Kenneth Dole to Folks and Norma | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Norma
To: Folk’s & Norma 1944_5_31
From: Kenney [3 page letter]
Date: 5-31-1944
Wed Thursday
Dear Folk’s & Norma
I haven’t written to you for a few days but it has just been impossible for me to find time, but as I told you before please don’t worry about me if you don’t get a letter for a few days, I will write whenever time permits.
I rec. a letter from Norma, Gladys & Grandma & Pa was really happy as they really cheered me up, I haven’t had a real letter for a long time they were all three Air Mail, boy there isn’t anything ever that makes me feel better than a letter so keep up the good work, Gladys said something about Bob, she said he was home with Bob Dawson & Phillip, I hope he had a nice time as I did and I am sure he did. I only hope they don’t send him over tell him to stay in the states if at all possible.
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There isn’t a lot of news around here, at least none that I know of and it really makes it hard to write a letter, but at least you will know that I am feeling ok and getting along [along is above the line with an arrow] just fine.
I hope the garage is ok and I know it will be I wish I had it over here to sleep in instead of this leaking tent, so why don’t you wrap it up and send it over.
I told you I haven’t been paid since last February, and we signed the pay roll today and I was “ Redlined” again so no pay this month, I can’t seem to find out what happened to my pay but they really have it mixed up, if you can find a camera and a lot of film I would really appreciate it and it would help explain what is going here on over here. I could send you the film & you could develop them. Well I will close for now hoping to hear from all of you soon, Love,
[Note written on the back of page 2]
I might be able to at least give a hint about where I am hope it get’s [sic] through ok. I am somewhere close to Australia.
I think my next move will be New-Guinea.
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
[information restricted]