Senators clap for Bob Dole in Old Senate Chamber | Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
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Senators clap for Bob Dole in Old Senate Chamber
Nickles, Donald Lee; ___; Gorton, Slade, 1928-; Dole, Elizabeth Hanford; Domenici, Pete; Brownback, Sam, 1956-; Burns, Conrad; Dole, Robert J. 1923-; Collins, Susan, 1952-; Stevens, Ted; Grams, Rod; ____; Senator Dole spoke as part of the Leader's Lecture in the Old Senate Chamber. Bob and Elizabeth Dole are in the forefront sitting in chairs with a desk in front of them. Bob Dole smiles at the camera. Elizabeth Dole looks at Bob Dole. The other senators stand behind them and clap.
Phys. Desc:
Color; Landscape; 8"x10";
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Found in:
Dole Photograph Collection, 1900-2011
Series 7: Post-Political Career, 1996-Present
Sub-Series 2: Public Relations
Sub-Series 2: Speeches
Box 138
Folder 31: Leader's Lecture- U.S. Senate 2000 (20 images)
Item 3: Senators clap for Bob Dole in Old Senate Chamber, 2000-03-28

U.S. Senate Historical Office