By Robert Lay, Jennifer Kirmer, Alex Rausch, Margaret White, Sarah Gard
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Presidential Campaign Papers, 1988-1996
Predominant Dates:1996
ID: 01/010
Primary Creator: Dole, Robert J. (1923-2021)
Extent: 0.0
Arrangement: Papers are separated according to their relation to the 1988 or 1996 presidential campaigns. The 1988 campaign papers are divided into five series: Finances, Policy Research, Political, Press, and Scheduling. The 1996 presidential campaign papers are arranged into seven series: Campaign Offices, Finances, Policy Research, Political, Press, Robin Dole Files, and Scheduling. Each series includes from one to seven subseries within it. All materials are arranged alphabetically, except for the Clippings sub-series under the 1996 Campaign – Press series and the 1996 Campaign – Robin Dole Files series, which are arranged chronologically.
Languages: English
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection includes materials created by and pertaining to Senator Robert Dole's 1988 and 1996 presidential campaigns. Types of materials in this collection include correspondence, memos, schedules, briefing books, speeches, policy research, financial records, news clippings, and party records. The 1988 and 1996 Campaign Papers consist of materials related to campaign and debate preparation, newspaper and magazine clippings documenting the Senator's campaign, research on opponents and topics seen as important to constituents and the election, and schedules and trip files documenting events from the campaign trail. The Robin Dole Files, found exclusively in the 1996 Campaign series, include trip files relating to her travels as a part of the 1996 campaign.
The bulk of this collection documents the 1996 campaign. Additional materials relating to the 1988 presidential campaign or other political campaigns can be found in the Robert J. Dole Senate Papers collection. Papers regarding the 1980 presidential campaign, the 1976 vice presidential campaign and other senatorial campaigns can also be found in the Robert J. Dole Senate Papers collection.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Access Restrictions:
Some materials within the Dole Archive are restricted because of their sensitive nature or because they contain personal or confidential information. These records are protected by federal laws such as the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Examples of restricted records are personnel files, medical records, financial records, and any materials containing personal information such as addresses and social security numbers. Restricted materials are identified at the series, box, and/or folder level within the finding aid. Questions about these materials may be directed to the Senior Archivist of the Dole Archives.
You may determine that restricted materials may be relevant to your project. If this is the case, please contact the Dole Archives as soon as possible, as the files will need to be reviewed by a member of the archives staff. We require a period of at least one month to review records.
Upon review, an archivist will notify you either:
- That we cannot grant you access to the records, or
- That we can grant you access to the records, and:
- The records need to be redacted first, or
- The records do not need to be redacted
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Many of the documents and other historical materials in the Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way. Senator Dole has not donated his copyright interest in his papers and other historical materials to the Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics. Permission to publish must be obtained from him or his designee. There are other materials in the library carrying a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
[Series 1: 1988 Campaign - Finances],
Series 2: 1988 Campaign - Policy Research],
Series 3: 1988 Campaign - Political],
Series 4: 1988 Campaign - Press],
Series 5: 1988 Campaign - Scheduling],
Series 6: 1996 Campaign - Campaign Offices],
Series 7: 1996 Campaign - Finances],
Series 8: 1996 Campaign - Policy Research],
Series 9: 1996 Campaign - Political],
Series 10: 1996 Campaign - Press],
Series 11: 1996 Campaign - Robin Dole Files],
Series 12: 1996 Campaign - Scheduling],
- Series 1: 1988 Campaign - Finances

- This series is open for research, although some folders are restricted due to financial and personal information. Restricted folders have been noted.
- Sub-Series 1: Financial Records

- These materials contain information regarding Dole's personal tax information and records, contracts, financial plans and related documents. Some folders may contain restricted materials and have been noted.
- Box 1

- Folder 1: 1985 Financial Records, 1985, 1985

- Folder 2: 1985 Financial Records - Copies of Amended 1985 Tax Return, 1989, 1989

- Folder 3: 1985 Financial Records - E.F. Hutton Keogh Information, 1985, 1985

- Folder 4: 1985 Financial Records - Financial Disclosure, 1985, 1985

- Folder 5: 1985 Financial Records - Income Tax Returns, 1985, 1985

- Folder 6: 1985 Financial Records - Tax and Financial Disclosure Checklists, 1984-1986, 1984-1986

- Folder 7: 1986 Financial Records - E.F. Hutton Keogh Information, 1985-1986, 1985-1986

- Folder 8: 1986 Financial Records - Financial Disclosure Information Sent to Randy Dillon, 1986, 1986

- Folder 9: 1986 Financial Records - Honoraria, 1986, 1986

- Folder 10: 1986 Financial Records - Income Tax Information Sent to Randy Dillon, 1985-1986, 1985-1986

- Folder 11: 1986 Financial Records - Letters Sent For Tax and Financial Disclosure Information, 1987, 1987

- Folder 12: 1986 Financial Records - Miscellaneous, 1986-1987, 1986-1987

- Folder 13: 1986 Financial Records - Tax Information Originals, 1986-1987, 1986-1987

- Folder 14: 1986 Financial Records - Tax Reports (Copies), 1986-1987, 1986-1987

- Folder 15: 1987 Financial Records, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 16: 1987 Financial Records - Book Contract, 1987, 1987

- Folder 17: 1987 Financial Records - Check Register, 1987, 1987

- Folder 18: 1987 Financial Records - Checklist for Tax Information, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 19: 1987 Financial Records - Copies of Year End Statements, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 20: 1987 Financial Records - E.F. Hutton Keogh Information, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 21: 1987 Financial Records - Estimated Tax Information, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 22: 1987 Financial Records - Financial Disclosure Statement, 1987, 1987

- Box 2

- Folder 1: 1987 Financial Records - Income Tax Returns, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 2: 1987 Financial Records - Information Given to Accountants, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 3: 1987 Financial Records - Information for Net Worth Statement, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 4: 1987 Financial Records - Memos to File, 1987, 1987

- Folder 5: 1987 Financial Records - Miscellaneous, 1987, 1987

- Folder 6: 1987 Financial Records - Original Statements for Taxes, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 7: 1988 Financial Records, 1987-1988, 1987-1988

- Folder 8: 1988 Financial Records, 1989, 1989

- Folder 9: 1988 Financial Records - E.F. Hutton / Shearson Lehman Hutton Statements, 1988, 1988

- Folder 10: 1988 Financial Records - Original Tax Documents, 1988-1989, 1988-1989

- Folder 11: Budgets, 1987, 1987

- Folder 12: Contribution List, 1988, 1988

- Folder 13: Finance, 1987, 1987

- Folder 14: Finance Plan and Finance Budget with Comments, January 27, 1987, 1987

- Folder 15: Fundraiser Attendees and Contributions, 1986-1987, 1986-1987

- Box 3

- Folder 1: Tax Information, 1986-1988, 1986-1988

- Folder 2: Tax Information - Original Draft of Tax System, 1985, 1985

- Folder 3: Tax Information - Phone Memos, 1987, 1987

- Folder 4: Tax Information - Projections / Comparison, 1984-1985, 1984-1985

- Folder 5: Tax Information - Tax Rules Book, 1982, 1982

Browse by Series:
[Series 1: 1988 Campaign - Finances],
Series 2: 1988 Campaign - Policy Research],
Series 3: 1988 Campaign - Political],
Series 4: 1988 Campaign - Press],
Series 5: 1988 Campaign - Scheduling],
Series 6: 1996 Campaign - Campaign Offices],
Series 7: 1996 Campaign - Finances],
Series 8: 1996 Campaign - Policy Research],
Series 9: 1996 Campaign - Political],
Series 10: 1996 Campaign - Press],
Series 11: 1996 Campaign - Robin Dole Files],
Series 12: 1996 Campaign - Scheduling],