Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1945_11_10
From: Kenney [4 page letter]
Date: 11-10-1945
Phillipines [sic]
Cebu, Cebu
Dear Folk’s:
Have a few minutes so will attempt to drop you a few more short lines to let you know that I am feeling just fine and getting along OK. hope this finds all of you the same.
Still no news about what and when I will ebe [sic] elgible [sic] to go home and I doubt if it will be very soon as they are very slow in sending these men home who have been elgible [sic]for quite sometime, but surely something should happen before too long; ay least I hope so.
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It is really too bad that they don’t have enough ships to get the troops home, the way I feel they got us over here and now they can’t send us home, and all the talk about making Liberty [sic] ships into troop carries is a big joke at least up until now as they don’t have ay Liberty ships over here to be converted from Cargo ships to troop ships however I have been on Liberty ships before and I wouldn’t mind a bit going home on a Liberty, I would almost start back in a canoe.
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According to my last Newspaper [sic] they seem to be going very strong at home on a swimming pool, I only hope that it goes through as Russell really needs one, as boys like myself after being over here with nothing but Ocean all around are going to miss very much our swimming, so you can vote an extra time for me. Haven’t had very much news lately, don’t know why it is so slow but hope that it soon starts coming through, please send me Bob’s new address as soon as possible (over)
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as I do want to drop him a few lines now and then to find out how he is getting along.
Well I don’t have a whole lot more to say so I will close for now, So Long [sic] for now.
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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