Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1943_8_2
From: Pvt. Kenney [7 page letter]
Date: 8-2-1943
Dear Folk’s 8-2-43
Well I have a little time to myself, so I thought I would drop you a line. I am really tired today we had to creep on our stomach for about 80 yards, and we have eleven days more of it left, we are getting ready to go across the machine gun range, with live ammunition flying over our heads. I am not worried about it, but they say you really have to keep your head down on the ground, the heat here goes to the ground, and our
sargent said the temperature at the ground was about 135°, when I got done my arms and legs were full of stickers and I was soaked with sweat but I don’t mind it, if I can get through this Basic I can say that I have taken the toughest training in the army. It is rougher than the infantry because they told us when we were done we could out march & drill them anytime & anyplace. I got a letter from Dad
again today. I didn’t know he wrote so many letters, tell him to keep on writing whether he has anything to write about or not and tell Della & Jake I will try to write soon & Bert.
I may write tonight. Say mom ask that Sargent from Walker if he knows “Odom” he is the guy who goes with Lilian Demler, see that Odom gets my address I want to ask him if there is anyway to get stationed at the Walker Air Base if there is he will be about the
only one who knows, or you could even call Mrs John Demler and see if he is there and find out, or give him my address, please try to get hold of him there my be a good chance.
You see he had my ‘request’ fixed up with the Commanding officer at Walker before I left Russell, and I had to get my Basic before the request went through. I think he could do something for me as he really knows his army and also the Commanding officer
Our Laundry Bill went through today, so there goes $3.00 more back to the government. Bob and I were talking about that allotment deal Sunday and I don’t think that he liked the idea of my applying for it, he seems to think that they might check up. But Wednesday we were sworn in for it so it went through, so if he should happen to write & tell you anything which he said he would don’t worry about it, and if they should happen to ask you anything about
it tell them that you are 25% dependent upon me. I mean mom, not Dad. When I took it and I told them that you were not a dependent of mine but I had given you money in civilian life, and they said it would be O.K. Ernie took the same allotment all the Russell boys here did except Melo and he was on K.P. that day so he couldn’t take it out. Those oranges you sent were really the thing down here as they never have any, so send me some every week if
it isn’t too much trouble also, some shorts “cookies” – “gum” this kind of stuff you can’t buy here at all, especially those delicious cookies so send me some every week if you aren’t too busy, that reminds me those shoes fit me perfect thank’s a lot.
I think that is all I have to write about & I will write you again soon.
Pvt. Kenney
I got a letter from Grace &
I let Bob Read it
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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