committee Approval for $4 Million., 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_050.pdf
- Item 51: K-State/Pittsburgh State - Dole-Backed Amendments Gain Senate Approval; $285,000 for KSU Research Projects and Joint Pittsburgh/K-State Ethanol Study Included in FY92 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_051.pdf
- Item 52: K-State/Pittsburgh State - Dole-Backed Amendments Gain Senate Approval; $285,000 for KSU Research Projects and Joint Pittsburgh/K-State Ethanol Study Included in FY92 Agriculture Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_052.pdf
- Item 53: Wilson Lake - Doles Wilson Lake Upgrades Clear Key Hurdle; $900,000 in Improvements Endorsed by Senate-House Conference, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_053.pdf
- Item 54: Wilson Lake - Doles Wilson Lake Upgrades Clear Key Hurdle; $900,000 in Improvements Endorsed by Senate-House Conference, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_054.pdf
- Item 55: Marysville Flood Project Wins Approval in Key Conference Committee, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_055.pdf
- Item 56: Marysville Flood Project Wins Approval in Key Conference Committee, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_056.pdf
- Item 57: Clarence Thomas - NAACP Leadership: Out of the Mainstream, 7/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_033_019_057.pdf
- Box 34

- Folder 1

- Item 1: BCCI - The Justice Department: Taking the Lead Against BCCI, 8/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Liberal Airport To Receive $504,000 For Improvements, 8/1/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Amendment: Study Need & Plan For Shelters At Bases In Kansas, 8/1/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Appoints KU Dean to National Education and Standards Council, 8/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Statement: Unemployment Alternative, 8/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole/Lieberman Amendment Puts Saddam Hussein on Notice: Come Clean on Nuclear Weapons or Pay The Price, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Bob Dole Tours Northwest Kansas; Other Stops Include Kansas City, Manhattan & Wichita August 3 - 11, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Pittsburg State/Marysville Wilson Lake, 8/2/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, Top right part ripped on second page
PDF available: s-press_034_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole/Packwood "Secure Choice" Bill: Comprehensive Approach To Access & Cost of Long-Term Care Services & Insurance, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Unemployment Goes Down - Democrats Dial "1-800-DEFICIT", 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole B-2 Amendment Targets Topeka's Air Base, 8/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: U.S. National Security & Americas Role In The World: Dole Accepts Distinguished Service Award At 71st Annual Convention of the Military Order of the World Wars, 8/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Pennsylvania Senate Ruling - Dole applauds Appeals Court Ruling Clearing Way For U.S. Senate Election in Pennsylvania, 8/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: October Surprise Probe, 8/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: $5.6 Million For Morris County Rural Water District Gets Final O.K. From Farmers Home Administration; Users in Morris, Geary & Wabaunsee Counties On Line For Needed Water System, 8/8/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Labor Department Report Confirms Need for Glass Ceiling Commission; Dole to Re-Introduce Bill to Build on Report, 8/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Hays Wins $116,094 for Airport Upgrades, 8/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Announces Funding for Kansas Public Radio Stations; Great Bend, Garden City, Hutchinson To Receive New, Upgraded Public Broadcasting Service, 8/12/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Harlan County Reservoir - Dole Calls Federal Officials to His Office, 8/13/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule August 18 - 22, 1991, 8/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Time for U.S. To Lead; N.Y. Times Editorial On Target, 8/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Unemployment, 8/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Gorby Coup, 8/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: Soviet Coup - Dole: Hardline Coup Attempt Another "Wake Up Call" For Liberals, 8/21/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dodge City Airport Awarded $986,400 in Federal Funding, 8/21/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces 28 Kansas Counties Qualify For Haying And Grazing Emergency Relief, 8/21/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Announces $100,000 For Universities To Compete For Research Grants; KSU, KU and WSU To Get Assistance, 8/21/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: Soviet Food Credits - Dole: Continue Pressing For Fulfillment of Lang-Term Grain Agreement; Additional Food Aid Hinges on Soviet Reforms, 8/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_028.pdf
- Item 29: Humanitarian Aid to USSR - Look To Foreign Aid Budget, Not Defense, If Short-Term Aid Needed, 8/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole: Time For Serbian Communists To Learn Lesson Of Failed Soviet Coup, 8/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_030.pdf
- Item 31: The New Challenges for US-Soviet Relations - Remarks By Senator Bob Dole to the Commission on Accreditation Facilities 25th Anniversary Conference - Grand Hyatt Hotel, Washington DC, 8/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_031.pdf
- Item 32: Senator Bob Dole Kansas Schedule, September 2-4, 8/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_032.pdf
- Item 33: Yugoslavia - International Community Must Bring Pressure To End Aggression Against Freedom-Minded Republics; Milosevic Among Worlds Last Hardline Communists, 8/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_001_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Alternative to S. 1554 (Draft Proposal), 9/17/1991

- Draft Proposal
PDF available: s-press_034_001_034.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Baltics Must Now Build on Freedoms Victory; America Has Special Role to Play As Leader of Free World, 9/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Bringing Ag Secretary Madigan to Kansas State Fair - September 14, 1991, 9/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Carla Lancaster Case - Air Force Upholds Carla Lancaster Conviction: Dole Has "Grave Concerns, Real Doubts" About Air Force Review, Promises Continued Appeals Help For Basehor, KS Native, 9/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces Second Contract Award for Construction of Federal Courthouse Building in Kansas City, Kansas, 9/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Emporia State - Emporia State Wins Federal Grant For Early Education Program, 9/6/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole to be Eight Person to Receive Highest Honor From Military Order of the Purple Heart; Presentation Ceremony: 10:30 AM Thursday, September 12th S-230 U.S. Capitol, 9/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Wichita's "Project West" Program Receives $482,000; Will Fund Dropout Prevention Program, 9/9/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies, 1 with Dole letterhead and 1 without
PDF available: s-press_034_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Domestic Agenda - Finish Business of 91 Before Starting Politics of 92, 9/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Clarence Thomas - People Want God Government, Not Good Theater, At Hearings, 9/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole To Be First Person In Twelve Years to Receive Highest Honor From Military Order of the Purple Heart; Presentation Ceremony: 10:30 AM Thursday, September 12th S-230 U.S. Capitol, 9/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Protecting Health Workers - Dole/Mitchell Amendment Aims For Workplace Guidelines To Protect Health Care Professionals From Aids & Other Bloodborne Diseases, 9/11/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Amendments to Labor/HHS/Ed Bill Pass Senate: $500,000 For Program to Assist People with Disabilities; $450,000 To Boost Rural Mental Health Services for Elderly, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Secures $9.43 Million For Three Kansas Projects In Overland Park, Salina, and Southeast Kansas, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: School Funding - Dole Protects Federal Funding for Kansas Schools, 9/12/1991

- Press Release. 2 copies
PDF available: s-press_034_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Senator Dole, Congressman Roberts Bring Ag Secretary Ed Madigan to Hutchinson; Kansas State Fair Schedule - Saturday, September 14, 1991, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Middle East Hostages; Soviet Troops and Cuba, 9/12/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Wichita's Environmental Education Center in Line for $675,000; Dole Secures Funds for Second Phase of Project, 9/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Pittsburg State - Dole Announces Nearly Million Dollar Grant for Pittsburg State, 9/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Pittsburg State - Dole Announces Nearly Million Dollar Grant for Pittsburg State, 9/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Walsh/Iran-Contra - North Charges Dropped; Next Step -- Shut Down Multi-Million Dollar Taxpayer-Funded Walsh Iran-Contra Investigation, Dole Says, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: $55 Million for McConnell - Dole Secures Senate Approval of $55.28 Million Package to Rebuild Tornado Damaged Facilities at McConnell AFB, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: $55 Million for McConnell - Dole Secures Senate Approval of $55.28 Million Package to Rebuild Tornado Damaged Facilities at McConnell AFB, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Introduces Gates - Remarks of Senator Bob Dole Introducing CIA Director-Designate Bob Gates at Confirmation Hearings Before Senate Intelligence Committee, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_023.pdf
- Item 24: "Glass Ceiling" Legislation - Dole Reintroduces Glass Ceiling Bill; Commission to Recommend Policies to Shatter Artificial Barriers to Corporate Advancement of Women & Minorities, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Announces $300,000 Loan to Great Plains Development, Inc. - Funds will Assist Kansas Small Businesses, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces $300,000 Loan to Great Plains Development, Inc. - Funds will Assist Kansas Small Businesses, 9/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_026.pdf
- Item 27: Wright Amendment - Dole Puts Senate on Notice: Restriction on Kansas-Dallas-Love Field Will be Dealt With, 9/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: $3.3 Million for Rural Hospitals - Dole Announces $3.3 Million Grant to 22 Rural Kansas Hospitals, 9/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_028.pdf
- Item 29: $3.3 Million for Rural Hospitals - Dole Announces $3.3 Million Grant to 22 Rural Kansas Hospitals, 9/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Unemployment Insurance - Dole Announces Fiscally Responsible Alternative to Budget Busting Democrat Plan, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_030.pdf
- Item 31: Iraq - President Giving Saddam One Last Chance to Comply with U.N. Resolutions; Senate Already on Record Supporting "All Necessary Means", 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_031.pdf
- Item 32: B-2 - Dole Meets with Air Force Secretary; So-Called B-2 Problem Political, Not Technical, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Secures $205,000 for Santa Fe Trail, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Secures $205,000 for Santa Fe Trail, 9/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Announces $3.69 Million Grant for Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole Announces $3.69 Million Grant for Wichita Mid-Continent Airport, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_036.pdf
- Item 37: BCCI - Democrat Silence on BCCI Deafening; "Where Are Their Outraged Voices Calling for an Independent Counsel?", 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_037.pdf
- Item 38: Senate Passes Interior Bill; Dole Requests on Line for More than $9.1 Million for Kansas, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_038.pdf
- Item 39: Family Leave - Compromise Falls Short; Businesses and Workers Want Choice, Not Mandates, 9/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_039.pdf
- Item 40: Yugoslavia - Dole Introduces Bill to Prohibit U.S. Import of Arms from Yugoslavia; Don't Subsidize Yougoslav Army, U.S. Street Crime, 9/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_040.pdf
- Item 41: Senate Passes Interior Bill; Dole Wildlife, Education & Research Requests Provide More Than $9.1 Million for Kansas, 9/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_041.pdf
- Item 42: Presidents U.N. Speech - Dole Applauds Bush's Focus on Economic Issues, Repeal of Zionism/Racism Resolution, Iraq's Compliance, 9/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole & Kassebaum Announce $3.1 Million in Housing Grants, 9/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_043.pdf
- Item 44: Extending Unemployment Benefits - Dole/Dominici/Roth Plan the Responsible Approach; Democrat Package a Budget Buster, Dials 1-800-DEFICIT, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_044.pdf
- Item 45: Repeal "Zionism is Racism" Resolution, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_045.pdf
- Item 46: Dole & Kassebaum Announce Public Housing Grants for Bonner Springs, Minneapolis & Herrington; Johnson, Leavenworth & Wyandotte Counties to Get Rental Assistance Funds, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole & Kassebaum Announce Public Housing Grants for Bonner Springs, Minneapolis & Herrington; Johnson, Leavenworth & Wyandotte Counties to Get Rental Assistance Funds, 9/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Announces $197,000 from FHMA; Economic Development Funding for Minneapolis, Lyndon, and Neosho Basin Development Company, Emporia, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_048.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Announces $197,000 from FHMA; Economic Development Funding for Minneapolis, Lyndon, and Neosho Basin Development Company, Emporia, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_049.pdf
- Item 50: Dole Announces $502,838 Grant for Wichita's Jabara Airport, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_050.pdf
- Item 51: Dole Announces $502,838 Grant for Wichita's Jabara Airport, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_051.pdf
- Item 52: Senator Bob Dole - Kansas Schedule September 28-29, 1991, 9/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_052.pdf
- Item 53: Dole Announces $189,000 for Johnson County Industrial Airport; Funds for Fire-Fighting and Safety Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_053.pdf
- Item 54: Dole Announces $189,000 for Johnson County Industrial Airport; Funds for Fire-Fighting and Safety Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_054.pdf
- Item 55: American Competitiveness - Remarks of Senator Bob Dole to the Committee on Investment of Employee Benefits Assets, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_055.pdf
- Item 56: 154 Tornado Sirens for Kansas - Doles $1.15 Million Tornado Siren Plan Clears Major Hurdle; 91 Towns in 34 Counties Eligible for Brand New Warning Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_056.pdf
- Item 57: 154 Tornado Sirens for Kansas - Doles $1.15 Million Tornado Siren Plan Clears Major Hurdle; 91 Towns in 34 Counties Eligible for Brand New Warning Equipment, 9/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_057.pdf
- Item 58: Wichita - Kansas Defense Projects Win Big Boost from Senate; $853.3 Million for TTTS, KC-135s, C-12s, and T-47s, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_058.pdf
- Item 59: Wichita - Kansas Defense Projects Win Big Boost from Senate; $853.3 Million for TTTS, KC-135s, C-12s, and T-47s, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_059.pdf
- Item 60: Doles $9.9 Million Proposal to Renovate Wichita Courthouse Clears Major Hurdle, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_060.pdf
- Item 61: Doles $9.9 Million Proposal to Renovate Wichita Courthouse Clears Major Hurdle, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_061.pdf
- Item 62: Unemployment Benefits - Setting the Record Straight on Benefits Debate; Democrats Should Come Back to Dole Alternative, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_062.pdf
- Item 63: Presidents Defense Policy Address - Dole Calls Presidents Bold Proposal "Giant Step" Forward, 9/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_063.pdf
- Item 64: Arms Control - Democrats Should Support Presidents Bold Plan, Not Rush to Gut Defense Budget, 9/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_064.pdf
- Item 65: Dole & Kassebaum Announce $6.55 Million in Public Housing Grants for Kansas City, KS., Topeka, Wichita, Clay Center, Lawrence and Manhattan, 9/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_002_065.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Unemployment Benefits, 10/1/1991

- Dole to introduce responsible alternative: Democrat budget-buster DOA; Democrats should join GOP and President to enact benefits
PDF available: s-press_034_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Highway bill/unemployment, 10/1/1991

- Failure to enact highway bill costs American jobs
- Item 3: Dole introduces Kansas Federal District Court nominee at confirmation hearing - John Lungstrum, Lawrence, KS., 10/2/1991

- Sen. Dole today introduced John W. Lungstrum, Lawrence, at his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Lungstrum has been nominated to the US District Court for Kansas by President Bush.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole announces major contract award for work at Parsons; KAAP to get share of $135 million in army & Air Force production, 10/2/1991

- Sen. Dole today announced that two contract awards that will bring major work to the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant in Parsons, Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Doles initiative for Wichita's "Project Freedom" clears major hurdle; conference committee approves $150,000 for drug prevention program, 10/2/1991

- A key Senate/House conference committee last night approved Kansas Sen. Doles amendment for $150,000 to help fund a Wichita drug prevention coalition designed to inform mothers of the dangers of substance abuse.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Tornado radar, 10/2/1991

- Conference committee adopts Senates funding for tornado-detecting radar; $155.6 million clears key hurdle
PDF available: s-press_034_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Family Leave, 10/2/1991

- Mandates bad for businesses, most employees; bill invites veto
- Item 8: Unemployment insurance, 10/2/1991

- Dole to Democrats: Put politics aside, approve responsible Bush-backed benefits package this week
- Item 9: Dole applauds veteran nomination to Court of Military Appeals, 10/2/1991

- Republican Leader Bob Dole applauded the nomination by President Bush of Justice Herman F. "Sparky" Gierke to the Court of Military Appeals.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Doles highway projects approved by conference committee; $7.56 million for Kansas projects in Overland Park, Salina, and Southeast Kansas, 10/3/1991

- Funding for the construction of three major Kansas highway projects backed by Sen. Dole was approved today as a House/Senate conference committee completed action on the FY92 Transportation Appropriations bill.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Senate passes VA/HUD conference report; Doles projects approved, 10/3/1991

- $1.75 million for Wichita's Domestic Violence Program, KCKs Wyandotte House, and KCKs Social Service Program.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Kansas ag projects total $4.54 million; KSU wins funding for Throckmorton and Agriculture research, 10/3/1991

- Joint Pittsburg State/KSU research project funded; Russell Gluten Plant also funded
PDF available: s-press_034_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Sanctions against Serbia, 10/3/1991

- Dole backs D'Amato bill to isolate hardline leader
- Item 14: Kansas tornado sirens, 10/3/1991

- Doles $1.15 million tornado siren plan wins final approval; Bush's OK will make 154 sirens available for 91 towns, 34 counties.
PDF available: s-press_034_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Unemployment benefits, 10/3/1991

- Priority should be extended benefits for unemployed, not benefits for politicians
- Item 16: Doles $9.9 million proposal to renovate Wichita courthouse gets final congressional OK; ready for President Bush's signature, 10/4/1991

- Sen. Doles amendment providing $9.9 million dollars to renovate the US Federal Courthouse in Wichita has received final approval from Congress as both the Senate and House Thursday night passed conference the conference report to the FY 92 Treasury
PDF available: s-press_034_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Wichita's "Project Freedom" gets OK from Congress; Dole gets $150,000 approved for drug prevention program, 10/4/1991

- Congress has agreed to fund $150,000 for a Wichita drug prevention coalition designed to inform mothers of the dangers of substance abuse
PDF available: s-press_034_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Tornado Radar, 10/4/1991

- Congress agrees to fund $155.6 million for tornado-detecting radar; next step President Bush's OK
PDF available: s-press_034_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Long term grain agreement, 10/4/1991

- New Soviet grain purchases will fulfill LTA
PDF available: s-press_034_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Senator Bob Dole Kansas schedule October 9-10, 1991, 10/4/1991

- Schedule for visit to KS - Wellington, Johnson, Satanta, Cimarron, Jetmore, Smith Center, St. Mary's
PDF available: s-press_034_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole, Stevens announce major EPA grant to Pittsburg for Wastewater Treatment Plant upgrade, 10/4/1991

- Kansas Senator Bob Dole and Pittsburg City Manager Larry Stevens today announced that the city of Pittsburg has been awarded a federal grant to cover a large portion of the upcoming major modifications to its wastewater treatment plant
PDF available: s-press_034_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Thomas nomination, 10/4/1991

- Doles remarks on the confirmation of Clarence Thomas to the US Supreme Court
PDF available: s-press_034_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Unemployment benefits, 10/4/1991

- Dole to seek unanimous OK to consider GOP bill; Will Dems object? "Unemployed Americans not laughing" at political games
PDF available: s-press_034_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Tornado relief funds, 10/7/1991

- Dole wins tornado relief aid breakthrough; $2.1 million to repair damaged public facilities to be released soon; $43.2 million for McConnell AFB also headed for approval
PDF available: s-press_034_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Thomas nomination, 10/7/1991

- Who is behind the "weekend allegation"?; text of Senator Doles remarks on Senate floor
PDF available: s-press_034_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: Extended benefits veto, 10/11/1991

- Presidents veto puts Democrats to test; GOP plans ready to go
PDF available: s-press_034_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: Wright Amendment - Dole & Kassebaum Accelerate Repeal Effort; Kansas Senators Show their Colleagues Amendments Cost To Their Own Constituents, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Senate Gives Final Okay to Military Construction Funding; Doles Initiatives Include $43.2 Million For McConnell Tornado Reconstruction, Plus $16.86 Million to Fund New Construction Projects at Ft. Riley and McConnell, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Senate Gives Final Approval To Agriculture Funding Measure; Kansas Ag Projects Total $4.54 Million; Funding for KSUs Throckmorton and Agriculture Research Projects, Joint Pittsburg State/KSU Research Project, Russell Gluten Plant. Next Up President Bush, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_029.pdf
- Item 30: Congress Approves Highway Bill; Doles Kansas Initiatives Include $7.56 Million for Overland Park, Salina, and Southeast Kansas Projects, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_030.pdf
- Item 31: Sustain Extended Benefits Veto - Dole to Press For Debate on GOP Alternative; Stop Political Games, Start Talking About Responsible Benefits Package, 10/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_031.pdf
- Item 32: High-Level Russian Official to Accompany Dole on Kansas Tour, 10/17/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_032.pdf
- Item 33: Senate Passes Interior Bill; Dole Requests On Line For $13.59 Million For Kansas, 10/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_033.pdf
- Item 34: Kansas Attracting Foreign Tourists In Record Numbers; Dole: "They Come To See & Hear The Story of America", 10/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_034.pdf
- Item 35: Mid-East Peace Talks - Dole/Mitchell Resolution Supports President Bush's Role in Madrid Conference, 10/24/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_035.pdf
- Item 36: Women In The Senate - Liberal Groups Overlook, Refuse to Support, Tradition of Quality GOP Women Candidates, 10/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_036.pdf
- Item 37: Civil Rights Breakthrough - Historic Civil Rights Compromise Becomes A Reality, 10/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_037.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Announces Kansas Company Wins Persian Gulf Contract, 10/28/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_038.pdf
- Item 39: Soviet Aid - Remarks At Virginia Tech Leadership Forum National Press Club, Washington, DC, 10/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_039.pdf
- Item 40: Glass Ceiling Amendment - Dole Amendment to Civil Rights Bill Creates Commission to Examine Barriers to Advancement of Women and Minorities, 10/29/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_040.pdf
- Item 41: Madrid Peace Talks - Mid-East Peace Conference A Historic Opportunity For Real Peace, 10/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_041.pdf
- Item 42: Civil Rights Compromise - Remarks of Senator Bob Dole Prior to Final Passage of Compromise Civil Rights Bill, 10/30/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole Names Republican Task Force On Real Estate, 10/31/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_003_043.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Reports Final Action As $2.1 Million In Tornado Relief Heads To Kansas;, 11/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Kansas Defense Projects Boosted In Defense Conference Committee, $755 Million For KC-135Rs, TTTS, And C-12S; Bill Also Boosts Work For Kansas Subcontractors, 11/1/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Iowa Republican Party "Celebration Of Leadership" Des Moines Convention Center, 11/2/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Ethanol: Fuel Of The Future Senator Bob Dole Hubert Humphrey Institute Of Public Affairs University of Minnesota, 11/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Confirm Bob Gates - A Man of Experience, Integrity & Talent, Gates Is The Right Nominee To Lead CIA, 11/5/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: GOP Health Care Bill - Reject Government Mandates & Crippling Taxes on Small Business; Rural Health Care Reform A Priority In Republican Alternative, 11/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Appoints Glenn Walker of Concordia to National Education Commission on Time and Learning, 11/7/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Unemployment Update - Democrats Latest Multiple Choice Plan An Offer We Can Refuse; Dems Partisan Demagoguery Denying Extended Benefits to Unemployed, 11/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dodge City Development Group Selected for Nationwide Program; "Great News For Rural Economic Development," Dole Says, 11/8/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: POW/MIA - Dole Names John Erickson of Clay Center to Key Staff Position for Senate POW/MIA Committee, 11/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Foreign Aid/U.S. Workers - Dole Offers "America First" Amendments; Reject Special Foreign Aid Treatment; Use Aid Freeze Surplus to Help American Workers By Repealing Luxury Tax, Reviving Expiring "Extenders", 11/13/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Robert J. Dole - Introduction of Monti L. Belot Nominated to the U.S. District Court for Kansas - U.S. Senate Committee on The Judiciary, 11/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senate Passes Older Americans Act; Dole Includes Help for the Elderly, 11/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Panel Okays Dole Funding Request for Salina Aviation School; $7.6 Million Included in Defense Bill for KSU Program, 11/14/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Walsh--Iran/Contra - Poindexter Convictions Overturned; Dole Renews Call to Close Up Walsh's Taxpayer-Funded Iran/Contra Outfit, 11/15/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senate Closed Captioning - Closed Captioning Another Breakthrough For Americans with Disabilities; Senate Becoming Worlds Most Accessible Legislative Body, 11/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Yugoslavia Food Airlift - Administration Oks Dole Request o Airlift Food for Civil War Victims in Croatia, 11/19/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Soviet Food Credits - Aid Plan Announcement Expected Today; Congress Should Be Willing To Go On Record, 11/20/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Bill Would Award Bronze Star To Navy And Marine Heroes of Corregidor, 11/22/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kansas Defense Projects - Doles Kansas Defense Projects Win Big -- $898 Million; Congress Gives Final Approval to Nations Defense Bill, 11/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole-Backed 1990 Farm Bill "Fixes" Pass The Senate: Deficiency Payments Moved Up, Planting Flexibility Boosted, 11/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_021.pdf
- Item 22: Targeted Soviet Aid: "In Americas Interest", 11/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Political Fundraising Fraud - Dole Bill Would End Fraudulent Misrepresentation of Political Fundraising Authority; Millions Raised In 88 Never Reached Dole, Bush Presidential Bids, 11/25/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Announces Appointment of State Senator Ed Reilly of Leavenworth to Chair U.S. Parole Commission, 11/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_024.pdf
- Item 25: Kansas Farmers Win Disaster Assistance: Dole Helps Secure 90 & 91 Coverage, Plus Special Protection for 19922 Winter Wheat Disaster, 11/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Highway Funds for Kansas - $1.3 Billion/Six Year Total; Dole Secures $40 Million For Hutchinson Bypass, West Leavenworth Trafficway & US-81 Extension, 11/26/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: $100 Million In Accelerated Farm Payments Coming to Kansas; Deficiency Payments Moved Up, Planting Flexibility Boosted, 11/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_027.pdf
- Item 28: Kansas Highway Update - Dole Highway Projects Get Big Additional Funding Boost: Hutchinson Bypass Now Fully Funded, US-81 -- Four Lanes All the Way to Nebraska; Nations Interstate System To Be Named For Eisenhower, 11/27/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_004_028.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: SUNUNU - Statement regarding resignation of White House Chief of Staff, John SUNUNU, 12/3/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Political Fundraising Fund - Dole Urges Party Chairmen to Warn Contributors & Candidates to Potential Fundraising Scams, 12/4/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Senator Dole - Kansas Schedule - Hutchinson, Wichita - Wednesday, December 11, 1991, 12/9/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Augusta Airport to Receive $228,240, 12/10/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Croatia Airlift - Emergency Airlift Requested By Senator Dole On Its Way to Croatia, 12/16/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senator Dole Schedule for Surgery, 12/17/1991

- "Evaluation and treatment of a prostatic condition"
PDF available: s-press_034_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Successful Surgery for Dole: Excellent Prognosis, 12/18/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senator Dole Continues Recovery, 12/23/1991

- PDF available: s-press_034_005_008.pdf
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