By Erin Wolfe, Damien Gilbert, Julia Stanislav
Collection Overview
Title: VIP Letters, 1960-2008
Predominant Dates:1960-2004
ID: 01/020
Extent: 593.0 Letters
Arrangement: The letters are arranged alphabetically by the sender's last name. Multiple letters from the same sender are arranged chronologically.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The VIP Letters collection consists of letters that were removed from the Dole papers. With few exceptions, the letters were written to Senator Dole from notable public figures, including U.S. Presidents (about 66% of the letters), Congresspeople, foreign officials, and other distinguished persons. The contents of the letters covers a wide range of topics, including current events, personal notes, responses to letters from Dole, and more.
Search the full text of all scanned VIP letters:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Box:
Box 1: A-B],
[Box 2: George H.W. Bush],
Box 3: C],
Box 4: Bill Clinton],
Box 5: D-E],
Box 6: F-K],
Box 7: Gerald Ford],
Box 8: L],
Box 9: M-Q],
Box 10: Richard Nixon],
Box 11: R],
Box 12: Ronald Reagan],
Box 13: S-Z],
- Box 2: George H.W. Bush

- Item 1: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/16/1971

- Letter from Ambassador to the United Nations George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Bush's nomination as UN Ambassador and welcoming any suggestions or advice.
Available here: c020_002_000_004 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 2: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/29/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sending an earlier letter.
Available here: c020_002_000_005 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 3: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/15/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for accepting an invitation to speak at a Miami Beach Republican gathering.
Available here: c020_002_000_006 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 4: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/21/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting Dole to fill out a questionnaire regarding how best to coordinate with House and Senate committees.
Available here: c020_002_000_007 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 5: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/5/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his recent response to Bush's inquiry about a get-together for all the RNC chairmen.
Available here: c020_002_000_008 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 6: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/17/1973

- Letter from Chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining the fundraising operation of the RNC in the wake of the Watergate scandal.
Available here: c020_002_000_009 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 7: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/19/1973

- Letter from chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting a personal reply to an attached memo asking for three reasons for belonging to the Republican Party and three reasons for not belonging to the Democat.r
Available here: c020_002_000_010 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 8: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/4/1974

- Letter from chairman of the Republican National Committee George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole acknowledging Dole's letter expressing interest in Ward White.
Available here: c020_002_000_011 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 9: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/14/1979

- Letter from presidential candidate George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining his support for President Carter in the Iranian hostage situation but elucidating his opposition to Carter's foreign policy approach.
Available here: c020_002_000_012 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 10: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/25/1980

- Letter from presidential candidate George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining a miscommunication about the scheduling of a one-on-one New Hampshire debate between Bush and Ronal Reagan to which Dole was not invited.
Available here: c020_002_000_013 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 11: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/14/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole explaining that he has a new personal assistant for legislative affairs who will stop by Dole's office to get acquainted.
Available here: c020_002_000_014 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 12: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/7/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for not being able to attend an event to which Dole invited him.
Available here: c020_002_000_015 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 13: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/9/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole offering condolences for the recent death of Dole's mother.
Available here: c020_002_000_016 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 14: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/27/1983

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole encouraging attendance at a luncheon for the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund's public awareness campaign.
Available here: c020_002_000_017 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 15: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/6/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole acknowledging the receipt of Dole's letter concerning patent procurement procedures of the Federal Acquisition Regulation as it stood in the drafted bill of S. 2171.
Available here: c020_002_000_018 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 16: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/10/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole regarding coal sales with Japan.
Available here: c020_002_000_019 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 17: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/30/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole regretting having had to decline Dole's invitation to the 40th anniversary celebration of the Normandy invasion.
Available here: c020_002_000_020 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 18: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/10/1984

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole appointing him to the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies.
Available here: c020_002_000_021 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 19: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/26/1985

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to attend an informal meeting with Prince Sadruddin Khan in Geneva.
Available here: c020_002_000_022 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 20: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/15/1985

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for an earlier Dole letter.
Available here: c020_002_000_023 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 21: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/23/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole discussing the state convention in preparation for the '88 election.
Available here: c020_002_000_092 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 22: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/25/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on receiving the "Award for Life Service to Veterans"
Available here: c020_002_000_094 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 23: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1988-05-??

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to visit Maine for day or two, or offering to pick him up from the airport.
Available here: c020_002_000_093 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 24: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/3/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole sending his regrets for not being able to attend a ice cream social.
Available here: c020_002_000_095 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 25: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/8/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole offering thanks.
Available here: c020_002_000_096 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 26: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/10/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to participate on the Convention Advisory Committee.
Available here: c020_002_000_097 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 27: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/15/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for participating in the Unity '88 rallies in Denver, Cincinnati, and Atlanta.
Available here: c020_002_000_098 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 28: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/22/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for information about the drought problems in rural communities and discussed a drought relief package.
Available here: c020_002_000_099 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 29: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/26/1988

- Letter from Vice President of the United States George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing delight that Dole, Nancy Kassebaum, and Mike Hayden are serving as Honorary Chairmen of the Kansas George Bush President Campaign.
Available here: c020_002_000_100 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 30: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/9/1988

- Letter from Vice President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for defending Dan Quayle.
Available here: c020_002_000_024 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 31: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/21/1989

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole extending an invitation to a White House meeting on deficit reduction strategy.
Available here: c020_002_000_025 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 32: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/21/1989

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Bush's proposal on minimum wage.
Available here: c020_002_000_026 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 33: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/19/1989

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_027 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 34: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/3/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Bush's legislative agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_028 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 35: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/10/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking Dole for his work on securing the nomination of Thomas Van Bebber as Kansas' U.S. District Judge.
Available here: c020_002_000_029 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 36: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/14/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for Dole's report on his trip to Latin America and for urging those he met with to embrace and support democracy.
Available here: c020_002_000_030 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 37: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/28/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for creating a "tally sheet" on a vote concerning China.
Available here: c020_002_000_031 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 38: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/12/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole confirming the receipt of an earlier Dole letter and assuring that its request would be given "close and prompt attention."
Available here: c020_002_000_032 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 39: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/24/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole assuring that Bush talked with Brian Mulroney per Dole's suggestion.
Available here: c020_002_000_033 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 40: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/14/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for supporting Bush's Amtrak Authorization Bill.
Available here: c020_002_000_034 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 41: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/13/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing the Senator a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_035 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 42: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/26/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole presenting him with a pen used to sign the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_036 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 43: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/26/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging support for a bill to cancel Egypt's Foreign Military Sales debt.
Available here: c020_002_000_037 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 44: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/4/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging support for legislation to implement the Bipartisan Budget Agreement.
Available here: c020_002_000_038 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 45: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/22/1990

- Letter from President George H.W Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his work on a Farm Bill.
Available here: c020_002_000_039 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 46: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/6/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him on his fourth Marriott Lifetime Achievement Award.
Available here: c020_002_000_040 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 47: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/14/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his support of Bush's legislative agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_041 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 48: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/15/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote in support of eliminating Egypt's Foreign Military Sales debt.
Available here: c020_002_000_042 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 49: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/24/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for visiting troops in Desert Storm.
Available here: c020_002_000_043 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 50: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/30/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his help with judicial nominations and requesting additional assistance in recruiting more candidates.
Available here: c020_002_000_044 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 51: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/9/1990

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole supporting an earlier Dole press release and suggesting the two talk over the phone.
Available here: c020_002_000_045 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 52: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/8/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole requesting support for a resolution that says that Congress supports the use of all necessary means to implement UN Security Council Resolution 678
Available here: c020_002_000_046 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 53: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/31/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole asking Dole to appoint people to work with Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan to examine capital gains.
Available here: c020_002_000_047 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 54: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/1/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole encouraging support of fast track implementation of trade agreements.
Available here: c020_002_000_048 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 55: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/20/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his comments on post-war diplomacy in the Middle East.
Available here: c020_002_000_049 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 56: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 4/23/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging the Senate to repair a loophole concerning Social Security protection.
Available here: c020_002_000_050 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 57: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/21/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the luncheon the two shared and for the special credit card given to Bush by Dole.
Available here: c020_002_000_051 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 58: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/4/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole clarifying Bush's position on abortion.
Available here: c020_002_000_052 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 59: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/12/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_053 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 60: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/26/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his leadership on the China Most Favored Nation vote.
Available here: c020_002_000_054 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 61: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/10/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole concerning the Gulf War and a 120-day "pause for peace."
Available here: c020_002_000_055 (PDF, 3 pp.)
- Item 62: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/1/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole reiterating his position on the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_056 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 63: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/3/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for leading the votes to defeat the Emergency Unemployment Compensation Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_057 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 64: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/16/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole outlining his objections to the Intelligence Authorization Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_058 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 65: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/1/1991

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole outlining the role of the National Energy Security Act of 1991 in reducing America's dependence on foreign oil.
Available here: c020_002_000_059 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 66: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/13/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his Congressional voting record and for supporting Bush's legislative agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_060 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 67: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/22/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for sharing his ideas on bolstering the real estate market.
Available here: c020_002_000_061 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 68: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/24/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for his proposals to stimulate new investment in capital and real estate and put Americans back to work.
Available here: c020_002_000_062 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 69: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/25/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for Bush's reelection bid.
Available here: c020_002_000_063 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 70: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/24/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his vote in opposition to H.R. 4210.
Available here: c020_002_000_064 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 71: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/27/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole sending greetings to people gathered for the 45th annual meeting of the President's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities.
Available here: c020_002_000_065 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 72: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/18/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for a balanced budget constitutional amendment.
Available here: c020_002_000_066 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 73: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/17/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him a happy birthday.
Available here: c020_002_000_067 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 74: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/29/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for being part of a Republican bus tour.
Available here: c020_002_000_068 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 75: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/8/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole congratulating him for his work on the employment requirements in the recently enacted Americans with Disabilities Act.
Available here: c020_002_000_069 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 76: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/9/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting a supporting vote on S. 640.
Available here: c020_002_000_070 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 77: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/17/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole urging him to oppose S. 12, the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992.
Available here: c020_002_000_071 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 78: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 10/2/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole requesting support for H.R. 776 to implement Bush's national energy strategy.
Available here: c020_002_000_072 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 79: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/10/1992

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing his friendship and respect for Dole.
Available here: c020_002_000_101 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 80: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/22/1993

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his Senate leadership and assuring him that life outside of the White House is not bad.
Available here: c020_002_000_073 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 81: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 2/2/1993

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his kind words and expressing regret for no longer being able to share a working relationship with the Senator.
Available here: c020_002_000_074 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 82: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, Circa 1989-1993

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing gratitude that Dole would be attending a pro-ethanol rally in Illinois.
Available here: c020_002_000_001 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 83: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, Circa 1992-1993

- Letter from President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for a lunch they shared while discussing how to "constructively" oppose the recently elected Bill Clinton's agenda.
Available here: c020_002_000_002 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 84: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/2/1994

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his words at the funeral of Richard Nixon.
Available here: c020_002_000_075 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 85: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/4/1994

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his words on Haiti.
Available here: c020_002_000_076 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 86: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/24/1994

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for the birthday card Dole sent.
Available here: c020_002_000_077 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 87: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/9/1995

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole expressing annoyance at being accused of "betraying" the Israeli revolution.
Available here: c020_002_000_078 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 88: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/1/1996

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him luck in the upcoming election and including a $1,000 donation.
Available here: c020_002_000_079 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 89: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 5/18/1996

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole inviting him to stay at Bush's private residence sometime during the campaign.
Available here: c020_002_000_080 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 90: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/19/1996

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for requesting Bush's advice on an upcoming speech and offering some suggestions.
Available here: c020_002_000_081 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 92: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 7/9/1998

- Letter from former President George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole wishing him luck with his upcoming book, Great Political Wit, and providing a quote for the cover jacket.
Available here: c020_002_000_003 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 93: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 6/27/2000

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his fax.
Available here: c020_002_000_083 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 94: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/19/2000

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole reporting that he forwarded Dole's suggestion on to his son.
Available here: c020_002_000_084 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 95: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/4/2000

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole appreciating "the Christopher Ruddy story" and thanking Dole for all he'd done.
Available here: c020_002_000_085 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 96: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/18/2001

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole confirming receipt of Dole's note.
Available here: c020_002_000_086 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 97: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 12/6/2001

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his letter and for "Portraits of Combat," while wishing the Senator a merry Christmas.
Available here: c020_002_000_087 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 98: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 3/4/2002

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for weighing in on Bush's invitation to receive the Harry S. Truman Good Neighbor Award.
Available here: c020_002_000_088 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 99: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 11/10/2002

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for being unable to see Slovenia's Prime Minister.
Available here: c020_002_000_089 (PDF, 1 pp.)
- Item 100: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 9/6/2004

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole thanking him for his post-convention note and noting that Dole's "exposure of [John] Kerry's behavior" after returning from Vietnam was important.
Available here: c020_002_000_090 (PDF, 2 pp.)
- Item 101: George H.W. Bush to Bob Dole, 1/16/2007

- Letter from former president George H.W. Bush to Senator Bob Dole apologizing for being unable to join in "Saluting the Leader."
Available here: c020_002_000_091 (PDF, 1 pp.)
Browse by Box:
Box 1: A-B],
[Box 2: George H.W. Bush],
Box 3: C],
Box 4: Bill Clinton],
Box 5: D-E],
Box 6: F-K],
Box 7: Gerald Ford],
Box 8: L],
Box 9: M-Q],
Box 10: Richard Nixon],
Box 11: R],
Box 12: Ronald Reagan],
Box 13: S-Z],
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