Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1943_9_12
From: Kenney [4 page letter]
Date: 9-12-1943
Dear folk’s:
Well I got a letter last night and today is my day off so I will write you a letter. Bob and I were going to call home today but he got room orderly so we will call next Sunday if one of us don’t get extra detail. I really hated it that Bob got room orderly, but his platoon didn’t do so good on inspection so they all have to pay for it. I went to town last night, for the first time it is not a bad town but all you can see is soldiers I got a ride to town in a 41 Buick but it cost me 50¢
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but it was worth it, it was the first ride I have had since I left home. Ernie went with me, we had a big steak, ice cream, pie, and just everything, it cost me about $6.00 but it was worth it. I had some pictures taken but they weren’t so hot. I will send them to you, please write to me every day as I am getting a little homesick, week after next the whole company is going on a picnic, no kidding –
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They are going to have beer and fried chicken, if they can get the chicken, I really hope they get the chicken. Dad when you get time and if you can do it try to find out for me if there is any chance for me to get to the hospital at Walker they told us yesterday that 70% of us would got to Base hospitals, if you could see someone there at walker or the company commander I really think it could be fixed up so please do this for me it would really be swell if I could get there. Over.
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Well I can’t think of any more to write for now so I will close, write every day, and please see what you can do about the Walker hospital.
[four lines under Kenney]
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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