Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 4: 1964

- Box 12

- Folder 25

- Item 1: Dole Stated That It Is Clear That Secretary Of Agriculture Orville Freeman Authorized Payment, 1964-01

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640100con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Reports The Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/4/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640104con.pdf
- Item 3: Text Of Letter From Dole To Johnson Re. Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/6/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640106the.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Announces He Will Meet With Freeman To Discuss Growing Beef Import Problem, 1/7/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640107con.pdf
- Item 5: Text Of Letter From Dole To Johnson Re. Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/7/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640107the.pdf
- Item 6: Statement Of Dole Re. Johnson's Comments On Farm Situation, 1/8/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640108the.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Charges That Johnson And Freeman Are Responsible For Sale Of Durum Wheat To Russia, 1/11/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640111con.pdf
- Item 8: Dole States That Wheat Legislation Possibilities Are Increasing, 1/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640118con.pdf
- Item 9: Trade Negotiations Concerning Beef Imports, 1/20/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640120con.pdf
- Item 10: House Wheat Committee Will Push For Enactment Of Certificate Plan For Wheat, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Took Issue With A Statement Released By Congressman Graham Purcell, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125cong.pdf
- Item 12: Midwest Republicans Meet On Wheat, 1/25/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640125twe.pdf
- Item 13: Dole States He Knew No Better Way Johnson Could Reaffirm Pronouncement About The Economy Than To Endorse Measure Which Would Reestablish Hoover Commission On A Permanent Basis, 1/27/1964

- Subject: Economy - PDF available: 640127con.pdf
- Item 14: Dole Says There Is No Indication When House Agriculture Committee Will Commence Hearings On Multiple Price Certificate Plan, 1/28/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640128con.pdf
- Item 15: Dole Releases Names Of Military Service Academy Nominees, 1/30/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 640130rep.pdf
- Folder 26

- Item 1: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 2/1/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640201agr.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Charged That President Johnson And Secretary Of Agriculture Freeman Have Admitted Preferential Treatment To Communist Russia In Second Sale Of Durum Wheat, 2/3/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640203con.pdf
- Item 3: Letter To Dole From Colorado Association Of Wheat Growers About Graham Purcell House Wheat Subcommittee, 2/3/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640203dea.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Calls Upon Johnson To Establish Guidelines For Trading With Communist Russia, 2/12/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640212ata.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Charged That Johnson And Secretary Of Agriculture Freeman Admitted Preferential Treatment To Communist Russia, 2/12/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640212con.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Calls Upon Johnson To Establish Guidelines For Trading With Communist Russia, 2/13/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640213ata.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Asks Freeman About The Government Contract With Continental Grain Cargill Inc., 2/15/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640215rep.pdf
- Item 8: Statement By Dole Re. Beef Imports, 2/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640218hig.pdf
- Item 9: Statement By Dole Before U.S. Tariff Commission Re. Revising Beef Import Policy, 2/18/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640218mrc.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Will Present A Wreath During Annual George Washington Birthday Celebration, 2/21/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640221con.pdf
- Item 11: Dole Says Legislation To Amend The Tariff Act Was Only Way Of Protecting American Livestock Industry, 2/27/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640227con.pdf
- Folder 27

- Item 1: Dole Says Federal Pay Raise Legislation Should Be Delayed, 3/7/1964

- Subject: Federal Employees - PDF available: 640307con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Stated That More Than 50 Witnesses Appeared The Livestock And Feed Grains Committee, 3/8/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640308con.pdf
- Item 3: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 3/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640309whe.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Lost Efforts To Amend Wheat Bill, 3/10/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640310con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Spearheads Drive To Bring Relief To American Livestock Industry From Excessive Foreign Meat Imports, 3/11/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640311con.pdf
- Item 6: Efforts To Ram Wheat-Cotton Bill Through The House Without Adequate Hearings Should Shock, 3/19/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640319con.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Introduces Bill To Increase Amount Of Domestic Beet Sugar And Mainland Cane Sugar Marketing, 3/19/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640319cong.pdf
- Item 8: Dole Says Administration Is Engaged In A Hair-Splitting Contest In Our Trading With Communist Countries, 3/22/1964

- Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 640322con.pdf
- Item 9: Statement Before Rules Committee On Wheat-Cotton Bill; Legislative Procedure Will Make House Rubber Stamp For Senate Action, 3/24/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640324con.pdf
- Item 10: Dole Stated He Could Not Predict The Course Of Senate Passed Wheat-Cotton Bill, 1964-03

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 6403xxcon.pdf
- Folder 28

- Item 1: Text Of Letter To Freeman From Dole Re. Wheat-Cotton Bill, 4/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640409the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Says Passage Of Wheat-Cotton Bill An Affront To All Americans, 4/10/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640410con.pdf
- Item 3: Wheat Legislation Memorandum, 4/20/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640420the.pdf
- Folder 29

- Item 1: Dole Says Voluntary Certificate Wheat Plan May Favor Wheat Producers In Texas And Other Early Harvest Areas, 5/13/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640513con.pdf
- Item 2: Dole In A Speech For The 3Rd District Republican Association, 5/20/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640520noa.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Says Gao Ruled Johnson Program Under Which President Sends Signed Memorial Certificates To Survivors Of Deceased Veterans Illegal, 5/22/1964

- Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 640522two.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Believed He Had Won His Battle, 5/22/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640522upi.pdf
- Item 5: Bob Dole Dinner In Hutchinson Sports Arena, 5/26/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640526hut.pdf
- Folder 30

- Item 1: Testimonial Party In Hutchinson, 6/2/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 640602hut.pdf
- Item 2: House Appropriations Report Reminding Us Of Urgent Need For Controlling Excessive Beef Imports, 6/8/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640608dea.pdf
- Item 3: USDA Fails To Use Authority To Give Cattle Producers Relief, 6/9/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640609tha.pdf
- Item 4: Senate Resolution Calls For Sweeping Investigations Of Business Interests Of Congressmen And Congressional Employees, 6/11/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640611con.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Introduces Resolution Proposing Constitutional Amendment Which Would Permit States With Bicameral Legislature To Apportion House On Factors Other Than Population, 6/27/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640627con.pdf
- Item 6: In The House Of Representatives, 6/29/1964

- Subject: Government Affairs - PDF available: 640629int.pdf
- Folder 31

- Item 1: Ad Hoc Investigating Committee To Look Into Wrongdoing By Congressmen And Employees; Biographies Of Committee Members, 7/5/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640705fiv.pdf
- Item 2: Statement By Dole Elaborating On Republican Platform Committee And Indictment Of Democrat Farm Policy, 7/12/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640712the.pdf
- Item 3: Retain Harold F. Stewart As Consultant, 7/23/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640723har.pdf
- Item 4: Dole Expressed Shock And Disappointment Over Development On Sugar Legislation, 7/26/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 640726con.pdf
- Item 5: John Anderson Calls For House Action On Proposal To Investigate Disclosures Of Wrongdoing By Congressmen And Employees Congress, 7/30/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640730rep.pdf
- Folder 32

- Item 1: Statement of Congressman Bob Dole (Kansas) Before the House Committee on the Judiciary Regarding H. Res. 1078 and Related Measures, 8/6/1964

- Folder 33

- Item 1: First District Students At Kansas University Have Organized A Dole For Congress Committee, 1964-09

- Subject: Kansas - PDF available: 640900fir.pdf
- Item 2: Aides Of Dole Confirmed Harold Steward Has Been Hired, 1964-09

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640900wxz.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Calls On Committee To Summon William M. Mcleod, 9/2/1964

- Subject: Congress (House) - PDF available: 640902rep.pdf
- Item 4: Rep Durward Hall In A Speech Said An Impartial Investigation Is Desperately Needed In Bobby Baker Case, 9/3/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640903upi.pdf
- Item 5: Dole Accepting Applications For Service Academies, 9/9/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 640909con.pdf
- Item 6: Two Republican House Members Today Accused The Democrats Of Trying To Cover Up The Bobby Baker Affair, 9/15/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640915upi.pdf
- Item 7: Dole Supports Senate Amendment H.R. 11865 Social Security Act Amendments Of 1964, 9/21/1964

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 640921con.pdf
- Item 8: State Fair Visitors Show Great Interest In Reapportionment, 9/21/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 640921hut.pdf
- Folder 34

- Item 16: Boyd Warns Against Gutter Politics, 10/28/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641028mcd.pdf
- Item 1: Problem Of Reapportionment Will Be Discussed Over Kansas State Network, 1964-10

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641000the.pdf
- Item 2: Dole Announced That Eisenhower Would Visit Liberal Saturday 10/24, 10/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 641024hut.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Charged Johnson Administration Whitewashing Scandal; Bobby Baker And Billie Sol Estes, 10/3/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641003con.pdf
- Item 4: Doles Record On Farm Legislation, 10/7/1964

- Subject: Voting/Position - PDF available: 641007any.pdf
- Item 5: McDill Boyd Charged That The Democrat Campaign In The First District Is Based On Half-Truths, Misrepresentation And Out-Right Falsehoods, 10/8/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641008hay.pdf
- Item 6: Bob Dole Said Democrats Have Deprived 17,226,000 People On Social Security Of Needed Increased Benefits, 10/14/1964

- Subject: Social Security - PDF available: 641014ash.pdf
- Item 7: Speech To Trego High School On Supreme Court Decision On Reapportionment, 10/15/1964

- Subject: General - PDF available: 641015dol.pdf
- Item 8: McDill Boyd Statement Of Dole Voting Record, 10/15/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641015gar.pdf
- Item 9: Rep Bob Dole Charged That Rural Electrification Program Has Been Made A Political Issue In A National Election Campaign, 10/16/1964

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 641016sta.pdf
- Item 10: Panel Of Kansas Legislators Point Out Dangers Of Apportionment Decision Of Us Supreme Court, 10/19/1964

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 641019hay.pdf
- Item 11: Nixon-Dole Fly To Pratt Rally (Nixon Administration), 10/19/1964

- Subject: Events - PDF available: 641019hut.pdf
- Item 12: Ike And Nixon Visit District (Elections), 10/20/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641020hut.pdf
- Item 13: Panel Of Kansas Legislators Point Out Dangers Of Apportionment Decision Of Us Supreme Court, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Courts - PDF available: 641026apa.pdf
- Item 14: Dole's Real Opponent In First District Is John MacCormally, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641026con.pdf
- Item 15: Paul Aylward Charge That Dole Campaign Reports Had Not Been Properly Files Is A Last Minute Smoke Screen Born Of Desperation, 10/26/1964

- Subject: Campaigns - PDF available: 641026pau.pdf
- Folder 35

- Item 1: Dole Hits Sugar Controls, 1964-11

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 641100con.pdf
- Item 2: Airport To Have Information Desk, 11/6/1964

- Subject: Transportation - PDF available: 641106con.pdf
- Item 3: Nixon Visit Highlights Campaign, 11/19/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641119pra.pdf
- Item 4: McPherson College - Speech On Congressmen, 11/20/1964

- Subject: Elections - PDF available: 641120mcp.pdf
- Item 5: Strong Possibility The House Committee On Agriculture Will Be Reduced From 35 To 30 Members, 11/23/1964

- Subject: Agriculture - PDF available: 641123rus.pdf
- Folder 36

- Item 1: Screening Board To Meet For Various Service Academies, 12/23/1964

- Subject: Nominations/Government Offices - PDF available: 641223rep.pdf
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
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