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Kenneth Dole to Dad and Norma | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Dad and Norma
To: Dad & Norma 1945_9_5c From: Kenney [4 page letter] Date: 9-5-1945 Phillipines [sic] 9-5-45 Cebu, Cebu Dear Dad and Norma: Have been going [sic] to drop you a few lines for the last few days but honestly I just really have been so busy getting these outfits equipped to go to Japan I have beeno [sic] on the go for 18 hr. [sic] a day the last week and so you can see that I am not kidding when I say I just haven’t had time but now things are back to normal and I expect to have a little more time to myself. I haven’t even had time to read my mail the last two days and eat my chow on the run. There is no more censorship now that the war is over as you have probably already heard. I received 7 birthday cards on the 1st/ which was my 21st/ birthday and that is something that very very [sic] seldom happens to anyone over here to get mail on the right date some of the boys are still getting x-mas packages from 1944 & 45 and by the very I [sic] =Page 2= I am now wearing my beautiful ideulfreation [sic] bracelette that you sent quite some time ago it also arrived here on the 1st/ so I am going to call it my present from all of you and all the boys here agree that it is the best one they have ever seen, and I can’t tell you how proud I am nor can I ever begin to thank you for it but all I can say in words is “thank’s [sic] a million” I only wish I could have sent something for Bob’s birthday and Dad’s and also your Anniversary also Gloria’s birthday, I didn’t forget any of them but there just isn’t anything around here that I can send that would be nice enough for any of my swell family, I guess I really made a bad mistake by telling in a litter to Bob that I has Malaria [sic], now I don’t want any of you to worry any Page 3 more about it as Malaria [sic] over here is as common as a cold is at home and it isn’t serious or anything to worry about until you have has it about 10 times and you can bet your last peso that I won’t ever have it an more [sic] – and I am feeling OK, and as well as ever so please don’t worry about me, you have had enough worries, I could shoot myself for ever telling anyone about it but you can’t saw sawdust so all I can do is ask you again please! [sic] don’t worry anymore. About my coming home I don’t expect to be on my way for at least 8 more months unless something happens and they change the point system, right now the way I stand, it will take 15 more months over here (that is figuring 2 pts. per mo) to give me the new critical score of “80”; [sic] as at this date I have “55 pts” if I get the 5 pts for the Philippine Campaign and I am not sure of it so I say 50 pts now. =Page 4= We have more over here in my Detachment who have 40 and 42 mo. overseas and have been wounded two and three times and they don’t expect to go home for another two months because old “Dry Out McArthur” says that he needs all the men he has- my honest opinion is that something will break loose before long and there [sic] boys will be on their way soon, I can’t possibly get home until all of these men leave first as thy [sic] are away [sic] be ahead of me some with 90 to 104 pts are still here and so you can see just where I stand, I just thought I would let you know the truth so you won’t be expecting me home too soon. I had better close for now and drop Bob a line or two. Goodnight from Cebu. So Long for Now. Love Kenney –over- [back of page 4] I am sending all of the letters and telegrams that mom [sic] sent to me that she received from Bob so let me know if you get them all they are all in 5 enveloped the same as this one I will mail them with this letter Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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