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Kenneth Dole to Folks | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Folks
To: Folks 1943-7-20 From: Kenneth Dole [4 page letter] Date: 7-20-1943 7-20-43 [number 1 inside circle] Dear Folks: Well here I am again, But was I ever surprised when I found out that I was being shipped to Barkeley, Texas. As far as I know and as much as I have seen around this place they can have it and I will take any part of good old Kansas. I haven’t seen Bob as yet and this is my second day here but I wrote him a letter today so we will be able to see each other in a few week’s [sic], the reason we can’t see each other is that are we are quarrintined [sic] in our Barracks for two weeks and we can’t go any place or see anything, You have probably heard a lot about Barkeley from Bob but he is in the good part of the camp I can see it from where I am stationed they have Barracks and we have “bunks” but they are more like a dog house than anything else. It rained here ‘OVER’ today and it was so hot that it evaporated before it ever reached the ground you could see the water hit the roof and then it disappeared or evaporated so you can see it is plenty hot here. I think Bob has a good deal from what I can find out, But you might know what my luck would give me. The food is so rotten that you can’t possibly eat it so everyone goes to the P.X. such as it is, and all you can get there is pop & gum, and if you are lucky you get ice cream. At least Bob has a good place to sleep because you can see his Baracks. But ours ours are made from Black tar paper, and they don’t even cool off at night. If I can take what they give me here I could take anything and that’s no lie. [number 2 inside circle] I guess all I can do is take it and that’s going to be one of the hardest jobs of my life. My Basic Training starts next Monday so wish me luck and hope that I make it. Write every day and I think I can struggle along. I have $1.00 left so ask dad if I can borrow about $10.00 because I won’t get paid until the 10th of August and they took $12.50 for bonds and $6.25 for insurance, also I must pay to have my clothes cleaned & pressed and for having them altered, I also need 2 towels, 10 steel [insert symbol] hangers, and a pair of plain to shoes size “9 ½ C” They don’t have to be very good But I really need them I hope this letter doesn’t make you think that I can’t take what they give me, but is really hard to take, after what I have been used too. Texas is a good state in places but you should see this place. “OVER” All the fellows on the train really enjoyed that package I got so would you please send another especially the fudge cookies thank’s [sic] a lot mom. I may get a furlough in 12 or 13 week’s [sic] But if I do it means I go across. In In case you didn’t know I am also in the Medical corps but I will probably have to carry a stretcher or something of that sort But I don’t get to drive an ambulance they have already made that clear. Say hello to everyone and tell them to write – give them my address - “ALL MY LOVE” Pvt. Kenneth D. Dole – 37531283 Co. “D” 60th M.R.T.C. Camp Barkeley, Texas U.S. ARMY
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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