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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis
To: Folks & Sis 1944_10_24 From: Kenney [2 page letter] Date: 10-24-1944 New Guiena Oct. 24-44 Dear Folk’s & Sis: You probably think by this time I have forgotten you but I have been rather busy the past few days, I received another package yesterday post-marked on July 13-44, one roll of film, sox, swimming trunks, powder, soap, candy, what surprised me was it arrived in such good condition, for the time it took in getting here, I have already used the film, and have it ready to send to Australia, we did have some pictures taken and you probably have them by now, Frank sent them to you hope to have some more soon. I received a letter from Gloria and she has told me all about what Larry expects to do in the future, I do hope they don’t send him over here. -Page 2- I finally wrote to Bob, hope he makes the grade OK, please send my regards the next time you write to him, I still gave the same job, and I like it very well, am feeling just fine and getting along OK. hope everyone at home is the same please give my regards to all, and tell them I will try to write to them all. I hope you will note the change in my address, I finally made Corporal. goodnight [sic] and good luck, by the way I did do something on Norma’s birthday I made corporal on the 24th of Oct. Love Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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The Dole Institute is committed to universal accessibility in all programs and resources. We are in the process of making all of our web projects fully accessible. An accessible version of the archival material represented on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact us at to request the document be made available in an accessible format, or for general assistance.
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