By Erik Radowski, Sarah Gard
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, 1958-1996
ID: 01/019
Extent: 41.7 Linear Feet
Arrangement: The collection is arranged chronologically into thirty-six series based on Senator Dole’s years of service as the Russell County Attorney, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Kansas’s 6th district and then Kansas’s 1st district, and United States Senator from Kansas. Objects have been removed and housed separately from text materials for preservation purposes; although removal forms still link the materials intellectually to the corresponding series.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, which spans the years 1958-1996, consists of speeches, remarks, talking points, briefing materials, correspondence, photographs, invitations, newspapers and clippings, itineraries, research, and travel files from Senator Bob Dole’s career in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.
All speeches listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to view the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned speeches here:
The majority of the collection relates to Senator Dole’s many speaking engagements over the course of his career and reveals his desire to engage with all Americans. Senator Dole’s emergence as a national political figure is documented through his speeches as a U.S. Congressman at local Kansas high school commencements to appearances on Meet the Press as a respected Senator and presidential-hopeful. This collection includes materials from speaking at conventions for national organizations and many local Republican meetings, which exemplify Senator Dole’s drive to increase awareness of the Republican platform and raise support for fellow Republicans. As a leader of the Republican Party and prominent U.S. Senator, Bob Dole often traveled the country; the collection proves he visited every state in the union and spoke in most of them.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research, however, some materials within the Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Processing Information:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1958],
Series 2: 1961],
Series 3: 1962],
Series 4: 1963],
Series 5: 1964],
Series 6: 1965],
Series 7: 1966],
Series 8: 1967],
Series 9: 1968],
Series 10: 1969],
Series 11: 1970],
Series 12: 1971],
Series 13: 1972],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 30: 1990

- Box 54

- Folder 16: Rural Hospitals - Kansas Travel File - Kansas, January 9-10, 1990

- PDF available: c019_054_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: National Academy of Social Insurance - Washington, D.C., 25 January 1990

- PDF available: c019_054_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: Paul Fay Group Conference - Washington, D.C., 29 January 1990

- PDF available: c019_054_018_all.pdf
- Box 55

- Folder 1: National Grain Council - Washington, D.C., 1 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: American Task Force for Lebanon - Philip Habib Award for Distinguished Public Service - Los Angeles, California, 3 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: Republican Eagle Regional Breakfast - Los Angeles, California, 3 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: American Mining Congress, 5 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: Edward D. Jones Brokerage Executives - Washington, D.C., 8 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: National Conference on State Legislators - Washington, D.C., 8 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Rice Miller Association - 1990 Farm Bill Liaison Committee - Washington, D.C., 21 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: Safeguard America's Family Enterprises - Washington, D.C., 21 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: National Association of Arab Americans - Washington, D.C., 27 February 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: Coalition Against Regressive Taxation, 1 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: Association of Foreign Investors in U.S. Real Estate - Washington, D.C., 5 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Friends of Phil Gramm - Washington, D.C., 5 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: National Association of Independent Insurers - Washington, D.C., 6 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Washington International Corporate Circle - Washington, D.C., 6 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: President's Conference of the Carpet and Rug Institute - Washington, D.C., 7 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: Washington Non-Profit Tax Conference - Washington, D.C., 8 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: National Association of Federal Credit Unions - Washington, D.C., 12 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: National Association of Life Insurance Companies - Washington, D.C., 12 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_018_all.pdf
- Folder 19: Securities Industry Association - Washington, D.C., 12 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_019_all.pdf
- Folder 20: Association of Military Colleges and Schools, 13 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_020_all.pdf
- Folder 21: Direct Selling Association - Washington, D.C., 14 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_021_all.pdf
- Folder 22: Federation of American Health Systems Annual Conference - Washington, D.C., 15 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_022_all.pdf
- Folder 23: Ceremony to Unveil Bust of Louis Kossuth - Washington, D.C., 15 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_055_023_all.pdf
- Box 56

- Folder 1: National Multi-Housing Council - Evans Group, Ltd. - Washington, D.C., 19 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: Tobacco Institute - Washington, D.C., 20 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: Washington Center College Students, 20 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: National Collaboration for Youth Sea Breeze Awards, 21 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: United Synagogue of America - Washington, D.C., 21 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: Republican Retreat - Shepherdstown, West Virginia, March 23-24, 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Electronic Industries Association - Washington, D.C., 27 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: Special Joint Meeting of the 101st Congress - Centennial of Eisenhower - Washington, D.C., 27 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: American Association of Publishers - Washington, D.C., 29 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: Legislative Conference for American Academy of Pediatrics - Washington, D.C., 29 March 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: Council of Institutional Investors - Washington, D.C., 2 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Capitol Legislative Services for High School Students on Budget Policy and Federal Debt - Washington, D.C., 2 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: Air and Waste Management Association - Washington, D.C., 3 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Nurse Recruitment and Retention Dinner - Georgetown University, 4 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: Center for Strategic and International Studies Advisory Board - Washington, D.C., 4 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: Carl Linder School of Business - University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, Ohio, 5 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: Distilled Spirits Council Breakfast - Washington, D.C., 20 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: Washington Center Honor Roll Public Service Award - Washington, D.C., 24 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_018_all.pdf
- Folder 19: Tribute to Joseph A. Pechman - Washington, D.C., 24 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_019_all.pdf
- Folder 20: National Marine Manufacturers Association - Washington, D.C., 24 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_020_all.pdf
- Folder 21: Republican Congressional Leadership Council - Washington, D.C., 26 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_021_all.pdf
- Folder 22: Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA) - Washington, D.C., 27 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_022_all.pdf
- Folder 23: Congressman Michel's Chamber of Commerce Constituents - Washington, D.C., 30 April 1990

- PDF available: c019_056_023_all.pdf
- Box 57

- Folder 1: National Water Alliance Award Dinner - Washington, D.C., 1 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: Washington Workshop High School Students - Washington, D.C., 2 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: NRSC Inner Circle Gala - Washington, D.C., 3 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: Perestroika Perspective: Technology Transactions with the Soviet Union - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities Conference - Washington, D.C., 4 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: Washington Conference - Washington, D.C., 7 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Young President's Organization - Washington, D.C., 8 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: National Organization of Investment Professionals - Washington, D.C., 8 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: Maryland Federation of Republican Women - Washington, D.C., 9 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: Institutional Investor Institute's Annual Washington Roundtable - Washington, D.C., 14 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: Commodity Club, 14 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Tribute to George Mitchell - Environment and Energy Study Institute, 15 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company - Washington, D.C., 16 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Triangle Chamber of Commerce of North Carolina - Washington, D.C., 16 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: PAC Steering Committee Reception - President's Dinner - Washington, D.C., 16 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: Symposium on the 20th Century Senate Party Leaders, 17 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: IDS Client Seminar, 17 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: "In this Chamber" - Theatrical Production in the Old Senate Chamber - Washington, D.C., 22 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_018_all.pdf
- Folder 19: Steering Committee Meeting - Dole for Senate '92 PAC Fundraiser - Ronald Reagan Center, 24 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_019_all.pdf
- Folder 20: Ceremony to Honor Four Decades of American Military Heroism - Washington, D.C., 24 May 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_020_all.pdf
- Folder 21: Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska Travel File, May 29-31, 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_021_all.pdf
- Folder 22: Today Show, 3 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_022_all.pdf
- Folder 23: Iowa and Kansas Trip, June 3-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_023_all.pdf
- Folder 24: Iowa Travel File - Iowa, June 3-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_024_all.pdf
- Folder 25: Michigan Travel File - Michigan, June 3-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_057_025_all.pdf
- Box 58

- Folder 1: Kansas Travel File - Kansas, June 3-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: Illinois Travel File - Illinois, June 3-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: Indiana Travel File - Indiana, June 3-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: Salina Economic Development Conference - Competitiveness for the '90s - Salina, Kansas, 4 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: Koch Industries, Inc. - Groundbreaking - Wichita, Kansas, 4 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: Economic Strategy Institute - Adirondacks Restaurant - Union Station, 5 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Campaign Trips - AG Working Group - Hong Kong - Democrat Campaign Finance Reform Bill - Review of the Budget - Continuation of Men for China, April - June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: George Bush, The President's Dinner - Washington, D.C., 12 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: Fund for American Studies - Congressional Scholarship Awards Dinner - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: Overseas Education Fund Luncheon - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: Food Research and Action Center 20th Anniversary - Washington, D.C., 13 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Independent Bakers Association - Washington, D.C., 14 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: U.S. Senate Page School Awards - Washington, D.C., 15 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Presidential Classroom High School Students - Washington, D.C., 19 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: National Environment Development Association Award - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: Milk Industry Foundation - 1990 Farm Bill - Washington, D.C., 20 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: Washington Tax Seminar - Washington, D.C., 25 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: Bowling Proprietors Association of America - Washington, D.C., 26 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_018_all.pdf
- Folder 19: Helen Bentley Group - Washington, D.C., 26 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_019_all.pdf
- Folder 20: American Trucking Association - Washington, D.C., 27 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_020_all.pdf
- Folder 21: Pennsylvania Citizens' Group - Washington, D.C., 27 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_021_all.pdf
- Folder 22: Armenian Assembly Summer Interns - Washington, D.C., 29 June 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_022_all.pdf
- Folder 23: Associated Builders and Contractors Annual Legislative Conference - Washington, D.C., 10 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_058_023_all.pdf
- Box 59

- Folder 1: Washington Campus Food and AG Industry Executives - Washington, D.C., 10 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: His Holiness Dimitrios Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in a Congressional Ceremony - Receiving the Silver Cross of the Order of St. Andrew - Washington ,D.C., 10 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: International Society of Political Psychology - Washington, D.C., 11 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: National League of Families, 13 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: Iowans for Tauke, 17 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: Senate President's Council - Washington, D.C., 19 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Congressional Youth Leadership Students - Washington, D.C., 19 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: Meet the Press, 22 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: Screening of "Delta Force 2" - Union Station, 24 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: Capital Legislative Services Forum 101 - Washington, D.C., 26 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: No Greater Love Reception - Robert Polhill and Frank Reed - Washington, D.C., 26 July 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Republican Senatorial Trust Forum - Statement on Fiscal Realities of the Nineties - Washington, D.C., 2 August 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: Oregon Travel File - Oregon, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Iowa Travel File - Iowa, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: South Dakota Travel File - South Dakota, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: Montana Travel File - Montana, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: Hawaii Travel File - Hawaii, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: Idaho Travel File - Idaho, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_018_all.pdf
- Folder 19: California Travel File - California, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_019_all.pdf
- Folder 20: Nebraska Travel File - Nebraska, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_020_all.pdf
- Folder 21: Kansas Travel File - Farm Bill - Kansas, August 12-18, 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_021_all.pdf
- Folder 22: VFW's 91st Annual Convention - Baltimore, Maryland, 21 August 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_022_all.pdf
- Folder 23: Dedication of the Dole Human Development Center - University of Kansas - Lawrence, Kansas, 25 August 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_023_all.pdf
- Folder 24: August Recess, 1 August 1990

- PDF available: c019_059_024_all.pdf
- Box 60

- Folder 1: National Football League Benefit Dinner - Education for the Disabled - School for Contemporary Education - Pension Building, 18 September 1990

- Folder 2: Dole Foundation Dinner - 1990 Fundraising Committee - Foundation Board of Trustees - Arlington, Virginia, 18 September 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: Virginia Smith Farewell Party, 19 September 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: Hellenic American Leadership Dinner - Washington, D.C., 19 September 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: A Tribute to Senator Jim McClure - Washington, D.C., 19 September 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: Laffer, Canto and Associates 28th Washington Conference - Washington, D.C., 1 October 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Republican Eagles - Commerce Department Auditorium - Washington, D.C., 2 October 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: 9th Annual Harvest Day, 3 October 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: Peterbilt Dealers Speech - Chantilly, Virginia, 3 October 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: Retired Officers Association - Topeka, Kansas, 29 October 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: Minnesota Travel File - Minnesota, 1 November 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Persian Gulf War - Eastern Europe - Soviet Credits, 1 November 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: Prairie View Visit - Kansas, 1 November 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Kansas College of Technology - Salina, Kansas, December 2-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: National Grain and Feed 19th Annual Country Elevator Council Meeting - Kansas, December 2-4, 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: Kansas Travel File - Blue Valley North High School - 20 Good Men - HUD Regional Headquarters - Kansas, December 9-10, 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: 1990 Mission: President Bush Deserves a Republican Majority - Campaign Speech, 1990

- PDF available: c019_060_017_all.pdf
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1958],
Series 2: 1961],
Series 3: 1962],
Series 4: 1963],
Series 5: 1964],
Series 6: 1965],
Series 7: 1966],
Series 8: 1967],
Series 9: 1968],
Series 10: 1969],
Series 11: 1970],
Series 12: 1971],
Series 13: 1972],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
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