Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1945_10_2
From: Kenney [3 page letter]
Date: 10-2-1945
Phillipines [sic]
Cebu, Cebu
Dear Folk’s:
Received the good word today that you are all home and was especially happy to here that Bob is now home, I bet he will really get well in a hurry eating mom’s [sic] good old home cooked foods, I can hardly wait myself until I too can come back and sit down to a real meal for a change and not have to wait in a line for 20 min for practically nothing, but I am just hoping that it doesn’t last very much longer and I know you feel the same.
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We still have a lot of men here who are 35 and over besides [sic] men with 80 to 90 points and they go to find out about going home and no one seems to know anything so I don’t know where I stand yet; and probably won’t for at least another month, all they say over here is that they don’t have any ships available, we still ask only one question “where is the Navy” I guess they are still playing war in Japan.
Well I don’t want to start crying as that is just about all we do around here any more is ask why we can’t go home as that is all we want and they don’t
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seems to be able to answer any questions for any of the boys, I think Dad was right when he said, just wait until they make up their minds.
Well folk’s I really don’t have any news and I know you don’t want to hear me complain any more but I feel this way most of the time and don’t care. so [sic] I will close for now hoping to hear from all of you again soon will try to write more and more after.
So Long for Now
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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