By Erik Radowski, Sarah Gard
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, 1958-1996
ID: 01/019
Extent: 41.7 Linear Feet
Arrangement: The collection is arranged chronologically into thirty-six series based on Senator Dole’s years of service as the Russell County Attorney, Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Kansas’s 6th district and then Kansas’s 1st district, and United States Senator from Kansas. Objects have been removed and housed separately from text materials for preservation purposes; although removal forms still link the materials intellectually to the corresponding series.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection, which spans the years 1958-1996, consists of speeches, remarks, talking points, briefing materials, correspondence, photographs, invitations, newspapers and clippings, itineraries, research, and travel files from Senator Bob Dole’s career in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate.
All speeches listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to view the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned speeches here:
The majority of the collection relates to Senator Dole’s many speaking engagements over the course of his career and reveals his desire to engage with all Americans. Senator Dole’s emergence as a national political figure is documented through his speeches as a U.S. Congressman at local Kansas high school commencements to appearances on Meet the Press as a respected Senator and presidential-hopeful. This collection includes materials from speaking at conventions for national organizations and many local Republican meetings, which exemplify Senator Dole’s drive to increase awareness of the Republican platform and raise support for fellow Republicans. As a leader of the Republican Party and prominent U.S. Senator, Bob Dole often traveled the country; the collection proves he visited every state in the union and spoke in most of them.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research, however, some materials within the Robert J. Dole Speeches Collection are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. Restricted materials are identified at the box and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Processing Information:
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1958],
Series 2: 1961],
Series 3: 1962],
Series 4: 1963],
Series 5: 1964],
Series 6: 1965],
Series 7: 1966],
Series 8: 1967],
[Series 9: 1968],
Series 10: 1969],
Series 11: 1970],
Series 12: 1971],
Series 13: 1972],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 9: 1968

- Box 4

- Folder 26: Great Plains Life Insurance Company - Wichita, Kansas, 6 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_026_all.pdf
- Folder 27: Professional Engineers in Government Section of the Kansas Engineering Society - Kansas City, Missouri, 10 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_027_all.pdf
- Folder 28: Osborne County Soil Conservation District - Osborne, Kansas, 13 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_028_all.pdf
- Folder 29: Goodland Chamber of Commerce - Goodland, Kansas, 15 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_029_all.pdf
- Folder 30: Distinguished Awards Banquet - Junior Chamber of Commerce - Wichita, Kansas, 20 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_030_all.pdf
- Folder 31: Kansas Electric Cooperatives Inc. - Topeka, Kansas, 23 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_031_all.pdf
- Folder 32: National Association of Wheat Growers - Wichita, Kansas, 24 January 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_032_all.pdf
- Folder 33: National Telephone Cooperative Association - Washington, D.C., 2 February 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_033_all.pdf
- Folder 34: American War Mothers - Kansas City, Kansas, 16 February 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_034_all.pdf
- Folder 35: Second International Conference on War on Hunger - Washington, D.C., 20 February 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_035_all.pdf
- Folder 36: Kansas Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children - Hays, Kansas, 8 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_036_all.pdf
- Folder 37: American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, 11 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_037_all.pdf
- Folder 38: Veterans of WWI - Lawrence, Kansas, 17 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_038_all.pdf
- Folder 39: Hays Senior Citizens' Conference - Hays, Kansas, 22 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_039_all.pdf
- Folder 40: First District GOP Convention - Hays, Kansas, 23 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_040_all.pdf
- Folder 41: Armourdale Association - Kansas City, Kansas, 25 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_041_all.pdf
- Folder 42: Harvey County Republican Women Masonic Lodge - Sedgewick, Kansas, 29 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_042_all.pdf
- Folder 43: Veterans of World War I District Convention - Russell, Kansas, 31 March 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_043_all.pdf
- Folder 44: Our Obsolete Welfare State

- PDF available: c019_004_044_all.pdf
- Folder 45: State Independent Telephone Association of Kansas - Wichita, Kansas, 5 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_045_all.pdf
- Folder 46: Johnson County Pace Members - Overland Park, Kansas, 6 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_046_all.pdf
- Folder 47: Annual C.A.P. Dinner Dance - Wichita, Kansas, 6 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_047_all.pdf
- Folder 48: Where Do We Go From Here? - Great Bend, Kansas, 17 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_048_all.pdf
- Folder 49: Derby Jaycees, 17 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_049_all.pdf
- Folder 50: "Focus '68: New Leadership", 18 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_004_050_all.pdf
- Box 5

- Folder 1: Victory Electric Coops - Dodge City, Kansas, 18 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: Farmers Cooperative Commission Co. - Wichita, Kansas, 22 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_002_all.pdf
- Folder 3: Conference of Independent Bankers Association of America - Washington, D.C., 22 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_003_all.pdf
- Folder 4: Republican Women's Conference Campaign Workshops - Washington, D.C., 23 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_004_all.pdf
- Folder 5: Midwest Federation of College Republican Clubs - Chicago, Illinois, 26 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_005_all.pdf
- Folder 6: Regional Jaycee Meeting - Hays Kansas, 27 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_006_all.pdf
- Folder 7: Kappa Sigma Luncheon - Manhattan, Kansas, 28 April 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_007_all.pdf
- Folder 8: Veterans of WWI and Auxiliary - Marysville, Kansas, 3 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_008_all.pdf
- Folder 9: Mock Political Convention - Manhattan, Kansas, 3 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_009_all.pdf
- Folder 10: "Grover Cobb Day" - Great Bend, Kansas, 5 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_010_all.pdf
- Folder 11: Kansas Savings and Loan Convention - Wichita, Kansas, 10 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_011_all.pdf
- Folder 12: Brown County Republican Women's Club VFW Club - Hiawatha, Kansas, 11 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_012_all.pdf
- Folder 13: Cowley County Dole for Senate Dinner - Winfield, Kansas, 17 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_013_all.pdf
- Folder 14: Republican County Rally - Belleville, Kansas, 18 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_014_all.pdf
- Folder 15: Saline County Medical Society and Bar Association - Salina, Kansas, 19 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_015_all.pdf
- Folder 16: North Central High School Commencement - Morrowville, Kansas, 20 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_016_all.pdf
- Folder 17: Russell high School Commencement - Russell, Kansas, 24 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_017_all.pdf
- Folder 18: Evans Grain Managers Meeting - Salina, Kansas, 24 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_018_all.pdf
- Folder 19: Petroleum Accountants Conference - Wichita, Kansas, 24 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_019_all.pdf
- Folder 20: 60th Annual American Feed Manufacturers Association Convention - Washington, D.C., May 26-28, 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_020_all.pdf
- Folder 21: American Feed Manufacturers - Washington, D.C., 28 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_021_all.pdf
- Folder 22: Johnson County Open Meeting - Shawnee Mission, Kansas, 31 May 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_022_all.pdf
- Folder 23: Olpe High School Alumni Banquet - Olpe, Kansas, 1 June 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_023_all.pdf
- Folder 24: "The Federal Government's Role in Agriculture" - Corn Refiners Association - Washington, D.C., 5 June 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_024_all.pdf
- Folder 25: Disabled American Veterans - Coffeyville, Kansas, 15 June 1968

- Folder 26: Doniphan County Dole for Senate Committee - Troy, Kansas, 16 June 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_026_all.pdf
- Folder 27: Second Independence Day Celebration - Eureka, Kansas, 4 July 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_027_all.pdf
- Folder 28: Johnson County Reception - Johnson County, Kansas, 12 July 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_028_all.pdf
- Folder 29: 1968 Issues - Ft. Scott, Kansas, 13 July 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_029_all.pdf
- Folder 30: Party Council - "Victory for America" - Topeka, Kansas, 27 August 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_030_all.pdf
- Folder 31: 134th International Convention and Leadership Conference of Delta Upsilon - Manhattan, Kansas, 28 August 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_031_all.pdf
- Folder 32: Kansas Builders Forum - Hutchinson, Kansas, 6 September 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_032_all.pdf
- Folder 33: Great Western Sugar Company Luncheon for Growers, 20 September 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_033_all.pdf
- Folder 34: Medical Auxiliary of Johnson County - Overland Park, Kansas, 27 September 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_034_all.pdf
- Folder 35: Leavenworth County Republican Meeting - Lansing, Kansas, 27 September 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_035_all.pdf
- Folder 36: Dedication of the Nursing Addition - Good Samaritan Center - Ellsworth, Kansas, 29 September 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_036_all.pdf
- Folder 37: Wabaunsee County Republican Dinner - Eskridge, Kansas, 30 September 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_037_all.pdf
- Folder 38: Neosho County Republican Dinner - Chanute, Kansas, 5 October 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_038_all.pdf
- Folder 39: Republican Fundraising Dinner - Augusta, Kansas, 7 October 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_039_all.pdf
- Folder 40: "A Time for Truth" - Ford County Farm Bureau Meeting - Dodge City, Kansas, 17 October 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_040_all.pdf
- Folder 41: "The Mainstream of America" - Topeka, Kansas, 23 October 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_041_all.pdf
- Folder 42: Kansas Electric Cooperative Board Meeting, 23 October 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_042_all.pdf
- Folder 43: "The Responsibility of a Layman in Public Life to his Church" - St. Paul's Episcopal Church - Kansas City, Kansas, 27 October 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_043_all.pdf
- Folder 44: Election Reflections, November - December 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_044_all.pdf
- Folder 45: Senator Frank Carlson Symposium on World Population and Food Supply - Manhattan, Kansas, 4 December 1968

- PDF available: c019_005_045_all.pdf
- Box 6

- Folder 1: Agribusiness - U.S. Feed Producers, June 1 - December 31, 1968

- PDF available: c019_006_001_all.pdf
- Folder 2: Crisis in the Cities, 1968

- PDF available: c019_006_002_all.pdf
Browse by Series:
Series 1: 1958],
Series 2: 1961],
Series 3: 1962],
Series 4: 1963],
Series 5: 1964],
Series 6: 1965],
Series 7: 1966],
Series 8: 1967],
[Series 9: 1968],
Series 10: 1969],
Series 11: 1970],
Series 12: 1971],
Series 13: 1972],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
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