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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections

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Kenneth Dole to Folks and Sis
To: Folks and Sis 1945_1_8 From: Kenney [2 page letter] Date: 1-8-1945 Dutch New Guiena [sic] 1-8-1945 Dear Folk’s & Sis: Here goes for a few more short lines, hope they find all of you well and happy, I am feeling just fine and getting along OK. Hope you have heard from Bob, but if you haven’t don’t worry as it takes time to get settled, and it is impossible at times to write, unless you have settled down to a job. I know Bob will be OK, as he is just the type that can get along with anyone at anytime and in the Army that is the most important thing, [sic] Norma is probably home again and I do hope that she is feeling herself again after her operation, as it was quite a serious thing, but she will work out OK, and be back on the job again before you know it. and [sic] Larry Roy, I bet he is giving you all a busy time, I can just see him taking everything he can get his hands on and giving it a pull, just to hear it fall, he is probably about the same way I used to be, [sic] -2- The last I heard from Larry & Gloria was that they were in Yuma, and Larry was expecting at anytime, to go over seas, I only hope he has been changed around, as I would like to have at least one of us back home, so he can come to see you once in awhile, but there isn’t anything you can do if he does leave the states. I am hoping the war, won’t last too much longer. so we can all come back home again, which will be the greatest day of my life. I was wondering whether or not you have received any letters from, some of the boys I knew who have gone back home on vacation, they promised to drop you a few lines and I do hope you have heard from some of them by now, well I must close this for now, so until next time I will say so long, and will be writing to you again soon, please give my regards to all. Love Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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