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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 30: 1990Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: 1990: The Making Of A Farm Bill: ASCS State Conference; Manhattan, Kansas, 1/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900109mak.pdf
Folder 2: Good News For Wichita And America West; Dole Helps Secure New Landing Slots At Washington's National Airport, 1/10/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900110goo.pdf
Folder 3: Kansan Appointed To Us Alternative Fuels Council, 1/10/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 900110kan.pdf
Folder 4: Dole Recommends Kansas Woman For Appointment; Marcia Golden, 1/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 900111rec.pdf
Folder 5: Dole Announces New Mobile Office For Southeast Kansas; Rita Riley Named Regional Rep, 1/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900113ann.pdf
Folder 6: Letter To Honorable Robert Dole About Fund Reallocation For Democracy Building, 1/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900122hon.pdf
Folder 7: Dole Continues Push For Foreign Aid Reallocation, 1/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900123con.pdf
Folder 8: Statement Of Senator Dole; To Provide A Permanent Endowment For The Eisenhower Exchange Fellowships Program, 1/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900123sta.pdf
Folder 9: Us Defense Policy In The 1990S; Dole Highlights 4 Key Issues, 1/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900123usd.pdf
Folder 10: S&L Crooks Continue To Rip-Off Taxpayers, 1/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 900124sal.pdf
Folder 11: Senator Dole/Kassebaum Open Second Session With Actions To Launch The Centennial Celebration Of Dwight Eisenhower, 1/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900124sen.pdf
Folder 12: Dole On Chinese Student Vote, 1/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900125dol.pdf
Folder 13: Dole Wants Answers On Coleman Pension Problems, 1/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 900126wan.pdf
Folder 14: Dole Welcomes FDA To Kansas, 1/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900127wel.pdf
Folder 15: Gorbachev Stepping Down As Party Chief?, 1/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900130gor.pdf
Folder 16: Dole Announces $1.8 Million For Johnson County Executive Airport, 1/31/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 900131ann.pdf
Folder 17: Dole On State Of The Union, 1/31/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 900131sta.pdf
Folder 18: Dole Welcomes Democrats To Foreign Aid Effort, 1/31/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900131wel.pdf
Folder 20: Dole Announces Funding To Kansas Geological Survey, 2/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 900201ann.pdf
Folder 21: Speech Text; American Task Force For Lebanon Awards Dinner, 2/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900203spe.pdf
Folder 22: Finance Committee Opens Hearing On Moynihan Plan, 2/5/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 900205fin.pdf
Folder 23: Democrats Deliver Partisan Aid Package For Eastern Europe, 2/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900206dem.pdf
Folder 24: Press Advisory: Dole's Civil Rights Press Conference, 2/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 900206pre.pdf
Folder 25: Wichita Firm Wins $4.7 Million Contract For New VA Regional Office Building, 2/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 900206wic.pdf
Folder 26: Dole Commends President's Sanction-Lifting Aid Package To Panama, 2/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900207com.pdf
Folder 27: Statement On Hearing In Preparation For 1990 Farm Bill, 2/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900207sta.pdf
Folder 28: Dole Recommends First Disabled Veteran For Appointment To Us Commission On Civil Rights, 2/8/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 900208rec.pdf
Folder 29: Dole Promotes Ethanol At Congressional Hearing, 2/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 900209pro.pdf
Folder 30: Dole Secures Federal Action On Coleman Pension, 2/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 900209sec.pdf
Folder 31: Statement To Senate Labor And Education Committee, 2/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 900213sta.pdf
Folder 32: Dole Welcomes The First Lady To Salina, 2/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900213wel.pdf
Folder 33: Justice And Humanity Demand Support For Resolution; Where Are China Critics On Armenian Question?, 2/21/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900221jus.pdf
Folder 34: Dole On Armenian Genocide, 2/21/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900221ona.pdf
Folder 35: Dole Welcomes Jayhawk Trainer To Kansas, 2/21/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900221wel.pdf
Folder 36: Who, After All, Speaks Today Of The Armenians; David Vs. Goliath Facts Say It All; Vote For Genocide Resolution, 2/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900222who.pdf
Folder 37: Dole Commends President's Appointment Of Art Fletcher To Head Civil Rights Commission, 2/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 900223com.pdf
Folder 38: Freedom Wins Out In Nicaragua; Ortega, Noriega History, 2/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900226fre.pdf
Folder 39: Dole/Thurmond Pups Come To Washington, 2/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Animal Welfare  -  PDF available: 900227eve.pdf
Folder 40: Dole, Hayden: Rural Inter-City Bus Plan To Be Developed, 2/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900227hay.pdf
Folder 41: Too Big To Fail Doctrine, 3/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 900303too.pdf
Folder 42: Dole Agriculture Aide To Conduct Farm Forums In Kansas; Seeking Input From Farmer's For 1990 Farm Bill, 3/5/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900305agr.pdf
Folder 43: Flag Statute Flunks Constitutionality Test Again -- Dole Renews Call For Constitutional Protection For Old Glory, 3/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900306fla.pdf
Folder 44: Let's Retire The Social Security Earnings Test, 3/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 900306let.pdf
Folder 45: Media Advisory: Campaign Finance Panel, 3/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900306med.pdf
Folder 46: Dole Rejects Gephardt Plan No Direct Us Aid To Gorbachev, 3/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900306rel.pdf
Folder 47: Dole To Recommend Census Workers Asks Applicants To Call His Wichita Office, 3/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900307dol.pdf
Folder 48: Dole To Recommend Census Workers Asks Applicants To Call His Wichita Office, 3/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900307tor.pdf
Folder 49: Dole Fights For Fair Clean Air Bill; Kansas Issues Reach Senate Floor, Dole Amendments Win Approval Today, 3/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 900309fig.pdf
Folder 50: Dole On Campaign Finance Reform Time To Dump Partisanship, 3/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900309onc.pdf
Folder 51: Dole On Rostenkowski Deficit Proposal, 3/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 900312dol.pdf
Folder 52: Dole Urges Speedy Passage Of President's Central American Emergency Aid Package, 3/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900313urg.pdf
Folder 53: Dole Goes To Bat For Ethanol As Clean Air Discussion Moves Forward, 3/14/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 900314dol.pdf
Folder 54: EPA Listens To Dole: Underground Tank Requirements Delayed, 3/14/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 900314epa.pdf
Folder 55: Beech Wins Confidence Vote From Air Force; Air Force Orders 14 TTTS Worth Over $131 Million Dollars, 3/16/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900316bee.pdf
Folder 56: Dole Salutes Heroic Rescue And Relief Efforts In Wake Of Killer Kansas Tornados, 3/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 900320sal.pdf
Folder 57: Statement By Senator Dole National Agriculture Day, 3/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900320sta.pdf
Folder 58: Dole On Long-Term Grain Agreement With Soviet Union, 3/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900322dol.pdf
Folder 59: Eastern European Recovery Act, The Right Idea; Subsidies For Gorbachev, The Wrong One, 3/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900322eas.pdf
Folder 60: Dole Announces Details For Joint Session To Honor Eisenhower's Centennial, 3/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900326ann.pdf
Folder 61: Dole Addresses Joint Session Of Congress On Eisenhower; Heart Of America Hero, 3/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900327add.pdf
Folder 62: Senator Dole Honors Young Kansan From Paola For His Courage And Determination, 3/28/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 900328sen.pdf
Folder 63: Dole Amendment Would Help Ethanol Producers And Farmers; Passes The Senate Overwhelmingly, 3/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 900329ame.pdf
Folder 64: Dole Applauds Supreme Court's Fast Track For Flag Protection Question, 3/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900329app.pdf
Folder 65: Dole Updates KcK Federal Courthouse Project, 3/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900329upd.pdf
Folder 66: Lithuania President Invites Dole To Visit Troubled Republic, 3/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900330lit.pdf
Folder 67: Passage Of Clean Air Act, 4/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 900403pas.pdf
Folder 68: Dole To Lead 6 Member Senate Delegation To The Middle East, 4/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900404dol.pdf
Folder 69: Dole Sends McConnell Gift To Soviet Union, 4/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900404spe.pdf
Folder 70: Dole Supports Kansas Nominee For Us Claims Court, 4/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 900404sup.pdf
Folder 71: Dole Southeast Kansas Mobile Office Logs 5,000 Miles In First 11 Weeks Of Service, 4/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900406sou.pdf
Folder 72: Small Business Administration Clears Way For Tornado Damage Loans, 4/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 900409sma.pdf
Folder 73: Dole Welcomes New Owners Of Learjet, 4/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 900409wel.pdf
Folder 74: Dole Announces $2.8 Million Grant For Garden City Airport, 4/10/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900410ann.pdf
Folder 75: Jerusalem Resolution: Ill-Timed; Some Use As An Excuse Not To Talk Peace Process, 4/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900419jer.pdf
Folder 76: Dole Sets The Record Straight On Jerusalem Resolution And Jerusalem Post Interview, 4/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900419set.pdf
Folder 77: Time To Take Hard Line On Soft Money - N.Y. Times Editorial Feeds On Sewer Misinformation, 4/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900419tim.pdf
Folder 78: Dole Helps Secure Extra Funding For Wichita Airport Authority, 4/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900423hel.pdf
Folder 79: Dole Telephones Thanks To Syrian Foreign Minister For Help In Hostage Release, 4/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900423tel.pdf
Folder 80: Armenian Genocide; Day Of Remembrance; Senate Should Have Made It Official, 4/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900424arm.pdf
Folder 81: Dole Protects Kc-135 Tanker Program From Cuts, 4/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900425pro.pdf
Folder 82: Dole Secures $2.5 Million In Special Disaster Aid For Hesston And Other Kansas Communities Devastated By March Tornadoes, 4/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 900425sec.pdf
Folder 83: Dole Wins Public Service Award, 4/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 900425win.pdf
Folder 84: Dole Says Congress Should Slow Walk Any Us/Soviet Trade Pact, 4/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900427say.pdf
Folder 85: Dole Rated Most Effective Republican In Congress, 4/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 900430dol.pdf
Folder 86: Dole On Release Of American Hostage Frank Reed, 4/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900430ful.pdf
Folder 87: Dole Introduces Major Campaign Finance Reform Bill (Bill Included), 5/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900501int.pdf
Folder 88: Housing Guarantees For Soviet Jews In Israel, 5/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900501mee.pdf
Folder 89: Dole Unveils Republican Campaign Finance Reform Bill, 5/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900501unv.pdf
Folder 90: Dole Speaks With Us Ambassador To Syria, 5/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900503spe.pdf
Folder 91: Grappling With The Bear -Us/Soviet Relations, 5/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900504gra.pdf
Folder 92: Statement Of Senator Dole...Public Financing No!, 5/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 900504sta.pdf
Folder 93: Dole On White House Budget Senate Floor Remarks, 5/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 900509onw.pdf
Folder 94: Dole Announces $910,722 For Forbes Field, 5/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900511ann.pdf
Folder 95: Campaign Finance Reform, 5/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900511cam.pdf
Folder 96: Lee Thompson Confirmed By Senate As Us Attorney, 5/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 900511lee.pdf
Folder 97: Statement Of Senator Dole Old Glory Deserves Constitutional Amendment, 5/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900511sta.pdf
Folder 98: Statement Of Senator Dole To Commodity Club Luncheon On Farm Bill, 5/14/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900514bil.pdf
Folder 99: Dole's $2.5 Million Tornado Relief Package Survives House/Senate Conference, 5/17/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 900517dol.pdf
Folder 100: Dole Introduces Commercial Driver's License Waiver Bill; Changes Needed To Assist Agricultural Interests, 5/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900518int.pdf
Folder 101: Salute To 40 Years Of Military Heroes, 5/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900524sal.pdf
Folder 102: Dole Donates $55,150 To Kansas Charities, Report Shows, 5/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900530don.pdf
Folder 103: Dole To Meet Gorbachev Twice During Summit, 5/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900530tom.pdf
Folder 104: Statement Commemorating 50Th Anniversary Of WWII, 6/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900601sen.pdf
Folder 105: Middle East: More Violence, Less Hope In The Middle East, 6/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900606mid.pdf
Folder 106: India And Pakistan; The Danger Is Real, 6/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900607ind.pdf
Folder 107: Media Alert: Flag Day Event, 6/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900613med.pdf
Folder 108: Democrats Bail Out On Campaign Reform, 6/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900618dem.pdf
Folder 109: Flag, 6/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900619fla.pdf
Folder 110: Dole Hopes House Can Protect Flag; If Not, Senate Can Save The Day, 6/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900620fla.pdf
Folder 111: PLO, 6/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900620plo.pdf
Folder 112: Senator Dole To Receive Top Honor From Neda For His Leadership In Environmental Issues, 6/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Environment  -  PDF available: 900620sen.pdf
Folder 113: Dole Announces $1.49 Million For Three Kansas Airports, 6/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900622ann.pdf
Folder 114: Flag, 6/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900622fla.pdf
Folder 115: Dole Praises Leavenworth As Site For New Detention Facility, 6/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 900622pra.pdf
Folder 116: Snooze And Lose Congress; Partisan Attacks Fail To Obscure Congressional Role In Savings And Loan Nightmare, 6/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 900622sno.pdf
Folder 117: Dole Announces $583,888 For Manhattan Airport, 6/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900625ann.pdf
Folder 118: Budget, 6/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 900626bud.pdf
Folder 119: Old Glory; Statement Of Senator Dole Constitutional Protect For The Flag, 6/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900626old.pdf
Folder 120: Dole Hosts Retirement Party For Kansan, 6/28/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900628hos.pdf
Folder 121: Remarks Of Senator Bob Dole - Human Rights In Yugoslavia, 6/28/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900628rem.pdf
Folder 122: Dole/Kassebaum Go To Bat For Wichita Air Service, 6/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900629dol.pdf
Folder 123: Dole Announces $646,380 For Beloit Municipal Airport, 7/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900702ann.pdf
Folder 124: No Direct Aid To Moscow, 7/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900709nod.pdf
Folder 125: Houston Summit; Agriculture Subsidies, 7/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900711hou.pdf
Folder 126: Romania, Albania, Yugoslavia, 7/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900711rom.pdf
Folder 127: S&L Crooks, 7/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 900711san.pdf
Folder 128: Dole Urges Yeutter To Announce 1991 Wheat Program, 7/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900711urg.pdf
Folder 129: Dole Announces $1.6 Million Airport Grant For Ulysses Airport, 7/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900712anno.pdf
Folder 130: Defense Secretary Cheney To Visit Fort Riley, 7/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900712def.pdf
Folder 131: Dole Announces $21.4 Million For Kansas Military Projects In DOD Authorization Bill, 7/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900713ann.pdf
Folder 132: Dole Announces $823 Million For Wichita Area Projects In DOD Authorization Bill, 7/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900713anno.pdf
Folder 133: Disabilities Act, 7/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 900713dis.pdf
Folder 134: Statement Of Dole The Food, Agriculture Conservation And Trade Act Of 1990, We Need To Move Quickly, 7/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900713sta.pdf
Folder 135: Statement Of Dole National League Of Families Of American Prisoners And Missing In Southeast Asia, 7/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Vietnam War  -  PDF available: 900713stat.pdf
Folder 136: Civil Rights, 7/16/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 900716civ.pdf
Folder 137: Textile, 7/17/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 900717vot.pdf
Folder 138: Cheney Schedule Dole/Kassebaum To Accompany Defense Secretary To Ft. Riley, 7/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900720che.pdf
Folder 139: Civil Rights, 7/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Civil Rights  -  PDF available: 900720civ.pdf
Folder 140: Dole Issues Statement On 1990 Farm Bill; We Must Be Budget Conscious, 7/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 900720iss.pdf
Folder 141: Judge Souter To Make Official Hill Call, 7/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 900724jud.pdf
Folder 142: Durenberger, Look At The Record, 7/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 900725dur.pdf
Folder 143: Letter To Honorable George Mitchell About 5 Point Campaign Finance Reform Proposal, 7/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Finance  -  PDF available: 900725hon.pdf
Folder 144: Dole And Kasten Call On White House To Provide Sign Language Interpreters For Deaf Tourists, 7/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 900726dol.pdf
Folder 145: Letter To Editor On Campaign Finance Reform, 7/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900727cam.pdf
Folder 146: Farm Bill; Sense Of The Senate Resolution: Budget Reconciliation, 7/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900727far.pdf
Folder 147: Justice Marshall's Partisan Pot-Shots Over The Line, 7/27/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 900727jus.pdf
Folder 148: Dole Gets Good News For Kansas From Secretary Of The Air Force, 7/28/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900728get.pdf
Folder 149: Dole Announces $1 Million For Olathe And Wichita Airports, 7/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900730ann.pdf
Folder 150: Campaign Finance Reform; Statement On Flexible Fundraising Targets, 7/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900730cam.pdf
Folder 151: Dole Secures $4.3 Million For New Interchange In Wyandotte County; Funds Included In Fy91 Transportation Appropriations Bill, 7/30/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900730sec.pdf
Folder 152: Dole Goes To Bat To Fund Two Major Kansas Projects; KcK Courthouse And Pittsburg State Technology Complex, 7/31/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 900731dol.pdf
Folder 153: Kansas On Line For $37 Million For State Water Projects, 8/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 900801kan.pdf
Folder 154: Dole Places Pratt Municipal Airport On Priority Funding List, 8/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 900801pla.pdf
Folder 155: Dole Announces 92,000 Metric Ton Kansas Wheat Sale To Taiwan, 8/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900802ann.pdf
Folder 156: Dole Announces Tentative Figures For The 1991 Wheat Program, 8/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900802anno.pdf
Folder 157: Dole And Kassebaum Announce Appointment Of Wichitan To Topeka Home Loan Board, 8/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 900802dol.pdf
Folder 158: Dole/Kassebaum Announce $2.1 Million Kansas Rural Water Project, 8/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 900802kas.pdf
Folder 159: Dole Wins Senate Approval For Ft. Hays State Program, 8/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 900802win.pdf
Folder 160: Dole, Kassebaum: Federal Storm Disaster Assistance On The Way, 8/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 900803kas.pdf
Folder 161: Gas Prices; Dole Calls For Justice Department Investigation Of Gouging At The Pumps, 8/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 900806gas.pdf
Folder 162: Kuwait: Media Advisory; Dole, Mitchell To Meet With Kuwaiti Ambassador, 8/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900806med.pdf
Folder 163: Dole Sponsors Contracting Seminar For Super Collider At Wichita State University, 8/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 900806spo.pdf
Folder 164: Dole Wins $10.9 Million For Kellogg-Dugan Interchange! Long-Time Wish List Project Closer To Reality, 8/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900806win.pdf
Folder 165: Gas Gouging; Dole Sends Telegrams To 11 Top American Oil Company C.E.O.S, 8/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 900809sen.pdf
Folder 166: Dole, Kassebaum Successfully Push EPA To Help Kansas Corngrowers, 8/14/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900814kas.pdf
Folder 167: Dole Welcomes Gerald Ford To Abilene For Eisenhower Tribute, 8/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900820wel.pdf
Folder 168: Dole Addresses VFW Convention In Baltimore, 8/21/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900821add.pdf
Folder 169: Dole Calls Reestablishment For Expert Bipartisan Panel To Seek Real Campaign Finance Reform, 8/22/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 900822cal.pdf
Folder 170: Remarks At Dedication Of University Of Kansas Dole Human Development Center, 8/25/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900825rem.pdf
Folder 172: Dole Announces $753,000 For Salina Municipal Airport, 9/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900906ann.pdf
Folder 173: Cable To Warren Zimmerman, U.S. Ambassador To Yugoslavia, 9/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Judiciary  -  PDF available: 900906can.pdf
Folder 171: Dole To Introduce Wheat Program Legislation When Senate Reconvenes On Monday: Farmers In The Dark Again, Dole Says, 9/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 9009007toi.pdf
Folder 174: Dole Announces Great Bend Airport To Receive $585,000 For Instrument Landing System, 9/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900907ann.pdf
Folder 175: Dole Announces An Increase Of $572,220 For Beloit Municipal Airport, 9/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900907anno.pdf
Folder 176: Dole, D'Amato Press For Release Of American Jailed In Yugoslavia During Senate Visit, 9/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900907dam.pdf
Folder 177: Dole And Roberts Announce Minneapolis Firm Being Revitalized By Federal Dollars, 9/10/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 900910dol.pdf
Folder 178: Dole Announces $3,776,400 For Instrument Landing Systems At Johnson County Executive And Lawrence Municipal Airports, 9/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900911ann.pdf
Folder 179: Wheat Program; Dole's Wheat Program Legislation Sails Through Senate; Arp Plan Heads To House As Farmers Head To Fields, 9/11/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900911whe.pdf
Folder 180: Dole Secures $9.43 Million For Three Kansas Projects In Overland Park, Salina, And Southeast Kansas, 9/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900912sec.pdf
Folder 181: Judge Souter; Statement Of Senator Dole Nomination Of David H. Souter, 9/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 900913jud.pdf
Folder 182: Dole's Highway Projects Gets Senate Approval, 9/17/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900917hig.pdf
Folder 183: Dole Announces $140 Million Contract For 31 More Kc-135R Re-Engine Modification Kits From Boeing, 9/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900918ann.pdf
Folder 184: Budget; Dole Statement Following Late Night Break-Up Of Budget Summit At Andrews Air Force Base, 9/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 900918dol.pdf
Folder 185: Dole, Kassebaum To Meet With Santa Fe Chairman Robert Krebs, 9/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900918kas.pdf
Folder 186: It's Official: Ft. Riley Expansion On Hold, 9/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 900918off.pdf
Folder 187: Farm Bill Committee Adopts Dole Arp Plan; Dole Says USDA To Set 15% Arp, 9/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900919far.pdf
Folder 188: Dole Comments On Usda's Decision To Require A 15% 1991 Wheat Acreage Reduction Program, 9/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 900920com.pdf
Folder 189: Dole Commercial Drivers License Waiver Legislation Passes Senate, 9/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900920comm.pdf
Folder 190: Yugoslavia: Fledgling Democracy To Oldline Communism, 9/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 900920yug.pdf
Folder 191: Dole, Kassebaum: Rural Bus Funds Coming To Kansas, 9/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 900926kas.pdf
Folder 192: Statement Of Dole Dedication Of Interstate - 635 In Honor Of Senator Harry Darby, 9/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 900926sta.pdf
Folder 193: Dole, Burdick Call For Action; Rural Health Care Needs Infusion Of Resources, 10/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 901001bur.pdf
Folder 194: Dole Helps Win $28 Million For Kansas Military Projects In Military Construction Appropriations Bill, 10/1/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 901001hel.pdf
Folder 195: Dole Welcomes Release Of Jailed American In Kosova; Shaban Kastrati Should Never Have Been Arrested, 10/2/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901002wel.pdf
Folder 196: Dole's Highway Projects Approved By Conference Committee, 10/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 901003hig.pdf
Folder 197: Senate Passes Dole Initiative To Fund Relocation Of St. Mary's Food Kitchen, 10/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 901003sen.pdf
Folder 198: Dole Applauds Designation Of Youth Space Education Week, 10/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 901004app.pdf
Folder 199: Salina Firm Awarded Contract For VA Replacement Domiciliary, 10/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 901004sal.pdf
Folder 200: Trains On Route To Abilene To Celebrate 100Th Anniversary Of Dwight D. Eisenhower's Birthday, 10/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 901004tra.pdf
Folder 201: Ag Conference Oks Dole Plan To Halt Silly Farm Studies; Dole Also Explains Great Plains Conservation Program, 10/5/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 901005agc.pdf
Folder 202: Dole Appoints Kansas Governor Hayden And Rand Araskog To Competitiveness Policy Council, 10/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 901009app.pdf
Folder 203: Key Dole Provisions For Kansas Oil/Gas And Ethanol Adopted, 10/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 901013key.pdf
Folder 204: Dole Remembers Man From Abilene On 100Th Anniversary Of Eisenhower's Birth, 10/14/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 901014rem.pdf
Folder 205: Dole Accepting Academy Applications, 10/18/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 901018acc.pdf
Folder 206: President Visits Dole; Thanks Senator For Deficit Reduction Support, 10/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 901019pre.pdf
Folder 207: Dole Lands 30 Kc-135RS In Wichita; House Senate Conference Agree With Dole-- Add 6 Aircraft And Over $100 Million For Tanker, 10/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 901020lan.pdf
Folder 208: Dole Urges Secretary Yeutter To Find Sufficient Funds To Utilize EEP Aggressively In Combating Low Wheat Prices, 10/23/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 901023urg.pdf
Folder 209: New Fulbright Scholarship Program For Eastern Europe; Dole Plan Heads To White House, 10/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901024new.pdf
Folder 210: Dole/Dole Photo-Op, 10/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 901024pho.pdf
Folder 211: Kansas Projects Included In Fy91 Interior Appropriations Bill; $7.8 Million For Kansas Projects, 10/24/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 901024pro.pdf
Folder 212: No Deal Yet! Missing Spending Cuts Should Be Balanced With Tax Cuts, 10/26/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 901026mis.pdf
Folder 213: S&L Crooks; Dole Crime Bill Amendment Cracks Down On Loopholes For The Greedy, 10/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 901029cri.pdf
Folder 214: Ethanol; Dole Clean Air, Budget Proposals Give Twin Boost To Ethanol, 10/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 901029eth.pdf
Folder 215: Dole: Kansas Oil And Gas Producers Gain In Deficit Deal, 10/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 901029kan.pdf
Folder 216: Retired Officers Association; Topeka, Kansas, 10/29/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 901029ret.pdf
Folder 217: Big Red One To Persian Gulf, 11/8/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901108big.pdf
Folder 218: Campaign Finance Reform; Helping Challengers A Priority For 102Nd Congress, 11/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 901109cam.pdf
Folder 219: Dole/Bush In Saudi Arabia, 11/13/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901113dol.pdf
Folder 220: Dole Re-Elected Republican Leader, 11/14/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 901114ree.pdf
Folder 221: Dole Demands Review Of Cold-Hearted IRS Paperwork Deadline For Persian Gulf Troops, 12/3/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901203dem.pdf
Folder 222: Administration Credit Offer To Soviets For Grain Looks Promising And On Track, Dole Reports, 12/4/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 901204adm.pdf
Folder 223: Californians Visit With Senator Dole, 12/5/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 901205cal.pdf
Folder 224: Dole On Saddam And Hostages, 12/6/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901206dol.pdf
Folder 225: Tax Relief For Gulf Troops, 12/7/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901207tax.pdf
Folder 226: Dole, GOP Leaders To Host Dinner For President Bush And Senate Republicans, 12/9/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 901209med.pdf
Folder 227: Jackson-Vanik And Soviet Grain, 12/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901212jac.pdf
Folder 228: Dole Says Impending Santa Fe Track Deal Is Good News; Shortline Sales, Not Abandonment, The Way To Go, 12/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 901212say.pdf
Folder 229: Soviet Grain Credits, 12/12/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901212sov.pdf
Folder 230: Dole To Deliver VFW Care Packages To Us Troops In Saudi Arabia, 12/16/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901216dol.pdf
Folder 231: Education Fairness, 12/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 901219edu.pdf
Folder 232: Senator Dole Salutes The Coleman Company's Special Donation To The Big Red One, 12/19/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Business  -  PDF available: 901219sen.pdf
Folder 233: Dole Visits With Kansas Reservists At Fort Riley; Troops Are Preparing For Operation Desert Shield. Visits With Three Brothers From Garden City, 12/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 901220dol.pdf
Folder 234: Dole Visits With Kansas Reservists At Fort Riley; Troops Are Preparing For Operation Desert Shield, 12/20/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 901220sen.pdf
Folder 235: Dole Lands $2.8 Million Grant For High Tech KU Bioscience Center, 12/21/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Science and Technology  -  PDF available: 901221lan.pdf
Folder 236: Special Session; Dole Says Special Session Looming Before Christmas, 12/28/1990Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 901228spe.pdf
Folder 19: Fact Sheet; Dole And Kassebaum Meet With Labor Department, 1990-02Add to your cart.
             Subject: Labor  -  PDF available: 900200fac.pdf
Box 33Add to your cart.
Folder 15Add to your cart.
Item 19: Dole salutes Kansas farmers, 3/20/1990Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_033_015_019.pdf

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[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
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[Series 6: 1966],
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[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
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[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

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