Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 19: 1979

- Box 22

- Folder 12

- Item 1: Senator Bob Dole Reacts To Threat Of Invasion Of Taiwan, 1/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Demands Explanation Of HEW Firing From Califano, 1/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_002.pdf
- Item 3: Statement By Senator Bob Dole On Cambodian Situation, 1/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_003.pdf
- Item 4: New Service Offered To Kansas Radio Stations In 1979, 1/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Welcomes Nancy Landon Kassebaum To The Senate, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Endorses Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Dole Introduces 1979 Farm Bill, S-1, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Calls For Senate To Voice Disapproval Of Presidential Termination OF Taiwan Pact, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Introduces Comprehensive Package To Limit Spending, Equalize Taxation, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_009.pdf
- Item 10: Foreign Investment In U.S. Agricultural Land, 1/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Administrations Real Wage Insurance Program Nightmare, 1/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Bill Would Allow Tax Deductions For Contributions To Qualified Pension Plans, 1/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_012.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Says Carter Budget Figures Are Overly Optimistic, 1/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_016.pdf
- Item 13: Carter State Of The Union Message Ignores Realities, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls For Repeal Of Carryover Basis Provisions To Estate Tax Reforms, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_014.pdf
- Item 17: Dole To Sponsor Hearing On Cult Phenomenon, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole To Be Active As Ranking Republican On Senate Finance Committee, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_018.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Introduces Rural Economic Development Act Of 1979, 1/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_015.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Notes Sixty-First Anniversary Of Ukrainian Independence, 1/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_019.pdf
- Item 20: Thirteen To Offer Testimony At Hearing On Cults, 1/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Introduces Legislation To Aid Retired Farmers, 1/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Asks Carter To Demand End To Chinese Atmospheric Nuclear Testing Now, 1/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_022.pdf
- Item 23: Tribute By Senator Dole To The Late Nelson A. Rockefeller Of New York, 1/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Selects Judiciary Committee Subcommittee Assignments, 1/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole To Introduce New Federal Crop Insurance Program, 1/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_012_025.pdf
- Folder 13

- Item 1: Senator Bob Dole Reacts to Threat of Invasion of Taiwan, 1/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_001.pdf
- Item 13: New Service Offered to Kansas Radio Stations in 1979, 1/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_013.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Welcomes Nancy Landon Kassebaum to the Senate, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_002.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Endorses Martin Luther King Jr. National Holiday, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_004.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls for Senate to Voice Disapproval of Presidential Termination of Taiwan Pact, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_011.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls for Senate to Voice Disapproval of Presidential Termination of Taiwan Pact, 1/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_014.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Says Administrations Real Wage Insurance Program Nightmare, 1/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_012.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Carter Budget Figures Are Overly Optimistic, 1/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_008.pdf
- Item 3: Dole to be Active as Ranking Republican on Senate Finance Committee, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_003.pdf
- Item 5: Dole to Sponsor Hearing on Cult Phenomenon, 1/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_005.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Notes Sixty-First Anniversary of Ukrainian Independence, 1/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_010.pdf
- Item 6: Thirteen to Offer Testimony at Hearing on Cults, 1/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_006.pdf
- Item 9: Tribute by Senator Dole to the Late Nelson A. Rockefeller of New York, 1/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_009.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Selects Judiciary Committee Subcommittee Assignments, 1/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_013_007.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 1: Dole Offers Reasonable Alternative To Administrations Real Wage Insurance, 2/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_001.pdf
- Item 2: Meeting A Starting Point In Understanding "New Religions," Dole Says, 2/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Senators Dole, Mathias Honor NAACPs Clarence Mitchell At Capitol Hill Breakfast, 2/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces Academy Nominations, 2/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole, Kassebaum To Introduce Meat Import Act Of 1979, 2/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_005.pdf
- Item 10: Dole, Kassebaum To Introduce Meat Import Act of 1979, 2/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_010.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Introduces Bill Restricting Chinas Most Favored Nation Eligibility, 2/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces Legislation To Stem Fraud In Insurance Sales To Elderly, 2/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Increased U.S. Oil Production Could Have Softened Pending Gas Crunch, 2/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Cites Administrations Lack of Resolve As Factor In Iran, Afghanistan Crises, 2/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_009.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Urges Carter To Issue Public Appeal For Safety Of Iranian Religious Minorities, 2/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_011.pdf
- Item 13: Dole, Kansas Delegation Urge EPA Approval Of Kansas Turnpike Improvements, 2/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Suggests Swapping Oil, 2/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_014.pdf
- Item 12: Carter "Montezuma's Revenge" Command Affects U.S.--Mexico Relationship, 2/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_012.pdf
- Item 15: Gas Rationing Plan Indicates Administrations Energy Program Is Bankrupt, 2/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_014_015.pdf
- Folder 15

- Item 1: Talmadge-Dole Medicare-Medicaid Reform Poses Alternative To Cost Containment, 3/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_001.pdf
- Item 2: Bartlett Carved A Career Out Of Old Virtues, 3/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_002.pdf
- Item 3: Multilateral Trade Negotiations (MTN) A Mixed Bag For Agriculture, Says Dole, 3/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Says Survey Results Indicate Americans Want Action On Regulation Problem, 3/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Says SSI Bill Will Encourage Handicapped To Remain Employed, 3/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_005.pdf
- Item 6: Public Poll Supports Dole Stand On Gun Control, 3/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Outlines Chronology Of Various Dealings Between The Carter Family Warehouse And The National Bank Of Georgia (NBG), 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Officially Requests That Attorney General Bell Appoint Prosecutor, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Calls For Appointment Of Special Prosecutor To Look Into Carter Loans, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_009.pdf
- Item 10: Balanced Budget Amendment The Only Realistic Way To Restore Fiscal Responsibility, Dole Says, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_010.pdf
- Item 42: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole on S. 112, A Bill To Repeal Carryover Basis, 3/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_042.pdf
- Item 11: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Direct Election, 3/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement By Senator Bob Dole - Hearings On Medicare/Medicaid Reform, 3/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls For Hearings On DOE Gasoline Allocation Period, 3/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Praises General Frank E. Petersen, Jr., Of Kansas, The Marine Corps First Black Aviator To Attain Star Rank, 3/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_014.pdf
- Item 15: Arab-Israeli Peace Proposal Indicates Need For U.S. Involvement, 3/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_015.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Calls For Agriculture Committee Hearing On Chicago March Wheat Futures Situation, 3/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Pleased By Special Prosecutor Report In Times, 3/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole To Offer Balance The Budget Amendment To Debt Limit, 3/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Calls For Extension Of FEC Statute Of Limitations On Campaign Finance Audits, 3/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Says Carter Warehouse Special Counsel Must Have Independence, 3/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_021.pdf
- Item 22: Sunday Gas Station Closings Discriminatory, Dole Says, 3/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Bill Would Extend FEC Statute Of Limitations On Campaign Finance Audits, 3/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Says There's A Lesson To Be Learned From The Brooke Case, 3/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole-Armstrong Debt Limitation Amendment To Be Offered Today, 3/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole-Danforth-Domenici Health Bill To Be Announced At Monday Conference, 3/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Says Griffin Decision On Prosecutor In Best Interest Of Country, 3/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_027.pdf
- Item 28: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Insuring A Just Peace, 3/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Calls Bill Realistic Alternative - Press Conference Statement, 3/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole Arranges Kansas Meeting On Proposed Flight Regulations, 3/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Backs Creation Of Martin Luther King National Holiday, 3/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Disappointed By Balanced Budget Vote; Calls Long Amendment A Small, First Step, 3/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_032.pdf
- Item 33: Senator Bob Dole Salutes Byelorussian Independence Day, 3/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Bill Would Create Executive-Level Office Of Hispanic Affairs, 3/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole-Proposed National Regulatory Commission Aimed At Eliminating Waste, Inefficiency, 3/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_035.pdf
- Item 36: Creation Of Commission To Account For American MIAs In Southeast Asia Proposed By Dole, 3/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_036.pdf
- Item 38: Dole Calls For Lifting Of Sanctions Against Zimbabwe, 3/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_038.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Visits With Indian Hill Junior High School Students At Capitol, 3/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_037.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Commends House Members For Holding Fast On Balanced Budget, 3/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_039.pdf
- Item 40: Americans Will Accept Credible Energy Policy, Dole Says, 3/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Calls For 5-Year Extension Of Gasohol Gasoline Tax Exemption, 3/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_015_041.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 7: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Direct Election, 3/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_016_007.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Five-Year Tax Exemption For Gasohol, 4/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Press Conference, 4/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Presidents Latest Energy Policy Comes Two Years Too Late To Help, 4/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Fuel Bill Would Pave Way For Widespread Gasohol Production, 4/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Interviewed By "Japan's Walter Cronkite" On U.S.-Japan Trade Relations, 4/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole, Chafee Call On Colleagues To Not Reject Windfall Profits Tax Out Of Hand, 4/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says Carter Gasohol Provisions Will Encourage Increased Production, 4/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says FAA Should Modify Proposed Flight Rules, 4/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Favors Legitimate Windfall Profits Tax, Calls For Enactment Of Production Incentive Levy To Ensure New Exploration, 4/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Suggests Reform In Food For Peace Program; Salutes Programs 25th Year, 4/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_010.pdf
- Item 11: Income tax deadline reminds us of broken promises by Carter, Congress, 4/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole soliciting European views on Salt II agreement, 4/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_012.pdf
- Item 14: Dole to introduce bill to expand pilot energy project loan guarantees for agriculture, 4/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole in Europe for SALT, multinational trade briefings, 4/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senator Dole says new trade agreements should help US aircraft industry, 4/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_016.pdf
- Item 17: Tribute to Rogers Morton, 4/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole meets with Soviets in Geneva, says verification questions unanswered, 4/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole visits battlefield site where wounded, 4/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole praises Richardson's work as US Representative at Law of the Sea Conference, says results will have "tremendous impact", 4/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole urges Kansas input into population projection method, 4/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_021.pdf
- Item 22: Sixty years later, Ike Messer's getting his silver star medal, 4/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_022.pdf
- Item 23: Carter "alienating" windfall profits tax sympathizers in Congress, Dole says, 4/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole says Council on Wage and Price Stability a failure, cites CPI increase, 4/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole says Japan's position on trade "ill-advised", 4/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole sends letter of protest to Polish government concerning "journalist tax", 4/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_026.pdf
- Item 27: SALT II should not be sold "like some diplomatic snake oil," Dole says, 4/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole says we must not forget others held in East Europe, 4/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_028.pdf
- Item 29: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee hearing, 4/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_017_029.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: Dole says Brzezinski's call for world community "irresponsible", 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole charges administration showing ineptitude in continuing direct sugar subsidies, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole, Kassebaum announce finalists for Kansas Federal Judgeship, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_003.pdf
- Item 4: Additional pilot energy projects would further open door for gasohol production, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole hails decision by GM, Chrysler to extend warranty to cover gasohol use, 5/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_005.pdf
- Item 6: Agriculture and rural America would suffer under proposed gas rationing plan, 5/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senate Finance Committee endorses civil aircraft trade agreement, 5/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_007.pdf
- Item 9: Dole says Davis-Bacon Act like Labor Maximum Wage Act, 5/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole MTN proposal allowing filing of complaints by private parties approved, 5/3/1979

- Multilateral Trade Negotiation (MTN)
PDF available: s-press_022_018_010.pdf
- Item 8: Dole tells Japanese Prime Minister "trade must be two-way street", 5/4/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_008.pdf
- Item 11: Dole to speak to Kansas Disabled American Veterans, 5/4/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_011.pdf
- Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy and Foundations, 5/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_012.pdf
- Item 13: Presidents gas rationing plan gives no assurance for agricultural safety, Dole says, 5/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole says SALT Treaty should be approached positively, 5/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole asks railroads what they are doing to alleviate railcar shortage, 5/9/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole says House acted courageously on gas rationing, 5/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole says Berglands national dialogue will not help farmers now, 5/11/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole says questions must be answered on SALT II, 5/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kennedy Health Bill First Step Towards Federal Regimentation, 5/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_019.pdf
- Item 20: U.S. Must Continue Involvement In Middle East, 5/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_020.pdf
- Item 21: Americans Have Special Obligation To Dissidents Like Ginzburg, 5/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Asks Agriculture Department To Clarify Gasohol Stand, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_022.pdf
- Item 23: Public The Victim For Lack Of Limited Patent Right Policy, Dole Says, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole Applauds Carter Decision To Drop Resources Department, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Releases FEC Report, Senate Financial Disclosure, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Says Weicker Will Still Play Important Role, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_026.pdf
- Item 27: Public The Victim For Lack Of Limited Patent Right Policy, Dole Says, 5/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Pays Tribute To A. Phillip Randolph, 5/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_028.pdf
- Item 29: Release Of Farmer-Held Reserve Will Hurt Farmers, Dole Says, 5/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_029.pdf
- Item 30: Brown Vs. Bd. Of Education: Progress Still To Be Made, 5/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole, Stangeland Call For North American Energy Summit, 5/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_031.pdf
- Item 32: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Hearing Of Home Health, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Says Americans Need Reassurance They Are Being Told Truth About Energy Situation, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Condemns Murder In Iran, Sends Letter To U.N., 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_034.pdf
- Item 35: Dole Praises Polish Valor On 35th Anniversary Of Monte Cassino, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_035.pdf
- Item 36: Dole Asks That Balance-The-Budget Amendment Be Reported Out Of Subcommittee By Fourth Of July, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_036.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Says LEAA Restructuring Will Decrease Red Tape, 5/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_037.pdf
- Item 38: Easing Fuel Alcohol Regulations Should Make Gasohol Production Simpler, Dole Says, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_038.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Calls For Oversight Hearings On Pilot Energy Program, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_039.pdf
- Item 40: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole - Nutrition Subcommittee Hearing, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_040.pdf
- Item 41: Dole Appoints Delegate To White House Conference On Small Business, 5/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_041.pdf
- Item 42: Vietnam Veterans Still Struggling For Acceptance, Dole Says, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_042.pdf
- Item 43: Dole Says World Grain Market Needs Freedom, Not Control, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_043.pdf
- Item 44: Supplemental Food Program For Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Popular And Effective, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_044.pdf
- Item 45: Welfare Reform Plan Harms The Poor And Burdens Taxpayers, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_045.pdf
- Item 46: American People Want Balanced Budget Amendment, 5/23/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_046.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Asks President For Clarification On Diesel Allocations For Kansas, 5/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_047.pdf
- Item 48: Dole Introduces Resolution Calling For National Energy Council, 5/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_048.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Announces Private Sector Job Program For Kansas Vietnam-Era Veterans, 5/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_049.pdf
- Item 50: Dole Asks That Americans Remember Those Who Sacrificed Their Lives, 5/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_050.pdf
- Item 51: Dole Hails 61st Anniversary Of Armenian Independence, 5/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_051.pdf
- Item 52: Farm State Senators Question Value Of U.S. Participation In Mtn Codes, 5/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_052.pdf
- Item 53: Dole Doubts Soviets, Romanians Have Really Changed, 5/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_053.pdf
- Item 54: Dole Terms Administration Wage-Price Program A Failure, 5/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_022_018_054.pdf
- Box 23

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Big Basin Prairie-St. Jacobs Well Named National Landmark, Dole Announces, 6/1/1979

- Doles announcement of BBP-SJW as registered Natural Landmark and what that entails.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_001.pdf
- Item 2: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Hearings on Reverend Georgy Vins, Helsinki Commission, 6/7/1979

- Press Release on statement condemning Soviet persecution of religious figures, urging more pressure to adhere to Helsinki Agreements
PDF available: s-press_023_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Bill would Free Gasohol Dealers from Economic Reprisals, 6/8/1979

- Press Release on bill to prohibit private reprisal for sale of "gasohol" (ethanol petroleum mix)
PDF available: s-press_023_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Praises Carter MX Decision, Says Basing Mode Must be Chosen, 6/8/1979

- Dole praising Carter MX missile development renewal decision, urging launch vulnerability reassessment
PDF available: s-press_023_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas Vietnam Veterans Program Produced Positive Results Say Senators, 6/8/1979

- Dole and Kassebaum positive on NCOA-led Veteran private employment pledge program
PDF available: s-press_023_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Popes Visit Proves that the Religious Aspirations of Poles are Alive and Well, 6/11/1979

- statement on John Paul II, Polish Catholicism, Freedom of Religion
PDF available: s-press_023_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Administration Health Plan Wrong Approach According to Senator Dole, 6/12/1979

- Press Statement, Doles critique of Carter plant to federalize health care, proposes building private sector instead
PDF available: s-press_023_001_007.pdf
- Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Governmental Efficiency, Kansas City Office of Hearings and Appeals, 6/12/1979

- Press Release of Statement urging SGE to not decrease--and instead increase--power for Region VII H&A Office in KC
PDF available: s-press_023_001_008.pdf
- Item 9: Doles Says Elimination of Kansas City DOE Hearings and Appeals Office Ill-Considered, 6/12/1979

- Dole defends DOE H&A Office from closure
PDF available: s-press_023_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Cautions Against Implementing Draft Legislation Blindly, 6/13/1979

- Dole introduces bill postponing Draft order
PDF available: s-press_023_001_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Questions Hasty Enactment of Draft Procedures, 6/13/1979

- Dole expresses concern in report against Draft legislation
PDF available: s-press_023_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Says Stripping of K.C. DOE Appeals Office Makes Little Sense, 6/14/1979

- Press release in which Dole and Sen. Eagleton decry the DOEs decision to "reduce the powers of the KS City Office of Hearings and Appeals"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Decries Media Medicine, 6/14/1979

- Dole criticizes the media and its coverage of irrelevant political fights in the midst of Caters national health plan. Criticizes both the Carter and Sen. Kennedy health plans
PDF available: s-press_023_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Arrest of Charter 77 members in Czechoslovakia should not be forgotten, 6/15/1979

- Dole speaks on the member nation of the communist bloc at that time, Chezchoslovakia, and its violation of provisions of an earlier agreement in which a number of Charter 77 members were arrested after publication of a document
PDF available: s-press_023_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole uses solar-powered telephone to demonstrate energy alternative, 6/15/1979

- Press release entailing Senator Doles use of a solar-powered telephone at a solar energy exhibit, adding that the US must reduce its dependency on foreign oil
PDF available: s-press_023_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senator Dole appointed to Board of Visitors of the U.S. Military Academy, 6/15/1979

- Press release announcing the appointment of Dole to the Board of Visitors of the US military Academy at West Point, New York.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: SALT treaty must stand on its own merits, Dole says, 6/17/1979

- Press release re: US-Soviet strategic nuclear arms limitation agreement
PDF available: s-press_023_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole says SALT II will require amendments, 6/18/1979

- Dole calls for amendments to SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union after President Carters call for the senate to pass the treaty.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole supports international food assistance reforms, 6/19/1979

- Dole calls for more food aid and an end to hunger in his introduction of amendments designed to reform the International Food Assistance Program
PDF available: s-press_023_001_019.pdf
- Item 20: Senators call on President to ensure adequate diesel, heating oil supplies, 6/19/1979

- Press release on Senators Dole, Kennedy, and others writing to President Carter "urging him to take positive action to ensure adequate supplies of diesel fuel and home heating oil."
PDF available: s-press_023_001_020.pdf
- Item 21: Long and Dole announce welfare reform bill, 6/20/1979

- Senate Finance committee chairman Russell Long and Dole unveil welfare reform measure proposal (to replace the federal system with a block-grant state system)
PDF available: s-press_023_001_021.pdf
- Item 22: Family Welfare Improvement Act is "a real reform", 6/20/1979

- Dole announces the Family Welfare Improvement Act, calling it "real welfare reform"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole calls for GAO survey of diesel shortages, 6/21/1979

- Dole calls for a General Accounting Office study on the causes of diesel shortages, asking for projected diesel/heating oil needs for the fall and winter
PDF available: s-press_023_001_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole decries Administration meddling on Canadian embassy move issue, 6/22/1979

- Dole calls on Carter Administration to "cease pressuring Canadian Prime Minister Joe Clark on the question of where his government should locate its embassy in Israel."
PDF available: s-press_023_001_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole urges immediate action to aid refugees, 6/25/1979

- Dole calls for action on refugees in Southeast Asia and Europe.
PDF available: s-press_023_001_025.pdf
- Item 26: Tax breaks for foreign investors in U.S. farm land must end, Dole says, 6/25/1979

- Sen. Dole calls for an end to tax breaks for foreign investors in US farm land, saying that continuing large purchases indicate "there is some evidence to be concerned"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole says diesel decision shows indecision by administration, 6/25/1979

- Sen. Dole criticizes Cater administrations decision to end the special priority allocation of diesel fuel to farmers as "just another indication of indecision and lack of leadership on the part of the administration"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_027.pdf
- Item 28: GSA procurement clinics to be held in Topeka, Wichita in July, 6/26/1979

- Announcement that the General Service Administrations Kansas City Regional Office will be conducting procurement clinics in Wichita and Topeka, July 1979
PDF available: s-press_023_001_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole endorses Fair Housing Amendments Act, 6/27/1979

- Dole gives support for the Fair Housing Amendments Act, which "would give the federal government increased enforcement authority in housing discrimination cases" that blacks and other minorities face
PDF available: s-press_023_001_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole says U.S. policies have put this nation at the mercy of OPEC, 6/28/1979

- Dole responds to news that OPEC members will increase the base price of oil, saying that the effect on the US "could be disastrous"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_030.pdf
- Item 31: Statement of Senator Bob Dole/Press Conference -- Repeal of carryover basis, 6/28/1979

- Dole joins Sen. Byrd in "promoting the efforts to repeal the onerous and ill-conceived carryover basis rules"
PDF available: s-press_023_001_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole calls for extension of farm loan payment time, 6/29/1979

- Dole, in letter to Secretary of Agriculture, calls for "an increase in the amount of time farmers have to pay off loans once the farmer-held reserve is released."
PDF available: s-press_023_001_032.pdf
- Item 33: Dole says purpose of oil decontrol is not to raise tax money, but increase production, 6/30/1979

- Dole says he expects the Senate will enact a Windfall Profits Tax "that will carry out the intent of decontrol-increased production." Dole supported the House action approving a 60-percent oil tax rate
PDF available: s-press_023_001_033.pdf
- Item 34: Dole says Department of Energy should not neglect Midwest for its hearings, 6/30/1979

- Dole calls upon the Department of Energy to revise its hearing schedule on proposed regulations to include the Midwest
PDF available: s-press_023_001_034.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Tax breaks for foreign investors in U.S. farm land must end, Dole says, 7/2/1979

- Dole calls for an end to tax breaks for foreign investors in US farm land, saying that continuing large purchases indicate "there is some evidence to be concerned"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Ag committee agrees to Dole proposal extending farm loan payment time, 7/9/1979

- The Senate Agriculture Committee endorsed Doles proposal for an increase to 120 days in the amount of time farmers have to pay off loans once the farmer-held reserve is released.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Windfall tax will fill the treasury, not gas tanks, says Senator Dole, 7/10/1979

- Dole believes the Administrations Windfall Profits Tax "will not do what's needed - increase domestic production"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Chinese interested in swapping crude oil for food, Dole says, 7/11/1979

- After meeting with the Chinese Finance Minister, Dole pushes for increased trade between the US and China (US food for Chinese crude oil)
PDF available: s-press_023_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole announces alternative windfall profits tax, 7/11/1979

- Sen. Dole announces a "true alternative windfall profits tax designed to maximize crude oil and gasoline supplies to the American consumer" by proposing an income tax
PDF available: s-press_023_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole says DOE report on alcohol fuels is positive but lacks adequate policy initatives, 7/11/1979

- Sen. Dole said today the Policy Review issued today by the US Department of Energy is positive but lacks adequate policy initiatives
PDF available: s-press_023_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Senator Dole pledges credit assistance to ease Polish grain crisis, 7/12/1979

- Dole says he will do all he can to insure that Poland is extended credits to help that East European nation important American grain in an amount equal to last years imports
PDF available: s-press_023_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Administrations Hospital Cost Containment Bill apparently dead, 7/12/1979

- Dole said today "its very doubtful the Congress will enact the Administration Hospital Cost Containment Bill during this session"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole says re-instatement of Wichita ICC office needed to abet boxcar problem, 7/13/1979

- Dole today called on the chairman of the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to reinstate the Wichita regional ICC office in light of continuing problems in Kansas caused by a shortage of boxcars which threatens to disrupt this years harvest
PDF available: s-press_023_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole says Carter Election Committee or DNC should pick up Camp David tab, 7/13/1979

- Dole today called the Camp David Energy Summit "a gigantic partisan public relations stunt launched by a desperate President" and called for the Carter re-election Committee or the DNC to pay the expenses of transporting people
- Item 11: Sen. Dole urges increase of Soviet wheat purchase ceiling, 7/14/1979

- Dole today urged the Carter Administration to increase the eight million metric ton limit on Soviet grain purchases during the fourth year of the US-USSR grains agreement, which begins October, 1979.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Private enterprises role in energy apparently overlooked by the President, Dole says, 7/16/1979

- Although he applauded the goal of energy independence spelled out by President Carter, Sen. Bob Dole today expressed disappointment in the Presidents failure to mention the role of private enterprise in solving our energy problem
PDF available: s-press_023_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Legislation would stop withholding of government contracts by govt, 7/17/1979

- Dole today introduced legislation which would prevent the Administration from withholding government contracts as a means of enforcing compliance with voluntary wage-price guidelines.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole offers amendment to establish Energy Mobilization Board, 7/17/1979

- Dole today offered an amendment to S. 562 which would establish an "Energy Mobilization Board"
PDF available: s-press_023_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Passage of MIA-POW resolution is proper path to full accounting, Dole says, 7/17/1979

- Dole says that passage of his legislation calling for the creation of a commission to undertake further investigations into the whereabouts of MIAs and POWs in Southeast Asia "would bring an end to the tragedy and haunting memory associate
PDF available: s-press_023_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Senate Agriculture Subcommittee to hold oversight hearing, 7/20/1979

- Sen. Dole said the subcommittee is specifically interested in the activities of the four pilot projects which were authorized by the Food and Agriculture Act if 1977 for the production and marketing of alternative fuels from agricultural c
PDF available: s-press_023_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole marks 27th anniversary of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 7/25/1979

- Dole marks 27th annivesary of the commonwealth of Puerto Rico, emphasizing a progressive Puerto Rico and US commitment to the principle of self-determination for the people of Puerto Rico
PDF available: s-press_023_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Simplification needed to slash costs of regulation for financial institutions, Dole says, 7/27/1979

- Citing the "staggering costs of government regulation for business," Sen. Dole today introduced a bill aimed at reducing and simplifying federal regulations governing financial institutions.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole sponsors legislation to broaden lending authority of farm credit system, 7/30/1979

- Sen. Dole has sponsored legislation, S. 1465, to broaden the lending authority and strengthen the Farm Credit System - the major lender to American farmers.
PDF available: s-press_023_002_019.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Now Is Not The Time To Cut Amtrak Service, Dole Says, 8/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Supports Reduced Amtrak Fare For Elderly, Handicapped, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Supports Increased Wheat Sales To Russia, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Plans Busy Schedule During August Senate Recess, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole-Ribicoff Bill Provides Heating Oil Tax Credit, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Calls For Real Tax Relief To Stimulate Economy, 8/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Says Chrysler Relief Likely; Blames Government Regulation, 8/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole And Kassebaum Introduce New Farm Bill, 8/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole-Ribicoff Bill Provides Home Heating Oil Tax Credit, 8/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Sen. Dole Urges More Corn Sales To The Soviet Union, 8/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Puerto Rican Self-Determination Essential, 8/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Calls For Strategic Inventory To Determine U.S. Needs, 8/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Says Ambassador Young Should Step Aside Now, 8/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Windfall Profits Tax Is Not A Tax On Profits At All, 8/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Calls For Hearings On U.S.-U.S.S.R. Grain Agreement, 8/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Calls U.S. Export Of Heating Oil To Iran Inexcusable, 8/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Government Will Obtain Increased Profit From Continued Consumer Price Rises, Dole Says, 8/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Disappointed By Amtrak Decision On Lone Star, 8/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Says President Should Apologize For Bunny Bashing Incident, 8/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Soviet Troops In Cuba A Threat To Salt Process, Says Dole, 8/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Regulation Will Cost Consumers More Than $400 Per Citizen In 1979: Dole Proposes Rulemaking Improvements Act As Reform, 8/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_003_021.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 1: Dole Urges President To Ensure Grain Movement On Rock Island Line, 9/5/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Taxflation Will Cost Average Kansas Taxpayer $157.78 In 1980, 9/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Taxflation Will Cost New Hampshire Taxpayers $59.3 Million In 1980 Tax Year, 9/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Will Continue Efforts To Seek Senate Action On Troops, 9/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Formulating Solution To Oil Dealer And Consumer Credit Crunch, 9/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Takes Exception To Weicker Remark, Says Kennedy Can Be Beaten, 9/12/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Applauds House Decision To Kill Mandatory Draft Registration, 9/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Supports Western Lands Distribution And Regional Equalization Act Of 1979, 9/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Taxflation Will Cost Iowa Taxpayers More Than $190 Million In 1980, Says Senator Dole, 9/15/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement Of Senator Bob Dole Before The Subcommittee On Taxation And Debt Management, 9/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Employment Tax Act Needed To Decrease Tax Burden On Independent Contractors, 9/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Proposes Program To Produce Alternate Fuels From Farm And Forest Products, 9/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: U.S. Should Remove Hazardous Titan II Missiles, Dole Says, 9/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Introduces Bill To Ease Fuel Oil Credit Crunch Caused By OPEC Price Rises, 9/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole To Continue To Seek Security Assurances Before Panama Implementing Legislation Adopted, 9/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: Taxflation Will Cost New York Taxpayers And Average Of $164.03 In 1980, Says Dole, 9/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Kansas Senators Announce Judicial Nominating Commission, 9/24/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_017.pdf
- Item 18: Carryover Basis Repeal Looks Good Following 17 - 0 Vote In Finance Committee, 9/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Calls For North American Summit To Discuss Issues Of Mutual Concern, 9/27/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole, Kansas Delegation Call For Increased Diesel Supply For State, 9/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_004_020.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Status Quo Remains Unchanged Says Dole In Reaction To Carter Speech On Cuba, 10/1/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Amendment Exempting Independent Stripper Wells Passes In Finance Committee, 10/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Praises Decision On Grain Sales To The Soviet Union As Prudent, 10/4/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Continued Funding For Rock Island Necessary, Dole Says, 10/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Praises Decision To Add Additional Funds For Rock Island To Budget, 10/10/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Gasohol Amendment Accepted By Finance Committee On Voice Vote, 10/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Consumers Using Heating Oil, Propane For Home Heating Would Get Tax Credit Under Dole Plan, 10/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Welcomes Ford Remarks on 1980 Presidential, 10/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Wants Status Report on Safety of All Amtrak Track in State of Kansas, 10/22/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Press Conference at Wednesday Noon, 10/22/1979

- Press Release regarding Windfall Profits Tax
PDF available: s-press_023_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Kansas Energy Consumers to Benefit from Dole Initiatives, 10/25/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Administration Inflation Policies An Utter Failure Says Sen. Dole, 10/26/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Calls for Kansas Veterans Geriatrics Center, 10/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_013.pdf
- Item 14: Senate Passes Dole Financial Regulation Simplification Bill, 10/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Calls on Conference to Disapprove of Military Encroachments in Western Hemisphere, 10/31/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_005_015.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole Introduces Rulemaking Improvements Act as Regulatory Reform Vehicle, 11/2/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Conference Committee Authorizes Leavenworth Penitentiary Modernization Study, 11/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls for Firmness in Securing Safety of Americans in Iran, 11/7/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_003.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Says Windfall Bill Emphasizes Important Market Incentives for Production, 11/8/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole, Kassebaum Send Letter on Prairie National Reserve to House Interior Members, 11/13/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole-young Bill Increases 1980 Target Prices of Wheat, Other Feed Grains, 11/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Bill Would Exempt Interest, Dividend Income from Taxes, 11/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Production Incentive Credit Would Encourage Exploitation, Production of Oil, 11/16/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: Florida Straw Poll Results Indicate Republican Nomination Wide Open, Dole Says, 11/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Freeing of American Hostages in Iran Offers Hope, Dole Says, 11/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Leads Senate in Repeal of Inequitable Inheritance Tax Law, 11/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_012.pdf
- Item 13: Senate Committee Authorizes Construction of Halstead Flood Control Project, 11/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Amendment Would Make Oil Companies Meet Social Responsibilities on Re-Investment, 11/20/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Supports Firm Response to Iran; Calls on Allies to Back U.S., 11/21/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Urges Americans to Remain Calm on Iran Hostage Situation, 11/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Calls on President to Reverse Federal Decision on Halstead Disaster Declaration, 11/28/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_017.pdf
- Item 18: Finance Committee Passes Expanded Dole Proposal to Encourage Savings, 11/29/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Amendment to Eliminate Enlisted Personnel Pay Discrimination, 11/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Introduces Amendment Providing Massive Stimulants for Gasohol Production, 11/30/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_006_020.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Dole Renews Call for Support of President, Calls Kennedy Statement Unfortunate, 12/3/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Amendment Requires "Truth in Solicitation", 12/3/1979

- Criminal Code Reform Act (S. 1722) Amendment
PDF available: s-press_023_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Amendment Calls for Halt of Trade with Hostile Iran, 12/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Instrumental in Criminal Code Amendments, 12/6/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Calls on Kansans to Give Aid to Cambodian Refugees, 12/14/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senate Adopts Dole-Bentsen Amendment to Encourage Savings, Capital Formation, 12/17/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Repeal of Carryover Basis Tax Assured, Dole Says, 12/18/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Administration and Some Senators More Concerned with Politics Than Energy, 12/19/1979

- PDF available: s-press_023_007_008.pdf
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
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