Kenneth Dole to Mom and Dad | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Mom and Dad
To: Mom & Dad 1944_1_21
From: Kenneth Dole [1 page letter]
Date: 1-21-44
Dear Mom & Dad: Friday eve.
I have been at the service club this evening, and just as I walked in the door I saw Melv. [sic] & we had a swell evening together, I still don’t know how long I am going to be around this place but as long as Melve. is here I don’t care, we are not very close together but we manage to get together somehow evey [sic] day if we can, I still can’t find out what where my watch is, but about all I can wait [crossed out] do is wait and hope that it gets here before I leave, there isn’t a whole [crossed out] lot to [scratch out] to write about as ther [sic] isn’t any news around here, they have really been keeping me busy, one detail after another, I haven’t rec. any mail from you since last Sunday, but I know you are very busy so. Just drop me a line when you have time and I will try to do the same, I haven’t heard from Bob either I guess they really keep him busy also. Well I will close for now & go to bed so I will say good-night
Love Kenneth
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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