Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1944_8_9
From: Pvt. Kenneth Dole [1 page letter]
Date: 1944-8-9
[Signature][Censor Stamp]
To Mrs. Bina M. DOLE
1035 Maple St.
Russell, Kansas
From P.T. Kenneth D. Dole-37531283
2nd Port H.Q. T.C. A.P.O. 565
To/PM San Francisco, Cali.
August 9, 1944
“New Gueina”
Dear Folk’s:
Here goes for another very short note to keep you at least informed that I an [sic] getting along OK and feeling just fine, hope this finds all of you the same, no mail afain [sic] today for me but it should be coming through again soon I hope I can’t figure out how they got it mixed up again, as I haven’t moved around for the past month, so I know the trouble isn’t on this and although it may be back in frisco [sic] at the apo headquarters but it should be straightened out soon. I am again back in the office, working as a dispatcher it is mu job to see that all the truck’s [sic] here are sent to the proper place and at the right time, it is still combat area but the jap’s [sic] here a pretty well under control in fact we haven’t had any trouble from them for quite some time, hope it stays that way, don’t know know [sic] any news to speak of but will try to finish this so you can at least read it, I haven’t done my typing as you know since I left school and I am really glad I took typing while I was in school I only wished that I would have taken some other courses that were available to me but as you know I always had too many other important things to do, but I hope to go to college someday, but don’t plan on it too much as I might change my mind before I got back maybee[sic] I will be too old to go to college when this is over but from what I hear around here the Germans will be about ready to quit before long, I am afraid of only one thing and that is that the people back home will [let] the german [sic] defeat go to their heads more of less and forget that we are still fighting our toughtest [sic] war over here in the pacific, at least I hope they will remember it this war ver [sic] here is going to last for quite some time yet and don’t let anybody fool you and tell you it will be over in a few month’s, I don’t know too much but I know what I have seen and they say experience is still the best teacher, so long for now .write soon.
[V-MAIL] Love Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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