Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 29: 1989

- Box 31

- Folder 15

- Item 3: Dole Reviews 1989 Congressional Year Senate Floor Remarks, 1989

- Congressional Review
PDF available: s-press_031_015_003.pdf
- Item 126: Dole, Kasebaum meet with Yeutter on drought; despite rain, Kansas wheat "beyond repair" - send help Senators say, 6/1/1989

- Kansas Sens. Dole and Kassebaum continued to push for drought assistance for wheat and livestock farmers today as they met for an hour with Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter
PDF available: s-press_031_015_126.pdf
- Item 118: Flagg Miller completes internship for Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_118.pdf
- Item 122: Ag Secretary okays Dole/Kassebaum drought proposal: Haying and grazing authorized on conservating acreage, 6/2/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum today hailed Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter's announcement that drought-plagued livestock producers will have access to Conservation Reserve Acres (CRP) to hay and graze their stock.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_122.pdf
- Item 119: Dole: China takes great leap backward, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_119.pdf
- Item 130: Dole honors POW Medal winner father Emil Kapaun, 6/7/1989

- Sen. Republican Leader Bob Dole today placed this statement in the Congressional Record regarding the posthumous award of the Prisoner of War Medal to father Emily Kapaun, a Wichita Diocesan priest.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_130.pdf
- Item 131: Action begins on reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir project, 6/7/1989

- Sen. Dole submitted a statement to the House Subcommittee on Water, Power, and Off-shore Energy Resources today regarding legislation recently introduced in both Houses that would authorize the reformulation of the Cedar Bluff Reservoir
PDF available: s-press_031_015_131.pdf
- Item 124: Parsons guaranteed FY 90 lap work; Dole seeks to stabilize KAAP work force, 6/8/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum and Congressman Bob Whittaker expressed concerns about the Kansas Army Ammunition Plant work force following a comprehensive briefing by Major General Paul Greenberg
- Item 129: Press release: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing, 6/8/1989

- Sen. Dole introduced Ambassador Designate C. Howard Wilkins, Jr., Wichita, at his confirmation hearing today before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Wilkins has been nominated for the post of Ambassador to the Netherlands
PDF available: s-press_031_015_129.pdf
- Item 132: Its official! Shockers to meet President Bush Friday. Dole, Kassebaum nail down White House invitation for WSU World Series Champs. "Kansas loving every minute on our field of dreams" Dole says, 6/13/1989

- Kansas Sens. Dole and Kassebaum announced today that President Bush has invited the College World Series Champs - the Wichita State Shockers - to the White House.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_132.pdf
- Item 134: ***Media Advisory*** Wichita State Shockers meet with President Bush, 6/14/1989

- The White House ceremony honoring the Wichita State Shockers will be Friday, June 16, at 11:00 AM. The site of the event will be announced later.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_134.pdf
- Item 121: The Shockers are champs! Dole Senate speech congratulates Shockers, 6/16/1989

- Doles senate speech congratulating Wichita State University Baseball team on its NCAA championship
PDF available: s-press_031_015_121.pdf
- Item 120: Dole at Boston news conference calls for Congress to finally pass long-stalled international oil spill clean-up bill, 6/26/1989

- In the wake of even more oil spills washing up on US shores, Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today urged Congress to immediately pass vital oil spill legislation that has been bottled up for the past four years. The legislation would require oil and
PDF available: s-press_031_015_120.pdf
- Item 125: Kansas area youths visit with Senator Bob Dole in Washington, 6/26/1989

- Twenty-three high school seniors representing nineteen Kansas Rural Electric Cooperatives met with Senator Dole on Capitol Hill during the annual Kansas Rural Electric "Government in Action" Youth tour of Washington, DC.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_125.pdf
- Item 133: House drought bill is "near disaster" for wheat producers; Administration threatens veto; Dole bill best approach, 6/27/1989

- Sen. Dole called todays House passed drought bill a "near disaster for wheat producers because it fails to give our farmers the priority attention they desperately need, and is so potentially expensive that it has no chance of ever winning the President
PDF available: s-press_031_015_133.pdf
- Item 128: Dole appoints Kansan as Deputy US Senate Postmaster, 6/28/1989

- Republican Leader Bob Dole announced that he has appointed Janet L. Dorsey of Garden City, Kansas, as Deputy Postmaster of the Untied State Senate.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_128.pdf
- Item 127: Dole backs Presidents strong campaign reform package; Challenges Democrats "to join us on the highroad" to clean up election process, 6/29/1989

- Sen. Republican Bob Dole today hailed President Bush's campaign finance reform package as "tough enough to take the election process our of the hands of the big money special interests and give it back to the American people."
PDF available: s-press_031_015_127.pdf
- Item 123: Leader: Washingtonian attack on first dog Millie an "arf" front to dogs everywhere, 6/30/1989

- Calling it an "arf" front to dogs everywhere, "Leader," first K-9 assistant to Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole said today that Washingtonian magazine was "barking up the wrong fire hydrant" when it picked First Dog "Millie" as Washingtons ugliest
PDF available: s-press_031_015_123.pdf
- Item 71: Drought Relief Drying Up As Congress Delays "Less Budget Savings Means Less Dollars for Kansas Wheat Farmers", 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_071.pdf
- Item 72: Dole Announces Grant for Ulysses Airport, 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_072.pdf
- Item 81: Dole Announces Grant for Ulysses Airport, 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_081.pdf
- Item 109: Drought relief drying up as Congress delays, 7/6/1989

- Senator Dole today predicted far less drought assistance will be available for wheat producers when the newest budget forecasts are released later this month
PDF available: s-press_031_015_109.pdf
- Item 89: Dole - Greyhound - UMTA Working on Abandonment Agreement, 7/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_089.pdf
- Item 69: Dole: Turn Up the Chine Heat Another Notch, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_069.pdf
- Item 95: Dole: Rural Bus Carriers to Pick Up Abandoned Greyhound Service, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_095.pdf
- Item 73: Dole Supports Changes in Carrier Service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_073.pdf
- Item 94: Dole Supports Changes in Carrier Service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_094.pdf
- Item 99: Dole support changes in carrier service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- Sen. Dole issued a statement today regarding air carrier service at Dallas Love Field
PDF available: s-press_031_015_099.pdf
- Item 92: "American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection" - Dole Introduces Constitutional Amendment, 7/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_092.pdf
- Item 98: "American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection" - Dole Introduces Constitutional Amendment, 7/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_098.pdf
- Item 74: Dole Discusses Drought Bill with President; Bush Agrees, house Multi-Crop Bail-Out "Too Expensive" - Senator Calls for Chairman and Ranking Republicans to Meet, 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_074.pdf
- Item 82: Dole Discusses Drought Bill with President; Bush Agrees, House Multi-Crop Bail-Out "Too Expensive" - Senator Calls for Chairmen and Ranking Republicans to Meet, 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_082.pdf
- Item 90: Kansas AAUW Visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_090.pdf
- Item 91: Kansas AAUW Visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_091.pdf
- Item 102: Kansas AAUW visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- The Kansas Division of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) recently visited with Senator Dole in his Capitol Hill office. The group met with Senator Dole to discuss several issues including child care, parental leave and pay equity.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_102.pdf
- Item 103: Jill Deatherage completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- Sen. Dole is pictured with Jill Deatherage, who recently completed a four-week internship for Senator Dole in Washington.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_103.pdf
- Item 104: Doug Nickel completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_104.pdf
- Item 105: Barry Beck completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_105.pdf
- Item 106: Andrew Hoffman completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_106.pdf
- Item 107: Chip Budde completes internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_107.pdf
- Item 108: Bill Lucas - profile in courage; Liberal critics - profile in politics; A disgraceful episode on Capitol Hill, 7/24/1989

- Text from Doles speech on the Senate floor re: Bill Lucas nomination to lead the DoJs Civil Rights division
PDF available: s-press_031_015_108.pdf
- Item 70: For Immediate Release, 7/25/1989

- Press release regarding the naming of the "Dwight D. Eisenhower Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center" in Leavenworth
PDF available: s-press_031_015_070.pdf
- Item 75: Bill Lucas -- Profile in Courage; Liberal Critics -- Profile in Politics; a Disgraceful Episode on Capitol Hill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_075.pdf
- Item 80: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_080.pdf
- Item 83: Dole Goes to Bat for "Zero 92" Producers - Coverage Expected Under New Drought Bill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_083.pdf
- Item 93: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_093.pdf
- Item 97: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_097.pdf
- Item 76: Wheat Producers Come Up 21 Cents per Bushel Short under Democrat Drought Plan -- Dole Calls for Fairness as New Figures Show Soybeans and Corn Also Taking Big Hits on the Assistance Front, 7/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_076.pdf
- Item 84: Wheat Producers Come Up 21 Cents per Bushel Short under Democrat Drought Plan -- Dole Calls for Fairness as New Figures Show Soybeans and Corn Also Taking Big Hits on the Assistance Front, 7/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_084.pdf
- Item 77: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_077.pdf
- Item 85: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_085.pdf
- Item 88: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_088.pdf
- Item 101: Dole proposes drought/disaster package: Producers with crop insurance to get highest payments, 7/28/1989

- Dole today proposed a disaster assistance package aimed at breaking a stalemate on a Senate disaster assistance bill for drought-wracked winter wheat farmers and producers of other crops, particularly program crops
PDF available: s-press_031_015_101.pdf
- Item 78: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_078.pdf
- Item 86: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_086.pdf
- Item 87: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_087.pdf
- Item 79: Dole: No Safe Haven for Those Who Murder Americans - Calls for U.S. Response if Higgins Reports Are True, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_079.pdf
- Item 96: Dole: No Safe Haven for Those Who Murder Americans - Calls for U.S. Response If Higgins Reports Are True, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_096.pdf
- Item 100: Senate leadership amendment on Higgins execution, 7/31/1989

- Doles Senate floor statements on the terrorist kidnapping and execution of Lieutenant Colonel Higgins
PDF available: s-press_031_015_100.pdf
- Item 63: Terrorists draw a line in the sand/Time for allies to end "freelancing" on hostage front, 8/1/1989

- Speech by Dole on the Senate floor on mistakes made by the government in dealing with terrorists
PDF available: s-press_031_015_063.pdf
- Item 112: Dole secures $200,000 in construction funding for KCK courthouse; Planning underway in Kansas City, 8/1/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that $200,000 in site acquisition funding has been secured for a new federal courthouse building for Kansas City, Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_112.pdf
- Item 110: Kansan appointed to Santa Fe Trail Advisory Board, 8/2/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that the Department of Interior has appointed a Kansan to the Santa Fe National Historic Trail Advisory Council. William Y. Chalfant, Hutchinson, was appointed today by Interior Secretary Lujan.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_110.pdf
- Item 111: Senate agreement on drought/disaster package. Dole wins targeted relief for winter wheat and program crops; House bail-out for 600 crops along with its sky high costs drastically reduced - 27 cents/bushel more for wheat, 8/2/1989

- Sen. Dole announced late today that winter wheat producers and other program crop growers will be eligible for priority attention under a disaster assistance package that passed the Senate Wednesday evening.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_111.pdf
- Item 38: Dole, Kassebaum, Federal & school officials to sign papers/$5.2 million & transfer of building ownership to Geary County/Caps 20-year effort to improve Ft. Riley Junior High School, 8/3/1989

- Senators Dole and Kassebaum will be joined by Dan Bonner, Acting Assistant Secretary of Education for Elementary and Secondary Education, and Mary Devin, Geary County, KS., Deputy School Superintendent at a signing ceremony in Senator Doles office
PDF available: s-press_031_015_038.pdf
- Item 68: Topekan Appointed State Director of Farmers Home Administration, 8/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_068.pdf
- Item 116: Topekan appointed State Director of Farmers Home Administration, 8/3/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum announced today the appointment of John R. Price as State Director of the Farmers Home Administration. Price, selected as a White House presidential appointee, is from Topeka, Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_116.pdf
- Item 117: Senate passes Marion Lake name change, 8/3/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that the Senate passed legislation to rename "Marion lake" the "Marion Reservoir".
PDF available: s-press_031_015_117.pdf
- Item 34: Piaggio coming to Kansas! Dole congratulates President and Wichita, 8/4/1989

- "Piaggo has made an investment in a great state," said Senator Bob Dole in congratulating the president of Piaggio Aviation, Inc. announcing Wichita, Kansas, as a future site for expansion of the Italian business aircraft manufacturer
PDF available: s-press_031_015_034.pdf
- Item 35: Fed give Geary County six Ft. Riley school buildings, 8/4/1989

- Officials from the Geary County School District and the U.S. Department of Education signed documents in the Washington office of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today transferring to the school district ownership of six school buildings on the grounds
PDF available: s-press_031_015_035.pdf
- Item 39: Dole amendment will help Kansas small oil & gas producers, 8/4/1989

- The Senate Finance Committee, in action late last night on the budget reconciliation package, approved a Dole-sponsored amendment that would repeal marginal oil and gas producers form the 50 percent income limitation per property for marginal production.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_039.pdf
- Item 64: Dole Helps Secure Drought Relief Package. House Agrees to Senates Targeted Relief for Winter Wheat and Program Crops. 0/92 Also Included, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_064.pdf
- Item 67: Drought Relief Package on its Way to President Bush. Dole Helps Secure Best Deal for Winter Wheat; House Agrees to Senates Targeted Relief for Program Crops. 0/92 Also Included, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_067.pdf
- Item 114: Drought relief package on its way to President Bush, 8/4/1989

- Dole speech on Senate floor on winter wheat, relief for program crops, and the 0/92 option.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_114.pdf
- Item 37: Kansas funds left intact in transportation bill; $6.86 million for Kansas, 8/17/1989

- Funding for several Kansas projects totaling $6.86 million will be included in the FY1990 Transportation Appropriation bill, Senator Bob Dole announced today.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_037.pdf
- Item 36: Dole/Kassebaum announce $2 million for Leavenworth VA domiciliary, 8/18/1989

- Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum announced today $2 million for the veterans administration medical center in Leavenworth.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_036.pdf
- Item 41: Dole: Public greets deficit bill with a yawn/Loaded with gimmicks - it needs to be fixed/Congress should do the job - not automatic cuts, 8/20/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole said today Congress should substitute real deficit savings for the "gimmicks" now being proposed to meet the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings deficit target. He repeated his belief Congress itself should take action and not allow au
PDF available: s-press_031_015_041.pdf
- Item 40: Soviet Ambassador to join Supreme Soviet delegation in Kansas/Western Kansas town meeting open to all comers/Soviet lawmakers to see Dodge City, air base, grain elevators, 8/25/1989

- A full slate of Kansas dignitaries will be at McConnell Air Force base in Wichita when a top-level delegation from the Supreme Soviet arrives for a two-day stay in Kansas.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_040.pdf
- Item 65: Dole Announces Grants for Meade and Winfield Airports, 8/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_065.pdf
- Item 113: Dole announces grants for Meade and Windfield airports, 8/29/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that two airports in Kansas will receive $702,423 from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
PDF available: s-press_031_015_113.pdf
- Item 66: Dole Talks with Yeutter about Disaster Aid - Optimistic on Flexibility for Farmers Who Planted Replacement Crops, 8/30/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_066.pdf
- Item 115: Dole talks with Yeutter about disaster aid, 8/30/1989

- After visiting by phone with Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter, Sen. Dole said today he is optimistic the Department of Agriculture (USDA) will allow deduction of planting expenses when determining the value of replacement crops.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_115.pdf
- Item 55: News Availability and Reception/Sen. Dole and National Organization on Disability Welcome Ilya Zaslavsky, Soviet Disability Advocate and Deputy to the Soviet Peoples Congress, to Capitol Hill reception, 9/5/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole and Mr. Alan Reich, President, National Organization on Disability, will sponsor a news availability/reception this Thursday
- Item 57: Dole on Presidents National Drug Speech: "No time for nitpicking or tax increases!", 9/5/1989

- "The American people are fed-up with drugs and crime. They want action, and that is exactly what President Bush is promising."
PDF available: s-press_031_015_057.pdf
- Item 59: Dole calls for franking funds to help pay for Drug War: "War on Drugs more important than congressional war on constituents mail boxes" - Tap Senate budget for a change, stop junk mail, 9/6/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today made the following statement on the War on Drugs and challenged Congress to put its money where its mouth is
- Item 61: Statement of Senator Bob Dole/National drug control strategy/Streamline Congress with fewer committees/War on Drugs - not on the taxpayer, 9/6/1989

- Excerpt of Congressional Record/Senate floor speech by Dole on national drug control strategy, streamlining congress with fewer committees, and focusing on cutting the fat instead of using tax payer money to fund the War on Drugs.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_061.pdf
- Item 47: Dole announces Senate approval to fund closed-captioning of Senate TV proceedings, 9/7/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today Senate approval of $1 millionto fund closed-captioning of televised Senate floor proceedings. The funding is included in the Senate legislative branch appropriations bill which the Senate is expected to pass today. Senator D
PDF available: s-press_031_015_047.pdf
- Item 45: War on Drugs means War on Crime - so where is the crime bill?? Even Democrats admit "tax response" to Presidents plan is a bomb/Dole to look at Byrd budget-cutting proposal to fund drug war, 9/12/1989

- Dole Floor statement: President wins poll war with critics
- Item 48: Dole, Kassebaum lock-up foreign trade zone for Sedgwick County; Major hit for area economy - Garvey Industrial Park flexes new muscle with competitive edge on International front, 9/12/1989

- KS Sens. Dole and Kassebaum announced today that Sedgwick County has been given the authority to establish a foreign-trade zone in Sedgwick County and the Greater Wichita Area.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_048.pdf
- Item 49: Topeka's Tom Van Bebber nominated to US District Court, 9/12/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum have been notified that G.T. "Tom" Van Bebber, current United States Magistrate in Topeka, will be nominated to serve on the United States District Court for Kanas. President Bush has informed Senator Dole that the nomination
PDF available: s-press_031_015_049.pdf
- Item 50: Dole recommends Kansan for Education Advisory Committee, 9/12/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today his recommendation of Dr. Stanley Koplik, Topeka, for appointment to the National Advisory Commission on Student Financial Assistance. Koplik is currently the Exec. Dir. Of the KS Board of Regents. The appointment is made by
PDF available: s-press_031_015_050.pdf
- Item 51: Dole announces $1.2 million grant for Garden City Airport, 9/12/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today that the Garden City Airport will receive $1,243,575 from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).
PDF available: s-press_031_015_051.pdf
- Item 52: Dole calls Ag Secretary to hill to push for "Second crop" fix; after meeting, Dole predicts changes and more fairness in drought assistance formula, 9/12/1989

- After calling Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter to a bipartisan meeting on Capitol Hill, Senator Dole today predicted the Department would modify its recent ruling on the controversial "second crop" provision in the 1989 drought bill
PDF available: s-press_031_015_052.pdf
- Item 56: Dole/Kassebaum announce $1 million for KU bioscience center, 9/13/1989

- Senators Dole and Kassebaum announced today that $1 million will be included in the FY 1990 Senate labor, HHS and Education Appropriations bill for construction of the Bioscience Center Building at the University of Kansas. The funding was approved by
PDF available: s-press_031_015_056.pdf
- Item 46: Dole testifies at hearing for Cedar Bluff reservoir project reformulation; two Kansans also testify, 9/14/1989

- Senator Dole today testified on behalf of a bill to reformulate the Cedar Bluff Reservoir project. Dole testified before the Water and Power Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Dole and Governor Mike Hayden have strongly sup
PDF available: s-press_031_015_046.pdf
- Item 60: Dole hails Administrations new food aid package to Poland/"Good investment" in democracy & economic reform in Poland", 9/14/1989

- PR containing Doles speech on the Senate floor praising the Administrations food aid package to Poland
PDF available: s-press_031_015_060.pdf
- Item 62: Dole brings Army Secretary to Kansas; Stop include Ft. Riley to discuss expansion and Ft. Leavenworth to view facilities, 9/23/1989

- Sen. Dole will accompany the new Secretary of the Army on a tour of two US army bases in Kansas over the weekend. On Sunday, Senator Dole will meet Secretary Stone at Fort Riley, where they will be briefed on operations at Fort Riley.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_062.pdf
- Item 53: Dole announces loans to aid Kansas elderly, 9/27/1989

- Organization to aid the elderly will receive Section 202 loans from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development totaling $2 million, Kanas Senator Bob Dole announced today.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_053.pdf
- Item 54: Dole announces loans to aid Kansas disabled, 9/27/1989

- Organizations aiding the disabled will receive Section 202 loans from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, KS Senator Bob Dole announced today.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_054.pdf
- Item 58: Dole: Senate clears major appropriations bill; Kansas projects still in line, 9/27/1989

- Senator Dole announced today Senate passage of the FY 1990 Transportation Appropriations bill which includes several Kansas projects. As Dole had previously announced, all funding for the projects was secured at committee level and was pending full Se
PDF available: s-press_031_015_058.pdf
- Item 20: Great Bend Firm Receives Aid with $800,000 Economic Development Grant; 525 Jobs Secure, 10/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_020.pdf
- Item 21: Great Bend Firm Receives Aid with $800,000 Economic Development Grant; 525 Jobs Secure, 10/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole, Kassebaum, Federal & School Officials to Sign Papers - $5.2 Million & Transfer of Building Ownership to Geary County, 10/3/1989

- Press Release. Caps 20-year effort to improve Ft. Riley Junior High School
PDF available: s-press_031_015_022.pdf
- Item 23: Piaggio Coming to Kansas! Dole Congratulates President and Wichita, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_023.pdf
- Item 33: $2.1 Million for Kansas; Cheyenne Bottoms a Winner! Dole Successful in Saving Funds for Haskell Junior College, 10/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_033.pdf
- Item 32: Dole, Kassebaum to host Soviet Delegation in Kansas; Dodge City, Wichita and Hutchinson to be Visited; Leaders of Soviet Parliament Arrive on October 29th., 10/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_032.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Gets Action on CRP Payments - Kansas Farmers Will Share in $1.5 Billion, 10/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_028.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Calls for End of Congressional Roadblocks to Second Crop Relief, 10/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_031.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Wins Major Funding for McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve the Best," Dole Says, 10/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_026.pdf
- Item 1: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_001.pdf
- Item 25: Dole: $16.7 Million Slated for Ft. Riley; Conference Report Approved for $10.6 Million Ft. Riley Water Treatment Center; Approval Gained for Other Ft. Riley Priorities., 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_025.pdf
- Item 29: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_030.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Confident President Will Sign "Second Crop" Relief Bill; Kassebaum/Dole Package Clears House and Senate Thursday; 50% Threshold on Its Way to the White house for Bush Signature, 10/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_027.pdf
- Item 14: Dole, Roberts Report Continued Progress on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 11/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_014.pdf
- Item 17: Dole, Roberts Report Continued Progress on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 11/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_017.pdf
- Item 11: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars, 11/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_011.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces U.S. District Court Nominee, 11/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_007.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Introduces U.S. District Court Nominee, 11/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_019.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Announces $1 Million Grant for Coffeyville Airport, 11/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_008.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Announces $1 Million Grant for Coffeyville Airport, 11/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_018.pdf
- Item 5: Veterans Day, November 11, 1989, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_005.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Secures $70 Million Boost in Funding for Parsons Plant. "Dual Source Plan" Gets Green Light, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_013.pdf
- Item 12: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars - Final House/Senate Approval Expected, 11/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_012.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Salutes Kansas Principal and Teacher of the Year, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_006.pdf
- Item 9: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Senate Passage of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Bill, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_009.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Salutes Kansas Principal and Teacher of the Year, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_015.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Expresses Support for Treasury ETBE Clarification Action, 11/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_004.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Expresses Support for Treasury ETBE Clarification Action, 11/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_010.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Welcomes HUD Office to Kansas!, 11/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_016.pdf
- Item 42: Dole support Kassebaum call to suspend Ft. Riley expansion/Activities pending answers to critical GAO report, 12/5/1989

- Senate Republican leader Bob Dole today joined Senate colleague Nancy Kassebaum in calling for a delay of expansion activities at Fort Riley.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_042.pdf
- Item 44: Kansas schedule for Senator Bob Dole, 12/5/1989

- Bob Doles released schedule for his visit to Kansas, Dec. 6-8, 1989
PDF available: s-press_031_015_044.pdf
- Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum and Roberts Recommend Kansans for State ASCS Committee, 12/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_002.pdf
- Item 43: Dole, Kassebaum and Roberts recommend Kansans for state ASCS committee, 12/7/1989

- Kansas Senators Bob Dole and Nancy Kassebaum and Congressman Pat Roberts announced today that they have recommended three Kansans to serve on the 1990 ASCS State Committee.
PDF available: s-press_031_015_043.pdf
- Item 24: Soviet Delegation Schedule, 1989-10

- PDF available: s-press_031_015_024.pdf
- Folder 14

- Item 2: "Qadaffi Never Learns" Dole says US/Libya Dog-Fight is "Self-Defense", 1/4/1989

- Press Release. Following 2 Libyan jets being shot-down in the Mediterranean. Discusses Qadaffi's pursuit of Chemical weapons. States all American forces returned safely.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_002.pdf
- Item 3: Democrats "Rain Dance" on budget brings "Rhetoric Downpour" Dole challenges critics to produce their budget, 1/10/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_003.pdf
- Item 17: Letter to The Honorable Richard Thornburgh, 1/17/1989

- Press Release of a scan of an official correspondence regarding Federal District appointment?
PDF available: s-press_031_014_017.pdf
- Item 4: Dole receives Presidential Citizens Medal Reagan presents Award at White House, 1/18/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_004.pdf
- Item 19: Nancy Landon Kassebaum - For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Press Release regarding four judge appointments
PDF available: s-press_031_014_019.pdf
- Item 16: Talking with Kansas, 1/20/1989

- Soviet Gambit on Chemical Weapons: Sounds Good, but Lets Look at the Record
PDF available: s-press_031_014_016.pdf
- Item 8: Dole helps bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk students to receive Nationally Acclaimed Anti-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_008.pdf
- Item 5: The Republican Agenda -- The 101st Congress Dole introduces five Bills as Congress returns, 1/25/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_005.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Introduces Bill to Reformulate Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 1/25/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Introduces Rural Hospital Bill as Senate opens for Legislative Season -- Calls for "Safety Net" for small hospitals, 1/25/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_010.pdf
- Item 15: Bob Dole Issues Update, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_014_015.pdf
- Item 18: Letters to the Editor - Bush Can Draw the Line, 1/25/1989

- Letter to the Editor Press Release written by Dole regarding omnibus legislation
PDF available: s-press_031_014_018.pdf
- Item 1: Dole introduces Resolution to caption Senate Proceedings; Wants everyone to share in the Legislative Process, 1/26/1989

- Press Release.
PDF available: s-press_031_014_001.pdf
- Item 20: Revitalizing Rural America, Balancing the Federal Budget Top Dole Agenda as 101st Congress Opens Legislative Season: Rural Hospitals and Social Security Recipients Get Needed Boost, 1/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_014_020.pdf
- Item 6: Highlights of Five Major Dole Bills, 101st Congress, 1989-01

- Bill overviews include: Campaign Finance Reform, Balanced Budget Amendment, Enhanced Rescission Authority, Chemical Weapons, Social Security Earnings Limit
PDF available: s-press_031_014_006.pdf
- Item 7: The Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act, 1989-01

- Overview of legislation: details of major provisions & effective date
PDF available: s-press_031_014_007.pdf
- Item 11: Picture of Kansas Representatives of Rural Telephone Companies following a visit with Senator Dole., 1989-01

- Black and white photo with description below
PDF available: s-press_031_014_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Senate Speech - "America Agrees: We play some pretty good ball back home", 1989-01

- Dole speech following Wichita State Shockers Baseball team winning the NCAA Championship
PDF available: s-press_031_014_012.pdf
- Item 13: Intern Data Sheets for Press Release, 1989-01

- Names of interns include: Jill Deatherage, Kevin Lyon, Laura Ann Lazarus, Frances Re'Nee Nash, Jillaine M. Patterson, Douglas Richard Nickel, Andrew Pollock Hoffman, Barry A Beck, Chip Budde
PDF available: s-press_031_014_013.pdf
- Item 14: The Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act, 1989-01

- Overview of aforementioned act
PDF available: s-press_031_014_014.pdf
- Folder 16

- Item 104: "Qadaffi Never Learns," Dole Says - US/Libya Dog-Fight is "Self-Defense", 1/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_104.pdf
- Item 107: Democrats "Rain Dance" on Budget brings "Rhetoric Downpour" - Dole Challenges Critics to Produce Their Budget, 1/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_107.pdf
- Item 118: Dole Challenges Critics to Produce their Budget, 1/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_118.pdf
- Item 112: Dear Attorney General Thornburgh, 1/17/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence regarding recommendations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_112.pdf
- Item 114: Dear Attorney General Thornburgh, 1/17/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence regarding 4 nominations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_114.pdf
- Item 103: For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Kassebaum Press Release regarding 4 US District Court recommendations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_103.pdf
- Item 105: Dole Receives Presidential Citizens Medal - Reagan Presents Award at White House, 1/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_105.pdf
- Item 109: For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Kassebaum - 4 US District Court Recs
PDF available: s-press_031_016_109.pdf
- Item 113: For Immediate Release, 1/18/1989

- Kassebaum 4 recommendations
PDF available: s-press_031_016_113.pdf
- Item 119: Dole Receives Presidential Citizens Medal, Reagan Presents Award at White House, 1/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_119.pdf
- Item 106: Dole Helps Bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk Students to Receive Nationally Acclaimed Anti-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_106.pdf
- Item 111: Dole Helps Bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk Student to Receive Nationally Acclaimed Anti-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_111.pdf
- Item 115: Dole Helps Bring "American Dream" Program to Sedgwick County Schools: At-Risk Students to Receive Nationally Acclaimed Ant-Drug Message, 1/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_115.pdf
- Item 108: Dole Introduces Bill to Reformulate Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_108.pdf
- Item 116: Dole Introduces Five Bills as Congress Returns, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_116.pdf
- Item 117: Dole Introduces Rural hospital Bill as Senate Opens for Legislative Season, 1/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_117.pdf
- Item 120: Dole Introduces Resolution to Caption Senate Proceedings, 1/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_120.pdf
- Item 99: Dole Says Protecting Depositors Bottom Line, 2/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_099.pdf
- Item 121: Dole Says Protecting Depositors Bottom Line, 2/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_121.pdf
- Item 122: Dole Announces 5-year Federal Commitment to Hazardous Waste Study, 2/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_122.pdf
- Item 102: Dear Dick, 2/6/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence with Att. Gen R. Thornburgh regarding Fraud
PDF available: s-press_031_016_102.pdf
- Item 100: Dole Calls for National Task Force to Take On Thrift Problems; Letter to Thornburgh Urges Speedy Federal Action on Fraud, But: "No Loans for Lawbreakers, No Bail-outs for Bad Apples", 2/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_100.pdf
- Item 123: Kansan Appointed To White House Advisory Committee, 2/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_123.pdf
- Item 124: New Survey Says Dole Most Effective, most Respected Senator, 2/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_124.pdf
- Item 101: Media Advisory, 2/10/1989

- Press Release regarding Jobs Corp
PDF available: s-press_031_016_101.pdf
- Item 125: Media Advisory, 2/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_125.pdf
- Item 126: Dole selects 50 for Academy Nominations, 2/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_126.pdf
- Item 98: Site Selected for Manhattan Job Corp Center - Deal Closed, $1.4 Million Saved in Final Sale, 2/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_098.pdf
- Item 127: Site selected for Manhattan Job Corp center deal closed, 2/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_127.pdf
- Item 73: Dole Kansas City Courthouse Initiative Picks Up Steam; Solid funding and Construction Plans Now on Line., 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_073.pdf
- Item 77: Dole Kansas City Courthouse Initiative Picks Up Steam; Solid Funding and Construction Plans Now on Line., 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_077.pdf
- Item 89: Dole Kansas City Courthouse Initiative Picks Up Steam; Solid Funding and Construction Plans Now on Line., 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_089.pdf
- Item 78: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before Solarz Subcommittee - Multilateral Aid Initiative for the Philippines, 3/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_078.pdf
- Item 90: Statement of Senator Bob Dole before Solarz Subcommittee - Multilateral Aid Initiative for the Philippines, 3/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_090.pdf
- Item 84: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- Press Release regarding POW/MIA Flag unveiling
PDF available: s-press_031_016_084.pdf
- Item 85: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - White Rose Foundation, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_085.pdf
- Item 86: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- Press Release regarding POW/MIA Flag unveiling
PDF available: s-press_031_016_086.pdf
- Item 87: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - White Rose Foundation, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_087.pdf
- Item 91: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- POW/MIA Flag Unveiling
PDF available: s-press_031_016_091.pdf
- Item 88: Dole Vision for Permanent POW/MIA Flag Display Becomes Reality; U.S. Capitol Rotunda Will House Reminder to All Americans, 3/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_088.pdf
- Item 96: Dole Vision for Permanent POW/MIA Flag Display Becomes Reality; U.S. Capitol Rotunda Will House Reminder to All Americans, 3/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_096.pdf
- Item 92: KU and KSU Receive Minority Graduate Program Funding, 3/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_092.pdf
- Item 79: Dole Outraged by Flag Desecration at Chicago "Art" Show -- Calls for New Law to Stop It, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_079.pdf
- Item 80: Dole Outraged by Flag Desecration at Chicago "Art" Show -- Calls for New Law to Stop It, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_080.pdf
- Item 97: Dole Outraged by Flag Desecration at Chicago "Art" Show -- Calls for New Law to Stop It, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_097.pdf
- Item 76: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_076.pdf
- Item 83: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_083.pdf
- Item 93: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_093.pdf
- Item 74: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation in Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_074.pdf
- Item 75: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation in Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_075.pdf
- Item 94: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation in Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_094.pdf
- Item 81: Dole/Kassebaum Urge USDA to Prepare for Kansas Drought, 3/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_081.pdf
- Item 72: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_072.pdf
- Item 82: Dole Wins Diesel Fuel Tax Reform for Kansas Consumers and Distributors, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_082.pdf
- Item 95: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_095.pdf
- Item 37: Dole Announces Relief from EPA Regulations for Wichita, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_037.pdf
- Item 39: Dole Selects Senators Cochran & Coats to Serve on Drug-Free Schools Panel, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_039.pdf
- Item 45: Dole Selects Senators Cochran & Coats to Serve on Drug-Free Schools Panel, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_045.pdf
- Item 47: Dole Announces Relief from EPA Regulations for Wichita, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_047.pdf
- Item 58: Good News on Eastern Airlines and Unemployment Rate Spells Bad News for Democratic Supporters of Big Government Interference -- Bush Minimum Wage is Final Offer, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_058.pdf
- Item 59: Good News on Eastern Airlines and Unemployment Rate Spells Bad News for Democratic Supporters of Big Government Interference -- Bush Minimum Wage is Final Offer, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_059.pdf
- Item 70: Good News on Eastern Airlines and Unemployment Rate Spells Bad News for Democratic Supporters of Big Government Interference -- Bush Minimum Wage is Final Offer, 4/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_070.pdf
- Item 35: Dear Secretary Yeutter, 4/10/1989

- Press Release of a Scan of a Correspondence regarding FHA director appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_035.pdf
- Item 36: For Immediate Release, 4/10/1989

- Press Release of FHA director appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_036.pdf
- Item 38: Dear Secretary Yeutter, 4/10/1989

- Press Release regarding FHA Director appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_038.pdf
- Item 40: For Immediate Release, 4/10/1989

- Kassebaum Press Release regarding FHA Director Appointment
PDF available: s-press_031_016_040.pdf
- Item 41: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_041.pdf
- Item 43: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_043.pdf
- Item 51: Alaska Oil Spill: A New Look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act -- Where Was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_051.pdf
- Item 53: Alaska Oil Spill: A New Look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act -- Where Was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_053.pdf
- Item 56: For Immediate Release, 4/10/1989

- Kassebaum Press Release regarding FHA director recommendation
PDF available: s-press_031_016_056.pdf
- Item 57: Dear Secretary Yeutter, 4/10/1989

- Scan of Correspondence regarding FHA director recommendation
PDF available: s-press_031_016_057.pdf
- Item 62: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_062.pdf
- Item 63: Alaska Oil Spill: A New Look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act -- Where Was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_063.pdf
- Item 54: Kansas City Group Receives National Award for Community Development, 4/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_054.pdf
- Item 64: Kansas City Group Receives National Award for Community Development, 4/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_064.pdf
- Item 65: Drought Tour Schedule in Kansas, 4/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_065.pdf
- Item 67: Drought Tour Schedule in Kansas, 4/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_067.pdf
- Item 48: Dear Mr. Secretary, 4/13/1989

- Scan of Correspondence to Secretary Treasury Brady regarding 1989 IRS section 89
PDF available: s-press_031_016_048.pdf
- Item 55: Dear Mr. Secretary, 4/13/1989

- Scan of Correspondence to Treasury Secretary Brady regarding IRS Section 89
PDF available: s-press_031_016_055.pdf
- Item 68: Dear Mr. Secretary, 4/13/1989

- Press Release Scan of Correspondence to Treasury Secretary Brady regarding IRS Section 89
PDF available: s-press_031_016_068.pdf
- Item 33: Dole Asks Secretary to Guarantee Advance Payments; Administration Announces $900 Million in Upfront Deficiency Payments; Establishes Rural Development Task Force, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_033.pdf
- Item 42: Dole Letter Calls for Penalty Waiver on IRS "Section 89" Mess; Bad Tax Rule on the Way Out So Stop the Penalties, Dole Tells Treasury Secretary in Letter, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_042.pdf
- Item 44: Dole Letter Calls for Penalty Waiver on IRS "Section 89" Mess; Bad Tax Rule on the Way Out So Stop the Penalties, Dole Tells Treasury Secretary in Letter, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_044.pdf
- Item 46: Dole Asks Secretary to Guarantee Advance Payments; Administration Announces $900 Million in Upfront Deficiency Payments; Establishes Rural Development Task Force, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_046.pdf
- Item 66: Dole Letter Calls for Penalty Waiver on IRS "Section 89" Mess; Bad Tax Rule on the Way Out So Stop the Penalties, Dole Tells Treasury Secretary in Letter, 4/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_066.pdf
- Item 34: Dole Urges 1989 Action on 1990 Farm Bill: Letter to Ag Chairman Seeks to Dodge 1990 Politics and to Give Farmers Program Before Planting, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_034.pdf
- Item 52: Rural Telephone Company Representatives from Kansas, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_052.pdf
- Item 69: Dole Urges 1989 Action on 1990 Farm Bill: Letter to Ag Chairman Seeks to Dodge 1990 Politics and to Give Farmers Program Before Planting, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_069.pdf
- Item 71: Rural Telephone Company Representatives from Kansas, 4/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_071.pdf
- Item 49: Dole Calls AG Secretary: More Bad News from Kansas on Ailing Wheat Crop -- Senator Renews Call for Drought Aid as Record Heat Bakes State, 4/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_049.pdf
- Item 60: Dole/Kassebaum Announce Federal Drought Aid Package for Bone Dry Kansas, 4/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_060.pdf
- Item 50: Dole Urges President Bush to Continue Aggressive AG Export Policy -- "Keep EEP" Dole Says, As Soviets Come to Washington to Talk Trade; U.S. Must Combat "Lavish" European Farm Subsidies, 4/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_050.pdf
- Item 61: Dole Urges President Bush to Continue Aggressive Ag Export Policy -- "Keep EEP" Dole Says, As Soviets Come to Washington to Talk Trade; U.S. Must combat "Lavish" European Farm Subsidies, 4/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_061.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Helps Win Delay of IRS Nightmare for Small Business; "Loony" Section 89 Tax Law Delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_013.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Helps Win Delay of IRS Nightmare for Small Business; "Loony" Section 89 Tax Law Delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_015.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Helps Win Delay of IRS Nightmare for Small Business; "Loony" Section 89 Tax Law delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_025.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Applauds New Export Bonus Offer to Soviet Union; Action Sends Signal "America Is Playing to Win" on Trade Front, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_014.pdf
- Item 16: Dole/Kassebaum Announce 23 Kansas Counties Qualify for New Drought Assistance Package, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_016.pdf
- Item 20: Dole Applauds New Export Bonus Offer to Soviet Union: Action Sends Signal "America is Playing to Win" on Trade Front, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_020.pdf
- Item 24: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Days of Remembrance Ceremony in the Rotunda, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_024.pdf
- Item 31: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Days of Remembrance Ceremony in the Rotunda, 5/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_031.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Announces 36 Additional Counties Qualifying for Emergency Drought Assistance, 5/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Announces 36 Additional Counties Qualifying for Emergency Drought Assistance, 5/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole: If Ortega Balks, resume Military Aid to Freedom Fighters, 5/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_023.pdf
- Item 26: Dole: If Ortega Balks, Resume Military Aid to Freedom Fighters, 5/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_026.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Says Bleak Winter Wheat Estimate "Confirms Our Worst Fears"-- Convincing Evidence that Federal Aid Will Be Needed; Budget Conference Clears Dole Winter Wheat Relief Amendment, 5/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_018.pdf
- Item 27: Colby Awarded Economic Development Grant for Industrial Park, 5/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_027.pdf
- Item 12: Bill Introduced to Change Name of "Marion Lake", 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_012.pdf
- Item 17: Bill Introduced to Change Name of "Marion Lake", 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_017.pdf
- Item 28: Kansas 4-Hers Visit Washington, D.C., 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_028.pdf
- Item 32: Kansas 4-H-ers Visit Washington, D.V., 5/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_032.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Introduces Drought Bill: Bone Dry Kansas Crop "Burned, Blown Away and Now Buried", 5/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_019.pdf
- Item 29: Dole on Kassebaum Announcement, 5/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_029.pdf
- Item 30: Dole on Kassebaum Announcement, 5/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_030.pdf
- Item 11: Joyce Campbell Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_011.pdf
- Item 2: Mark Sanor Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_002.pdf
- Item 4: Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_004.pdf
- Item 1: Dole Honors POW Medal Winner Father Emil Kapaun, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_001.pdf
- Item 10: Action Begins on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_010.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing - Ambassador Designate C. Howard Wilkins, Jr., 6/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_009.pdf
- Item 5: Dole: High Court Tilts "Wrong" on Flag Decision, 6/21/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_005.pdf
- Item 3: Kansas Area Youths Visit with Senator Bob Dole in Washington, 6/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_003.pdf
- Item 8: House Drought Bill Is "Near Disaster" for Wheat Producers; Administration Threatens Veto; Dole Bill Best Approach, 6/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_008.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Appoints Kansan As Deputy U.S. Senate Postmaster, 6/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_007.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Backs Presidents Strong Campaign Reform Package; Challenges Democrats "To Join Us on The Highroad" to Clean Up Election Process, 6/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_006.pdf
- Item 110: The Shockers Are Champs! Dole Senate Speech Congratulates Shockers - "America Agrees: We Play Some Pretty Good Ball Back Home", 1989-01

- PDF available: s-press_031_016_110.pdf
- Folder 17

- Item 1: Dole calls for national task force to take on thrift problems, 2/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_017_001.pdf
- Item 2: The wonderful epidemic of freedom, 2/15/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_017_002.pdf
- Folder 18

- Item 1: Kansas City Courthouse initiative picks up steam, 3/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_001.pdf
- Item 2: Multilateral aid initiative for the Philippines, 3/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_002.pdf
- Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob dole at White Rose Foundation, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_003.pdf
- Item 4: Media Advisory, 3/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Vision for permanent POW/MIA flag display become reality, 3/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_005.pdf
- Item 6: KU and KSU receive minority graduate program funding, 3/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Outrated by flag desecration at Chicago art show, 3/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_007.pdf
- Item 8: Senate Designates National Agriculture Day, 3/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Seeks Assurances on Coleman Takeover; Top Company Officials Say Kansas Operation In Good Shape, No Changes Expected, 3/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole-Kassebaum Urge USDA to Prepare For Kansas Drought, 3/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Wins Diesel Fuel Tax Reform For Kansas Consumers and Distributors, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_011.pdf
- Item 12: "Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole" - March 28-29, 1989, 3/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_018_012.pdf
- Folder 19

- Item 1: Campaign Spending -- PACs and the Incumbency Protection Plan - Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 4/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_019_001.pdf
- Item 2: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 4/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_031_019_002.pdf
- Box 32

- Folder 1

- Item 1: Dole announces relief from EPA regulations for Wichita, 4/7/1989

- The EPA agreed with Sen. Dole today that the City of Wichita
- Item 2: Dole selects Senators Cochran & Coats to serve on drug-free schools panel, 4/7/1989

- Senate Republican leader Bob Dole today announced the selection of Senators Thad Cochran (R-Miss) and Dan Coats (R-Ind) to serve as members of the National Commission on Drug-Free Schools
PDF available: s-press_032_001_002.pdf
- Item 3: Good news on Eastern Airlines and unemployment rate/Spells bad news for Democratic supporters of Big Government interference -- Bush minimum wage is final offer, 4/7/1989

- Covers Eastern Airlines Crisis, the nations low unemployment rate, the need for freedom from big government, and President Bush's minimum wage negotations
PDF available: s-press_032_001_003.pdf
- Item 4: John Price appointment as state director of the Farmers Home Administration (Sen. Kassebaum PR and Dole letter), 4/10/1989

- PR from Sen. Kassebaum's office - Kansas Sens. Kassebaum and Dole today recommended Topeka banker John R. Price for the job of state director of the Farmers Home Administration as well as Doles letter of remmonendation to Ag Secretary Clayton Yeutter
PDF available: s-press_032_001_004.pdf
- Item 5: Alaska oil spill: A new look at the Oil Pollution Liability and Compensation Act - Where was the Senate?, 4/10/1989

- Dole criticizes the debate following the Prince William Sound oil tanker disaster and stresses the need to prepare for the future
PDF available: s-press_032_001_005.pdf
- Item 6: Campaign spending - PACs and the incumbency protection plan/Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole, 4/10/1989

- Covers the Senate Rules Committee beginning a series of hearings on campaign finance reform and his criticism of PACs and the "incumbency protection plan"
PDF available: s-press_032_001_006.pdf
- Item 7: Kansas City Group Receives National Award for Community Development, 4/11/1989

- Representatives of "Twenty Good Men," General Motors union workers, and the Kansas City, Kansas Department of Community Development were in Washington to receive an award from the National Community Development Association for their combined efforts
PDF available: s-press_032_001_007.pdf
- Item 9: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Senate Committee on Rules and Administration, 4/12/1989

- Five page statement by Dole on campaign finance reform
PDF available: s-press_032_001_009.pdf
- Item 10: Drought tour schedule in Kansas, 4/12/1989

- Touring drought affected areas in Kansas Friday, April 14
PDF available: s-press_032_001_010.pdf
- Item 20: Talking With Kansans - Social Security tax deserves retirement - time to dump earnings limit for working elderly, 4/14/1989

- Talking With Kansas, Senator Bob Dole.
PDF available: s-press_032_001_020.pdf
- Item 11: Dole asks Secretary to guarantee advance payments; Administration announces $900 million in upfront deficiency payments; establishes rural development task force, 4/18/1989

- Following a satellite interview session between President Bush, Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter, and selected farm broadcasters, Sen. Dole applauded the Administrations announcements today to provide an additional $900 million in deficiency
PDF available: s-press_032_001_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole letter calls for penalty waiver on IRS "Section 89" mess; bad tax rule on the way out so stop the penalties, Dole tells Treasury Secretary in letter, 4/18/1989

- Saying there is "absolutely no sense in penalizing small businessmen and women for an IRS foul-up," Sen. Dole today released a letter written to Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady asking that taxpayer penalties associated with the controversial Section
PDF available: s-press_032_001_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole urges 1989 action on 1990 Farm Bill: Letter to Ag Chairman seeks to dodge 1990 politics and to give farmers program before planting, 4/19/1989

- Text of Doles letter to the Senate Agriculture Committee chairman Sen. Pat Leahy, "urging the committee to ready the [farm] bill for the Presidents signature yet this year."
PDF available: s-press_032_001_013.pdf
- Item 14: Rural Telephone Company representatives from Kansas, 4/19/1989

- Representatives of Rural Telephone Companies in Kansas were in the Nations Capital recently. (Includes list of companies, representatives, and a photo)
PDF available: s-press_032_001_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole calls Ag Secretary: More bad news from Kansas on ailing wheat crop -Senator renews call for drought aid as record heat bakes state, 4/24/1989

- With temperatures breaking the 100 degree mark in Kansas, Sen. Dole spoke by telephone today with Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yuetter to bring him a personal update on the troubled wheat crop
PDF available: s-press_032_001_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole congratulates newly-elected disabled Soviet legislator; Invites Ilya Zaslavski to the US for international dialogue on disability issues, 4/26/1989

- Sen. Dole, disabled from combat wounds sustained during WWII action, toady released a letter he has sent to a fellow disabled lawmaker - Ilya Zaslavski, a newly elected member of the Soviet Unions National Legislature. (Copy of letter included in PR
PDF available: s-press_032_001_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole/Kassebaum announce federal drought aid package for bone dry Kansas, 4/26/1989

- Sec. of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter telephoned Kansas Sen. Dole today with some good news for drought-plagued Kansas farmers. The Secretary informed Sen. Dole that he has unauthorized several drought-relief options to help producers who have been staggering
PDF available: s-press_032_001_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole urges President Bush to continue aggressive ag export policy - "Keep EEP" Dole says, as Soviets come to Washington to talk trade; US must combat "lavish" European farm subsidies, 4/27/1989

- Saying the "competition is tough and playing to win," Sen. Leader Bob Dole today released a letter to George Bush urging the President not to risk losing the "significant progress we have made in the international marketplace" by distributing the successful
PDF available: s-press_032_001_018.pdf
- Item 8: Issues Update: Campaign Finance Reform 1989, 1989-04

- PR/Issues Update - Campaign Finance Reform 1989
- Item 19: The Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act of 1989, 1989-04

- Republican Congressional Campaign Reform Act of 1989 - summaries/list of major provisions, attached Congressional Record (Dole speech on Senate floor)
PDF available: s-press_032_001_019.pdf
- Item 21: Dole issues Update - Dole Op-eds and news clips, 1989-04

- Dole PR/Issues update packet, includes Dole op-eds and related news clips
PDF available: s-press_032_001_021.pdf
- Folder 2

- Item 1: Dole helps win delay of IRS nightmare for small business; "loony" section 89 tax law delayed by Treasury Secretary, 5/1/1989

- Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today applauded a Treasury Department announcement that it would delay at least until October the "loony" compliance demands of the Internal Revenue Services controversial "Section 89" tax law
PDF available: s-press_032_002_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole/Kassebaum announce 23 Kansas counties qualify for new drought assistance package, 5/2/1989

- Sens. Dole and Kassebaum today announced the approval of twenty-three Kansas counties for emergency livestock feeding programs to help drought-stricken livestock producers.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole praises Presidents strong Latin American policy statement, 5/2/1989

- Senator Dole today praised President Bush's foreign policy remarks as a "concise, level-headed review of American interests, goals and policies toward Latin America"
PDF available: s-press_032_002_003.pdf
- Item 4: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole/Days of Remembrance Ceremony in the Rotunda, 5/2/1989

- Senator Dole delivered remarks today at the annual Holocaust Remembrance Ceremony in the US Capitol Rotunda. Dole is a former member of the Holocaust Memorial Council, the sponsor of the ceremony.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole applauds new export bonus offer to Soviet Union; Action sends signal "America is playing to win" on trade front, 5/2/1989

- Sen. Dole today hailed President Bush's decision to facilitate additional wheat sales to the Soviet Union through the Export Enhancement Program (EEP) "as a strong signal America is playing to win in the international marketplace. This action is welcome
PDF available: s-press_032_002_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole announces 36 additional counties qualifying for emergency drought assistance, 5/3/1989

- Sen. Dole announced today the approval of 36 additional Kansas Counties for emergency livestock feeding programs
PDF available: s-press_032_002_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole introduces drought relief package for winter wheat farmers; extend 1988 Drought Act - savings on deficiency payments to pay for emergency assistance, neutralize budget impact/USDA letter to Dole pegs 1989 wheat crop at 2 billion bushels, 5/4/1989

- The US Senate today unanimously approved a resolution introduced by Kansas Senators Dole and Kassebaum to extend the 1988 Disaster Assistance Act to include winter wheat producers facing severe losses on their 1989 crop
PDF available: s-press_032_002_007.pdf
- Item 8: Dole picks Kansan for National AIDS Commission, 5/4/1989

- Sen. Dole today chose Dr. Charles Konigsberg, Director of Health for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, to service on the National Commission on AIDS
PDF available: s-press_032_002_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole: If Ortega balks, resume military aid to Freedom Fighters, 5/9/1989

- Sen. Dole today urged the resumption of military aid to the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters if the Sandinista government in Nicaragua fails to hold and abide by free elections next February. Doles statement came in testimony before the Commission on Free
PDF available: s-press_032_002_009.pdf
- Item 10: Statement of Senator Dole/Testimony on Americans with Disabilities Act/Labor and Human Resources Committee (Press Release), 5/10/1989

- Text of Senator Doles statement before the Senate Labor and Human Resources Committee on the Americans with Disabilities Act
PDF available: s-press_032_002_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole: Tass and Soviets can't have it both ways, 5/11/1989

- Senator Dole today accused Panama military strongman Manuel Noriega of sinking to new lows in his attempts to steal and election from the Panamanian people. In a statement on the Senate floor, Dole also blasted the Soviet news agency Tass for praising
PDF available: s-press_032_002_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole says bleak winter wheat estimate "confirms our worst fears" - convincing evidence that Federal aid will be needed; budget conference clears Dole winter wheat relief amendment, 5/11/1989

- USDAs first official forecast of this years winter wheat harvest "confirms our worst fears," Sen. Dole said today.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole on Bush crime package: "America is ready for tough action - is Congress?" Republican leader will fight for bills passage, 5/15/1989

- Senator Dole today announced "strong support" for President George Bush's new anti-crime package and said he will "fight for the bills passage"
PDF available: s-press_032_002_013.pdf
- Item 14: Colby warded economic development grant for industrial park, 5/16/1989

- Kansas Senator Bob Dole announced today that Colby (KS) has received a federal grant for economic development at the city's industrial park.
PDF available: s-press_032_002_014.pdf
- Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole against Resolution of Disapproval, 5/16/1989

- Text of Senator Doles statement against resolution of disapproval, dealing with trade deficits between the US and Japan
PDF available: s-press_032_002_015.pdf
- Item 16: Speech to US-USSR Trade and Economic Council (Press release), 5/16/1989

- Text of Senator Doles speech to US-USSR Trade and Economic Council
PDF available: s-press_032_002_016.pdf
- Item 17: Trouble down on the farm: Federal Crop Insurance horror stories/Senate Republican leader Bob Dole/Tuesday, May 16, 1989 (Press Release), 5/17/1989

- Text of Doles statements on Federal Crop Insurance (horror stories)
PDF available: s-press_032_002_017.pdf
- Item 18: Statement by Senator Dole/Conference agreement on minimum wage (Press release), 5/17/1989

- Text of Sen. Doles statements on conference agreement on minimum wage increase
PDF available: s-press_032_002_018.pdf
- Item 19: Kansas 4-Hers visit Washington, D.C., 5/17/1989

- Sen. Dole recently met with Kansas 4-H members who were in Washington attending the National 4-H Conference
PDF available: s-press_032_002_019.pdf
- Item 20: Bill introduced to change name of "Marion Lake", 5/17/1989

- Sen. Dole announced that legislation was introduced today to rename "Marion lake" the "Marion Reservoir"
PDF available: s-press_032_002_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole introduces drought bill: bone dry Kansas crop "burned, blown away and now buried", 5/18/1989

- Text of Doles Senate floor speech on drought and its affects on Kansas crops, introducing bipartisan drought disaster assistance legislation
PDF available: s-press_032_002_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole on Kassebaum announcement, 5/18/1989

- "The people of Kansas just got an early Christmas gift - six more years of Nancy," Dole said. "She's a one-of-a-kind public servant, incomparable and unbeatable."
PDF available: s-press_032_002_022.pdf
- Item 24: Beijing "Cheap Shots" from Capitol Hill; Bush Foreign Policy Critics cant have it both ways: "Freedom just as Precious in Nicaragua as it is in China". Dole says Bush Batting 1.000 on Foreign Affairs, 5/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Predicts Passage of "Reasonable" Drought Relief Package; Visits with Yeutter on Legislation; Meanwhile, Crop Insurance Requirements seem certain Next Year, 5/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Announces Sewer Construction Grant for Hays Battery Firm to Occupy Former Baxter-Travenol Plant, 5/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_026.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Urges Cooperation S&L Legislation Taxpayer Dollars Go Down the Drain While Special Interest Gimmicks Stall Bill, 5/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_029.pdf
- Item 30: Letter From Senator Dole to Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas Brady, 5/25/1989

- Letter
PDF available: s-press_032_002_030.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Praises Shot Across the Bows of Unfair Traders Says Fair Trade is a Two-Way Street, 5/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_027.pdf
- Item 28: Dole says Pepper was a "One of a Kind" Colleague, 5/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_028.pdf
- Item 31: Dole on NATO Summit: Bush and Kohl Compromise Makes Sense Soviets Note -- NATO Stands United, 5/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_002_031.pdf
- Item 23: Title Summary - Disaster Assistance Act of 1989 - For Senator Doles Statement, 1989-05

- Not Press Release
PDF available: s-press_032_002_023.pdf
- Folder 3

- Item 1: Dole: Keep A Lock On The Canal Until Noriega Gets The Boot, 6/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_001.pdf
- Item 2: Nancy Landon Kassebaum - Press Release - Urging Interstate Commerce Commission to maintain Greyhound Bus Service routes to Kansas Communities, 6/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_002.pdf
- Item 3: Letter sent from Kansas Delegation to Interstate Commerce Commission, 6/1/1989

- Letter mentioned in previous Press Release by Nancy Landon Kassebaum
PDF available: s-press_032_003_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole, Kassebaum Meet with Yeutter on Drought; Despite Rain, Kansas Wheat "Beyond Repair" -- Send Help Senators Say, 6/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_004.pdf
- Item 5: AG Secretary Okays Dole/Kassebaum Drought Proposal: Haying and Grazing Authorized on Conservation Acreage, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_005.pdf
- Item 6: Joyce Campbell Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_006.pdf
- Item 7: Flagg Miller Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_007.pdf
- Item 8: Mark Sanor Completes Internship For Senator Dole, 6/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_008.pdf
- Item 9: Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole: China takes Giant Leap Backward, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole/Kassebaum Call for Prompt Consideration of Drought Relief Measures, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_011.pdf
- Item 12: Mark Sanor Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 6/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole: RNC Foley Memo Is "Garbage", 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Honors POW Medal Winner Father Emil Kapaun, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_014.pdf
- Item 15: Action Begins on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 6/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_015.pdf
- Item 16: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Senate Foreign Relations Committee Confirmation Hearing Ambassador Designate C. Howard Wilkins, JR., 6/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_016.pdf
- Item 17: Parsons Guaranteed FY90 Lap Work; Dole Seeks to Stabilize KAAP Work Force;, 6/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_017.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Gives Bush Four Stars For Prime Time Press Conference, 6/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_018.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Slams Ortega for Providing Arms to Noriega, 6/9/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_019.pdf
- Item 20: Its Official! Shockers to Meet President Bush Friday. Dole, Kassebaum Nail Down White House Invitation for WSU World Series Champs. "Kansas Loving Every Minute on Our Field of Dreams" Dole says, 6/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_020.pdf
- Item 21: Dole Says Minimum Wage Veto is No Surprise, 6/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_021.pdf
- Item 22: Media Advisory - Wichita State Shockers Meet with President Bush, 6/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Tells S&L Conferees to Stay Tough: S&L Solution Long Overdue, Taxpayers Picking Up Tab For Delay, 6/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_023.pdf
- Item 24: Dole: High Court Tilts "Wrong" on Flag Decision, 6/21/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_024.pdf
- Item 25: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Comprehensive Violent Crime Control Act of 1989 - "Americans . . . Living as Hostages to Thugs on the Streets", 6/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_025.pdf
- Item 26: "Passage of ABC Bill Means American Families Are the Losers" - Dole Rejects "Big Government Mandates" for Child Care, 6/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole at Boston News Conference Calls for Congress to Finally Pass Long-Stalled International Oil Spill Clean-Up Bill - Industry, Not Taxpayers Should Foot the Bill, but Hill Committee Deep-Sixed Legislation, 6/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_027.pdf
- Item 28: Kansas Area Youths Visit with Senator Bob Dole in Washington, 6/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_028.pdf
- Item 29: Dole: Nofziger Vindicated - Any Retractions from the Mudslingers?, 6/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_029.pdf
- Item 30: House Drought Bill is "Near Disaster" for Wheat Producers;, 6/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_030.pdf
- Item 31: Dole Appoints Kansan as Deputy U.S. Senate Postmaster, 6/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_031.pdf
- Item 32: Dole Backs Presidents Strong Campaign Reform Package; Challenges Democrats "To Join Us on the Highroad" to Clean Up Election Process, 6/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_032.pdf
- Item 33: Leader: Washingtonian Attack on First Dog Millie an "Arf"front to Dogs Everywhere, 6/30/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_003_033.pdf
- Folder 4

- Item 10: Drought Relief Drying Up as Congress Delays - "Less Budget Savings Means Less Dollars for Kansas Wheat Farmers", 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Announces Grant for Ulysses Airport, 7/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole - Greyhound - UMTA Working on Abandonment Agreement, 7/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Wins Major Funding for McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve the Best," Dole Says, 7/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole: Rural Bus Carriers to Pick Up Abandoned Greyhound Service, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_014.pdf
- Item 25: Dole: Turns Up The China Heat Another Notch, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole Wins Major Funding For McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve The Best," Dole Says, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_026.pdf
- Item 27: Dole Puts Wichita In Line For Big Funding Boost On Air Front: Senator Helps Boeing Get $255 Million For Reengining; TTTS Program Gets Green Light For Additional Funding, 7/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_027.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Supports Changes in Carrier Service at Dallas Love Field, 7/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_015.pdf
- Item 16: "American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection" - Dole Introduces Constitutional Amendment, 7/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Discusses Drought Bill with President; Bush Agrees, House Multi-Crop Bail-Out "Too Expensive" - Senator Calls for Chairmen and Ranking Republicans to Meet, 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_017.pdf
- Item 28: Dole Hands Letter To Chinese Ambassador - 40 Republican Senators Express "Outrage" At Chinese Government Brutality - No Toleration Of "Business As Usual", 7/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_028.pdf
- Item 18: Kansas AAUW Visits Capitol Hill; Meets with Senator Dole, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_018.pdf
- Item 29: Dole Says Don't Pull The Plugs On International Contacts, Even The PLO, 7/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_029.pdf
- Item 1: Jill Deatherage Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_001.pdf
- Item 2: Jillaine Patterson Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_002.pdf
- Item 3: Doug Nickel Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_003.pdf
- Item 19: Barry Beck Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_019.pdf
- Item 20: Chip Budde Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_020.pdf
- Item 21: Andrew Hoffman Completes Internship for Senator Dole, 7/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_021.pdf
- Item 30: Regarding Co-Sponsored Legislation between Kansas Senators Nancy Landon Kassebaum and Bob Dole renaming the Veterans Hospital in Leavenworth, Kansas in honor of former President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 7/25/1989

- Appears twice, once without Kassebaum heading and once with Kassebaum heading
PDF available: s-press_032_004_030.pdf
- Item 4: Support for a Constitutional Amendment Remains Strong and Unflagging, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_004.pdf
- Item 5: Kansas on Line for $2.18 Million in Projects for State - Dole Announces $1.88 Million for Kansas State Research; Includes Funding for Missouri River Project, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Goes to Bat for "Zero 92" Producers - Coverage Expected under New Drought Relief Bill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_006.pdf
- Item 7: Bill Lucas -- Profile in Courage; Liberal Critics -- Profile in Politics; a Disgraceful Episode on Capitol Hill, 7/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_007.pdf
- Item 8: Wheat Producers Come Up 21 Cents per Bushel Short under Democrat Drought Plan -- Dole Calls for Fairness as New Figures Show Soybeans and Corn Also Taking Big Hits on the Assistance Front, 7/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Proposes Drought/Disaster Package: Producers with Crop Insurance to Get Highest Payments - Tighter Restrictions for Non-Program Crops, 7/28/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_009.pdf
- Item 22: National Farm Organizations Support Dole - Wheat Growers, Corn Growers Say His Approach to Disaster Aid More Reasonable, 7/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole: No Safe Haven For Those Who Murder Americans - Calls for U.S. Response If Higgins Reports Are True, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_023.pdf
- Item 24: Senate Leadership Amendment On Higgins Execution, 7/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_004_024.pdf
- Folder 5

- Item 1: Terrorists Draw a Line in the Sand - Time For Allies to End "Freelancing" On Hostage Front, 8/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Secures $70 Million For Cessna Drug Interception Aircraft, 8/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Secures $200,000 In Construction Funding for KCK Courthouse; Planning Underway in Kansas City, 8/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_003.pdf
- Item 4: Kansan Appointed To Santa Fe Trail Advisory Board, 8/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_004.pdf
- Item 5: Senate Agreement on Drought/Disaster Package. Dole Wins Targeted Relief for Winter Wheat & Program Crops; House Bill Bail-out for 600 Crops Along With Its Sky High Costs Drastically Reduced -- 27 Cents More Per Bushel For Wheat - Dole Also Wins "0/92" Coverage, 8/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_005.pdf
- Item 6: Senate Passes Marion Lake Name Change, 8/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_006.pdf
- Item 7: Topekan Appointed State Director of Farmers Home Administration, 8/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_007.pdf
- Item 8: Time for Streamlining The War on Drugs; Dole Calls For New Super Congressional Committee On Drugs, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Helps Secure Drought Relief Package. House Agrees to Senates Targeted Relief for Winter Wheat and Program Crops. 0/92 Also Included, 8/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_009.pdf
- Item 10: Senator Dole - Secretary Dole Mission to Poland & Armenia Stops in Morocco - Soviet Armenia - Poland - The Netherlands, 8/17/1989

- second and third pages are copies of each other
PDF available: s-press_032_005_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Announces Grants for Meade And Winfield Airports, 8/29/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Talks With Yeutter About Disaster Aid Optimistic On Flexibility For Farmers Who Planted Replacement Crops, 8/30/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Says "Thank You" To Americas Guard and Reserve, 8/31/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_005_013.pdf
- Folder 6

- Item 1: Dole: U.S. 77 In Junction City To Get Federal Funds, 9/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole On Presidents National Drug Speech: "No Time For Nitpicking or Tax Increases!", 9/5/1989

- Along top says **Embargoed Until 9:00 PM EDT**
PDF available: s-press_032_006_002.pdf
- Item 3: ADVISORY - News Availability And Reception - Sen. Dole and National Organization on Disability Welcome Ilya Zaslavsky, Soviet Disability Advocate And Deputy To The Soviet Peoples Congress, To Capitol Hill Reception, 9/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole: Manhattan Bridge Project to Receive $3.21 Million in Federal Funds, 9/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Calls for Franking Funds to Help Pay for Drug War: "War on Drugs More Important than Congressional War on Constituents Mail Boxes" -- Tap Senate Budget For a Change, Stop Junk Mail, 9/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_005.pdf
- Item 6: National Drug Control Strategy - Streamline Congress with Fewer Committees - War on Drugs -- Not On The Taxpayer, 9/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Positions Three Kansas Airports to Get $1.5 Million in Instrument Landing Systems, 9/6/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_007.pdf
- Item 13: Two Photos of Doles Visit to Soviet Armenia, 9/11/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_013.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Recommends Kansan For Education Advisory Committee, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_008.pdf
- Item 9: Topeka's Tom Van Bebber Nominated to U.S. District Court, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_009.pdf
- Item 10: War on Drugs means War on Crime -- So Where Is the Crime Bill?? Even Democrats Admit "Tax Response" To Presidents Plan Is A Bomb - Dole To Look at Byrd Budget-Cutting Proposal to Fund Drug War, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Calls Ag Secretary to Hill to Push for "Second Crop" Fix; After Meeting, Dole Predicts Changes and More Fairness In Drought Assistance Formula, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole, Kassebaum Lock-Up Foreign Trade Zone For Sedgwick County; Major Hit For Area Economy -- Garvey Industrial Park Flexes New Muscle With Competitive Edge on International Front, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_012.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Announces $1.2 Million Grant for Garden City Airport, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_014.pdf
- Item 15: Dole: $2.2 Million One Step Closer For Leavenworth VA Domiciliary, 9/12/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_015.pdf
- Item 16: Dole/Kassebaum Announce $1 Million For KU Bioscience Center, 9/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_016.pdf
- Item 17: Dole Hails Administrations New Food Aid Package to Poland "Good Investment in Democracy & Economic Reform In Poland", 9/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_017.pdf
- Item 19: Dole Testifies At Hearing For Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project Reformulation; Two Kansans Also Testify, 9/14/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_019.pdf
- Item 20: Kansas Schedule For Senator Bob Dole - September 16, 1989, 9/15/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_020.pdf
- Item 21: Senate Approves Dole Amendment For More U.S. Funds Armenian Earthquake Relief $5 Million Added to Foreign Appropriations Bill, 9/21/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_021.pdf
- Item 22: Dole Brings Army Secretary to Kansas; Stops Include Ft. Riley to Discuss Expansion and Ft. Leavenworth to View Facilities, 9/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_022.pdf
- Item 23: Dole Announces Loans to Aid Kansas Disabled, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_023.pdf
- Item 24: Kansas on Line For $1.293 Million More For War on Drugs; Dole Amendment Corrects "Urban Bias" In Federal Funding Formula, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_024.pdf
- Item 25: Dole Announces Loans to Aid Kansas Elderly, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_025.pdf
- Item 26: Dole: Senate Clears Major Appropriations Bill; Kansas Projects Still on Line, 9/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_026.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Says Solidarity Demonstrations Show Poland Will Not Go Back, 1989-09

- PDF available: s-press_032_006_018.pdf
- Folder 7

- Item 1: Great Bend Firm Receives Aid with $800,000 Economic Development Grant; 525 Jobs Secure, 10/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole, Kassebaum, Federal & School Officials to Sign Papers - $5.2 Million & Transfer of Building Ownership to Geary County - Caps 20-year effort to improve Ft. Riley Junior High School, 10/3/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Amendment Will Help Kansas Small Oil & Gas Producers, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_003.pdf
- Item 4: Piaggio Coming to Kansas! Dole Congratulates President and Wichita, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_004.pdf
- Item 5: Feds Give Geary County Six Ft. Riley School Buildings - Dole-Initiated Study Prompts $5.2 Federal Funds for Repairs, 10/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_005.pdf
- Item 6: $2.1 Million For Kansans; Cheyenne Bottoms A Winner! Dole Successful in Saving Funds for Haskell Junior College, 10/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_006.pdf
- Item 7: Harkin Amendment Is Premeditated Murder, 10/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas Funds Left Intact In Transportation Bill; $6.86 Million For Kansas, 10/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole/Kassebaum Announce $2 Million For Leavenworth VA Domiciliary, 10/18/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_009.pdf
- Item 10: American Flag Deserves No Less Than Constitutional Protection - Dole Details Proud History of Old Glory - Declaration of Independence to Iwo Jima the Moon, 10/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole, Kassebaum to Host Soviet Delegation In Kansas; Dodge City, Wichita, and Hutchinson to be Visited; Leaders of Soviet Parliament Arrive on October 29th., 10/19/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole: Public Greets Deficit Bill with a Yawn - Loaded with Gimmicks -- It Needs to be Fixed - Congress Should Do the Job -- Not Automatic Cuts, 10/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_012.pdf
- Item 13: Dole Gets Action on CRP Payments - Kansas Farmers Will Share in $1.5 Billion, 10/20/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_013.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Calls for End of Congressional Roadblocks to Second Crop Relief, 10/23/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_014.pdf
- Item 18: Dole Wins Major Funding For McConnell AFB: Land, Roads, Gate, Fences, New Training Building; $8.9 Million Slated for Kansas Air National Guard; "The Flying Jayhawks Deserve the Best," Dole Says, 10/24/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_018.pdf
- Item 15: Dole, Kassebaum Break Logjam on Second Crop Stalemate; Kansas Senators Win 50% Threshold on Disaster Acre Payments, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_015.pdf
- Item 17: Soviet Ambassador to Join Supreme Soviet Delegation In Kansas - Western Kansas Town Meeting Open to All Comers - Soviet Lawmakers to See Dodge City, Air Base, Grain Elevators, 10/25/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_017.pdf
- Item 19: Dole: $16.7 Million Slated For Ft. Riley, 10/25/1989

- Conference Report Approved For $10.6 Million - Ft. Riley Water Treatment Center; Approval Gained For Other Ft. Riley Priorities
PDF available: s-press_032_007_019.pdf
- Item 16: Dole Confident President Will Sign "Second Crop" Relief Bill; Kassebaum/Dole Package Clears House and Senate Thursday; 50% Threshold On Its Way To the White House for Bush Signature, 10/26/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_007_016.pdf
- Folder 8

- Item 1: Dole, Roberts Report Continued Progress on Reformulation of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Project, 11/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_001.pdf
- Item 2: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars, 11/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_002.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Welcomes HUD Office to Kansas!, 11/2/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_015.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Introduces U.S. District Court Nominee, 11/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Announces $1 Million Grant for Coffeyville Airport, 11/8/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_005.pdf
- Item 6: Veterans Day, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Secures $70 Million Boost in Funding for Parsons Plant. "Dual Source Plan" Gets Green Light, 11/10/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_007.pdf
- Item 8: Kansas a Big Winner in Battle for Tight Defense Dollars - Final House/Senate Approval Expected, 11/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_008.pdf
- Item 9: Dole Amendment on Polish Aid, 11/13/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_009.pdf
- Item 10: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Senate Passage of Cedar Bluff Reservoir Bill, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_010.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Salutes Kansas Principal and Teacher of the Year, 11/16/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_011.pdf
- Item 12: Dole Expresses Support for Treasury ETBE Clarification Action, 11/17/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_012.pdf
- Item 14: 101st Congress: 1989 - Sine Die Senate Floor Statement - Republican Leader Bob Dole, 11/22/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_014.pdf
- Item 13: Senator Dole Comments on GAO Study, 11/27/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_008_013.pdf
- Folder 9

- Item 1: Kansas Schedule for Senator Bob Dole, December 6 - 8, 1989, 12/1/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_001.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Reviews 1989 Congressional Year, 12/4/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_004.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Supports Kassebaum Call to suspend Ft. Riley Expansion Activities Pending Answers to Critical G.A.O. Report, 12/5/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole, Kassebaum and Roberts Recommend Kansans for State ASCS Committee, 12/7/1989

- PDF available: s-press_032_009_003.pdf
- Box 30

- Folder 11

- Item 20: Senate Approves Dole Amendment to Halt Iranian Trade, 9/29/1989

- Includes Bill
PDF available: s-press_030_011_020.pdf
Browse by Series:
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[Series 29: 1989],
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