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Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1943-7-23 From: Kenneth [two page letter] Date: 7-23-43 7-23-43 Dear folk’s: I went down to the office and made out an allotment for you today mom, and if they should happen to ask you anything about being my dependent tell them you are- to a certain extent or otherwise 25% and I will get it. My check a month is $50.00 minus $12.50 for bonds – minus $6.25 for insurance, minus $4.00 for washing, minus $22.50 for an allotment so I will have $4.75, left each month, so I wont have enough to get along on, at the present I am broke. and so is Bob, I went over and saw him last night, if my allotment goes through you can send me some of it and save the rest so if I get a furlough in 12 week’s [sic] I can have the money to come home on. Well I will write later because I have to go now, and drill. “OVER” please send me something to eat if you have anything and tell everyone hello for me and also tell them to write, anytime they have time. Well I really must go now. Bob is coming over to see me Sunday, he is about 3 miles away from here, and it is really hot here. Well I hope I will see you soon, tell dad to be sure and have a different car when I get there. If you can find a small radio cheap send it to me for my birthday present in advance it would sure help things here a lot. You could at least here [sic] some music and get the news. So long now and all my love, ‘Kenneth’
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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The Dole Institute is committed to universal accessibility in all programs and resources. We are in the process of making all of our web projects fully accessible. An accessible version of the archival material represented on this site will be made available upon request. Please contact us at to request the document be made available in an accessible format, or for general assistance.
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