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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 34: 1994Add to your cart.
Box 1Add to your cart.
Folder 1: Saturday Radio Address: Dole Delivers Republican Response, 1/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 940101sat.pdf
Folder 2: Whitewater Special Counsel, 1/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940103whi.pdf
Folder 3: Remembering Tip O'Neill, 1/6/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940106rem.pdf
Folder 4: Statement Of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole On The Passing Of Virginia Kelley, 1/6/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940106sta.pdf
Folder 5: Media Advisory - The Facts About Special Counsels And The Authority Of The Attorney General, 1/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940107med.pdf
Folder 6: NATO And Russia Summits, 1/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940107nat.pdf
Folder 7: Special Counsel Update, 1/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940107spe.pdf
Folder 8: Whitewater Update, 1/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940109whi.pdf
Folder 9: Whitewater Select Committee, 1/12/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940112whi.pdf
Folder 10: Inman Nomination, 1/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 940118inm.pdf
Folder 11: Iran-Contra Report, 1/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940118ira.pdf
Folder 12: Senator Bob Dole Schedule; Wichita, Hays, Topeka, 1/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 940118sen.pdf
Folder 13: Senator Bob Dole Schedule; Wichita, Hays, Topeka, 1/19/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 940119wic.pdf
Folder 14: Lift U.S. Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940120lif.pdf
Folder 15: Media Advisory: Crime Press Conference, 1/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940125cri.pdf
Folder 16: Media Advisory: Crime Press Conference, 1/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940125med.pdf
Folder 17: Opening Remarks Of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole On Start Of Second Session Of The 103Rd Congress, 1/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 940125ope.pdf
Folder 18: State Of The Union Republican Response, 1/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 940125sta.pdf
Folder 19: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 1/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940127bos.pdf
Folder 20: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 1/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940127lif.pdf
Folder 21: Vietnam Embargo, 1/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940127vie.pdf
Folder 22: Lift Us Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940128bos.pdf
Folder 23: Lift Us Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940128lif.pdf
Folder 24: Lift Us Arms Embargo On Bosnia, 1/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940128us.pdf
Folder 25: Dole Remarks To American Hospital Association, 1/31/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940131sen.pdf
Folder 26: U.N. Peacekeeping Amendment, 1/31/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940131unp.pdf
Folder 27: North Korea, 2/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940201nor.pdf
Folder 28: Remarks National Governors Association, 2/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940201sen.pdf
Folder 29: Anti-Racism Amendment, 2/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940202ant.pdf
Folder 30: CBO Health Care Report, 2/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940202cbo.pdf
Folder 31: Peace Powers Update, 2/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940202pea.pdf
Folder 32: Senate Adopts Dole Amendment To Goals 2000 Bill, 2/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 940203ado.pdf
Folder 33: Vietnam Embargo, 2/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940203vie.pdf
Folder 34: Sarajevo Massacre, 2/5/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940205sar.pdf
Folder 35: Dole On Budget, 2/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 940207onb.pdf
Folder 36: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 2/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940208lif.pdf
Folder 37: Entitlement Commission, 2/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 940210ent.pdf
Folder 38: $50 Billion Spent Cut Plan, 2/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940210fif.pdf
Folder 39: Pay For Disaster Relief, 2/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 940210pay.pdf
Folder 40: Remarks To The C-Pac 94 Conference, 2/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940210rep.pdf
Folder 41: Senator Hutchinson Acquittal, 2/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 940211sen.pdf
Folder 42: Trade Talks With Japan, 2/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940211tra.pdf
Folder 43: Japan Trade, 2/15/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940215jap.pdf
Folder 44: Strobe Talbott Nomination, 2/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 940222str.pdf
Folder 45: Dole On Russian Spy Scandal, Yeltsin's Bosnia Summit Proposal, 2/23/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940223rus.pdf
Folder 46: Durenberger Re-Indictment, 2/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940225dur.pdf
Folder 47: Altman Conflict, 2/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940228alt.pdf
Folder 48: Ft. Riley Housing, 3/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Housing  -  PDF available: 940301ftr.pdf
Folder 49: Balanced Budget Amendment, 3/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 940303bal.pdf
Folder 50: Whitewater-Madison Update, 3/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940303whi.pdf
Folder 51: Mitchell Announcement, 3/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 940304mit.pdf
Folder 52: Whitewater Hearings, 3/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940307whi.pdf
Folder 53: Dole Questions Department Of Veteran Affairs Plans Regarding Leavenworth Domiciliary, 3/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 940308sen.pdf
Folder 54: U.N. Peacekeeping: Georgia, 3/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940309unp.pdf
Folder 55: Whitewater Hearings Update, 3/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940309whi.pdf
Folder 56: Whitewater Hearings, 3/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940311whi.pdf
Folder 57: President Clinton And Republicans, 3/15/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Clinton Administration  -  PDF available: 940315pre.pdf
Folder 58: General Aviation Liability, 3/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940316avi.pdf
Folder 59: Christopher's China Trip, 3/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940316chr.pdf
Folder 60: Whitewater Hearings Resolution, 3/17/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940317whi.pdf
Folder 61: Office Of The Senate Republican Leader Press Office Facsimile Cover Sheet, 3/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940318wen.pdf
Folder 62: Republican Budget Plan, 3/23/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Budget  -  PDF available: 940323rep.pdf
Folder 63: Parsons Funding, 3/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940325par.pdf
Folder 64: Whitewater And Congressional Hearings, 3/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Government Affairs  -  PDF available: 940326whi.pdf
Folder 65: Senator Bob Dole Kansas Schedule, 3/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 940328sen.pdf
Folder 66: Buehler And Dole Spend Semester Together, 4/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 940407bue.pdf
Folder 67: Crime Bill, 4/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940411cri.pdf
Folder 68: Ft. Scott Funding, 4/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Grants/Federal Dollars  -  PDF available: 940411fts.pdf
Folder 69: Disability Policy - 25Th Anniversary Dole Speech, 4/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 940414dis.pdf
Folder 70: Dole Praises Lugar On USDA Reorganization, 4/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 940414pra.pdf
Folder 71: Dole Honored By Ft. Leavenworth School District, 4/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 940414sen.pdf
Folder 72: Defense Secretary Accepts Invite To Tour Ft. Riley, 4/15/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940415def.pdf
Folder 73: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 4/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940418lif.pdf
Folder 74: Bosnia Policy Update, 4/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940420bos.pdf
Folder 75: Bosnia Policy, 4/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940420bosn.pdf
Folder 76: Media Advisory - Bosnian Vice President, 4/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940421bos.pdf
Folder 77: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 4/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940421lif.pdf
Folder 78: Media Advisory - Dole In Wichita, 4/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 940422med.pdf
Folder 79: Remembering President Nixon, 4/23/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 940423rem.pdf
Folder 80: Tribute To President Nixon, 4/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nixon Administration  -  PDF available: 940425tri.pdf
Folder 81: Dole Pitches Wichita For New Commuter Aircraft Production, 5/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940503pit.pdf
Folder 82: Base Closures-Two Year Delay--Dole Bill, 5/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940504bas.pdf
Folder 83: U.N. And Bosnia: Gao Probe, 5/4/1994Add to your cart.
Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940504una.pdf
Folder 84: Haiti Policy, 5/5/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940505hai.pdf
Folder 85: Bosnia Arms Embargo Bill, 5/6/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940506bos.pdf
Folder 86: Us Wheat Sales To Russia, 5/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940509usw.pdf
Folder 87: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 5/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940510lif.pdf
Folder 88: Saluting President Mandela, 5/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940510sal.pdf
Folder 89: Bosnia Arms Embargo Update - Letter From Bosnian Prime Minister To Senator, 5/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940511bos.pdf
Folder 90: GOP Winning Streak Continues, 5/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 940511gop.pdf
Folder 91: Breyer Nomination, 5/13/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Courts  -  PDF available: 940513bre.pdf
Folder 92: Haiti Policy--Dole Renews Call For Bipartisan Fact-Finding Commission, 5/13/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940513hai.pdf
Folder 93: American Leadership, 5/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940514amer.pdf
Folder 94: China MFN, 5/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940516chi.pdf
Folder 95: Bosnia Update - Dole Renews Call To Withdraw U.N. Forces and Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 5/19/1994Add to your cart.
Subject: Foreign Relations - PDF available: 940519bos.pdf
Folder 96: Remembering Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, 5/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940520rem.pdf
Folder 97: Haiti Policy Update, 5/23/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940523hai.pdf
Folder 98: GOP Winning Streak, 5/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 940524gop.pdf
Folder 99: Whitewater Hearings, 5/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Clinton Administration  -  PDF available: 940525whi.pdf
Folder 100: Big Red One D-Day Tribune, 5/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 940526big.pdf
Folder 101: China Most Favored Nation, 5/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940526chi.pdf
Folder 102: Memorial Day Tribute, 5/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Events  -  PDF available: 940527mem.pdf
Folder 103: Pell And Dole Lead Official Us Senate Delegation To D-Day Commemorations, 5/31/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 940531pel.pdf
Folder 104: Saunders Reappointed To President's Council On Physical Fitness, 5/31/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940531sau.pdf
Folder 105: Tribute To Major General Robles, 5/31/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940531tri.pdf
Folder 106: Religious Bigotry: GOP Letter To The President, 6/23/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Religion  -  PDF available: 940623rel.pdf
Folder 107: Dole Announces New Toll-Free Number For Gulf War Veterans, 6/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940624ann.pdf
Folder 108: Health Care Reform, 6/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940624hea.pdf
Folder 109: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 6/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940624lif.pdf
Folder 110: Media Advisory - Senator Bob Dole Olathe, Kansas, 6/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 940624sen.pdf
Folder 111: Dole Proposal For Arkansas City Flood Control Project Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940630for.pdf
Folder 112: GOP Crime Conference Report, 6/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940630gop.pdf
Folder 113: Media Advisory - Health Care, 6/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940630med.pdf
Folder 114: Dole Proposal For Wichita Water Project Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940630pro.pdf
Folder 115: Dole Proposal For Elwood And Wathena Flood Control Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940630prop.pdf
Folder 116: Dole Proposal For Wilson Lake Water Study Approved By Senate, 6/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940630wil.pdf
Folder 117: Crime Conference Report, 7/12/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940712cri.pdf
Folder 118: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 7/13/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940713fac.pdf
Folder 119: Bosnia Relief Update, 7/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940714bos.pdf
Folder 120: Haiti Fact-Finding, 7/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940714hai.pdf
Folder 121: Health Care Update, 7/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940714hea.pdf
Folder 122: Dole Co-Sponsors Kassebaum Proposal For Z-Bar Ranch, 7/15/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 940715zba.pdf
Folder 123: Crime Bill Update, 7/17/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940717cri.pdf
Folder 124: Dole Supports Amendment To Improve Access To Health Care In Rural America, 7/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940718hea.pdf
Folder 125: Dole Proposal For Leavenworth's Eisenhower Veterans Medical Center Clears Key Hurdle, 7/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 940718pro.pdf
Folder 126: Tribute To Overland Park's Chris Rahimian, 7/18/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Awards/Honors  -  PDF available: 940718tri.pdf
Folder 127: Crime Bill Update, 7/19/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940719cri.pdf
Folder 128: Cuba Policy, 7/19/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940719cub.pdf
Folder 129: Remarks Before National Governors Association, 7/19/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940719rem.pdf
Folder 130: Dole Announces Disaster Relief Authorization Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 940720ann.pdf
Folder 131: Dole Proposal For Manhattan Grain Marketing Research Lab Renovation Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 940720gra.pdf
Folder 132: Dole Proposal For Kansas State University Agriculture Research Projects Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 940720kan.pdf
Folder 133: Dole Proposal For Soil Conservation Service Conservation Operations Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 940720soi.pdf
Folder 134: Dole Proposal For Technical Assistance To Child Nutrition Program Approved By Senate, 7/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 940720tec.pdf
Folder 135: Army OKs Dole Plan To Upgrade Reserve And National Guard Fleet With Wichita-Built C-12, 7/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940721arm.pdf
Folder 136: Bosnia, 7/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940721com.pdf
Folder 137: Crime Conference Report, 7/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940721cri.pdf
Folder 138: Dole Proposal For Johnson County Transportation Project Approved By Senate, 7/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940721joh.pdf
Folder 139: Dole Proposal For Kansas City, Ks Highway Project Approved By Senate, 7/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940721kan.pdf
Folder 140: Dole Proposal For Wichita Mass Transit Maintenance Facility Approved By Senate, 7/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940721pro.pdf
Folder 141: Approved With Students Disabilities, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 940722app.pdf
Folder 142: Health Care And Pizza Hut, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940722hea.pdf
Folder 143: Illegal Aliens, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Immigration  -  PDF available: 940722ill.pdf
Folder 144: Rwanda Relief, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940722rel.pdf
Folder 145: Remembering Hugh Scott, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 940722rem.pdf
Folder 146: Rural Health Care, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940722rur.pdf
Folder 147: Rwanda Relief, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940722rwa.pdf
Folder 148: Tv Marti, 7/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 940722tvm.pdf
Folder 149: Dole Proposal For Preservation Of Amelia Earhart's Atchison Home Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 940726dol.pdf
Folder 150: Dole Proposal For Monroe School And Brown Foundation Proposal Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 940726for.pdf
Folder 151: Dole Proposal For Kansas Rural Abandoned Mine Program Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Resources  -  PDF available: 940726pro.pdf
Folder 152: Dole Proposal For University Of Kansas Fossil Fuel Research Project Approved By Senate, 7/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 940726uni.pdf
Folder 153: Health Care Reform - Dole Welcomes Phony Express Bus Tour To Kansas, 7/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940728car.pdf
Folder 154: Crime Bill, 7/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940728cri.pdf
Folder 155: Health Care Reform - Remarks At American Enterprise Institute, 7/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940728hea.pdf
Folder 156: Senate Committee Includes Dole Request For Bourbon County Flood Relief Assistance, 7/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 940728sen.pdf
Folder 157: Whitewater Hearings, 7/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Clinton Administration  -  PDF available: 940728whi.pdf
Folder 158: Haiti Amendment, 8/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940802hai.pdf
Folder 159: Haiti Policy, 8/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940802hait.pdf
Folder 160: Health Care Update, 8/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940802hea.pdf
Folder 161: Mitchell Health Care Bill, 8/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940802mit.pdf
Folder 162: Health Care Reform, 8/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940804hea.pdf
Folder 163: Dole Proposal For Leavenworth's Eisenhower Veterans Medical Center Approved By Senate, 8/4/1994Add to your cart.
Subject: Veterans - PDF available: 940804lea.pdf
Folder 164: Dole Proposal For Topeka And Kansas City Sewer Improvement Projects Approved By Senate, 8/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940804top.pdf
Folder 165: Dole Proposal For Wichita Community Development Approved By Senate, 8/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 940804wic.pdf
Folder 166: Clinton And The Economy, 8/5/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 940805cli.pdf
Folder 167: Lift Bosnia Arms Embargo, 8/5/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940805lif.pdf
Folder 168: Bosnia Policy Update, 8/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940808bos.pdf
Folder 169: Dole Request For Study Of Federal Support For Rehabilitation Science Approved By Senate, 8/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 940808req.pdf
Folder 170: Health Care Debate-Dole's Opening Statement, 8/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940809hea.pdf
Folder 171: Health Care Update - Recommended Reading, 8/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940810car.pdf
Folder 172: Crime Bill Update - Call For Improvements To Crime Bill, 8/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940810cri.pdf
Folder 173: Dole Proposal For Forbes Field Project Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940810for.pdf
Folder 174: Dole Proposal For McConnell Construction Projects Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940810mcc.pdf
Folder 175: Dole Proposal For Nickell Barracks Training Center Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940810nic.pdf
Folder 176: Dole Proposal For Ft. Riley Projects Approved By Senate, 8/10/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940810pro.pdf
Folder 177: Bosnia Update - Conditions In Bosnia Continue To Deteriorate, 8/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940811bos.pdf
Folder 178: Crime Bill--House Vote, 8/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940811cri.pdf
Folder 179: Health Care Debate - Setting Record Straight, 8/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940811hea.pdf
Folder 180: Dole Calls On Gregg To Play Leadership Role In Health Care Reform Debate, 8/11/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940811ong.pdf
Folder 181: Health Care Reform, 8/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940822pow.pdf
Folder 182: Crime Bill: Red Herring on Guns, 8/24/1994Add to your cart.
PDF available: 940824cri.pdf
Folder 183: Cuba Policy Update, 8/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940824cub.pdf
Folder 184: Regional Agreement For New Federal Building In KcK, 8/25/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940825ann.pdf
Folder 185: Health Care Reality Check, 8/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940826hea.pdf
Folder 186: Media Advisory - Senator Dole In Kansas City, Topeka, Logan, 8/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 940826sat.pdf
Folder 187: Dole Mobile Office To Tour Western Kansas, 8/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 940830mob.pdf
Folder 188: Dole Announces New Contract For Kansas Army Ammunition Plant, 9/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940901ann.pdf
Folder 189: Haiti Invasion Policy, 9/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940901inv.pdf
Folder 190: Foreign And Defense Policy - National Guard Association, 9/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940904for.pdf
Folder 191: Haiti Invasion And Congress, 9/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940908hai.pdf
Folder 192: Dole Mobile Office To Tour More Western Kansas Communities, 9/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Schedules  -  PDF available: 940909mob.pdf
Folder 193: Republican Crime Bill Crime Control Improvement Act, 9/13/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 940913rep.pdf
Folder 194: President's Address On Haiti, 9/15/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940915pre.pdf
Folder 195: Haiti Diplomacy - Dole Urges High Level, 9/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940916hai.pdf
Folder 196: Haiti Resolution, 9/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 940921hai.pdf
Folder 197: Dole Presents Testimony To Helsinki Commission On Discrimination Against The Disabled Abroad, 9/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Disability Issues  -  PDF available: 940921pre.pdf
Folder 198: Health Care Reform Anniversary Of Clinton Speech, 9/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940922hea.pdf
Folder 199: Telecommunications Policy - Statement On S. 1822 The Danforth-Hollings Bill, 9/23/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Communications  -  PDF available: 940923tel.pdf
Folder 200: Health Care Reform, 9/26/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Health  -  PDF available: 940926hea.pdf
Folder 201: Dole Request For Leavenworth's Eisenhower Veterans Medical Center Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Veterans  -  PDF available: 940927lea.pdf
Folder 202: Dole Request For Topeka And Kansas City Sewer Improvement Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Public Works  -  PDF available: 940927req.pdf
Folder 203: Dole Request For Ft. Scott Flood Relief Assistance Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Natural Disasters  -  PDF available: 940927requ.pdf
Folder 204: Dole Request For Wichita Community Development Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/27/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 940927wic.pdf
Folder 205: Dole Proposal For Child Nutrition For Students With Disabilities Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nutrition  -  PDF available: 940928chi.pdf
Folder 206: Dole Proposal For Ft. Larned Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Appropriations  -  PDF available: 940928for.pdf
Folder 207: Dole Proposal For Kansas State University Research Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 940928kan.pdf
Folder 208: Dole Proposal For Manhattan Grain Marketing Research Lab Renovation Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 940928man.pdf
Folder 209: Dole Proposal For Monroe School And Brown Foundation Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Education  -  PDF available: 940928mon.pdf
Folder 210: Dole Proposal For Study Of Amelia Earhart Atchison Home Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Kansas  -  PDF available: 940928pre.pdf
Folder 211: Dole Proposal For University Of Kansas Fossil Fuel Research Project Approved By Senate, 9/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Energy  -  PDF available: 940928uni.pdf
Folder 212: Dole Proposal For Johnson County Transportation Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/29/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940929joh.pdf
Folder 213: Dole Proposal For Kansas City, Kansas Highway Project Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/29/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940929kan.pdf
Folder 214: Dole Proposal For Wichita Mass Transit Maintenance Facility Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/29/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Transportation  -  PDF available: 940929wic.pdf
Folder 215: Dole Proposal For KAAP Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940930for.pdf
Folder 216: Dole Proposal For Defense Aircraft Projects Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940930pro.pdf
Folder 217: Dole Request For MLRS Battalion For National Guard Wins Final Senate Approval, 9/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 940930req.pdf
Folder 218: Haiti Occupation, 10/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941003hai.pdf
Folder 219: Haiti Resolution, 10/6/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941006hai.pdf
Folder 220: Dole Accepting Service Academy Applications; December 5, 1994 Deadline, 10/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 941007acc.pdf
Folder 221: 103Rd Congress - End Of Session Statement, 10/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 941007one.pdf
Folder 222: Iraq Troop Movements, 10/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941008ira.pdf
Folder 223: Cedra's Golden Parachute, 10/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941014ced.pdf
Folder 224: Iraq Update - Don't Ease Sanctions, 10/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941014ira.pdf
Folder 225: North Korea--Dole Questions New North Korea Nuclear Pact, 10/19/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941019nor.pdf
Folder 226: North Korea Agreement, 10/21/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941021nor.pdf
Folder 227: The Big Tax Memo, 10/24/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 941024big.pdf
Folder 228: Deficit Reality Check, 10/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Economy  -  PDF available: 941028def.pdf
Folder 229: Campaign Update: Trick Or Treat, 10/31/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 941031cam.pdf
Folder 230: Campaign Update: Social Security Hypocrisy, 11/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Social Security  -  PDF available: 941101cam.pdf
Folder 231: Campaign Update: White House Hypocrisy, 11/2/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 941102cam.pdf
Folder 232: Campaign Update: Clinton Message Not Selling, 11/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Campaigns  -  PDF available: 941103cam.pdf
Folder 233: Criminal Justice, 11/3/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Crime  -  PDF available: 941103cri.pdf
Folder 234: Democrat Hypocrisy On Agriculture, 11/4/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Agriculture  -  PDF available: 941104dem.pdf
Folder 235: Saturday Radio Address: The Republican Response, 11/5/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 941105sat.pdf
Folder 236: Ins Update, 11/7/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Immigration  -  PDF available: 941107ins.pdf
Folder 237: The Election Message, 11/9/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Elections  -  PDF available: 941109ele.pdf
Folder 238: Bosnia Update, 11/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941116bos.pdf
Folder 239: GATT Update, 11/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Commerce/Trade  -  PDF available: 941122gat.pdf
Folder 240: Dole Names Howard Greene To Be Senate Sergeant At Arms, 11/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 941122nam.pdf
Folder 241: NATO/Bosnia, 11/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941128nat.pdf
Folder 242: Dole Names Elizabeth Greene Secretary For The Majority; Joyce McCluney To Be Deputy Sergeant At Arms, 11/29/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 941129nam.pdf
Folder 243: GATT Vote, 12/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Commerce/Trade  -  PDF available: 941201gat.pdf
Folder 244: Tribute To Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, 12/1/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Senate  -  PDF available: 941201tri.pdf
Folder 245: Dole Announces 5 GOP Working Groups On Policy And Reform Issues, 12/5/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 941205ann.pdf
Folder 246: Bentsen Retirement, 12/6/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 941206ben.pdf
Folder 247: Bosnia Update, 12/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941208bos.pdf
Folder 248: Remembering Ed Madigan, 12/8/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 941208rem.pdf
Folder 249: Regulatory Moratorium, 12/12/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Taxes  -  PDF available: 941212reg.pdf
Folder 250: Senator Thompson To Deliver Official Republican Response To President's Address, 12/14/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Republican Party  -  PDF available: 941214sen.pdf
Folder 251: Bosnia And President Carter, 12/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941216bos.pdf
Folder 252: President's Speech, 12/16/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Clinton Administration  -  PDF available: 941216pre.pdf
Folder 253: Bosnia/Carter Update, 12/19/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941219bos.pdf
Folder 254: Dole Statement On Senator Brown's Decision To Not Seek Reelection, 12/20/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Elections  -  PDF available: 941220sta.pdf
Folder 255: Base Closure Commission, 12/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Defense  -  PDF available: 941222bas.pdf
Folder 256: Dole Names Janet Dorsey Senate Postmaster, 12/22/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 941222nam.pdf
Folder 257: Glickman Nomination, 12/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Nominations/Government Offices  -  PDF available: 941228gli.pdf
Folder 258: North Korea, 12/28/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941228nor.pdf
Folder 259: Dole Announces Bob Dove To Return To Position Of Senate Parliamentarian, 12/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Staff Members  -  PDF available: 941230ann.pdf
Folder 260: Gingrich Book, 12/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: General  -  PDF available: 941230gin.pdf
Folder 261: North Korea Update, 12/30/1994Add to your cart.
             Subject: Foreign Relations  -  PDF available: 941230nor.pdf

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

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