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Kenneth Dole to Bob and Mom | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Bob and Mom
To: Bob & Mom 1945_8_27 From: Kenney [2 page letter] Date: 8-27-1945 Phillipines [sic] August-27, 45 Dear Bob & Mom: Have a few minutes to drop you a few lines to let you know that I am feeling OK, and getting along just fine, hoping that you are getting along OK too, and are about ready to go home for a few days. I know it won’t bee [sic] too long now before they let you go. I haven’t heard from any of you for quite a few days due to the fact that all available trans. is being sent for the big show, and that is just what I would call it, some of the big boys still need more publicity. I guess I had better change the subject before I start raving on and on and I know I cold [sic] go on for quite a few lines but there is really no need for it, but I can tell you this it is up to my parents and my friends who are at home today to see to it that I get home and the rest of use boys who are stuck over here, there are still men over here who have 42 months service overseas and no sign of a boat to take them home so you can see how far down the list I am, it is the same old story the Army has you and they don’t care if you ever get home, so I say it is up to the public to demand that the Army gets the boys home and I know all the rest of the boys over here feel the same way and I know all of us can’t be wrong. =Page-2= ---- --- -- - I do hope that Bob gets well soon and can go home for a few days, as it will do him more good than anything else in the world, to get some good home made pies and ice cream and some good home cooked foods the way that we like to have it cooked and mom [sic] is the only one who can cook to suit me, and I can hardly wait until I get home to sit down to a real meal for a change, well I really haven’t said a lot in this short note and I really don’t have too much to say, except don’t worry about me as I am getting along OK and feeling just fine and am hoping that every day brings me a little closer to home, right now I would venture to say that I will be lucky to get home by February of 46 because there are so may [sic] boys here who will go home before me and they aren’t even going as yet. oh [sic] there are a few but very few compared to the numbers there are to go so let’s hope they start sending men home and fast, well I will say so long for now hoping to hear from all of you soon & I will try to do my best to write to all of you. Love Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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The Dole Institute is committed to universal accessibility in all programs and resources. We are in the process of making all of our web projects fully accessible. An accessible version of the archival material represented on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact us at to request the document be made available in an accessible format, or for general assistance.
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