Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1945_10_26
From: Kenney [3 page letter]
Date: 10-26-1945
[Stamp mark: Russell]
Philllipines [sic]
Cebu, Cebu
Dear Folk’s:
Have a few minutes so will attempt to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am fine and getting along OK. hoping that this short note finds all of you the same.
Still no news about going and I know there won’t be any for a few days as the ships just don’t seem to be available for the Pacific; [sic] they do have a lot of Cargo ships now they say that troops cannot ride on Cargo ships, I know
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they are not the best ships in the world for men but I have taken a few rides on them myself and I wouldn’t mind riding one back to the states, surely there will be a change before long and they will get some troop ships over here for us, up to date the Army is 85,000 behind on ther, [sic] quota and by Jan 1-46 of they don’t get men out of here they will be almost 200,000 behind, if ships were available now I would expect to get home by at [sic] Feb. or March, I may still make it by then at least I really hope & pray I do.
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[stamp: Nov 15 1945 GEN. DEL.]
I received the paper today first class mail and I see where Bob has gone back to the Hosp. [sic] I do hope that I get his address soon so I can write to him.
By the way Dad I sent you a souvinier [sic] a 25 cal. Jap rifle I do hope it reaches you.
Well I will close for now hoping to hear from all of you soon please keep the papers & Party Cards [sic] coming- give my regards to all.
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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