Collection Overview
Title: Digitized Press Releases, 1961-1996
Predominant Dates:1961-1996
ID: 01/015
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 9.7 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The physical documents are organized chronologically within the respective House and Senate collections, as well as individual press releases filed with pertinent subject files. This finding aid provides a chronological item level list for all digitized press releases, regardless of physical location.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
The Robert J. Dole Press Releases were produced and accumulated by Robert J. Dole and his staff during Dole's 35 years as a United States Representative and Senator from Kansas. The releases document the constituent services provided by Dole and his handling of legislative issues in the House and Senate.
All press releases listed here are available for direct download. Click "Detailed Description" to access the full inventory or search the full text of all scanned press releases here:
The collection spans 1961-1996, and includes press releases issued by Dole's Congressional, Senate, and Republican Leadership offices. The releases include communications relating to all functions of the Dole offices on Capitol Hill: political events, legislative efforts, constituent relations, and press coverage. Although not a complete listing of all of the press releases to be found in various parts of the collections, this finding aid represents 9,704 press releases that have been digitized.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
- Series 1: 1961

- Box 11

- Folder 35

- Item 1: Speaking at Regional Young Republican Meeting, 1/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_001.pdf
- Item 2: Dole spoke at Regional Young Republican Conference, 1/21/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Press Release: warning schemes of persons selling unused Army jeeps, 1/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole and other Kansas Republican Congressmen voted against motion to enlarge House Rules Committee, 1/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_035_004.pdf
- Folder 36

- Item 1: Dole introduces bill to extend the development period for water users in Bostwick Irrigation District, 2/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole has been advised by Acting Commissioner of Education Wayne O. Reed that an application of Bennington Common School District No. 3 for Financial Assistance under the provisions of Public Law 874 has been approved, 2/8/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole participating in Department of Air Force briefing for newly elected members of Congress, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_003.pdf
- Item 4: Dole advised by Air Force plans to continue work with the U.S. Weather Bureau to obtain meteorological data for severe weather warnings, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_004.pdf
- Item 5: Dole announces Agriculture Committee announces full committee will have an organizational meeting February 20th, 2/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_005.pdf
- Item 6: Dole Announces completion of a preliminary investigation to have a soil moisture conservation laboratory in Western Kansas, 2/22/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_006.pdf
- Item 7: Dole announces he has been analyzing various plans to extend and amend the present Sugar Act, 2/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_007.pdf
- Item 8: House Agriculture Committee passes controversial feed grain bill, 2/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_036_008.pdf
- Folder 37

- Item 1: 7 University of Kansas Engineering School graduates that are working in the nation's atomic reactor program pictured with their respective Congressmen, 3/2/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole announces his subcommittee assignments on Agriculture Committee, 3/3/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_002.pdf
- Item 3: Dole Accuses Kennedy of "Propagandizing" In Mailing of Veteran Insurance Dividends, 3/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_003.pdf
- Item 4: Congressman Dole informed by the Community facilities administration that an advance of $600 for the City of Lorraine, Kansas in preliminary planning of sewerage facilities, 3/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_004.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole has written a letter of inquiry today to J. Edward Day, US Postmaster General concerning the status of acting Postmasters, 3/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_005.pdf
- Item 6: Congressman Dole has been advise that an application of Wilson School District Joint No. 10 for financial assistance under the provisions of Public Law 874 has been approved, 3/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_006.pdf
- Item 7: Congressman Dole announces he has written Congressmen J. Floyd Breeding and William Avery suggesting they join him in urging funds be included in any revision of the 1962 fiscal budget for construction of a $4 million Evapo-transpiration center lab, 3/13/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_007.pdf
- Item 8: Congressman Dole compliments Democratic critics who label him reactionary because of his vote against Unemployment Compensation benefits, 3/15/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_008.pdf
- Item 9: Congressman Dole states today he votes against approving the Conference Report on H.R. 4806, which would extend unemployment benefits, 3/22/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_009.pdf
- Item 10: Congressman Dole has been advised by Commissioner of the Community Facilities Administration that an advance of $600 has been made to Lebanon, Kansas for preliminary planning of a sewer system, 3/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_010.pdf
- Item 11: Congressman Dole was advised by the Post Office Department that a Contract has been signed for a New Post Office Building in Winona, Kansas, 3/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_037_011.pdf
- Folder 38

- Item 1: Dole announces he will participate with members of the House Agriculture Subcommittee on Equipment, Supplies and Manpower in a Committee inquiry, 4/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_038_001.pdf
- Item 2: Congressman Dole Announces hearings were commenced by the House Committee on Agriculture of which he is a Member, on the Kennedy Administration Farm Bill, 4/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_038_002.pdf
- Folder 39

- Item 2: Congressman Dole has been informed by Bureau of Reclamation officials they are prepared to send to Congress, an administration-authored bill to extend the development period of the Bostwick Irrigation District., 5/4/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_002.pdf
- Item 3: Congressman Dole speaks in his hometown of Russell, KS to members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and its Auxilliary at their 15th Anniversary Celebration, 5/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_003.pdf
- Item 4: Harold Purdy of Deerfield, KS and Harry L. Lightcup of Hugoton, KS appeared before the full committee of the House Committee on Agriculture, 5/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_004.pdf
- Item 1: Congressman Dole presented statement to House Appropriations Committee supporting a soil moisture research center, 5/21/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_001.pdf
- Item 5: Congressman Dole made a major address at the Oklahoma State Convention where he charged the Kennedy Administration's Farm Bill is a step in the wrong direction, 5/26/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_039_005.pdf
- Folder 40

- Item 1: Corps of Engineers - Wilson Reservoir, 6/1/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_001.pdf
- Item 2: Omnibus Farm Bill Title III Section 314, 6/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_002.pdf
- Item 3: Farm bill prices, 6/6/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_003.pdf
- Item 4: Omnibus III-314, 6/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_004.pdf
- Item 5: Freeman reply on wheat price, 6/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_005.pdf
- Item 6: 12th Biennial Convention of the Young Republican National Federation, attendance notice, 6/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_006.pdf
- Item 7: Omnibus Bill Amendment, 6/29/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_007.pdf
- Item 8: Criticism of Kennedy Dividend Removal, 6/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_040_008.pdf
- Folder 41

- Item 1: Aerial Grave Photos, 7/5/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_001.pdf
- Item 2: Omnibus III 314, 7/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_002.pdf
- Item 3: Voting against Omnibus, 7/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_003.pdf
- Item 4: Letter about Farm bill, 7/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_041_004.pdf
- Folder 42

- Item 1: Inquiry request about Ag funding, 8/7/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_001.pdf
- Item 2: Freshmen Ag Reps Volunteering for Sugar Sub, 8/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_002.pdf
- Item 3: Russian Foreign Aid, 8/14/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_003.pdf
- Item 4: Raw Wheat Moving is Ridiculous, 8/16/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_004.pdf
- Item 5: Winter Barley Substitution Appeal, 8/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_005.pdf
- Item 6: Courtland Sewer System, 8/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_006.pdf
- Item 7: Special Sugar Hearing, 8/24/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_007.pdf
- Item 8: Non-Strategic Exports, 8/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_008.pdf
- Item 9: Permit Winter Barley, 8/31/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_042_009.pdf
- Folder 43

- Item 1: Flaw in 1962 Wheat Program, 9/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_001.pdf
- Item 2: Yugoslavia Foreign Aid, 9/11/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_002.pdf
- Item 3: The Freeman Lunch, 9/15/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_003.pdf
- Item 4: Winona Sewage advance, 9/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_004.pdf
- Item 5: U.S. Arms Control Agency Bill is Weakness, 9/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_005.pdf
- Item 6: Arms Control Act is Weakness, 9/25/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_006.pdf
- Item 7: Will Make Nominations to Military Academies, 9/27/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_043_007.pdf
- Folder 44

- Item 3: Lack of Democratic Leadership, 10/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_003.pdf
- Item 4: Paul Revere Panel, 10/19/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_004.pdf
- Item 5: Whole Fish Flour, 10/23/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_005.pdf
- Item 6: Don't Muzzle the Military, 10/24/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_006.pdf
- Item 1: Steeples on Breeding Statement, 1961-10

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_001.pdf
- Item 2: Steeples on Montgomery Farm Bill statement, 1961-10

- PDF available: s-press_011_044_002.pdf
- Folder 45

- Item 1: FDA and Whole Fish Flour, 11/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_001.pdf
- Item 2: Schilling Missile Complex terracing, 11/17/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_002.pdf
- Item 3: Air Force Oks Terracing, 11/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_045_003.pdf
- Folder 46

- Item 1: Air Force Schilling Terracing, 12/1/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_001.pdf
- Item 2: Coast Guard Competitive Exams, 12/9/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_002.pdf
- Item 3: Academy Screening Board Appointed, 12/18/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_003.pdf
- Item 4: Plans for Academy Screening, 12/20/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_004.pdf
- Item 5: Young GOP Meeting Attendance, 12/28/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_005.pdf
- Item 6: Goldwater Associate to Attend New First District GOP Meet, 12/30/1961

- PDF available: s-press_011_046_006.pdf
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: 1961],
Series 2: 1962],
Series 3: 1963],
Series 4: 1964],
Series 5: 1965],
Series 6: 1966],
Series 7: 1967],
Series 8: 1968],
Series 9: 1969],
Series 10: 1970],
Series 11: 1971],
Series 12: 1972],
Series 13: 1973],
Series 14: 1974],
Series 15: 1975],
Series 16: 1976],
Series 17: 1977],
Series 18: 1978],
Series 19: 1979],
Series 20: 1980],
Series 21: 1981],
Series 22: 1982],
Series 23: 1983],
Series 24: 1984],
Series 25: 1985],
Series 26: 1986],
Series 27: 1987],
Series 28: 1988],
Series 29: 1989],
Series 30: 1990],
Series 31: 1991],
Series 32: 1992],
Series 33: 1993],
Series 34: 1994],
Series 35: 1995],
Series 36: 1996],
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