By Erin Wolfe
Collection Overview
Title: Robert J. Dole Press Clippings, 1939-1995
Predominant Dates:1976, 1979, 1987-1988, 1991-1995
ID: 01/017
Primary Creator: Russell Public Library
Extent: 2941.0 Items. More info below.
Arrangement: The articles are listed in the order that they were collected and microfilmed, which is largely in chronological order. To facilitate browsing, the finding aid has been divided into series by year. During the microfilming process, 66 pages were duplicated. In these cases, only the higher quality image has been listed in the finding aid.
Series of press clippings related to the political career of Kansas Senator and Republican Presidential candidate Bob Dole for period of 1939-1995. Clippings were selected from various published sources from around the nation by the staff at the Russell Public Library.
Scope and Contents of the Materials
This collection contains press clippings from newspapers, magazines, and other published sources, as well as some additional unpublished material, such as press releases or letters from Dole. Search the full text of all articles:
Please note that, due to the quality of microfilm scans, the full text search will not be able to identify all relevant results. Use the search box at the top right of the screen to search the article titles.
About 80% of the items (about 2300 articles) are from Kansas newspapers, with the rest from national publications and a few items from Dole's office or other non-published sources. The clippings cover many aspects of Dole's life and political career. There is an emphasis on Dole's major campaigns, specifically the 1976 Ford-Dole Presidential campaign and Dole's 1988 Presidential campaign, 1992 Senate campaign, and 1996 Presidential campaign through December 31, 1995.
Collection Historical Note
The content was selected by the staff at the Russell Public Library. It was microfilmed by the Kansas Historical Society and donated to Senator Dole in 1996.
Administrative Information
Robert and Elizabeth Dole Archive and Special Collections
Alternate Extent Statement:
2941 items, 866 sheets
Access Restrictions:
This collection is open for research.
Use Restrictions:
Copyright restrictions apply in different ways to different kinds of materials. Some of the documents and other historical materials in the Dole Archive are in the public domain and may be reproduced and used in any way; however, there are other materials that carry a copyright interest that must be used according to the provisions of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The Dole Archive issues a warning concerning copyright restrictions to every researcher who requests copies of documents. Although the copyright law is under constant redefinition in the courts, it is ultimately the responsibility of the researcher to properly use copyrighted materials.
Box and Folder Listing
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
Series 2: 1939],
Series 3: 1940],
Series 4: 1941],
Series 5: 1943],
Series 6: 1945],
Series 7: 1959],
Series 8: 1964],
Series 9: 1965],
Series 10: 1966],
Series 11: 1967],
Series 12: 1968],
Series 13: 1969],
Series 14: 1970],
Series 15: 1971],
Series 16: 1972],
Series 17: 1974],
Series 18: 1976],
Series 19: 1977],
Series 20: 1978],
Series 21: 1979],
Series 22: 1980],
Series 23: 1981],
Series 24: 1982],
Series 25: 1983],
Series 26: 1984],
Series 27: 1985],
Series 28: 1986],
Series 29: 1987],
Series 30: 1988],
Series 31: 1989],
[Series 32: 1990],
Series 33: 1991],
Series 34: 1992],
Series 35: 1993],
Series 36: 1994],
Series 37: 1995],
- Series 32: 1990

- 49 articles
- Item 1: Dole shifts away from Reagan years, 1/7/1990

- Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_021 (PDF)
- Item 2: Dole-backed book on Senate highlights historic 200 years, 1/9/1990

- Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_021 (PDF)
- Item 3: Dole king of network television, 1/16/1990

- Hutchinson News c017_roll2_022 (PDF)
- Item 4: Dole picks right time to take some heat, 1/21/1990

- Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_022 (PDF)
- Item 5: Dole endorses federal budget freeze, 1/28/1990

- Salina Journal c017_roll2_022 (PDF)
- Item 6: Worldwide change spurs Congress to re-examine aid, 2/18/1990

- Kansas City Star c017_roll2_023 (PDF)
- Item 7: Lawmakers want stiffer labor laws, 3/16/1990

- Hays Daily News c017_roll2_023 (PDF)
- Item 8: Meeting Mubarak, 4/11/1990

- Hutchinson News c017_roll2_023 (PDF)
- Item 9: Photo - Dole on Eisenhower legacy, 4/13/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_023 (PDF)
- Item 10: U.S. should care for its homeless before Israel's needs, Dole says, 4/16/1990

- Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_024 (PDF)
- Item 11: Dole decries hasty vote, 4/20/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_024 (PDF)
- Item 12: Sen. Bob Dole Calls Jerusalem Resolution 'Dangerous Nonsense', 4/20/1990

- c017_roll2_024 (PDF)
- Item 13: Guest Editorial: Taking the measure of Bob Dole, 4/20/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_024 (PDF)
- Item 14: Interview: A Nation At Work, May-90

- American Legion Magazine c017_roll2_025 (PDF)
- Item 15: Dole becoming more visible in foreign affairs, 5/20/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_026 (PDF)
- Item 16: Dole earns nearly $109,000 on lecture circuit, 5/31/1990

- Wichita Eagle c017_roll2_026 (PDF)
- Item 17: Dole Resolution Commemorates 50th Anniversary of World War II, 6/5/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_026 (PDF)
- Item 18: Elizabeth Dole: South Charmer, Jun-90

- McCall's Women Magazine c017_roll2_026 (PDF)
- Item 19: Dole puts bitterness of '88 campaign behind him, 6/17/1990

- Hutchinson News c017_roll2_027 (PDF)
- Item 20: Israel lobby and Dole create sparks, 6/17/1990

- Kansas City Star c017_roll2_027 (PDF)
- Item 21: Pro-Israel lobby tracks congressmen's actions, 6/17/1990

- Kansas City Star c017_roll2_028 (PDF)
- Item 22: Photo - Dole meets with Yeutter over Farm bill, 6/19/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_028 (PDF)
- Item 23: Photo - Dole salutes American military heroes following end of Cold War, 6/20/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_028 (PDF)
- Item 24: Bob Dole Urges Symbolic Vote on Flag Amendment, 6/22/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_028 (PDF)
- Item 25: Q/A - about Dole's injured right hand

- c017_roll2_028 (PDF)
- Item 26: Editorial - Old Glory, 7/2/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_029 (PDF)
- Item 27: Guest Editorial - Bob Dole's Folly, 7/2/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_029 (PDF)
- Item 28: Dole puts aside grudge against Bush, carries his banner, 7/30/1990

- Kansas City Star c017_roll2_030 (PDF)
- Item 29: Dole Foundation Prepares Technical Assistance Programs, 7/31/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_030 (PDF)
- Item 30: A gentlemanly battle waged over trade bill, 8/5/1990

- Kansas City Star c017_roll2_030 (PDF)
- Item 31: Justice to Probe Gas Price Gouging, 8/7/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_031 (PDF)
- Item 32: Bob Dole Will Introduce Former President Ford, 8/17/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_031 (PDF)
- Item 33: Magazine readers Want Dole to Run, 8/17/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_031 (PDF)
- Item 34: Senator to formally open Dole Center on KU campus, 8/21/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_032 (PDF)
- Item 35: Dole: Budget work crucial, 8/24/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_032 (PDF)
- Item 36: Photo - President Ford and VP Nominee Dole in Russell in 1976, 8/18/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_032 (PDF)
- Item 37: Photo - President Ford and VP Nominee Dole in Russell in 1976, 8/18/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_032 (PDF)
- Item 38: Photo - Dole speaking in Russell with President Ford in 1976, 8/18/1990

- Russell Daily News c017_roll2_032 (PDF)
- Item 39: Dole disabilities center dedicated on KU campus, 8/26/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_033 (PDF)
- Item 40: Photo - 'Dole construction continues' at Bob Dole Hall at Kansas State University, 9/21/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_033 (PDF)
- Item 41: Vintage Dole tackles troublesome budget woes, 9/25/1990

- Hutchinson News c017_roll2_033 (PDF)
- Item 42: A convert to the cause of campaign reform, 11/18/1990

- Kansas City Star c017_roll2_033 (PDF)
- Item 43: Congressional attendance stellar, 11/18/1990

- Topeka Capital Journal c017_roll2_034 (PDF)
- Item 44: Troops are ready to do battle, 11/25/1990

- Salina Journal c017_roll2_034 (PDF)
- Item 45: You've got to get things done', 11/25/1990

- Great Bend Tribune c017_roll2_034 (PDF)
- Item 46: Dole says bipartisanship was key factor in success of last session, 11/25/1990

- Hutchinson News c017_roll2_035 (PDF)
- Item 47: Dole: Soviet ties at critical period, 12/23/1990

- Hutchinson News c017_roll2_035 (PDF)
- Item 48: Dole credits bipartisanship for successes in Congress, 11/26/1990

- Salina Journal c017_roll2_035 (PDF)
- Item 49: Dole: 'The American people do not want war', 12/31/1990

- Salina Journal c017_roll2_035 (PDF)
Browse by Series:
Series 1: Microfilm Information Slides],
Series 2: 1939],
Series 3: 1940],
Series 4: 1941],
Series 5: 1943],
Series 6: 1945],
Series 7: 1959],
Series 8: 1964],
Series 9: 1965],
Series 10: 1966],
Series 11: 1967],
Series 12: 1968],
Series 13: 1969],
Series 14: 1970],
Series 15: 1971],
Series 16: 1972],
Series 17: 1974],
Series 18: 1976],
Series 19: 1977],
Series 20: 1978],
Series 21: 1979],
Series 22: 1980],
Series 23: 1981],
Series 24: 1982],
Series 25: 1983],
Series 26: 1984],
Series 27: 1985],
Series 28: 1986],
Series 29: 1987],
Series 30: 1988],
Series 31: 1989],
[Series 32: 1990],
Series 33: 1991],
Series 34: 1992],
Series 35: 1993],
Series 36: 1994],
Series 37: 1995],
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