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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 26: 1986Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Dole Letter To Russell A. Rourke, Secretary Of Us Air Force; Cancel T-46 Trainer, 1/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860102dea.pdf
Folder 2: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On 1986 Re-Election Campaign, 1/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 860103sta.pdf
Folder 3: Dole Announces Grant Renewals For Senior Volunteer Program, 1/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860106ann.pdf
Folder 4: Dole Announces Funding Renewal For Foster Grandparent Programs, 1/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860107ann.pdf
Folder 5: Dole Announces Transportation Grant For Douglas County Elderly And Handicapped, 1/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 860110ann.pdf
Folder 6: Remarks By Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole American Farm Bureau Federation, 1/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860114watp2.pdf
Folder 7: Dole Announces Crime Victim Assistance Grant For Kansas, 1/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860122ann.pdf
Folder 8: Japanese Accept Dole Invitation To Evaluate Kansas Investment Potential, 1/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860122jap.pdf
Folder 9: Moment Of Silence For Andrei Sakharov, 1/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860122mom.pdf
Folder 10: Rudman To Join Arms Control Observer Group, 1/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860122rud.pdf
Folder 11: Statement Of Senator Dole Nomination For Wayne Angell To The Board Of Governors Of The Federal Reserve System, 1/23/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860123nom.pdf
Folder 12: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Challenger Space Shuttle Tragedy, 1/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 860128sta.pdf
Folder 13: Statement On 125Th Anniversary Of Kansas Statehood, 1/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 860129ann.pdf
Folder 14: Dole Endorses New Ag Secretary Richard Lyng, 1/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860129end.pdf
Folder 15: Sheila Burke Named Chief Of Staff, 1/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 860129she.pdf
Folder 16: Dole Earns 12Th Watchdog Of Treasury Award For Fiscal Integrity, 1/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 860130ear.pdf
Folder 17: Dole Meets Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, Pledges Support; Sandinista, 1/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860130mee.pdf
Folder 18: Dole Pushes Cross Compliance Correction In New Farm Bill Through Senate, 1/31/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860131pus.pdf
Folder 19: Media Advisory: Paul Aquino To Visit Majority Leader Dole; Philippines, 2/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860201med.pdf
Folder 20: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Introducing Dr. Jonas Savimbi; Leader Of The Angolan Resistance Organization Unita, 2/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860203rem.pdf
Folder 21: State Of The Union, 2/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 860204sta.pdf
Folder 22: Senate Confirms Kansan Wayne Angell For Federal Reserve Board, 2/5/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860205con.pdf
Folder 23: Kansas Farmers Get Helping Hand: Dole Corrects Farm Bill Mistakes, 2/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860207far.pdf
Folder 24: Letter From Michael Davidson About Judicial Review In The Balanced Budget And Emergency Deficit Control Act, 2/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 860207pro.pdf
Folder 25: Dole Says Good Riddance To Haitian Dictator Jean-Claude Duvalier, 2/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860207say.pdf
Folder 26: Dole Urges Quick Supreme Court Ruling On Gramm-Rudman-Hollings, 2/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 860207urg.pdf
Folder 27: Dole Cables Natan Shcharansky; Former Soviet Prisoner, 2/12/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860212cab.pdf
Folder 28: Dole Says Hang Tough Paula Hawkins, 2/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 860213han.pdf
Folder 29: Media Advisory: American Military Bases In The Philippines, 2/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860213med.pdf
Folder 30: Senator Dole's Return Comparison Project To Show How Tax Reform Could Affect Taxpayers, 2/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 860213ret.pdf
Folder 31: Statement Of Senator Dole: Time To Examine Alternative Base Sites In Pacific, 2/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860213sta.pdf
Folder 32: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860214aca.pdf
Folder 33: Dole Announces Funding For KSU Atomic Research, 2/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 860214ksu.pdf
Folder 34: Media Advisory: Raising Money For Dole Foundation; 1986 Campaign, 2/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 860214med.pdf
Folder 35: Media Advisory: Raising Money For Dole Foundation; 1986 Campaign, 2/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 860217med.pdf
Folder 36: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Resolution Citing Widespread Fraud In Philippine Elections, 2/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860219res.pdf
Folder 37: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Robert Dole Genocide Convention, 2/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860219sta.pdf
Folder 38: Statement Of Majority Leader Bob Dole Resolution Supporting Aquino Government; Philippines, 2/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860226maj.pdf
Folder 39: Dole Meets Paul Aquino, Seeks Assurances On Philippine Base And Containment Of Communist Insurgents, 2/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860227mee.pdf
Folder 40: Dole Assails Efforts By Democrats To Block Corrections On 1985 Farm Bill, 2/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860228ass.pdf
Folder 41: Richard Belas Named Chief Counsel To Majority Leader, 2/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 860228ric.pdf
Folder 42: Dole Determined To Push Ahead With Farm Bill Package Despite Democrat Obstructions, 3/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860303det.pdf
Folder 43: Dole Welcomes South African Announcement On Lifting State Of Emergency, 3/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860304wel.pdf
Folder 44: Kansas Senators Offer Resolution To Establish Commission On Centennial Of Ike's Birthday, 3/5/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 860305kan.pdf
Folder 45: The Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 860306bal.pdf
Folder 46: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Presented To Us Senate Committee On Banking Housing And Urban Development, 3/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 860306sta.pdf
Folder 47: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Radio/Television Test Period Begins, 3/12/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 860312tes.pdf
Folder 48: Dole Applauds Education Grant For Kickapoo Nation School, 3/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Minority Issues  -  PDF available: 860313app.pdf
Folder 49: Dole Selects Kansas Delegates For White House Conference On Small Business, 3/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 860314sel.pdf
Folder 50: GSA Administrator To Visit Kc For Review Of Federal Office Situation, 3/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 860315gsa.pdf
Folder 51: Dole Calls For Capitol Mural Of Challenger Astronauts, 3/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 860318cal.pdf
Folder 52: Dole Indicates Progress On Ag Banks, 3/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860318ind.pdf
Folder 53: Dole To Sponsor Business Conference In Hays, 3/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 860318spo.pdf
Folder 54: Dole Introduces Employment Opportunities For Disabled Act, 3/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 860319int.pdf
Folder 55: Dole Praises Kansas Farmers In Senate Floor Speech, 3/20/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860320pra.pdf
Folder 56: Dole And O'Neill To Be Named Honorary WalkAmerica Ambassadors, 3/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 860322new.pdf
Folder 57: Dole Releases Results Of Balanced Budget Poll, 3/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 860324rel.pdf
Folder 58: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Vote On Contra Aid Crucial; Nicaragua, Sandinistas Threat To Us Interests, 3/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860324vot.pdf
Folder 59: Dole Announces Grants For Elderly And Disabled, 3/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860325ann.pdf
Folder 60: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Libyan Provocations And The American Response, 3/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860325lib.pdf
Folder 61: Dole Past Time For A Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 860325pas.pdf
Folder 62: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Public Voice Study On Nutritional Status Of Rural Poor, 3/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 860325pub.pdf
Folder 63: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Broad Support For Contra Aid, 3/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860326bro.pdf
Folder 64: Kansas Projects Included In Water Resources Act Passed By Senate, 3/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 860326kan.pdf
Folder 65: Dole Tax Return Comparison Project Shows Tax Reform Would Benefit Most Kansans, 3/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 860326tax.pdf
Folder 66: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Poindexter Playing Constructive Role In Contra Aid Negotiations; Nicaragua, 3/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860327poi.pdf
Folder 67: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Democracy Can Prevail In Nicaragua -- If We Give It A Chance, 3/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860327sta.pdf
Folder 68: Doles Family Feud On Final Four Ends In Scholarship Wager, 3/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 860328sch.pdf
Folder 69: USDA Okays Dole Recommendation For Farmers To Receive Deficiency Payments, 3/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860328usd.pdf
Folder 70: Dole Hails Ag/Energy Bank Initiative, 3/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Banking  -  PDF available: 860329hai.pdf
Folder 71: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Operation Loans For Kansas Farmers, 4/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860417kas.pdf
Folder 72: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Television In The Senate Moves Ahead, 5/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860501sen.pdf
Folder 73: Dole Grassley Move To Ease Price Crunch On Ethanol Refineries, 5/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 860502gra.pdf
Folder 74: Dole Kassebaum Seek To Get Full Grasslands Payment From Government For Morton County; Property Tax, 5/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 860502kas.pdf
Folder 75: Dole Urges House To Meet Budget Challenge, 5/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 860502urg.pdf
Folder 76: Dole Accepts Eisenhower Liberation Medal, 5/5/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 860505acc.pdf
Folder 77: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Soviet Show True Colors; Chernobyl Tragedy, 5/5/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860505sen.pdf
Folder 78: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole On Saudi Arms Sale, 5/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860506maj.pdf
Folder 79: Statement On S. 49; Firearms Owners Protection Act, 5/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860506sta.pdf
Folder 80: White House Okays Academy Appointments For Downed Pilots Sons, 5/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860507sta.pdf
Folder 81: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Congressional Gold Medal For Anatoly And Avital Shcharansky, 5/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 860508con.pdf
Folder 82: Dole Expresses Concern For Future Of Ft. Riley Correctional Facility, 5/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860508exp.pdf
Folder 83: Dole Calls House Defense Number Irresponsible And Unrealistic, 5/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860509cal.pdf
Folder 84: Leading Economic Indicators: Another Win For The Economy, 5/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 860509lea.pdf
Folder 85: Dole Urges Litwin Engineering To Reconsider Move From Wichita, 5/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 860509lit.pdf
Folder 86: Dole Reiterates Position On Defense Spending, 5/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860509rei.pdf
Folder 87: Tax Reform Proposal Would Help Farmers, 5/12/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860512tax.pdf
Folder 88: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Remarks At Natan Shcharansky Ceremony; Russian Jews, 5/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860513sen.pdf
Folder 89: Dole Calls For New Farm Debt Restructuring Policy, 5/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860514cal.pdf
Folder 90: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole No Visa For Arafat, 5/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860515nov.pdf
Folder 91: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Farm Credit Resolution, 5/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860515sta.pdf
Folder 92: Dole Urges Nigeria To Drop Wheat Import Ban, 5/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860515urg.pdf
Folder 93: USDA Adopts Dole Position On PIK Benefit Option, 5/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860515usd.pdf
Folder 94: Kansas Schedule, 5/20/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 860520sch.pdf
Folder 95: Hunger Issue Is A Challenge Of Shared Responsibilities, 5/21/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 860521hun.pdf
Folder 96: Dole Says No To Arafat Visit, 5/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860522not.pdf
Folder 97: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole Russell High School Commencement Address Thursday May 22 1986, 5/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 860522rem.pdf
Folder 98: Dole Announces Funding Renewal For Foster Grandparent Programs, 5/23/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860523ann.pdf
Folder 99: Kristine Stockwell Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 5/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 860527kri.pdf
Folder 100: Robert Luder Completes Internship For Dole, 5/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 860527rob.pdf
Folder 101: Salt Decision Is Wrong Signal -- Must Be Absolute Last Chance For Unratified Treaty, 5/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860527sal.pdf
Folder 102: Sarah Jimeson Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 5/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 860527sar.pdf
Folder 103: Dole Calls On Ethiopian To Allow Family Reunification, 5/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860528cal.pdf
Folder 104: Salina's Rev. Hawley To Open Televised Senate With Prayer, 5/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860530sal.pdf
Folder 105: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole A Day Of History; Television In The Senate, 6/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860602sta.pdf
Folder 106: Shultz Agrees With Dole: No Desire To See Arafat In Us; Shultz Letter, 6/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860603shu.pdf
Folder 107: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Shultz Letter On Arafat Visa, 6/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860604sta.pdf
Folder 108: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole The Strategic Defense Initiative, 6/5/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860605sta.pdf
Folder 109: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Back To Tax Reform, 6/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 860609sen.pdf
Folder 110: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Challenger Shuttle Tragedy Commission Report, 6/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 860609sta.pdf
Folder 111: Southwestern Bell Telephone Lends Support, Training To Caregivers; Elderly, 6/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Aging  -  PDF available: 860610sou.pdf
Folder 112: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole: Anatol Michelson: The Tragedy Of The Divided Spouses; Soviet Union, 6/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860610sta.pdf
Folder 113: Dole Encourages President To Be More Aggressive On Ag Exports, 6/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860617enc.pdf
Folder 114: Dole Calls For Uniform Small Aircraft Liability Standards, 6/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 860618cal.pdf
Folder 115: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole House Action On Contra Aid; Nicaragua, Sandinistas, 6/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860619sta.pdf
Folder 116: Mahaska, Paola Senior Center Federal Funds To Be Released, 6/20/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860620mah.pdf
Folder 117: Senate OKs Dole Amendment On Deduction For Handicapped Workers, 6/20/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 860620sen.pdf
Folder 118: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Interest Rates -- Part II, 6/23/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 860623sta.pdf
Folder 119: Senator Dole's Washington Office Now TDD Equipped; Deaf, 6/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 860624dol.pdf
Folder 120: Dole: Nomination Open For National Medal Of Technology, 6/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 860624nom.pdf
Folder 121: Kansas Organizations Win President's Award Of Excellence, 6/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 860624org.pdf
Folder 122: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole President's Speech On Contra Aid; Nicaragua, Sandinista, 6/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860624sta.pdf
Folder 123: Dole Gives Support To Waconda Lake Resort Complex, 6/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 860625giv.pdf
Folder 124: Dole On Senate Tv Experiment; Don't Pull The Plug, 6/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860625ons.pdf
Folder 125: Senate Approves Funding For WSU KU Research Facilities, 6/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 860626app.pdf
Folder 126: Dole Asks Soviet Help On Visas For Kansas Ag Reporters, 6/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860626ask.pdf
Folder 127: Dole Encourages President To Be More Aggressive On Ag Exports, 6/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860627enc.pdf
Folder 128: Kansas Delegation Seeks Aid For Displaced Workers, 6/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 860627kan.pdf
Folder 129: Statement Of Sen Dole On The Death Of Senator John East, 6/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860629sta.pdf
Folder 130: Dole: Energy Department Extends Circle Energy Negotiations, 6/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 860630ene.pdf
Folder 131: Dole Lauds Decision To Uphold Voting Rights Act, 6/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Voting/Position  -  PDF available: 860630lau.pdf
Folder 132: Letter To Paul Volcker; Reduce Discount Interest Rates, 7/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 860702pau.pdf
Folder 133: Dole Calls Broyhill Good Choice; Senate Seat, 7/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860703bro.pdf
Folder 134: Supplemental Signed By The President Good News For Kansas, 7/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 860703sup.pdf
Folder 135: No Liberty Weekend In Oppressed Nicaragua, 7/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860707nol.pdf
Folder 136: Reaction To Gramm-Rudman-Hollings-Decision, 7/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 860707rea.pdf
Folder 137: Dole Statement On Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, 7/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 860708adm.pdf
Folder 138: Dole: Wall Street Tumble Should Wake Up Congress And Administration, 7/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 860709wal.pdf
Folder 139: Dole Says Fed Has Done Its Job; Now It's Congress's Turn; Federal Reserve Board Lowers Interest Rates, 7/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 860710fed.pdf
Folder 140: Dole Kassebaum Announce Education Grants For Kansas, 7/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 860714dol.pdf
Folder 141: Dole To Nakasone -- Seize The Moment Of Trade, 7/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Commerce/Trade  -  PDF available: 860717dol.pdf
Folder 142: Dole Lays Out Plan To Head Off Grain Storage Crisis, 7/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860718lay.pdf
Folder 143: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Arms Control -- The Reagan Strategy, 7/21/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860721arm.pdf
Folder 144: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole New Economic Figures Cause For Concern, 7/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 860722sta.pdf
Folder 145: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Royal Wedding; Prince Andrew And Sarah Ferguson, 7/23/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860723roy.pdf
Folder 146: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole South Africa -- President's Speech, 7/23/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860723sou.pdf
Folder 147: Statement Of Senator Dole Ft. Hays State University Strives For Excellence, 7/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 860728fth.pdf
Folder 148: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Ortega At The United Nations, 7/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860728ort.pdf
Folder 149: Senate OKs Dole Legislation To Boost Us Ag Exports, 7/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860728sen.pdf
Folder 150: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole The Return Of Comrade Ortega; Ortega In New York, 7/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860728sta.pdf
Folder 151: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole T.V. In The Senate -- Make It Permanent With Changes, 7/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860729sta.pdf
Folder 152: Action Begins On Dole Legislation To Strengthen Employment Opportunities For The Disabled, 7/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 860730act.pdf
Folder 153: Statement By Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Justice William Rehnquist Attacks Won't Amount To A Hill Of Beans, 7/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860730dol.pdf
Folder 154: Overland Park Councilman To Head FEMA Regional Office, 7/31/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 860731ove.pdf
Folder 155: Dole On Administration Action Ag Exports, 8/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860801ona.pdf
Folder 156: Dole Calls For Further Action On Exports Storage Crisis; Soviet Union, 8/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860802cal.pdf
Folder 157: Letter To Richard E. Lyng, Secretary Of Agriculture, On Us Ag Export Policies, 8/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860804hon.pdf
Folder 158: Hays Medical Center Gets New Rural Designation, 8/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 860806hay.pdf
Folder 159: Dole Sends Telegrams To Election Opponents, 8/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Elections  -  PDF available: 860806sen.pdf
Folder 160: Hays Medical Center Gets New Rural Designation, 8/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 860807hay.pdf
Folder 161: Remarks Of Senator Majority Leader Bob Dole Contra Aid -- The Time To Act Is Now, Nicaragua, 8/12/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860812rem.pdf
Folder 162: Dole Resolution To Open Japanese Chocolate Markets Passes Senate, 8/12/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860812res.pdf
Folder 163: Dole: Bring The Berlin Wall Down, 8/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860813bri.pdf
Folder 164: Dole Zorinsky Push For Grain Storage Solution, 8/13/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860813zor.pdf
Folder 165: Dole's Equal Access To Airlines Bill Passes Senate, 8/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 860815equ.pdf
Folder 166: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On Results Of USDA Wheat Poll, 8/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860815sta.pdf
Folder 167: Gates Gave Private Assurance About Future In Wichita, 8/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 860816gat.pdf
Folder 168: Dole To Host Business Conference In Wichita, 8/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 860818toh.pdf
Folder 169: Dole To Move Quickly On Justice Willian Rehnquist, Justice Antonin Scalia, 8/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860827dol.pdf
Folder 170: Former Congressional Fellows Honor Dole As Outstanding, 8/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 860827for.pdf
Folder 171: Senator Dole's Kansas Schedule Labor Day Recess, 8/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 860828sch.pdf
Folder 172: Us Justice Dept OKs Sunflower Electric Debt Plan, 8/28/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 860828usj.pdf
Folder 173: Founder Of Asian-Indian Americans Group Is Appointed To Key FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) Post, 8/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860829fou.pdf
Folder 174: Sen Dole Dedicates Monument Hails America's Farmers, 9/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860901ded.pdf
Folder 175: Dole Cables Gorbachev For Release Of Us Journalist; Nicholas Daniloff; Senate Resolution On Front Burner, 9/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860902cab.pdf
Folder 176: WSU Receives Funds To Aid Kansas Procurement Development, 9/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860904wsu.pdf
Folder 177: Dole: Congress Is Back--Full Speed Ahead!, 9/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860906con.pdf
Folder 178: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Nick Daniloff Must Be Freed From Soviet Union, 9/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860908dan.pdf
Folder 179: Media Advisory: Meeting With Us Conference Of Mayors Task Force On Drug Control, 9/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860908med.pdf
Folder 180: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Condemnation Of Terrorist Attacks In Karachi And Istanbul, 9/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860908sta.pdf
Folder 181: Senate Hears Dole Wish Alf Landon A Happy 99Th Birthday, 9/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 860909sen.pdf
Folder 182: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Senate Resolutions On Daniloff And Terrorist Incidents, 9/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860909sta.pdf
Folder 183: Dole Calls For Anti-Drug National Check-Off, 9/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860910cal.pdf
Folder 184: Federal Telecommunications Policy Act Of 1986, 9/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 860910tel.pdf
Folder 185: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Justice William Rehnquist And Antonin Scalia, 9/11/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860911sta.pdf
Folder 186: Dole Applauds James Miller OMB Director's Decision To Address KU Conference, 9/12/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 860912app.pdf
Folder 187: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Let's Get Down To Business; Rehnquist, Scalia, Budget, Appropriations, 9/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860915let.pdf
Folder 188: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On President And First Lady Crusade Against Drugs, 9/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860915sta.pdf
Folder 189: Dole Announces Major Economic Development Grant For Dodge City, 9/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860916ann.pdf
Folder 190: Dole Follows-Up On Kansas Visit Meets With All-Star Anti Drug Leaders, 9/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860916fol.pdf
Folder 191: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Nomination Of William Rehnquist To Be Chief Justice, 9/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 860917sta.pdf
Folder 192: Dole Urges (Philippines) President Corazon Aquino To Accept Landon Lecture Invite, 9/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860918urg.pdf
Folder 193: Dole Announces Federal Funds For Dodge City-Ford-Bucklin Railroad, 9/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 860919ann.pdf
Folder 194: Republicans Offer Drug Control Act Of 1986, 9/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860919rep.pdf
Folder 195: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Questions About The Philippine Bases, 9/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860919sta.pdf
Folder 196: Tax Bill Provides Relief To General Aviation Industry, 9/19/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 860919tax.pdf
Folder 197: Dole Supports Back-Up Aid For Farm Credit System, 9/20/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860920sup.pdf
Folder 198: Dole To Introduce Marketing Loan And Storage Act Of 1986; Also Announces Grain Quality Proposal, 9/21/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 860921dol.pdf
Folder 199: Hutchinson Firm To Build Major Taiwan Grain Facility, 9/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860922hut.pdf
Folder 200: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole: The President's Speech At The United Nations: President's U.N. Speech Opens With Daniloff Case, 9/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860922sta.pdf
Folder 201: Dole Kassebaum Help Secure $528,000 Grant For Wichita, 9/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860924kas.pdf
Folder 202: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Today's Business, Daniloff Resolution, Intelligence Authorization Bill, South Africa On Highways Bill, 9/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 860924sta.pdf
Folder 203: Dole Supports Raising Speed Limit In Rural Areas, 9/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 860924sup.pdf
Folder 204: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Remembering The Ukrainian Famine -- The Harvest Of Despair, 9/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860924ukr.pdf
Folder 205: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole; Dole To Bring Up Consensus Drug Package, 9/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 860925sta.pdf
Folder 206: Tax Reform Is Here To Stay, 9/26/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 860926sta.pdf
Folder 207: Dole Says Hud Loans $1.6 Million For Ketch Housing Complex, 9/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 860927say.pdf
Folder 208: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Daniloff Resolution; Amendment To Humphrey-Moynihan; Soviet Union, 9/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860927sta.pdf
Folder 209: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Nick Daniloff Release, 9/29/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860929sta.pdf
Folder 210: Air Force Ready To Purchase Beech Gates-Learjet Aircraft, 9/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 860930air.pdf
Folder 211: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Us Grain Sales To The Soviet Union, 9/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 860930sta.pdf
Folder 212: Dole: WSU To Begin Receiving Funds For Aviation Institute, 9/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 860930wsu.pdf
Folder 214: EPA Awards Funds To Kansas Communities -- Army Selects Salina Firm For Ft. Riley Work, 10/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 861001epa.pdf
Folder 215: Dole: Interior Dept To Pursue Waconda Project Feasibility, 10/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 861001int.pdf
Folder 216: Senate Agrees To Dole Proposal For $6 Million Authorization For K-State Satellite Communications Center, 10/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 861001sen.pdf
Folder 217: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Another Crisis In Africa, 10/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861002ano.pdf
Folder 218: Dole Says Iola Workers Qualify For Unfair Trade Benefits, 10/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 861002say.pdf
Folder 219: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Presidents Veto Of South Africa Bill, 10/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861002wha.pdf
Folder 220: Hank Jameson Tribute; Journalist And Friend, 10/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 861003han.pdf
Folder 221: Plan To Aid Kansas Farmers Hit By Hail Storm Okayed -- Michigan Southeastern Farmers Could Be Helped Too, 10/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861003pla.pdf
Folder 222: Senate OKs Dole Plan For Early Wheat Deficiency Payments, 10/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861003sen.pdf
Folder 223: 17 Kansas Counties Eligible For USDA Disaster Loans, 10/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861003sev.pdf
Folder 224: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Aid To The Philippines, 10/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861003sta.pdf
Folder 225: Dole Urges ICC To Give More Consideration To Rail Merger, 10/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 861004urg.pdf
Folder 226: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Let's Not Undermine The President In Iceland, 10/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861006arm.pdf
Folder 227: Senate Adopts Dole's Clean Grain Legislation, 10/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861006sen.pdf
Folder 228: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against Us Corn Producers, 10/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861008bla.pdf
Folder 229: Dole Hails Senator Mark Andrews Appointment To Export Council, 10/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 861008hai.pdf
Folder 230: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole On POW/MIA Flag Resolution, 10/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 861008sta.pdf
Folder 231: The Reykjavik Pre-Summit, 10/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861008stat.pdf
Folder 232: Dole Urges Loan Eligibility For Flood Damaged Crops, 10/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861008urg.pdf
Folder 233: Iceland -- The President Deserves The Full Support Of Congress, 10/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861009ice.pdf
Folder 234: American Captured In Nicaragua, 10/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861009sta.pdf
Folder 235: Dole Urges President To Give Prompt Aid For Flooded Kansans, 10/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 861009urg.pdf
Folder 236: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On Helping The Contras; Nicaragua, 10/10/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861010sta.pdf
Folder 237: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole On The Post-Reykjavik Situation, 10/14/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861014sta.pdf
Folder 238: Dole Backs Kansas Don C. Steffes For National Ag Finance Commission Post, 10/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861016bac.pdf
Folder 239: Spending Bill Advances Wheat Deficiency Payments Provides Aid For Kansas Farmers Hit By Floods And Hail, 10/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861016bil.pdf
Folder 240: Statement Of Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole Public Supports Reagan On Reykjavik Meeting, 10/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861016sen.pdf
Folder 241: Spending Bill Funds Great Bend Halstead Flood Control Projects, 10/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 861016spe.pdf
Folder 242: Wyandotte Johnson Counties Declared Disaster Areas -- Eligible For SBA Loans, 10/16/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 861016wya.pdf
Folder 243: 99Th Congress -- A Record Of Unusual Accomplishment, 10/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 861018nin.pdf
Folder 244: Dole Calls Eugene Hasenfus Trial Kangaroo Court; Sandinista Regime In Nicaragua, 10/21/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861021cal.pdf
Folder 245: Dole Announces USS Topeka, 10/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 861022ann.pdf
Folder 246: Dole Legislation To Strengthen Employment Opportunities For The Disabled Passes Congress, 10/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 861022leg.pdf
Folder 247: President Declares Se Kansas A Federal Disaster Area, 10/22/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 861022pre.pdf
Folder 248: Faa To Buy New Beech Planes In $59 Million Order, 10/23/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 861023faa.pdf
Folder 249: Dole Applauds British Decision To Break Ties With Syria, 10/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861024app.pdf
Folder 250: Dole: Drug Bill First Official Volley In Drug War, 10/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 861027dol.pdf
Folder 251: Dole Investigates Population Explosion In Dubuque; Joseph Tauke's Birth, 10/27/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 861027inv.pdf
Folder 252: Dole Denounces Democrat Tricksters: Leave Halloween To The Kids; 1986 Campaign, 10/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 861030den.pdf
Folder 253: Dole Predicts Victory -- Raps Up 43-State Campaign Blitz, 11/1/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 861101pre.pdf
Folder 254: No Pay-Offs To Terrorist Khomeni For Us Hostages; Iran, 11/6/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861106pay.pdf
Folder 255: Funding Increase For States Abandoned Mine Program Announced, 11/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 861107fun.pdf
Folder 256: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against Us Corn Producers, 11/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861107fund.pdf
Folder 257: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against Us Corn Producers, 11/8/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861108bla.pdf
Folder 258: Dole Receives Gift From Olathe School; Elementary School, 11/11/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 861111ola.pdf
Folder 259: Dole Names Jeane Kirkpatrick To Central American Commission, 11/15/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 861115nam.pdf
Folder 260: 4 Kansas Counties Eligible For USDA Disaster Loans, 11/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 861117fou.pdf
Folder 261: President Signs Water Resources Act Kansas Projects Benefit, 11/17/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 861117pre.pdf
Folder 262: Media Advisory: Orientation Schedule For New Senators, 11/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 861118med.pdf
Folder 263: Sir James Goldsmith Assures Dole On Plant Closings; Goodyear, 11/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 861118sir.pdf
Folder 264: Dole Announces Farm And Rural America Conference In Des Moines, 11/24/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 861124ann.pdf
Folder 265: Dole Calls For Full Accounting Of Bizarre Twist To National Security Council; Iranian Arms Sales, 11/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 861125cal.pdf
Folder 266: Press Details For Dole/Branstad Iowa Farm Conference, 11/25/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 861125pre.pdf
Folder 268: Dole: Its Now Up To Congress -- Special Committee On Iran-Contra Should Be Authorized, 12/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861202its.pdf
Folder 269: Dole Raises Possibility Of Vote On SALT II Treaty, 12/2/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 861202rai.pdf
Folder 270: Dole Calls For Full Funding For Central American Democracies, 12/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861203cal.pdf
Folder 271: Dole Meets With Soviet Officials On Trade Human Rights, 12/3/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861203mee.pdf
Folder 272: Dole Meets With Soviets Backs Iowa Governor Terry Branstad Call For Iowa Meeting, 12/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861204mee.pdf
Folder 273: Special Session Resolution Expected Tomorrow; Iranian Arms Sales, 12/4/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861204spe.pdf
Folder 274: Dole Says It Is Now Up To Congress; Investigation Of Iranian Arms Sales, 12/5/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861205say.pdf
Folder 275: Iowa State Sheriffs And Deputies Association; Iranian Arm Sales And Nicaragua; Law Enforcement Issues, 12/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861207iow.pdf
Folder 276: Remarks At University Of New Hampshire Commencement, Durham, Nh, 12/7/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 861207rem.pdf
Folder 277: Democrats And Taxes -- There They Go Again, 12/9/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 861209dem.pdf
Folder 278: Kansan Named Regional Bankruptcy Trustee; Carol A. Park, 12/11/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 861211kan.pdf
Folder 279: Dole To Intelligence Committee: Make Transcripts Public; Iranian Arms Sales, 12/18/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861218dol.pdf
Folder 280: Dole Supports Administration Action Against European Community (EC), 12/30/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 861230sup.pdf
Folder 281: Dole New Years Resolution, 12/31/1986Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 861231iss.pdf
Folder 213: Dole Receives Gift From Olathe School; Elementary School Recognition Award, 1986-10Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 861000gif.pdf
Folder 267: Major Accomplishments Of Senate In 86, 1986-12Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 861200for.pdf
Box 27Add to your cart.
Folder 9Add to your cart.
Item 10: Dole Announces Transportation Grant for Douglas County Elderly and Handicapped, 1/10/1986Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_027_009_010.pdf
Box 30Add to your cart.
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 10: Dole Pays Tribute to McDill "Huck" Boyd in Senate Speech, 1/14/1986Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_010.pdf
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Item 14: Dole Announces Block Grants for Overland Park, 2/18/1986Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_014.pdf

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[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
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