By Erin Wolfe
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Press Clippings, 1939-1995
Predominant Dates:1976, 1979, 1987-1988, 1991-1995
ID: 01/017
Primary Creator: Russell Public Library
Extent: 2941.0 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The articles are listed in the order that they were collected and microfilmed, which is largely in chronological order. To facilitate browsing, the finding aid has been divided into series by year. During the microfilming process, 66 pages were duplicated. In these cases, only the higher quality image has been listed in the finding aid.
Series of press clippings related to the political career of Kansas Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole for period of 1939-1995. Clippings were selected from various published sources from around the nation by the staff at the Russell Public Library.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection contains press clippings from newspapers, magazines, and other published sources, as well as some additional unpublished material, such as press releases or letters from Dole. Search the full text of all articles:
Please note that, due to the quality of microfilm scans, the full text search will not be able to identify all relevant results. Use the search box at the top right of the screen to search the article titles.
About 80% of the items (about 2300 articles) are from Kansas newspapers, with the rest from national publications and a few items from Dole's office or other non-published sources. The clippings cover many aspects of Dole's life and political career. There is an emphasis on Dole's major campaigns, specifically the 1976 Ford-Dole Presidential campaign and Dole's 1988 Presidential campaign, 1992 Senate campaign, and 1996 Presidential campaign through December 31, 1995.
Collection Historical Note
The content was selected by the staff at the Russell Public Library. It was microfilmed by the Kansas Historical Society and donated to Senator Dole in 1996.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Alternate Extent Statement:
2941 items, 866 sheets
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
Series 2: 1939],
Series 3: 1940],
Series 4: 1941],
Series 5: 1943],
Series 6: 1945],
Series 7: 1959],
Series 8: 1964],
Series 9: 1965],
Series 10: 1966],
Series 11: 1967],
Series 12: 1968],
Series 13: 1969],
Series 14: 1970],
Series 15: 1971],
Series 16: 1972],
Series 17: 1974],
Series 18: 1976],
Series 19: 1977],
Series 20: 1978],
Series 21: 1979],
Series 22: 1980],
Series 23: 1981],
Series 24: 1982],
Series 25: 1983],
Series 26: 1984],
Series 27: 1985],
Series 28: 1986],
[Series 29: 1987],
Series 30: 1988],
Series 31: 1989],
Series 32: 1990],
Series 33: 1991],
Series 34: 1992],
Series 35: 1993],
Series 36: 1994],
Series 37: 1995],
- Series 29: 1987

- 225 articles
- Item 1: Dole Invites Northwest Kansas to Hayden's Party; Hayden Thanks Supporters for Believing in Him, 1/5/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_293 (PDF)
- Item 2: Suddenly a Hot Property, 1/5/1987

- Newsweek c017_roll1_294 (PDF)
- Item 3: Review & Outlook: Congress Faces Life, 1/8/1987

- Wall Street Journal c017_roll1_294 (PDF)
- Item 4: Dole Nurtures Hopes for Presidency with Weekend Visit for South Dakota, 1/13/1987

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_294 (PDF)
- Item 5: Dole Says No, 1/15/1987

- Washington Times c017_roll1_294 (PDF)
- Item 6: Dole Lining Up Support of Key Iowa Republicans, 1/22/1987

- Des Moines Register c017_roll1_295 (PDF)
- Item 7: The Dole Moment, 1/26/1987

- The New Republic c017_roll1_295 (PDF)
- Item 8: Dole Sees Meeting with Tambo as 'Wrong Message' on Terror, 1/28/1987

- Washington Post c017_roll1_295 (PDF)
- Item 9: Lucky Bob Dole must be inspiring as well as shrewd, 2/1/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_297 (PDF)
- Item 10: Dole Exploratory Panel Forming, 1/3/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_297 (PDF)
- Item 11: Survivor on the Track, 3/23/1987

- Time c017_roll1_297 (PDF)
- Item 12: Reagan Seeks Doles' Assistance on Veto Effort, 3/24/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_298 (PDF)
- Item 13: Dole's Demise, 3/31/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_298 (PDF)
- Item 14: The Whole Robert Dole (Part 1), Apr-87

- Vanity Fair c017_roll1_298 (PDF)
- Item 15: [cont.] The Whole Robert Dole (Part 2), Apr-87

- Vanity Fair c017_roll1_299 (PDF)
- Item 16: [cont.] The Whole Robert Dole (Part 3), Apr-87

- Vanity Fair c017_roll1_300 (PDF)
- Item 17: Once More into the Breach: Bob Dole for President (Part 1), 4/12/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_302 (PDF)
- Item 18: [cont.] Once More into the Breach: Bob Dole for President; Doleling Along Together (Part 2), 4/12/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_303 (PDF)
- Item 19: Dole on Rumsfeld, 4/22/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_304 (PDF)
- Item 20: Dole Leads Field in Campaign Cash, 4/22/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_304 (PDF)
- Item 21: Adversities Fuel Dole's Fiery Drive (Part 1), 5/3/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_304 (PDF)
- Item 22: [cont.] Adversities Fuel Dole's Fiery Drive; Competitive Dole Never Stays Down for the Count (Part 2), 5/3/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_305 (PDF)
- Item 23: Part 1: The Time May Be Right for an Old Pro (Part 1), 6/1/1987

- Insight c017_roll1_307 (PDF)
- Item 24: [cont.] Part 1: The Time May Be Right for an Old Pro (Part 2), 6/1/1987

- Insight c017_roll1_308 (PDF)
- Item 25: Part 2: The Grass Roots Senator Who Never Left Kansas (Part 2), 6/1/1987

- Insight c017_roll1_308 (PDF)
- Item 26: [cont.] Part 2: The Grass Roots Senator Who Never Left Kansas (Part 3), 6/1/1987

- Insight c017_roll1_309 (PDF)
- Item 27: Part 3: Where the Seeds Were Sown (Part 3), 6/1/1987

- Insight c017_roll1_309 (PDF)
- Item 28: Dole Working on Personal Image, 6/7/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_310 (PDF)
- Item 29: A Dole 'Fast-Track', 6/15/1987

- Newsweek c017_roll1_310 (PDF)
- Item 30: Dole Opposes Campaign Spending Limits, 7/4/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_310 (PDF)
- Item 31: "The Most Wonderful Work" (Part 1), Jul-87

- New Age c017_roll1_310 (PDF)
- Item 32: [cont.] "The Most Wonderful Work" (Part 2), Jul-87

- New Age c017_roll1_311 (PDF)
- Item 33: Why Paper Focuses on Dole, 7/5/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_311 (PDF)
- Item 34: Dole, Laxalt and Kemp Get 'right' Score for ACU, 7/7/1987

- Washington Times c017_roll1_311 (PDF)
- Item 35: Hensley Calls for Attorney General Investigation of Dole Fund Raising, 7/9/1987

- c017_roll1_312 (PDF)
- Item 36: Dole Regards OK on Bork Barely 50-50, 7/14/1987

- Daily Courier News c017_roll1_312 (PDF)
- Item 37: Dole's State Effort Gets a 1-2 Boost, 7/29/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_313 (PDF)
- Item 38: Dole Could Lose Presidency in Winning Nomination, 7/23/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_313 (PDF)
- Item 39: No Favor to Bork in Proposal by Dole, 7/31/1987

- Daily Courier News c017_roll1_313 (PDF)
- Item 40: Russell's Native 'blood' Still Garners Praise from Home (Part 1), 8/9/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_313 (PDF)
- Item 41: Dole, 8/9/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_314 (PDF)
- Item 42: Dole Claims Lead Role in '88 Race, 8/9/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_314 (PDF)
- Item 43: Bob Dole Unlocks Bob Dole (Part 1), 8/21/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_314 (PDF)
- Item 44: [cont.] Bob Dole Unlocks Bob Dole (Part 2), 8/21/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_315 (PDF)
- Item 45: Dole Touts Experience in Yakima, 8/12/1987

- Yakima Herald c017_roll1_317 (PDF)
- Item 46: Democrats Use Bork as 'pawn,' Dole Says, 8/14/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_317 (PDF)
- Item 47: Dole Knows Value of Black Vote in '88, 8/23/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_317 (PDF)
- Item 48: Dole vs. Deficit, 8/29/1987

- Dallas Morning News c017_roll1_317 (PDF)
- Item 49: Texans Look at Bob Dole, 8/31/1987

- Dallas Morning News c017_roll1_318 (PDF)
- Item 50: A Loner's Quest (Part 1), Sep-87

- Life c017_roll1_318 (PDF)
- Item 51: [cont.] A Loner's Quest (Part 2), Sep-87

- Life c017_roll1_319 (PDF)
- Item 52: 300 Greet Dole in N.U., 9/3/1987

- The Free Press c017_roll1_319 (PDF)
- Item 53: Dole Continues on Campaign Trail with Stop in NU, 9/3/1987

- New Ulm Journal c017_roll1_320 (PDF)
- Item 54: Dole Says Decision on Aid to Contras Hinges on Peace Plan, 9/4/1987

- Milwaukee Journal c017_roll1_320 (PDF)
- Item 55: Dole, Bush Fight it out for Lead in Latest Poll on GOP Iowa Campaigns, 9/6/1987

- Des Moines Register c017_roll1_320 (PDF)
- Item 56: Dole Asks for Farmers' Support, 9/9/1987

- North Scott Press c017_roll1_320 (PDF)
- Item 57: Arias's Hopes, Ortega's 'Circus', 9/10/1987

- New York Times c017_roll1_321 (PDF)
- Item 58: Dole Focuses '88 Campaign on Bork and Nicaragua Chief, 9/11/1987

- New York Times c017_roll1_321 (PDF)
- Item 59: A Visit for Support: Presidential Hopeful Dole Boosts Rinaldo, GOP 'crew', 9/12/1987

- Star Ledger c017_roll1_321 (PDF)
- Item 60: Bush, Dole Forces Claim Local Victory, 9/14/1987

- San Juan Star c017_roll1_322 (PDF)
- Item 61: James Flansburg Opinion, 9/18/1987

- Des Moines Register c017_roll1_322 (PDF)
- Item 62: And in Right Field, Dole, 9/18/1987

- Montgomery County Journal c017_roll1_322 (PDF)
- Item 63: Dole . . . And Dole, 9/18/1987

- The Sun c017_roll1_323 (PDF)
- Item 64: The Doles, 9/20/1987

- Detroit News c017_roll1_323 (PDF)
- Item 65: Dole Waltzes Across Iowa, 9/20/1987

- Journal American c017_roll1_324 (PDF)
- Item 66: Congressional Record, 9/23/1987

- Congressional Record c017_roll1_324 (PDF)
- Item 67: Ferocious Ambition Drives Political Junkie Dole, But Candidate Lacks Carefully Fixed Philosophy, 9/25/1987

- Wall Street Journal c017_roll1_324 (PDF)
- Item 68: A Mellow Robert Dole Starts to Relax on the Campaign Trail, 9/27/1987

- The Sunday Sun c017_roll1_326 (PDF)
- Item 69: Why I Believe the Right Should Now Support Robert Dole (Part 1), Oct-87

- Conservative Digest c017_roll1_326 (PDF)
- Item 70: [cont.] Why I Believe the Right Should Now Support Robert Dole (Part 2), Oct-87

- Conservative Digest c017_roll1_327 (PDF)
- Item 71: Dole Camp Sees Bush's Lead Dropping, 10/2/1987

- Greenville News c017_roll1_327 (PDF)
- Item 72: Dole Cities Deficit Concern, 10/6/1987

- Daily Times Herald c017_roll1_327 (PDF)
- Item 73: Russell Ready for Dole to Enter Race, 10/14/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_328 (PDF)
- Item 74: Betting on a Certainty, 10/17/1987

- The Economist c017_roll1_328 (PDF)
- Item 75: A Call for Calm in the Stock Market Storm Statement of the Senate Floor, 10/19/1987

- c017_roll1_330 (PDF)
- Item 76: Dole's Popularity in Iowa May Be Just Enough to Pull It All Together, 10/19/1987

- Des Moines Register c017_roll1_330 (PDF)
- Item 77: Dole Sees GOP Race as Class Struggle, 10/19/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_330 (PDF)
- Item 78: Sen. Dole: Looking Good, 10/22/1987

- Washington Times c017_roll1_331 (PDF)
- Item 79: Fact Sheet: Bob Dole for President Video, 10/30/1987

- c017_roll1_331 (PDF)
- Item 80: Dole Stumps VIA VCR, 10/30/1987

- c017_roll1_331 (PDF)
- Item 81: Rule for Picking Kansas GOP Delegates Will Help Dole, 11/2/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_332 (PDF)
- Item 82: Dole Day Will Include Protesters, 11/5/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_332 (PDF)
- Item 83: Sees GOP Races as Class Struggle, 11/5/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_332 (PDF)
- Item 84: Security Lined up for Dole Visit, 11/6/1987

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll1_332 (PDF)
- Item 85: National Media Beat a Path to Bob Dole's Hometown, 11/6/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_333 (PDF)
- Item 86: Music for Bob Dole Will Play on Time, 11/6/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_333 (PDF)
- Item 87: Dole Song Arranged by Lueth, 11/7/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_333 (PDF)
- Item 88: Russell Becomes Center of National Media Attention, 11/7/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_333 (PDF)
- Item 89: The Time May Be Right for an Old Pro (Part 1), 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_334 (PDF)
- Item 90: [cont.] The Time May Be Right, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_336 (PDF)
- Item 91: Elizabeth Dole is a Campaigner, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_338 (PDF)
- Item 92: Robert J. Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_339 (PDF)
- Item 93: Bob Dole's Day . . ., 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_339 (PDF)
- Item 94: Dole Says U.S. Deficit Poses Bigger Threat than the Soviets, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_339 (PDF)
- Item 95: Dave Owens Says Dole Knows Where Came From, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_339 (PDF)
- Item 96: Dole on Board, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_340 (PDF)
- Item 97: Elizabeth Dole's Good Direction, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_340 (PDF)
- Item 98: Dumping on Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_340 (PDF)
- Item 99: Dole Angles for Support as GOP Fallback Candidate, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_340 (PDF)
- Item 100: Bob Dole Would Make Outstanding President, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_341 (PDF)
- Item 101: Bob Dole Forces Win in Puerto Rico Caucus, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_341 (PDF)
- Item 102: Dole is Ferociously Ambitious Politician, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_341 (PDF)
- Item 103: Hatch Puts Dole ahead of Bush, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_342 (PDF)
- Item 104: Mrs. Dole was Impressive, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_342 (PDF)
- Item 105: Bob Dole Woos Voters with Folksy Approach, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_343 (PDF)
- Item 106: Dole Exercises on Stationary Bicycle, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_343 (PDF)
- Item 107: Bob Dole to Announce for President (Part 1), 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_344 (PDF)
- Item 108: GOP Getting Down to Two, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_344 (PDF)
- Item 109: Presidential Hour' Proposed by Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_344 (PDF)
- Item 110: Dole Climbs Ahead of Bush in Iowa, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_344 (PDF)
- Item 111: Cause I Like Him,' Former Sheriff Says, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_345 (PDF)
- Item 112: The Droll Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_345 (PDF)
- Item 113: [cont.] Bob Dole to Announce for President; Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_345 (PDF)
- Item 114: Dole Says He Reflects Rural Views, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_345 (PDF)
- Item 115: Dole Good Person, Leader in School, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_346 (PDF)
- Item 116: Dole Backers Take Aim in Bush Country, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_346 (PDF)
- Item 117: Dole Presents Issues During Ohio Campaign, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_346 (PDF)
- Item 118: Rudman is Reported to Lean Toward Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_346 (PDF)
- Item 119: Dole Grabs Win Over Bush In Arkansas GOP Straw Poll, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_347 (PDF)
- Item 120: Ellsworth Heads DFPEC, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_347 (PDF)
- Item 121: I'm Still Ralph, and He's Still Bob', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_347 (PDF)
- Item 122: Dole's Family Life Collapsed in 1970s, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_347 (PDF)
- Item 123: Republicans Change Convention Rules to Help Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_348 (PDF)
- Item 124: The Dole Foundation, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_348 (PDF)
- Item 125: Dole Says Many are Dubious of Ortega, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_348 (PDF)
- Item 126: Dole Appreciates People', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_349 (PDF)
- Item 127: Dole Makes Area Campaign Stop, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_349 (PDF)
- Item 128: Elizabeth to Lead Dole's North Carolina Campaign, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_350 (PDF)
- Item 129: Robert J. Dole Solid Student, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_350 (PDF)
- Item 130: Alice Mills Reports Bob Dole Good Student, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_350 (PDF)
- Item 131: Painter is Related to Arnholds Here, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_350 (PDF)
- Item 132: 1984 Kansans of the Year, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_351 (PDF)
- Item 133: Dole's Selection for VP a Surprise, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_351 (PDF)
- Item 134: Dole Optimistic about Iowa, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_352 (PDF)
- Item 135: Dole Accepts Invitation to Presidential Forum, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_352 (PDF)
- Item 136: The Gay Nineties, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_352 (PDF)
- Item 137: I Would Be Proud' If Bob Is President, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_353 (PDF)
- Item 138: Dole, Physical Therapist Meet and Get Married, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_353 (PDF)
- Item 139: He Was There to Learn What Was Before Him', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_353 (PDF)
- Item 140: Idaho GOP Rank Favorites, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_353 (PDF)
- Item 141: Just Good in Every Way', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_353 (PDF)
- Item 142: Dole Says: 'I'm One of You; Bush Isn't', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_353 (PDF)
- Item 143: Mural Captures Russell, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_354 (PDF)
- Item 144: They Care About People', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_354 (PDF)
- Item 145: The Dole Duo, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_354 (PDF)
- Item 146: Talking Politics Relaxation for Dole, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_354 (PDF)
- Item 147: He's a Great American', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_355 (PDF)
- Item 148: Elizabeth Dole Courts Voters as Senator's Southern Strategy, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_355 (PDF)
- Item 149: Dole Became a Republican in '49 Race for Legislature, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_355 (PDF)
- Item 150: They're Not Just Cheats' Dole Says of Unfortunates, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_355 (PDF)
- Item 151: Dole Called 'Underdog', 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_356 (PDF)
- Item 152: Bush Touchy on Dole's Gains, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_356 (PDF)
- Item 153: Dole 88 Sign a Fitting Tribute, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_357 (PDF)
- Item 154: Reisig Might Be Political Predictor, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_357 (PDF)
- Item 155: [photos and captions], 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_358 (PDF)
- Item 156: [photos and captions], 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_359 (PDF)
- Item 157: [photos and captions], 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_360 (PDF)
- Item 158: Dole and Hanford Married in 1975, 11/6/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_361 (PDF)
- Item 159: Protests of Dole Planned, 11/7/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_362 (PDF)
- Item 160: Hometown to Help Proclaim: 'Bob Dole for President', 11/8/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_362 (PDF)
- Item 161: Dole Brings Home National Spotlight, 11/8/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_362 (PDF)
- Item 162: Candidate Dole Cultivates Good-Guy Image, 11/8/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_363 (PDF)
- Item 163: A Man Who Would Be President (Part 1), 11/8/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_363 (PDF)
- Item 164: [cont.] A Man Who Would Be President; DOLE (Part 2), 11/8/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_364 (PDF)
- Item 165: [photos and captions], 11/8/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_365 (PDF)
- Item 166: The Contradictions of Bob Dole, 11/8/1987

- New York Times Magazine c017_roll1_366 (PDF)
- Item 167: Dole 'perplexes' Insiders, 11/8/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_367 (PDF)
- Item 168: Russell Prepares to Welcome Dole Home, 11/8/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_367 (PDF)
- Item 169: Brock Joins Dole as Bid's Pace Quickens, 11/8/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_367 (PDF)
- Item 170: Bob Dole Dwells on Roots, 11/8/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_368 (PDF)
- Item 171: No Room at Russell Inns, but There's a Fresh Coat of Paint, 11/8/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_368 (PDF)
- Item 172: 1988 Presidential Announcement Program, 11/9/1987

- c017_roll1_368 (PDF)
- Item 173: The City of Russell Invites You to a Breakfast of Senator Bob Dole, 11/9/1987

- c017_roll1_370 (PDF)
- Item 174: Announcement Speech of Senator Bob Dole (Part 1), 11/9/1987

- c017_roll1_371 (PDF)
- Item 175: [cont.] Announcement Speech of Senator Bob Dole (Part 2), 11/9/1987

- c017_roll1_372 (PDF)
- Item 176: Dole Returns to Kansas Home to Launch His Presidential Run, 11/9/1987

- Chicago Tribune c017_roll1_373 (PDF)
- Item 177: It's a Day for Kansas, 11/9/1987

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll1_373 (PDF)
- Item 178: Dole Comes Home to Make Bid, 11/9/1987

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll1_373 (PDF)
- Item 179: Once Again, Starting out in Russell (Part 1), 11/9/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_374 (PDF)
- Item 180: A Grand Old Party for Russell, 11/9/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_375 (PDF)
- Item 181: Students' Cheers, Music Lead Enthusiasm for Dole, 11/9/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_375 (PDF)
- Item 182: Protests Were a Minority, 11/9/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_375 (PDF)
- Item 183: [cont.] Once Again, Starting out in Russell; Dole Pledges a Strong US Defense (Part 2), 11/9/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_375 (PDF)
- Item 184: Hometown Welcomes Back Bob Dole, 11/9/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_376 (PDF)
- Item 185: Kansas Politicians Say Dole's Chances Are Good, 11/9/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_376 (PDF)
- Item 186: Dole Backers Jam Main Street, 11/9/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_378 (PDF)
- Item 187: Dole Wants to Be 'Common Sense' President, 11/9/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_378 (PDF)
- Item 188: Well Done, 11/9/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_378 (PDF)
- Item 189: Hometown and Family Welcome Favorite Son, 11/9/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_379 (PDF)
- Item 190: Voters, Friends, Admire Senator's Background, 11/9/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_379 (PDF)
- Item 191: Russell Bustles with Celebration, 11/9/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_380 (PDF)
- Item 192: Dole's Relatives Enjoy Time in Spotlight, 11/9/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_380 (PDF)
- Item 193: Dole, Hometown in High Spirits, 11/9/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_381 (PDF)
- Item 194: Questions Ride Dole's Success, 11/9/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_381 (PDF)
- Item 195: Sen. Dole Hits Campaign Trail, 11/10/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_382 (PDF)
- Item 196: Dole: Bush Just an 'Observer', 11/10/1987

- Hays Daily News c017_roll1_382 (PDF)
- Item 197: Supporters Give Dole's Image a Lift, 11/10/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_383 (PDF)
- Item 198: Dole Supporters Come From Near and Far, 11/10/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_383 (PDF)
- Item 199: The Homey Touch, 11/10/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_384 (PDF)
- Item 200: Dole Protesters Try to Get Views Across, 11/10/1987

- Hutchinson News c017_roll1_384 (PDF)
- Item 201: Dole Campaign Shifts to High Gear in Key States, 11/10/1987

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_384 (PDF)
- Item 202: Dole Officially Begins White House Quest, 11/10/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_385 (PDF)
- Item 203: Supporters Rise to the Occasion for Dole's Kickoff, 11/10/1987

- Salina Journal c017_roll1_385 (PDF)
- Item 204: Dole Announces His Bid, Tells of His 'Vision' as President, 11/10/1987

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll1_386 (PDF)
- Item 205: Bob Dole's Speech at a Glance, 11/10/1987[?]

- Topeka Capital Journal[?] c017_roll1_386 (PDF)
- Item 206: Iowa TV Stations Refuse to Run ads Critical of Dole, 11/10/1987[?]

- Topeka Capital Journal[?] c017_roll1_386 (PDF)
- Item 207: Dole Evens the Numbers, GOP 6, Dems 6, 11/10/1987

- USA Today c017_roll1_387 (PDF)
- Item 208: Dole Hits Ground Running, 11/10/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_387 (PDF)
- Item 209: Dole Emphasizes Experience as Republican Leader, 11/10/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_387 (PDF)
- Item 210: Dole Coverage not Identical, 11/10/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_388 (PDF)
- Item 211: Fired-up Folks Turn out for Dole, 11/10/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_388 (PDF)
- Item 212: South Gets Closer Look at Dole, 11/11/1987

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_388 (PDF)
- Item 213: The Dole Candidacy, 11/11/1987

- Kansas City Times c017_roll1_390 (PDF)
- Item 214: Dole for President Exploratory Committee, 11/13/1987

- c017_roll1_390 (PDF)
- Item 215: Just a Great Day for Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Bob Dole, 11/11/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_390 (PDF)
- Item 216: Bob Dole Works to Shed Lingering Hatchetman Image, 11/14/1987

- Russell Daily News c017_roll1_390 (PDF)
- Item 217: Dole Buries His Hatchet, 11/16/1987

- Time c017_roll1_391 (PDF)
- Item 218: Bob Dole: Ready to Lead, but Where?, 11/16/1987

- U.S. News & World Report c017_roll1_391 (PDF)
- Item 219: Dole's Dilemma, 11/23/1987

- Newsweek c017_roll1_391 (PDF)
- Item 220: Bob Dole Bets It All on Busting the Budget Deficit, 11/23/1987

- Business Week c017_roll1_393 (PDF)
- Item 221: Wanted: President for all the People, 12/20/1987

- Wichita Eagle-Beacon c017_roll1_393 (PDF)
- Item 222: Dole's Political Appetite Grew in the Kansas Plains (Part 1), 12/21/1987

- Times-Picayune c017_roll1_393 (PDF)
- Item 223: [cont.] Dole's Political Appetite Grew in the Kansas Plains; Dole (Part 2), 12/21/1987

- Times-Picayune c017_roll1_394 (PDF)
- Item 224: Bush Stumbles, 12/28/1987

- (publication not noted) c017_roll1_396 (PDF)
- Item 225: Dole's Determined Drive, (date not noted)

- (publication not noted) c017_roll1_396 (PDF)
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
Series 2: 1939],
Series 3: 1940],
Series 4: 1941],
Series 5: 1943],
Series 6: 1945],
Series 7: 1959],
Series 8: 1964],
Series 9: 1965],
Series 10: 1966],
Series 11: 1967],
Series 12: 1968],
Series 13: 1969],
Series 14: 1970],
Series 15: 1971],
Series 16: 1972],
Series 17: 1974],
Series 18: 1976],
Series 19: 1977],
Series 20: 1978],
Series 21: 1979],
Series 22: 1980],
Series 23: 1981],
Series 24: 1982],
Series 25: 1983],
Series 26: 1984],
Series 27: 1985],
Series 28: 1986],
[Series 29: 1987],
Series 30: 1988],
Series 31: 1989],
Series 32: 1990],
Series 33: 1991],
Series 34: 1992],
Series 35: 1993],
Series 36: 1994],
Series 37: 1995],
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