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Robert J. Dole Press Clippings



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Robert J. Dole Press Clippings, 1939-1995 | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

By Erin Wolfe

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Collection Overview

Title: Robert J. Dole Press Clippings, 1939-1995Add to your cart.

Predominant Dates:1976, 1979, 1987-1988, 1991-1995

ID: 01/017

Primary Creator: Russell Public Library

Extent: 2941.0 Items. More info below.

Arrangement: The articles are listed in the order that they were collected and microfilmed, which is largely in chronological order. To facilitate browsing, the finding aid has been divided into series by year. During the microfilming process, 66 pages were duplicated. In these cases, only the higher quality image has been listed in the finding aid.


Series of press clippings related to the political career of Kansas Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole for period of 1939-1995. Clippings were selected from various published sources from around the nation by the staff at the Russell Public Library.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

This collection contains press clippings from newspapers, magazines, and other published sources, as well as some additional unpublished material, such as press releases or letters from Dole. Search the full text of all articles:

Please note that, due to the quality of microfilm scans, the full text search will not be able to identify all relevant results. Use the search box at the top right of the screen to search the article titles.

About 80% of the items (about 2300 articles) are from Kansas newspapers, with the rest from national publications and a few items from Dole's office or other non-published sources. The clippings cover many aspects of Dole's life and political career. There is an emphasis on Dole's major campaigns, specifically the 1976 Ford-Dole Presidential campaign and Dole's 1988 Presidential campaign, 1992 Senate campaign, and 1996 Presidential campaign through December 31, 1995.

Collection Historical Note

The content was selected by the staff at the Russell Public Library. It was microfilmed by the Kansas Historical Society and donated to Senator Dole in 1996.

Administrative Information

Repository: Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

Alternate Extent Statement: 2941 items, 866 sheets

Access Restrictions: This collection is open for research.

Use Restrictions: Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Series:

[Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
[Series 2: 1939],
[Series 3: 1940],
[Series 4: 1941],
[Series 5: 1943],
[Series 6: 1945],
[Series 7: 1959],
[Series 8: 1964],
[Series 9: 1965],
[Series 10: 1966],
[Series 11: 1967],
[Series 12: 1968],
[Series 13: 1969],
[Series 14: 1970],
[Series 15: 1971],
[Series 16: 1972],
[Series 17: 1974],
[Series 18: 1976],
[Series 19: 1977],
[Series 20: 1978],
[Series 21: 1979],
[Series 22: 1980],
[Series 23: 1981],
[Series 24: 1982],
[Series 25: 1983],
[Series 26: 1984],
[Series 27: 1985],
[Series 28: 1986],
[Series 29: 1987],
[Series 30: 1988],
[Series 31: 1989],
[Series 32: 1990],
[Series 33: 1991],
[Series 34: 1992],
[Series 35: 1993],
[Series 36: 1994],
[Series 37: 1995],

Series 33: 1991Add to your cart.
230 articles
Item 1: Loyal opposition: Dole forgets battles with Bush to lead Senate GOP, 1/2/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_036 (PDF)
Item 2: Sen. Dole remains optimistic, 1/5/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_036 (PDF)
Item 3: Dole expects Congress to support Bush, 1/12/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_036 (PDF)
Item 4: Dole wants to halt Soviets' grain exports credits, 1/15/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_037 (PDF)
Item 5: Dole: U.S. should halt grain credits, 1/15/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_037 (PDF)
Item 6: Dole wants to be told before attack, 1/16/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_037 (PDF)
Item 7: Suspend food credits for Soviets, Dole says, 1/15/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_037 (PDF)
Item 8: Dole keeps up hope war can be avoided, 1/16/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_037 (PDF)
Item 9: Dole holds hope Saddam will blink, 1/16/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 10: Pastor: War would be 'just', 1/16/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 11: Dole notes state role in conflict, 1/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 12: Dole: few would cry if Hussein were killed, 1/25/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 13: Dole learned of Gulf war during telephone call from White House, 1/18/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 14: Dole backs Boschwitz for ag post, 1/25/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 15: Dole wants allied help for war costs, 1/25/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 16: Dole recommends former Senator as agriculture chief, 1/25/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 17: Acker to head export agency, 1/25/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_038 (PDF)
Item 18: Dole's made no decision on future, 1/26/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_039 (PDF)
Item 19: Dole Has Made No Decision on Future, 1/26/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_039 (PDF)
Item 20: GOP licks wounds at soiree, 1/26/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_039 (PDF)
Item 21: Dole says he's not decided on '92, 1/27/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_039 (PDF)
Item 22: Dole doesn't foresee quick victory, 1/26/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_039 (PDF)
Item 23: Dole unsure of re-election plans, 1/27/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 24: State GOP looks to Dole, 1/28/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 25: Dole honored for his work on Compeer program, 2/3/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 26: Dole lauds continuing air strikes, 2/2/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 27: Residents raise questions about Wilson Lake plan, 2/2/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 28: Go Easy on Finney, Dole Tells Republicans, 2/2/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 29: Dole says give Finney a chance, 2/2/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_040 (PDF)
Item 30: Dole looks to war's end, 2/3/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_041 (PDF)
Item 31: Dole: More funding won't boost products in world marketplace, 2/9/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_041 (PDF)
Item 32: Dole, Mitchell caution against hasty land war, 2/11/1991Add to your cart.
Baltimore Sun c017_roll2_041 (PDF)
Item 33: Dole says grain export bill would have limited effect, 2/10/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_041 (PDF)
Item 34: Dole has $1.4 million war chest, 2/15/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_041 (PDF)
Item 35: Doll calls Iraqi offer to withdraw unacceptable, 2/16/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_042 (PDF)
Item 36: Dole Foundation Announces 1990 Grants, 2/15/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_042 (PDF)
Item 37: Glickman criticizes Dole for '90 talk with Hussein, 2/17/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_042 (PDF)
Item 38: Dole backs Bush's ultimatum to Iraq, 2/23/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_042 (PDF)
Item 39: Even in Congress, there are limits, 2/24/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_043 (PDF)
Item 40: Dole: Soviets should 'butt out', 2/27/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_043 (PDF)
Item 41: Dole: We can't just walk away from it, 3/2/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_043 (PDF)
Item 42: Dole Receives First Annual Purple Heart Freedom Award, 3/11/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_043 (PDF)
Item 43: Dole predicts Saddam will be ousted in Iraq, 3/9/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_043 (PDF)
Item 44: Dole says troop movements not unusual, 3/16/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_043 (PDF)
Item 45: Dole reverses position on food aid for Soviets, 3/21/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_044 (PDF)
Item 46: Dole holds out hope for Pratt's proposal, 3/16/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_044 (PDF)
Item 47: Welcome should honor all vets, Dole says, 3/23/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_044 (PDF)
Item 48: Topeka joins running for aircraft plant, 3/23/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_044 (PDF)
Item 49: Dole: Big Red One troops set to start coming home in late May, 3/23/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_044 (PDF)
Item 50: Dole says McDonnell Douglas eyeing 2 Kansas sites, 3/24/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_044 (PDF)
Item 51: Dole supports humanitarian aid to Iraqis, 3/24/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_045 (PDF)
Item 52: Sculptor goes 'bust' for Dole, 3/27/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_045 (PDF)
Item 53: Dole leads GOP attack on Democrats' war vote, 3/24/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_045 (PDF)
Item 54: Dole's office works on troop timetable, 3/30/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_045 (PDF)
Item 55: Dole Plans to Welcome Big Red One's Return, 4/1/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_045 (PDF)
Item 56: Work on Obee cleanup praised, 4/6/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 57: Dole backs Bush's plan for refugees, 4/13/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 58: Dole urges cable company "to be generous", 4/13/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 59: Photo - Dole speaking with Sen. Kassebaum & Ambassador Lambertson, 4/10/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 60: Dole scheduled to visit Hutch at 11 a.m. today, 4/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 61: Dole makes a tour of contamination site, 4/20/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 62: Dole Tours Obee Contamination Site, 4/22/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_046 (PDF)
Item 63: Miss USA upstages political hordes, 4/23/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_047 (PDF)
Item 64: Dole Welcomes Closed Captioning of Proceedings of the U.S. Senate, 4/25/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_047 (PDF)
Item 65: Dole favors grain credits, 4/27/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_047 (PDF)
Item 66: Bob Dole Backs Credit To Kremlin--With Strings, 4/27/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_047 (PDF)
Item 67: Dole backs grain-credits plan, 4/26/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_047 (PDF)
Item 68: Dole pushes more credit to let Soviets purchase U.S. grain, 4/27/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_048 (PDF)
Item 69: Dole now supports grain credits for Soviets, 4/28/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_048 (PDF)
Item 70: Bob Dole Praises Bush's Selection of Independence Native for CFTC Post, 4/30/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_048 (PDF)
Item 71: Dole wants to export farm goods to Soviets, 4/27/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_048 (PDF)
Item 72: Dole hopeful Soviets will obtain credits, 5/4/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_048 (PDF)
Item 73: Dole hopes Soviets will get export credits, 5/5/1991Add to your cart.
Great Bend Tribune c017_roll2_048 (PDF)
Item 74: Dole pushes disaster relief through, 5/5/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_049 (PDF)
Item 75: Dole optimistic about extending Soviet credits, 5/10/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_049 (PDF)
Item 76: Dole confident grain deal will pass, 5/11/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_049 (PDF)
Item 77: Dole expects Soviets to get grain credit, 5/11/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_049 (PDF)
Item 78: Credit measure likely to pass, 5/11/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_049 (PDF)
Item 79: Dole says U.S. wants stability in Soviet Union, 5/14/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_049 (PDF)
Item 80: Dole Predicts Battle Over China's MFN, 5/17/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_050 (PDF)
Item 81: Dole backs Bush on China trade, 5/18/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_050 (PDF)
Item 82: Dole calls for action on export-credits plan, 5/18/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_050 (PDF)
Item 83: Dole acts more and more like candidate, 5/19/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_050 (PDF)
Item 84: Kuwaiti offers businesses little hope, 5/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_050 (PDF)
Item 85: Dole discusses export credit in interview, 5/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_050 (PDF)
Item 86: Sen. Robert Dole, 5/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_051 (PDF)
Item 87: Dole acts more and more like candidate, 5/19/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_052 (PDF)
Item 88: Dole likes Hayden's chances, 5/25/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_052 (PDF)
Item 89: Pratt, Topeka out of running for plant, 5/25/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_052 (PDF)
Item 90: Dole Offers 'Front Page Test', 5/28/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_052 (PDF)
Item 91: Dole urges Justice Department to end Iran-Contra investigation, 5/30/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_052 (PDF)
Item 92: Sen. Bob Dole Lives an Outstanding Life (Part 1), 6/4/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_053 (PDF)
Item 93: Bob Dole Had to Learn To Come From Behind (Part 1), 6/4/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_053 (PDF)
Item 94: Bob Dole Had to Learn To Come From Behind (Part 2), 6/4/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_054 (PDF)
Item 95: Sen. Bob Dole Lives an Outstanding Life (Part 2), 6/4/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_054 (PDF)
Item 96: Dole Makes Statement on Kids With Disabilities, School Lunch Program, 6/5/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 97: Dole calls for repeal of luxury tax, 6/10/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 98: Dole wants to repeal luxury tax, 6/10/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 99: Sen. Dole Appoints Kansan To Indian Education Board, 6/12/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 100: Dole: Stop fight on rights, 6/10/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 101: Dole urges peace on rights bill, 6/10/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 102: Dole wants luxury tax repealed, 6/10/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_055 (PDF)
Item 103: U.S. extends export credit to the Soviets, 6/12/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 104: Dole backs B-2 bomber, 6/14/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 105: Dole speeches lucrative, 6/15/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 106: Dole presses for ouster of RTC regional director, 6/14/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 107: Dole calls for investigation, 6/20/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 108: Dole calls for investigation in wake of RTC art purchases, 6/16/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 109: Dole Measure Passed by Senate; Allows Waiver of DL Application, 6/19/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 110: Photo - Dole visiting in Russell, KS, 6/15/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_056 (PDF)
Item 111: Dole, Soviets discuss wheat sales, 6/21/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 112: Dole: Bush should select top candidate, 6/29/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 113: Dole: RTC office will be reviewed, 6/22/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 114: Dole: RTC to be reviewed, 6/23/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 115: Dole urges best person for court, 6/29/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 116: Former Air Force nurse talks with Dole, 6/24/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 117: Dole doubts trash law will pass in '91, 6/30/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_057 (PDF)
Item 118: Dole receives Senate approval for Wilson Lake improvements, 7/12/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 119: Dole not optimistic about sales to Soviets, 7/13/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 120: Dole doubtful of chances for Wilson Lake getting federal aid, 7/18/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 121: Dole proposes funding for new tornado sirens, 7/20/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 122: Dole convinces corps to release water for crops, 7/20/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 123: Dole gets reservoir water freed for farmers, 7/21/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 124: Dole could get $100,000 a year in retirement, 7/27/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 125: Park Service rejects adding Wilson Lake, 7/27/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_058 (PDF)
Item 126: It's no go for Wilson Lake plan, 7/27/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 127: Dole proposes broader Bush power, 7/30/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 128: Dole asks Bush to appoint MIA panel, 7/29/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 129: Dole urges presidential panel on MIA reports, 7/29/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 130: Drought declared 'severe'; forecast predicts little relief, 8/3/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 131: Dole urges Schwarzkopf head MIA commission, 7/31/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 132: Doles disagrees with Roberts' GATT stance, 8/3/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 133: Dole plans weeklong tour of Kansas towns, 8/3/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_059 (PDF)
Item 134: Dole brings home good news, 8/6/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_060 (PDF)
Item 135: Dole speech includes disputes, 8/6/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_060 (PDF)
Item 136: Dole deflects pro-choice confrontation, 8/6/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_060 (PDF)
Item 137: Dole in Ellsworth on whirlwind tour, 8/8/1991Add to your cart.
Ellsworth Reporter c017_roll2_061 (PDF)
Item 138: Dole's whirlwind felt like a campaign, 8/11/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_061 (PDF)
Item 139: Dole touches base in Great Bend during 28-county whirlwind tour, 8/11/1991Add to your cart.
Great Bend Tribune c017_roll2_061 (PDF)
Item 140: Sen. Dole Will Re-Introduce Legislation on Glass Ceiling, 8/12/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 141: Hays airport gets $116,094 in federal funds, 8/13/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 142: Dole criticizes protesters' tactics, 8/17/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 143: Dole objects to tactics used by protesters, 8/17/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 144: Dole: Action bad news for all, 8/20/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 145: Dole says anti-abortion tactics harmful, illegal, 8/17/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 146: Everyone stands to lose, Dole says, 8/20/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_062 (PDF)
Item 147: Dole: Gorbachev's fate rests with his people, 8/21/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 148: Dole says Yeltsin gathering power, 8/30/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 149: Dole: Health care single biggest challenge, 9/6/1991Add to your cart.
Great Bend Tribune c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 150: Litmus test' approach improper, Dole says, 9/11/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 151: Dole sure Thomas will be confirmed, 9/14/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 152: Fort Riley expansion plan may be out, 9/7/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 153: TV news shows choose Bob (Dole) as a favorite, 9/8/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 154: Purple Heart group honors Dole, 9/13/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 155: Dole: Nothing yet to get aid to Soviets, 9/14/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_063 (PDF)
Item 156: Dole warns Bush to do more to help farmers or GOP will be hurt, 9/18/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 157: Dole Warns of Farm Worries for GOP, 9/18/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 158: Dole's measure moves ahead for jobless pay, 9/20/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 159: Dole offers alternative plan on unemployment benefits, 9/22/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 160: Dole vows to push for Senate vote soon on Texas airport restriction, 9/18/1991Add to your cart.
Great Bend Tribune c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 161: Dole: Soviets will soon need U.S. food aid, 9/21/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 162: U.S. may have to send food to aid Soviets, Dole says, 9/22/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_064 (PDF)
Item 163: Talking With Kansans: Senator Bob Dole - Soviet Revolution, 9/24/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 164: Soviet trip could delay Dole's political plans, 9/29/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 165: Re-election decision on hold, Dole says, 9/29/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 166: Dole wants aid assurances, 10/5/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 167: Re-election decision on hold, Dole says, 9/28/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 168: Dole praises Bush Arms Plan, 10/3/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 169: Dole to require groups to prepay food bills, 10/5/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 170: Dole will guard against free lunches, 10/5/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_065 (PDF)
Item 171: Dole backs Thomas, blasts 'inquisition', 10/12/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_066 (PDF)
Item 172: Reconsider privileges, Dole says, 10/12/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_066 (PDF)
Item 173: Dole says no recovery in Kansas, 10/17/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_066 (PDF)
Item 174: Bob Dole on Clarence Thomas, associate justice of the Supreme Court, 10/16/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_066 (PDF)
Item 175: Soviets may receive more food credit, Dole says, 10/19/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_066 (PDF)
Item 176: Russians beat path to Dole's door, 10/19/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_066 (PDF)
Item 177: Dole doubts mass killings can be prevented, 10/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 178: Mulvane native among massacre victims, 10/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 179: Compromise historic, Dole says, 10/26/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 180: Dole has praise for civil rights bill, expects it to pass Senate next week, 10/26/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 181: Russian appeals for U.S. investments, 10/22/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 182: Dole on cuts to taxes and a spending freeze, 10/27/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 183: Dole looks at ways to boost economy, 10/27/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 184: Photo - Dole at unveiling of Bob Dole Hall, 10/22/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 185: Dole says re-election race would be his last, 11/2/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_067 (PDF)
Item 186: Dole may not run in '92 if GOP seems headed for a disaster, 11/2/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_068 (PDF)
Item 187: GOP outlook to influence Dole re-election decision, 11/2/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_068 (PDF)
Item 188: Talking with Kansas: Senator Bob Dole - GOP Health Care Bill, 11/23/1991Add to your cart.
Russell Daily News c017_roll2_068 (PDF)
Item 189: Dole still undecided about '92 race, 11/3/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_068 (PDF)
Item 190: Dole secures enough funds to do U.S. 81, 11/28/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_068 (PDF)
Item 191: Highway bill earmarks $1.3 billion for Kansas, 11/27/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_068 (PDF)
Item 192: Dole presses Bush on economy, 11/30/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_069 (PDF)
Item 193: Dole makes sure Kansas gets its share and more, 11/29/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_069 (PDF)
Item 194: B-2 hopes realistic or ridiculous, 11/30/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_069 (PDF)
Item 195: Dole urges Bush to act on economy, 11/30/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_069 (PDF)
Item 196: Dole challenges Bush to take lead on economy, 11/30/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_069 (PDF)
Item 197: Top GOP senator critiques government, 11/30/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_069 (PDF)
Item 198: Hints of Dole retirement stir talk in Washington, 12/2/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_070 (PDF)
Item 199: Article blames Dole for GOP situation, 12/1/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_070 (PDF)
Item 200: Dole seeks equity in free-trade agreement, 12/7/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_070 (PDF)
Item 201: Dole aims for more spending, 12/8/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_070 (PDF)
Item 202: Dole to president: Do something now, 12/1/1991Add to your cart.
Hays Daily News c017_roll2_070 (PDF)
Item 203: Free trade between U.S., Mexico must be fair, Dole says, 12/8/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_070 (PDF)
Item 204: Continuing feud proves Gingrich, Dole aren't two peas in a party, 12/8/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_071 (PDF)
Item 205: What others say: The public Dole, 12/9/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_071 (PDF)
Item 206: GATT prospects spark warnings from farmers, 12/12/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_071 (PDF)
Item 207: Many anxiously await Dole's re-election decision, 12/9/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_071 (PDF)
Item 208: Speculation rises over Dole's retirement, 12/9/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_071 (PDF)
Item 209: Dole close to a decision on run for a fifth term in U.S. Senate, 12/12/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_071 (PDF)
Item 210: Dole remains mum on re-election plans, 12/12/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_072 (PDF)
Item 211: Dole shows he's king of the road, 12/14/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_072 (PDF)
Item 212: Dole just may call it quits, 12/13/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_072 (PDF)
Item 213: Money needed for earmarked road projects, 12/14/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_073 (PDF)
Item 214: Dole, Gingrich duke it out verbally in entertaining feud, 12/15/1991Add to your cart.
Denver Post c017_roll2_073 (PDF)
Item 215: Dole defends provision to fund two highway projects, 12/18/1991Add to your cart.
c017_roll2_073 (PDF)
Item 216: Dole to undergo prostate surgery, 12/18/1991Add to your cart.
c017_roll2_073 (PDF)
Item 217: Dole hospitalized for surgery to diagnose prostate condition, 12/18/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_073 (PDF)
Item 218: Dole defends action on road bill, 12/18/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_073 (PDF)
Item 219: Dole expected to recover fully from prostate cancer, 12/19/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 220: Hospital trying to cure shortcomings, 12/19/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 221: Dole's recovery prognosis good, 12/19/1991Add to your cart.
Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 222: Cancerous prostate removed, 12/19/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 223: Dole treated for prostate cancer, 12/19/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 224: Dole in 'good spirits,' gets call from president, 12/20/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 225: B-2 bomber: Good for America, good for Kansas, 12/22/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_074 (PDF)
Item 226: Dole and Gingrich feud in fine fashion, 12/22/1991Add to your cart.
Kansas City Star c017_roll2_075 (PDF)
Item 227: Snippet about Dole release from Walter Reed following prostate surgery, 12/28/1991Add to your cart.
Hutchinson News c017_roll2_075 (PDF)
Item 228: Dole released from hospital, 12/28/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_075 (PDF)
Item 229: Dole cast his vote each time, 12/29/1991Add to your cart.
Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_075 (PDF)
Item 230: Dole back at work after cancer surgery, 12/31/1991Add to your cart.
Salina Journal c017_roll2_075 (PDF)

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[Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
[Series 2: 1939],
[Series 3: 1940],
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[Series 5: 1943],
[Series 6: 1945],
[Series 7: 1959],
[Series 8: 1964],
[Series 9: 1965],
[Series 10: 1966],
[Series 11: 1967],
[Series 12: 1968],
[Series 13: 1969],
[Series 14: 1970],
[Series 15: 1971],
[Series 16: 1972],
[Series 17: 1974],
[Series 18: 1976],
[Series 19: 1977],
[Series 20: 1978],
[Series 21: 1979],
[Series 22: 1980],
[Series 23: 1981],
[Series 24: 1982],
[Series 25: 1983],
[Series 26: 1984],
[Series 27: 1985],
[Series 28: 1986],
[Series 29: 1987],
[Series 30: 1988],
[Series 31: 1989],
[Series 32: 1990],
[Series 33: 1991],
[Series 34: 1992],
[Series 35: 1993],
[Series 36: 1994],
[Series 37: 1995],

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