Senator Dole and Captain Dunn | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Senator Dole and Captain Dunn
Notes: a US army information officer. Official visit of Sen. Dole to Ft. Knox, Ky. Where: Various places on Post. When: 23 Feb 73.
Phys. Desc:
-- Inscriptions: Who: The Hon. Bob Dole, US Sen. From KS visits with Capt. John Dunn.
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Dole Photograph Collection, 1900-2011
Series 4: Senate, 1969-1996
Sub-Series 1: Congressional Service
Sub-Series 4: Meetings and Discussions
Box 39
Folder 9: Dunn, John, 1973 (3 images)
Item 1: Senator Dole and Captain Dunn. 2/23/1973. Notes: a US army information officer. Credit US Army. Photograph by: Sp5 Robert Russell Photo Br, A-V Sys. Div., DC-E Ft. Knox, KY 40121. Approved for Release by Dept. of Defense -- Inscriptions: Who: The Hon. Bob Dole, US Sen. From KS visits with Capt. John Dunn. What: Official visit of Sen. Dole to Ft. Knox, Ky. Where: Various places on Post. When: 23 Feb 73. Publication or commercial use of this photograph requires release (see brief notes).

Credit US Army. Photograph by: Sp5 Robert Russell Photo Br, A-V Sys Div, DC-E Ft. Nox, KY 40121 Approved for Release by Dept. of Defense
Publication or commercial use of this photograph requires release