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Kenneth Dole to Mom and Dad | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Mom and Dad
To: Mom & Dad 1945_3_29 From: Kenney [3 page letter] Date: 3-29-1945 New Guiena March-29-45 Dear Mom & Dad: Here goes for a few more short lines to let you know that I am still feeling fine and getting along OK. hoping this finds all of you the same. Recived [sic] your letter with the picture of the four generations and really thought it was swell, I would like to have some film if you are able to pick nay up, as I would like to send you some snapshots & also some to Bob, my camera is still working fine and quite a few of the boys have used it and have had very good luck with their pictures the last picture I sent you was a double exposure, and maybe you can have a better print made. Page -2- I mentioned in one of my recent letters that I was sending my watch home, but I still have it and will send it on to you the 1st/ of April so you can be on the lookout for it by May the 1st/ the mail is coming through pretty good now except for 2nd/ class mail and it is very slow, I have received both pair of horse – shoes and had a few hot games already- also the seeds, they are growing very fast, and I hope it doesn’t get to [sic] hot and kill them, everybody that goes by the tent stops to see how they are coming along and if they grow everyone expects to be [receiving some], so I hope they come out OK. I got a small box and planted them and now I am going to transplant them soon. Page -3- I haven’t heard a thing from Harold, but I am looking foreword to seeing him, that is if I can find out just where he is, I went to see [Dumbroad Woeth], but he had already lift [sic] the hospital and I didn’t get a chance to see him, I think he went North. When I finish this I will drop a line to Mr. [Hugme] as I know I really should have written to him long ago, so watch the paper, I like the clippings you have been sending me, as I don’t get the paper very often, well I will close for now hoping the war is over in Germany by the time this gets to you and I think it will be so long for now. Love Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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