Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis
To: Folks and Sis 1945_1_5
From: Kenney [2 page letter]
Date: 1-5-1945
Dutch New Guiena [sic]
Dear Folk’s
& Sis:
Haven’t written for the past fours days, but have, time now to drop a few lines, yesterday I received 2 more packages, which brings it up to 9 which I have received, and everything arrived in very good condition, and was very greatly enjoyed by all. I have been looking for my bracelet but as yet it hasn’t shown up but I expect it any day now.
By this time I sincerely hope you have heard from Bob, and I do hope he is settled down, to the point of knowing what his duties will be at least temporarily. Norma should be home again as this reaches you at least I hope that she is, and is feeling like herself again after her operation, I will try to drop her a few lines as, I do are her so many letters I am about ashamed too [sic] write, but I promise to drop her a few lines very soon, I just finished another letter to Bob, which I hope he gets before long, letters mean so much to a person when he first gets over here, and as a matter of fact thy [sic] mean so much anytime, to anyone who is so far away.
I, finally put in for a cancellation on my allotment, as I know you wanted me to do, and it should go through sometimes this month, and then I can send the money home direct to you, I didn’t tell you about the pens, but bins of them wouldn’t write and I saved 2 for myself which left 3 that I sold for $5.00 a piece, wish I could of had more to sell. I should have some more pictures to send to you before long, I hope they turn out good, as the last ones I sent I never did get them back, thy [sic] were remined [sic] for some reason while being developed.
It seems as though I am not able to think of anymore to write about, so I will bring this to a close, please give my regards to all, and I will be writing again soon, so long for now.
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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