Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1944_1_3
From: Kenney [3 page letter]
Date: 1-3-1944
Dear Folk’s:
Today is rather a dreary day as it is raining and we are just laying around waiting to be shipped, we just had mail call & there wasn’t any packages- This morning I went all over the camp looking for mail and no luck, it just isn’t around, maybe it isn’t here yet, but it should be, I received your Christmas card yesterday after noon & today I received a letter from Larry C. perhaps it will be here later on this after noon, most of the boys here can’t seem to find their mail either, You see we have moved three times but we still use the same address so I suppose that is the reason for the delay, but I will find it if it is around here anyplace. [Scratching something out]
“Page 2”
I suppose you all had a big new Years, I had a lonely evening. I went to bed at 8:00 No Kidding as there wasn’t anything else to do, because of the quarantine, it will be lifted tomorrow, and then we will be moved to another company and we will be there until we are shipped.
I was very happy I got to talk to all of you yesterday, I suppose dad want’s to know how long we talked, tell him to charge the bill to me until this war is over, and then he can pay for it.
Well I guess I will close for now, as there isn’t anything else to blow about.
Larry you should be in the Medics so you could gain some
weight I got weighed last night and I topped 184# when I was home I weighed 178# so you can see I haven’t been worked to death, say Larry I found a new job – Gold bricking- [Gold bricking is printed]
As Ever
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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