Browse Digital Content | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Aerial view of dedication, 2003-07-22
Agriculture Committee, 1989-11-09
Air Force One over fields, 1990-10
Air Force One over water, 1990-10
Alan Greenspan - Oral History about Bob Dole, 12/14/2007
Alma, Kansas Centennial, 1969-05-31
Aloha Alk Photo, 1990
American flag in Austria, 1969
Announcement Day in Russell KS, 1979-05-14
At Country Aire with Appleton, Wisconsin GOP Presidential Supporters ofr U.S. Senator Bob Dole, 1987-09-03
Atchison headquarters right before the election, 1974-11-01
Attendees of Dinner with Dole event, 1973-10-1