Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis
To: Folks and Sis 1945_1_10
From: Kenney [2 page letter]
Date: 1-10-1945
~New Guiena [sic]~
Dear Folk’s
& Sis:
Time again for me to drop you a few more lines, to at least say hello, and thank you for the packages you are sending, as they are really OK, and they arrive in such nice fresh condition, 4 more today and should have some more tomorrow, and still no bracelett [sic], hope it arrives soon as I am looking foreword to it so much, I have almost anything a person could ask for in the line of cosmetics or underwear, sox [sic]- books, everything is just fine, got my cigarette lighter something I really did need, and everything else was greatly appreciated by all of the boys, they all send their best wishes and thanks.
Hope this finds Larry Boy still with you [sic], as I know you really must get a big kick out of him and as for company he would really be hard to replace only wish I could see him before he grows up, and I hope it isn’t too long from now.
I was wondering whether or not you have ever heard from any of the boys who used to be here with me, but have gone back to the States, I gave all of them my address, so they could write to you, but maybe they aren’t allowed to do so, told them all to stay & see you if possible but I doubt whether they would go any place but home after 36 months of New Guiena [sic] at least I wouldn’t so I don’t blame them for that. Did you get Bob’s letters, you sent to me and I sent then back as I know you want them, You asked for some coconuts, if I can just find time to send them I will but I can’t promise when.
Well I guess I had better close for now hoping to hear from you again soon please give my regards to all and I will be writing to them all also, so long for now.
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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