Kenneth Dole to Dad | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Kenneth Dole to Dad
To: Dad 1943_10_26
From: Kenney [2 page letter]
Date: 10-26-1943
Dear Dad:
I. have a few minutes to write you a line or two. Mom got here Sunday morning at 6:30. Bob & I met her at the train, we got passes saturday [sic] at 5:00 and went to the hotel there, we were lucky as we got a real nice room for only $3.00, we ate dinner & supper Sunday and then, last night we got passes again and went to town and ate supper and looked around town. I was sure glad mom came down I wish you would have come too, but maybe we will get a furlough – I hope – and then we can all be together. Bob left this morning for Bivouac I go next week, mom left for Denning today she will be there by the time you get this. as We only have one hike left this bivouac one way so I have 64 miles to walk yet with a full pack. “over”
Well pop I must close for now I just thought I would let you know how everything turned out I will drop you a line as soon as possible so until then be good.
“How are the parlay’s coming out”
Dad if I should get a furlough would it be a good idea to have you send a money order now, because the guy with the money gets the first chance to go if he has it or should I just wait & write a check on you if I get a furlough, the only trouble with the check is it may not be so easy to I cash it as a money order is. If you send a money order & I don’t get a furlough I can send the money order back to you. Think it over & let me know.
Love Kenney
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Nancy [Dole] Poche Collection (Old Finding Aid - For Reference Only), 1938-1963
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