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Digitized Press Releases


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Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Collection Overview

Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1961-1996

ID: 01/015

Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)

Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.

Languages: English

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.

All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:

The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: 1961],
[Series 2: 1962],
[Series 3: 1963],
[Series 4: 1964],
[Series 5: 1965],
[Series 6: 1966],
[Series 7: 1967],
[Series 8: 1968],
[Series 9: 1969],
[Series 10: 1970],
[Series 11: 1971],
[Series 12: 1972],
[Series 13: 1973],
[Series 14: 1974],
[Series 15: 1975],
[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
[Series 18: 1978],
[Series 19: 1979],
[Series 20: 1980],
[Series 21: 1981],
[Series 22: 1982],
[Series 23: 1983],
[Series 24: 1984],
[Series 25: 1985],
[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
[Series 29: 1989],
[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

Series 27: 1987Add to your cart.
Box 30Add to your cart.
Folder 3Add to your cart.
Item 1: Statement by Senator Bob Dole (R-KS) on President Reagans Proposed Budget, 1/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_001.pdf
Item 2: F16s to Replace Old Jets at McConnell Training Unit, 1/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole: No "Bait and Switch" on Tax Rates - Resolution Puts Senate on Record Against Tax Hike, 1/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_003.pdf
Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - The 100th Congress Begins, 1/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Begins "Bicentennial Minutes" for 100th Congress, 1/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_005.pdf
Item 6: Kansan Appointed by Dole to Education Panel, 1/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_006.pdf
Item 7: Statement by Sen. Bob Dole on the Death of McDill "Huck" Boyd, 1/9/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_007.pdf
Item 8: Smith Professor Named to National Education Panel, 1/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_008.pdf
Item 9: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Phony Sandinista Constitution, 1/14/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_009.pdf
Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Resolution on Deceptive Soviet Emigration Regulations, 1/16/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_011.pdf
Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Dealing with the Trade Deficit, 1/16/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_013.pdf
Item 14: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Bicentennial Minute: Senate Reverses Censure of President, 1/16/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Proposes Moving Up Final Payment for 86 Crops, 1/20/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_015.pdf
Item 12: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Time for All Americans to Leave Lebanon, 1/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_012.pdf
Item 16: Dole Says President is Still "Dominant Force", 1/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_016.pdf
Item 17: Shultz/Tambo Meeting Might Be "Wrong Signal on Terrorism"; Dole, Wallop to Introduce Senate Resolution on ANC Chiefs Visit, 1/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_017.pdf
Item 18: VA to Build New Regional Facility in Wichita, 1/28/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_018.pdf
Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Challenger -- One Year Later, 1/28/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_019.pdf
Item 20: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Restricting Travel to Lebanon Good First Step - "Now Its Time to Close the Embassy There", 1/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_020.pdf
Item 21: Dole on Release of Iran-Contra Report, 1/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_021.pdf
Item 22: Senate Ag Panel OKs Disaster Payments for 87 Wheat Crop, 1/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_022.pdf
Item 23: Opposition to UP-Katy Rail Merger Expressed, 1/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_023.pdf
Item 24: Senate Approves Disaster Payments for Unplanted Wheat Crop, 1/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole Urges End to Assistance to Marxist Angola Regime, 1/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_003_025.pdf
Folder 4Add to your cart.
Item 1: Gates: A Career Pro Who Can Do the Job, 2/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_001.pdf
Item 2: Overland Park Man Nominated to Claims Court Post, 2/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_002.pdf
Item 3: Statement by Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - Release Gerald Seib, 2/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_003.pdf
Item 4: Tips for Long Life - Bicentennial Minute: Physician of Congress, 2/4/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Introduces National POW/MIA Recognition Day Legislation - "We Will Never Forget These Special Americans", 2/4/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_005.pdf
Item 6: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Introduction of Trade Bill, 2/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Continues to Press for Closing of PLO Offices in U.S., 2/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Welcomes Release of Gerald Seib, 2/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole: Democrats Forcing Confrontation on ABM Treaty, 2/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_009.pdf
Item 10: President on Solid Legal Ground for ABM Treaty Interpretation: "Constitutional Confrontation" Charge Put to Rest, 2/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_010.pdf
Item 11: Reject House Highway Bill Provision on South Africa, 2/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Questions Continuing Diplomatic Ties with Afghanistan, 2/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_012.pdf
Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Bipartisan Arms Control Resolution, 2/17/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_013.pdf
Item 15: Republican Leaders Call for Hearings on Soviet Human Rights Policy, 2/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Appoints Loretta Fuller Sergeant-at-Arms Post, 2/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_016.pdf
Item 17: Statement of Senator Bob Dole Introducing Competitiveness Legislation, 2/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_017.pdf
Item 18: Media Advisory - Change in Schedule -- Please Note!, 2/24/1987Add to your cart.
Press Release regarding RTFFRA Event in DC
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Foundation Names Jackie Strange President, 2/25/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_019.pdf
Item 20: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Release of Tower Commission Report, 2/26/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_020.pdf
Item 21: 39 Selected by Sen. Dole for Academy Nominations, 2/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole Hails Howard Baker As New Chief of Staff, 2/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_004_022.pdf
Folder 5Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Congratulates IRS Commissioner on New W-4 Form, 3/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Urges Post Office Be Kept in Downtown Kansas City, 3/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole: Cost of Freedom Can Be High, 3/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_003.pdf
Item 4: Webster Nomination (CIA), 3/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_004.pdf
Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - INF Negotiations, 3/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_005.pdf
Item 6: Army Corps to Pay Rail Relocation Costs at Great Bend, 3/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Blasts Canadian Decision Against U.S. Corn Producers, 3/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_007.pdf
Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Presidential Certification on Contra Aid, 3/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Welcomes New Senator from Nebraska, 3/11/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_009.pdf
Item 10: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - The ABM Treaty Interpretation, 3/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole Recommends Cooper Evans for USDA Under Secretary Position, 3/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Introduces Catastrophic Health Insurance Bill, 3/17/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Calls on Gorbachev to Prove Commitment to "Glasnost", 3/17/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Salutes Washburn as NAIA Basketball Champions, 3/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_014.pdf
Item 15: The Issue of Accounting - S.J. Res. 81, 3/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_015.pdf
Item 16: SJ Res 81 - The Issue of Accounting, 3/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole: FHSU Gifted Program to "Go National", 3/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_017.pdf
Item 18: Remarks of senator Bob dole - Speech to the Model U.N. - Salem High School, Salem, New Hampshire, 3/20/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_018.pdf
Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Confirmation of Jim Abdnor as SBA Administrator, 3/20/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole Pays Tribute to U.S. Farmers in Ag Day Remarks, 3/20/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_020.pdf
Item 21: Dole Calls on State to Carry Out Angolan Policy, 3/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_021.pdf
Item 23: Dole Tells of Kansas First Effort for Admission into Union, 3/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_023.pdf
Item 24: Dole Co-Sponsors Bipartisan Bill to Aid Homeless, 3/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_024.pdf
Item 25: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Soviet Double-Play on INF, 3/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_025.pdf
Item 26: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Dedication of the Multispecialty Clinic at the University of Osteopathic Medicine - Des Moines, Iowa, 3/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_026.pdf
Item 27: Dole Urges President to Make Ag Trade an Issue with Canadians, 3/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_027.pdf
Item 28: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Death of American Adviser in El Salvador, 3/31/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_028.pdf
Item 29: Dole to Help Kick-Off Cholesterol Testing Program, 3/31/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_029.pdf
Item 30: Rural Americans Would Be Aided By Dole-Grassley Legislation, 3/31/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_030.pdf
Item 22: Dole Announces Grant for Homeless in Wichita, 12/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_005_022.pdf
Folder 6Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole to Kick-Off Republican ABM Treaty Series, 4/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_001.pdf
Item 2: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - SDI and the ABM Treaty, 4/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Moves to Set Up Presidential Commission on AIDS, 4/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Recalls Kansas Election of First Woman Mayor in U.S., 4/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_004.pdf
Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Human Rights in El Salvador, 4/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_005.pdf
Item 6: Shultz Reaffirms Administration Support for UNITA, 4/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Says Kansas Farmers Helped by Sodbuster Change, 4/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_007.pdf
Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Security Problems in Moscow, 4/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Floor Statement Blasts Cafeteria Plan of Budgeting, 4/9/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Commends Stafford for Outstanding Senate Career, 4/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_010.pdf
Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Did Moscow Embassy Resist Needed Security Measures?, 4/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Introduces Legislation to Improve U.S. Education, 4/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole: President Brings "More Than Words" to Japan Trade Dispute, 4/17/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_013.pdf
Item 14: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Business and Industry Association of New Hampshire, 4/20/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_014.pdf
Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - INF and Nuclear Testing Issues, 4/21/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Seeks Answers on Marketing Loan Program Questions, 4/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_016.pdf
Item 17: Senate Security: A Disaster Waiting to Happen - Dole Calls for Crackdown on Handling of Classified Info, 4/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Call for Access for Disabled to National Conventions, 4/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Urges ICC to Keep Bus Service Alive in Kansas, 4/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole Urges New Ethanol Study, 4/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_020.pdf
Item 21: Dole Praises Choice of Vessey as POW/MIA Envoy, 4/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole Praises Decision to Put Waldheim on "Watch List", 4/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole, DeConcini Press Shultz for Angola Information, 4/28/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_023.pdf
Item 24: Dole Calls on President to Quickly Appoint AIDS Commission, 4/28/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_024.pdf
Item 25: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Gephardt Amendment, 4/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_025.pdf
Item 26: Dole: Neosho County Designated Preferred Area for Contracts, 4/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_026.pdf
Item 27: U.S.-Israeli Relations: Exploring the Strategic Relationship, 4/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_027.pdf
Item 28: Dole Lauds Offer to Sell American Wheat to Soviets, 4/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_006_028.pdf
Folder 7Add to your cart.
Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole Starvation Knows No Politics in Mozambique, 5/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_001.pdf
Item 2: Statement of Senator Bob Dole House Passes Trade Bill, 5/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Puts Tax Hikers on Record: Hands Off Tax Reform!, 5/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_003.pdf
Item 4: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "William Casey: 1913-1987", 5/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_004.pdf
Item 5: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - "National Barrier Awareness Day", 5/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Names Wasinger to SBA Advisory Council, 5/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_006.pdf
Item 7: Senator Doles Personal Income Tax Information, 5/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_007.pdf
Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "Puerto Rican Statehood Referendum", 5/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Bill Will Close PLO Offices in U.S., 5/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_009.pdf
Item 10: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "Tragedy in the Gulf", 5/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole Cosponsors Crackdown-On-Castro Bill; Havana, Angola Targeted for Economic Sanctions, 5/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_011.pdf
Item 12: Comentarios Del Senador Bob Dole - Discurso Proninciado Ante La Fundacion Nacional Cubana-Americana En El Dia De La Independencia, 5/20/1987Add to your cart.
written in Spanish
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_012.pdf
Item 13: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Cuban-American National Foundation Independence Day Speech, 5/20/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_013.pdf
Item 14: Leader Barks for Canine Follies Fundraiser, 5/21/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Urges Caution on AIDS Testing, 5/21/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_015.pdf
Item 16: Statement By Senator Bob Dole - "Memorial Day, 1987", 5/21/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_016.pdf
Item 17: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - "Georgia State Republican Convention", 5/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole: New Law to Help Keep Framers in Business, 5/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole, Grassley Urge Use of Surplus Farm Commodities For Rural Economic Development, 5/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_019.pdf
Item 20: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Midwest Republican Leadership Conference - Des Moines, Iowa, 5/31/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_020.pdf
Item 21: Expresiones Del Senador Bob Dole - "Referendum sobre la Hstadidad para Puerto Rico", 1987-05Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_007_021.pdf
Folder 8Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Praises Retiring and Incoming FED Chairmen, 6/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Praises ICC Decision on Trailways, 6/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_002.pdf
Item 3: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Tribute To Senator Frank Carlson, 6/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_003.pdf
Item 4: Senator Dole Salutes First Anniversary of Senate TV, 6/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_004.pdf
Item 5: "Stick To The Rules" On Saudi Missile Sale, 6/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Asks President to Push for Extradition of Hijacker, 6/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Initiatives Incorporated in Education Legislation, 6/4/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Reaction to Semi-Conductor Decision, 6/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Reaction to Semi-Conductor Decision, 6/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_009.pdf
Item 10: Statement of Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole - "Will the Allies Sit it out, Again?", 6/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_010.pdf
Item 11: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "Whose Smokescreen is it Anyway?", 6/16/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_011.pdf
Item 12: New Administrative Assistant Named by Sen. Dole, 6/16/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole calls Democrat Budget a "Gimmick Going Nowhere", 6/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Introduces Legislative Package to Combat AIDS, 6/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Calls for Quick Action on Puerto Rico Referendum Bill, 6/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Urges Smaller ARP For 1988 Wheat Program, 6/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_016.pdf
Item 17: Statement by Senator Bob Dole - Rural Recovery and Revitalization Act of 1987, 6/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Initiative to Improve WIC Nutrition Program, 6/25/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_018.pdf
Item 19: Doles Believe it or not: Senators say "No" to Dial Telephones, 6/25/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_019.pdf
Item 20: Dole Applauds Choice to Head Commission on AIDS, 6/25/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_020.pdf
Item 21: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - No Excuse for Bonn's Decision on Hamadei, 6/25/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole Introduces Commodity Credit Corporation Funding Bill, 6/26/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Introduces Commodity Credit Corporation Funding Bill, 6/26/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_023.pdf
Item 24: Dole: 65-MPH Law Should Cover Turnpike, Other 4-Lane Highways, 6/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_024.pdf
Item 25: Dole to Urge KCC to Approve Sunflower Debt Plan, 6/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_008_025.pdf
Folder 9Add to your cart.
Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Bork Nomination, 7/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_001.pdf
Item 3: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Bork Nomination, 7/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Applauds Creation of Senate Office of Security, 7/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_004.pdf
Item 2: Dole Calls for Expedited Hearings on Judge Bork, 7/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_002.pdf
Item 5: Dole Wants USGA Rules to Accommodate Disabled Golfers, 7/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_005.pdf
Item 6: Senate Adopts Dole Amendment on Wichita Trade Center, 7/9/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Submits Resolution on USGA Golf Rule, 7/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Sets Record Straight on Cuba Legislation, 7/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole says American Held in Mozambique Must be Released, 7/14/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_009.pdf
Item 10: Letter from Bob Dole to Mr. Jose Joaquim Alberto Chissano, President of Mozambique, 7/14/1987Add to your cart.
Regards detaining of American citizen in Mozambique
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_010.pdf
Item 11: Letter from Bob Dole to Mr. Alfonso Dhlakama, President of RENAMO, 7/14/1987Add to your cart.
Letter from Senator Dole regarding the detaining of an American citizen to the President of the Mozambican National Resistance, a militant resistance group in the country
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Supports Immediate Trade Embargo with Iran, 7/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_012.pdf
Item 13: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Cuba Trade Amendment, 7/17/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Urges Continued Commitment to Export Enhancement Program, 7/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_014.pdf
Item 15: Statement of Senator Bob Dole, Gorbachev Accepts 0-0 on INF Systems, 7/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_015.pdf
Item 16: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - "On the Nomination of Robert Bork", 7/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole Says Federal Funds Will Aid Labette Business Program, 7/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Says Federal Funds Will Aid Labette Business Program, 7/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_018.pdf
Item 19: Dole Urges Swift Consideration of Bork Nomination: Recess Appointment an Option, 7/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_019.pdf
Item 20: America Deserves Full Supreme Court Bench: Lets Expedite Bork Hearing, 7/28/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_020.pdf
Item 21: Statement by Senator Dole On USDA Announcement That Export Program Will Continue, 7/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_009_021.pdf
Folder 10Add to your cart.
Item 1: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on Contra Plan, 8/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Named "Golden Eagle" for Defense Support, 8/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Introduces Legislation to Promote Ethanol, 8/6/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Names Republican Members of Central America Observer Group, 8/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_004.pdf
Item 5: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Bringing the Bork Nomination to a Vote, 8/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Announced Five Point Plan for Peace in Central America, 8/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Announces Five Point Plan for Peace in Central America, 8/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Bill to Stop IRS Double Tax on Farmers - "PIK and Roll" Legislation Needed, 8/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole, Grassley, Grandy: To Discuss "PIK and Roll" Tax Inequity with Lyng and Baker, 8/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_009.pdf
Item 10: Molitor Streak Ends, Doles Begins!, 8/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_010_010.pdf
Folder 11Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Announces Johnson County Gaining Federal Office Space, 9/3/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Welcomes Release of Two Nicaraguan Political Prisoners; Urges Continued International Pressure on Marxists, 9/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Says Lets Have Reave Real Campaign Finance Reform, 9/9/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_003.pdf
Item 4: Statement by Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole: Alf Landon's 100th Birthday, 9/9/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Announces $18.8 Million Increase in Boeing Contract, 9/9/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole, Roberts Announce $326,454 Funding Grant for KHCC Radio, 9/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole, Kassebaum Announce Grant for Public Television in Southwestern Kansas, 9/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Announces Public Radio Grant for KRPS, 9/11/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_008.pdf
Item 9: Introduction of Judge Robert Bork to the Senate Judiciary Committee, 9/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole Announces Federal Funding for Kansas Water Projects, 9/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_010.pdf
Item 11: Dole, Grassley, Grandy Fight Farm Tax Inequity, 9/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Commends National Bicentennial Competition in Kansas, 9/16/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole Urges USDA to Make Advance Deficiency Payments Available, 9/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole Disappointed with Arias Remarks, 9/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Teams Up on Radio Debate with Ted Kennedy, 9/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole Announces $800,000 Grant for Liberal, Kansas, 9/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_016.pdf
Item 17: Dole Accepting Academy Nomination Applications, 9/24/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_017.pdf
Item 18: Dole Salutes U.S. Armed Forces in Persian Gulf; Defense Amendment Hails "Professionalism and Dedication", 9/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_018.pdf
Item 19: Statement of Bob Dole - Federal Employee Long-Term Care Option Act of 1987, 9/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_019.pdf
Item 21: Dole Says No to Energy Departments East Coast Waste Dump Search, 9/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_021.pdf
Item 22: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Presidents Commission on AIDS, 9/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Nominates Danforth, Wilson to Drug Free America Conference, 9/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_011_023.pdf
Folder 12Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Announces Federal Housing Grants for Junction City, 10/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Says Door Left Wide Open for Sandinista Cheating, 10/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole and Saiki Condemn Soviet Missile Threats, 10/1/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Amendment Ensures U.S. Role in International Wheat Council, 10/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Calls for "2 Minute Drill" to End NFL Strike; Senate Passes Resolution Calling for "Good Faith" Negotiations, 10/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_005.pdf
Item 6: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole - Dole-Warner Amendment, 10/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Decries Vacant Court Seat: Bork "Held Hostage to Politics", 10/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole Backs Financial Aid to Poland's Solidarity Union, 10/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Sponsors Amendments to Promote Free Press in Nicaragua, 10/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_009.pdf
Item 20: Dole Announces Grants for Kansas Colleges, 10/7/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_020.pdf
Item 10: Dole Introduces Tax Relief Bill - To Help Keep Family Farms in the Family, 10/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_010.pdf
Item 11: Jim Burnley "Good Pick" to Follow Elizabeth Dole at DOT, 10/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole Takes Lead in Developing Saudi Arms Sale Compromise, 10/8/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_012.pdf
Item 13: Alf Landon -- 1887-1987: A Century of Achievement, 10/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole: Kansas/Iowa Coalition Gets PIK-and-Roll Tax Change, 10/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole Announces New State Director for Senate Offices, 10/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_015.pdf
Item 16: Media Advisory - Dole and Brock to Hold Press Conference, 10/14/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_016.pdf
Item 17: Media Advisory - Republican Senators to Meet with President Duarte, 10/14/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_017.pdf
Item 18: Media Advisory - Dole, GOP Senators and Contra Leaders to Make Announcement, 10/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_018.pdf
Item 19: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Arias Wins Peace Prize, Sandinistas Prepare for More War, 10/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_019.pdf
Item 21: Dole Announces Increased Funding for Underground Injection Control Program, 10/15/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_021.pdf
Item 22: Dole Says U.S. Gulf Action: "Exactly Right Response", 10/19/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_022.pdf
Item 23: Dole Announces Funding for Mid-America World Trade Center, 10/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_023.pdf
Item 25: Dole Welcomes Bipartisan Budget Talks, 10/22/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_025.pdf
Item 24: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Shultz Announcement in Moscow, 10/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_024.pdf
Item 26: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Nomination of Judge Robert H. Bork, 10/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_026.pdf
Item 27: Dole Announces Name of Wichita Native to be Added to Vietnam Veterans Memorial, 10/23/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_027.pdf
Item 28: Dole Picks Big Three for Budget Task Force -- "Were Playing for All the People, Not Just Wall Street", 10/26/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_028.pdf
Item 29: Dole Supports Nomination of Kansas Native as Archivist of the United States, 10/26/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_029.pdf
Item 30: Dole, Kassebaum Announce $500,000 Increase in Funding for WSU Aviation Research, 10/27/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_030.pdf
Item 31: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - 65 MPH Amendment to Transportation Appropriations Bill, 10/28/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_031.pdf
Item 32: Statement of Senator Bob Dole on the Nomination of Douglas Howard Ginsburg, 10/29/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_032.pdf
Item 33: Dole Cautiously Welcomes Summit Meeting, 10/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_033.pdf
Item 34: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Compliance -- Sandinista Style, 10/30/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_034.pdf
Item 35: Dole Optimistic on Budget Outcome, 10/31/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_012_035.pdf
Folder 13Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole Supports Kansas Super Collider Site, 11/2/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole Announces Arrival of Polish Exiles Family in Wichita, 11/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole Statement on Trans Africa Ad, 11/5/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole Backs Decision to Elevate Veterans Administration, 11/10/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_004.pdf
Item 5: Dole Welcomes Announcement on Soviet Wheat Sale, 11/12/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_005.pdf
Item 6: Dole Applauds Union Pacific / Parsons Agreement, 11/13/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole Welcomes Funding Approval for Historic Rail Rehabilitation, 11/17/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_007.pdf
Item 8: Statement of Senator Bob Dole - Final Report of the National Advisory Panel on the Cost-Effectiveness of Fuel Ethanol Production, 11/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole Announces Funding for Kansas Water Projects, 11/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_009.pdf
Item 10: Dole on Iran/Contra Final Report, 11/18/1987Add to your cart.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_010.pdf
Item 11: Remarks of Senator Bob Dole on Defense Authorization Bill, 11/19/1987Add to your cart.
Today we are considering the conference report on the defense authorization bill
Item 12: Dole decries Soviet suppression in Latvia, 11/19/1987Add to your cart.
Senate Republican leader Bob Dole today characterized Soviet suppression of peaceful demonstrations in Riga, Latvia, as "more evidence that Glasnost is about 90% PR and about 10% reality"
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole says Gorbachev should find another platform, 11/20/1987Add to your cart.
Senate Republican leader today suggested that General Secretary Gorbachev be offered 10 or 15 minutes to speak on US television as an alternative to addressing a joint meeting of Congress
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_013.pdf
Item 14: Dole calls for careful, constructive examination of INF treaty, 11/25/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today likened the Shultz-Shevardnadze agreement on INF issues to the successful first stage test of a multi-stage rocket.
PDF available: s-press_030_013_014.pdf
Item 15: Dole, Shultz meet on INF treaty, 11/27/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole reaffirmed today that the Senate could modify the proposed INF Missile Treaty with the Soviet Union, but added the President might well endorse those changes
PDF available: s-press_030_013_015.pdf
Item 16: Dole tells Congress to get a move on deficit package, 11/30/1987Add to your cart.
As measly as our little deficit package is, Congress needs to get on the ball and put in it in place - and quickly. Today the market let us know, in no uncertain terms, that we cant dilly dally with the budget.
              PDF available: s-press_030_013_016.pdf
Folder 14Add to your cart.
Item 1: Dole pleased with action on farm credit, 12/4/1987Add to your cart.
Calling it "another helping hand for rural America," Senator Dole applauded Senate passage of legislation designed to shore up the ailing Farm Credit System (FCS).
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_001.pdf
Item 2: Dole recognizes Justin Dart, 12/4/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today recognized Justin Dart from the floor of the Senate for his dedication and commitment to disabled Americans and their struggle to become equal participants in society. Mr. Dart recently resigned as Commissioner of Rehabilitation Services
PDF available: s-press_030_014_002.pdf
Item 3: Dole announces $300,000 grant for homeless in Wichita, 12/7/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today announced that $300,000 has been awarded to the Hunter Health Clinic to assist the homeless in Wichita by the US Department of Health and Human Services
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_003.pdf
Item 4: Dole announces Kansas amendments to continuing resolution, 12/12/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today announced the adoption late last night of two Kansas-related amendments to the Senates fiscal year 1988 Continuing Resolution on Appropriations. The first would allow direct flights between Wichita and Love Field in Dallas. The seco
PDF available: s-press_030_014_004.pdf
Item 6: Dole welcomes lowering of air fares to Wichita, 12/17/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today welcomed the announcement that American Airlines will reduce its fares for flights between Wichita and Dallas. Last week, Dole had introduced an amendment to the fiscal year 1988 Continuing Resolution that would have allowed direct ai
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_006.pdf
Item 7: Dole pushes Rural Telephone Bank reform, 12/18/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole, declaring that "real Rural Telephone Bank reform is coming," endorsed the action taken last night by the joint House-Senate Agriculture Budget Reconciliation Committee.
PDF available: s-press_030_014_007.pdf
Item 8: Dole plugs toy guns to keep them from criminal hands, 12/19/1987Add to your cart.
Criminals will have a much tougher time trying to use toy guns in hold-ups if a bill introduced by Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole becomes law. According to the Dole bill, manufacturers of toy guns that are "look-alikes" to the real thing will have
PDF available: s-press_030_014_008.pdf
Item 9: Dole hails Farm Credit Package; "Another step to revitalizing rural America", 12/19/1987Add to your cart.
Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole today hailed congressional action on legislation designed to shore up the ailing Farm Credit System. After talking to top Administration officials, the Kansas Republican said the President will sign the bill.
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_009.pdf
Item 10: IRS acts on Doles gasohol initiative: unfair tax and red tape cut, 12/19/1987Add to your cart.
PR -The Internal Revenue Service today agreed with Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole and announced new guidelines that will end red tape and tax headaches for the gasohol industry.
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_010.pdf
Item 11: 10 GOP Senators tell President they'll back INF: Dole leads group to White House, 12/21/1987Add to your cart.
Following up on his pledge to President Reagan to win Republican votes for the INF treaty, 10 GOP Senators today joined Senate Republican Leader Bob Dole at a meeting at the White House to discuss ratification of the INF pact.
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_011.pdf
Item 12: Dole announces Kansas appropriations in continuing resolution, 12/22/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today announced the inclusion of a wide range of Kansas appropriations in the Continuing Resolution passed early this morning by both Houses of Congress. The Continuing Resolution funds most government operations through fiscal year 1988
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_012.pdf
Item 13: Dole signs on as cochairman of Republican Task Force on Hispanic Affairs, 12/23/1987Add to your cart.
Sen. Dole today announced that he would serve as a cochairman of the newly formed Republican Conference Task Force on Hispanic Affairs.
              PDF available: s-press_030_014_013.pdf
Item 5: *Media Advisory* Dole event/Dole delivers for Nicaraguan refugees - baseball equipment ready for shipment to refuge camp in Honduras, 1987-12Add to your cart.
Dole event: 12-15-87, Capitol, Former baseball commissioner Bowie Kuhn will also attend

Browse by Series:

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[Series 16: 1976],
[Series 17: 1977],
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[Series 21: 1981],
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[Series 23: 1983],
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[Series 26: 1986],
[Series 27: 1987],
[Series 28: 1988],
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[Series 30: 1990],
[Series 31: 1991],
[Series 32: 1992],
[Series 33: 1993],
[Series 34: 1994],
[Series 35: 1995],
[Series 36: 1996],

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